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-_<i^v. ? ^ , _ _ . 2e fautljmt ?iitirjirua. i?>!at,--5."^!u....L I^.L.. ^cr GRKENVltLE, S. C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17. 1869. The Election of Hon. W. D. Simpson Contested. * Mr. A. S, Wallacr, who wee the nppnainn ??n'!i>UU, Iim, like lino* in hie Dietriet, p*il forth very long ineniieeio of eharg-s against, or relating to, ell the oountlos comprising tho fourth Cnngrw?lnnal Didriel in thU State which gave majorities against hina, (said A. Si WaLlaok,) with a iow to invalidate the election of Hon W. P. Stttrao* ; hot they sre, perhaps, leea virulent. We publish below only eo mueh of Vbe \V.vt,t.Aoa manifesto (the Iftth spevifirmlion) as relates to Greenville County. The charges are most untrue and unsustainable, shockingly so, and disgustingly abanrd, So tar from the fact being as stated, ss to vio itnee, threat*, armed patrols going about whipping voter*, ct#^ etc., in our opinion, mere never wm t more que* inn peaceable election throughout Greenville, in any past instance, where there was a serlom contest between candidates, We call upon tho people of this County, who know the facts, to come forward ond testify on afflda wits. Let every precinct furnish strong refutation, aa we believe they may troth full}-, of these charges And we think it 5a the duty of (lie managers of elections to come out and epeak the truth, as well as others. We hope this matter will not be overlooked or neglected by the good people of the District. Mr. WsLtica says: "19th. That in the Oonnty of Green, ville, in said District, for some time prior to said day of election, armrd parties of nien patrolled all parts of said County, shooting, whipping and otherwise maltreating colored electors of said County. That threats of discharge from employment, together with threats of personal violence, if they abould vote the Republican ticket, or f<?r me, wee freely made; and that all kinds of intimidations wore resorted to by your friends and partisans, to prevent said eleotors from ex -robing their right of auf frage on said day of election. "That nt the different election preeinets In said County of Greenville, in sni-l District, armed parties of men were stationed at said precinct', who, hy frauds, intimidations, threats, force and violence, prevented at least five hundreJ legal voters in said County, all of whom would have voted for me, from casting their votes on said day of election ; and that through the fraud and illegality practiced at said precincts in said County, nt leaft lhr<e hundred fraudulent and illegal voles were cast for yon on sai l day of election in said County; all of which were count- d for yon. And that though the threat*, intimidations and violence nsed and prrduced, & large nnmi>or of electors in ssid Countj-, who, if allowed to exercise their own free will, would hove voted for me for member of Congress, from aid District, were forced to cast their vote* for you." A Righteous Verdict. In the ca?e of David DavaNroaT ri It. J. Ilirr, tried before Judge Orr last week, to recover a note for $200 and !ntere*t, given hy the defendant July, 1864, the jury gave a ver let for the plaintiff for one eighteenth of the Rmntint only. Koither the plaintiff or defendant waa present In Court to prove the actual oonalderallon of the note, but wrro represented by their eounael; plaintiff hy Fcllivas dt Stocks, defendant by 8. D. Goodlktt. The only witness was a gentleman who proved the handwriting of the note ; hut on cross examination he stated that the defendant was engaged, at the date of lite note, in buying and selling varton? thing* on speculation f and that the nrlee of enrn -it' ?r things at the same lima, in Confederate currency, was about twenty times the usual price; and the note buing payable one day after date, the faote and surronnd ings satisfied the jury that the plaintiff might not to recover the face of the note and interest, although the Judge charged that in the absence of proof of the consid erat'on the jury were auihorir.ed to find the whole amount, principal and interest, but the jnry rightly would not find what they did not believe, Judge Orr at Greenville. The Court at OreenvilJe was the first regularly held by Judge Oaa ; and lh? resolutions of the Bar, which wc publish, are, therefore, the first testimonial of the kind given to his Honor. We were present at the Bsr meeting, and never witnessed sn occasion of the kind where the expression of reapeet for the Jodga and confidence in hia ability and fairness, and appreciation of his courtesy was more hearty and emphut ie, an well as unanimons in every scnae. Tha Court adjourned Friday afternoon, that day having ben devoted to Equity matter*. All the ra<e* in that branch of tha Conrt, not litigated, were disposed of. Wrv littl* innr.uiiiii ?? ?? m.(l. ~? 1 t roe Docket, and the Judge he* ordered an e*tr? Court to meet fourth Monday in Court at Chester. The CJktUtr JtepMrtrr gives a hrief no'lee of the Court lately held for that County, Judge Wat. M Tiiomas presiding, and conclude* by stating that " Judge Thomas pre aided with affability and intelligence, and won the good opinion of all who attended the Court." We learn that the Judge intend* fixing hi* residence at Chester, All tho Judges are required by law to reside within the bounds of their respective cir cuits, nnd v*ry properly in our opinion for the public convenience. Tun constabulary force, It Is said, I* to bo (tid.undid, Mfrpt in Anderson, Abbevii'o m l Ovoiieu C'otiiitiis, - TUB SI Court It Abbavllla. <From th# in Inh lUt Ceart wm ooa*i?eneed at that place on W:b. Hon. T. 0. P. Xkhxo* pro*Ming Judge, II. L. McGowaa, Solicitor. That paper ?ay?: There were two coovietlone, both freedmen, of manslaughter. A nam her of troo bllti haro been fnood for offooooa, preoonting #rery grade of gwlll, through a varied catalogue of murders, 1* reenter, and aa*aulta apd batteriee. Aa usual, the freedmen Igwra largely ia theae trial a, aad eoe of the moot remarkable fee tare* of them proceeding#, ia the earneetneee with which their employara haro (attained them ia their dereaoe, aad the ability aad aeai with which they hare been defeaded by CvmmL No bill* of indietmeata hare yet been given < ? npinii voi. Ainn, tnu UNiri. v*nqj and Hodges. 80 far M * bire btorJ, tken it not a particle of testimony which could attain t hill of indictment against these gentlemen, before a Orond Jury. The reuton that we have heard assigned for the delay, It the sickness of Tolhert. Chamberlain, the Attorney General came up 00 Monday'a train, but returned the next morning. Be ex pre teed the opioion, we learn that the Governor would veto the bill for the change of the Venue, should it past the Senate. national Convention of Hag-rocs. The national convention ef negroes, recently held In Washington city, hat tdopted a preamble and reaotutlon, " by reaaon of tbeir not being paid for tbeir labor since they were made free by the Government petitioning Congress, in view of the removal of- the Preedtnaa't Itureea, to make soma provision for the starving colored people In the Southern States. A resolution was alt* adopted dee manding equality of snfTraga and all political franchises in the United States. If theea same negroes in convention would go home and teach tbeir 'less intelligent brethren the importance of industry and continued Industry, that their wives and children may have the advantages resulting therefrom, of a few of the comforts of life, tbey will be of infinite service to their race, which tbey cannot be where they are, in the slightest degree. The Cheater Boporter. This is a new paper, just issuod, by En. C. McLrnr. and Jons A. Braplky Jr., at Cheater, price $3 per annum in advance. It promises to bo well conducted, both editorially and typographically, and as tbero is no other pspcr published in that County, cannot but sueccod. If our friends of the H'pnrtrr have uot bad experience to newspaper life, tbey will pardon ns for offering them some advice, which, as we charge nothing for it, eannot fail to be of advantage to all concerned. It is this: As you oomtaeuce with olean subscription books, do not think of sending your paper to a single person, not oven an intimate friend, although be may bog you all day who has not paid in advance, and when a subscriber's time is out, stop the paper nntil another advance payment is made. Tbo old system of regarding a man a xuW*ri'-er)aU his life, whether he pays or net, bus exploded, and a small paying list is better than ton thousand who make convenience their time of settlement, when your paper maker never waits your convenience to seitlo his bills. We speak moro particularly of subscriptions. The American Stock Journal. We have had on the table tor some time the January number of the American Slock Journal. It will prove of Interest to those taking pride in the improvement of stock. In its' columns will be found advertisements aceou.panied with ruts representing line breeds cf hogs, sheep, chickens and geese. Besides, it ' filled with articles appropriate to Its columns List of contents : New.Year's Greeting ; Brain Work?Look before you Leap; Cruelty to Animals; The Stomach; Pig Sty; Rural Economy; Winter Work; Fattening Sheep; Sheep Husbandry; Small Farms and Large Profits; Surfeit in Horses; Letter from Texas; Improvement of our Common Stock ; Inquiries and Answers; Engraving of Cashmere Goats; Cashmere or Angora Goats; My Experience with Blooded Stock ; Injured Hock ; Mortality Attending Durham Cattle In the South, and how to Prevent it; Breeding Horses Young; Book Notices, Catalogues, Ac., Price $1 per annum. Address N. P. Borr.u A Co., Parkesburg, Chester County. Pn. ?? ? ' An Unintentional Omission, From somo mistake or misnndarstsndin*. wo loot week failed to insert the advertisemont of Mr. Julius C. Suit*, which wo regret, as our issue of that date would bavo brought bis notice before a greater number of roadera. Mr. 8., being agent for the sale of fertilisers, bad hit advertisement appeared tbon, doubtless the people of the Count; would also have been benefitted. lie will in a few days go to Cbarleeton and would take plain sure in having orders filled for any ef the ph?aphatea or fertilisers. We will make amende to Mr. Surra, by issuing at bo distant day, an other double issue, that be may have the benefit thereof. Farmers and planters have their attention called to bis advertisement te be iouad ie aaother eolumn. ' The Mansion Houao. The adjournment of Court for dinner, during its late re*ni?n, usually assemblrd the Judge an<l visiting lawyers, with divers others attending Court, at tha hosj itable nnd neat table of Mr. 8wa?i>ai.?; and having joined the oompar.y occasionally during Conit, we were phased to see that tha hnet mill preserves the excellent, quiet and twilful management of hie famous hotel, of | which very few guests ever tire; and where the weary can lake their ease sod enjoy comfort*. Offices of County Treasurer end County Auditor. J. M. Rrxion, County Auditor, baa loeated bis offlcs in tbe room 07sr Bkllitan A Bon's store, sntrsncs between the store of tbe last nnincd parties and that of Ors. Hanniaon A Mar small. The office of tbe County Treasurer, Mr. W. W. Robsrtsos, is also at the same place. fltf We retnrn thanks to Dr. If. Micnn-L for a late New Orleans paper. -- ' ? Tr Is stated that Rollins bas prepared a new tax bill, exempting newspapers. % a 6 8T? ll i Hawipajwr Puflk. There U ? good deal of troth la what th? WlblD{t?n (N. 04 Jferntujr Star saye whan it Mtkrli that tfeat species of pralaa to ba . derived from has become a mora amply 1 oology, obtainable by any, whose presumption prompt! btm to expect It, or whoae bran may Indaea him to ask for It. Newspaper! ao often pralaa when they ahoold oensare, that a critical pablk pays ae attention to their fhatlaa cwmplimeata heaped npon unworthy objects. To remedy this aril, and to giro a reepeetability to preoa notieea, the pre is ant abandon ladiaeriminate puffing sad adept a correctness that will entitle it to reepeet | and manifest a justice that will establish Us pare motlres. ta a word, aowapapora should be the exponents of publie opinion and ought never to affirm that which will bring upon them deterred ridicule, and conlempt. The press should soeept justice as the landmark by which to be guided, and nerer allow partiality to exaggerate, aor prejudice to de* tract. W. E. Wateon's Garden Bead and Tool Notice. The txlrm* K*rell| of garden se*d man ifcsted Itself early during lh? war. In 18(2, Mr. WattOm seeing tk? necessity of home | ntdurlioiif, wrote many article* on gardening, and the proper mode of enlti rating par* eeed. which were published in this paper, and eommeneed their culliva t|?n himself Since that peiiod he has sir tuallr abandoned his old htrdneea ot mer ehandixing, rare in the furnishing of proper agricultural and mechanical tools, seed*, Ac , such as his judgment and experience taught him was nectary W? the recuperation of onr desolate country, and in all cases has paid the most critical attention to qualities pertaining to all eitch things as would lead to the grsaUst amount of use fulness and profit.. The Lawyers of other Counties who attended Grcetjvilllo Court. During the session of the Court closed last weA at Greenville, we had the pleas ur? of meeting several members of the Bar from other counties, lion. J. P. Hxr.n, J. M. Mvrhat, Esquire, ot Anderson ; Hon. t\ l\ Sullivan, Hon. VV. IX Sixmo*, of Laurens Col. f. D. Goont.irrr, of New Pickens, was al?o In attendance, Col. O. having re moved some time since from Greenville to Pickene and opened an office there. Democratic Almanac for 1869, We are just in receipt of this Almanac and can recommend it to all who desire valuable statistical information, not only respecting the United States and States composing it, bat of every civilised nation?published by Van Evnir., IIohton A Co., No. 1(2, Nassau St, New York. Priees post paid, 20 cents. It for $1, 15 for $2. By express, $12 per hundred. To Correspondents. J. 0. F,? Your paper is mailed to you regularly every week, in strong wrapper. Do not know why it has not latterly reached you in lime. Will use continued ears. For the Southern Enterprise. Afenr*. Editor*?Below ynu will find Da. vid Dickson's plan for pr? paring ground and p'anting cotton. I have had many enquiries for the receipt, and yor.r r quest for any articles on agriculture for publication, leads me t? send this to. yon. Mr. Dickson is known as one of the most success'ul cotton planters ; and those who hare follnaed out his direction have snc cee'ed In raising good crop*. Mr. Dickson is s regular contributor to the columns of the Southern Cultivator, and our farmers wonl<1 he benefit ted l?y subscribing t-? litis valuable j mrnai. 1 am ae'ing as atrettl for the Cultivator, American Agriculluritt anil Journal of the Farm, and Itsfe procured about e'gbty subscribers at club rates. 1 am pleased to see the interest manifested by the planters to increase the crops and improve the lands by use of the fertilisers. For example, last fall f sold SO tons of guano and phosphates; this spring, thus far, I have orders for over 23 tons, and expect to re* ceive a good many more. This epraks sreJI or the country, and I hope, Messrs. Editors, by the introduction of new and improved agricultural implements, and another year of good erops will enable our planters to he freed of debt. and ace the condition of the eountty greatly improved. The Calif valor, Agriculturiel and Journal of the Farm can be seen at my office. Yours Ae.. iH JULIUS C. SMITH. M,\x otr ocltivatiox. off furrows four feet dietent from eeeh other with a land ehovrl plow, by running twice in the seme furrow to the depth of eight or ten inehee ; drpoelt the ? - - 1. sW. L is _# >L . f faV Iiiiinurr in uin uinuim ui mo ilirrnw wnn the kmj or guano anwer. from 100 to 600 p<-r nere, after being well m!x*<1; then run on each iMa of th* farrow, with a long ecooler, onea or twice, aa yon may hart time, then on each ?ld? of the rl'ge with a good turn plow. In the bottom of each tarn plow farrow ran a long reorder plow, then eplrt ont the ridge that i? left with a large ebovel plow, and the work I* until planting time. paarAnATioa or rnr. w ?*ran. Empty four aeeke of Ouano on a floor, beatlag the luropa flae ; add 600 pound* Diiaotved Bone*, mixing with a hoe or ehorel; add Platter and Salt, and mix ell thoroughly. Commence the operation en that you may get through planting by 26th ef April or lat of May. I prefer the Diekaon Select Cotton Seed. 1/ the work ?? yrop*rty done yon mill aeeer jail. Tnaly, jon re, DAVID DICKS0M. H?W Ti? Marlon <V(?r of the Jftth inat aaye ' " i Mitiianee.?The attention of the Council li reapectfolly called to that ponii of toafr in front of f*? Court It ia a naiaanee that aboald he remedied." mm Jawra Atracartta Black, f???jrepreaenUtire In the Legtatatnre from Ahberille County, dle<l in Colombia on the 19th. The Abbeville T'rott gieoa a feeling tribalo to Lit memory. 1 B R V i R I Far tU kttktm IxtwyiiM. #?tn. Editor*?I observe la u fdlWUI of you re, in lut ?wk'i isatie, that a newspaper should ha a minnta-book of tha Town, in which should ba written all af tha raaolatioaa and Motion*. Entirely concurring la thin, 1 take the liberty of kindly twitting yoa for leaving oat a part of tho m inatea of oar Town. I have looked a work or ao for tha recording by yoa of an oocaaion (which I knew yoa warn apprieed of) which In ttnnsanl and not of every day occurrence, and ao apology ie neaoaaary therefore for making mention af It, hat a* t have looked la rata I wHI call attention to tha overnight and inetst on having the " minute* " - corrected." I allude te a Vary pleaeaul and agreeable iatartaiamaat given on thn evening of tho tab Inst., by one of the eateemed citiaeo* of Greenville, re aiding In the eastern part of tha plane, In honor o' three? yes, three?yuting gentlemen oI oui Tom, who have hat recently taken to themtelvM btvoming and lovely young bridal, therefore the occasion was nailed a " It rides' Party." Yet, Meiirt Editors, It was really a u bride'i party," for althoagh I hnve ptned that itage of life, I was, with a number of good company, an invited guest, and witnessed the scabs myself, seeing these beautiful brides together assembled, either of wb?tn I know would be well worth the dangers and hardships experienced by Paris of Troy in securing Helen, I cannot feel myself equal to tbe task of giving a description ef each, or of their proud lords, knowing that I must fsil In the attempt But I am confident that they were all eery happy indeed, and seemed to take well to mar> ried life, if I was not mistaken by their vivacity And I trast their lives will be all they desire. In conclusion, I would sny that tho suppei on this occasion was a very Una one, presided over by tbe excellent lady of the house, everything passing off pleasantly. I hope, Messrs Editors, brides* parties will be more frequent, in tbe future, and that youi humble correspondent will always ha invited to them. ? awe Tor the Southern Enterprise. GsKkkvi llk. JV C.. Jan. tl, IMP. At a meeting of the Greenville Bar thli day, Gov. Perry being in the Chair, G?n W. K. Easley oflVred the following preara itle and revolutions, wlilch were unanimous ly adopted : The January term of (ht Court of Sees one and Common Picas for Oreenvillr County just eod-d, being the first term held by liis Honor Judge Orr since his elevation to the Bench, we, the members of the GreenvilW Bar, to give fitting expression to our high appreciation of his learning and judicial ability, as well as our srnse of th< urbanity with which he preside in hit Court, and by bis kindno.'s and courtesy gives relief to the dull tedium of the law ? .I,. i,.it,._i.. JittolifJ, TI>?1 iii the tUciioq of J*me L Orr to llie B.neh, the State Iim nc a nio?i valuable aervaul, and thi judiciary a bright ornamentlieaolard That a copy of th? vreamM and leMliilHim l>? tent to hie Honor, am that they he published ?n the new?pa|>ert o tho Town. B. F. rKRRV, Chairman. Atooimt Baoui, ??er?ury. rot TOK rOt'THRBSI KKTKtrtltt. Auditor's Office, OMKVItUI C. II.. ?. C, ) January SS I. 18rt?. \ Jfcori, Ediiara: In oonflrmation of th fact that 1 have raid, that the producer i not toned on cotton, I prenent yon w-ith th euhjoiiied letter received from the Corny troller-Oeneral, which I wiah you to puhlla for general information. I cann-.t ear oa-t whether the State will refimd the money e not, hut it ie my iinpreaaion that the S>at ?rill and ought to give auoh tax-payer erer it on their next return whin auch tax ht been unlawfully paid. J. M. BUNION, County Auditor. Kxactnvr I>KrAimi*xT. I Omcs or txkbal, > Cou'mbia.s. January Slat, 186V. ) J M. Runion, R?o.. OreanteUU 8. C.. lUar Sir: There i* no auib law ia fore* ii twu Sute ae aclt->o tax. Merchant*. Ae are Uin on their aalrs?ooltnn, shoo ?'trn, komonpnn cloth, and ?ery oihar ai llela of merahandise. rata, barter or exeSang inatudwd. Tha producer ta not taxed on cent oa toUon. If U ia ahipped hp hiaoae or bp any one in hia name for hiinaelf, ha I not ta~ed ; but aa aoon ar it become* an ai tlele of itlt, barter or exohaage, it ia I ha included in aalea, ao dtffwrenoe bow of la aohi Very reepaetfw'lv, J. L. NBAOLE, CotnplroHer-Oeneral, 8. 0. Tor tha South era En tar pi lee. There'* a plaaeant epot near my ekildheod b<> ma. Thai I never ran forget; Long month* have paaeed aiace I law th place. Bat 'ti* oa my memory yet. A ?h*<ly dell and n ritvarjr t tree a* O'erhong with jaa'mioe flower*? A *jxit where tha gay bird* alng ail day, Rttv'linff bi (rflirranf Knwara A nof?y huk where the tweet wil<l me And " Plow'rw of InMreMe" |r>w, And violet* bend to htwe the with That gently ripple below. I here wet for heart end wetebed tbe Ilgh Ko anflly fading away, Till the day hed eetd in leet " good-eight, And tbe inoonbeene eouie to play. AH I eed le tbe ekenge tieee tbet beppy tine And one ie l?r, fnr away. Who eat with me on the flow'ry beak One beautiful rammer day. But old Winter'a breath will ooon he robbe Of lie hitler icy Ming, | And earth look* bright m it errd la da Jit it coating Kama >a the Spring. "JtOSE RKOENT." [ Brlle View, B. 0. ? #1S E? fl? Courts.?The Court of General Sessions began Its sitting at this place, ou Monday, the 4rt? edge Wm M. Thomas, presiding. On aaaoaat of tbo Inolemeoey of tbo weathor, and of ita being known that there would bo no juries in attendance,' there waa not the ueuai large gathering that we are accustomed to aee oa the tret day of Coart. After reading the Commissions of the oaflone officers of the Court, the Jodga proceeded to eall over the Sessions Docket of the late : DietHet Court, and dispute of the cases theroon. The Docket of the Oeneral Sessions, and also the Contingent Deekete of both Court*, were aleo called orer. and such orders made ae the aatwre of the different eases required. An order wee then parsed by the Judge, for tbo holding of a Special Term of the Courts of Geoeral Sessions and Common Pleas, to begin ou Tuesday, 19th lust., and a panel of jarymen wea drawn for that time. Atter wards It was brought to the attention i of Judge Thomas, tbet this panel bad been r drawn from the box which bad belonged to tue District Court. This being clearly Irregular? if not illegal?hi* Honor ordered the Sheriff to prueere a list of tat payers from Governor Scott's General Order. No. ISO, Tax Collector*. This list was promptly furnished^ and na Thursday, a panel was drawn from it. Of the Grand Jurors drawn, four are colored, , and of the Petit Jurors, right ere of the same complexion. On WdHMiiy, Tbrrsdnr and rriflny, tbe 1 Culft ?h in calling the sura. pro., enquiry, lr?n?, and cqoliy durketi; difjwi. ing of antltigated business,. and getting the dockets cleared for action next week. 1 Judge Thomas presided with affability end intelligence, au>t woe the good opinion of all who attended the Conrt. [ CheettT Reporter. ' tor Traps with East TrxnicssKS.?Tbe 1 KnoxvMe correspondent of the New York Timet, writes as follows 3 Shipments to tbe Sonth are now aery henry, owing to the rise iu tbe rivers and mountain ' streams, which brings hay, corn and oats from r the more inaccessible points, and from the I buoyancy of money in the eottoia regions. Parties now here from Georgia and Alabama roport money wore abundant than it ever has keea.c Eaat Tennessee ships almost all her I surplus produce South, where she finds a better market than elsewhere. Our farmers, merchants and mochaniea all work for the I agricultural regions of the Sonth, and prosper as they prosper. The towns of SsHh Caiolina end tbe City of Charleston seem to share in the new prospect, as we find the promises for the eompletiou of their pah of onr Cincinnati and Charleston Railroad wore definite. The president! of our roads composing that line are bow in Nashville working with the Lcgif. latnre for further appropriations, and advices seeeived here to-day indicate that they will sacceed. ITa varna Dai-mvvd or a Got* brmmsrt.?While onr own eity, Augusta, baa jaat been so fortunate In her municipal affaire, ear neighbors oa tbe other hank of the Sevsnaah hare experienced a harder fortune. Official notification has been given the Clerk of Council in this city that the Town Cooncfl of Uaiaharg has " ceased to he a body pelilic," Its charter having expired a few days since. According to the provisions of an act passed hy the Inil" Legislature of Sonth Carolina, d> fining the authority of County Cmwsnfswfon. era, the tuwu is placed under tbe rootrtd of the Commissioners of Edgefield County, and has no longer any municipal government. [AnrjHMm Chronicle. Dlhr Rmott Ram.roar.?The President of this Road arrived home on Monday night last, and spenks hopefully of the prospect* for en early resumption of the work. Tbe Chief Engineer, Col. James P. Low, an engineer of great competency and skill, will be hero this wock, and commence tbe re.eatiitfRto and reconnaisance lately u.-dercd by the Stockholders. It is confidently expected that tha portion ,1 oi me roau irom vvaitiajia to Clayton will oc lot in ctatrad by the Iru of May. A Bill ia now Saforo the North Carolina Legislature for aid to the extent o( ona million nf dollar*, and tha friend* of the enterprise there are sanguine aa to it* success. [Auderton /Htrlti'jcHrir. Srvivo* SpnAora's SorrnRas PcnrtiASK*.?Tha Dungerness estate, near Fornandi na, Fla., rocentiy purchased by Senator Sprague, of Kbwda 'Island, comprises 6,00C acre*; the mansion now on it will b* fixed up for a winter residence. The land ia to l>a re * served far gardens, paths, drives, and hnntinj * ground*. The place is called " The Qetu 01 0 Cu'mb?,-land Island." Senator Spragne hat also purchased a fine plantation of 3.000 acrei ' on tha msm island, which will be deTolod t? h the cnltivation ol ramie. The lands are of i n good quality, with a valuable growth of lir< f oak. Tha prioe paid is tan dollars per acre. e Finn.?A portion of our usually ouiet tewi j. was aroused about 3 o'clock on Sunday m?rn ing last by aa alarm of fire. It seems tha 10 the ehimney or fire-place. In tha kilehan it rear of the build lug, heretofore known aa the American Motel, hut more recently used foi school purposes, from some defect in construe lion, took fire. By the fortunate wakrfnlncs of Use occupants, and tha timely assistant of parties near, with little damage, the fiame< were extinguished,' thereby preventing th< loss of valuable propcrtv. [ WolknUa Courier, 724. n Bkmoval op Poi.ivicai. Disabimvir*.? Among those whoee disabilities have been re Bor?A li| the Act rcMnlljf ptnnd fcy C-.n *" Kriii, we notice I be name of oqr fellow citizen ' Julius L. Hhaukltn : while' from Pickens, sp r pear the names of Spartan D. Qoodlett, R. E Holeomhe, John W. Singleton, L. N. Robim " and James E. HafOO<l.? WalMla Courier. ^ Wa learn that the Postofflce in Pickeni County, ksowtf' before the war as the Camp p ground, has bean ra-establisheu. n A cot.oaan club in Mississippi has passed <> resolutions declaring that " the carpet-buggeri cannot be trusted." Got. lIorrMA* is thirty-nine years of age and is the youngest Governor N?w York erei bad, except Seward. Gar. Oillrs testifies before the Reconstruct lion Committee that there was a fair eUelbu in Mississippi, and that lbs constitution *a fleeted. Tncm.ow Wise, editor and proprietor o ' the Mew York Cvmmureimi Admrtiu+r, arrive* in Cbnrleston last week, and intends to spend the winter la the South. # Wasp H. La*o*. a veteran journalist, h writing the see ret bWtory of Lincoln's adtnln' 1st rat ion. Rome curious relations of publit men, North and Heath, are anticipated. Tan Senate in eaerntive session has eon firmed the nomination of Mr. C. J. 8tolbrsn4 as Superintendent of the Penitentiary, and Mr Keabea T .uilinson as Bute Auditor of Souil Carolina. Coi.tiwaiA, Jsnnary 35. Rales of sotlea to-day 99 bales?middliugi t *** Ittw Yon*. .Tannery 13. m Cotton ilill ??d lower; ealee 1,700 hale*, a 3X4. (told 364 RtLnMO*!, January 23. lC Cotton quiet, at 30. Flour end wheat .lulf Com flrai?whita P5a8fl| yellow X6aX7. Po^l Arm, at 3taOI4. Baeoa aetlra? abnal.ler 15a144. Lard 20. Afapaia, January 35. <1 Cotton Market dull and heavy; talea 15( kalee; rweeiyta 8;ta ?middling 20. Chari RDTof, January 25. Cotton dull, unsettled an J loner?aalee .131 heir*; buvera offering *2; eeUera aeklng 30 Beecipta 1,404. ? - . 1 GUEENVILLE rKlCES CUKUENT OORRKOTCD WKKKLY, ST MESSRS. DAVID & STRADlEY, MERCHANTS. GREENVILLE. B. C.. JAN. 20. 1SC-P. ArWiKS, ^ buahol, dried, pTd,$l.00(?$l.J5 " " " " uiipwled,W e. (d> tl 00 RACON. & lb. new...... .15 @ 18 . . BALK ROPE. & lb 124 0 lie. BAGGING, Gstiny, $1. c. RAGGING, t'uudeo, %> fiL...,., ..20f?<22o. BUH LAPS .,!#* BUTTER. *? lb.... 20 @ 25 e. BUCK WlJhUTFLOUlt,?ll>Otb.,$2,0004.00 BEESWAX, lb, CHICKENS, V *"e?d -1* W 20 ' COFFEE, lb. Kio (5 S3 e. CORN. ? bushel, uew, ...9001 00 COTTON. 25c. j KOOSj fl doscn, - ,2tf FLOUR, ? suck, 10 00@S 50 GOLO, 300*1 3S ixsuiuu, rpnnteu r teat, ** wwi i? So. c?.t..;.... $1 75@2 00" fRON, 1R lb, Amerleto, TJe. LHAD, *9 ft ......20 ?. LEATHER, #>. Solo, ji?<unocki...35@40 c, " ? M ? 0??r, 60 fi m < <? Upper,.... ?70 f? " u m I|?rn?-??, 55 6 MOLASSES, ft pal., Muscovado, 75@$1 00 ? ? ? Syrup,..- ' 20 NAILS, ? kep ?7 50 OATH, ? bushel, ^50 @ 00 c. f?KAS, " ? ?n@75 c. REACHES, f l>u, UrScd, peeled, M eo@*5 00 " " ** impeded, $1.50 TOTATOES, -a bushel, Irish, 5? @50. ? ? Bwcct, ...40@ 760 HTK. ? bushel -... ??@1 00 SALT. V tuck, Liverpool?..... ft! 50 @ fS 75 SUGAR, f B>. Brown ,...>...i? @ 20 ? - " " Clarified ....20 c. " " " Cruihcil,... 20 e. SHIRTING. seven-eights, f bale, 18 e. " " retail.............-ti 0. TAT.LOW, f ft 15 e. \rilKAT. f bushel $2 00@$2 25 YARN, Factory, by bale,..- -$1 #0 " bunch........... #2 10 Notioo, TIIE Hite?vllle llw o^rtlie Club m?r<( on Hatimliir, SOili of January. A full at tendance is requested, as ihrru is businem of importance to be t rtnmeted. By nflrr of the Pi wi'bnl. Jan 20 ' 35 i n Beligious Notice. Appoint mania i?r Key A. B Srtnii.i?, P. E.. Greenville lHstriet 8outb Carolina Conference, M E. Churoh, South. First Quarter for 1809: fie!'faille Circuit?Febrnary 0th and 7th,at Crawfordaville. GrctnrilU Circuit?February I8lh and 14th ^ t Bethel. Greenville Station?February 20th and 21 at. Pielrennnllc Circuit?February 27lh and 28lh at Zion. Walhalla Circuit?March ?lh and 7th at Walhalla. Senarg and Tuffrtfotr Circuit?March lJlth and Nth, at Smlth'a Chapel. Anderson Circui<?March 20th and Slat, at Anderson Station?March 27th and 28th. Pendleton Cirerrtt? April 8d and 4th, at Penrfltlon Colored Charrpe? April 10th and mil. n'Ulinmifoti ? April I7th and 1 Sit*. Jan 27 ?6 8 4 _ .. I., . i. . lljig CIRCULAR. AUDITOR'S OFFICE. t Gtimiai c. II , Sotrru Caroi.iwa, f Januaiy Id, 18611. J To the CHitni* of Greenville: Tin law ( bn?? d juat prii c'plea, II>aL every oou protected by nnr law*, ahali contribute M i he purport of I he State according to hia pecuniary ability: audit will b* found, if ( the law is faithfully executed, that the mora ( general and equ?; disliibu'lon of the burden* of Taxation andir It will not only int orca?e the revenue of the State, but will ( greatly relieve thoae who have hitherto i burn* more than their proportionate aliare ? of taxation. It i* ot the diet importance, > therefore, that the peenniary ability of each t and all shal! be fairly and honeetly aseer tainod, that the due proportion of tax** may ha aaaeaeed on each. It ia to eeeura this object that the law haa provided ?o much in detail fur the nao-tament of prop. ' erty. If It were eertain tnat all persona liable to taxation, would of th*m?elvea, s make fair and honest. return*, the dutioa of r the A***-a?ora nnd oilier officers would be . comparatively light. But there are those , in every rommunify who will endeavor to wrnnir not the St ate. for it will colleot i la i full amount of revenue, l<ut their honeet s n?*i((tibora, either liv avoiding the return of II or part of their pro|??riy, or appraising it at lm? than Its lair market value. T- prevent title, ant to see that all prop* * ertv i* . fully leturned, and at ita fair . market value, i? the special duty of assessor*. * To ae"omp)i*h tlti? ureea*l?illy, assessors ' mn*t make themselves fu'ly acquainted wjih the provision* of the law, and ' especially endeavor to thoroughly ??w. prebend Ita ophrit and iitfe*/. They moat guard against nin e, s under excepting al lowing unless plainly within the Utter . of the law. And while they should he eereful to sroid, as far as possible, anyI thing that may teem like an orineevMm-y , inquisition into the private afTaire of the tax payer, they must, at the same time, use every proper meant to satisfy themselves as > to the correctness of the returns of prop* r erty male. The fact that the Bfttli Section of the Aet requires the Assessor to swear that he has done his whole duty under the i law, and has not in any inrtauea tontrnhd > to, or etmnivtd at the violation of any of the requirements of the law, beforeh? can diAw f his per for his services, will furaish to all I sensible people s sufficient apology f<>r the I Assessor in enforcing the strictest coniplianee with the provisions qf the law.? Though manv features of this Saw will an. " prir no?. 1 lo ill? tux payer* of tha Oonuty, j ih? offii-era appointed to fi?nn It, ehnald, while ihey tirnily and strictly entry Mil its prnvUimia, rxorctaa annnd <li*o>vtion ami forbearance in the |>ei fuimm?* ol their ' Huij>a, in order, not only that lit? fitate may eeeure iia rorenne, hai that the pro. 1 pi* may feel th>tl t?ry bava not ba*a ajib. , jeetrd l<> any other than an equitable an?\ reasonable taxation Tha Aa?< sacra, iiUfc- * phen II. Poo I, J. ?l. Carmon. Wm {}. ^.X 1 let! and K-tibrn I.ofii*. and I heir aa?i?laiiv? re n?w upon their duties in tha vartqua I quarter* of iha County, and it i? hoped that I eaeli tax payor will reapond promptly and j help to facilitate ilia work. Awinwtaii " miul lie made by lb? liluenlli of February, t II tha A seen ore ahall mm wi'h dlffietiltiea ' they ran not ratia'neUo i?y eeft'e with Iha i lax payer, let them rail upon tha County Auditor for ihrtiuetiona. ' OfHc oppviaile Maa?io.? llouaa, over ful. livau'e atoi e. J M KITNIOW, 1 County Auditor. Jan 27 ?? 1 lh *