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*l> ,*v.r .y,,' A T???5 W^mesis. Detectives' stories are rarely devoid of interest, and frWeri trivthJulness is a prominent cRiipent of tlroir matter, vliey acqdire*posit jve t importance Nin the eyes of tUogeneral reader. Tie one told by rtn officer, in tiro New Orleans Picayune, and j>rjutcd below, is no exception tov the rule. As a record ot facts, giving prominence to the keenness and courngd Of a woman, it will be found worthy Of perusal: In l843, a clrcomstiinco ocenrrod in New Orleans which, at the time, created an excitement wlrifeti affected the entire population.**An old merchant, highly connected, wealthy and of distinguished social position, ouc uhrhi mysteriously disappeared. Ills family wefo in iniinito distress, ?u*l life business in consequent disorder. Ho loft Lis 8tore at a late hour, ostensibly to go home; but, before going, contrary to his ueunl practice, he. put in ]ns pocket, a targe Bum of money. 11 is way led along Peters street, on the hank of (ho ffver, flir down fn tire -Third Dis trict of the city. IIis life may have been sacrificed, and his body thrown into the flood that rolled at his feet. Polico regulations at that time woro bad, and crimes of his description wcro not mi frequently perpetrated. A iittle way back from the street was a ruinous building, half tumbling to decay, and inhabited by auulnberot people, men and women inurca to vice, and living by robbery. Among the notes Mr. Con]ay was known to possess was one lor $500, with tho word " Caunl" written on the back. The rest were of various dcnoiuinations and without peculiar identity. Mr. 1 and myself visited the residence of the missing man, at ihe request of his wife, and by Iter we were charged with the duty of ? 1 i...t?: I racing out nuu wringing iw iiiomvu liis supposed murderers. Sue was a tall, elegant-looking lady,of commanding presence and great culture. The wealth of her beauty and fino mind were inherited by her daughter, a young girl 6cnrco ly twenty. The terrible bereavement had paralysed the senses of tho mother, but had aroused the energy and firo of the young girl's nature. Moro like a beautiful Nemesis than an ordinary woman eho appeared to us. As wo ontor ?d the room 6ho was in the act of consoling her mother. The long black hair had escaped from its i confinement and almost enveloped her person in its ebon tresses.? Tho great, luminous eyes weretearful, but flashing, and full of fire. The face was dark with the blood of her Spanish race, but tho figure was queenly, slender and faultless as a model. The glorious beauty of this young girl fascinated while it bowildered yon. Jlnre Ua Avnniflifa t nnCQ f )iA /ivn ! delighted to rest on the willowy outline and graceful symmetry. Starting np rs wo entered theroom, she inquired hastily, almost fiercely, I thought. "Are you the detectives!" " Wc nro," and 1 mentioned our names. "I must apeak to yon in private," she said, and led the way to an adjoining apartment. "What do you think of the matter ?" she asked, when out of hearing of her mot cr. - ? "As yet, an opinion would be mere guess-work,' I replied. " Nevertheless, I have come to one. I have no dotlbt ho has been mtirde cd, and that the deed was committed soinewhero near that old rfilnons building by the river." "Some such idea has crossed my mind, but there is no trace as yet which can lead to proof of it." " Wo will find it, rest assured," fdio said, "and to this cud you must co-operate with ino. And now ten to what I havo to **v : Ton^iit, at 12 o'clock, prcmsefy, do you two visit the old building 1 will be there. Ask for the voting woman who applied at night-tel to them for shelter. Let yonr oh ject be, apparently, to arrest her." " But I do not uiulorstan J!" "But you will. I am going tVoro at dunk, disguised as a beggar jj;irl. By tbo time 3*011 come, my information will have been collected." She ruse to her feet as she spoke, and now indeed she wore the appearance of tbo No ueotii 1 had likened her lo at first. $cautifu>4 but rigid as fate, looked that sot, determined face. The beautiful eyes had lost their softened lustre, and shoiio with a pas aiouate light almost cruel; Tin lips were pale, but rigid as iron, and the beautiful noit?il dilated with on expression of heart-con suming vcngeunce. " I will rone the guilty Secret," she said, w if tin criminal is thore, however deep it bis heart lie may bury i;." * WLJ iL-L ? J J?.?I? .'I ti II'P11 9 j * felt as if the beautiful creature exercised c^i* trd. And witb this understatvdktgy we took onr leave, to prerpftro for the night visit to the 6hl house iukI its dangerous iubabi fawfs. -??-' - Those acquainted with the city at that lieriyd, can form some idea of tho uaugari of -the plot we bad formed. To us it was a matter of daily occurrence. But for tbe young girL, Inexperienced and tenderly nurtured, to iln nst hoi-ecH into thio very nonseof the unscrupulous and desperate wretehea who wore suspected-of till* crime, was simply appalling. It would not however, to to the place before the hour Appointed for onr coming, ft>r that would defeat the object id vfcti. was, therefore, with marly a misgiving, and an uneasiness hut' poorly concealed, wo bided our tunc. But we dc eriuined to bo there at the very moment,"and the clock wns'Ort tfiijo stroke of mid-night, whop we knocked at the dour. Tho onteide of the house gnvo no signs of lite wrtthiU, The shutters wero securely fastened,-and no ray of light penetrated the darkness; but the muffled softnd ol voteee reached our cars', until our knock hushed tlvom to n whisper; 'There was a mgmchlury hcsitxttioif, hs if of counseling together, and then the door was opened wide. X It was a long, low room, dusty a d brown from Age. About a dozen persons woro seated around, bu^ eyevy. w?V% turned, to the door. Twu'hicn had risen to tbvir feet, and stood in fin attitude, which' might'menn dotcnce, before the hreiilacc; but tlic object that attracted attention must was a ytiung girl sitting in toe centre ut the apartment.' Her tube Was dark as a gipscyVj, and the long hair linng loose uu her khonldere. Her dress was of pfw 'material, ranged and unclean. Patches and rents had almost ^lian^cy its hue and disguised its te*tu>re. (She scemcc^ too thisly clftd ft< /hat cold luglif, and her Slender frame shivered, as it from cold, as the chill air l'roui the open dour swept in. ; * ' 41 \Vbat do yoti want V was the stem question addressed to U6 by 0110 ot ilio men at the lire. Before I hsul time, to reply, the j?lrl sprang to her .feet, and sjxtke instead: 4<Ahc6t these men 1" Her voice was low, but the face, (lambing in the light ?>t' the lire, was that of the ^Nemesis I had Seen that day. ? There was a shorty fierce strug gle, bik! the men were in 011 r pow cr. The girl then walked to r place in ihc lluor, and, touching 1 concealed spring, raised a trapdoor. She hade Mr. I. lift tho f><>* that lay in the hiding-place. The lid ?was wrenched off, and in i< were tho . old, merchant's money papers ntid pocjfcofbook. Willi tho money was found the bill, and the word 44 Canal" written acrosi it. It was not long before the met confessed tlicir crime. The oU man hud been murdered and bit body thrown in the river. Too daughter accomplished bci mission'. Sho had earned out hei design, and traced to thciHiidin?j place, the proofs of the murderer*! ornne. It is useless to realizi what followed. Long years hu,v< Hed since then, ana tho voting Nemesis id yet among the living Beautiful still, there are mhiij hearts to grow glad at hor smile and share with her the joys of tlx homo bite charms. I>ut this Bt rang! iucidcnt in her lite will never b< effaced from Iter mind, or tu<l< from the memory of those win saw Lcr thin. ? ?- ? **?-?- - ? Ciiaract n.?Wo fully agra with.Sir U. Phillips that, in socic i ty, character is the first, second and the ultimate quality. A mai is never ruined ulm has-not loa his <Jharnefor; while he who ha lost. his character, whatever hi position, id ruined, as to al| morn and useful jmlrpoeetf. Knvf am -calumny will follow a it ton'a sac cess like his sju^dow but, thej viill hcrpowerlo-s It he lVJvud t himself, and. :c)ie? on his nntiv energies t*r beat. or down. Virtues imw Ire uaisriprc scntation*, l>n< tli6v nro virtue still; nud iu vain will aninduatr ous man Uo called an idler ; a eet fiible man a fool; a prndent inn i n spendthrift; a porsoveriiig ma a clinngling; or r.n honest man knave. Tbo qualities ure inlu i rent, ami cannot l*o movod b . words* except with a man's col I sent. At the sninu time all oalnu niatom, thrice adtttctetJvonght t I lio banished as criminals, iiipcv : thy (? tlio benefit of the society, < i which, howovcr powerless, thf endeavor to be the pest and bk'.i ? L ?1-L. J !!- J y ooaTWBqxoxu . Htjle epklode on the car that helped to arouse ua. At Montana & young man add a voting vein an came On board tue sleeping ear, and die former said : "See nere, Mr. Conductor, I \vai)t one of your best bunks for, this young woman and ojto forf im-sdlf individually.' One will do for ua wheu we git to tho \. Bluffs, h?}\ Maier? (a playful: and affect ionnte poke at a Marler " I, with liis elbow to which she ro-' plica u John, qnitl") for you sCo' wo're got'n' to git married at Mar- j t ier^B tinkle's when we git there, j Wemi^lit 'n got married at Mon 1 tunny, otu wc ioojb a msuh 10 wait till w? got to the 13 luffs, bein'm \ Mailer's undo is a minister, ami 4 they charge a goP fired price for ( hitchin folks at Mon tunny, Maria was assigned to ono of tho ] u best bunks," afid John was given i one not far away. After a tiino "i tli? inmates of tlio car were all stowed away in their berths to go through the inevitable alterations of sweltering and freezing. During the stoppage of tho train at oho etatftJh the voice of Johu was heard, raised in pleading, accents, all unconscious that the train had stopj>ed, and that tones which the- noise of tho rattling while the cars wero moving, cxraM bo distinctly heard by all when they had stopped. " Now Marri, you might give a feller jos* one kiss." u John, j-on quit, or Fll git right out hero and ftoof it ha?W to Montanny in tho snow storm." " Only ono lltflo kiss, Marier, and III go i hope to die it I don't." V John " Just at that interesting moment a gray headf protruded from a f berth At tho other end of tho car, [at>d au oM man criod out so that all conld hear: M Marier, for God's sake give Jo n ono kiss, so that \\fi can go lo sleep some time to frrfght." r It Ss needless to remark that a peat of luughter rang from one end of the car to the other, under cover of-which John slunk back to the solitary eeclusion of his "bunk" leaving Maria to tito undisturbed I possession of her marriage license, i .'nlA....HA?Ayl ...14 ninvii oirvj iiiifi jmcicu i'j J > l 11111 no liccnsn tu John until uccotnimnicd , by ' tho prdper eertilrcate, ar.d , Marier was ? A Tai.k of Loyk.?Ono quiut !' night in leafy June, when bees and 1 birds were all iu tune, two b<vcrs f walked beneath the moon. The uigllt was f dr?so was the maid ; they walked ar.d tal!:ed beneath | 1 the shade, with none to harm or k make afraid; Her natnc Maggie ' and iiia was Jim, and ho was fat ' and she was slim; he to ?k to her 5 and sho to him. SaysJimtoMag 1 ?**^v nil. the snakes that squirm > among the bush and brakes, L like 1 you better'u buckwheat cakes.'*? 1 Says Maggie to Jim?w Since 1 you'vo begun it, and been and como and gone and done it, I like 1 yon next to n new bnnnit." Sa}*s ' Jiin to M?Sgic?" My heart you've 1 busted ; but I have always gals mistrusted, and iiftrry one is to be 1 -trusted." Says Jim to Maggie, l' will be true ; if you love 1 as I ' love yon, no knite can cut our love j in too." Says Jim to Maggie,? 1 MThro* thick and thin, for.your 2 true lovor count mo in ; I'll connt ? no other girl agin." Jim leaned * to Maggie, Maggie leaned to hun, ' his nose Just touched her jockey ? brim, four lips went?went? 3 ahem ! ahem! and then, and then, 5 and thkn, and Then 1 O, gnls. be 3 ware o#meu in June, ami tinder3 .neath the silver moon, when frogs 3 and crickets arc in tnne, lest your names get in the papers soon 1 ? ? WnAT Ncswnf?A six foot , Vermonter, en his first trip froin ' the 6inoko of his father's chimney, | put up' at a first class hotel, room on the fonrth floor. 8 c a While asleep, hoot-black gets I bis boots, along with a number of j others. y Abont one o'cl??ck he awoke, y and wishing to go off, ho began i> looking for litem : but not finding o them, ont into the hall lie went, it and with both hands on his knees, y .commenced yelling at the top ot s I his voice. i. 'J lie servants rushed out to see i- what wnt thu I Hotter, and getting n to the scene of action began to n usk: n > What's the matter ?" j "1 want tYiy l>uot8," replied the v Yernionteiv " What ri umber?" inquired tbe ). servant* relen ing to tho room. o: Bix footer, 6U|>}x>siiig they had In reference to the sizo of his boots, >t it cries out: v " 1'egged hoe!a and sole', nuwb. bcr twelve!" I m * IIII rn^LMi I I II I mm >1 IITIRI ; i?>, :r,.- r-_A Bloody Duel. The famous dueling ground on the Metairie Ridge, -known as 4 Tho Oaks," wu the scene yesterday morning of a sanguinary duel between two young men of this city, which has rarely had its parallel in tho anqals of the code either in this eouutry or in Kqrope. Rio antagonists were, the one a native Creole of Isow Orleans, the ather a Frenchman by birth ? tho provocation a blow in tho faco, at the hand of the Creole; the wcapons woro broadswords; tho hour Jay break. Arrived on tho field accompanied bv their seconds, the sonibaUuU stripped to the waist, and sword in liuttd, in thefrcc?in<* air of the morning, snrrmg at each 3tl?or like tigers. Tbcro was no [testation, or playing to try each jtber's skill. A few lunges and mitts were successfully parried when suddenly an upcut from die Frenchman's sword wounded his antagonist in the right arirt. The rijpoe'e from tho croole laid onon the French man's left cheek, laying open tho inside and exposing his teeth. Nothing daunted, the wounded man stepped back, had a handkerchief bound around his lace and again put himself iu attitude of offense. His first lunge penetrated tho breast of his opponent, between the rib end the skin, but it was made with such relentless force that it passed also through the otfnnn. An attempt was made at this in? incut by tho seconds to stop the matter ut that point, but tho man with the lmudkerehief around his jaws rushed at the seconds wbo was anxious to settle the matter, sword in hand, asseverating that naught should quiet his animosity except a cut across his throat. 'l*be battle was renewed and lasted until the Creole had received eight wounds and the other six?all severe and painful, but t?oner it is h ?pedf dwngerons.? Both men displayed extraoi dinary courage, animosity and endurance; and during the conrse of the bloody encounter, neither was will in*? to give np the contest un'il both had to let their hands fall helpless to theif 6ides from lose of blood" and the pain of their wounds. The parties were carried home, after having their wounds dressed; and though the croolo had two more wounds, his situation was more comfortable and less critical than that of his antagonist. [iV. O. Lrescrnt IS'th. I bay, I'at, what aro yon about?sweeping out that room?" " No," answered Tut; "I am sweeping out the dirt and leaving the icOin." a?'" ,-_r u- m'A' . _ ??. r-t'1 J--' > PuWitJitd for th* lirurfl of th* Reader* of the Southern Enterprlu, and at their Jleqt>e*i.. The State of South Carolina, GUL'ENVILLK COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALES. j T>Y virtue.of sundry Writ of Fieri Facia: i A3 to IDC directed, 1 will fell, before th* Court House door, on Sale* lay in F?-t?rii?i j | uext, at the usual livur of ula ?U o'clock I noon, Oua flowae and Lot in tlie Town o Greenville, near the folk ol Uulherfurr and Buncombe Streets, an t how occupto by W T. Shumate; bounded by lota o Gilrealh, Melvuy and others. Levied ot aa the property of Win. litckaon, at tlx suit ol H. o. Thayer. Alan, one Tract of Land, containing 7; acre#, more or leoa, situated near the Bun C"inl?e Itoad. tome five toilea from Green vltle Court lion**, adjoining lands of Wni Choice, Wni. Batea A Co. ami others, hclnj the anuie piece of laud whereon stands tlx Methodist Church, known a* Duncan' Chapel. Abo, on? Trnct cl I-and, contain ing 95 acres, more or let*, adjoining land of Win. Ghoic? and others about 7 mile from OrtMivilh Court House, near tin liunroiiihr Ri?<1 L- vied on ae the prop orly of I*. K Duncan, deceased, at the *ui of IK P. MoulJln, Executor for W. L. Uuui din, Alan, one Tract of Land near Grove 8la lion, containing 186| acre*, more or less (the Homestead to l?e set off before day o sale.) adjoining lands of Mrs Nancy Mc Gilvery, Cleveland, fluff and others. Lev ied oa as the property of ff. \V. Garrison at the suit of Lawrence Lenhardt. Also one Traet of Land, situated 01 Mush Creek, 17 tnilos strove Gree.nvilh Court House, eontaiBing a 10 acres, more oi less, well iipptoved and in a high stale o cultivation, adjoining lands of A, A Neves Mis M. Taylor and others. Levied on a the property of J.r;;.a N. Taylor, at tb< suit of Larkin C?nnon and others. Abn, one Tract of Land situated in tin upper frnrt i f tin Comity, on the waters o Tiger River, containing 6(19 acres, mine o less, well improved and in a fine state ? cultivation, adjoining Isuda of Noel IJ. 17, J N. Taylor, Reiijamln Holly and olheis, (ilv Homestead to Co set off before day of sule. I?e\i?d on as the property of Alvxandc MrKinny, at thn suit of Thomas t ynch. Also, one Trsct ot Land, situated on thi waters of Tyger River, containing 11! acres, more or lias (the Homestead to In iaet I'ff l/r the Jfcf. ndant le lore day of sale, adjoining lands of Win, JMelCiimy, 8r, 11 f. Forrest nnd oilier* Levi. (I on *a Ihi 11>of.vrty of 1), 11, Mclviiii.y, at llio suit o U. II. Jr* ine. Also, w? Tract of Land. Ivlng near Box ion's Old Field, containing :{9f? aero*, nioi or leas. adj uning lands of FieMer QeOrge J. A. Itill nnd others. Levied on aa tii foof.erly of 0. f Diil. nt the suit of th Kliite to snlis.y Stall and Couufy Tex Ex? SilU'liS. Als-i, on# Traci of l.and, containing S acre*. Ml"re or Ires adjoining lands ol <l.-f j Barton, Tlt'>tna? J. K.rle and other*. Lei ' ied on as III# prop-ity of Jane MsMakin, ? lie mil- f lite Slate to sftli.fy Sluts uu C-xinty Tax KxreoMons. Ais<?, one Lot to the Town of O rrnvilt. whereon I lie Oss Wo. he arc locaud, It jrt 8 B ? "'Vi*11 f ' ; ' * J (ether with the Pipes running through the streets. Levied on the property of the Greenville Gta Light Company, el the pull ef the (stale to satisfy State and Couuly T?* Executions. Also, or.e Tract of Land, containing 3.10 aerce. more or It-a*, adjoining lauds of John Ward, John Hart and of herb. Levied on at the property of the Estate of Wm. G. : Staton, deceased. at the edit of the State to | latiefy State and County Tax Executions. | AlfO, one Tract of I/and, tv/iii sining <77 ! sere* more or ion, adjoining landa of PrWr Gveneli, Jtekh I'ilnrau and others.- Levied nn *1 the property of Jacob Linday, Jr., at the suit of the Slate to satisfy Slate and County Tax Execution*. Also, one Trncl of Land, containing 40 arte*, more or t*e?. adjoining landa ef U. Knrmnn Whildon, Stepheu Smith's K?tata and others. Lovsd on a* the property of James JR. LangUy, at the suit of Carter Langley. Also, one Tract of Lknd on the Buncombe Road, and waters of Enwrce River, 10 miles above Greeuvt!]? Court House, well improved and in a high etote of collition. cootaiiiimr 180 acres, mora or less. I the Homestead to bo setoff to Defendant >?f?>r? day of ule.) adjoluiug lands wf Ueu rr Lynch, J. H CuUnun and other* Lavs iedjon as tha property of K. N. Coleinnn, at the suit of A. M. Oilrealli. Aim, one Tract of Land, containing S^O aerex, more or hss, adjofnlog land* of J<? | aeplt 1'rlner, Tfetiy Turner ami other*.? Levied on aa the property of Daniel Sims, I at the euit of fhe Stata to ?iit?'y State and County Tax Execution*. ' Al.-o, all Defendant's inlerrat in a Tract of Land containing 4<io ncrcn, ttiorc or less, adjoining land* <>t Reuben Tally, Williatna Cox, fyiooh Cutininghonr ntid other*. f,e?ird on a* the prop, /iv of N. Claeu Cox, at the an-H ?'f R. Long, Survivor. Alao, Ana Tract of Land, ou the Bunonmbe Itoad, mine 18 miles ubove Greenville Court lion*#, rontaiiiing acr-s, more or less. (-the llum rate ad to he art off to Defendant lie'on day ol aile.) udjoiiiint* lands of .Tohn II..Goodwin, Rub Alion and others. Levied 011 as the property of William Lynch, at the euit of A 15'ythe, Ex vcuL-r. Also, all Defendant's right, title and Intereat in the land* of Ashel C?*. containing - Her. *, moie or less, ('lie U<>inealead to he Set off to Defendant t>efore day of sale.) situated in the upper part of the County, on Saluda River, adj-daintr lands of John H. Goodwin, W. C. Goodwin, William lluwkina end others. J*-vied oh as the property of Johu Cox, at the suit of A. Lilyllie, Executor. Terms Cash. Tu'chasers (0 pay for. stamps and papers. A B. VICKER3. S. G. C. SheiifTs Office, Jan. 7tit, 1809. Jan 20 85 2 ''COSTARV' PEEPAB ATIONS. EV KR YBO DY ? Tries Them / EVEltYBODY? Use* T/ttm t EVERY BODY?Believes in Them ! EVERY LiO U Y?Recommend* Th cm ! Costar's Exterminators. Tor Rata, Roaches, Ants, Ac. Costar's Bed B'jff F.xter. A Kiils?" Sure thing. Costar's Insect Powder. Fur Flees, Moths, Insocts, Ac. .. Costar's Corn Solvent For Corns, Damons, Ac. Costar's Buckthorn Salve. For Outs, Burns, Bruises, Ac. 1 Coster's Bishop Pills. (Sugar Coated) Dinner Pill, i ?r? Costar's Cough Bcmedy. For Coughs, Colds, Ac. i v > Costar's Bitter-Sweet and . Orange Blossoms. Beautifies (he Complexion, f MttfcttS the Skin fresh and fair. I . . . . ' ^flT-Doware !! of all Worthless Imitations.. genuine without Cottar's signature. ' 5c. nnd 50c. sizes kept by all Druggists. sires sent by mail on receipt of price, pays for any three 91 sizes by Express. | peys for eight 91 sixes by Express. Address 1IENRY It. COSTA II r 612 Broadway, N. Y. * For sale by MOKUAX A WEST MUllKI.AND, Ureonvillc, S. C. * pKt- And at Wholesale in all the citio* and * large tuwna iu the United State*. 10 -6m H ! Law Notice?Change of Office, Gf. TOWNE8 baa removed bia l.:iw , Office to the building north-eaatcor. m r of the Public Squnrc, in part occupied by Julius C. Smith, Auctioneer, and the Enterprise Printing Office, up stair*. Jan 8 33 tx WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHLONEGA, GA., t ATT ILL practice in the Cuanti.a of Lump? W kin. Dawson, Uilincr, Fannin, Uuicn, r Towns, Wliitu and 11*11. I Jan 10 33 tf 4MHa^aaMMan__a^Il ; KOSADALIS | Purifies the Blood. For Sale hy Druggists Everywhere 1 W. K. EtltlT, O. O. VILLI. EASLEY & WELLS, 1 Attorney! and Counsellor* at Law \\ AND IN EQUITY, ' ) QRKHNVILLK, 8. 0., * j "T>* ACTICK in tho Court* of tho ftato and t ' I of the United States, ?i?l Rtva oepccial aliention to ca*e? iu liankruplcjr. J una 13 3 tf BATKSVI I,I,M ?, mmire mmi , I H HAVING been appointed Agents for 511 I hi* Company, nr? pit-puled to J , aell Sll!HTiNGi AND YARN at *'u?U>ry I price*. l>uviil Ai Mratlli-y, Grocer* and Cnmmtainn M.ichit it fa, ?, 1 <i(Vvn > U!c, 8. O.. ?. Nov ft 11 U t , __ 1 TO TI1E TUBLIO. Ml THE PAVILION HOTEL, T CHARLESTON, 8. C., * . a. _ SO LONG nod ?l>ly ' TV. dnct'd by the ]at? H, gSlfteSt BUlTKUhEtD, will still It kejrt <rp?n for the aoeointnodktlon of ibe traveling public. And lu former friends and patrons will find tba* usual accommodations and attentions bostowed on them as formerly. and ths public ftvore, already so well established as Til K llt/rKLorihuTRAYELlNG MERCHANTS of the South, will, by earnest efforts, bo* faithfully preserved. March 4. 1868. 41 - ' If Change of Schedule on G. & C. It B and aflor WEDNESDAY, tho 12ih inV/ slant, Passenger Trains will nm dally;; Sundays excepted, connecting with Night' " * Train on South Carolina and Charlotte au?f South Carolina Railroads, as follows: lioavo Coluinliia at 7.00 a. ltf " Alston ?t 8.40 ' - Kewberry at 10.10 " Ariivo at Abbevillo at...v.. *vO0 p. iff " at Anderson at 4.20 n " Greenville at - 0.00 " Leave Greenville at 0.45 a. ur " Audurson at - 0.25 " '* Abbeville at tUlO '* " Newberry at....- 12.H5 p. vtf " Alston nt 2.15 " Artfvo at Columbia at 8.45 " Truins on tlio Who Ridge Railroad will also" mn daily, Sundays exceptedLuafe Anderson at 4.20 p. m " Pendleton nt. 5.30 " Arrive at Walhalla at 7.30 Leave Wallialla at- 3.30 a. m* " Pendleton nt 5.30 " Arrive at Anderson nt 0.20 " The train will return fVom Dulton to Ander'-" son on Monday and Friday mornings. JAMK.3 O. MERBDITHv* . General Superintendent. Any 19 13 Charlotte & South Carolina K. R. Co, S?UPf:ni NTEN DENT'S OFFICE Columbia, S. C., August 8, 1808. ON and after WEDNESDAY, the lith instant, the Trains oyer the ltoa.l will run as follows, viz: Leave Columbia at 4.15 p. nr.. Arrive at Charlotte at 11.(Mr p. in. ~ Leave Charlotte at 11.36 p. nr. 4 Arrive at Colombia 0 00 a. nt. ^ Close connections, both ways, wiilv Trio us of Greenville aud Columbia and South Carolina Heads. raw IS' passengers lor the North, taking this route, have the choice of FOUIl D1FKKRKNT ROUTES, viz: From Grtanaboro, either via Danville or Kaieigli. From Wcldon, cither via Petersburg or Portsmouth and from Portsmouth, either via Old Buy Line and Baltimore or Annainessie Line aud Wilmington, Delaware C3T TIME A3 QUICK and FARE AS LOW a? by any other route. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Por TllUOUGH TICKETS to Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and. New York, apply at Ticket OQioe, foot lilnndiug street. An Accommodation Train will be run as , folio at: Leave Oolnmbi' on Won.laye, Wednesdays 1 LVl.t n ? ? ------ J .... on*! inunjrm. i n. at., arriving at ciuislot le at 6 35 R M. Returning?leave Charlotte on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday* nl 6 A. M., arriving at Columbia nt 5.05 P. M. Passengers Inking the 6 A. M. Train from Chariotta can connect with A'ijht Train of South Carolina Uoad Charleston. Passengers froiu Chorlo?lon can?by leaving the South Carolina Train at ./une/ion?connect with th^ 7 A. M. Train from Colombia. CALEB BOUKN1G11T, Superintendent, A?52? Greenville and Columbia Bail Boad Company 1MII5 Company has now for sale, fn Tien of " Season Tickets," a Ticket whic\} entitles a person to travel over the road 1,000 Miles for $10, Within one year from dale of purchase.? The Ticket a can b? purchased from I ho Agents at Columbia, Newbeiry, Abbeville Anderson and Greenville. W. ALSTON* GIBBE9, General Ticket Agent ti. and C. It. If. a Auguat 12. 1808. li-lf South Carolina B*ilroad. GENERAL SU1"TS OFFICE, > OilAfiLKavov, S. C., March 28, 1868. \ ON and after Sunday, March 29, the Passenger Trwiwe et* Wvo South Carolina Railroad will run as follows, vis: Leave Charleston for Columbia 6.20 a. m Arrive at Kingsvillc 1.80 p. ni Leave Kinssville........................ 2.00 p. itl Arrive at Columbia^.^,... 3.50 p. m Leave Columbia. ? 6vf>0 a. nt Arrive nt Kiugsville 7.30 a. m Leave Kingsvillc 8.00 p. in < Arrive i?( UbarlocMti 3.1<> p. m The Passenger Train on the Camden Branch will connect with up and down Columbia Trains and Wilmington and Manchester lluUroad Trains on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Night Express Freight and Passenger Ac- -t comiuodutiou Train will run as follows r Leave Charleston for Columbia...*....6.40 p. m Arrive at Columbia........... 0.05 a. m l.f nve Columbia 5.30 p. ta Arrivo at Charleston 5.40 a. m II. T. PKAKK, Uon'l 9wj/?. April 15 47 tf Fairvicw Sugar Company. f IM1IS Company having bought the Kight I In the grcut discovery of waking sugar and refining syrup made from Sorgo Cane, U? | that portion of Oreenville District otsinwiua the Third Hcgiinent, wo propose to erc^Hlhr ftlTOAU HOUSE and KKF1KKR near FAlfiJV VIEW as soon as praetieabie. To tbosn wbu> live two fer from our works, to haul their cones, wc propose to sell Farm ltigbts. We bellow this to be one of the greatest discoveries fdr the South that cuuld have been made, and I L.?. ?? ?--? ' ->? * - .... nv ??<?? >u>i ii win dc, in a lew ywtn, the great itaple of the Booth. It* operation*' are siwplo ami cost comparatively nothing twits rt a l.riu works, anil will pay five time bettor than any crop except cotton, anil we believe will double that great king wf (he Seat* Those wishing Rights ahoulil call at once on Dr. W. A. Harrison, at Feirview, or Dr. IV. P. l'aaimore, at Ureenvillc, who will lake great pleasure in giving lull pertseulera. IVe will luvuuh aoeil frue of eoek, except freight, to these wishing to plant. W. A. HARRISON, W. P. PASSMORK, Agent* for Company* T. L. DOZ KM AX, President. Bept 2 14 : tf j7eruii a m SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING received the a pen ov of the * alxive justly celebrated brand, of ' TOBACCO, we will make it to yoer inter-. I est to buy from us. For sale by wlislieuls | or,retail. OA VII > A bTKALH.LV. * Oct UO . *3 .If / *