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^. ^0> Wtva^tha Andirons Cost. " Peter," said me nncle^ knocking ihe ashes from bis pipe laying il on K corner of ih? shelf, and then flt<ns eye* -on the andiron*, M Peter, tbow dost We #1000 r ? ' " Dour me F' <t*ehim?d hit aunt. " Oh, Cither,** eilvd the girls. M Impossible," said I. "True, every word true. 1,000 did I u? t ve* 3.000, full #2.000 r ? " Well, well," raid my aunt, folding up her knitting for the night, " I should like to know what you are talking about/* My unele bant forward, and planting hie hands flinily on his parted ki ro, and with a deliberate air which show* ed no doubt of bis b?iog able to prove his assertions, he began: " Weil, you see. a good many years Ago, we had a pair of common old and ' ironi. Your cou-dn Letiie ways one day, * Father, don't you think these old andirons are getting loo shabby t'? Shabby or not, I thought, they would hold up the wood as n:c*lv as if they were made of gold. Soon after that, Peter," continued my uncle, M your aunt took it op?" " There it goes," interrupted my ann?, M you can't get Along without drugging roe in." "Your aunl took it up, Peter, and she said 'our neighbors could afford brass andirons, and they were no better off than we were.' And she SHid Leity and her sister Jane were just getting old enough to see company, and the stingy looking andirons might hurt their market. 1 knew thn#romen will have their own way, and there is n<? u?e in objecting; so I got the anoi rons. The price of tlietu wns four d"! lare and a half?" " Ah, that's more like it !"* ciied mt aunt. ** I thought you said $'2,000 I" " My dear, I wish you would not in* ? terrupt me. Four and a half. Well, the first night after we got them. a< we all sat by the warm fire talking over the matter. T.<>! 1 v railed mw ali*n. tion to the hearth, the atone* of which were cracked and uneven. The hearth was entirely out of keeping with donew andiron*, and I thought I might aa well have it replaced fir?t a* la?t.? The next day, a mason wa* *ent for to examine it. He came in my absence, and when I returned homp, your annt and cousin* all heeet me at oncelo hare a marble slab, and they put their head* together." * * La me!" exclaimed my aunt. " there was no putting heads together about it. The hearth wm a renl worn out tiling, not fit for a pig pen." * They pot i4r?ee Lesii* 4s>geJlier, P? ter, as \ wa* saving. and coattntsed till 1 got a marble health, which cost m?twenty dollar*?ye* twenty dollar*, at least.- Then 1 thought I was done with expenses, but I was w rong. Soon I be gan to hear sly hints thrown ont about the brick work around the fire place, not corresponding with the hearth. I stood for a month or two again*! your .ajUQt and the girls, but they at length got the better of me, and I w as f need to have marble instead of biick. And then the old wood mantel piece wa* so out of character that it wra* necessary to have a marble one. The cost of thi? was nearly #100. And now that tlispirit of'improvement hail got s start, there was no stopping. The new tnan tel put up to shame the old whitewashed walls, and they must he painted, of course ; and to prepare them fo: * i t. _ Iown, iwiuirf repnjr* were nree?**l't'.? White thi* wa* going on, your mini,, and 1 ho girl* appeared to be cpiiie mi i*fied; and when it wa* done, tliev Iih<I no idea that the old parlor could lie made to look no spruce. Hut ilii? pply a short re*pi'e. The old r*g ear pet began to rai*e a du*t, end 1 found there would be no pence?" * Now, father !** exclaimed the girl? 'Till I got a new r*'pet. That, again, shamed the old furniture, and it had to be tuined out and replaced with new. Now, Peter, inv lad, count up 20 for the hearth and ISO for the ' mantel piece rod repairs. What does |)lHl make |M * ISO, uncle." " Well, $S0 for paper and paint I" " ?00." t'Then SO for a carppt, and 100, at least. for furniture?" " 350.w " Ahem ! There's that clock, loo, and the blind*? 5 t inure." " 400, exactly," My mint and cou?? iua winked ai each other. " Now," continued my uncle, " ?o much for this one room. No soon?r was the room finished, than the com plaint* came from all quarter* about the dining room and entry. L'-ng be fore lliift 1 lm<! amjendcied at ili* i din' | creiiori, and hniuUd in my aithiniaaion. J Tlio (lilting room cost $400 mora? , \Vhnl doe* tha* count, 1'eltr T 44 800, uncle." * ' Then the chambers?at |ea*t 400 to. make them chime with the dor n ' stairs." * o 1,20( .* * The outside of tli3 lioo*? had to he repaired and painted, of course. Add 200 for that." * 1,400." Then, there mn?l he a piazza in front \ ?Uet coat 200." 44 1,000." Here aunt hejjnn trr yawn, Letty to poke the flee, and J,aire to twirl over the leaves of a ho<*k.? " A new carriage came neit, Peter ; that coal $200." " 1,800." Then there wn* t\ lawn to he laid out and neall)' h-netd ?a aervant to he hired?'' * g'Vcn ra-caaionallr --bonnet* $tt?.l rjie-aia at rhmhie the firmer coal?ami a hundred Other hltl.e tapes*** in kteping with the mw or *?w i up" i im?i i wp * iiiwwi TUB 3 dey of ll?ing?. Yf| P#t?r. I wn* Ml 'tr. lv within bounds wlien I said $2, 000.** ' The opposition *u kilenl. Mr nut' immediately arose and * gwaeaed it wm lied-time." I vim Irft alone with my uncle, who Mi not inclined to drop (h? nuhiect. Be wm a pemvering man, and never gave up what he undertook lilt he bad done the work thoroughly. So he brought out tibi book* una uc count*, end eet alwiut muking un eiuot estimate of the ?i|?n?r. Me kept me up till after mid night before he got ihioogh, Hie conclusion wua that the pair of andiron* oo*t him |3,4(0. " a. ?. rtr t. ?n? ?*- ? <r WW If w? WWWvwa AMWU. " Warwick," aa Alabama cornspendent of the New York I>ay Hook, ooncludes one of bit letters m follows: ** We Are in n ' greet stew* about ' labor,' and * immigration,' and all that down. here. W? Iter* societies and legislative resolutions, and newspaper appeals, and what not, on tlie aub j cw The solution of our trouble will be tor u* to go to wuik wi<li our own bands, grow our own suppliea of pro* ?i-ion?, marry voung, raise our own 'immigrants.' Wears eight millions of wlti'e people, and in twenty years can be fifteen millions. What do we want with ' German laborers,' Scotch ' immigrants, ' or Yankee*,' or nig ger*,' or anybody el-e! We have land* What g'>o<l will it do us to give.them away t We hate band* to work withal, and sona and daughters who have bands also. L*>t us betake ourselves to earnest labor, and we can dress our own Eden. * Labor is wealth* That It it! But w love wealth is it f? It is the wealth 'f the man who works. What wc want is to enter into our own potrcssions nnd appropriate our own ' wealth.' We are daily let down from oar Aerial Castle*. We have struck terra Jirmn. Like An'aeu*, let us rise up with renovated strength, and yield only to a power which can separate u* from the maternal s< it. I am not old, tuit can remember when the Oconee River, in Georgia, was the southern bound ary of cit ili* itJon. If I ninv live to measure, in pain and weariness, the. ill-anaitinrv aliuilrvmu t -I ?I! ?2 . !..??/? - ?' inrHM urvimillg years, before I tench the portals of (lit* tomb, Ml the human station of 4 threescore yeaa and ten,' I .-hall see th."C eight millintn of white people, spread like swelling waters, over the whole land, from here to California, all around the Ciulf of M-*i;o, In Central America, and da-hing tlie wave'* of their population again*l the aide of the An lea. Here it i* then ! Il-re i- Ivhoi! Here arc o?ir 4 land*.' Hear the.m'ijc*tic fuolsleps of the creating f? al, and resounding through these vallie*. 11 omnipotent voice, 4 work, multiply. and leplenWh the earth ami Milaluc i'.'? And thia is 4 the dry land,' a* ni\ Lord Bacon faith, in 4 a dry light ' Let u? goto work! The ?Hi ;r? ate divided * fr? in the waters,' and the firmament of the heaven i? hlaXo-g above its wiih the eternal ligli's which are for our 4 *ca-?yis, and f<o days and t ear..' We have our guilt v, lender, treiuhling help meet at our aid-, companion of our sin and ini-erv. \V e know that * thorn* and llii*ll?*j?' shall otieiioibei the g'onnd. nnd that in 4 sorrow 4 we shall eat of i all the days of our |if* until we 4 lotum unto the ground.' Hut a glorious hop.* lift* its guiding light to a gloiiou* tie? int. 'The aeed of the woman aha'l hrni*e the serpent's head !' Though fallen, we are not irrecoverable. A shower of ihundeiholrs have hla*te.f our all>an Mount. Shall we fight Ju nil,.I f N-,y w?r!lv | vn 6 llHVC iHKli'll of ' I lie tree of knowledge of good and evil.' Lot u? thank God-it i? not nII und purmie the good wi h hum Id* devotion. So nt In?i we iumv come to * the ttee of life.' though it he gnar.1 ed bv ' Clieiubmis Mini h Untiling twortl.'" ? ? Mahhiaok Maxim*.? a good *ife i? tho great vet earthly blot-dug. Make maniage m mailer of moral j ulgiiient. Merry in your own religion. Marry into a dilierent blood Mm] ten) peramenl from your own. Never talk at one another, either alone or in eompanv. Never both manifest anger at one-'. Never epeak loud to one another, un le?* the home i* on fi-e. IxM each one ?ttire to yield ofene-t to the wlehex of tho other. Lot re'f abnegation be ilia dally aim anil (Tori of eucli. Tlie very nenr?-M approach to ilomen tic felicity on caMli U in ihe mutual i cultivation of an absolute unnelfihn***. I Never find fMtll. nnle*? it i* |w?(V-clly | ceMniu that a fault lm< I** en commit* ] ted; finil even then prelude it wi;h n k'lM. end lovingly. ) Neglect t lie whole world l>e-ide* r At her limn one number. Never nllow A leq ie?t to lie tepefied. 44 I forgot " i? never nn accept* tie cxctiee. Never make a remurk At the eipeme of the other; it i* nie*iine*?. Never part for a d ?v without loving wotd* to think of during *d?ence; l?e rid)**, i' tn*v t*s thm you will not eneet *g*:n iu life, ,4Tr?*i wh<r did you not mnrry Mi?* G*-?r M 0, khe Imd a nirt of he? in het *peech. And no 1 left her/' j " A heeilnnCT in her rpeech ; T never h"At<l of ihAt before--Are you uol toh, taken p | " No?not At *11, for when I A?ked hci die kinder he-iiMted tOA*y yen, *nri he heei't'ed ro V t?f 'kft I out out for | Anothci* I9 T RSRI ??ol?l Frogwee-jAjlo?a? An incident Nggmiira of lb? wotr?m of mcm! rrfbti, lately oceerred oa on? of th? wen aid? etreet oar?, ?w?<W m muhI l?y aa overflowing throng of pmwngm, Oon?|>ieuoa? among inm who w?r? compelled to ?t?nd, wa? ?s immense ii(gra? who had hardly he?a ! able to n|*hm her balky frame through the doorway. Yet It must here bee? worth an attempt, for ?vid?ntly th? erea lure w?n nangirine that in all that line of gentlemen oneoengere, on? of th? nntnber would be eufflcientl? mindful of oppr?eeed Africa to tracat? bie a?a! 44 for a lady.** Whether it waa becaa*? of her eiae. or aa iaadeqnat? regard f ir th? right? w i lie uowHtrmldn, not a passenger irred. An indignant scowl milled the wblt fenturfi an net ijnm disappointed* Ij *?i?d?>re*l up ihie ?id? and down limit 8iill not n |?nengir stirred.-? Presently. nt one of ihe crossing*. a la* dy entered I lie car. and no sooner had she appeared at tbo door than the near I gentleman had offered to ber his fitting place. Hut before the lady could acknowledge the politeness, the negrtss had suddenly settled herself in t the vacant scat. Astonished by such audacity, the gen tl< man im mediately remonstrated with the intrnder, telling her that he had not vacated hie eeet for ber. ** Well Tie got it, and I'ee gwine to keep it," sheitn pndefitlv responded, now settliog herself mill more flruilv upon the *eat. ** But," said the g-i.ib-man * I gave it up to a I inly.** ** Wetl,** retorted the wench, * the Isrfy has got it. Cnllud folk* got der rights a* well as white trash, and l%e gwine to kerp dis seat.** And keep ill# ?eal elie iliil, to ihe intense disgust of the gumkmae who had vacated it. [Chicago Timet. ?? ? A Slioiit Mihtack.?(n a New llainp*liire town there lived an ignorant irreligious, wortItUss family, Hansom, by name, no tnrtnlwr of wlreh had been seen in-ide a church within the memo ry of the "oldest inhabitant.** The vill?ge pastor, nfer years of failure, had at length "* almost persuaded " two of the Monger scions to promise attendance for one Sablmth, bat the fear ibat thcr would l?e made tbo subjects of some personal remarks, still deterred jhetn. Titer were in great terror i..., .1? * .... nr?i irifv fiioiixi be publicly upbrnklfd with their mi-doing*. and called to account for itieir wicke Jne**. After mucli exertion their feari were quieted, and <?n ihe following Sunday the eye* f ill* grt-ul pn-tor's coiigiegHtion were astonished hi the unwonted pie-rnce of the nf r?-*iid Uansom*. All went well tin II the reading of the second lit mil. which *" < ftmaliar? " lilnw yc the trumpet, blow." Iin-igine tin- effect when, at tne euu >>f the line? " Return ye riiH-a??tf sinners home," the ehlei of air h?roe* seized hi* lint, nnd with long Mliile* toward* the door, -hotit. d ; ** Come along home lhil !? ! kmiwM they'd Ihj Hinging hi us if we fume here !*' i Aiik tnf II. I'm?Booth was lately tmailing on the car; the passengeis, lica ing be wa* aboard naturally evinced that cmio-iiy prevalent with moet to see the celebrated actor. It *? whispered thai he wa- in the car. Among the passenger* w?* a genuine Connect icu who occupied a seal some four m Hve benches in the rear of the greai iihj 'Ct. liy slipping from one seat to ?uii>... lie ?? !? soon occupied the one immediately ** aft " of Booth. Ilia anxiety wa* great, reaching over and touching Kd.tin on the shoulder said : "Alii eh I excii** iiie, oir ; but is your name Beitth I" in hi* well modulated voice. Booth replied. " Yea, wit, my name is Booth.^ ** A 1.1 eli! *h ! eh ! excuse me, sir ; but i? your tmme KtUin Beuth f ' Yee, Sir; iur neiiie is Edwin Ho. nl,." U ully *h I eh ! sir; but ton must r?*lly ex>u?e me, kir; but eh !?eh 1? Mr, ate you?are you r brother lo the jfiith-iiiHii who IirH the little difficult j with Mr Lincoln ?t the tlieetre?" PkKPARATION row Til k Jot'It sky When IVli> lU'ifcter died, they told him be bnd g?>ne to heeren. Ben -hook bin heed They e?ked why.? ' O! !' k*iil Ihn, H I frsid idn*?? no gone there," ' But why, Ben !** "U< ?. whew meese go North, or go r journey to the spring*, he txlk ebout it s long time end get much reedy.? I I net>r hoard him (elk eliout going to henven ; never see him get rewdy to go lh*?e. I don't Ulieve he her g<*ue there." a clkhovm an in this cit v, CRtechising the \ mull of bin church, put r question from r CHiechi-in to r giil. " Whet i* your conciliation jn 1 if-. 1 Rlid denth f" The girl smiled, but did I ...... ? ?._ - * 1..W. Mir cirrgyinkn in?1*teil. " W?B" aaid -he, **rince I moot tell vnit, i! it ? voung man '.liat livea on Water street." A flixot'L ?k f-rak of nature was ?ern in an Aikanon* town recently, in ibe ?hap? of a man with three mn; one on curb ride ht? bead, and a third? which I longed to another fellow?between Ida teeth. Two Sinker girls, driving in a boggv on a plank mad, were stopped and asked for the loll. M How mueh H? it f " Kor a man and a home," replied tin gale-keeper, " the charge is Bftv cents.' | " Well, then, git out of the way ; foi we are two gal* and a mare. Gil up | Jenny." And awav they went, leaving | the uiau in tunic astonish rtlsot. . o*. i ittnT The Stale ef Seath Oareiina, I grkkntillb covjrrr. \ toll* Otmn V 4**>mrtUo ITIBILLA tfRim?4 A. V. OBIBH *. mL~. CKOTILD* OBS*.?Paction fcr FtrtttiM ?T Bwl Itoit. At. , Piwsraiwtm: Ftatittaa of tho IU.1 Btteta of IBTlBB { ttRlKN, ud H oppooftnf to tbo nU OMrt, I j teat Um XMmBmw, Uriidk Itdw^iMMlit 1 la Iht State of OmmK IMn ImN* mm a Iter kattete Altai Hadooa, roaUlag la Ite State of Ariiiuu, Ml Garrtaoa law, wall teg la |fco State of North CaroHaa, aro wltbcat and boron! tbo limita of thU State : It U or It rod. that tboy It mmmi Ml itltir, . Ion! or Sowar Jo ?bo hUtamrf hlWha la j thlr otMf vitbia tar?y Sara, or the tawo trill I bo taboo Pro Oooftaoo no fcntot Dataadaatt. S. J. DOVTm J. P. ?. a Orooarlllo, 0. H7 S. C., Ooi. Mtk, ISM. 1 OotSS M . td Mate SMiift CmtsUM, mmmmjf TILL* COUNTY. ladMOnrttfVNteM. W. D. T1UUHD, ApptImiI, i|Owi ! KllttMh loiwtw, Ahm4? Bullk ud other*, Defendants.?Gitmiimn fpr safe / rm( JT appearing sy Mtbf*tU?? ikM Maria Rodgera, Richard Bayne, Mary Bayna, Ma Elrod aad friMM Klrod, maids without 1 tha lialM of Ihla State: It la ordatad aad d? ' creed, That they do aypssr at a Court eCPre? bate, la portion or hy Attorney, an TiJmmj, tl? td day o/ Der+mbxr Mxt, to ahow eaaae, if aay they aaa, why tha Real Batata of LBW19 KODUEBS, daaaaaad, ritaatad la Oman- . Ilia County, aa watora of Ready Hirer, boundad by loads of Wa. Aobmoro aad others, aaa- i tain toy SIXTY ACRBS, Mora or loos, ohoald not ba sold, for parrittoa sarag tha hairs. Oa falling to attend, yoar consents will ha taken as confessed. Uiren under toy hand, at GraenrUla Court House, this 8th day of September. A. 1). 1888. 8. J. DOUTHIT, Judye of Probate, Greenville County, 8. C. Sept 16 17 8m FOOHI 14 000 LBAC0NII0ICB C0UWTRr 300 Extra Family N. C. FLOUR flOO Saohs Standard Llrerpool SALT 23 Keys NAILS, assorted slsos 20 Rales BATESVILLE SllIRTINQ lO Bales McBEE SHIRTING 20 Bales COTTON YARN 20 Bays Brloie and Fair RIO COFFXB 20 Barrells SUGAR < lO BAGS Durham Staohlny TOBACCO * *2 BAGS Spanish Smoklnr TOBtrrn ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK * . ( or . i Shoes, Hats, DRY GOODS, DRUGS kC. Our Slock of HATS and ?I!OKS b very i large and complete, and we will guaraalee our , entire Stock will compare with any la Tewa, hoth aa to quality and price. A eall will aatItfy you. ' DAVID & STRADLEY. llay IS SI tf - BATES VIL.EE iwfmu carur. ; nAYING been appointed AgerjU f.,r . this (Vmpaiir, we are prepared to ' tell M1IKTINGS AND YAKN at Factory j prloea. . DhtIS 4 81 rod ley. Grocers and Oiunniit/mn Merchants, Greenville, 8. C. ( K??w S 14 tf DURHAM " SMOKING TOBACCO. ( HAVING received the agency of lire i'?o?t j'*"ly eelchrated Brand ^ TOBACCO, we will make It to your inter- ' eat to l?u>* frt?n? I^t ?al# hy wholraale or retail. DAVID k STRADLEY. Oct'SO ?5 if- | FOR ft At B* r ucao I - w ?? vnbnr I ?- ON K LIGHT TWO , HttEgSftflPIVH ORSK C AR 1 vfflsS^EejU&MH* RIAOK ONK llANDe?OME ONK HOR.SK OAR RIAGK. I Both in elecant order. Enquire of JULIUS C. SMII H. or DAVID A bTUADLEY. April 15 47 t < ROSAD ALIS Purifies the Blood. For Salo by Druggists Everywhere. WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHL0NE6A, QAn WILL practice n A* Cenntiee ef Lampkiu Dawson, Gilmer, FuiIb, Union, Towns. White and Hall. Jan ie 53 tf W. H CAMMEK, PRACTICAL GUNfMtTH AN^ACHINjy. I fSORN 8HKLLF.RS, Co4toa Gins, Locka. 1 V ) R.rosan* Oil LMti1*, Maehinaa and rtrn.oia, REPAIRED with promptneM. ChatfW rMWiithlt I bava oa hand, and which ia offered for ?*h, at low raUa, a stock of C0RN-81ISLLBR8, aud also soma now PI8TCL8, an axam in at toe af whisk la invited. I am prepared to furnish STENCIL PLATED, for Marking Clothes. Stand?At Waatfleld'a old Shop. July tt 9 tl iwiii COLUMBIA, 8. C. . FIRST CLASS HOT FX. I ??.<D? JP3BR IDA'S1. ' W M. A. WRIGHT* " MANAGER. )at 14 *1 S as r . - 11 i . i~ | Job Work I T^hONE at this Offla#,] with acatncae ud JU dispatch. ft I 8 ft Biiifilu DEUG STORI> ft ft ft HMUHMBBian HORKAN illll WPffTMAftW lUft A&fir if viavBBUiinir I KBKP CONSTANTLY m FULL STOCK OF DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS P A I N T ' OKI, DYE-STUFFS, UNCI A11TICLH8, AND EMBRACING TF1E STOCK USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST ORDER ESTABLISHMENT. KgTEVERYTHING WE PUT UPMAY BE DEPENDED ON AS IN EVERY WAY RELIABLE. Olve Us ? Visit. STATIONERY ~ STATIONERY STATIONERY. JUST received, a large and handsome lot of STATIONERY, consisting. in part, of: Foolscap, Letter and- Note PAPER, best inality ; Pens, Ink. Pencils. Ae~ fcc., which please call and examine. ALSO. A LARGE lot of Kerosene Lamps, L?ni?rni>. Ac., which we will sell il greatly reduced prices. Csll and sxatnine. . . Kerosene Oil, Government proof, altars on linnd at lowest market prices. June 24 6 if " COST A ITS" PREPABATI0N8. EVERYBODY?7W?? Them / EVERYBODY? Uut Tk<m ! EVERYBODY?Relieve* in Them / EVERYBODY?Recommend* Them ! Toe tar's Exterminators. For Rat*. Rvacbo, AiU, te. Cottar's Bed Bag Sxtor. A Liquid?Kill*?" Sura thing. Cos tar's Iaseot Powder For Flaas, Moths, Insects, A*. Coetar's Cora Solvoat For Corns, Baaioas, Ac. Cottar's Bnektharw Balwa For Cnta, Burnt, Braieea, Ac. Cottar's Bishop Pills. (Sugar Coated) Dinner PilL Cottar's Conch Remedy. For Coughs, Colds, de. i? Cottar's Bittor*Swoot and Orange Blossoms. BeaatMef Ike Complexion. Makf* the Skin freak and fair. /^"Beware ! i of all Worth leaf Imitation*. pm Nona genuine without Coatar'a signature. aad Me. fiaea kept by all Draggiat*. .gWtt lite* aant by mail <>a receipt of price. ptf%1 pep* for any three $1 ilsaa by Sxpreaa. pay* for eight $1 aisea by Kxpreef. Addreaa HENRY Re COSTAR 18 Broadway, V. Y. For aale by MORGAN k WK8T* MOKKLAND, Greeerllle, 8. 0. agf And at Wholcaele in all tb* eitWi end large town* la the Uelted State*. It-tea w. K. baslbt. m. a. wuu XA8LET * WALLS, Attorn*ji ud CoiiNllm at Law AND IN EQUITY, GREKNVILLB, 8. C., PRACTICE in the Court* of th* Stat* ud of th* United IuIm, ud girt Mpuikl attention to euu la Bankruptcy. June IS I tf Law Sotioo?Chaaffo of Ofloi. G r. T0WNB8 has rumored bis Law , Oa?o to U?0 building north-east corner of the PubUo Square, la part oeeapiad bp Jalius C. Smith, Auctioneer, and tbo Knterprise Printing office, up stairs. Jan I M ti Tailoring THE Subscriber respectfully inform* his friends, end th* public ia general. that hi* health laing la a rnensure restored, will resum* busines* again. Ha nil! CUT, MAKI$, nud REPAIR all Garment* for I gentlemen, on reasonable terms, for ***A or atmfry prtdass. Will be found at hi* den**, corner Mala Street. sppwil* th* Coach Factory. GEO B. DYER. Oroeneill*. 8. C , April ?th, UU. At.rH *4 Saa ,'y*f ' ' - '*' * l?. - ./^SMflEa' * ' '..? .': , i ? in??? * TBS tkWMn aHAKimroH,c, SO LONO <! Al.Jf MlMBHfcfc* k*pt ?|W? To* til* MW mod at ion o) Ilia lrtv*ll?K pibll* /M (te form?r (H?adi and pdroM wlU 1*4 Bm mmI mmaitoliin umd alUaf I?m a?awd ? Uiw ? fanwrljr.Md tW KW> tsaasSKVMSSSOS^ mt lk? 8owtfc, wiN, H* imirt rtUtf, to ( Mtkhllj pwwrwd. M? SI t* ' CHARLESTON HOTEL CHABLX9T0W, S. 0. ??!? aaditalga.b harfaf Mm Mart* ?f iba *Ww mll-kam MOTRL, limy iafarva bl* MtM (rtnllaf pabllc lb at H baa Ww W? FURWIBSKPIa an at to lipirfiau. Dm labia will, at aH Man, ba mhIM wltb tba baat tba Mafbat aflorda, la?M?| aroiy Wieaajr la aaaaoa, wbtta tba eaialna will ba 'aafiefptkwaUa. Tba Bath Knaa aitaabad to tba Hatat aaa unlbt wltb t bo aelobratad kttailaa Water, aaa Hot, Cold or Mb*war Batba aaa ba abtaiaod at amy tiaia. Tba tana Mtaatloa will ba p?M to tba ooaafort of tba gaaata aa baiatafora, aad traralar* eon ralj apoa tat- , b| tba Cbaiiaaton Holal oqaal la ?ajr la tba Ualtad Stataa. Tba pMMMa a# tba UaaalIng pabTIo la raspaatfultj aotlaited. /. P. HORBACH. Agoat, Bapt Ifcjte . Fraprtatar. Chtnft of Soitdtde or 0. * 0. B Uat, Paaaengor Traiaa Will aaa tail?, Saadaya exeopt#d, cooaoetlag wMI Right Trail aa Mouth Carollaa and Cbaaftoltar ut Booth Carollaa Railroad*, aa fellow*r Latra CttiaMt (t,?m.HIMW.Hn? T.tfa.? * AUtoo at..,. mm,, " Newborry ? An It# at Abborllla at............ ...m. S.M p. aa " at Aadoraoa IN - M Oraaarlllo at S.N " Loot* OraoaTllla at i.ii a. ax - niPiVTWD i.W " ? Abb*rllW at.. * " " N*wb*rry ^ - AUton at LU Arrfro at Columbia at S.4& Train* *a lb* Bin* KM|* laUtaii will aba raa daily, An4a;i iictptad Ltara AaiWraon at ? ., ... 4 At p. M - Pendleton at 6.10 ? Artie* at Walkalta at.... .. .... m IJt " 4 Leave Waibalta at .... 1.4* a. aa M Pandfetoa at 5.10 " Arrira al Anifcaann at,,.... 1.M " Tba train will Khan from B*hoa ta Aadari?d ok Xunday and Friday morning*. JCANES O. MEREDITH. tUaaial Oaf aihataadlai. Any IF ^ W OreoaTille and Colnmbia Bail Boad. CmpMf. | 'uJb Company ha* now for aal?, hi ll*a I of **Bna*i?n Tbbrt? " a Tfcktt vbitb rslitln a ftrmn to ti?Trl orar tlia road ly*00 life* Ar \ Within ana year from data of parr bar*.? Tb? 1Vl?(? mm I* furriiwcu from tha Agtnlt at C?I?oM?r Ihabtnj, Abberlllo And-raoa and Oreenril'o. V W. ALSTON* 0inBE8, OfMtnl Tirb?t Ay>-at G. and C. tt? R. * .Alot?at ? IMA JMf ilsErlotto A South Carolina X, X. Cat SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. CoLriltt*, H. C, Augoat *, ISO*. ON and after WEDNESDAY. Un Ittb in.tent, the Train* orar tba It nod will run at follow*, ?li: Leave Columbia at 4*1> p. a*. Arrire at Charlotte at...... ...14.00 p. an. leer* Charlotte at. .......... .1 l.M p. a>? Arrire at Culmiliii *.00 a. m. * tar Cloa* connection*. both vara, villi Trains of GraeavilU and Colombia and Soath Carolina Roada. W Paraengora tor tba North, taking thia rout*, hnr* th* elioia* of Ft)UR DIF. CERENT ROUTKB, via: Front OrftMlxm. rlihtr tU Pnnrille or Raleigh. -From Jon, either via 1'etarsborr or Portammflh | J from Portameulb, rlthrr ria Old Bay lino and Bohimora or Aaaameeaia Liar m4 Wilmington, Dtlawiri tr TIME AS QUICK and FARE Aq / LOW aa by any albar root*. . V. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. For THROUGH TICKETS to Kiehmoad. Washington, Bain more, Philadelphia and , New York, apply at Tieket Ofiee, foot Blaadiag street. Aa AaaomaaoJatloa Train will bo raw aa folio wa: Leave Colmmhi on Monday*, Wadnaadaya and Fridnya at 1 A.K, arriving at Char ^ Mia at A AA P. M. Returning?lease Chmrimffa on Tnaadaya, Thursdays and Saturday* all A. M, arriving at Columbia at A OS P. M. Paaaaagaro taking the A A. M. Train from Cliarlo**# nan anaaeet with Nifkt Train of Sooth Carolina Road fir Charleston. Passengers from Charleston nan?by loavlpg tha South Oaroilaa Train mi Junction eoni neat with tha 1 A. M. Train from Ooiambla. CALEB BOUKNICHT. Superintendent. I * Aug SA 14 ' Somth Carolina Railroad. GENERAL 8UPT8 OFFICE, 1 Caaakaatoa, 8. C., Marab JA, 1A4A. J A ON and after Sanday, Marab tt, the Pas* ?ag>t Trains on tba South Carolina Railroad will ran as follows, viai Loarn Charleston for Columbia...... AAA a. aa Arrira at Eingarillo l.AA p. m Leers KiafsriUe LM p. u Arrira at Colombia ....... 1.64 p. m Leers Colombia. A.AA a. m a Arrive at Klagsrllla 7AA a. as Lears Kioesrille A.AA p. m Arrira at Charleston 2.1 A p. aa Tba Faseeager Train an tba Caaadaa Branch, will annnaot with np and dawn CehamMa Trains and WHaatafton and MaAshneUr Rail IVH irmnioQ UNVAY8, WIDKIBSATft ud SATURDAYS. Night lipnw fnlihi u4 hiwgn A*roaawUtlM Toil w?U ran M fallow* i Lwv* CbarfoMon for Columbia 1.41 p. ta Arrlf* *t CoImW* >. w Loftvo Cold*?M?...........................5.*? p. Arrir* it Cbarfoalwo ......5.44 *. m H. T. I'KAJCR, (foal Sap*l. . April lft 47 tf BAMTfIL BLACIfB AMXR. WOULD mp*iM*lly imfmnm ih? mUI* Ibat bo baa op*a*4 * RARBRR UOf kntho bwlldfos foi ?**?l j im*?M by JOSBPH ALRXANDKR M ? Hhmh Sba* m4 bo. ra tbc fctor* of Mr. Totaaa IoWHi 1*4 foMlaj hmwtjr wwpMI by th* foti U* raid* of MaSaa'a Hall, whoro b* bar Um> 4*4. Botog JVafrwfaa dl l(fM, b* boy**. by illwilM to badI****, >?f*tbpr wilb mm. aadft to all, to totoM t Mmt <f Mbifi Mtroaago, to CUTT1RA, SHAVftW ARB SMAMPOOIRO. AyrU I 45-4