University of South Carolina Libraries
' ?r =? IMMBL. u.' . 11 11? " ? ..v , [From the l'icayuno.] , % * I **&&&** m For little fc?t; Wiubing littt# tbcos. ? 83t3feu' M Sewing on the hnttone, v Orereoeing ration?. ?" - - h?lMn wltt iy)l _ ^Woman's 'it* I- T n ' Her o#n unlieaTing imarti; , at?w 'i Ui.i\vV jivirohing onward , TLi'uujh dungs rs dark and thick; Woman'* work ! ' 1 Lending little children" ' And Mossing manhood's years; I Showing to the AnfVil < How clod's forgtvoness ohoera; j . . Scattering sweet roges . Ilflj j>* dlmisaniither** path; 1 ?1 ?. Smiling l>jr tbo wnysido. Content frith what aha halh, ( Woman's work! .Jrifftfft fall har own tears _ "I" L berk oti1yt}<Wl can see;' Wining ofT anotbor's '* With ton dor sympathy 5 c ?iO!|3UGgSt? 11 ? 1 (i tlia wntcwaa.' r.?-1 Si M jm j* ]5B&&%u : ?^>0tWy ^ to VI TtoYmftda $<*#r folded. < The kindly wlw atflfe i The cold Hj>? know nt> wnile, ool.lo hcnrt no tbrtll; IlcT imlow necus no smoothing, I She rfarvfth Tor no carc? . Lovo'? tendvivrt entreaty Wukea uo responses there. ' I A grave in tho valley, I Teure, I'itlor sobs regret; Another leraon taught, I Toot life may not forgot; t A face forever hidden, , A race forever run; .j . "Dust to du?t,M the preacher caid And woman's work is dona. i >- ? i i ' | I _ 'T?WF "T ?t" "C. ."V T"Cr "~T a:, n.v.^ n..i<. v..w.. e^i ?u auuwv o aaojtoa. .The Christian Time* *nyn the follow- ] a copy of a prayer found in (lie ' ...JUikl't Robert Peel's private drawer . of Ilia dressing-case, after bis sudden .."Great and merciful Cod, ruler of nil ( help me Oaity to repair to Thee . .. jfyr wisdoui and graco suitable to the liizh office whereto thy Providence has cnljed nie. Strengthen. O Lord, my ' natural powers and faculties, that the weighty solemn interests u ith which thy ' servant is charged may not' greatlv ! suflVr thigugW ^eaktiefe of bodv and : of such cypirjiona or mistakes in my pro 1 BfiEASLrS .ii^jrs! ' ??raK i have & &>. ?'f>t thy blessings rest ? upon my aomretgV And country. Pis*. 1 ; ppee the hemts of nil in high station* ' to'adopt'sucn measures as will preserve ( public order, Ibshfr industry, and alle 1 viate distress. May their religion flour 1 ish, and peace be/, universal. Grant that, so fnr'ns may consist with human weakness, whatever i* proposed by my r self or others for the general good, c tnay btj view?d win* candor, and that 1 all wise And useful measures may he conducted to a prosperous issue. As for me, thv servant, grant, 0 merciful ' God, that I may not be so engrossed with public anxieties '*? that thy word * shall become unfruitful In me, or bo so H moved by difficulty or opposition as 1 rtAi tii mirauA Ida narrow u- a* uliinK lead mIi wte to Hfp. Ami, O most gr*? j cious Fa'her, if, notwithstanding mr ' prfefcent desfte? and purges, I should 1 iofgat Thee, do not Thou forget me, see * ing that I entreat thy constant * brane* and favor only for the rake of our v inoft blessed advocate and Redeemer, t Jesus Cfirhd. lo whom with. Thee and ' the Holy Spirit be gforv forever.? ' Amen. - - I jfi'Sv'vB W *S v a ?' vt n ' Tub Last Survivor.?'The Trenton Oaeette has the following: "The last eurvfvor of the party of young ladles i who strewed flowers in the path of i Washington, as he passed through ' thia city in 1780 on his way to New < York to assume the Presidency, is Mrs, I Sarah Hand, now ninety yertr* of age I and a resident of (Jape May County, i and, notwithstanding her advanced age, < is still vigorous and in good health.? I On Sunday. June 14, she walked to church at Cape May Court House, and hack to her residence, a distance ofhalf a luilu." u -7 - A onap said one day to hi* wife} " Delightful solace of my hoars of af* fliction, angel guardian of my pathway through life's vicissitudes, thou who art dearer to me than life iuclf, get your needle and fixings, and sew a button on my?unmentionable*." m e?-tfc- - ' > Komk has juet been officially census ed, and found to contain in ite 52 par* irhW 217,000 perrona, or 80,000 more then in 185ft. Tim* (he ancient city does grow, efter nil. ?*%& i ^ i ? Cot'nt Von Sciiack. a rruseian ( flicer, awain t|ie Spree, at Ih-rlin, on a wager, sriili a plank on hi* hrea-t containing two bottles, six egg*, bud fonr tuml Icrs. " X > B-1 moksikvr Vikc* Yicwift. %*? o MfRMCSMf-J tru* In hi# old white Tiiewcl*. Ue win anfif^d in a Warm arjftimenl will two fretdmeo the o|^r one 6 whom WntenfP M thCJjueceaa jtj the t>ffc*>cr^\jTwoijL| .redim.1 hem U slavery, " No such Hiifc' exclaimed 4 ^/bh^ want *11**01 nofc. Pom do war de planter he buy fifty limit, go in dot, morgan his |?j), W, lit get fifty more nd kip hn all-deWne!" " Hot then." answered the darkey, " dey made hepe uf mono* raiaelt tera." " I Nile you," responded Vince, " dey don't want to rai?e eni. Dey cnn get dem reddf raised, widout tie trouble and >pence. 8 pose yon raise chicken, rou boy, twenty aig?fi*re not atch, tso ees die in a wik, five more is jal wid de rat and auk, and when de Ive' MS is gro big/tree it go in de nator's pot. and what coat de two you eat ?more dan five time1 what one chickm you can buy in de market; Weil, le planter ees geet "bees'* chicken now ull size widout spence of doctor. close ind rist. Now you gone sole l.)iffiinytrack?Adderkal or atiy odder ticket icket sridout fraid of any white peep vanl been make yen slave again. Dey fet nnffofpay, twwihoutdltd did Mr* for t fellah dey cnn glt for twelve doUar* a nont an feed biMyJf." ' Vie. ooncluded with a wise shake of the head and cobbled ofl in the directicn of Mr. L?V o ace about a rumor ihttt voodoo* had jonie to town.? Baton Rouge Advo n/#. ? * t?-i. Onk of the radical candidate* for the Legislature, in Choctaw County, had a ilthj boy, about fifteen veara old, who "ell in love and engaged himself .to one if the neighboting girl*. Hi* f.tiber, earning* the facta, hunted the young nan up, and, finding him *1 hi* ladyove's houVe, gave font a good whipping oid rent him home. The little fellow tarted on hia w?v, crying, nnd mei ?we of the neigjibor*, who inquired what was the matier. The little fellow replied that hi* father had whipped liim because he wanted to marry. 'Why. son,'" said the neighl?or, * I would not caie for that? plenty of time in five year* for you to marry." " Ye*, hut I do," rep'i -d the little f.-!? ow, hlubbering : " 1 have got h chance In marry a white gal, now ; and, the ivaV dad'a going on. I'll have to mnrry ? nigger."-? Oktibbeha {Afitx.) Ariic$. A school mA8?kh. after firing one sf hi* 'pupil* a sound drubbing for <peakjng bad gmtumar, sent^ him it lite oilier end of, the room to toother hoy thai lie wished to *|>enk to tilii. and. nt the rami! time, promised 0 rejK/U tli? d">c if lie spoke io hiih ingraiT)lt?.i{ically,j The youngster, he "C saii lied with what he got, letertnined to he exact, aid thus atiIressed hi* fSifotA- pnjS If': ' A common ufiatat.tive, of tlte ,tu rc.ihwe gentler, ingulai number, ooinim'ive case, and n sn angry mood, that .nils perched pon the eminence at the other end if the 1*0010, wis-he* t?? artieubi'e a c-w Vet^ciicct to you in the present core." A nttoAD fctJot'l.DERKD German girl seemly niel an exquisite on a street rossing in Cincinnati, where oo? or he oilier must turn out into the mad. 1 l.o exquisite didn't care to dirty his oo's and in an insulting manner, or? lerod ilia giil aside. Iler reply wa? a i??, r.?... it.~ 1? ?1 : 1 _. .1 ilU? innn \?*xj riiuiliur^, K'ni III? well clean off hi* feet into tlie mn?l. uwl she calmly stepped over hi* pro* rate form, passing on dry shod. ExiRAOnDIKAHY LuOK?T II R R I iCNORKD TnilOSAND DoLt.AR* Pi'CND n an oi.n Trunk?A gentlcnnn of Norfolk found yesterday the mormon* um of (300,000 io an old trunk rhich had not been opened for reven I fenerations. Mr. Miles Bell was the ucfcy man ; and llie money. Spanish it lkd dollars, Virginia curicney of lV<G?paper at that. [Norfolk Virginian. An old gentleman was relating a itory of one of the Si. Lawrence boatnen : '' lie has a hard head," said he, ' for he stood under an oak in a thunler storm, when the lightning struck .he Iree, and lie dodged it seventeen limes, when finding lie oould nut dodge it any longer, he took nineelapa in sue eadon on his head, and never even flinched." VVr havs more frit-nda at tho North among the sober, thinking, virtuosi annMniiittl iaa I * ' VVIX.IIM'MIISr! IMHII HinilJ III lilt? PUflli? South h?ti?ve. Led iw ?l? justice to nil men, whether horn in Grcnniwn4 or tier the equator. All will tome right in the end. Brr.soa Athu?On August 13th, the ?t?i of the terrible earthquakes in Peru, a tremend ouh storm burst over lbs city of Buenos Ay res and WAS attended ,ith the greatest lu#? u tile that has occurred there for eome time.? Numerous vessel* were sunk in the harbor and sevoral houses were blown down. y? .? Thc Brsinard ftnnse, Water Gap, Palawan una robbed on tba 36th.' Thomas BrafnarH the proprietor, and hit brother Theodore, pur sued and came npon the robbers. A fight en sued, in whieh Theodore was shot dead, as Thomas severely wounded. The inhabitant turned out aotjl captured the criminals, wb barely escaped lynching. They are now L the hands of the sheriff. Got. Warmonth, of Louisiana, has retoe the negro equality bill. m,ui i' i .1 ,ii i i j it liifoenetnttio a-ahftilar emergency t L Tlie *i?meii l(n?titj[ fli(H left . .b.-d.waf^v,". ttin-.m,** ' menacing gestures 0fu| efigtf eboou. hastened toward* lite office of the dii tec?Av The turn tilt teaching t&WW* t*ttW[ U 'aakte! ijUck m?4?ni. " The be|?U 1)*^ dfutu&?'aW'bHv)? come to demand?" **'? * What r ???? .din "Justice from roor excellency.-? Mm *tartt%f <taNH )mtM4^a^?Wi?g. itMtk. see jrnm. -Und rtttrpwcbre^ liev wiUomne-ta by-lbtoe ff trow wont' ad . mil them otherwHe*w^r> * u WSJMEdLCIohMBC Th. ?)>, rector reflected. -At length be exclaimUdj - v*? f*.t It n*fl ?',eJ ? <- " Good f go end tell them I am ready lo receive them." " Yes, Mr.** _ " But a* there.are so many of them. I cannot see them alb They mtt*?><iel' egate-three of their number for rtHf Interview.'* The messenger waa about to retire with the decision, when'the director cried out alter him : "Walt a minute. The three dete?gates must be the three oldest and ugli eel of the lot,** . Strange to say the dinetor never re-? ceived the deputation. Trip. Gulf Srnram.?There is a rker IndhetJcean. In the severest droughts h never firtls, and in the mightiest fl'K><l* it never overflows. Its bank* and Its bottom are of eold water, while its cttrrent is of warm. The Gulf of Mexico is its fountain, mid ha month is in tbe Arctic Seas. It is the Gnll Stream. There l< in the world no other so majestic flow of water, its cur* mm > iikmo riifini loan mt or the Amazon. end itfe volume More than n thousand lime* greater. It* w* iei?. a? far out ?? the Carolina eo??t*. are of en indigo blue. Thev areaodia linctlv marked'that the line of jnhctlnn with the common ben water may he traced l?v the eye. Often one-half of the vessel* may he perceived floating in the gulf stream water, while tire oth er half i* in the common water of the sea, an eharp ia the tine and the want of afUniiv between these water*, and Mich, too. the rdtirtnlKf. so to apeak, of tlirfc of tiie gulf atream to mingle witli the common wa'ert of the sea.? Iii addition lo thin there another pe collar fner. 11i? fi-licrmen on the const of Norw?y nrc supplied Willi wood from the tropics In the c*?If stream. Think of !h<> Ardki fishermen horning tip^n their hesr'hs the palm* of llavti, the mahogany of Honduras, and I lie precious vomii of the Amnion and the Orinoco! Tiik Rimie?This remarkable plant has Continued to he this year |hi>|kignted wth slice-in in l?oui-iann, Tex us mid Mississippi. List -joing the plain- grown oil a piece of ground in Louisiana were kepi f r cleaning hy the It ezl uiiirltine. tlie re-mli of which we then sin ??1, hill as the flhre was not i lieu mill thereby made perfec Iv sofi and pliahle, it wan sttit A Mr Ihuuk iter, one of the agents of Mr. Iloezl, to Grtdtsnyi where, hy a process used there, it has. heen made so soft, pliahle and i<U?r uf iiyiub>tsiiC? foieign lo it as a textile, that we thought it must surely be silk, until we examined it closely, and si?w that ft wai the vegatatile fibre of rninie. ki. is-?a .-oi- ... .1.-. .l - -1-; mn i/i?itnuc ?rni? u? umi me rmnn' cnii be prepared and made thu* fine and Altogether aiIk like at'a cOll not to exceed I *o cent* per pound, and then it wilt be vastly superior to the linen fl'W, which ee'U at trowt six to eight tlnl Inr-per pound when made ditto thread, and will certainly ha worth, onspuc, a dollar a pound.? Wee/rig Jfieaynnt. IIvyti.ToN C. Jonks. Ejj. formerly editor of the Carolina .u'clnnan, nttd lor A nnmfrer'pf veaia a member of the Legislature froWi uoUiin cAtwty, died Mt Mo'gHtuIn on tli?> l?), .it*.' iHW 70 year*, air. Jones w?i the Aoilror of '* Com-in Baflv I>?IIim<4.** a prodnc Ak Ohio editor a*k* And answers thU malignant eonuttdruin: * Whv H . 11 .t A PdUTK voting lady recently ns*?fl ed that alio had lived near * and that k was iin|?rwMbie f<>r bar to | sleep In thd-morning, on account of the outcry ntHile Uy * gdftttomwb hen. A ctwewfwtir roid be udrtree-od hi|. congregmidn of ladle* and gentlemen f ft* brethren, beeatiafe the * brethren * t n.l??W the fa.fiea. f J A MiM<>OKt- farm*r being a?k*d if milting lieu p ww i pood bti?ine?a, an' *were?l : I can't eariin ur, but it n bettor tUau being raieed by it.-* [ Tiik number qf eby>? uow .owned in , Porl4i^^n?4'VlWw?prwVioae to the w?r4 there were fif.y aeven, >, Why i? the Utter T hke (be election in Novembei f Ueeauae it U tbe loot ^ of Grant. 4 Cop* of o fcign on en academy out ' Went; ' Kretnnn <fc llngg-: Freman n teachea the boya and Hugga the girU. d Carrlrss shepherds make many n feaat of the wolf. J I..i ' M 1 " 1 ?J ^ fesiytr-' ISATlRT.T jitjgSZ, r.. MARION J. m-ZXJ&Tirj'* motfoa tf'lSXf Cr?^>5SSy ^ IMtort, H ia ftiMW, IVkt mid abwot Be syssrasisss ?.r." ?.* or? pro?eJ?.?a.?dU km entSsnd rtitoM A?b. >q ri>' a K. Ck'tt I <*f ? ^ f t ?SI'-Tjg JWBJT ' * ' "'"'?w? The State of fleath Carolina, I MiRyvniK covyrr. piflisS 'Jr taseVttn creditors of JOHN P. HAW. KINS,jleeeaMd,.are required to render snd pln*S AndrleftutfMfS l?ef<>rc rar, on or before ttie tret day of Norwhtr next. J. P. MOORE, C. B. O. D. " July 12th, ISM. 8-td '? n fo'i . .!? '* 1 ?r*e ?? ? i ' The Statn nf South Carolina, 0J(KF..WII.Li: COUNTY. ??** EquMT ELIZA J, PRIMCS, Executrix, ?. NANCY M? K IN N gY, tt+L?HUl to Mmrtkmll A*nU, jmfisfrz s^ut o,o??. i above c?m, the creditors, of JASPER J. PttlNCB, deceased, are required to render end prove their demands before mo, on or be. f?Se the first day of December next. J. P. MOOKB, C. E. O. D. July 19th, IMS. 8-td The 8tate of Sopth Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. la Etjaliv* JOHN W. MORGAN, Executor, ee. LINNBY N. MORGAN ?f ml.?not to No rt holt Ae??/?, Sole, Injvneli'in, if*. T>U11SUANX U> the Decretal Ordor In the 1 shore enso, the creditors of NATHAN* ihL MORGAN, deceased, nre requirod to render and prove their demand* before we, on ar before the first day of December next. J. P. MOOKB, C. E. G. D. July 12th, IMS. .JTJ 8-td j ?TV " "" fi, ,.S mi n. . a * xno Dia e 01 ooutn tauaUK) GItEEXVTLLE COVSTY. J , la Eqnltr i4^' SANCY BOWDEN, Administratrix, and XI. I.. BOWTtEN, Administrator, r*. 5. M. WOWDKN el al.? Oilt M Jlar.kaU A?f, Snle, InjufTti'in, PCR8UANT to tho Decretal Order in ?? , above case, (be creditors of REUBEN liuWDEN, duccaaed, urs /required to roudcr and ytevfe dieir demands before mc, within three months, (on or before the I6tb day of October next.) ' u *y. ** 1 J. P. MOOUE, C. E. U. P. Jul* llti, th*R; R- til JET9A LIFE 1KS1BARG8 CIPASY, OF H ARTFORp, COKJfJ ' ORGANISED 18 50: ?2. A. BULKLEY, Pr^ln T. O. IMOLBS, S?c'jr. . JkDfVrnBN'ns for tbe laat ** year*. Ml per ccut.; Kct-oipu ihiw over $jUO,OtlU jwr muiilh. No. ?.f PMtrlea laatrrd In 1S?7, 74.251 Amount iuHired on ?uuinl...,.....t>4<,M?Mi?3.#ft' Ami* Jan. I, 1S<1?, ..... 4, joi,m.13.s? Receipt* for year ending Jan. ft. 5,129,14f. "4 $0,531,251 <2* Paid claim* l.j death, $M3.JW1.50 All o 111 or exponaca, 1,478,787.:? j*l,0#2.6? ?7,5?H,f,12.34 POLICIES iatnaatl on every plan oacd by nil the old an<| reap?nall>U Compame*. JHfl- Branch Office, 202 Broad 8tract, AVUBSTA, OA. CHAS. W. HARRIS, Manager. OOWBA a WOKTHTStoTbX, AganU, OretttvUlo Diatrict, South Carolina. May 13 41 tin. To Farmers. rawir. WAIT ri.UUHH tnlDM (A yOH witll 1 the kighest rueommond.iticn. Call ftl my Auction Rooms and mnint It for youreolves. I have supplied Bftccn fanners with this Plow in this country, and they all speak in the highest praise of it. The one boras plow is a turning plough, a furrowing plough for planting eorn, a sub soil pluugh, a ooru, cotton, and vegetable weeder and worker,? With tbe additional piece, (a steel acre per,) yon have combined In this plough, the best implements ever yet in ads, for all the abovenamed uses, and warranted to do overv kind of turning and cultivating In Plaid and Gardm, in a manner anporior to all others ever yet mode, and that, too, without hoe labor. Oe*r Fonr Thnnttrnd AVer Hundwl of tbeec Ploughs are now in the handa of the beat farmera in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina. and Tennessee. It bas established a reputation unprecedented io the history of inventions as a FnUntt, Sub-toiling, l)itck\*g And Cmlticnting I'longK. It Itl to rival, being adapted to every variety ot soil, and to foul and clean lands without choking. It does (the hoe and plough work At one operation. J. W. Fuoefco, Of Ninety-Six I>epot, ft. C , IdavM' ; ) " It excels any ptuw t ever saw for cotton or corn, in fhet, for any kind of summer crops." 1 Iio k>iiow<i?k MPII perron. at how.; bare u*e4 it, and aan bfrfcly recommend it: Thos. StfMh Oftfl- W. * Barlo, Dr. W?. A. .Harrison, Rer. C. ft. Stewart, M. t fvrltr, W. T. Aonln, J. W. Gold.tmth, Tho?. Qold.raltb, J. % |Iamim?i?4. ftinJ other*. t Call and sea Iba WATT M. OTTO ft JULIUS C. RMITII, A action 8tln Sap 2 U 3m Fairwitw Sugar Company. rimiS Company btring bought tba Right X ?? *L? grant diaeovery ?f making angar and refining ayrup made Troin Sorgo Cane, in ihatjKjrUo* at GnMfUU Qtetriot embracing th? TMrd Regunant, aa ymaww to eroet a ftl'OAR ITOURE and KKKINER near FAIRVIKw a? toon aa practicable. To thoaa who lire lyo far from ourworb? haul tecir eanrg, we pfnp*?" to aoti Pmrm Right*. Wc be He re thia to be one of tba grafttaat diaeovcria* for tba Syath tbaft oaM hare baan made, and have BO doubt tbut it wiU be, in a few year#, tb* great Maple of tba Saatb. It# npaeatiana are aimpla and eoat comparatively nothing to .tart a farm worke, ?bd Will pay Are titae bettar than any erop eftaapt cotton, and wa be. Sicva will doabl? that great king of tba Booth Thoaa wishing Kigbte atp uld call at onee on Dr. W. A. Ilarrtaow, at Falm.*, Or Dr. W. S;rrrr.r^rsi?frf?! fnrnUb Mod (nn> of. Ml, exo?pt freight, to IboM wiahing U plant. ? W. A. HARRIBOJV, W. ?. PAMkORR, . Ag?nt? for Company. 1 T. L. B07.P.MAX, I'rro.doqt. . Sept 2 STT^** M ? 1 # 1- " 1 II I ' IIM-l-il. r*io : r pared to deli v?r Miahort notice *njr amount, h&vz Eagle and Di ASS* 1 lb Canister*. SsfiEA'"^8""! d ,*i iWw ^^ JiPPiW^-1 T WISH to Inform the Clt Irene of (lrcen1 trllk and the rurronnding DliMe?, tkit there Just arrived with tho 1 CHEAPEST STOCK 6f Mr aver purchased hy no elnee the war. I wil not surrender to any nan in Town or Dtetrtet, that he can wil Qoodaof the SAME QUALITY CHEAPER than I can. Call and examine lor yourselves, at " STEEN S STORE. May 97 I If ?* > - ii- ,> ? I an opening a Splendid Stock of Orocerler, at very reduced prices. Call and aatiafy your elvea that It ia ao, at BTKtSW'S b l'DllB. May 27 1 If Alto, a Urp and magnificent lot of Oliu wo to Mil L'rackary at very low iprtp. Ca?. and judge fur yoursclvct, at STERN'S STORK. May 27 I . If SpwMat ntt-nti<>n it called to tha aUgknt ' atortaenl of Bhoat ?Ladle*', Minaca', Boyt', Vouthe* end Servant**, nnd a vary toa lot bf Plowwons' Mhoee?extra flue Brogant. Tall and prove what I bay, at STKBN'8 STORK. May 27 I If | mum i4< ooo Lj?rc6N,ioicK co,;NTR,r 300 Pnrk* Kxtrn Family N. C. FLOUR ioo Sack* Standard Liverpool SALT 26 Kega NAILS, fuorttd tiiea 20.Balot BATESVILLB SHIRTING Id It alee MoItKK SHIRTING 20 My*? COTTON VARN 20 & ?* Prime and Felr RIO COFFEE 20 Barrollt 8U0AR 10 BAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO 2 RAGS Spauith Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WKLL SELECTED STOCK ar Shoes, llats? DRY GOODS, DRUGS &f. Our Stock ?f UATS and allOKS ia vary Urge and complete, and we will guarantee our o'btW Sfoek will compare with any io Town, hnth at to <(ua1lty aud prica. A call will ?atitfy yon. 1IAVIU & STRADLEY. Mny 13 J 61 If BATESV1LLG Hwrwie CBMPAIY HAVIMI Iwn sfpeinteri Agents for 1 thi* Company, .ws prrpurd lo ell MlUltTJSUa AND YARN *t Factory prloti DuvM ft filrndlcy, Grocer* end Commission Mrreh*nln, Greenville, 8. C. Nov 6 M fl If DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING received the .goncy of the nhove justly erlcVtrstcd Brand of TOBACCO, we will n>*ke it to yovr inter* est fo buy from ns. F?r esle hy wholeeele or retell. DAVID k ?TUAL>I.KY. Oct 30 33 11 FOR 8ALE, CHEAP. ON P. LIGHT TWO i RiAoi?E CAR ONE HANDSOME ONE IIOKSE CAR RIAOK Both In order. RnonVre of JULlUrt q. KM11H, or DAVID A 8TRADLEV. > April IS 47 t ROSADAIIS Purifies the Blood. for 8?le by Druggists Everywhere. 1 ' 1 WM. P. PRICE, ATTOHMftY AT LAW. DAHIONEGA, 0A., \TriI4L prvlloe ID the QonnHca of LumpYY Ho Dewson, (Jllm*;, Pannkn, Unh.n, Towns. White sod Nell. Jon 10 SI tf W: H CAMMEK, PRACTICAL QUKSW1TN A?l> MACHINIST. ^ ^ <nSr Y^IORN SHRU.KIW. Cotton Ofne, iodra. Kto^m mi Lump*, Avwin* M? Itinaa and 1'mKKI'AlltKb wit* pr<miptne?a Charge* reasonable, I hara on bund, and which la offered for la, at low nfWr, a stock of CORN RJIBLLKRH, and alao ??tna nr.* PIgTCLfl, aa examination of which la Ipritfd. . I am prepared In furniah )?TH'KCtt MATE^, lor M^rklni Clothe*. I. Mtand?At WaalfiaW'o old Shop,,, July Ti 0 If Job Work BOKRataMn ?fo?, KOlflMa%W J? *%V'- '* * ? ?sa^Lue I xPISl nr MRP*pp*,? a I N -E3? . J FANGT lytffljsjjf, iy>.<<7i>iwaii'iir' KM BRACING THE STOCK >' pmwgaUr, FIESTOS^B ESTABLISHMENT. aj-EVERrtumo WB POT UFMAY BE DE1'ESI>?D ON AS IN EVERY WAt RKLIABLE. yyt-' it _itor l ;>1* j Give lis n Visit,, 1 . ? J- I .1 c. 1" STATIONERY -; STATIONERY l STATIONERY. JUST received* a large and hand- 1 Some lot of STATION EH V, i consisting. in part, of: FooIscaj), fetter ami Note PAI'EU, Ixnt quality \ Tens, Ink, Pencil*, Ac., Ac., which please call aud cxmnine. - . ?? .lf ^ a.'T . Spear'i Fralt Preterting Solution. THIS 8ol?Uot i? wirnnM to prerapt thi doc. >mpo?i lion ?I *11 kihds af Frails, Tun?bi?, JdllN, flplMil Pro If*. Syrups; CI dor, Win*, Milk, h?m kind* of V?f*ttfcK>s, Ac., and preMrv* thorn in a fmh and wkaleaume condition. T*7 a heitio. - -Inn# 24 tf COSTAlt'S " PREPARATIONS. EVERYBODY~7jr*? Them J & EVERYBODY - Vafi Than! EVERYBODY?m Them f EVERYBODY?Rtcommendt TKem f Cottar'* Exterminators. For Eiti, Komchoa, Ant*, Ac. , Costxr'i Bed Bag Ex tar. A Ll<tuW?ItUU?" Sura Iking." ' . us ' - :* <> *? .imii 'i'wi Cottar'* Iaieet Powder P?r riy% Motb*, Ioccota, ka. Cottar't Corn Solvent- I P"T Corn*, Runionr, Ac. Cottar't Bockthnrn lalva For CuU, Buraa, B ruler*, Ac. f-??? /j Cottar's Bishop Bilk. - c > (8ager Coated) Dinner rill. Cottar * Cough Bemndy. '* !?&**** Cottar's Blttar?8wc?t and w- : > 0 ran ft Blossomi. Beaatifiei Did Camplexfon. M.k.. the stltf f* m.?f ^!r. ;,.7? 1 .? V . * : tw v* Beware t! of *11 Worth'ee. Imitations, genuine without Ce?tar*e algnetere. and Ate. aisea kept by ail Draggiete. SgpSESSSSt HENRY R. COSTAR, l\ W 618 Broadway, For .ale by MORGAN A WJ?STV MOKBLAND, GreenrilU, 8. C. /MT- And af Wboleeele in all Iks tWa an J large t"wnn In the United 8late*. ; Vr" i ?. W. K. RASLKY a* a. ?ULb. Attorneys and ConiM*ltai;s at Lut. ?RMNViiS?^Oif, ThR \CT10B ta the CaafSe nAsa. Rt-*. X tbw U#H#d ulvt **petial Law Hotioa-Chtugo rfWN^ Gb*JfOWRlU ??. w-areil,tl^a*A 0i?# to too k(Uili?( Horto-OMt ? * Mr of too P.WHO 8nMH, to (Ul (KeuTu^ by swsSK5?? *VJon * -B? ^ tov* .* ' "' >