University of South Carolina Libraries
I fnr >oinelhinir to turn tin. one f *?n one ?MmEw tpft"H" of l<tifc,jWrh ^lU^-^Vtnne.Mn h?4k Jfo .? no luck like pluck, ?'- fortune tuuni foil v iO0'<fiu% wliO yM Wo'^odi^reU ^ I ,urt*?*ir - IjJ Lg | ' "" C?T?U, Oct. ' ?!^r*"-2S3r Cotton firmer, *1 2i. Cotton * ?h*?te fir Mr; mIn 2,100 Ulu, ?t 2tk OtW MJ. It t-Ttnojm, P?rk ftm?k at 2S.60. Flour dull m><! flavors l.byerfc WWoof <IMII?peioie re4.3-49@lt.eo. Ujftfr a,?,?.T,.o..,M: "WhUkyr 1.11 Mew |n?rlc?retook nhaut?<t; no quOUt?^*?p'lmo ?J4 ttl?0Ul?l* re ilfc'' r , CuA,l:i t?T?.n, Oct. 20. Co4t<orfetlrc * ? ! i ? ***1* > ?*! ? M0 b?lof 231: rcceOte 600. _ CoI'm (>p*n?1 firm? tiolJore ,.*? ?# Ibo Mpr tfur lotyera?and uiu%^l etiff? *Im SIT bnlcn^ receipt* 1,474. ?< '? ; Mo?ir.a, <Fct. r*. Cotton hirVtt flrnt; NlU^ttirllW*?mi.'HTf. r R n ro*, . Oct. *. Cotton buoyant ut litghtr?upta tola 11t Drleui It J. ' '. Wtk illt^n f t ' ?i'. 1 i'.il*,1! MtnnmnL oa Um l4th October, 1808. nt th? r<'*iil?tKS? of ilit.tiiil*'' father, ill Kd/e- | Itnld Mouth Carolina. 1?\ th? B?v. J. P. korioy. Mr: tfltNRY "H. TttWNKS. f.?r*pefl# of (J r*?i<rilt?. la to ft nnd wuiuo. OBEE^VItr,E raiCES CC11KEMT eemriicTtai wxuxi.r, mr ' M?S?1S. DAVH) & SI RAJREY, MEflCR AMI'S. ORKRTfVlLT.K. rt. C? OCT. 77. 1*0*. AP1M.KS, y bu.hul, dried, pTd,*J .24 $1 04 It AOOV, W >, ?8 % ? e. 11ALK KOHC. y tt. .. (? ltA<3(JIK't, (tunny, ?. yd-.. JO<. ItAtiUIXO, Dundee, V J M ? IH'I\ BUTTRR/ljl tl> .. 20 <# 2ir. li uck w 11 Hat flouh.$m ??,*?. i*<4 4*) UHBSIFAX,-** ? 2*fc:i0e. CHICKEN*. S* beiMl, 15 (gji 15 ? . OOFFItK. ? 4. K4<?...... SA <& CO**,!# & * ?, l>cw .. JM ? ? ' old, _...0O fc *1 00 COfYOSr, es?re*<*. .- U Q Sic. 4w*a*. U . KI.OUB, f? ??*,.... ....45 00<$? 00 ?)0LI>,. 41 4Sfc.fl 47 INDrUO, V|nniKli KIm*, *2 0Ofc2 25 Bo. < ? ... 41 75<i$S 00 TRON, ? B. A*ertc?n,\7:. ? e. I.KAU, V ?? L.KATIIKII, y re.. Sole, ll<aintuvV,...3&fc)49 M J" " " OuV, .... AO* ?? ?.? U|qx>r, .._.70?. m " ' Kara cm... ................ A A e. MOLASSES, y ?*' Meicrov^il.i, 7 ?fc*1 00 A ' ** * Sjrup #1 24 KAILS, y VeC. ....4* AO ($ *10 00 OATS, yr l.o.hel, _i?> fc CO r. I'RAfl, - * r,or?o7s c. 1'KACIIXS, V Ui, LtrtcJ. ycctat.f< ?"(rt4A 00 <C ?"' ? ?, *1 4?fc91.7A rOTATOk'S, y liiMhcl, lri-l?.... 50 fc 75 * f rtl, none. ItYfc, V Whet ...WW' FALT. V ??*. Llc?r|iool, M 26 (4) W 40 FUOAR, lt>. Hmen ifl 20 c " ? CUptUd 20 Q il\ t. - > .. ? Crushed 221 (it' 25 r. SlIIRTIXO. seven eights. V I*! ' " " retail !..l5o. TALLOW, Th _15 p. WHKAT. ^ ^ nal>?l $1 VH<h $2 0? YARN, P?et<,ty, by bsle *1 H4<a*l 00 " - bu?.<h *2 00 TUB Pinrj Muunliin Democratic Club It requested to meet at tbeir usual grounds, At 2 c'olock, P. hi., October 31?t, to attend to spc M bucinoM. A fiilt attendance is solicited. By order of tbO President. , . . . ,'CAl'T. RAN DELL CROFT. O. W. CnoitT, t'ljairnan, Rs<0utu. . * *"* " " ? ^ "*** " "^T TIIE numerous Wends of (Jen. 8. IX GOODLKTT respect fully announce Mm-ft candidate for 8olicfto^fcf the Eighth Judi. ial Circuit, at the election to !>e held on the 2d day of Norembeh next. Out 21 ft ' 2 A CA RD/ i=:> THE undersigned, having sold hie entire ate rest in the Hotel known na the " NICK BR80I?. JUOUAK,'* In Colombia,?. Q-, wauhl take great pleasure in rceommcndfog hie friends to e<>n*inu? their patronage to the ?W Propria!ore. Mr. WRIGHT hae had charge of the **U\Ur ma, fur a year put, and Vill eon Hubs to haw* the entire management of the Maid, under the new arrangement. 1 faal assured that the Hottea will main tain ile former reputation aa a first else* HoUL T. 8. NICKBILSON. Oouviu, a 0., Sapt. 1, 180*. 21 -8m IVoiioe. V F.A81KO of the Saluda Mountain Turn JLJ Pik? H??o<i U poaiponcJ until further kot^a. By urdir ot Chairman pf Board. * A. IBAACB. CUrk. Comiulaainnor'a Urcmrille C. 11., OrtoUr 28, ISM. Oat 28 ' 28 2 ? Bank Checks on New York, Ffl M|l* at Currant Rate* of JSicfiangr in rum* to auit ptirehaaera. If RBATTfX*CO. PH 81 88 8 r- 1 i tt* *" - - '? '~ ~~? The (State of South Carolina, " > GRBKS'S'lLLtC COVNTV. fn ll? Onrrl pf Probate, /or GrtturiU* County. BVBRKl.i.A dRKKlf ??>l A. V. OREKN ?*. W. a*. MATILDA <IKK UN.?Petition fur Partition of Keat SUM, Ao. fftlll P*tit|uneii baring Alcd their Petition 1 In this mm In We Court or rroOsle lor Partition of Um Heal Prists of |HVL>'K VMBN.muI U appsartng to tho iai.1 Court, U??U th* Drbadinu, M*lin<l% ilod'on, nsiJiiic to tbs 8U4? of floor it is, Melon HuJsop and tor hasboad Albert Hudson, residing In the 8Ute of Arkansas, and flsrrison (ireen, residl?i to lb* firsts or 1fort|> Carolfnn, nro withtmt sad bsTontl ^s AmUr of Ibis fitate: It U prtomd, Ihat tbty do sponsor sn<l answer, ?h?'| nT<4tor> the Petitioners' Petition in ffcts mm, within forty 'days, or lbs same will hi Inks* Pro Confess* as to thesa Defendants, i. J. DOUTHIT, J. P. o. c. flrsenyllle, C. II., 8. Oct. 2?lh, !?#<?. Oet 2| U 14 ? <*%??.* ????> Jpi?a ^ f** TUB S ir-rr-=-.?--^r=:rr--?---. . - ? j.. -rJ&j! TV. . _^Surveyor, Conveyancer, and lfotary I Vakil* rrWE undersign ad having taken Mt license J| 4b k Cotiveyaiteer, will, in connection with his purveys, attend to drawing Willi, Mortgagee, Deeds, Dowers, will l'rova and Stamp Paper*. qualify Commissioners and Appraisers of Kstatca at reasonable rata* of charge, Residence, aUl mile* Kaat of Until*111*. HU frluuds ran confer pith bite every Sal?a?lajr at Greenville Court ffonee. , . w?. a. aubsoN. Oat as . as u " NOTICE. " I T> 7 virtue of the laat Will and Xaatament j> ft 0. n. STROUD, deceared. we wiU oil on tb?r premieee, at pohlie out erg, to tbft highest Mdu'r, on the (Ml tnonty third day of November next, the following TRACT OF LAND. viz.: All that Tract of land altuntad In tha laid [ Connty. on waters of North Saluda, bounded by lands of the Widow Cox, Joseph Goodwin and others, and goutnlftiut (110) ono hundred and fofty seres, ftiorft or Las, or which there arc fifty acres oT good fdYef bottom, In a high state ?>f cultivation; also on tha premises la a good Mill SeaT. Sold as tha property of tha aald O. B. BTlldPDi deceased, to pay debta. Purchaser* to pay for papers and stamps. J.ERM8 V A MI. HENDERSON GOOD, W. T. RTROl'D, j " n' On 28 23 td Notion. T)T rlrfttk n? authority from A. S. WaI.? Jt> Lira. Ci.'lr^l4" of Internal Revenue, 3d District of ficutll Carolina, I will expose for ale to the highest b. i?'??r, at the storw of (lower, Cox, Markley k Co., ? *? Tueaday, lOtb of Noremlxyr, between 12 ton 1 o'clock, the following proper! v. to wit: Two la*gw RTILL8, CAPS arid WORMS, two empty KEGS, and one small keg of BRANDY. holng the property seised on lb* premiaca of Mr. Jamas Nash, for violation of the Revenue Laws. a i so. One STILL, CAP and WORM, seised by Ilext M. Perry, on the premise* of one Mr. Berry, on tho 28th day of September, 1S88. At. BO, One barrel of BRANDY, scixod by Ilext M. Perry, on the J 3d day of September, near (lowenavllle from unknown parties. At-ao, Owe ONE-nORSE WAOON and 1IARMR8S,awe large MULE, nod one large BARREL and a KEG of WHISKY, and a small lot, ef WHEAT, seined on Bnneombe Street, on tiie 28th of September, by A. L Gobh, Deputy Collector, and Ilext M. Perry, Assistant Aaiomot. A. L. COBB, Depwtv Cel., 7th Dir.. 31 Dist., 8. C. Oct 28 23 2 Tho State of South Carolina, trr.lSKft VI UbK WUH I 1 . fit, S J. DOUTHIT, KfHtn, JtUge nf Pro6*4* fo* M id CVn#fjr WI1KKEAS, THOMAS II. COX ha* tiled a Petition In iny offi**? pmyiofC llitl Letter* of Admini* raton on *11 nnd ningnUr tl?? co?d? nnd chattel*, tight* and credit* of IIRS>1K E. QASS, kite of lit* Uounty afut eaaid, decearoJ, aitould l.? grantTO t>? iiint. 77#<*e mrt. therrftre, to et<* and admnni*fi nil and lingular the kindred and creditor* ttf tlie rai-l dedea*ed. to lie nnd H|>jn-*r in thv CVnirl of I'ralutc f?r *nld C-U'ity, to Ire lialden at (|retnv)|l* Court ll-nne, on tlie 6!i day of Kovtitil (r to il, to rlmv c*'??e, it any, why tlie said Administration diould not lie granted. S J. liOtJTIIIT, Jm're Prol.ate. O. f!. {. Indge of Prut-ate'a Office, Oct 23, 1808. Oct 28 28 2 Killinory ! Millinory! Mf-S MiK .VV IIAS JUST returned from /v(V}]5S<,|? ?rle.?"n. .Willi * w* I eel-el -d ?t.?-k of MILLl X Kit V niiiriii iii|{ of ilie latent rtyler gSgrlj/^ ?f Hon nets. mats. fea? fil Tllf,{M> F^OWERA, H.HONS Jl Jh Ac. ?ftf**liraiding and Stamp " " ing d?n* on reasonable terror. Oct 14 21 8m "fresh arrivalWv JUST RECEIVED and for /^B N. rale, at llie V ^|H NEW SHOE STOKE, a u>r or niHr Spanish, Oak and Hemlock 30&Bb'BA YBBB. .. A riKK L"T or RK8T FRENCH AND AMERICAN uwKaiukt AND SHOE FINDINGS GENERALLY, At a* reasonable price* a* artle'e* can tie bought elacwherc In tlio Town of Gre?nrille. Persona within* to trnrelia** will do w-ll to aai) mid examin* for tin maolvca b?f?r? purcliMcing. J. C. HICKS. BOOTS AND SHOES. THIS 1* llie raron for bnjirig winter Root* Hnd Slio**, GO TO HICKS* NEW ESTABLISHMENT to find tha BEST article* In that line, at low ralca. J? C. HICKS. Oct 14 ; 21 tf B. WHERLE, VATCBMARER AID JEWELER. Second Door abort the Poel Office, s. ?. af WOULD inform mf friend* and natmu# of Oreonvlllo, that I hava ju?t raoeived a FINK VARIETY of CLOCKS, Watches and Jewelry, Together with ft MK?b amiiih .iie.m or SPECTACLES, Which I wltl dispose of at LOW KATES. tutr URPAIKINO in all of it* bran-Va will bo faithfully attended to, 8ep< 9 1? 'If Notice to Tax Pa j ere. IHAVK rcoe'.rad tlx monthly I.lata for Jwno, July and August, 1868, and I i will l>o In nty on tho 24rh and SI?t IneL, and on the ?d November, lor the purpose of reorivirg the TAXKH. After these 1 datce, I trill e? rve all delinquents with a 1 noliee, with penally added. Parties will ! plrii*o Mine forward and pay up, saving ' the costs to themselrea. A. L. fonu. Jbpnljf Co!, 1th TV v., id l>iat., 8. C l Oct 14 91 9 98TMBll RBW ST86R ' or AT TUK r~\nrZ3T\r\fi ^Vtrj/S\r=\rn < W&W SHF9BI1BI5! OF 1 Foster & Hunter, : EAR EE'S CORNER,! axxiH'vm.x, e. to. \ ?1? ONCE "ga'n we Invite the attention of , tlie I'ul?lic to o& loepeetion of our ?? , ri?U stock or FRESH GOODS, Jnet received Iroiu New Y?rk aud Baltimore, Wr ore tnxiniH to hurt en opportunity J to rhow onr Iriuiid* where they ran obtain Bargain* A* we aril exc'uairely tor Caah, end pay Caah for our Good*, We aati afford SWD3CT ffaMKFffM. 1 DRY OOUP6. HATH AND SHOES NASCY ?001H AND NOTfON3 ANl) GROCER I F.8 1 TOCKET AND TABLE CU ILERY, AC. j Come and aee our Stock before yon make / your purclieti i' Foster & Hunter. <. Oel 7 SO tf \ phivjjtf: * V AND 1i CONFIDENTIAL.; Akotiier summw't past #*?y, * With fla I'rint* and Mualini gny ; * Winter's wm? *g?in Willi its Woratcda nnd Delaine*. Yo 'air Indie* of I he South, p Willi bright eye* and gaping mouth, Diacard your fiimsy slear.y cover, Rig up anew to meat your lover. With Honne.t sweet, and Drees with pore, Coma gel them from our well filled Store. ' We lovo to aee your amilea so bright; S W? love your purwt ?tt(fed no tight. Ye gallant hoya ol Southei n clime. In daddie'r purse ther-'s many a dime; Shed off the Old Flop Hat and Long Tail '' Blue; dome up and let us fit you out anew. Old Granny Sal and Uncle Hugh, J We have many thing* in suit you, ton. ll Come one, come all, with hearts lignt and I merry, I And select from the a'ock of STEN!IOU3"5 a k ?fc TERRY. Ii a Up on the hill, at old FairvlrW, ?. The Goods are alwayr freeli and new. I Ladies' Goods of evrry ahade, | Color. qnal.ty and tirade. Tlie turn ?v fit from top to toe ; The old fogv or the gallant beau. Yankee notions! laws a' me! The stock you really ought to aea. r Xu d tt'-t 'i is ically and honestly tru?, . That under the sun thrie'a nothing new ; Rut in litis Stock, It eeems to me, M .nv m w things we -mri-lv i^r. GENTLEMEN'S IIAT? "I evrry slinpe and at vie. From ill*- INFANTS' CAPS to the atat*lv i M8LK. ; HOOTSI mihI SHOES m atrnng ami ilmi', That luine nf vniir t 'cn will ever lie nut; PATENT IHii'fl\li? k np v??n in fix. . Fr m CASloi: OIL tn NUMUEIt SIX ; | And eveiytiiing tint erer win aeen, Fiom ? Sol.'P TP KEEN to a SEWING i MACll'NE. I Stonliouso & Torry. i Fdrvlew, H. C , Oeioln-r 5ili, 1808. . Oci 7 20 4 TAKE NOTICE. NEW FALL GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SAIE, AT TIIR WEl.L KNOWN STAND Op W. H. HOYEY. CALL AND KXAMINR FOR YOURSELVES. You will find anything and everything that ia kept in a w.ll-rogulatod Dry (ioedi Ilouwc. BEAUTIFUL PALL PRINTS, POPLINS ALL WOOL DE LAINS. SHEPHERDS PLJM&Sp NERINOBS, LADIES' CLOAKS. SHAWLS, ika:iihfaaartffu3p HUNK All JAICY Mill also, a well selected stock of curniucAHK, FOR OENT8' AND YOUTHS* WEAR. Roady-Made CLOTHING. |IMPS, CAIPSp BH0I3, RUBBERS, UMBRfclLILAS, AO., &?? note and letter paper, soaps and pkriumery. violin strings and bows, larue a small look ing-glas8e8, wall paper and BORDERING. Oell early end make your auloetioni. , pQT No rharga made for allowing Uooile.' Polite attention guaranteed to all. W. H. IIOVI1V. Sept Id 17 tr COLUMBIA, S. C. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. $?.?G) IP9IR 50A7?.. WM. A. WRIGHT, MANAGER. ' <M U 21 tin I B IS T E R * rho Stato of South Carolina) URKliNVILLK COUNTY. In Equity. ARTHUR O. RO^K m J. W. EARLR ? JIUJ In for< cfor* Mortgage, BY *irmi ??< iIi?j IK-? ret < ( tl?? C??nn In tlii- kluivt 1 will ftrll to III* liitflt tot Ml Grcotivtllf IV ft., on fSnl?-?.l?y <h N"f<inUr it'St, th* II n*e * ! I?nt <! ? *riS>?d in lli? punning*, on wliirli llm l)r now r-ehhs Lot rontiioa Three Acres, more or I ear. Hie imprnvein< nta ?r? ?>?, comfortable I>wriling, end necessary bit buihlinca, situated < nc and liitlf mild Voni the Conrl Hmiso. Tttitus or 8.tiK.~Cost to be puld in Cosh. Hie balance on 11 crodit of six months, with ntrresl from dnte. If t|i? purchase iimnev >e not plid pr-mptly nt the expiration of tlx months, the House nnd Lot will he re told tor Cash nt the risk ot the firet. pur mrchnsee. Title deeds not delivered until ,b? purchase money Is pel t. J. P. MOOKE, 0. E. O C Commissioner's Office, 7ll? Oct., 1808. Oct 7 SO 4 Slate oi* South Carolina, GREEK VILLE COUNTY. In Equity. \ It J0I1K8ON el ?/. Exeentnm, v J IT JOHNSON el ?/.?BUI for Partition, he BY virtn* of the Dwdsl Order in the above ours, | will re'l, to the highest idd?r. at.Greenville C. H , on 9*lesdny In fnvember next the following TltACT of .AND, containing 1Vine Hundred and For y'tig Acre*, more or less? situated in the i>wer portion of tlie County ?>f Greenville, vlng on both sides of the Aiigiola Rood, weiity-throe nnd one lislf tnilea from Ireenvilie Court House Well improved. Vented Two story DweLlntr, containing Sight Rooinii with fire-place in each room? vitIt necessary Out Ifnildints?adjniuL g urn* of II. F M?r?ly, Col. J?m'? McCu! nigh, Robert Scott, Sr., J. S. Maclrin and there. T?hm* or Sat.*?-Credit of lweh? months, rlth interest from date. ?xe-pt the eorli, rhleh must b? be paid in cash on day of tie. Purchaser to give bond with two nretie* and a mortgage of the premises, to rcure the payment of the purchase money, 'urctiaser to pay for stamps ami p?pera .?. P. MOOKK. C E O C. i Commissioner's Office, October 7di, 18fi8 Oei 7 20 4 itale of ft oil Hi Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Equity. I R. MAPLDIN v 0. M. MdUNKIN.? Bill to Foreclote Mortgage. 13 Y virtue of the Order of the Chnneel13 lor in the above case, I u ill sell, to lie bigliest bidder, at Greenville Court louse, on Saleaday in November next, the lOUSEANIt LOT described in the Hill, iiueted on the north side of A venue St reel, n the Town of Greenville, containing bout One Acre. The Home is new, and onveniently arranged, with necessary Outbuildings. Terms Push Purchaser to payor stamps end parent. " JAMES f' MOORF* C. F O. C. Commiei-ioner'a Office, Oct 7tli, 1868. Ort 7 20 4 rhe Stato of South Carolina, GRERN VII.IjK COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SAKE. T> Y vi?*iui* ?,( >iii Order from tin, Court ?l I'mbile, I will ?# !!, on the second ?!;,y LSale*<la? ) ??f November iie*t, t?? tli high* i-*l ld.lde>, at public nut-iy, tho following rKAt,Tof I.ANO; * it: All tlHiTrnoi of I .no.I, situated in Oro-n sille Otoi.iljr, on water* I llnr?el>?nd Creek, humid-d lij- land* ?>l William Goldsmith, J. '.V. Stoker on.I oilier*, ntol contniltinp I'nr 'V ni/ht Aejr*. more or If*". Sol<i a* tit[>r-?|i.'ity of AlllKI. MARTIN, deceased, fir [mr'ition among the heir*. T.-rnia Cash. I'llrrlourr* to pay for Tiller. A. 11. VICKKU3, S. O. C October ftlli U-tiB 20-1 Tho Stato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Hy fi. J. JJUC THIT, Eiquirr, Judy* of I*rohot* for ?tiitl Cotuify. 7TT II ERE AS, ALLEN McDAVII) line tllc.l W it Petition in my Office, pray iug -1 but j Letter* of Administration on ult ami singular the good* chattels, righi* nint credit* of MARY J0KI>AN, lata of I he Comity afuiu^M, deceased, ahuttld bo granted to hint. 1'Ar.rt ore, there/ore, t-> cito and admoniab all and aiugular tho kindred and creditors of the raid deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Probata for said C'-uoty, to bo hoblen at Oreetivillo Court House, on the 30th tiny of Octol.or, instant, to show cause, if any, why why the said Administration should not l.o granted. 8. J. DOUTHIT, Judgo of Probate. Judge of Probate's Office, Oct. 16th, 1803, O. C. Oct 31 22 2 The Stato of South Carolina, greenville countv. GEltRGF. W. JORDAN. Applicant, against Jane Jordan, I.nelodt Harnett, Thomas Btirne't and others, I tefendaiit*.? dilution for the Hale or /Hvieion of Heal h'tlale rT appealing to my satisfaction that Mar In* Purle and Kerry l'urle, Lnrindti Karnolt and Thomas Harnett, Anna Davis and >pencer Davis, the heirs of Adeline Pnrle, names unknown, and the heirs of Eiisabeth Paekrtt, names unknown, rtside without this State : It is therefore ordered, that they do appear at a Court of Pruhate. in person or t>y Attorney, and object to the sale orjdivision of the Keai Estate ot MARY JO III)A N. deceased,on or before the 6th day of J anuary next, or their consenla to the same trill lie entered of n Given under my hand at Greenville Court House, this 6lh day of CM , A I>. 1 K68. s. j. douriirr, Judge of Proliate, Greenville Co., S. 0. Del 7 SO era Stale of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probata. W. D. TIIRKLKKliD, Applicant, agniimt EliaaOetb Fi.rorter, Amanita Smith anil other*, Defendant*.?Citation for i?/< nj Real Kmtat*.. JrT appearing to tap Miiafitclieo that Maria [_ Koilgtri, Richard Hayne, Mary Kaync, t'fue Klrod and Franco* Klrod, reside without tlia limit* of thia State: It ia ordered and decreed, That they do appear at a Court of Probate, in peraon or l>y Attorney, on Taming, the 8tk ilag of flrmoktr tirjrt, to thoa cause, if any thoy can, why the Ileal Katala at LEWIS HODUKKH, dei'cnwti, (Hunted in tireenville Coanty, on watery of fleetly Hirer, bounded hy land* of Wfh. Ash more and other*, containing SIXTY ACKKS, utoro or le**, ?hould not be sold, Tor partition among the hoir*. On failing to attend, your ooarcnt* will he taken a* confessed. _ Otven under my hand, wt Oreawelllc Court Ifonaa, thia 8th da/of Stpteroher. A, D. 1868. S.J. DOUTJIIT, .1 ml tie of I'robato, GraeneiUe County, }' C. Sept 18 17 Sm > R B S 5 0 NEW BUNCOMBE W K la %T1 AND 11TJNN MI GOOl) FANCY A Vat-fX I AINU LAUItb" D BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTH IIS ERY, MEDICINES, SL CHEESE, SALT, ] TOWDER, SI BLUES INDIGO, MADDER, With i\ general assortment of for Cash, Cotton, Coin, or any Pro the Up Country. September Hf'tli, List of Managers of Elections for Greenville County. Greenville court house ?? - Tin* II. Col*, 1 leury V. Iltrkrlty. Faireiew?Henry M. Coelv, Andrew IV Jrit, .Unn-i SivngH, AlcVullouyh'*?Wm. II. Johnson, B. F. Iliwclv, W in Waldrop. Fofotltt'tt Inn?Tilmnn Hughes, Jesse K. St"?e. John (laiilt. Jtiehard? ?\V. C. Kellelt, It. G. lUml y, l. 1)1 Hon. itAnt/rWiT* ? Jarne* Lendeiman, Rninom Hicks, lleniy Aehlnoro. CrJar Fall*? Tlio'iins Hopkins, Joshdi Chandk-r. Dr. II. !?. \v?t, drove Station ? James Cox, Augustus Howard, Samuel Payne. Oil Camp, (To he opened at Alfred flood's. No B.x will he op* tied at I'oulll It's)?iVriv Csntrell. John II. Ihiekworth, T.,ms< Mull mm Marutta?3. L Cux, W. D. Tally, W. M. Johnson. Montffoin?Alxit'nm Johns-n. E. N Colrmitn Marshal Sheltoii. lirufott'i?8 11 Pool, Isaac Kelly, 1". B. Drniiin, ?W. \V. Itnheruon, George Dill, Joshun I'ruetf. IMvkeg*?Jn?f Farmer, Pleasant Bnrtnn, David Cannon. (lotreumrille?C. I). Loiter, James Burnett, John lleuson. (/in??'?(Scorgo Union, W. F. Jenkins, D. E. Mayflrld. Mhnrt-ter/'??W. W. Wc?t, Israel II. Drown, (1. W. Mart n. lloirKvitlr? A ml row Forester, Oliver Smith, Thomas Clivik. H.-ockman'*?J. A. King, Allen Vcnlcn, J. R. Simw. .fours'?Win. Vaughn, .Tosinh Chandler. Managers are required hy law to give notice, forthwith in three |>ut>lic places, Hint they will attend at their resjiective polling pluccs on the 2'dh, .10th and list days of this mouth, for the purpose of revising their registration lists, at which time the names of eiteli persons, as Tire entitled to rote and are not registered, wili he added, and tboso registered and not entitled to vote will he stricken off. Managers will he furnished with Monk copies of the oath, which they a re required to t.iko and subscribe, mid file with the t'h rk of the Court. Election will he held on Tuesday, the thiol day of Nnveuila-r next, and the polls will he kept open froin six o'clock, A. M., until six _i i. t? \? All tunic* Iwmty nn?' years ??f n<*e. citix-na nf the Uniei Sint-H. ?Iio resided in lli? Slate nt llio t!*?.? *>f Ili? adoption of the Constitution. nn l in lh? County sixty days, i>ip < iiiitlf*| in ri^inh-r and voip, unless they he pauper*, confin-d in prison, of unsound mind, sntdl-r*. seamen as freemen have lioon convieind o( felony. Voli'in must volp where they register. I'lie niien ..I SIiiiib^, ih i* -spec ally call-d to Article \ 111 ol Hi- Don hi ti oi ion, tile Act of ilic Legislature providing for the next t'ten eral E.eeiioii and tlie manner of conducting the same. 8AMI/ELTINSLEY. THOMAS nitlAft. WM. K. HA 111.K Out 21 22 2 New Bcot and Shoer Sloro. mfrf THE subscriber informs llie public | waFi ntol Ilia friend- that lie is now i * prepared lo till all orders promptly for Custom Work, on as reasonable lertns a? can he done in the town of (Jr.-enville. Au assortment of RE4HY-.TI4DE WORK constantly on hand. Al Custom Work warranted to he of the BIST MA TEIilA IS and workmanship well executed. RKI'AlRINO done ?t short notice. Shop fiistdoor South of SV. 11. llovey's store, Main Sliest. J C. 11ICKS. Sept 9 1 f? tf i United Slales of America, DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. cikcl'it uouut u. f . ? 4tii CtncfiT. In Equity. CHARLES J. RADFORD r*. A I. FX. Mc hkk, vaudi;y a. .m< hi.f., i'; of VAltlMtY McHKK, ntn] oth. era?//?ff for A ram >il and h'r/irf.?Sn 1 lit n(i A sluke* Complainants* Solioitoie. TT appealing that James M. Pu'ii'in, A<1 X ministrator of I'. K. [bin can, deceased out of ihe Defendants in this i-air, in noi,. resident in tlili Sui?, liiil lives in the Stall of tleuruia : It is <>r<li'ie I that mul ilnfcnil mil appear, answer, or demur, with ir. thirty days from litis date, or i lie Uil will be taken fro Con/rtrnt against liiin. By order of Hie Court, lbi? I9tl> Keptem ber, I8?8. DANIKL HOIil.HB K, C. C. 0 U. S. f..r S C. Sep RO 19 ti Notice. TN eniifortnily with tlio requirements ol X lli? Inlernnl Iftiventie Laws, < hereby give notice to all persona who may claim n COPI'KU STILL, seire.l on ihe pr-miser of Wilson Coleman, by Ilext M lVrry, A*, lfiant Asseeseor, o i or about llie first day of October?the Still was seized because ol having been iierit in violation of tlie Internal Revenue L?w??to make such claim* belore me witliin ibi. y days from (be ftrsl publication of Ihi*, A. L COBB. Deputy Collector, Oct H 21 ? A ?i ?T .. *"!? ! STREET STORE. I KG OVER! I M "ITAflRITATITft 5, flUliUJNS RTICLilLS, . IEW STYLES OF HAT8? O, HARDWARE, CROCKGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, BAGGING ROPE, IOT, LEAD, TONE, SPICES, CANDIES, Good*, which will ho sold ns LOW ducc, as nt 'any other ma kcta in T. W. DAVIS. 19 ; " it Ifiil CARROLL'S ORKAT I.RGtTIMATR 1?S?S. TiiwiiY mmm AND E Q U I P P E D FOlt THE SEASON" OF 1808, A N I) REPRESENTING KCHW Features and Faces, I M iltiim iims. r>iv?*r?ifie?l ?mi Endlcw SuccettiuD of KOVKMIKS, BY A CARK1T LEY SELECTED TROUrR FROM Til K PARAGONS; ur I EQUESTRIAN ART. The great Him of the Managers is OHIOIXA T.ITY A XD KXGF.LLEXCK, Anil wiili IIIview they have congregated an assemblage of E 58. -JHL^ JD SNSTMr-SW From i lie m?-t celebrated-Svhoo'a of I'qitestrlnn and (!j nn astiu Art, hoth in The facilities f?r speedy and certain transit are lineqtmled, C5TN0 JADED HORSES,J?\ A NI > \V R A R Y, T R A V EL W 011N PERFORMERS Everything Novel and Brilliant. JSfTliis n* pfua ultra Exhibition will be CJ RECAVILLE, FRIDAY, OCTOII E R .10, Where they will ?ive two Grand Exhibi| lions, at 2 and >} o'clock, I', M. Admi'sion, 7ft cent*. I OT Children 6(? cents. 11. CROSBY, Agent. Oct 14 21 8 Tin; j CAROLINA BITTERS, MANUFACTURED IIY fiflBDSItll VIimHEl CHARLESTON, S. C. SOLD II KitG 1)Y MORGAN it WEST MOKELAND, i IIAR K1SO N <fe M A US II A LL, AM? p. a. waltkr, FOB TME HOM3S. Goodrich, Pcpto in Cm Wlicnl aiut other<*r(?in Crop*. M' A PES' SUPEIM'IIOSI'll Al K OF MM V. will lin*rcn?i? tin* yl'l'l fiti par rout.? No J??*i *on clio<i|.l |tinttt tin nol*? of Wli.nfc I without. uitiiiK iiiw or 8uti |>i>un<la to tlm # 31 ? . A poly to IT. W.K1N?MAN*. 153 Gnat Kiiv. < Jim float on, General Ac-*>?t for Sontn Carolina, Or to JUMPS (J SMI III. ( ft rll Villa, S. P. 8?|it 2 15 2io DR. J. C. FADER, ; rnoKKssoi: of i.anouaofs, FTJEMAH UNIVERSITY, I ETT II.I, return to (JreeM'il'o in the cnrlv yj ]> ? rt <>f I triolet. )l< n;li thru rt'iiniii his iD?tmeli''ii.< t<> Private in the An1 eicnl n'ul Mn.ien' luinfftwyc* until rncli linn, as tin* l'ni?lMll.r thai! open 8tml? ntaileairin* iii.?niirii"i? should apply nrnmntW. H? will li f?un<l at the hou?o of i Mr. T M Cox. Sept 22,JSM#7^ l?-.t ' 'W