University of South Carolina Libraries
11 ' ' -** ?*?' ?m v: v * 'Ui *?L?'. >?iu. Two old mold* tl sbut of day, , ' ] M bachelor'* careass bore away, Witb wiliibM l*?? ?ai waM WIri . And heart that never laved the fair. Bring brier*, they groaned, bring weed* un? , bWwa, * - ... Bring raakeet weed* of oeoie oakaown, Bring withered boagh* from dreary wild. To strew the bior of error'* child. And make hi* grave where tke lined* bide, ^ Where night shade strew the swamp creek side, Far out of sight?where gonial spring Shall tend no gentle bird* te sing. HI* old jack Knife lay with hint low. To cut tho string* of Cupid's bow y * Tho *ad bouse cat shall whine eround ' Ills lonely gram in grief profound. 1 Here ley him who was often " high," 1 Here, where shall fall no pitying eye I For him?for him no loving heart . I Shall ache, for hitn no tear shall start. IT is bloodless rtpe ahull faH to dust ; Ills old jack knife shall waste with rust; i He whom we bide from light of inen Shfltl no/or fright the babes again. | Fur w? hare laid him From the light, Itoneath tho ground and out of sight; lint this rude epitaph shall stand? " He who to no one gave his hand." The Vow of the Soldier. A TltUE INCIDENT. Ono beautiful Indian summer day, in the autumn of 1S44, a strungcr appeared in tho streota of Hanover, N. II, whose garb bespoke tho utmost poverty and destitution. As he staggered along ho was surrounded by a crowd of village boys, who amused themselves by insulting him with coars; t*est8 and personal indignities. lie iorc their abti30 with exemplary phtlence, and begged them to wait till lie felt a little better, and lie would sing them a fine song, llis voice was thick with unnatural excess, and he was too weak to 1<rotcct himself Iroiu the rude justing of the crowd; yet lie smiled at liis tormentors, and exhibited no other sense of his helpless and forlorn condition than a look of grief and 6haiue, which, despite his efforts and smiles, would occasionally overspread his countenance. Late in the after neon the writer, then a student, passed him in company with a friend, when our attention was attracted by a voicoof unusual power and beauty, hinging tl at favorite and beautiful national eongof Franco, "La Puribienne." As lie proceeded, a great number of the students from the college gathered around lain, and lit flin nnnoliitliin >,? ...v vwxv^uuiviif Mil IIMUIUIIliirj j expression of delimit broke born 1 lie entire mass, lie was cnthusi- ' nstically encored, aiid afterward 1 lie Marseilles was called for. The haino rich, clear voice rang out that wild melody in the very words which are wont to arouse the spirit of the French sold er to frenzy. The admiration of the ' poor inebriate's auditory wat now raised to the highest pitch. T>e- i spite his tattered and filth)' garments, lit6 squalid beard and britnJess hat, now that the fumes of . liquor bad subsided, his form appeared symmetrical and manly, . and his face glowed with the sentiments of the patriotic song, and flushed with excitement at the unexpected praise ho was winning, assuming an expression of intelfi-' gencc ami j >v that beautifully 6et . off his really fine features. , What and who is the stranger?'* was the universal inquiry. "His . singing is incomparable, and his French and Knglish arc bdh fault- 11 less." ! "Yes,*' said he, dropping his eyes, u I can give you German, or . Spanish, or Italian ns well, or Latin or Greek either," ho added carelessly. In reply to the many ^ questions that were showered upon . him, with the coin he so much 1 eecincd to need, ho at. length said n in a sad tone, and slowly endeavor- ? ing to push his way through the crowd : 44 Gentlemen, 1 am a poor . vagabond, entirely unworthy your kind sympathy, l^nve inc to my ^ rags and wretchedness, and I will go on my way." I'ut our curiosity was too much fl excited to allow this, and amid v loud cheers we escorted him to a c room, where lie was lurnished c with wator and an entire suit of , uovk! clothes; the barber's art was * brought into requisition, and after ' iui incredible short time he re nppoured ujH?n the college steps, smiling and bowing gracefully, a v man of as fine appearance and ' noble bearing as ever eyes beheld. t 'llio Holiirlit t.f /?? ?.? /! ? ?! !? 4 >?w ..v?.p.iv v* dliv VI vn VI Ml I II IO transformation was intense, and f icnented shunts rent the air.? ' Give us lift Parisieuno," echoed c from all sides, and soon as silence could be obtained, again that clear, rich voice uttered those inspiring v words: " Pcuplo PrAncAlxp, priiplo <to bravo*, lit Liberie, luuvru ?u< braes." t lie was conducted ton spacious r chapel uud there tor two hours he held an audience spell bound, by I < uc of the iu<?t interesting auto- 1 hi graphics that it ever w n* our ? lot to hear. Bora in Paris, of v ? ,T i ? . , | mi -jlj? TiffS : ?, rr-?* ?? ?r * wealthy parouts, he hid in iearly life been thoroughly educated at the University of Wirtembnrg, find received the master's degree. He soon after joined the fortunes of Napoleon, and with the ra|^rof Lieutenant, was with him during all the campaign of Egypt, in Italy, in Russia ana at Waterloo, lie had been engaged in more tban seventy battles, and his descriptions of places and cities were expressed in choice, graphic terms, and on being compared with history, were found to correspond in ererv particular. Tie related many unwritten and curious incidents in the life of Napoleon, which had come under his observation, and Rlintlv nli isnrt wftli a a ? J V.- 'OIAI " im u ttU' count of his own career alter the Imttle of Waterloo. In the terrible rout that followed that memorable event, his detachment was chased by a body of Prussian IttiBsnrs, and l>ecoming scattered in tho night, lie wandered about throo days in tho woods and by [duces, without food or drink.? The chose at last being given over, the poor Frenchman sank down, iick and weary with his wounds, and ready to die by tho roadside. A. humane Dutch girl discovered him, brought him refreshments and cordials, and among these a flask of brand v. Here," said the soldier, " was the beginning of my woes. That angel of mercy, with Mia host of motives, brought me in that fhisk a deadly loo. which was to mo more potent than all tho burning toils of the Egyptian campaign, or the intolerable trusts and snows of tho Russian; inore fatal than the cannon of seventy battles; which created in mo a thirst more insatiable than that which forced me to open my veins on tho desert sands ot the East. Till that day I uovor had tasted strong drink. 1 had uttered ft vow in my youth to abstain from it, and o that vow I 3wed my life, for not one of my jomrndes who indulged in the use jf it, survived the Egyptian earn >aign. 4-lhit as I lav in anguish, longing for death, and momentarily sxpocting its approach, a sweet faeo appeared to nie, wearing nil expression of deep piety and deep svinpa hy for my sufferings, audi could but accept without inquiry whatever she gave me. She gently raised my head, and wiped with her handkerchief the dampness from 1113* brow, and administered the cordial to my lips. It revived me, I looked around ; 1113' courage, in.v lot o of life returned. I poured forth my gratitude in burning words, and called d wn the blessrigs of Heaven upon her. Iguo ant of what it was that so sudlenly inspired me, as soon as 1113ipirits flagged, I called for more. [ drank again and again. For hree weeks her loved voice sooth ;d mo, and her kind hands adminstercd to my wants. As sixui as itrength was sufficiently recovered, 'earing that sonio enemy might itill bo lurkincr nnnr. T bado h?? # n i ? "w tuieti, with many thanks and tears* kou^rlit the scnside, nnd embarked u* a common sailor on tlio first .ossel that offered, and have t'ol , owed the sea ever since. Mj atul thirst has ever accompanied no; in port and on deck this foe >as debased mc, and kept me from ill chance of promotion. Oh, how iften have I, in the depths of 103' mart, wished I had died at the fall >f Waterloo, or hreuthed out inj ifo in the arms of my gentle preervcr. Six weeks ago I was rreckcd on the stenm packet ship 'l)-de, of New Brunswick- I ihvo wandered through Canada nd New Hampshire, singing for , few pennies, or begging my read, till I met yonr S3'mj.atb3' o d iv. How do these college tails and this n ble band of noble tudents recall to my recollections be pcenos of loriner years !" The emotion of the stranger for t moment overcame bis voice; 1-hen lie resumed, the tears still oursing each other down his ilieek : ? w I know not why Ood should lircct in}' steps hither ; but, gentlencn, this shall be the beginning >f a new lilb to me; and iiere, in lis presence nnd that of these n messes, l swear, as I hope to yon in Heaven, never to aste a drou of ulcoliol, in any >>rm, again. Prolonged and deafening cheers ollowcd these words, and 1 notio id many a moist eye. A Oolleclion was immediately aken, and moro than fifty dollars vorc put into his hands. As lie ascended to the eoaoh to nko his departure, he turned to ho excited multitude who sur* onnried him, and said : 44 It is hut justice that vou should :now n?y name. I am Lieutenant .amies, a nephew of the groat darslial Lnnnes. May God bless oil all?farewell!" II V i I I V ' I8 T H g > B FOR I860, AT W. II. HOVEY'S. CALL ??d fMWliw frtr jmitmItm You mill find aootlier mpplj of : m in mm TAHdJY AH 3D ETAIP3.IE hhy giik ?ttt uuuuu. I > * ' > * Jnit ofWfd ?di) for M|f beautiful lot ol low-priced DELAINES AND AKMUBES, plain and Ago red. Plain Whlla and Btock ALPACOAS. Plain, White, Black and Gdored ALL WOOL I>ELAINKS, All colors MACK FLANNELS, RIBBONS, VELVETS, GIMPS, BRAIDS, BUTTONS, Ac., Ac. ALSO, A large'and eareflitly neleeted Stork of RKADT MADE CLOTHING, at very short profits. IIATS AND SHOW, at reduced prices. White and Colored BED BLANKETS, at very low figures. W. II. HOVhY. Jan 90 85 if Sfarc or South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff*! Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writ* of Fieri Facias to roe directed, I will sell, before the Court Ilouse door, ? Stntrrlny in J/rini we*I, at the fliasl hour of sale?(3 o'clock, noon, One Tract of Land, near Mcftee's Factory, containing 75 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of N. U. Lcnderman, W. A eh more, J. Loudounnti and others. Also, nne Lot in the Town of Greenville, near the Presbyterian Church, containing about Jt nn acre, a<|jnin. i"K lot of W. E. Eorlc on the north, and I hounded on the east by Lnurctis Street, on the south bv Washington Street, and on the west by Richardson Street. Levied on as the property ol William Perry, at the suit ol Jauics J. Shumate. Also, nne Tract of Land sllnnted on Mush Creek, 17 miles above Greenville Court House, containing Hit) acres, more or lese, well improved and in a high state of cultivation, adjoining lauds of A. A. Neves, Mrs. M, Taylor and others. Levied oo as the property of James X. Taylor, at Ike suit of J. Itamscy Dowdcn and others. Also, all Defendant's right, title and Interest in Law ami Knuitv (h?iE?nii?.li?lf ir.i-.--t4 the following property, lo *|t: Ooc small Tract of Ltnd, containing Ifi acres, more or tear, adjoining lamia of T. L. Kowler and others. Also, tfio Paper Mill Tract, containing ' ft& acre*, more nr laaa, adjoining lauda of T. 1 L. Fowler and otliera. Alio, one other Tract 1 of Land, containing 333 aorea, more or lea*. 1 adjoining landa of A. I*. Ur?v, V. Mu Roe's Estate and other*. Alan, the following peraoual property: 2 Mnlus, 4 Rag Enginus, 4 Sloan, lioilora, 2 Paper Marhiuca, 1 act Caionilara, 1 Ruling Machine, 2 Rag Itoilcra, 2 Pu|>cr l'rvaaca. The above pt>r*onai property, except tho Mulea, can be aocn at the Dunham Paper Mill, and will not ho removed until altar day of sale, hut will to sold at the Court, lloiiae on Snlodny iu March. The following .Machinery ran he aeen at the Lester Pnjter Mill, and wilt not tie removed to Greenville Court House for sale, hut will he sold at the Court House on Snieday in March next : 2 Steam Boilers, 1 Steuin Engine, I Paper Machine, 3 Hag Engine*, 1 Paper Press, 1 set, HWksmitb'* Tool* and 2 Wagon*. Levied on a* the property of Sumner S. Brown, at lite anil of Urudv, Ferguson A Mills*. Also, one Lot in tlin Town of Orcenrillg, on the south side of the River, containing 4 acres, inure or less, with srnno improvements on the same, adjoining lot* of II. P. Ilamtnett. R. II. Earle and others. Levied on as the property of <). W. Brooks, at the suit of William Watkins. Also, all Defendant's right, title and interest in the Lands of Ashcl Out, containing acre*, more or leas, (the Homestead to be set off to Defendant before day of sale,) situated in the upper part of the County on Saluda River, adjoining lands of John 11. (loodwin, W. C. Goodwin, William Hawkins and others. Levied on a# the property of John Cox, at the suit of A. Blythe, Executor. Term* Cash. Purchasers to pay for stamps aud papers. A. B. VICKF.RS, S. U. C. Sheriff's Office, Feb. 4tb. 18611. Fob ID 3# S JULIUS C. SMITH. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, J COUBT HOUSE SQUARE. Greenville. 8. C 1 1 PEIVONAF. attention given to all .ale. of | H<al and Terminal I'mptrljr, Renting J of llon.e* and Collecting ot llrn'i and Ao eounia, and to all bus>ne?e iutru*te<l to him Having been appointed agent f.-r the following Fertilizer*, tliey can b? found at my office and told at Ckarleaton price*, freight and drayage added : MATES' NITROGENIZED Sitkr PIIOS- \ Til AT K. WANDO AND RaUGH'S RAW BONK, PERUVIAN GUANO. ' the genuine article, kept for **1* and ordered in any quantity. Ow 20 lo ? of Phoephvta and Peruvian Guano told i Ity me lor the wheat towing in Greenville tliia fall. A**ncy for the Celebrated WATT PLOUGH?turn, *ut>?oil, and cultivator all * in una. Five lUouaand of three Plough* 1 are in the banda ol the lannera of Virgin*, 1 in, North and South Carolina, and T*uiie?- ' ne, Over AO of the one horae Plough* 1 old in Greenville in one month. Cerlifl. < cnlea from tliv beat of our plantar* can ba given, who have ue?<fcthe Plough hi making their erop oi 18(19. Ag rncy for Cnrdwrll^ Knprrier CORK ANIi COTTON PLASTKH, I STRAW CUTTERS', CORN SMELLER**. *?. CRASH, CLOVKR. ft ad otbftr Seed. .up. plied ?t ehorl notice. COQKiNQ STOVEf, STOVK WAltE, PAlJl?! , AMD I OFFICE STOVES, i For Mle ft. oheap ft. Oftl) be bo?4ht. jiiMiiKC.iiniTn, Cviii.- c. 11 , S. 0. J au 27 Sd O , 11 tt'?? i FlSTiilZSftS ! ' eMOWMOW ' f *V ' UIIODES' Super PnOSPlIATE, The Old ui ImkmI Ketmblliked BUadvA Manure. * orciiillt guano. ymvttls gtfaho. RHODES' KAKUBR, la Ufl preparation, la aait equally *d?eM for fore tag large orope vf Cotton, Cora, WWl, Tobeeoo, a sou uiovr root crops. The Mauuraeturlag Department U conducted by Frederick Klelt, oDe of the noel skill* ful CbeiaUU ltd Manufacturers lathe United Btate*. 7- ^ , It li er.dorsed, approved, and recommended by all of ike mm prominent Cliemiats mad Agriculturists ta (ha 8?athern States. " It can be relied upon a? uniform in quality." aleraye reliable, productive ol Urge crepe, and unexcelled by any in tbe market, ta the high percentage of < Tree Fertilising Principle*." Price eaob, or Hi time. With Paetora aeocptanee, and 7 par ecot. luleiuet autfi III December, 186*. ORCHItLA GUANO, "AA."?A flae Dird Guano, riob ia Phosphate* sud Alkaline Salts. Price WA or >40 each. PERUVIAN' GUANO, warranted pare, sad alwaye on bend. Furnished at market pricti fyr utgb, B. S. R1IKTT A BON, Agents. Charleston 8. C. Jan 6 83 3in SOLVDLR MANURES. Sulphuric Acid wad Snpcrphoaphul* Com* poijf, Churlton, S. C. HAVING completed their extcncire Manufactory, are now prepared to furnUh Soluble Fertiliser*, no other kiuda being avail* able to Planter* for immediate return* for their investment*. Thi* Company, under tbe direction entirely of Southern men of high charaeter, offer* induce meals whlob will recommend it to Southern Planter*. Their work* re among the larger! *0(1 m?*t complete la tbe United State*, and enable tbcaa to prepare at home an abundant rupply of tbe proper solvent for the South '"arolina native Boae Phiwphatc* which are near by. From tlie*e Phosphate* they |>rop??e to manufacture a Fertiliser even richer iu Soluble Pboapbate* than tb?*e made from Raw Boor*, and containing more than Iwiro the quantity of Superphosphate of L1ino found in the best average manure* heretofore offered for sale, the rates at which we offer Ihetn being no higher than the acerage priee of other Fertilisers, while the Manure* contain twice a* mnrb fertilising material; thoy are in favt much cheaper to the coa?uiacr. They are offered on tbe mar ci in two inrms, villi t guarantee that the material in each will correspond to the ad* veniremen!: Ktimam No. 1 ?Soluble Phosphate, era* taiiiing frotn eighteen to twenly-firu per cent, of Pure Soluble Phoppbeto oi Lime, and fnrnUbcd at ?ixty dollara per ton. ErtaAR No. 2.?Pemvian Superphosphate, containing frota aisteon to twenty per cent. of Soluble Pbuiphale, and three to four per cent. o( Ammonia, at (evenly dollara pur ton. for approred aeeeplanoc*, beating lute reel, or pucb other security at may be acneptable to the aub agent*. A diacount of ten per cent. ?n the above price* will be made fur caah. Older* to he forwarded immediately to the Agent*, and delivery made a* directed. W.M. C. BK8 A CO., Agent*. C. 0. Mkmnimokm, President. Jen 27 4 Fairvi:w Sugar Company* f IMIIS Conrpmy having bonglit the Right X in the gr.-at dircowry of making sugar and rrfliiiug *yrup nia<le fmut Sorgo Cane, in that portion of Orceuville District embracing the Third Regiment, we propose to erect a SI'OAK IIOUrtKatid RKKINKH near FAIR* VIKW a* ??on a* practicable. To thopo who live too far (roui our w<irk*, to hanl their canea, we pro|M>*c to eell Farm Right*. We believe thl* to be one of the greatest di*coverio* for the South that eoald have been made, and huvo no il'iofct that it will be. In a few year*, the grcnt Maple of the South. It* operatien* are pimple and cost comparatively nothing to plart a r?rtn work*, and wlN pay five time I Hitter than any crop eaccpt cotton, and wc he* .ievo will donhU that grant king of (ke Snath. Th<?*o wishing Right* nhowld call at once on Dr. W. A. llarriaon, at Fairview. or Dr. W. P. Passtnore, at Oreenviile, who will take great pleasure in giviug full parttrwlar*. We will lornikh reed free of eoet, except freight, to tboee wUbiug to ptant. W. A. HARRISON. W. 1\ PASSMORK. A Kent* for Company. T. L. BOZEMAX, President. Sept 2 16 tf a SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER WOULD rv?peetfn|ly inform the puhlia thai haa l<rm??cd to a room in the C>LI> COURT HoUSK, where he will lie prrpirei to receive eu?iomi-r? a* h?rel??lore. Btiinjf a Pfoft??ioH*l Bmrhrr, he loper, Ity attention to buaineaet, together with poliienra* to all. to writ a portion of itihlie patronage, in CUTTING, SllAVINti tM> SHAMPOOING). Jan 20 M tf 4tWE.LRt? JEW ELRY. go WATCIIRS, Cl^h. V/V and Si-eetaelea to eui>y~ f ~V r*MC fL.-RwvarvboJv. I'rrowijv. or eoneave. tonv. x, near algkt*d colmed Kye Glaaae*, i mil Shooilng Sprtlaclrt; solid go) King*, liver ThimMea, and fancy Coral Beta.? luat received at J. O BLACKS Wat eh repairing Shop. Jen U* IS Hotice to Executor*, Administrator*. | Guardian* and Traatee*. YOU ere hereby imtiHaJ to make yonr ANNUAL RETURNS *i> to the l?t >f January, 1869. Thoae failing to do so itrfore lb* let of Juno nvlt will Im lalai md ?ainipr||?il In perform their duty hy aw, which will l>e ilgidly enfoieed. I'leaae tnhi? forward end make them, and are Ml and ImuDI*. 8 J. IK)UTHIT, Probata Judge. Greenville, 8. C., Jan. let, IttJ. J in *:t t H. KNIGHT, PMOYOQaAPMKR, AND dealer la PllOTOORAPHIC 8fOCK. All order* promptly attended to.? dooda vent by express or mail. 839 KING STREET. CHARLESTON, a. O. Dee 0 3D 3m Law Notice?Change of Oftee, Gr. TOWNCS baa removed bia Law , Office to the building north-beat eor?er of tbe I'uMle Sqnare, in part oeewpied by fulcra C. Smith, Auctioneer, and tbe Koter itriee Printing OlHoe, up eta ha. Jan t U U Job Work DONR at thla Offloa, villi aaaloaaa and JdftUb, . , * _?gj man, 1 4 000 LBACONIOICI1 C0l/NTKT 300 Sack. Extra FuaUjr N. 0. FLOUR lOO 8?ok? 8taaM LIt?youl SALT 25 Ki|i NAILS, Mao-tod ilaea 20 BaUa BATESVILLK SHIRTING to Batot McDKK 8IIIRTING 20 BalM COTTON YARN SO BtoP ?nJ *ali BIO COFFEE 20 BarralU SUGAR lO BAGS Dark sib 8?oki?g tobacco 2 BAQ8 RpanHh 8mokloS TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK ojr Shoes, Hats, DRY GOODS, DRUGS fcC. Oar Stock of 11 ATS pad SHOK8 Is very lirp and eompWte, and wc will guarantee oar entire Stock will compare with any la T???i both m to quality and price. A call Oil! aatf Uiy yoa. DAVID & STRADLEY. May 13 61 tf STBBN'8 STORE. IIIAVK j'?et returned from the market with a rux-k ??f Very Cheap OncA, which 1 am determined to cell aa ceeap aa any atore in the town. THOMAS STKEN CALL and examine my atock of Caliooea, Die** Gnuth, Balmoral*. Heavy She vlr, Il?*??d?, Cloake and Breakfaet abaw I*, all remarkably cheap, for eale at STERN'S 8T0RH IP yon wleh cheap B'?>U aud Shoe*. I hare g?l tltem, miuaiftiny of Gentlemen'* Fine Fianch Calf Skit Sewed Boots and Slinw: alto, Fine Fteneh Balmoral*, La. ilin Fine (Jlovr-finiehed Kid I'otUli Balmoral*, Childrena French fllori fin>*li I nee Tie*, and a very large aaaortment of Mm'*. Wcni'ii't and Bora B?ot? and Sho?-s of a uperlor quality, for sale at STERN'S STORE. BROAD Cloth*, Caaeimerea, Tweedy. Jean*, and a very large a*aorlment ?l other elotha. which would lake too n. .??? I>ace to enumerate, for eele at STEER'S STORE. AISO, a aplendid Stork of Orocariet, Hardware, Crockery and Ola*awar?. To eaiiety youreclvea about prioea, call and exan.iue this depat Intent at STKKfTS STORE. I HAVE ?aleelad a very Ana lot of Test and Colfw?, eonaialing of Rlot Java, Mararalw, T-... 1 ?- -? V - w Finn M?v?ia*, (?un|?>wdrr. Extra Moyune, Y<mmk liyton, Fim Young Imperial. bUrk IVu, So per Oolong, Oolong, Souchong and KnglUH Brwklut, ?ll of which 1 emu raeom mend, lor uli at STEER'S STORE. R?v 18 88 If WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHLONEQA, 6A., WILL practiea in the Coantie. of Lampkin. Divtun, (Jilmcr, >Vuuin, Vuna, Town*. White and llalt. Jen 10 v .. ... m If m . . . i. .i . . i . . i ROSADALIS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by DmggitU Everywhere DATE8V1LLE l&ni&CIIliK C0MPASY. nAVtXO bean appointed Agents for Ihia Company, we are prepare! to all SHIRTINGS AND YARN at Factory prices. DavK * Blradler. Oroeert and ComaiUaioa Mnehnnii, ftreeuville, 8. C. Nor 24 If DURHAM 8MOKINQ TOBACCO. HAViNG r?e?-l red lh* ?|Mim at th* ? ?*? ju.iiy ttUbrilcd Bread *1 TOBACCO, w? will n>ak# it lo your li.trr t i?> lint- from iMw For mI? l>y wholarela or r?iail. DAVID k STKADLEY. Oct 80 28 11 THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, MANUFACTURED BY SlllllCl.TIIIlilOCL. CHARLESTON, S. C. BOLD 1IBRE BY M0K(3AN & WESTMORELAND, HARRISON <fc MARSHALL abb f. a. Walter, FO& YME (HOUWL Goodrich, Hineman & Co* ' Bopt0 16 6m DR. J. M. M'CLANAHAN ^1^, WOTTT.D rsspoetfatty nfbr Wi ^PPyPROFKrtHlONAL BKItVICRM to ^ W Iti. eltlMns of ibU community.? HV OSm ?t the raildinN of 8. U. Ms* Ci. a m a m am, k?|., lb roe it lies twl of tlrucnvUlo Court House. Dm 99 11 tm? IftARBLE YARD~ tTHR sniWiurd Mm opened m MARBLE YARU on Arm,.,. Mtrrnl, In r. *r of II. Rootlio A Ce.'o More, where ho will torn on hind TOM 51 SLA DM end HR.W> 8TONFA In sutt ll?? Dodo; will nlro furnish to order, on short mttioe, MONUMKNTd, plain ftr el?U..rei?. MARBLE M ANTLKM and KUU Ml IUKK MA RULE. TVrnu oash. Cu<nk try pr..d??? token in txclwn-fs for work. ! T. WII.IMI.Vy, Ajont. , J so 13 SI la TO TBS PUBLIC. TBE PAVILION HOTEL, OUAKLttTOlt, B. O., . -4,^ BO LONO lid ahly ?M dueted by IK* late H. L m?KjI BUTTF.RhKLD. will at HI VB88K^ k?pt open for the aoeonv mvdaliuD ?l ih? travdliig pnblh. And lie former friends and patrons will find thw usual aooommodntions and Attentluna U> towed oa them aa formerly, aad lb* pahlia favor*, alraady ao wall establlrbed aa THB HoTELof the TRAVELING MKHCH ANTH of tho South, will, by ear a oat aforU, bo faithfully preserved. Ma roll 4, ISM. 41 If Chsng* sf Schedule oaO.ftG.K-K ON and after WSDNS8DAY, tbo lXth ln. Stent, Paeaengar Train* will ran dally, Handaya exaepted, connecting with Might Train on i><Hilh Carolina aad Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad*, aa follow# s Leave ColnaiHa tt 7.** a. m '* Alston ?(? ?*? aaaaaooao ****** 8.44 " Mawberry at " Antra at Abberllte at.... 8.00 p. aa " At Aedersoa *7... AX# " " Urceovilie at ............ A## " Laare Greenville at...?.Mn..H MS a. a ^ Anderson at..?...... fl.J5 " [ Annevlll* at hum. KM " - Newberry p. " Alston at....... ....... 1U " i ArriM at Columbia at *.45 " I Trains on the Bin# Ridge Railroad will alM ran dally, Sundays excepted. i Leare Anderson at- 4.*5 p. m i " Pendleton atw.................. 5.S0 Arrive at Walhalla at 7.29 Leave Walhalla at. 3.44 a. aa " Pendleton at . 5.*5 ? Arrive at Anderson at.... 5.80 " The train will return front Beltoa to Ande*? son on Moudar and Friday morn In pre. JAMES O. MEREDITH, Uencral Superintendent. Aug It 1* South Carolina Railroad. GENERAL SUPTS OFFICE. I CeauLRsrcR, 8. 0., March 25, 1555.1 OH and after Sunday, March 29, the Pas', eeeger Train* oa the Bonth Owtliae Railroad aid ran aa follows, via i Leave Charleston for Colombia 5.30 a. Ot Arrive at Ktegeville 1.30 p. m Leave Kiegevilie..................... 2.05 p. m Arrive tt Columbia 5.50 p. to Leave Cotnesbia......... 5.09a. *e Arrive at Kiagcv Win . I.M a. n* Leave Kutgtville..................... 5.00 p. e* Arrive at Charleston.................. S.I0 p. in The Passenger Train on the Camden Branrh will connect with up and down Columbia Trains and Wilmington and Manrheater Rail* road Trains on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS aed SATURDAY*. Night Express Freight end Paseenger Accommodation Tram wiU ran as follows : Leave Charleston for Columbia-?.. ..5.45 p. m Arrive at Columbia.... t M a. m Leave Colombia LSI p. m Arrive at Charleston. 5:45 a. ex 11. T. PKAKB, UeuT Sept. April 15 47 tf Charlotte ft South Carolina Kailroad, and Colombia ft Augusta Railroad Co'a craaiaflraja IfiSB^OZQi STPKRINTENDENrs OFFICE. 1 Cslviiiu, Feb. 2. 184V, j sen ant'lb rorvx. TEAVE Grat iteville at 7 20, A. M., conJ n? cling with train leaves Aagusta at n oo, A. M. Leave Columbia.. ....._ 12 JIPM M Charlotte 7 45PM * Oreuntlxiro, N C 1 00 A M " Richmond. V* _1I MAM Making diMo connection* with train* far Wm.kiingt.iri, D. C. coititn *orra. Leave New York .. - ? 40 P M Arrive at Richmond 1 SO P M Leave Richmond i llf M " Ireeirebom, K C..**.... 1 00 A M ? Charlotte. N C?.... .... IMAM Arrive at Ciil*nn1k|,..m..M.m....MU 15 P M " at QraaiteviUe 5 00 P M Ticket* euld at Columbia nod baggage ebecked to all point* North. ?. BOUKNItf lit, RwperlaUndent. Feh 10 ?S tl " COST AITS" PREPAB ATIONS. EVERYBODY?7Vt?o Tkem f EVERY BODY? Uete Tkem / EVERYBODY?IielUvtt in 9kem ! EVERYBODY?JUcommtmU Tkem I OmUiS Xxtiraiotton, for Rata, Roach**, Aatay Ae. a ?? Cottar's Bod lo? XxUr. Liquid?Kill*?" Rare thing. Cottar's Iastst Powdor. For Flea*, Moth*, Inseeta, A*. Cottar's Cora SoWtntFor Cora a Bwaieo*. Ae. Cottar's Buckthorn Biln. 4 For CaU, Burn*, feral***, !?, CosUr't Bishop Pilh. (Sugar Coated) Plaau PUL - y ?' Cottar's Conch Iwsly. For Coughs, Cold*, la Cottar's Bitter Swsot and Oraaft Blossom*. . B?a?tifi** Mm Cvnplulua. Make* tl*? Skia (teak and fate. pp- TVr waro !! of all Worth!*** latUllaai. fe#-N?ne genuine without Coster** signature. purlins, and AS*. ?Im* kept by ?U ltruggist*. ptr~SI else* sent by taaU ?a>r*'*ln? of pries. ptr $2 pay* for aay three iNm by Kxprse*. pm- $A pay* fur eight $1 *ls?a by Wryrn* IMmt HENRY R. COSTARv MOBKIiAND, UresavUW, H. C. JHT And at Wholesale la all Mm *MI** ?*4 large W?M la tba Halted State*. IS Ska -* W. K. BASI.UT. f . (kb 1IBT.VT A ?lt.U Attorneys aid Counsellors at li? AND IN EQUITY. ORBBNVILLK, f. O, P!l\CTICB in tbo CoorU of ?(m Stoto ond f I bo United 8 to too, m4 ,N, ?pecui atunUon to eoM? in Bankntptor. Jew If S u % 4