University of South Carolina Libraries
?gge i. 1 1 i ?! , -T.? K . . Ut'r, , = the fftet time, tsd rtftmJ t% the OwbIUm m the Judiciary. Mr. DrlOt lilrodtoed a (Dolatloa, Vhlch wea, en! motion of Mr. Doyle, referred ta iM Committee on Road*; tfrldgee and l-'errlee, I that, hereafter, it ahall ha the duty of the Chairman of the County Commissioner* to report' annually to the General Aeaembly, the aggregate number of initoa or publltproadt In their rerpeotlre eouutica, and tho number of man liable to work on tnch roada, alio the umber of frrriea, and their ratea of toll, do. Mr. Turner introduced the following preamble and resolution? Whereat.inere than three rear* hare elnneed elneo' the odttelusion of the war for tho supremacy of tho Government of tho United State* . and wberers a largo portion of the'oitisens r>f South Carolina oro hold undor polilloal bonda hy tho Congress of tho United States, beednst* of their sympathy for 0: participation In the late war against the United Statae; and wheroai we regard the punishment of this eiass of our eftisons as having been equal to the demands of justice, and that they are willing and anxious in good faith to renew their allegienee to the Federal Government $ and whcreao we believe a course of conciliation and forgiveness is beat calculated (o secure the blessing of harmony, peace and prosperity to all oieeaes of uur people; and whereas Ills SxoeUency the 'Governor, in his messages to thia General* Assembly, bae earnestly recommended that Congress be memorialised to remove ail political disabilities Irom the cititens ef South Carolina; therefore, bo it Rt%ol*?d, By tho House of Representatives of the State of Snath Carolina, the Senate concurring, That we hereby memorialise the CongHaa of the United State* to remove the polities! disabilities from all the CitUens of f South Carolina now laboring under tho same.. On motion ot Mr. Goorgo Loo, it was rofrr" rod to tho Committee on Political' Disabilities, 0 -with instructions to report as soon as practicable. saatTn. ? Fninar, D arm her 4, 1*6$. The Senate assembled at IS M., anJ waa eallad to order by the President^**-* tem.i Mr. Relney presented the petition of Samuel T. Atidnson, of Georgetown, for the removal of hie political disabilities. Referred lu the Vieasidiuee on roiiucat utsauiiiue*. Mr.' Allan submitted - the report of the flp?clil Conrinittce apponted under the provisions of an Act entitled "An Aet to regulate the teanaer of keeping and disbursing fundi by certain officers." Ordered for eoneideratien to-morrow, and to he printed. a Mr. llayee, from the Committee on Claim*, submitted the following "reports': Lancaster Ltdgtr, far adrertising, (favorable.) 8. W. Morris (farorablo;) also, petition of Benjamin Roper, Tax Collector of Edgefield County. Ordered for consideration to-morrow. Mr. Allan Introduced n resolution, as the opinion of the Senate,, that it ia inexpedient wad improper for any indirldual to he appointed to or to held more than one.eounty mice at the soma time, and that the Governor he reap%3tf?kly requosted to conform bis action t? this opinion. Further, that the ooncurroree ?f 'the House he respectfully requested in tIti* Tceolutiua. Ordered fok consideration tu. wsorrow. Ur. Nash introduced a tin to amend an Act untitled "An /ot to organise townships, and to define their powtrs and privilege*." Read w first time, and ordered for consideration to marrow. Mr. Allan introduced a bill to open and adjust judgments rendered on tho basis of Con federate currency ; which, on motion of Mr. Wright, was ordered te lie en the table. . Mr. Snsportas, from the Committee on En >grossed Acts, reported the following aa duly ?. ^ and correctly engrossed : A hill accepting th< donation of lands to the State of South Carolina ler the endowment of agricultural colleges Mr. Prcndcgrase introduced a resolution which wit referred to the Committee on Agriculture, thet corn, rice, peer end potatoes he eld by weight throughout the State. On Motion of Mr. Lee, Senate conenrrent resolution, requiring County Commissioners to make eertaiu reports to the Attorney-General, he., was taken up from the table: the resolution d%s concurred in, and ordered to be returned to the 8enate. Til Hon. If. f. Russell, the ncwly-elected Democratic Mayor of Augusta, together with the Council, were inducted into office, on Thursday. In the evening, there was a jotliCeation, which ia thus described by the Coutlllshrsaliil : " The gratification of oar eitixens over the eleetion for Mayor and members of Council, salmtnuted, lest night, in a general celebration. Our streets jfera brilliantly illuminated with bon-lrcs, while the very air seemed on re with beautifnl pyrotechnic displays. The enjoyment was participated in by otd and young, makiug tba 'city almost 'a jubilee ol feasts,' and showing how deep was the joy oi eur people for their rcleeee from the terribli Misrule which, like a 'tyrant grim and fkarfa ia hisrage' up to Weduesday leal, held then iu bondage. The feature of the occasion hewever, wea the moek funeral of the let 'Mayor.' This wsa participated in by an im mense crowd, who, with torches, tin pant trumpets and other fearfully discordant instru moots, marched in solemn arrsv behind eoffia borne upon the sbouhUrs of some te pell-bearers, who were block, or appeared t he; all wore the deepest habiliments of wo Th? cortege preceded by outriders, parade tkr >ugh the principle streets to the musie < the'r various instruments, and finally proccei tad to the bridge, where, with spproprie eerwuouies and military salntes, the coffin *n .4.?: *1.. 1. >.. 1,,-Ul wti to the tun* of th# Doiul March,' and tl eortagn returned with enlivening (train* at ooa diabandcd. The enjoyment of thn ? Mian ? happily concluded by a brllll* raMplion at tb? Maaonie Hall, where lar number* regaled themaelve* with many go thin**, and iu the matter of fond and drir furniibfcd through tha generoifly of our mm ipal olhcera. Thus end* tba life of an illej g>.-eri meat and commence* that of law a Order." ^ Be OlKVViM..?A k?r?a?on lump rrplot Utl Ratutdar, at tba houve of K. J. Lealie, btaj 8inyT jr. T., an.l burned Mr*. Lealie i bar tw? children to death. Such miafortu abould teach all to be very careful with tl laiapa, or alaa their eartevvneaa inay ere borrow and deatruction in happy bouseho! Aw "ex-medical offlcrfr of the United Sit army " abnwa. In a letter iu the New Y World, that the mortality ainoogut the C flderate pritoner* at Klwlra, N. Y., wa* naat a* that among the Federal prUonar Itideraoa villa. . vlsoakt fntcaraimmknt Judge Cai Well, of Bout |t Carolina, whole apoken In the high eat term* by 'be praae, will liver a leetur# with rending* from Shi pfofc and the poet#, in| the* Conrt FI? n-Kt WVdneaday evening.?Jsniuglon (J Ob'-trwrr ?W /i-jterler. 1 " I -1! -J?! I I,,.1 Judge Schley's Decision en the Be. UefAot,, W* ploaioiroin correcting whai appnorr to bave been a tnisappreTicimiori ortbC'itCowimi [(rendered in tbe ca a#4?f flyrd r?, Bce*e.>", nn-.l ticcd by u? in nnr isroe Of tbe 1Mb inat. We tben understood that tbo decision eukiuiucd tkn to Alt l>. SWo now. understand Dm derision to hard an nuwie'liAaiuly wpon lhw?|nl raised, under t ortt section ur Hint a I. which allows." tho consideration of lho"eoiitriffl, -tho Btrhject of the suitt the ntnouni and value of thq property ewoetf by.Ik incut at tbo time tin- contract was catered Into, to show upon the fn'Hh of wbat property credit was given to bint an?l whut tenders of [oivmynt made to t'.ia plaintiff, and the nen payment of ih$.<U-btfwe? owing, tn tie refusal of the auditor to reaeive the TTionny offered," eto. Thf plaintiffs cown*?|-o1.)eef*it to any sacli te?tim?ny being admitted, its it was in dircut ephfhet with tho first artiele and tenth section of the Constitution ef the United fltalci-* " which prohibit* the passage of nuy #jr poeiftfcrt law. or low impairing tbo obligation of contracts. Whereupon, after argument had, the court railed, that said act of 1SC8, and < tho ordinance of ISA5, oomiuonly known-as a tho scaling act, wcro based upon the saute , principle?both relating to CnUrgiiyc the Suit* of evidence?tbo only difference being rnat the net of ISOff enlarged the ruMs so at to admit, more facts In #? bcforS tlje jury than tho otdi- ! nanoe vf 1864 did jaud, at the constitutionality i of that ordinance hna boon sustained l?y the Supreme Court, thero wes, in the judgineut of the court, t?i tbtg net of- IMP, no conflict with the first article libit tc.irtl section of the Con - I Sitution of tho Unitml States, .he ooutract, not being abrogated of Impaired, but simply that Die suid act ef 1808 allowed the jttry to havo all the facts surrounding each transacting, and %fler hearing all the testimony, make such a verdict between the parties ge to thim migkt stem just and c,(oiinhlc. * [ VnrnenoA Republican. ffwA, MtUrtiit, Pccetnber 6. The city of Alamoa, eituated in the aotnlicrn portion of the Stole of Sonora, has bron gwept ou< of existence by a visit iAon of fixture?namel^/a cninMned attack of III* twtfgryat furies, emid ami W.vtpr,?The Artflhlo event ^occurred tinging- the great ttoihi laMi.i? from tire fftth to the 18th ultimo. From piivat" letters^-. Calved in this cm? we translate thwMoH?tWI?i? ad counts of thd d-Strbclinn ami lose' of life : We h ?ve endured awful suffering. , T?f rents ol rain for forty eiitbt nouns inundated the city during the greater par! of the 10th and 17lbr followed iby another Mrrtiit of forty-eight hours, eo that the lioita- a not III til- immedis ? way of being swrnt off I?y l he force of ilin- h Ha, jlmiTjTjj M ruche.' in Lv the en"rm??i? Ry ami the aireugtb of the rain tallinx Vpmi them, "tenor Iliegd Pew: mentOred itm winter In a tank, and found that fflrly inches had fil'on in r?tr?-ij1y I wo hour*. Alamo* ta no more. Yufa trffy"'rtll a?aut>d that' nnlfn some naw antl.iieh mine* a>a discovered it will never he rebuilt. We are impuvet iehed and ruined. GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT CORRECTED WKtKLT, BT . MESSRS. DAVIO 81 SI RADlEY, MERCHANTS. 0RERNV1LLE. S. C.. DEC. 8. 1SG8. APPLES, HA bimhtl, dried,$l.25 " *' " unpeuled, 06 r. (fit II 00 BACON. ^ Ih 18 @ 22 r. BALK KOPK..V lh T..12J (3) 15c. IIA(l<tIN?, Runny, vd Ii8(a,:!0 e. BAUUIXtJ, l>uudr.v. yd \,.2(J(u}?2c. bur laps Hi* ttHTifar.Tr^VTu ll.i'll 11 Pi1 ii iTiif** BEESWAX. lb ....24@30 r, CHICKENS, V I'?*1' ? <M> '-*6 ' COPPER, ft lb. Kin 25 (& 33 o CORN. ? iiurbvl. new, 7o(g>80 #. COTTON, vatrwince,.: 20 (a# 21c. ROUS, do*cn XI4?. FLOUR, *?t sack,* 16 50<?;rt 00 SOLD $1 80f<i)$l 86 INDIUO, Spanirh Fleat 12 00(a,2 26 So. Ca. II 76(?2 00 fRON, 7S It', American 71c LEAD. Hft lb 2" ?* LEATHER, V lb, Sole, J>?uiloek,...3i^ to #. i' " " O^k, 60 c. " '* " Upper 70 a. i " " " Hornets 65 r. MOLASSES, ^ K*l-> Muacovado, 76@*l 00 " " " Syrun, "....II 26 NAILS, ? keg..., $7 60 OATS, ft huehel * 60 (cb f>0 r. PEAS, " " 60<d(7d e. PEACHES, a bu, Dried, 00(^16 00 aa at il *1 .. ..a^aU.I *1 rail POTATOES, bushel, 7rUb""V.l"liO"fa 7S " " Sweet, 40(a)?0c RYE, ^ bushel, 90(a,| 00 SALT, V eaek, Liverpool, (3 2Sr(a, 60 Sl'UAR, tb, brown '*** * " * " " " Clarified ...20 @ -'24 ? " " " Crushed, 50 c. SHIRTIXG. seven eights. '*? bede, 124 ? " " . retail 16 c. TALLOW, ^ lb -16 e. WHEAT, q?-bushel $2 00(<f,$2 26 YARN, Factory, by UJe 8t>(^i$l 86 " * bunch a....$2 00 A CARD. TFTE undersigned, having sold his eptiri 1 ntereet in the Hotel known ?? the " LICK j. KKSON HOUSE," iu Culnmba, S, C., wonl< I take great pit-axure fn fecnimeinline hi , friends to ebntit.ue their patronage lo tli j new Proprietor*. , IIr. WHltJHT has hxd charge of tit , Hotel for me.^for a year past, ami will cor a tinue to have the entire management of th Hotel, under the new arrangement. I feel a ran re-1 that the House will mail i* tain iu former reputation aa a Ural clu * llotel. T. S. NIOKRRSON. n CoLfMaiA. ft. O., Sept. t, 1864. tl-Sm 'd ,, Pay Up..1;r f J THE Membara of the Literary Club, w please pay up their Subscription, aa tl 0 Money is needed at once. Dec 9 29 1 - ~COUNTY SURVET lent anthorily frpm Messrs. Ai.kx. MrBi go J[| J. I>- Sulmv a a ind Jxo. M, Goonw od County Commissioners, I wilt next wenk p ik, aaad to divide lha Oonnty of Greenville it ni- TOWNSHIPS, and mark the linns, aa rcipi ptl cd by InW. As tbe law in rofcrenewio priv nd , surveys is for a-surveyor In notify land-n* I * . -1? i:..-- r .1....-, it j era ooioro umiAiu^ ? ? ? , ? ,? I make the above utatemcnt, a* lb? line* ? led eornera wilt be established at once, with In farther notification. md WM, A. IlfeDSOX, P. F nea Peeetubor 8th, IS69 2V? SATE' YMHfc'CWJM an 1 A I<L persona Indebted to WIIITMIRI or" IV FKKUU80N, for the years I#fi7 on? i HfaS, will oblige u? by settling up; yous a* ' eannot be continued for the year 1 . at unless you make a'o?earrangements to pa UP in full lor (he last turn year*. You cai ask ?s to koep waiting and selling yoursr _ and families and raying of your serrante P" ilootfi fn' one'and two yedrs aftd not hn | 1 ?' We most ?t?p y> t?. N<? or lera for He uls de be Ailed sshti aroompnnied with eaah, e*nn"' *" y?a or y??r fa'tiiliea only for < We hare credited you upon your " Hoi ,u*? and nuw. m aak I'\Y., as we need m *>) , badly. WfimSTPw A FBKUlHO D.6) W ' % /. 4 "V ?R. KNltiHT, #MOTTOQR APNBR, ANDdoalerlo HIOTOORAPHIC firOCK. All order* promptly attended to. ? Uoudi lent by express or mall; " 339 KINO STREET, OH AHLESTON, S. C. i Deo # 2? 3m v IK AID or Till NEW BAPTIST, CBCRCB I FO* THE COLORED PEOPLE. f.T it respectfully anuoimeed that a FAIR for the above parpoee will he h^rt'lb. b- Couit House on the 28<f AT f/.l MM of* Oft*i*4*r >u*t. i.i, The ft rut do v and night of the Fair will) < i apart for the rgovpiioti of the White People, who are earnestly solicited to>5(1 the obj-ct mentioned, by being present'sn the occasion and making liberal purchases,,' ji Great painV have been taken to fnakeihe Pair wortFiy or public patronage, and th?n> Migngrd In il? praparai ion trual lhat they will rec' i< ? a geuerou* reward at U>? band- <>f lli? Vhole community. I)o>ir? open at about 10 u'ciork In fb? morning nti-l'at tbe nrual hour in tlie erenin*. Admittance 10 ' Pre 9 *9 '.3 Inevv goods. (IIRISTM GOODS I! ' FANCY GOODS. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, t a H K A P. r/ mm t waiai A TARGE STOCK OP NEW GOODS, \ COKSISTINO OP New and Beautiful- BOOKS Photograph Albums A LARGE LOT OF ' o n t t- t> rt e-n TOY BOOKS AND STORY BOOKS. ?<r Our Stock of Blank Books and Stationery has just b en Replenished, and we of ier mem ior sale uttiAf. TJ1K BMT QUALITIES OP fRESCH AID AMERICAS CASDIES. Spanish and Domestic J Q. t\ JrSL fjt 5M0K.IMS AMD CHEW1MG ? " o a. J r* v/ VJ < 1 T^jlet aiul Fancy Articles PERFUMERIES - ? ? t Colognes Sv?aps, of all descriptions Szc.} &c.t &c. "ITTK wntilJ inform our frienda tbat out \f Stork ot , iiitdiS k m [? freah, full and complete. Wo offer thero ?l prices ns cboap na any one in tliis market and guarantee tlieir purity. We offer PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, consisting of BRANDY, WINKS, RUll UIK and WHI3K.Y. ygyfc Q?| tut |U3 RTC t AS II. oij. P* Call at HARRISON & MARSHALL': NKW DRUG AND BOOK STORE, OPPOSITE TilK MANSION HOUSE, i Dec 9 2tt *_ w -l!S~ rrr J^UIIVC, IN conformity with requirements of the It ternat Revenue Laws, I hereby give m tiec all persons who may elalm a Still, C? | and Worm, seined near Widow Keler's, ou tl f 3d of December, 1863, about II miles fro r Greenville C. II., by Ileal M. Perry, Assistu Assessor, and A. I?. Cobb, Dopnty Collector to make such claims before me within thir days from the first publication of this noti< A. I*. COBB, Deputy Collector 3d District, S. C. Dec 9 29 3 ? Notice. TN conformity with the requirements of t I Intermal Revenue Laws, t hereby givo i ' tice to all persons who may claim a 8.ill, C and Worm, aoiied on the premises of ,\1 Sarah Sbockley, on the 2#th of Nuvoinh 1808, about 9 miles above tlrccnville, by 11 ''f M. Perry, Assistant Assessor, because of ing used in violation, of Internal Revet Laws?the same having been turned over me?to make such claims before mo wit thirty days from tho first publication of I notice. A. L. 00ItII, ir Doputy Collector 3d District, 8. ( a _ ?? 'to 'Notice. 1 i 'If* TN conformity with the requirement* of ",c J. Internal Revenue Laws. I hereby givt ,n* tico to all persona who m?y claim a Still, V? and two Worms, sclaod on the premises ?f " ' ?? ? ?.? oa.i.,|^.r i X" Horry vr OHruirov w ?o*, ?... 1 about VJ mile* frotn Urcvnvillo C. II., by I )|. I'orry, A**i*taiit Aste?sor, became <JI ' !ng n?c<l In violation of Internal Re* 1 Law*?the nmn having been turned ovi ine?to tnnko ?uch claim* before mo w T thirty day* froin tl>e lirat publiention of F. natiee. A. L. COBB Deputy Collector 3d District, 8. 4 A Deo 0 20 nd . *? Surveyor, Conveyancer, and No "u. Public. nnot rriJIR undersigned having taken out 11 ilvca 1 h* a Conveyancer, will, In ??nm with with hi* mirveyr, attend to drawing >aid. Mortgage*, Deed*, Dower*, will Prov trill 8tnmp Papers, qualify Commi**ioneri AV?- Appraiser* of Kaiate* at r?a*onable ra eaah. chargo. Kotidence, nil mile* Ratt of t tor," vflte. Ill* friend* e*n eoiifer with him oncv I 8*le?day at Qroenrilln t'onrt II .V. I WM. A. UUDS01 3 0?t 29 23 1 -e-? t g- w*S SALE, 0j$lt WSfc S? 1 rBT SBEk 38BEe? wu??^rR'y ^'E' DESIRABLE PROPERTY, Doionjrtnir to Hto E.UtOMf tb? I?t? DORCAS J. ORBKN, dtxivasvd : Ctt If"). 6, OonMning 23 Aor*i, mot* or 1**4. Lot Ifo. 7, Cvittaiufag Ht Art**, mar* or I***. Lot Wa ii. a* ?r /... All (Wanted on the Laurens Road, three miloe from Croonville Court House. Lot Ho. 10, Coulainiitff 30 Arret, more or lett. Lot It- 16, (Cantoning 39 Acres, mofe or Utt. Both alturtod cm Leurene Road 1J miloe from Orevnvillo Court House.* All the above lots ro well wooded with oak, hickory, Ac. Lot Ho. 9# Containing 41 Acre*, morr or lett. Lot Ho. 10, Containing 48 A eras, more or Utt.. Both situated on Latosens Road, 21 miles from Greenville Court House, well wooded with forest I'lnc,. and each having an excellent building'^olit on tho ltoad. Lot Ho. 13, Containing 43} Acre I more or jell. Lot No. 13, Containing 40 Arret, ffcoreor let*. Lot Ho. 14, Containing 40 Aerei, fare or leu. Sit A :> icd. 2A miles from Greenville Conrt House, fronting on the road leading to T. 0. Lowndes', also well wooded with forest pine. A majority of tho above lots are well watered. if the above property should not be sold at pr|vatc sale before the first Monday iu January, 1869, It will then be sold at publio auction. Terms favorable to purchasers, or, if sold at auction, made known on day of sale. C. T. HAMMOND, JKxesu'.or. Dee 2 88 & Notice. ALL persons having claims agahut the Kstatc of tho late DORCAS J. GREEN, deceased, will present them, properly attested, at the offico of EA8LKY A WELLS, Attorneys at Law. Dee 2 28 6 Notlco CradifnrK. THE Rule has expired In the following cases. The various creditots are in / rmed that References will ho held, ami they are required to he present, and eslah-. Il?h by proper proof, the rank and amount of their rrepoctivo claims against the Estates. VIS.. Estate of NATHANIEL MORGAN, onTues day, 16'h December. Estate of REUBEN HOW DEN,' on Wednesday. Iftth December. Estate of JAMES M. LATIMER, ou Thursday. 17th Decenabvr. Estate of JOHN M. HARRISON, on Friday, 18t h' December. Estate of JASl'ER J. 1'RINCE, on Satur day. 19 li December. Estate of C. J. ELFORD, On Monday, 21st December. F.-tate of W L. M. AUSTIN, on Tuesday u" COLUMBIA, a C. 'fc FIRST CLASS HOTi: ipsa liDAWtary W M . A . W RICH MANAGER. ZnZ j^u j! _*? lV^d! . WM. P."PRICE, "?' ATTORNEY AT LA uln \ DAHLONFGA, 8A., cry ~1 \TIT,L practice in the Coantiee of ] i r V kin, Dawaon. Oilmer, Fannin, I V. | Tiiwni, White and Nail. ,?*t? Jut 10 83 40 2'2'l D'Cfmher, '' Estate..! \V? A. M.O)\VRI.T. " T5T*i?l? ?.( l> O, \\ BttTFlBU), on Thursday. *24ill December The Commirfioncr hopes that this notice will lie nlun-rvel. nn.l aivo the trouble uuJ costs of a notification bv Sheriff. J. i*. MOOItE. C R O. C Conimissioiiei-'s Office, Dec. 1st, 1868. l?ee 4 48 2 NortVft. 1~N conformity with requirements of the X Internal Kevepite Laws, I hereby |{ivr notice to nil pereonn who mat cln'm TWO KEGs' ami Hb tit ONE DOZEN JUGS OF | WHISKY, all containing nhout textv gnl l Ions, which was seized by llcxt M. Perry, Assistant Assessor, on the 19th ot Novetn^ l<r, 18C8. nt the store of John llightower, . Esq , In the Town of Greenville, hecsure ol the tux not having been paid?the e?m? bating been turned over to me?to tnakt itch olaiin* before me, within thirty d:iy< fiom the tiist publication of this notice. A. !.. COBB, TV- O-ll ' . ?0? ll l VI ^ Millinery ! Millinery 1 , ^ MIS8 lfcKAY 5 HAS JUST returned fror /S^BrRe Charleston. with a *e'l sele r WireSfig -1 M"k of MILLINERY consis ittg of the latest style CTlfffJf ,.f BONNETS. HATS. FEA - TURKS, FLOWERS, HI BON A jfl Ac I^TBraitllng and Stamj lef ing dons on reasonable term Oct 14 21 8m tc " Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapp Z and Bcttlod Wines and Li - quors." t A SUPPLY of these justly celebrnti 2\_ GOODS, put up expressly for tncdicio n<i private use. Just received, and fur as by the undersigned Agents for Greenville. _ HARRISON A MARSHALL, A. MILLER A CO. Nov 4 . 24 2m r ~ W. H CAMMEE, 3 PR ACTUAL GUKStttT ??? AND MACHINIST. (SORft SHELI.TRM, Oof ton Olna, I.o< J Kerosene Oil Latnfs, Sewing J ? chines and Parasols, REPAIRED w ' promptnfc<<*. Clint ges reasonable. I have on hand, nnd which in o(Tcrc<l the <"le, at low rate*, n nlook of C0RX-S11 no- LKKS, and also some new PISTOLS, an Cap antinahon of which is invited. .Toe I am prepared to furnish STEN 80S, PLATES, lor Marking Clothes, lext Stand? Al Weslfield's old Shop. ' he- July 22 '" 9 * ** a. * ft-i--^ & *? -ri^-jafcr-" - . ?. in Notice. 4 LL mkIm indrliUil to ihe nUtc ol /V *WII.EY KjiilP, deceased. will please cutne forward mid s -t'.le ?t ?>rtd? to the uo deinignrd. end partferf" ha%fhg <| .inn will present i hem (> ?.pel l-y attested to the same for pay nieiit. ' V.'1' im*v HIEKL McIMDE, lMVjr> I.. VAUOlHjl. Executors. "* Hob. 27th, 1808. lhit^5tat^of South Carolina, OIIJBENVITjT.E COUSTV. g In Chancer y. SUSAK Tlf REI.f JtKTLh bv her neat frl-nd. W. T. SHUMATE w W. !?. TIIKKLO KKI.D. Admlniatrator ef al ?Bill fat ?>?<Urtnenl of Heal EetaU, ifcc Complainant havi.ig, filed her Bill in this case, and it rp(veariti|( to the Court thai Ihe Defendants, Muriah Rodgery, of Ancmifma, Richard Bayne and Ins wife, Mary ilavne, end children, if any, of tile State of Tennessee, Jefferson Klrod ami wife, Sidney Klrod, and children, if any, of the Slate ol Alabama, arc without ana be* vond the HtnlfV of thl? State:' ItUoidered hat they do appear nrd nhewer, plead or u-ii>iir io tne imi in I'ua <? ? wtimn Forty day*, or the same will be taken pro tottfetno a* to those d.fendahta. W. A. McDANIEL, O. C. P. 0. C. Greenville C. 11., November 18, 1868. Not 18 ? 26 6 The State of South Carolina, UREENVILLE COUNTY. JOSIAII HAWKINS A dm in intra! or. Applicant, azninst Ttarnet C. Hawkins, Williatn C. Hawkins. and others, Dflendants.? CVtatfon for a Final Settlement, Decree, <t"c. IT appearing to hit satisfaction thai Eveline Hawkins, widow of EMERY IIAWK1NS, deceased, y>4 his heirs, to wit: Carolina 0. Taylor und her husband Thus. D. Taylor, John Jlakwins, Jero W. Ilawkius, Mary C. Hawkins, Herbert II. Hawkins and 9. D. M. It. Hawkins, reside without this Stato: It is, therefore, ordered that they do appear, in person or by Attorney, at a Court of l'robato, to bo holden for Greenville County, at Greenville Court House, at 10 o'otoek, on the 2d day of February next, A. D. I8G'.?, to show cause, if uny,thcy can..why a Final Settlement of the Estate of JOHN P. If AW KINS, deceased, should not bo had, and a Decree- given thereon, oi their consents, in failiug to attend, will bo ontered of record. Given under my hand at Greenville Court House, this 2d dav of November, A. P.. ltdft. f<. J. DOUTII1T, J. P. U. C. Judge of Proliato's Office, Nov. 2nd, 1868. Nor 4 24 td W<wtti-wP Muiitli C/iirrrliuii) GRENV1LLE COUNTY.' In the Court of Probate. J. W. HILL and wife, JOSEPHENE HILL. Applicunts against WILL|AM < OX and others, Defendant*.? Citation for a final Settlement and I Jeer re. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Walker Lancaster and wife. Mary Jane Lancaster, Dr. William Barton and wife, Loui-a Hnrlon, Perry Barton and wife, ( . 1 ir.n C. Barton, Defendants in this ease, reside without the limils'of Ihi* Hiate : It is therefore order*d, thni they d<> appear in person or by attorney at a Court ol Pto ?? oe iietoen hi wreonvtu* Untirt Hottia nl ten a/clock, A. M . on the 2d day of March next, In iliow onn?? if any they can. why ? tinul settlement of the E-:ate of Iii?rjhel'? Cox, deoe taed, nhmt'd nolle had, nod a Deer o tfiVen ?he|tjn f- <! "! - <11 IIUI'IU, * my Imnd at Oreenvjlle Court Hou#e, this 2d day of December, A. !>., 1868. J.'DOUT1IIT, J. P. O. C. Dec 2 28 8tn ^(:i(c of Mouth Carolina, GKElNVIl.l.K CuUNTV. In the Court of Probate. JAMES P MOORE, Administrator, r?. AL EX PAYNE end other*. Defendant* ? Pttitio*> f?r Sale Ileal Eat ate, t? Pat Debt* XT n|i|.e*ri"e t>? my *ati*rnction that EM. L II.Y PA'ITON. one of the D'fcndent* reside* without this State : It ie, theiefore nidcred that she do appear, in person or hj nttorney. ami object to the mile of the rea f ertete of EYKl.l N K C< >X 1.1 N. lo pay dtbii > on or before the 28th day of Dacembe 1 next, or her consent to tha same will be en tered of record. Given under my hand at Orecnvil! Court llonee, thia 18th day ol Noventbei " '* A 8. J. DOUTTUT, J. P. 0. C. Nov 25 '27 fl : "iTBEN'l STORE. d T HAVE j'tat returned from the mi k' 1 with n etoek of Very Cheap Good ;i which 1 am determined to *?dl as ceeap i " any ?toro in the town. s THOMAS STEEN. ' AL1. and examine niy etoek of Cnbcot *' Dree* Good*, H?iniornls, Heat _ Shawl#, Hood*. Cloak* and llreuk'ost #haw all remarkably cheap, for sale nt S ST KEN'S STORK. I" T F you wish cheap Boot* and Shoes, I hn A got them, consisting of Qentleme . Fine French Calf Skin Sewed Boots a Shoes: also. Fine French Balmoral*, I ilits Fine Glove-finished Kid Polish B morula, Chililrens French Glovi finish It Ties, and a very huge assortment of Mei Women's nn>l Bora Boots and Shoes o , superior quality, for ante at. ? STERN'S STORK BROAD Qh>ths, Cassinicrea, Twx Jrane,*and a very large araortmetil CI! other clulhs, which would take too space to enumerate, for sale at. STEKN'S STORI AIJ^O, a splendid Stock of Orocet Hardware, Cioek<ry and Glassw To satisfy yourselves about prices, call . examine this depat U.imt at ** STKEN'S ST0R1 rith T HAVE selected a very fine loi of A and Coffees, consisting of Rio, J for Maracnho, Lagityra. of Teas?E gp,. Fine Movnne, Gunpowder. Extra Mov ux- Young ll>aon, Fine Young Imperial. 1! Teas, Super Oolong, Ooloug, Souchong C1L English Bi eaktast, all of which 1 can re tneud, for sale at STBEN'8 STOR tf Nov 18 '26 ___ _ ______ v SMOKING TOBACC _ 'T'T* A VINO r?>cciva?J (lie agency t Ij* XX native jiiatly celebrated llrai TOR ACl'O. we will inakn il to your est to buy from na. Far Ml? by who T, or retail. I?AVIP k 8TUADR Oct HO 28 gin ~ rosadal: *mv\ Purifies the Blooc Union, yor gal6 l>y Drnggigt* ZVJITJV " i I I I - ,ll|in i>H|ii ' i'u m m i Till: OI?? EBB CAROLINA BITTEM, 1 MAKL'VACTURKD BY I rslilflillCH K'lIiMJim. CHARLESTON, S, C. K | SOLD BBRE BY MORGAN A WESI MORELABBy I HARRISON A MARSHALL, Rc v "4; w1"' f. Ai Walter, B F0& TMt W0*JIW(, . ? Goodrich, 1 Wineman & Co* I ' u Sep?? |A $m j?); . IATCR1MIER* Ml LJ!fiUI, I Sfconj J)oot nhoi-e tfu Foul Offiti, p wvi(is, o. <?. \ I WOULD inform my friend* aa? 5 JRI^L pntron* of (irccnvtlie. that I btr* '' SMB ju.t revived a USB VAHIETY ? CLOCKS, . ? hbb waiunei ana ?ieweiryv Together with a LARGE ASSORTMENT of SPECTACLES, Which r wilt diapoae of at LOW RATES. REPAIRING in all of Ha branches . will 1>? faithfully attended to. Sep t# 10 " tf *' TAKE NOTICE. NEW FALL GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALf, AT THE WELL KNOWN STAND OF W. II. HO VET. I CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. Yon will find anything and fs everything that ia kept in a wclVre^ulatad Dry Oooda House. BEAUTIFUL FALL PRINTS, POPLINS ALL-WOOL DE LAIN S% SHEPttERQS' PIL ACSf, AJERINOBS, LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, I 5Pma:iamciiOT?5?p , \ iimk til miif nan. CLOTHS Ss CAMR FOR GENTS' AND YOUTnS' WEAR, Ready-Made CLOTHING. ?M?, 0AFIp BHOSB, RUBBERS, ; umbrella?., &?., &?. f NOTE AND LETTER PAPER, SOAPS AND PERFUMERY, VIOLIN STRINGS AND 110WS, LARGE A SMALL LOOKINU-GLA8S) E8, Wall paper and 1 BORDERING. jft-j ' gJT PmII oni 1 v mid male, vnur idsctUiii. No charge mndo for *howing Uoodi. ^sur Polite attcution guaranteed to all. , A W. H. HOYEY. ' JQ foran i 14.000 aJcoN1'010* cl)l",T*r IB UOO Sacks Extra Family N. C. FLOUR < 100 Sacks Standard Liverpool SALT ry 25 Keg* N\A1 LS, assorted *i*ca '* 20 Bales BATKSVILLE SIIIRTINO JO Bale* MeBKE SHIRTING v? 2<) Ua,us COTTON YARN a j 20 Bag# Prime and Fuir BIO COFFEE .a- 20 Barrell* SUGAR al" IO "BAGS Durham'Smoking TOBACCO toe . 2 BAGS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO, f a ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or ^ Sh?cs, Huts, DRY GOODS, DRUGS &f. S. Our Stock of.IIATS aud SHOES i* very jr( large and complete, and we rtjll guarantee our Ar,' entire Stock will compare with any in Town, and l,oth ns tb quality and price. A call will satlafv VOU. S. DAV1D&STRADLEY. rt?? May 13 61 tf Fairvirw Sugar Company. lack r|>HIS Company having bought the Right and in the' gr lit discovery of muting ?ugar coin- and refining eyrnp made firm Sorgo Cane, in that portion of Urrenvillc District rial racing j; the Third Regiment, we propose to frtft a ,f SUUAIl HOCSKnnd RKFJNKn near FAIR VIEW as an.>n ax piacticable. To tkore who live too far tri>ui our woiks, to haul their csngg, we propose to rell Farm Rights. Wr helievo O. this to he one of tl^e greatest discoveries foT the South tl-at could have been made, and if the }iaye no 4'iuht that it will he, in a few years, rid ol ,pc grea( stnpl? ?f the South. Its operations inter- yre simple ami tost comparatively nothing to ilcaale start a Urui works, and will pay five tlgstel. EY. tor than any cr>>p except cotton, and we ha. tf .?eve will double that great king of the South, mmmtm Those wishing Rights should Call at ones on Dr. W. A. Harrison, at Fafrvlvw. t>r Dr. W, r P. l'aasuiore. at tlrvenvilli, who will tai c great I pleasure in giving full particular*. Re will turnith seed free ot cost, except freight, to 1 those w ish lug to plan I. W, A HARRISON, * V. P. l'AS8M0R>. Agents for Cotnjany, mere. T p. doziimaN, i reMdiuu ma 8. pi 2 U \f .