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ff*?1tssmB8JI -.JL?JL.Ji.Ll V? ??' *? - 0 i?M<4 ?r *?.wf 'r . awa.<frw* 1**4 Ml ttvvw* Hid^. 8?fjrl 3t?HM) ?Hr M i*?</ :?> a*h >-rrf?i -W -4'f j*. ,j| hWO . I?i iWf?J? ?". J.;-? jjf .t ^.C-' * ?W^?I.UME XV. ^4' *" #--lf5^NE8I. %."litlJfT, PraV mi4 iiMtbti lilltr. IINIMDIW two boUara p?r aaaa*. UrMTiiiNurt ioaerted at the rate* of ?4 Mwara ft twelve Mjurni Dim <tM *i?ed type) *r Wae tor the Aret I inert km, *1*9 M?p eaeh far the eeaoad ead thirl iaeer** ? < tweaty-ive cant* for tabrequent Wn*?Wu. Yearly contract* wHI be mad*. Afl edvertUeo.nU atari bar* the aamber f 5e*ertioar narked an then, or they will be ttMfUd till ordered oat, end charged tor. Wekaa erdered atborwlaa, Advertlaeneata fera&Tiw.'s;^ * " .**" *1 ^ ? ** N|uM ae ? ' * art tot.iron m<m rmu * 4*. Itrk! I hMr lb? tramp of Iknnadi, 1*4 of armadImi tba ham ; La! a hllva'i bm(i tir* (itbirad ?a' Mpilha'qiM alarming 4n?~ ^"r* Si1'<>" "*U xU ,,itk jhm w At ?-i r W' sksb&c, . Wban ? MH1D dtyi ib?ll wif" " Battlwdnm )f,Lndi Coma! feaatb ibiUimp tb? bniwit btrrHii,H MM 111* KAamcouadlog 4mm. ^Jki, Mm warn U?a coming battlo, wb?i of proAt apringa bbtnfruM T Wbkt of conquart, aaMugatloa? , - K*n |ii?m UU?bxoai t Bat tba dram AtUirtd, "Comal Vm mat do Un ram to prora It," said tba ymyUy-miwtriag dram. "Wbtl If, 'mid tba Mlioa't tbundcr, 1 WMdtng ?ba|l ill banting bomb? Wbw ; brotbtri fall aroand ma Should my baart grow cold and iambi , Bat tba dram AaiWorad, "Coma! TBotW tbon la daatb united, tbaa la Ufa a :it. mriaat?Coma 1" .Yhui Hay anrwerod?hoping, foaring? - domain faith?doubting toma, TUI a trumpet aolea. Droclalminw. , 0*14." My eboNn f?opti, com* t" * Thea the drain Lo! ?M d?*>b, 9*r 4be |iwtbMri of the **tion, tbroWing, (" Lord, wo eon* !" .? C?wm< leUU Aweng V*. ' Th? fallowing article from the Peter*hiirg (V?.) Express, i* applicable to Sewtfc Carolina: we eiifWl to every *Srai, industrious white inM alio snajr be looking around fur . a piece In which to eetahlish a home*teed. 7 W* beve designedly used the f ur ^ueUCtiog adjective# expressive of the dtbwter of the men we invite, end ere free to tey that if tbey ere lacking in either raquuiie, we should iufinitalj pre /?r their remaining away. We require them to be honest, b<(eeuM we beve oo room for rogues or rseeala. We wish them to be industrious, because tbe indolent end idle would af feed ?e wo aeeivtaace ia our coveted ren .ovation*. t tVe expect them to be upright, beeaaee we desire wo affiliation a tth the depraved and di**olute. Aad we want them to be white, be<*w* * tiM* A rtsouliur nirforonM for the white, orer any olb?r race. To all, then, who poilMi lh? rwqtii ?iUi w? bare mentioned, we extend ih? cordial inriuticD?eon* tad settle tuong at. We will Dot demand of yoe mo ex pttwian of your political mind*. Wo will oot inquire to which aide yon Inclined In the lata war. .* Hot will wo make ii condition, Ckd 70a attached yoerselree toany par tfealar Christian denomination, lint will expect you to poaeere the only ad dillowal qualification of knowing how to attcwdto your own affaire, and to let your neighbor's alone. Whew yon eoine, we will intura you . a elintate delightful and ealubrioue? equally removed from the extremes of the frigid North, and the torrid South, ;.'W| will offer tou lands eo cheap, that it wilt ba within the compare ol earr moderate ui>Bua to purcbaaa them, mad ao wall adapted to agricultural par* press, that with a due application of intelligeot Industry, you may make then Pt90fS M a garden ol rooa* We will afford yoo oelleti t# tb< production* of your labor to all part* o (be world, by railroad, canal and tiro ' Art you mterpriNfig and would yot Ilka lo eofaga in manufactoriag pur aoha, wa will forniab you with waia pawar officiant to meat your bigbae wlebaa, and will bring to your door tba raw malarial lo qaaatiiiaa to luppl your laewaat damandr. Woo id yon Uka to tpaod a portio of yoor capital in boilding. wa will auf j ply yon with limber from onr fw?*t day from our wit, or graaita of tba I art quality from our bill*, liar a yc ana aoKcHnda concarafog watar ft drtabiag and eUaoaing porpoaaa^wa wl aaibit to y?nr faqairneg ayaa paranoi traama In ampin abuad*n??? pure ac awaat?goattag &om fooaiaioa lb Do yoa drligbi In iba malodiaa of n .v?wro,mi4 wona?on ba charmed wl 1 ?I? hmharad tril eoma^f^ro bowal^to^rj?t?o2l band, Jtonr ram wUI ba mlutad with il cktrry twnga of worry liitU warUar* ' * ' ??) r? ill ?4?Ml':J I df'^ST^TP^F^ --- O*" Sl, REPLE ? 0^' r; t *>vi V i:~??fc?< T**?" '< W > a; I ??;v3? .!* .,* .. / I IMUB.- ---!.. - 1 -JLU.. - -I iLMUIMi -t -1Are you foi.d of (b? .port# of the Ifldi, end inclined to take oeeeninnel recreation in hunting or tithing?*om tbe door to the here, front the turkey to th# eparrow, and from tbe aturgaon to ibo minnow ; oar wo?de, field* and water* trill foruteb you with that wbivti you aeek. Id ibor', if yon dwire to tind a homo in a plant am land, among a quiet, law loving, anttbelrneivo, high toned people, oome and Mttlo among vt. We want your money, yoar indaatry. yoar intel ligenao and enterprhe to eiq a* in mak ins our noble old Stale the jmrden ft pot of I lift Union. Shilling Wheat. A correspondent of th? Richmond Dispatch, writing from Loudon oounty, lha grx> ?h?a( ragiuo of Virginia, lata* that '.be farmer* in thai aoction hn?? ftlraoftt universally adopied (he plan of d'Uliug their wheal, instead of the old method of so wine broadcast. The adiulsgn claimed for '.bis method are : 1. Only ha!f the quantity of seed is tequired : tho* saving $1.25 in the seeding ?>f each acre of land. 2. The wheal t* covered a uniform depth, and m protected from the freeaes and thaws of winter by having its roots prote:teJ. 3. Where manures are used their whole foroe can be applied direct* ly in the drill, at a saving of over fifty per cenL in quantity, 4. The facility with which weed*, cockle and other foreign vegetation can be cleaned from the drills, and the ease with which it can be cultivated. 5. And lafttlv, though not leant, an increased yield of from 23 to 100 per cent, over the broadcast method. In most of the wheat growing States, the seed drill is brought into use for seeding wheat. The land being first broken, the drill?drawn by two horse* ?opens the furrow, drops the seed, deposits the manure in the trench and eovers. The drill covert nine rows at ,0?ce?nearly the tame breadth made by the broadcast tower?i? easily man aged, and does the work of half a dox an ploughs in coveting the grain* The *y>tem of drilling U an improve mem, in id? *ctenoe <>i whew I growing, that thould eoininmid the attention ol tha South. The Cool of a drill io tboul eight)' fire dollars; and *hm uoal bt a large farm, or by several farmer* unit ing in the purchase, wnuM par for it rrlf in a few WMom by the saving of grain alone. A* the t-enaon for reeding wheat i? cUr at hand, we commend theee facte to the consideration of wheat grower*. Jerusalem S recent ?i?itor at Jerti?alem give* ome of bit ln>pree?too? of ?b?t eitjr at followa: It ie cavernous, disagreeable, damp deeolate, and very unintereeting. The narrow etreete are arehed like cellar vaults. h abounds in cavea and ci* tern*, aquadoct* and tombe. Creeping into a little fox hole jnet outtide of the Damaecue gate, we wandered for hour* through spacious and lofty Cavern* undermining half the city?the ancient anairiee discounted bv I>r. Baidav. In Wifrtn'i recent tieav?lio?i we groped through trehM and covered wave of ' llerodfan lint down to the original rock of Solomon's foundations. Yon are struck with the incongruity of new and costlv modern buildings rising from among the rubbish end decay of the old city, and of no tire, except for the pilgrims of all Christendom who with jealous care their respective rights in the lioiy City, and are kept from biting and devouring one another by the sabre of tbe Turks. There are great empty Jtaoee of desolation within tbe walls list inside the Dung gate I saw Jeru' enlvna ploughed as a field, and got lost , in the great cactus wilderness of the Tyro pea n valley just where that mag r nifioent causeway of Dr. Robinson's arch ones connected Mount Z"?>n with tbe 1 temple. Stumbling over dead dogs and garbage up tbe steep of Ziun, I wee run I at by a oow who was just about tossing me oa bar borne when the herdsmen B oame to my defence. And then going f oat of Zion gate I bed run tbe gauntlet f- of the lepers who there do congregate II alitaiiiA anrl it rstrhinrr out * their sbapele** tump*. '? Good Wheat Bread?Make a * ?poop* a* follow*, at night : To a pint f of sweet inilk, add a pint of waini water, a t*?*pooafal of salt. on* table' n vpooaful of *ugar, a small piec* ol butter, a t*a cupful of hop yeast and *' flour enough to make a stiff batter.? ' Let it ii*e until morning; tben adc u two third* of a t*a*poonfu| of Aalerattx dbeolved ia boiling water, and floui 1 J toflelMt to mould bard. FUI you dishes about half full, and let it slant until it baa risen suficieat to Hi them ' bah* la a quick o*eo. ib A Batnia* clergyman shot bimael ^ recently at the tomb of Napoleon i Pari*, saying that be wished to oflit K* biaaeelf up as a sacrifioe to the geniac? Urn first Emperor., \ ? witot'fM awr mV * ?-.?; vy ..? ?? ^f^wwpp??? 1 * * ' Aid# wJl ij'j '* tjt jr-? :x op i?c GREENVILLE. rfOUTIf C/ eaeeeep*e??wpemeieEeeeBs?e9es?asH!esi CM Vailtof aal Bm< Iimi A pfWaf Of IMM?hl| MM*, M wi.ll of Um Rt^.Wiwi i. roportad by oiw diriwlw nsmmiim Ifl, TH. Go. raw of Mtk Cwnllit, k appear*, boa boos waited ?|Ml by Wad* Hampton mod .iter pnaiwrt DiwmrG* af tte State, vte aathwtr ^ccwptsbOco tlio sitonttof) AMIIK tboir ptrpoM baroafter la .onla. opposition within and tewht llmtte. Tboy roeagnlaa tba alooUvn of Grant a* * vrrdtet of tbo nation la rapport or Taoon.tta.Una; and nadar tbi* impraa.lon I bar prop**, ta nrUtn Ibo now Qogornmant, to apboM it* net., and ta rtly npon tba ballot-boa (W dhitof wtet rar ahnnga. they da*? daatraMn to tba fovdrn?rat. FartMad wtob tbt. aaM.n.a af frowiaf harmony, Onr. 8a*U la ..minf to Naw York to aaak aid tor an aatorprtaa ooaantial to Um ran... of tba railway ayatem of ta? State, aad fat otktr respect* to invit* th* as Ofirniot of Noilktrn Mflltl far Um (fartlopatnt of Ito rvrourcvs. This It the bt|i?olt| of tb? pttw which til ow bft for. The Mop tokos by tbo Sou lb Csrulias Dtsttrau It eminently prudent, and cannot bo too too* intituled by tbo tame clatt in other State*. Foiled is tbo)r effortt to orertsrs rooonit ruction, the boat thing pottibl* I* to aooopt it, and to nab* tbo beat of it unilor tbo law. If it require amendment, th* people of each State hare tbo power of adapting U to their witbea; and Ihit ahosld bo enough. Tbo formal declaration that It is now regarded a* enough for South Carolina' will dosbtles* exorcise a wide iuflnonoo throughout the 8outh, and we map expect to witnoa* an extension of tbo movement that happily began. There is nothing to hinder It hat passion and prejndieo, and those mast gradually yield to * sons* of tbo folly of opposing the national will. Already, therefore, tbo bonofteial iniuenee of Croat's election makes itself manifest. When it shall bo fully and frankly acknowledged, as in South Carolina, the South may eouftdootiy seek from the North the material succor which will hasten the return of prosperity.?jYrte Yvrk Timrt. Robbkkt dt a Woman.? A roung bank clerk in Paiia was reeentlv robbed by woman under th? following singular ciicutnMadce* ; 11? Lad been em to pay a draft, but niton he arrived there, lie found the room crowded with men and women, who slab wanted to pay drafts. Hy hi* side stood a pretty young lady, well dr#*sed. and *-f very elegant niannera. * liow provoking this i?,* she said to him. M we shall have to wait at least three bourn until our turn comes." The clerk entered into conversation ?i>h tier. He found her eo cha'ty and amiable thai be >nvitcd her to accompany him to tbe ii- f^hln-ring o-tb-e h.-u-a, and (he up abut of tb?i matter wai lhat he apeni he whole day in her company. He thought he could get the draft the nest morning from the nuisrier of the b-nk before it had been piotmted. i-~u. in the cvininj; he waa w.ikmg with hie dulcinea in one of the de erted alleyr of the Chateau de Fleure, when the lady auddenlr drew from her pocket caiket from which ebe took a -mall golden vial. ** Tbta via)." ?be aid to bim, ** contains a very delicious perfume: just smell of iu" The young man smelled the perfume, became very diuy, sank to tbe ground, and fell a?!eep. When be awoke to consciousnesa several hour* afterwards, be found tbat bis gold walcb end all Lie money were gone. A an u For Witt at.?A correspondent of tbe Rural U?bilrm?o, in Delaware, wrhes airongly in l.ror of aahes to prevent ruei in wheat, and from experience ha* found them of great value. As to tb? effect* of a.he*, he *ay* they will have, like Sbak?pear#'s "sherry ack " a three fold operation: 1. The a?hea operate a* manure upon the wheat, even in tbe limited quantity of eight bushel* per acre. 2. They pu*h the wheat forward *ev era I days, and in time to escape the hot ultry days, which often prevail about the time of tbe ** heading out " of the wheat; and 9. They strengthen tbe stem, giving it aubetatenco and solidity. f may add one or two more proper ki of the a*hes: They afford jual that kind cf pabulum or food, which ie for the development and perfection of the grain, and wMi, in my ooinion, elan revent tbe ravage* of tbe fly in wheat, would here venture tbe remark, thai whoever once triee title experiment will i thereafter spread hie wood a*baa upoa hie wheat aa above iadieated ; and, ir ? ao doing, ha will effectually gnax * againal and prevent ** the ruel H in hi r wheel.?Mural World. Turn Porta??eae pawwdaM le Nona ' bi^at, m ll?? eoe*t ul (hwtli InUra Afrie* * have bwn tbe aaene el e t?n ible dlntttr.r Aa expedition ef eight kaadnd nn, whie r bed been e at Into the interior, baa be* i aUeeked by the eovogea and almoel eonlA ; Uted. Nominally, the poaeeaeione at Put legal in Moeaaiblqa* are vary exteaeiv< aa llaey aneaad Iba aggregate area of Praae |f Belgium eat] Holland; but actually tl ( Port uf? ran only bold iba few point a nee pind by Ibeir troop*, and wbeaavar ibt * vantura upon aa expedition Into the lot rlor, it I* at i ri?k of Urriblo diaaata vhicli baa ^uet befallen litem. ?tin XPTTLA.R, iHOLINA. NOVEMBER 9ft. 0naui Oii?T*i Vi?*? *r Rirnu* oa* Piirro**.?Tk? Vubi?(lo* ewi ihwi Wow T?fk wrltoa a* hillvwi | to iM *o*?r. A itotomt *! Wt roolag l.jr * gontto to I* *b?? * ; to ptoood Implicit roliaoeo, | and who onjny* imltot (Mitftaaltto It , afrto Mo to (fwh laMMgwdy ? Um My ?iti hm Mkatto of Ooaorol (IroNf'a 1 p*HI?i la rolotioa to tko tUyaWka party. a# afalaa that after rh* Qeaeral ?u MaiMtrf ha M fat gaita a loag Uaa earefhlly rvadtag aaf powder tag apoa the pla(f?ra afoplW by the Coavention; that ha ImIIjt ipmad to Ma eoaMantlal friendr that ha 414 aat lika It, aa4 vh la great doubt whether ha woald accept tha eoaataatloa aa that pUlfom. Thia caiaf to tha aara of aartaia leader* of tba party tbay baateacd to oall apoa tha Qeaeral, who itated to thaai bia objection* to tha Matfaraa. Thia latwlligeeee * a raaalra4 with aw llttla eoaatarnalion by bia rial tor*, who faarad that Great aatertainad tba Intaatioa of deellaing tba aoaiiaatloa. Tbay at oaaa opaaa4 apoa bia with arary aoeoairabla argument tbay eoald bring forward to iadwee bia to accept, aoa of whieb argamanta waa that tba platfora aaa4 aot ba regarded by bia la ao aarinna a Ugbt?it ?W aitnply aa aaaaeiatloa of tba general principle* of tba party, aaaaoaary only to aaka ap tha iaaaa* of tha aaapalga. Tbay atged bim to aawapt at all araata, and to aay nothing aoa about tba platfora. Many other argaaaata of a aiallar charaetar were aaad, it I* aald, which gar* Qraat ta aadarttand that they wanted bia t# accept tha nomination, if eren It had to ba on a platfora of bia own adoption. How much manure do vi us* to Alt Acme f?An acre of land contain# 48,600 ?<,uara feat, 4,840 square yard* or 100 square rod*. Uy those who bava used guano, it is said 300 pounds is sufficient to manurwan acre: 302$ lbs. would give 1^ ounces avoirdupois to tha square yard. One cubic yard would give a trifle over one cnbie inch to tha rquare foot. A cubic vard of | highly concentrated tnauure. like night aotl, would, if evenly end properly spread, manure an acre very well. A cubic yard of long manure weighs about 1,400 lbs.; a cubic foot not far from 60 lbs. A cord contains 128 cubic feet ; 1 i cord would five about a cubic fool to tbe square rod. If liquid manure be ! used it would take 180 bbls. to give one gill to a square foot upon an aere, widen would be equal to ahont 60 pipe* or large b"g?he*d*. It would I* ^uile lawful if (WrinAtu ar/tuM 1st ilea (Mrsific ae to t lie manure applied. Lratiikr Pkkbkhv ativr.?-Nnti foot oil it the eery bett preparation for tokening end preterving leather. A MippTy thould be on band in every hou-e for ut? on harneea, carriage u?p?, boot*. thoet, etc- applied often anougli to k? p litem tof and pliable. To prepare it*, break and cut into until piece* tlie thin lionet and lioof* of .an ns or cow, and pn? them into a kettle. Keep tliein covered with water, and boil un til tl|? oil it emacted and riaet to the mi'face. \N liile boiling, water enough tliould l*e add-r* from lima to time to ttipply ilia'. Iu?l by evaporation, to that the oil rhall not come in contact with the bonee and be again abtoibed. The pr?r cett will l>e battened by keeping the kettle chaielr entered to retain the heat. When cold, the oil may be dipped off and kept in jara or bottle*, tightly corked. A Si*Tan*a Invlukhcr ?" That man bat grown up among kind and loving eleter a," I once beard a lady remark. * And why do you think ao4? eaid I. 4? Uonaii^a rtf llta rUli .nmoi t r\f ? " --?"I V1 II the tender feelings of the heart, which mre so apparent io t??rr word." A sister's influence if felt even in man hood's later years, and the heart ?.f him who haa grown cold with ita con'act with the world will warm and thrill with pn.e enjoy merit aa some incident awakea within the soft tone* and glad melodiec of hia sister's voice. And he will turn from purposes which a warp ed and fal?e philosophy haa reasoned into expediency and weep for the gentler influence which moved him in hi* earlier yearn. To Clka* Brass.? Rub the surface of the metal with rotten-stone and sweet oil, then rub off with a piece of cotton flannel and poHeh with soft leatb jpr. A solution of oxalie acid rubbed wear tarnished braes with a cotton rag soon removes the tarnish, rendering the metal bright. Tim acid net he wash - ed ofl with water nod the brass rubbed i with wbiiMiRf w po?4?r and aofi > leather. When acids km emplottd fof , mmovm| tbe oxide front bran, the l metal mu?i be thoroughly washed ?f I leewards, er it will tarnish in a fen i mi ante* after being eaposed to tbe air. i A milters of mimetic aeid and alum I dissolved la water imparts a goldea i color Hi Warn nettetes that are steeped in it for a few seconds [CWrjr Gentleman k RocTHsan Ixoixuitt.?David An - derson. Esq , of Gwinnett County. Gear h gin, with a euro shelter of bis invention a shelled ont the other day ikirtten butk I tin nf mm in fifteen minuut. It i r- simple in lie construction aad costs bu s, a trifle. '* Tm cultivation ot broom com ie e? tending in Virginia* Tbe yield art ^ nsgmr r net profit of $44 per acre, a< r? counting tbe seed, which is valuable f< feed, 4. - EVENTS iw l ' IIJIUIH.UIHI I .ff*gg! Wkiohib.?John Egem, on* of iIm ?lin> conduetor* of the fndanapolU aad Cincinnati Railroad, ?h recently at art led by the xpedacle of roung taotnan. nineteen la?t 4th of Jnlv* weighing 720 pound*, Inking one t4 the *c?u in hie tr?in at the depot, in ibit city, bound for her home in Carteiaburg. Indiana. While he ?m wondering if it would be fair to Ireneport the ?o*elv burden for the ?./ ?n? passage, be was ov?r? honied completely at the ?ighl of a youth of four imo winters, weighing 400 pound*, ?ho wnddled in a* if to take pa* Xbut really to lake an affectionate of bki"ik" The conductor was about to Jerk the bell rope f?r an early tart before any more such pa?*engers could arrive, when he was led to desist by -the assurance that there wa* so more on band. f Cincinnati Commercial * <4I> m Tea Aia Ltn Railboap u? Oaoaou.?On Monday ni(Ht l*et there wa* a call for meeting of the titluM of Atlanta, to be held at the City Hall to see what step* ooald be taken to secure the completion of thle great ??t Important enterprise. Thii link of raihoad ie proiwtitj .r w much, if not more, importance to this conn try than any other enterprise now known, bringing us. ae it will, on the rcost direct and ibottert communication with the great commercial ?entree of the country, ft i* aid that the mean* to make it a aoeee** an be secured, provided the people along the line will put their shoulder to the a heel and furnUh means necessary to complete the first twenty miles. It is unnecessary to argue the groat importance of this road. The prospeet for the building of the road U flattering, and now la the time for the people lo act, [ D*hlon*f/n ((? ) Signal. Pull Fioiitii?o.?From itatialics recently published in Spanish newsna, il would appear taal the passion for lie barbarous pastime of bul! fighting, increasing In tfia: conn try. In I860, there were in Spain, 101 bull-ring*, of which 86 were situated i in the capital* <4 province*. The province of Badaj <i own* nine rings, Ca dit ?iz, and lluelva five. The finest bull-ring in Spain, i? that of Valencia, which po*?e-?e? 16.816 aeats; next comes that of Rarcidona. which has 1) 072; and then the chief bullring of Madrid, which has 0.766 seat*.? The total number of bull fights which Were held in Spain in 1861, was 245. while in 1866, the number bad in Creased to 330. ? - ? ? R*d Tapb i* Uuasea.?A Memel let ter relat*? an incident wliich shows that the rule of red tape is etill power* ful in Ka**ia. On the 0th of August, a fir# broke out in a farm hou?e in a Russian village, just across the Prussian frontier. The fire might easily have been confined to one building, bv a sin SU fire engine ; but, unfortunately, tha iuaataoa cia w*/\ such a thing. But tirl is near ; a fire cosine from a Prussian village cume? rattling up to the resctio, anJ, in ten mioutcs, can be in full play. It reachee the barrier of the frontier, but the firemen bad no passports, and the whole village, with the exception of three houaee, burned dowu in the meantime. A well known wealthy Parikhtn has bad Jtimseif painted, by an enti' nent artist, " a? he ? *," M as he fa,'* and " as he will be " " As he wsi" represents him, at the age of tweenty five, a poor devil in ragged garment*, with his to?e peeping through holes in his shoes, sinking, half lamishtd, by the side of a wall. u A* be is," figures him fat and jolly as an alderman, well-dressed with gold chains decking hi* waistcoat and diamond tings binning on his finger*. And in " as he will be," he i? made a rotting hideous corpse. Not Mhe least single feature of such a singu lar freak, i* the fact that be has the , paintings hung in his drawing room. m Rkv. Hiomard Fusman.?We learn from the Suiwler Watchman that Rev. Dr. Rich ard Purtnsn, for some lime the able, sesloos and much beloved pee tor of the Bsptlet Cfceteb at Sumter, hae aee?-pted a eall from th* Church at Newberry, end will take bis departure in a short tins Dr. F ii rasa a has many warm friends in ihle city, where lie le well know*, m4 the I rwmtJ of Mtch a men, aad the Urge ioflu wee far good wielded by htm would be a beery lew be any wmmtmity The Wetch man aaye he eill Iter with him heartfelt wiehee lor good in hie be He If. end leave be kind him the warmrrt r< menibranee ir aaauy beetle ? Ck+rle*tou Courier. ? , , . k Ahons the unclaimed freight recent I If eipoeed far awl* by the Soother it Ex p*?ea Company, at Memp tie. to pa ebatg'-a, eat a box, aupp >*ed from it freight to contain paper package#. 1 l" had been eb pped from New York to k* ficucroue name in Memphia. On opet d ing the b--X it ?w I timl to emu it >r counterfeit United States fractioni currency, in packager of $10 01 $20. ^ I ' fkjt. ; "-?, - : " . J L . ^ "' | NO. 27. " , Tn Aiuimmtioi or Sinui Hi?> Ml.?Tba Metaphia Aitlanck* raktl tha following atartliog allegation a, which oi|ht not to bar* been pat forth without auhatantial rMmctt. and ought not to remain without judicial iuTMtlgation The paat few day a bar* proddood nfllaiioll wdicd nraiiy nx the cflHi of this horrid ourder upon not an Individual aiabtr of tha Redirsl party In Arkanras. hat tha loaders of that foal organisation Ihimntxi. Tha effort* of detectives hare developed, heyood possibility of a doaht that tbeaeriuaiioa of General Hiadasan was planned la Little Roak by leading Radicals, and executed by their orders. The assassin Was a white man, who was paid ISM for tha transaction. He left Little Rock stealthily, approchad Helena, and was taken charge of there by Radloals la tha plot, who farulebed all tha needed Information about General Ifindman, the moat practical method of committing the murder, Ac. As soon as the deed was oommitted tha assassin returned to Little Rock, and thence went to Mexico, rla Texas. Gorcrnor Clayton's reward for |ha murderer did not appear until sufficion t time had clapeed for the assassin to get beyond be reach of justice. Wiixi* rax rscsiokntial ELitcroS* Mew.? 1 ho electors chosen in each Siete meet at the capital Of their respective States On the first Wednesday in December. They tote by distinct ballots for Prreident and YieePresfdent, and send the result, carefully led. by a >peolal messenger, who will deliver it to Hon. Benj. K. Wade, President of the Senate. The Senate and House, havng fixed a day for a joint Convention, will assemble together In the House. Mr. Wadd will open the certificates, eOunt the voted,and nnnonnce that Ulysses & Grant it elected President, and Sehnyler Colfax Vice-* President ef fire United Stated. ? ?v?ss? ?. Qxifffaai fioxxar K. iLtx.?The Richmond Whig has been informed that tbe Knickerbocker Life Insuranee Company, of Nsw York, hate tVsMwttitted a communication' tk> General Lee, tendering to him the position- of " Super-visor of Agwilw" of the* Institution in the Sottthsrn States. The salary proposed to be1 paid ia $10,000 per annum. tn this coaaeetion tbe Hlij states that there has recently been considerable " talk on tv.w? f> .l?t ft- --?- ?? ' - ** t ? * * VUBUV? CApcuitucj OT BMW? General Ln to tb? Presidency of the Chesapeake end Ohio Rail Road Company. The advocate* of the idea argue that hU eledlhn* to that position would secure the immediate' realisation of the fands required to complete the road to the Ohio Rirer. A FiKKDiait Murder.? Hfi /?dim R Jack-on and a younger brother in be buggy with bim, while on their way home, last Thursday night, about 9 o'clock, when within three miles of 1 borne, were flred upon by eotne one secreted in the corner of the fence. The hot took effect in the able end back of both. The elder, James ft. Jackson, has since died ; the other iain a critical eondilion though hope* of bis recovery are etftertaiued.?Mfation Creacemt. Vices' of ASfttti'di K?.?A reeent medical wrhef states that the of the American character may be briefly summed up as fbllosTe ; 1st. An' iWdfdfnale passion of riches. !&. ?VerWdKlk of mind and body in the puruiHt of business. sd Undue hurry Mid excitement in all the affairs of life. 4th. Intemperance in eating, drinking and smoking. 5th. A general disregard of tile true taw* of life and health. Sad Accibiih!?regret tbleaVn thai #0 Saturday 1mt, si the' passenger trail) of tlie ;S. A U. Rail Road waa in motion at Hill's 'platform, Rev. Mr. Strong attempted to get upon tbe fame, but unfortunately fall, and the ,carr paaaed over him, mangling bit teg and hand in a allocking manner, causing hie deetft in a vary abort time. He waa em hie way to attend a Sacramental' meeting of tSa PreebyWrian Church at thia place.' [Uniouri/fe Timet, 13<A. Tna Vot a ix Ncwnrpar.?It If a satisfaetien to know that the Dembcrfcti earraacd tkt? 'County' by a majority of 101?, and thaf .10K of these votes were polled by negroes. It is believeJ tbat only two native whites put iu the republican picket. At Newberry 0. H., and at Jalapa, the republicans bad a majority, hut at all the other precincts, tee democrats * we re largely in tbe ascendant, and at several of the precincts uot a radical vote was cast. [lA'eWfterry Herald. Sctcinn.?We are shocked to hear of the suicide of Mr. John Lee, by> cutting hie llwae wlth a rasorj on Friday morning last, at his residence near Batesviile Depot iu this Dis* trict. Mr. Lee was sixty years of age, and a highly respectable eitisen, and bad for some time exhibited signs of mental aberration, but , no. auflclent to induce any fear of thia dr?ad~ Air Lirb Rmlboad?M biting or Stock! ioliibm.?Ywuniiqb there *M ? very important-meeting of* tfctrsiockkoidees of the Air 1 Lino Railroad.- AVnong the prominent prnMemen present were Col. A. 8. Buford, Major 1 W. T. Soutlserlio, J. T. Morekead, and Judge Oshorwe. The prospect for the early construe, lion of tkia road Is very good. [Atlanta (On.) Int*llig?nc*r. F.uropkan physici'ant, H ?a?4tl,N?wfr successfully used ?l?ctricily U restore .persons wbo have taken aw overdose of r laudanum or opiurav * Stockton. California, has an arieeraw well a ihouaantl fret dorp, which die * charges 300,000 gal Ion a of hot water dairy. " Clkvklakd. Ohio, i* I-. I ? ho*. 'I' | ii s*l for "women who 1-?\. nt-Coiue di-gustrd with their hu*li*bdev"