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jr rnSamtrnmmmmmm i >uBKWffl..'' V ll.-.l 1 ' -W? ' ' 'I i J-Jl- I'll-- ! ^ . Highland 1 Towfeebip, Mo. fS>6qwr? mil#*. 4ti bounded ?ti eouthhy north line d< el O'Neelt, from Bel ley \ to BrtteaY, IS eo Bpertftntmry Aite, thenee north one-half A ?Mti mitee, to Outlier on ?atd line, near J, David Pat'enY tbrnee weal B K. AHndfrt Q eouth, end J*. 1). llmrowY north line, Lie* < fer'a Mill north end Jno. Heneoot eotith m line Wtn. StnithY. south, end Jack DMIY * north Hne. Alberry Bellinger's north end Jeff McMeekiii's south line, l)?v|d Ballehwar's eonth end Pleasant Barton's north Fine, lire, derail Barton's not ill end darner J -Fowler'ssouth line, P. H- Fuller's. Jurt eonth, . end Zadoo Wile >n*s north, end Over corner, [ thence eouth Ben Holly's. west, and Mra. 11. ?, Dill's eest Hne. Jeff Barton's Mill. west, and James Taylor's Mill'*, east line, Jatnee Hal- . ley's, west, and Wm. ICeves' ee?t line, corner . near Washington Norris* or BaileyX die- j( tanre $ miles, Gletsy Monntain Township, No. 14? f Square 'miles, 62; hounded on enuth hy north line of lltghlifid, innolngfrom Zadoe Wileon'e to David" Pattou'a on ?|-arlanl>urK, thetiee along aafd line north one-half . ??__ n ?_l u _ WfP! t>| n?ll^ Ui'UJ-T, c??rncr mi on* between North and Sonth Carolina, n??r J. <) Foster's residence, thence westward alone t the North and Sonth Carolina line, l? ? stone <m top of mountain, thene# south 12$ w?-sl ? tnilrs, near Jamee Qosucd's J. K . Turner's, just. weal Ho*, and J no. Gomell's tut line. A. A. wnt fend Z*idoc * Wilson's saai of line end near corner fe.onr. 8alnd? Township, N". IB-Square mil**, , .10; bounded on tbe ran by w ?;ern line of t Glassy Mountain, running from the top of i Mountain aouth 12| .we?l 6 toiler, to slune \ near Z. WlWn't, also t.y wrsb-rn boundary f line ol Highland from Wilson's due couth to ' atone near Bailey's, thence weal along 1 roiVhrrn Imnndary of Bates' 0 miles, to ' atone near Marietta, end east ol Re*. R. 1 rowellTe recldence, thence for western boundary due north -Henry Lankford'* west and Albert fltlhV, east line Jno. Cox's, west, and Underwood, east lli>e, Mr* Pertnel|s OoMetl'e east, and Mra Hawkins* house wed line^ Mrt. Qarqer'* east, and 1 Archibald Alton'* wesl line, Nick Chi'ders' ea?t and Tboa. Burets' weal line, 7) miles, , to atone near Riehard Keavea' west line, | th?nee due eaat, crowing Devil's Fork 255 , eo'tth to a'one corner near M. E. Smith's ( bo use. thence north 40, eaat 194.80 chains, | to stone eiiVner, thence north *1 eaat lltl chains, to corner on State line, thence along Mountain to atone on North Carolina line. Cleveland Township, No. 10?Square ' miles, 0ft; hounded on the .ensa by the western boundary line of Salft-la Township, from the. top of Mountain to atone corner iiear Marietta, thense west, along line of Kate* Township, to stone on South Saluda, ear Mia. Cacson'a residence, thence with meander* of South Saluda, on line of Pick* eo# County, to North Caroll'.Jt line, thenc? along said liue to atone corner mar M. El biuilh's. Total area square miles 786 Total area acres S02.4C0 The report is imu-li mora lengthy than I (anticipated. 1 deemed it proper to make a plain at d full rtatrment lor the benefit of nl?* politic and Dr. Ilartiann and Ida aaristatitr, oUo the 96 nffleert now tH-ing elected 'th tough out the County, and buaiueea men igeoerally. Very recpeclfulle. WM. A. HUDSON, C. 3. %1arch.12Ut.J8C9. Coi.uxaiA, March *6. The ralce of cottno, to-<lay, amounting to about 36 baiee only,*! fair prloca TJitv York. March 15. Cotton calca 900 baler, at 28). Gold 31). 'Cna iiLKaTon, March 15. iCiittun rtrkr, with anloa of 456 belea?uiid> filings 2~i, receipt* 631. ArawtA, March 15. Cotton market dull, with tale* of I6u baler ; receipts 202?middlings 2G}(o, 27. SHUffEt H.??ZK JAW ?WUi NEW . I 3NT C3r Of WRIDUS DESCRIPTIONS, WHIGII WB ATYE OFFERISO, AT TERY LOW PRICES. SULLIVAN & SON, v. - .? MAIN BTUfcKT. A! arch 4.T 441 tf OBITUARY. Dun, at his son's residence At Williamston, Anderson County, B.C., on the 26th of February, 1807, in 1k? Wot year of bis age, Mr. WILLIAM PICKL8. He was a pious and derout Christian, a kind neighbor, a devoted husband And father. Ho bad boon A Member of the Baptist Ckurrh and served as l>eae?n and Clark for souse sisty-five years. He always bad plenty and te spare bis needy friends, atever turned bis back on tbo poor and needy, bis bouse was ever open to tbo suffering. During tbo war, bo never sold eorn for mora than one dollar per buahol to the soldiers and their wives, and went to roat none t!?e poorer for it. Ho never bad a lawsuit wltb bis neighbors, but always in psuas aod.Mvs with the as. lie was Strong-minded active and hearty until aaar the a lose of his days, atUadlag to bis farm until ftbo full oflftdd, and never relinquished that robustness till a few days of bis departare lor tbo spirit land. During bis entire life, bo Mv-?d la the fear and love of Iba Lord, advising those around bint. In bis dying moment* to live for Christ, lie die*I strong in tbo faith, dot fearing to meet bis Ood. "Precious ia tbo sight of fbo Lord Is tbo /death of bin saints." ?. IU?' Pirn, at b*r son's rsvidanee at Willumc ??n. niurrion Iititnct. tSw O, M?reh 4<h, #?A?. Mn KI.IZABK111 I'lCKl-F, wila of , M'illUui Pickle, in the MUi y?r ol b*r <nr> riba Will pl?m Christian. devoted wife ,and mother, and a kind neighbor. She ^i?d b?f# a wmWof the B^piiM Chorch 4<?r noma ????iy j?*n; aUnji lived in dha fear and lava of ChrUt, dailj imploring k?r rtlUm and filends to live and walk pltb C4?rtar, Haul and heart; until within two dVyi of her death. And a ? d*w kawf Mora aba died abe ?bwd b?r ? #yaa on th* vwll bidding adign to all UiU worWa ndbli A fearing nothing but Ilia gtiof of death, letting her eMhttvn aba did Mot hmr (nana* bar !*avlo*. She wen aomc - twenty **?a Honra beforo aha died appa j venrtjr la a darp deep, no dnnbf looking iafa ?ba apt tit world, and now die llvaa with li fDhaia* and tka aaint?, ringing prataa with i ** ' Iter heabnnd la heaven. Mi# waa tinned In a vmW, with baa haw ' band, at WgtJlbvk'Chiirab, ne?r rinil1?ma- 1 ton. Both tha fitneea'e were praonhed by Bww. R ?ng, who had Wan paaior of ih?ir rhareh wttmt tottf yarn* ago, and for a nuns ' rmm s MakoiBd. on the 10M? iiot., at the miIIMM vt Qim ? * ???'< father by A. Bhrlke. ?q.. Mr. JOBKrtl W. GOOftLAKft of h-TiHr, N. 0, e.d ftttoa HARRIET AKK. daughter of Mr. CbttlM Lark, of reriivlllf Cobaty, 8, C. UL L -LgHRfgO*?*' MUtftJ..11. _ L* Kale of He?Mh Carolina, GREEN VII LK COUNIT. Ik the QpBKLon PIom. [T it hereby ordered, that the meoting of the Kxtre Court at Greenville Court loure, tor GreenvliU County, ?n the Puurih lonriajr io April neat. l>? p?Mp?n?d until Im Kirat Monday in May following, and bat jurors ailB'IM, ami parliac dir?tt?d ? appear oa I ha Mid Fourth Monday in Iptil, do ntleod on -the axi l Flr?t Monday a May: li ia further ordered that lh? Cicik >f th? Court f?r O a nvilU County do ?x rod thia order by .publication In lha Orrait'll! a papa re. JAMF,SUORR. j? '?a 8th Judicial Circuit. 11 tli Marak, 1161!. I certify that the ahoya ia a trw* ropy of aid Ord?r W. A. McDANIEU c. l. c p. and o. a Clerk'a Office, I2ih March. 1889. 48-0 Notice. A I.L partita hiring claim* ejralnut the Sr t\ lute of JACOU M. C001.KY,dneeaecd, nil prrnent them either to me or ta the Front te Judge ur' Greenville Oonnty, properly itteated, on or before the 18lh of apeil neat; lartic* indebted to the name, will plaaaa coma brwnj-d and aattla with ace. Ptrtki failipg 0 prevent their claima on or before the titno 'tated, will ba debarred, m a Final Settlement if aaid Eitato will be bad on tba Slat of April mat. JOHN J. QOOLRY, Executor. March 15th, 1889. 48-8* Notice. IN conformity with ibe requirement* of the Internal Ilevenuo Lawn, I hereby aire lotlee to all pertona who may claim r?ro of WkStky, which were veiled in the tewn of Grvcnvllle, on (ho lltb day of Mareb, I860 ? beeauie of violation of the Interne! Revenue Law*, the came having been turned ?ver to me ta dtapoau of according to law?ta take >noh claim* ' cfore me within 80 day* 1 inn thu fir.t puhlicntion of thi* notice. . t. A. L. COBB, Dep. OoL March IT 48 8 mm FERTILIZER. I IIAVE been Appointed AGENT for the WANDO COMPANY, and eaa aupply nor Ordore. Julius C. Smith, Art, t^TKN TONS OB hand and to arrive. Match 16 42 tf State of Mouth Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. ' Sheriff*! Sales. BY rirl?? of sundry Writ* of Fieri Facia* to m* directed. I woll aetl, before the Court liouee door, en Sn >? April ntjr*, at the usnsl hour of aale?12 o'clock, noon?the following property, to wit: On* Tract of Land, containing 218 acre*, mora or I***, adjoining land* of J. T. Bennett, T. Wfit and there. AUo, ail Defendant's right, title and interest in law and equity in the Mill Tract of Land, containing 20 a*roe, more or lc*s. Up<tn this tract i* situated Oriel and fiw Mill, with good shoal, plenty ol water powor, and in a thickly settled neighborhood, adjoining land* of T. L. llcadrirk and othrra. Also, (he Horn* Place, containing 17-1 acre*, more or le*a, (the Il<>me?tcad to he Ml ?>0T to Defendant before day of aale.) Tbes? Lands are situated some 14 miles south o Greenville Court House, on waters of Heed] Kiver, and well adapted to the growth of cot ton aj)d grain. Levied on as the property o J. Rufus Smyor, at tha suit of Welburn Duck worth. Also, one Tract of Land, wheraon D. D Coleman lives, containiag 1.27 acres, mora ei leas, adjoining lands of E. S. Coleman and *th crs, aituntcd soma 10 miles above Grecnvilh Court House, near the Buncombe Road. Thii is said to he a good place. Levied on as th< property of Klisha N. Coleman, at the auit o A. M Gilreuth. Also, one Trao* of Land, containing 1201 acres, more or less, situated partly on Pari Mountain, 7 miles from Greenville Cour II It? T? ? - *?? ? K'?K,<n. II") UUIH.UIBIW ?ll?q MTtril ?ra?l settlement* on the place?adjoining land* o Dr. J. P. Hlllhouse, Orndy A Hawthorn an* other*. Alto, the Mill Tract, containing 1; acre*, more ar less, adjoining land* of Benja min Dolling. On this place i* a good Ori* Mill. Levied on a* tba property of Stephei Marcbhanks, at tha ?nit of A.J. Bataon. Also, all Defendant'* right, title and inter est in law and equity in 525 acret'of Land mora or 1cm, aitnated above Marietta on Jonei Gap Road, adjoining lands of J. II. Cleveland John Bate* and other*. Levied on a* the pre perty of Harriet Bates, at the suit of T. B. Wil liana*. AI*o, one Tract of Land, containing 110 aerta, mora or lea*, A utile* from Town on th Augusta Koad?nearly all woodland?adjoin ing land* of U. W. A C. A. Parkin*, K. II. J? cob*, Thomas P. Smith and olhara. Lcviei on a* the property of Var<lry Me Bee'* EiUU at the mit of Richard H. Jacobs Also, one Tract of Land, in a high state o cultivation, large body of valuable Botton Land on tha place, containing 1000 acre* more or leas, adjoiaing lnnd* of William Choice Stroud t Perry and others, (.'he Home*trad t. be sat off to Defendant before diyy of sale. Levied on a* the properly of Richard P. Fos ler, at tha suit of O. W. Latham J. (1 Hawthorn et al. Also ene Lot In tha Town of Orranvllla oi the aonth ai.lo of tho Hirer, near the Aagusti (toad, containing 4 acre*, more or Una, (on th Lot ie a comfortable Cottage and neceacarj Outbuilding*,) adjoining lot* of W. fl. Caan mer, R. U. Maria, II. P. llaaasnott and other* levied on aa tho property of O. W, Brook* at Ike suit of William Watkin*. Also, on# Lot of Land within the Ineorpor ate limit* of tba Town of Greenville, lying oi Pendleton Street, aoalainteg M aerre, more m less, well improved, loe Dwelling Husm, ant all necessary Outbuildings, (this is ane of th< most desirable residence* in Town) adjoining lots of W. A. Town**, John T. Uosaett, D Howard, and V. MeRee's Batata. Also, ent Tract of Land, situated about 17 milea sootl of Orccnvllle ftmrt House on tba watara o Reedy Fork and Ready Rivar, and known a< tba Reedr Fork Place, containing 10M acres more or Irs*. This is said to be one af thi ?W" ?M mw wri watered and in a kigb itato of cultivation La*led ? ee lha property of T. Bdwln Ware, a* I ha tail ofW. N. Martin, A a* if nee of th? Katate of J. P. Pool, Bankrupt. Alan, one Tract of Land, containing aero*. adjoining landa of A. J. Ward, H. L Bowden and other*, (the number of arm to hr accertained and the Homeataad to ba let oU t< Defendant before day of aaia.) Levied on at the property of Anal in Balleau, at the wit 01 John Dill **. Daniel Rim* et al. Alan, one Treet of Land, aitnatad on Peril Mountain, containing 100A acre*. mora or leva bounded by landa nf Hubert*, Rainey and other*. On tbia ptaca are two An* Dwelling ffouaea, each baring the neeeaeary Outbuild htgaj alio, ronie IM acre* of land in a gpvxi atate of cultivation. Levied on a*"the prop. aetyofWaddv Thotnpenn, daoaaeed, at ikt wit *f A Mr id go Brawn, KittaUr. A1*o, on* Ana tlrey florae, nix yearn old, oU broke nod goutle. Levied en o* the prop(tt/of Wiley ilitt, at the anit of William T. Teraaa Caab. Purchaaara U pay for atampi and paper*. A. B. VICKIR*. 8. O. t. PherifP* O?oe, March ilth, IMA. March IT O t UJ LI" II 'Lim .|L. I 0T H 11 1 --1 ? . ? She fttate of Sooth Carolina, 1 BXfCOTtY* nKPARTMRKT. ) * Coiumbia, 8 C., Man-h let, IM9. f 2 T)OWKR htrl g been granted me hy v>r , X ImoIm A?i of th* General A arm' f l>t? of S??tl? Carjlin*. ratified Frbrwrv t ; 84th. liil*. to l*ra* the SAl.Ul?A TURN- a I PIKK ltO\D in Ortntill* County, for the a Una of threo year*, m>Mi proposal* will 1 be received at Ibla offiw until tka 1<1 day * of April n. xt, at which time the contract J will l? flttD to tha highest responsible J. bidder, after hie complying with lha follow R ing condition* en I requirement* , lot. A B n'l lor Five Thourand Poller*, , (|4,'H)0.) pnyal-le to t lie Slat* of Soulh Cero | Ima. with approved penrUy, conditioned 1 f-r piecing end keeping io good repair the * Rued. a 3d. Bond* or N?tce w th approved ?? 1 enrity, payable ba'.f yearly for xtnoiinl of 1 L?IN Parties sending in propn*al* ahonld ae- 1 company them with recomtnendatinu* and 1 etalt-menta a* to iht-ir rerponsibifity and known ability to com pi r with the contract. 1 J. L NBAifLR, Comptroller Q nerai. March If AS 8 Walt Plow. I AM atill furnishing the above anperior Turn, Pnbndt, and Cultivating Plough 1 Having told one hundred of them in and around our town and county, we can give quite a number of certificate* a* to ihrlr #uparior quality. I am now pre jarred to nipply the Stfrl Srraprr u?ed on the Watt Plow for ecraping cotton. Amongtt the gteat Dumber of per*on* ueing them, I am permitted to refer to the following nttnee: T. P. Smith, E-q , Oreonvilla. S. C. J m Birnic, Erq., Gr*et?villc, 8 C. Rev J. P. Boycr, Greenville, 8. C. T. J. futeton, ttreenvlUv. 8. 0. T. Goldsmith. Grwnvil!.- B f. J 11. C1t?<Ani^, Greenville, 8. C. R. K Stone. 0i?n?illf,9. 0. ft. McClnnehan, NtHnilllt, 8. C. J. A Devid, Gr>i>n?i1l?, 8. C. R?-v. J. C. Foinien, Greenville, 8. C. W. J. Rot. OrMnnllx, 8 C. f). M. Peden, Greenville, 8 C. R. II. Andnrinn,Gre<ntill(,S. C. W E Eerie, Eeq.O.emille.H C. J. C. C. Turner, GreenvillefS C. J. W. GtlJwiiiih, Greenville, & Gl Dr. Austin, Gr??*T)llt 8. U T. Q D<>neld*nn, Greenville, 8. 0. ' Dr. A. I). HoU?, Greenville, 8. U R. II. Peden, Greenville, K C. T. H. Met .'etui, Ee'q., Anderson, S. C. B. F Cmyto?, Anderson, 8 C. B. F. Wltlmrr, Anderson, 8. f!. ]>r. J H. Reed, Anrfvrson, 8. 0. i K. Wig^inirlon, Pickens, 8 CL i lie P A. Milee, Pick. n*. 8. iX B. W. Rleesingeme, Pickens, 8. 0. ' R. R Howen, Pick'en*, 8 G. ' J. Ho wen. Pickens, 8 C. j letter A Brother. lincna Vlsts. Jn?. Mont)f??ntry, lietesville. t Dr. W. A Harrison, Feirview. , Rev 0. B. ftteWeit, Feirview. f J. 8. Hemmmid. Reidville. r Col. T L. Boromnn, Reidville, ft C. Hsnjf of ilie ehove perrons li?v? from I f In A in nee T. 11. McCann has 0 A end B. end one M end N. We<t I'low, end seys it is the beet Plow he ever u?ed. r' JULUJB C, VI IT II. Mer 10 42 tf i . Intnre Your Lire al Once! r |^HK subscriber is Agent for one of the ' X best and moat reliable Companies in I the world, a purely Southern company, and ! ia managed by atmc of the beat men in Virf gioin. In regard to ita success, we chal( lenge a eompariaon with any frunpanr in II the world. The largest propoition of ita (' licit-a are on the lirea of eilii-no of that t State, where ita etandini/ and character la d h#st known. It haa seventeen of Polieiea. mU nea ft/rjtiling, and ita rales are - leu than Northern companies, for lite reason I. that Northern companies prn/eu to believe >' that. Southern people do not live as long as ' Northern, when the aery rereret i* the com ~ ('all at once, and secure a Policy. We re fer to Iter. IV M Turner. Oeu. 8. McGow ft an. Rev. J. P. Prreely, Rev. R. C. Grier. Rev. J. I. Iionner, I)r. O W. Preaaley, Dr. ; J. w. Hearst, Rev II T Sloan. l?r. J.J. Wardlaw. and at least one hundred other* t) in Abbeville, who have insured. To O. W. i, Sullivan, |I>>n W. D 8inipeon, Judge Mnn ?o. Hon. J. P. Reed. Col. D. L Donald, G,' f W. Anderson, Dr. Eptlng, I>r. Barkedale, and a great many others who have also '? insured In thi-i Company, Oen. N. G. Evans > was insured in this Company for fft.liOu. " and this amount was promptly paid imm<di utely after hie death The Company lias issued over tfl.OtH) Policies in seventeen mouths, has received an increase o( nearly i >400,000 iu that lime, and.have onlv lo?t i Jtee by rlaatli, for which it haa paid $l7.*HtO, s leaving a clear income of about >388.000. f eight v seven snd a hall per eenl. of which - will lav divided among the Policy holders. We challenge tlie vorl.1 to heat this Dr. '? Bmneti, the Siate Agent, has {mum! one hundred PolirliW n Ahln-ville. We repent, ' call Ml onee anil gel a Pulley, or we will soon eail on you at your house*; and beg yon to wait until we eall before injuring e'ae where. JOnN FKRGUSOK, Agent For Oreen v llle, 8. C. Dr. I. Tl. Tkt** Medical Examiner. (In-rnvilU 0. 11., Mtreli X, 1869. Mar 10 41 if The State of South Carolina) GREENVIIJ.E COUNTY In tho Comt- of PrtMU. JAMES M.BENSON Ex-enter. ?* FRAN CES E bENHON, W1LI.IH K BENSON and others ?Petition for Partition and Sole of Root Rotate, So. IT opp-ariftg to my satisfaction, that Willis K. Benson, Mary F. Ben*on, James T. Benson and Willie II. Benson, four of the defendants in this case, reside hey nd the limits of this Stale; ft la ordered thai they Ala their p'aa, anew ar or demur, t<? said petit ion in ttiie office aiibin forty days from ha pnhlieailtin of this notice, as on failure I to do so, the petition will be taken proeonfasao against them , A. J. ItOUTHIT, P. J. O. Q March 8Ut, 1.969Mar 10 48 ? ITT AT K retnmad to the State, permanently. Correspondents will saad eommanlcntinna to TomMing Shoals, Laurnns C<mnry, A. a C. F. 8U1LIVAN, JK. , Msr-h 1st, 1869. 41 3? ' I E H T E R I ?he State of Soath Carolina. OKKKNVILLK COUMTY. Xa Okuwry. rYMAlT, BYKI) A CO.,??. ORADY A HAWTHORN.? Uill to AVeWese JSo'lytrye, de. BY virtue of the Decretal Order of his Honor, Judge Jdiom t. Orr, ni4?1ii tho hove cote, f will Silt to lk? highest bidder, at reenvllle Court Uouse, on Mm Day ha April Mt, M? rrvaoiew is the Ploasilugs, la t AH that piece, parcel and Tract of Land, altmted in tho Couuly of Uruenviilo. aeveq miiea rota the Court House, and six from tho U rectiille Railroad Depot, Ijlaa on both sides of leedy Kite.*, containing Fonr Hundred and finely-Nine Acres, m?re or lens, la a high tato of cultivation. Upon the place ia located ha well known (Cotton and Wool Factory of ho Defendants. The Cotton Factory ia ia full peration, with some nine hundred and Efty pindlcs end twenty fonr looms; tba Wool 'aotury with one hundred and twenty mule pindlcs, U also ill good order, aad successful poration. On the preoilsesare a good Flourng, Crist and Saw Mills, with Blacksmith ihop?two comfortable Dwelling Howace, and overal small framod Houses, for tho operatires, rilb a nice brick Church. The water power it all seasons Is sufficient to drive three times be amount of Machinery now in operetion. rhe country is rtmerkab*y healthy, with a litnutu unsurpassed in the Uaitod. States, with i sober, industrions and cnerxetio population. i^oiMlud Lands adjacent, well timbered, ean mi purchased at rrasonahle prices. This is the est opportunity for an investment to eapitai vis torn naa o??n ouorea id uif Dp counirj line* the war. Trrn* Cats, Purchaser to pay for Papon iiitl Stfcxnjie W. A. McDAXIBL, C.C. C. Clerk'* Office, Feb. 2d, (869. /^Tlw Charleston Anr?, and Colombia Ph-xnix will copy twice a week until day of Sale and aeml bill to the Cleik for payment. .March 3 41 6 &isi Court of the iiniicd S aicj FOR THB DISTRICT OF tOrm CAROLIXA. IX THE it A TTER OF J OTIS W. OR A D F ItAXKRl'PT.? To Whom it it?y ConcernTHE undersigned hereby giro notice of tbeir appointment as ASSIGXBES of the Estate of JNO. W. ORADY, of Greenville Court ilcuse, in the County of Greenville and (state of South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a BANKRUPT upon hit own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dnted at Greenville, 8. C., the 17th day ol February, 1899. WILLIAM T. PIIUMATE, 1 ARRALOM BLYTIIK, j A"1*"*"March 3 41 S Notice. IN conformity with the requirements of th? Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby giv? notice to all persons who may claim a Still, which was seised by Iloxt M. Pvrry, Assistant Assessor, on the 27th February, 1889. fifteen miles above Greenville, on the premises of James Green?because ot being need in violation of the Internal Revauue laws, th* saino having been turned over to me?to make such claim before me within thirty daya from the first publication of thia notice. A. L. COBB, Mar 10 42-3 Dep. Col. 3d Dish, 8. C. Notice. TX conformity with th* requirements of the JL Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to ail persons who may claim a Oxt-llnr?e Wnyn ""A florae, and about Eighteen Gnllone of Whiiky, which were seised at W?|. liomston, 8. C., on Monday, March lat, 1869, by Geo W. Bramldclt?because of violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, the same hav ing been turned over to me, to dispose of according to law?to make auch claims before me within thirty days from the first publication ol this notice. A. L. CO II11, tv.,.. March 3, 186S. 41-3 Deputy Collector's Office, GnaMf vu.t.r, M.tich S, 1869. BY virtue of authority in m? eeatcd, I will expose fur- n?l? to the highest lnd'l? , on Tluiff'Uy, the I8lh d?y of Ui cli, 1869. nt Orentvlll*. <* ? H , lit 12 o'clock, M. I lie following property, to wit; One STILL CAP and W< )UM which were *~)x-d on the premises of Waehtnuton Siniih. One BARUKL and JUG of U HIS KY, which ?re wlfd on the priori*, i ol Mies R't'li Lewie. Three 1$AltUK.LS el WHISKY, which wereseimd On orneerlhe premise* of A C IVace, in the Town ol Greenville. Alen, Three BARREIi? and a DEM1JOII w hich were e< iced in poaeeteior of Drayton QuoJ, Eeq. T?r n? Caeh. A L.OODB. Deputy Collector, 31 DLtriet, S. C N B.?On the day following, heing thi 19th, I will sell at And- r*nn.C H . anothei lot of WHISKY, and WAGON, HARNESS Ac. Mar 3 41 8 Deputy Collector's Office, QnEtutviLLK, Feb. 16th, 1869 HY virtue of an ord.-r from A. 9. WAL LACE Collector of Internal Kevenu8d Collection District of South Carolina 1 will Kll to th? highest bi.ldar tt public outcry, on Monday, the )9ihd?y of April at McBee'a Mills, Beren miles W?* Orern ville Com t House, between the hours of 1S o'clock, M.. snd 4 oVIock, P. M,, I he follow, ing properly to wit: ft --PINNING Fit AMES, 890 SHNDLES 91 LOOM8 1 SPINNING MULE. 120 SPINDLES 2 8KTS OF WOOL CARDS I BREAKER, snd OTHER MACHINERY Together, if necessnrv, to secure the Taxes all that TRACT OF LAND, euniaitiinf bout 40O ACRES* lying on both sides ol Reedy Hirer, savei miles below Greenville Court House, nd Joining lands of V. MeBee's estate an<i?th ?ra Levied on se the property at the roll of the United for Internal Revenni Tax assessed against Grady 4k I law; home T?rius Cash. A. L. COBB. Tim rvii Ad n..i nt.t of M n F.b 17 8? 9 Pianos. ^ PROF. DrCAMPS would reMnMM|<(>ectrull7 inform the cititena ol u 11 0 u Greenville and vicioity, that b? has been appointed Agent for the talo of MINOT * BON'S UPRIGHT PIANOS. Ad; one wiahing to parcbaae an Instrument will do well to call, on him at the Manaion House, where he baa one of them, and aee fei tbemaelvaa as to ita superiority. They are the moat used in parlors, and among musieiaaa in Kurupe. Tbay keep better in tune than any other kind of instrument, are more beautiful as a piece of furniture and can be moved by a single band oat of the room ir. esse of lira He has also a seven OCTAVJt SQUARE PIANO for sale. Feb U 40 If Law Hotiea?Change of Offioa. Gy. TOWN KB baa removed bia Law # Office to the bailding nortb.eaal earner el the Public Square, in part oecupird by Juliea C. Smith, Auotioneor, and the Knterprise l* rioting Otiiee, np at ana. J an . 3.7 It E BI SB. Dissolution. THR Copartnership heretofore eclating twno Joan v?. Mohuah tad Jkmi M. ? ander the o?m md atyie of Muhar A Wiiw?ii?uiiIi U tkli iajr diaaotvad by mutual couaeut. Those indebted to the l?te Fir* will call and mUU at one* with J. M. Wutrmimr^ at tbe Old Stand, Monaion Ifonse Black. J Si). W. MoRttAK. J. M. WSKTMOUELAND. Greenville, S. C., F?ltu?ry 2d, lbCU. A CARD. In retiring from tbe late Firm of Maaoit A WaarMnaaLAnn, the undersigned l>eg? laara t? extend to the pablie bis aiuaera tbauka f?r tba very Nlierat patronage with which aaid Firm baa bcca farm ad, and t?? wlieil a eon tloaanca of tba una for bit former Copartner, Dr. J. M. WKaTannatARD, who will atill carry on tba busiueaa at the OM Rtaud. JNO. W. MORGAN. A~CARD. TTarlnjr aecured tba entIra tntrreat af Dr. J*o. W. Mnaoaa in tha late Firwt of Moaoaa A Wk?t*okri.A!>D, tbe auhacribar give* notice that he wiil continue the buiintti at the lame place. He ruapcatluIlT return* lite thank* for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and take* occasion to a*/ that be will hereafter rtrivo even more carneatty to merit rucceaa. II* will nlwnya keep on hand a full Stock of Frcab and (lenuino DRUU8 and CHEMICALS, together with a erlert aaeortmrnt of FKRFCMEKY, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac.. Ac., all of which be will offer to the public at r*rjr rcaaonablo price*. J. M. WBSTMOEELAXD. Feb 10 38 tf ?a bEALER IN Clocks* WATCHES. AND Spectacles, <&c. Particular attention will be paid to all Work entrusted to him. Feb 10 38 tf , wenTum <oo. Wholesale Denier* * IN DRYQ00D8 ?lL? TK1?3 122 and 124 Meeting St.. Charleston, N. C. KDWIS BATE*. OEO C. Pli-MAK. THOS R. NGAIlsM. F?l> 10 S3 8m Surveyor, Conveyanocr, and Magistrate. fltllE undersigned baring taken out license I ms a Convey sneer, will, in connection with hi* surreys, attend to drawing Wills, Mortgages, Deeds, Dowers, will Prore and Stump Pu|N'rs, quality Commissioners end Appraiser* of Estates at reasonable rates of charge. Residence, six miles East of Greenville. His friends csn confer with bini every Salesdny at Greenville Court House. 1 will nttcud on Tuesday after safeday of each month, at tpy residence, to the duties vf Magistrate for Sbocklev'a Bent. WM. A. UUDSON. Oct 23 24 16*ti CARD. I CHARLES KERRISON, 17I0RMF.RLY of the Arm of C. k R. L. . KERRISON, wiAsW iufann his friend* i I and the puldie .hat he has - urcbased from i I Mr. James R. Berts, all his stock in trade, J Jkv., the Store No. 252 King Street, and will there continue the DRY OOODS BUSINESS, wholesale and retail, lor cash, on hi* own individual account and responsibility.? , lie will proceed, wiltiont delay, to replenish and renew the Stock, and continue so doinit until the assortment shall be made complete and attractive. As the terms will be STRICTLY CASH, or approved city acceptance for a short credit, it necessarily follows that the prices must be kept at least as lew as to be found at any other reapectahle establishment, Wt* bridhcr, Mr. R. L. KRRRISON, assist ed by Mr. A. B. MoDONELL. both experienced mere haute in ttsrs line, will be fiatnd at his store, aiding in the conduct and manageI mcnt of the business, and it fo hoped that hit ) and their efforts to win the confldenee and pa( tronage of the public will be as successful as in past dsyt waa the old firm at comer of i Kins and Market Strv?-t?. ; Feb 11 40 3m Law notice. A. BACON, ATTORNEY AT I AW \ aud ihauistrate, -OFFtCK OVKtt SCLL/VAXS" STORE (RjR^issTJjra.'isirvsa, s. o. ' RcW It 38 If I J'QLl : PAHUIH'S HEMIC BITTER! THK7 aunK DYSPEPSIA, AM MKAUI M TNI : STOMACH AMD LIVER 1 _____ | nrvT AM wmmmammm wt *?? MBJ>IOAL rAOULTY. I IIEGEMAN A CO, Afixxra, jr/:r reizjc. Marnrfac^dV^F PAflBOTK CS2)C37 HQ ATeiCUiZT. CH A K I.K8 TON, ac. IJVf-'or M? Ay Brvj/i(?(*ta gwywHrr.t Fob U 40 Ijr TATS oir SOUTH 4AR0UBA tiRKKlTVILLg CO0NTT. % It tki Ctif 1 %( ' 0. A. 1ILFOHD, Banawtris, LKMUtt WADDBLL M Ci'wIim f+r m ftmml fhnUmHM and JWM. iT apyaaataff to m* miMmIm (h?l Rank Kraoa, lltMjr WilHvn, Aleaandar WadII, Jsn?i Wtddtll, K?nrjr Jmm Wadded, I,or?nda WaA4.ll, William Waddall, Klitabeth Mc<|oNa and Hugh llcQwr* to buaband. Martha gcraca and Jab* N?MI tor hustond, Mary B. ftictotaaa. CMAwfn Wadded, Alfred Waddall and Eat Us Oragar;, Dal?a<Uutii in this ?.M, reside witkuat Ua limits of ibis 6tata : It is t tors for. ecdemd that tnajr do ipptar la pans* uf by irttimay, at a Court ol Probata to to hold** at flraaarilla Court Iloaaa, at |0 o'skwk, A. I, aa tto 1Mb uf May next, to ab.w causa, If aay ttoy can. why a final settlement of tto FsSals uf F.UMLND WADHELL, daeaasod, stoaM nut to had and a dscrea given thsrsea, ar their eunsrntn ia falling to attend WlM to Sto tered of record. Oiren undar my band at (Ireaavni# CaaH House, tills 13th day of February, A. 0., ISdfi. 0. J. DOUTH IT, F. J. <1. c. rah 17 ta Tho Stat? of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia th# Ooirt of frttaU. ABSALOM BLY1BB. Administrator of ?arah McJunkin, w. Jo in G. Mayfi.ld, Wll. lion* May field et al, D< fendante?Ottoftaw fur Final Settlement an J Deem. [f pti-itlnc to my MlMotlion that Mi O May field. William Mayfieid. Jim Miyli'M, S'anwlx M?yti*'d.' Thomi B. May fi. ld. Poaroon B. MayfioM, ill* hdn it low and dutributeee of Jesse Mayfieid, nod the h?*ira ot low and distributee* of Mary R?otfr, defendants in thia care, mid* with' <>ut the limit! of thio Stat*. On motion of Korle, solicitor pro pel : It io ordered, that they ap|?or In |??r*on ?.r by attorney, at a 0"?rt of Probata, to be lioldeo at Greenvillo Court llouae on tho 4th day of May Oexv, to ah?w cattle, if any tliey hiri, why a final aettUmeut of tho Estate of HARAK McJUXKIN, deceased, should not be hod, and i drcrei given thereon; or their eon enta, on failing to attend, will be entered of record. Given und.r my hand and eeel at Green ville Court Honae. thia oeoood day of Fobruary, A D. 1869. 8. J. DOUTniT, P. J. o. a Fob 8 ,87 8in Tho State of 8outh Carolina* GREENVILLK COUNTY. Ia tho Court of Proboto. B. F. KILGOKE, Exeentor, Applicant in THOMAS MAYF1RLD et al. Defendants Citation for a Final Settlement and Ueerte. TT oppearlne to my mtisfaetion that Tliomaa Mar field. I him Brown, tho heiro of Jameo Mayfieid, name* unknown, heira of Al>ram May 1 -Id, namea unknown, lieira of Jordan Mayfieid, namea unknown, and Dham Long and wife Brtey Long, reaide without the limit* of thia State : It lo ordered and decreed, that they do apt-ear at a Court of Probate, in peraoo or by ot trrney. on Friday, the 80th day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to ehow eau*a, if any they can, why a Final Settlement of the E*lata of JOHN MAYFIE1.D. deeeaaed, ahonld not be had and a Decree given thereon, or,their consents in failing tu attend will be entered ?f reoord. Given under my band at GreenvUlo Court House, this 80th day of January . D., 1869. 8 J. DOUTniT, P. J. 0. C. Feb 8 87 Sni m ci.o i.t. n 1! iuc oiiiio ui nuuiu uoroiinU) GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probate. OLIVER P. EARLE rt at., Executor*. # . KMILY 8. MOBLY and J. B. KOBLY h.r husband et at.? Citation for Final Stttlameat, Derrrr, ?f c. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Emily Sarah Mobly and J. B. Mobly bar husband, Defendants in this case, reside without the limits of this State: On motion of SarU Ut?d Blytbe, Solicitors for the Petitioners, it is ordered, that they do appear in person or by attorney, at a Court of Prolate, to be heldsa at tircenrille Court llouse at 14 o'clock, A. M., on the 28th day of April next, to show cause if any they can, why a Final Settlement sf the Estate of ELIZA W. EARLE, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given therein, or their consents In foiling to attend, will be entered of record. Given nnd-r my band at Greenville, this 28th day of ?*nuary. A. R.. 1884. B.J. DOHTUIT, J. P. 0. C. Feb S SY tm Slalc or Nontli Cnrolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In ?t?c Court of ProbNlr, , MANI.Y BRIGHT, Administrator with the i Villi annexed, es. MabcarKT C. (Jesse I and others. Defendants. ? Citation fat m Final Settlement and Decree. IT apitearing to my aaiiefaetiou that Margaret 0. Greer and A. J. Greer her bne band, Florence Mayfieid and J< ho Mayfirbl. Defendants in this case, reside beyond the 1 limits of this Stats : It is therefore ordered, J that they appear in person or by attorney, r "t a Court of Probate, to be holden at Oreenvil e Conrt House, on fit 1 ilk tfay of April next, to show cause, if any they have, why a Final Settlement of the Estate of L W MAY FIELD, deceased, should wot to had, and a Decree given thereon; or their GOU.HPnl lib Mlintf In llantl email i-- * 1 ... b unniinra o( reonrd. Given nntifr my lund at fiiMwllJeCiwt ' ll"-u?w, title 12'b day of Jfeauary. K. 1C, 1869. 8. J. DOUTHIX If: ?.? fX J-n 20 iU *m w. h CAjnmt, . PRACTICAL WRCMtTW AND MACHINIST. CORN SHEU.FRS, Cotlon Gine, Lof** K? row?? Oft Lemi?a. Hewing Mv chine* and Parasol*, RKI'AIRKD with prompt nee*. Chatge* reasonable. flT I'erron having wot It in my shop I dun? during the l**i year, and who ftava . not yet called lor the eama, Will | U?w II come forwaid and take it away, 'or 'it wiM be aold to pay tor repair*. Stand ?At Weal field'* old 8b?lf>. Feb 10 28 IT . TUE SOUTHERN flOTEU m loiboiNo novi a? "HENNINCS*S HDTCIe.* IIA8 r'tvitfly Walltnl no and Mill tin 1 <l<ri ntw Puniiur* ?<I I ntWrr tonvrnirHon, unci in now opon to . TmvoHne ptiMlo. ?k*r?MhiT n?n find px>A I, MMinnKMintinn iitfl f?r? M Ihrlowfil rttri, A 'f?* p?t nmn?t<l 'Du*rd?n will ho i no iv*d, J. L. HOUTIILKII, t Pi?(.rifinr, Gre?r.vill#, S. C , Feb 17, I&k'J.