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Advantages of Under Braining. 1. It prevents drought, 2. It furniithes an incieased supply of atmospheric feitilizers. 5. It warms ilia lower portion of the soil. 4. It hastens tlie decomposition of roots and other organic matter. 6. It accelerates the disintegration of the mineral matters of the soil. 6. It causes a more even distribution of nutritious matter among the parts of the soil traversed by roots. 7. It improves the mechanical texture of the soil. 8. It causes the poisonous excrementitious matter of plants to be cairied out of reach of their roots. 0. It prevents grasses from running out. 10. It enables us to deepen the sur face soil. |.y it-moving excels of water. 1). U ui.tiers soil eailivr in the spring. 12. It prevents lie throwing out of grain in wiut r. 1 3. It allows us to woik sooner after rain. 14. ll keeps off the effects of cold weather h nger in the Kail. 15 It ptoents the formation of acetic and oilier acids, which induce the growth of soriel and similar weeds. 10. It hastens the decay of vegeta Ide mailers, and the finer couibiualiou of the earthy parts of the soil. 17. It prevents, in a greut measure, the evaporation of WMter, and the con rcquenl abstraction of htiu from the soil. 18. It admits fresh quantities of water from rains, tkc., which are alwavs more or less imbued with the fertilizing gases of the aimosphere, to be deposited among the absoihenl parts of the soil, and given up to the necessities of planla. 19. It prevents the formation of so liatd a crust on (lie mm face of tho soil as is usual on heavy lands. 20. It prevents, in a great measure, grass and winter grains fmni Wing winter killed.?Farmers Magazine. Scratchks in llortars.? Perfectly clean with Ca-tile soap ar.d warm water; then apply, while warm, mii oiulineut of gunpowder mixed wi'h ' sweet cream or fresh butter, to tho con sisleiicy of thin paste; and then, if on trial, our remedy does not cuie, apply every morning, after wasliiug clean, an ointment composed of a lescupful of lard with as much camphor gum as can be dissolved therein; simmered together with a little rosin. Every farmer should see daily every animal he has. anil inspect its condition. Weekly visits, as i? the case with acme, aoon issuit in weakly animals. The more comfortable yon oan keep your animals the uiorcthev will thrive. A good cow is a valuable machine; the more food she propelly digests the gicater the profit. A few roots daily, to nil the stor k, are as welcome a? apt les to bovs and I girls. ; Iron shoes on sleds last a life time ! Tliey ?ie really cheapet ii: the end ihan ! woodet* ones. All animals ate fond of sunshine.? Lei them bask in it, if po*siLl*. ? - % 1>kkv ]T.oucntKG.?The editor of the Practical Fanner, thus endorse* deep ploughing : We Itavo for many years, noi only since conducting nn agricultural paper, tut while a farmer rears befote that, continually rrcotii jnended both from theory and practice, ploughing 12 to 15 inches deep. We , believe the ordinary shallow ploughing. * to 5 deep, to he the great I cauao of the annual reduction in the average of our cereal and other crops, that the result is not only a short and | MuntfrL b"t aho an unhealthy gtowth, ! thus inviting insect ravage", and a No irremediable damage fiotti drought*.? We observe the wheat crop in Ohio, for example, has diminished horn an average of 18 bushels per acie in 1850, to 0 bushels per acre in 1SG5. Othei j , crops in other State* show a like diu.i | nut ion ; and if the came i< not in tits ! continuous cultivation or exhaustion ft I only 5 or 0 inches of soil, (so called,) j we do i.ot know vhete to find it. [Xfuryhn il Fanner. ? ? I A Fai t for 1'armkus.?It may not , ho geneially known that the sctd t f ,he , mir flower is the tnost infallible reined v I , vet discovered for the speedy cute tf'i fa-nrder in I.oiks. 'I lie directions. , V hifh v e glean from a hiief article upon | the subject in the i>.?ex Manner, say : t Immediately on di*co\ering that your , horse is foundered mil about a pint of the whole seed in his food and it will perfect a cure. Sunflowets are ea-ily ' grown alongside of fences and in out. 1 of-the way places where they take up ! lilt little i or in. The m i d when f< <1 in i nnall quantities to ti e hoises is ?er\ 1 healthy. giving lo the hair a peculiar | j gloss. It is a diuietic in it* let dencv. I r'oale like it much and thii\e on it. ' i I i I Tiik bones of a large animal, -nppoMd | i to be a ii.nstodon, were found ves'er 1 ' day, while excamting near IKntnille. j \ Canada, 'ihe teeth arc very large, one ; of th.rnr weighing ii?o pound*. The | ribs are six f>*e! long, the l ip bone ' i is thirty six inches round ; she (uak 1 is eleven ituhes ?i diameter and fbnr |! r.... r.t at.. ku..L t-rn irci ,,,r *??*? um a* Lti.e uie t >> t* ri l y -1 li?e?< incLes roupd. j ? I A i ai)Y in a western city, p?hli*he.? m card, atafinp that it givt? Her plea*, lire to ackrowledge the receipt of the ? emount of an aceident policy on the lie ui < upland, who waa killed in it i?ie mi.od die. >ter? i h . U/ . K U i\f <> . TM i V Egyptian Cotton.?The llerald. yesterday, in giving ad vice " to planter* and cotton merchants," spoke of Kgyptian cotton as " a poor short staple and dirty aiticle, that cannot ti? al our heau tiful and clean long staple cotton," We have before us a sample of this cotton, pulled from a hale recently Imported. 'Ihe gentleman who sends it to us, says: " You will observe that the staple i? flue, strong, and much longer than that of our own cotton. Indeed, so ntnch snpetior is this cotton to ours, that it is an article of import to supply the place of our coatlv Sea Islands.? Egyptian cotton commands higher prices both here and in Liverpool than oar own,"?IV. Y. /7utnmcixial Adrer tiser of Saturday. Don ax.? llorax is the name of a salt found native in large quantities in va rious parts of Europe and South America. It is also found dissolved in the waters of certain lakes in Thil-et and Persia, and concrfcled upon the borders. This suit is also artificially prepared, and is sometimes inei with in the craters of volcanoes. Its uses are tinnier ous and important. In metallnrgic op eraliolis it i-i used u* ? !tn* m ?t it ni'ii 1 >h found in eveiy blacksmith'* shop, wliero it is used as an Mid to the proems of welding. It i? also largely used in mediciiio. Dissolved mi water it is an excellent wash fur the teeth. It is or.e of the best substnnos that can lie used for cleansing the hair and scalp, leaving the hair smooth and soft and the >kin white and clean.??Ycui York Afircandle Journal. Thk Usk ok tiik lioniKS ok Dkau A mm a 1.8 as Mancuk.?M. Honcheiio has invented in Prance a prices*. whereby the bodies of dead animals of all kinds can be rendered into a most vnl liable manure. The bodies are cut up. and. together with tlie intestines and ! their contents, are treated with dilute hydrochloiic (muriatic) acid. After a time the whole mass, including bones, is Completely dissolved, and changed into a setui-plastic pnlpv mats, without -niell. and capable of being kept au\ length of linie without deterioration.? The worthless caici-ses of d'-ad doga arcl cats, and of animals which have died from disease, aie ilins changed into a valuable and matketable com* I ,?,wtii. XI / I < 1 . al 1 w t v? #1 i'/uuwhul tf v((/ ??r/. HoW T<> r't'HK A Col.D. Dr. III.II (Jouitiat of Health) say-: I In* mmneir h man is snti-fhd In- ha* l.<k<-ti cold lei him do three things : K?ml, ea' nothing) second, go to led. cover up I in a watm room ; tHitH. drink a- much coUl water a? he can or as lie wants, ?> ; as much h'?l heth lea he can, and ill litieo case- fill of lour, he will I well in thirty six hours. The iicuhci of a cold for forty ? ight hours, tli-l cough commence-, i- i< him elf heyoml cum until trie cold ha- itin it- | course, of about a fuliitght. Wat.nil: ar.d al>-linei'ce are safe and cer'ait elites, when applied c.olv. Waiui i. keep- the poms of ilie -|:in open and relieves it ol the mi: plus whi?h oj.pie?< es it, w liile nha'illeliee ? l|t- elf the slip j plv of material foi plo< in which would otherwise he coughed up. Tkn Goon KuI.k8.?Choose the path 1 of virtue, nnd imitate a I >i?l? pattern. Ho all the givod in thv power, and j let every action he useful. Cultivate hv mind ear'ftillv? it will he a Mote of pleasing) reflection. He diligent in thv Int-ines*, Hud J (strictIv uptight in thv dealings. Investigate allaire closely, ami en I gage in tlnm cautiously. Lay thv plan* wilh piu?.!tuce, and be | prepared with emergencies. !n nil (1 IHculties be patient, and overcome them by per evemuc**. I>o 111ht wliiib I^ doing most. Have h plact f<'i cvt-ty thing ami ev cry thing in it* place. Id i.II thing* be irci oniloiil w illicit n CMiitiCis, i.t.d coin I iiif utility with el gat.ce. A -KimtCAi. \om.g collegian con j fioli'ed an Ohl <^'iake- with ibe stale- j incut that he did not I i lieve in the l>i Me. Sai-I tlie Qnakar : ' Does thee l? ? j lie\e in I-'rnnce ?" " Yc, f<>? though I lime not seen il, I liHve ; ln?*i?les tln ie i- ! plenty of cot robot atite proof that such i cotiiitrv iloes exin." * '1 lien I lice I will oi?t belieie an\thing thee oi cherlias not sicti V " No to be miio I j Won't." I>'.<) thee ever see llo o\t t rains ?" " No." "liver see m it \ I I \ . hat ilnl ?** " No." " Dots ; I t o- o lice lias any ?1 Thk New York llcrahl says, editorially: The (lovernor of Alabama is certainly not far wrong in his notion that more unlioual troops ?re necessary in Itinl Male. The presence of ' O.Onil sohlirrs in Alitluooa Ki uid not t<c cfVclive in ke< ping th? pence, as the Camilla j Ught sill prove. Now. lltul the whole *.n?to-i rv of that eteiit >* 'ten, it u oo.h eicnr ' that tlie nigger* provoked the distort nacr. f They n arch" <1 with their radical Iciolirs, with nuts if suit nriiM, into a rjnn t (utrn, contpnrt- | iog themselves .n an otTensive manner, and | making a t ull) ing expedition, the tninaro ol j llieir conduct was not as if it were real. Nig rers wilt arc. > y this example, thnt it is not I ret rote In i tilly white men, and that will prorent cvllitlvufc Thk rcti U n>a evidently been fninninnin led in Spein, nrj lli? lead? tie m i.ikinjt it* p? for the eMnblitbloent of ? pew OovernAll Mt. Il it ??r?npe In oheeive ihe feeble re finance whieli Ihe Spwnith army wade to the evolutionary party. One little rkiriniah turn* ip the whole of their rfTortt fax their Queen. \? for the nnvy, it went over to tba party of ;evolt >i toon at the movement Se^an, Those j hinjre thow how rotten woro the foundation* j >f itabclla's throne. Scotch an tiff, put in hole* *?I ere ii k?lt cotue out, will dwtioy (Lem. 1 . I ?#?/ I i | | j STTrSTTl promisixo to makkt thk glul. W? yesteiday, heard rather a good sto ry on one of our city inini-teri?. During last winter a revival whs In progress in one of our country churches near the city. Among the regular aUnidHnit on lite meeting whs h beautiful and estituxhle, hut raitlier unsophisticated young l*dr? whose friend* were very anxious to have her uuite with the cburcli. Slie seemed however reluctant, to do so. mini the minister in question whs request! <1 to" talk to her.' This he did I several times, on one occasion saying in a jocular manner, " Misr M ?, if you'll ! join the chinch, I'll marry yon," mean ing he would perform the ceiemony.? The girl seemed pleased with the propposition, and a few evenings after walk ed up to the altar and united with the church. Sevetal week* after this the ' minister preached a; the church, nod I after service-*, met ilie young lady.? i' litolher said she. *4 fr?U know you promised to marr t me if I'd join the church. Are you going to do so? I don't went to wait any longer." The minister saw his dilemma and attempted to exp'ain. " ( meant 1 woul I pet form the cermony," he said, " that's ail. I au't marry >on myself. for I am already mairied ami lore my wife too much to desire to swap lie*- off for another. The voting lady hiowne indignant, declared she'd leave the church, and that she " never did have much faith in these town preachers." Our ministeiial friend declares that lie will never again u*e any other than plain scriptural argument to induce a young lady to join 'he church. J ,Y(v?> Albany Daily Commercial. e? 1 .... Tiie Drmockacy in South Caroli na ? v\ ?? ure glad to observe the indications of thorough organization on the pait of the South Carolina Demncracy. So far as the white* ate concern ed. no Sta'.e in the South presents such an undivided front as this old commonwealth. The radical* cannot tnu-tei ? corporal's guard i.f white tneit in aav Dbtiict of the State dolt- in every District are organized, and the parly i> well cioanixed. Still, more idhv ho I done. Let no man stand l??ck now.? ! In this ^jroMt emergency, ' II- wli > ilnll'f* is n dastard, lie wl 10 dotihiB is dnnou-d." Let cti'iv cnn*er\alive voter join tlie | c'.uh in Ills locality. Let every man |>tit hi* name down. I.vl no Carolinian i/noiiiiuiouslv stand on the f.-nc? to wait for the winning side. We trust prevail Mtoiiei or liter, and Midi ncie ants as f?i| to do their doty, will he the olj"ets of a just renin Carolina ix txil'V soil id Iters to <|o his till'J. \Columbiu 1'ha; ni.c. " llow much to insert this death P a-h'td a |km son at a ne?v8|>.i|?ei ottiee.? "One tiolinr," "Why. I pared lot' [ lifti emits the last time I in-eiit-?i one."* | " That was a c minion death.*" said lite ;>ol |i-liiT, " hut ihi? is sineeudv regret [ ted." " I'll te ll x ou what,'" shi I the applii-lilit. " yolir I'XieuU'ls will Hot i.e put t'j tha; i x, cn.-e." A tJooii 8vv ? Nemli on" ni^e of Ii,? ! !'Muii V iikIio.iIu. (.1 jilfil willi loiter* ?>f w'llnliMwinj? f hi Hi* 1"iii ? I.i-ii^m*." Tii* iniviiviiii- i* ??ik> iiii 11**! In ml'liiinn in ill* w iilulriwii|? riil.lM,,..! in Hi* i*?ii* ' ill* Vimli-nioi Ir* us. ii announces Ifi il lli* imni** nf l v i ! mere ?ill I.* |>iil.| r|i*.! n*xi w? W. Tii* work gees bravely ii.?Moritimj Slur. Tiik reproof titri* w.? ha?y hi'Niii for some months ?*> given the oilier iIhv Iiv a railway guard. I). iea your in ulii'i know vou areoul f* iinjnir ed a wotild-l>e witty passenger. " Oh. wh.i the reply. " and gave me six fH-nce to pu:chase a monkey. Aievou foi sale t" A lauv a^kcd a pupil at a national scloiol, " \\ hat was the sin of the I'haiisee* ?" ' Kating rainels, inarm," quickly replied tlit* cliilrl. She Ion! read ihal the TMtniisees " i ruin-<1 at gnat* am! aw aitoWeil Caiiieli!" Mmi\MK F!l l.t TCt'OKSK. wlio frill* through the streets on top of a rage, " i"* ite'l liv a M> X'can lion.*' was attack. .1 hv (lie nfo'esaii! lion while in pmces-inn at (1 illipoli*. Oliio, iaoetated. anil with diftienhy saied f mil instnnt ih-atli. At (lavernrlr. near Ilii.lion. ye?fer lav, whi'e six men were at Work on he resilience of IVof Flack, of the Hudson lliver Institute, tlie seaflFnld nLf gave war. piecipitating the men to :he gronnrl fa?a'lv wounding one and severely wounding the other#. " Miss," said a gen'leman, pn ffeiing his umhiella to a ladv in a ahower, " pvuiit me to he vo'if hean ?** ' "Thank yon for rour n'It'enes*." wrvi the replv i " ami a- I have plenty i f fair weather heunx 1 as ill call von tnc rain lirsii," " \> mv ni?l von l^avo timr i ptnrp f inqiiir?*<l h voting or, Hhniil to k n?w ?Kvmil. " Wliv, von *v.\ madam." ilia np|ilicHiil, " 1 wa? 'no good looking, xnd wlnn I opvnn.1 Ih floor, folkr took ine fur tl??> llti?>Uf>,>* <'n*ni.ra J a mfs a wandering son of f? V. R. Jann>?. ill* novvlmt. Im* l>*en making spOvol.M in favor of fvrant.? Ilia prvfvrvnoe, pud-aMy spring* from fanii'v attachment to " a solitary Norseman," Mr. Qi ii. ?v? lie finds muoli less difficulty in ' .ing hi* word than in I getting anybody to lake it. I 8 ITi # I Slate or Soiatfei Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Eq .ity. ISABELLA P. LOGIC* W/ re. MARION J. LOCKE el at.?Bill for RiHiVim of Heal E'tOlt. (f p, 1I1IE Complainants having filed their Bill in the ahoro case, ami it appearing to the Commissioner that THOMAS l.OCfcB, NATHAN IE!. LOCKE ami MAftY K. l.OoKK, three of the Defendants, reside beyond the limits of this State: On motion of Perry I A Perry, Complainants' Solicitors, it is Ordered, That Sid absent Defendut; do plead, answer or deuiuf to tfitf Dill within forty data from this 0atc, or a decree pro com/osso will l?? entered against the in. j J. P. MOORE, 0. R. G. C. Commissioner's Office, Bept. 19th, 1809. j Bopt S3 '18 *- ? I ? . The State of South Carolina, O H EES'V ILL E COUNTY. lH E?Kll), JOHN A. lIAWKIft6,by nest friend, cf ?t., r?. HARRIET I). HILL otnL ? BiU i? M<tr*httU Sale* Pariitiun* if'r. XVUKSliANT to the Decretal Order in this JL mn? tlx rrcdltort of JOHN P. 11AW. K INS, dvoexsed, are required to render ?ud prove their demand* before me, on or before the first day of November next J. P. MOO UK, C. K. 0. D. July nth, ISM. 8 -til The State of South Carolina* l>'NEESVIL1.K COUNTY. lit Eqnliy ELIZA J. PIIIKCK, Executrix, r?. NANCY MoK INNKY rf ill.? Itiit hi Mtirxhnll Suit, In.'; ' a. ?( ? . rU It - 1 A A I ! ? ihc Decretal Order in the .. -edit' rs of JASPER J. PttlNCK, dveeii.-v!. iro required to render nod prove their demand* before mo, on or bo> foro tuu first due of December next. J. P. MoOKE, C. E. O. T>. July 12th, 18(18. 8-td * The State of South Carolina. CBKEXVILLB COUNTY. Ill Cquily. JOHN W. MORGAN, Kxcrutor, LtNNKY N. MO KG AN rl nl.-^-llifl fu .Hurt hull art*. Sulf, Injunction, l('f. PURSUANT to the Decretal Order in the nbove ense, tlio creditor* of NATIIAN1 l b MORGAN, deceased, ore required to j ri*ltilor uml liriiVp tliiGP tltonamlii l?nfi.r.? inn nn 1 ar before the first day of December next. J. 1\ MOORE, C. E. O. I>. Jul.v 1 ?lb. J 868. 8-td Tho Sta o of South Carolina, a it ess ville co us r r. In Equity. N ANCY HOWDKX, Administratrix, and R. I.. liOWDEK, Administrator, r?. J. M. ROW 1?EN ri u/.? It ill to J/.i 'til A | Stt 'r, / itjtt ttr t inn, i{'r, Pl'RSl'ANT to the Rerretal Order in tho above c.i??, tho creditors of KKUllKN J i>OWI)KX, deceased, ore required to render j ] nnd (irovo their deran'id* before ine, w ithin ] I three months, (ou or biloro the 13lb day of October next.) J. I\ MOORE, C. E. O. It. July 12tti, 1868; 8-Id r.TiMi I run irniinircnn nniinmv iaim m rnmm yimi, OF 11AUTFOIID, CONN. OUQANIZED 185 O. I 12. A. DOLKIXV, Pr?V<.. T. O. CXDLUd, Stc'j, i Dividends for tin' inct five yurn. .'?o per vtiil.; Kvrci| in i<?k uv?r $jti(i,i(tiO jur | hi oilh. j No. ..f I'dieioa issued in 1m57 15.?.il I Amount insured ?ui a iinv # ll.sill.jfij mi Assets j-iii. i. i*?7 Mtll.mxmi Receipts fur year cudiug Jan. 'fid, .S. 1211.447..'14 1,3SI.20 Paid claim* hy ik-nih.f'ds.ssi .\ft All oilier cx[>cuni, 1,474-,7S7.-1 j $' ,ttU2,(lflS.8.? i7.i:iK.0l-?.:i5 POLICIES issued on every plan used by all tin- old iiml responsible Companies. TO" branch Office, 262 liroiid Street, A I'll USIA, OA. CHAS. W. HARRIS, Manner. liOWKIt .t WOKT1II.VUTON, Agents, ; tircmivilte District, South Carolina. May 1* M Ora To Farmers. . riAIIK WATT 1'LOUUIl couies to you with 1 the highest recommend. lion. Call it 1 inv Auction Knout* iim! examine it for yurI selves. 1 have supplied fifteen farmers with | this Plow in thia country, and they all speak I in the highest praise of it. The ouc horse | plow ia a turning plough, n furrowing plough for planting corn, a <tib soil plough, a coru, : rolton, and vegetable weoder and worker.? i Willi the additional piece, (a steel scraper,) l ...... I...... .......i.: i .11. ..i -i ??' i?? ... I,, IB ,""<<*"> IUO UIH implement* over yet tunde, for nil the abovenamed anil warranted tu ?lo every kind if turning mid cultivating in Field nnd Unr|.Kn, in :t manner superior i?? nil other* ever I yet made. nnd that, Ion, witlmut hoe Inlmr. (>r?r /'oar TVioasoiul t'irt Himrimi of thnn i Ploughs nre ihiw in the hand* uf the licet fanner* in Virgin in. \>rih Carolina, South Carolinn, and 'i . ,. It linn established n r.-|>ulatum it , i i. n the history ol invention'. lie .. ' fiilimj, Ihltkitt'i and Cthlr.iliu p > , I in* no rival, living adapted to > ty ..I noil, nnd to foul aud ch it. Untie witiioul choking, li doe# I the hoc nnd plough work at one o|*ration. J, \Y. FmiiIic, of Niiit(y-8ix Depot, 8. C , fay*: " It egeel* any plow I ever raw for eol'in or corn, in fart, for uny kiml of rummer cropa." The following named perron* at home have need it, nnd can highly rocointnond it: Tho*. -Seven, Capt. W. K. Earle, Dr. IVui. A. llarriton, Kcv. C. 11. Stewart, M. T. Fowler, W. T. An.tin. J. W. Goldsmith, Thus, Goldsmith, J. S, Hammond, nnd other*. I Gall nnd ace the WATT PLOUGH J U I<I 1*8 0. SMITn, A net ion Sales liooui. St. 15 3ui i Fairvi w Sugar Company. ' f > II IS Company having bought the Bight IX in the gr -at discovery of making sugar nnd refining syrup made from Sorgo I'anr, in 1 that portion of I? strict embracing I the Third llrgimetit, we propose to erect a I 81'tiAI'. IIOl'SK and KKPfNEIt near FAIRVIKW us so..n as prartieMlde. To those who livo too far from our works, to haul their eaues, we pruposu to sell Farm Mights. We believe this to l,e one t.f the greatest discoveries for the S mill that eould luive br.n made, and have no don: I that it will he, in a lew years, the great staple of tho South. Its operations are simple and cost coinn iratively nothing to start a farm works, and v,,.l pay five limo better than any crop except esitton, and we be ,ieve will double thai great king of the South. W'thim# Iriol.l* tln>i,iil silt I 1,0*1, >* Dr. W. A. Ilarriron, at Fnirview. ?r Dr. W. P. |'a>Mii<>re, at Mrcenvillv. who will lake great (>lci??uro iu diving full particular*- We will Inrimh ?cctl free "f <*?#!, except freight, ti? tliuao wiahiug tu plant. W. A. IIARHTSOy, W IV I'A JHMOIt V.. Agent* t<>r Cuinpauy, T. 1.. IIOZEM AN, Provident. BeJ'l 2 lit If I 1 / i /Mi// I M/.lijj 'list, " DuPoiit's Bill* Powder." rHAVR acvpted the appointment m Agent f<-r ibe^alo of ilm above celebrated KIFl.K PUWT)liB, and lam pr*? pared to deliver at abort notice, any amount, in large or ainnll quaotitler, of the follow in., fl I- .1 nL.XalAn -nlA |t..t.w,a freight ?n<l driyxge to ibis j luce added : FFP H Rifle *? il. K-tt". KPF O 11'tie tvi ib Kegs. FFP U H'fle II. Krgl, Kuglo Uiflo ?j I*' K'gs. Jbi'W K.tle lb Ke|tq. Ka^lc and Diamond Orain 1 lb Cnnister*. TUUMAts 81EEN. Sept 9 Id tl STBB N 'S 8fO&?, | ei i2SSS? bR^R I WISH -to Inform the CitUen* of Greenville and tbo surrounding Districts, that 1 hava just arrived with the CBEiPEST STOCK OF H ever purchased by me sine* the war. I wll not surrender to any man in Town or District, that lie can sell Good* of the RAM K QUALITY CHEAPER tbon I can. Call aud examine for yourselves, at PTEEN'S 3T0RK. May 27 1 tf I am opening a Splendid Stock of Groceries, at very reduced prices. Cull and satisfy your| selves that it is so, at PTKEX'S STORK. May 27 I tf Also, a largo and msrgnifleent lot of Gloss ware and Crockery ot very low figures. Cui. aud judge fur yourselves, at STEEN'S STOIIE. May 27 1 tf Special Attention in called to tbo elegant assortment of Sh??a?Ladies', M i ??? ?', Uoya', Youths' and Servants', and a very lino lot of Plowntciia' Shoe*?extra fine Urogia*. Call and prove what I say, at STEKN'S STORE. May 27 1 tf 111 SMI 14.000 'bacon'1010* t0UNTK* 300 Sack* Extra Family N. C. FLOUR ! 100 Sack* Standard Liverpool SALT 25 Koga NAILS, assorted sizes 20 BaU* llATKSVILLK SHIRTING 1() Bale* McBEK SHIRTING 2() Bale* COTTON YARN 20 Bag* Prime and Fair RIO COFFEE 2C) Barrcll* SUGAR JO BAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAGS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, Flats, J DRY GOODS, DRUGS Our Stuck of 11 ATS anil SHOES it eery litrjie on.I complete, ami we will guarantee our eii'.iru Stock will compare witk any in Town, botli n.? to quality and price. A call will *atirfy you. DAVID & 8TKADLEY. May 13 SI If BATESVIIiLE MAMMIM CflMPOY. . I H AVIM! In on appointed Agent, for Jl B. ttii* t'iMii|U?n V, wo are pi epiire-l lo K.-il SlllR'll.Mia AMI YARN ul Factory pi ieea. Dnvlfl 4k Slrn?IIoy, Grocer* aud Couimi#?iott Merchant*, Grecti\ll!e, S. 0. Nov fi 24 ir DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING received the agency of the above ju?il v celebrated lira ltd of T0HACCO. we will leak* it to your intere*t lo Itiiv from u*. F->r rale by wholeaule or retail. DAVID A STKAbl.EV. Oct 80 28 tr FOR SALE, CHEAP. r--HT TW0 ONK MANDcOMli ONK llORSK CAR III AG K. Both in cl?nr?i>t nrJer. Enquire of JULIlTs 0. SMITH, or I>AVIL> .t STUAULKY. April 15 47 t ROSADAI IS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Druggiet* Everywhere. WM. P. PRICE, ATTOHSEY AT LAW, DAHL0NE6A, GA., WILL praciieo in the Count!.* of Lumpkin Dnerenn. Gilmer, Fannin, I'ni- n, Town*. Ifliit. iiml Hall. Jan 10 83 If W. K CAMMER, PRAGTfCAL GUNSMITH AX l> MACHINIST. I iwin iMir,u.'l??, rwtnn Hint, l.ock*. \J K ri>?-iic Od Lamp*. H-wim Mn- | i n ii Mil pnr.i#"l*, ItKI'AlltKD with protupfn?>? Chitge# rM^nnalil*. I Iihvc on IkiiiI, ml which Ii nffrrnd fur llg, ii( low rntva, a atock of GOtiV-SIIEIiI,KHS, and aU .oxno new PI8TUL8, an ax- 1 initiation of which m uivitod. I am |'ia|iarr<l to ln?-ni?h STENCIL I FLATBA. Inr M irking Clothe* I **l ilnl? At Wwllirl4V ?U Shop. I Jill) SJ ? tf | - . . I Job Work ! U*? F. n ?. t IHj- , v.nhn ti e?? and St f'i I J X s i i J ! 1 >, , 1 i 'It i I i ih r>! if*/ > esfisnViLiB DRUG 0I?. t tt t ORE BOOR MI MAKI9IDUE. v moboan ?* ANI) WESTMORELAND KEEP CONSTANTLY on Land a FULL STOCK OF <V DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS PAINTS . ox&s, DYE-STUFFS, FANGX AIITIG18S, AND IlM BR AGING TEIE STOCK USUALLY KEPT IN A ?~ F I R S T ORDER rom t T? i fririirniTm l!iiM'A DL1M1M liJN J tg^-EVKRVTniNG WE PUT UP WAY RE DEPENDED ON AS IN EVERY WAY RELIA, BLE. ^ Give Us a Visit. stationery ~ . j stationery stationery. JUST received, a latere and handsome l<?t of STATIONERY, consisting. in part,'of: Foolscap, Letter and Note PAPER, boat quality; Pens, Ink, Pencils, ?fec., Arc., which please cull uud examine. Spear's Fruit Preserving Solution. rj^lIIS Solution ia warranted to prevent the X decomposition of nil kinds of Fruits, Toioh'oos, Jellies, Spiced Fruit*. Syrup*, Gi dor, Wine, Milk, acme kinds nf Vegetables, Ac., uud prosorve them in n fresh and wbeleaoinc condition. Try a bottle. Juno 21 5 tf " costar's" " prepab ations. KV KKY HODY? 7tit* Them! KVKKYHOI ?Y? U*e* Than f KVERYIIOI>Y ? Jicfieves in Them! r.\ lAi \ 1JOIA?Jitcommeml? 2'hcm ! Coslai'i Exterminators. Fur Hat#, Koachc*, Aot>, Ac. Cottar's Bed Buff Exter. A Liquid?Killi?" Sure thing. Cottar's Iotect Powder Fur FIcni>, Mutbt, Inscctj, Ac. Cottar's Cora 8olventFor Corn#, Bunionr, Ac. , , ' P* ? ? * , % ^ ? - - 1 cottar's Buckthorn Salve. For Cuts, I)uruf, Bralaca, Ac. Costara Bishop Fills (Sugar Coated) Dinner Pill. Cottar's Cough Remedy. For Cougba, Colda, So. Cottar's Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms. HcautiAea tlie Complexion. Mnkca the Skin freah and fair. JPO"Beware !! of all Worthleaa Imitation*. ^tCNono genuine without Co?t*r'i alyauture. Jgtfiie. and 50c. *i*e* kept by all DrvggiMa. /BS'll aixe* lent hy moll on receipt of prioo. pay* for any three $1 situ* by Kxprcaa. JW So pnya for eight $1 aiaca by Kxprcaa. Addreaa HEN It Y R. COSTA It, 613 Broadway, V. Y. ,Af For aale by MOROAM A WEST* MOKKLAND, UrcoovUle, 8. 0. JUT And u' Wholesale in all the citlew end large toaua iu the United State*. 16-Sea W. K. KASLBT. ?. I. WILLI. EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law aini? i IN equity, (JUKKNVII.I.K, S. 0? PR \CTICB In tho Conrta of lha SIM* aa<> ^ of tho United Ststew, and give oepeoial attention lo CUM la Bankruptcy. June13 ? if Law Hotice?Chang* of Ofloo^ CI V. TOWN 08 has removed bla U?i X, Office to the building nortk-Mit corner of tho Public 8<|iinre, In part occupied bjij Jnlima C. Smith. Auctioneer, aed tho Knterpriae Printtog Office, op stair*. Jan S M U Tailoring. r|"MIR f*ol?oerihor rasp ret In'.ly informs Ma I friends. and the public in goners', that Sit health l-awig in a measure restored, wiH return# busineao strata. tta will CUT, MAKK, and KKPA1R all Oarmeuti far gentl-men, on reasonable terms, fur r??A or onntrif podsM W|!| Irs found at his rasilenpe, corner liaia Street, opposite the Coach Factory. GEO. B I>TKM. tireenvilie, S C, A|>tll Otb, 1808, 8 0i *tu i