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IttfiB * like weedier. Vegeiat on to buming forth wry rapidly, and '-garden* and gardening " u the only toplo of converaadoo with die " old women " when they meet, unlet* It U ilia great aearclty of labor and the enormoua price it command*. I have myself been remarkably fortunate In aeeuting i all I want, or that I hare use for, and will cultivate every fuel of land that ia open on my place; but only a few afternoons aioce several of my neiglibora and myself sal down and counted up no leaa than eighty ' eight handa wanted witlila fire miles of 8pringport, amongst the fatnjera surrounding it. 1 belirte I forgot to tell you that Sprlngpori was our " city." our great place of reaort, especially on Saturday afternoons ad other lei-ure rcrnslonn It haa two alorv houaee, three family residence*, one doctor'* office With two practicing physicians. sin houac and cotton trrew, nmla , academy, Presbyterian congregation who j arc building a church near by, Ac.. Ac. It vii an olJ Indian trading poat, and U likewire an election precinct, old muster ground, and, in a word, the great poiul for ! all public or political gatherings on the midway ground between the two court liouaea at Oxford and Tonola. It is in * horn's bluw ** of my premise*, and is upon the whole of H, " a curoua little city," way down in the botion. In other worda, it is located, not up on the high rhlge " three liundred yards above it, but down in a bianch bottom where the high waters run 1 oulr almost to llie doors?hut enough of ilpriiigport, and all other t? pics for the present. In my uext I will touch ?n tome others Again -thanking ynu for my old . /amiliar friend, tho Enlirprite, I >m truly jjrour fr'end. J. D. A. ton Tax sou'rttKKN kntkri'uisk. Public MeetingAccording to previous notice, a general Meeting of the citixens of Greenville County! was held in tba Court ilouse, on Monday last, t ales-/lay. On motion of Wesley Phillips, Krq., Judge VT. n. Campbell was oalled to the Choir, and A. Uly the, Esq., requested to act as SecretaryJudge Campbell, in taking the Chair, explained the object of tho meeting to be'to give a public expression of opinion in regard to ilia settlement of old debts. On motion of John L. Westmoreland, Esq., a-coentniUce of thirteen was appointed do report resolutions for tha consideration ol the meeting. The Chair appointed the following namea on tbot-eemmittee: John L. Westmoreland, John IX. fleodwin, Wesley Phillips, Dr. Jas. C. Furinan, Martin Hunt, Sr., Dr. 0. ItIrvine, Maj. C. A. Parkins, Dr. William Karle' Capt. Edward Powell, Wm. Bates, Wm. A_ Hudson, Esq., R. U. Jacobs snd Barkesdale Charlaa. The committee retired and on their return offered the following resolutions ; Jtfoiled, 1. That in tbo opinion of this msetlng, a libc/at compromise in the settlement of old debts is imperatively demanded in the present condition of the country. Jl*?oU-ed, 2. That in view of the great loss of property in tbia State ana me acprociuiiv In value of our remaining property,thirty-tbro? eud one third cent* on the dollar would be a fair end reasonable basis on which to adjust old .debts, leering particular caaea to be governed l y the peculiar circumstance*. /telolred, 3. That in all cases whero the pardies themselves cannot agreo on a settlement* we recommend that they should refer the same do arbitration, or that the people of each Town* ship select a Board, to consist of seven members, to whom nil such eases may be referred. Jit*oI til, 4- That in the opinion of this moot* inasmuch as many cases now in court and others which may be sued on may be compromised, and a* the spring of the year is a dime when every farmer's presenco and labor Wre required at home, we respectfully requert his Honor Judge Orr to postpone, until some mors convenient season, the extra Court or 4*fed by him to bo held for Greenville District sin the 4th Monday in April next. R. II. Jacobs offered a minority report, hi favor of making fifty cents on the dollar, instead of thirty-three and one third, thn basis of settlement, and ohjecting to Iho 4th Resolution entirely. The resolutions were then taken np separately, the first was passed unani lanusly. The other* elicited lome diacusaion, I but were paaaed by a large majority of the per??n? pre tent. On notion of J. L. Westmoreland. the Secretary waa requested to send a copy of the reaolution, to hi* boner Judge Orr, and a copy of the proceeding* of tbl* meeting to each of the town paper*. On motion, the meeting adjourned tin* Jit. W. 11. CAMP08LL, China. A. BLTTBK, Secretary. ?HOil TUB If OtT STAIN BBS. Mr. Editor : We wore pre*ent last Sabbath during the eierciae* of the Methodiat Sunday School. The School 1* large and highly prosperous. The clarre* are admirably arranged and well-iu*iructe?l by intelligent and tcalou* teacher*. The utmost good order, and the inoat praiseworthy decorum prevailed. Mr. O. Clyde it a model Superintendent?wise discreet and prudent in all ha say* and doe*. }Ie h?a the eonljdenee and love of hie School. . We remained and were present daring the rooming service in the McibodUt Church. The building we* filled to it* ntmoat Capacity. 1 iiu I (VflV^WIIBU Wl. |? I vtn> I'l "Iirii V by Invitation from Iter. A. B. Stephen*. Rer. pf. Buiat, of the Presbyterian Church, preached the cormon from the fifth verve of the lat chapter of St. John: "Beho|il the Lamb of flod." Tt we* a discourse rieb in thought, admirable In arrangement, and replete with the Ieve of Christ. The congregation followed hat able and learned divine from the beginning to the ending Of hit aermon with inereaard fbrvnr and admiration. After proeebing, the member* of the Metbodiet and Preahyterian Cburehca united in commemorating the Lord'* Supper. The oocasion wai one of ahaorbing intereat, and the whole eongregatl in ? both I bono in tba church and oat of the church --apponred doeply Impreasod with the truth* of religion. SPECTATOR. llroeavlUe, 8. C., Feb. 24th, I8?9. As Engliih capitalist has conacienlious acruplea about receiving over three per cent, intereat on tome aig per cent. United Statea l>nnda, which be holda, and only collect* onehalf of hia coupon#, donating the other half to Covtrnn?t|;t, 4 I S*M4BaanMR9BSSEB5999BBHa IMS: 8 COMMERCIAL. Nnw York. March 1. Cation dull tid ,lower, wiih sale* of 700 baUa, at t9|. Gold Sit Baltimore Mareh I. Cotton doll?nominally ft. Floor fairly native, at lower rates. Wheat nominnl, with no sale*. Yellow torn stead v. at f 8 @t>2; mixed dull nod lower, at 8"($S5? I'urk p.8 6u. Dauoti fii id?about lera 15 J.? Lard 2* i /VtorsTA, Mareli 7. , C?tlon Market eloa-d dull and nominal, with enlea ol 66 bales?middling* 27 ; re. cei| ta 262. CiURi Berox, March 1. Cotton dull and rather easier ; sales 160: balos?middling* 284 > i?a*i|?'? SiO. i.KmrioL, Biarcn I. | Cotton easier. but nut lower?upland* 11}; Orleans 12|. OBITUARY. Ditto, at Mm residence, near Greenville village, oo the Id day of February. )8<>9. after short and painful Ulnars, I>r. RAN HELL CROFT, in the aiz.y-first y?ar of hi* age. l>r. Randell Croft was horn in Charles on ; his father. E l ward Croft, E*q , a retired lawyer, and wealthy low country planter, moved to (Ireenville. where lie made a permanent settlement, his son, Kandell, lieing then a small hoy. Greenville at that period, and duting the boyhood of Dr. Croft* was singularly fortunate in hav. itig a succession of learned, and apt instructor*. at the head of the male Academy ; and Randell being a bright l>oy, fully availing himself of the advantages offered him, obtained a floe academical education, and being thus prepared, he entered the junior claa* in the South Carolina Coll- gc, where he graduated with eredlt for scholar shin. On his graduation* he r*ad medicine under the inetruetion of Dr. (Iarriaon, and subsequently obtained his diploma as Doctor of Medicine, in the Medical Coll-ge ol Philadelphia. Dr. Croft married Mis* Char lotte M. Jenkins, of St. Helena, South Cam litis, lie oever practiced medicine; having inherited a fortune, lie had no pecuniary inducements to do so. Owning a fine planting interest on St. fi> Una Island, a plantation in Newberry, and an amateur farm at his residence in Greenville, he found full employment for his active life; and his leisure hours were given to elegant hospitality and hia books, to both of which lie was ardent'v attach, d. Although well qualified by his education and fit.* intellect to fill public appointments he never sought them. He was, however, elected to the Legislature of the State, by his frieuds in Greenville, aud served them with fidelity and ability. Dr. Croft, although keenly alive to the many iniqn toua violations of the rights, and interests of the South, by Northern aggrsssion, was. nevertheless, always, in the best sense of that much abused let m, a Union man, and so continued up to the commencement of the late war. But when our enemies, in addition to the shameless violation of our political righto, determined also to enslave our people, to uproot their hearth stones, and to take away their lives, then he was a Union man no longer; but, like every true man of the South, h-* wns ready to peril hia all in defence of tils na live land. Then, notwithstanding his age mi'l infirm health, he raided a volunteer Company, of which lie was el?rted Captain, and promptly took llie field of active seivaeo against the horde of onr N'-rtln rn invaders, and he continued in the servic', until it was evident that his nge, and increasing bodily infiiinilies, rendered him whol y unstlde to discharge the duties of his office. Then, to the d- ep regret of himself and company, lie resigned, and was succeeded in his office by hwigalfant ?oa, Theodore (1, Croft, Jr., who, though a mere hoy, beim; only seventeen ^ears old, conducted hie company through the war. with no leas bravery than any son of South Carolina.? Such is a brief, and imperfect sketch of some of the leading evruta In the life of Dr. Croft. Of hta mural worth, his social amenity. Ills good heart. wIki that knew him need to be reminded. He was emphatically a good ntm.*, not only a good man, but by tint ore and high breeding, a gmllematt?a Christian gentleman, and being such. it. is nscill'H lossy, that lie no bly fulfilled at) the* kigk dut ics of life?as eon, brother, hueluind, father, neiglilsor, citiien. The writer lias known the deceased from early boyhood, in all the relations of life, and lie can testify with truth, unbiased by the love wliirh lie bore him, that none could truthfully say that Dr. Croft ever did him an set of injustice. The law of probity and kindness?thoughtful and habitual kindness, governed ail hi* actions with his fellow men. I nev. r knew one wttli more henevole nee of diameter, or one who had more power in hi* sphere of aeqiiHinlance, to affectionately attach lit* friends. Having hut or * brother, |)r. Tlia adore Q. Croft, he end that brother were bound to each oilier by the strongest ti?? of effertion, ao much ao, as to make their fraiernal love, a marked, and noticeable feature in their daily walk. I may not withhold in this connection, from the friends of tha deceased, the fdlawing touching words of the surviving brollter, in announcing to me, by letter, tlie and intelligence of bis death: '* While you are to mourn the loaa of a true friend, to me, it U on# of tha saddest blows of my ilia ; and his death will leave nw in sorrow the remainder of nay days lie shared every good and ill of iny li'e; and waa tha dearest companion from my childhood, lie always loved you,"*?e. Alsal dear friend, none knew that lore more, none returned it better, than he who offers tliis sad but (Hateful trihu'e to thy memory. Dear be that memory! bonoied l>? thy gravel peaee to thy ashes! SAT Pebble 11111, Edgefield, 8, c? Feb. 12th, 18G9. M;W SPKIM m, m hps m <& Q WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, NEW STYLES SPUING PRINTS, DELAINES, &C. BLEACHED & BfiOVI SHiATUCS. ALSO, FARMING IMPLEMENTS EDM, AXIS. &C. FOR SALE, &Y WSLRY LOW IP&OOXS. II. BBATTIJB &. CO. JIarel 3 41 ? u *? T R t R1 Dtaa, at hie reaidenaa, at Piehen# 0. H., 8. C.. on 22<i February, IM9, ia tha TIat year of bia ago, ABIEL FOSTER, A. M., a native of Canterbury, Maw Hemp*hire. Hotice. IHAVB returned to tha State, permanent, ly. C'>rro*pnndeota will aatid eommunU cationa to Tumbling Shoal*, Lauren* County, S. C. C. P. SULLIVAN, JU. March 1*t, 1809. 41 3? Hew Store at Reidville. THE Subaeriber would reipeetfully call tba attention of the citizen* of Reidvllle and ilia surrounding country, to (be Tart Ibal no l* now and will l>* constantly receiving from (be Market* of Charleston, New York and Da.ti worn, the Ta*f**t and Most beautiful sty lei of GOODS, oontiiliig of every varioty of goods, uiuaily kept in an up country store. Aleo, Agent for the Walt Plow, and lb* Brinly Plow, and for Cooklllg Store*. Term*, rash or barlor. T. L. BOZKMAN. P. S.?Ifl.fiOO pound* Cotton Rag* wanted immediately. T. L. a. Kcidrille, 8. C.f March 1st, J *69. 41-S WM. HENRY TRESCOTT, AYYORMIY AY HAW. OFFICE PENDLETON, S. C. Mar .1 44 S Notice. IN conformity with the requirement* of the Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to all persona who may claim a Ojt*-Hor*e Wagon nm( Jlortr, nnd nbout Eujhtttn Gallon* of Whitky, which were seised at Williamston, M. C., on Monday, March 1st, 1869, *>y Geo W. Bramhlett?hecauae oQ violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, the same hav Ing been turned over to me, to dispoeo of according to law?to make such ctairas befnro me within thirty day* from the first publication ol this notice. A. L. COBB, Deputy Collector. March 3, ItM. 41-S Deputy Collector's Office, Gaci Nvii.i.k, March 3, 1869. BY virtue of authority in me vested. I will expose for sale to the highest liid-le*, on Thursday, the 18lh day of Ma- ch, 1869, at Greenville, C. H., at 12 o'clock, M. the following property, to wit: One STILL CAT and WORM, which were aeigej im the premise* of Washington Smith. One BARREL and JUO of WHIS XY, which w ere *ei*?-d on the premie- of Miss Ro'li Lewis. Three BARRELS ef WHISKY, which wercaeir- d on or near the premise* of A C I'eace, in the Town of Greenville. Also, Three BARRELS and a DEMIJOHN, which weretcizediu poH?esrion of I)r*\ ton Good, Esq. Terms Cash. A L. COBB. IVputy Collector, 8.1 District, S. C. N. It.?On the day following, heing the 19lh, I will sell at Anderson. C II , another lot of WHISKY, and WAGON, HARNESS, Ac. Mar 3 41 8 District Court of the IMcd FOR THE IMSTIUCT OF ?0CTI1 CAtlOMNA. IS THE it A TTEtt OF JONS W. OR A D Y, RAXKRUPT.? To ll'Aos? it Mny Concert!. rilllE undersigned hereby give notice of I their Appointment as ASSIGNEES of the K.-tatc of JNO. W. GItADY, of Greenville Conrt House, in the County of Greenviile And State of South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a BANKRUPT upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated at Greenville, 8. C., the 27th day of Februnrv, 1869. WILLIAM T. SHUMATE,) ABSALOM BLYTHK, J Assignees. March 3-41 3 Tho State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Chancery. WYMAN, DY11DX CO.,c. GRADY A HAW. THORN.?ISill to Foreclose J/o> tyoyr, <fe. 1) Y virtue of the Decretal Order of his if Honor, Judge Jaiucs L. Orr, made in the above case, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Greenville Court House, on Sales Day in April next, the 1'remises described in tho Pleadiugs, via : All that piece, parcel and Tract of Land, situated in the County of Greonvillc, seven miles from tho Court House, and sis from the Greenville l< nil-read Depot, lying on both sides of Reedy Rive.', containing Four Hundred and Ninety-Nine Acres, wore or less, in a high state of cultivation. Upon the place is located tho well known Cotton and Wool Factory of the Defendant*. The C?lton Factory is In full oporation, wftb some nine hundred and fifty spindle* and twenty four looms; Ibo Wool Faetory with one hundred and twenty tnula spindles, is also in good order, and successful operation. Oa the premises are a good Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills, with Blacksmith Shop?two comfortable Dwelling Houses, and several small framed Houses, for the operatives, with a nice brick Church. The water power at all seasons is sufficient to drive three times the amount of Machinery now in operation. The country is remurkah'y healthy, with a climate unsurpassed in the United States, with a sober, industrious and energetie population. Wooded Lands adjacent, well timbered, can he purchased at roosonnhle prices. This is the boat opportunity for an investment to capitalista that has been offered in the up country since the war. Ttcnus Cash. Purchaser to pay for Papers and Stamps. W. A. McDANIEL, C.C. C. Clerk's OBee, Feb. 2d, l?#U. ^#"Tbe Charleston jVew?, and Columbia /'Aisai'jr will copy twice a week until day of Sale and send bill te the Cleik for payment. March 3 41 5 CARD. CHARLES KERRISON, 170RMKRLY of the firm of C. A E. L. A KKRRISON, would inform his friends end the putdie .hat he has purchased from Mr. James B. Betts, all his slock in trade, Ac., at the Store No. 2.12 King Street, nnd will there continue the DRY GOODS BU8I NESS, wholesale and retail, (or corn, on hi* own individual account and responsibility.? He will proceed, without delay, to replenish and renew tho Stock, and continue 10 doing until the assortment shall he made complete and attractive. A* the term* will be STRICTLY CASH, or approved eity acceptance lor a short credit, it necessarily follows that the prices must be kept at least as low as to be found at any other respectable establishment. His brother, Mr. B. L. KERRISON, assisted by Mr. A. Ii. Mc DON ELL. both experienced merchants in Ibis line, will be found at bis store, siding in the eonduct and manage merit of the business, and it is hoped that bis and their effort* to win the confidence snd patronage of the public will be as successful as in past dsvc was the old firm at corner of King and Market Streets. Feb 24 40 3m Law Notioe?Change of Offloe. GP. TOWNRS has removed hie Law ? Office to the hsilding north-east corner of the Public Square, In part occupied by Julius C. Smith. Auctioneer, and the Enter p> Printing Office, up sfsirs. fan 8 SI ti " j * I B B T g B P Notice* PARTIK8 indebted to u< are notified that y wo need money to inako our Spring pur- ? cumoo. Aocounu of long standing will bo ploood la tuit If not paid at on early day. b II. HEATTIE 4 CO. t Feb 14 40 3 fl BANK NOTES. : HIOOBST PBICB PAID POR Rank of CliarleNton, Hank of dewberry, Soulh*WeMrru Itailroad Bank IMolrn, And other Notea of South Carolina and , Xnrtfi Porttlino. i GOLD) A.KQ) SILVER ! Bought and Sold M market rate*. II. BcaUie A Co. Feb 21 40 2 1 I Piano*. | PROF. DkCAMPS would re- { Wrtfyil ipectfully inform the citixcus of i II ' i II ? Greenville and vicinity, that he ( hae h?eo appointed Agent for the sale of , MINOT A SON'S UPRIGHT PIANOS. , Any one wishing to purchase an Instrument ( will do well to call on him at the .Mansion House, where be has ono of thorn, and ?ee for themsolvee as to ita superiority. They are the most used in parlors, and among musicians in Europe. They keep better iu tunc than any other kind of instrument, are more beautiful as n piece of furniture and can be moved by a single hand ont of the room in cose of fire. He has also a seven OCTAVE SQUARE PIANO for sale. Fob 21 40 tf Notice. IN conformity with the requirements of the Internal Kevcnuo Laws, I hereby give notice to all pcrsous who may claim a Wagon and Team, and one Barrel and lot ot Jugs of Whisky, which were seised in the Town of Greenvilio, on the morning of the 20th of February, by W. H. Mouncc, at the store of Capt. J. F. Hightower?seised because of violation of the lutcrnal Revenue Laws?(the same having been turned over to me to disposo of according to law,) to make such claim before mo within thirty days from tbe first publication of thia noticeA. L. COBB, Deputy Collector, 3d District, 8. C. Feb 21 10 3 Dcputv Collector's Office, GkEKNvillr, Feb. lBth, 18C9. BY virfoe of an order from A. 8. WAL LACE Collector of Internal Revenue, 3d Collection District of South Carolina. 1 , wilt sell to the highest bidder at public i outcry, on Monday, tbe 6th day of April, at Mcllee's Mills, seven miles below Greenville Coui t House, between the hour* of 12 o'clock, M? and 4 o'clock, P. M., the follow- i " K J 8 SPINNING FRAMES, 800 SPINDLES 21 IA)OMS 1 SPINNING MULE. 120 SPINDLES 2 SETS OF WOOL CARDS 1 BREAKER, ??d OTHER MACHINERY Together, if nec?-aaary, lo aeoiire the luxe#, nil that TRACT OK LAND, containing about 490 ACHES, lying on both aide* of Iteedy River, seven milr* below Greenville Court Ilouae, nd joining land* of V. McBee'a .-stale und oili era Levied on ns the properly at the eiiit of the United S'nte* for Iiit-runl Revenue Tax assessed against Grady A Hawthorne. "J\ rme Cadi. A. L COBB. Dep. Col, 3d Col. Dial, of S. C. Feb 17 8t? 4 Notice. IN conformity with tho requirement* of the Internal Revenue Law, I hereby give notice to nil persons who may claim a Wagon, two Oxen, three Barrels, and two Dcmijons of Whisky, which were seised hy W. H. Mounce and A. L. Cobb, on the 8fh day of Pehrunry, five or six miles south of Grady A Hawthorne's Factory?because of violation of tho Internal Revenue Law, the Revenue tax not having been paid?lo make such claim hvforo mil within thirty days from the first publication of this notice. A. L. COBB, Deputy Collector. Greenvillo, Feb. 16th ISfltf. Feb 17 30 3 Notice. IN conformity with the requirement* of the Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give u....,u IV mi pviaous WIIW IHHjr n.UIH I iSllll, Cup unci Worm, which were seised by Win. II. Mouncu on the 12th of February, lttfif, eleven mile* above Greenville C. H., near Mr*. Ann Hawkins'?because of being used in violation of the Internal Revenue Laws?to make ruch claims before me within thirty clays from the first publication of this notice. A. L. COBB, Dej.'ty Col., Int. Revenue. GrcenvHlo, February 19th, 1869. Feb IT 39 3 | Sistlrld Court of \\)i United Slq'cs FOR IBI DISTRICT OF SOtrrtl CAROLINA. Ia Bankruptcy. /? lit Halter of L. C. It ICE, liunkrupt. ? To 1I it Hay Concern. T'MIE undersigned hereby ff'Tea notiee of his appointment as Assignee of the Estate of LUKE & RICK, of Greenville County, and State of South Carolina, within said District, who I mis been adjudged a , BANKRUPT upon his own petition by the , District Court of said District, Itated at Greenville, S. C., the 17th day of February 1869. W. T. SIIUMATK, Aa'lgnee. Feb 17 ?9 8 TK?*y mini's HEPATIC BITTERS.. I I < THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA* Am all piAKAsra or tin STOMACH AND LIVER. run au mwBHl ?r rn? MBDZOA.L FAOULTY. I HKGEMAN A CO., AOJCIfTS, MMW TOttK. Manufactured by C. F. PANKNIN, CSDCUT An AfVttMCAtr, OHARLB8TON, S.O. *9*For HaU by pruyyUU ?toryi?*?rr " * T i'?b 21 ?u ly ! : R S S 1 O Mapes' Phosphates, 6 ST TONS vn band and ft tons to arriv*. J. J T. PAKK8, of Greenwood any, : " 100 pound* par Mr, incrv.-aed lli, yield on* g nndrad par c?uU; 100 pound, per acr* Ally ? can". Advanced maturity at loaat tan to ftaao day*. Considered the beat Super Plios>bat* that ha* baen offerad to tli* puidic.? J Jacd on* and a half ton* tbo past year, and j till nae fen nait year." \ f. /*. HEED, Audereou, 8. C. : One Hundred , I <md fifty pound* per nerm in (a, drill in* j j, crnuto (at yield from (Are* to four-fold, kaetened maturity, on d prod meed far tvpr- \ nor reenftt to the tame ijnantity oj pure /'a- | rurian Uuouo. I " Amdkrsor, ft. c., September 30, 1SC9. , " Gentlemen?At your reluct, i atate that i j a tscd m*po*' Kitrogeuised Supcr-Phoepliato of | v Lime at the rate ui 150 pound* per acre, in t he drill, with eotton last spring; and to teat t ta fertilising qualities fully, I left two rows t lirough the centre of a nine acre fiold, to which , f applied no stimulant. The growth of tho t 1 trtrd* " (cotton p'ant) is, perhaps, a fourth | arger whero the Phosphate was applied; but U woudortul effect is most clearly manifested ] n tho production. The cotton whero the Phosphate was applied ha* not only matured nucli earlier than in the rows planted without nanure, hut the product, as any one may see r >y riding to my farm, is increased by it from hrea to four-fold. I also tried pure Peruvian iuano on cotton, 150 pounds to the acre, and he aucceas of Mxpea' Phosphate is this year rar superior to it. " Respectfully Tours, "J. P. REED." Julius C. Smith. Feb 10 3S tf 1 issolution. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between Jons IV. Moms an and Jksmk m. a kstuoitkl.Axn, under the name and style of Morgan a wkstmurei.axd, is this day dislolved by mutual consent. Those indebted to tho 1-te Firm will call ?nd settle at once with J. M. Wsstkohki.asb, it the Old Stand, Mansion House Block. J NO. W. M OKU AN. J. M. WESTMORELAND. Greenville, S. C., February 2d, 130V. A CARD. In retiring from the late Firm of Mohcax A M'kstmorki.and, the undersigned begs leavo to extend to the public his sincere thanks for the fery liberal patronage with which snid Firm has been farmed, and to solicit a continuance of tho same for his former Copartner, Dr. J. M. WrsT*onBt.ANn, who will still carry on the business at tho Old .St*rul. J NO. IV. MORGAN. A~CARD. Having secured tho entire Interest of Dr. Jno. W. Monoa.n in the late Firm of Mohoan A Wbntmorrlani>, the subscriber gircs notice that he will continue the business at the same place. He respectfully returns bis thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and takes occasion to suy that be will hereafter strive even more earnestly to merit success. Ilo will always keep on hand a full Slock of Fresh and Genuine DRUGS and CHEMICALS, together witn n select assortment of PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac., Ao.. all of which ho will offer to the public at very reasonable prices. J. M. W F.ST MOT. EL AND. Feb 10 33 If Bi BHSSfiLB, DEALER IN Clocks, WATCHES, AND Spectacles, ct>C. 13S?~ Particular nttontion will be paid to all Work entrusted to him. Feb 10 38 tr ismm batis & co. Wholesale Dealers DR? 600D8 ?lL???J?3 122 and 124 Meeting St.. Charleston, N. C. TIIOS It. llVl All aM, FVh 10 S3 Sin Surveyor, Conveyancer, and Magistrate, , THE undersigned having tnVrn out license as a Conveyancer, will, in connection ' with hia surveys, attend to tlrawiug Wills, Mortgages, Deeds, Dowers, will Prove and Stamp Papers, quality Commissioners and Appraisers of Estates at reasonable rules of charge. Rtsidcnce, six miles East of Greenville. His friends can confer with him every Suletday at Greenville Court House. I will attend on Tuesday nfter ssletlay of sach mouth, at my residence, to the duties of Magistrate foe Shock lev'" Heat. WM. A. HUDSON. Oct M 2d l??t? LAW NOTICE, A. BACON, ATTORNEY AT I AW A1VD 1QAUISTRATE, OFFICE OVER SULLlVAXSr STORE, s. o. Feh I? 38 tf Agents Wanted FOR "SECRETS OP THE GREAT CtTY,"a Work descriptive of the Virtues and the Vices, the Mysteries and erimcs ?f New Ycrk eily. ti jell mm to (Dow now lortanct are made and lort in a day ; how shrewd men are rnined in Wall Street | how countrymen are'awindled by sharpers; how ministers and merchants are blackmailed ; how dance halls and concert saloons are managed ; how gambling houses and lotteries are conducted ; how stock and oil companies originate and how the bubbles burst, read this work. Tt oentains 36 One engravings ; tells all about the mysteries and rrimts of New York, and is the spiciest and cheapest work of the kind published. Priee only W.75 per copy. Send tor circulars and tee our terms, and a full description of the work. Address, JONES BROTHERS A CO., Atlanta, Oa. Cannot*.?Inferior works of a similar cbaricter are being circulated. See that the hooks run l uy eontsio 33 (loo engravings and *< II at J-' 7> per copy. <0 2 TATE OF SOUTH CABOLIftA, oreknvillk county. Ia tin Court of FrtWu. , A. ELFOKD, Executrix, w. LEMUEL WADDKLL <1 al.?WtmMom /? final StttUwnt and Drrrc*. I t appearing to 107 satisfaction that Sarah I Kvana, Unne/ Htlbvn, Alexander Waitoil, J ernes Wadded, Naftey Wudtfell, Je**o Vadded. Lucinda Waddell, William Wadded. Iliulwtb McQartn and Hugh McQdern lior usband, jMartba Beruggs and John Scrug?i or buaband, Mary B. Nicholaon, Claiborn Vaddull, Alfred Wadded and Rmilr Gregory, )rfend?nt* in tbia ease, rnaida witboul tli* iraita of this State : It ia therefore ordeiud hat they do appear in permit* or by attorney, it a Court ol Probate to be holdea at Urecu ille Court Houae, at 10 o'flock, A. M., ou he I3tb of May next, to ahow rwwin, if any bey ran. why a final acttU-ment of Ike Estate >t EDMUND WADDELL, deceatorf, skiald lot be bad and a decree given t hereon, or heir consent* in failing to attend trill be ottered of record. Given under my band at Greenville Cwn-t House, tnia 13th day of Februarv. A. IV. ISO. s. J. doutuit) p. j. g. e. Fab ir 39 3u> rhe State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Co.rt of Probata. ABSALOM BLY111E, Administrator of Sarah McJunki", v*. Joun O. Ma>fi?dd, WilHum May field tlal. Defendant*.? Citation fur Final Settlement and Decree. 11' appearing to my satisfaction that John G Mayfield, Millism Mayfield, Mayfield, S'anwix M-yfiold, Thoinr* It. Mavfi.dd, Pearsoo B. Mayfield, th- In-irs at law and di^ributces of J<-s?e Ma) field, and ihe heir* at law and diatributees of Marv Beaver, defendant* in this case, reside without t he limits of this Slate. On motion of F.nrle, solicitor pro pet : It is ordered, that they appear in person or by a'torney, at a Court of Probate, to beholden at Greenville Court House on the 4th day of May n?*t, to show cause, if any they have, why * tins! gettlt-muul of the Rotate of SAllAH McJUJCKIN, deceased, should not be hail, and a decree given thereon; or their consents, on failing to attend, will be entered of record. Given twd-r my hand and teal at Greenville Couit House, this second day of February, A D. 1869. 8. J. DOUTHIT, P. J. O. C. Feb 8 87 3iii The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probate. B. F. KILGOKE. Executor, Applicant rv THOMAS MAYFIF.LD tt at. Defendants Citation for a Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my sat'afaolion that Thomas Ma> field, I-liam Brown, the heirs of Jamea Mayfieid, names unknown, heirs of Ahram May field, names unknown, heir* of Jordan Mayfield, names nnknown, and Iehain I-ong and wife Bet?y Long, reside without the limit* of thi* Slate : It is ordered and decreed, that they do apt-ear at a Court of Probate, in person or l?y at ti rney, on Friday, the 80th day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. II., to show cause, if any they can, why a Final Settlement of the Relate of JOHN MAYFIELD. deceased, should not be bad and a Decree given thereon, oMheir consents in failing to attend w ill be entered of record. Given uudcr my band at Greenville CVn.el I lolls- this 30lh d?v of Janunrv A I).t 1869. S J. I 0UTU1T, T. J. G. C. Feb 8 87 8.u The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probate. OLIVER P. EARLE et at., Executors, vs. EMILY 8. MOBLY and J. B. MOLLY hir husband el nl.? Citation for Final mtnt, Deerre, etc, IT appearing to my satisfaction that Emily Sarah Mobly and J. B. Mohly bor huaband, Defendant* in thia caso, resido without the liuiita of thia State: On motion of Earln and Biylhc, Solicitors for the Petitioners, it ia ordered, that they do appear in perron or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holdrn at Greenville Court House at 10 o'clock, A. M , on the 28th day of April next, to ahow cauto if any they can, why a Final Settlement of the Estate ot ELIZA \V. EARLE, durensrd, should not be had, and a Decree given therein, or their consents in failing to attend, will be entered o? record. Given under my hand at Greenville, thia 28th day of January, A. P.. 1869. f>. J. DO U Til IT, J. P. 0. C. Feb 3 37 3ui Stale or Souili Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In lh? Court of Probntr. MANLY BRIGI1T, Administrator with the will annexed, re. Mar?m:rt C. Grant and others, Defendants.?Citation for a Nina'. Seltlmrent and Deere*. TT appearing to my satisfaction that MarA. garet CL Greer and A. J. Greer her husband, Florence Mayfield and John Mayfiild, Defendants in thia case, reside beyond the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered, that they appear in person or hv attorney. st * Court of Probate, to be hol.len ?t Gre.*nvil e Court House, on the 1 'ith Jay of April nert, to show enure, if any they havr,. why ? Final Settlement of the of U W. M AYFIKLD, dfcfiwd, shonhl not be ha'i, and Decree given thereon; or tlteie consent, iu failiug to atteud, mill b?; entered, of record. Given under my band at (1 reenvillc Court House, this 1'2'h day of January, A. 1)., 1869. 8. J. DOUTHIT, P. J. G. I).. Jau SO 85 Sua W. H CAMMER. PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AN1> MACHINIST, f^iORN 98ELLKKS, Cotton Gins, Lock*. Kerosene Oil Lamps, Sewing Machine* and Parasols, REPAIRED with promptness. Chsigus reasonable. . ir r erson, having woik ia a?y shop don* during the last year, and who have not yet for Um some, will please *r u *"1 Stand?At We*tflelcHn)l#l6liop. FcbfnT?i * " THE SOUTHERN IlOTEf, 4AHMRTILDIFO MOWN At "HEIfNING'S HOTELS HAS recently barn fitted flN*Ti**hA op and pal in romplele or^?3^jjgP *?r, with aaw Furniture and other ooDvtnitMri, and U now open to tt>? Traveling pnblle, where they ran find po d aeoommodatioa and fara at the lowest t al? a, A fair paraasncnt Boarders will t o teoivtd. J. L. ftOVTHCHIV, Proprietor, Craa ifille, ft. C, Feb. 17, 1*6?. C?-.f