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= ?--"h i ' 1 , Josh Billing'* Eswy Umo Hogs, I' I log* generally are qnatirupid. 'V The extreme length of t1?eir antiquity has never been fully di?cjvered ; 'tbcV existed a Jlong lime before the flood, and llSv rtcisiod mm lime fclnce: There U a orient deal uv internal revenue in n hog; theie ninT much more waste in them then Jji en oyster. Even their talet can be worked up in tew (vkisol*. t IIog* ar?. good, quiet holders; tbev kIwuh eat what in set before 'em, and don't ask any futlish questions. They nsver have anv di-eaxe hut tbo mensels, and they never hev Uiat but once; once seems to satisfy *em. There u a great menny breeds amongst them ? Rom* are a close eorporashun breed, miu nvin buiiw nru viiki more npnri, tike a hemlock slab. They tmed to have a breed in New Englmid a few year* ago which they called the *iripvd hog breed ; thin whs in high repute with the landlords ; al most ev'iy tavern keeper had one which he use. to ekow traveler* and brag on him. ?>.? Some are full in the face like a town clock, and some are a* long and lean a* a cow catcher, with a steel pointed nose onto tlwam. t * ' They kan al! rute well; a hog which can't rute well, has been made in vain. They arw abort live animal, and gun < erally die as soon an they gel fat.' The hog Can be larn'. a great mennv cunning things, such a* hinting (tie front < gate., cf the hingas. tipping over the i swill barrels, and finding a hole in -the fence.tew git into A cornfield, but thnr ; ain't enny length to their upunory, it ' is awful hard woik for them to find < the same hole tew git out M, especially i if you are any war* noxious they i should.* < Hogs are very contrary, and seldom , drive well the santo way jou are going ; , they drive most the contrary way.? , This has never been explained, but I speaks volumns for the hog. < When you hear a roan say, " Life is | but a dream," tread on his corn and wake liiro up. Life is rent. A Young Lady's Soliloqct.? Unless, aimless drifting -through life? what whs I born for! For oinel*odyV wife, my mother says. Well. that Wing true, somebody keeps himself entirely from view, nod if naught but marriage will settlo ray fate, 1 believe I shall lie iu an unsettle slate. For though I em not ugly? prey what woman i?T?yon might easily,-, find * more beautiful phig ; an J them that seeks tor poifectiou will seek her in vain. Nay, in spile of these drawbacks, my heart in perverse, and I should not (eel grateful. " for bettor or worse," to take tho fiist boobr that graciously came and uftered me those treauies?his home and his name.? I think, then, my chances of marriage are small; hut why should 1 think of such chances at all ? Mv brothers are all of them younger than 1, yet they thrive in the world, and w l.y not let rue try ! 1 know that in bu-inca* 1'iu not an adept, because frotn such bush nesa most strikingly I'm kept; but this is the question that troubles my mind ? why am 1 not trained up to work of some kind t Uselessly, nitnlessly, drifting through life, whv t-Lould. ] wait to be somebody's wifct Ficnociors Attack by a Rabid WoLr?Four I'kkhons Dittkk.? Maj. Wynkoop, Agent of the Kiowa* and Cornanches, writes as follows t i the Leavenworth (Kansa-) Sta'e iournnl, under date of Aug. ot ** \t Inle a party of ladies and gentlemen of the post were silting on the portico in from of mv quarter*, engaged in singing and playing, a mad wolf dat-bed among us, attacking Lieut. Thomson, of the Third tv ?1 ? rt. f / . . t t i tilled etaies tuptiitry, timing his nniim in a frightful manner, lie then fled, * persued by uiy scout, Mr. James Morri son and mrself after proc tiling weapon*. He soon after attacked the pontine! at the guard house, who tired at him. hut willi no effect. From the guard house |ie proeceaed to the hospital, uinde an ' attack upon a soldier, nearly tearing off his tight arm and Uiiing off one of his Angers, lie afterwaid* bit a color yd soldier of the Tenth cavalry, and en lered the quarters of the laundress while she was in bed, biting through the bed clothing, but not hurting her. He made for the sentinel at the hay stack, who fortunately shot him dead ? They# are now, hesidys Lieut. Thompson, three persons here bitten by the rabid wolf." A II in do priest called in the mem beis of a large family, one ? f shorn * was known to have committed a theft, and thus addressed them : *' l ake each of you one of these sticks, which are all exactly equal lenght, put them under your pillows to li ght ; I do not at present kr.ow tlifl offender, but you must return the slicks to me to-morrow mmniug, and the one belonging to the thief will have grown an inch in the night," The (amity retired to rest, but before he went to sleep the man who ha?l committed the theft, thinking to out a it lie p'iest, cunningly cut off an inch from his stick, firmly believing that it would by ibis means attain the lenght of the others by the nr *t morning. The sticks were returned, and by comparing them the piicst was ins-antly able to pitch upon th? offender, to his great surpi i-ed arid diamav. I J Aw Irish clergr man, orce said, whilst I preaching, ".My ftietid*, I aro just half i through my serinon, but as yo'u seem ; to be tired, the last half will n #t be i more than a quarter a* loo* n? the firs./ f ^ I II I _ I I1H. TBI Si The Grecian Bend in Europe?Wof men DevUith-Not Hiddfee. " Although the following parage, Extracted ftnm a lady's prlrato letter, ?u written with no thought <>f publication, we think our reader* will he lutercrtod In a criticism hjr one of Uio fair mi on a had fashion of the day t " Hut whpt ahull I say of llambourg life? How can 1 deaerlke the woman, the gambling saloons. ttiu manners and customs of their frequenters, among whom I recogpiie many American ladies? The toilets era hideous? WoIllPII niiailivdlw rtsawillA T ?--J ? * , ?v uvuiinu. a. wvuoer, m I look it thetn It lb*; irf really flcah and blood, and have souls, or If, after all, Mahomet waa ntit partly right. TVomen ofseveety year*, or thereabout*. point fearfully and adorn (f) themselves with dowir?, laoea, jowols. false Hair, heads, and gewgaw* enough M satisfy the taate of the Iudinn squaw. The yhuag girls deform tbein*cl?cs purposely. They woar large bumps on their hacks, anil on thesu bunches wenr bows it ribbon three-quarters of e yard wide-?so that It looks as If a monster bird bad perched upon their backs. The heels of their hoot* are pointed, high, and ? actly in the middle of the foot, and ihcir gait la something startling. The yonng ladies, of course, lean forward, inetiuing their backs from the waist upward, at an tingle approachtog forty-live degrees, causing tho hump or buueh hoi ore mentioned to protrude etill more monstrously?even to deformity ; and they of necessity walk as if treading on epr*. In such constant drend nro they of a fall. This Is the taode-in vogtie, and It la supposed to be a revival of tho ancient classic Grecian bend!" -?? iseeri Mkriiko or ti1k MaoIbtratks? The difTctis-nt Mngbtrnie* in the ciiv met at Magistrate Schroder's office, in lite rear cf lite Courl-llouse, yesterday morning, (Hays the Charleston News of the 8;h. ) U> ascertain how the acta pitted bv tho Legislature hnd affected their juibdic.ion. Attorney General Chamberlain was pre-ent, and stated that they would act a? heretofore, but with an enlarged jurisdiction, ihe tmouni being mi-ed frotn (<20 to $90. I"herj wotild be no retnovals. but the (bees would be held at the will <>f the Governor, who would al-o make such new appointments its should seent prop ?r. The Attorney-General in eoncludon staled that ihe hill to provide for jiiMlceft oi ihe I uHce had not pawed, ikI lie could give no mote definite jrFonnaiion until be received an <>fHct?l :opy of (lie net concorning Magistrate* rK>rn Coin.iibia. Ihscu aciikui..? At the gntbetlng in Christ Church, Saturday, some gentle men who were st niggling through the #ood?, at a liitle dietuuce from the ipcnk er*? stand, discovered, in h ciump of hushes. a large mini her of inu-keia slacked, nud apparently guarded by some negro women. We learn that they were sufficient nrm* for 150 ineu. The negroes had evidently come to the justing* armed, for what purpose it i? not known. It would seem that these people bare been led on to lUL by some Ire frauds among thorn, and, even at bis late day, they fear to attend a po ilical meeting of their own instigation unarmed, though what they fear it i? Jitlicult to see. Such lawh-ssiio* is greatly to be deprecated, and should he It-countenanced hy the more iufinential capers of the pany. It can result in 10 good ; it may lean to bloodshed. [Chnrlciton Courier, lOtA. JoSIt IllLMNOl ?>M 1'ILIA?Joall filling* has heeti experimenting with >ille, and oeilifies as follows: " 1 never have used euv uv ' Droit m Smannent Liver Consoling and Kid ley Encouraging I'ilb,' utul therefore tanl tell you how inflnen-hitl they am. nil ef you ate looking after a pill i* iniM a* a pel hntb, as seat cling as a fine toiuli cotuh, buy lJ?Ctnr Linghoiit-'a Silent 1'strain' u ator,' 27 in a b-x. sold by nil lepeciful druggere. These pills don'i hool round, but attend etiuuly ?rs* qml are as good in the dead of iitc uz an mUiui clock. Wt: see it stated in the ta-iiionahle utelligeiice of an exchange that gold i ;i ? ? ? - - mn silver nanus, |>Iniii, chased nnd ten studded wiili precious stones, are 0 bo worn on the ankles by the Indies I'lie dresses being sliort, the ankle- will ?e exihiied just alove the jaunty little loots, and will bo quite sij Itali. The tagAnce of the anklet w ill, of course do cml upon the p?x-k*t of the wearer, asell ns the size of the ankle it is . led to elichclc. ? " PatmicH," said an employer, thn >t her morning, to one of his work men, \oil came too late this morning ; the >lher men were nt work an hour be ore von." " Faix. and I'll be even sith the spalpeen* this night, sure," re died J'at. " llow will you manage hat t" '"lie the grey wig uv Moses, I'll quit an bour before any uv'em, lure.** A I?apid youth of twenty-one was ouod steadying himseif the other light against one of the lamp posts in 1 certain dir. On Uing a-ked by a xiliceinati what be was about, lut re -Si.r 1 n.s.\ ?*.- -I?*. / f ??, \?%Ht K Hill cn?>w you iiiprntnu*?I'm prwc king lie (iifciuo l? nd, I em." lie wee j >e> ni'Ui-il to fiui-di the ckerciao nt the italion iiou?e. ' Ir we woilc upon tnniMc, it will veri-h ; it we work In we, time wjil of nee it ; if we re*r temples, they will irutnlili* into duel; luit if we work upon >ur immortal mindv?if we imbue them' villi piim-iple*. with the j net fear ol. ??kI end love of our tVllowwnen?we mp eve on liioee tablets roineihing vliicli will biigliteu for ell eternity." Evinrxoa or IreAwiTr.? Well, lone*, I Mippoee vou have been- out to ook el Tmv f Dkl you m anything >f our friend Smith out there!" * Yes. [one deranged." " Uh hef" " Yes, bdeed ; he doesn't know hi* own h?g rota Uioee of bit neighbor 1" F * i i 1 . i. 11 i gel 8 B T MB ?| Tn? Rmkttiohii and tnk Otatk K?*anc? ? 1 "zmxto thia elty. eihee the AnnowMMUlV of th* result of the recent eleuj h'Vf Slate bond* and hills of the Until;' til die Slate are bodi higher. Ullln receivable. htotreVer, ere ?Hi* ?nl?-al>le, nt the oppnrtunltjr of urine Utlm ImniNlUbl* far ?b? n?yment-of lexre but paeeed.? UharUtion iftM, UW*. ? I " Com k her*. eiksy," mid n young gentleman to a litll? girl, to who* eie?. ler he whh pnying hie nddreesee, '** yo? ' me llie s?eeteM thing on earth." No, I ain't, either," the replied ; " sister ?*va you ere the iveetent..? Ceiitleroau popped the question next day. >-> ; i -1 A 0 A unison Once Mnna.-r-Tha Bom in Idee end the bayonet u? oocvwor? In.cbarso of our peaceful and quiet little village.. It haa been the cmo for three years, aud the rattling drum, the ittpjl fife and "the triangular piece uf steel," which ate' the Radical arguments, are all fn miliar to our people. Co. " C," 8th U. B. 1. arrived by the Tuesday's train.?LmttrcnmfHlt Jfrrald, 10<A iael. Sous slunderer lias a aid. {he old ^ folk* go lo church to" clS?? ihsit eysfcj ***8 the young to eye their clolhet. We do not twlicve this is true, of the young ladies, Ml Jenst. The)' go for teligious wor?hip-aud lo see tue Saint and llim*. ' Wlutl a fine hend your boy lint r* -aid an admiring Mead. "Yes," said the fond father, he'e n chip of the ofd block?ain't you my boy f" " Yes, father, teacher said yesterday that I wne a young blockhead." A Ttiot'ciiTFrr and provident old gentleman i< going to get hit life insured, to that a lien be die* lie can have something to live on, and not l>? dependent on the cold charities of the world at he t nce was." A r?LLO>w-nr.iKo treated to a glass of wild cherry wine, exclaimed, at hoou as he got the pucker out of his mouth, ' go-h. I hope them cherries was so wild that the utno didn't catch tnanv of litem.'' Tun pulse of young ladies generajlv bralt atlonger in the palm of the hand than at llie wrist. This curious fact of physiology ha* been ficquenil/ ol*< served by young men of investigating tui n of mind. Two Irishmen were traveling, when one stopped to examine a gtrftUMniard. "Twelve miles to 1'ortlabd." said Oftf. "J uat six inile* apiece.*, said .the olfiet, and titer trudged on, appaitnilv satisfied ut '.lie short distance. IkdkoioIoX U that slaiietnlv hwu-o wifn by wlrose fault cluvtly the tu itli and 'lie rust are allowed to make atieh dull work of life; corrupting all the gleam and glort ,of earth's pcii-hablo treusuies. ?r . Do not sit dumb in company. That look* cither like pride. miming or stupidity. Give your opinion itSrxfeatly, but 11tily; hear that of iul.nrs with candor nn.l ?i?r .....I... >. ' ? ? ?w. w ? ? ?j \?? r? ? vi W linu Oil! md communicat i iiuth, \\ oman is ihr ii c<mivi> In snci*! r\co'h-nce ; mi.I her moal *-!ui|>ly defined is coiicilinlioti mill cvtfolHthiD \ mi.! in.-in bidnfort fr? in her good in(lnenc", iiHiuuilh ilvici'inh in moral gariiNiion. A M'HGIGAL j. iiMl;lI p.-wks -( a iiiaii w|i?? lived live year* ujili u I..ill in Id* Ii. ad. A waggish ftiiMi.i of inns say* 11*i has Liiown l.iilii'!. In live twico a* ! ntf a itli nothing but bail* in their head*. A mait it i e n woman iii Wi?rnnnlw ?sv? iliHt w lien her hu?hnt:rl in h little drunk Iii' kii k* her. Hii.i when Iiq In rrrjr drunk -bo kicks bint. She says she doe* the greater purl of .lie kicking. Qru.r, who Iims heretofore been a t 'iiiverMili-t. now boleive* tliero aie iwu liiingH dentine.! ?n be, OrrnaHj h?M ? bin umbrella and the man who stole it." ' j A toino miss at school, engaged in the sltiily of grAinmnr, was asked if " kiss " whs a common or proper nnnn. After some he?it aiiun. she replied, " li is both common and proper." A Sandcskv inolher recen'ly re p?ored her Uir?e-y**ts-ol?l?.ler for ealin; uic'es. Tie miwlyiicHl infant replied, "I didn't ssi 'em mamma; 1 only nueked tlie j'lice out of Vm." An old bachelor think*. that the train* of Indie* dff?M mi? infernal ma? eh from I he fact that n blowing tip took place directly after lie had *t< pped on one. Jo-ii Hii.linb? wm not ten mile# ?at. of the way when he Hang tki* off:/ " Men who have a deal to do" with home*, keeni to delttotmfniM far mote limn the ho*ee? do." ,, , > A tirnof t.ah wa* fecently eeirtenced ' to King Sing, who,had ti'mj to be honekl, toit ha** been m i*onude<l by detective* who gave information of hi* paM career, that tur ww* compelled to steal or ?larVe, Tiik. question trvich agitated. n? w ?? , can it be proper for young unmariied ladhn l? vi-il place* of aotertainineni that they are a-batned to dtf'Ciibe to gMioleuieitiV 3 , iioo? humor U the clear wk* oC the miuI, on which eteiy Mar of talent will j shine ilioie clearly, and the >hn of geniu* encounter* no tnpora in iiU paaynge | Nimk ohe lays ll?e he*t vmy fur * man to train lip a child i.i tlx* way U go, |i? to travel ih.rt way occa> ionall^ himself. ft asty word* often rankle the wound which injury giqfp ; hut soft words it snag* it, forgiving cure* it, and forget ling takes away the tear. Wnv it a washerwomen one of tba most^|H>al cream res on earth f Because ?he ?H*xe5%, raffWar practice of ringing aad mangling the boeom* of men, I Hate ?r HoHth Carelliw, xwwssrs s i ISABELLA P. LOCKE w ?/ ra. MARION J. , LOCKE at ml.?Bill'/?r PartiHo* of Beat P In lb*?bor#caee. and H appearing in the ' CotnmlMionrr that THOMAS LOCKE, NATRAXJEL LOCKE oiid MARY E. LOCKE, dered, That aald abaejat ^)afendanta do pload, anawer or darn or to llic Dill wltkli fbrty 4 iz?c*?A?yj? >!!*'' .,? '! The State of South Carolina, i? ^HrQSftSA VlAlf: XVVSTY* . .# ? Ih Equity, ^ *. .# JOnN A. HAWKISH, by next friend, (?/., , ea. HARRIET D. DILL n ?/.? Bill to 4 Mar.haH A terra, 4f?V. i\mrtitio?, Ac. J)URSUANTin the Wretal Order In tbia cnife, the creditors of JOHN P. HAW- J INS, deocaaed, are reunited to render and prove their demands before me, on or before tho llirit day of Noveaabcr'next. J. P. MOORE, C. E. O. D. Jm\y l?th, 1808. . g-td 4 The State of South Carolina, < VMAA.V V ILLK UIWXTY, 1 III IlqullV ET.MKA J. PRINCE, Rxabutrix, ?e. NANCY McK INNEY el <,l.?Hilt lo Marekalt Aeieii, SHU, Jr. PURSUANT to tbo DocrcUl Or<ler In the 1 above case, the creditor* of JASPER J. 1 PRINCE, deceased, are require J to render and prove their demands before ina, on or ba? fore tbo first dav of December next. J. P. MOORE, C. E. 0. D. July 12tb, IMS. 8-td , a- A -V?-? - ?? if - i The State of South Carolina. oneex vii/. k oovxr Y. Ill Equity* J01IN W. MOUQAN, Executor, ? ?. LINNET , N. MORGAN el al.? Hitl lo Marihull As- " rl?, Sate, Injunction, ?f"n. ] PURSUANT tn the 1 lucre til Order In toe i above co*e, tbo-creditors of NAT1IAN* 1EL MORGAN, dtcMttd, are required to render and prove tholr demands before me, on ar before tbo first day of December next. J. P. MOORE, C. E. G. D. July 12tb, 1868. 8-td The Sta'e of South Carolina) , OH EES' VILLE OOUSTY. In Equity. NANCY EOWDEN", Administratrix, and R. L. ROWDKN, Administrator, re. J. M. | HOW DEN Oat.?mil lo M?r?*?lt Aetd-, Sale, injunction, <Co. 1 PURSUANT to the Decretal Order in the ? above mms the oreditor* of KKUREN iluWDEN, doreascd, are required to render ' and prove tboir demauda before me, nilbin i three month*, (on or belore the loth day of October u. \i.) \ J. P. MOORE, a ?. a. D. , July 12tb, 1888; fi-td f fiTMEMlEl .! OF HARTFORD, CONN. ORGANIZED 18 5 0. E. \. RUC.KLCY, Proa*!., T. O. ENDEUS. Sec*)'. l T~\IYI1>KXIIS fiir llic loaf five r,.r< Ml ? 1J cent.; llvceipte now over $500,000 per I j Uiulllll. N... ..f policies |r*ucl In 1867 . 15.5.11 Amount imiurod <>n n?njc,.... $44,861,872."u AMU'IK JIIII. I. IS67 . 4.401,833 86 ltcceipte for ycur onding Jun. '68, .*>,120,147.34 $0,531,231.20 I'ulil claim* by doutb,$ >13.881.50 All other cxpenec*, 1,47 S,737.35 $1,092,668.86 $7,533,612.35 POT.ICIES bantil on every plan ueed by all J tliu ultl and rcapon*ible. Cotnpauir*. ~-rT- Cainrti UlTioc, 202 broad Street, Al'liUSTA; ?A. ' ' * CHAS. W. HARRIS. Manager. OOWCtt A WOKTIUNOTOX, Agent*, tlrcanvllle l)i*trict, South Carolina. Ill/ 13 ^ 41 Oin To Farmers. rpilF. WATT PLOUUtl oomei to yon with A the highest rccommrnd.itinn. Call it i iuy Auction Uoour* and examine It for yonr olvca. I have supplied fllteen farmer* With thia Plow in thia country, and they all apeak in the ktgheAt praiio of it. The one horae " plow ia a turning plough, a furrowing plough 0 for planting corn, a aub avil plough, a corn, cotton, and vegetable weeder and worker.? With the additional piece, (a ateel aeraper,) you have combined in thia plough, the beat implement* ever yet made, for alt the abovenamed use*, and warranted to do every kind ? of turning and cultivating in Field and Qar- \ don, tu a manner superior to all others aver j ?v uimuo, ?uu !(! (, too, wild on i rme labor. I Qrtr /our Thousand Ftrt. Hnndrtd af these Plough* ?rr now in thehaoda of the be?C fnrwere in Virginia, North Caroline, South Carolina, ant! 'ftnntutw. It hna eatabiirhed a reputation nnprreedentcd in the history of Intention* M* a f'ltlfote. Sub td|7l?y, Ditckimj , and Vmhienlimy llumjK. It ha* no rival, being adapted to etery rarirly ol noil, ami to foul and rloan land* without rboltiug. It doer the ho* and plough work at one operation. " J. \V. 1'oosbe, of Niuet/-Siji Depot, 8. C , *ey*: a f*t It enroll any plow I erer aaw for enUon or faet, for any kind of uwttner omps." . The following named peraona at liona* hare ' uaed it, and can .highly rocotamend it: Tboa. str.-n, Cfcpt. W. K Jtarle, Dr. Win. A. llerri " eon, Her. C. 11. Btcwart, M. F. Fowler, ff. T. A mi in. J. W*. Ooldamith, Thar. Uoldmnith, J. 8. ltamAiond, and other*. j Call und ace tho WATT PLOrflH. JCLIIS C. 65HT1I, /taction Sale* Room. t' Rep 7 15 a in | Fairvlew Sugar Company. . ri>1118 Company baring bought the Right JL In the grsat discovery of making sugar end rcflnHig ayrnp tuiwle fawn 8*fgo Can.\ in | that portion ol tlreen rills Di.trlet win bracing (be Third Regiment, wa propose to erect a SUOAlt HOUSE end KlA'fN'KR near FA III. VIEW aa soon aa prartfeahte. Tn th<>n> wlro lie# too far lr<nn our worka, to haul their ranea, we propose to a.II Farm Right*. We believe tliia to he one of the greateat dieeovorie* for the South that rroutd hare been made, and 1 hare no doubt that it will ?:i a l?? years, ' the great staple of the booth. Its operations o are simple and eo*t comparatively nothing to p atari a farm worka, and will pay ire time better than any trop aseopt sot ton, and ws he- ( .ieve will double thai great king of the South, I Those wishing Rights should call at ones on a Dr. W. A. Hhrrlvon, at Falrrjew. or Dr. W. P. Caveators, at (IroenvUla, who will taksgreat f pleasure in giving full |>arti< ular*. V7e will lurnWh *ee^ of east, e&Ospt freight, to Ihos. Jtriahing to plant. W. A. HARRISON, W C PASSMORE, Agertta fee Company. T. To B0Z1MAN, .< >... Ptpt 2 U f i-J 1 ? Powder/* ssrrtjgrari?ri.c rated RIFLE witimtt, and 1 am ,.r.*rM todeliewT atchort Rntiw, any amount, * large or sirmU auaatitiee, of lite 6?ll?wf ig lliandf, at CbwVlfcston Wholesale Prloee, sight and dravHgr to (Ma place added : ?j jfTK 0 RW< *5 H. EPF XI ill .b Krge. wm' .*.'? ' - ; l>U?k* ttf ll Krftfl. " i:-"~ Eagle and DUnwixl Grain I lb Canisters. THOMAS STEEN; e-irtroticS^ei sco is; MM mm " WX8H to Inform tbe ClliiMi of flreenL rllla and tbe surrounding .Districts, that I have jail arrived with the , CHAPIST STflCI 8? 68811$ nor purchaaed l>y ma aioca the war. I wil lot surrender to any utao in Town or District* hot be can soil floods of the SAM B QUALITY ?1IKAPER than I u*.- Call and examine or yourselves, at . ;? 8TBKM'S 3T0RB. May IT 1 tf 1 am opening a Splendid Stock of flroeerle*, it tr?y reduced price*. Call and satisfy yourlolrea that It i* ?o, at STBEN'S STORK. May 27 1 if Alro, a largo and inagoifteeDt lot of Glaaa ware and Crockery at very low figure*. Cm. mil Judge for youreelve*, at . S TEEN'S STORE. May 27 1 tr M * " ) 1 | Special attention ie called to the elegant iwortment <?f Slioea?Ladies', Misses', Boy*', k'ttath*' and Bervant*', nud a very Ana lot of Plowmens' Shin-a?extra fine Brogan*. Call and prove what I ?aj, at STEEN'S STORE. May 27 1 tf ME1BI 14.000 ^BACO^f101011 C0UNTUr| 10O Sack* Extra Family N. C. FLOUR (OO Sack* Standard Liverpool SALT-, 25 Keg* NAILS, assorted site* 20 Dale* BATESVILLK SHIRTING IO Bale* McBKK SlilllTINO 20 Bale* COTTON TAIIN JO ??* ?"d * ? ' RIO COFFEE 20 Barrell* SUGAR IO BAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAGS Spanish Smelting TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK q or Shoes, Hats, DRY GOODS, DRUGS &(\ Our Stork of HATS and SHOES is very nrgo and complete, and we will guarantee our ! uMro Htock will rt>tn|>?re with nnj in Towu, 1 mtli of t<> quality ?utl price. A call will rut* fy you, OA VII) Sc STRADLEV. M.i v 13 51 tt MftKBMc rSrie'' iaiaPAiY. HAVING l?en appoints! Atlanta for this r?uipn?V. *f Hr?* prepare-! to oil rilllKTINGS AND YARN at Factory i rice*. Dnvltl ft Sirutllcy, Grocers ami Commission Met elntntii, nrtfii*iii#, a. c. Nov 8 <24 tf DURHAM SMOKING TOBAOCO. HAVING rrcclv?4 lh? agency of the wtw?va jitailv ??lrliraUil lirihd of TOBACCO. w? will malt* It to your inter* . I to huy from us. K?r aaie hy wholesale r retail. DAVID A STIIADI.KY. Oct 80 28 tf FOR SALE, CHEAP. ONK LIGHT TWO ^g55!E^rKa '>? it o b a e oar ONE HANDSOME ONE I10R3E CAR liAQK. Both in elegant order. Enquire of JULIUH 0. SMITH, or DAVID ft bTltA lil-F.V April 13 47 "t J L**ww~?!g?g!!!S! ROSADALIS Purifies the Blood. . " ; * ' O / * -. i' Tor Bale By Droggiete Everywhere. imm WM. P. PRICE* iTTOHNEt AT LAW, DAHLONEGA, GA? WILL priKiM in th? Count!** of Ltinrpklu. Waw.on, Uilm'er, Fanniu, Union, 'own*. Whit* mill Ilall. 10 S3 it > ? <^? ? ?? ? ?x>./ % ?.i M<. an ? # -? 1^ % ? w i ? ? W. H- CAMMER, TACTICAL GUNSMITH AJfp^M AC II IX^IV P?>?N SIIKM.EI13, Cotton Oins, I.ock*. Krros-nn Oi! I-ninc*, Sewing Mi- I hinea snd Pnmsola, REPAIRED with irnm|iln(fi Uhatge* rM-<iniihl?. I have on hand, nnd which it offoreil for *!o, at low rata*, a utiicK of COR X-MI1KL,KRd, and al?o aotae new PI8TCLS, an *minalion of wbloh is loritod. I am |>rr|.aml to furaiah STENCIL I 'LATBS. lor Mai king Clothes. I Stand?At Waaiield'a old Shop. Jmi> ta r u ( Job Work ! [V a? ,hi' ()Bca, wiih neatness ?n<f IJ dispalek. | /. f.Wu Jl" % : . * " > ^ - * vf *? Sr -' -v. ,t v I 1 www ORE BOOR ABOVE HillSIGI I0ISI. !^ - ? " 010 . *i3 ,t#m, :? | MORGAN i AND WESTMORELAND Keep constantly <m h*?4 4 tnx stock op ? . .? t t" .??/.? DRUGS "MEDICINES CHEMICALS PAINTS' OI&S, DYE-STTTFTS, * 'rt'" ? FANCT .ARTICJtE8? . AND T ?tL ^ embracing the 8tock usually kept ' ' IN A"1' y" -*?*' * " FIRST ORDER, ESTABLISHMENT. I * weverything we put up* ay he depended on as in eve^y way reliable. _ _ 6ite Us a Visit. STATIONERY ~ I STATIONERY STATIONERY. Just received, a large and handsome lot of stationery, consisting, in part, of: Foolscap, Letter nnd Note paper, best quality; Pens, Ink, Pencils, <fcc., Arc., which please call and cxainiuo. iu; Spear's Fruit Preserving Station. Til 18 BolntloN i* wtrmntfil tir (trtmV'St decomporitt.m ??f all kind* of Fruit., TuotnloM, Jrllion, Spiced Fruit*. Syrup., C'i ttrt, Wine, Milk, roraa Icinifc. of VcgOtel.lm. *. ?j -* - , ...... pn-wrn mem in t ritih ami Vbelcsouie rni>.liti?n. Try a bottle. . A.'?> Juno 21 ft ' - tf "UOSTAlfS^ 7 PREFAB ATI ON S. EVKIiYIJODY ? Triea Them! 9 KVKHYHOI >Y ? Uttt Them / EVEKYHODY?PeJitre* in - Them ! KVEUYliOUY ? Recommends Them ! v . p Cottar'* Exterminators. For ltali, Vuiibe, Aots, ft?. Cofttar'a Bed Bug Exter. A Liquid?Kill*?" Bur* thing. Cottar's Insect Powder For Float, Moth#, Inaeett, Ac. Cottar's Com Solvent -< For Corn#, Bunlont, Ac. Cottar's Buckthorn Salve. . For Out#, Burnt, Bruises, Ae. Cottar's Bishop Pills. (Sugar Coated) Dinner PJ11. Cottar's Cough Bemedy. For Coughs, Cold#, Ae. Cottar's Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms. Beautifies the Comytestoa. ' Hakes the Skia froth and ftjf. " * 7 ?|f ytW-Boware !! of all Wortblett Imitation#. (..niira wiinnii (,'oaUtr'f ttgn?lpre> ^?-25o. and 50e. ?lie? kept by *M r.d %\ liM Bent by Mil on receipt ?f price >9*lt pmft tor My three $1 itniti* Kipren. |Mjl for eight $< aleea by Kxprax. A Jdroas HENRY Ha COSTA R 613 Broad #?y, M. Y. *HT- For rale by MOttOAN A FEfiT. MOKKLANI), UreenrUle, 8. C. , par And ?t Wbolennla In ell the citiei.?ad hrrge town. in the Unt^?d ftutee. Id dm ''I >>'!! , 111 .lit, 1 We fee I. He WALLS. BASLE* ft WELLS, Attornsys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, UKKKNVILLK, 8. 0* XhRhCflCR In 'he ConrtaW UltrfWfcr Sn<4 A of the United State., end give r.tfwcUl HitonUon to oaeea In Bankrupt*/. June IS - ^ il law Hotice?fchangc of Ofioe. GV TOWN88 has ramored Mffeair , Office W the budding north-eaat cornrr <>i the Public fcijnare, in part occupied by luli'ia C. Smitb, Auctioneer. and tbs Bnterurise Printing Office, H? *tahs? ' J?? l U to * Tailoring. rrfH'R"8dt?a?rlH?r f?s#pe?t1i?Mjr inform* hia X frleuda, and Ih* pohilo is general, that His health being in * iheasur* Watered, will resume business again. He Will OUT,. UAKK. and RKPAIft all Garment. for gentleman, on red?liable Irrei fur Md or :i.unlrp Vtfcl i?r f<>i?n?i at Ms realiaa?sosaar Halo Street, opposite the Ooaah Paetory. GEO. R.DYWL ftce.avUis, S. C, April &U>. leM. Ax.rU d M ' t Min kt * . r is * , ' ikT v>. Jf