University of South Carolina Libraries
length ,Ue* Rf.'fM* ?* nmjr - t M ?1 l'?el Unit ?? ?re U< Msmprnk *><*n,??r tWHrj,* ? AjW <?fcnh4A?<l tejtan? lh*tl<nit>r y( ?oi.ic 8*t#n em HfMilii?*#* " h#i?g*>Hi?rtily |.U?ecU *)?? hif falsffil? *h|C?"W? M#^Teit?lS, -wim h? ^U^fWItM ?l hie &*< nt r j inou * MU ^Oin*|i Ia settle f.?nMn?nl J tn Heeler it, fcui Ui Qa aoUlta. Tiie Arrival w' |Wm wrclnniiirl (I it thou JlitllJMHf.liMIM* tTlhew mm\ i>? 555i7'ii9 Mjuu t heep'fnter.MF into to nd-1 g.vnlly to tli-nr'-rifV' of tV??. W-otma twk* y%irJ|STo W.i.wndw aotivoution of plater* .M ?ytli Wf* IflWfMtVil, convened At Cold-Jbira oil -Friday, and ft war r?**d to Mmd to {*wit* ' UrtiwI'kUw-a l?n? iiu)?l) r, to atrive ?t. u b'liii the tilth of TTetiruufy n.xt. Mr. 'Atfci??m>n W*ll leave UohUboro the fiist of De waniber, In company with Air. Trueb, and *o enable other* to avarl themrdvc* of thi? -?tpportuultjr, tli?> adjourned, to ?uert'?gi?iit'??i?"Hnti?vd*y, tin- 28ili inrlanL At tlie meeting, cn^d^MBenle weft made ?Ti*?t>.d amj$t*pt^ aioUl I* Ml'Uktly expect oil lliuLon the 281 h, . <h hi* home in Bwittaalaarf I*nr. To do thi* 81A m X'j? ', j Ar iu equivalent In greenbacks, will he required. The amount thu? phid will for 9** dttettd Iron* Ik* wage* of . the emigrant,? Th? laborer* raceivw; For man, ft) to flu par month; and Tor boy*, Wyuu-n and girl*, from $4 t* (t?. at m ? AVtcftrra JotrttaTt>f Commerce. m The Charleston Election Protest. After a twelve ilay/' aoltofi the Council Board adop ted the fallowing jrcao)iitioii, pro*' y<?4 bjr At Ivriuan Marshall i'/_ Jtrmlrrit, That the J1 laid Jo declare the latoalaaUan for Mayor and Aldi-rWn ittcgal and raid, and that no pcteoot bare been, duly % elected to the aaid ofluv" of Mayryr and Aider* A* awn of the city of Charbatoii at aitUl election. The following i* the dacuipn of the Bodrd, which, on motion of Aldorwau Godding*, wa? digftrd by ?bo member* agreeing thcrviu : .The election uf a n^juriljr of'llW Wrrnni vafad tat at |Im municipal vlMtluOf (lie Oitjr of Clmrleatnu, held on (ho ?cootid 'facmliiy ol November, inrtunt, in puratmnce ol the Act ol A?*cuibly, cutitlod "Au Act to provide for the . tdfitfim ttf officer# of tlta incorporated cititi nil town* in the State of South fllVAHtu," ratified on the twenty-fifth dnjr of September, A. I>. IMS, having been coiiUteted v\,iimparl r,< ?f ?ufiilrjr rMiroi anil eioctura, and the |lno< ?(Wi of Election* having been cbtr|?4 wit! illegal conduct, (be Acting Board ol Aider V man having Wen doty convened.-Anti having proceeded, in aoeordaucc witU cjid Act, (< [ ?.:?samio* the rvturun, together'with the ballot* c wad to investigate the cava, in order to dcblar the aaid rlection, und to tnakp a dffSi*Hm ttfaivi abali bo binding upon all p'artlef. * The *afd Board, bat ing made rueh exit mine f Inn. and Inrcatigatrd the cafe by eating tbi _ . taatbnnny of nilucaaca, thercupou d<> tMjj. Iha the Manager* of Election* it, tlx- rctftdHH*! . of the voter* failed to *qnlr? thtrfJOth. ffikct) and <|^wWd, a* required by law, aa< hp their qualification and ? 1 i ia malting the tvlani of cald elvethm, did n*> enaform to the requirements of the law in ?u<d d cu*e waffo and provided, in a>?rnUalrmirticu l*r>| that tbany other irrvgalnriltc* arm ifieg alitica tM?e?rr?d in tbc conduct or mid clef 11 to la eccgiitial particular*; and that biilllif* ex caeding the maj tritir? claimed for a 'tnffJwtrRi ' ??/ the pcradna votid for, have beUb do**rdye< had cannot he produced fur rxatmlnertu*. Wherefore the aaid Board de declare I ha there ha* been no legal valid olCCtVy, on* that wo fwrioni have been duly clcotad to th office* of Mayor and Alderiaeo ot thg City o ? -* - . ? i JH V'lkrtniua ii hw hkwvi w .. ?? ? ? i ? * . l.kky maoism.? On Monday rreolnc * bout aiglil v'?l?ck, th? bari ji the rear o ill* m?W?hh ol Mr. Burt, iu A'?b?r?lU vil 1(g?, vm dlKiMrni I* be bo tire. Tlrhii , Ike/ymeU servpnta Of the family, extinguish ?d !)? fiii' before !> tml ti n.? to nil] ld>ii|i. Threw men were rccn by tlign running sway from Mr. Dolt'* jsPamise {'; Woas the adjoining I t <>f Mr. Mtfbt*.ttry aoulilf not tail whether (Isey w*r m mfcita'ar colored. This ooowi r?uce jseuee' foM|il?rill? ?seiU'nniit tn the viliagh.* ' i largp number tffjt4jr*one very so?>n aasem bled at ti?e place. In |lu< large supply c ,r? ll|hi?o?d r?Kf?U th?t M been pjh d n wrfthtn tlie building, tliey found awsfde erl dance of ji deltberatu purpose to secure tli destruction of the premiiee , Autr?.~The United States revenue en tie Wayanda 'brings an Interesting report froi Alaska. The wsaael baa bean making soui explorations In portions of those po?sc*?inni ukk which we were previously but iinperfecfl aeoeeintsd. The result, we are lotd, ha* bCc satisfactory to the offlrera of that vessel an to the Trvasory Department. Tba islands ? ?t. Taul and St. tleorgr ham been vlsifci and iU shores of Hckrlsfi sea. Tbo mot important reSoHs of tbe exploration hare beo tba dlafrweiy of good harbors* no* ruvi^nsl known of in this ooontry, and ? eentlMsiiio f tbe reports of es abundance of eon I { taffohs parte of that territory. The K-tter I f much Importance In a country which I "J bontinuslty damp and faggy. where firs f?i yam fort, as vtll as cooking and luannfaeturln (MMsmasS. Is a constant necessity. As ou '* j it*jv.l iii.| iahs ?dkM>t*?" "f tble Territory kecnme* extton.l f pd, It Mr apparent that we aball hero mprn an V. ?a?re ra&fop <0 '* Mtlefletl with our tyairni' ehj lorjn^flgfn*" In th* focllng that it w* t paenUtloH." ' - ? t t*br?? . . ,. M 9k tt Pkk*mnr Roberta, of Libert*, I* no |? (Mi country, lie i? of ooarrr negro. 11 *' Mtm' t*W a candid one J for while CoHeitin * Trotn the Northern people ?M for the kllbt-ria M College, and claiming that hit Oorcrntn, nt hi " *|nade cenqneil* of ?? mneh of the interior < . AMca a# to War* now a population of 000,001 only lopie 18,000 of whom rmiprfcteO from th - - tajfctry, ha ale? e<lmit?, that bie 'lorernrmi trlWJL l|?irU wee a* patted haeaiUMI wt i V? ba tha b6iaa of fa-emra. Tbmf)l n<>i /f i bw> hiiii tbeaa. \a* ibaaa aawtnaeieweln 1 Mturtk**' Roberta dvea net run tw cm M, iMw UU)k a* eWoethm to bie f?Te? af pwqarti l? la tba aaii|Wag? trib*e, or he wawU' fwwbahl i* .laapkia aaaarra while aolkiUng a>?n?)r. a ft I Paaedlbftrifrb qnaaiUin^/Tabe tmmigraalee fow ilia Nee?b t?ad fro abroad. At. | M^yium>ii?, and 'tV B'ue HroTOtf**TV?ll t'ie ((rrtt, i 'w!1'" fcflfc11*' ( la^^^lilMi l? I* JktjrnHl-fc* l**iP rni'rniwHftl" iiriHr""g ',e< HHm Hi r""4fclflt Ui|ki, IM&^I flhM0W^ w i't" p"'iE S? u* n.-Vf r: Ii. I. m nelvpMo nil wlU? know liinv mwtemmm l lie ri.tmnlurn trrmliicr of our r??d<. Tuk R??w At Atiiksk.? wno w ne aiiuouy iiiioai<-al?u, h lirn I He uior?Kahl Iti-nAPo Af(rht Vrlrvalei) tn hi* ifo||j|ril." ainl fin-11 it |>i?tul allot nil tbo fltin, taking effect juat aliow-llut, kiiar.Jr?> UtMi'K tlu< bone. Ueliig t?*ho ! anjC ati ttTtFa Train pnsstft tlife mTttll npcoil,' J **! 1" t** % if *tnijj'u'f, carrying <**aMn|i?ay Jf WfuiHyA IftluA they arrived J there the* found all uiiiot, and returned to A|M|? jgL CT [ (?r(Nytua " tfuTTV'mtilfr. Fttti ia tail] h? W *?o ?earce iu ?otne ? < ttona of^Ulikt rtt?* IttijwmVf* eliitiR olT their af mnnM^ nnr (l|unr.>e> SO, or Are cent* (tor1 head, tin Keller retainUg ilie tilde*,' and iho puro.hnaer alauglitcrIng the a ii ire ate. A Gihiii MuVB.^-We1 learn that Dr. IlochWelt, e X M? vr of Wntorl.oay, Tetmrfree, ill rompany with two other gentlemen from tlm 5VP'r>9, "* i cijy? y+*tin9' Wr. AUcn. "fli^lr "itjjcci $ volnd there, we uii Informed, i* to Wi cftnc tlti! fur ttib erteuon of a \p?ftutt* and elegant hotel ??r llao aooowuiodntion of tnraliila who nmy rmno there during the i eutu tier to jmeanH uf health. ,, f?lf , j, ^ v [^'A<?rfr.f,.n, ?V?rie?\ Twit Cleveland Ptaim'teoirr any* that " Hen. Uraut IlKa .written to limn. Slo. iuu, ? or.l|?K4MMrr <4t<:*r<S. r^****r.l in Now York, Intini "Uft* l hat 'there will not ^ w to re vk'cllon. 1 Arrt;tt a latya amount of " d?eVlttike* | the UntmSnnlhoia for Major tif New York y Itave tiaall y ri-li li d tii-nn Vnkry Hall. t Democrat, and Frederick A. Conkling, Ke r I itlli! Inn II : sii i ?nr*. rc * f vi7*" ?Coi.ttMRtt. No veniWr 80. Sale* of cotton tw day 04 [ dling* 28. Ntw York, N?tm?VI- 80 i C'tl n $< . better, ami ilcr d -illv piorc - active ; ?iib-* 8,200 bate*. at 2.' ^. Gobi 8.'>4. r HAITucck N iveni'OI 80. ? Po'tun *teady, at 214? .Flour quiet and i flendy.? *u|o rtine 6 7v(rj}?.'2i Wl.citdull' ' l?rp lower grader ; j?rtin . Imice t.23(jt 1 ? ft*. ' riirn firm?while *ib"?|V$J.itS jelloW r.f.r.@l1.ti8 firm, * 1\PIX.1 pork 28 liar*.,, quiet?elioUtdrt* l t4(f/i , 11 J. l&itTKftlTf. -J tiuU|l.'MON.A(i>venilH>r 80. t C'.ttnn Bfrnnl quiet mid I.lit ehi?ed i I Attii'rTf. N'.vc|tib.r 80. t Cotton pmik<-t active and firmer; vale* t WS?I bale* ; frc*lp a C2S?timllling* 2v(j$ > fvtVAJCNAJI. XoVeud'CI- 80. Cotton opened q' b t ahd tvm.' f>Ut c tiwil 1 active and advancing; eiloa 2,In? ; receipt* * 2.^ I 1 L(flttlP ?V> November 80. C?M?n firm mid t. riding up. t ? ?? . mi, i mi n I _ IIYM KNKAIa. r. M.Miiqr.n, by Kcv. Win. William* D. ]>.. al tliu r. riitei.e* of the I.ride'* father pn Tucailat , evening, IOth Inat.i t?r. MfC. It. HAKRISflN < of Greenville, ami Miaa C ASS IK, I'lilee f daughter of (Jen. Ji W. Miller, of FpurtantiUrj! lr ie t riv-t. ? , .ttoO t j,* f , M AitiiiKO. in Columbia County, Georgia, ? the rerldone# of tho l>ride'? brother, on tin evening ol November lath, 18(18, l.y the fluv ' ?. r>. .mnc-f, nr. x? ii I'.tna ^ i .11.111 o ii South Carolina, l? Mum MAUV E. PERRY, o f <3oorj{ij. \Yk with fiiend Simmx* tittp'ch happi^ert t even to rapture, with Ida Mr bride, nix j iiak the Fnlea to make their lot one f gre* \ fruit on and much atteeeae io bfa. and whet i they eut'rtho bark of bmth limy may l.( ,f crowned with another lucent in compari p ton with which tiff, on* of litia life it n i, uojhiyf. ^ D ' e 'tWJWjaiiii"iitmaaama I)i?.n, oil tho alb day of November. at thi family rctidencu in tlrecntilln, Mrt. Maiiv C Wuitakku, wifo of K. I,. Wiiit?kkk, in tlx r 3Mb year of bar aye, leaving fire email rhil a dnn ami hor hiitlmnd tnrviviag. The young i# eat child ?t the dtrttud, ta an infant that Wai a, born the day of the motbcr'r death. Tho de y ceatcd waa oontriona that her death wtu nrar n end expretacd a wlllingnert to die, and ful d faith in .fetnt. ?f Mu. Wiktakkr, wit no .ordinary lady I, hewnrfftd And highly Vdurated. She alto poe It tee ted Qa? talent* aa a writer. both ol pro-e tui> n poetry. Tho writer of thia hriuf notice, bai y trcn tome ( her production* that would d< n credit to oulbora of troll eatablirhud reimfntloi n in the litcrarf world. Itut it ip in toe h<>m< la clrufo where her fond devotion to her rbildrei II and Where tho duliet of wife and mother en (fwced l>?r tr ive and ardent tpirit thai her loti g will ha otoat fell. Th*i? com wuniiy deeply *.vin ir patlHte* with the bereaved husband and bii 4 laotbrrleaa ehildrtp. > ui- ii K d ? m i M- i i i J A CARD. TT1R tiQileralgtieri, ln?tirjf lii? amirt r t< Id iJi?- ]lotrI V in wn n? tl<?r " KICK n KItSOX f!OL\*JE," In Columbia, 8. C.,<wouM e tati{ great pleamire in Mi K frirtift* to their patt-utfifg^ to tlx (# new Prnprietnra. >i Mr. U'MIGHT Waa bul ehnrpe of tin HotM frtr two, for t?r piPt- ?n<l will con ,, , tinue to have th? entire maiingoiiicnt of lh< ? on tier tlm new arrangement. *' I feel naanrwl that ill* llouae will main lain ita former refutation na a that el*ai I lot. I. T. S. NICK Kit.SOS. Oou'Mria. f?. 0.. >afW 1, 1888. ftl-Sm Notice. A TTi perron* bating etattni again*! tin uf jfV Retain of the lata l>OHOA8 J. OKKEN 1 ii. c.-??c(). will Praaant th< n?. pt ly attaatad r. nltAaoffiraaf EA8LEV A WKLLS, iw,? t? Attorwja at Law. ' !>?? 2 28 ? * rarrrr HIT1 - -T i> - - ran m -I ! m&Wifr v 1 -? . .J^-IT,.. I wrtx .?li at 1 Allot ion 0<e wtwl<- of piScft*3, *0fc3??tnto>ioi!F. f-t IKl B; ?*i Sffc'.tA t -tcHaf 1 IfMI II M.l IWIIWM fau.l ??'* Wj1 Itifc JJir . Notice. V 1 af v -f - ?' 'A EX rvrfrtV^ 5itfPl>tP8" Id fhe wtntc of i V' tffijfr {tjkV r,will jMmm-. f-L' o "I V??c? >'Mi? tin WW ptrjie* having rlnlniA, will 1 |i%-sai nn^erlv *At<5?WJ to the #111111- ' MjBTilMikiSb |jjL '? VEEL Mi;T)AI?K, . 4 n DAVIDL. VAUOHX ,, FmwVWWk^l8#|y?HM? ^|V? % I J T}UODUCKK* and purebsser* or COTTON X ??J liereby fcotiftod that ths Tax Law levies a Tux at Twenty cent* on ovary hundred dollars, On nil Cotton sold, An well as upon sales ftf other Merchandise, and that the shipment of Cutlow in doosidercd equivalent to .the aula timrcof, whether such nhipunant U made l>y Iho producer o* purwbsser. la JSft* J wiH t>c at t)rc?nvlil?f, H., from Hie 2otn ill btciHubrr tir tho Int irf .1 senary next, forth? purpose of receiving Returns; and at nit term of nfflee cleeen .at the latter date, all I puraniin interested roust be prwtupt in making their Return* before that day, a* it will be impossible far ine to grant nay longer indulgent. - . A. C. 1'RAOK, i Tax Collector tlrronv ilia County. I).m 2 28 .1 WILT. I, .SOLD, AT PRIVATE SALE, the following ( ' ( ) i DESIRABLE PROPERTY, Rfjonging to tho Estate of tho late DORCAS J. GnWlN, deceased : Lot No. 6, Containing 23 Arre*, more or Imi. Lot No. 7, Miiitnm/ay S7} Arret, more or fete. Lot No. 11, Containing 38 Aeret, more or lent. All situated on the Laurens Road, three mile* frnai UruonviUe Court House. . ' Lot No. 16, Containing 36 Acres, mors or /car. Lot Vti 16, C'tntaining 36 Arret, more or if. Roth sltnrted on Lanrsn* Uond IJ miles from VJrveiiville Court House. All the shove lots are well wobded with oak, hickory. At. ! IjOV no. J\crrt, wiorr or (e$$ Lot No. 10, Cvi'h< 48 Atrtm, more or lri&. I ilotli Mtuntrd on i.ntireu* lloml, 2t milea from tlrcenville' Court lions*. well w moled Willi force! pine. nu<l each having mm excellent l.uiMing front uli tlio' Rond. , JrOt No. 19, I'lMlvMiHjiSi A*rf more or Irf. Lot Wo. IS, V-'iiwIrtiiif "<I 46 ,4rr??, more or fr.?. i (itin in;: 46 .lcf(?, more or left' Situxicd 2| milrs from Creenviuo Court House, fronting mi the rond h-mliug to T. I). Lowndes*. hIso well wooded with forest pint. A mnj rJCjr of (lit nhove lots nro well watered. ILtlyiobovc nrouorty >li""l'| not he sold nt priv??- Pitlo 4?i'loru the first Mori-lay iu .limit i'f l|wm be'??ld at'pulillo auction. Terms fnvorahlo to purchnstr*. or. If |olil nt miction, inndo known on ilnjr of sale. C. t., jfc l?i i : Exceuor. J>eo 3 26 6 Slate of* MonIII Carolina, ? cnnwiu.K (MitVTV In the Court of Probate. J. W. HILI. and wHr, JOSU'HKNK Hlf.L. Applicants against w'lLLtApl COX tind ?? hers, Pufnuliints,? Citation for a final SfrttUmrnt ami Jteeree, , IT nprienriiiu to my tnlisfMction that \Vnlknr Lnnrneter and wife, M>i, J*nc 1 Lnoenster, !>r. William Barton and wife, |,.'iii-n Burton, ferry Usrtou and wife, 1 I lppt?C. Burton, liefvndnuls in lliia ense, ! rs?id* wi'linnr iKe^lWirli of tMs-fitdte: It i< therefor* nrti-r??l. ^aMboy do apprnr In person or liy nt'Arrtay at a (^mrt of Pmt*at?, to be li?-lt!on at Greenville Court llinte* at trn o'clock. A. M , on tiie 11 day ol Murcli next, to thow cause, if any ihev | run; why % finnl settlement of the Estate of t Baraheha Cox, deceased, sh??uld not l>? had, airtl a Decree flivrn therein, ??r (heir cm1 emir, in fniting to attend, will l>e entered I <4 leOord. ----- I r i - -( -n Given ni.d.-e fnv hand at Greenville * s J. rtolrrnrr. j. p. ti.'b. y<>? 1 l(T r 28 Sin . ?iTHr1" ~ ^ f ** "'i''*"*';'" Notice to Creditors. t rf^HE Hole has ?xpirrfd ia the following - I, cares. The yarhmacrediton are in formed jtlrtt Ilcfor. in--H will III- held, Mil l ' lli-V ar? required l?f4?e present, and eelah. " lirli iijr proj-cr proof, the rank and summit | ot their rrsficcliva claims against the Re i?l?-s. via.. Estate of NATH A*IKI, MOHOAS. edTues day, 16'h Ifeeemiier. j Estate of KKUHSH'IBOWDS*, on Wed, n-sdav, Jfith December. , Estate of JAMES II. l.ATIMEU, on Thursr day, I7ih lVeenihee. > Estate of JOHN M. IIA-KltlSOK, on Fri *7ay, 18ih'December. Estate of jASl'Elt J. ,PI!lNOE, on Satur 1 day. 19i n iJeceniher, Estate ?.f 0. J. KLFOKD, on Monday, 2Isl Jiscemh-r. E'tate of W L. Si. AUSTIN, o? Tuesd .y, ' 2 *2>l 1)( c? inher. Rotate ?.f W A. McCONSEtX, o/i Wrt|pea : day, 28d December* > Relate ?.f D O W BSTFrELP.onThnrMay, 24 th December. I Tha Conunieeioiier hope* that thia police will be obeerre-l, ?n,l *ive tIrolili!* and ' co?t# of a ni>Uli<Nli"ii by Sheiiff, J \\ MOOUH C K O. C C!?mmU?i?iier'e Olll?f, Doc. let, I 1^3 *9 2 Notice. '.fTTN eenforlui'J iffih rerjidrrtncnta fit the '* Internal Revenue Lnw?, "Y l>#>r**)>y give notice In all pgeronl who Hiarelaim TWO KKUS n??l al>. ul ON'lJ DOZEN dUOS OF ' MilI.sK V, all Containing ?ki>ntainy gal lonr, which kIh<I by llexi M. iVrry, A.'ielmt A**??ror, on the T'Jih ol No vein9f, 199s, nl' Ili? afur? of Joliu IligMewer, Kaq , In III. Town of flrwnvillr, hecaure of the lax not having been piiid?ibe Minr i having been Inrnatl over to m??to make , nuch oUini* before me, within thirty <l*y? , from lite fiiel { wblicatian of this notice. . *, . a. i. courv Deputy Collector 3d 1 'isVrtct, 94 0. JTot ill ?I a ilEsEFEil And Wotnty Tnr? nti'defMfcfcltl hnVlntf taken ont flc?r ?e ?'' ?? t'DuXtovwcur, ?>iUi in euiM??aM<>iv m\l\ W? uUcml tu draping >Vill?, MorlgHgf^ Doc us, D?>w era. wilf Prove nml Stamp I'.perv rpiallft Pnmmlx-ioncrs nml AppraiA-r* af Xiutoi at rammnaMe mk< .?(' uo?', pi* wild <>f Oruimvjlla. Hie friuuJ* ran curiftr with iiiui aveijr yjta&ay nt Utvfetivllle Court flnurtf.' ?: '.Motu Ti r b'Mi At IKJDSOM. i* . Oct 28^ , W J6?tt 8TKRV8 STONE IlIAYKjnat n tumid from tli<; in* krt wUli ii aliM'k of \ ery Cheap Goode WTiifli 1 tin Ht-ttMiilHed to s?*lI at o?*< np ?? ntiy store iu the town. xi? ? - TUOM AS 8W9KN. jf 1ALl?end < my stpeko(Calicoes. >L> Ui-f*e Goods, ]ialiuoial\ ILavy -ili?wU, flpodi.Cloakf and Dreak'aU shawl#, all rethnrkaVTy cheup for intA at ^ STERN'S STORK. tryife wish aheap Boots and Shore, 1 hare ' got tltctn, consisting of. Gentlemen's F'i?e Fieoch Calf Skin Se\v*.l Boots and Sb"C#: also, Fine French Balmorals, Lit. dire Fine Glove-finished KM Polish Bal* morula, llilMifht French Glov- f.trah I nee 'Ren, an<1 n TrfV Inige assortment of Men's. Women's nnd B.ty# Boots and Short vf a supetjur qoulitv, for sale at STEKVS STORE. TTROAD Cloths, Casaimeres, T wands, 1 J J-nns, and a very large assortment of olhet" cloths, which wotiM take too much space to eiintm-ratt, for sale at t i . STEKN'S STORE AIjFO. a splendid Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery aan<l Gla#s*-Ar*. 1?. satisfy yourselves about prices, pall and examine this drpai tnietit at HTKEN'S STORE rllAVE selected a very fine lot of Tear and pollers, Consisting .of Rio, Java, Maraeabo, JLtRttyrn. List of Tvas?Extra Fine Movune, Gunpowder. Exit a Movune, Young Uyana, Fine Young Imperial, ftlack I'ens, Super Oolong, Oolong. Souchong and English Itreaktast, nil of which I cati recommend, lor sale at RTF,EN'S STORE. Nov 18 , ^ ilC tf Hfoiicc. pKPKTV Cot.nKCToa's Orrtrx, 1, S. C , Nov. 18, 1868. ) rpilK Counties of Anderson, Pickens and 1 Oconee having recently been added to toy Collection l)iatrict, I will attend nt Anderson Court House, on Monday and Tuesday, the 7th nnd 8th of December, proximo, and nt Walhnlln, on Tuesday nud Wednesday, the 5th nnd G:h of Junu try, 1 St'.'J, nnd again at Anderson, on Thursday, Friday nffirSuturdny, the 7tb, 8th nnd nth January, 1S09, and nt Ureenville Court House regularly the following week, for the purpose of receiving the He venue Taxes. All persons Who huvo nut MiJ. will do ?? promptly, and by ?n acting, they ran rave the penalty for lion payment. My District being extensive, it Will be impossible fur mo to lie as lenient as hcrwlnfore. I have received order* to force collections by distraint and rale of property if necessary, which I will have to do unless ^deliinpieutsshould come forward and pity up at ouco. a. i,, comi, Deputy Collector, ltd District, ,S. C. Nov IS t ... ?26 . , 3 ^JI*Tlio Anderson Ixtei.i.igkxckr and Ken wee CountKH will each ropy the above advertisement three timer, and forward bill* to tills office. STATE UF SOUTH CAROLINA CS U HEX V11.1.K C< >UNT Y. lit/ S J. HOUTiflT, hmjuirt, Jmlt/r oj Pro Utfjur '<iid County. IVTllJillBAS, O. M r.UKRR filed ? ? ? Petition In my Otfio-, praying that Ullrtu ol Adinliil*Cintiou, with the Will alitieX-ii, ?>n all anil singular the ?*>?>d* and cllitteW, tight* anil credits of TIlOMA*4 ATKINSON late of tli- County aforesaid, dccctred. should We grouted to him. y/trie are. therefore, t> cite and admonish | all and singular the kiiiiliol and cfvdiior* if the Sold 'cceased. to We and appear in the Court of I'rol-ate for raid County, to We Imlilra si <}rectiville Court llouaa, on the till day of December next, to tdiotv cntt-c. it any, why the raid AdminUtialioii should not lie granted. s j norm it, .1. r. 0. c. Probate Ofllcc, Ku?, 19, 1868. No* 2b .it . ^ 117. 2 S(n(c of* -South Carolina. GlfEK-XVlLLE COUNTY. In tho Co.urt of Probate. fAMES I' MOOllE, A^miiiitlmlnr, ri. ALE\ I'AYNE and others. Defendant*? J'rtltiou fur Hale of fttal Eotatr, to Pay Dtllo. TT appparine to "ay satisfaction that EM. A ILY l'ATTON. one of the Defendants, refidei without this Smie i It is, therefore, ordered that she do appear, In person or I v attorney, and object to the sale of lltp real estate of KYKI.INE CON LIN, to pay deb's, on or before the 28th day of Deeember tiexL or her content to tha same a ill beenterVd of record. Given tinder toy hr.nd at. Greenville Court House, 18th day ol November, A. D. 1808. S. J. DOUTI1IT, J. r. O. C. Nov 26 27 r ,. 1 -r 0 TJnitod States of America, DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Mcuir cottar r. h ?4tii circuit. In Eqnity. CHARLES J. RA.pFoKl> ? *. ALEX. MrBEE. V A III Ml Y A. McREE. Rxeeums of V ARTHtY MrBRK, deceased, and Hlior*.?bill for Aoeoaut and Holuf.?Sulli van ?t Stokes Complainant*' Sol is. tor*. ? appearing lli tl James M Duncan, AdA intoistrntm of I'. E. Duncan, deceased, one of the Defendants in lids case, is nonresident in this State, but tires in the Slate <>f Cicorijia : It Is ordered that said defend, ant appeur, answer, plead or (lemur, whhIn thirty daya truru lIda date, or the Bill will be taken Pro Vonfettn against, him, Bv order of the Court, this 10th September, 1863. DANIEL Hoi; LUETIC. C. c. O. u S. for S. 0. Kov ? 47 ? 1 Millinery I Millinery! MHK MrKAY HAS JUST rrHirned from /?LAEE?ChAr)o.Co!.. with ? we'l select ' 3lJ^Wflrd ?f M1,'''T^EUY? jjjKftfr/USl ronci* Insr of t)i<* lut-st styles Qmifjg -f ItONNETS. IIJTH, F K A W fA TIIKRH, FLOWKKS, JtlUONS jS .iff Ac ffj""'lfrniding and Stitn>p Ing d.uif on reasonable fi rms. O.f 14 41 Km 44 Wolfe'* Schiedam Schnapps and Bottled Wines and Liquors." ARUrPl.Y of fherc Justly >elebf*t"d fJOOl'S, put up expressly for medicinal and private um>. Juxt received, and fur sale by tiia undersigncd Airente for Greenville. IIAHRIPON A M A If SHALL, * A. MILLER A CO. So* 4 2A 2in I- . j"L_ JU_j-g. The ptate of South Caiolina, I ' 4 (3KEEKVII.LBCotJNTY. i , In EqniVy. I At.Iijf S TOW.NKs. */ ?/., r?. THOMAS R llftfittRTS:?iittTU fvrtefv Mori- 1. ' f ?Y'<irliw?Oli? <irdrr?< lti? Q iu tJm aIiovf t**o, I will i?? ih?- I I''.k|U?V al (it-rent ijl? (,) imi Sal ?II?y In P>'.v ?if*t llie pi-rij?l?>'t? I M'Krll nl In'ltl* plrnilifisg, nitmit <! Ill' (he I V'i#n of <>r*vnvtllr wii ih? iful i4>lenf | M*in Slrevl ; l^iit roiitMlKMr i?U>ul H*v>*ii- 1 - EgliUi* o] itn Aura; tbi? istha moit <1?*irn- i (da proper!y in lnwn, On tile l?l '* a Immi ?oii.<4 ntid eon v.-nietitfy arranged Piumed Dwelling. eoiftiiliing several ivomi, and well stiitaC fon a hoarding h< * <.', kino, two larifo S*ore Rooms, one of Prick and the TitntM? fnon fftobOO to oO.nneath ^ will-be rt^uirol on ddv of Ml , the ba'anea in Hi* ami -Twelve. luutthf. in eqdnl insL:lhpi*itl0, wif|i interest from day of sale. Purchaser to give bond withal leant,two 'g?fod sureties (O fterniv the oil) inenl Of the putehusc money. f|l|v ifre<l Kilt to life delivered iititil the Wurohnsn luvtvev is paid. ^ J. P. MOOKK, 0. fc. O. C. Comm'ifdonvl's OlBce. loth Nov., 18t>8. "Nov 11 h 4 Charleston Courier and Colnttibis^Mmiix (j irm. rI oiioe ? W-rk utilil lUrof Sale, anil send le J. P. Mo' re, Cetuuihliuntr. State ?l* Month Carolina. O/ihhXVJL/.h' CO USTY. 1 In Equity. * i \VM M.THOMASrr MAUY RAYMOND.? Hill to Tortf/one Mortgage. ( nY virtue of the Decretal order In the above care, I will rell to llie hlghesl bidder at Ureenviiln Cotirl House, vu Sale* " day in DeenirloT next, the House and Lot dscribed in lo* I'leadinwa. situated on the Buncombe Road. jn?i outside the Corporate limits of the Town of OrtenviPe. The House it a comfortable OutUffc with all necessary conveniences, the out buildings in good repair, the led contains two and one fifiii sere* more or less. TeVtn* Cash. Purchaser to pay for Papera and Stomps. J. P. MOORR, 0. E, G. C. Coin's. Office Nov. loth IS(>8. ., Stale of* Month Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. i in Equity. B It. ilOIIXSON, d tf., Eaeenlor, at. JNO. II. JOHNSON, et at.?Dill for Partition, i I ^ vil'llio of l!l?? lienfiilitl Itv.l-r in I IV utniVe' cast>, I will re sell at Green- I, ville C. II., on Salrtdij in llrcrinl^r n< st, ] I l<> the bidder, the Ileal Estate of Col. 11KNIIY O JOHNSON d-o?-???d, conttiMing "f four Tineta of Lnliil. a* follows: ,| Tract N<?. 1.?liOMK l'LACK, containing Three [luh'lrtd nnd Fifty Acre*, more or lct?, liKiiml'd y Inmlii ol Mucliem, McCul- ( lough, it in) other*. i Tract No. U, containing ' Acre*, more or k"i*, hounded liy lauJ* of MoCullollgll, Stepp, and olheia. Tract No 3, e.nitniidng Aere*, more or let*, luiniitl. J by No. l.utiil laud* ol MoSely, 41|*1 other*. Tract No. 4. conlnining Two Hundred Mini Sixty 'He veil Aciea, more or !?' *. and J houii'letl )?y Inn-!* of T. Henry Stoker, Morely. and oiheia. Tihiiii or Sai.k.?Oon'r to lie paid in en*h Tlie balance tin acre-lit of e year, with | inrrrt fmin tintc L> with approved j sur.tie* and mortgage- of the premier* to it't'lli'r ilio |.nrehnre money. Purchaser to I ay lor stamp* nnd paper*. J P. 0. E (1 0 Ct.mnti*aionei*a Oilier, Nor. loth, 18G8. i Nov 11 16 4 I Tho State of South Carolina, UKEKNVII.I.B COUNTY. tin Chancery. SUSAN TIIflEI.DKEI.Dbv Item Ml friend. W. T. SHUMATE rn W. ll. TIIKlvI.n K EI.D. Adiiiinintralor tl <tI ?Hill far SrfI'nii'tit of Ural Ailttlr. tt c Is 11K Complainant lutvi.igi filed her Bill f.i llii* ca*e, nn.I it eppearing to the Colli t that lite ]). fell.laht*, M.afilh llO'lgt-IM, >f Arkatiaa*. Uichai-tl B.tyne *nd loa wife, Mary llayne an.l children, if any, of the Slate of Tennessee, J.-lf<r?on El rod ami v, .r., Kh-otl, ar.d children, if any. of the State of Alabama, arc iviitnnn an* b*. yond the llmlta of thi* Stale :"It is ordered thai they* do appear ami answer, plead or demur to the Bill it) t -ia case within b'orty or the ??me will l-e taken ura eonfrtrO ns to there ? f?-ml it n ?. W. A. McOANfgl., (1, C. P. O. C. Oreenvillo 0. 11., November 13, 1808. Nov 18 20 6 State of South Carolina. cnm.ES V1LLE rOUSTY. ' Sheriff's SaleHY virtue of :iu oriler from the Court of Probate, I will nell, to (lie highest hi,|. dor, at |iul>llc out cry, before tlie Court llouae iloor on the firel inoiionv in December next, the following TRACTS OK LAND, vix. : Lot No. I.?All that Tract of Land, nituatcd in (Irccnville County, on water* of Rabun Creek, bounded by land* of tSarucr Vaughn, le.-vy farrow, and other*, and containing One Hundred and Si-rli/ Aerr?, or lc?*. Te>l No. 2.?All that Tract of (.and, eitnutcd in xuld County, on water* of said Creek, bounded by land* of Robert Pedcn. .1. A. NjjIi ' and other*, and containing Gun Hundred anil Thirty AVt-ru .tccew, more or lc*?. Kcdd a* tho jiroperty of MARY T. OA1IItKTT. dcceaxed. tor Partition anionic flic boir*. TERMS,? A rroilit of twclvo months, with interest ffoin date, for nil cxeept no much an wilt pay the cost*, which will lie required in cash. l'urthDMN In give bond with two approved Mcnrilin, with u mortgage to th?r Judge of Probate, to secure the purchase money*, Purchasers to pay for titles and stamps. a. It. vlckkr8 s. 0. c. Sheriff"* Office, Nov. 5th IStiS. 2ft?4 Tho Stato of South Carolina, hkltflnvilkk county. | J08IA1I HAWKINS Administrator, Applicant, *;nln?t Hantet C. linn-kin*. William C. Jfnwkiiin, ninl ethers, iMcndaota.?Vitaj\>r a final .S'lllcmtiit, JJtcrtr, <f-<-., "T T appearing to inr satisfaction that Kvciine _|_ Hawkins, widow of KM KRY HAWKINS. rt<<oared, ami bin heirs, to wit: Cnroliua C. Taylor ami iter husband Tho*. It. Taylor, John A. "llakwin*. Jcro W. Hawkins, Mary C. Hnwkiue, Hcrlicrt II. Hawkins and (). It. M. 1). Hawkins, rc?ido without thin Stale: It in, therefore, ordered that they ilo appear, in pcrnon or by Attorney, at a Court of Prohalo, to lie hidden for liroenville County, at (Ireenv?,*.e Court llonsc, at 10 o'clock, ou the 2d day AT February next, A. I). ISfl'.l, to nhow cause. If any they can, why n Final Settlement of tho Estate of JOHN P. HAW KINS, deceased, should hot be had, and n lb-crew given thereon, or their consent*, in failing to attend, will bo on|cccil of rooord. 1 tJiven under my hand at Oreenviiln Court I House, this 3d day of November. A. I)., IStiS 8. J. pOVTIHT. J. P.O. C. .lodge of Probate's Oiliee, NuV. 2ud, IftltS. Nov A 21 ul * i TMR CAROLINA BITTERS, it.vNvr Ac"rrhv;d Ay lOflDHiCH. WiSEMHB ?t CL CITA tlLKS Toy. S. C. SOLD JU^llK IiY MORGAN A \Y ESI MOKEL A XIL l .vu K I ij O N A m a Ii sj1 a L lw ,k ttr>J Ajm f. A. Walter; POTl T'H"? 3-!],?U3r. Soodriclif W^IlCKlSlll & Co. 8?*pt ? .1# Cm B. WIJERLE, WATCUMUKES AID MM. Sfcoini L'oor itfutv* the J'onl o iis. I?', ;; ! m \y u JC.J.C, el >jjm ' i . * ?_ I WOl'LD inform iny friend* m l of ilreirneltle. tl.nt I Uv? PX^rJ icecived It FINK VARIETY o CLOCKS, SifiasAWatches and Jewelry, "ogaUier. jrttli n LARGE ASSORTMENT of SPECTACLES, VMcli I will di*pt?n* of it I LOU' RATES. ,T'~r~ REPAIRING in nil uf it? Irun.-L** rill be fiiitktully utlcudiMt to. Sop t9 lf? tf T^KE NOTICE. NEW FALL GOODS, UST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, At tiIe WELL KNOWN RTANO OK W. H. no viY. CAM, AND EXAMINE FOR YOUR* SELVES. Y'ou will tiu<l anytiling and very tiling *liut is kepi in u well-regulated Diy Good* IIou*e. reautipuL * FALL PRINTS, POPLINS ALL WOOL DE LAINS\ SHEPHERDS1 PILARS, MERINOES, LADIES' CLOAKS, SlIAAVLS mKnw?m7m<&E9 MIS ASD FARCY KBTIS. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CLOTHS & CjIMfflES, FOR GENTS' AND YOtTllS' WEAR, Roady-Mndo CLOTHING. Burs, ?im 'bbosb, RUBBERS, MMSRELlAS, &o.3 so. NOTE AND LETTER l'APKR, SOAPS A N I) P E U F U 31 E H Y . VIOLIN STRINGS AND ROWS, LARGE A SMALL LOOKING GLASSES, Wall paper and DODDERING. Call caflt and make your reLcctinng: No charge inailo f>.r .'hotting LlooiD. J&&- Polite attention guaranteed to all. W\ 55. HOVEY. Sept I ft 17 tf To Farmers. fpIIKWATT I'l.OUtill comes to yen wilif 1 the highest rfc'iiiini'iiil'itirtii,1 Cull it my Auction Kontns and examine it for yourselves. I have supplied fifteen farmers With ( this Flow in thic country, mill they all speak in the highest praise of it. The one hnrni plow in n turning plnurlv, a furrowing plough for plauiing corn, u subsoil pl<>ugh, u corn,' cotton, an J vegetable wevder and worker.- " Willi ttii)' inlililioniil piece, (n steel srriipot.) yon linve Combined in this plough. the test lint>1?mc-rttr> pvor yd tniu'c, for nil the ttht venaincil utct, *Hti<l warranted to do every Vie.? of turning and cultivating in Piejd ntid Oar-den, in a innnocr superior ro all other* ever yet made, and that, too, without hoc labor. Over /'nor 7/<on?ood Aire tlitmlml ol tlx soFlmigbs arc now in rite hiind-cof flic he at fartu^ cis in Virginia. North Carolina, South Carolina. nod Tennessee. It lias established n reputation tin preoption ,cd in the history of invention* as a t'nl/mr, J'ifihin*/ and Ciilliritliu;/ /Voio/A. It ha# no _r i e m I, i. t - ing adapted to every variety ol soil, and to foul and clean land* without choking. li does tiic hoe and plough work at one operation. J. W. Tooshe, of Ninety Si* l>epot, S.- C * ray* : " It excels any plow I ever saw for cot1011 or corn, in fact, for any kind of summer crops." The following named perrons at hotne liavo used if, and can highly recninmend it : Thugs Stixsu. Copt. W. K. Karlo. Or. Win. A. Harrison, llev. II. 8tewurt, M. 1". Fowler,- W. T.Austin, .1. W. (iulilstnilh, Tiros, Doldsmith* J. S. Ilaimnowil. siel others. van aii? son ;:i? v. .ah ri.ori;h. J T Ulrf C. SAIITTf. Auction Suh-s ]'wm> Sop 2 la .tin Fairvi w Sugar Company' riilll? r<iiopn>y linking bought ?Tic T??j?l t I in tlic gr:-iit itisrovi ry of mat,in.; tngi.f milt refilling cj nip luinli! Ipilif Siirjol'iHf, ill thai portion lirvcnville District in.briiiiiiK the Thinl ltogimcpt, wo prnpn.o tu met it SftJAK IlOl .si: atol It near I'A 115VIKW us sin.ii ns practiciiblc. To llime ?lm livo too fitf lr-tin our works, i, haul f'.oir cane*, ATo propose to ?!l r.'irn" itijjl-.;,. We III lin o this to t>o one ?f l*c greatest ilisrovi rirs for the South* Ooulil linvti been iniolo, ami bare no d'-'aot that it will ho, in h (cat yi ere, the gf'al staple of the Sonlli. i s npi i,,||i.|.s at' yiuiple nml cost i'oir.paiatirrty nothing tit start a (arm Ar^rhs, tunl will pay live titou htt? tot than any prop trxvept rot Ion, a?.il aa c bt~ V Sieve wil! <hthat great king of the South. Those wishing lights should cull at oncv ?*H l)"r. IV. .\. IU(li>l'll. ul h'jlil a il-at or Tl? \f I ? i UIR4UurOt u( ( i vi'i.x i'.Ic, w 11 vk l!I liiK*' ^ri-i; t plrntutv in giving lull |nirli<-iil?r?. M r Kill tiirniih -i-i'il livr ..I r?ifi, t froiglif, to those wi*hin? tu jiluut. W. A. JlARfilPO^, V 1?. rASfMOIiK, A^i ins lor t'onijitttjy. T. I,. T'OJ'.EJI." X, . i. .h|ikL * U VI