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*? ?1 .1 - - ? - ?? ? (ConaMbd from jtrrtjxige)_ or city had reasonable notice of the defect, vauJL of repair or of tfttfRcient railing, or .the same had existed for the space of twentjrfonr hoors previous to the occurJ rcnco of the injury or damage; bat no such damage shall ho recovered bv a person whoso carriage or load thereon exceeds the - weight of six tons. '?* I/XII. If before the cn'ry of an action providod for in the proceeding Section the defendant tenders "to.the plaintiff the amount winch he would be entitled to recover, together with all legal cost?, and the plaintiff docs not accept the same, and does not recover upon (lin trial inrtra tlmn ilia anm ci\ Rendered, tho defendant shall recover his costs. LXI1I. If a town neglect to repair any of the wavs or bridges which it is by law obliged to keep fn repair, or neglect to make the SAino safe and convenient, such town shall be liable to indictment and fino as the Court in its discretion may order; and tho fino imposed in snch case shall ho certified to the County Commissioners by the Clerk of tho Court, who shall assess tho same upon the list of snch town, and the samo shall be collected in the same manner as provided by law for State or County taxes; and the same, when collected, shall ho laid ont under the direction of tho County Commissioners in the repair of highways and bridges in the County. LX1V. The Selectmen shall each receive for services performed nn der this Act one dollar and fifty * cents per day ; Town Clerks shall receive for attendance on any town meeting one dollar and fifty cents per day, and for making up re cords and recording all sncli matt&wn anil tliirwro oc )\u 111 vt* f 1 r ia ?*n. ,v,w 'V "V 10 IV/quired to record tlio same fees as arc now allowed to a Register of Mesno Conveyance ; IIighw a y Surveyors sliall receive fifteen cents per lionr for time necepsnrilv employed in discharging the duties required by this Act. LXv. In tlie construction of tills or any other statute, the foil-wing rules shall be observed, unless such construction shall be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the Legislature or repugnant to the context ol" the same, that is to say: 1st. The word " town " may bo construed to include the word " township." 2d. Tho word " highway " may include " bridges," and shall be equivalent to the words " country way," " country road," and "State Road," and "common road." 3d. The word " on?h " shall in elude "affirmations," in cnec-s where by law an affirmation may be substituted for an oath, and in like cases the word " sworn " may include tho word " affirm." 4th. Tho words " preceding " arid " following " when used hy wav of reference to any Sccti >n of st tutos, shall mean the Section next preceding or next following, unless sonic other Section is expressly designated in such reference. 5th. Words purporting to give n joint authority to three or more public officers or other persona, shall be construed as giving such authority to a major.ty of such officers or persons. 6'.h. T. e word "sworn," when applied to public officers, shall be construed as referring to the oath prescribed bv the Constitution. LXVI. This Act shall not be construed to interfcro with the chartered rights of nuy city or village heretofore existing in this State ; but all chartered cit'eo and villages, except the city of Charleston, shall be included in and form a part of the townshij-R estahlbhcd under Sections 11 and 12 of an Act entitled "An Act to define the jurisdiction and duties of County Commissioners. LXVII. That so much of lhc first and tenth Sections of the Act entitled "An Act to define the jurisdiction and duties of County Ceipwiissioneis" as relates to road*, highways and bridges shall be construed as giving authority to CountV ('oiiiirussirviier?? to o*pi p?b? nil powers herein given to towns or town officers over the same, when such towns or town officers cannot or unreasonably n gleet or refuse to exerciso such powers. LXVI1I. This Act shall take effect as to each township on and after completion of the duties as signed to County Commissioners, under Sections 11 and 12 of an Act entitled u An Act to define the jurisdiction and duties of County Commissioners." LXIX. All Acta and parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act, or supplied by it, are hereby repeal' ed ; and ail offices, by whatever nanio known, the functions am] powers of which are contorted upon officers or persons named in this Act, shall, upon the enme go* " W* : lasaeesggBBggMBggBM Til S ( ing> into offset as heroin provided, bo abplished. 1 Approved, Sept. 26,1868, ' '?? i i ???? Natural History? Snails- i Snails are a kind of amphibious i oysters born on land, reputable i parents; but able tew livo for a < time under water if circumstances < | seein to reqmro it. I | TIjqv live in an earthen house, 1 not uulike, in design to a fireman's cap. . i There iz two kind of snnils, the bard shell and the soft shell. The j soft eh ell resembles a piece of i calf's liver cwt rounding and gifted ' with crawl. . j\ Tho culm and innocent critter ( iz ov no moral or phisikal power, not as I know ov, and if it wasn't for the mysterious knowledge Ov ( Providence, "who doeth ell this well," it would make a foreordained Vankeo sweat tew guess jist what they are dedikated to. In some forrin parts they aro et for food, but it would take a grate deal ov pepper snss to loknto them in mi stumrauk and keep them thnro. Tho soft snail iz a slipoery eoss, free from bones, and slo galted, traveling about six inches in a cool day, and makes it his home wharo things aro damp. . > They aro ov asweet dispo-nslmn, and don't git mad and tare up the morning papor if tilings don't happen to be jist so. They liv on what would other wise bo wasted, which speaks well for the economy o\ the snail. The bard shell snail seldum leaves home, and when they d<>, the)* don't lock up their house and fmt the key under the door mat, >ut take their house witti tlieni on their backs. There is no house bigg cutiIf for 2 snails ; the snails understand this, don't take ennybody tew board With them and kick up musses. Awl animals arc soond on this *i identical gooeer; i-hey don't never i build a bouse they kant till. Here ends the natrul snail. [B tilings. ( A TjOvkb who .was slighted by 1 tlio ladies, very modestly naked 1 one it' she would let him spend ' tiie evening with her. " No," 6he angrily replied, | " that 1 won't." " You needn't bo so fussy about it," replied he, " 1 didn't mean this evening, but sonic stormy one. when 1 can't go any where else.1' " Mr Brown, you sjtid the de fendant was honest and intelligent: what makes yon think so; are you acquainted with him ?" "No,Sir, i I m ver seed him." u Why, then, 1 d yon come to such a conelu- 1 sion ?" ** Cause he takes ten news papers and pays tor them in ad vance." Verdict for defendant. > * i Tntr "Fat Contributor" thinks the poem of Enoch Arden has encouraged hundreds of dead litis , bands to return and annoy their , families who would otherwise i have kept away. The Enoch Ar- i den in real life, he says, is usually a scalawag, and conies hoine rag- , gcd, dirty and drunk. A dandy, wishing to he witty, accosted un old mgtnftu a? follow* : i 4i Von take nil t*orf6 of rubbish , in your cart, don't you , 4* Yes?jump in, jump in!" i An excellent ointment for chapped ' i I lips and hand*, for drv ao<-es, for Inn lis, j for sore nose, for softening corns on the' , fett, for p:l#-i; in shor', for any din* L ea*ed sutfice whero a 'soft' protecting h coa'ing it reqniredt is what is called 1 i glycerine ointment. Thit can be read- 1 ily prepared by simply robbing into a bat is termed " cold cream," a little glycerine, just enough to give it a soft, lard-like consistency. More glycerin* can be added in a inter than in sum* iner. A drop or two of oil of rosea| stirred in gives it an agreeable per- i fume. Il sbo.ild 1*9 a ell corked, and' be made fresh. Painting House* ? Repeated ex periments prove that p?inl applied between November and March will last twice its long as that applied in warm ' ......11....H.,ra...i.i j wrwup^ri j'WMn VI ||in pniiu form a hard substance on llie surface, as hard almost a* glass, but In warm weather the oil penetrate* tbe boards' artd (lie paint wears off. Wi have seen it a:a'ed sompwhere tliRt by using molasses for miting mut? :ard planters, they will keep soft and flexible, and not dry up as when mixed with water. Of course, a thin muslin I 1 should come between (he plaster and i i (he skin ; and tbe strength of the plas | ter may be varied by adding flour. ( 15TKItl . . ? ' '* Labor.-?Fr?ni all m?Uubi of the Sl?U> hare is g?iml complaint af the scarcity if U^ri on tka farms. If the frrednieu that ara lolt*-rlag about tha cities and town*, pilfering and stealing, to order to Itaep body and aotii together, would go to he terms, they would be mtieh better supr?orted, and theft- labor turned to good aetount. We eopy the following sensible re* marks from a correepesdeni !e the Atlanta Intelligencer, dated at Mouroe, TValtoo rounty, February Ittht We were eorry to learn thel there la a general complaint of a went of aufHe:ent force on the farms; hardly n farmer yon meet haa enongh, and the demand eennot he supplied. But e| fearful as that, it the deficiency in corn. If there ia not an im prorement in this re?peet tliie yeee, again wa will ba dependent upon th# West for the staff of life. It 'reams that wa, at a people, are rnn mad with cotton raising, and a crazy theory started by some theoretical SO Called planter that, nnrn nan Ka purchased at a less cost than planting. I' will ruip the ei untry if adopted. There will be an effort this year to make a larger cotton crop than erer before, b4?ed upon the piea**nt high pricee, never aeem* ing to think for a moment that the larger the amount thrown on the market the lower the price will he. [Covington (Oa.) Examiner. Tna Par At. Otrirn.?The Armenian Patriarch ncoepte the invitation ot the Pope to attend the Ecumenical Council at Rome. The Oroek Patriarch of Conetantinoplc, of course* under Russian influence, refused. The Anglican hlshopa have written an answer wlth'a keen pen. After rofcrring to whnt tho Church o( England has dune in disseminating the IToly Scriptures, they add ! "Thou, our most holy Lord ; then, the Vioar of Christ, the Bishop of Bishops of the Supreme Judge of the Faith, anu Arbiter of all controversies ; thou, the Head of the Church, the Light of the nations, let us humbly askthoe, canst thou show ns even a single copy of tho origiunl Hebrew Old Testament printed in thine own city, Rome, Tho Mother and Mistress of ail churches ?' No, not one. One edition of tbo New Testament in Greek printed there the other day?about four hundred years after the invention of printing?from the celebrated Vatican MS., wo hare now gratefully hailed, after long anxious doiav. Bnt we apprehend that the flock committed to the paste;al care has still to wait for an edition from the Roman press, in their own tongue, of the Old or New Testament.' Lao AT. Tr.snana.?Decision or res Sn,pitr*s CornT.?There has been a great dea f ha ir-splitting and unnecessary multiplication of words in tho press upon tho derision or :ho Supremo Court of the United States on coin contracts. The pl?in language and whole rope of that decision are based upon the intent or a contract ami in the affirmation that both eoin and United States note* are a legd tender; that is to any, where contracts hare been made providing for payment in coin, whether before or since the act was passc-I making United States notes a legal tender coin payment can he enforced, and where no contract for payment in eoin has been or may he specifically made I'nitcd States notes arc a legal and sufficient lender. So there aro two kinds of lawful money and legal tenders?the coined money of the Uuitcd States and the greenbacks. Tho latter is in all cases a legal tender when contracta do not provide 'or pay. mctit in coin, no matter when made ; but ail contracts requiring in specific terms the payinont of coin, whether utadc before or since the Legal Tender act was passed, can bo enforced according to tho terms. This is the sum and substance of the decision and softies tho question of eoin contracts.?A'ne York fltrnld. A Ttsar C?sit?Thi ptnlata of ilia will r?f the late Chief Justice Wi'llams, at lbs court iu tbis city, yesterday, brings to inind a fact in rt tcrenee to thai eminent man which rarely occurs in the lite of husi. nes* men, and more rarely atUl in thai p/ a judge. Upon ids retiring front Ihe bench. fter occupying it for a qoa'ter of a nentu rv, lie found himself at the age of sixtyfive years, stripped by the failure of otliera of every dollar of his properly, ami at the age of sixty-eight burJened \*ilh a debt of ffi.fOO. Few men, very few professional men so long out of harness and at his age, would hrav*ly begin anew ihe struggle for itidatpen ilenoe. lbit the Chief JiisLkm, upon laying rni?l?t hie julioial rolm*. want cheer mil/ ana cniirngroiiity to wo> k in his pro psid fvny mill of hit iiide'>t?-dn.>?v M'rt rrtirfd from labor at the ape of seventy six with a handsome competence. The will of the dictated, dated in the ninety* eighth year of hia ape, ia a'holograph, and a specimen of remarkably n? at chirogra phy.-? New Dtdford Mercury, Fib. 6. Tiik Nashville Union says; There reaidea on Hardin Pike, twelve tnilea from the city, Mrs, l>innh Viea, n widow lady, who is now verging on Iter one hundred and fourteenth year.? She ia vigorous and healthy. and ia, though almost incredible to relate, still aide to ride horseback nod attend to her personal w ants. She has been mar tied three time#, has over four hundred descendants living, and has been a wid ow for twenty three years. She has one great-great great grand daughter three years of age. Then she has a daughter named Mrs. Sawyers, who i? in her ninetieth year. Rich on* of her husbands nerved in the revolutionary war, for which she draws pensions.1* W +4***- ? A Dutchman, when called to rote for a lightning-rod for the old church made new, said : M We've been to a great deal droubles and great deal Vpense to build a hou?e for God Alrnightis ; and now if he is a inind to dunder on his own house and burn him up, lot him dunder den I I shanl vote for de dunder rod !" III I br ibri KOMKTni.MJ NEW, FOR 1869, ] f AT .-4 I W. H. HOVEY'S. , CALL n?d examine for jonraelvea. You 8 will And another aupplj of I fbesh mo mwm 1 IfAHCY ?H$ STATUS ' mi cms. \ Juat opened and for >?le a beantiful lot of low-prieed DELAINES AND ARMURE9, , plain ao<i figured. Plain White and Black A LP A CC AS. Plain. White. Black and Colored ALL WOOL DELAINES. ' All colore SACK FLANNF.LS, RIBBONS, ' VELVETS, GIMPS, BRAIDS, BUTTONS, e Ac., do. ALPO, A la rye nod carefully fleeted Stork of ) READY MADE CLOTHING, at v*ry abort f profit*. 1 IIATS AND SIICCS, at reduced prlcea. 1 Whim and Colored BCD BLANKETS, at I very low figure*. g W. II. HOVfcY. J*n 20 86 tf | * JULIUS C. SMITH. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, , COURT HOUSE SQUARE. . Greenville. 8. 0 PERSONALattention given to all aaleeof Rial nod Prraonal Property, Renting of tlouaea and Collecting ol Rente and Ac counts, and to all buaineea intruated to him Having i>ren appointed agent for the following Fertiliser^ they can be found at my office and aold at Charleston prieea, freight and drayaire ndded : MARKS' N1TKOGENIZED Slte* PFIOS- , PHATR, WANDO AND BAUGITS RAW BONK. PERUVIAN GUANO, the genuine article, kept for sala and ordered in any qoaolfty. 0?*r 20 lone of Phosphate and Peruvian Guano aold ? hy me for the wheat lowing in Greenville f I Id* fall. . Agency for the Celebrated WATT PLOUOil'?torn, anbeoil, nnd cultivator all in one. Five thousand of theae Ploughs are in the hand* of the fnrmera of Virgin* ia. North and South Carolina, and Tennea??c Over 60 of the one horae Plough* eolil in Greenville in one month. Certhu , cate. from the beet of our Planters ean tie given, who have need the Plough in niak- , iug their crop of lUtiS. , Ag ency for ' ? . ?? I, Cnnlvrrli'v Miiporior CORN AND COTTON PLANTER, \ STRAW CUITERS, CORN 1 # SHE1.LERS.Ae. GRASS, CLOVER, end oilier Sends sup- i plied st short noliee. CQQRtKG STCVESp : STOVE WARE, j ipa&IiOS ; AND | OFFICE STOVES, Fur .sale os cheap as ean be bought. JULIUS C. 9.711TH. Greenville C. II., 8. C. , Jan 27 3? If ' ' mm i 14.000 LBAC0^Jl?,Cf I, 300 Sacks Extra Farailj N. C. FLOUR 100 Sachs Standard Lirerpnol SALT 25 Ke?? NAILS, assorted sixes 20 Del" BATESVILLE SIIIKTINO 1 10 Dales McBEE SHIRTING 20 Bales COTTON YARN , 20 Dugs Prime and Fair RIO COFFII | 20 Barrells SUGAR lO BAGS Durban* Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAGS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WKLL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, I litis* IJKI uuums MvlUS &l\ Our Stork of HATS and STICKS la very [ largo and complete, uml we will guarantee our entire Btnrk will compare with any in Town, both an to quality and price. A call will ?atiify you. DAVID & STRADLEY. May IS frt If TO TIIE PUBLIC. THE PAT I LION IIOTEL, CllA RLhSTOX, S, SO LONG and ahly con dnoted by the late II. L fftTrBSift. BUTTER FIELD. will .till I" kept open for the aocom modation ul the traveling public. And it. lornier friend, and patrona will find the ueual accommodations and attentloaa l?e lowed on them at formerly, and the public favor., already m well rstabH.hed at TIIE lloTELofthcTRAVELIN'O MERCHANTS of the South, will, l>y carnoat efforts, be faithfully preaerved. March 4. 1888. 41 if DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING Peoeivad the agent^ of the above joally celebrated Brand ol TOBACCO, wa will make it to your Inter' e.t to boy from n?. F?r .ale by wholesale or retail. DAVID k 8TRAD1.EY. I Out 30 ' 28 A .* |f 88 8 S E o ?TBBN'? STORK. [" HA. jnat retarned from the market L %lw a eloek of Very Cheap Good*, rhlah 1 am determined to mII aa oteap aa ay atore in the Utva. THOMAS 6TEZH. CALL and evamtae my etook of Galtaoca, Dre#e Good#, Bnl morale, Heavy ItawU, Hood*, Cloak* and Break fuel ah aw la, J 11 remarkably cheap, for Mia at BTKMN-aaxonit [F yon villi cheap Bvota am! 9hoea, I have I not flirfn. eonelMimr of GMitlement 'in?"Pre?rJ? Onlf Skin 8?fr?d Bo?U and Ihoeet nteo, Fine French Balmoral#, I** !( > Fine Olove-finiehed Kid Polieh B?ltorili, Children French Glue* finnh I-aee. lee, en>i a eery lei'ge aeeortmenl of Men'#, Votneit'e en.I Bore Boole and Shore of a up?-i lor quality, fur aale at STERN'S STORE. BROAD Clothe, Caeeimeron, Tweed*, Jean*, end a eery large aeaortnieat of it her cloth*. which would lake too much j pace to enumerate, for eale at , 8TEENS 8T0RE A LSO, a eplrndld Stock of Grfteeriet, ljL Hardware, Crodkery an?l Olarewere. "o eatiefy you reel vee eb >ut prieee, call and xen.ine thle depaitrernt at STKEirS STORE [HAVE .elected a tefy fine lot of Trae and Coffer* coniieting of Rio, Java, (aracabo, Laguyra. Llet of Teas?Efctra' lo? kluvtinr, Gunpowder. Extra M?ynne, foung II)eon, Fine Young Imperial. Black f*a?. Super Oolong, Oolong, Souchong and Snglirh Ureaktaat, all of which I oan reeooa nend, for eale at STEIN'S 8T0RE. Nor 18 2? if WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHL0NE6A, OA., IITILL practice ib the Conntlee of T.umpTT kiu. Daweon, Uilmcr, Fannin, Union, fuwne. White and llall. Jan 10 33 , If ROSADALIS Purifies the Blood. For 8a!n by Dmggista Everywhere BATESVIL.IAB KHMFACT1IIC COMFAIY. UAVINO been appointed Agente fur thie Coin pan v, we are prepared to ell SHIRTINGS AND YARN at Factory rieea. DavI<1 ft Strntlley, Grocer* and Cotunderion Merchant*, Greenville, S. O. Nov 6 24 tf Fairvicw Sugar Company* rills Com piny having bought the Right in the great discovery of making sugar ind refining syrup made from Sorgo Canr, in that portion of Greenville Diatrict embraoing he Third Regiment, we prnpoee to eroet a 'I'OAR HOUSE and REFINER near FAIR. i'lKW aa aonn aa practicable. To thoae who ive too far from oar works, to hnal their canes, ?e propose to sell Farm Rights. We believe [his to be one of the greatest discoveries for [he South that could have been made, and lave no donbt that it will be, in a few years, ho great staple of the South. Its operations ire simple aud cost comparatively nothing to itnrt a farm works, and will pay live time heter than any crop except cotton, and we heieve will double that great king of the South. Those wishing Rights should call at once on Dr. W. A. Harrison, at Fairvicw. or Dr. W. P. Taaamore, at Greenville, who wllftuke great dcaauro in giving full particular*. We will urnish seed five of coat, except freight, to hose wishing to plant. W. A. HARRISON, W. P. PASSMORE, Agents for Company. T. L. B07.KMAN, PresidcoU Sept 2 15 tf SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD respectfully inform the puhlie that he baa Removed to a room in >he OLD OOtJRT IIOU8E, where he mill [>e prepared to ree*ive c?i*'om?r* a* hereto, fei*. Being a Prof*M*io*ial Barber, he tiopes, hy attention to hu*ine*aa, together with poiiteneee to all, to merit a portion of pulilie patronage, in CUTTING, SllAVING *nd shampooing. Jan 20 85 * (f TUG OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, MANUFACTURED BY SfiBDRICH.IIIlH&I&CB.. CHARLESTON. S. C. SOLD HERE BY MORGAN <fc WESTMORELAND, HARRISON & MARSHALL AID f. a. Walter, FOR THX HOUSE. Goodrich, Wincuinn & Co* Ropt It 9m DR. J. M. M'CLANAHAN WOULD h>ipMlflillf rrttrr Mi ^g*?PR0FE8RI0NAL SERVICES t< rBfj# the eltltrna of tbia community.? JSb*J OMff at the nilihnM of B. (>. Mc fuitltl. K?i.. throe mllea eui of Uro?-nvUle Court Houw. Hit 30 33 > * jewelry, jewelry. /"O WATCHES, ]JI7V?nJ Sj'WU?Ih to wtiPiV" "V"TUe ?ujB*very(>o<iy. P??nM?rw or mntavr oiivrx, n. or ?l?(hto<) eolorert Bye Qlevee* ?<) Hhim^Mg S|iftta?lrt; wild g<?| Ring* oilvcr nud (m?jt Cord S?t?.? Juel received ?t J. a BRACK'S Wet eh r*f>eirlng hhep. Jon m \% ?. k. Miur. e. ?. villi EA8LET ft WILLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lai AND IN EQUITY., ORKKKYILXK, 8. 0., PRACTICE In the Court* of the Stat* Ml of the Uilltd Atetev, end give wyiili ettenitnti to ceeev in Bkskripin, June 13 - S * ? South Carolina Bailroa d. ( : Oimui SormmirttiiT'i Omci, CliKLItTftll, F>lS*l| IS, IMS. OK ud efter SUNDAY, FKDRUART 14# the Passenger Train* of th* Sooth Cor*-' lino Railroad will ran oa follows t VO* ADO 0 OTA. Loots Charleston .8 SO o od Arrlto ot 10 p as Connecting With Trains for Montgomery j Memphis, NoshviUs and Mew Orleans, wid Montgomery and Urand Junction. roa Columbia. Leave Charleston. ?..8 SO a m Arrive at ColasaUai Connecting tvlth WHhhrtat and Manchester Railroad, Charlotte and Booth Carolina Ball rvtu, sua cstnuen i ri*tn. FOR CMAOLKStOS. IlWW AfljtQltftlfi.tMM h4*M tlllJHM W R M ' Arrive at Charleston ......... ,.>>.5 00 p nt Leave ColtiitMiw....MHiiu>H.iii?iu..T 45 a at Arrive Rt Charleston 00 p M | Al'O ('ST A NMIHT RXrMII. (Sundays excepted.) * Leave Charleetea V 30 p at Arrive at Augusta SO a at Connecting with Train* lirt Memphis, Nash' vllle add Ren Orleans* t(d Ofaad Janet too. Leave Aagusta 10 p at Arrive at Charleston ,...4 00 a M Columbia Riaar itmai (8t"??Ujrn eAeeptod.J Leave Charleston /i/t, uiu.9 05 p HI Arrive at Columbia......... i?.<. 4 45 a at Connecting, Sundays excepted* with Greaa* Vllle and Columbia Railroad. Leava Columbia >5 55 p at Arrive at Charleston a Start * ? - niinmkrvillr thai*. Leave Charleatoo ............,..,..8 05 pot Arrive at Sumraerville 4 20 pes Leave Summerville It art Arrive et Charleston ?8 25 a at CAMPKN BRANCH. On Mnndnyp, Wednesdays and Saturdays/ Leava Kiogville... _4 20 p rtl Arrive at Camden 7 00 pfcf Leava Camden ..I 25 a as Arrive at Ktngvllle 0 20 a aa (Signed,) H. T. PKAKK. General Superintendent. Feb 24 40 Charlotte ft Sooth Carolina Railroad, and Columbia ft Augusta Railroad Co'o. CZfi?lf3 CISttSQ STPERINTENDENT'8 OFFICE. > Colombia, Feb. 2. 1200* J SCHRPL'LK GOING NORTH. LEAVE Grac its villa at 7 20, A. M., eeanteling with train leaves Augasta at A 00, A. M. Leave Columbia....... .....12 SO P M " Charlotte.... .... T 46 P M * Grcemboro, W C? 1 00 A M " Richmond, Va? .?11 00 A M ^ p*?mn( oiom oonnMuum win inuai W Washington, D. C. * comxa Mirra. I,cure New York ......... -I 40 P M Arrira i( Richmond I so P M Lure Richmond...... -2 00 P M ' Ireeoaborn, N C ..............-1 00 A M ? Charlotte, N O 0 MAM Arrive at Columbia 12 15 PM " at Granitoville....... 00 P M Ticket# told at Columbia and baggage checked to all point* North. C. B0UKNIQ11T, Superintendent. Feb 10 S8 tf Greenville & Colombia E. B. PA89ENOER TRAINS run daily. Sunday# excepted, connecting with Night Train ou Cbarleaton Railroad, aa follow*: Leavo Coluratda at .......7.00 a. aa " Aleton at ...... *.55 * " Newberry !.._? -I0.S5 Art ire at Abbeville at -3.30 p. aa. " at Andereon at e?*e*eae* 5.15 - <1 recti villa at 0.00 ? Leave tireenville at......... .5.00 a. a. " Anderaon at.uran..A...6.41 44 44 Ablvevill# at. .........8.43 " " Newberry at 1.S5 p. a. 44 Alston at 1.M " Arrivo at Columbia at. -6.00 44 Train# on the Bine Ridge Railroad will alae ran aa follow* t Leave Anderaon at..................... Jt.30 p. n. 44 Pendleton at 0.30 Arrive at Walballa at.. -8.00 44 i .... ur.ik-n. - i ? U, " PtndlelOD ?'irr T-1.1 *-d> M Arrive At Anderson at .............-6.46 " The train wilt return from Belton to Anderson oa Monday and Friday mornings. JAMK8 O. MEREDITH, General Superintendent. Feb 24 40 FS5ST902ERS1 RHODES* Sera*PHOSPHATE, The Old and Longest Established Standard JImmm* ... ORCHILLT GUANO. mimAg GU&MO. ^ RHODES' MANURE, in He preparation 'W. is bade equally adapted far forcing B large crept of Cotton, Cora, wheat, Tokatek "*7 Potatoes, and other root crops. The Manufacturing Department is conduct* ed br Frederick Klctt, one of the most skill* fal Chemist* and Manufacturers in the United 8tatca. ^ . It ia or.dorsed, approved, and rrcomniMgt by all of tha moat prominent ChcuttteaM Agriculturists la tha Southern States,^- It can be raited upea aa uniform ia qsditpi* "** always reliable, productive of targe crops, asd unexcelled by any in tha market, la tha high percentage of " True Fertillsiag Principles." Price $47.44 cash, or $63 time, with Factors acceptance, and 7 pur sent, interest aotUdsh 1 December, MM. OROMILLA UUANO, "AA^?A Am Bird ' Omno, rtab In PhaapbcUaaad Alkalis* Baits. Prim BAA or $40 MUh. 1 PERUVIAN QUANO, warranted para,?nt on band. Purniahed tt wartat prico for oaab. B. S. BOSTT 4 PON, A|wU. Charleston g. C. Jan A S3 Ana : ~ MARBLE TARS. ^ THK aaJtwlfinl ban tawad a fjj MARBLE Y ARI \ mm Avon mm ifflf '* r"u ^ " BoatUn 4 Mrs TM'Cw.'a ??*?. wham ho Will herp ?a liift* band TOMB SLAB* ami MEAD \VLSX 8TON ER, to anil tba t**da; will W ft alio larabk to ardfW, on abort E9>oilo, MOKOMRMU plnln or tahr-rato, MaRBL? MABTtfr* and PUR. RITURK MaRHL*. T?r?aa mat Ouuw. I m nrodnoa tnfcna In asahanpn tor work. n ^ T. W 1IJMI AN, Agant. Jno IS H Sna j * J$I WfiiT I W Ub a 1 A I i