University of South Carolina Libraries
s X v*"' 4 ?#' A Crkvar A?i?sssnoa to ybb Uxrncn Rtatms.?The Cretan Provisional Government bat dispatched aw embassador to this Ro Use % pcrsop than tfce President of the Government. llis nam* is Cunstnntine Votondaki} he tu a| Paris on the S34 of JAur;, and on that day published the following latter In tb' Many persona who sympathise with the suffering* of my country, Crete, hare asked me whether wo could not, on obtafnTn^Vefhrms hdiI concessions, submit ourselves again to the Hultan. In the namo of all my countrymen, whose'fodomitabto will'I express, I answer thus?No J never, eveh though Greece, constrained by diplomacy, abandon us, never wUI we agaht fall under hie yoke. The eaaeeaere o? our children, of ear wives, and of our aged men In cold blood by the Turkish ermy antler the orders of Biustapha Pasha and Omar Pasha can we ever forget T We might pardon these crimed but en aft tbo roads of Crete the bones or our fathers, scattered by (lie Turks, dragged from the toinh after two centuries ef repose, do not permit et to fbrget-or (brgivw. We ebatl know how to fWtl|! onr' duty, as we hard hitherto fulfilled It?that is, to perish to Clio left man, or obtain our union with Greurc, our country, from which no human fbtee win he able to separate ns. It Is with this unanViu<ius resolution of ail my countrymen that 4he mission I am now charged with to the United States of America is conneoted. C0X8TANTINK VOhOXDA^I, President ot the Provisional OuVeroment o{ Urate, and Envoy Extraordinary to A merle*. Pun's, (Jrault ftofct, January 21, it win no seen rrona this that the Cretan* not give up the contest in which they have t>ceu engaged. IIkabixo III* Oer ftot-sn rnit TTontm.? lion* K*e, a Chinaman,, who has been for shim time playing diamond out diamond, -with tJie sharp sad enterprising San Franoisco i merchants, *ud who lately victimised several <>f thom to Che extent of $18,000, sailed last Thursday tor Clfma in the stootnor Japan. Hut telegrams mere at onee sent to Hon* Hon*, by way of "New York, London and Oeylon, to arrest him and recover the goods, lion* Koe, this Chute so Swart-wourtor from Ban Francisco, offers almost a in Akrons pic*.ure, as he hurries tv lion* Kong, pigtail in mir, as fast as steam can carry liiin, oaty to be confronted and coofounded there by tbsTatifl message which has been sent in exactly tho opposite direction 'by electricity to meet hiwu That the 8an Francisco msroiiants eon thus Ttcnl him off round the world, is a surprising and significant fact. How it confhsos our no. tlons of SaststidWrit! IIow strikingly it indicates the part Which cleetrieity and steam are to play in the faturo all over the globe ! How suggestive is it of the changes which these potest modern agencies have already unade and are yet to make on the map of the world! lluncolortb, tho United States must occupy the proud central position hitherto allotted by tho Chinese themselves to the flowery kingdom.?.Ycm York HfuhL ? % m i i Tnw Atn Lrv* are glad to "learn from the Atlanta (tlon.l Tntflliqr.kqrr -thnt the contracts huvo been let out for the ' grading of the first division or twenty miles of his Koad. The fortunate bidders am cltUon* ' of Atlanta, we believe, and the work is to be completed by the first dsyjof September next. Says our eotemporwey : " This it the beginning of a work destined to develope the ro- i sources of one of -the 'Wiast important sections of flcorgia. That it will go on to completion, xvid prove a source of revenue to tho State, "Vrill be doubted by no one who has knowledge of tlie socUon of country through which it will run, and'*-the travel that will pass over it." ' Tliis chocring news should stimulate the pro- 1 pie on this side of tho Wavannab, nnd every .oxortlon untie to farther the enterprise. Why linn the enll metlo from IlertwHl * few weeks ' since been allowed to pens annotieetlT Are nil our publie-spirited ucn no deeply engrossed I in privnte affairs as to precludo any ettention do this vital interest ? We pnuse for e reply. ^ At>drift* lmtellh/rtx*r. Qrrr.x TsAarT.LA *n a CaxWPATb fn* mis ] S r \ x i s n Tiihoxk.?Queen Isabella, from her 'f headquarter* at 1'erin, has insurd another f)rnnHMr(amirnt<? denouncing the Spanish Hovolutionints nnd their present Government at Madrid, nnd proclaiming her pnramount rights do tho Spanish throne, from Abe reported results of (ho elections Tor the new Cortes it appears that she will bare two members iu j that body elected In her name and dcrotod to , nor interests. It eppeers, further, ssys the New York fferdlil, that some clergymen have boon elected to the ^oflH, Who would most ' probably support 'her prete no ions if there were any prospect of success, lint if It he true that 1 tho Pope has iustractod these servants of the Church to have nothing to do with Aiis Span- i ish ltovolutionary Government, in giving it , any countenance as churchmen, then we may vspcct before long a direct ead Sanguinary issue between Church end -State, which may tempt the exiled Queen to some-point nearer , than Pari* to tier ael|ve^j>arty, which will he the still powerful party of the Church In Spain, ller proc'.aroatkus agsiast tho reyolu- ' tion aro doubtless designed to encourage this apjiareu^ Inevitable conf.lot. Towrnnwrsx.?Bevcrwl rtf otrr have forcibly advanced the idea of a general .compromising of ante war and war dehta. The principle is a anuad one, and (be display ?f a spirit of liberality and forbearance toward " brothers, neighbors and irieud*," would speedily pave the way to prosperity. We ore t?ld that the spirit la encowri^od by the bar. This M a noble exaniple, and from a source vrliMi renders it right worthy of erowtwtion. All honor to the gentlemen of the legal profession. Let the work go on, and receive fresh momentum daily, and until thetneobwvthat weighs so heavily upon those who suffer in mind and citato" ia fully removed. , [.V?*4<rry lltrald. Kt.rcTnicAt. TnaArxxtrr ma 8TtirioiTr.? t The novel Idoa of ming electricity te improve ( children ?n mind as well ss body, advanced , hy t>r. Toggtoli, has heen presented before the Ilritisb Acadctuy of Medicine. It is stated that a child, wbieh was phenomenon of 4e J fosiaity and stupidity, uuder the influence of electricity grew three centimeters in a singla I month, and has since been always first, instead of last, ia his class. Dr. Poggioli pro1>os?s, byr way of experiment, that the six worst pnpilsjnf each class in a lyeeam or college be subjected to this electrical treatment. , ; ' ' Ma name, Rev. A. B. 8rrrn?*?, on 4th February, at the heoite of the hridie'* father, Mr. .IAMK8 PAIN, of Oreemille, ami Mire 1 FAFNIK fl AMIIKELL, ol Anderson, County, J Foulh CareiiM. j , Mannine, by Rit. A. B. Rv*pnRWt, on lBth , February, at the boeae of Mr. Keen* Kelly, Mr. J R. BATH* and llin ANNIE KKDPCII, all orfMferHt*, B. C. omb* siq'cs nk vHk Ftnrttor or aoteru oasolima. ! BaaVrnptay. /* l*e JToffer */ L. C. MICK, BtmUnpi.? To MCXom U May Contom. Tm? nnderaignrd hereby glree notlee of hie appoint meat aa Ae?fcHr* of tha Relate of LUKE C. RIl'B. of Orefnyille , Cottnl?, aa-1 St tie or South Carolina, wltMn ' a til. W?triat, who bae Veen adjudged a ^ U A N K I!I ' I' P np-*n lile awn petition by tha Dietriet 0*?nrt of mid District. Dated^at. Or-et.eille, tt, C., the 17th day of February IBM. tT. T FIHTMATR, Arlgne.. Fe'j 17 *? Ji iii MwmwBtessss^f^maaBggsaffBt lift: '9 Tnn Mayor ?f Angneta h?|nMlv?d f IOC from ..nknowu nottrce. The tender Mating tliat about twenty yeet*?jr? be no la ten lion ml I j defended the flty onfnf 920 > and tbioke Oh mpareai would kringUkp to tkatniffOolM. Cotcnm*, February Palea of cotton, to-day, only about 60 Valet nt ttte prim. New Tonic, Pohrunry 15. Cotto* dull end }t. lower, with eale# ol 1,900 trnlea, nt 2V(?29i. Uold ?.5|. Dalyimohk. February 15. Cotton quiet, at 2tt). Flour qulbt iwtr atrady. Wheat 2.25(<p2.30. White corn 94 j yellow 92. Frovlatone unchanged. Atiutara., Fahruary 15, Cotton market quiet and unchanged, will) tale# of 239 bale*?-tnkldlingt 27}; receipti 820. ,! Cn a itf.RSTo.a, February 15. CottOn dull And nominal with no sale*? quotations enunot be given ; receipt* 858 balsa Livvnmuii. ?? it Cotton dull?uplands 121 j Oricsus W) j sales 8,000 balss. ? J Li.1 __ J GBEESviLLB VHFCKS CUimEN'l COttRKCTKD W'KBKLY, ?Y MESSRS. DAVIP Et SI RADltV, MERCHANTS ' UUEGNVILLB.S.. C.. TED. 18. 1889. APPLES, $1 bushel, dried, pTd,$l.00?f 1.2! " " " " uupeeled, 85 e. (a . to? ^ Ur/y . BACON, *p> Ih. new,.. 18 ? 20 e BALK HOPE, lb 121 ? 1*BAGGING, Gunny. V. X'1 .?.38?M ? IIAOUINO, Dundee, p* j'd?......,.....20(u,22 o BUR LAPS .. ?l?i BUTTER, ? !b,...? ..20 ? 25 e BUCKWHEAT PLOU K,^llU0lbs,$8.OV?4.0t BEESWAX, ^ ;tb, . 36?30 e CHICKENS, "}* head, ?..?..~2? ? 24 e COFFEE, ? lb. Rio, 25 ? S3 ? CORN, -fit bushel, iw* fl 00?1 1( COTTON. 201c EGOS, ? dozen l??121e FLOUR, # sack, M 00?0 6C GOLD ft S0?fl ?! INDIGO, Spanish Flcnt, ? f2 0??2 2! " So. Ca., 81 75?2 0( IRON, ? lb, American, >1? hEAD, lb, - 20 a LEATHER, ^ lb, 8ule, Hemlock,?S5?371 e " " '? " Oak,.. 45?50 ? " " " Upper, .........70?76 e " " " Harness,. 55 e, MOLASSES, ^ gal., Muscovado, .76@fl 0C 44 " " 8>rup,.?^.??$1 25 N A IT.S, 'A keg ffl 5? OATS, IB bushel,- .*0?*f PEAS, ' " .. 75 c, PEACHES,?bo, Dried, peeled,ft 00@?5 0? * ? " " unpoeled,...t.M POTATOCS, ? bushel, Irish,. 76?fl 00 *> Eweet, +?? 76? KYK, 18 huslicl, - ?"?1 0( SALT. V sack, Liverpool, f3 M ? f3 75 SUGAR, %1 Ih, Brown 1? ? 3?-e " " " Clarified...... 20 c. ? ii ii Crushed,. ... ...20 e. SllLRTINU, seven-eights, 18 bale, 14e, " " retail lOJc. TALLOW, ^ lb 16 o. WHEAT. *8 bushel... ~fi 00?f2 26 iaiiii, rectory, by bale............ _|3 00 " ' banefc ... $2 26 Anniversary Oration? R&oaUior Reacting Society. THE thlr<l Anniversary Oration Wore Uic ' Kxcelaior Reading Sooioty," will t>e Aviivor;<1 in tho Court Ilou*e, on Friday evening February 10th, at balf-paat 7 o'clock, l>y Rev. Dr. J. P. BOYCE?Subject " Perfect WomanKind m seen in the ideal potrniturea of Kve." The I'riend* of the Society. and the public generally are reepecUullr invited to attend. Feb 17 30 I * Notice. " THERE will be a public meeting at .MAillETTA, Oreenville County, 8. C., on the Itb dny of March next, at 11 o'churk, in honor ?f the inauguration of tlaneral U. 8. (Irani.? rhe public generally are reepvotfully invited. " A REPUBLICAN. f ' C Religion* Notice. Appoininteifla for Rev A. B STwng.vr, P. K.. OreeilylMif lliatriet B?wtli Carolina ConEweuee. M. K. Church, South. Firat Quarkr for 18A9: [fei'lvifl* LVrrwif?February 6th ur.d 7th, nt Craw f?rdayif|e. GrccttviU* Circuit? Febntary ISLh uod I4tb, at Bethel. Greenville Station? February 20th and Slat. CicieutrilL* Circuit?February 27 th nod 28th. at Zion. Wa/kalla tit emit?March 6th end ! lit at Walhalla. . Smare 'mud "C*$uJo? Circuit?March 13th and 14th, at Smith'* Chapel. A*aer?on Circuit?March 20th and 21 *t, at A nJtrtau Station?March 27lh and 28tli I'rvftUtoH Circuit?April 8?J and 4ih, at PendUUm I'a/oaeW Cftoryr? April HitL and i lYhr ' * " WtlliamMon?April IVth and 18th. Jan IT 88-8 Uanlcd. A FIRST RATE COOK. Ar?T>ly at MRS. LAVAL'S. Feb 17 ftt.l** i9 3' 1 Deputv Collector's Office, Qhlkkvillr, Feb. lfilh. 1889 TYY virtue of an nrd'r from A. S. WAL13 LACK Collector Of Internal ttavcnwe, Jd Collection Dia'riet of South Carolina I will sell lo the highest bidder at public nulery, an Monday, tlie ISth day of Mareh, at MeBer'e Mills, Beven miles below Greenville Conit Honae. between the hour* of J 2 nVlodfc, M? and 4 oVlock, 1*. M? I ho follow (ng properly lo wit: 1 SPINNING FRAMES, 890 SPINDLES SI J.OOMS 1 SPINKlNO MCLE. 120 SPINDLES I SETS OF WOOL CARDS I BREAKER, and OT11KR MACHINERY Together, if nre.menry, to aecure the Taxes, t'l that TRACT OF LAND, eonlait.lng ibout 490 ACRES* lying oh both *We? of Reedy Hirer, aeven iiilea below Greenville Court |(?i?, ad joining iattde of V. MeBeWe rotate and olh ?ra Levied na as rtvn properly at the eiiit if tile United Rtatea for ftrt-rnal lleveane rax aeaeeeed againat Grady A Hawthorne. T?rme Gael*. a. t,. conn. Dep. Col, SJ Col. of 8. C. Feb If 89 4 rHE SOUTllERN HOTEL, THE BUILDING KNOWN AS MHENPfING'8 HOTEL," A/0|HAS recently heen fitted wOMi op and put In complete order, wiili naw Furniture aad ?lher miiivrniriisea. and ia now open to the rrayrlinit put.lie, where they ran find go?d iceonimodation and fare at tlieloweat rate*. K few permanent Hoarder* will l>o reerlved. J. L. MUUTIICKN, Proprietor, "Oietnfille, S. C, IVb. 17, lfcCft. 89-tf f ts T M E 1 1 1 STATS Off SOUTH CAROLINA, > ORtKUVfLLK COUNTY. Z7y S. J. DOUTFftT, Fujnirt, ProtmtfJkdp of taid County. YV HBWUfi, WM. L HOPKINS hat M filed a Petition in my Office, praying > that Lettur* of. Adniinittralion on all anil ringuiar the iWi ?uj cliitlvlf, right* and Credit* of MARY 0. NI'UOCSK, late of the f County aforetaid. <le?*a*?d, ahould bo granted to Win. ? t ' 7>?*e Are, Ihtrrfore. to eite and admouMi I a'l and aitigular the kindra-l an i creditor* i ?f the aaid dceeaaed, to ho and appear in the Court nf Probate for aaid County, to ha ImMrn at Greenville Court Itouee on the 1 l?V d*j of iiwth nexu I* show cau*e, il 1 any, why lh? said Adinluiatraliou should uoi bo granted. H. J. DOUTillT, P. J. O. 0. Probate Office. K.broary 16th, 1889. F?b 17 89 S STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, , GREKNYlLLE COUNTY. Xa ths Court of Probata. 8. A. El.FORD, Kxeeutrfx, re. LEMUEL WADDELL H a/.-? Citation for a fi-nl Bettlammt n*4 Dtrrrm. , IT appearing to tnr satisfaction that Sarah 1 Evans, Ifancy Wolborn, Aiexantlar Waddel!, James Waddell, Nanny Waddelt, Jesse , Waddell, Lu.luda Waddell, William Waddell, Elisabeth McQueen and Hugh McQueen her bn?bnnd, Martha Scruggs and John Srmggn Her hnahand, Mary B. Nicholson, Ctalhorn Waddell, Alfred Waddell and Kmllv Gregory, Defendants la thia casa, reside without the lioiita of this State : It ia therefore ordered j that they do appear In perann or by attorney, at a Court ol Probate to bo linlden at Orecnj rilla Court House, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on tlio 13th of May next, to abow cause, If any thev can. why a dual eel tlemenl of tl<4 Estate ; of EDMUND WADDELL, deeeasod, should J not bo had and a decreo given fhcrcow, or their consents in railing to attoad will bo en' tared of record. [ Given under my hand at Greenville Court l Houaa, tnis 13lh dny of February, A. D., 186V. S.J. DOUTHIT, P. J. O.C. I nh 17 ?9 ?n> Land for Sale. I WILL Sell at public sale, on Monday, soles day ia March, if not sooner disposed of, a tract of J.and, situated about j eleven mUes from Green villa and 1 w> , miles from L*?terV Pactory, containing 140 I Acre*?ten acres brunch bottom, twenty I frrsMy cleared, balance fallow, all in good , condition. The land Ilea well, and ia par ' ticularly adapted to the cultivation of cot> ton. About -one half of the entire place Is now in Woods. On the plaee is a good ' twoatorv Dwelling House, six room*, to. ' gether with outbuildings, good apple and peaeli-oroba'd. Totuua cash T. J. MA1IAFFEE ' **!T L___ _ 4 Notice. IX conformity with the requirements -of ttio Internal Revenue Liir, I hereby rive notice to etl persoaa who may claim % Wagon, two Oxen, three Itarrth, mad two Itomijnns of Whisky, which were rented by fW. H. Monnce end A. L. Cobb, on thh 8t1? Any of February, five or six in ilea south of Grady A Hawthorne's Factory?because of violation of the Internal Rerenne Law, the Rcvenuo tax not having been paid?to make ruch claim before mo within thirty daya from the flrat publication of this notice. a. l. conn, Tieputy Collector. Greenville, lob. 18th IM9. Feb 17 3V 1 Notice. IX eenformity with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to all peraone who may claim a Still, Cap and YVoiid, which were scixe'l hy U'ui. II. Mouneo on the I2lh of February, 18<i8, eleven miles above Ureenrillo C. II., near Mrs. Ann Hawkins'?because of beiug used in violation of the Internal Revenue Laws?to make such claims before me within thirty days from the first publication of this notice. . a. l. conn, Dep'ty OoL, Int. Revenue. Greenville, February 18th, 18611. Feb 17 -? 3 Notice. IX conformity with requirements of the Internal Revenua Laws, I hereby give nolice to all persons who may claim 7'Arrr Barrel* / Wltitky and one Two- Hone W-yn?, which were seised on the premises of A. C. Peace and J. W. Jtoeeo, in the Town of tiroenvtlle, on the 3d day of February, by He** M. Perrv. Assistant Assessor?seised I ?.?? violation of the Internal Revenue Law?(the lime bavin* been turned over to ine,) to make tneh claim before me within thirty days from the first publication of thi* notice. A. L. COBB, Deputy Col. IqL Rev., 3d Diat., 6. C. y?b w > Notice. IN conformity with requirement* of the Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to all persona who may claim a 8TI1X. CAP AND WORM. a-i*,d on the premieea of one WASHINGTON SMITH, on the J9lh of January, 1869, in Andvaon County, twelve mite* from Green villa Court House, by Rext M. Perry. At aietent Assessor, because of being used in violation of the Internal Revenue Lawa, (the aante having been turned over to roe.) t<> make such claims before roe wilblo thirty day* from ibe fiiat {lubllention of tliia notice. A. U OOBIi, . rtep. Co1. Int. Rev. Greenville, 3. C , January 19, 1869. !* ?? 3 87 8 Notice TN conformity whh requirement* of ll?e A Infernal Revenue fyawa, I hereby give notice to all peraona who may elaim* liar rel and Jug of WHISKY, whieb waa e-Uvd on the prenoaea of iliae RUTH LEW IS. in the Town of Greenvtllv, br H-xt M. Perry, Aa-istaol Assessor, on the 27(b of Januaiy ?seised because of violation of the Internal Revenue Lawa?fo make inch claim* be fore me witbin thirty day a frotu the first publication of lM? notice. A L. OORR. Dep. Col. Int. Rev.. I I Diet 8 C. flreanvilla S f -T.n <> ? 1 OaO ? ?..? win mm * mm ' COTTON SRKI). "TT AVINU made arrangements for a supply JL'jL of the at.ova celobratcd COTTON 8KKD, I will t>a a Ma ?? supply any order* by |lrin| me tiinaly not tea. Tba Moina Cotton old iiv CbKlrtti* and in Augusta for farty cent* par pound when the ordinary cotton old at twenty-eight cent*. JULIUS C. SMITH. Ki t. It M 2 Notice to l>el?tor?. ALL person* indebted to I.ONU A COL LINrt. LONG A GOODLRTT. LONG, OOODLICTT A CO , and. to H. LONG, are hereby notified that tlrair notes and no cunts are in tha hands of Mr Mr* Kerb) A Bljrthe, with whom thay ara rei|u?-et-M to rail and rettla before the fir*t of April, a* after (bat tiaaa all their demand* will be mod upon indtaeriminatvly. In thia matter I have do dUcralio*. K. D lA)KO, Aa?:fnre. [I Feb Id oi i | aIRTiRI pa WHftitj DEALER IN 1 Clocks, . WATCHES,. ? 1 AND Spectacles, ikC. |3?T~ Particular attonllon will l>o paid to all Worlc entrusted to bim. TJb io i " M a I? - ,i. n . . I Mapos' Phosphate*, 5 TONS on hand ami ft ton* to arrive. J. T. I'AKK S, ef tireenwood myc " 200 pounds per aero increased tbo yield one hundred per cent.; 100 pounds per acre fifty per ecu -. Advanced maturity ?t leant ton to Rfteen days. Considered the best Super Phosphate that bas been offered to tbo pnldlo.? Used one and a Waif tons tbo past year, and will use ten noxt year." .1 /. Dri'n Au.i o n . i ?* , ? w. . . ?. MR V) 41 norr flilf, V. ' K/ne //Hwnrfl nNii F'ftg /<o?ii(/? pir n?M ?H <*? drill intreated Ik* yield from tkrce to four fold, koetened motHiity, no d prod tier d fur nuperior mult? to Ikt tome. quantity oj pur* Peruvian (J no no. " Axdkrsox, 8. C., September '34, 1809. " Gentlemen?At your request, I *t*to thai! used Mopes' Nitrogcnir.ed Suj>#c-Phosphate of f.itue wt the rate ( LM pound* per acre, in the drill, with cotton Inst spring: and to te*t it* fertilising qualities fully, I loft two row* through the centre of a nine acre Held, to which ( applied no stimulant. The growth of the "weft" (rotten plant) If, perhaps, a fourth larger where the Ph'epliato was applied ; but it* wonderful effect i* mo it clearly manifested in the production. The cotton where the Phosphate ? * applied baa not on If matured ' much earlier titan in the row* plan tod without mimuT, Hit the product, a* any one way ?ee by riding to my farm, i* increased by it from three to four-fold. I also tried pure Peruvian (1 uano on cotton. 150 pounda to the acre, and the ancceaa of Mapcs' Phosphate is tins year far superior to it. " Respectfully yonr*, "J. P. KKEB." 5 Julius V. Siuilli. Pub 10 zs tr l>issolution, TI1K Copartnership heretofore cx if ting between Jons W. Mono ax and Jesse M. IVexTMORKi.Axn, under the name and stylo of Mown ax k WesTMoneLAxn, ia this day dissolved by mutual convent. Those indebted to the h.te Firm will rail and settle at ooco with J. M. WursiiRruiiD, at the Old Stand. Mansion Homo. 1ll??k NO. W. MiiHOAN," J. M. WESTMORELAND. Greenville, 6. C., Ftlinurjr 2d, 180V. a card. In retiring from the Inte Firm of mohoak ft; WitaTWowttl.AtlD, the undersigned begs leave to cxtonff to the public lib sincere (bunks for (he very irbrsal {paW mage with wliic-h said I'trra haa besn fwvoied, and do solicit a continuance of the same for bis former 'Oopsrtner. Dr. J. M. wkstmomklaxb, who will still carry on tbo business at the Old Stand. J NO. W. .MORGAN. atcard. "TTavlng-secttred the entire interest of Dr. J no. W. MnnuA.t in the late Finn of Mom]ax A wkstuohki.a wi, tlic subscriber gives notice that be will continue the business at the same -place. We respectfully returns his thanks for the liberal putronago heretofore recoived, aud takes occasion to say that he will hereafter' strive even more earnestly to mvrit success.1 He will always keep on bond a full flock of Fresh and Genuine DKI'GS and OlIKJII. CALf, together with a select assortment of PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac.. Ac., all of whiuh be will offer to the public at very reasonable prices. J. M. WESTM9J.M.AND. Feb M 18 tf w. h cammer, pragtigai gunsmith ani> machinist. CORN SHELI.F.US, Cotton Glna, Lock a. | K-roaene Oil Ljtmps, Hewing Me ehinea and Parasols, REPAIRED with j promptness. 'Charges reasonable. . tar Persons having Wordc In my shop done during the list year, and who have not yet ealled (or the same, mill please come lot ward and take it >wny, or it will he sold to pay for repairs. Stand ? At Weslfleld's old Shop. Feb 10 5.8 ' Slate ol' South Carolina, 4BK8NVTLLB COUNTY. Sheriffs Sales. BY virtue of nti order frotn S. J. Douiliit, Prukxtt Jud^r, I will fell, on Salcsday in March next, to the highest bidder, nt pnl?li? outcry, the following XUACT Ok' LAND, xis.: Alt that Tract of Land, situated in tlie County of (IrcoavUle, on waters of F.noree Hirer, bounded hy land] of Joseph Green, Henry McCullnugh and others, and containing Fifty A rrrt, more or less. Hold as the proparty of WILI.IAM K. GKEKN, deceased, for partition among the heirs. Tkkms.?A credit of twelve months for all except an much as will pay the cost, which will he required in eash. Purchasers to give hond with approved security and a mortgage et the premises to the Pro hate Judge, to secure the paymeut of the purchaso money.? Purchasers to pay for titles and stamps. A. B. VICKKRS, Fehruary flth, 186'J. Feb 10 33 * WMIM Mm k CO. Wholesale Dealer* IN DRY GOODS ?,L? 0ffi0(Sy ino J 10il if..*: w jLtj/j muu i?? aeeung oi.> Charleston, N. C. EDWIN SATE*. 0*0 a SELMAN. , TOO* I. M*?ABAll. P*b 10 . 88 8m LAW NOTICE, A. BACON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NAUISTRATE, OFFICE OVER FULL! VANS' STORE, . <w!U7sasrF3>Qc?agf a. <q? I Feb 10 R8 U > i iisV The 8t<)t6 of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. ?y .9. J. DOUTHIT, tUqnin, PrrJxtf J*dqt of laid Oomntw. WIIERICAS, E. M. T.OXO hu filed a Petition in my Office praying that I.cttora of Administration en all and singular the it<>?<l*ye#tl chattel*, rights aud credits of StEn/lK F. LONtl. late of lbs County aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to her. 7"Ar?? ore, fJUr?/err. to cite and adiaonisb | alt and singular tike kindred and creditors of tbe said deceased, to he and appear tn the Court of Probate for said Connty, to he h'dden at Greenville Conrt House, on ibe I2d duy <>f 1..1 -i s# _i.i_ ?> * ?. ?, iiibi,, ?*? oim'W nuec, it mi v, ?u/ iuu witl Administration pbnal'l not b? gruotnJ. 8. J. LOUTIIIT, I-. J. U. C. Probate Offioe, 8tb February, 18GV. Feb 16 _ 88* 1 ? Tho State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. By $. J POUJ'HIT, Enquire, Probate Judge of mitrl ('otiiify. \V II Kit K AH. W. M SMITH ha* filed a ? ? Petition id my tttfhe, praying tl>j*t Letters uf Administration tie b?mi? tcm, 'on *11 and singular the good* and chittela rights and credits of A. J. SMITH. lnte of the County aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. 7'ht*r are, therefore, to c'fe aod ndninnl*h all and singular the kindred and arediuu* of the asid deeeaMol, ?*? he and appear ill the Court of Fiutist* f?jr said Com ty. to be ho'dea at Greenville Court House, on the HUh day of February inat., to shour enure, if any, why the said Adioiaistrativu should not be granted. ft. j nourniT, p. j. a. c. Probate's Office, February 6th, 186V. Fef? 10 38 2 Stole or South Carolina, OUKENVll.l.E COUNTY. By 8 J DOITJ ftIV, F.*quire, Probate Judge of eaid County. \Y 1IKKF.AS, M. ftMJTl! ha- filed a v V petition iu my .Office, proving that Letters of Adniinislr-trtmn on all and singii InC the (foods and chattels, rights and credits of FRANCIS SMITH, late of the Comfy aforernid, should be granted to lilm. Thtee ore, therefore, to cite and odmnnisli all and singulnr the kindred nnd creditors of the s.iid deceased, to be and appciir in theCourt of Piohate f?-r said County, to he h- iden at Greenville Court House, on the 20fk day of I'thrmury to show onuse, if any, why tlie suid Administration should not he granted ft J. TfOUTHTT, P.J O C. "Probate** Office, February 6lh, 1869. Feb 10 , 88 2 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. AU kHV vu *XL TO XroDfcTO. ABSALOM 1ILY11115. Administrator o(S* "rah McJnnkin, vs. Jiftn <}, MntfLhl, WH limn MnvfifM ftal, D-fendant>>.?-Citation far Final Settlement and Drrree. II' app-ailtur to my Ml isfnction that John O U?yfl?)<l, M illiMm Mavfietd, James Mayfield, S'anwix M lyfiold, Thnnina H. klajfi.-'d, IVar'nn li. XJnytivl'l, ill" heirs at law und A sttrbutee* ctl Jesse IB nidi eld. and the h>-irs at. law ami .lie'rrturtees of Mury Bmivw, defendants in this case, reside with out i ho li in i: n of this State. Oil motion of Karle, solicitor pro pet.: It is or Jet ed, that they appear In psra?>n ?>r hy attorney, al a Court of Probate, to be linlihn at Greenville Court House on the t<li dny of May to show en use, if any Ihev have, why a final acuLenenl <tf the Rdete of SARAH MoJUNKlN, d-eeascA, should not he had, and a decree given thereon,; or their con senis, on failing to at'ond, will he entered of record. Given und.?r my hand and seal at Green, ville Court House, this second day of .Feb ruary, A D. 18tV9. s j. doutiwt, p. j. o. c. Feb 3 87 8in The State of South Carolina, GHEIiNVIlXE COUNTY. In the Court of Probata. OLIVER P. KARLK rt a'., Executors, vs. EMILY 8. MOULY and J. 11. M011LY her hns'-and ft al.? Vital ion fur Final Settlement, Decree, drc, IT appearing to my satisfaction that Emily 8nrali Moldy and J. It. Mohly her husband, Defendants in this ense, reside without the limits of tliie State-: <in smithu. of Harks and Blytlns, Solicitors for the Petitioners, It is ordered, that they do appear in person or hy attorpey, at n Court of Probate, to bu liohleu at Greenville Court llouae at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 28th dny of April next, to show eauso if any they esn, why a Final Settlement of the Estate of ELIZA >V. EARLE, deceased, should nutboiiad, and a Decree given therein, or their cnwacnta "h? ttrflinglo attend, will be entered of record. Given under my hand at Greenville, this 28th day of January. A. P.. 18fd>. S.J. DOI'TIIIT, J. r. 0. C. Feb 3 -87 3m Stntv of Nonila Carolina, O/iKEXViU'K OOL'M Y. In (he Court of Probutc. MANLY BRIGHT, Administrator with the Will annexed, i>*. Mar?\i:Kt 0. <Jr? ?;r and other*. Defendant*?dilation for a Final S<fitment and Decree. IT appealing to my satiafaclinn that Mar J. gai-et 0? 'Greer And A. J. Greer her linaliand, Florence Mavfirlil and John Mat field, defendant* in thia ruse, reside beyond the limits of this t-tate : It is therefore ordered, I that tliey appear in perron or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be hidden at Ore.-nvil'e Court H"\l*-, on (he 1V/A day of Afrril next, to allow cause, if any they have, why a Final Settlement of the Estate ol i*. \V. M AYF'KLD, deceased, should lint he | had, and a Decree given thereon; or their consent, in failing to attend, will be entered of record. Given under my band at Greenville Court Tlouae, tbD 1'2'h dav of January, A. 1 >., 1809. J. DOifTMIT, P. J. 0. IX Jan 20 85 3m Stale or Soufh Carolina, GRENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probata. J. W. IULL and wife. JOSEPH F.NK HILL, Applicant* against WILLIAM ''OX and othera. Defendant*.? Citation for o final Settlement and Decree. "?T appearing to my entiefiictinn that JL Walker Laneaaler and wife. Mary Jane ,nin-n*it-r, ??r. n ilimm I?nrTi<W <m?l Wife, i/oui'A Iturton, I'my Hirion end wite, Kliin C. Barton, m thin enne. renide without the lims* <?f tide Stn?e : It ! Iliereh re ord?*r?tt.IIia! thoy do Appear in perron or by attorney nt a Court o( Pio?'At-, to be hekien At Greenville Court limine nt ten o'clock, A. M , on tlie 2<l dny of March next, to kbow enure if nny they enn, why * final ae-tilein?id of M?e Beat* of Bernheha Co*, decerned, rhmtld not be had, end a T>r<rT" e given therein, or their ?onrentn, in failing to nil end, will bo entered of rmrtd. Given under my h?nd nt, Greenville Court llouac, thin 2d day of December, A. I)., 1?C8. 8. J. DOHTI11T, J. P. G C. Dee 2 2tJ 3n? * ** * P *"'** **+'+ i*. 3' '^? "mmt Stat* of South Carolina. U RE EX VI LIB COl'XTY, In ChuMiy. SUSAN TUREI.K Il.I) by next frlentf re. W. D. TIIREIjKILP, Administrator,??of.? JW// /or JSmitUmenl Html Ettntm, Am. T)Y virtue of tb? Dceretal Order of Judge Jy Orr, I will sell on Balm day, In March next, at (Ireonrilla C. II., to the higboet bidtier, the fallowing Tract of Land, daacribed on tbo Hill, via: Tract No. 2. containing Rix'y-?ix aerca. mora nr lea*, adjoining lands of Win. Asbiuore, Mr*. Craig, RoUrl Adams and otbora. Ttu^'-Cmlit of Twelve month*, with intercet from date, except enough to pay the eoete, which mnet l>e in canh?Hand with good surety and a mortgage of the prcwiec*. Purchaser to pay for Paper* and Stamp#, W. A. M.DANTKL, C. C. C. Clcrlt'a Office, Fob. 2d. ISM. Feb 3 37 4 The State of South Carolina, GREENVJIXE COUN1Y. In Chancery. JASPER N. KUDDUTI1 r?. RENJAMIN FUDDtlTIl ft at.?Bill for l'artition of Real Kit ate, <tv. BY virtue of the Deeretal Order of Judga Orr, I wHI 84*11 on S?l?kUy lit Match H< xt, nt Greenville Court House. to Ik* highest. hlddrr, the Land* ol RACHEL Sl'DDUTII, dec ascj, as described iu the HHI, vlx : Tract No 1. The HOME PLACE, containing One Hundred Acres, more or lew, on south side of Beaverdam Creek, adjoining lands of Wm. Moon, A. I filter, Jantea llrne* and others. On ibis Tract there is a fine mill eiie sin) shoal. Tract. No. 2. Known as the YCM. RO^S TRAI.T. containing Ninety-Eight Acres, more or looa, on the north side, of Beavetd*m Creek, adjoining lands of Reuben Huddutli, Andrew Suddtilh and Mrs Ponder. Term*.?Twelve months eredit, with interest ft om day of sale, Bond, with approved sureties and a mortgage of the premises. Costs to be paid in e?sh on day <d sale. Purchasers to |>ay for Papers and otumpa. W. A. McT>AN!EU C. C. C. Cleik'a Office, Ftbiuary 2d, lbB'J. K?i? 3 87 - 4 The State of South Carolina, GUEKNNILLE COUNTY. In Chanoery. JAMES M. BENSON and WIT.US K. RFNHON. Executors, n* MAHY F. BENSON ft ?/.?Bill for Partition of Heal E*taU, dr. BY virtue of tlie Decrtlal Order in tliia ease, I will re-sell, on Sulerday in March next, to the highest bidder, at Oreen, villa C. H., at tits rl-k of tlie (oriner purchaser. all that LOT ol LAND situated, lying and being within the incorporate limits of tlie Town of Greenvil'e, on the Augusta Rood, containing I'm Acre*, more or lees. Tkkms?Cost to be paid in rash?fh? ha'mice on a credit of twelve months, with interest fi-om date; I ond with good surely and a mortgage of tlie premiers to seem a tlie puscliase nmney, Purchaser u> pay tor pspent stktl YV. A. McDANIEL. C. C C. OlerVsOffice, February 2, 1869. 87-4 The State of South Carolina, ?ll??NVILLE COUNIY, In Chancery. WYMAN. RYUI) A CO.. r*. GRADY A 11AW'lil-OKN.?Bill to Foreclote Martyi.'ir, vbc. T)Y virtue of ths Decretal Older of Ids , JD Honor, Judge Js?m> s L. Orr, mnd-in tlie above case,] will sell to tlie higlust bidder, at Gi et-nville Court House, on KalesDay in Ma'cb next, tie l'liuiise* desctibe-l in tlie Pleadit gs, vii: All tliat piece, parrel and Tiaet of Land. Rltuntiid 111 tltK I \illnf u nf f- ***>*> ? tll*s * <? ? miles fr??sn the Court House, mid six from tlm GwnvHIa liailroad Depot, lying o? Ik th tJ<kcs of "Reedy Kiver, containing Four Hundred and NlntyNine Acres, more or Icn, in a high state of cultivation. Upon the plane is located the well known Cotton and Wool Faetrrv of the Defendants. The Cotton Factory is in full operation, with some thirteen hut dr>d spindles and twenty four looms ; the Won! Factory with one hundred and twenty mule spindles, is nho in good order, and successful operation. <tn the premises aie a good Flooring, Grist a?d Saw Mills, w ith Blacksmith Slioj?two comfi rlahie Dwelling Bouses, and several small framed Houses, for the operatives, with a n c? brick Church. The water power at nil Reasons is sufficient to diive thrca limia the nmoutit of Machinery now in optratlot.. The country is r-mAikahly henlthv, with a climate tinsuri assed in the United States, with a soher, industrious ai.d energetic population. Wooded lands ad? jaeent. w ell limbered, can be purchased at reasonable prices. This is the best oper* tunity for an investment to capitalists that lias beeu offered iu the up country since its war. Tkhms Ca*n. Purchaser to pay for P?pcra and Stamps. W. A McDANIF.L, C. C. C. Cork's Office, Feii. *d. 18?9. rer The Charleston Ntxe*, and Columbia I'/tomix will c? t\V twice a week until day of Sale and stud till (o the Clerk for payment. F. b 3 87 4 The State of South Carolina. tillKEK V1LLE COL'N'l Y. In the Court of Probate. B. F. KILGOIiE. Kswnlor, Applicant. e? THOMAS MAYFIFIJ) e< al. |l. fondants Oilatioti for a Final SiUUiamt otnJ L)+cr<?. TT appearing to my satisfaction that. 1 Ttomas M?\field, I-lieni Brown, tie heirs of Jamra Mnyfieid, names unknown, heirs of Ahrem Majfl-ld, nnnre* unknown, heirs of Jordan Mnvfield, nnmea unknown, and leham Long am) wife li-tsv Long, reside without tlie limits of this Slate; It U ordered and decreed, that they do apj-ear at a Court of Fr->l>ate, In person ot |,y t?rney, on Friday, 1he Soth day of Aprd neat, at lO u'dufV, A. M , to show ?au*e, i1 any they can, why a Final Settlement of the Relate of JOHN MAYFIELD. dece-s.4. should not l>e had and a lieeree given thereon, or,t heir consent* iu failing to altered w ill b? entered of record. Oiven under my hand at f5re?n\1Ha Court House, this 80lh day of January , A. D., 1869. B.J. DOI'TIIIT, P. J. G. f\ Feb 8 87 S.h j _ surveyor, conveyancer, and Magistrate. THE unilenri??ned liavinjr taken <?it iieerro a* a CunecyAWcer, will, in connection wttli h4* ?urveyr, attend to drawing; \\ illy, Mortgages, Jleedj, Dowers, will I'rove and Htnmf Pnj?eTi?. qnnlify ConimitieioiM rs ami Appraiser* of Estates at reusnnatde rate* of charge. Residence, sis miles li??t of tlrv<nville. Ilia friends can confer with him cvety Sniesdny at Orecnrllle Court Honac. I will attend en Tuesday after ralerta.v of each luonth, at my residence, to the duties of Magistrato for 8hut'kley'a lleaf. W.M. A. Illb'OV. o.t ?d -m ni*a