University of South Carolina Libraries
of eottoa 800J*1. S?tti. m. or oottM 3rr^ "iSSSx?,..! " VtUlum?n. Uct.,t.rr ft. ,M ut^sssfflrs:\ ? I i.j liiiKKNVtLLE l'KICKo (JUUKKN 1' W??l.r, MT iiESWliAfm kSjTRADUY, MEWHANTS. ? ? ^ * unp?eled, 86 o. (u) TIACON. V k,^. IS @ *2 .. ji*:* ?SQ^siSiatY-4?Yi21 ? L5eW *0 " UJE A.A* 105 CUICKffNg, n Ertfr. lj to 76 c. S8HS ?*>*=- --?*s'. - - ? ? f COTTO*. ?trr???,,..M,?. ?...U (<v 21 J.*. KUOR. ? 4mmmv 16 ??. FI*C?7-* I ?** ?xi(fc? oo r- * ?* JLxa-..4I 76<^roo IRON, * ?, A hotteM, ,8t 4LKAD, .. *0 c. XKAT1IKB, ^ n?. JteU, H?*l?ck,...3J($60 te. * -? o*A,. ? ?* " t)pfor...U?.. " " - lUneM, ...Uw. .0 XS^J^. S jWWILH, k?g 5-S M) (flt *10 DO DATS, ? bti.bcl,........... _60 MMc. i'KAR. 44 " fc-. W fc. PEACHES, * ?*E Ve*i, 00 " y unpoekd, $1.60 3'OTATOEJE, * M^V^,te.60 @ 76 IKV^k V ba^Ua^. .......80(3; 90 SALT.^'aaMt, Uverpool, ? 60 ttUOAft, %? ft. l!rr>*i? - 10 @ 20 o - " " n?rifc:<?i-^.^..20 <$ ' " " < Cru.hrd SM (a) 26-e. f tC&TINU, eer?a-oixtiU. V bale Z. 13 ?. - 1 " retail 16 e. TALLOW, %X lb- .* ?..,.16 0. WHEAT. 7* btieliH J$i m(?.*7 00 YARN, Factory, by bale, 41 ? ?>? 00 w " ... *i bunch $2 00 The Tairriew Democratic Club WILL Fairriew on Saturday, 17 th Ontabarv at t'tro o'nloek, P. M. A punctual atUi^MM U r?*|nc*n-d. Buainea* of 14Tiiortance will l?e tran*nei?d. , T. U H<>/. KM AN, Prral.lct . 8?plwiW IDiti, 1808. Oct 7 20 2 The Fitu Mountain Democratic Club WILL meet at ilia MUSTEK OHOUNOon the fourth Saturday in October iiist, at "? Democratic Haas Meeting1. TilEltL will He r>i-nn>c,ii,l? M*?< Meeting ?> ?! Pi??^ ml WALKER* OllOS" kOAD^ aiee mile* eoet Greenville C II ..on Taeedny. tile Tliii I. enlli <ley of Oe t??Her, inet. Addresser will be ilr|ifiTn|J'V Governor R. F IVftfr, G*n. V. R. BtdSy. lion. Gabriel Cannon, John W. Stoke*, K*q . Robert McKay. K q. an<l others. Speak ing will cvmui?iM?)tt?cM]i at It) oVIuek The publ? generally, mid the lad in in particular, ere invited to attend The Greenville Bran Band lievo*kindly Consented la he present. . 0 J. HIM* 11 U SMI I'll. ' iu " T. L. JOIA LKIL II.T. bTROUD. ^Committee in* iraettl I ROBERT LBAGUR j 1 / - : W. T. 8MIT1I. j |f The Committee li to meet M lh? lStli to ldJ?o- i Oct. Bth. IMS. 30-1 N?llce. PKRROK8 having CLAIMS agalael the ComniWUiiirN of ROADS uRIIWES and FKHRIR\ PUBLIC BUILIUNOS and POOR, for C?>m?iy, will hand in Copter of the MM lo the Clerk, on or t>? fore the fi at of November next, or they eennot he audited. By order of the Board. A. ISAACS, Clerk. October 6th, 186S. SO-3 - - Turn Pike Road. rX Pelade Mountain Tarn Pipe Rood extending Irom Qilreotk'a eld place, where Fewlcr mw roi<le?, to the R'lrtb b'frotine lino, will be LBA6RD et Greenville Court Heoeo, on the lot Monday In November, to tbfi Jklgbeat bidder, for tbe period ef three rear*. Term* Ac., marie knocvu on that day. Br oyder fit fba Board. * "r A. ISAACS, Clerk. flie? OHe, October 61U, 1M8. t?tr ' v? * ' crimm - PERUVIAN GtAJiO, ' <> < vrin BAf.B trv * Jnltag C. Smith.' potobar 7 7 I ^ ..a > Oi>.4rt. fh'^^a?'4m naX p H(ato of Month enroll n*, i OUEBNVII.LK COUNTY, In Oqiilly E & MATTLDfX m. G. H MoJUHKIjr? Bj4fi to ftromUf ilortfom. BY vfrtM #f Mm Ocdor ?T th? Cb?n?rlMr la Mm afcor* fMr, f ?ill **11, to tb? fcifbrat Mrffer, tl Qr?#?vUM Or?rt Wsa's r-.ft Mrrlfd na tfcr Mitt fUEa Av#n?? IMrert. la tfc? Trwr tf Or?mWt( aDpMiniec boat Om AM#. .TV HpWAb ? ?, ftftd ??!S3L 4 ** jAJtrfTilooEE p. ft tf.ja OtaalrlMtt'i Offirr, OrC 7lb, 18AS. ? ? Oel 7 10 4 r % 15Vl .jwW^'rVsr r/z^r Foster & Hunter, : EA-frk-r?r W?EH, r f?. ^W^BP^nJWp?> ' j.V. FRESH GOODS, r Juat rMct??d from N?? York tinl Billimnre, , - - - r V'it. ..?< ? We era anxious (>> h?v? an opportunity to show our friends tfhrre thtjr can oMain Bargains As a-a Bali exclusively for C-mlt, and pay Caah fur our Good#, wa oan afford "siHKDIKr IP&OTHES. DRY GOODS, HATH AND ftilOKS FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS AND GROCERIES POCKET AND TABLE CHILRRY, AC. Come and era onr Stock lu-fore you mrtkc your ptirelias<a Foster & Hunter. , Out 7 SO tf The State of South Carolina, GBSBKVILLE COUNTY. Ia Braity. ARTHUR O RO*E w J. W. EARLS.? Bill lo /or*rlo*? JVvrtgrtge, BY virtue of Uic l)t-cr??a of tlx C?>iirt In tho above ease, 1 will Hell to tlx high eat bidder, at Greenville C. H.. on flnleadny in November next, the Houre nn<l Lot dr. teribed in the pleading", on which the Defendant now rraidra Lot containa Thrtc Acree, more or lew. Tlx improvomenta are new. comfortable Dwelling, and ntce*?a: v Out- build in tsa, aitualed < lie and half mil. * from the Coiart II#h*e. t $m(*a.or ((alb.?Oat lo bfpnld In Citah. Tlie balance on n credit of aix mo<<tha, with fotereet from date. If tlx pmtehMae moody he not piid promptly fct Urn expiration of aix month*, the I Inure and Lot will ba r* aold lor ca?h al the rttk ??t the firat pur purcliaecr. Title deeda not rielitr~red until the purchaaa money I" pnld. J. l\ MOORS. C. E. 0 C. Commiaaioner'a Olfiee. Tlh Oct., 18HR. Oct 7 *0 4 Slate or Sonlh Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Equity. B. It. JOHNSON el al. K*a?it?r?, m. J IT JOIINSON el al.?B ill for Pattilion, Jtc BY virtu* of the DfcMil O d-r In the IkiVv ease, I wilt ro'l, to the liigh-?t tiidJrr. at Grreuville C LI , on hjdetdiiy In November next, the fvlloetnc TRAITE of LAND, containing Kine Hundred and Fur tyefm Aertn, more or IrMwfitnitrJ in ilia lower portion of the County of Gr-eovitle, lying oh Mil aide# of the Augti*iu Road, tWriity '1ire<* and . nn half mil. * fit m Greenville Court flooe* We I m oov.d, Framed Twoa'ory Dwel in.?, containing Eight Room# with flie.tdare in each r. oin ? nhh nfeeaaury 'Out Uulldins#? adjoining hinft* of M. F Moaelv, Col. J'ine* Mc u! lough. Robert Scott, Sr , J. S. Mario ni ulid Tr.nM* oy ftala-U? 4.1ft of tWi-IVr month*, wiile tutvreat, trom datr, rx<f'|>l Hie eoet*. u Inch uMirt l|? bo paid III eaah oii day of aale. l'nrrh.tat'r to Rive t>...,.l wuh t Wo *nreii?w ami a mortgage of the prambea to recur* the payment of tha pnrvliM*? tnonfy. Purchaser U> |?Y 'or stamps rni l ptpera J. P. MOOItR. C K O C. Commissioner'* Obtobar Tth, 1R?8 Oct 7 SO ? Assignee's Sale. In Re ? JORDAN P^ POUL, Bankrupt. PURSUANT (o an '(Mtr of tlio Il?n( jjrj an, Jttdga-ol UStates Court, 'or tlio District ot South Carolina. I will II at public outcry at (rrtftville C. /f., on tlio Fir* Monday in S'ove'nb'r vtxl nil the right." till* ami (ntrrrni of JOHIIAN I'. 'POOL (the anqie nn undivided hn'f thereof) to n i in ft of land is.i.i.iiiiig Five Hun dr. d Arret mora or !? **, in tlio County ot Oreanvill*, on the S?lu<la River, lying o? the road from fir?envflle C. II. to Cox'a Bridge, and bounding and hutting on land* of lira. Ligon. Klincfc, Wiekanberg nd other*. Said tract o' land being the joint iirojierty of tha raid Jul das P. Pool and the Hon B. P. Periy. . Tanara or Hale, Cabii. Purchaser to pay for alatnpa and paper*. J. N. MARTIN", Assignee O to 8 The State of South Carolina, ?RF.XNVJL1.* tOUNTY. OEOllttK w/joBDAB. Applicant, agninat Jane Jordan, Luclnd* Barney .Thoma* Barneft and others^ Defendant*,?Citation for the Bale or Iiivieion of Seal Ketate. IT appearing to my aallafoHlon that Mar tha I'urle ami Berry l'nrle, Lueinda Km matt and Thwnif Barne't, Anna Tfcivia and ? pencer J>?v?a, tha Keira of Adaline i?... i -..i ?> . *- i. . . i 111 ir, iiBiiiKi uiiHiiuwn, m I mi inv iiiiib hi j?ii*nti*th I'uekett ./names mknovn, rltlile without this State: It m therefore ordered, I but they do appear at a Court of Probate, u ponvm or by Attorney. nod object In the taU nif?llvKlon of theRetl Eelate of MAKY JORDAN, dccaoeod,on or before tlte 6thday of January i.ast, or tbeir consents to the Wt'iic will t? ?hbrtd of rrtonl Given uod?r my lithd al Green villa Court jlouaa, tbu nth dj|jr pf Oel., A D. 1*68. .' < a J. oouTHir. Judft* of-Pi-phyla, Greenville Cot, 8. C. Oct 7 80 Mm State oi' Noulh ( nrolloa, GRKKN VIIXR COUNTY. By B.J. D0UTI11T, Ket?.. Ju./ja ?f /Ve6?te U. PKDEN ban filed ft y* Petition in my Ofcee, y spying that I.clUre of Admiftiatfatton up fttl and (insular the rood* and abattoir, rights and erediu or MARY T. QARRKTT, late of tbe County aforeaaid, deceased, aliould bo granted to Uim. /Area era, thart/ora. to eitc and admonish all and aingular tbo kindred and creditors of the said dace are J, to be and appear In tbe Court of Ordinary for raid County, to bo bold, on at Groan*ilia Court House, eft the list day of October last., to. ahosg.eauae, If any, why tbe (aid Administration should not be granted H. Jv IHMJTUPT, Jed*, of Probata. Ofleo of Jo.lgo Probata. Out. 7tb, CRM. ' Oct T W 8 TJTITB r WMrl . I AND CONFIDENTIAL! A N(2JJW P?_*t >.' x*. mm tn rnriM no ^i u^Mat g*y ; Wihff A * ?>? WlW' ? J ,1, with fcwm .if m . Ye Inlr J?d\r? of Ilif Soulli. i^,;lriz?i?$zzrK Itig up *?ow U? NM>et your h?o*r. With Bont>?<i Rouot, atxl'Dre** ?hh (tor*, i iti? goiiMw from our wrll fll!*d btoro. NY, lov? to ardour ami Ira ?<< bright ; Wo loao jrnor !>urv? alulfrd ro tubl. I,? kuUroI b?f/? at 6,+lb^ V ^ In purr* llirr'a IMliJ R dim* ; Sh?d cIT tlir UM Flop liol ?nvl L?ag T?H llluo; * ' 7* . y Com* up and"thl a* fit yo? ow*X?R*?. Old Granny 8*1 ??U Unci* Mngh, Wo h*?? ninny thing* to Miit j?m, too. Coni?* on*, coiiiu nil, wilU h?*rta lightjwd inrrrv. And r?-lr?-t from tbc a'ook of H?J*K BOWS & TEKRV. - . i\ ) .? Up on lb* hill, nt oM FrirvUw, 'I'll* GihhI* nr? rIwrv* frrfh and now. l.RditM GovUof ?vwy aiiado, 0?'hvV, and qr*d?. Tl?t? nifii w* fll fi??m I Aim ?rt I?? TIim old fngy kMlmtll-nif I eau. Yu.k<? nutiour! taws a* me! The stock you r?ltv >? ??. ' So d-uhl 'i uf really and hnnestlj trae, ? Tltat niiiltT On* nun there'a nothing new^; Hut in this Stock, it ????? to me, M ny new thing* we surely ??. GENTLEMEN'S HAT- of every shape and tv ie. From the INFANTS' CAPS to the stately Lf8LF HOOTS ami SHOES so strong and stoat. That none of your toe* will evgr he out ; patent PHUGS. to k-op vou in 6x, From CASTOR OIL U NUMBER SIX ; A&d evoiythlng else that ever waa eeen From a SOUP TUREEN to a SEWING MACHINE. Stenhouse & Terry. Fnirvlew, 8. C.t Oetoher fitli, 1868. Oct 7 20 4 TQttXXT ew?s. JSrcrt MS& .hsu! WE RMFPKCTFULLY invite an exsmin atiun of our LAHUK aud VAKIBl) , o rui'K or 8E ASON ABLE GOODS, Now apenioir, which ktvt boon nvlccted with euro, nn I bought at tfce LOWEST Pftaos?. We offer a very complete Stock of bleached and brown Shirtings & Sheetings, ASUXfl, TOWELLING, &. C. I ALSO, A Large Stock </f Canton and Wool Flannols, Blankets, Plaid Lin ays, y Our DKEiS (JOODft I?KPA IITMKKT ie very large, muU comprises tbo linor APAlfkan. I . T??1 wr, aw tl.M a*4?aa> I MU9I DC Olrt/tBLC C I T LtJ> tit IHtStAhUN Which will bo aulil at reasonable price*. ALSO, WHITE C00D3. EMBROIDERIES. AMD FANCY UOoDS iu good variety. We tiro prepare I lo offer Ladies and Utnts' 81/AWLS, Ladies' and Children'* ZEPHYR UOUDS, Hacks, Shawl*, Heajf*, Ac., in the NEWEST STYLES. With a large lot Balmoral and Ourad SKIRTS. ALSO. J he latest novelty in Hoop SKIRTS and ONSETS. We a*k especial attention to our LADIES* CLOAKS. Wo can only reier to our large Stuck of Men's, Boy*' Ladiott' and Misses BOOTS AND SHOES, Also, Boys' and Usui' Wool & Fur Hats, LADIES' AND MISSES' 1IATS, In which lino wa hare the latest novelty, "The Umlnsi Dniitl," FOR MEN'S WEAR, A Large Assortment of JEANS TWEEDS SATINETS CASSIMERE9 CLOTHS. AC. AT VERY LOW PRICES. ALSO, A GOOD STOCK OP Ready-Made CLOTHING, GROCERIES, CROCKbRY AND GLASSWARE. HARDWARE. CUTLERY, &C WE will take plcunr* in showing oar Goods, snil will -ell at the lowest market rates (or CASH. H. BEATTIE & CO. OotoOer 7 M 1 Bagging and Rope T?OR SALE AT VERY LOW PRICKS. X October 7 20 J We Pay Hufiea* Market Price far Cotton. WE Wtf.L BIIIP, VRKR OP CHARON, *11 Cotton consigned to our friend* in CharlMto* or Now York. II. BKATTIE A CO. - OotnUr T - 9* 7 ~~Td%, SA1LI*7~ GOLD AND SILVER COIN. \\f * ?UI kwjr HOLD on ConmUeion for 1* partioa dealt lag to ineeat. W. mj market rate* for ItANK NOTKH ot Mouth Carolina, North Carolina and Oaorgia. H. REATTIK A CO. October 7 20 2 9 8 B f f# 1 The State of Sooth Carolina, fi RKKX VJI.l ,R OOUNTY. SHERIFF'S SAKE. BV Virt?V*o# nil 0"Ur fnn? th? Court of I IVob4<f, T will toll, on t)ic womid day (!t*l*Niiit)V N*Trmt??r nrxt, to lb* Itlgh. ft ?? |iiMle oulory, lli? followir.g T*AQT LANl>; fix* u. v All ?h?h Treat of L?nJ, ?U?ifvLr<) in ttr?,n ill. .. ~.lII i I i"?L hounded by UM< of WiHkni OnMtmilh, J. W. Stakes Mid other*. and containing Forww* of l?|fc H?M ? th* property of AllIKI, MARTIN, deocaaad, Icr partition among the K?W T. rinn ChIi. rn'reliiwr* tp pay for Tit'ea. A. R V1CKKRS, 8. O C October 6th, lc08. '* *0-4 . ..John Xrtan Cook's lev Hovil i HUNTINGTON A CO..- 66? BrAowetl o Street, Jl-w York, here in prear, to bo ready in October, ;<,1 , fit' MOHUIST, OR, The Iwt Day? of Lee end Hie Paladiaa, U> J. Eaten Cook, Author of " Surry of E?i(lr( Kfrt." Of " Sunt." of which Muhttn It a sequel, leg thousand copies were alniorl inur.edtale ty ml.I. The new work It still itiorc Intensely interesting. Printed on fine-toned paper, and richly bound In cloth, with upwards of 80(1 pages, it liaa for its frontia- j piece a fine perl medallion head ol Gen. Lee, and four beautiful Illustrations In Homer'a heat style. A'ither hook i* teat &y moil, pott fret, on receipt of the price, $2.26. For tale by booksellers ami Newsdealers in town and country. Oct 7 20 8 MERCHANT TAt&'6R.IM. WIS have just rccei??J Mil will continue to keep a FRESH SUPPLY OP OEHTLEKEN AND YOUTHS' FURNISHING GOODS j&HB Or nil qualities anil price*, wlticli wore elect* nil persobally in New York witli care and taste. And wo arc fully pi v pared, with tba heat of Workmen, to MAKE COMPLETE OUTFITS For Gentlemen and Youths; such aa DRESS and BUSINESS SUITS, SHIRTS, DRAWKRS. Mr., and eun furnish SOCKS, TIES, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, COLLARS, HATS, Ac., all of which will be inado and sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, Being fully posted cm all the latest improvements of CUTTING anil MAKING iu the FHKNCll and AMERICAN STYLES. Old Clothing Repaired and Cleaned. Indies' Department. VE have added a nice room to our Store, wherw wo ha\c under our employ the very best MANTUA MAKERS and SEAMSTRESSES, where they will Cut and Make Ladles', Misses', and Children*' CLOTHING, ol all kinds, in the latest and moat appro*cd styles, und nil kinds of ornamental Stitching will bo done to order. We invito both Indies and geiitlctnuti to call and givo us a trial. All Work warranted. ALSO. , WE will continue in keep WEKD'S UNEXCELLED IMPROVED fSRWINU MACHINE f"f sale, which we wurrunl will ilo eleven (lifforent kiuila ?.f work ninl atili-biug, milking a perfect bark-atllcli on Loth twlcl. We have a Miperior baud niMobine lor lulc i<t $22.1)0 uHvh. FICKLE A. I'OOKR. Sept M > _ ? 1H 4 TAKE NOTICE. NEW FALL GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, AT Tlltt WELL KNOWN STAND OF \V. H. HOVEY. CARL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. Yon will find anything and everything that ia kepi In a well-regulated Dry Uooda llouee. BEAUTIFUL FALL PRINTS, POPLINS a r r urn nr. n r r a tkt.q $REPHE*e?? PlAtOf, MERINOES, LADIES1 CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ^aiEfiC&C2SSf?<3, flIBBOIS AID FA1CY IBM. ALSO, A WEI.L SELECTED STOCK OF CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, FOR CERTS' A.VD YOUTHS' WEAR. Ready-Mad? CLOTHING. ISM'S, CAPS, mis, RUBBERS, uaoasixAa, &?., &o. NOTE AND LETTER PAPER, SOAPS AND PERFUMERY, VIOLIN STRINGS AND BOWS, LAROB m, lwk1au-ulap?k8, wall paper and BORDKRINO. Jbtjr Cull early an<l inoku your elections. p&~~ No charge made for ehuwing Good*. pit Polite attention guaranteed to all. W, il. HOVEY. Sept l? 17 , tf | Dissolution. THE Coparlnerfliip heretofore existing betue.ii tlie iindrrrtaned in the practice of Law am) Eqnity ? tl?ia ?)ay liiaeolved Ity mutual oonaant.. The iinflniidied hiiMnoMef Ike ftrm w;ll he aitrnde-l to by G. P. Tosdh and 3, D. Ouodleti. 8. I> GOODLKTT. WW. M. THOMAK Greenville, 3. C.. Pept. 20, 1868. Sept SO l? tf i *1 x - ?t-""-*- ?- * ? v >jn I i. NEW BUNCOMBE ii 3l itl and runn: I J . .^1 AM MY GOOD FANCY A GENT'S AND LADIES1 f BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTH ERY, MEDICINES, SI CllEESE, SALT, POWDER, SI BLUE* INDIGO, MADDER, With n general assortment of for Cash, Cotton, Corn, or any Pre the UpConntry. aoth. 1868. Notice. BY virtue of outbuilt?, I will expana for nl? at i he atore of Oowrt, Cox, Murk!?) A Co, uliTuwdnj, I3<li October, pro*., two Copper STII.ljS, CATS and WORMS, one l-eing the Si ill acis-d from William Linn, the o'her relcd b? Kd. Hmfecn Smith. A mini ant Aueuor, on th? premUee of <>n? Mr. Cox. Tertna each. Hour ol sale, 12, M. a. u conn, Depnly Collector Inleruol Revenue. Sept 80 1? 3 Notice. ., Pert'TY OutL|tciw'e Oxricx, i OuiaviLLi, S. C., Sept. 28, 1868. ) XN conformity with requirement* of Ii.ter nal Hevnnue lawn, I hereby give notice to all perenna who may claim a STII,!., CAP and WORM. ?ei*ed on the premiae* of one Mr. Berry, on ihe 28ih inntaot. about 18 milen from Greenville, by UeXt M. Perry. Annintant Aan-eaor?becaune of being tin- d in violation of the internal Revi-nur | l,a?ri, (the miii? having been turned over *> me.) to mnke such cla'in 1-efore me wbb. in 80 liny* from the first publication of this notice, A. L OOBR, Deputy Collector Internal Revenue. Sept 30 10 8 Notice. Dsmrrv CoLLBcToa'a Orrnr, ) GutKNVii.LK. Sept. 28, :8rt8. J TX conformity with retirements of In A lernal Revenue Laws, I hereby Rive notice lo all persona wlm may claim a OnaHorse WAGON ami MULE, four bushels of WHEAT, a large Barrel and Keg of WHISKY. seixed by Hext M. Perry, Assistant Assessor, and A L. C< bb, I), puty Collector, on the 28th instant, in the Town of Green vi'le, in poasea'ton of a freed man?because ?f evident purpose of evading the Revenue Tux?to make ?Ucl? claims before me within HO days from tho first publication of this nolico. A. I* COBD, DepttIy Collector Internal Revenue, Sept 80 19 ',8 Deputy Collector's Office, fiuaiyiitft Sept 80, 1868. IN conformity ?lth th? requirements of 1 the Internal Revenue Laws. J hereby ifivs notieu to all peia ?na who may claio: a BAH It HI, of BHAXDY, containing about 20 gallons, ee't*-d bv 11 ?-xt M. Perry, As slat ant Assessor, on t be V8d dnv of Sept em ber, nenr Gowensviile?a-iaed because of evident purpose to evade the Internal Reve nur i,nwp?io uhikm *??n nmrm uei??re me within 30 <lsy* from the first publication o< tliia notice. a. i- conn, Deputy Collector. Sept SO 19 * .3 Deputy Collector's Office, Grkknvii.i.k. Sept. 19, 18C8 IN conformity with the requirements of the Interonl Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to nil persons who may claim two Upper STILLS, 0AI 8 and WORMS, tl.r-e empty KEGS, and one small keg of BRAN Dl, s? izo<i by A L Cobh, Deputy CollecU or, and Hext M 1'etrv, Asa-slant Assessor, on the 18th of September, on the premises of James Nash, about 2'? miles below Green ville?seized because <>f being used in vio latino of the Internal Revenue Law,?to make ittch claims before ine * ltl.ii> SO days from the first publication of this notice. a. l conn, Deputy Collector. Sept 28 18 8 United Nlnfes oi" America, DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. circuit coti ht c. tt?4th ci ace it. In Equity. CHARLES J. RADFORD es. ALFX. Mc JtBK, VaKDIIY A. McltKE, Executor* of VARDRY McBRE, deceased, and oth era ?Bill for Account nod Belief.-?&n|livan A Stokes Complainanta' Solicitors. JT appearing that James M. Duncan, Administrator of P, K. Duncan, deceased. one of ihe Defendant* In I Ma case, it no: resident in this Slate, but live* in Ihe State of Ucotyl* ; It is ardrie't thnt said defendant appear, answer, plead or demur, with ir. thirty days from I hi* dale, or I be Bill will be taken Pro Con/eMO against him. By order of the Coiirf, this I9fh September, 1808. DAXIfL UOKLBE K, 0. C. C U. S. for 8. a Sep 80 18 6 Wheal aHdothcrCiralu Crop*. Mates- superphosphate of lime will Increase the yield fin per cent.?. No person ahouid plant an acre of Wheat without using 80? or 800 pound* to the ere. Apply to n. W. KINSMAN, 1(8 East Hay. Charleston, General Agent for Souln Carolina, Or to JULIUS C SMITH. Greenville, 8, C. Sept 2 K 2m DR. J. C. FABEB, TROKKSSOH OF LANGUAGES, rURMAlf TJHTIYRR8ITT, WILL raturn to Greenville in the early pert of October, lie will then reruine bi* inrtructionj to Private Cleaaes in the An> cient and Modern Laegneges until eaeb time an the Wniver?ity xhall oj.en. BtudenU dceirin* inamictlon dhoulH apply promptly, lie will be found nt the hot ?j of Mr. T. M. Co*. Dept. 22, lMi*. IS- If . ~ ?JLliLj*. J?L1 I SLif JLSKJ ING OVER!! :o ,H , RTICL.ES, JEW STYLE8 OF HATI, jo, ilardwarf, crook:gar, coffee, teas, BAGGING rope, IOT, LEAD, iTONE, spices, candies, Goods, which will bo sold as LOW >ducc, as at any other makott la T. W. DA via. vmimrMLinfl. Second Door altove Ike Poat Oj/toa, cemiaaxgrwan,n?a. s. o. I WOULD tefiak Watches and Jewelrj, Together with a LARGE ASSORTMENT mt SPECTACLES, Which I will dispose of at LOW RATES. REPAIRING la all of Us will bo faithfhlljr attended to. 8ept V 16 ?T Stale of South CaraftlM, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probata. W. P. T11R ELK ELD, Applicant, against Eiiaaheth Forester, Amanda Smith and other*. Defendant!.? Citation for ?t(fa of Heol Eetnte.. TT appearing to my aatiafaetion that Maria _|_ Rmlgrri, Richard Bsyne, Mary Bayno, Jesse Elrod and France* Klrod, reside without the litnila of thia State: It ia ordered and da> croud. That tbey do appear at a Court of Pro? ha to, in pereon or by Attorney, on Tweed wy, the Sth ilny of December nert, to ehow cause, if any they can, why the Real Estate of LEWIS R0DGRR8, deceased, situated ia Greenville County, on water* of Reedy River, bounded by lands of Win. Aabmore and others, containing SIXTY ACRES, more or less, should not be sold, for partition among the heir*. On failing to attend, your concents will he takes as confessed. Given under my hand, at Greenvilla Court House, this 8th day of September, A. D. 1888. S.J. DOUTHIT. Judge of Probate, Greenville County, 8. C. Sept IA . ;t '. 17 ^ lira THE OLD UAitU-LlHA K1TTJSM, MANUFACTUHBD BT HIlllCI.TIIIUIiCL CHARLESTON, S. C. SOLD HERE BY MOROAN ?fc WESTMORELAND. HARRISON k MARSHALL. mn F. A. WALTER, FOR TME HOUML. Goodrich, Wineman &> Cow S?pt 9 1ft Am Porlrali I'aiuliuf. fllHG BaUcHWr is now rirrotint l>l* JL lime rgclunivfly i? I'ORTHAIT PAINTING, nod solicits the patronage of the community. Person* wishing LIKRNR8HES of iheniwWw, or their dc-*a*t</ friend*, by for* iielitifjr him a daguerreotype, or on ambrotype, will hove It enlarged to the aim of Ufa^ bv the aid of the So far camera, and- ae?ulately painted in oil color*. Specimen* may be area at Meaara Harrieon A Marshall'* book atore. Order* left at the at ore, will he promptly attended to* Terms moderate. C. II. LANSKAIT, September Oth, 1S68. riept 9 It 8New Boot and Shoe Store. ?A| TIIE subscriber informs the public ' VVI and hi* friend* that lie is s?V * prepared to fill all order* promptly I fwr Custom Work, on an reasonable term* me can 6* done in the town of Grtenville. An asrortment of READY-MADE WORK constantly on hnnd. All Custom Work warranted to be of the n t. ttf/i if * fp Jfr,01 JMJ\. 1 T.U1AU3, end workromi?lii|> well exeenU-ri. KEI'A IKING done ?t ihortn?iit*.. Shop first door South of W. U, Movey'? lore, Mnin St i eel. * . HICKS, Sept 9 ] A tf WOFFOED COLLEGE, SPARTANBURG C. B.r?. C. TIIK KIKST SESSION of the Fifteenth ColleiriMe year begin* "wjflKgnn 1st. October, IgAg. The C'ollege hm never suspended, ?n>9 the jonrN of stun ten temafne unchanged ; I?n1 the Faculty now admit irregular etudci.H, or tho*e who wiah to pur atte I'lrliniUr iludirt only, Tb? PUKPAUATOKY SCHOOL omfer lie niptrvi*hiu of I! ?- Faculty, open* at th? name lime. Tuition, in College and higher claaaca of Prrpitinlitijf Srltmil, including contingent frr, per year, in specie, or ita equivalent in cwreney. In lower Ola??ea of Preparatory School with continrent fee, $44.txr per year, in currency ; ona half in advance. board per month, in adyanee, about ftl.V in cutr?ttcr. For fnrther particular*, addrer* A. M. 8HIPP, Pier id ant Sep 16 17 4