University of South Carolina Libraries
J _ HAS JUST r?lur??*l fron Clfrlealon.' Vi?h k w?W?cWl Ifflnfxl ?t..<k ?.f MILUNEUY ^^BHy ? iH "f ' 11 * tWlrel <>n ((iMotblt trrnk Oot 14 *1 8ni XL~^J . \1 '-? I 'll iflVT 1I)|)1V?I macm ' q S r-1 A LOT or BWT * Spanish, Oak and Hemlock j & ? &:!' & it! A IP? HE. A n."?8 f T or IBT t 3H FRENCH AND AMERICAN CO ?KIMS, : TOfffk'Mt tlNMQ tft(KS f*!*.'** ,'4'???b rfiiiWfc* An j ^ OfO'Jl^"*1 ?riiU. r. tmoS*-oHAbng U, * '!*'??? wlU #T? r1 _u> wH < ?*J1 ?n4 ??kini ?* tArU-^olTes br/orr />urduuiii>jf. ;fe%v? mv"K*. T ^ BOGEYS AND 8HOE8. f VI IHiS W ih? ham? far IV.M-e ?iwl Kli.w. C<) TKA j I 1 HICKS' KCT rsTARIlSHMBuT U? firwt j <ii? U?$T in ihuL liir, ?t low rttee. J, C. UIC&9. <J ?,t" Ht.'f hi T't Iw COLUMBIA, 8. C. FIRST CLASS HOTKL. Pd ?s.?(D i?3>a j /-^ WM. A. WRIGHT-, t?-1 AlANAGEIA Oct 14 tl 1? l? MAClfciV&CAftlttHl/S " GREAT LEGITIMATE g cimcuSo ? mifflTBiEa c> AND K QUIPPK D ^3 FOR 111E SK ASON OF 1 SGS, AND REPRESENTING Features and Faces, ? ! --- ?! :*..J i f. JI r#^\ j* ulllinrMMip. invciriucu nn-i uiiuic?? ^UfOMSivn ?f C HH KOVEIiTIES, MH DT A CAHKFU LLY SELECTED TROUPK **^ .... rao* Tiia fZ PARAGONS ^ ' OF S EQUESTRIAN ART. The greet aint of the Mnnngers is ORIGIN ALITY AND EXCELLENCE, nAnd with (hi* view they have congregated an aMcniblnge uf From the mo?t celebrated 8ehool? of Fqtie?' Irian and Gymnaatle Art, both in (/} DBicnRdD^a <& Asasfciiu Tlie>faettilDs for aped? and eerlain tranrll are uneqiietwd. HH BF"NO JADED IIORdFS.JKl OAND WRARY.'TRAVEL WORN PERFORMERS Everything HovR and Brilliant, ^ ?-n.D ne plu* ultra Exhibition wilt hi J-P- " CIREENVILLK, H FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30. Where they will clye t**> Clrniid Exhihi P j tlone, at 2 and neloelt, P. M. h-H CtTAdn. ttalon 7ft rent* gpCliiltlrtp, .. .AO ccnit U- OKOSllY, A gen I. _1 Oat 14 SI R The State of South Carol na OKKSNVILLS COCNTT. Bv 8. J DOUTTTIT. K'fjnirt, Judge of Pro P""H '.'?/? of takl Vmtntf. OvrnEREAg, JOIIN h. OHJIHATH I.., it ll'i! A P?liti?n in my Office, pray ^jr, tn(f that Lattera ot A-'minimiation on > and atnguhr the gnnda and chattel^ right and eredtu of 11AIIDY J. 01/.RE ATM. I?n of the County aforeaaid, deceased, aliuuli l>e granted to him. Thtf. mre, iher'for*, to elte and admnnlal all and aincular the kindred and ereditofi of the raid <|eea?ed, to l>e a id appear h the Conrt pf Plohgte for raid County, to h liolden at Oreenvil'a Court Moure, op tin ltd day of Oatolier, inat., to ahow eanae, | any. why the aaid Adtniuiatrotiou ahouh ami l>a uaantad I. noirrnnr. Jnd?e ??f Prolate. Jorfn* of l?rqUt?'? Offleo, Oct. 8th, ltflfl otH *? a Tbo Paif^iew Democratic Club WH.1. HW*t #t Falrviev ?m Saturday, 17t October, at two o'nloek, P. M. A pun.-tin attendant? la reqn*ated. ituaiaoaa of lu portbuc* Will l>e IhioMe'ed. T. L. Ito/KMAN, Pr?*i<)t'iiL Sep' 2tfth, ltlttH. Vcl7 20 a FOR CHEAP LA] 1-T 99 jS w 8 Jfotica to Tax Fajen. I HAVK r?t?if?l lh? mvntbl? LWU f< June, Julf jind August. ISM, *n<f win no tn my ? m?o ? ? the 24th and Xli in?fc, and on the 2d NitrftnW, /or the p??i pogo of r.-o< Ivirg tli* TAXKS. After then dates, I will e?fv? all delinquents with I nailer, with penally a*'d.d. Parties wi ploa?c come torwnrd and pay up, tavln the coats to themselves. A L. COBB Deputy Col, 7th Dir., Hi Wat., 8 C. Oct U 21 S - ? : ? > Hotxce. IN conformity with the requirement* n tile lutei tin 1 lUietuio t.n w>, f Imrrbj give Mo'ice tnjcU peer oat, who nmy c|*iir a COPPER S"rtt,h retrod on the pr-mltei of Wilson Coletncn. hy M'tt M. I'erry, Aw Wsight Aa*i*raeor, o i or about the first 'day f Obti4ir??the Bill! wm* seized because o! havini{ heeu used in violation uf the Inter, nal Revenue Laws?to make aoeh cUinn before ma within thirty days from th? firsl publication of litis notice. , . . . a. l conn. - Deputy Collector. .. O.t 14 21 S procL'am ation. ei\?TE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, ) /"XKCUTIVK DEPARTMENT, > C'ui.vmbia, October 9, 1888. J f( t?,4> C'.iM* <>/ Klttiinn. IN e-y nla. >? with an Act of the General A area, bly, entitled "An Act providing foriocut general election ami the manner ?f <-ee Wamft the Mine," approved the 38th Any <f (oftmi ?ri A. I). 1888, you ore hereby notlhod and rcqn ''"d to cause nn election to he beM in yoasr re. 'trotlte Counties, on Tuesday. tftae third day ? f November next, for six prs-sotis * Eioet<4s "f Prcaidcnt and VieePiesUleut ?f the Unit "d States; fur four Reprcaentatieea in the <\ "tigress of the United Stales, an their respect!* "? Congressional Districts, and tor eight ?<4io. 'or* tor tho several CVnnwtr its the State, U tL ?ir respective CirI eaiu. I Thcnnmeeaf tfcepemeos voted for as Elec| tors of President and Viee-Pr- nident, shall bo npon t Mpsrate tkkct; sad the of the persons voted far as Rojsrcaeittni'vea in Csngross and Solicitors, shall he also upon n separate ticket. The First Congressional Distric. fa comasset ?sf the Conatie* ?f l.socastrr. Chester eld. Mntlbem. DarlingOue, Marion, ilorry, tlcersretown, WUliaeasbaarg, Saunter, Clarendon and Kcrrhaw. The Second Congreaaianal District t' eotnpoacd of the Counties of CbarleaUm, Cnl.'eton, Iteaufort nnd Raravdi. The Third CuagretsiiNisl District is coinposed of the Connties af tlrengeimr?, Lexiug fan, Richland, Newberry. Edged old. Abbe iiic ami AN?min. The Foutth Congressional District is r.ompwJ of (Im C<mntic? <>f Oc??\ Piekcna, OrenrtlK LaareM, Bpu<iinl?rg, Union, York, CliMitr and Fairfield. The Solicitor* abatl bo voted for in their respective Circuit!, a? follows: The Counties of Charleston and Ornwgcbwrg constitute tlie First Circait. The Comities of E'l|(etcM, IJ.irnwell, Colleton ami lieu it furt const lute the Second Circuit. The Counties nf Sumter, Ctarend.wi. Wll1inintl>urg. (leiirsetuwii and Hurry constitute tlwi Third Circuit. . The Counties ?f Chesterfield, Mjrllwro, Marlon, Uarlingtou anil Kershaw Constitute the Fourth Circuit, The Comities of Fairfield, Kiehland, Nrwhvrrjr and Lexington constitute tl<o Filth Ctrcud. Tho Con of tea of Chester. Lancaster, York and Union constitute the Sixth Circuit. The Counties of Ahhcville, Laurens and Spirt an Wwro constitute the Seventh Circuit. The Counties of" tlrcenville, Anderson, Oeouce and Pickens constitute the Kighth Circuit. Now, therefore, you and each of ynu, are hereby rei|iiiro<l, n<Vr duo pulillestlnn and with strict regard to tho provision of the Cot. stitiitino and of the laws of the Plate, touch "'B yunr oiity 111 sucn case, in emue such election* to be b?l<l in votir respective Counties, ou (no day aforesaid, nmt to t?ke all the neecMmry step# fc>r the holding of aueb eleeti? ns, end for the ascertaining and dotctmining the persons who (bull liavo been duty elected thereat. Qiven under my hand and the seal of the State, in the city of Columbia, this Oili day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtyeight, and in the ninety-third yeur of Ib? Independence of the United State# ol America. ROBERT K. SCOTT. Governor. F. L. ClRDutu, 8eeretary of State. Oct 14 SI 1 Turn Pike Road. TIIE Sajnda Mountain Turn Pipe Road extending trftm Gilreath'# old place, where Fowler now resides, to the North Carolina line, will be LBASEt* at Greenville Court House, on tho 1st Monday in Novemher, tc L tho highest bidder, for the period of tbres year#. Terms Jte., made known on that day. By order oi the Hoard. A. ISAACS, Clerk, i Greenville, October Cth, 1848. Oct 7 20 3 ; Tisiira PERUVIAN GUANO, > FOE SALE BY Julius C. Smith. Ouoher7 T 3 Kolice. PERSONS having CLAIMS against th< Commissioners of KOAD8 HI! II Mi F> .I.A KttltltlK-i Pltnilf! hlttrtuwiij .. 1*008, for Oieenville Uuiinly, wll liai.d ir * ()i'pl? of the Mtnt to i|ie Clark, on or h# fore tlie fl it <>f November nest, or tliej i cannot be audited. Itv ord^r of the Board. I A. ISAACS, CI. rk. i October 6th, 18f>8. 5H>-8 i Assignee'* Sale. In R*.? JOilDAtf P. POOL, Bankrupt. J JJ>OltfUANT to en Order of the H n I JL Urv. lt Brvan, Judge ol United Stetei t pour1. '"If Ilia Ui'lrivtnf 8?>nili Caroline. f will v'll et piililta oiilory ?i tfrrriri/Zi (j. //. ( ou ih* ytrti Monday in Novenbtr nt*t nl | the right, title and interact ?f Ji?Kl>,\N H POOL (the aame being an undivided hal thereof) to a tract of land Containing f%v l_ Hun.irtd Atrrt more or lew, vituete III tin 1%'tinly of Ureenville, on the 8aluda Kiver lymg on the road from Oreenville O. If. I. * Goa'a Bridge, and bounding and hutting 01 ignde ol Hr? Llgon, Klinek, W ick<tt>l>er| h and othera. Hnid tract n* land being th il joint property of the veld Jordan P, Poo i- and the Hon. B. K. Perry. iBkMHor s?*?m rutcnM?r io pi fk?r ?uaii>? and pnpwrt. J. N. MARTIN, Awignea. i Oel 7 ? MVS, GO TO m MIHill : mm stse* m OF II ^71 Tun m\EW OF ; Foster & Hunter, ; EAREE'S CORNER, : ?amTryniKE, s. o. r jw ??? ' /~\WCE ng?'? we invite th?jiU'ntlnn of -V.^ lli? TuMte lo th' ititprrtion of oW?4' "W i stock of ) , t FRESH (iOODS, Ju?t received irom New Y?-rk iml Baltimore. We ere anxious to have an opportunity J to ?how our Irittidi wheie tlev run tiMain lUigniua. A? we ? II exclusively for Oaah, ami pay Caah for our G?od*, We can afford " SffiiOSir IPMOTTS. . 1 dry goods. HAT* AND SHOES FANCY COODA AND NOTIONS , AND GROCERIES . pocket and table cu ilery, ac. j Come and ace our Slock liefore you make t your |'iir?lnii?a | Foster X Hunter. 1 Oct 7 *0 tf J PRJVJ1 TE | AND CONFIDENTIAL' ANOTHER Summer'* paat nwny, i a Willi its Print* and .M .Miin gay ; * SomLre Winter's come again * With ! s WorBterl* and Delaine*. * Ye l?ir ladies of the South. 1 With Bright eyes nmt gaping mouth, ]>i*car<i your flim?y alear.y cover. Rig up anew to timet your lover. Willi Bonnet a* eel, ami Dre** with gore,, 1 one g^t them from our well filled Store, r We lovo to are your smiles an height ; We lovo your pnr?ea at-fTed ao light. Ye gnllant lio>? ol Southern el line, | ( In amML'< iuie<.? ili.r V ???..* She J off the Old Fiop tdul and Long Tail lllne ; Come up and lei Us fit you out anew. Old Granny Sal n> d Unci** Ilogh, We have many thing*to suit Jon, too. Come one, come nil, with heart* lignt i?nd merry. 1 And releel from the stork of STEX'JOUS^ ?fc TEltKV. Up on ihe hill, at old F?irvl.w, i The (iood* me always fr. sli mid new. i Ladies' Goods of every shade, i Oder, quality mid ermle. . Toe men we fil from lo|? to tm- ; < The old fogv or lit* cull ml heau. i Yankee fofMi'! mws n' ?ne! The nlnek voo real y rntilil to see. Sit d 'lilil 'tis really nod limiollv It'll*. Tlinl under the eon Ibi lV< nothing ue\V ; It'll in ihi< Stuck, it wi nn to me, Many new ihiog* w e surely see. Gl?N n.lvMKX'S II AT- o< every shape and , rtylc. From the INFANTS' CAPS lo the stately LISLE ROOTS and 8IIOES so strong anil eioiil. That lump .<t roll I- tui'i will ever he i>ul ; P \T! N 1' I !< i'G-?. lo keep you in fi\. Fr.'Oi CASTOR i 11L to KU M RKit SIX ; ? *? ! vitli?i nv?r trni n-cn, i i Fitini .. jjWMI? TUltKKN to n SKWIXO , ilA, MINE. Stonhoueo & Terry. Ftl'vluw, ft. C, Oot??l?er 6.I>, 1868. Uut 7 ao 4 TAKE NOTICE. NEW FALL GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, AT T1I?5 [ WELL KNOWN STAND OF \Y. II. IIOVEY. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOUUSKLV'KH. You will And anything and everything that i? kept in a well-regulated ' Dry Uooda House. DEAUTIFUL FALL PRINTS, POPLINS ALL WOOL DK LAINSy SKIPHERD,$J PL AIDS,! MERINO EN, 1 LADIES1 CLOAKS SHAWLS, | fllBUKS ANDFABCY 1QTI0SS. ?? - ? ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF | CLOTHS & CASSIERES, FOR GENTS' AMD YOUTHS' WEAR. Beady-Made CLOTHING. un, cam. smns,1 RIJBBEIVS UMMtELUM, &o., &o. NOTE AND LETTER PAPER, SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. VIOLIN ? STRINGS AND BOWS, LARGE > A SMALL LOOKINO-OLASSj ES, WALL TAPER AND > BORDERING. f pfff Cull early and make your aelectinn*. | * pgr Nu charge made for ahowing flood*. M pgr- Polite attention guaranteed to all. ; W, II. HOVEV. I n Hi pt i a 17 tr I R 1 The Tiney Mountain Democratic Clab y WILL ?a*t at the MUSTER (I ROUND on I the fourth Saturday lit October iuet., at ' half paat 2 o'cloek. Oct 7 20 1 1 SENE OIL, GO T .ITER'S?DIt. EAl i t B T S B~j The State of South Carolina? GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia Sqatty. ARTHUR O. RO*E m J. W. EARLEL? Mil to forrcltnt Mortgage, BiY virliio >'t tli? Dr?r?-e >( lh< C- nrt In I ihv ?lh.v? f?n', ! will wll to !? liitfli wl IfMtr, nl Ontuvilln C. H.. on s?|i>l*y in NnTtiiiiber neat. tin* limine tint Lot ?! ? wribnd in th? (ilrtilln^ on wlilch tli? !>? f*- ml nil t now r**i<li-a bit pontnlna Tli?? Acres, more or less. The impmretnrnts are new, comfortable Dwelling;. and necessary ?Mil hitiMinu*. nlantfd <-n? and hn)f miles from i1i? Court IIuuk, TuiMsor^AiK.?C<*?t to In* pa!J In Cash. The ImUiief on n credit of rix moiitlin, with inUrd from d?U. If th* purchase iikidsv Imp s?i piid pmnt<-t|y at the expiration of six mouths, the llonee and Lot will he resold l?r cash at the risk ot the first pur( Wshaser. Title deeds not delivered until Ihu purchase money is paid. J. (\ MtKXtK, O. E. O C. Commissioner'* Office, 7lh Oct., 1808. Oct 7 20 4 Stale or RoiilKt Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia Equity. B. R JOHNSON at at, Executors, n. J. IIJOHNSON el at.? Hill far Partition, Sto HY virtue ?>f the Decretal 0>d?r in the Shore case, I will sell, to the highest bidder. at. Oreenvtlle 0 II , on Salosdsy In N-'wemhef next the following TRACT of LAND, containing Nine Hundred and Nor 'y-Wz Acre*, more or less?situated in the ower portion of the County ?f Greenville, yittg on l-oth sides of the A>>gii?ta Road, " inj-nire<* mm one iihii mi i*-t> lr<-ni Ireenville Court House. Weil improved, framed Two story Dwel'lne, cnutiiiniirjr Kir lit Rooms with fire-plnee in each mom? n it it necessary Out Uidldiiigs-?-adjoining ants of II. K Monely, Col. J >mn Mct'ul ongli. Robert Sc?Ut, Sr., ,1. S. Maclum and itliera. ?>r Sai.k?f'redtt of twelve month*, adlh interest. from date, except the coats. | vllich must he lie pdd in cash on dAjr of ! ale Purchaser to give liond witli two uretie* sod a mortgage ?<f the premises, to cure the payment of the purchase money, 'uichaser to jny 'or atairps and papers J. I*. MOO UK. C K O C. Commissioner's Oflfiee, October 7tli, 18t?8 Ooi 7 20 4 rhe State of South Carolina, GREKXVIM.E COUNTY. 31'OROP. W. JOHDAX. Applicant, against Jane .Ionian, l.iiclidi Baenett, Thomas Harnett and ot hers, I lefci dants ?Citation forth* Sate or JJivition of Heal Kntate.. TT appearing to mv satisfaction that Mar I ilia I'urle and Berry Porle, l.ucinda Harnett nod Thomas Harriett Arna Ttuvia snd * pencer I>*vin, the heirs of Adnline Purle, name* unknown, and tIte hrbs of Eiix.beth I'lirkcti, nani't unknown, r?si<lo without this State: It is therefore ordered, that they do appear nt. a Court of Probate, in pertnn or by Attorney, anil object to the j n.l?? oij.livirion of the Keel Estate rtl MARY I' > It DA N. deceased, on or be faro I he 6t h d ny if J iiiu?rv next., or their consents to the nme will be entered of recwd. Given tinder ?nv hand st Greenville Court House, this nth duv ol <> ! , A lb 18ii8. 8. J. iKfUTIIir. In'lire ol Probate, Greenvll'e Co., S. C. Oct 7 'it) 8111 Male of* Koiilli Carolina, tJllRKNYII.I.K COUNTY-. //y P. .1. OOl'Tll I T, Esq.. Jmitje ?/ /'robiite for saiVf Comi/y. "IT7 II HUKAS.l). M. l'KDEN lias filed a ft Petition in my Office, praying that Letters id Administration on n'.l and singular Iho goods and chattels, rights and credits of MARY T. UAH RETT. Into of the County aforesaid, deceased, should be grnnled to him. 7'A*?e ore, thrrefnrr, to cite nod admonish all ami singular the kindred anil creditor* of the said deceased, to tic and rppcnr in the Court of Ordinary tor said County, to be holden at Greenville Court House, on the 21st day nf Oetidicr inst., to show cause, If any, why the said Administration should not he granted S. J. DOirrillT, Judge of Prohato. Office of Judge Probate, Oct. 7th 1808. Oct 7 20 2 Male oT Mouth Carolina, 01c ben villi: county. In Equity. E s. MAI LDIN v. C. M. MoJUNKIN.? Bill to For re! ore Mortgage. "I > Y virtue ?>f the Order of the Chancel* 13 lor in the aliove care, I will Mill, to the highest holder, at Greenville Court lloii'e, on Salemlav in November nex', the HOUSE AND LOT described in the Bill. Mluntcd oil the north ride of A venue 9: reel, in the Town of Greenville, containing about One Acre. The llmi?e is new, and conveniently arranged, with necessary Outbuilding*. Term* fa*h 1'urchaeer to pay for tlampa and pit pern. JAMES V MOORK. C. E O. C. Comniierionei'? Office. Oct. 7th, 1868. Get 7 to 4 United Mate* of America, DISTRICT OF SOUTH JAROLIKA. circuit court r. r?4tu ciucuit. In Equity. CHARLE* J. RADFORD *?. ALEX. Mo llF.K. VaUDRV A. MoRKB. Kxecnt-ra of VARDRY kluBKK. deeea-ed, and others ? Bill for Account and Urlief.?'A?\livsn A St<-ke* Complainant*' Solicitor*, IT appearing that James M. Dtlnonr., Administrator of I'. K. Dnnean, deceased, one of llie Defendant* in this ease, ia nun. rcidenl in It i* Stale, foil liv>* in the State of Georgia : It is ordeie.1 that said defendant ap|iear, answer, plead or demur, with in thirty day* from ibis date, or the Bill will lie "taken Fro Confrtao against him. Hy ol Ihf Court. tin* l?tn r*?-ptemUr, 1868. LiAXIl L HORLBECK. C. C. 0 U. 8. for S C. Sop 80 IV 6 Wlieatiiiid other Grain Crop*' MKVKA SUPKUPIIORI'II ATE OF LI MR will inereaa* the y|rl<i So per rent.? N'u |MTion aliuuM p'ant an acre of Wh>at without tiring 200 or 8(JO pound* to the oia. Apply to II. W. KINSMAN. 152 Ka*t Hay, Charleston, General Ag?*nt f..r Souln Carolina, Or to JULIUS C SMI III. On enville, S. O. Srpt 2 IS 2m " DR. J. C. FABER, PROFWWOR OF LANGUAGES, FURMAlf UNIVERSITY, WILL return to (Jreenville in the early part of Ootoher. He will then re#ume hi* instruction* to Private Clause* in the An* cienl and Modern Language* until tuch time a* the University shall open. Student* deairiog in.nrnct ion rhonld apply promptly, lie will be found at the house of Mr. T. M. Co*. Sept 22, 1*M. 18 If 0 WALTER'S?DI ILE'S OLD STAN f I 5 ? B a NEW BUNCOMB] FWJL 1L~ AND RUNN BET 600)1 FANCY A GENT'8 AND LADIES' I BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTH I? EKY, MEDICINES, SI CHEESE, SALT, POWDER, SI BLUES INDIGO, MADDER, With a general assort meat of for Cash, Cotton, Coin, or any Pr<. the Up Country. Rppipmtipr 30tli. 186ft. MERCIhVNT If IBB u sjl t W JJ LI LI J WE hnve just received nnd will continue to keep a FRESH SUPPLY OF GENTLEMEN AND YOUTHS' FIWMS111NU GOODS &WD TMHimHSS, Of sill (|ualitics and prices, which were select* ed personally in New York with euro nnd taste. And we are fully prepared, with the best of Workmen, to MAKE COMPLETE OUTFITS For Gentlemen nnd Youths; such n* DRESS nnd BUSINESS SUITS. SHIRTS, DRAWERS. Ac., nnd enn furnish SOCKS, TIES, 8USPRNDRR8, HANI) K E It C II I K F S, | <11.0 YES, CO LI, A ItS, IIATS, Ac., nil of whicn will ho tnnde nnd nold nt the LOWEST OA Slf Pit ICES, Bring fully posted on nil the Intent improvomentn of CUTTING nnd MAKINU in the FltENCII nnd AMERICAN STYLES. <? <> Old Clothing Repaired and Cleaned. Lt dies' Department. WE have ndded a nice room to our Store, where we hnvo under our employ the vcrv best MANTUA MAKERS and SEAMSTRESSES, where they will Cut nnd Mnko Ladies', Misses"', nnd Children*' CLOTHING, of nil kinds, in the latest and most appro* ed styles, nnd all kinds of ornamental Stitching will he done to order. We invite both ladies snd gentlemen to call and gito us a trial. V&U All Work warranted. ALSO. WE will continue to keep WEED'S UNEXCELLED IMPROVED SEWING M At'llINK for snlc, which wo warrant will do eleven dif | icrem kiiui* or work anil stitching, making a perfect hack-milch ?ii both stilus. We luivc Miptriur tin!) I iiiiicliino lor miIo at $22.00 each. I'Kt'KLE A FOOUC. Sept 2.1 1.1 4 The Stato of South Carolina, (1IlKKX VII.I.E C<>C NTY. SIICUIFF'S SALE. nY virtue ?il an Order from iIki Court of Probate, 1 will sell, on the eocond day (^nlrxliiv) nf November next, lo the bigh. est I.i.Idee, nl public outciy, I he following TRA'.T of LAND; via: All that Tract iif Lmd, situated in Green ville County, on wnteraof Ilorsebeud Creek, bounded by land* ot NV111 in m G-ddsinitb, J. \V. Stokea and olliera, and containing Fur ly right Acrea. nmre or less. Sold as llie property of ARIEL MARTIN, deceased, fcr |inrtition among the heirs. Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay for Tit'es. A. R. VICKF.RS, SO.C October 6th, 1SC8. 2H-4 Notice. BY virtue of aufhoiity, I will expose fur sale at the store of (tow. r Cox, Markley A Co, on Tuesday, ll'li October, prux., two Copper STILLS, CARS and WORMS, one I eing the Still seized froni William Linn, the o'lier seiz-d by Ed. Hudron Smith, Assistant Assessor, on the premises of one Mr. Cox. Terms cash. Uour ot sn'e. 12. M. A. L t OBR. Deputy Collector Internal Revenue. Sept AO 19 a Notico. DIPI'TY Cou.kctor'B Office, ) OszknvilUC. S. O., Sept 28, I8t>8. f TN conformity with requirements ot Inter I nal Revenue Laws, I hereby give no tiee to all persons who may claim a STILL, CAR and WORM, teizrd on the premises of one Mr Merry, on ihe 281 b in?tant. about I o nines iroto (treenville, ny it.\xi il rerry. Awitinnt AM-i?ir?li?e?i?e ?>( being uacd in violation o 1 lha Internal Revenue Law, (the mine having been to mod ov.-r to me.) to mak* snob claim before nie within 311 days from the filet publication of thi* notice. A. L conn, Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, 8e| t 30 19 8 Notice. Deputy Coli.ectob's Orru%. ) Gbkknvillk, Sept. 28, 18t>8. ) IN enn'ormity witli requirement* of In ternal Revenue Law*. I hereby give notice lo ull per*oo* who may claim a OneHorse W AGON and MUI.K, four bushels of WIIKAT, a large Itarrel and Keg of VVMIS KY. rriiol l?y llext 11. Perry. Assistant Aa sensor, and A. L. C< Lb, Deputy Collector, on the 281 It instant, in the Town of Green ville, in |>oa*e**ion of a freed man?because of evident purpose of evading lite Revenue Tax?to make such claims behtre me within HO day* from the first publication of this notice. A. L conn. v PiiTle/ttiir I nlorital Wauotiiie Sept 80 19 8 Dissolution. rT,HE Copi?r n?r?liip heretofore exist inp 1 hetwe-n the undersigned in (he prnc tiee of Ij?w end Eqoilv ? tbladsy Dissolved by mutual eonseni. The unfinished bush DCM of the firm wll he ntlcnded (o by (f K. Tuwnrt and S. D. Ooodlett. H. D. GOODI.ETT. WM. M. THOMAS. Orernrllje, S. C., Sept. titf, 1?68. ,1 Sepl 80 19 tf L EARLE'S OLD D. - 3 STREET STORE. Q r? M i H ? * ING OYER!! 2 MOT Si I, 'JEW STYLES OP HATS, ;g, hardware, crockJGAli, COFFEE, TEAS, hH BAGGING ROPE, W JOT, LEAD, STONE, bp* SPICES, CANDIES, Q Goods, which will be sold as LOW Lr^J alucc, as at any other ma Lets in T. W. DAVIS. t! 19 tf L. J ? =? HH B. WHERLE, ^ ffATCIKAKEB AID JEWELEB. M Second Door nbore the Pott Office, (3E> IU S3 W 21 an. 28? S. ?? u? I WOULD inform my friends and JR^L patron? of Greenville, that I have j"?t received a FINE VARIETY of CLOCKS, M MbehA Watches and Jewelry, * Together with a LARGE ASSORTMENT df SPECTACLES, Which I will dlapoao of at LOW RATES. texr- KKFAIRINO ID all of its bran.-hea will be faithfully attended tOr Sept 1 18 tf Stale of South Carolina, GltEENYILLE COUNTY. , , In tha Court of Probate. fcvJ W. I?. TIIRKLKELD, Applicant, against Elisabeth Forester, Amanda Smith and pTl others, Pefcnduits.? Citntio* fur ml* of L. Ural Etlnlc., XT appearing to tny sntisfaetlctl that Maria Rodger?, Riehard Bayne, Mary Bayne, ^aaa Jesse Elrod and Frances Elrod, reslda without -* tlio limits of this State: It is ordefed and da-' creed, That they do appear at a Court of Pro* bate, in person or by Attorney, on Tneiday, ike Slli <lny of Drcrmlicr next, to ahow cnuae, f J if any they can, why the Reai Estate of LEW- C^wa^ I IS R0DUER8, deceased, (ituutcd in Green| ville Comity, on waters of Reedy ltircr, bound- v | ?,i i._ i i- -r I" I v.. -j annuo <> " ill. /IPIIIIKirO nnu muers, con- a ' I tnining SIXTY ACltKS, wore or less, ehouid I not he sold, for pnriition Among the heirs. On ' failing to attend, your couteuts will ho taken us confessed. ^ (liven under my lmnd, at Greenville Court llouse, this 8th day of September, A. D. 18(18. S.J. DOl'THIT, L_J Judge of Prohatc, Greenville County, 8. C. A Sept 16 17 3in I Tin: ui.ii * CAROLINA BITTERS, ? MANUFACTURED 11Y (VJ &I0DRICH. VI5EMJ1H & CO, O CHARLESTON, S. C. SOLD HERE BY MORA AX 4ic WiSSl MOKELAND, IIAUR1S0M Jt WARS1IALL, \ A S D .;{* f. a. Walter, FOR THE HOMSE. Goodrich, *^1 Wincman & Co. Septa 16 6m ' | Now Boot and Shoe Store. I I TilK eubscriher inform*the public H rlf ?nd lii? friend* tlmt he is now ' l?r< i>nre<l to fill all order* promptly for pj Custom Work, on a* rcnaonaM* term* as cnn l>e done In CO I lie town of Orrenville. An assortment of I MM READV-BADE WORK \ I constantly on hand. Al' Custom Work warranted to he of the BEST MATERIALS, J?* and workmanship well executed. & KEI'AlKINC done *t ehorl notiee. Shop fit at door South ( W.-M. Horey's i V?; tore, Mnin Slieet, . J. C. HICKS. # Jg | Sept 9 Iff tf kr $13 ! <0 John Esten Cook's New Novel- \jr 17* J HUNTINGTON A CO.. 459 Rroome IB Street. New York, Lave in press, to 5^^ jagS lie ready in October, |Spj| MOHUN, W I OB. sM g| 1 The Laat Days of Leo and Hie Paladins- EP pgj!| jts Ity J. Fat<n Cook, Author of" Surry of 111111 I Rattle*' N*?t." f #' Of "Surry," of which Mohnn it sequel, ?*|b ten thousand copiew were almost immediate' &S3| ly rul.l. The new work is Mill mor? intensely interesting. Printed on fine-toned ir^ |i3l| paper, And richly bound in cloth, with np- ||j||| winds <>f MK> page*. it hu for its fmntispiece n tine atcel medallion brad of Gen. ?? Lee, nnd four beautiful illu-trnlion* in Hoiner'a heat style, Hither l*x>L m mil by (^r mail, pout free, on receipt of the price. $2 25. For rale by Booksellers and KcwsdeaUis iu |&U8j town end country. Ocl 7 20 3 ?</> m Deputy Collector's Office, K?j OaaasviLt-E, Sept 25. 1368. ^BE IN coufoimity with I Its riquirements of * H the liiternsi Revenue Lawa, I hereby Lr HE give notice to all person* who may elaiir. n , EBB ItAltl? F.I. of HKANDY, coatainieg about 2<> gallons, reiaad by llext M. !' rry, A a?i*tant Asressor, on ill* X"d day ofSeptem- t I t>er, toar (low eiisvill*?netted because of ||H| evident pur|o Se to <t\ade the Interna1 Ihva line I.HWe?to make enclt claim* bef-reine 1MB within :?<> day* truin the first publication ot Hjl| Ibis notice. AT. conn. agg De| ttt3 Collccto . SnoB Sept 30 111 3 gffiB STA^D. I