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* CflBEXVILhE, S. C> WEDNESrAY. OCTOBER 26, 1868. M* -> * Tao Democratic. Ticket. ^ For II<"?R \T?0 fiKt.*TOrr., or SF.\r YORK. FIf T>.0*;IS-filicide ofcx. F. P. FLAIR, or MISSOURI. j REPR HdKXTATIVE IX CONaRRBS* /WA OynjfftwirtM'ti 0>'<lrc'?l.?W, D, Simpson. STATE ELECTORAL TICKET. for Stale at Large.?^I. P. Thomas, of Rich-* land: J. I>. Kennedy, of Kershaw. PirH Ciwp-ttionul K. f. 0r*? ha 1. of Marino, S-euttti Cjiifliefiniitil Ui'trict.?B. II. Rutf*i Charleston. Th ,>?| Coagrftional Dittrict.?A. C. Haskell. of Abbeville. '"'I'll Congr?n!onat District.? E? 0. McI.urc, of CUostsr. Tournament at Greonvllla. On last Thursday a new thing under the sun, for ( reei.vHla at toast, to?*k place?a Tournnineut,' at whish appeared in gny Knightly cOsAofne, about flfleetl'of our ?al Innt young gentlemen, ort bathing steeds; And a host nf fair Indies and young pretty maidens, to aiilmtte the c*Me?A for' tlie l>i, the highest of which was the privilege of selecting and crowning the Q ieen of L -ve And of Reauty; and the second, third and fourth prizes, the sweet privilege also of selecting and crowning with wreaths of flowers the Maids of Honor, t > The Knights ware all skillful riders, but noire must needs by their skill and better 1 fortune, (for there was Inek afloat there as well as eiMwhilV.) obtain the prises of" the dHy. We are bappylo say that they who 1 lost, saved their lienor and their knighthood by thi excellent performances an good behavior. The Iviii^lil of Buelchorn Coitl*. (C. A. Carson,) obtained lh? fi?*t prime; tb* Knight of Oreenville, (Wt' E. Rowland) the second; the Knight of Young Chevwl ier, (V. P. McHke,) the third ; the Knight of the Red (ro?a, (M. O. Beards*,) the f-nrth. When the eonteet *a?o?er, all tiie Knifdita were summ-ned in front of the Judge's stand, and the . , (we do not know tlie till* of the elegantly at'lred and linndsorne gentleman,) Sir. Franklin Coxr? tHiose official dttty It wan, proceeded to nnnattuce the title* of the vlclftri. on* Knights, who, after n very ele giint, interesting and appropriate address liom Ocn. W. K. Kasllt, proee> J?ol tV crown, in presence of the admiring ?p--c tutois, the ladies of their choice. Miss J .al ii a Milia was ciowned Queen; the Ciown, a most chaste and I cauliful tiling, composed of what itemed to be glittering posits, gemmed also with rosea!* of gold ; and the Maids of Honor; first. Miss F.i.nnik Marshall; second, Miss Fasnik IT.uht ;tlmd Sliss Mary (iuWKR, also received their scTera! beautiful crowns, oil bestowed witli knightly grace, and the blushing honors were received and woi n w tlh true maidenly dignity and modesty. Iioubtbs* the senti n . nt of nil lu-arta present corresponded w it 11 the fong of the Troubadour? " And every lord and lady bright. Ttifit wpm assembled there, Cfiffl liflWWil he the bravest knight, An& lore J the fairest fair." The lad e*'elected, looked truly lowly nnd benutifnl with their becoming crown*. At first, the throng mound wis *n great that in iny con).] not see them, hat very soou ihose nearest oommcnced retiring so that everybody had the | leasure of beholding the royal company. There waa a large turnout of our popula. tion to witness the Tournament, of all ages, grave gentlemen and sedate ladle', as tvell a< the young and light hearted. It was ap ptrent fiom the array of beauty present that in case of accident or further promo Hon of the reigning q ieen of love and beauty and het maid*, there is 110 prohahil. }ty that 111* throne and offices which they filled ah stay vacant in Greenville. Many O'her', dotibtleia, are already crowned quteiia in the hearts of the youn,* gentletneu who saw them there, or w ho dream of them elsewhere. The day's amusement, we understand, was elosed with A splendid fancy hall at the Mansion House. The speech of Gen. W. K. Eagt.p.r, to which we have referred, was not only he fitting in style and sentiment, hut although brief, uhounded with historical and able, arid philosophical remarks, and we have the pleasure of informing our renders that we have solicited ami obtained the promise of a copy for publication. ?? -4 <m> v - - ? Flros In Abbaville Village. On last Thursday niglit, the stables and burn of Gen. MoGotv AK'S, was set on tiro by sumo unknown reoundrcl, destroying provender nnd a fine horse. The nunc night the man who did the burning, committed a burglary ou bis dwelling, tiep. Alrtiowa *, being absent, fhe thief actually took AIiis. MrGowA.v out of the Ieul, sod carried her into tho yard, I ofore she woke, a little daughter screamed and gave t ie alarm, nnJ tlie man fled without doing further violence, bis object supposed to be arson and robbery. On Friday night tho carriage hop of Mr M'v. II. I'AiiKrn was ret on fire, and touch valuable profiorty destroyed. A negro w.i* arrested the n?;xt doy on (pspieion, and U turned out that be actually disclosed the perpetrator, who was a soldier of the Garrison. Jle ?ai arrested, and a ?vu? of g IU found in Jii? possession belonging to a lady who bad moved her valuables from her house, to save them from burning, as she supposed. Wo have pot yet beard all the particulars, but arc gratified lp infer that it was nr. concerted aet of the negroes, but the private scheme of a worthless 1 thief or thtoyee, In which, it ia to be hoped j no f.or/y of ?i'i? of any party, or of any sort, n ;s concernc L Vroahler.tini Election in Louisiana. TNftJalcH accounts seem to make it (> < tfy certain that Louisiana will vo u Drim. 0 raiftp , It ' t m r %' Mm# Mcftimr. We lojgn there was a great gathering of Ihe Democracy *1 Old Pendleton on TK*ti day last. The lndiee, gentlemen on<l euh>r? ?d peoj Kj turned out |i> great iorfl-', It i w?i euppt?*ed that one thousand or fifteen Hundred pcr/onr were present* The moating wa* R^dre*?|d by Kx Oovarnor Pehkt and Hon. J. p. Ukki>, Candida'? for Con* gresa After the speaking waa otter the citizens partook of a han'soine picnic furnished hy the Indies. Great unanimity nnd cordiality prevailed, nnd lite meeting had d deerdad affect on the colored people. The next day there wa* a trtase tneetlng at Calhottn, In Anderson District* M**?r?. John V. Moo**:, .?avk< A. Hott Of the /wletfifftierr. Col. Hii.l, Wahi:Kx It. and Oorernor Penny aildreee.'d the meeting with a very t.appy effect. It wn* stated that there trottM not he four hundred Rnd' ieal totes polled in Anah-reon District at the ensuing election The Union Leagues have ail disbanded in that Dixit ict, nnd the colored people will eilh?r atny at home or vote the Democratic tieket. The day' after thin m^a-lltig, on Saturday 24th, there waa one of the largexl and most in!efe?t'ng iron meetings at. Col. McCt'i.t.orort ai' which has come off In this section ?r tu1 mi,. ?rt._ -:.tL r /-> mi Iiir cmiwub (VI urn-uvnir, Anderson and Laurens bt great force. A large ntimVr of colored perron* were prcacnt. fcx IbAiny and tf>? H<>n C. P. S11.1.IVAX addressed tbe mealing till hull1 pa-t two o'clock. Tlien the -company retired to dinner and a most bountiful /cant they had. The table* were literally covered with tbo good thing* of tlii* life, llama, tuikeys, rou?l beff, pork and mutton, poundcake nnd ? ine, coffee and biscuit greeted the guest whet ever he pre, *ented himself at the table. In good time nd In good order, the Indies and gentlemen and aolorcd .people returned to the aland and were add reared by the lion. \V, D. SiMraox. candidate for Oongreaa, nnd two colored speakers, till the *un went down. Vivos, of Columtiia, made a moat telling and patriotic apoei h. nnd conclude I with a song which brought down great applause. ' ' All honor to the Indien for the picnic. A Frio?<tiy Talk to Colored Men. II yon cant make ap your minds to rote for tbc llotnocTtirio ticket, which is, we think your intoroet te do, yon should not voto at all.? You will be always regarded as identifying yourselves with the worst eneinic* of the white people of thie State, if you now vole for the Radicals. It is a different thing for you to vote for that party, from what it is for a I)cino>? crnt to rote for liis party. For the Radicals aro trying tv keep up In Congress high taxes on nil necessaries of life, and to destroy t'.m property of the Slate,'l.y heavy taxes at hotnc and high salaries for tho leader*, and to keep good men out of office, that they may, wlin.cver their purposes, rnle and ruin us .'or their own benefit. Tt'c understand that, what we have advised, i* approved by n large nutnher of colored voters all over the country. Your liberty and all just rights have been already made safe forever, by tlie rotes of the white people themselves in Ilia Constilut :on of 1'fi.V and the law of December which repealed every thing ohjerlionoblo in tho " Code," nn-1 give* you Dow the wire rights of white ponple, axe< pt the right to rule. not for your good I til ! for the lienefit of carpet-nagger* and nilirr I hunters of tho Stain. Also ihc white people j of their own accord voted to protect yon a* ! frcedmen forever, !>y niMaitiitig a new elans" ! in the Constitution of the I'nifcd State*' which we neither desire to, end ennnnt if we did so, ever repeal or a!l< r. Ho nut go against ;mir I><?m CrUaJr, ii>o wtiito citizens, never- [ You will he lurry for it hereafter. Ttigutor aud Voto. all rcineinher that all rnn Register.? Also that Thursday, Friday and Saturday aro the days. Don't put it off till tho last day. Also retnemher that ycuean only voto irhrre yon Register. It yon hare registered in nnotlicr District or distant box which yon may not go to on Tuesday, Register again at the most convenient place. Next Tuesday, 3d of November, dont forgo, to turn out and vote; remember tho polls open at eix o'cloek A. M., (that is before sunrise,) and close at six o'clock I'. M., after sundownRemember, if you don't voto on Tuesday' you can not voto any other day. There is to/ owe r/?y for voting in this Election, l'.umcm 1-cr, every white man and colored Democrat, and friend to good govcrnm* nt, all that desire to lead quiet and poaccahie lives, and to reduce tho (axes, vote the Democratic ticket.? We sjKtak as unto wise men. May you prove inch. We append tho following hard hits, at all laggards and indifferent people, taken from tho }forn!mj -Stor ; A " Sonnv " Pr.V. ?People arc hard to please in this world. It the Convention which adopted our glorious Slate Constitution had diefriilicbisud two-thirds of the Conservatives they would have hcen very iudignant; and we would'nt blame them, either, but we do hlnme them for n<4 registering now that tney are al| lowed that privilege. The inan who, from negligence or indifference, fails to register now isn't worth a plneli 1 of snuff. We wouldn't have snoli a thing about us if we were paid to keep him at work. He isn't fit for a boot-black 01 chimney swerp. He belongs to tlinl class of beings who are a curse to the land ihut them hittli, and we would l>o glad to swap them off for untamed mustang ponies or wild men front Romeo. Tbu while man who fails to register t/eserres to be enslaved-?and wo hope he will l>e. We ( hare no patience with dead men ; aud we don't waut to have, oitber. - ? ?? Pt.blfc Meeting Next SnTeday. Again we call attention to the proposed meeting on Monday next, ft almuM be | well attended, and every part of the llis i Diet represented. It h the last puhtie i in> etil-ff we cull bold before the election ? Let (licmille stand fully ft-drfnifi), mix) become ft* the ought. (lie bnnn?r iHtlilcl of ' Democracy. Earthquake in California. 0? tl?e 2l>(ilio>'k?ol an earthquake were fell in eee*ral |>We* in California. At ."an I f anri?.*o ami other places soma hooves I were thrown ?>?w?, ami properly f*rt,n o'l i to the nuotul of scveiul huudrcd ih"Ur?o<1 I dollar*, ( nf>V.i fWffttlg* w rrw^ . ' k [Edgefield Advcrtiu % t" h ? jk\K. - sit -jsi Public NMtlni M Anderson?A Dsnlai of the Accusations of dor. Houtt. A mealing was called in Anderson on tlx S2d, which adjourned to next day," Judgt Moxno* presiding. A Committee win up pointed at the gret meetiog to ta^e into coa aiders lion the erroneous charges of tin* Scott's recent proclamation, especially as t> Anderson LHatrict. Tha report of the Committee contains a full and complete refutatior of the eburgoe, as to that DietrlctJ It seems j that no houncide has been committed ha An| durrou tuuee Gov. Scoit'b inauguration, and | no violence for party pur|Misae, nor tbrcata oi disturbance. The Committee's report was adopted by tha meeting, and resolution to transmit a copy of the proceedings to Qor. Scott, and a request for nil papers which have published the Proclamation, to putdisb also the proceedings of the Anderson meeting. The Aots of (ho .Recent legislature. A large nmdupt of new laws were < nacted by the Legislature, upon general matters, baring nothing to do with party politic*.? Much of it i* extremely unnecessary, and rety objectionable. We pyopOso to call attention to tome of tha acta, during the next month, in the hope that our law makers will modify and repeal certain portions. Two much delei-enee was paid to the mere (will of a particular indtvidhal In the (legislature, owing, Wc suppose, ti thii general and acknowledged want of information on the part of tho great mass of the members. " ' 1 d^tew Froat on Friday and Saturday. 28d and 24th October. The first killing frost, in this sretion ?pjetirreil at the time abure- mentiohed. The Indian Summer seems now beginning. urecDTUW uotton Market. Etcry day bales of the precious stuff ia seen upon the wagons in onr street*. We arc glad to note tnis fact, ami hope that persons having Cotton for solo will bring it to Groenritle, as they will receive s* much for it her* as can bo realised at nny other place. HanI-in Ukatn nr. A Co., Daviu A. Stram.KY, ami other*, are huying, and take all that is oflured. We quote 21 cents tor good cotton. jT# The Literary CluS will meet at the house of Kcv. E. Caukiis, next Friday evening. Professor Dozteit to introduce subject of discussion. * 111' Win. H. Perry. FfQ . Nominated for Solicitor. We publish the proceedings of the meeting of Democratic delegates at Pendleton, on life 22 I instant. Wj?. H. Prnnv was unanimously nominated on the third hiillnt. as a candidate for Solicitor ol the Eighth Circuit. vntt Tnr. souiiikun entrm-rce. Meeting of the Citizens ol Greenville in Regard to tho luwlrss acta of Violence Occurring in this Rtato. Last wrclc a call ws made and signed hy nnny ctsir.-t s for a public iii|t?ilnt; In c? ni pliiince vi i.h this cn'1, a meeting f the eili? /. lis of lite To AII WnO held ill the C'l'rl House, i ii Monthly aftt-rniion, l*iliOct.,l W a Inch a as well attended. On motion of J W. SrnKit Ert|ii:rc tin*. H. F. IVr.KT was ,.?ll. .1 i-. .1 - r'l -- t ?? * * ...... i. ... .. *- ., nn j ii. r. i.i>t?:u. r.!>ij iin*. n|>| niiiii-.l sSv?-r?"nr*. Tin* Clm'tonm Ini flv ?-X|rI i in I'll tin* j?-?l ?if lit** tn ? 11 jc* .iii*I i *j r?-?-nl liis . 1 ** *! - 1 ni*l lo-miy r.|i* juiil ni im i*f . v< ry in*ivnilii*iii im'i*iiI.iIi*i| to 111" sol vr tin* J'liK'O ill tli** ? *1111111'. ninl re?irnln nii 1 |i-)i vi *|.*iK*e nn.I outrage in rverv qiiwrt* r. C?*l. F TiiWvib iih*Vi J Cmi'iiiil* t??** of live In* i|i|>iiii,ti* I tn report ? p.* am* ftie an I ri!i*i?it|i |i*iij> fur l lie ?**>ntii*l* *<?Ittiii n lli** in**niii*tf. A*l**pt?*l. Tim i tip. pnttiMil (Jul. I! F. T* WiM. <'*||. K. I'. JnJtK** .1. \V. *vTitltM l-Vpiir*, lli. O Ii IuriMt aid W. T. SiifXATK. Ksrjtiir*, i?? tHi* Ciiiniiiiilt*, wlin liiivin*' r*-liri*i| it ilmtl limn, ret urn* d * 1.1 ri'jo'icl tin* full*.win* preamble ?r.d resolution?: Wh?r?* i, * l*rge number o' tin* tliiitni of 0rornvilli* hnvo called fur a pnlillc meet. |ng to give HtprMtion In the feeling* nti'l sentiment* of tin* town in regard to Iht perpc'ratmn of not* of violence against life and property in this State, wi* have n?si in bled to re-p'iiiil to tl?e call. W?* *p<* thnt.k fill 1 lint MK'li Ac's hare not lately been per. pctrnti-il in litis n-elinn. YTe derm it lie coining, however, * law-abiding ?nil peace, loving conuminFy. to frown upon and de r.ot.nce, not only nil licit acta, wherevei di*n**, ' nl nl'O llie eaneee which may l**n*l to their commission. The security of evfrj | one, an.I tin* p*-nre of t! *> country i-an onl.v I lie preset ved liy extending* willing support on tlie pari of cvny community In all I effort* to |iriv?nl nml relink* such shocking offences. We *re not Informed, neither do we li* li*-vc, from I lie facts n? ;c* taincd. Ilml ilie arts of bloodshed, iieeiilly comrnilteil I m.oi.i -? *i.- ? 1 enri moot of the ciiixcn* of that Dietr-el ; and we would not, therefore, he understood i as triplicating in our censure* n whole p-o I pie for act# whh-b ?ci m ?? have In en ? *' dcritly the woik of strange* to the conn I try ; lot the not ore, nil hough seen hy n any j l>oth white* and n-gross, were r< cognized no one, ami they sin wed ili-niteivel j without mark or <li*gwi*?. Nei'Lar woiiM j we nb-tirdly Involve in g-n?r?xl censure I in I people of Newberry, for the ael of one 01 I two wen. fwhn it a reported have already fled the potin".ry.) the In? lees nuti n-j-. too having been provoked by a I'liildy ri?'. be iieved to have been I'd on by the sufferer Whilst we are ready end willing to ah Oovernor Scott, and every other power in IIIlei land, to represa viol.-nee, ami protest ail men, white and colored,in flieir liw-rtv and Just tighta. and seetiritv, and approve hi late proclamation, ao far as it (s oa'cufatei to effect tIsi? wise nod noble p?trpo??, wi deem tliis a fit neeaeio?, without parly feel ing or party ulijiet, hut as a matter due t justice, to truth, to peace, and to the in lerest of every ele?? of the people of tli I Stale, to iemon?trnte with him no the ap , parent effort of tlint proclamation to car the entiee hlnrne f< r a'l the vio'atioi * of th 1 p?nee nt'd oider of ? eiety njen one part % ' % -i ?J. ^ I ElTIRf 1 alone. Not only threat* Incendiary In character, and remarka calculated to ang' tfral aUgcka ou life and property, have been made by ?ome leader* of the other party; U^il in the very Uplrie*! (irnnrd by bim, and in other part* of the Plate, the nd?l , night torch ha* been biuy In the anatrnc lion of dwallinga, batoa, More hnuaea and i oilier building*, of_innocent peraona, doubt le*a the wall of ?ohi? Af<~tha ve#w oIim whlah ita cafo-oUlly e-waya l? prulaol. In { many pl??M, not only threat*, but act iml | violence Jtaa lleen committed against both | pmjKrft/ and perton hy tit* vicious o/ titi* ! olhor parly, and in at'in* instances, life Uw Itsaly taken. And *i would urge upon the official* < f this State, lh? Governor especially; to we ?ve> y pow^r and t ight pnoprrly belonging to th-m to prevail this elate of things, w|tiuh we b Have Is enlruI at ad to prove ke retaliation front desperate men. We thii k. therefore. that A ia the solemn duty of tlia Governor to warn ?/' ayeintl lite enn*i-c|ii-necc of erinte and lite threate end suggestion* df crime. ?? well ? a part of (lie inhabitant* of the State, and tlial, he altonld so proclaim, nod alao ofter suitable reward fir the detection of Attirderere end hnose-lmr neisof every else* etid of every parly. * RtrAlrrd, That we have do eympathy wltlt i he perpetrators of law lee* vioUacW end blooildied. under tiny pretence, by iben of iny elm* or party; ahd that.*-* reg-rd *11 acts of this kind, especially those which ntey weep even the sent' Inner of polite*! or pnity provocetlon, ne meriting the d*. tiunc'eliou of nil peace-loving and orderly elitr?tis. Rrtolvrd. Tlint ell lltrca'r end suggestion* of violence end outrage to person or property, hy wltotttsoevcr made, should he condemned hy ell good citiscl;*. ns well, as the nctunl commission of stteh outrages . end tit it it is the doty if the Governor oj this 8tate. nnd every other official, se well as of the people generally, to uss diligently, *11 lawful men its, both for the prevention and the detection, end punishment of crimes bv wltoniaoevcr committed. lir*vlrnt. Thai tbesi proceeding* tie published, end n copy of I lie some be forwarded lo the Kx"CUliv? of this Slate, On motion of T. <i Ponau*w>!V E?quir?, the preamble and resolutions were ado; t-d unanimously. The meeting tlien adjourned. II. K. PERKY, Chairman. W. p. I.UTW, Secretary. For the Southern Enterprise. Nomination of Solicitor for the Eighth Circuit Pursuant to prcviom notice, the dclegntc* from the Counties composing the E!|ihtb Circuit met in Pendleton on 12<i in*!., for the of nominating a Solicitor, The following delegate? were present; An. doraon, \V. II. I). Ilaillard. Jan. A. H?yt, T. II. MrCan; Uiucttrill*. If. F. Perry, 8. A. I Townea; Oconee, C. 0. I.nngston, It. S. Por.. ! chcr, M'liitncr f*yiumc?j Pickens, L. N. Kohins, F. X. tJarvin. On motion Mr. Perry was railed In the |, and Whither Sytninr* appointed Secreit a ry. Toe following resolutions wi-ra 1'ieii introduced by Mr. and adopted: /frei/iW, That two-thirds tlio rntirr vole of the Convention be required to nominate n enndidute for Solicitor. /fr.ofrnf. That the rote of the Counties be cast as a unit. Tlic balfoltiug for a re.miner was then mm- i I luenrril : 1st I.niton Keith A M.u.m J P,,,r I I > : 2.1 l.alliiil Keith Moofe Perry 5 : Sri j halloll IVrry 14. Win. II. l'crry, E*<j., of ' life, nritle, receiving n unnnum.ue vole on the j tliirri ballot, en declared Ihe nominee <>f th# | Convention lor Solicitor of the Eighth Circuit* ffeto/.ei/, Thai lha Secretary furniah Ihe I County paper* in the Eight Circuit with a | ropy of I hem* proceeding*. On motiou the meeting adjourned. , B. P. PKKRT, Chairmen. WniTXKti Svmmbn, Secretary. > ron tiiv. tuvriiiKx txret rr.t?*. Meeting of the Greenville Central Democratic Club. A meeting ol Ihe Greenville Central T~>*mocratie Glob wa* hrM in Ihe O.mrt llouae , 1 on Monday. October 2tHl?. Both the Pi eel i .lent and Vice President being alxent, on r] motion of Col. fl. P. Townee, John W I'j Sli.kei, Par) . \? ae called to the Chair, W, 11 IVrry, F*q., etanding de'rgnte I tohi Ih'a Club to the S'ate Ceniral (Hub, J after ie?ding wow* reeolutione, which were I adopted by that Club at it* lant meeting, ! offered the following for onr eon-l leration, ' which weie tinanimoiiely adopted f H**o'rtd Tliat each local Club through j ' ottl the ItiMriel be requeuted to hold n meal . I ing urevbina to the election, to divide the t neighborhood* into recti.-a*, and appoint i ivl eoinmlifwea tw entivaaa every aection tboron gblv : n'?o to appoint A initial *>m I ! mill** t?? a* tend eneb clociion precinct, In i i wnieli the poll*, to prevent Irmidr, who I .ninth make will ten lite Di'liirt ! 0-*n' rnl Cluli, III* 4?y tifler the election, t he j ' niniiher of vote* polled, ml, ? fur ? enn he i I aatferlnined. the nnmWe of I tentorrwilc, < Itudio.l mix) tloUhlful vinci poll#'! ul each 1 , ! pi eciiiot. y?rj?/r*rf, TI?i?I lld? Centra) ("lull do liit'd J | mi extra meeting mi the ilny nfti r the elec I I lion, to receive the report* of the *p'i-iiil , ! f nnoitteM on ehction nod rend ii(? n eon- j I denied I e| O" t of the mime to (lie Slnte Cell. iral t'lnh, with full tuforinnlion a* to anv ! ' J'ln which may have been perpeliaied ul j | the putle. On motion of Governor It. P. Fkhnv, it I i w"" Rrmlreti, Tlmt. inaamnrk a? the am nmt 1 for which ih h Dot net wn? lately xonoel >, t?y lliOliXlc C tt'rnl CJtiib hat mm yd hern 1 paVtl. thnl ihe ihfTereiit heal Clnha of the | Diitriet l-c ic<|ue?ied to aeo<| 10 our inrct? init on i*?|oiJny next, mieh fond* aa they ' may he utile .to collect liy that lime, and * j that the Finance Committee ol this 0 tth ha i r? ipieeted to exert llieiuielvra in town lor I the aame porpoae. \V II. Ferry. E?q , pave notiee that he - ' had ticket* for the ?Icciioo in hi* poema?icn, e which h? would he happy to deliver t<? thme rallim.* foe lliein. There heiuff e<> further biwinma lha ir.??t* 1 log adjourned. e J. W. STOKER. I'reahliul I*i? Titn. y I O. ft. Wiii^ Secretary. ^WVv .L ?1. iftJj'-U- -JLiJ-J 1> JLJ) JL *ZK ' B I S S- 'p^ Fbllow>Citisrm?: A* metribert jrwr ll State Executive Committee?a body which rt represent* nearly ercry white eitben of South ll Carolina- -wo feel it oar duty to la?oke your o earnest vfjbrta In the cauae of peaee and the ll pr'tfaettation of order. We beg yew to uatt4 | w?rn us in rcpnmuiiuj; mosc reotm acu 01 t*u- q tonce, resulting in thv of Martin, Ran- g dolph and Nance, l>y wliicb a fow IswIom and c reckless men have brought dine red It on tfte eha- t raetcr of our i*opte, thongti provocation In Q theio eaaei may haro hoc* given. No WMCin | prosper which call* murder lo iu assistance, ^ or which look a l? an??<iaatlon for snooaa*. f " The idea of assassination," a aid George c Unfli " la an absolute I v abhorrent to all th? feeling-, the Cbriatien feelings of modern j (iuie*, and of such pcruieiour tendency, thai j I fool it ( my duty thna unequivocally to ( express my utter abhorrance of any proeaod* | lug that way hare the remotest tendency to . suggest it- Sucl. ft -nurse ia not only obqosioqa to tho abhortunee of averf honorable ' mnn, from its moral atrocity, but from Ita po- ' literal tendency." Liaton to the worda of that patriot, which aootn to come from hi* grave, to warn the people whom ho loved ao devotedly. ,SVo can add nothing to the weight of tiffs great htknority. ^ We rati only appeal to ydtt, to support the j lawa, to prntervo the peace and to denoanoo M thoae crimoa which have ao recently been a iu 11 ted in koine portion# of our State. Wd h a peak In hchnlf ol (he conservative and law ** a dding portion of the people, who constitute, " we feel assured, nearly our entire white pnpu* j lotion, and in theit name wo expreaa rmphati- J calif our abhorrence of each acta; and ww a pledge ourselves to give all tho assistance ia ' our power in suppress them. We adjure, all who fore their Slate, of all rlosaea, white and ( black, to ho peaceable and quiet, to lend theit | effort* to promoto harmony and to quail die- ?, a..n.i?n W. _U Ik,.... _l... n,.nn..,l ?_ n u*. politically, t? unite with uh to check and discountenance all Incendiary language, whetb er uttered in pnldio or private, and tQ join u? in the efforts wo arc making for the preterm- n lion of pcare, the supremacy ol law and the l( maintenance of order. lawlessness will en- w danger the peace of the wholo State, and wU| .. sorely bring disaster to all rla?sct. Let us p all then, however wc utay differ in politic*, de- ^ \ote all our energies to maiutain the good j( character of our &taLo, end to promato a bet- ^ tcr fecliug among our whole people. tVADR HAMPTON, Chairman. JOSEPH DANIEL POPE, J. P. THOMAS, W. D. STANLEY, " M M. M. SHANNON, " * It'. P. POUTKit, TilEO. G. I1AHKER. Cox, the mulatto Sheriff elect of Darlington District, has given his bond?the niasi Ti of a few unknown men said to live in Cberles- f, tou?bus received, by order ol Gov. Scott, (so-called) his commission, and it is supposed will take his(f) office suuU. The fiartiagten ' Democrat, noticing this nigger Sheriff, sayvt u ' All executions, controlled t?y resident law- _ ycis, have been taken nitt of tho office and in a few days, nothing will ho leD bet executions * for taxes and conlcssions beforo the Clerk.? The Lawycis are dcl.riuiiied not to eutmst ttie interests of their clients to an adventurer Whose bond is n? worthless as he himself." It The Imwywrxof Darlington have acted wise- w ly m.d well. V'hi'ii our Scalawag nfflda's get" into office, I ackcd by tbrir iiu-Riciunt bonds, '* the lawyers of Kilgcffi-ld, and tho people too, ll will do well to follow the precautionary loses- , urcs of the wpte-nwake people of Darliugton. And they will.? K<iyjict<l A<lr?rt!tr. K ? ? RrnistNO or rnr. Caunww Jortrjrar..?Owr K special correspondent in Caiodrn scuds the following account of tho burning uf the Gaind?n JotiVual: "The fire occurred lelwwn II ' and 1*2 o'clock on Monday uiglit, and the bailJ. n inc with its contents was burned to the ground. Nothing was saved of hooks, press, type or paper. There were (wo large and out) job pros-. Tho type w.?s recently purchased.? " Nearly the wind? ol the interior sras in flames before the fire was discovered. No insurance. The loss falls heavily on the Messrs. Pegues, the owners, and has deprived the citixvns of ? f medium essential to them in making known (i their wants. The Journal bad tjuite a favors- |, hie circulation, having increased largely since coining into the bunds of the Messrs. Pegucs; but all this is by ' on? fell swoop' lost to tiietn, a and that by the hand of the vile incendiary. v Such, at least, is the universal opinion, aud , grounded on the fact that there bed been no " (ire in the office for-weeks. If the opinion is C well founded, it tnay he but the first gun?we ? hope it way be the last,"-?CkarUtto* Anw. s sees ?? Dnnixn the If t few years a Spaniard Is said to have realized a handsome fortune in the Oity ol Mvqitines, Morocco, by making delicious meat patties, large quantities of I which were sent to all parts. Something bav- a ing occurred to excite the suspicions of the po- # lice they made a descent upon his bakery, end found the body of n women rut up In real butcher style, and in fbe cellar they discover- f cd a large quantity of skulls. The Hultau r sentenced him to l#e dragged through the streets und then cnt to pieces while nlive. c i ?n r Dxarn or Mtjow ClCffKo Adams.?Major |, Cicero Adams, the gallant soldier who, in the ? late war, led forth the first Company from KilrolsM and from South Carolina, ta an m..ra f' Since the close nf the war, he hex dwelt, in . ^ high honor anil c?U-cm, at Bamberg, on the South Carolina JUilmad, where he departed thi* life on the 2d iu?t., aged thirty-four.? <] Ma) or Adatna spent hi* carl* manhood in oar rniiict. and married a daughter of one of our mint honored latnilica. Troop* of frund* will . churivh the memory of tbia generou* comrade ' and noble aotdier.? Atlctrlittr. Tit* Ut* KLttrYio.xa.?Though aomewhat j dirappointed a* to owr eanguine expectation* of the election on the 1.1th, we are not dia- ? tnayed. The l>cro??crHcy of thoee Slate* are n<>t di*mayed and will yet win. We can win without them. We hare only to doable oar energie* and entire np lo the winning ttaudard ' of effort. There I* no demoraliintion any- t where > the *hork i* oyer, and all orer the land | the cry la atill that Seymonr and Blair er.a he t eivcteil. ' 1 Our duly i* lo carry Lauren*overwhelming- I fy : a* Carolinian*, to aweep the State by en- < ergy and e:ilbii*ia*ui and confidenr*. We are i [ no forlorn hope? but ooiiftdeut aaa-tiling ?ol? inn*. Lei ii* iru*t oeMelrca, treat our cante, > and work on win, with the rictorlon* cry of 'j Seymour and Iflair. [ /.aurrmrHlt JJttraUI. | Wmrki imo, October 2s. i The In'n'llgcaee-r (l(cpnbl'eaii) claim* ! their whole State ticket l.y and the ; legislature !? yond doubt in the Ft rat and 1 Second C?mgr< aaional F>i?trioU. The Keg- | later (IVtnncratle) awjra tolerably complete | I ret in in Irom eighteen Colin<iea out of fifty ( three ?how aat gain* of 2,400. The aama 1 tatlo of gain throughout the Slate??hi?i. 1 rutin r?tfail?ly rxtalo?wi'l ?i?c tl? Wwt VirgWtin l?y haiirtamrir majority, ??.< ? I Tur. following uro approg utnticni to of- ' imjoritiM: Indiana, l^>iO; Oiiio, j J7,4?0. ' * L' " i ww~ A NO Wft hope that Oaery ?b?*lMti in he Sfpte, who is qualified br age end widen ce, will at once ensoli hi* raid*. I is important that we should ebosr ur strength ; that we shossld eosrbes he colbred people that their majority i not na all powetful as their chiefs are mad* them l*lie*e. This wltl ire da a moral force*? lb*?if h ?p ? we deair* lo me io lb* ci*il contest ritb a race whidl, if tt>A nWgbfdhd mod mtaught, wltt whelm both whites Tswd jlacks in rsrin.//T? will show os;osr ?o*er ; power that will b? uwd only <w ottr own prrteetfoti and tka wgjfarw if the community. W? hope that there will he no delay* Itg or potting off ; no whi?pari?g that he ?tniggle i* hopeletw ; no determineIon u> embrace defeat yrf trldifjgy |? .wt, We have leeo'ved to make ih# xst of Ant lot; and cannot better ?h*w >nr pluck and patience than by frkhitr heatep which given u* the privV?ge ? ' roting with the party of oor ofcoioe1^- ** UgWtf ahd fall h6t. \ / T?TT- r ' " .s : J^u <?u ?r PertarrsWiafc' wrkon or SovfrS VAIMtVAT )a Wcdneaday leet, at half-pact 7 P. M., ha Synod of South Carolina mat la like ftcr which tne lioHy ?ria defy organ I tad >y ihe election of Hit. Mr. Moraa. of Pen* I let on, in lb* Preafcytcey s>l Soarp Carolina, a Moderator, and Iter. Mtam. Law and 'wner, aa Clerk?. The attendance of min>tera waa i.ot large, ?nd that II mlingel lera email The aolj-eta of iii?eua*luwtwnfw iut of onnaual Interval, but w?ea laarraaed J en itppenl of lha araeion of ^he Second IIIureh, Charleston. from tha d??ii|oi| of lie Charleston Presbytery. Di1. Stay thai t Charleston, ia tha ?|>p?n.\nt Id the anee. 'rtlf. Anderson gave the Synod a Vary lat* ring account of the proapente and pro*..I [Ch*rtc?ton JV/Ws. 'J * 9 i ' ' * . ' ' ' '"lL ' ^ ' *i - ? ? < -r v i Tif* Daubiitkr at Ho**.?To be ble to get dinner, to sweep the room, ? mnku a garment, to tend a baby, rould add greatly to the list of a oeng lady's accomplishment*. When Mil wa behold a mure lovely sight than he eldest daughter of a bou-e, stand,* ig in the sweet simplicity of her eew romanhood by the side of her toil* ?g. rare worn mother, to relieve and id her I Now ehe presides at the able, now directs in the kiichtn, now mines the fretting babes, now divert# half score of little folks in the library# ihe can assist tier younger brothers in heir studies, read the newspapers ly r wear? father, or smooth-llur aching row of her fevered mother. Alwgya eadr with a helping hand and cheey?| smile for every emergency, ah* ? an 2 i _/ i -1 J _ ui i? .i? i?lg*-a ?? iui?r mid n uiwuijjf w cine circle. Should ft)* be called put f it to origiaate a home of her own, ?o?ild ?he be uay 1?m loving or ?elfncriticiiig f Tiik Wat to Otrroomk Kni.-?A ttle girl by the name of Sarah IVwn 'sm taught ihe |>>i*rpu of the Hihte y her mo:her. One day ehe cam* to er mother very mnoh. delighted to how her eoine plum* thai a fiend Had i?en her. The mother m J to her, y >ur fiend wan very kind, and he* ivei? roil a g'**4t many ' Ye*," replied Sarah, ** ?he we*-; and lie gave me more than ihe?e, t>ui ( a*e given eotne away.*' * To whom did you give theni T*: 44 I gave them to a girl who jmehee it# off the path and m ?ke* f ?ee? at m~." 4* Why did rou give them to her I'* 44 Hecau-e 1 thought that would nab* her know that I wivh to be kind o her, and prebape eh* will not be ua:ind and rink to toe again." Thi? war true. The rude girl was Tier ward very good to Sarah, and felt ery eorry that ?be had 1'eated her tm:indlv. How truly did the Iklte Me bey the command, 44 Oeereotna evil rith good." I?ir Van Winkle Sutar.? tJt >fn Mlirtl into the e?(abli*hm?nt of a u>;ing druggial ; auJ overcome by .Ibe uliry weather. c?i down in chair end ma eoon enjoying a aotmd J amber.? )b*erviog thai the deeper bad orv ine new hat, the druggiat gently w noved it, auhatitoting in he place an >ld one, witii a aadlf dilapidate^ nfcd u?tj crown. Tbe droway citiaen at *?l awoke, and after a lew M hodtutpa." ell of the bat which waa rather a tight It. Removing it from hit bead and ta~ ;ifcg a long Meady gase at the bartered elic, he turned to ibe droggut and injuired : ** IHd I ?lrep a long time?" "Yea," replied tbe jAer, M a eery ?ng time." . % * Wall," continued the firef, *1 hotild judge I bad, f >< when I came nto \ our at ore tbia darned old bat waa r- tt nlvf fllOit u TA~> pa*" 'I 0M Salnrday laat, a diflfotftv OcCtrred on the plantation of Colonel Kern*, >f Lauretta l>i?uici, of which we have earned the following > Three gthtlencn called at the cabin of a fired in ad tamed Htepheo Alexander, and while here a dUpute aroae. A Mr. George Franklin, one of the party, waa ahot by fcephen Alexander, wuh a ahot gun, inflicting nation* wjond* m the hand ?mi breaal ; and the wife of the ordered n?n waa accidental!* atraek with a,/ ptntol ball ia tbe thigh. [ZonrimtWMr Herald} Kvbbt clark la fvary f*f*rta?nt of the. Oofcrnwant tu, on Stands?, tW raaiplcnt of a yrtntad etnmtar haw tfca SapaUieea Congressional CaawatMaa, aafciag ao*utOnllaa| to, aid tka ttapehiiaa% eaaaa. _> I waa otreua. - , ( Remember to go to U?? Ci{sna j g? ajtoaly to, kbosa aaoaatoaMd ta tlaR pW*? amii# maul of thia anrt. VHiokiY A CtmoLi. tiara * or d r< potation. Kaat Friday ?tha da jr. r |