University of South Carolina Libraries
I'll I ggg "v * 4*- O ^ . u r-ixir ui.r " ,; 1 t *r z i <?jjf |>ontjjtra (gnttrprist. 3 RKEN VILLE, S. C. WXDHKSSAT, MABCH 3. 1S69. or uu ilfilmd tlii?t persona having m! I v*rtlarm?U or other lavvrt to nl>nd to thi Enterprii*, will hand thru ta to (ho , o.Ttoe by Tueedaj, afternoon. Day of Prayor. Tho birth Thurvday in Febraary ta r*f? uUrlj obaerved hy the evangelical denomination* of thU country aa a day of ap??ia| prayor to behalf of all inalitutlona of loara log. Tho appointment and obeervenoe of thlo day. grow oat of tho foot, that moot of tho higher echoola among thooa denomlna Itan were established for Ibt education ol Christian-minister*. In conformity with thte costom, special a trices were held in the Baptist Church, of this place, on last Thursday, in whieh a>| of the denominations participated. After the usual introductory exerciser, reading appropriate portions of Scripture by Rev. Mr. Thomas, pastor of tbe Baptist Church, and earnest prayer by several ministers? T>r, Bcisr, Rev. some slatis tical information beariog upon the subject, was laid before the meeting by Rev H. C. Towhsixd. Reports had been obtained fiona ninety-three out of two hundred and forty two colleges in the United States. In these there are seven hundred and fifty six instructors, six hundred and fifty two oj whom are professors of religion; fourteen thousand three hundred and aiaty students, aix thousand five hundred and filty-two of whom are professors of religion, mnd one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight studying for the ministry; two hundred and thirty six conversions among the stu* dents during the past year. From the Southern States alone, forty-two college, reported, containing two hundred and sixty-seven instructors, two hundred and twelve of whom ars professors of religion; five thousand and seventy students, one thousand eight hundred and eleven of whom are professors of religion, and five hundred and six studying for the ministry; one hundred and six conversions during the psst year. Among the various S'atesMichigan reports the largest attendance, (one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five in three eol'eges;) in the South, Virginia takes the lead, having one thousand six hundred and fifty-one students in nine col leges. The largest proportion of oonrer ions reported is in Georgia, (forty among six hundred and thirty two students;) the nialleat proportion Is |n Ohio, (right among one thousand six hundred and four stu dents ) Rev. J. C. Fcrman, D. D., spoke of the necessity of such a season of pray- r, arising from the great dangers of college life. The students were removed from the influence of home, snd subjected to peculiar templa lions. Even '.he natural and praiseworthy desire for success in study, was apt to become a perniciou* snare, degenerating into a soul-destroying ambition which crept over the advancement of aaothsr. And, in addition to these dangers, the very privilege of education in those days laid weighty responsibility npon every student, and he who used it for unsanclified en Is, it were better that he had not been edncated ! Rev. E T. Bum, D. D? exproased his ooafidenee in the power of Christianity. It was no failure. Statistics showed that, while in 1833 there were only nine protesting Christians in everyone hundred men in the United States, in 1880 there wars twenty-four. There was vitality in our religion, and it was a lifegiving power. The lime tnu*t come, will come, when all of the colleges, and all in the eoll-gts shall be the children of God.? Rev. J. A. Hboadl-s, D. D., said that the ira portanee of the day of prayer grew upon mm Bvirrj jeiir, . fir itiiR peculiar imvrrn in young men. As the sculptor raw tlie statue lo the unformed atone, so he belt :td in every youth the future man. And the day of prayer was in behalf of these young tveo, AH over the land, petitions for them re now ascending. And addressing himself to the young men present, he urged them to begin from this day of praj*er to pray for themselves. In the worde ot the Great Teaoher of yonng men, lie exhorted them, "Seel: Jirti the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added onto you." Kev. Mr. mode concluding prayer. The Constitution of Texas Liberal--Houston Telegraph. The Constitution lately adopted by the Reconstruction Convention of Texas, is a libera) una, compared with that of Arkansas, Virginia, Alabama and Florida, to sey nothing of Tennessee. The Houston Tclraroph, a very able and moderate Democratic paper, baa been all the time urging the people of Texas to ratify any constitution which was not prescriptive. That pspc-r states that the one just adopted disfranchises no one; and is, in that respect, similar to the Constitution of this State, North CaroPta and Georgia. As there can be little doub that it woll be impossible for the people of tbat Stete tu obtain a better one, under tb0 circumstances, they would be wise to take tha advice of the Trtrgraph apd o'ber prudent and moderate roon, and join with thoso Repuh. liean of the State who favor it, and, by ratify, ing the constitution, secure all parties against the horrors of Arkansas snd Tennessee. Cut, Jack Hawii-tos, long notorious ss a thorough Republican, was In the Convention, and supported the present Constitution, so also dU other prominent mep of the same party. Then is every reason to believe tbat Texas will b? In the Union very soon, in spite of the extrenn Radical element that wishes to keep up vin' dietiscw" and prolong the horrora of eLvi alrfffc Saturday last, notice of a hill h amen J the shartes of the Greenville and Co IntnMa k?iln>t<l, to enable the Company tn extend their Boad to AahaaiHe, North Cartv Una, was introduced la the House of Repre rr-t itlvcs !o Columbia, T N 8 S Fit i . r1 v vi ru 0?n. D. K. HlU In This distinguished (tnllMM ptld ??f Town visit as Friday I art, and remained till Monday morning. Whilst her* ha waa the guest of Dr. O. B. lavian sad Cap! 8. SntrUT. The Genes a! was present on Friday evening at the meet lag of the Lit* erary Club. Co Saturday evening he gave a public leetnre la the Court House, wh oh waa Well attended. The leeture eras ex v??uiii|(ij fiuirnaiiung ina ire^uemj ip* plauJeu duilng its delivery. Od Bunds; afternoon ths Genrrsl d?li?trrd a religious lecture in ths I'mbjUritn Church. As terry one knows Gen. Hill Is ihs Editor ot that deservedly popular periodical. ~ The Land we Love," which has been published at Charlotte, North Carolina, it is now united with the JSoutJkrm Eeltciit, of Baltimore. The subscription pries is only $4 for the two in on*. Every Souther.i gen tleman and lady ought to subscribe for lbs publication. We were gratified to learn that tbe General"# periodical had subscribers in every Slate in the Union, except the little Stntc of Rhode Island. The literary taleota and high character of Geo. Uiu. and the valuable matter of the jour nal should commend most libersl support* more especially from those who live la the Isr.d we love. Balsi-dsy of March. Tha usual number of persons wsre in Attendance at tba Court House, on Monday.? Good attention was given to Mr. Smith's auo lion, after which tbe bidders adjourned to tbo front of tbe old eourt house, where the following sales took place : SALES or SAMUEL J. DOUTHIT, ESQ., JUDOS OF ntOBATE. Land of Estate of William R. Green, deceased, SO acres, bongbt by R. T. Benson, for $22 S. Interest of John C?i in ? acres of land> bought by defendant, for $200. Interest of Sumner Broun in 10 acres land, bought l>y T. L. Fouler, for $00. Interest of Sumner Broun in (15 acres land, bought by O. W. Lester, for $180. Interest of Broun A Co. iu two tnulosbought by Jas, II. Ashmorc, for $11(1, II.If int?r*.t Pan** Mill T.._? bought by J. L. Shumate, for $B85. Hair interest in machinery at Dunham'* Mill, bought by James Bannister, for $100. Half interest in machinery at Lester's Mill, bought by Jamas Bannister, for $50. SALES or W. A. m'DAMKL, ESQ., CLERK or corn*. Land of Lewis Rodgers, 6ft acres, bought by David Adntns, for $175. Land of Haeliel Suddutb : Tract No. 1, 100 acres, bought by William Cannon, fur $200 j tract No. 2, 08 acres, bought by ?? McMakin, lor $900. On a Flying Trip to QreanvLle. That estimahlo gentleman who formerly lived in Greenville, but now resident at Ninety-Sis, Maj. Hksry H. Williams, paid us a visit the other day, and every one be met was glad to see bim. lie stopped witb hiibrothor Captain Leorarp, remaining several days, lie says Mrs. Williams is veiy well pleased where she is, but would be better in Greenville, more particularly on account of convenience to Church. Iliaerop of cotton was very good last year, and bo is beginning to get a little straight again from the effects of the fire occurring an his plae.e, several months since, lie informs us that he will use largely of the fertilizers in the next crop, and thinks thut equally as good cottou can be produced in Greenville, with plenty of guano, as can bo raised where he is living. We wish Major W. well, for he is a whole-souled Christian eontle man, and we sustained a lots nben he taorod from our midst. Still to Luc*. The r?ci|lent la?t week of a ease of Bne netdlea hat again been retm-mltered. litis iime by Mr. W. 11. Watson, whons we have all known eo long and well, tending a nice parcel of reasonable gurJen reedr. Ilia kindness it very great, and we hope h? will make a good profit from liia antra in applying our people with seeds, many of which we have aeen growing and maturing In liia own garden. Township Elcotion?Important to the People. A meeting of the eiliiena. Irrespective of party, will be held in the Court Fiona* on to morrow, Thursday, at 11, A. M? for the purpose of nominating three select men and other officer* for thie township. The election will lake place on next Wednesday, the 10th inat. Bale of Real Estate. Mr. 0. P. Mii.i.a (of the Arm of A. Miuin A Co.) informs as that be baa purchased tli? house and lot occupied last year by Dr. F. A Milks, and owned by J. If. Rvaiorei, i aon-rcaident of the Town. This place la bleated a abort distance from the depot and ncai thp fork of Anderson and Pendleton 8treets The bouse contains five or six rooms, on th< premises are oat buildings, an acre of iaud ii the lot. Mr. Mills gare twolve hundred and fifty dollars for the premises, one-half cash the balance on ono year's time. Personal. We have this morning received e enl from I)r. Isaac Ubamcd. of Abbeville. Stat ?g?nt for the Piedmont Life Insurance Com fumy, of Richmond, Ve. Dr. n*A!icii r*p resent* the Company in wtiieli the let (leu. N. G. Ktaw was insured, end pei< , the pvl'ey to Mrs. Er*x?. | A Good Ides. One ef the Newberry merchant* proposes ( tend e eupy of the Jicrald of that place to e persons who purchase goods of biin ninountiii to twenty-four dollars in rslue, within te days front date, the peeebaser thnt receivin | his County paper gratis. This jt e capiti way to induce trade, and oer business me might make something by fdlbwlng the SJ ? ampin. > JtiO" We hare reoeired from Lssms Qisaos, Esq., the .Fanaary monthly " Repei ef the Department ef Agriculture," eonfett irg variable nwl interesting Information. L I ' I I & it m sua lit Ealoqud Hom? from a, Trip out In Our exoelhsat friend, M*. V. H. Horn, who has been ?n a trip oat iu Alabama, where | ho hu mrouklll* IbImmU, ratarmd tho oth r day, after an absence of lis waoks or more, ha look* wall and U aa pUaaant and agreeable aa orar, indeed, bis affability never in the least diminishes. Wo de>aot know what Green, i villa would do should aha loaa such a gentle- 1 man aa Mr. IIotst, bat there is no probability of this. For more than twenty years have | wa known him, aad for twioa thalperiod do | wa wish still to great hint. The ladies, toe* \ would mlaa him sadly, for ha is woll known to | them as their friend and benefaotor. . His supply of goods fa continually arriving, ' be nover permits hlsahelve* to suffer, no matter what may be the demand. Extension of a Ballroed to jLahoTlll#. 1 This is a cherished purpose with all think- ' ing men in Greenville, and with all true ' /rteads of the Greenville and Columbia Rail- I road. A connection with Greenville i* prefer- 1 rod, too, by the people beyond tbe mountain*, I for reasons which we bare frequently urged. ( It would be boat alio for Charleston. At all i events, we ahould take some action in tbla , matter at once, oar Columbia letter prooenta | souse sensible views on this suh)eo^ ua> therefore, at the meeting tomorrow consider ( thia matter. Bead This. Undertaking to carry on and baild up your I business without advertising, ia like a " tale < that is told by an idiot, which ie full of sound ' and fUry, signifying nothing." A man must I be known?if he has goods aver so cheap, or I does work never so low, nobody ia benefitted j unless it is known to those needing snch goods | or work. Besides, newspapers are institutions that tbe age can no more do without than it can dispense with an enlightened pulpit. >Ye should sustain and appreciate those to tho manor born, and Gen. IIill's remarks on this point the Stbcr night wero rcry sensible and true; for if we do not, strangers wilt take tbe place of those who are by right nmoug us. The Eitlrrprite has a good circulation iu both Town and country. ? The Inauguration of President Urant. This great event will take pluco tomorrow, and in our next we shall bo enabled to give S?me particulars, no doubt, of peculiar interjest, ilow much or how little Gen. Ghaut [ tuny say on tbe occasion, no one seems to know. The presumption is, that his inaugural address, If be makes one, will he more brief than usual with usw Presidents, Me News About Town. We have no particular news emanating in the Town, worth retailing, this weekTly; talk shout the bridge and the city hall ia going on, s one favoring and oilier^ opposing. The Council s. ems to he ?xsin? tning carefully into the merits of both.? Some say that it would he better rather to use any surplus funds lying around loose in inducing lite Air Lint Railroad to enme j thit way. We give n<? opinion of our own* ' A petition, tigne-1 lij many n*n?n ol re* 1 ettale, it t?? lie laid belore the County Com 1 f >r the transfer of the old C'ttrt ' Uoum to the Town Council. ' Severo Cold. ' TI.e thermometer, on Monthly morning, in i Urccnville, true at If uboec tern, in two tie- | greet of the coldest day in December list, t Tbit was perhaps the coldest Grst day o' < March ever known in (ircouvillc. < Acknowledgement*. ( We return our tbnnks to Jlon. Tnn?. F. I . Joxra, of Kentucky, for public document*; to Mr. It. 0. Mat:i.MX, of $uw York, lor late " papcit of that city. Iiooated Below. We (ili??i v? thai our friend and former i I resident of this place, Mr. G. C. Ciiask hat | located himaelf at Newberry Couit Hontc, i 1 buying eotton. telling groceries, Ac., guano, I Ac. liit old frienda in Or>-?itvUt?, should they need any of theae thing#, might tend him an order In east lhay cannot do baltar uuRrcr D?DI(, ?? Eemember It. Our** U the raxli system ; if yon hand in an advertisement, pal for it, just as you do wheu you make a purchase of goods ; if yon have a job done, pay for it; don't ask credit at ail. We believe in printer's ink, and take occasion to say to our Lawyers, Merchants Mechanics and Working Community, that, iu a few weeks, we intend to gire atrag a number of paper* equal to our ?cA?/e circulation, distributing them Judiciously among the people. This will he a time when advertisers will he doubly paid. . > A Oaonou reran declares that the Itepeb- | liran party of that State is now "hopelessly t split in twain." One faction is headed by Governor Duliock, who wants the State again ' kicked out ef the Union, and the other is bsaded by the Atlanta Era. Tbe Ralloek > wing bad a meeting at Atlanta oa the night > of the 15th, and resolred "that reconstruction I was not complete in Georgia," whereupon, lbs , Era avers that "the meeting did not represent the sentiments of the Republican party in Georgia," and protest* against the proceedings of ?ll ?ueh mooting*. I I -w a 8awticu ow th* Tr.nnr or OrTier. T,a w.-In the Sonata, on Mund:>y,Mr. Sawyer said he hud Hot the altgb test want of eonA1 denre ia the President elect, hat, on the contrae ty, be desired the general ennAdonce of the peo| pie, because in every pneition in which he (Oen. Ureal) had been placed,he had justiAcd the conAdenee plaeed ia hire. But he thought there waa some danger uf manifesting conAdence in an nnwiae way?hy repealing the tenure of offiee ,0 Art lie believed If that Act had been paaeed twenty year* ago, it would have been better " for the country, ar.d he wae in favor of rontin? g ulng II in force, at lea at for the present, and, ? probably, always | aad, even if he were dlapoaed to repeal it, he would not do it on the eve ef aa administration, because it would *' look tee nsueb like failing before the rising n sun. In the Tfouse, on Monday, a motion ie in. creaee the salary of Ibe President to 140,(00 ? wae rrjeetod. Butler, in opposing l?. a?id the President war now famished with "a free bouse, r* f.iel, light, serranla, Ac. Be waa furnished t I with free mufie, and froe people tm listen to J the mnria."' , E B P FROM THR CAPiTAl. Colombia Cctrreeponfienw of ?ontliem Enterprise. . ^ CoLcaxta. & C.? Feb. 28.1800. JIrttrt. Editort?I Imve no doubt tliet tho loa-payere would rejoice to haow that lb? business of Importance to tlie County wu completed, and lliat the Legislature had adjourned. Jt la. true, the teasloo has been prolonged much farther than was at first anticipated, hut if <^rW>mplete the business be tore ua, we oanuot possibly adjourn before the lOtli of March. It is gen. srally admitted that we are getting on et rast as any other reconstructed Stats in legislation, but it appears that we mnke liaste slowly. Were It not for two or three IsWl liaxinna nttnlrmnn A# s/\tn nt III a<>a trim monopolize a great doil of the valuable I < lime of tbe House in frivolous flippancybusiness would proceed much more rapidly' i It is generally conceded now, that tbe men that say the least in the lloms have the most influence. Long speeches have be i some wearisome ; and several Important bills have past- d with but little disensrfon, which la a good aim that the House is determining to djepateh business with more rapidity. Mucli of the business tliat has necupied tbe time of the Legislature, ere local matters that are not interesting to the citizens of the State generally?a vast num her of bills of incor|>oration for mining and manufacturing companies, towns, churches, loll bridges, ferries, and various other cor ( orated bodies, some of which are very im portant to tiie ii.t-restsof the localities in which tb?y originate. A bill hns passed and t ecome an act. 'that may bo interesting tg some of the sitizens of Greenville,) to authorize the Comptroller General to lease the 8tate Road rtintiiag trora Or<v-n ville County aoross tiie ^aln-Ja Mountain to Hendersoo County* North Carolina. lie will receive settled prep<-mlt at his office in Columbia for thirty lays from this date, and at the expiration if that lima will proceed to b-as# the r>>ad o the highest bidder Tor tliree years. I mention this, that alt persons who may be nle. eslel may take notice and set accord' ugly, Alan, a bill authorizing n loan of me million of d-dlars tor the relief of the reaaury. The object of thin loan is, to neet llis Ixinda of the State that are now lite. Without ?mi? such provision we ivouhi hava to raise at least one million l.y ilrect taxation on the people to pij a Jelit >f ilia State that contracted year* ago? r fl?? w* would I e forced to put the bond* >f tlie State on the innrket, and in their preienl depreeiat ed condition it would be njuriou* to the financial interest of the "in'e Governor Scott has eo f?r mnnnged he finances ? ( the Stale with ability and uicc-es. Since tile coiumonc nieij of hie idminislration, lite bonds of the Slate have ncrented in value at least fni ty percent^ ind we have every reason to believe that iiy the en'iie judiciolia management, before it administration ob>M*, they will be at >ar, unies the Legislature ebouid run w'M n rai'road speculations It nppcars to be lie general opinion, tiiat Ilia people are too x>or to buiid railroads by private sole crip ion. but that it must be done b_v Ibe bonds f tlie Slate. I bave no oljoiionlo the Ian if it rail be done without drpieoial iny lie credit of the S'ale, or making taxes iiirMiciisoniC. Itut the expeiience of other hates that have loaned their credit to the id of railroads without regard to tbeir . sine and iiupot lance, h proven to us. neyond the shajow cf it doubt, that tlf* State may expect financial embarrassment ind the people hurtltensome taxation, if the Letiblature should grant all tn? aid now nknl for by the different railroads in the State. A bhl waa passed to-day in the Hotiae, granting additional aid to the amount of fire hundred Ihouannd dollars to enable the Charleston and Savannah Company to complete their Road. This will well the amount guaranteed by the State to about lwelv? hundred thonaand dollars. In Iliiu eaae the State waa very peculiarly ritualed and eitibarrarard, holding a fiiat mortgage on the road of revrn hundred ihotiraud dollar*. The road unfini bed and in it* present condition never could p*y either priru-ipnl or interest. The question | ocouts, will the Stale aelt the road, or will she release the road 'r<>ni the first mortgage and take a seeond, and enable the company to complete their road T After matu'e deliberation, it waa generally eoneedrd that the S.ate would he Letter secured with a second mortgage ?>n the road completed than with a first mortgage on an unfinish?l road, in its present condition perfectly useless to the company or State. The acl ts in suhstanee, a renewal of the ?ct of 1866 Neat cmee the Spartanburg Road, somewhat in the same rltuation. hut n?t an mod est in tier request, hut seeond in importance to no rood in tliu State. 1 have been informed by (he President, that 61,200, ilfWk IX Sli an a Klo llta UssMSvaam * ? ? ?- ? vv<' f ? .r r. M.v ??? vvni|>nov III CUIII plrte their Road to Arlieville. It ha* met with more favor than wa* at firvl Anticipated. But what la Greenville aliotif; are wa to allow the Spartanburg and Union Road to rmi. round on one aide and the Blue Ridge on the other, and no effort made to extend, the Greenville and Colombia Road, *o aa to eonntet at Aaheville, or rente other anitahle point on the Spartanburg Road f Will Greenville thn* quietly fold her arm*, and than ha rapped of her trade* and allow her eommeteial intereat to ruffVr" whil* the Stale ia ?o generoua in her aid to railroad* f Oitalnly ti e hikdneat men Oj our County will m? the point, and at onee take the neeeraary atepa to aeeur# thia very deeirahle ohjeet ; delaya are dangarout ? Next come* the Chatham Road with tin modert requeat of only three million*. In Importance to the aeotral and lower p?r. tiona of the 8tat? cannot he over e*timat?d and aonrrqnantly, it would he upgenatpui | in the States alter aiding every other rua< to d? ny thia anal! J*v?.r. 0 m 8$ S la a 1 _ M * ^ V * * % M * fti 'H.u ; |? bill boa passed th* Senate, organising Kt PubUe Snboolit It came to ^he Iloua* >ne of the moat complete swindle* tliat fttr pasted any legislative body. It ia evident that the framer of thebill is perfectly th ignorant of the vtnii of the people of thU da State, or oarea nothing for the general in. |t Leresk The whole tenor of the bill ?eei|te cli P> have otudied d.eign to create oflHee its and monopolise power. 1*hete ia too much machinery about it; it will require a large or amount of steam torun'lt, thirty-three horae m power, with a coat of from one te four g< thousand per horae, or in other words, about fifty thousand dollars before it can r? move a wheel; giving to a few extraordi al nary individuals, with extraordinary wia it dom, the exclutlvo right to prraeribv ear. e< tain text booka lor your child. We j< have reached a period when the parent ia ac no longer capable of judging for bia child ; at but the State must pay a large aalary to gi so me fortunate offioe seeker to perform this a, duty, and to eonlrol about three hnwdied n thousand dollar* for the purohasa of jua^ fi such brok* and other stationery, as a oer- w tain ring may desire to sell at their own n priea h DeLarge and E'liolt have shown an ^on el piij ui purpose nnu icnpe in oppopiHg m *01110 of tbe tyrannical and objectionable ti features in tli? bill io the House, and we t! have succeeded in getting rid of some o.- n| them; but if wi do not succeed in many d oilier points it will prove a curse instead of ii a blessing to the people, and llie so called ft free school will be the most expensive plan of education ever adopted. I desire that tl some bit l that is adapted to the circum- a> stances and wants of the people should ei pass, but the present plan has at least a s| million and a half dollsrs in it that must l>e tl raised by taxation, not for the general in T teresi of the people but for th? benefit of ft designing office holders. There are many It uthei kills that I could notice, but it would ? extend my letter to too great a length. fi I was glad to see from your lust paper a that the citiseu* of Greenville are moving u in the right direction in the way of com- rr protpi-iug old debts; the debtor cannot f> expect auy farther aid by legislation for the w adjustuient of kis debts. The homestead is li secured to bin. against all debt* except t< mortgages given on tbe property, and the It courts will so hold, the opinion of lawyers d to tbe con'rary uotwithstanding. I have k always held that every man who voted Ii willingly and freely for the ordinance of tl secession and to declare war an I influenced T others to to do, and refused the proposi- t< lions of peaee, and encouraged the contin- it tied prosecution of the war by aiding or l< nhettlng. hna no right, morally or honor- it nhly, to elaini a dollar of old debts eon is trncted pievious to the war, for tfie follow. It ing reasons: lie has done all io hi* power *r to destroy the property of hie debtor, and r< to deprive him of the means to pay his d debts ; and I ecause his debt was based, ill si many instances, on ih? very property his in vote and ii fluenee destroyed. Tne war <l was a general copartnership business of fi debtor and creditor ; they all took passage k in the same ship ; the ship lias foundered, 01 ?nd every man must get ashore us best lie P nn, and no msn lt,se a right to slilp the ti /iher of the few rsvts lie has saved from lb* ti wreck. An liooatable man who took pas * >nge iii that ship would ray to Itia debtor, ? " 1 bove diairoyed your proper ly, you have fi do light to pay me a debt bnted on proper- >1 ly (lint 1 liave caused you to loae. 1 have v oo right lo rmtke a alnva of you for life to b pay a debt bi*ed on property that I have S dealroyed ; go, ai.d b? free even as I am h free.** At>y ttttiD who waa foreed to lake t< passage in that ahip by the omscript law t of the Slate and Government, for the time e (an l all wers so eompelled,) cannot be h hound by noy principle of honor lo pay any debt contracted prior to that act? | Foreed lo risk hie all In a business that his ,] judgment, untrammelled, would have con ] demnad, he had no oontrol of hia person or , property, hia eubstanee ia wasted. Grip. r pla d and utnimrd for life, ha ia now called c on by the very rn:?u who ia lite very eaute , of all his misfortune to sell himself for life < aa a slave lo pay a debt that ha has no ] moral right to el tint. Debtor and creditor i are bound by every principle of honor and ] justice to meet and compromise; the cred | itor tuny have the legal advantage, but the , debtor has for liia plea justice and honor, and if admitted will overcome all other olifts clet. To-day the hill to declare valid the re- , cent election for mayor and aldermen of the cityi of Charleston passed ita third I reading. On this bill the parte lines were dmwn, end the party whip Applied; hut myself And five other rcpnt.Tirana bitted brrauee wo believed thnt the Legislature ho* no constitutional right to assume the prerogatives of o court to decide the validity of Any low in existence, And if we Are not willing to trust the low In the hands of judges of our own making it betrays a weakmw to Attempt to assume the power# that rightfully belong to the court ? Ae soon a* the opprnpriAtinn bill la passed every other bill will he deferred until the fall eeaoton. 1 do not believe A quorum can he held five d?y? after ila passage ? in fact, it ia the only hill now of importance to the puhlie thnt ehonld be paesed thlc areaion, but, we have every reason to believe, haa been held in the committee heuauae pat measures have not been a etc I on; hut certninl/ it will not be delayed much longer. J. B H. Tna ftalma (Ala.) Tim*# sayn " Anne*I idenas of I!> * (novating disposition on the i part oi immigrant* to settln on the fertile , land* and under the sunny skhs of the South, we are gratified to learn that Col. B. M. Wr.olsey, Superintendent ol Lands i and Immigration, has received probably , the most extensive order for lands ev?-r s-nt lo any stent In the United States ? The order is ooloeeal in It proportions, |>s iog for l.odo.roo acres. I* not thi? a con* vinrliip pro--f that the people of Knrope j are awa|(-uiog to tho fact that, we are in poS-cMon ol ths ftnset country and tha fintst e'imats on tin fare ol' tl?s earth I'* v 9 S I _ ti J_ rn. T*r tit* Sontkera Xntarpria*. Sr*ixoP"RT. Poitoi* Coi'xTr. MIm , 1 February 15th, 1809. ) M***r*. Editor*?I thank you heartily for * copy of the K-Urpri** yon a-nt m* trd 8<t ln*?., and received on yeaterday. waa like rlmking bands with an old an 1 inlahrd friend after a long absence, and i contents aa Interesting aa a prolonged chitchat" talk with him. I he*# not ily read and re Mad it nsyaelk bat aarry ember of my family that can read baa >ne over its contents. In my letter of the SOlh alt, I closed its s> tferenoc to the stain quo of thiaresintrr L the point allowing what an easy matter would ho tor a poor, but industrious nod lononiioal young man, to mako (in a few sere) a handsome fortune by tilling the il. I hazard nothing la eaylng that tberw e now t?ni of thoueaods of aern of land rowing op In old field broom-sage, ?r >dge, that the pooreat aere of it ia Ur lore fertile and productive than the yery neat landa in Greenville, and all for tbo ant of labor to cultivate it Ac for ma. uriug it, sueh a thing i? rarely thought of y any, even the Lett of faisaers or plantra. Only think of it, that the steblee on ly plaeo, although occupied the whoto ine, had not been cleaned out eince 18rtl, le beginning of the war, onlll a few day* go, myself, sons and freedmen, on a wet ay, ?h< veled np and thraw it out, obtain g n quantity I naver befort raw equalled oin the enme number oi rtall*. But 1 have aaid enough of the proditcive qualities of the soil and country, and a health and educaiiooal resources are ?| rj':alf if not superior importance, 1 will icak of those. A* before stated, I am on ic " ridges," about five miles east of the ullahslchie valley, which forms a part in ict of the great valley of the Mississippi :iver, which spreads out from its u lo w rater" bed in times of high water or crliets, as I im informed, 20, 40, SO, and t some points even 60 miles. I am fifty liles from the channel of this great and ingnificer.t s'resm, and ahont ten miles on) the ohsnnel of the Tsllshatehis, all of rliich, as I have said, is under water, in mes of very great freshets, end, as a ra ti- ^ ft of course, all those who live in the val- __ >y nra sul j et to all its ineonvsnieness. itsslers, Ao? and I am told many famili?a eep busts. cannos or "dugouts," a* th? ndiana o?U tb? ts, to escape in, ahould trre come a sudden rise in the niglit time, hose who thus live, are, of eourae, subject t the levers ergcndered by the malarial ifluencas of the great valley; nevrrthe>as, there are many who risk it, and will iniat that the valley is one of the heahhet regions in the wcrlJ, The yield of tro and three bales of cotton per acre, and true eighty to one hundred bushels ol cornt trert a multitude of ri$k?, and although nngerous fevers are cummon, and chills ltd fevers their daily pastime, yet there, i the midst of the volley, and even tip to te rivets' banks (at high points) you will nd the planters in thsir log oabins, and lit tmi instances princely residenoes. Nut ne half, however, of these magnificent Initiations are cultivated sines amanoipaon, and to see the great, the enormous deciency in labor now, it excites wonder and maxement as to what has become of ilia rgro. Tltey have certainly ?lisapp?ar?-l uin here in immense numbers, and alttough the maladies iucideQl to the "great alley " carry off the whites rapidly, yet it ut rarely takes the life of the negro.?> till they have disappeared, and though ?rg<- numbers have congregated about tha owns attd cities, yet not enough to explain lie great deficienoy, and I can only aaount for their absence by assuming they isve emigrated Norlh-wcst, But to recur. The diseases, especially hose of a malarial character, are not iu?i* lent to the " r'dgea,'* as to the " great val?y." Here we oecasionally have chills _ t t -!-ll - ..... .cm, wuiwii jiriuj reaany ia prompt luJicul treatment, and a little ordinary arc, with a du? observance to sanitary epilations and influences, relieves the res. lent of even this character of disease ; nr.d I hare many neighbor* and fellow eltisens, ike myself, old residents of Sooth and (forth Carolina, who have lived here ten, fifteen and In some tnstanees twenty and iwanty*five years, and have yet to expevi* rnee their first attack of fever of any drperip".ion whatsoever. My own health haa greatly improved since I seme tc the coon* try, and whether it be from the favorable effects of elimate and latitude, daily labor on the farm, or tho mineral character of the water?or all combined?I cannot toll, l>nt certainly 1 am in better and mors rn* best health thaa 1 have been in five to six years last past. The country Of soli, as be* fore stated, ie strongly limestone, but wo also have a great variety of minerals in tbesoit and water. There ir scarcely any rock on tho anrfaee, but one of the suh strata formation* beneath the surface I* eompoxed la rgety of a soft variety ?f rock containing, a* well a* the earth and water, different mineral*. 1 hate in my yard a well ( thn co hi eat water, never failing, hot *? etroagly impregnated with different mineral*, (alum predominating) thai few will diii.fe it. It is very clear and transparent, but after sitting awhtle in a cedar buek?t? ti.w haain or other vessel, forme a sediment. * hinh discolors them * cry nncli. Even in. a granite haein, the sediment will form, af* ter the water stands a few hour*, although, as clear aa crystal when first poured into It., I Uav* Iincome fond of the water mjmit sad ita taste, but none of the rest of guy family will drink It, preferring lb* frao* sloae water that ie not near no gold. (I would give Ike Fahrenheit of Ih* twn, but have no menna of testing It, and f?w of your readers would uodcretand it.) lhava Written so mntli that I ronet receive thn educational icsoureoeof the sou n. try for toy next, for want of speoe, thka heI ing already tou long for oue letter. Wa now have beautiful ajJ growing, >prii g