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f Permian Vuano, TONg GENUINE KO. 1, TO AR ZO HIVE. JULIUS C. BIIITB. Rah 10 ?9 1 *.-* ?> - 1 '! ...?. . I ? MM PEILER & mCKSH'S COTTON SEED. TT AVIXG made arrangement. for ii wnpljr JL.jL ?f lh? tboT* celebrated COTTON KKKD, I will b? able to u|>plj any ordor* by giving me timely notM. The Moina Cotton old la Charleston and la Augusta for forty Mali per poaml when the ordinary cello u old at twenty-eight certta. JULIUS C. SMITH. Feb 19 #8 S Notice to Debtors. ALL peraont indebted to LONG A OOL L1NS. LONG 4GOOI>LKTT. LONG, O00l>LETT A CO , and to R. LOKG. are hereby notified tlmt their no lea and ae e^unti m in the handa of M?-aar* Ear1? A Illy the, with whom they are relocated to ?eall and fettle before the fir A of April, a* rff fl ?P I Smw all lliuin rlamati.le aaaall ?<>ed upon indiscriminately. In this matter 8 have no 'discretion. R. D. LONG, Ass'gne*. Feb 18 M S Mapes* Phovphates, 5 TONS ontieml rod 5 "tons to arrive. J. T. PAKK8, of UrMowsod says: " 200 pounds per gate- in creased the yield nno "hundred per cent.) 100 pounds per acre Btly jkt cent. Advanced maturity at least ten to )Mona day*. Considered the best 8npcr Phosphate that 1mm been offered to the psMle.? Used one and a'half tone the put year, and will nee tea tti'rt per." J. P. It EE I), A ndrrmn, fj. C. 7 Oar ffswtsrf and Fifty jm??(in per ecrf in the drill imcrta+td tike yield frnm three tn fahr-foid, hantenrd molarity, and prndnced far idmrior reemlte to the same quantity oj pure ftraeiaa Ouaao. " Andrrsos, S. C., September 30, 1809. " Oentlemeu?At your request, I stato that I uwS Mapes' Nitrogcnised Super-Phosphate of Liino at the rate of 130 pounds per acre, in the drill, with cotton last spring; and to teat Its fertilising qualities fully, I left two rows through the ecntre of a nine acre Bald, to which I applied no etimnlant. Tbo growth of the "meeds'** i(cotton plant) is, porhqps, a fourth larger where tho Phosphate was applied ; but its wonderful effect is mart clearly manifested in the prodnctien. Tho cotton where the Phosphate was applied has not only inatnred aouch earlier :theu in the rowa planted without manure, but the jswluct, as any one may ace hy riding to mr farm, -is increased by St from three to fonr-fold. I also tried pore Peruvian Ouano on cotton, 150 pounds to the acre, and the success of Mapes' Phosphate is this year Car superior to it. ** Respect fully ronrs. -J. P. KKED.** Jtalln* C. SauiiH. Feb IB 38 tf Dissolution. THE Copartnarehip heretofore existing hcUre?n Juan W. MoMtl mm! Jtu? M. W ao?ler the ?mo and etyle of Monc ah A Wrwtwm W, it thb <Ujr die solved by mutual peasant. Tbuae iadebtod U Oho Uo Fir* will eall mad saltlo at ance with J. M. Wa?r?oMet.A*i>, At the VU fiUtxl, lfanoiow House Mtock. JXO. W. M01UJAN, J. M. WESTMORELAND. Greenville, 8. C-, February 2d. 186V. A CARD. In retiring from the lata Firm of Moro.tx k. W KflTXollKL AMI>, tie HBllrrdgtlfll bcgl lean to rxlend to the public Li* sincere thanka for the very liberal patronage with which aaid Firm hue bean faroted, and to aolioit a coutiiwaaM of the aame for hie former Copartner. Dr. J. U. Wmtvoicldu*, who will etiM carry ou tho Uuincea at the Old Seend. JNO. W. MORGAN. i A CARD. flaring secured the entire intcrcat of Dr. J no. W. Mono as in the lata Fkwa of Momu A Wkmtmokelaxo, the subtcriber gives notice that bo will continue the business at tho tame place. lie respectfully return* hit thanka for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and taken oceaaioa to aay that he will hereafter strive car en more earnestly to merit success, lie will always keep on hand n full Stock of Fresh and (tannine DHl'tJS and CHEMICALS, together with a select assortment of PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, Ae? Ac., all of which be will offar to the public at trsry reasonable price*. J. M. WF.STMOLKLAXD. Feb 10 M tf Stale of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sharif* Sales. BY virtue of an order from 8. J. Pnntlih, Probate Judge, I will sell, on SaWsday iu March Mil, to the highest bidder, at publie eulogy, the following TRACT Of LAND, vis.: All that Tract of Land, situated In the Cu?b(j of Oroenvilte, ou waters of Ktioree ltirar, bounded by land* of Joseph Grcon, Henry McCulloogh and others, and containing Fifty Arret, more or less. Bold as the proparty of WILLIAM K. URKKX, deceased, ror partition among the holra. Taawa.?A credit of twelve months for all except so much as will pay the cost, which will be required in carb. Purchasers to give head wills approved security and a aiorlgage ef the premises te the Probate Judge, to secure the payment of the purchase money.? Purchasers to pay for titles and stamps. A. D. VICKCltS, 8. U. C. February 6th, 1899. Feb IP 38 S W. H CAMMED PRACTICAL BtHUlKTH AND MACHINIST. CORN 8IIELT.ERS, Cotton Oine, Locke, KtretrM Oil La wipe, Hewing Ma nnines am rmNM, KKI'AIRKL) Willi promptness. Charges reasonable. HT Persons having work in my shop don? during the lest (Mr, ynd who hsve pot yet oalled for the Mine, will please poms forward and lake il away, or U will |m sold to pay for repairs. Haaud?At Wc*ifidd'a old Shop. P?t> 10 88 If s , ? Notice. IX eopforpiUy with requirement* of tke Inlernal Revenue Laws, I hereby gire notloe to all persons who may claim Tlkrtc fiarre/? ?/ R't??4*y o-d OH* Tun-Hurt* H'lpm, which were seised on tha psnsslses of A. 0. Pence and J. W. Reese, In the Town of OreenvtUo, en the Sd day of February, by Ilext M. Perry, Assistant Assessor?eotaed because of violation o( the Internal Rerenne Law?(the lease baring been tarned orer to me,) to make pneh claim before ma within thirty days from tha Aral publication pf (bis notice. A. L. CORB, Deputy Col. Int. Rev., 3d Dht., P. C. Feb 10 30, 3 T H?< S Stale or South CaroAiua, UHliBUVII.Ut COCKIY. ^ tfebnf I Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writs si >kri Facias tu t.N JltteM, I will sell, before tbe Court Due** ileur, *h iTtMtjp in JfmrvA hcjrf, at tbe nwel kner ef sak- -H e'riotk, euua, One Treet of Land, neer Mc Dee's Factory, containing T5 acrss, tawfe vt lets, adjoining lands of X. (K LeuUertnan, W. Asbutnre, J. Undcruan and others. Also, one Lot in tbe Town of ilreenrllle, nebr tbe Presbyterian Ckeirht eniiteialng about | of an aere, adjoining lot of W. E. Karle.on tbe north, and bounded on lb* east by Laeretts Street, on tbe aoeth t>* W ashing ton Street, and un tbe weet by Rkbardaon Street. Levied on as the property of WUIlam Perry, at tbe salt of /antes J. Shnmate. '? Also, one Tract of Land situated on Mush Creek. IT miles above tlreenvllle Court House, containing ii 10 acres, more or less, well imEovcd and in a high state of cultivation, ad. iutttg lands of A. A. Neves, Mrs. M, Taylor and others. Levied on as the property of James N. Taylor, at the suit of J. Kauisey liowden and others. -j Also, all Defendant's right, title and Interest in Law and Equity (being one-half interest) to the following property, to wit: One small Tract of Land, containing Id acres, more or less, adjolniug lands ul T. L. Fowler and others. Also, the Paper Mill Tract, containing 66 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of T. L. Fowler and others. Abo, one other Traot of Land, containing 333 acres, more or K-ss, ..It..:-:-- i i- _r i, t u i?g nitj'io ?i a. jr. iaj.??t? ncovt) s Eatntu and others. Alao, ibe following persona] property: 2 Mules, 4 Rag Engine*. 4 Ftcnu. Rollers, 2 Paper Machine*. 1 set Calendars, 1 Ruling Machine, 2 Rag Hollers. 2 Paper Presses. The above personal property, except the Males, can be scon at the Dunham Paper Mill, and srill not be removed until alter dny of sale, bat will be sold at the Conrt House on Salcday la March. The following Machinery can he seen'at the Dealer Paper Will, and will not be removed to Ureeaville Conrt Moom for tale, bat will be a?ld at the Court House on fiiStdar in March neat: 2 Sleatn Boilers, 1 Ptesin Engine, I Paper Machine, 2 Rag Engines, 1 Paper Press, 1 set Blacksmith's Toots and 2 Wagons. Levied on as tho property of Satnner S. Brown, at the sail of Grady, Ferguson A Miller. Also, one Lot in the Town of Greenville, on the south side of tho River, eontoiaing 4 acres, more or less, with some improvements on the sntne, adjoining lots of VI. T. Tfammett, R. H. Earl* and others. LovWl m as the property oft). W. Brooke, at the ewSt of William Watkins. Also, all Defendant** right, HtVe-and interest in the Lands of A*hel Cog, containing ?? acres, more nr lew. (the Homestead to ho eet off t<> Defendant before day ef saAo,) situated in the upper part of the County on Saluda Rirer, adjoining lands of John II. Goodwin, W. C. Goodwin, William lJawkins and others. Levied on as the property of John Cox, at the suit of A. Illy the, Executor. Terms Cask. Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers. A. B. YICKERS, 8. 0. C. Sheriff's Office, Feb. 4th, 136V. Fob 10. 3R .3 United States Internal Revenue. IN accordance with Instruct lone received by II. O. Herrtck, from the Commissioner, I will proceed to make the Annual Assessments for 18fiV, and for tlis cuvsnl enee of persons 1 will attend at ilia several nauied Sub Election Precincts, and take AeSKMMKKTS FOR 18C9: At Orove Station, Monday, 8lli February. At Lendcrman's, Tuesday, Vth February. At AvwoWs, Wednesday, 10th F-bruaiy. A' MoOwHongh's, Thursday, 11th February. At Ceday Fails, Friday, 12th ? Urti?ry. At Fairview, Saturday, 18th February. At Simpsonvillc, Monday, February 15tli. At Walker's Cross Roads Tus^sv P-b-i ary lflth. At Uuena Vi?l?, Weiiwal^y, Fe)?r#?ry I7'li. At Chick Spring*, Thured ay, February 18th. At Gross', tii'liy, February IVth. At Gi'Wcn-viHr, (tetunlay, February 20th, At Diekty'i, Monday, February 22 1. At MrKlnnn'*, T?fHl?y, February 28 1. At (lodges, Wednesday. February 24th. At Oooedvin'o, TLuiiiur, February 25th. At Marietta Friday, February 26tli. At Montgomery 'a, Saturday, February 271b. At Greenville, Twa weeko following. All iwrsons wot making their return at eillicr of tlie |ili?? or liine above ntcniUn ed must do to at my office In Greenville on or before tliu Itilr df March. The town of Greenville will b'f in miwi. Thie Anveeerneut ioehidea the taxable income of the calendar year, WW, and the Tax on Carri*i'e<, Gold Watches, lttNiard Tables, Quid aud Silver (late, owned ft rat of 180V. Perrons, Firms, Companies or Corporationa engaged in any buainaee, occupation or profeaatoo within the liioi's of Green Tills Ooonty, for whieli apecial tn i? re quired, mutt duly apply and register their names with me; and lire prosecution of their business without such application, will render ti.cni liable. Kadi party will plcaee acta well as lo hie Income and other Taxable Property prior to date of Assess ment. Purlhern ofra, all persona' who are inlerrsfed in any Legaeies, Distributive Share*. Inheritance* or Successions, either a* Administrator, Executor or Trustee, must make return as ia their case provided Ignorance is no plea for failure tu comply with tbe law of the land. IIEXT M PEItftY, ami Assessor, Uroen vtlle County, C, Feb 3 87 2 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia ths Court of Probata. B. F. KILQORE, Executor, Applicant v thomas MaYFIFI.D el at. Defendants Citation for a Final Settlement an J beer re. IT sppearlnr to my satisfaction that TtiomM Ma> field, Mi*m Brown, the heirs of Janus Maj-fieid, names unknown, heirs of Abrsm Msy field, names unknown, heirs of Jordan Mayfield, names unknown, and lehatn I-ong and wife IMsy lxing, reside without the limit* of tbia {Jute: ft is ordered and decreed, that tliey do appear at a Court of Pr <hate, In person or l-v at Urney. on Friday, the 30th day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M , to show cause, if any they ean, why a Final Settlement of the Relate of JOHN HATFIELD, deceased, should not be had and a Decree yieto thereon, orjlhsir consents in failing to attend will be epterrd of record. Given under my hand at Greenville Court House, this 3uth day of January, A. L?., 1800. 8. j. DouTnrr, p. j. o. c. V ..I. o ? rew <? 01 i)ill Surveyor, Conveyancer, and Xagutrate. 11IIE undersigned hnvinj taken nut license aa a Conveyancer, will, in connection with bit surveys, attend to drawing Willi, Mortgage*, Deed.*, Dowora, will Prove and | 8 la nap Paper*, qualify Comntlaaionera and Appraiser* of Kstataa at reasonable rates of cfcargo. Residence, six miles Rost of (Iretfnville. Ilia friends ran confer with hitn avsry Halesday at tirecneills Conrt House. I trill attend nn Tuesday after saleday of each month, at my reridence, to the duties of Magistral^ for Shocklry'a P>eat. WIf. A. IIIDSOV. Oct 28 23 16*U * ?. % 8 I MjP* I The State of South Carolina, ORRKNVILLS COUNTY. By 8. J-. BOUT HIT, K'tqm ?> , J'rubule J?dyi mf tnid fV?af?, \\7 1IKHKAS, K M. LONG ban filed a Pa* YY titlnn In my OAce praylh* IbiU Letter* ot Admialllratitt oft nil and rih|*1ir The tend* and chattel*, right* ?nd erediu of SXKPItKN P. LONG, l?(? of the County aioraaaid, deeeaead, ihnnM he grunted to her. Tkf+r are, iherr/^re, to eit* mid idnunlrb all and aingular the kindred and creditor* ol the e?id deceased, to ho and appear In the Court of Probate for (aid County, to We heldcn at Greearillo Court Hooae, on tlio 92d day of February, iaat., to ahow cauee. If any, why tbo ntd Adminlutratinn ahmild not b* granted. 8. J. OOUTIHT,, fr. J. CL C. Probate Offioc, Sth February, ISC9. Feb It ' 8* *> ? The State of South Carolina, i GltEKXVILLK COUNTY. By 8. J nOUTJlir, K'quire, Prolate of ?aid County. V a 1 uouotu tir ? ? * ?? a m m / ii, ?f. Q1 fl.1^ IHffttl ' ' trillion in my (mjlitg that Lrtlffi of Adm'mstration tie bonie now, on nil and lingular th? good* and chattels, rights and credits of A. J. SMI Til. hits of lbs County stomal J, deceased, sliould be granted to him. TTtcee ars, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to b? *n<l appear In the Court of Probate for said County, to l>? *.o'd? n at Greenville Court House, on tits Huh thy eij February inel., to show entire, if any, why the said Administration should not bs granted. S 3 noUTIllT. P J. G. C. * Probate's Office, February (ih, 1868. Feb 10 Wt 2 Slate of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. By 9. J DOUT HIT, Kept ire. Probate Judge. of en id County. \\7 IIRRKAS, W. M. SMITH has filed a r ? Petition in my Office, praying that Letters of Administration oti all and singtt lar the goods nnd chaPe's, rights and eredits of FRANCIS SMITH, late of the County aforesaid, d centred, sliould be granted to liim. Tht*e are. there/ore, to cite and ndmonirh all Mid singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to lie and appear in the Court of Ptnbate f<<r said County, to be It' Id en at Oteenetlbt Court. Hottae, on the tOfA day of Ftbruary tart, to ?l?ot? oauae, if any, why the aaid Administration should not be granted ft J. DOUTI11T, P. J O. C. Prohale's Office, Febittary 6th, 1808. Feb 10 M 2 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Coirt of Probate. APSAU)M BLY1IIE. Admh.latratnr of Parah MeJtinkin, vs. Jam G. Mnyfi.-ld, Wil liam Mar field el at, Defendant?.? Citation far Final Sett Lot tut and Decree. It' ap|teaiing to my satisfaction that John G May field, VV illiani May field, James Mayflrh), 8ianwix M-?yfin'd, Thomas B. May fi. Id, Pearson B. Mayfiehl, the heirs at I__ ..t < i " * ' w nnu uiruiunufi Ol iifPHf MH\ncl?l. Hflfl tin h>ir? ?l U? mid tlMirllmUit of M?ry ltmver, defendants in this case, without (he limit* <4 this Slult. On motion of Eiirlt, solicitor pro ptl : It is ordeied, thst lh?T sppntr in ptrson or hy Attorney, nt a Court of Probate, to bs hidden nt Greenville Court House on the 4!h <lny of Mny n-xt, to show cause. if tiny the* have, why n liiml aellh menl of the Ei>lnU of SAKAil MiJUXKIN, deceased, should not W hud, sod a decree gifrtt thereon; or their eon sents, on fnilii.g to at'end, will he entered of record. Given und'r my hnnd nnd seal nt Ore?-n. ill* Court House, this second dny of Feb rusry, A I>. 18*9. ? J. DOUTHIT, P. J. 0. C. Feh S > - 87 3m The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia tho Coart of Probate. OLIVER P. EARLK ei at., Executors, en, EMILY S. MODLY and J. It. MOlll.Y her husbaud el at.?Citation far Final Settlewot, Decree, ti e. XT appearing to my satisfaction that Emily I Ssrsh Moldy and J. It. Moldy her hushaud, Defendants in this case, reside without the limits of this State: On motion of Earle and Blythe, Solicitors for the Petitioners, ft is ordered, that they do appear in person or hy attorney, at A Court of Probate, to be tiolden at (i reel!ville Court House At 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 28th day of April next, to sbow oausc if any they can, why ? Final Settlement of tbo K.-lnte of fihIZA W, EARLK, dcrva>?d, should sot be had, and n Decree given therein, or their consent* in failing to attend, will be entered of record. (liven nnder my hand at Orcenvlllc, this 28th day of Jannary. A. D., IKf.#. 8. J. D0UT1IIT, J. P. 0. C. Feb J I- 37 3m Stale or South Carolina, GRRF.KVn.l.X COVATY. In ike Court of I'rotmte. MANLY BRIGHT, Administrator with the Will annexed, M. M?no\rKr O. Ur.tun and others, Defendants.? Citation for a Final Sftllfmrut and Decree, I T appearing ,UV ibfaetinn that Mar 1 garet C, Greer and A. J. Greer her husband, Florence Mayfleld and John Mnyfirld, Defendant* in thia c?se, reside beyond the limits of this 8tat* : It ta liter* f->re ordered, that they appear in peraon o~ by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be hohlen at Greetivil e Court House, on (fit I'itk day of April wex/, to show cause, if nny they have, why a Final Settlement of the K?lute of L W. M AYFIKLD, deceased, should not l>e had, and a Deetve given thereon; or their consent, in failing to atteud, will be entered of record. Given tinder my hand at Greenville Court House, this It'll day ?>f January, A. l>., 186V. & J. DOUTIIIT, P. S. 0. D. Jan 20 35 Stu State oC Month Carolina, ( RENVILLE COUNTY. Ia the Coart of Probate. J. W. Ill LI. end wife, JOSRPIIKNU HILL. Applicants against WIIXl^N COX and others. Defend Ants.?Citation for a final Settlement and Doc re*. IT appearing to n.y satisfaction that Walksr Lancaster and wife, Mary Jane Lancaster. Dr. William Barton ?n?t Milf Honi-a Harton, Perry Marion and wife, Eliia C. Ilarion, ItefVndanta in thin eaae, reaide without the limi;a of tlii? Stale : It U therefor* ordered, that they do appear In peraon or hy attorney at a Court of Probate, to be h'ldiin at Greenville Court Moure at ten o'clock, A. M., on the 2d day of March ne*f, to (hoar enure. If any they can, why a final aetilenaent of the Hecate of Dareheha C?>*, drceaeed, rlion'd not l>e had, and a Ilwoe niri'O therein, or their c?naenla, in f?ilia>|? to attend, will be catered of reonrd. Given under my hand at Oreenville Court llouee, tiib 2d day of l>eeeml?cr, A. l>., 1868. 8. J. DOUTUIT, J. P. O. C. Deo 2 28 Uui 8 IRTBR1 State of South Carolina. UREENVILLH COUNTY, la CkftBMijr. BUBAI* ttrUEUKII.D hy next friend rr. W. 1). THRELKILD, Administrator, r( of? Mill fur SeUlcmtnt Htul AVlnrt, Ac. , BY of the Dvoretnl Order uf Jml(? Orr, I will .?n oq galea Jlay, in March next, at Orevnrille (?. If., toiko bightft ItKU ' tier, fie following Tract of Land, doceribt-d on the Hill, vis: | Tract No. 2, containing Histy-aiX acref.tnorc ' or l?M, adjoining land*of Wa. Arbtnore, Mra. Craig, Robert Ailanta and other*.. Tckki?Cmlit of Twclre months, with interval f.-om date, except ennwgh to pay the coat*, which unit be in caeh? Bond with good surety and a mortgage uf the premise*. Purchaser to pay fWr Papers and gtarnpe. W. A. M?:I>AfUEL, V. C. C. '< Clerk's Office, Feb. 2d, ISM. Feb S 37 4 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. * la Chanocry. JASPER N. RUfWUTIl ea BENJAMIN PUDDUTII tt al.?liiU fur J'artiiion of Jitai Ettate, ?tc. . BY virtue of the Decretal Order of Judge Orr. I will aell on galendajr in March nr|t, at Grcenillie 0??urt llouro. to llio htgbe*t bidder, the Lends ot RACHEL SUDDUTII, decrascj, as described in the felll. Vis : * ' Traet No. 1. The HOME PLACE. contain ing One Umpired Acrta, more or lew. on south side of Benverdain Creek, adjoining; land* Ci( Wm. Iluwl, A. leister. Jams* Bruce and other*. On till* Tract there I* a fine mill site and slioal. Tract K?>. t Known as the WM. RiXSS TRACT, coulainiog Ninety-Eight Acres, inore or loss, on the north side of Beaverdam Creek, adjoining; land* of Reuben Suddulh, Andrew Sudduth and Mr* Ponile*, Tkrms.?Twelve months credit, with interest ftom day of tale. Bond, with approved stir* ti<-a and a mortgage of the premises. Coals to l*e. paid in euah on day td sale. Purchasers to |<ay for Pa|n>rs aud UltlmM W. A. McDAKIEL. C. C. C. Cleik'a Office, February 3td, lbO'J. F.b 3 37 4 Tho State of South Carolina, GLEKNN1LLE COUNTY. In Cbwaeary. JAMES M. BENSON and WILLIS K. BF.N SON, Executor*, s? MARY P. BENSON ef at.?Dill fur Partition of Deal E*taU, ?Fr. BY Tlrlne of the Decrttal Order In this caae, I will re-sell, on Sal?*doy in Marclt next, to the highest bidder, ut Greentrille C. II., ot the ri-k of the former purchaser. all that LOT of LAND situated, lying and being within the incorporate limits of the Town of Greenville, on the Augusta Road, containing Ten Acre*, more or less. Trans-?Cost to he paid in cash?the ha'once on a credit of twelve months, with interest from dale; l oud with good surety and a mortgage of the premises to tecure the purchase money. Purchaser to pay for papeia and stamps. t W. A, MoDAKIEL. C. C C. Cleik'a Offloe, February t, 18f>?. 87-4 Tho State of South Carolina:, GREENVILLE COUNTY, In Clianccr7. WYMAN. BY III > A CO.. es. GRADY A HAWTHORN,?Dill to Forcclo* Mori i ffigr, ??c., "1 TY virtue of the Decretal Order of hie Jl J Honor, Judge .Innies L Orr, mud* in ihc above ewn, I will sell to the highest lddder, ft Greenville Court Honor, on Salsa Day in March tiexl, the Premises described in the I'leodir gs, via: All that piece, parcel and Ttacl of Land, aitH0t*d in the Countv of Greenville, seven miles from the Court 1 loose, and six front the Greenville Railroad Depots lying on Im th cities of Reedy River, containing Four , lluh'red and Niuty-Nine Acres, more or lees, in high si ate of cultivation. Upon the place is located lire well known Cotton and Wool Fnamrv of the Defendants. The Cotton Factory ia in toll operation, with some thirteen hundred spindles an t twenty four loon is; the Wool Factory with one hundred and twenty mule spindles, is aho in good order, arid successful operation. On the premises are a good Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills, with Blacksmith Shop?two comfortable Dwelling Houses, and several wnall framed Houses, for the operatives, with a n'ce brick Church. The water power at all seasons it siitfi^ient to drive three linns the amount of Machinery now in operation. The country is r--mai kahly healthy, with a climate unsurpassed in the United States, with a sober, industrious and energetic population. Wooded hands ad. jaeent, well limbered, can be purchased at I i- :?- TI !. !- - pinT. mi^ is me Urn opertunity for an investment to capitntisla that ha* been offered in tbe np enmity since tlie war. Tkhm* Cash. Purchaser to juty for Paper* and Stamps. . , W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. C. CVrk's Office, Feb. id. 1889 tr The Charleston AV??, and Columbia Phoenix a ill opy twice a week Until day of Sale and send bill to the CUi k for payment F?b * 87 4 Auditor's Office, PUKKNS C. II , ft. C., ) January 13tli, 1SC.9. J The fallowing division of thia County into Assessment Districts, and assignments thereto of Assessor* for the assessment of real and personal property, taxable under the Act *' providing for the assessment and lax ation ot property," passed lite 15th of September, 18(18, arc lierehy pobliehed*for general Information, to srlt: 1st District, comprising Pickensvilie, Dacusvilla and Pumpkiutowu Townships, Mo-! i? 3 Hendricks Assessor. 8-1 District, oi>n?pii?ing Saluht.. and Pickens Court House Townships, John M. Hendricks Asseraor. JSj District, comprising Osrvin, Easley and Eastatoa Towuahipa, John Craig Assessor. Each Assessor la ecnuired to complete the assessment within tiis District before It,. da- v-l-.. ice.. i-i .... ..... .?j .. . wan), idi>? , employing miy inriiltnrt deemed necessary. While each Assessor should be carelnt to avoid na far as possible anything that seems like an unnecessary inquisition into the private affairs ot the tax-payer, he rnnst. at the aame time use every means to satisfy himself as to the correctness of the returns made. It is important that the Assessors and ail parties interested should understand that the year for which this saseMinent I* mnde terminated on the I at of September, 18ti8, and that it is the piopertr which lias been held by the tax-payer during the year preceding that dale, and which is held by ! him on that dale, that is to be asseeatd for taxation. AT/)NZO M FOT.nF.ft. Auditor l'ickcns C.unty. Jan 11 3? 3 1 ' i ffffff SOlIBTHIMi SEW, I FOH 1869, - AT W. H. IIOVEY'S, CALL ?" ! examine f?r yoarwlwea. You ?Ui And another ?f \M ID BESIBABLE IFAJlJGY AMID StfFAlPTT/E NT (HE Just opened and for mI* a 'bountiful lot ..I low-priced DELAINES AND AltML'KES, i plain and figured. Plain White and Black ALPACCAS. , Plain, White, Black and Colored ALL- 1 WOOL DELAINES i All colors SACK FLANNELS, RIBBONS. VELVETS, GIMPS, BUAIDS, BUTTONS, do., da. 1 ALSO, A large and carefully nelect?-d Stork of READY MALE CLOTHING, at very short prurita, - ? IIATS AND SUO*5S, at reduced prices. Whit* ard Colored BED BLANKuTS, at vary low figures. (> VV. H. HOVLY. dan 20 35 If JULIUS C. SMITH. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, COURT E0U8E SQUARE, Greenville. S. C PERSONAL attention given to all snlesof lUal and Pel tonal Properly, Iteming of Houses aod Collecting of Refill and Ac counts, and to all busineaa intrusted to tiim | Having been appointed agent for the following Fertilizers tlrr-y can be found at my office and told at Charleston prices, freight and drayape added: MA PES' NllROGENlZED 8vrat PIIOSP11ATK, WAN DO AND B AUG Il'S RAW BONE. PERUVIAN GUANO. the genuine article, kept for cole and ordered in any qnantity. Ootr 20 (on$ of Phosphate and Peruvian Gunno sold by me for the wheat sowing in Greenville (Ilia fall. Agency for the Celebrated W ATT I PLOUGH?turn, subsoil, nn l cultivator all in one. Five titmice ml of these Plough* are in the hands of the termers of Virgin* ia, North and South Carolina, and Tcunescte. Over 60 of lite one horse Ploughs cold in Greenville in one month. Certifi. entea from the best of our Planters can be given, who have used the Plough in mak> ing their crop of 1868. Ag elicy for Carthrcll'ti Superior CORN AND COTTON PLANTER, tSTRAW CUTTERS, CORN S HELLERS. Ac. GRASS, CLOVER, end other Seeds sup. plied at short notice. CHOKING STOVES, STOVE WAHE. FAiSIlOIL AND OFFICE STOVES, For sale es cheap ns can he bought. .HMIS C. S.111T11. Greenville C. II , S. C. Jan S7 f 86 tf ; J. C. HICKS, MANUFACTURER ANL? JOBBER OF HOOTS A1VH snniifi u v m v ml' * a7 kj jub \j ji1 o ) One Hoar South of IF. H. Horey't Keltiuoien Stand, Jfain Street, GKKENVILLK, S. C. 1L&1 K'KKPS ?Uviit> nn hnml i t?Ly f??r sale, a good Assortment bent imported Work, consisting ?>? MEN'S CALF AND KTP ROOTS, ROYS AND YOUTHS' HOOTS, RAD IKS AND MISSES CALF AND KID BOoTKKS AND BALMORALS, And Shoes of all kinds generally kept for Country trade. LEATHER AMD SHOE FINDINGS, OS II EST QVALITY. ALL CUSTOM WORK WARRANTED OF BUST MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. po- Orders filled at short notice. ^SU Give me a call, when you want Roots or Shoks. 84-tf Jan 20 Notico. IN conformity with requirements of th<* 1 Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to *11 persons who msy claim e HTILL, CAP AND WORM, s-irrd on the premises of one wa?lllvnmv SMITH, on the 19th of January, )S?9, in Atid?rson County, twelve miles from Groenvllle Court Houae, by II-xt M. Terry, A* ietviit Assessor, became of being iim-<I in violation of tlie luternnl Revenue Laws, ( ho same having been turned over to me,) to make such claims before me within thirty dn>a frotu the fiist publication of ihis no tlee. A. L. CORH, Pep. Ol. InL Re*. Greenville, S. C., Jnnnary 19, 1869. Feb 8 87 S NoticeTN conformity with requirements of the JL Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to all persons who may claim u liar re] and Jug of WHISKY, which was s-ized on the premise* of Miss RUTH LKWM.ln the Town of Greenville, by Hext M. 1*< rrj, Assistant Assessor, on the '27th of Januai v I ?R.-ffed l?eeau*? of violation of the Intermit Revenue Laws?to mnka such claims be fore me within thirty days Irom the fir?l ( publication of IbU notice. a l. com, Pep. Col. Int. Ucv.. 8d Dirt, St. C. Greenville, S. C., Jan. 27, lso7. 87-3 ** - * V> >J(^ ?,. , .. _-_ !FS1T3U?IS1S3 UlIODES' Slpek PnOSPIIATE, Tho Old and Lonpcst EMaUUhed Standard Mwiir*. ORCIULLr GUANO. F3$UYHM_GM$r<). R1I0DKS* MAXUKK, In lit preparation, m made c<|uulljr adapted fur forcing Urxo cropa nf Cotton, Corn, Wbeat, Tobacco, i'olntuCH. Hill orhnr rmn< ?? ? The Maiiii'acturing Department is coodurte.l by Frederick Klett, one of the most skill* fnl Chemists ?ud Manufacturers in tbo United States. It is endorsed, approved, and recommended by nil of tbo most prominent Chemists anil Agriculturists in the Southern States. M It can be relied upon as uniform in quality." always reliable, productive ol largo crops, and unexcelled by any In tho market, in tno high percent a co of " Trite Fertilising Principles." Price 867.60 cash, or $66 tiino, with Factors acceptance, and 7 per cent, interest until 1st December, 1X69. OKCIIILLA GUANO, "AA."? A fine Bird Guano, rich in Phosphates and Alkaline Salts. Price $:t5 or $10 cash. PKltUVIAN GUANO, warranted pure, and always on hand. Furnished at market prices for cash. B. S. R1IETT A SON, Agents. Charleston S. C. Jan 0 33 Siu SOLUBLE MANURES. Hitl]ihnric Acid and Su/>*rp 1ntsfika(n Com* flay, Char(r?tvnt H, C% HAVING completed their extensive Manufactory, aro now prepared to furui.?U boluble Fertilisers, no other kinds hcing available to Planters for iratuediato returns for their investments. This Company, under the direction entirely of Southern men of high char* acter, offers inducements which will recommend it to Southern Planters. Their works are among tbo largest and most complete in the United States, and enable thcin to prepare at homo an abuudant supply of the proper solvent for tho South Carolina native Bono Phosphates which arc nenr by. From these Phosphates they propose to manufacture a Fertiliser oven richer in Soluble Phosphates than tho#o mode from Raw Bones, and containing more than twico the qnantitj of Superphosphate of Lime found iu the host avcrago manures heretofore offered for sole, the rates at wbleb we offer them being no higher than the average price of other Fertilisers, whilo the Munurcs contain twice as uineh fertilising material; they are iu fact much chca|>cr to the consumer. They are offered on the tnar kct in two forms, with a guarantee that tlm material in each will correspond to tho a<? vortisemcnt: Kriutv No. 1.?Soluble Phosphate, eon* taining from eighteen to vo |?cr cent, of I'ure Soluble Phosphate of Lime, and furnished at sixtv dollar* t,.? Ktiman No. 2.?Petuviau Bupcrphosphatr, routnining from sixteen to twenty per rent, of Soluble 1'hospbaUs, and three to four per rent, of Ammonia, at seventy dollars per ton, for approved acceptances, beating interest, or such other security as may bo acceptable to the sub agent*. A discount of ten per cent, on tbe above prices will be made for cash. Orders to bo forwarded immediately to tho Agents, and dulivery made as directed. MM. C. 15 EE A CO., Agents. C. f?. Mkhmingkr, President. Jan 27 R? 4 Charlotte & South Carolina Railroad, and Columbia & Augusta Railroad Co's. BTPERIXTF.XDENT'S OFFICE.) Coli'ubia, Feb. 2, 180'J, J acHKirt'i.r noiari worth. LEAVE Grut-itcville at 7 20, A. M., conmeting with train leaves Augusta at tt Ot), A. M. Leave Columbia .........12 SO P M 44 Charlotte 7 4A P M ? C.rocnsboro, * C 1 00 A'M 44 Richmond, Va 11 00 A M Making close connections with trains fur M'aaliiugton, D. C. C0M1XG SOCTn. l.envo New York. 8 40 P M Arrive at Richmond..,....,.. 1 fl) P M Leave Richmond....... f 0(1 P M " *1 reoiisboro, K C...,. 1 00 A M 44 Charlotte, N C 6 00 A M Arrive at Columbia. 12 15 P M " at Graniteville..... 5 01) P M Tickets sold at Columbia and baggage cdcckcu to all point* North. C. DOL'KNIGHT, Superintendent. Teh 10 38 _ tf SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER TTTOULD r.tpeelfully inform the public 11 that he hits Removed to a room in the OLD COURT HOUSE, where he will be prepared to receive customer* as heretofore. Being a Profentiottal Barber, he hopes, by attention to business*, together wiUi poltten,s< to all, to merit a portion of public patronage, in CUTTING, SHAYiNQ and shamiooixo. J..n 20 515 if JE.WELRY, JEWELRY.' watches, and Spectacles to ?uit32^>vZ5i3C tk'-. ~Aeverybody. Pereoscope or concave, convex, nearvlght'd colore ! Eye Glasses, and Shooting Spectacles ; solid gol Ring*, silver Thiinbles, and fancy Coral SeO.? Just received at j. o black's Watch repairing Shop. Jan 6 H3 12 MARBLE MRS, tTHE onders'gned has opeae?l a MARBLE YARD, on Avenue Street, in rear of II. Beanie <fc Co.'s at ore. where he will harp on hand lOMli SLABS and ilKAl> STONES, to suit the trade; will alto furnish to order, on short notice, MONUMENTS, plain or elaborate, MARBLE M ANTLE"* and FURN ITU UK MARBLE. Terms cash. Country produoe taken ia exchange for work. T. WJLDMAN, Agent. Jan 111 S4 3m Notice to Executors, Administrators, Onardians and Trustees. YOU are horeby notified to inake your ANNUAL RETUMK8 up to the lot of January, 1869. Those foiling to do so before the 1st of June next, will bo inled and compelled to pnfnrm their duty by Uw, whleli will be ligidly enforced. Phase come forward nud inuke the in, and save j eost and trouble. 8. J. POUTWT, Probate Judge. Oreenville, 8. C., Jan. 1st, 1869. Jau 6 83 8 H. KNIGHT, PMOTOQ55 APMEK, AND dealer in PIIOTDflUA PIMC fi TOCK. All orders promptly attended to.? Iodd? rent by express or mail. 339 KINO STREET, rJHAKLESTON,S. CA Dec 9 2V ;im