University of South Carolina Libraries
Win *? jif .< ! O4*>v .< 'ijprf: '\rn- r ? * : : -! - <% * V . 4*<lij ? .-(Ptp! . *? Ji "*".' ; eirfT *H?fi-wwfiii unrt. in.'wt-UJm-ivii.'tfirtn ^4 Town-EH. W.-~. J fciMttiB.,. t j ?:V- ^BJklLXT, Pro'r. nnd Aatool&te Zdlttt' ^ssssx^S^ *r srs.. ? Mi lkM Mr M}?hrtfof Mm Minion Uoea kMfor ??o #wt Ineertlon, flUMpfe'1 Yurty tontnicti will ho dmde. < ! wAM ttmHiwiirti inu?t k?M th? numbw of, JMBfttaM marked on iUcjn. or tkry will bo Maertod tit wrderod oil, aod charged for. ' 1 ^tTn)Mv*aM#Md otherwise, Advertisement* wtHdnradtaMjr bo." dirploymL" .. ,. v. OMkutj notices, and all e?ottere Inuring to > to Ue benefit of ody one, fire regarded it %i on, ?i imarn?i>urg, 'ueor|fN>wn mi J Ho.ry ebaM consthuto fhft (bird Oir?oiij * " CnunliH of Ch?*l?ifi?ld, Marlboro, Marion, Darlington and Ker haw *.hj%ll cuAstitote (lie fourili Circuit. "" ft. Tli? Counties of Fairfield, iCicliland, Neabuir* and Lexington shall eoosthuts the fifth Circuit. lA" ** t. The CnuWies of Chester, Lancn* ' tor, Yoik anrt Union ?IimII conoilute lh? nix'.li Circuit. t. Thd'Comities' of Abbeville. L*m r?U? nnd Spartmburg >b?ll coo?ihui? tbe seventh Circuit. '* 8 The Counties of Grsenville. Anderson, Oconee and Pickens ?h*ll con* . ... tribute ihe eighth Circuit. '"*11. Tn? Circuit Court# in l%? fir*I CIlCttH shell be-held-as toM.iW't 1. The Court of Genera* Jb-^sb-ns at (Jb?r'??tou for iIm> County of C'larhe Aon, qn the first Monday of PeW-Mary. June ?ud.Nov<>n.l>e' ; *td th? Court f Common l'ie?* at Char|.-t.|<>n. for the County of CIimi lesion, on the second Monday of Kv binary, June and Noveini*er. h .?*..?... 2. The Court of (Irltrml Sessions nt Ornngibuig, for the Cranny of Orange burg oil ths first Monday of Juc nary. May nn?l September; nnd the Court of Common Pleas nt Qiangcburg, fur the County or-Orangeburg, on the tint Wednesday after llic fir-l Monday of Jnatitri, May and 9r|.tutiUr. 111. The Circuit CourU in the second Ciicuit shall be held as follow*: 1. The Court of General Sessions at Edgefield, for the County of Edgefield, on Ute first Monday of February, Juris and October; and tbe Court of Cora laoo Pleas at Edgefield^ fur tbe Oounty of Edgefield, on tbe first Wednesday after the first Monday of February, June and October. 3. Tbe Court of General Sessions at Barnwell, for the County of Barnwell, on tbe fuuitb. Monday of February, June, and October ; and the Court of Common Pleas at Barnwell, for the County of Barnwell, on the Wednesday efier tfie fourth Monday of February, Jons and rL.1 nl... 3. The Court of General Sesrton* at Walterboro, for the Counij of Colleton, the first Monday after the fonrtb Monday in February, June end October; and tfe Court of Common Picas at W alter tore, for ,tlte County of Col Ulon, on the Wednesday after the fourth Monday of February, June and October. 0 4. The Court of General Sessions at fiifcttfort, for the county of Heaufort, on the second Monday of April, August and December : iml the Court of Common Pleas at Heaufort, for the county . yt Beaufort, on tire third Monday of April, AngUrt and December. IV. The Circuit Courts fn the third Cirtuii shall be held as follow* 1. The Court of General Sessions at Sumter, toe the county of Sumter, on |ba first Monday of January, May and Angust; and the Court of Common Jw at Sunder, for the county of Suiu tar, on the first Wednesday after the first Monday of January, May and Au. v. ' 8. The dourt of General 8es?ions at I Manning, for the county of Clarendon, on tha third Monday of January, May and August; and the Court of Common ilea* at Manning, for the county of Clarendon, on the first Wednesday after ti?a third Monday of January, Ma) and August. 8. lira Court of General Session* at Kingslraa. (or the county of Williams burg, on the first Monday of February, June and 8-ptembar; and I ha Court of Common ]'leas at Kir-gtiree, for the eoaaty of* wlUtahftTOfg, on the first Wadaasday after the first Monday of Fabroary, June and September. ..w Wffldut ! m E .'It Tit rnv m;/i t a r y ? rr. fV4llll | IN *4 at the Late Souion of i.r? the Legislature. ?O.M >. ,fc? ?; Jtm let to one earn* the cmct ir ' ^ v*!- "?ocltT-' |*V& ti enacted by the Senate and JImioW Rrpretentmlivtt. of the State ? South Carolina. now met and tilting general Attcmbly, and by the ay ttyig of ike tame, la pursuance of 13 i>( Anicltt IV of the Const i tattoo, the Siate is hereby divided into eight Circuhs. a* follow* : 1. The Counties of ChntleMon and Orangeburg ohall constitute the first Circuit. * 2. The Counties of Edgefield, flarn? well, Colleton and lleauforl shall con etitute the tieeond Circnft. 3. The Counties of 'Sumter, Claren / it?*ye . t *? ? June mid October ; him! the emirl of Common Pita* Ml Darlington, fur the rouoty ol Dailingtoii, on the firel W?d nerd ay lifter the third Monday of Feb i nary, Jape mid October. 6. The court of General Se??ion? at C'mndan for the couniv of Kerebaw, on tbe aeco-.d Monday o' March, Julr ai d N<>v robe ; and the court of Common l'lea* at Camden, for the county of Kerah iw. on the Dim W?d-ie*dev after the avcoiid Monday of Maiclt, July and November. VI. 'lite Circuit Cmirlr in the fifth Circuit enall be held a- f..11..w?t ; 1. Tbe Coml of Gene>al Se?inn? a? Winntboto, for lite county of FairfMd. on tbe (bat Mottditv of Jauuarv, May and Septentbei; and the emit t of Coin nton Plea* at Wiim?bom. fur the conn IV of Faitflehl, on 'he fir>t Wedne?da\ after the first Monday of January, Mat and September. 8. The court of General SeaMona at Columbia, for the count v of Richland, on the t'lr-t Monday of February. June and October ; and the court of Com m??n l*Iea* at Columbia, for tlfe county of Richland, on the first Wednesday after the first Monday of February, June and October. 8. The court of General Reatdons at Newberry, for the county of Newberry, on the first Monday of Match, July and November; and the court of Common Pleas at Newberry, f>r the county of Newberry, on the first Wednesday aftei the first Monday of March, July and November. 4. The court of Geueral Sessions at fxsxington, fur the county of Lexington, on the first Monday of April, August and December; and the court of Common Pleas at Lexington, for the county of Loxlngton, on the first Wednesday after the firrt Monday of Aptil, August and December. VII. The Circuit Conrts in the sixth Circuit shall be a* follows: 1. The court of General Sessions at Chestetville, for the oounty of Chester, on the first Monday of January, May and September; and the court of Corn tnon Pleas at Chesterv?l|$, for the county of Chester, on the first Wednesday after the first Monday of January, May and September. 2. Th? mutt rif o ?: ? ? ?*>vncini vjcAMiiiis ni Lmcaaier, for tlio county of Lnncanter. on l)i? Aral Monday of February, June at?d Oviober ; and the court of Common Plena At Lancaster, for the county of Uer.caater, on the fir?: Wtdoerdny after the firat Monday of Februnry, June and October. 3. The court of General Sessions at Yorkville, for the county of York, on the firat Monday of March, July nnu November; and the court of Common Pleas at Yotktille, for the count/ of York, on the firat Wednesday after the firat Monday of March, July and November. 4. 1 be eourt of General Smiom at Uriionrille, for the county of Union, on the first Monday of A|>itl, Aoguat and December; and the couit of Cotntnon Plena at Unionvtlle, for the county of Union, on the firat Wednesday after the firat Monday of April, August ami December. VIII. The Circuit Courte in the aeventb Ciicuit ahull be held aa fallow* ; 1 1. The court of General Session* at Abbeville, for (he county of Abbeville, on the third Monday of January, May id September; and the ourt of Common P>e?a at Abbeville, or the county j 1? "1^ REFLI *< V? r> ?',? ' I ' * J C dii n H I III II "IH 1 1 : in>g iviw.t*?*t ?.? ., t* , i.. ,v t i 4. The Court of General bo^ious ?t Georgetown, for the County of Georgetown, on the ibbd Monday of February, June and October ; and the Ouuft of Common l'iea* .at Georgetown, for the County of Georgetown, on the first Wednesday after the third Monday of February, June end October. ft. The Conrl t?f Oenernl Besdons at Cor.wayboro, for the Codfrty of Horry, on the second Monday of March, duly and Noeembei'} and the Court of C6nttnon l'lea* at C<>nws,yboro for the county of Hurry, on the first Wedftes.i.? -r.? !.- ^ m?j ' ?<?? unj *n v? ?uw CCVVIIM tUVUUHJ VI HI MTUUf July and November. V. The Circuil Court* in the fourth Circuit will be held as follow^,: 1. The court of General Sessions at Cheslei GelI, for the county of Che-tar* field, cn the first Monday of January, May and August; and the court of Com mm Plea* at Cb sslerfield, for the county ef Chesterfield, on the first Wednesday after the first Monday of January, May and August. 2. The ?ourt of General Sessions at BennettAville, for the county of Marlborn, oil the third Monday of January, May and August ; and the court of Common Pleas at Bennetts ville, for the rdtinty of Marlboro, on the first Wed netday after the third Monday of Jan uary. May and August. 3. The couit of General Sessions at Marion, for the County of Marion on oti the first Monday of February, June and September; and the court of Common Pleas at Marion, for tlifj county of Marion, on the first Wed tieftdajr after the first Monday of Feb iuary, June and September. 4. The court of Genera! Session* at Darlington, for 'he county of Darling. Inn. on lh? third Kl.n...f o ?;? i?w?? GX OF PC GREENVJLI.E, SOUTH C -.1* ""'I .'?B. -L.l... ..nii_MLU. i. of Abberille, on the firnt Wedneeday *f\9r the third Monday of January, May and ^eptefitbef. 2. 'fir* Poor* <-4 General Smiona at Laur?>n*vni?*, fof theconrttjr of Laurtna, on the Hiird Monday of Febtuary, June and October; and (lie r*>nrl of Com* itton Plena at Ltuirermille, C-r the cotwti ty of Lauren*, on the flrat Wednesday after the ihiid Monday of February. Jnne and )>*cemb?r. 1 3. The Court of General Seraionm at I Spartanburg, fur the county of ."'partan | burg, on ilio third Monday of March; July nnd Moverober) nnd (lie cotirt of (Jofnii.oti Pleas lit Spartanburg. for itie county of Spartanburg. on the first Monday nfier the third Monday of March. July nnd November. IX. The Circuit Court* in the eighth Circuit shall be held ?? fullqwn : 1. The couit of General Session* nt Greenville, for tlie county of Greenville, on the second Monday of January, May and September; nnd the court of Com tnon Pleas at Greenville, for the conn lv of Greenville on the first Wednesday after the ?ecund Monday of January, May and September. 2. The court of General Sessions at Anderson, for the county of Anderson, on the fourth Monday of January. May apd September; and the court of Com mon Pleas at Anderson, for the conn ly of Anderson, on the Brat Wednesday after the fourth Monday of January, May and September. 3. The Court of General Sessions at Walhalla, for the Count v of Oconee, on the second Monday of March, July and November \ and the Court of Common Pleas at Walhalla, for the County of Oeoonee, on the first Wednesday after the second Monday of March, July and Noveml?er. 4. The Court of General Session* at New Pickens, for the County of Pick ens, on the fourth Moim)*v of March. July and November,; and the Court of Common Pleas at New Pickens, for the County of l'iekenx, on the fin1! Wed need**, after I hp fourth Monday of March. J til v and Novemlwr. X. The .Indue* elected and commit* Tor the ?pvprnl Ciicuit* shall hold he Court* of Coll! Ill on I'leas and (it'lli1 iiit Session* for the several Countiex in heir respective Ohcuit* : I'rovidrd. xnii! J iiiljje* shall interchange Liicitil*. iln-ir nuneM to *nd outer of ilie Chief JualKV, or upon the order of the Chi- f Justice, without Mich rirjiext, w heiie\?-r. in hi* j ulgtnenl, it hall he ail* t*abl<i. XI Should the business before the (joint of (J rile! hI Si:?.?ioll?, Ht MIIV term, not he completed on the arriral ?.f the lit Hxid by litix for the holditur of the Couit of Common I'leas for said Conn ly, I he J udge presiding may, in hi* ilis croliou, adj nun Miid Court of Coiunioti Plea* mini the mid business of the Coett of (iitieral Session* shall hate been concluded. XII* Tho several Circuit J nd^e* shall have power to hold special session* within their respective Circuit*, at any lime in their discretion, or Hi (lie dis cre'.ion of the Ch injustice, of which the Judge predding sIihII give such notice a* the Chief Justice may diiect, or as may, in his Judgment, be necessary, should no directions he given. The Clerk of surh Court shall, at least fif teeu dry* before the commencement of such special session. cattse the time nud place f ii holding the same to be notified, for at least two weeks successively, in one or more of the newspapers published nearest the place whore the session is to be holden. All processes, wiits and recognisances of every kind, whelh er respecting juries, witnesses, hail, 01 otherwise, which relate to the cases to be tried at the said special sessions, shnll l?e considered as belonging >,o such sessions in the same intnitur as if they had been issued or taken in reference thereto. All business depending for trial At Any special session shall, At the close thereof, be considered as of course removed to the next staled term of the Court, Said special sessions shall he i.u|.i ? ' * iviu ih |<ui9>miit'u ?u mi oiuer which shall be transmitted to ihe Clerk of tbe Court, hoi] by hiin entered on tbe record* of the Court. Xlif. Petit juror* summon) J to Hitend 'be Court of General 8 ->-sfon* in any county, except the county of Charleston, shall aleo attend muJ ser?e hs juioie for the Court of Common 1'ieas next ensuing in and for said ounty. XIV. The Judge of the Circuit hIinII have power to direct Miiy Circuit Court in hi* Circuit to be adjourned over to h future day, designated in a written order to the Clerk of said Court, whenever there is m dangerous and general disea-e a; the place where s?jd Court is usually holden. XV, 'I lie Judges elected and quali fird by Inking the oath presdibed in the thirtieth Section of the second Article of the Constitution, which oath, to , the J tulgrs under he first election, shall b? ad rnirrstered by lhaOovernor of the { State of South Carolina, who is herebv j empowered to administer the same, and to the Judges under any subsequent election by one of the Justices ot the Supietne Court ahall forthwith enter upon their duties; and all cases begun and pending in tbe courts of Common 11 i * i jia .f.v* ') . i?;4> . ? 3I^TJLAT1 ',4 ^>4 v .Hv, J*. -iCf ??*t l . J. ' 1 > CAROLINA. OCTOBER 28. Pleas and Sessions of the Provisional Government of South Carolina, at the expiration thereof shall be, and the seine are hereby, transferred to the county CoUr a having jurisdiction of the same, established by tliis Act, with all tiles, : I 1 _ - * ? rrtorm unci property pertaining (hereto < end to said Court*; and nil ptocesses, writ* ntid recognizances of every kind, t whether respecting juries, witnesses, < bit'I, or otherwise, shall be considered , ma belong in the Court* herein e*tab lashed, in 'he same manner a* if lliey had been issued or taken with reference . thereto : Provided. Tba.1 no cause shall he transferred a* aforesaid not cogniza* 1 ble in the Circuit Court* under the con* alitmion on original process or appeal. XVI. The Cirouit Courts herein es- ! tablbhed shall he Courts of record, an ) the books of record thereof shall at all ' lime* he subject to the inspection of any J person interested therein : XVII. The Clerk elected in each J County under the provisions of Section 27 of Article IV of the constitution ! shall be Clerk of the Courts of General Sear-ion* and common Pleas, and may ' appoint a deputy, who may perform the duties of Clerk, for whose acts such | Cletk shall be responsible, and a tcoord ot whow appointment * ti r. 11 be made in the Clerk'* office; nnd such appoint- ' men* may be revoked at the pleasure of the Clerk; and in case no Clerk exist*, the .lodge shall have nnthoiily to appoint h person, who shall perform the duties of Clerk, and said Deputy Clerk, or the one appointed by the Judge, shall be required to give the usual bond before entering upon the duties of the office. XVIII. All suits in Equity depending in tl*o courta of Chancery, nnd not finally disposed of. nnd the property and recoidn relating thereto, on the first day of January, A. D. 1809, shall be transferred to the courts of Common 1'leas in and for their respective counties, and shall be entered upon '.he dock uts of said Courts fur the stated term thereof next ensuing, and thereupon -hull he heard, tried and detei mined, with all righta respected and preserved, in the same manner as if oiiginallv hi ought there: Provided, That no cause ?ha!l he transferred to the dockets of the Courts as aforesaid not cognizable therein under the constitution: Provided, further. That all causes depending a* aforesaid, and the properti and recOids pertaining thereto, cognizable under the constitution in tbe courts of l'rubalc, kliall be ti an-fcrred to sii.l Courts. XIX. All books < f record, ell files, and all p'npetly of whatever kind, of tbe courts of Chancery, except a-, hereinbefore provided, shall, on the first dav of January, A. J). 1809, he t'nnslerr d to the courts of Common l'leas for the counties having jurisdiction of like cau ?es ; and the several Clerks of the circuit Courts shall receive the same from I lie unrolling Clerks and Musters of said Coints and receipt (lierefor, and also enter mid receipts upon the records of tlieir respective Courts. XX. All writs heretofore Issued (or which, before the ratification of this Act, shall have Leen issued) and made returnable to the terms of the courts of Common Pleas, as heretofore established by law, shall be returnable to the said Courts which shall first issue in each county, respectively, under the provisions of this Act. XXI. At the term of the court of Sessions and Commort Pleas which shall first ensue io each county after the ratification of ibis Act, it shall be the duty r,f ih?3 Judge presiding to call the do' koI of the late District Court, and In pass such orders, proposed by the Solicitor on the Sessions, or by the plaintitf>' attorneys in civil causes, an ill the judgment of the Court may be proper, to tramfer the unfinished busi ness to its proper liibunal for adjudication. In the Senate House, the twentieth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and r:Xtv-einht. L. BOOZER, President of the Senate. F. J MOSES, .In., Speaker llouse of Representatives. Approved : It. K. Scott, Governor. Advick to Yocmo Mkm.?A writer given die following sensible advice to young men ; Lei the business of every one alone, and attend to your own.? Don't buy what you don't want. Use every hour to advantage, and study to < make a leisure hour useful. Think < twice before yon spend a dollar ; remember you will have another to make ' for it. Look over your book* regularly, < and if you find an error trace it out.? 1 Should a stroke of misfortune come 1 upon ton in your business, retrench, ' work harder, but never Ay the track.? 1 Confront difficulties with unflinching a perseverance, and tbey will Ay at lust; then you will be honored ) but shrink, I and you will be despised. o Dc is happy whose circumstances f? suit bis temper; but he is more foitun> e aie who can suit his tem|>er to any cir It cuiustaoces. _ _ ci lerf: EVENTS 1868. - '---si.'-.i. .- ?! -rr- - . !. Address of the Control Democratic Club to the Demooratio Partv of South Carolina. Fellow Citizene: The election f.n President nnd Vice-President of the United St a tea is new done At hand-? l'be great principles involved in the content, the magnitude of the intercuts st stake, nnd the influence which this State may have on the result, make this a proper occasion to Jay before ycu s biief address. The tendency and purpose of the Radical party, as manifested in words and acta, are the absorption of the liberty of the individual; the destruction of States; the subversion of the Constitution, and the erection upon the ru ins of individual and public liberty, a jrand. grinding, consolidated despotism. Already it lia* made rapid strides in JihI direction. Little, now, is left for I to do but to fure into one mar-s, and ;l>en crystallize into permanent form Us various acquisitions of usurped power. [;a capiicious act*; its wanton cruelties; its corrupt practices; its enormous burdens you have felt and do know.? Against these, nnd more than these, you are now called upon to continue a resolute light with the peaceful, though potent, wenpon of the ballot. The i\ -?*- ? - i.'coiucrmic puny nere ana everywhere *re striking with yon fvr the principle* j( libei ty and the form* of Government lo which we have been upcuMoidmI, for it written Constitution, n Federal (Juion and n distinct existence of the Stale*. Surely, then, the principle* of the contest are important, end the interest great. Arouse, therefore, to the magnitude of the emergency and spare no effoit* for success. \\ hen the time for registration shall come, let no man fail to appear, and none fail to rote. l?el each one remember that hi* individual vote may decide the election in hi* own district, Mnd that th . electoral rote of the State may turn the scale iu favor of the Democratic pattv. Our people must not despond, nor re tax their ?(forts, if there should be fail ure* elsewhere. On the contrary, they will Iihva rea?r>n l.i liniw ?n.t ; " J" """ stimulate thein to increased energy, for it i* jet possible to win. State elec lions are influenced and sometimes con trolled by local issues; and it has often happened that these go one way, and in a few weeks iheieafter, in the si ine place, the Presidential elections another. This may be ihe case in the present canvass; and. indeed, we have reason to hope so. Recently we have received repoits fiom all parts of the State which induce ths belief that South Carolina, with proper efl*>rt, will be carried for Seymour and Blair. Let not the fail lire to do so bo ascribed to you. The canvass in which you are now engaged is full of excitement, which w ill probable continue and increase to the end We tiust, therefore, that it will not be amiss to drop you a word >f caution. The criminality of a few, and perhaps the indiscretion of iuspt, have placed it in the power t?f malice and mistepiemulation to injure us, and seiiously to damage the common cause. \Vo urge you, therefore, not only to prevent violence, but to abstain fiom the violence of it. We ar$ dealing with a fahe and subtle foe?prolific in inventions, and venemous in purpose? a foe who fully understands the temporary profit of a nimble lie, which loo often achieves its end before the truth I 1-1 - - ? cmii even uuckie ou ner armor. We need not urgo upon you the poli cv nnd the duly of treating, with greM kindness and forbearance. the colored population of the Slate. This you hav? ever done, nnd will continue to do ar long as you are permitted. We have no doubt you will make manifest the untruth of the malicious charge, that by force you have compelled their vot?? or by intimidation kept them from the polls. Their minds are rapidly open ing to the truth that the \agranl white man fiom the North, as well as the renegade of the South, who live bv deceiving and plundering thetu, and who have been driving them to destruction, are not true friends, and are unworthy of confidence and support. With a fair opportunity they will return to you, at their estrangement is owing entirely to the false teachings and malignant ef ions 01 me nortnern emir-saiy. It cannot be forgotten that the State voluntarily, in 1805, invested the colored population with every civil right; and that the Democratic parly, in Convert rion in April last, recognised them, tinJer the previous action of the Stale, as an integral element in the body politic -<*ami expressed its willingness, when n power, to enfranchise theni to the sxtent which the public weal and their mn good might warrant. The posi ion then taken by the Con vent ion, and vliicli was announced to the people of he State and the country, ia now re{firmed. We beg youl to remember that the lemccratic party of the Stale was not rganized for tire purpose merely of suporting the nomine- a of the part?( but >r higher purpose* and more enduring nds. It is possible that our present ad. r may be defeated, bat our pi topics will survive. The liberty of the H I x- li I NO. 23. I u ., , _,.j..?? ? I individual, the being and welfare of I Slate#, the Constitution of the United I State?, and a Federal Union under it, I are ohjecia worthy of patience and en- I during effort#. In the success we hope I for, our organization will he inost mo- I ful ; and, in ease of defeat, it will , be- I come e##ential. We, therefore, desire 1 to impress upon you the necessity of I preserving intact and in full energy the I admirable organisations of the l>emo- 1 cratic party of South Carolina. I WADE HAMPTON. I Chairman Executive Committee. .. J. D. POPE, J. P.THOMAS, F. W. McM ASTER. W. M. SHANNON, s. mcgowan, JAMES CIIESNUT. Chairman Auxiliary Committee. t. S. farr6w. The Deceased Wife's Sister. This vexed question it still giving trouble in the church. It has distracted almost every church in this country. The moot recent case occurred in the United Presbyterian Church. A writer, giving an account of the First Synod of ill* Waat ?n il.? ? '* lira iiiawuciur, IDUItpOllkl of the cmc : ? 44 An appeal came to Synod from a decision of Mercer Presbytery, which involved an important phase of the marriage question, nod elicited ranch interest. The session of Hethel having brought a member to trial for marrying hia deceased wife's si?ter, and having sentenced him to be admonished, a minority of session appealed to Presbytery, believing that the offender should he suspended. The Prerbyleiy sustained the anpeal, anJ directed to suai pend (he offending party till he give* evidence of repentance. An appeal was then taken from the decision of the Presbytery, and the case came before Synod. The question involved is not whether such marriages ate contrary to the word of God, but what censure should be indicted on those who offendDr. J. T. n,.;. -- .1- i.. - ? . . , ?J f wmwikmwu VI IIIQ K U" dicial Committer, brought in a report recommending that the appeal be sun* mined. The report reviewed the case fully, retting forth that while the rela* lion is contrary to the word of God, yet it is not such an evil as requires offenders to be excluded from membership in the church, thus virtually demanding the separation of the parties, but should he kept out of the church by sound instruction. " The report was adopted, and the appeal was sustained. The effect of this action is to reverse the decision of Mercer Presbytery, and to restore the offender to privileges in the church upon his submission to tire admonition of the session. Notice was given of an appeal to the General Assembly from this decision by Rev. J. \V. Logue aud others."?Due We*t Pre?bytertan% > Aik-Likk Railroad.?'fliis enter! 1 prise, which covers the project of building a railway to run direbtly between ' Ohailotte, N. C. and Atlanta, it is said; ' will he immediately pht under way.? Col. H-jford, President of the Danville R R . is the President of the Air-Lind Railroad. Charter* of a liberal character have been obtained from the States of Georgia, South and North Carolina. 1 One authority says that this line will shorten the distance by rait between Atlanta and Charlotte 214 miles. If the road be built, it will pass near th6 | dividing line of this and Greenville T)ia tricts, pasnng not far frpttt Col. McNee > ly's, and possibly touching thift Dist Iriet. We hope to see the enterprise i fait accompli. It will revolutionise the i commerce and travel between North and South, benefit the entire country > through which the line paste*, and vafttty i enhance of the value of reiil estate along its rite. In this District, the Connlry \ near which the line will pasn abound* r in timber which will be a source of wealth to the propijetors. llere in w hat the Richmond Dispatch nays, an to its early aycomplUbmcnt j ' The Geoigia and South CarolinA Air* Line Railroad will l>e put undtir fcbhs tract in a short time, and will be firii&hed aa rapidly aa possible. It will occasion a great revolution in travel between the North and the Uoulh." [f,aUKcn*bittc Herald. As Iriahman, a short time in this country, was eating boiled green corn. After eating ofl Mil the corn, he passed the cob back to the lady who sat at the head of the laldfe, saying, " Would you plase be so kind as to put soma utorejjeans On (he stick }" It is rumored that a conspiracy fa dethrone Abdnf Aziz, (he reigning Kultan of Turkey, lia* been discovered irt Cona'.antirn-ple. A number of pofiftcal arre>'? have been mad* ibere. Nf< further particular# have been received. * *tm? Wkndkll Vh(li^'s #ay? the R?-publi> oan party m a P*'?.v without principle** or leader#?-Wendell ought to know.?. Grant AAV* be i# without pricinples or policy?Gfuut ought to kno*%.