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F9* fc . * "* ' . > ' l^hp Jfit ?iit4ptn!oip.y If lfc;rinJ m*M.r n?3 ^^Thi? rtlelie40d,-?^lu the fifiurro of thi^'joUrnals lis th'.a rftv nttd llictomprr (lirjr < x^pit toward each ?.i!nr in uiwiiMinic prn> litlliettt l?|it?li. ! ' r instooee. line favors nn iticronsa in the l'rwiilci '* Hilary, with u sly wink ?t the k'lW elect rtlol rt mouth watering tor the rare viands nod ilie grvrrimi *iiir(.?t the expectant tattle in the Kxet ntivc kit^baM. This organ is with high livie/Snud desires (i.nerul tirnnt to hnve a salary which "CSC ham), another organ uptuiiivs mi inereasc of anhiryldtr vhjwl ,/f the twenty four hundred mil.ion ui it voted net's iimhr whieh t'uo nit t ion -irToans.Tie'tr^.tiTitojsorcil'"Tnerenso would pro??i more thnu a <lro|. in o wniuemderaa compared with our tiiacnili'.cpl iinli.nnl obligations.?. 'J Thi#f.? the ehei/ji fiflli't?. teiloiwont Ijotise, Wan bread hrmieh of the- organs?h very n.oi.<y iiiit, hyn-ry, piping act or )tid lfi.Mf.ini Vn 'of. . Then thorn I* t? row nl ouf the tettfiro of nflteo hill. One i>< t of ReguMiesu organ* dc-' elure that tho hill must ho modified or tlrent' j will bo a niero mammy TVjsldent, llko Andy Johnaui. without power to do rood or evil?a more nonentity, neither Useful nnr^rnamoutal. Another hatch ever thot a mo.lillcat ion in tha tenure of oftloc hill would ho nn admission that the party had heon noting wroh ;; nnd, moreover, they lire not precisely so sure shout tlciternl Uninl'a fidelity to radicalism as to allow bitn the reins without?to use t?n ciptiuo Amir??tirst testing his .oui'nlnuss mot en-. duraneo. Rn|, ?!Hi '>r without a tenure of office bill, "flrtibrat ftrant can suspend nil government officers tainted withcorruption, and, pending investigation, submit their eases to the Sedate, which wili bo bound to sustain hiiu. Mtill another sot of KepubHeatje nro praay-nfter u universal suffrage amendment to the constitution,, furring willy nilljr. negro suff'Mgi alike tnpoti n'f thn States. And yet Rno-h" f ipluMI are positively opposed to "Ooh* ivn extreme measure, and are rather violout in ' their opposition. Filially, prominent IJet.iiblw'un organs nro highly exorcised in regard in the composition ?.f lieu. (Jrani's Cabinet, there being already formed," or in process of forjiint ion, Cabinet, rings in the Kasf, In the West, lu the North, nnd oven in the Snn'h. The Kastern, or Nm England ring, has Stunner as its favorite, with an old* rrif'me, but r.i'her entorpriaing, Ilyston paper as an org-'n. Tho Wcstorn, or Chicago ring, has Kliltu R Washburne sis its fneortto, with Chicago i/ni'f umir ns an organ. The Sontliern, or enrptt.-bng ring, bus n rcprcscntatire nan a* its favorite, wifli n colored organ to eroiMu liiiii for the contest, ltut the grandest ring of all?the great eoiiecntric ring, the ring within rings, the ring that is prepared to dish up Cabinet ministers, foreign ambassadors chips, fuf colloctorsliips, .and to perve out, according to order, h!I ttic superb pluius and do licious drippings from the lnvder of n fresh administration?ia the New York ring, with its impati- fit, <|iiiirrelsoai3 and tronblcsemr efgans. Happily for tbe ponce of (Irn. (1 rapt, either of these organs can hirnish o candidate for a place in hia Cabinet, or on ambassadorship abroad, without going but. ol tho purlieus of their own sanctums. 'In the meantime, while all theso political wire-puller* nro in a ferment about appoint. iweutt and plunder uudcr^tion. tirant's administration, that hero visits New York, smokes his segsr, dines and chats pleasantly with pcesonat friends, rides out with the noblest specimens of horso- Brsli in the world, and quietly and significantly remarks to some who approach him on | ul it ten I topics, ' When olhor* have ceased talking it will be time for inoto begin to act." It is eluur, therefore, tK it h'l.rttd nf I . Itliln tvI i* li In lliom<(lTvt ainong the SI.puliHer.n leaders and Organ* do nut disturb the cquoi.'milj 0? fen. (icuiil in the least, lull that, having tnade U|> in* mind tu go into (lie Pre*;.it atial nlhow with n determination In reform ahum*..reduce cxp><Midilnro*. and pfnoe capable, honest mnl trustworthy men in office, lie wI I do-so nt the hazard of the opinions of all political bach* who may think tbc.y have him securely in their greedy clutches. Trout.!< is beginning in tho Itepublifuu camp.?jVi ic Yort: Ifrrn/d. The Xing of Siom. A telegraphic despatch, n few days ago. announced tlie dcnlh of Pirn M-engkoul. the first or principal King of fifltn. He wn* born in that country, nhout ITic venr tfO.'i. .tnu need di d liia lather, I'licn J>iri iclimg, in IP2.I. HVrlly afterward, through court intrigue, !:o w is superceded t>y his bnlf-hrolhcr, the eon of one of the King's mistreat).-?. and voluntarily j retired to private life. Ihiring this period lie | heroine a Iihuddist uionl;, devoting hiiusell to tile atudy of languages, both living and dead, in which he tiiHiio such extraordinary progress iu tu attract the attention of Kui.pwiii suvat.s, jnid tvas eleeted a Fellow of the Asiatic Society of (treat lirttnin. Other sciences also uttr.ict?d his attention, am! lie soon heramo liiglily ,<rcii<ii*acd in his o?n country rr.r ins vast ; learning outl virtuous lire. Tim dualh of ihe ] sovereign in April, IP." 1, created a vacancy on the thr-no which lie was called upon by the | unanimous voice of Wis country men to till, and j he again rr.-ayed the oliies of stste, wiib the. titio of Prahut Fonoiol Pra I'arautcntln n | Maha Mnngkntit. (King supr. me, august and j Must cacred.) llringing mtivity to hear his t fund of aexjuimd Uii.iwlclgo, If introduced < reforms among his p< ? )de, which impelled ihcin . forward rapidly in the march <>f Improvement | and prosperity, raising the. until then, do- j spis .l pout r, to one of malarial eonsi i|iicuco j in liio fraternity of nation--, greatly on- 1 homing rim value of its pr? dut tire cnpaeffies. j Cxtreme Hticrnlity cuihim'Ii rixid nil lii?vu>r*. I Jiiinii;' Inn rciidi romli" ttinl viio:>Ij> werg - ! I l.ucr 'i lu l.i> ililnlo ; habits nf inilustry inrulciiUil in his jic<>|?le, hii<I n.ivnn- | tugou* t rent in* cfffcloil with l'nrojio ivml , Atntriru. Tlit* |>iwn ??- nl?i> tniil ! I lie ill (ill'.-1 trmiinlii nf iiiliycielitr uiiil wir.-'niji inu'lo I In! it.:.'{riil law nf I lie ! ":?: |?i r**. II lint | IVlertUtf tire.'il wn? to llit.-si.i, II. i? i . Asiatic ntniiiirclt Inm Incn to lii.uii, ivbtt-h 1 country list* i tij.'.vi-cl nlm-'vt ii'ilnnki ii peare J unci prosperit\ thri.r;'' 11 hie "ii-rfnnrnl reign. [Arte (,' /cttlt* 7'tff!? ?. Tai.i m: ri f. vi n.l < i Fmifnl /./" (i i it frit/ II .../.A/ 7"i'..j,i>?'.??a>1rinal'r/ Oj'iilion ?/" ihr Snjtl f in t '1.1 /t oil //<? AiV/i/ce/ t'J /elpcclc/lolf itt. I.i tins fiupretue Court tliin morninir. Lieu|rri:nit-( tllea*- *? ,.v:ti* tillmtorl fill liter lime, illiti! -I 1*. M . t" nltow rnnse why n writ tl-miM tint l,e is.-iii*r*. Iinmeilinii ir iiftnrwnrrli? lint court ti'ij mrtic'i until ten n elm l> to ni"rr"W, in reftim't I.' ike linnini ,' nf fii nrral tVmlily Thompson, mill to nil .it ffi mrttihors of Ilia l'ciitb nrnl bar to aitcitil hi* ftin?..i'. The advisory opinion* nf ihe jcrdftcs of th? fjtt|ircitid Court un tin) .jiifjiHorn mji>mtllt<l r uie liitytt njp'i by 11 ? i r.i o' llrrr!, Wi re ritliv- ( orcd tlti" ii|oniliio. 'i'lm iif.ii ion* nrc uunniiv.'iif mnt sustain tlnvrrimr Metii's jvntlli'.-n, | 'l'i *v rltrirlo that tliori- wu* im i.oy is!?iuro ....... uiMitil, : 'id thai if iIi-.ti Inv'i I -a I'll t!io form ^ ... itn jamc linicnt ffa* Irregular Hint tint in ticr inlunco with lntCI'lirv tt' that the Mitre l-af-'tttio <'f t< t"in.irto.i ?! iii.i'cnvl.mrt.i ?] ."*? i.ul linjTrtcll, I '' ; I ? Rr.l.f. isr <"? * Pol.. Aiki:n.- pVlnur^ iii .intfintinring thi' nlfKn) ? !" (! !. Aiken, in I Cflutn'' in, upon !'iv;,iJf I'U?i in (he .miin of , *a!>nrt. Wc |>iif-li.-xli in nn flier c-'nmn Iii* Iclfrr In' (in, Peiill, in whirfi |..">Ue(* mini not tliolile^'Ml vlntniliiri of ttrm ri^iit of p,r*<o>iil lil.erfr. wiiioil tlm low KUj.r.Mi:.- .? ;.i :J;u InnuMc-l iliijMiii in (he Inn I. I'.v what uiii!i'>ril.r, he uf>h*, (Iih'h h yi i^lilmli' ?f ll.hf.irvt W.iio n w..rrnii'. (lit ihu nf it chiwn of AlibeHiSlty I or jiu'ily hi* nuniViii fr.'u. t&v i whore the ofToti''!' ix rfiwtf.'l i.. I.ov. ! . n ^ rntnl'ioil. 1( wmifd ho very <)iiii<nit ? ? Jnotiijr, either \,y I (bo New Po ii'O Ad' "? nny yln'|> I:, w, n pw>? ( railing w'lioli to on np;nioe>! In tiio spirit of I n^li li liberty, iiihI liio Iru.iil nii ' mid u?iige? wf )t.- lojjnl Ir una!*.? .lllii>'"? /'.in, J' ! WLDITESDAT. DZCZMBB* 9. 1198. .Tbo U)(^latur? |p Cpliyxrbi*. There j^th n?a(Zaeiona/n diM Hou?e nn"8?l?iil?y VrldljV |Xep?^Agi lr< of J no grent importance. .. . h, 0m? ; ( pied inoftly in taking up tho snflnianed I>Harness of the extra rtMion, and refilling 1 lie bitla, resolution*, Ac., to approj'1 j%t e committee*. Herniation* in regard, to the , death of S'artin, member of tba Hg???f and, menibe* oV the 5^y?e, y?ro introduced by Wiarrtia. in lha J^ppae }( , Tomiixao.n introduced ?ui^i\uVp. Holl^ otu of resolution* were referrei, pa jno* lion of DkLaiiok, to a ?onnnitt<e. - ? 1 x't. : Wutpru, Ranbikb, Cocke, Tomlimsom and Lomax. The Message of Oovrnor Soott w?? delivered 011 Monday. We have just, received il^' u I lie I'hcrnix and merely glanc-d at ita contents. Tiie Message ie.well spoken of l>y Hie pre** us a judicious d-rftument wi'li *' ght qualification*. We shall lay it before our.render* next weak. It *?em* by official estimate* lliat Ilia amount of taxation for the anauiny year will be 9820, 490 fil. The District Taaoa will nearly douulc this amount of Ilia taxea to be inis-fd. ?A'2U,492.-18 -is estimated for the .payment of interest on tha State d?bt which Litis Legislature has needlessly increased hy authorizing bond* for tlia payment of the Hill* of the Hank of il>a State which had hrgn purchased up at IU ccntaj many of th- in by speoulator*. Tims wo have mors ' than half o( the S'ate taxes required to pay inluraet oh the debt. Major ('criis, President pro-1 em of llie erennl *. has suggested the necessity of electing some one who is not a member of that ' body, to act as its President. This day (Wednesday) was fixed on for the coneid eration of the subject. It is said that ths Legislature shows an earnest disposition to woik and dispatch business. A few days will dtvo'op seme of the measure* to b# acted on. Fnrman TJmveratty to be Opened Soon. Kiii'Iiihii University will again go into opcrnlion on 1li? tirat of F< Unmrr text ? Tlii TruitfM lit n rewnt meeting have ?o i d"t?rn?i?ed. Tlii University will open with live able l'i ofeaenra, three f?iilhm?n of known Ability and the highest acIiiiIat I ship having heen abeted at the late meet | ing of the Itoard of Trtteteea. We do nut mitiounee their names at pr< *.?nl. n? tliev hare not yet fntiiially areepled; hut little h'ul't is entertaineil on that eotj As to two of them, there has not yet hern time to receive an aoa-ver Aitrtrv they *rrr Inform, i-d of thvlr election 1Jt? mrKfng this fc-inoiineement. we deair. to remind tlirl fv.blie that a girnl ileal re | niaina yet to he ihuic i i tlie *?y of proeur [ lug bonds on the plan heretofore explained. ! The Tltljfc es hare il? elded to open I lie (J> i versfly on fnhh in the enlightened lilo railly If its, that they will come tip to their full iluty in making contributions needed for it< anjiporl. Apj ei'a, llierefore, tu tlie people in different parla itf the Stale, will be emi'intii il for.loinda and conti Bullions. M-mcy ia now pbnty in th e Slate | emiparc l to what it ??t a year ag'?. Uer j tninly tho niotl u?. ful and honorable in J I vestment that could b? made, would he in ! supporting such a not |? institution as Fur? man University, which now hna the prom iae of being carried out. with more efHeienev | than eve* before, and will afford the Inch- j est advantages of education to all student* in the thoroughness of tes??-ti'?g nnu Hie, l.'rtri if.tT nn,l ability ?>f It# profefftnr*. The j pnldie niny rely <>n tint opfiiii.f; of lit# Uni- I I veraity tit* fir*t of FrhrHary. In lit* m?an. | tin)*, much (we repeal) in expected from t It a t #itin# Jul li?* in rw|i?it#? to 'ho caila of ajrei t? lor eonltihutinn* of honda anil mean# Lot none wait to he called on who hoar of j lli? wm If of lit# I not it tit ion. lint come for*. \vniiI urn! do wlint lliey can. and there are | hundred* who ean^do much tii?ne thaii they j think, an.) noma ft great ileal, who a< y#t have done nothing. Dea'h of Mra. Buaan W. Thruaton. I'llia lady, an well known and etteenird 1 in fireen4il!c, died at her raaidenec in tliia ( Town, on Friday, 2R'h November, nil.? Mra, TttrreTox had lived in tliia place ever; vinos her marriage w ith RiciiaUd Tnaisrow,' Fffjuiie, aoine lorty or more yeaia aiio.?; I,i ft. n widow In 184JI. eh? rnift' d a family of ^ children moat, raptitiili'y. She wa# a devol?U wife at-d "mother, earn#?t. affectionate , and | Fioni the d#nth of iter Una j l.ftiid to the of the war. nhe held the office of I'oa'.miati a ? at Greenville. She wag n remarkable woman, uncommonly In- , telllgent, and plenaani, and entertaining in her manner*. She had devoted friend*, , and (die wft* aineero and eonatant in liar ; own friendship*. Site waa a tadv of g#eat , lieftiity, ft native of I.nnrerft Dlatrrct; her [ maiden nnme was Saxon She will l.e long t r- m< inhered liy her ettrviving c?!?n(mr* I i'h'? in furWrmany eKe*1tow?|"? 1101 innocent kTniety, * it end eprighilinre* [ in nneinl ?cterr?.nrtwf were not ineomp?iiid?l with e d-ep and '?rn?t fttmpnthy ?llh | ill" nfflieted m d the enrrnwin* ; end few i In die* Imve devoted in or? kln.lne** end *1.. . | tention In vlritir? nrd rnt-coritfif the tick ^ ar.d the dtatrrfkeili Olobe Turnip. .t?Mr* E. C'>x, who retide* ehont (en 1 mile* below Ore nvllle, he* pretwn?e<i n? ' with a fin" epeeinien of the Turnip, 1 rnt??d on hi-* (nrm. Mint of then* weighing 1 nix ponti'to, lor which we return nor thank* 1 ' fli* mode of culture w*e manuring wiih ' alnhle ninnnr--, in ?1 ill*, nhont. feet apart' I he turnip* rtanding 7 or 8 Itirhew apart in drill* : cultivated flr*t by hoeing am) thin nlnir, nnd then plongheJ one*. Congress ii-ccttucxt Monday In Wn*Mflgte f i ? ^ w ^ ^ * ? v } ?30BI . f, > -.. j v v ^IlI^M'rt^i^R'lveriitj, nod Iff ifliol# adjacent country, >ra w??t decided, at4l a corresponding obligation reals upon tbi? section. You bare ad opjxTrTunfP^C^aJwaJnag * |our aona at boine, and to aacure all tba adka*gH M a raoAtiary n}t?fc. f>c#*M.yl > fopAlatMb, bnpfroral society, ate., Jk.,\?l?lBh auch inatitutiona bring wltb thom whan proaagng^pggggggi friend of ilia lnatitutivn, urging (Jba.aama mb- ject, we have concluded, instead of atteaaptiug <Hff l4WAb S^??H*lUr tn*?MdraUef"?fTie'lre* hi* oo'v..,wU?ul|, bawocar, we *? "^Wrft.Wlwot. jraparwd /or pubuoetiog, , JPSJ? * . a l(?a * H mi dWNFWwUIFJ, D'*r. -SV.?A.? Fur.nan JJaij^ta^I tf t bo opened, I think it would he well f'trjitu to t say smoothing to the cititrna of C(ree?\illeT about' t\ioir obligation to make no tjie 7S ^oud? allotted Co tbia plno.e Onfr auout SO bonda I have yet been gtvon or pledget!. Kvefy ciljsou j whd expects to rend a student t" the 1'nlver- J !ty during ciich of tbo tliree year#, oiight toj toko not lose than throe bohds fdreaili student. j The tuition nfehcii etndent tedf eotl, at tiHtl, < OH* hntfdrrd dhl/art a ynr ; and enrely' the Utzons of tlreenvllJe, who' ll.ivo the Ttiatltutlon at thoir own doot-, eatin<?t oxpoet people at m <!;.!??< *, who hare to bear the additional xponaei of travelling and boarding (or their awn aona, to boar alao part of the expense* of educating tho boys of Oreettrille. Now that tbe-Traeteca haro made ample and liHoral pro" vision (or efficient instruction, let it not bo said, to the disgraoo of tlrconville, that her itiaone, whilat reaping all thu adrantogvs or having such an Institution in their midst, refuse to uioet the Sv/s'i/ expeuso of educating their <>wa ??n*. Lot fhe efficient Committee who have already acted, renew their etf ?rt, ami aeo that two or three bonds are obL?iaed for each student who will probably enter the uuiyerstly. I hope you will present this subject in bold relirf. Youre very truly, e e e t *?' x * ' ?, United States O' urt In Columbia?Bankrupt CoBea---Thc Duty Of Corgrcee. Judge IIhtan in holding Court in Oahimhi a. We notice a large number of flank, nipt eases, in which applications are made and granted for liaal discharge. It-must. ' to lite hvuevolrnl heart <>f Judge ItavaK, be a pleasing duty to iriisvsee many of tiie liopi Vasly indebted citiaensr of the State, and e'art -tttcm again nnrhatkeled in the contest of life, it Cong'iss extended the (till provisions of the voluntary ]lu>lru{>l law to. it.. c ? l . i i.. ? ' lie itKnim-y n il, n r nop# thnt that Ii'm); w ?'| fr? llic nrf? i ?i'y and propriety of exter.illt'g 'the lint# rliU furlhar tlutii K hn lil Mith of [ D? oriuh# r. Th#r# ?r? v?ry tinny p?r#nn?_ raj.rri.illw in Ih# wlwi In*# i.^Ji#rti> ! lirnn unnlilc lo nd??Tir# the n###?#?ry # *'* ' lo hw'i'n'r pr<wp#cimt[r? in tlm kHiplrt.? j Tlt#r# ri? n c!n?r of d#t lor# #*#1"d<<l frntrt ! lit# I?reft# of iht- fUrlfni i law, tltst in j j.:M :c# ought tmi lot#. \V?? ni'Xti trtut### . of tti utit kind#, who *r#ro laikrupt or nwln( <lrlil# lo errfrr ??/# Iruit, aI lli# lint# of ih# | aaaag# of th# Bankrupt tot N'otir of lh?## ?"?i|il l.av# anticipated ll.r law. ?ir 1 wasted fiinrl#, or p>'t (h#ni |i. j opardy, with ?f.y \lrw or calculation of rrjlrviog thrill, ml*## v inking advaricg# of th# # !; for . I ()iil nol #xi?t. W# can ??# * ({nod tva#on for rteftiilli'f thai clar# of drhlor# from ih# In in flf of I lir art, ?# lo a!T lhtbililir# Incur red fine# It# j a##?g# and in th# fntttr#, Ivnt none whatever, a? to liahidtir# exialitift whrn fhc net wit# parsed. The gr#*t oh- j jc-il# of the Inw, which nt# Ltncmlent in | itirir cli4"rncf#r, cannot h# attained without n fm Ihrr extension, nl iea#l, and at#o embracing truster* indebted before tlis pa'sngo Of ihr *#t. Orsonvirs I.ttorary Club. Th# Club in?l on Friday la#i at Ihr hour# of Rev. f)r. Jso. A. Bno.tiH;#. Thnrt waa a pretty full nt ifiidxnc# of member*. Rrv. Dr. J. I'. lioyCK wne rlrated President of tlieC uti lor the eneuinir T'#r, Itev. I>r. K T. Bwi'T. Vipol'ri'iidcni, There ? ? a r>?(iln. lion parsed to cell *11 lli# periodicals of lit# your lwfi7. at auction, of which d?# " tie# will I a siren. The ??y *1 the even-; inn re*'! I>? f>'. Bovra. Hnbj'ct. M?r nionltm. It was treated willi freat ability j and presented a brief, but neverthel*e?, nio?t comprehensive ??d aomplet# hlainry and view of that rinpo'ar rcdlfion, whirl, m exceedingly Interertrnp, and produced also an luleeeatins dteeuaalon. The Election for Mayor and Aldermen , .. n tn Charleston. ? v. 1 Tli la elvotiou waa prole I lad ngainal, aa ille- j gal and void, (or urino franda. Tlie old city , Council, upon whom the law import,d the right of deciding liavg after imnj days of eg- j citing investigation and ahle argument* hy : distinguished counacl on both riles, decided, no douM properly, that, there w?? no toga' and Valid election, and that no peraona hare been duly elected M.,y< r and Aldermen of' Charleston." The old Council, which la ac. ' ecptablc fo Jhe eitirens of Charleston, will probahly roritinno in offlee till net, November. ' The Legislatnre niatf,' howeVeT, pfovlde for a now election at anv time. ... JLfc# ' ' 'tiblem*/ We ar* request * ! 1?. rate that Did Tal>* lean* of Monday ?.. UMi nit , mill h* repented on nai Fridtj night,4th An the fund* rartarri on <lit* neoaainn *111 l?e employed in pttmhaefn^elotltlof for In rttjmt eblMi1'* of Ihe MK< School, It ! ' liop*d that the bem-enl-at lad ea * ho hn ?< gotten up I Ills ekUihitiwit mill ha rawarded wi(li a foil Uon?". lVie* of admiolon. wwly 24 cenI e. IVrfoi matia# to con.inane* a >1 . T7) half.paM 7. , 4to'i I o u Flttw-Waath er. Clear. |>Ua<aMh hraaing weather continue* till, although we are adranuing into the tnonth of Deewfu'we. The noaron ainen #totoh*r ha a he*n ili* aery ltm.11 known in a long timo, nn<1 lin* lieea ino-l furorahlo for crop gather* ing, and rowing wheat. t ? moat promising Jonrniil, that has been greatly coininenilcd by the pro**. j J^y^JUecQx^iac Uuujber i? before us, ami the., eontoots are valuable, as well as entertaining. i mita Mo^np^y |MMI WM4tt.?A|?i- | q;m:r?>g< ? annrduU uj C<M*?U M."> n.Tejw.^^i^ (koWia ; ervu 4?d ?? Vo ^n^ville. en! . ?V'?f 9f f>?>U.onrc tun { rwie t.M ???H "sign.;" W*)hslU;.,olo^-Jr.? of Mr. Cauioi;*.> hevf, j oiU . analyiia ( head of McDt oic; Ji>d|VT V> Jar,j g,li >vl > M 1 * *w,ttr,w *n: * Cv ] Ntivfttnliaf 10 ISf.S .I.*'*- | On t<iHing.n>Y lent in a ear nt Greepvillo. [ Ins^en.Uy morning (>he 1th). in-. .) P wg^qulja fVff'rUey to fin;J a goodly nurn j bef of paeacngere on l>?H?rd ; niuotignl tlietit. i U?j friend*, Judge tJenj F. Ferry, Cob 0. F-!' Town.cs. Dr. Mtrahall, rrceltleiit llauinuU and. daughter*, pur young U?venue .officer Mr, Ucxi Parry. .and nthara. From the complacent tmi!* worn by J'reaident Ham rorU I wm iuducol to believe thai U? was feeling vary happy at the unusuul patron age of the lluad, u??r the wiUreeteof which lie preritie*?but not a bit of if; on inquiry I learned that all of I he ef.'r??aid eonip.-vn v, except Judge F. ami Col. To, who win (ih iug to Walhalla to alUnd to aotne la w< business ware on their way to Aodareoo ta ?t> tend tbc wedding, that evening, of Mice Mattia Orr, at I ho rcaidenae of li?e father. Judge Jaitih L. Orr. It acera* that Ui? Mattia acoowtpanied Judge Ferry en4 hi* rtaiiiiliter, Mite Fannie P., on their late trip.. North and whilal in Philadelphia Ilia Q. became engaged to hf^aoa) huahand Win. Patterson, a native of 1'hiladelphln, and, hy the by,*anM to be a tre*y >lrv*r gentleman, a* he ?h?uid he, to be at ail Worthy of hia brilliant ami eharmlntr^hnhg bride. Wlii'at Jonrneyl.ig to Bolton, (where the wrifer parted n ith Ifl^ home friend*.) Judge Ferry entertained ut with eAttie muting hlatoHeal anecdote*. .and, Among thi-Yn, on* In connection with the eccentric and celebrated General Cliarte* Tx^, hf (he K?Vul(iiton, to tliin < ffect : It *e?m? that the General w?a not very *e!ert in tlia choice of lil* company, and. mindful ol tliia, when he came to write lii* will lie enjoined thai lie ww not lobe burled in the Pr?*'>vl? rian Ceiurteiy, near which he lived, but tome three nti'ca, distant, tlint lie micht lli?ra l>y, at l?yi, nvaaiil ilie rr, loioli of baa. ilg ill laOa! OIII|'?liy t>ll I 11 f l'lal <U\ ! I'aa|. T., who i? kllaawu ??| ||? 0 * * 11 |a| OtlOllrfOal |U|llSl, NtfiriKral 1|^ t a> lat * very goiad *ncwini', ainj -? <1 ha mu-l yo Um| | a a t ' |a~llt to li i? IVr ?fiy I r f i * O llielali, ||ir Uov. l>r, lUiiiat?if l.e il-aaa, lcl me nalaiaf lliaa Iljclor lu t<-ll t.ilia W;* (sJiuwia g ?ve I aaff <1 : M mr yeirs line', J ??l<a Col-fui'l cVancod lo i)u|a, afia-r ni^lii-fatl, to |>?v tin niglat at an Ihiii'I# Urrrn at the tab act it a county aiie of on- of ihe ncwljaWtU-1 eaaniiti?? of Wi-Mrm Oa-uigi*. Aft?r irrfliiaig lain rolf, lia? Judge h-ariiig ?<ari ? l.aiol (Hiking ill n liiiaify liglalr.i log colon near Kyv the Uiiilla r?l what waa Ua<KtO*?iaaM of ll, an.I on !>??' R Haftamiol tha> il waa a Hi|ilHyrflMiifr who waa lltMing fnrtli lo the ?'>o<l p<a?|aU o| *qna*hvilt?.<? The Jualira b-inc a awl M-ihiuliai an.I pr.>*?k>r, a* Jlid/r, walke<l lo llir church, *nd nnoH?frrfillv took liU M*t in n ilark corner Ihn d?ur, it kippcncd tlial the |>renrlier, w ho *m enforcing baptism l>jr immersion as lite only proper tuxlr of introduction lo rite church, was an iiln e?ie and conceited man, with more men) than knowledge. Ilia apeeisl aim ae#n??id lo l>e lo rtdieyte the Metho lists, whom lie ?.?mpn?-?vl in cow frogs, all of wIiism art arsa. "Sprinkling! sprinkling? sprinkling!" wlilefi word* ha pronOW"f?e1 with a peeuliar nasal trofee, so as noi?vwl??? - re??mMs' the cry ? aioresaid frog*. At the eon. elnsinn of Ms discourse, the preaohef, fkellng the overpowering foiee of Ms earn arguments, fearlessly Invited any hian pries snt to lake the pulpit, atid answer Mm lf he dare make the attempt; thereupon, to tl>? flonsternatinn of tho orereonfldent HI* vine, Colquitt, like an apparition, suddenly srnee, and wnlking up to Ihe phlpfl ihook hands with llis minister. with whom it seems lis was well acquaint!*), and ascending the rostrum proceeded lo answer the 0r</p ?cn/s of his lyerped opponent, and concluded by saying that it was trne that tho Methodist, and many other religious denominations, did believe in tbe suflicicn ey of sprinkling, and it might also be true that I hey were in that matter cow frog*, In .!> ? s< n-e and manner explained by his friend : but in mnkln* ibis admission. " I uu?l tfiriit." aaid bit Honor, *' tkat puhii of my unworthy ll?pl<X (licidi ara lika lh? , I mi II frof, and all /AW/- orjr ia, " Jug a rum ! jug a-rom ! jug a-run. I" which word# the | .lodge ii.iourit with alt tit* /olewn eadanoa. | mi >?<!ioreiwly *hara?t/r #*,! of ilia golr<> I notnie ftvoille of liie French nation. At Helton, a etinai.lefnhle number of paa[ w* brought down l?y the AihUm 1 /on train, hhd at nlr?o?t every depot do? n Ito Ilrnnrh\1He, (wkoee Ik* writer left tkm ChuPerton train.) \T? eontititird to pick lift fatoenger/, nntlf the car/ 1 lirtaWn in trtnrlt, and ao inconveniently 1 crowded, 'lint I wai glad In etep aboard the Aitg'i/ta op irafn, and happy to And myarlf, and a lialf doien ofhef?, the role oeen pan (a of a large rar,' with vacant aeal* enough to improvise comfortable bid* f.?r 11,? night. At Bolter. a elranger Legged io aiiara | my /eat f and, aa ke proved to b? ao agree. | abia and Ulkaliva dirmao gentlemen flora WaMwiln, i wtnt'wH long 1*0. uninformed m I In- coining MMinlily. My wo i(ot 1 to v?-ry ffoml filali t* l>?foro f? |> irti-.l ? ( like mo*t Waltmllan*, was cviil'itUy prmi I .? t hi^laWtMj *jf' lo''' ttu' canity > mii-letred from N?vrln-riy ?o Wat'" Hf. MiiU W BWMMUitLiu J,uur ^ tliry Yi r? tq a f,Morv. ,,;o|olUJ ?.y r%r 5.>i wvn* U?, l*Ad>* lh<aUrc ! V> imVMI j Jl II i h*v. not the honor to b* a nwrttber oi Ur." Slid toJ. wiiheo tnaay of I r. v?j ..otu-i r*L(y. *-as on tl.o lo-Uni f->r '?ig"s "i"1 fr.r-lru" but tiM? ir. " i a**. *'* HmV..f immmoou# .vhiiky huitl.-, aud many (r|?nd)y Invitations ! "grip"' 11?o aagie; all ?>f which I tl?*c,duetl?,iy?4i.confined wf attentions to n etyiara bot^e i ?; 11 friand * 11 ?- ! <SHilUr*, to whtoh.-bj hi* kind inv}wuMM?, we eoatiunid In pay <An mutual *tl?lresa<4 " |q llu'ibittcr fend," at > o discovered, H? ?'i>< ?rK<N'?#h?|fc inbUiv ima parting ? aniile "at Hranebvillc. > C?l. T. will I rcolieot.thyt, whilst nuHhe railroad, and our littfcr knfrt of Grhcnville fi-foml a were tiactiMing I'hraaalnfyjl 'men tinned that on overlooking, a few day# prrViowe, n liutidldMif <?M papery 1 liai found among I ft em w-hnt w*?'?l)rlfiU " f'AiVnaftji't. ?i?f /|Ha/yaia. ar. OnrefnpiHrnt *ftA? Jitnin, M$n4. **<1 /Ston4rtrut' r*ttu*? k/>Chir4r*r bf ai.d tfliat ito (f*?V T) rnfujial ma fc> Wfif ind e/nd It lo the I'.nt'rfprit* fur publics" ton.' Rehire sill joining a copy, allow nil. la this connection. to mak-t ft few reinaik* as to the sue*'of Mr. CiiIltoMtl's head,"??.! hia nplhion of lltrenolngy. In March, ' t tlic Inftngut ft'h.n of I'tedd. nt I'tdW, T? wia fft Washington, and' tdiieip'i'ilIT^ heeompmied (! itt-ral MclHlKr, *i h s rcqutat. (he' bi'wg'^tirn quite an invalid,)' to In* home in. Abbeville. At'Richmond, Mr. CalInoii. j iiiii'4 n>, ai d we traveled together to Pharleaicn. MV. Calhoun having on one saaVo'n {<llgrfJrW7|al wtPjMrd It by inn, 1 it up and put fl ,iin my own nKr'A. li> my "" nna'T aiirpr'ar, 1 io.-clv to mj rata, J although, m I hn?,f't?l|rcl, mj owu hf?(l inrnMir'ii vh| r '2- J itu-he* I jr** *o ijtych iiirjirifed that I n.uM not rvaial tit* incline, lion of tckii't; Itiiu Q ) if lie had an/ faith in Phrenology; I?? n hit-It he piouiptly ioplUd, V?i, il? fC' nrral priuciplaa are undptil.todly lute, at.d it ia miit* eeirnce; llit- ancient <i recks aid llowana, without kl i'wii'if it, arf aa tpfd or l?ett*r phre. Oi'l?' i?i? than .Si Hi/.!u-in and (Jail, at is? gl.yi,iU"P v I V lieilC-ti l',v the MUlOot'iU* I1-10U "( Juj il'l ai d.othefa, yrl-idl'. have Ifi-a jirea-i ?rd to tile present Jay..-. Jio* rovci-tt |'Jif*i?a?hnti?t aid'4 iinik- a iu?r-p.'i t |>l i t'i ii'iigit'al head tliaa*> old head? I J ,p.i.-.r ; dh-y * rrsv pciJey'. lh?.t. any ?tlatiipl at n h/li-r development would hare ' iujd? lleiu iiM U-ler*. aid any l?/e* tiiiwcr- j of the ?yj r-me (jud. J:?e h I V. yf ?U the o jiuc ii'ati.?i? gotl.'. In a^l'-ocmling , wn'e to the i Vi f, will t.e fotir.d 1 m aim) le?? prcVoi a* I hey tcce-dyltoru lh? perfect -j ImT.iI ? f it. ..* .%<M nl ;; Ky the j tiel.ire me, P appqara ' liyl ;i tlie ex itnii at itijt of tin- lie ..I i f (?on< ral Xlc|>l.fTi- ? ;i.t lundr Varol. 8 I', 1 *'10, I y Ji, I;. ' t I II. t,'..|!yr; , I rarlie.i and cnnipurntite jeHffin loiti*', U;"pil of the late l>r. S|?v>*heiii.) 1 will Jirit copy t'ho " Pxim A.N.tiloN.? In examination, the relalive ai*e of 4he Orgsnn, (iiycne head,) la derigti-.tcd according to the .Scale, from one' to twenty ; vis. : 7 firing |>|a?ed oppoaile to Iteelrtictivoncaa, aiguifi/a that it ie all ; 17 ?ppo-ile Itan-'videno*, that 4t iaforpc 2u oppoaite Individuality, that it ia u/rv lary. Ac. i fti'\t a or t>?vmorniint. . 1 to 2. wanting. ?r i liooy ; d, 4, and 5. very imdl ; ?, 7, an t 8. until ; J>, |0. and II tAtJoraln 14 I* ami 1J /.. 1 I . I ? ? ? i., w" I*, in, a Ail 17, ; 18. 19. aurl 20, tary large. (? Minna, or loo; X I'lti*. <t nmre. ;i?iiVfcUorMK.\T, i'o\rae,pr *tmj Ac., nr tc>. ^nrwMf Amative near, | G; Ptiilaprogrnilif iinoi, 18; Cnoeeobraiiv.iir**, II; A>lh?iivr'ici>, 17; Cynttaiiiivftti*,,, 1 ; 10; Alitncntptlvonrfs, 18; Strati *rp?aa ,11; Ac<j ii*iii vitr??, II; Sail o-l?m, X 1 4 ; uf. Afj.rvl.i ion, 17 ; CaUIWH. lft; I Ftnmiraa, 18 X ;, C'>n*eii-niioit*p0aa, 1ft , | Unfa. 17; Id-aluy. U, Womltr, ft; Mr* j iireylence, ll^X ; Veiwntlion, X. 12; ; UIU>?, .11 Individuality, 17; Form, 17; I Shea, let Wttlglil, 18; Color, 8; Number, i UiiOrder, 1ft; Couairuetirenft*, It); l^i ra-liiy, 14 i Tun", J ; Tuat, ft ; Rrantoality, 18; l>?> g'i??e. 12; CuRtpariaon, 1ft; CaueolUT^' 1ft X ; Tcwperaineal, ? ; XatvpRa, 9 6; SRnguinu, S-S,"* , rr , I dare Mijr foe ot.d your rrndtra, M*??rii. J Kd8?re, may l.< won. wit at that | in the fonnrr pert ofttMla rambling commit I nicsMon. i heart cK<*??ir to da'irtiaiaiity old ! tHcA.l 17 F: fVrrv hr lh? itlitfnf Jh.K,,, I rather than by any rAh?r of the dialinctinn* I wt.i'h lie haa mi wmthHy enm. lb-fort t tOiduiUnt; 1 ?ill ci*c * ll.n rea#on j why ;** and in doit g # , li may not. be emit* I to giro a short lii?|ory ol antra of |he Judgtl Va!i? iia prdnmtlona, efviT aifd military : In rrtrly lif*;Mt appear* tliaf, lilt* mm" amhitlooa yo' ng n ai , hi* Holfnr 'ought military dMIne l.n and obtain eel the aj. prduinricnt of llrlinde In'(Vector, arltli the . r ?/ ! - -a:A < ... rniit w, "f r, wriic.ii nunjj (O IlirW lilt1 uri'ftl? r pari ??f hji c-kre. r, jkn'd ftli kk lilvjj lie " fou^lil llie tnllle oi Ijff.1* T)i>rir?titt; lute w?r, at * time wU"ti It wm rumored *n?l nppruheiuWd |ki?t 0?n. ItoaepciAn*. or ?o?w; lorti'de Dnjelimikn or \>nkee, at tbo l?<'ad of evvral l.onJrod i]i?*?an.1 m*v, piwnl.out to inv^l? it oh lb (Caroline bj th*. w?? of Or* dup<-tH'*'0 Ro44? ?|?< l4M? U/)t ?s4 at > -will) ?euUI?l?vJ ?u l?uprrg??|tU L>ftmt, J^wSi wm c"'1' llnj m!'i? (31(rfl*??i ilWRifiii organ* '*!? tli* *lf?l]t?n of the Rev. T. 8. Aitlmr *? eefialn, nod my friend, the Judge, *o?nn<1 Mr t|ii <i lieutenant ? and thirl nm*t ay to lil< credit, ** w thou* ml'tildki |* Whether It erne that ti e |h>| artment of Tentirintt " heard of tlile fort tml oompauy Near tin " 'jwe^.tetnr appoint. mentoi "'f^tl'UjSro/taW llu- Of ii fade nit e {J(a t?e, ha tf*y ** Wad, j t4-%f tW jiAfljli i>iliutei-ni SPicn SB appoint m^lt, by aocli a tlnelivOf nii^.V have coma to holiest ll>>t ii W moAr^iWNOjf all ihc'othvr hpiiSVi of '|is governorship V/ e|>poiuln?cttt,#?f tflMilri-er J ohnaot*, andeUertoa *e United or Carolina. ".S-.<n'gwi.?- ?? ftlaiwlyt r "ii! r?M * ?i i t? *, x. T. < > i ?i? ,?IM {??* v!' -rftnianr# *4v * * . ,r?* MToubwm^ .tfr. Fihtnr?The monotony of oer little Tillage, vM'MlietmtoK.Jt Wnb agteedMy %rwfcun ?m ?*idn/ V.? ?yn| cl*a?W,ef ?aiu*etnent*, a ttiurnnmeiit. The day wiis clear and cloudlets, nntl at mf r#rt/ ht'.ur e ran coneach sustaining mmi thw % Wight ly tHiirwUri, whieh they ' kad lor tbe ??nre i.sun<<,4: . J E. H. ArrliMi'EtilpM of Cherokee; J. A. Alexander, Sovew forks; O, IV: Hremlrti, tViUiainltoa } -Charles .Cwriewtfc Unek Jlorn Castlo; U^.r*e UmHj". KHnalcyi J.s 8. Charles, t)?5fc hawo ? E. It. lfuinllt?n, Fergus MaeNo^t V. K.< MrHi1!', Young OheTalier; II. McKerry. knight of Cha/leetea | Hast M. - I'crry, ripeuish Cbc.-nlier; WillU 8a?ya>,ly>ue 'Star; J. C- Kullirnn, Suluduj John Sullivan, flitHd'HIrae! 0.'It. Tarrant, It In Urendfej'W. \Vure, JrAnhoct tJluixmce Were, Uoldew fltfrt; T. hkOffrv, Hed kro^p W. WUeow, .Dutch a\ half-pail' 1^, they rode Into the hid, escorted by a baud of tnusie, l*rt?mily prancing charger* onate.. I I)earing Ivuighw of every natae. , M< i Th? rxeaeifer were erell eouduotedt themtfcutive Marshals keeping excellent ocUcr.g?d llti' lionltrilile Jililirr'-rGiil'. T. K. Ware, Dr. J. L. Woodtdrte. (Taj.r. W AiVtbld, Dr. IT. C. lSpting? Wei-ling ehlll mwd awarding yrisr., with prompt impartiality. Tho fir at. p(ixe war awarded to 11. M. I'trry, _{ f Who crowtifd *? Queen of IKiinty fair, A utniil whore, tiatur' was Anna Ware. Btto-rjiifa fFw -oo>f? I',-a Tho second ptfso was awarded to J. C. snlliratt. Third prixe to V. K. McReo. who ebose n* tlrst anil aoeon l matls, Sites Anna Stay re; Miss Minwta tiowrer. Andwll went merry es a marriage hell, i L??g will the memory of that ga|a day llngrl'Tii these hearts ' or tides. Ah! ft ebfrisd ue tack tn fhc days of ancient < Invalry. And we sighed 16 think knight-errantry was uu more, and thai the glorious, thoiioh I'al.ulous, days of l)ou Qtfix"ts, had nw*y, never in return; Aixl tUt ike giJlant Macly?tV Iwfure bit w??tar: I pissing arrnl" fl.r'nnte -VrVl ?|k!U But ? ahoil-'d ?<>t cl??U the I'lviraul ywlb uu the pa*:. . ( .v .. . , So, gallant |tu\gh'U, your, emir**" if run,. Tv?r parte if era well, alt, thrice wall doin, l.on'g w'fil *we nf Jr.iwr f#nwe*a taH,' -!>** . .Vuu n?'W| brave chU-ftaina, fare-y?ar #eM. i JtA'UIlK. V t I ' Ann bit or a IVRiu WaV'auu Si* fllivrK?On tfcdnwiley Inn, 1>. A. Folk* I, living < ? " 4M l<nuitruBf place," midday bvlwrcn this and Aiken. wa? arrested, brought to tlits p'uce iirn lodged in jitil. At the rauio time a'nl |dnrc. wore srreeted ai* uegro.a, wlio m a atto lu our jail. The ehargtw again st foiket, to far ai we ran icarn,. tie tbnt he kacpt around him a gang uf negroes whom be has armed, nnd whom he constantly drills. lliat he not turned three negro** to kill certain of bie neighbors. That tho honfca of certain of hi* neighbors have bceu violently urnult?4 at night, nod that these neighbor* are in daily fear of their lire*. That he hat <>ger*A a while man of good eharaeter, glid >a wrili#g to * a Mis.Mnvau* man, i wait foment* Htlfo and discord generally in the section in mhifd* he live*. The si* nog roc* nrr of" llie *aid gang. Kosket he* net given ball. tlib??rmh were made ?>y lAepuly Stain Conefcshia lUapady, assisted by hi* *|Mtciai deputies, 1>, V?. Christain arid Nrinh Corley.?- Ktfyfirfif AUrtriirtr. ' JL w.^iaT yij -' ? T?? ftnltfMton (Teiii) rt'N'/taa. offbe 'tih instant; Vnkkri the f*lfnwff^'M?t*i<*?rt?: "AlIkoagli U may. he a in after of surVf^e to jour renders, it is nev*r.l helms,lrt|ethat Messrs. Ileldciihemer A Vol, of tM? oHy, have Just rr . a vvsvi^naiciif W rwnfr dlllfl ffom Chiua. They were shipped flllM to Ibw fori under orJiuury hills al Jading, and irt f?jjardcd by ilio firm m fimpte merohnndil^. to be eold for freight and charge*/ T wa-tbtrrts yl" Ibraa persons are females, oow afwbcto ie aaiil to l>? very l**a|ifui. Tliey ut disposed of at nnctlon. In CatlforiflaaiitfMtikiro rootles arc <(>iite noiainnn, b?rt tVie lirehej wa believe, la the AnI ever, raaelvrd l?lai*i. Wliat tlyf rcaull Will he/ remains to hl*?' ... tlkoiqis W. Cuii.n* 15 KaQbAxo.-VTlio Liverpool 1 tally Mercutg aayi: , Mr. tliltw, props fetor of (In l/MidM Iwei, is rata entertaining, at Ma eingawt #e|atr, lienrwood, Mr. tyeorga Vf, Child*, frota. I'bilailelphia. who i| Wry property described If the Arnerlfrttr papers " the pu rt-Wt, edh<if and l?hil intl?ro|.i?t.'' Mrs toilfe- i? MM* ? ? the A largest new*paper proprlsun* la A|>a*iaa.? Tlio Public ledger, of or Inch ho It toe owner, fa noil nna of tw mm I proepefotla (iuMMllniia In tha liotoii; and iba.beiMiwg In cMahlt la published la one of the fknaat structure* ta (ho tU|ts4 tttalee. Daring bis stay In England, Mr. Chlhla will be tha guest af (Hal)tike of Hwekingbaia. Mr. Walter, Mr. Diskette, Mr. Kcabetly, Mr, Kevcrd* j?|ipiui| and other g?ntlcm<dl, mjme Mr w^o?? Wrt big princely bospUnlKy In Aaxnriwa, " ?"? ,tt5|7tlwur?.ii ?^a-v I'tlii'j Kr.*rno? Tltorr It KauMVn^It seems, that the election* in Great Britain hare heart, attended with a grelt tfenl of but that lam* new thing, and wa bare nwaeitp nee., so far, thai U'U rl"ts and tffc ightiog ha to 'route??, and d good man* Mjrh aMufiry aid. toriea, who believed that U*s> rpl?e*f%fll*onM . px sr.** n-ctcH v trtwl MMWTM.X *f ci?M?? *f KiCjt. SA ?C??l ? ?* k**4? Uv* . U-vu qf.icVutf ao(| brukrn, km re or " lif Aop# Mn bonne* i* <K!KV?ut p*X of lb* ki^-i-m. ?r,4 o.* .or Hr? |,vc H)?t| U? utooh w>rm Ikinft* T?*i4?o in riuiiliKtUii with tn?N ?|?W nn^Ttow imii ! ,thn f niol MmiM. #??*% t? Rt?riy ' *? * * V* Ar*V Hrit?i,i1 #r* i' ( ?^nf nrrdAj f flo<i , o?pr:T? of ib? lo wvfk. 1