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? "V ---_ -?J& REFLEX OF POPULAR EVENTS. :* ' {* " { 7vvK'w?tt:> ?4i V -Ji .it. - i fc*>'?ST ^ ^ fc , . , jflfq-. .-.tfi. j "k ni-cjn . ? -- . ? - .^iil jujif u^yVnin.. rtrti ? v<| i - i . i i i . aii r" .mi i ii ii i mm iiwrr j r?-ir?i.<ir.-ig VOLUME XV. GREENVILLE. SOUl'II CAROLINA. JANUARY 27. 1809. NO. 36. i?^p? ii II ' . * ' . . ._ 1 . ... _L_ . . m 1 \ ? I !! ' I ' I ' f I II I I i??I i ( III r mW, m* CMmmrnmmmmmmrnmmmmm m ?? O . F. TOWNES, EDITOR. f. 0. UttKti Tro'r. and Asaocinte Editor. PuB?cRiiTiosi Two Dollar* por annum. Advbutiskm Biers loKrteil at Ilia rate* of ons dollar per square of twoJve Minion lines Mis sistd type) or less for tho first insartiop, J Cents each for tlio second and third insertions, and twenty-five cents for subsequent insert ions. Yearly contracts will bo inudo. All adtcHlMiuctiU (hast kavo the number tit Ih'b'flions marked on tbein, or they will bo Inserted till ordered out, and oburged for. , Unless ordered otherwise, Advertisements frill invariably bo " dleplsyed." Obituary notices, and ail matters inuring to to tbs ber.fcflt of auy one, are -regarded as Advertisements. rit i in i ii n n s si mi i fcontumpticm-Tho Disease Alleged to be Infectious. Dr. Ilenry l)owdi>ch write* a* foU Iowa to iho last number of the Atlantic Monthly: It was our fortune to attend a man slowly dying of consumption, who while hopelessly and helplessly ill, wu devotedly cared for by hi* wife, who ?t the time foil.herself and sccutcd lo bo In perfect health. Years after her husband's death, and when bravely ballling agniuat the dia ease, which commenced it* insidious (Ired inouianu irees nr? >u u*m been planted in (tie Boi*. It in nlsc abundantly watered, it* Uke* end lit lit ireniui being *upplied by ho artesian w?U at I*n??y, which aprlng* from ? depth of tight hundred and aeventyfive feet. There are no teen than fourleeo lake* in (hi* renowned pleasure ground, the largeet being about a mih in length. Many of (hem are we! tilled with fish, which flourish reinaika bly.. There are nearly aeventy mile* o carriage-road*, and over thirty mile* o ?. aliady path# for horaeback rider*.? Moreover, it contain* one of the large* racecourse* in tho world. '1 here nr< ? - - ? i. in nut parte iom? imu?eii?e u?k? nm cedar*. which are ?wpp<v?'d lo l?e fou or Bve centuries old. No wonurr tin l'aiuiana art proud of the Goia d lioluugna. , A Bookmoa ha* j.i?t declared liiuiMil In favor of llio Kvpublic. ll?*niy d Bourbon, brother of the fx King o Kpain, Iim addreued a teller to fit l'rothioaul Govennent, in which b Hltwcka vigotoutdy lb* ambition of lit Duke of Montpenaier, declares that lb glory of Warrington h far more eDvia ole lban ibal of Ciu?ar, and a?ka to l> permitted lo return to Spain a* a iner citizen and again lake ftlvice in tb bvaitbb ?avj, V . * HllKUkB IllllUeUIUI"!}' BUUSCljHCllt iu II la dentil, she related to mo the following facta, but only on n?v defiuito inquiries at to how inliinnte her rclntiuu* had been with him duiiug bis illness, h teem* that often in wintry nights, that fnithful woman would arise Com the aide of her husband, who was lying with his clothing drenched with the sweat of incroasiug disease, and would lietsuade him to take hen- warm cloth tug and lie down iu the dry warm |*!aco ebe bad Just lift, while, timplv throwing a blanket over it, she would lake the spot previously occupied by liiin. Upou our expressing a horror at the thought of the danger the had run,and which apparently had told with so much power upon her, she quietly roinsiked that ?lie knew at the time the daugei she was incuniug. She had no thought of danger to herself, and only of her husband's comfort. " Hut," add cd she, " 1 then got what I never recovered from." A certain vitality seemed to go out of her; and though her na ture contended for tuauv years against the encroachment of the disease, she finally died, always Lclieving that the had luken consumption Coin her bus band, hut with a certain martyr like joy that such bad really beet! the fact. We have now in our mind other nnd amdagous cams, as for example, hut-bauds Laving I heir first cough when - inhaling the breath of their tick wive*," while ministering to theii ne fe?ti?ies, We have known daughters And sisters, who, full of apparent health and strength, when ceuttimption has seized a mother or sinter, have continued to sleep with the invalid, and to treathe the same closed up Atmosphere at night, and to watch nil day without, perhaps, a moment of heahhful out ofdoor exercise. And we have been distressed to find not a few of such healthy young persons gradually l>eginnitig to suffer with indigestion, debility, and fiually cough, and all the symptoms of cohs&fiiption. In some in*lAlices, in fact, the attendant has died before the life of tbe original patient has ended. These facts are very significant, and though w? are well awaro that, iu some of them, other elements of disease may have had their fatal influence, still the cases have been full of suggestions us to the necessities of greater precautions than we in this country have usually taken in this matter. Bole ds Bolocokk.?The Bois de Bo!ougne, which is the piide of Pari*, is a park of magnificent distances, li contains over twenty three hundred acres, and has a thick growth of va rious kinds of forest tree*. Indeed, since the improvements were com tneneed in 1061, more than two buu A TJsefW Invention?How to Cheapen FuelAn invention to heralded through the columns of the Nwv York World that presagos a revolution in domestic ecutiomi', and excite* the hope thai fuel may be economised to the lowest point. Professor John . Johnson, of &aco, Maine, hits obtained papers from the patent oflice securing the ifrvefltbr's right io this discovery, which threatens destruction to stoves, furnaces and grates. Mr. Johnson's heater promises to " enable tbe housewife to warm her apartment in a few moment# by light* ing a match' And giving herself no further trouble about fuel, dirt or danj age. Sbe may, indeed, take the con trivance under iter arm and carry it to any room in liie nouse, navmg ouiy 10 place it on (lie floor, and, without any bhpertifion, it begins nl once to bring the atmosphere of the rootn tip to an agreeable J^gtee of heat by steady cur tenia of ivann, wholesome air." This heater " consists of ait uir tight ahectlron cylinder with a cluster of tubes running through it fioin lop to bot torn, and which are open at both cuds. The bottom of this heater is," in the centre, cup shaped, and holds a little water, and jast below it is a gas burner or lamp. This constitutes a full desciiptiou of the invention. Tito water put into the cop at the bottom is jtnu sufficient to fill the timet space of the cylinder with steam at ordinary nituospbeiic pressure; in the smallest sixo of heater this quantity amounts to little inure than a tablespodnfal?it being un accepted Axiom that a cubic inch of water will make a cubic fool of steam (saturated) a', barometric pressnre.? The water is sealed tip hermetically when the cylinder is made, and nothing remains for the owner but to light the gas jut under it. Immediately tin; *leaiu riaea into the cylinder, beating all thd radiating suiface, and the ex c-?? passing into the little cundouser at ilm top is reconverted into water, and run* back into the cup. Thus goes on, self tcguluiing, a process as simple a* the operation of rolni heat. If the hand is placed over the apei lutes at the lop, distinct current* of warm air will ho felt issuing hoin the lubes, caused bv the heal of the surrounding vapor. This is dvtl'usioli. If the hand ho held at the distance of a foot from I tho exleiior jacket, a pleasant ladianl heat will ho felt. This, then, U rwdia lion, and the two Hgencies are co op? orating in the woik of changing the atmosphere of tho apartiueiit, anil will *0 continue ad infinitum, so long as the llai : or other source of Incest U supplied." . g ? ? Croat Destruction of Fruit Trees ill Florida. The Tampu l'onin-mUr, in it* edition of the 2d instant, says: On the 25th ultimo, the thermome* ter was down as low a* lw-eii;y-lwo d?> giees above zero, in litis place, which indicated the Coldest weather ever (X t.Artanced in this Dart of the State, even by (tie ildeel inhabitants, and the <]am ago dona is very great. Il van only within the last ten years that the peoI?lu of Florida began to realize the iin |>oilnnce of going largely into the raig ing of tropical fi uiu; and it was only within. the last two or three year*, the labor bestowed In raising fruit*, begat: to reward them; but the cold came and swept over the country with the power of a mighty tornado, destroying in & few ljours that which man has toiled \ear* to build up. In a feehours, Florida has been dam.-.ged million* of dollars. The orange, Union, lime, citron, shaddock, guaia, mango, pineapole, sugar apple, in fact, all the tropical fruit*, hate beeft killed or seii oukly damaged. Even the" fully iua? turcd and ripened fruit which remaiued u|Kin the trees, was ail frozen and destroyed, and the trees look like they have been scotched as by a great fire. The potato crop i* badly damaged, and the peas, beets, cabbage and even turnip* ate killed. Cut the co'd did not coaso its rav ages upon the land, but descended into the waters?into, the great deep?and enured to be spewed therefrom, mighty jew ttnh and sharks, which vrtiellitown helpless upon shere to rot. Thon*aiiJ* of dead mullet, juk li>h, spade ft-di and others, cover this cu.iie part of the 8l?le. TtiKittf i? a bruk titalty in Westerly II. 1., between the missionary of the (Jliiistian Association and an advertiser of patent meJulites. The forutur painteu in iarga leUoia oa a /?ne?, t What, shall 1 do to be saved V and the latlei under it, Use ??*? Oerman hitters!" lint the missionary retaliated l?v paint* ing in unolher place, under " Use '? (Jcnnan lJiiters." the text, " l'repare tc meet thy (jod t" "Tiir Arrangements of na'.ure are ad mirable !'* exclaimed a young lady (lur ing the 1at? ldgh wind*, " The santt wind that disarranges our crinoline* blows dust into the eyes of the wicket! voung men who would take advantngr t.f our con fusion." Tiuly a philosophical voung l.tJv, that. The Sure Way to be Poor. There is a way tb be atwfcya as poor as pb?erty; and that w?v h just a* certain m the ebbing and ftttVffll ?-f tire tide, or the rhdng and selling of the Sun. Ten thdttHand men and boys, women and girls, hare tried it, are te?ting it to day, and not one of them ever found the way to fail; and the practice never mil fail to give poverty enough. And yet people seldom see it. The stupid never do see it. For thai very reason the world is full of poor people, who might to Independent livers with head and shoulders above want. t'rav tell what it can be ! Tl is .this : To lose ooe or two days every week do iog nothicg because you can't get higher wages ; to drink two glasses of lager or some other expen-ive drink every day; to smoke two cigars and keep a worthless dog! .Thai is the most complete recipe for perpetual poverty that any poor person can desire. Now let us ace how tyranioally this practice takes the bread and butter light out of a poor man's inoulh, and Mi ins a neat warm coat otf his back.-? Figures never lie. One day lost in idleness every week, at n low estimate would be $1 DO per week, or 3^70 per venr, chan cash. Five cents a pin*# for two glasses of lager per day would bo only$30.50 for three .huudrcd and sixty fi?e. And five cents encti for two cigar* per day would bo only $30.50 mote. Then your, big dog's* food will oo?t you as much aa to board at) ordinary female, say $3 per week, at a very low estimate, which will amount to $150 n year, which rums amount to the startling figures of $307 !! ! taken fight out of a poor man's small earnings' It don't sci-tn I possible! Hut I hate added the sums Ugelber three times, without any mistake, and it must be conect. [from 7W</'? Country ITomct. Bctving Kaatire. I Every man of common sense must admit that the rules to be adopted for a rational system of saving manure, must bo based on the knowledge of this process ;'and mav lay down the fallowing rules in relation to it: 1. The ground silVcted fv>r the disposition of stable manure should be fc\>!ii in order to permit, the e^ual di? triunlion of the manure on it, and thus secure the heap uniformity in thickness. Only in this case the process of putro... u:11 i ......t?.i.. in^iiuu mil J/H'llTU I^uin.1, ??OT ? part of the heap, and iis body will prove to bo a homogeneous character. 2. The inanuie should be protected against the direct rays of the surt, in older to prevent the too rapid advance of the putrefactive process, and a consequent generation of heat which vvi'.T incur a considerable lost of ammonia. Practical experiment* uiade wiih equal weights of stable manure exposed to the tun, and with that under cover, show the (fleet of the latter to be, wiibjn a certain lime, about twenty-five per cent greater than the former. 3. The manuro heap should be kept moderately moist; if it bo loo <jry, the degree then produced will vola lilize ammonia ; if loo wet, an acid bus mus will be formed which being soluble in water, acts veiy injuiiously on veg elation. In order best to attain this end, the ground should be alighlly in elined, and all tbe fluid (bat runs from the Leap be collected in a pit, and from time to litue scattered over the lieAp. [ Dr. Jus. ll\y<jin*. Prixk asd Work?"I drink to make tne work," said one. To which nn old man replied ! "That's true: drink, and il will make you woik I Marked to tne a moment, and 1*11 tell you something thai may do you good, I was once n prosperous farmer. 1 had h luring wife end two fine lads as ? Vei tho suu shone on. We bad a comfort aide home, and lived happily together, Hut we used to drink to uiakt us woik Those two Utl* I have now laid ic Jrunkatd g'aves. My wife died hrok en hearted, and now she lien by hei two son*. I am seventy years of age Had i; ndt heeti for drink I might now have been an independent gentleman hut I use.) to drink to make ine work and mark it, it makes me woik now.? At seventy vears of age 1 am obliged U , work for daily bread. Drink! drink and il will make you work !" -nr ? '0?l ? *Tim bnllfrog, according to Josh lfil< ' lings, U the host of the puddle, and hv a log to sit on over on the other side o the puddle, and talks to the rest of tin ? ? i t. .i i ... ,t,? ' rrog*t way uowii m ui? lun^m, ? ? , you can't underwent! iiioim than Lai what he tez; lie is generally a crura, l.t ' zy old devil, all over wailz. ' Tiik teAra we ahed for thoae we lav are the aricwtua which water tliegatlei of the head, and without them it wtnih . be dry and barren, and this geulie tlow , era ofa(Tcc:ion would perUh. - ? ? i I Sam I Iolt*tom'a grave, at Iluntavilh ? Texas, ha* no atone or monument, run n general contiibu.Lu to eicet one i i tu^gtikd, Wanted?An Honest, Industrious Bc.y. "We lately saw an ndvsrlisftifreftt headed as above. It conveys to every boy an impiosHvo lesson 4 An honest; indostifous boy" is ah. ways wanted. He will b? sought for; liis services a ill be in demand ;lie will be spoken of in terms of high comuiendaijou j he will always have a home; he will grow up to be a mau ot known worth and established character. ile will be wanted. The merchant will want hiin for salesman or clerk ; the niaeter mechanic will want him fur apprentice or journeyman jlhose with a job to let will want bin) for a doftlraclor; patients will want him for a doc lor ; religious congicgHUou*, for a pas (or ; parents for a teacher of their children ; and the people for an officer. lie will he wanted. Townsmen will want him for a citizen, acqaititanco* ha a neighbor, neighbors as a frieud, families as h visitor, nay giils will waul hiiu for a bean, aud finally for :i husbahd. "An honest, industrious boy!"? Just think of it, hoys; will you answor that desciiption T Are you sure that you will be wanted 1 You may be s.narl and active, but that does not till the requisition?are you honest! You nay lie eatmhte?are you industrious ? You may be Well dressed, and create a favorable itnptession at first sight; are you sure your fiiends, teachers and acquaintances can leccomcnd you for these qualities f IIow would you feel, four character not being thus established, on heaiing the words " I can't employ you !" Nothing else will make up for these qualities. No readiness, no nptneas for buniuehi will do. You mu?t he honost and inJusUious?must work and labor, will your calling and election for places of profit aud trust he luadu sure? What Uatmioadii do rou Fahm krs.?To haul foily bu?hcls of corn, fifty miles on a wagon, would cost at least &12 for team, diiver and expenses. A niilrond would transport it for ?4, at most. Allowing on an average of forty bushels per acre, the crop would be worth $8 more per acre, or 8 per cent, on $100, As the relative advantage is about the same for other crops, it is clear ilia', a railroad passing through a tow n would mid ? 100 oei acie to the value of I lie far ins. A town ten iniloH "quale cull tains sixty four thousand acres. Ah increase of $100 per acre is (Hp. * I to CO,400.000, or enough to build iWo liuinli.d miles of railroad, even if it cost $32,000 per fnile. Hue two liuudred tuilea of road would extend through twenty towns, ten miles square, and cost but $10 per Acre if taxed upon the laud. Those figures are given merely as an illustration. If lite fa? mors had taxed themselves to build all the railroads in this country, and given tliein uway to Ally companies that would stock and run tbein, lire present increased value of their lands would havo well repaid all the outlay. \Amcrican Agriculturist. Clovkr as Manvkk.?In atv article published in the Deport of the Agri cultural Department, a correspondent save: " The cheapest, tuovt easily attainable and best of all manures tor a com crop, is a dense r.a?a of red clover, either in its green or ripened and dried stale, plowed down three or four inches only ; just deep enough to prevent wastage, nnd jet near enough to the sulfate of the ground to be acted on by the suu'a beat ami nir. In its | decay, clover thus affords certain, ac 11 tc mtU constaui nonii-uiincui 10 iu? ' voung and expanding roots of the com. ' Doth com und wheat grown o\er a ' clover lay are very gcnciully fiee from disease and insects, and Letter in yield and quality than crops grown on or ' vt iih nniinttl manures. But to secure tfiis, we must manure the clover while 1 yet young, with liberal supplies of plaster, lirue, or fine well rotted manure spread broadcast over the growing * plant*. ' Tincr.u is u man living not' far ' from Dmnvilla, who when the war clos ed, finding himself without a horse, a | inule, or even au old slerr, bitched up ' his milch cow and made a good crop, lie led her well, and she not only plowed tho laud, but gave milk for bis table. i f Forkion Coins.?For rough e*ti? a mates, nn in cuisorv reading,it may L< I well enough to remember that a pias{ tie is 5 cents ; a franc, 20 cents ; a guil tier, 40 ceuis ; a rix-duJUr, a Uoitn, O! ? rupee, 50 cent* ;'a rouble or a dialer 75 cent*; a lael, (Cliinc?e,) $J1.50; i pound hleiling, $1.81 ; and a doubloon ? $15 75. s Tiik nephew of Thuddeot Steven* alio whs to have $ 100,000 of the grca Commoner** wealth if lie abstained tvi ?, year* fiom liquor and tobacco, or wouU d bo obliged to aurrender it to the orphan m of the aoldiem if be indulged, niya b w i 11 uol tub the poor oiphans. 'ftlE Cl?Il.l2h?' Oil KltOtvKKtl.* A Cherokee delegation leceutly passed through St. Lpuis on iu way to \V*?binglou for the purpose of attending to tho general interests of the nation, hut mom especially to uige the ratification by Congress of a treaty made,last Jul). l>y Ccrutmkaiofier Taylnr'r on the part of the (iovernraetit, and Colonel Downing, Chief of 'ho Cherokee*. The St. Louis Itepulliduh of the 19tb utakes the fob towing interesting statement deiived fiom the delegation The intelligent portions of the civil ized tribes take great interest in the present movements against and the War Ofitee in Washing'ton, aud made a proposition agreeing to rntke peace with all the wild tribes below the A i kannas, receive tkeiu into their re* servauons, teach them lite art of civiliacd life, provided the government on (la pari Would fJuaraiUte to stand by lhem in every arrangement made to ell eel lhal object. Vbey lequired (hat every promise made to these wild Indians should he kept, and adhered lo in good f.tilll. This the Indian repreeen tames agree to do ut one Iweulieili of the cost expended by the Govdrninerit under the present ay stem. Geitdral I Grant seemed lo approve of iho general' idea, hut this was the last of it, and no fuiihcr progress was made in the matter. Max Wantkd.?The grenf want of this age, is men. Men who are not for sale. Men who (ire hddesi, sound fiom centre to circumference, true lo the huait'a coie. Men who will condetnu wrong iu fiiends or foes, in themselves as well as others. Men whose consciences are as steady as the needle lo (be pole. Men who will stand for the right if the heavens totter and tiie emlh reels. Men w ho can tell (he truth and look the world uud the devil right in the eve. Men that neither brag nor run; neither fl ig nor flinch. Men who can have courage without shouting for it. Men in w hoin the courage of everlasting life runs still, deep and strong. Men who do not cry nor cause their voices lo bo lieaid on the streets, but who will not fail nor bo discouraged, till judgment beset iu the eaith. Mcu who know tlitir own business. Men who will not lie. Men who aro not too lazy to woik, nor loo proud to be poor. Men who are willing to eat what they have earned, and wu?r whal they have paid for. Woopkn C".r Wheels.?Wooden car wheels, it is reporttJ, have been in trnduced leceully ou one of Hie I\?w York railways. Tliough these wheel* cost tineo timea the price of the ordinary cast iiun wheels, ihe expense, it i? contended, is of little consequence wlieu compared with llio advantages gained. They tide smoothly, making conversation, reading, and even writing, an easy ta-k on the cars. They are made of thoroughly reasoned elm, or teak, with steel tires; are very durable, and will wear, by reason of their elasticity and durability, over four bundled thousand miles of railway, while the average use of the ordinary irou wheel is but fifiy thousand miles, after which it is necessary to break it up. It is also asserted that this wheel is so constructed that it is impossible for the tire to become dis placed, and that the wear to tho track is much less than by the cast iron wheel. Wooden wheels are used on the Metropolitan Underground Kailway, of London, where the frequent and sudden starlings and stoppages of (ho trains are calculated to rack and destroy the material of which they are composed. Jvo accident, it is a&scrlcd, has \ ct occurred on that road. ?? -a A DtCSV/TIi'l'L UuTHOBl'KCT.?When , the summer day of youth is slowly wanting away into tlie iiigiiuaii ui age, and the shadows of the past year grow deeper and deeper as life wears to a clone, it is pleasant lolo;>k back turougli the \ista of time upon the joys and soirows of cady years. If we have a [ home to shelter, or hearts rejoice with lis, and filends who have beeu gathering round our fireside, theu the rough place* of our wayfaring will he worn and smoothed away in the twilight of life, while the bright sunny spots we have passed through wi'lgiow blighter 1 and more beautiful. Llappy, indeed, . are those whose intercourse with the woild has not changed the course of . their holier ficling, or broken those musical chords of the heart whose vibia lions ate so melodious, so tender and so ( touching in the evening of age. noTitscmu) said, one day, he always Limit- ulmn i>t>oiil<* were t^lLiiur about hi* fellow llybrows, whether the latlei | were riuli or poor. Upon being a*ked to explain how he came to know that, ' he replied : H Wliy, you nee, when jteople are talking about a wealthy man of tnv creed, they call him an , Israelite, but if he is poor, they call I him a Jew.1' I 1 Too Siiour.?The woman's petition b to Congress for soil; age in the IJistiicl j of Columbia was only four yaids long Uirgiacbful brcvit) ! John Minor Uoire i? dead. Fortune knocks ouce a( every man's door. : t f. He who has a trad* may travel everywhere. IIe (hat lives upon hope has but a slender diet. Corn is selling at 25 cents per bu?&-? el, in Randolph county, Aik. Youth and white paper take inaby wrong impulsions. Us who does not riie early never does a good day's work. lift ih?t s.iVcs when he fs j&triiff may speud when is old. lis who serves well, need not be afraid to ?>k his wages. Fast.?The New York Herald no*0 runs a pre<x> which piiut* 85,000 sheets au hour. Wiiat is that which mar be warran ted to keep iu any climate ? The secret of a woman's age. If you would succeed iu any under* taking of importance you uiust devote all your mind and alteuliou to it. Alaska contains about 370,000,000 ncre- and was puicbaaed at a little less than two cents the acre. Tiiruk are over forty tobacco facto* i*ie? iu Richmond, Va., employing l&r COO persons. Flotow, (lie music* 1 composer, was lately divorced from bis sixth wife in order to marry ber sister. A nvgoet of gold weighing two hundred pennyweights, wa* found iu While county, Ua., recently. Tub next bt\le of bonnet is to be a bead and two inches of ribbon, fastened with a haifpiA. It is said that castor oil makes shod leather toft and pliable and quite impervious to water. The small pox exists to a considerable exleut among the crowded tone-' meat houses of New York. Irr Wi'.ruiogton a Radical mayor And calico council were elected, only Republicans voting. Foch buudred acres of land ir? Montgomery county, in the State of Georgia, old at auctiou, for less ihuu a Lir'.f ceut per acre. Portland, Maine, has a citizon who has predicted a second deluge; and to gel ready fur it, ii spending all be is worth iu building a u Noah's Ark." Four fifths of (he present rulers ia Tcuue-oeo are either broken down or ca?l ofi rebels. The remaining fifth is composed of negroes and vagiauta. Tin first strawberries of (he soason mado their appearance ltr the New Orleans maiket last week, selling $3 the basket. fT A yocnu gentleman in Oshkosb, Wisconsin, was fined $5 and costs tbe other day for wiuking at ladies in the el< tele. At a municipal election in Kewbern' N. O., a scalawag was elected mayor ' tho defeated candidate Lcing a carpetbagger. Two young ladies of Iowa have taken up lands iu that Slate under the Homestead act, and purpose removing upon theiu, to tun a farm on their owu account. An English pauper who made faces during divine service aud set his neighbors to laughing has been sentenced to twenty-one days' hard labor as a punishin., n I fur (It A I 'fl'e liM. A traveler went into an inn after a shower, and risked the landlord to hbow lii?u a good fire, u for," said be, l'ui very wet ?and tlten tinning to the waiter, be t-aid?" hiring me a tankard of ale immediately, for I'm plaguy dry.** Two young men in May sville, Ky., recently got into a dispute (although friend*) in a bar-room, when ' one proposed that they go into thu street, and tight, which they immediate iy did, btanding on opposite sides of the street, 100 feel apait. Al the tirsl fire both were instantly kil'ed. The editor of the Holmes Connty Farmer bays: * The woman who made the butter which we bought last week ^ neruirtifnllo r<iniiAiitt>H tn tivftiruH " ,v*rvv j >?i # *7 more judgment in prunoitiomng (l>e ingredients. The last Latch Lad t?o much heir in for butter, and not quit* enough for a water-fall. There is no HMide in making yourself bald headed, if butter in ihiiiy-five cents a pound." Tub boys in l'Vland should he on the beat of terms wi.h the llusaian Govern* ment. Hitherto they hare enjoyed only those holidays which were inuikcd a? lioman Catholic saint days iu the calendar. Now, a Uu?*ian ukase on* i forces the celebration of the innnmer. able Gtetk saint's days. Between the . tw?> religions the days that remain for utitoo arc ttry few.