University of South Carolina Libraries
. . ' MtVi* ' ?r.* i i i i i i i 11 vv'- <<' . - '**"* ^ * ^ Auditor's Offio?i Pic* vita C. H..& 0., ) January ISlh, I860. I The following division of thiaQounty Into Assessment Districts, and assignments there to Of Assessors for tllfl assessment of renl and persona) property, taxable under the Act ** providing for the assessment and tax alion of property," passed the 15th of September, 1868, are hereby published for gen eral information, to wit: lat District, comprising PickensvilD, D?? cnsvil)* and I'limpxintown Townships, Moses S ltendi-lcks Assessor. ll District, computing Salubrity and Tickens O-nrt House Townships, John M. llendrichs Assessor. Si District, comprising Garvin, Easley and Kastatoe Townships, John Craig Asu. eessor. Each Assessor is required to complete the aseeseraent within Ills District before the 16th day of Eebruary, I860 ; employing any assistancs deemed necessary. While each Assessor should be careful to avoid as fir as possible anything thatscema like an - nnneee*a?ry inquis.lh>n into the private affairs of the tax -payer, he muet at the anniA time use every means to Miisfy himself am to the correctness of the return* muds. Ill ia important that the Aa?e?aors and all partie* interested eiionltl understand that the year for which this aaeesnment i* made terminated on the 1st of September, 1868. and that It ie the property which ha* been lie!d by the lax-payer during the year preceding ihat date, an! which i* held by liim on that date, that U to be a?*e*eed for taxation. ALOXZO M. FOLOER, Auditor Piokeue Oouutv. Jan 127 86 *8 Treasurer's Office, 0??xruu C. H.. S. C., I January 28d, 1869. J NOTICE is hereby given that the TAX EXECUTIONS f.r 1867 have been handed over to me by the Sheriff of the County; and all persons who are in arreare fur Taxes, ff they pay up at one*, the coal on Mid executions will he revoked. I would aleo etate that the Quarterly Tax, for quarter ending Deeember 81, 1868, ia due on the first day of January, 1869. On the maiket value of the gr??* amount of Spirituous L'qnors manu'aeiured during the quarter ending December . 81, 1868, five per cent. From the sties of Goods, War?s or Merchandise, embracing all the articles of trade, pale, barter or exchange, which any person ebali have made during the quarter, twenty oenta, and fifteen cents {Convention) mak ing thirty five (88) cenu on every one hundred (100) dollars worth. On ell articles manufactured for sale, barter or exchange during the quarter fif lien (15) eeate (Convention) on every one hundred dollars' worth. All those who hava cot made returns for Inst quarter must do so at once. W. W. ROBERTSON, County Treasurer. Office opposite the Mansion Lluuec, over Sullivan's Store. Jan 27 86 1 Recovery Lodge. No 31, A '. F.\ M.-. AT tb? nest regular communication of this Lodge, the arrear lift will be called. Members will please take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. By order of the W. M. W. L. MAULDIN, Secretary. Jan IS $4 3 Recovery Lodge, A*. F.. M.\ No. 31. AT the nest rvgnlar communication of this Lodge, Bro. Jamks Rirkir, 8. W., will deliver the RKUULAK ANNUAL ADDRESS. A full aUendance is requested. The Master's Degree will also be conferred. By order of the W. M. W. L. MAULDIN, Secretary. Jan 27 33-1 " REIDVILLE MALE HIGH SCHOOL.. THE Twenty-First Session /Jf^BV^wlll commence on Uie 1st Mon"qmflPSJay in February, 18flV?. tHV Rates of Tuition $10.00 and $16.00 per session. Contingent fee $1.00. One half Tuition and Contingent fee required In advance. Hoarding $10.00 per month. PRESTON a JOHNSTON, A M, Principal. Jan 27 86 1 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY, fat the Ooirt of Probate. ABSALOM BLYTRK, Administrator si. JOHN O. MAYFIKLD and other* Defendants ?CilatUm Jar ? Find SeUU-nent and Deem. IT appealing to thy satisfaction that John O. May field, William M.yfietd, James Mayfield. ftiaowlx H. Thoiwoa R. May field, Isaac Benson and Angellwe Ben on, his wife, J*hn B. Cobb, CharteO Rice A Li. :#_ w ill.. A v.. mik nihi in* wir, niirj ivirr *1111 ciniicj unbreath, Defendants In ihisena*, heeide without thla State: It it Oidertd and Decreed, thai they do appear at a Ooart *>f Probate, In pereoa or by attorney, oti Monday the l6lli day ?/ April next, at 10 o'clock A. M , to show eaoee if any they can why a Pinal Settlement of the Rotate of SARAH Uo JUNKIN, dofeeneed, rhould not be had and a Decree given thereon, or their convent in filling to attend Will be entered ?< record Rinn under my hand at Greenville Court It once, thin iOtb day of Janaary, A. D. 1869. B. J..D0UTMT, P. J. o. a Jan 97 86 ?m Annual Meeting Of d< Stockholder* of tko .VoelA Chrolinh It. R. Co., and <>j lie Southwestern H. R. Bank. ' rpTHK Annual Mettlng of the STOCKA, HOLDERS ef the above Inetitetions will he held in the City of Charleston on the eeeond Tuesday In Febraary next, the 9th of bat month. Place of meeting, Hail of the Soathweetera Rail Koad Bank, in Broad-et. A Iloar ot convening, II o'eloek, A. M. /In Ike daw /.Jlimwlww VeJwaeJe. tkn ? AlL tW* ?IU L an election b?M at tha earns dIiml between the hour* of 9 A. M.f anil J V M.. for FIFTEEN DIRECTORS of tha RaU Road Company and THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of the Dank. A CommitUa to rariiy Frexiea will attend, fttook holders will be passed as nsual, orar the Read, to arid from the Meeting, free of obeaga, la aeoofdawoa with the resolution of liu. J. R. EMERT. Secretary. Jan IT Id I BifliS ?. THE Twentieth Session of tha REinVILf R FKM ALE IIT0I1 "wMBsCUllOli wlH eonrntiir* the Id VV?I FRBRUaRT, Tuition, f 18 HftE par Session. Doatd, $10 par month. Par InrtUar particular* Inquire of the Prioelr el, - R II. REIT*. Van SO |? t " "I'ilj&U. v . T ? 1 *8 I - . , ' e JULIUS C. SMITH. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, COURT BOUSE SQUARE. Greenville. S. C PERSONAL attention given to all Male* of Real and Personal Property, Ranticg of lloum and Collecting nt R?ni| and Ac count*. and to all business intrusted to him Having bean appointed agent f.-r the following Fertilizers, they *an be foond at my office and sold at Charleston price*, freight and dray age added s RAPES' NITROGENIZED Sote* PIIOSFfiATK, WANDO AND BAUGII'3 RAW BONEs PERUVIAN GUANO, in* genuine article, kept Tor sale and ordered In any quantity. 0*r tO Ion* of l'hu?pk?t? and Peruvian dmno anld by me for the wheat (owing in Qi-eenvill* (hi* fall. Agency for the Celebrated WATT PLOUGH? turn, ?u?<roll, nod cultivator all in one. Five thourand of lh?*e Plough* are in the band* of (lie farmer* of Virgin- , la, North and South Carolina, and Teun**M*. Over 50 of the one horse Plough* old in Greenville in one month. Oriifl. eate* from the beet of ottr Planter* can be given, who have n?ed the Plough in making their crop of 1869. Agency for Uurilrrcll's Superior CORN AND COTTON PLANTKR. STRAW CUrTER-t, OOUN 8HELLEK8, A a. GRASS, CLOVER, and other Seed* ?up. plied at ?hort notice. COOKING STOVES, STOVE WAKE, MJUhOl AND OFFICE STOVES, For aale a* cheap na can be bought. JULIUS C. *71 IT II. GreenvilU C. II , 8. C. Jan 17 86 tf GREENVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE. I^HK SPRING SESSION of thi*> laelitu. lion will open on liWw?rf?v the 3d of February, under the following able Faculty of Iaatraatara: Taor. C. H. JUDSON. President, A slroumny and (Joe of Globes ; Prof. f\ C. DOSSIER, Vice Principal. Belle* Lettm and Intellectual Philosophy; Qrn. ELLISON CAPE IIS, Algebra and Geometry ; Prof. C. H. TOY, Hatural Philosophy and Chemistry ; Da. J. C. FABER, Lath* Language ; Prof M. O. DkCAMP*, Vocal and Instrumental Music ; Mias SALLIE J. LOWNDES, French and English ; Mim DORA FURMAN, Drawing and Painting. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Mim EMMA WESTFIELD. Mtsa EUGENIA SHERMAN. ;o; Thrm* per Session of 21 Week* : English Course f.10 00 French or Lstin 20 00 Piano or Vocal Lrmoas 26 00 Drawing and Painting.... .16 00 to 20 00 lueiJental Expeosea 2 00 Aa none of the InB.rneir>r? are In filed ealaiier, it ie indispensable Ihnl all bills be settled in advance, either by co?h or by such notes, on short lime, as any of the Instructors would be willing to receive as money. Believing that n Faculty has heen secured in every respect worthy of public eonfideocs, it is hoped that the community will see the propriety, and ultimate advantage to themaeiveo, of patronizing tha Col lege. In all Its departments, in preference to any other schools or to any private instructors. If the Colhrg* is to be made worthy of patronage lioin ntu-oad, It should receive the hearty support of the elttsen* of Green villa. Lot every one show, by word and deed, that ins deaires the prosperity of the College. C. II. JUD30N. Jan 87 8? I SOLUBLE MANURES* | fimlpkmrie Acid frhd Stipe rphrupkat* t)emfSUajr, CharUetutt, tk O. HAVING completed their estensivs Itssa- J faetory, am now prepared to furnish | bolnblo Fertilisers, no other kinds being available to Plaetors for immediate returns for their investments. This Company, under the direction entirely of Southern men of high characters offers Inducements which will recommend it to Southern i'tesWVfc Ttioir Works ore among the largest and most eobiptctw in , the United States, and enable them to prtpste at boma an abandant supply of the proper eolvent for the South Carolina natire Hone Phosphates which are near by. From these Phosphates they propoao to manufacture a remitter eveti ru ber In Potable Phosphates than thoM atade from KaW Hones* and containing more than twiee tha quantity of Superpboapbate of Lime found in the beat average manure* heretofore offered for sale, the rates at which we offer theui being no higher than the average price of other Fertilisers, while the Manures contain twiee a* mneh fertilising material; they are la fact much cheaper to tha consumer. They are offered oa the market in two forma, with^ guarantee that tha material in each will correspond to the advertisement : Ktiman No. 1.?Soluble Phosphate, containing from eighteen to twentv-Ave per cent, of Pure Soluble Phosphate of Lime, end furnished at slaty dollars per ton. Rtimam No. 2.?Peiurian Superphosphate, containing from siatcen to twenty per cent, of Rotable Phosphate, and three to four per cent. u4 Ammonia, at aevanty dollars per ton, for approrrd acceptances, hearing interest, or inch other aeowrity as may he acceptable to the sab agents. A discount af ten per cent, on the above price* wil) be mado for eash. Otdera to ha forwarded immediately to the Ageats, and delivery made as directed. W?. C. BKK A CO., Agents. C. O. Msisnsn, President. Jaa If tf i i \ ' y.%. O, * * ? v y .. L!4t. LU- *? l..i. -'? '- ? U D 0 T S3 111 J. C. HICKS, I MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER OF 5 BOOTS AND SHOES, i On* Door Sontk of IF. //. Ifocry't totll- | Inotrn Stood, Wain Str?et, GREENVILLE, S. C. fitif] KEEPS rlvajii on hnnd ?nda^| rill fur rale, a gnoil AavortioL-Dt "'f ?1 lapudwl Work, consisting or MEN'S CALF AND Kir BOOTS, BOYS AND YOUTII8' BOOTS. LADIES AND MISSES CALF AND KID BOOTEES AND BALMORALS, An<t Shoes of Ml kiods generally kopt for Country trade. LEATHER ' AMD SHOg FIWUMWQS, < or REST QUALITY. t ALL CUSTOM WORK WARRANTED , OF BEST MATERIALS AND WORK- i MAN3IIIP. ? Orders Ailed at short notice. 'Mk- Give inc a call, when you want Bootb r Sitors. JM-tf Jan 20 ' GARDEN AND FIELD *EED. ) 6AR0EN AND CHEST TOOL*. ( WH. WAT-OX Is n?w receiving 1 from the most rctlable Northern producer* and importers, * stock of SPRING 1 SEKDS, containing a greater variety of useful nn.t 'profitable vegetables than has ever been offered in this town heretofore.? Added to these are those produced by himself, which are warranted free from amn'gu. mation and deterioration. Perirli ?ble seeds ( in a'l caeca nre thrown out, and nil o'htstr, where practicable, are tested for a seed dealer shou'd know the dnrntfon of their vitality, and also how to detect plating impositions in species. The quantities in pa pers, which are> d by weight, will Average Irrger than nana) at the same p> i- ' ces, and gives correct planting direction*.? Sixteen varieties of Cabbage irdepen lent of Caul flower and Brocooll, and n- arly as many of English Peas and early llwarf Ileal a are ineluded ; nine of lleeta including the early Ba??ino, sev>-ral kinds of early Corn, Onions an-1 H >r*e RadMi Setts and Seeds; the Ttlden. Ford an-1 K-y* relebfri led and unexcelled Tomatos, with Kentucky Red Ciover, Blue and Orchard Grnea Seeds, of the growth of 1868. Jan 80 32 3 II. BEATTIE & CO. oreeatilLe, s. c. DEALERS IN FAMOY ^ !N1 !D STAPLE BUT B9BBS* BOOTS & SHOES, LADIES AID BESTS BATS, MAIOWAIO AND CUTLERY, Sugar, Coffee, TEAS, cfcC., JNDIGO, MADDER, &C, OROCKERY & GLASSWARE. We buy and sell Gold and Silver. |J$r~ Wc pay the highest market prices for old Dank Notes. We will sell at very rnod| erate advances, cxclus vctij for ca#h. ii. n. & Co. Jan 20 85 2 SOMETHING NBW, FOR 1869, AT W. H. IIOVEY'S. CALL e"d examine fur youreelvee. Yoa will find another eoppljr of msB 41 DESIBABLE TANffiTf AND STAIPIE DRY ROODS J net opened nnd for ?nle n Beautiful lot of low-priced DRLAIKES AND ARMURES, pin in and figured. Plain White nnd BUck AI.PACOAS. Plain, Whit?\ Itiirk nod Colored ALLwool delaiNks. All colore SACK flannel-4*, ribbons, velvets, gimps, braids, buttons, Ac., Ac. Atno. A Urge end carefully aelected Stock o' READY MADE CLOTHING, at very ehort profile. II ATS AND 8110*5*, at reduced prieen. White ?hd Colored BED BLANKETS, at very low figure*. VV. H. HOVEY. Jan 30 US tf Slate or Son lit Carolina, OHKKNVIU.K COUKTY. In tbo Court of Probate. MANLY BRIGHT, Adminietrator with the Will annexed, ?. MnatMnftr C. UtteR anil o there, DelrmUiiie?6VM??a far m Yina'. Setllement and Jtrcrre, IT appealing to my entiefnotinn that Mar gnret 0. Greer end A. J. Greer her hue hand, Florence Meyfleld and John Mayflrld, Defendant* in thie c.ine, reeide hcyond the noma 01 urn triate ; it ? utrraiora ora?r?'i, thai iliey appear in peieon or hy attorney, at a Court of Pmlulr, to he at Grarnvil e Court Ilouae, on Pit I'Uh day of April nrrl, to allow emiee, II any they have, whv Final r-'ett lenient of Ilia Kit ate of I*. \V MATFIRLL), deaeaaed, should not Im had, and a Deetea given thereon; or their eon rent, lu failing to attaod, will he entered of reeord. Given nnder my hand at Greenville Conrt Ilouae, tiila 14'h dav of January, A. II., , 18titt. ?. J. W)&TH1T, P. J. 0. IX I ilau JO yf liiu 4 I Si T I ft 9 FSiTIMSSSS! UXODES' SDPEB-PJIOSPHATE, 'h? Old and Longoat EatablUhad Standard M?bin< ORCHILLT GUANO. rgutovMA GO AW. RHODES' MANURE, In It, pMp?r,tt >r hi made cqiiRlt; td?pt?l for forcing arge crops of Cotton, Corn, Whut| Tobacco, 'otab?es, and other root crops, Tbe Manufacturing Department Is conductd h? Frederick Kh-tt, on# of tbe most skill* hi Chemists and Manufacturers in th United it n toe. It is endorsed, appro red, and recommended >y all of the most prominent Chemists and Agriculturists in the 8<*nthern States. " It tan be relied npon as uniform In quality," dways reliable, produetire of large crops, and inexcelleu by any In tba market. In tbe high jcreentaae of " True Forttlislng Principles." Price $57.60 cash, or $66 time, wilb Factors iccoptsnee, and 7 per cent. Interest nutll 1st D^cemlxr, 1809. ORCUILLA GUAXO, "AA."?A tee Bird 1 ustio, rich in Phosphates and Alkaline Salts. Prieo $35 or $10 cash. PERUVIAN GUANO, warranted pore, and itway* on bund. Furnished at market prices 'or easb. B. S. RIIETT A SON, Agents. Charleston S. C, Jan 8 83 In Charlotte and South Carolina and Columbia and Augusta Railroad Companies. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. Columbia, S. C., January 14, 1869. ON and after the 16th Inst., Trains over those Roads will run Dally as follows: aoiao sount. Leave Charlotte 6.30 a. m Arrive Columbia ? 1.60 p. m Leave Columbia 3.30 p. m Arrive Granitevllle ?....7.39 p. at eoias south. Leave Ornnilevillc 7.49 a. m Arrive Columbia 13.16 p. m Leave Columbia .13.60 p. m Arrive Charlotte 7.36 p. tn Close connection at Charlotte, will North Carolina Railroad, forallpointa North at Granitevllle, with South Carolina Read, fvi all points West and Smith. CALEB BOUKNIGHT, Superintendent. Jan 20 36 tf SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD respectfully inform the public tlint h* Hm Removed to a room in Lhe OLD COURT IIOU8K, where he wilt be prepared to receive customers heretofore. a Pro/t*tioti+l Barber, he hopes, l?y attention to hu?ine?*a, together with politeness to all. In merit a portion of public patronage, in CUTTING, bilAVING AND SHAMTOOINO. Jan 20 85 If JEWEIRY. JEWELRY. WATCHES, rioeh.f/\. and Spectacles to suity ' "VJX n?7. *,&. very liody. I'ereoecope or coneave. convex, nearsighted colored Eye Glasses, and Shoovlng Spectacles; solid gol t lting*, ll*?-r Thimbles, and fancy Coral Sets.? Jnst received at J. G. BLACK'S Waleh repairing Shop. Jan 0 83 18 Land for Sale. TWILL eell on sa lead ay in February next, a Tract of l.and, known as the Willis Wells Tract, containing three hundred and seventy five acres, foar nn'ea below the Court House?lying between the White Horse and Augnsta Roads, joining Lanrencs Lonhardt's, Willis B neon's estate and Vartlry MoBee's estate. A pood dwelling house on the place, and a splendid young orchard. The land is well watered. Tertni pi saie, casn. K. U. JACOBS, Administrator with the will annexed o William Jacobs, deceased. 81-8 mmiiuM, 8 THE undersigned has opened I MARBLE YAKI>, on Avenu< Street, in rear of H. Beat tie A Co.'a atore. where he will keep pi hand TOMB SLARS and HEAT STONES, to suit the trade; wll also furnish to order, on vher notice, MONUMENTS, plain 01 elaborate, MARBLE MANTLE-* and PUR NI TURK MARBLE. Terms aaeh. Coun try produce taken in exchange for work. T. WILDMAN, Agent. Jan 13 81 8m Surveyor, ConveyaMer, and Notary Publie. THE undersigned baring taken o\it Heene< as a Conveyancer, will, in c^nectioi with his surveys, attend to drawing Willi Mortgagee, Deeds, Dowers, will Prove am Stamp Fapers, qualify Cumiaieeionera am Appraisers *>T Estate* at reason a*>Je rates v charge. Residences el* miles Bast of tltcen villo. His friends can confer with kin ever; Salesday at Urcenville Court Bouse. I will .attend on Tuesday after sated*? c each month, at my residence, to the duties i Magistral* for Shockley's Beat. WM. A. HUDSON. Oat SB 83 tt*U Greenville and Columbia Railroad rRESIUKNTa 0?KICK, (VittTuaiA, ?. C, Decernh?-r 18, 1888. NOTICE is hereby given that at a rrcen ranting of the Board of Director* ti tbia Company, it was determined in pay lit vix month*' ini?rnt upon nor mortgage in< giiarnnterd debt, falling due on lli? 1*1 (it; of JANUARY a.xl ; ProwuUd, ih* holder of the mid mortgage and guaranteed bondr and eeriHicatee ?f lni)tbtf<ln?M^ will font all Intimrt accruing upon then op to Jul I, 18*8. W? ara, however, compelled to auapea the payment until the L?i(ielature validate the Acta of 1841 and 1848, authorising ih guarantee of the 8',ate upoo our bond*, lx eauee until that i* done, we eannot fund ih hack interest in the same aeaotity which I now hae. When eneh aetinn ia taken hy tha Legii lature, noiie* will be immediately g'vei and parmenta and aeUlaiaents made, in M curtieuce with the aoeee term*. H. P. liAMMK1T, President. Jan ft It . 11 For Sale, W _ TWO good MI'LEft?aim a FOtfl WS01 and TW0-H0R8K WAOON. Enquire at thU Office. l)cc 18 .<9 ir I 1 ttj , IIP !< 1? 1 ' R .1 S 6 o * Suic of Stalli Carol loo, GREENVILLE COUNTY. UmiUTi Bales. BY tIHo# #f it Order from the Judge cf Prubtl*, I trill sell on tk? flrti Moti. day In February avit, nt public outcry, l<?fuff Ut? Court U?uso d.tor, in (In highwst bidder, the following Trail* of Lund. vix. C Tract N<k 1 Ulntinl In thr Town nf Greenville, bounded by land* of Thwia Ik Ttirusl*tn. ?nd other*, and containing dtT? e?-?iglits nt mm Acre, m?re or tea*. Hold h the property of EVELINE OONtlS. de rested, to pay dtblsond for partition among Iba heirs, Trael No. t Situated In tl Cnnely of OreeavlHe,' bounded by lands of Robert Holland, William Yeargia and others, and containing Seventy Tto Acre*, mere at leas. Hold as the property of ROBERT HARRIS, deceased, for partition among the heir*. Tract No. S. Situated In said County, containing One Hundred and Twenty Eiaht Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of O-ltvr Smith, and others. Also, trsct A aa.tJ..l.a Oa S a- I a iii?. i, cviiinmiii^ ?-Tvriiij?T nnCP, ?noTT of lew, and lx>m<i?d by landa of Jooiah DnmUt, and mh?rt Hold u the properly of BENJAMIN YEARGlN, dveeaaeJ, for partition among; the heir*. Tract No. t, Situated iU aald Cminty. on waters of Rhoree Kitrf, l<o?nded by Vmdi of John Crotweil, I*aae Hick a, and others, and containing One Hundred and Twelve Acre*. more or I'm Hold aa th-* property of THOMAS UENNON, d ceaeed. to pay debts, dto Tnm?For Tract No. 1. coh TraeU No. *. 8 and 4, on a credit of Twelve Months. Tract No. 0, oa a credit ni Nina Months, for all except an much a* a ill pay tlie coot*, which wtll be tequlred In en?h. Purchaser# to give bond with two appaovcd *?tretlea and a mortgage of the pr*mi?e to the Judge of Probate to secure i he payment of thepur chase money a. Purehaaers to pay for Titles and Stamps. A B. VICKER*. & O. a Sheriff* Office, January 8th, 1869. Jan IS 81 S Tin: OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, MANUFACTURED BY ' GOODRICH. WISEM&l & CI CHARLESTON, S. C. SOLD nBRK BY ! MORGAN A WESTMORELAND, HARRISON A MARSHALL ABB f. a. Walter, FOT TME Goodrich, Wincuian & Co# Sept 9 ]4 0m Notice. ^ Grbbhvii.i.e, ft. C., Jan. IS, 1809. ? m ' H n.c ui iiumui uj in uiu vtmea, 1 will Jt) expose lur tale, at tb? store of (lower, Co*, Markley k Co., on Saturday, 30th ol January instant, FOUR COPPKK STILLS. CAPS and WORMS, which bar# been seised because of being used in violati n of the Interual Revenue Laws. A. L. COBB, Deputy Collector. Jau 13 Si 3_ Notice to Exeetltors, Administrators, Qoardians and Trustee*. YOU are hereby notified to make your ANNUAL RKTURN8 up to the let of January, ISO*. Those falling to do an before the 1st of June neat, will be ruled and eonipt-lled to perform their duty by law, whioh will be rigidly enforced, I'l-aee | coma forward and make them, and aave coat and trouble. 8, J. DOUTniT, Probate Judge. . Greenville, S. C., Jan. 1st, 1808. Jan II 8 | WVTlettlTKO^. ? nTHlS venr, 1808, wo will sell ENTIRELY X FO>< CASH, having adopted tins plan, ' in order to ba able to sell cheaper, lloney, ready money, will always buy cheaper than two or four mouths time, howevei good it may be. We respectfully ask thoso indebted to ui t to call and bring along . ttBEENBACKS, ) wf will take them lor Pay for the Hecounti I ef1867 and 1868. I WH1TM1RF A FKRGUSOJf. r Jan 8 It 4 Gowensvillo Seminary WILL be re opened, Monday, 8<1 ol February. tVfrinK Pfca atesioK tx cratuxcr: Primary Branches., . vk.avt..* |6 2C r Intermediate Branehe*, 9 (X Higher EnalUh Branches,, \ . %.. . ..14 (X t Advanced English Branches...v?... .16 (X i> Higher Mathematics and Language*,..! A Ot i, Muoie, o< ^ Use of Piano.** vi?. vtv.t. .ti\ % 6i ' Tile Mi?l will be under the control ?< r the same leaehere that conducted It lea * year. Except fn the Primary laapar'menl ' the tuition niuat be paid oT arranged for ii (( every ea4? fx mJattnce Tlila chance la mad >f n?-e*?rity by the changes in our State lawi and ia one of common prudence. i-irmiTi, inciuuiug warning, can be lia.I a from 8 to 18 dollar* per month. For far titer information apply to Y. J. KAKLE, Principal. , Oownnsvllle, Dee. Slat. Jan A 8 8. 5 t WTH- CAMMER, J PRACTICAL GUKSMIT^ J AND MACHINIST. i 1 fTORN 8HELLKRS. Cotton Glne. Lock. j V J K.roaena Oil Lamna, Sewing Ma ahinea and Paranoia, RKPAIItKl) will prompt nana. Charges reasonably I hare on bead, aad which is ofrisd fo sale, at low rat.s, a iWk of C()RN-8llEIi LKK8, aad also soma new PWTCM, an ek aminatioD of wbieb is invited. I am prepared to furnish STENCII PLATE*, lor Marking Clothes Stand?At We.I fluid's old Shop, July 88 ff frit J. M. M'CLANAilAN - WOULD respectfully offer hi PROFESSIONAL SERVICER t, the eltiren* of this community.? 1 OMcn at the residence of S. O. m, wH Cut vara*. Esq., throe uiiles wj. of firoenrllle Court H.raw, Dee W II Sw,e ? - 1 WsH 1 4 000 LDACONfOICB C0UKTR1f 900 Sacks Extra Family N. C. FLOUR lOO Sacks SIsndarA Lircrpool SALT 25 Kegs NAILS, assorted sixes 20 Bales BATESVILLE SIIIRTIXO 10 Bulee MeDKE SHIRTING 20 Bales COTTON YARN 20 Bags Prime and Fair RIO COFFEB 20 BarralU SUGAR IO BAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAGS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, Hats* DRY GOODS, DRUGS fcf. Our 8tock of IIATS and SHOES Is rsry large and complete, and we will guarantee our : eutira Stock will cumparo with any in Town, I both as to quality and price. A call will satisfy you. DAVID & STRADLET. May IS 61 tf The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. jusiAU A'lministratur. Applicant, against Harnet C. Ifii*kins, William C. Hawkins. ami other*, Dcftodliib.? Citation for a fin til .Settlement, Decree, <? ??. IT appearing to tny *nti*f:lrtioh thnt Evelina Hawkins, widow of EMERY HAWKINS, deceased, and his boirs, to wit: Carolina.0. Taylor ami her husband Too*. B.Tuylor, Jobu A. Hakwin*, J ore W. Hawkins, Mary C. Hawkin*, Herbert D. Ilawkio* aud O. 1). M. 1?. Ilawkina, reiide without this State: It U, therefore, ordered that they do appear, in person or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate, in he bolden for Qrccuvllle County, at Greenville Court House, at to o'clock, on the 2d doy of February next, A. D. i860, to show cause, if any they can, why a Final Settlement of the Estate of JOHN P. HAWKINS, deeenfed, should not be bad, and a Dccroe given thereon, or their ronsent*, in failing to attend, will be entered of record. ' Given under my hand at Gr*cttvi11o Co'nrt House, this 2d day of November, A. I)., 1368. S. J. DOUTHIT. J. P. G. C. Judge of Probate's Office, Nov. 2nd, 180S. Nor 4 24 Id Stale or Monfla Carolina, GRENVILI-E COUNTY, la the Court of ProbatO. J. W. HILL and wife. JOSEPH EN K MILL. Applicant* against WILLIAM < OX aud other*, Defendant*.? Citation for a jinol Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction that yVaik?r Lancaster and wife. Mary June Lancaster, l>r. William Harton and wife, LouLa Barton, Perry Barton and wife, Eliza C. Barton, Defendants in this ense, reside without the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered, that they do appear lu person or by attorney at a Court of Piot>ate, to be lielden at Oreenvifle Court House at ten o'clock, A. M., on the 2d day i of March next, to show cause, if any they can, why a Glial settlement of the Estate of Barsheha C?x, deceased, should not he had, ! aud a Decr.-o given therein, or their consents, in failing to attend, will bo entered of reeorJ. Given under my hand at Greenville Court House, this 2J day of December, A. D? 18G8. 8. J. DOUTIIIT, J. P. 0. O. r Dec 2 28 8m STBBN'8 STORB. T II AVE iilftt Phtlll-nPfl fpnm IKa mft.leal JL with a stoek of Very Cheap Good*, which 1 am determined to cell aa ceeap aa any aloro iu the town. TIIOMAS &TEFN. CALT. and examine my stock ?f Calicoes, frees Goods, Balmorals, lleaxy Shawls, Hood#, Cloaks and Breakfast shawls, all remarkably cheap, for sale at STERN'S STORK. TP you wteh cheap Boots and Shoes, I hare JL got them, consisting of Gentlemen's Fine Fionch Calf Skin Sewed Bonis and Shoes; also. Fine French Balmorals, La' dies Fine Olove-finiahed Kid Polish Bnl' morals, Children* French Glovi fin tli I ace Ties, and a Very large assortment of Men's, > Women's and Boys Boots and Shoes of a rupeilor quality, for sale at STERN'S STORE. BROAD Cloths, Caaeimeree, Tweeds, Jean#, and a very large assortment of other cloths, which would take too space to enumerate, for sale at ST KEN'S STORK. Also, a splendid Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware. ^ To satisfy yourselves about ptices, call and examine this department at ST KEN "3 STORF. 1" It AVE selected a very fine lot of Tea# ' _L and Cotfcra, convicting of Kin, Java, 1 Maracabo, Laguyrn. l ist of Tea*? Ex<ra ' Fine M?vune, Gunpowder. Extra Huyaiiv, ' Young lly-Bon, Fine Young Imperial, lilai k * Ten*. Suner Oolong, Oolong, Souchong and * Koglielt BreaUtaat, all of which 1 enti ft coin ' mend, for eale at ' STEEN'8 STORK. 1 Nor 18 116 tf 1 B. WHERLEt : VATC1HAKEB Mil JtWELES, Second Door above tbe Pott Office, (& isisraittf S3. ?? al WOULD inform iny friend* and patron? of tlroenvillo, that T liavo ju?t received a FINK VAKIlCTY u CLOCKS, Watches and Jowolry, * Togathet with a LARUE ASSORTMENT vl SPECTACLES, Which I V>m dhpoae of at LOW RATES. gr-W" REPAIRING in all of it* braa.-liea will ho faithfully attondod to. i. Sop t? 1ft tf H. KNIGHT, r PM'OTOQRAPMKR, AND dealer in TMIOTOH RA I'll IC NTOCK. All order* promptly Attended to.?> Woods sent by express or mail. 330 KINO STREET, CJTT AHLESTON, !S. C. Dee t 2V >m Notioo. ALL persons having claims epa'nst tho estate ot EMILY M. HAMMOND, d?> ceased, will present tbein, pr< perlr nttoMd, - on or by the 1st dey id Muoli Th* m< in ? I dehtcd to the Estate will cu e f.i: ? .1 .i.i.t I settle. I O. T. HAMMOND, Administrator. Jsn 13 Zi .1