University of South Carolina Libraries
" 11 ' . 1 ga^eggg ^ A A i \ A Bold BWfltrj.;: v jj 0? IWd ?T. omiBfc b?l?Mn four and *re o'elocl, wbili Mr. and Mr*. .Om.ff* Martia, | living at No. If Add-HiwI, war* lying ia bad, i Mr?. Marti#, who happened to ba awake, aaw two colored wen outer the window of bar chamber fr?iu the piatia. Mr*. Martin In* perfectly quiet and triad to roaae bar hunhand, who wu round aelaep. On* of the burglar* rcwainad in tb* ckaaibar, while tba other on* went into tb* adjoining roow. Tb* on* who remained in tba chamber want toward* tba bedt wwd while be lowered lb* covering and felt under tba pilow, bad a large butcher'* knife ia bi* band, which he h?3d over Mr. Martin. Mr a Martin Made no aign, but aaw all that went ou. When tba burglar Uft the bed, he placed tba knifb In bl* teeth, and walked about tb# mow, Marching tba draw, ara, from wbicb be took thirtyir* dollars in XreenHack* and dm dollars In gold. In on* .i...., tie than want out and ioinod " ""P ""- " ? -? ?~-K?. --- ""i the new Dioce* an of Georgia, some months go made an K|?iacopal visitation to a remote portion of his Diocese. There were not many Episcopalians In that region of Georgia, but few ol the whites had ever soon a " successor of the Apostles," and the negroes did not know what sort of a creature a Bishop was. It soon became noised aSout that on a certain evening tho Bishop would arrive and hold services in a church of a certain village of the above district, and the whole neighborhood was filled with curiosity to go and see the queer animal that read prayers out of a book, and to listen to what be had to preach shout. Of all the population, the negroes were more eteltud than any others, and they determined to attend the church en masse, thinking that however dangerous might he a grave yard generally, there would bo no peril from KuKins where so largo a congregation would be assembled. The house of worship was situated in the out-skirts of tho little village, but it wss not an Kpiseopal Church; consequently it bad no vestry-room in which tho Bishop could pnt on bis vestments. This difficulty was, however, remedied by some one's suggesting that the Bishop should robe himself behind the church, and come round and ettter at the front door. So bo sent a friond with his surplice who placed it bellied a tombstone where it would be at band when ho should require it. Long before the time designated for the opening service* the little oburcb had become filled with the whites of the vicinity, and the negroes, finding boat there was no room for them inside, stood packed before the door. The Bishop at the appointed time entered the graveyard by the hack gate, wont up to the tombstone ana aoonea nis r.pisrnpui to?turcs. The wind waa blowing rather fresh, and just aa he turned the corner of the church a flaw aproad oat hU white robes. Home negroes spied biro, and bawled ont Ku-Klux! Ku-Klux I! They all looked round and be* held the flaunting white garments approaching, when the whole crowd took to their bee la, shrieking Ku-Klux I In tea seconds not a single darkey could befseen, bu* the sound of their footatepa in the distanee fall upon the ear, and for half an boor afterwards could be heard the terrible words, Ku-Klox ! Ku-Klux I! far off in the country as tha affrighted crowd were making for their homes. Couri.iur.sTAK*.? We are glad to observe that our friend, Maj. John B. Moore, is earns Ing laurel* by his course In the Legislature, lie has recently made a speech on on important hill, which was effsctive enough to carry the measure to the " tomb of' the Capule's." The hill authorised the fees now allowed by law to Clarka and Probata Judges, on sales of property under deeroo of courts, to be paid orer to the Sheriffs, and we learn that several Itepebttean mnnhers requested Maj. Moore to wntllsto the hill, and give them information on tha subject. Whereupon, according to the correspondent of the Charleston Ctnritr, he i nado an eloquent and forcible speech, which truck to the heart of the hill, and hy Its power K fell l? rise no more." The id II was in(.rflnitdy postponed by a vote of 53 yeas to ?4 nays.- Amlt rtuii InttHiymttr. hi* oompanion, who WM operating in the next room. Aftor awhile ho returned, aod again approached tbo bedside of Mr. Martin, and to rated tbo ha go knife over kia. Mr*. Martin, with groat cool new and courage, then Jumped np and oeixod an artillery sword near tbo Wed, and while tbo burglar'* arm waa r*\ tendod over her sleeping husband, atmok the burglar a terrible blow, which caused tbo knife to fall from hia grasp. While be stooped to -pick up tbo knifo, ahe garo him a cut on tho head, and a* hia face swung hack, ahe gave him otiU another blow on the forehead, Aa the blowa fell the blood flew. The burglar rushed at tbo heroic woman and succeeded in giving her a severe kick in the side, breaking two of bar ribs, which caused bar to faint and fall. This awoke Mr. Martin, who instantly leaped out of bed, but only in time to see both of the ecoundrete Jump out of the window. They earried off eleven ahirta, two petticoats, one new bombasine dress, one pair of blankets, and the $35 in greeubackt and $5 in gold which they took from tho drawer in the chamber. They entered the promisee by olimhing np the piaasa, knowing that there were fierce doge in the yard. Mrs. Martin is still in bed, suffering from the effect* of the severe blow in the side which broke her ribs, hut is doing well. This is ono of the boldest burglaries that ha* happened in Charleston ; but it afforded the opportunity for a display of female heroism as romarkablo as It is rare.?CAurfeotoa A'sws. Death of Governor PickensThe Advertiser appears to-day in the mournIng which so well befits the great loss just sustained by cur District, our State, our country. The hand of death has again beec stretched forth in onr midst, and this time it has borne away to the grave our most distinguished citisen?Ex Governor F. W. Pickens. On Monday moruing last, at the hour ol ten, tho dread messenger came, and this great, good and gifted u-sn breathed bis last, after a lengthy period of suffering from gradually wasting disease. Not en old man ; but " bro. ken with the storms of State." It is not our design to write hero any protracted sketch of Governor Pickens' life and services. Abler pens will, in future, perform this sad and solemn duty. Io genius, in patriotism, in wisdom, in devotion to his country, bo ever ranked with the great founders of the Republic; and among many sad rouocuunp, iuuiv vuo wuiv? vopw,?.v ??presses our heart as wc reflect upon the death of Govornor Pickens. It is, that there now survives scarcely a tingle one of those statesmen, pre-eminent in greatness and eloquence, whoee voicoa and counsels used to he beard and heeded throughout tho entire country. But the tnau who has so nohly and faith* fully served his country in tho bnlla of Congress, in the courts ot Kings and Princes, in the Gubernatorial chair of his uativa Stale, who has shed such lustre upon the naino of siaUauian and gentleman, is no more ; ho has at last departed to sleep with h>? fathers who so'nobly and faithfully served their country before hiin. And to sleep with Jesus! For he died an buinhle communicant of the Church of Christ, confessing himself a sinner, and reposing all bis hope and confidence upou the blood and righteousness of the Hedeemcr. To the bereaved wife and children of'our departed and deeply-honored fellow-citizen, we tender, froin a full heart, our most earnest sympathy. They indeed weep a loss irreparable to them ; hut he bath "the better portion."?Edyrjimld Advertiser. A Ku-Klux Bishop. In some parts of Georgia the negroes have been much exercised lately on the suhjret of tho Ku-Klux. Tbey fancy that every forest and swamp swarms with them, but they believe that graveyards are the especial abode of the Klan. The consequence is, that much as the poor superstitious new voters bavo always drc&dod to pass by a graveyard, they will now never go wilhin a mile of one for fear f the Kn-Klux. u:-i IJ?l?r Ik. pn;,,.n.i rv,.?I. T H 8 8 g=? v? frr." ' tfi 1 tts; . ?- it&Jjt ^nutjjtrn Cnttrprtat. GRgEy VlLLE, S. C. WEDNESDAY, FSBBUAE.Y 3. 1363. Or It is Juind thtt perioni having id vinliriMMU or other favor* to rxtwd to th* Enter, rite, will hand them la to th? office by Tuesday, 13, H. Homestead Law Before Judge Car pentor. Judge CanravTRa baa bad the question of th* validity of tb* Homestead law before blm ia a cave in Chart**ton, and th* CewrtV reports that bis decision is made bat not y*t n).KAui E. rkur t..u? ... ?).. liwjar who assailed the Homestead in behalf of hie cliont, sad Mr. Whaley represonted the other eide. It wee doubtleee a labor of love with the venerable Dm kin to strive to show that this benifieent measure is unconstitutional, attached at he is to the ancient policy of the State, which had no mercy on the debtor elass. The old argument was used " no State oan pass a law impairing the obligation oi contracts." But in other States, aod for the first generation especially after tho Constitution was adopted, this provision was not construed to prevent a State from controlling the remedy for breach of contract. The great consideration now to he looked at as to such questions, arising under the present Constitution, is the fact that the Homestead law ie really more an aet of Congress than of the State; for Congreee has solemnly ratified it in approving the Constitution of South Carolina, and that Constitution was adopted when the State was not hsld to be under the Constitution of the United States, else the whole reconstruction aots of Congress aud the power and authority of the Judges and all the officers and laws of this State, as well as the llomostead, aro null and void?for Congress has, outside of the Constitution, given existence to toe whole, and it is impossible that we coatd be called a State absolutely under the Constitution of the United States, at tbo titne the Homestead provision was adopted. This was the actual fact, whatever theorisers may say to the countrary. This State was admitted into the condition of a State under the Constitution, after she had adopted the Homestead and anti-slave debt clauses of her organio law, sod oatno into the full privileges and restrictions of the Uuiled States Constitution afterward*^ with these provisions ratified and approved. We look with interest to know tho nature of the decision just made by Judge Carpkktkr. Judge Thomas at Chester recently, in a decision held the Homestead Isw as much coo* stitutional as any other part of the.present Stato Government. Wo think he was right; they all stand or fall together on the validity of the acts of Congress authorising and after, wards ratifying the new State Constitution; But Homestead exemptions have been sustained in States that had no disturbance with the gUDfrill UVVIT1I1I1VUI. The Legislature. The most exciting bill before this body lately, was tbut to alter tbe criminal law oy this State, and abrogating capital punishment in all laws except uiurder, and limiting the pun? ishmcnt of arson and rape and burglary to hard labor in the penitentiary from one to , thirty years at tbe judge might choose. Tbe bill was strongly contested by a determined minority?and we think properly, for reasons we could give in exteusc?demonstrating, as some of the opponents of tbe law did, that the crimes of arson and rape often involved consequences worse thsn murder. Every burner of a dwelling house ought to l>? hung, and evory monster that commits a rape certainly dcscrvea the highest punishment tbe law can inflict. The bill, however, finally passed. The "carpet-bag" influence, mostly went for it and carried tbe day, by controlling a few natives. Mr. Joua D. Hrnn, of this district, deserves credit for his active exertions, in tba House against the bill. It was amonded, on motion of Raxsikr, so as to leave it discretionary with the judges to punish by imprisonment at bard labor for life or for a term not less than ten years according to the aggravation of the offence. This is better than the one year minimum certainly- for burning of people or outraging women meat horribly. The final vote on this bill waa very close, 35 to 34 in the House, a good many being absent. Tbe noes were beaded by tba Speaker F. J. Moans. Of tbo Greenville delegating three?IIvdb, Bimior and Tisslbt, voted no. n 1 ? ? !??- ?K.stu> raauAni far OUUU. J uioinwn s ?hvi? .?. their vote* Wnirpga said bo was conseU enliously opp'xed to banging for any crime, Ac., Ac., with other*. We give the protest of oar Greenville member* and two others, a* follows: "We vote 'no,' and protest against the final passage of the Dill to amend the criminal law of this State, for the following reasons :* " 1st. We do not believe that it doe* throw aroand society that protection tbut is necessary at this time for the preservation of peace and order. " 2. That instead of preventing the commission of erime, it will encourage it, because tne punishment inflicted for the most hcinoas crimes by its provision will not protect the rights and liberties of society, aud will eventually cause men to violate the law to inflict the punishment that the better protection of society will demand for the most sacred rights and privileges known to man. " fid. Because we believe that rape and arson, under aggravating circumstances, are much worse crimes tban murder, and that it is inconsistent with tbe principles of justice and right to inflict capital punishment for one and not the other. ''(Signed) J. B. HYI?K. "H. V. 8COTT. "W. M. BI8HOP. "8AMUKL TIN8LEY. "V. 8. LEW IK." Congress. This body hss dons nothing of importance lately. The usual rontlne, hot legisttion moves slowly. The repeal of the Tenure-of offlee law hss not yet passed the Semite. There are the usual amount of uncertain rumors stout Osn. Giant'* opinions, etc., etc. Kotary Public. Ooeernoe R K. Poors has appointed Ree. Jamsm M Kreiot, of Green villa County, a Notary Putl'.s. i. .' Jir. ,II i i?. i i? SIT HEIl | A. Bit tor tb? Horse, wd^aWbtp far the Jidft Umiuwoub, lk? particular friend ef law, liberty and the Constitution, and hater of bad morale, la unfortunately restrained in the exercise of bla wisdom and knowledge, and virtues superior to a'l known In old Virginia. This most upright Judge has bean engaged in turning loose from the jails and penitentiary of Virginia eon sic ted murderer*, rogue*, bouse burner*, sad criminals of every grade, who hire da need to u nil kinds of music" from the davit's band, simply on tba ground U>at tba judges who tried them, or the clerk, or somebody connected, ooold not take the lest oath, or were disfranchised by the 14th amendment J" when, as vs all koow, svsry court In the Bouthero BtStes sines the war has bran composed of such men, and besides the Congress expressly recognised the exiting State Oovernmeuts as provisional. The Supreme Court at Washington have tent forth a writ of prohibition upon Judg* Underwood to (top hit excessive loyalty that exercises Itself In frvting I ha worst criminals from punishment. ? ? ? ^ m m Greenville mod Columbia Bail Boad. The bill to validate the legislation ot 1866, to endorse the reduced bond* of the Greenville and Columbia Hail Road, paaaed the Senate latvlj, unanimously. There aeema to be some evil influence at work, hostile to the Road, in the House. There appear# to be wire workera that wish to set traps, dead tall# and conditions about all legislation In behalf of this now wellmanaged .Road, that shall perchance de stroy it, and rob the builders (for the bondholders and stock holders are the builders and true owners) of their property. We have no objection to judicious legislation, as to the management of railroads, but we do detest the undei handed game of some cunning acliemera that desire to plunder women and children, and old men, and all sorts of people, of their property in a railroad, and who are striving to make some members of this legislature their tools. We trust that the Legislature will not be governed by sueh characters or cheated by them luto outrageous acts?nor do we believe thai it will. Furrnsn University. It is with great pleasure we record the 'set that the Uriveraity has opened this week with flattering prospects for a full attendance of students. Already a large number from a distance have arrived, and more may be daily expected for u wi-ck or two to eorne. The Faculty of Furman University is an able one. We venture to e?y that In lite great departments both of Moral ?nd Natural Philosophy, and in Langunge and Mathematics, the Professors sill compare Willi any otnor in?tiiution 01 mis country Dr. Jaw C. Fckkui, Prof. C. II. Jl'Mox are well known at home ?n I abroad, so is a!so Dr. Fabeb in his department of Luin, and teacher of Modern languages. C. II Tor, Professor of Greek language and liternture, ia regarded by those beat capable of judging, as one of the moat thorough schol are in his dopartmeut that can be found.? lie ia frona Virginia, and after receiving the benefit of collegiate education in hia own country, completed his aludie* in the fa mous uni vet allies of Germany. Professor Harms comes with highest testimonials, and all the promise that fine abilities and a distinguished graduation in the Virginia University can bestow. Professor II. is likewise a native of Virginia. Religious Liberty in Spain. A telegram of the January, from Madrid, announces that the Provisional Government of Spain " has established religious equality before the law." This is cheering news to every friend of llbarty, end true Chriel'an, free from the prejudices of trsditinn. Ths long tyranny of the popish establishment in Spsin, has at last pro- I duced a reaction. This reaction has doubtless been enconrsged in the present generation by the light breaking in from other more foi ward nations; where greater rejig iout liberty prevails, steamships railroads, elsctiie telegraphs, travelers many, the printing press unf*tiered, and aboveal), the good Providence of God, will, It is lo be hoped, soon destroy religious tyranny all over ths world. It always goes hand in hand with political tyranny, and usually precedes it. The only exception we can think of, has teen in the cage of " the toil Radical* of the Wet" They introduced with their civil disfranchisements, religion* persecution*, and disabling law* against preacher* not of their own party. Thia fact in the hiatory of the extreme radical*, will carry down their meroorlva to posterity with an odium aa lasting ae history Such may learn something from old Spain. It# llgioua equality before the lew haa been denied by radicals in some of the States of America, and is established ia the kingdom that gave birth to the Jesuits, and fostered the infernal Inquisition, long called holy by the Pope*. The Greenville Female College. We learn that a good many young ladie have arrived to enter a* pupils of the Col. aw.i ita rir.isr.aala arn rre\rtA CA ill A V "?" """ " !' ? - B e deserve lo be. We would correct a mietatement of the Charleeton A'ewe, Pkmni*, and perhaps other paper*. Nona of the Pr?femois ol Furtnau University, are as nick officially 04 in any way connected with the Female College. Some of the Frofea?or% however Dr. FabCh and perltape Mr. Tor, expect l? find opportunity to attend a part of a daj lo aonte clues in lite Female College, bill thia will be enlirely subordinate to Ikeii duties in the Furmen Unive-irity, and oevei allowed to interfere with litem in tbi slights ft degree. or Just as we go to press we learn the . Dr. Ra*pall Cnorr is dead. Will give fuj ] Jer notice next week. : 'I..1 ggggg, !! ' " I 81T g B I 8?>M>Dtr. Thsro wm a T*rjr good of people a pop the sale* of Mostdap. After Mr. Juuos C. Smith oloood bis tsotlon, which consisted of s number of household goods, * or led it ehsraetsn bo proooodod to the Court Hohso, wbor. bo Motioned off the annexed loads: iius or s. j, nevtnrr, ut, jeoan or fMMTI. Estate of Benjaiaia Yerrgln, deeeosod, Tract He. 1, containing 118 seres, purchased bp W. C. Teorgia, for 81004. Tract No. J containing 75 seres, purchased bp D. W. Hoi. lead, for $895. Towa lot of Estate ol Mrs. Eveline Conlin, deceased, eoatslntag seven eighths of an sere> with small house, purchased hp Alexander Papns, lor $280, essh. Estate of Robert IIarrla, deceased, containing 72 seres, purchased bp Berrp League, for $525. Estate ol Thomas llennon, deceased, containing 114 sens, purchased hp James Jen kinson, for >381. nm loads sold for o higher price than they would probably hare brought before the war. * liLis af a. a. Ticridi, raq., mrirr. Load of Alexander MeKtnney : Tract No. 1? containing 18b acre*, parebaaed by 8. Bishop, for $118. Tract No. 2, IS acres, purchased by Trammel), for fib. Tract No. 8, 114 acres, purchased by T. B. llunt, for >180. Tract No. 4, 128 aaras, purchased by T. B. Bunt, for >2)0. The abort tracts were remnants, after allotting defendant a homestead, end consequent, ly were not of mueh value. Land of Carter Langley, eon tain lug 40 acres, purchased by C. Langley, for >bQ. Land of Estate of P. X. Duncan, containing 9b acres, purchased by II. P. llatumett, Esq., for $26b. Death of Dr. Nathaniel Clark. The death of this old clthten of Greenville occurred at his residence, in this place, on Saturday last, 80th ult. lie bad been slok for several weeks, not being able for that time to leave hi* room. Dr. Class was a native of Virginia, and eame to Greenville some twcnty-flye years ago, and consequently was almost universally known to the people of the Town and County, and was about sixty-five years of age. By industry and frugality, he acquired a handsome competency, which ho used with the same care exercised in its acquirement. A* a man of gjod information and connd sense, be was esteemed, and whatavar were his peculiarities, he posaessod qualities that were excellent and admirable. He was interred in the Episcopal grave yard. Profeaaora Toy and Harris. We have observed these gentlemen, recently elected to fill chairs in the Furman University, have been in Town for several days, ready to assume their dntic*. We noticed at the la?t meeting of the Literary Club, that they were present and became members, participating in the interesting discussion. Their election a* members of the Club increaaas the material for essays. Cff We lenrn that ?i*ty students have already ent< r.-d tlte Collrgltld Department of Furuiau Uulfouitj. tr It rained ?o heavily and constantly yesterday, that no exersisea were held in the IMmary Department of the Pcabody School. Niw LiwriM.?Daring the late Term of the Court of General Sessions and Common Plea* for Greenville, Messrs. Abaalom Blythe, Frank D. McBce and Augustine Bacon were admitted to practice aa Attorney*, Solicitor* and Connection in the Circuit and Probate Court* of thla State. roa TDK SOUTH IttSI XNTKnPRlSX. Public Meeting. A large number of the ciltaens of Green I ville aaaembled at the Court {loose, on Monday the 1st inat., in reaponae to a call to attend a meeting "on subject of general interest to the District." Hon. W. HCantphell was called to the Chair, and W. F. Taylor. E?q.. appointed Secretary. The Chairman stated that he had not been instrumental in getting up the meeting, but that its objaet, so far aa made known to him *h<-n requested to attend the meeting, met with hie approval; that title wai a mealing preliminary U a more general meeting of the people of the Dietrial for the pnrpoae of devising aome meant for the relief of the people from Ibeir heavj indebtedness. He apolte of tha propritty and importance of tome aetion ; but eaid that it waa not contemplated to inaugurate a movement in favor of repudiation, nor waa any legislation intended on tbia aubjegt; but it waa only propoaed for the people to meet end eenault together and en deavor to agree upon some general baaia of eomprorol*# between debtora and ereditora aa bad been dona in aotsa other Dlatriale of thia Stale. Hon. John L. Westmoreland then roae end addressed the meeting at aoma length on the aame euhjeet, and, at tha eoneluaton of hia remarke offered the followiag reeo. lutiona, which were unanimously adopted: /{e totted. That e committee tf twentyon# be vppoinled by tha Chairmaa of thie mrCT l njr to Ruurrp cirrumr ?u v?c urt^'ir of ih? Diflritt, wMini forth briefly the object proptiexl, end celling e general meeting at the Court ilouee oo the let Monday in March next. Metolvrd, That the proceeding! of thla 1 meeting be published In the pep art of th? F Town of Greenville. r Under the flret reeolution, the Chair ap i pointed the following committee: J. L Weatmorelnnd H. P llemmett, J W. A. Mooney, II. BeaUie, B. J. 8?ewert, A Isaac*, John II. Ooodwyn, Wm A Hudson, 1 John B. Devi#, W. 0. Beiley, r fgnetiue Few, lf?lo?B Austin, Kr ana Kelly. P. K M. Kenxie. Kd ward To wall, B. P. Vetl, ' Wm. J. Gibson, Alex. Thompson, J A. David, Hewlett 8u)livan, J. T?. Sullivan, t On motion, Uie meeting then adjourned I. W. P. TAYLOfl, 8-eretary. . \ # ' Corrrspondenoe Southern Enterprise. i Bruxaroiir, Paxola Co. . Miss, I ] Jsuusrjr ?Olh, 1869. J ( Mtttrs. Editor??In conformity with mj < promise, both to yourself end s number of 1' old friends before leering South Caroline, j to write yon descriptive of the country ! i where I settled, lie resources, ebereeterist lea, de., 1 now proceed to do so. Spring port, Is in Panels County, sbout midway between Oxford, the Couuty sent of LeFsyette end Peuoln 0>urt House, the county sent of Penole County, The letter name (Panola) in the Indian word for " cotton," and although it lies so very high up ln'Mie? eisslppt?about the name parallel of latitude I as your Town, GreeavUle?still It Is one of '.lie finest cotton growing regions in the 8<ate, iu higb b.tltude rendering iteoropar^ lively free from th? dimeter* of rust, M| ?nd army worm, A*., Ac. It ii also a fine ore, wheat and potato region, Tho lna. me nee yield ot the latter, eepeeially the yam epeciae, or variety in aotne loealitiae, a* well a* their size ie almoet fabulous.? The County ie watered hy the Tallahatchie, Hotopha, and innumerable other email reeke and branotiea, all of which have broad bottom lands on their margin hn mensety rich and fertile, yielding from S3 to IS buehele of oorn par aere, and from 1.000 to 1,800 pouade of cotton, with a)' other product* in proportion. About one half of the lende is what leeallad M bottom' here, but you muel bear in mind are aaver eubjeet to oveiflow io consequence of the deep channel?canal lika eh to?el?which oonstant running water always cut* through a limestone country like thin The uplands, or " ridge*," as they ere here designated^ eon-titute the other halt of the land, and ara heavily timbered wlth oek, hickory, walnnt. gum, and many other varieties, are high and roiling, much more so than Greenville, except the mountain part of It, arc remark* ably healthy, and produce jutt about half aa muon grain of every kind, and about twothirds much cotton at the bottom leads. The " ridgee " generally are of a rich mulatto color, and the " bottoms" black, all loamy, and alter broken, plough almost a? easily a* an aah-bed. The crops made here in 18A8 both hy the whites and freedtnen, in a large number of cases, ere extraordinary, or the prices obtained for them. The rule here is for the owner of the land, or lessee, to fnrnirh with it the mules and their feed, to the freedtnen who work and cultivate it on shares, boarding themselves one half for the other. I know a very large number of negro fonnliesthat had four, five, six and seven hands in them, a man and wife with several ohildren, for instance, who realized from their last year's labor, from one to two thousand dollars oavh, besides making a superabundant corn crop to bread tliero the present year, as well as a 6ne quantity of meat, aa they are geoersllysliuwed to keep a stock of both bogs and cattle. It ia certainly the beat pour-man a country, either white or black, that ever I have aeen ; and you know 1 have beeo somewhat ao extensive traveler. Thegreat trouble here I* to gal laborers enough ; there are thousands of aeres of the richest lands lying idle for the want ot them. On the aatall body of land which me and my family have secured, (through a friend and kinsman,) we eoold easily work half a dor-n more hands, and there ie not an industrious man in Greenville, white or blaek. who if here working on shares, but eould maks hia two to three hundred dollars elear money, or if he prefers standing wages can get $125 00 and hie hoard arid washing for the year. 1 would pay that to at least a half dosen myself, and in five miles square of my house at Teast sixty eould find employment on theae terms for the first year, and making arrangements for It, double that sura every succeeding year. So if you have any young men, industrious I mean, who want to try thvir fortunes in the " far West," send them via. Auguata, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Uuntsvil e. Grand Junction and Ox'ord to me, and I will find employment and the above wages, for at least fifty (60) of them, provided (hey are here hy the first day of March. But to recur: It.* I. ... .l.itn.Unl . .a? f,f. .. J " ' " ""J to sixty cents per bushel; (early in the (ell it sold at twenty-five to forty cents,) pork ten (10) eente per pound, end ell other things in proportion. Sugar and salt is much eheapor here then to the old States in consequence of being so near the auger (and I may add mulswi) fields of Louisiana on the one side, and the saline deposits of Missouri and Ohio on the other. Two railroads traverse this County or its borders?the Mississippi Central, and the Mis* siaaipp and Tenneeate. We have ehtdee of markets in New Orleans, Viekshurg, Memphis, Louisville, Cincinnati, and at least twenty minor towns and eltiea, and ean order supplies one day and reeeire them the next, or if the Koads get up a tariff of prices the people don't like, they at onee lurn over their freights to the steamers on the Tallehatehie River. Maoy do this anyway in preference, as U only involvee a few days delay. I am about five miles from the valley of this great River, on the high ridge land west of it, and said to be ooe ef the heeltbieel localities in Missis sippi. At all events the plaee has been eettled twenty ihrae years and never yet engendered a blliooa fever, so says the | former owner and the neighboring physi' 11...if . ?.1 IIIn. k... . . eofcAJence in our niM'M h*re. Wo have on o aonoll ereek tbol water* Iho plaee 180 ooroo of magnificent bottom Und in eulliealion, high and dry, and never uljrei to In addition wa have 88 acraa to alaar that all tlia old aattlart ay ta good for a bale of five hundred pound* to avarv aere, and from forty tc aixty bnahaia of aorn par aere. Our oolj trouble la wa aan't get laborer* to w< rk It; but wo hava pulled oft our enate oureelrea | and bare r*eolved to pay far our land bj and from the fruit* of our own labor.? When I think vf the large number of younj ? nen io Greenville, tklng out ao asUtaaaa I eith M?ir a flv* dollar bill oearcoly io heir pockets, J who If they would ton* here sould toon got rich by Industry, frugality, ?nd economy, I raise up my eyes with im?M man I. You aro aware that whop the constituted anthoriliet pawed the repudiation. r*tre> pectlre.ihonieatrad, and other expoat facte lawn, it atripped me. 1 am olill aa poor a# anybody, hut if Ood give# ut health. I ark foe nothing eaaier than to be rich in tea yea re. But everybody work* here. We have no politico, all one way. and well eat* lefled with the commanding General's rule. But 1 meat eloee. This la already too leog I har, although I hen not told a ty the of what I promised, and H?te to tell. If yon d*em this worthy a place In the Bntrrprii* give It one, and il eon will send me a copy of |your paper, I will try to give yon In re- _ turn a letter every week or two which may prove interesting. I will write again ere long, if tdeaimble, and I beg to any to the |w very many friends who Insisted on my writing tb?m, that it la Impossible; they, _ eaeh of them, must regard thie aa to him arIf. I will be glad to hear from them at all limes, and will anewer any question* ae to UiU country through roar paper. Truly your friend^ J. D, A. lfe return thanka to the writer of the above not only for the interesting letter. but Also lor IMO vary kiaa #*pr?so?ono iu reference to tko Junior, which Wo hove withheld from pubho view. Wo will moil him the Knttrprii, ond hope to hsor from him often.?Eus. G.unir|i?i > > Own Ex-Junoas.?Chief Jaitteo Danlle he* entered into o co-partnership with hie ion, A. II. Duokio, Esq.. of tbU city. Judge Wardlaw, we loom, will open o low otDoe ot Edgefield Court-House. Judge, Iuglim hoe removed to Baltimore, where he is ot present engaged in the proeliee of the low. Judge Moons Is the present Chief Jastioe of the Supreme Court of this State. Judge Qlover baa formed a co-partnership with his ton, Mortimer Qlover, K?q , nod ia practicing law at Orangeburg Court if once. Jedge Dawkins hat returned practice ot Union Court House. Judge Muuroe hoe alto resumed practise ot Union with his too, VTm. Monroe, Esq, Judge Aldricb is practicing the profession oh Barnwell Court Hunte. Chancellor Leaesne has formed a co-partnership, and la now praetioing low in thio eity with C. K. Miles, Esq. Chancellor JobnsuU has resumed the practice of the profession. Chancellor Carroll resides at Columbia, and has resumed the practice ot that place, with the Mcasre. Melloa ; he bat also rs-established the old law firm of Carroll A Bacon, at Edge- ? field.? Chnrhtton Courier. Colvuuia, February I. Monday is generally a dull day for cotton, but the market was quite animated to-day, and soruo 53 bales wore disposed of, at fair prices?27J for middling*. Now York. February 1. Cotton unchanged?eaJet 1,500 boleo oh 291. Gold weak, at 3>$> Bamimoru, February 1. Cotton U unchanged. Flow quiet. Wheat firm?prime red 2.25@2.30. Corn firm? prime white 87(&8ft{ yellow 8fio87. Pork firm, ot 32.00. Bacon active, at 141*14$; hams 20. Lord 20. Savannah, February 1. Cotton quiet but firm; closed with better feeling?tales 1,000 bulus; middlings*27$*28 ; receipts 1,540. Acouota, February 1. Cotton market quiot?sales 49P bales; re? ceipta 480 ; middlings 271*771. Charleston, February I. Cotton quiet and unsettled; sales 250 bales?middlings nominally 28; setter* asking 281; receipts 1,415. Liverpool, February t. 3 P. M.?Cotton opened active?uploads II); Orleans IIJ. GREENVILLE TRICES CURRENT CORRECTED WKZKLT, ?T MESSRS. DAVID & STRADlEY, MERCHANTS. GREENVILLE, 8. C., FEB. 3. 180ft. APPLES, bushel, dried, pT,l,SI.00?$1.2S " " " " unpeeled, 85 t. ? $1 00 BACON, -Jft ft, new,.. .... 17 ? 20 e. BALK HOPE, fi ft 12) ? I6e. BAGGING, Gunny, ft. yd ?....28?80 . BAGGING, Dundoe,% yd 10?22e. BUR LAPS lft| BUTTER, fi ft 30 ? 36 e. BUCK WHEAT FLOCR.MlOOIbs, $3.00? 4.00 BEESWAX, "? ft 26?30 e. CHICKENS, V bend...... ...15 ?30 a. COFFKE, %* ft, Rio, 26 <5 33 e. CORN, ? bushel, now,. $1 00? 1 10 COTTON....... ..Sftc. EGGS, fl doten 10? 13) a. FLOUR, fl sack, $? 00?? 00 GOLD ... ...41 30?$I *6 INDIGO, Spaui.h Fleat $2 00?3 30 So. Ca., ft 76?3 00 IRON, f ft, American 7)e. LEAD. V ? M ?. LEATHER, V tb, 8ole, Hemlock,..36?37) a. ...... 0ay( 46? 50 a. " ? ? Upper .....70? 76 e. " " ? Harness ... 66 e. MOLASSES, ^ gal., Muscovado, 76?$1 00 " " M Syrap,. fi 36 NAILS, fi keg _$8 60 bushel, .....76 a. PEAS, " ? 76 e. PEACHES, fi be, Dried, peeled, fl 00?$6 00 " " " unpeeled, $1.60 . POTATOK8, ? bushel, Irish ,.76?f 1 00. ? Sweety 40? 76o nib, 11 tiuibel, 00 SALT, V enek, Liverpool, f3 50 <& ?.t 70 SUGAR, ft th, Brown, 10 fa M " ? " Clarified,........ ......50 e. " " " Crushed,. ...SO c. SHIRTING, seven-eights, $1 bal?,..14@ Ml e. ** - retail.. IM?. TALtOW, ft lb U e. WHEAT, f ..$2 00<$$2 25 TARN, Fwitory, by bale ...02 OA " ' bunch $3 SO The State of South Carolina* # GRKRNVILLE COUNTY, la tk( Cairt of Probata. AB3ALOM BLYTHR, Administrator of Sa rah MeJunkin, a*. John O. Mayfleld, William Vlarfield *l?l, Defendant*. ? Oitalien for Final Srtliement and Doer**. IT appearing to my satisfaction (hat John O May<lold. William Mayfleld, Jamaa May field, Stan wit Mayfiald, Th?tna? B. Mayfiold. Psarson B. May Held, ihn heirs at law and distributees of Jraae May Add. and th* heirs at law sad .liaipibatoos of Mare Bearer, defendant* in thi* ease, reside without the limits of this Stats. On motion of i Eerie oolieitor pro pot < Jt Is ordered, that , liter appear In person of by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be koldea at ttreenrills 1 Court llouae on th* 4ih day of Mar next, to ehow cause, If sny they hare, why a ftI nal settlement of the Relate of BARAII , McJUNRIN, de?ea*od, should not be bad, snd a desres given thorooa; or thslr eon 1 sen la, on falling to at'and, will b# entered i of record. Oiven nad?r my band and seal at Greenrill# Court Houeo, this second day of february, A D. ISA* 8 j. dotrniit, p. j. o. a ; Feb I 17 ?J?t