University of South Carolina Libraries
' *. * , 1 Notice"| K rMifornily with reqnirrtneote ol the i Internal Revenue 1 hereby give notice to oil petaone who may claim i Dor i rel end Jug of WHISjCY. wbieh woe eelsed on the premises of Mies RUTH l.BWUJ, In ibe < Town of Greenville, by H'*t M. Perry, i Asrletanl Aeeeeeor, on llie 87lb of Jeouaiy ?Suited beeouoe of violotioo of lb* Internal Revenue Lowe?to make oueb clalme be fore me within thirty days Iron the firet ' publication of tbia notice. A. L. COBB, * Dep. Col. Int. Rev., 8d Diet S. CL 4 Greenville, 8. C, Jan. 87. 1867. 87-8 J State of South Carolina. 1 GRKENYILLB COUNTY, . ^ In Chance ty. i 8C8AN THRBLKILD bj next Mend ee. j W. D. THRBLKILD, Administrator, eta*? j Bill fnr Settlement Bent Eelnte, Ate. t BY virtue of the Decretal Order of Judge i Orr, I will cell on Baloa day, ia March next at Greenville 0. H., to the highest bidder, the follow lag Tract of Land, doeeribed on ' the Dill, vie: ; Tract No. 8, containing Slxty-elx aoree, more or leer, adjoining lendeof Wne. Aebaevre, Mre. ' Craig, Robert Adame and othert. I Tonne? Credit of Twelve months, with In- * urwt from date, except enough to pay the co.ti, which mint be (a eaab?Bond with good I surety and a mortgage of the premise*. < Purchaser to pay for Paper* and 6tamps. i W. A. McPANIEL, C. C. C. , Clerk'* Offlce, Feb. 2d, 1809. Feb * 87 4 , The State of South Carolina. { GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Coart of Probate. B. F. K1LGORK. Eaeentor, Applicant rt \ THOMAS MAYFIFLD tt of. DefendsnU ' Citation for a Final Settlement and litem. , IT appearing to my satisfaction that | Thomas Mayfleld, I-hum Brown, the t lieira of James Mayfieid, name* unknown, heir* of Abram Mayi-M, name* unknown, | heir* of Jordan Mayfieid, name* unknown, and Itltsm Long and wife Betsy Long, reaide without the limit* of thi* State: It 1* ordered and decreed, that they do appear at a Court of Probata, in person or by at ( torney, on Friday, the 80th day of April neat, at 10 o'clock, A. M . to *how eau?e, if any they can, why a Final Settlement of the Eatate of JOHN MAYF1ELD. deceased. , should not be had a?d a Decree gieen thereon, orjtheir eonsenla in failing to attend will be entered of record. Given under my hand at Greenville Court Hotter, thi* 80th day of January, A. D., 1869. 8. J. DOUTHIT, P. J. 0. a Feb 8 87 Sra The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Chanelry. JASPER N. 8UDDUTII *. BENJAMIN 8UDDUTH M al.?Bill for Partition of Real Ktfalt, Ac. BY virtue of the Decretal Order of Judge Orr, I will cell on Saleaday iu March n*st, at Greenville Court House, to the liighert bidder, the Landa ot RACHEL 8UDDUTH, deceased, as described in the llill, via : Tract No. 1. The HOME PLACE, contaio ing One Hundred Arr**, more or leea, on .td. ..t ? land* of Wm. Moon, A. I eisler, James ItruM and oilier*. On this Tract tber* 1* a fine mill alie and shoal. Tract No. 2. Known a* the WM. ROBS TRACT, containing Kiu*ljr-El|tlil A ores, wior* or loss, on the north *ida of Beaverdam Creek, adjoining land* of Reuben 8udditth, Andrew Sudduth and Mi-* Ponder. Tuan*.?-Twelve month* credit,. with in* tercet from day of Mir, Bond, with approved Burette* and a mortgage of ilie premise#. Coet* to tie paid in oash on day of *ale. Pureliaaera to pay for Papers and tttamua, W. A. McDANIKL. C. C. 0. Clat V* Office, February 2d, 1869. Fab 8 37 4 The State of South Carolina, GRKENNILLK COUNTY. In Chancery. JAMES M. BENSON and WILLIS K. BEN SON. Executor*, ft. MARY F. BENSON W al.?Bill for Partition of Real Relate, Ac. BY virtue of the Decretal Order in Uiia caae, I will re*aell, on Saleeday in March next, to the highest bidder, at Oreen villa C. If., at the ri*k of th* former par* chaser, *11 that LOT of LAND situated, lying and being within tha incorporate limits of tha Town of Greenville, on th* Angual* Road, containing Ten Acre*, mora or leaa Tirms ?Cost to be paid in cash?the balance on a credit of twelve months, with interest from data; bond with guod surety and n mortgage of the premise# to seeure the purchase mousy. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps W. A. MoDANIEL. C. C a Clark's Office, February 2, I860. 87-4 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY, In Chancery. WYMAN, BYRD A CO.. vs. GRADY A HAWTHORN.?Bill to Foreeloee Mori gage, Ac. virtue of tha DtcrsUl Order of hi* | X/ tionor, wuags jams* l?. urr, nruae in the above case, I will mII to tb? biglitit bidder, at Greenville Court House, oo BalesDay in March neat, the Premises described la the Pleadicge, via: All that piece, parcel and Tract of Land, aitneted In the County of Greenville. eeren miles from the Conrt House, and six from the Qrovovllle Railroad Depot, lying on beth sides of Reedy River, containing Four Huadrsd and Ninty-Nloe Aerec, more or less, in a high elate of cultivation. Upon the place is located the wall known Cotton nod Wool Feetery of the Defeodenta The Cotton Fsetorv is in full operation, with noote thirteen hundred spindle* end twenty four loom*; the Wool Feetory with on* hundred end twenty mule eptndlee, is also In good order, ana successful operation. On the premise* ere * good Flouring, Qrlst nod Sow Mil!*, with Bisokitnllh Shop?two oomfertabl* Dwelling Houses, and several email framad Hooaaa, for the operatives, with n nice brick Church. The water power at nil cessans is sufficient to di ivc three tiaaec the amount of Machinery now in operation. Tha country is remarkably haalthy, witk n climate uaenrpeaeed in the United State*, with e eohsr, industrious end energetic popalatlon. Wooded lands ad. jgaent, w*V timbered, can bs purchased at rsaaoaabla prions, This is the best epertunity for an Investment to capitalists that kaa been offered in the up country si use the war. Teens Cam. Purchaser to pay for Paper* * <) luiipi. W. A. Mi DAN IRL. C. C. C< Clerk's Offioo, Feb. yd. 18A9. yf The Charleston JFcwe, and Columbia /*Ao*mi* will # py twice c week nntil day of Sale nod *v ad till to the Clerk for payas*nt ras ?7 4 t i m "1 TBI 81 United Statu Internal Xtvnu. IN *ecord*D?? with inatractions received by II. O. Htrrlok, Croat th? Commit Montr. 1 will piwtd to make th? Aanual AnwibmIi for 186V, and fur th? (totalBQfla of txraooa I will aitand at tha aovaral aamad Sub K Ire t ion Pratinet*, and Uka iMMami roa 1809: At flrora Station, Monday, 8th Fahroary. At Lenderman's..Tueeday, ?ili February. | At Arnold's, Wednesday, 10th P.bruary. I, A? McCullwugh'a. Thursday. lltb February. At Cedar P*w, Friday, llib F. bruary. I At Fair*law, Saturday, 1Kb February. , At Nmp?Mrlllt, At Walker'# Croat Roads, At ttaaaa Viata, i At Chirk Spring#, J At Oroae', i At G<?wen<?villa, At Diekey'a, At MrKlnuey'a, At Hodgea, At OcNwdwiaX At Marietta. At Montgomery's, At Orernville, rtiia Aaaetanieot inelud*# the taxable Income ?t the calendar year, 1868, and the Tax nn Sarriaro*, Gold Watcher, Billiard Tablet, Sold and Silver Plate, owned first of 18C9. Persona, F<rroa, Companies or Corpora- ( lions engaged in any business, occupation nr profession within the limita o( Green villa County, lor which a special tax is ra quired, must duly apply and register their names with ma; and the prosecution of ihdr business without eueh application, will rsndar tn#m liable. Each party will please ?ote wall as to hia Inoonia and othar Taxable Property prior to date of A Mesa meat. Furthermore, all persons who are intereatod in any Legacies. Distributive lliarM, Inheritances or Successions, either ka Administrator, Executor or Trustee, moat make return aa ia their case provided, [gnnranee la no plea for failure to comply aritli the law of the land. |W The plaeee with no data will he Sited out in next paper. HKXT U PERRY, Asa't Assessor, Greenville County, S. C. Feb 38? 8 rhe State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY, la the Court ef Probata. OLIVER P. EARLE *i at., Executors. e?. EMILY B. MOBLY and J. B. MOULY her husband <1 al.?Citation for final ScUltmm I, Door**, Ac. IT appearing to nay satisfaction that Emily Barah Mobly and J. B. Mobly her husband, Defendants in this ease, reside without tbe liaaita of this Stats: On motion of Earle and Blythat Solicitors for the Petitioners, it is ordered, that they do appear in person or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holden at uroenvtii* Court House at 10 o'clock, A. M., oo the 28th day of April neat, to show cause if any they can. why a Final Settlement of the Estate of ELIZA W. XARLfi, deceased, should not be bad, and a Decree given therein, or their consents in failing to attend, will be entered o< record. Given under my band at Greenville, this 28th day of January, A. D.. 1809. 8. J. DOHTHIT, J. P. O. C. Fob 8 37 3m The State of South Carol na, GREENVILLE COUNTV. In Common Plsu. CnniSTTAS HAHX vs. O. W. COLLINSi Foreign Attachment Reed JCarle, Plaintiff Attorneys. WUERRA8, the Plaintiff did. on the 20lh day of January, 180V, file his Declaration against the Defendant, who, it is said, ia absent from and without the limits of this State, and haa neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said Declaration might be served: It ia therefore ordered, that the said Defendant do appear and plead to tho said Declaration on or before the ltd dag of January, which will be in the year of onr Lord one thousaod eight hundred and seventy, otherwise final and absolute judgment will than be given and awarded against him. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. C. P. Clerk's Office, Junuary 2Vtli, 1889. Feb 3 37 q? Notice. IN conformity with requirement* of the Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to ail persons who may claim a STILL, CAP AND WORM, aeised on the premises of one WASHINGTON SMITH, on the l?th of Januery, 1889. in Anderson County, twelve miles from Otaenville Court House, by Hext M. Perry, Assistant Assessor, because of being used in t ? % ? at -I aL . luteal Da?an..a T aw.a loimuon ui in? ?uvvr nai mvvuuv (Ihe Mmt hiv'ng bt?n turned over to me.) to make such claims before me within thirty daye fro in the first publication of this so tioe. A. L. COBB, Dep. Co). lot Her. Greenville, S. C, Jeonarj 19, 1809. Feb 8 87 8 RITieS. THE Twentieth 8e?inn of the M'r4m REIDVILLK F KM ALE HIGH *wni|$4CHOOL will oommeoee the 1st ^KVof FEBRUARY. Tuition, 815 <!rNr per Sessioo. Board, $10 P*r month. For further particulars, inquire of the Principal, R, H. RE1D. Jan 80 88 | Auditor'* Office, Pick km* a H , 8. CL, 1 January 18th, 1M9. ) The following division of thiaConnty into Aseeeewent Districts, and assignment* there to of Aaseaeors for the saaevement of real and personal property, taxable under the Aot 1 providing for the assessment and tax lion oi property," passed the 15th of September, 1808. are hereby published for gen era) information, to wit: lat District, comprising Piekensviile, Dacuavilln and Pumpkiatowa Townships, Moms i Hendricks Assessor. 8d District, com pi isiag Salubrity and Pickens Court House Townships, John M. Hendricks Ass< seor. 3d District, oompiislng Garvin, Rasiev ..J v..UIA* t,.wn,kln> Ink. 0_._ A I ease nr. E?eh Aimwot U Honlrwl to complete the MNNmint within bis District befort the 16th day of February, 1869 ; employing any assistance daeraed neeceesry. While eeoh Assessor should be rsretul to avoid ee far as possible anything tbatseems like an unnecessary inquisition into the private affaire of the lax-payer, he must at the same Hue use every Qp-ane to satisfy himself at to the cor restore* of the returns made. It is important that the Assessors and all parties interested should understand that the year for whieh this assessment is made terminated on the let of Heptemher, IMt. and that it la the property which has been held by the tax?payer during the year pre**<Mng that date, anJ whieh is held by ms on that d*l?, that is to he arse*s*-d for taxation. AtONZO U POLflltt; Auditor Pickens Couoty. Jen 27 ?6 ? rmm The State ol South Carolina* CIREENVILLE COUNT*. Ia Com mo a Plana. r. A. MILES ?#. a. W. COLLINS. ?Foreign Attachment.?Heed it Marie, Piaintif? Attorney*. ' WHEREAS, the Plaintiff did, on the Nth day of January, ISM, fllo Ilia Deelaration against Uie Defendant, who, it li Mid, ia absent from and without the limlta of this State, mud has neither wife nor attorney known within the tame, upon whom a copy nf it? mLI ik i.KA T> If orihrad that the us I a Defendant do appear jud plead to the Mid Declaration or inform lit 2Vrk day ?/ January, which will be Id tbe year of onr Lord one thonaand eight hnadrcd and seventy, otberwiae fnel and abeolute lartgausnt will then be given and awarded againat bin. W. A. McDANIEL, 0. 0. C. P, Clerk's Oflee, Januaiy 2V, 1809. Feb ? 87 q* JULIUS C. SMITH. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, COVET HOUSE,SQUARE* Greenville. S. C PERSONAL attention given to all sales of Real and Personal Property, Renting of Houaea and Collecting ol Ren's and Ao sonata, and to all bnsineaa lutruated to hiui Having been appointed ageut for the following Fertilisers, they can ba found at my office and cold at Charleston price*, freight and dray age added : MAPES' NITROGEN IZED Svrui PHOSPHATE. WANDO AND BAUGirS RAW BONE. PERUVIAN GUANO. the genuine article, kept for Mle and ordered in any quantity. Over 20 tons of Phosphate and Peruvian Guano sold by me for the wheat sowing in Greenville this fall. Ageney for the Celebrated WATT PLOUGH?turn, subsoil, nnd cultivator all in one. Five thonaand of these Ploughs art in tha hands of the farmers of Virgin'. in, Murbtt huu ouuin \>arouii>t ina leunts* te. Ot<t 50 of the one horse Ploughs sold in Greenville In one month. Certificates from the best of our Planters can be given, who have used the Plough in making their crop of 1868. Agency for Cardtrell'* Superior CORN AND COTTON PLANTER, STRAW CUTTERS, CORN 8HELLERS, An. GRASS, CLOVER, and other Seedssupplied at short notice. CQGR6N6 STOVES, STOVE WARE. IPA1&0& AND OFFICE STOVES, For sale as cheap as can bs bought. JULIUS V. SMITH.. Greenville C. II, 8. C. Jan 27 * 8ft tf Slate of Somh C arolina, QRKENVILLK COUNTY. In Ibc Court of Probate. MANLY liRIOHT, Administrator with the Will annexed, as. Margaret C. Uasan and others, Defendants.?Citation for a Final Settlement and Decree. TT appearing to niy satisfaction that Mar X garet C. Greer and A. J. Greer her husband, Florence May field and John May field, Defendants in this esse, reside beyoud the limits 01 this litate : It is tlier?f<>re ord?re<), that they appear in person or hy attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holdcn at Greenville Court House, on tit* Vtth day of April next, to show cause,if any they have, why a Final Settlement of the Estate of fj. W. MAYPIELD, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given thereon; or their consent. In failing to attend, will be entered of record. Given under my hand at Greenville Court House, t)>i? llh day of January, A. D., 186V. 8. J. DOUTHIT, P. J. G. D. Jan 20 85 8m ~J. C. HICKS, MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER OF BOOTS AND SHOES, One Door South of W. IJ. Hooey'* wellkm own Stand, Main Street, GREENVILLE, S. C. Cljf] KEEPS always on hand andftfff rll for sale, a good Assortment of^Hl best imported Work, consisting or MEN'S CALF AND KIP ROOTS, BOYS AND YOUTHS' BOOTS, LADIES AND MISSES CALF AND KID BOOTEES AND BALMORALS, And Shoes of all kinds generally kept for Country trade. LEATHER AMD FUNDINGS, OF BEST QUALITY. ALL CUSTOM WORK WARRANTED OF BEST MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. J&9 Orders filled at shert notice. Give me a call, when you want Boots or Snobs. 84-tf Jan 20 GARDEI AND FIELD SEED, GARDEN AND CHEST TOOLS. WH WATSON U now r?o?iving from ths ino?t reliable Northern profiteer* end importers, a stock of SPRING HERlrS, containing a Creator variety of useful and 'profitable vegetables than haa ever been offered in thie town heretofore.? Added to Iheee are thoae produced by him* ralf, whleb are warranted free from amalgamation and deterioration. Periehabla seed# in all eassa are thrown out, and all other*, where practicable, are teeted. for a seed dealer should know the duration of their vitality, and also how to detect glaring impositions in enecba. The ouantiiies in pa pers, which are regulated by weight, will average larger than usual at lha same prises, aad gives correet planting directions.? Sixteen varieties of Cabbsge iadepen lent of Cauliflower and Broeeoli, and nearly ae many of Roglbh Peaa aad eat^.-Dwarf Beans ara included; nloa of Beet a including Ike early Rseaino, several kinds of early Corn, Onionp and IVrae R*dl?h Salts and Seeds; the Tilden. Ford ami Keys oelrhrt trdand unexcelled Tomaloe, With Keutuoky BU-d Clover, Blue and Otsluu'd Grass Seeds, of tha growth of 1338. Jan 20 32 8 I R * E H 9 SOMETHING NEW, FOR I860, AT W. II. IIOVEY'S. CAlX oxnmlne far yoiimeWfi You will And Moodier supply of Mil &IB N&UH1 3?AHJnf A HID STATIC DRY GOODS. Just opened and for eale a beautiful lot <>t l?w-priced DELAINFS ANU AR MURKS, plain and floured. Plain White and Black ALPACCAS. Plain, While, lllitck and Colored ALL WOOL DELAINES All color. SACK FLANNELS, RIBBONS, VELVETS, 0I8JPS, BRAIDS, BUTTONS, Ac., Ac. ALSO, A larffe and carefully nelected Stock of IIKADY MADE CLOTltlNG, at very abort profits. HATS AND SHO'SS, at reduced prices. Wliite and Colored BED BLANK LI'S, at very low figures. W. H. IlOViiY. Jan 20 . 85 tf Charlotte and South Carolina and Columbia and Augusta Railroad Companies. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. Columbia, S. C., January 14, 1SC9. ON and after the 15th Inst., Trains over theso Roads will run Daily as follows: ooiko soi'Tn. Leave Chariott? 6.30 a. in-1 Arrivo Columhia .1.10 p. mLeato Columbia ....2.30 p. mArrive Oranltcvllle .......7.30 p. m* ooimo south. Leave Oranltcville 7.40 a. m. Arrive Columbia.. 12.15 p. in. Leavo Columbia ..12.50 p. n>. Arrive Charlotte 7.35 p. in. pm- Close connection at Charlotte, with North Carolina Railroad, for all points Notth ; at Uranitcville, with Sooth Carolina Road, for all points West and South. CALEB IJOUKNKJIIT, Superintendent. Jan 20 35 tf SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD respectfully inform the public that lie lias Removed to a room in the OLD COURT IIOUSF., where he will he prepared to receive customer* ae heretofore. Beinir a ProfexnrMftl Rarhr* <? hopes, by attention to businesaa, together with politeness to nil, to merit a portion of public patronage, in CUTTING, SHAVING AND SUAMPOOINO. Jan 20 SS tf JEWELRY, JEWELRY. WATCIIES, C1 o<ks i_ 7yJ/-Y and Spertucles to auii3*Z^/^C_3C nJi,. jiHvi'r. I'ereoaooite or concave, convex, nearsighted colored Eye Glasses, and Shooting Spectacles ; solid gol i Rings, silver Thimbles, and fancy Coral Sets.? Just received at J. G BLACK'S Watch repairing Shop. Jan 6 S3 12 MARBLE YA.R0, 8 THE undersigned has opened a MARBLE YARD, on Avenue Street, in rear of II. Beat lie A Co.'s store, where he will keep on hand TOMB SLABS ar.d HEAD STONES, to suit the trade; will alto furnish to order, on short notice, MONUMENTS, plain or elaborate, MARBLE MANTLE-* and EUR N ITU RE MARBLE. Terms eash. Country produce takeu In exchange for work. T. WlLDM AN, Agent. . Jan 13 31 3m SunreydKlJQimveyancer, and Notary ^TUMLwrcde^m^P^itg taken out license 'VMS* Con^PKeer, will, in conncrtion {Mirvcys, attend to drawing Wills, KvrtV^ea,. Deeds, Dowers, will Prove and Btamprafjeni, qualify Commissioners and ui uihuii ni reasunauic rates 01 ijfao.- Re>?iduuce, six miles Kust of Uroenl4ile. His frlonds can confer with him every 8slerttmr*t llreenville Court llouse. I will attend on Tuesday after saleday of each mouth, at my residence, to the duties of Magistrate for Sbockley's Beat. WM. A. HUDSON. Oct 28 28 16*tf Greenville and Columbia Railroad, PRESIDENTS OFFICE, Columbia, SJ, C, December 28, 1868. NOTICE is hereby given that at a recent meeting of the Board of Direetor* of this Company, it was determined to pay the six months' interest upon our mortgage snd guaranteed debt, falling due on the let day of JANUARY mat ; Provided, the holder* of the said mortgage and guaranteed bonds, and certificates of indebtedness, will fund all interest accruing upon them up to July I, 1868. We are, however, compelled to suspend the payment until the Legislature validates the Acta of 1861 and 1866, authorising the guarantee of the State upon our bonds, because until that is done, we cannot fund the back interest in the same aecurity which it now hae. When such action is taken hv the Legislature, notice will he immediately given and payments and settlements nrade, in accordance with the aoove trrma. H. P. 11AMMETT, President. Jan 6 8S tt Annual Moetine Of the Stockholder! of the South Carolina R. R. Co., and oj the Snuthweetern R. R. Rank. rr>TlIE Annual Meeting of the STOCK1 HOLDERS of the above Institution* wtll be held in the City of Charleston on the second Tuesday in February next, the Otb of that month. Place of meeting, llall of the Southwestern Kail Koad Bank, in Broad-st. ilonr ot convening, 11 o'clock, A. M. On the d?T following, Wednesday, the 10th, there will be au election held at the same place, between the houra of Si A. M., and S P. M.. for FIFTEEN DIRECTORS of the Rail Road Company aad THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of the Bank. A Committee to verify Proxies will attend. Stockholders will be passed as usual, over the Road, to and from the Meeting, froe of ohargOk us t?*ordiwice with the resolution yf 18*4. J. R. EMERY, r* Socrtlary. Jut 37 76 3 ' S B S S a THIS OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, MANUFACTURED DY GG8HHI. TIlllll ill CHARLESTON, 5. C, 80LD IIEKE BY . k . MORGAN A WES1MORELAND, II All U 1S O N & MARSHALL iW f. a. Walter, (F?& TMS (HOUSE. Goodrich, Wincman & Co. Sept' 9 18 Asa PSif OLilsii! RHODES' SUPER PIIOSrnATE *1 The Old end Longest Established Standard Manure. ORCIIILLA_ GUANO. wmmiMi guaio. RHODES' MANURE, in it* preparation, i* made equally adapted fur forcing large crops of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Tobacco, Potatoes, and other root crops. * Tbo Manufacturing Department is conducted by Frederick Klett, one of the most skillful Chemists and Manufacturers in tbo Uuitcd States. It is endorsed, approved, and recommended : by all of the roost prominent Chemists and i Agriculturists in the Southern States. ** It | can be relied upon as uuilorm in quality," | always reliable, productive ol large crops, and unexcelled by any in the market, in the high percentage of " True Fertilising Principles." Price $67.50 cash, or $G5 time, with Factors acceptance, and 7 per cent, interest until 1st December, IStJV. ORC1IILLA (1UANO, "AA."? A floe Bird Guano, rich in Pbngphutcsaud Alkaline Salts. Price $.15 or $40 ensb. PERUVIAN GUANO, warranted pure, and always on baud. Furnished at market prices for cash. B. S. RIIETT A SON, Agents. Charleston S. C. Jan 0 33 3tu SOLUBLE MANURES. Sulphuric Acid and Suj>trpko?pkate Com........ /'J. - u /? nAVING eouiploted their extensive Manufactory, arc now prepared to furnish Soluble Fertiliser*, no other kinds being available to Planters for immediate returns for their investments. This Company, under the direction entirely of Southern ruen of high character, offers inducements which will recommend it to Southern Planters. Their .works are among the largest and most complete in tho United States, and enable thrm to prepare at home an abundant supply of the proper solvent for tho South Carolina native lione Phosphates which are near by. From these Phosphates they propose to manufacture a Fertiliser even richer in Soluble Phosphates than those made from ltaw Bones, and containing more i'l.rn twice the quantit/ of Superphosphate of Lime found in the best average manures heretofore offered for sale, the rates at which wo offer them being no higher than the average price "of other Fertilisers, while the Manures contain twice as innch fertilising material; they are in fact much cheaper to the consumer. Tbcy are offered on the market in two forms, with a guarantee that the material in each will correspond to the advertisement : Etiman No. 1.?Soluble Phosphate, containing from eighteen to twenty-five per oent. of Pure Soluble Phosphate of Lime, and furnished at sixty dollars per ion. Etiman No. 2.?Peiuvian Superphosphate, containing from sixteen to twenty per cent, of Soluble Phosphate, and three to four per cent, of Ammonia, at sevcuty dollars per ton, for approved acceptances, bearing interest, or such other security as may be acceptable to the sub agents.. A discount of ten per cent, on the above prices will he made for cash. Orders to be forwarded immediately to the Agents, and delivery made as directed. WM. C. BEE A CO., Agents. C. G. Mkmminqkr, President. Jan 37 Sff 4 W IT. PAMMV/P PRACTICAL GURSMITH AND MACHINIST. *"~ "n r CORN SIIELLERS, Cotton Gins. Locks. Kerosene Oil Lamps, Sewing Maeliines and Parasols, REPAIRED with promptness. Charges rea?onahle. I have on band, and which is offered for salo, at low rates, a stock of C0RN--8HKLLERS, and also some new PISTCLS, an examination of which is invited. I am prepared to furnish STENCIL PLATE*, lor Marking Clothes. Stand?At Westfield's old Shop. July 22 9 tf Gowensville Seminary WILL be re opened, Monday, 8d of February. TUITION I'ttt SKS9I0X IN CVBBI.NCT: Primary Branches fsfl 26 Intermediate Branches,; 9 00 Higher English Branches, 14 00 Advanced English Branches 16 00 Higher Mathematics and Languages,.. 18 00 Music, 18 00 Use of Piano 2 60 The School will be under the control of the same teachers that conducted it last year. Except in the Primary Department, the tuition must be paid or arranged for in very cm? in ad?ane? Thie change U inadr nrcessiry by the changes in our State laws, and is one of common prudence. ltoaid, inclndiiig washing, enn ha had at froni 9 to 12 dollars per month. For further information apply to 1'. J. KARLE, Principal. Oowcnevllle, Deo. Slat. Jan A S3 6 Notioe to Bxecators, Administrators. Guardians and Trustees. YOU ara hereby notified to make your annual kctuhns up to the u< of January. 1869. Those failing to do rn before the 1st of June not, will be ruled and eontpelled to perform tlieiF duty by law, whieli will be rigidly enfoioed. Please come forward and make them, and save coat and trouble. 8. J. DOUTI1IT, Prol-ale Judge. Greenville, 8? C., Jan. 1st, 1869. J b 9 SIS . 8 to lit SAIK 14.000 LBACO^fIOIC* COtSImr 300 Sack* liln Ftall; K. C. FLOCK IOO Sack* Standard LWtrfool SALT 23 Saga HAILS, nnartad aUea 20 Batoa BATES VILLI SUIRTlXO IO BaUa MeBEK SHIRTING 20 Bales COTTON TARN 20 Bag* Prima and Fair RIO COFFIN 20 Barrell* SUGAR 10 BAGS Darken Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAGS Spaoifh Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, Hats* DRY GOODS, DRUGS AC. Our 8tock of 1IATS and SHOES to Tory largo and uompteU, and wo will guarantee oar entire Stock will compare with any in Town, both as to quality and prion. A call will satisfy you. DAVID A STRADLEYr May 13 ftl If Tho State of South Carolina, UKRF.NVILLE COUNTY. JOSIAII HAWKINS Administrator, Applicant, against Bnrnct C. Hawkins, William C. Hawkins, and others, Defendants.?Ctfution for a Finn I Settlement, 1/rcree, Are. IT appearing to ar satisfaction that Kvelinellawkias, widow orEMERY HAWKINS,, deceased, and his beira, to wit: Carolina C. Taylor and her husband Tbos. 1). Taylor, John A. Hakwlns, J ere W. Hawkins, Mary C. Haw kins, Herbert B. Hawkins and 0. B. M. D. Hawkins, reside without this State: It is, therefore, ordered that they do appear, in person or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holdcn for Greenville County, at Greenville Court House, at 10 o'clock, on the 3d day of February next, A. D. 1869, to show cause, if any tbey can, why a Final Settlement of the Estate of JOHN P. llAWKINR, deceased, should not be bad, and a Decree given thereon, or their consents, in failing to attend, will he entered of record. | Given under my band at Greenville Court House, this 2d day of November, A. D., 1S6I. 8. J. DOUTniT. J. P. U. C. Judge of Probate's Office, Nov. 2nd, 1868. Nov 4 24 - U State ol" Mouth Carolina, G RENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probata. J. W. HILL and wife, JOSEP1IEXE HILL,. Applicants against WILLIAM COX and others, Defendants.?Citation for a final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Walker Lancaster and wife, Mary Jane Lancaster, Dr. William Rarton and wife, Louira Barton, Perry Rarton and wifa, Klisa C. Barton, Defendants in thia eaae, reside without the limiia of this State : It is therefore ordered, that they do appear ia person or by attorney at a Court of Piohate, to be helden at Greenville Court House at ten o'clock, A. M., on the 2d day of March next, to show cause if ?n? iK.? eon, why t final settlement of the Estate ?>f Barsheha Cox, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given therein, or their cvi?? cents, in failing to attend, will be entered | of record. Given under my hand at Greenville Court House, this 2d day of December, A. L>? 1868. S. J. DOUTU1T, J. I\ G. C. Dec 2 28 Stn STBBN'S STORE. T" HAVE just returned from the market' JL with a stock of Very Cheap Goods, which I am determined to sell as eeeap aeany store in the town, THOMAS STEEN. CALL and examine mv stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Balmorals, Heavy Shawls, Hoods, Cloaks and Breakfast shawls,, all remarkably cheap, for sale at BTEEtCS STORK. XF you wish cheap Boots sad Shoes, 1 have* got them, consisting of Gentlemen's Fine French Calf Skin Sewed Boots sad Shoes: also. Fine French Balmorals, La. dies Fine Glove-finished Kid Polish Balmorals, Childrena French Glore finish Iaee Ties, and a very large assortment of Men'a, Women's and Boys Boots and Shoes of ssuperior quality, for sate at STERN'S STORE. BROAD Clotli#, Casaimerea, Tweeds,. Jeans, and a very large asaortmect of other cloths, which would take too tuuchi spaee to enumerate, for sale at 8TEEN"S STORK. A ISO, a splendid Stock of Gr< cerise 1 \. Hardware, Crockery and OltMwtr*. To aatiafy youraelve* nlcut priott, call and. examine litis drnailment at STKEfTS STOnET IIIAVE releeted a tw; fi<>? lot of Teaa* and Coffot a. consisting of UI?, Java, Maracabo, Lagnyra. of T?aa?Extra. Fine M<*vun(, Gunpowder. Extra Moyuh#, Young II)am, Fine Young Imperial. fclaok Teaa, Suiter Oolong, Oolong, Souchong and' English Breaklaat, all of which 1' can recotu. mend, lor aale at HTEESSh STORE. NOT 18 IS til B. WHERLE, mmm mb mm /Second Door abort the Post Offiet, ommisra sy 7&IL31, S. ?? I WOULk inform nay friend* and' JWWw p-'?-- 0f UBaanvillo, that I bar# ftf-M ju*t received a KINK VARIETY MmSP #1W ci flBa Watches and Jewelry,. Hppf with a LAROK ASSORTMENT U ^'SPECTACLES, WkWi 1 will diapoao of at LOW RATES. IJfiF ltKI'AIKINO in ail i?C ita branch** will be faithfally attended tow *4 # 1* ? hTknTght, S?lHl?TOQK AND dealer in PHOTOGRAPHIC STOCK. All order* promptly attended to.? Good* rant by express or raait. 339 KINO CT1ZKT, OHAMLESTON.S. C. Dec? > - 19 3m 1)'R J. Me M7CLANAHAN ??s^<? WOULD reepeetOilly offer bio CglBfeprofessional skrticeh to. YJffifjr tbo eitisona of this community.? jB8? Office at tbo residence of S. G. Mr^B~~W CLaraaaa. '?(., rhaao ndl?>? weal of Greenville Court Hour*. Dec Mi U > ?