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1 Whin* of tlU Ohio Lunatic Aty . |Him -E*ottin* and Thrillinj (Ohio) StaWam|h gtoea full j Stienlar*. .of lh? burning of I ho Lanitl? i lylnm In 'tlinl elty * lew ulghte ago. We ^alpy the followlnj; tvriie major portion of kha Inmntee hnd Ait retired ? lien the fir# broke out. but in #ie wnrd a here the fro originated were >>no of the mutt tniaehletoua, and aome lick onea, All rihurta to induee tlime to rare their rotnna Were unataillog, and the few eitlienh who had reaebed the fdeeo, ul the attendants, were obliged, at the liUk of (bajr litre, to rueh la and drag t'icm Worn the horrible fata that awaited ' tl>em. Tie roar of the (lamer, aad rolling c!?mii1? of tiodke, now blaak aa eight and again lit ?r<li a lurid |Hrt; the trid, ' scream*! ?h?n?S, laughter,ehd danthif of I ho defhefetel women, wKoee medngpa seem ed increase I hy tbe> wild and exciting rcsnsa sronn I 'Jsta, mode up picture terrible to look upon. By sod-by cense word that eome were dying in their wen, suffocated In I lie smoke. end etkero roving end trailing to free themeeless from their confinement. Tlren some of oar heroie j rititens ranked into the flemee eed dragged forth the dead eed dying. Some were deed wlteo resell ed ; other#* died shortly after coming to the fresh air. One poor ereature. a beautiful girl of about eightoen, eh*? ?rnu were a?Hliti?4 heeeute of her mio chevooe propensities on being brought out called pllepuely for her mother, and died with the prayer on her lipa that she might be allowed to ley her heed upon her mother's breast, "It pains me so." she si'd.? Tliere were six of the female patients who dtod of euffoeatioo and inhalation of thr flames. The " Spectre Inmate " wee the theme of universal conversation among the masses within the area In the rear of the main eetraaee during lite progress of the fire, but a careful search by humane mew soon transformed this reputed spirit Into a poor frigfctoaed lady, who, eaeeptag death from the crumbling wails, had evaded her watchers, and with wonderful agility had ellmb ed to the roof of the ??M?nr?UirT in tb? roar, where, to whit* night 4fW, ehe nin l-ly walked the ledge, linging the while, in ?|tp?r*Bt ignorance of the terrible doing* f the fir*-Icing around her. She **i removed in gaiety. The female*. Inhabiting the Sent wing and the Eaatern portion of the Booth frontwere eared (or by being eonveyed U? the Deaf and Dumb Aaylum la oennihnne* and cloee carriage* of every deweription thet \ could he get together. Some of them, kg- loreeiLimtn 'he horalag building, were plh kind itriTrlBT'tt1 iiii .re, ?en and month* had kept watch and ward over W tItem, the patien'a Wrre removed vitkoiii I ninth difficulty. One old lady, we aotia*d, rented In n earring*, a n* wild with excitement. She aeeiued determined to get out, nnd atruzgled hard for that pnrpoae. Sh> a? anxiou* to go to her rootr., now, elaa, a el eet o( horning flun?. At thia moment a-a noticed a young lady of amnc twenty year#, who ruahad ?p to the cvrilige. and, ?* al-a dae;.rd h- r arm* around the old -Indy'a neck, in an endearing lone raid: ' Annty. I have e?-me to take eara of yon !' In an iuriaut the lunatic lady wa* auhilucd, and a* ahe bu*lt-d her faee orTthe boeom of h. r frieud, for eurli undoubtedly ahe wae, ahe mnrmared, "Yea, yea, my child," and waa led ta a different caring*, where fa mil I., t-~- l _lak iU. a.ll ***e www%rr- ^ ? " I WIWI UIW ? VUUUHI| fmitK of nhik) with it* mother. W* knew neither of tha parti**, tut it required no ;e?*K My was Uie kind attendant of the elderly Itiaallc, and by kindna** had taught her to |>Im? liar tenet la. one who had naver her. Thi* little episode spoke tuIuiam for ilia humanity of that atteudg ' ant. The f.male p?timla war# all taken to the new aeylunt fur the deaf and dumb. The removal of the male patient* ?ru a wot k of more difficulty. Every dcecript.on of veliiele thai could be pressed into Mrvice waa put In requisition. About fifty of lha number?pali*nts ol the w ildest ioAt a lty. with a homicidal tendency?were removed to the hospital of the inatilntion. where they were oared for aa well, If not better, than could reaaonaldy have been rxixcted uud-r the diatra?sing eirenmstance*. Over 250. mala and female, ware eared b?r at the Deaf and Dumb Asylnin. which wa* promptly thrown open for their reception. ?? Onusi F. E Simnxkr, Treasurer of the United State*, has loaned a circular to the National hank* eqd designated depositaries, directing them to scleet 'rum the legal hn dsr not*a on h"??d end which they may thereafter resales, all note* unfit for etreu* laiion on account of mutilation ; al?o all note* of the denomination of $60, as they hare bean *ticee*sfnlly aounterfellcd, and arc to be withdrawn from circulation, and tu retain nil n?iw imued under act* of Prl? ruary SAtli. 1802, and July IHh, 1802, known a* the ounve?tibia iaaue ol legal ten ilefe, a* (lip l|ni? liaa long peatd for their aonvevelon int.. b >nd?, and now note* vlll be iet u? d for tlrm. Tdkaii kt l>ti**Tna.W l>aia," of tha Lt.iltimnro Ant, iu lata detpateh to that Journal irvtn Waaliinjfton, aay* l ?T\ie eaiitnate* of expenditure* of the Reeretutjf v.V lib* 'Cft-aeury for the next flaeal year, en ling June .*Ht, (KfO, gM bo fr?W forty to filly million* lea* than they ware for the pareeut Ureal year, unUr* the Indian war *hould iteeoaic wore formidable than I* Indicated at pre at-lit. Laat year the rati mate* (or the ej|H-n?e* of the Nary Department were placed at thirl/ Are million*, hut for the neat year it b niulerrtood that they will not go marb hepioil twenty miUlonr. The fticrrtary> a/limatc* for the reoelpt* anil expenditure* Tor the coming fiaeal year are ba?c<l principally nu the general average d tbo*e for the part nine month*." Poor. Julia L?CWrp, we are irt^orliril to aiac, ?i 1 irtaii. hi* pi* ant poeiltpn la tha Svtlb l'a.wllaa L'uivoult; until June, 1809. L[ mauno s^-wwii tgywjt' SBST " "\f - ^Wfv *K' ; - ^PpiU. t. - ,ufv" Ji"* t TBI 8 1 taking it Sncy. A few 4mi ?ioee a miwmIiI? in M interior town vo ealM upon 10 fnlflll ? writ ejectment, iceuad bv eon of ibe Emerald Irle against I fellow countryman. Pan. nbo never wait* for per*on*ion to do hi* duty, instantly called on Pat, and (bund hint Mated in tbe bouee named In the writ, enjoying n " dodeen." "Good Morning, Pat,n eaye Din, pulling ont (be writ, " Tbe top 'o tbe morning to your-" *?K." replied Pat, undisturbed. * Patrick, 1 have business with you,** continued the constable. " Bed ad, and cure yon have: and sure would ye be after calling on me, IrT* ! u I have a writ here commanding ma to eject von and your goode from this I hottca. It's a ratber unpleasant daty ?w ?ak i It u ui.i...i att^tuk.. tk.i ordered ye, shuref " "Yw, ?ir; Michael is tbe tnaa." "And did he psv ths costs, Miatber Constable t" " Ce'tainty; we always demand ad vanoed coals in these cause." " Thtn ye're been paid for yer work shore f" " Certainly." " Thin ye can do it; divil a bit will Patrick O'Brien stsn' in the way of a man's working for his pay." This ratber astonished Dan, wbo bad ex peeled, as nsual in rueh safe*, to meet with serious resistance, lis doff* ed. his coat, and after an hour's bard la hor so ceded in removing the Irishman's goods into the street. After securing the house from improper intrusion, Dan, fatigued with the labors he had performed, started away. In bidding him good day, Pat, who was seated on a part of bis goods, with the " dtideen * still in'bis mouth, remarked : " And I'm much obliged to ye, sty, for saving nic alt tbe trouble." " How !" " Faith, and wasn't I going to move I an J wanner jm toKTng off nry tu?i ?*? lug out the duds, sir, when you come and carried 'em all out for me, without ! charging me a ciut at all. 1 am much obliged to ye, sir, and hope ye'll call again wben Patrick O'Brien wants bis goods down stairs, sir." Dsn suddenly bad business in anoth* el direction, and, though the joke was ' ou himself, he let it out afterwards. ' A PuKCTvaTioN PcsxiB.?Tbe foU f lowing article forcibly illustrates the necessity of punctuation. It can he read in two ways, making n very bad man or n very good man, tbe muit de in.wmmiiw .- ?* in ?nr r to ?ineu n it tie it md old and ftperirnced man in vice Mild wiekednes* he in never f<?und opposing the wilki ?f iniquity lie lakes delight in the downfall of his neighbors he never rrdoict-sln the pro* pent) of any of his f flow creature- he is always ready to arttLl in destroying the peace of (octety he tithe* no pfeattire in sening the Lord he is uncommonly diligent in towing disorder among his friends ami Acquaintance! he tnkes no piide in laboiing to promote the cnu*e ef Chri?liaiiity he has not been negligent in endeavoring to stigmatise a LI public teachers he tnak"e no exertions to subdue his evil passions he strives hard to build up Satan's kingdom he lends no aid to the support of the gospel among the heathen he contributes largely to the evil adversary he pays uo attention to good advice " " t- l-v -i - J .-it ... til never go to heaven he must go where he will receive the just recompense of reward. Mrs. If arkikt Bkkciirr Stowr Con vr.nTKD.? We hear from Florida that Mrs. lleecher Slowe, the authoress of " Uncle Tuia'* ("!?!?" ** ? ) ? ? ? n rur iir I wo ago bought a place o? the St. John's Hi* er, near Jacksonville, mti ?he wRnli Co li?e long enough to write Another hook to oorrest the mistake* of ** Uncle Tom," end abow that a greet blunder wmh committed whin >leverj we* abolished. From otiginel condition of eentiroental attachment to the negro he loot lapsed into e at ate of nnconqiiernlde dislike end aversion. .-he will not heve them ebout her, either in?donrs or out. She tinned them nil off her piece, and allows no one with e black ekin to approech her. We ere told tbet en nc qoaintance of oura nought to send her a message b/ e black *tewaide*. on board w nteemboat, but the refuted to allow the negro to approach her. Her mind, ns we have been credibly inform ed, i* very much inflamed agninat the negro; and thin, probably, from compaiing ibeir efficiency and aptitude a* laborei* and aervanta with that of the Northern while*. Her fancy pietuie of the Africen Iim been spoiled, and bar teniimental affection haa turned, in con sequence, to violent aversion. Like Squeer*, the milk of human sympathy in her bosom haa ali turned , to curds and whey.?Macon (Oa ) Telegraph. 1 Wisconsin, it is asserted by the journals of that State, ha* a larger popula* | lion nt foreign born inhibition* thin ?ny 1 other State. Of the naturalised eiliunr, . the German* are hi out aumcrom, the lri?b next, and the Norwegian* third in point of number*. There nre ?Uo n grent many KngtUh. Dutch, Webh, I lielginn^ Scotch end Uohewian*. A mak nitempted to eommtt *uichl* by jumping overboard from a lake , ?ieamer near Chicago. A friend *av#d ' iilm hat tore th? man'* breeche* in the ' attempt, whereupon the would be aeieider turned round and gava bit prerer 1 tei a good tbraahing. 9 umi?ij - .J.jl-J IITIUll A Littlb Story ov Damil Watt- j tan -*** Dunwl W?b*;er,'' remarked * old Col. Gurney, aa bo trimmed a quid I ?>f nipgerboad. ontf fastened it eeetlrelv < Utwoon two doeayod teeth in tbo left | side of bh mouth. " Darnel Webatei i wi?o a great tnan. There wa'nt notbin* < moan abbul )iim. l'ro hearn him talk, | hot * twan't kit talk to much a? hi*, i gineroeity that tack mo. Bo bad a kindor oarolooo way >liko, that kept him frofn getting rich. Ho never aoom to think what thing* eo?t. 1 waaaoomia' np tbo Uudaon River along witb him once, and in tbo tnornin' Darnel Wob ator and mo "at wartiie' our fncoa and alicken' our hair in tbo cabin, and be look out a tootbbtuab and brtvhed hi# tooth. I didn't too no other tooihbruah around, ao 1 borrowed hin'n. And after 1 treed it 1 handed it back to him, and what do too think f Who Dar el just slung that toothbrush right to* ter the riser. And I s'pose next day he went sod bought him new one ? That's all he cared about money 1? There ain*t no such men as Darnel Webster living now," concluded the Colonel, meditatively, ea he spirted a streanf of tobacco jui<y into the fire place at the other end of the room. Livklv Psoat?The following par* agraph ha* such a jingling sound, that some people, who don't know any bet tor, might think it wae poetry : * There ie a blitbsome maiden that lives next door to me; her eyes are as black as midnighj, end as handsome as can be. Her cheek* are full of dimp lee, and aa red as afcy roee; and then this love of mine, too, baa got a Korean nose! I asked her if che'd have me (that was the other uight,) and this was her reply, friend: ** Why, Jimmy, yon are tight I ' 1 know I have, love, aboard a little wine, but that ie not the question?will you, or not be mine f And then she put Iter face, friends, ss near mine as site coubl, and with the sweet est smite, friends, raid simtrb- '**"** would?escort hie to Iha door, if I war ready to depart. And thus it was the girl next door declined my band and heirt." A Tough Case.? A little darkey was recently found sitting on the step of a fashionable hou?e, not far from Saratoga, crying pitifully. " What's the maitor wid you t" asked a eidored woman. M l>? matter's ' nuff?double trouble hII oeer the h??u??. ridJUer am drunk?mudder am gone home ?id cloze?ai* broke. do looking gin** wrid <Je broom atick?de babe got her ever full uf kyaii pepper, nn<l little Ned At?[|mnr jrttl d? mustard ou his hair for white sugar, nut] il" rViliSt<V" ifffcr.dCUlr.(c.r. U? dog fii ltrd Ifed\ face, klhl got himouth full of mustard, end lies uudcu de bed n howlin'. De kitten got her head in do milk pot, and 1 -cut lui hend oil" to sab* dc kitchen lo get do head out, and dm I h*b lo break de 1 litcher to got'tie head out, and do w*t '11 get I iikcd When mudder cornea home for net ting tie bed a tire nil! be a ?in.*' ^ * Tiik following Mory i* told of the baltlo of Cbickniuaoga : During the heat of the battle, an owl, alarmed at the uuusual tempest* of sounds, ?u frightened from kir u-ual haunt*.? 1'wo or thiee crows spied him at once, and made pursuit and a battle emoted. The contest wan ol>?eived by art Irbli rf'iijfr-itfeki ceased hung, dropped the breech of hi* gun to the ground and exslaiiited in a? looishuient, " ftioeee, what a country t The very bird* in the air are lighting Quin war once at a air.ail dinner parly, 'lha master of the house pushed a delicious pudding towards the kil I J l i - - I MUU IIIIU IU IHllV II. A gentleman had just before greedily helped himself to hii immense piece of it. " l'my," said Quiii looking first at iki gvuilviuiu'i plate, and llivii at the di?h, ** winch is the pudJing.'' A BAKtir, strulting around a tavern, look up a given pair of spectacles which lay on the table, pul tliem on his nose, and turning to the looking glues, said : " Landloid, how do these become met Don't you lbii<k ihey impiove my look ?' ** 1 think they do," replied tbe landlord, ** tbey hide a part of your faoe." Tim aakcd old " ten per-cent," what he waoled to accumulate so much money for. bays be, " You can't lake it with you whtn you die, aud if you could it would meltl'' Som* very practical joker slipped a real bullet into the pis.ol of a amiursr in Berlin, and t wound nearly fatal lo the latter waa (be result. Tdk bast bank in a bank of earth.? It navar refuse* to discount lo honest labor. Tlta beat share* are plow shares ou which dividend* are always liberal. Mark Twain ha* I are a describing the private habit* of Horace Greeley.? They are about as interesting a* the private babin of a bear or katrgaroo. A CURTAIN landlady, it it said, .makes ber pies so light that her lodger* can see to go to bed without a candle, after eoting a moderate ?iaed piece. Wiirn you put on yonr stockings why ere you sure to make a mistake! Because you put your foot into iU 1 S 1 T S 1 f ' J other day a gentleman entered fl i ?ari? omnibu* carrying with him a ^ which he placed on the teat beelde iii#. Soon after a young woman oecti the adjoining cent. After bet-tow I ing frequent look* of torprUe attd ir dig- S nation* at her neighbor, who re.uained ~ perfect If uneontcioo* of her di?qui? j tude, the suddenly rprang upon her fee*, and exclaiming M ineolent P givr m him aeonple of round botee on the ear. The aafeulted one et length ventured to a*k why be had heoome the recipient of them favor*. "You pinched me,** > exclaimed the ledy furiotwly. The gen | tieman made no reply, hat looking under the aeat brought to light a ruagnift cent lira lobeter, which had escaped , from the bag. | A touko *p*rk of dela'ionl turn, traveling in ? alage coacli, forced hi* , sentiment* upon the company by attempting to ridicule the Scripture, and among other topic* made himeelf merry with the story of David and (loliah, trongly urging the impossibility of a youth like David being able to throw a atone with sufficient force to rink it into a giant** forehead. On thfe he ap pealed to the company, and particular* iy to a grave old g*ntleouui of the denomination called Quaker*, who aat *i lent in one correr of the carriage.? u Indeed, friend." replied lie, " 1 do not think it et all impossible if the l'hili?tin?'s head wae a* eoft aa thine.** At one time a woman could hardly walk through the etreete of 8an Fran* cbco wiih<Wit having every one pauee to gate on hor ; and a child war ao rare (hat once at a theatre in lha same eity, whrrs a woman had taken her infant, when it began to cry. just aa the nrchee tre began to play, a man in the pit cried out, M Stop thoee fiddle* and let the baby ory; I haven't heard aneh a sound for ten year*." The audience applauded this sentiment; the orchestra stopped, and the baby continued it* C*ea * iiattuMulMi .nttiw-t arm. A RrcwoneicrvL Radical Ha nob UiuaKLr.? W. W. Richardson, of Coo ra county, Alabama, a Radical Justice ..f.i*. ul k... it,A ii,i, " t,vr1 ? ? V? io*t. He l?ft a letter elating that one of (lie chuhi which led him to commit the Ml waa reitiofM for the manner iu which lie had treated the white people of hi* neighborhood. We earneatlv commend Tii? example to hi* P*"J" friend* in (Georgia, and tender to thein any atoouul of rope.?-Columbua Sun. a ct.nnovman called on a pari?honer, whom he foiknd bitterly lamenting the 10*1 of ooly eon, a hoy of about fom or lire yenra old. In tho hope of coneJl;*NT *? rrntarknot have committed any very gMerou* *in ; and that, no dvub', the chil^ had gone to heaven." " Ah, air.** raid the rimple hearted creature, * hut Tommy woo *o ?hy? and lliey are all stranger* there." A oukrkiiork, reeing for tl*e fir*t lime a pair of nutter*, a-ked : ' What** them fur T* " To anuff the candle." " To anuft' llie candle !" The candle jtiat then needed attention. and with hie llimnb and finger he pinched oil' the anuff, and carefully put it into the en offer, anyinp : * Well, now, thein it handy." Tiik following advertisement appeared in a Texaa newapaper: " If the per* aim who took (it i? concluded hy mie ?krl the while water proof coat Mono ing to Capt. J oh uf on, -id ?rri>. lhf, barracka, ho can have the peg it tired to Iihikt unnn il is i.f nr> f.i.ili.. .... ... m .? ew MW IM| lll^l USO IV tbe owner." A max in Tinmhult county. Ohio. Ia*t week deposited 18.000 in greenback* in hi* parlor stove for safe keeping, informing bit wife of wli?* he had done. IVexl day the had company, forgot about the money, lighted a fire in the stove and the money vanished into (moke. M Wnr don't you limit yourself t"? aid a physician to an intemperate per on. " Set down a stake that you will go so far and no farther." "I do," replied the other, "but I set it so far 6ff, that I always get drunk before I gel to it." The fact that a cat has three tails is thus logically proven : "No eat by* two tails; a cat has on* more tail than no cat; therefore a oat ha* threa tails." A vouno man advertises in a New Jersey paper for a situation as son*ir? law in a respectable family. Would have no objection, he aaya, to going a short distance in the country. The planters of Mississippi having discovered that their toil is admira* biy adapted to lb* cultivation of wheat, will turn their attention to its more ex* temWe cultiratiot. in future. Tmimr acre* in Fairfrx County, V*? were miI<1 a few day* ago for ih? aum of #100 ail acre. Land adjoining l? now held at #150 an aere. A trachir in Detroit, Michigan, he* been fined lreniy-fi?e dollar* for ehaatiaing a female pupil fifteen year* ol?k A rich man, without the capacity for intellectual enjoy ment, u a* poor aa the moat bumble laborer who live* under the ahtidow of palace*. It i* dangerou* for one to climb hi* family >tree too high, for he i* very apt to get among dead and decayed branch ea. Tub Baltimore gtrla are jcalooa of the Dminville belie*. Cauae ? the 1 question of beauty. "Mmmmmmm????? Rill. llBSif ILLS DRUG H Y 0IIS i Wt ? *| ?i mumM&ISI8I mi.' MORGAN ' 1 AND WESTMORELAND KBKP CONSTANTLY on band ? FULL STOCK OF DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS PAINTS' - OHLS, . DYE-STUFFS, FANCY AHTIGU8, AND EMBRACING THE STOCK USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST ORDER ESTABLISHMENT. tgyEVERYTHING WE PUT UPMAY BE DEPENDED ON AS IN EVERY WAY RELIABLE. Glv* IT A M Visit. tTATtONERY STATIONERY STATIONERY. JUST received, a large end handsome lot of STATION EliY, consisting. in imrt, of: Foolscap, Letter and Note PAPER, best quality ; Pens, Ink, Pencils, d:c., *&c., which please call tmtl examALSO, A LAKGK lot of K*ro#ene Lamp#. Unictiw. Ao^ahith we will ?HI hi greatly reduced price#. Call and examine. ' Kerosene Oil. Government proof, *1 ware on hand at low??#l iiiailut prices, r ? a-4. 5 tf "^OSTARV . PREP A B ATI ON S. EVERY HODY?7ri? Them / KV KitY HOI >Y? U*e* Th<m f EVKitYHOI)Y ? Peltevea in Them! KV KitY HODY?Recommends Them ! Cottar'* Zxtermfhators. * For Hutu, Kosehen, Aot?, Ac. Cottar's Bed Bug Exter. A Liquid?K ill*?44 Sure thing. Cottar's Insect Powder For Flea#, Motln, Inseet*, Ac. IWa*1* w ? ?? win wivomFor Corns, Bunions, Ae. Cottar'* Buckthorn Salve. For Cut#, Burns, Bruises, Ae. Coster* Biehop Pill*. (Sugar Coated) Dionsr PUl. Cottar* Coogh-fiemedy. For Coughs, Colds, Ae. Cottar'* Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossom*. Beautifies the Complexion. Makes the Skin fresh and Tair. lie ware ! of all Worthless Imitations. None genuine without CosUr's signature. 2io. and **c. sites kept by all Druggists. I sites sent by mail on receipt of prico. pays for any three $1 sites by Express, pays for eight ft siaos by Kxpraas. Address HENRY R. COSTAR 612 Broadway, W. Y. For sale by MOIltMN A WESTMOKKI.AND, t)rruuvlllu, 8. C. And at Wholesale in all the cities and Urge towns in the United States. lfl-0iu w. a. KASI.KV. m a XA8LSY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellor* at Law AND IN EQUITY. ORKRNVILLK, 0. O., PR \CTICB in th* Court* of th? State and of the Uulteii Slate*, and five eiq?eolal attention to cini in Bankruptcy. June 13 , 3 tf Law Hotiee?Change of Offloe. Gr. TOWNK8 ha* removed hi* Law . OSeo to the huiitliiiK imrthuaM corner of the Public Square, in part occupied by Julie* C. Smith, Auctioneer, aud the Kutcrprim I'rlnting OOce, up atair*. Jan * 33 tr BATE8V1LLK H&IlfACIIBllG CQMPAIY. HAVING been appointed Agent* for I hi* Company, wa are prepared to rll SHIRTINGS AND YARN at Factory prleea. Dttvld A Slratllfy, j Grocer* aud Cotnmlaaion Metchnnla, Greenville, 3. 0. ) Nov 9 *4 tf _=_5===__ TO TBI? ttJBLIC. THE PAYlLKffl HOTEL, T VHARLKStON, 8. . WO LOHO end a My ?ML4HL't\ dMtd by d? lata H. L. HQa BCTTMtriELD, wHI still BBHt k?pt open for the mto?* lodation of the traveling pnblle. And Ite rmer Mends end patrons will find the euel iceommodatioti end attentions be towed on them ee formerly, and the peMie ore, nlrvady " well eMabllrl.ed its THE lOTRLof th? TRAVELING MERCHANTS >f the South, will, by edewt effort*, be eithfiilly preserved. Marsh 4. IMS. 41 %f CHARLESTONllofELi CHA&UMTOX, s. e. MTHB undersigned having taken charge of the above well-known MOTEL, reepeetfally informs bis Monde i traveling public that It bae been REFURNISHED in all ol its departments. The lame win, at all ?i*we*, M MpMW will tfew beat tbe Market afford*, Including every delicacy in capon, while the eatelne will be ? * exceptionable. The Bath Rooiaa attached te the Hotel arc lapflled with the celebrated Arteaian Water, and Hot, Cold or Shower Bath* eaa be obtained at any tine. The ?mm? alien! ion will bo paid to tbe comfort of the gna?t* ae heretofore, and traveler* can rely epon hading the Charioatoa Hotel equal to any in the Uulted State*. Tho patronage of the traveling public i* rcppoctfuliy *0110110117 J. P. UOUBACH. Agent, Sept 9 lt-Sn Proprietor. Change of Schedule otO.dC.lK ON and after WEDNESDAY, the 12th Seat out, Pornengec Traine Will ran daily, Sunday* excepted, connecting wltl Might Traiu un South Carolina and Charlotte and Sunth Carolina Railroad*, a* follow* : | Leave Columbia at 7.0C a. aa ' AUton at 8.40 " 44 Newberry ?L.., ..10.10 " Arrive at Abbeville at 8.00 p. tu " " at Andcr?on at 4.50 " 44 tlreenville at - 5.00 44 I.cave Greenville at, 5.45 a. n " Andereou at ? .... 0.55 " " Abbeville at - 8.00 44 " Newberry at p. n 44 Alrton at .. 9.14 44 Arrive at Columbia at 5.46 *Train* on tbe Blue Ridge Railroad will the run daily, Sunday* excepted Leave Ander*on at. 4.80 p. n 44 Peadleton at...... 6.30 44 Arrive at Walhalla at 7.30 44 Leave Walhalla at.. 3-dO a. at * Pendleton at 5.50 44 Arrive at Anderaon at A30 44 The train will return Trom Beltnu to Ander*on on Monday and Friday morning*. JAMES 0. MEREDITH, General Superintendent. Aug 19 13 Charlotte ft South Carolina 1L R. Co. ?U 1'F.UINTENIIKNT'S OFFICE. CoU'XUA, 8 O., Augiiri 8, 1888. and after WF.I)NESI)AY. tbe 19th \ J Ik. ..... Ik- U. J _ .... v v. ?M? a til rim m lnllnwf, *U: 1,-ave ColumMa ?i. . / 4.15 p. mi. Arrive ill Charlotte at, ll.<*> P- ?. liT?v? OnurUtVu 41, .... I 1.35 |?. flj# AriiVf nt CiilUllllMA 6 (Ml ft. III. IV clone connection* both ?*) , with Train* of Or*?nvilU an I Columbia an 1 Sunt It Carolina Roads. tar r.trnenger* lor tlie Nortli. taking till* route, liavr the clinic* of FOUR DIP* KKIIKNT ll<)UTKS, via: Froro O'cena^oro, either ?U Danville or Italrigh. From Wei.bin, either via l'oterabutg or Porlamouth; 1 and from Portsmouth, either via Old Itajr l.ine and Haltiinor-- or Aunameaaie Line mud Wilmington, Delaware izr TIMK AS QUICK aod FARE A3 LuW a? by any other route, BAOOACK CHECKED iTlROl'QlI. For TIIKOUfilt TICKETS to Richmond. Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York apply at Tiaket Office, foat Blanding etrect. An Accommodation Train will b? rua a* follow*: Leave Coltrmbi on Monday*, Wednesday* and Friday* at 7 A. M.. arriving at Charlotte at 6 S5 P. M. j. Returning?leave Charlotte on Tuesdays, Thursday* and Saturday* at 0 A. M., arriving at Colombia at A 06 P. M. Passengers taking the 0 A. M. Train from Chariott? can connect with Night Train of South Carolina Uoad for Chaflecton, Pa* ?ng?r* from Charleston can?by leaving the South Carolina Train at Junetitm?eoar.cel with the 7 A. M. Train from Colombia. OA I vn nmioMin.? vouuo uvuKfliiinr, Superintendent. Aug SO 14 ^ Greenville and Colombia Bail Boad Companr. THIS Company lia* now for sale, in lieu of " H. ?# n Ticket*," a Ticket which entitles a person to travel orsr the road 1,000 miles for $40, Within one year from da'e of purchase.? The Tickets can be purchased from the Agents at Columbia, Newberry, Abbeville Anderson and Greenville. W. ALSTTON G1BBES, Genera) Ticket Agent G. and C. R. R. August 1-2. 1868. l*-tf South Carolina Railrtwd. QBXKRAL SUP'TS OFFICE, ) Cm a mi. kstu s, 8. 0., March 38, 1868. ( OX and after Sunday, March 29, tho Passenger Trains vu tbe South Carolina Railroad will run as follows, vis: Leave Charleston fur Columbia 8.S0 a. m Arrivo at Kingsville ., 1.30 p. m I .cave Kingsville 2.00 p. in Arrive at Columbia 3.60 p. u Leave Columbia. 6.00 e. m Arrive at Kingsville .. 7.80 a. m Leave Kingsville 6.00 p. m Arrive at Charleston 8.10 p. m Tbe Pessengcr Train on tbn Camden Branch will connect with up and down Columbia Trains and Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Trains on MONDAYS, \VKI>NBfcixAY8 and SATURDAYS. Night Kxprcs* Freight and Psgktager Ah ruuiiooimtmn irnin win ran Mtom: Lwn Charleston for Columbia 6.40 p. nt Arriv* nt Columbia e, n Lear* Columbia .S.30 p, m Arrive at Charleston 5.40 a. tu II. T. PEAKE, Uenl Sep't. " April 15 47 tf SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER. WOULD r**peetlully inform the pubti* that be hae opcncl a HARI1RR SHOP in the building fuimerljr ocwipied by JOSKI'Il ALEXANDER as a Harness Shop, end between the Store of Mr. Tonias Roberts and the building formerly occupied by the Pent Office and EuttriirimB Office, second door above the ruin* of McHec's Hall, where he baa located. Hcing a /Vii/r?i#?n/ llnrbrr, he bop**, by attention to buoine**, together with politene*s to nil, to merit a portion of public patronage. in CUTTING, SWA VINO AND SHAMPOOING. April I 4>-i