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ega????o A- m' a a : WEDBX8DAY, OCTOBBK T. ISM. The Bevolution In fpetn?Blfnt of the T1 tare. " Wara and minora of war* and earthquake* in direr a places " in the earth atHl marks the months of the preacnt year, herein supporting the Interpretations of gut i|ilil8w>f'J?hphutj of Ol'M/ao and ether learned di vinos, ^fce bate h?ag tattled upoa the preaent thee, or tha paried ksO?an MM eed 1878, ae- > the aadtog of the order of Otlapt wbioh bee - - - ? - ?I. ,K. of' prtraiiM in to* ww, ? m .. Christ, and heralding the smouiJ t.? Uront baa bcou tb? igUilka aateng the nations, In alt the formercontinents of the glebo, Araerionn, European, Asiatic and African. No wonder that pious people should, many o* them, ausdu l* tiini this Is lbs Lord's doings, as it is certainty tunrvcllous to contemplate. Both tba religious and civilisation, as believed on, aiul practiced In tbe world, seem not to hinder or impede the strife and desolations of war. Neither does free constitutions seem to tmne the natural sarngelsm of tankind. The New England clergy and Christians so-called, wc linve scon recently exulting and rlutlhg in tbo shedding of Southern blood, and tbo horrid desolations of red handed war, just as heartily and with as much satisfaction as the wild Indians, whom they bare luppluted from tbo soil, ever cujuyou their war denotes and the soalpe and torture of their victims. These same religionists, with few exception*, still hate and slander the people of the 8oatb, and greedily devour all the lies that are inrented against them. They still torture with their Browxlow governments, and seem never satisfied in confining oar people tn political ssceot hox?? and disabilities. Old England sent an army at vpst expense to liberate her subjects from the thraldom of the Abysaineian and African, New England sends arms end emissaries, end lying spirits, thick at the frogs of Egypt, to bold their own race, and Ibe free born men, women and children ot the South, under the enduring thraldom ot the African negroes in this land, who act under the lead of her carpet-bag adventurers. Sncb is the upshot of New England education and religion. The most uneducated Irishman or Ueruian thai lands in Boston, fresh from a monarchist government, seems more liberal and enlightened, in all that pertains to our theory of a free constitution, than the so-called divines, and the Professors of colleges, and learned persecutors and tyrants, and their dupes in in the North. The Irishman and Qcrman will vote to tiki the shackles from bii race in the Foully anil ngnlnst enormous taxation, nil tbe New England clergyman and school teachers, philosophers and capitalists, will vote to continue these shackles and oppressions, and in favor o( the highest taxes ou labor, and none upon the wealthy bondholder. The New England clergyman falls down and worships at the dietntn of Stri'Hrvs, tbe lately deceased cobahitor with a negress; they follow the infidul Phillips, the notorious Bt ti.r.a, and venerato the shade of Jomn Urowjs, and the memory of his pikes. As much ae in them lies, do they aid the Brownlow* in tbe Fouth to <* Inaugurate bell/' contention and continual strife, whilst tbo foreigner desires to enjoy liberty and peace in Amdrioen, add to yield it to others. Tbe New Englandcrs with many noble exceptions, (for there is a i glorious minority of ltomoccata even the^rc,) are aiming to perpctuats the rule of tho l.ayo- | net in |he 8outh, and to withhold liberty ! from the whole race of whits men. The sealawag and tbo 8outbcrn Radical, and even Ibo dominant negro in the Booth am, none of th?'m,' free in fact, notwithstanding their favored position, because the whole aro governed by th? orders proceeding from the Verinouter, the Maine or tbo Massachusetts Radical; the Southern understrapper dare not displease tbe xionoom puiuicM ui?wc?i. AU IhtM full ik?? a <1 rcailfwl il|(? of corruption in Anicrica, as well us in the old world, and the facta at homo concern n? ao much more than fcreign occurrences, tliot wo are prone to dwell moat on them, aa mining the signs of the times. Lot us turn a moment to Old Spain. The revolution there acome to be euecewful beyond doubt;, lb*. dynasty of Queen Ia.v enXA eud of her houee is ended, perhaps foiever, unices other kingdoms inloifere, of *hich there is eo present probability. European despots weried for leg'tlmacy against the greet Karotfos, hut they dare not do it now, the world lies made si least that much progress, NaroLrO*, who destroyed the Inqoifition, end did ipore, of. or Caen* wajx. for religious liberty than any eove rt ign Knrojie ever had, wee put down by the Allied powers; but the fruits of his policy ere sflll ripening. The revolution in Spain, like the various revolutions the1 have occurred in France since his day, may he attributed to the influence of the first French revolution, of whiclf he became the master spirit. The newspapers now ccn'ain full com. meets ujx>n Spain end her history. They speak of her ancient greatness end renown, of her warriors end statesmen, and her lite, rary men of past ages, ea contracted with the fallen end dilapidated condition, under which she has labored fur the fast aenturie*. Put we have not seen the nrot ami'toa jo I he true cense, in onr opinion, of her Info limit; to oilier kingdoms of EuropeEngland, France, I'mnis and other Ot* pits Stale*. We ar* aalieCctJ that religious inloleraace, tyranny and superstition has been the min and degiadntion of 8pa|n.?^ After the Reformation, Jesuitism took poa. session of Spain, The worst dogma* of Hopranism were intensified; the Inquisition built ita reeks and fires; auto dt ft*, (nets of faith,)-rather acts of hell?were signal (ted by bwrnl' gs and tortures of the purest ard best of her people, till a]| libei ty of soul and of ifiou^Ut, all independence '; niinJ, ?pd all enlightened progress in rejig. j ion and everything else, WM terrified (roml the land, and latterly eupprerted j priests and h?r rulers were Ike insli ume?i* r of Satan, whilst claiming the iivtry O&itojj rhnreh and of Haakon ; an i iMaMMJ filled with the habitation! of crtfvayr. rtur I YYsVs. c bitt?T. polluted fo untwine could trot ?*?d [ rm iiHMil liberty from oilier uxtioo*, we I ruat^Wn now (xii?tr*U<l III* Mind* of ike T SpaaUrda, nnd I lie re ie t pwibiltlj I bet u< belter government villi mat religion* lib- w ,*+J$ "W nlV?? th?Vlo** bljgbled ?J )?ni TKe>n>pletli4r? ere" * no&Td* reoe, P end a good system of government vllh re Utt?VM? toleration would regenerate their condition, and |>ut th< m on tke petit of on lightened progress with Prussiaand EngJaud. , ? ? ? ' T" r ' ?! t Son. John Qolnoy Adsma, Of Boston. w ' gentleman ku ?co?pi- o ed an invitation from the C<-ntrsl Deipo T cretin CommltfM of this 6t?ie to address the people of Colombia, and probably at other parte of tli? Fonth. This la grstl'ying Infoimnlion. We trust his visit among ue may be a ptearani one. The Phrryt ix rays t ' Mr. Adams tele graphs that he w'll leave Boston on Mon day morning, the fitli inet.,and will probably I e in Colombia by Thurrday morning. It will, therefore, be best to have the people to meet him and hear his address on Fri-t day next Let the people of thia Diatrie and the rurroutiding Districts coirt in to ? hear a Boston m?n speak upon Carolina ^ oil. Let up, through Mr. Adam*, give the He to th? wicked document* that are aaiit North to prove the hatred of Northern man ' by Southern men. Let Mr. A dogs* are with n hi* eye* and hear with hia ear*, and lei a him carry the truth home with him to Maa eacbuartta and the whole North. Here we shall hava a gentleman end a man of high i character and dislinguiahtd talents to apeak 1 ton*?a man who hit* a local habitation I and a name, lie-was elected Mayor of Boat on hy the Democrat ic patty, and ie now the candidate of that party fur Gov. ernor. We retro mbor hia word* some few ] twonihe ago?' By right,' paid he, ' 1 should ben lit publican? my tu'ura! predilection^ are in fnvor of that party, but I ae? tlint h party driving the country to ruin I am t! driven into the Democratic party, who wieb ^ to reatoie the Constitution and pare the I' Country.' IVe pay amen to this sentiment ' We now turn Mr Adams over to the hoapi- * tabty cf the people of Columbia. " We hope the different railroads wll' ^ provide accommodation train* at reduced lure. Wa should have lien thousand Caro- u lintno* to greet the representative of old j. Maetachlaetts ou his tniselon of peace." ,, The Lanterne." b Tliis arm the titlo of a newspaper published in Paris, and lately suppressed by the gov- b eminent for heiog a little too froe in its com- t< incuts on Ibo Emperor's pnliry. The fo11ow: C ing shows the curkm? vigilance of Preach of- t, ficials, and their arbitrary interference * ith tl whom they please, to suspect of revolutions ry d ideas: . - h ? The I,antcn>e question in Paris has reached v an odd phnso. A. M. tie Foudard writes to the Tribune to say tbat among bis s.-iaipirs <sl ^ mock jewelry he lias had a diuiinutiru lantern j in his possession for five Tears, and that on Thursday last, while bis wife was out on t.u.i n?ss affairs?exhibiting samples, no doubt, n snd abtuioing otders?rhe was arrested and ^ locked up for two bohrs, every arliele In bet j possession hearing the remotest resemblance ^ to is lantern being taken from her. At tbe ,, same moment a commissary of police and four agents paid a visit to bis workshop and seised ^ very article of jewelry tbey could find# whether in a finished or unfinished state, tbat approximated to the proscribed form. 1 Publio Meeting at Walker's Cross Roads, Mine Miles Soutu-Eost from Qroenville C. H. The meeting was interrupted on Saturday last by th* rain, and It was resolved to Itold another meeting on Tuesday next, I3'h last., u lien a larfft turn out is rvneetetl. and addressee from several distinguished speaker*. IIoo. GsnuiKi. Canxck attended last Pa'urday, mid it. UcKat, K?q; both ro?d? short speeches. These gentlemen and oth.-r* will ngain attend the meeting on ^ Tuesday next. Religious Revival. We learn by a note from Rev. T. D. (?wyn, that* protracU-d meeting waa held at Mountain Creek Ctiureh, in this DUtriot, beginning on the 4th Sunday of September last, which resulted in the reception of '23 persons for Baptism, many of wbotn were Sunday school scholars; two were reet red ' to the ehnrclt. Elders Thomas Dili* L VAruttx, H. L. IlKxDEtisoy and T D. Rvrx, attended tlie meetings, and pr?aehed to ' large congregation*. Rev. Wu. iliasurON is to Baptize the converts next Sunday, and hi* appointment at Brushy Creak wiil be fllltd by Mr. Gwvx. New York Papers. We return our thank* to Mr. B. O. Macl MX for the several New Y??k papers Of late date whiah he has sent to n?. Mr. Maulm* is Mitfdsjed in the house of Fv ax*, Gai?i?x?* A Co., lertfe importers and dealer* in dry good*, N-?s. Hi? an-l 8?f Broadway, New Yo*k We observe, hf an advertisement in an Alabama paper*ent us, that this house AveWea its williugn?*s to accommodate Southern merchants on favorable term*, aa heretofore. The Lsn<V?s Love. CoxfK>T*.?Tht Land ?m J.ov*. for Oete ! her, ooiitains *?ventecn sriiela# ; the leading arMulo, Ute Unfile ol Nona (IfW, U weil written, ond of ilrring into , p r.-rt, Ths nllior |>rooo article# ore, ('Menjro, i l)?n?iiig under Sbt-llr, Qon. Loo *1 tho Wil < darn***. Mory Ashburton, WwlmiMtir Abbey, Th* Pnro Mouoeoutr, Orchard*. Onr " Life in Booka, Mabel, Th? Puturo of Young p Afrion, llnTerMrk, Editorial and Book No> I IW*. ^ i Tlio Poetry U by Mm Bku.amt, of Ala- . Hk.nhy P, Paoh, of M?inphi?, Tcnii., " rhU nomber compares farorably t> 1th " others ?t tbis moot popular Southern ' , Maga^nc, * l< ' * , ? M 8 M " -''' - jJhr-?"?^ W? are obliged U> Mr. Labm^l d|wi r B very i?ta??|t|nK comruualOatt<M on ii* ra,ljM'<JVP' will ipptar^K wk, plug reeoiroif Ton late for our preaeol iw??. be pwgrtw of agdeulturt among u? W ' hteh *11 parliit, tlaiiM iim] condition* r* alike latere*tod, I* afford* ?a great leaaure to aid lf>* dauro tli rough |h? ?o) Bin* of tho Jtnterprlna. ii fi^ mm ?<a.r-*'r OjoMnr*' I*octure boforo tho Litwury Otab. 9rp W. K- Kablkt** Ucturo on Arable Iviliaation, which wo* portioned oa bo. ?nnt of ifidirftooitioB, will bo delivered In lie Court flour* Towkat evening next, irmoncfag st 7^ o'clock. The ppUUo are TtluJ to atlmd. f Public Sobool Fond. Mr. IIaiuii Osama, Inuanr, r^Miti i? to e*l! the attention of the subscribers to be Pnbllo Reboot Fond, that the third iustal lent U no*' due, and he desires ite prompt ay men t, in order that the expenses of the ehool may be properly met. Jle can always * found at his atom. Brins Tour Cotton to Oraonettlo. Our merchant! here are paying tbe highest narkot price for Cotton, and we hope our farucrs will bant to this ptaoe. Yew cannot do atter by going to any other aaarhel. H. BMttte* Oo'a. Advertisement. W# mIJ attention to tha n1m>?? advertise nenl, in another column. They hif? a lupnoiiutu itoak. < >>>? > ? jy~ We are rrqntHad to state that there (ill be a Dioaa Parade of the Palmetto 'ire Company on Friday, Ot'.i October, at 4 o'clock, P. VI. roa Tnr aocTBKRN r!?rr.rtrnisr. Ion J. ft Aoami InTitod to Greon ill*. A meeting ot tha citiaena of Ureenvilla, waa eld in the Court Houae on Oetolicr 6th, for be purpose of inviting tha lion. John Quiney iduina to visit Ibis place, and to address the coplc. On motion of Qov. Perry, Dr. O. H. rvine arna called to the Chair, and Q. U. fells war requrrted to net aa Secretary. After bo Chairman had explained tha object of the reeling, Gov. Perry offered tho following leaolntions, wbicb were unanimously adopted. Hf'lotd, That the cit irons cf GroonvHIe are just beard with great pleasure, that the lonorable John Quiucy Adania. of Muarnelntctts, lias kindly accepted an invitation to adIrers tho |>cople of Houlb Carolina, in Columns and will be there Thursday next. Uc-o.'rctl. That a couiiuiltoo of gentleman c appointed by tb? Cbsirinau of this mcctlr.g. i wnit on (bo lion. John Quiney Adams in olumbia, and earnestly request bint to txL'uJ bis visit to (Jrctnvills, the third town iu lie State in population, and business, and mires* a Man Meeting to our citixens, someday cat week, or whenever it tu*y suit bis ooucnience to dq so. , , 1'bat wo duly appreciate the comlimctit paid our State by this distinguished Jeiuotfrutic patriot and StHtesui in, in com ng here to address the people of South Caminu, on the great and vital political issues, oir before the country; and on which deioihI, fti our opinions, Iho cominnunee of our lepnbliean form of Uortrtimrnt, and the iroS|ierlty, happiness nud eonstittiilonnl litwries of thu Anuriculi people. The following Committee was appointed : Ion. B. F. I'erry, Col. (I. W. Morse, Samuel drudley, T. Q. Donaldson, Leopard Williams, llllll'S Bumie. Col- V. P fi-vine Vrutix luge, anil tlio Chairman of the mooting.? 'he meeting then adjourned. 0. B. 1HVINK, Chairman. CI. 0. Wki.lii, Secretary. yon rut: soothKits SMTKaraiss. To Father Ryan. int/<or of" Sentinel Sony*," and Many other I* U-'ltflll Pof mt. bt mm. laos* civttn. 'on ulUr many thoughts, ivmI hard. That gentle heart* p?rfor?? mnal liuld Aa miirrt treat tire gem* and gold, )r saints their sacred talie* guard. loft strains or high you pour at will Along your " harp of aolentn sound ?M Krone to your touch our pulses bound, teneath yotir burning words we thrill! 'he hell-bird sitting high and lone In the deep (orrst, poureth clear Its tolling voice upon the dir. Till the far'travelers ca'ch its lone, lad thrill to hear ite wild note# swell, And hastening on willi eager foot TMnketli its music lewd and sweet? 'hituoe front some grand cathedral bell t I, minetrel of the lorn South-land I Tie yours thro' darkness wild and dnsar Pull many a weary soul to sheer, V it h pipings awset and oliantiuge grand I 'o yon does this proud task belong To emwn the deeds of warriors hravn?? T<> guard the hero'* grace grown grave Vitl? deeihleea aentlncle of eong I Railbomi Mnmio?The proceeding* of he meeting of the StoekhoMmi and frfende if the Greenville and French Broad Rail nad, which crae lie Id at Hredereonvllla on keturday left, ie unarotdahlf crowded nnt h>a wee If, In eotierquenee of etir office irinc crowded with work for the fi*rle?n? ml In order that one printers mag partM>ate In the liilierily of that occasion, we rere eoiwpelled to pat our paper to preee erlj on yeeterday. The meeting at ffendrreenville, though iot large, W"* full of interact and apirlt.? ferv interesting epeechee were made hy f. W. Wood tin. K?q , Mr. Freak ftlake, C"f. lammett. Prreldenl of the Orrrnvilla and !oluntl>U Railroad and MaJ. McCalla, Chlel Engineer of tha 0. 0 AC, It. R. The Rtoekholdere accepted the amend tent to the charter removing the rrtlria lone to the gauge of the road. The meeting edjnn.ned to inert at Ashe. Ila to.morrow, r> Iday, the 2d day of Oc* ilnr.?A*k*vilU jVnrr, la/. ember* of ?h* eo-railed I^itlMnlure f^l youth Carolina, nn mtrrUliimrnl *m provided ImI nitfbt, at lb* Nick?-mon Hmm, Col. J. P. Tiiom?? pre* Id*d at tha lal?l?, John MrKcnjue, JC*\., acting as Yic*.Fr?pU w?C After a sufficient *ime haflJ**n ?d lowad f,,r tboaa wliO wr? hungry I? #!? posed, to appease their appetite wlih the J Substantiate plentifully protrided. tfeaJBMMrv d(H)t MwiTiMlB I 5rt*f n<Mr(M thanked tho membere ft >r>tlf* firtvti'* wltlt which they lion p?rt?rMMj their ?Dpl?*Mnt J nlies, dwwag the wwliw which itrvtnxt u iwml'' ntle, and by rrq<iMtin| ?ll pwc got to All their glasses and driuk io the * health (kd?1bA| life of nor honored (iiwit' ?the Democratic ifeVkKfrt df the Letcislalure of Sun&k .CtMnti w A genera I < nd rapid popping of ?or|[? *i? t he response j ad the request was fully complied wtihc? Hon. Jus lltohl Tope eeoonded the proposition o' Cdl. T., aerertlng tliat Ihc handful of Democrats were Jmtly entitled lo ifw Scriptural commendation "Well d?ne, good an-' fs'thfitl s-rvente."* After the'npplaxise which followed these ruggertlon* had subsided, Senator Sy me, uf Lancaster?* on? of them "?expressed his earnest acknowledgments and sincere thanks for the cordial manner in which he had It.en treated hy lha Oulunthians, and more particularly f< r the prreent demoiietration. lie was followed by Representative Moore, of Anderson, in a nest little ep-ech. Gen. K M. Law was then called upon. and. In the enode of his remarks declared that the watch-word of the pe<?pl? in this campaign should lie " work, work, work." lie promised that his District?York?would ha found right. Messrs Hieman, Mc If aster. Palmer, Talles, McKenzle, Gibtw, WVIId anj other* ?? !* caleil upon, ?im1 r?plW In rpark lint; little ?d-lr't*e-\ which were wnrmly received.,? On* of the tpenkers paid * Jutt and hiftli to tit? uprigl't"c?* and humuiy of purpo*? of lite only colored Democrat!* nifttilitr ol "the gieut i?ol??fti1 H M. Valeni inc. tin* preacher alioetunker. Alxtut bVI<H*1i the party ?{tufa ted, afler it litre? |im>*? three" lor "Sey moUr and Bleir and the Deinoerittio taieuti m" [ I'hctnir. Correspondence of the Cincinnati Enquirer. Lortini.!.*, Kt., 1868. The influence of tkq Kentucky delegates w?* ilrrpty fvlt In behalf of Mr. Johnson Huring the impeachment trial. The disgraceful conduct of tho miserable JteoMnt, who had curtailed tho privilege* of the Praaident and thorn hitu of hit prerogative, wai to ably and earnestly, and eloquently condemned by tech men at tho Hon. T. L. Jones, of the 8lxtb District, nnd A. P. Grove r, of <Hir own, that if tho vile political tricksters who inaugurated the movement had uot boon lost to all topae of tltame and decency the !mpeachuicut (juration would never have been carried before the Senate, , ' , There wtt something about the clogtnt and courtly bearing of these two aceoinpliahed statesmen that invited re?pod even fhm their encmiet. We were in Wiiabiugyop durirg the wiutef, aM were deeply impreeaed with their high atnnding nnd influtnee among the mem., bera. They teemed in move through tue etmotpherc of deceit nnd corruption by which imy win- anrroumtca nice * 'Team or lawQK-r, a glimpse of sunabinc. They reminded no of tuch statesmen the Madi?on.?, and Hamilton, and Adamses, and Clifton?, nnd I'inFknrji, ami Marnhtllf. It i? witli feeling* of pride and pleasure that *f npr.tlt piuth-utarty nf the lion. Thomas L. J one*. Wumrn tflly that be ahull he nominated for th? next KttitHi, ami that lie will he prevailed upon to accept the nomination. There will not 1* lU? slightest donht about hi* election. Ha is the ablest and tho most popular man in hi* district. Ili* character "is beyond reproaeh. lid Jies ever been actuated by the highest Mitte of honor. Ho has never faltered in hi* duty and ohliga.ion* to hi* party and coiin. try. lie ecoro* every thing mean and little. A* a epenker he baa few equals in the Stein and nation. Hi* voire i* clear, rich and mu*ieal. Ho ia always dignified and grnwfwl, lli**t)leof oratory ie t>oth logical and Impressive. He neryr ttralnt alter effect. He 1 rear lie* the highest flight* of etoquoneo with the ntmoat ra*e and simplicity. Ilia rhetoric , i* ebaato, beautiful nnd rlanioal. There U 1 nothing vain and shallow and pompon* and conceited ahjut him. no ha* no small vie**. Ho i* proof against corruption. He ia not on| ty a scholar hat an aiahltiows owe. II* tin. dear or* not to ho ignorant of any tpecUw of knowledge. Ho aeema to understand the moat j difficult nnd complicated principles of philosophy and jurisprudence a* if by intuition. Hi* views on *11 subject* concerning the Affair* of Government* are broad, UlwM'al and practical. He lia* m Utopian and chimerical scheme*. HI* knowledge of law and equity, ol political economy, of the laws of trnde and commerce, ie extraordinary. We do not beliero that there I* a (ingle Rep resent ?uve in uungrtut nettrr posted in rcgnrd to :>ur of National finance*, or on* m?m pompctont to iu(jrit and to advocate iMiiuiei to relieve a* from our intolerable burden* of debt and taxation. The Second Congressional District. Tbe State Central Executive Committee baa adapted the following resolution*: itrm'rcd, That the Preuidsnt of tbe Con? vention of Delegate* from tbe Demoeratio party of tbe aeeeral Districts, which assembled in Charleston, on tbe 15th September last, for tbe purpose of nominating a Democratic candidate for Cod grass from that District, it hereby requested to summon tbe members of that Convention to re asiemblo in the city of Charleston, on a day to be fixed by blai, for the purpose of nocninaliag a Doinoeratle eanidate far Congress from tbe Second Congressional District, in the plsce of linn. 4. P. Aldrich, who declined the nomination recently tendered In him, and that tbe President be also requested to invite stteh port Vina of 1Mb several Dletrirt* a* did aot send dclegales te such recent Convention, to send delegates to tbe Convention which Is now requested to assemble. , ? t XsWrrd That a oopy of the foregoing restitution bo forwarded to f)en. John A. Wagner, President of the racunt N <"n ill?ting Convention uf tbe Second Congressional District, hold lw Charleston on the 15th September last. By order of the Executive Committee. ,J WADK HAMPTON, Chairman dO II19 P. THOMAS, V. W. McMASTKR. JOS. DANIEL POPE, w. H. niAnuifi, JOHN K. CARRW. THSODORK O. BARKKR. ee? ' MAtHiAOR or Robmv T Taxoor.x?At 8 o'clock this evening T. Lincoln, ej.f. *t on of th* late Abraham Lineoln, ?u united in iwerrioga wbh Mary Harlan, only dat)||ltfr of (*enalfir liarli n of Iowa. The CFiomony wne porformod at the r?iMo?o? of tl>a l?rtd?-'a Ulltir, Rinhnp Sintfwon ??f I ho Mothodlat EpWipal Ghorch. offieiating.? Tha brtde wee Itolofnllv and handsomely illi wed In rich white <4lk trimmed with white eetio. with pearl ornaments. Among the dlatingoUhod persona present wore Meeretary MoCullooU, H*?ri-Urj Weils. Senator Rantoev. ??* Mianeeota, ana Repreeantnties lenighnridge, of Iowa, with their Indies, Mr* Al raharn I incoln, Senator Harlan anj Mra Harlan. No cards of invitation wrra issued and the p?rly ene?iatod of a few intimate frietida of tha two families. Mr, end Mrs. Li- ooln h nre to-m fp>?r for the North on a wedding tottr.? II'utliifalon Cor. X. V. /It raid, MlA till. ~~ " * " engaged In making law* IptttfK and Wfh am mi ni of IllkjI^Ww-pnUiiif, whiaky-ririnkiitg. ftneeaing. *H k^enr before wttn?w<. Th* feeling Mwe<>n the jwo c??i?{i<liiM fj??ilup? raa >?gh. ?.'* Jri^i'lrof t|i? v.*l?.-?i|rA %inlil?tea bulJM brat atfc?*.l imuWimitedextent. It vo however. lliat tW? #7'n WtlHiM ft* ! whiI a equad of polierinea I'fruui, whom ihey Halloaed at Ilia door#, and ho dale f)l* waa prnmltwl to tuinr the Hail until > Me eradontiete ha i l?een pafe'd upon by Se'eet OmniiHa**,,.. During the hour immediately p.eeedipg the nrtpti.iiation df *ha 1 fMtVeliffo*, rfe'drvinWt bnetod tli'mwite* in i..Hh\?ng. frispnt-e ran hgh, and, for , ' nil". u general row w <* imminent. Al nl'ont 9 w'aWk. the Convention was ' call-d In orjor by R. B Klltot, had the next ; linlfhour wni cnnmuneii hi jHwtlxtn wrnn Cing; and. at a lata hour, nothing had an ornmpllthrd beyond the I Adding for vote*, which was spit iled. At the time of leaving, the indication* were that the mantle would fall on the ahouhlera of ex C?nfe.ier te Captain Bowen, although no ennelnkion had been attained, and there exist rd ??t-rv probability that lha who)# affair would wind up in a general row. [C'Amrlettom Couriei. Tiir Spartanburg Spartan has been dalighted with the eight <>f a Jar, contalaing about ona and a qnarter pound* of pore gold? worth about two mndred and ten dollars in gold. It says: This gold bad been ohiained from a rein mino on North Paetdeit River in tail distriot, by CitpL H. H. Kobcrtson and rona. In eight dny*. Their mill Mlt them about eight hundred dollars, and U yielding them a profit of about five hundred dollar* e month. The gold they ere running out runa considerably over the overage In flneneos of other American gold. They hnvo a four atamp battery In operation on North l'.ienlctt llivor, end nro doing well. The rein they are now working ie small, but *icl?l* a handsome profit, The elder ?'>n of Captain Kobertaon spent otoe twelve year* In tlie mine* of California and Ariantia Terrltery, and ray* this country, when fttirly developed, will romper* favorably with the mine* of the West. Tbeeo gentle^ men are abont extending their opera!lent, ami will anon open other veins and pat up mill*, which, if they meet his expectations, will add new Interest to this eeetion of the HUIa? Who knows hut what our good old Iron District tnny become at lia* tbo Golden District of glorious old South Carolina 7 The Captain , informs as, that lie knows of some dozen mere I rein taine* In our alstrtet. We bear of scmo others who hare made discoveries, and are as yet working ouly oa a email scale. J Tan Oraagebnrg New* savst "On Tnerdnr last, while Deputy Sheriff \V, B. MrMichael woe at the jail with Glasgow, the jailor, eg-, perftMendlng the meal ef the prisoner*, flvo of the pi leouuro mode an attempt to eseape by ruahiog over Mr. MoMiohael and breaking out of the yard. Hot they reckoned without their hoet. Mr. MeMinhael, arising an Enfield rifle kept in the jailor'* room, did hut tako time to fire, but grasping, it by the barrel, be used it with such good effect as prostrate four of the villain*, and the fifth, having gotten into the jell yard, crawled under the bnlldlng daring the confusion. The others wen glad to get up and run hack,to their cell, and the doputv sheriff soon discovered the whereabouts of Mr. Man-undrr-the?houae and ordered htm out- He Irieu the ruaotng game, hut Yeeelved a powerful b|?w <> hie peek from the.butt-end of tbo. Bnflidd, and didn't grt any further pf. trr that/ The parties wcru soon scoured and ireood. PfffpSi Bopv or a Nr.ntto Fowsn.?About a week *lti<Mi. a Mr. Gray In this District, wa? attracted by a number of buzzard* Collected I | at ? rpat vu hi* plantation. On examination the dead body ul a youog uogro man, roangnixed a* Ike I).iwt?n, ww discovered, partially burled in a dorp guliey;apparently buried a Ha at { hn dajrt. Coroner Sfabcr* war noticed, and au inqunt held. Tbe ruault of Ibe inrcxtiga- j ti3it 11 ti.-fl. .1 (he jury that tne man earn* to | bia death by f?>ut utoanx, but etlrited no duo 1 U> thp perpetrator* of the murder, ftnbaaquently h Aid n vita have boo* lodged^ t>y a Mr, tlray, and two fn-edmcn, tmplfrating " ixlar Potereon, Allen dray, freedmen, and Char- ] lotte dray and E'tw Pool, fraad women, and they hare been arretted and Iwdgad hi Jnil. It !? aafcl that a week before tba disappearance of tbe deteaned, tome of tba n?|pim arretted, and otlmrm were implicated in lertlbly beating doeeaaod- Ike wa? Itinerant and lit. 1 tie known In the neighborhood. No doubt ta enlertatned that the facta will ahcrtfy be brought to light, and tbe guilty partlea to Juatice. One other negro ia atlll at large. [loarraiaiY/f Htrald, J*f i 0<r?Wor8riLU?Fur the information of nil eonecmed, w? pubH?h Hie following official eirculir from lite Assistant Aeaeasor nt Charlotte. N. O, which we nreaume baa the earae binding force and ?.fici?ney in Houtli Carolina that it ha* in North Carolina, a* a law of the United State*. Weaee It stated that the metres epoken of in the liquor law of Congrosa. are not r? quired to he tt?ed or purchase^ by dlniUvra ol apple*, peaches aad grape*: " Under lite new Aet in regard to distilling, every atlll now i#t up whether InII fie* OP Viot^ mniL It# reotiil ftrfil wlflt ma I..-for* the Stub in?f. Any person hav? Inf( in Ida possession any Mill art up and falting u> rraiater the mm* it liable to a penalty |J,f Hr* hundred Hollar* he idr* forfeiting lb* rtilll and a'! petso al property in I be building, and imprisonment for not leu tbau ono month nor more tban two ya?0. F. W. Harms, Asrt Auftw." ~U9 Doh-vkall or ma R"t<iw>N< ?w Srat* ? The last Hpanish revolution baa been a moat eneeessful one. The armies of (be lata . Queen bar* baen defeated and scattered.? Slu who wore th? orown a short month ago, in paw a fugitive io France. The arma of her family have been torn fram every publie biiiHi*g in .her late capital. liar Miniaten have deserted her.., Krarjwbera bar en# nine liava triumphed. Ami Isabella may be added t<> the liat af monaraha out of business. .Who will (mip the sceptre an rudely and suddenly torn fr.-m lha haa la of a bad and ilrcnpable Queen f Tns Oeomia Caen.-?The talk about *pa> eial legislation for Georgia's oaaa haa all ended in nncka Common aenae haa prevailed over the wild demands ?| carpet bag fanaticism, and the fact is acknowledged wan bjr the aorp? t-biggere themaalvea that Congress has no jnriedUillno over th# tab jact, inaainiioh a* Georgia haa bean admit ted Hack Into th* fobl of the Uhlan, To adopt any other theory would be re vat it ve of nil th? lontf|>tv<-l*lm?<l dootrinw of Judical*.?A'rm York ffrralj. jl ?_ Pmupomup.?John M. Thomp?a?, Mtoviil to ttio PenlumiiMrjr for ntntiMKhlM, km ike killing of Hi* l.r<nb?fin-l?w, Comptou, bit* I l<rra paidotia* bjf H. R (?o-c?ltai) i l>?r#rnur.-?-MrraM. " - Kr.t*:- .* pujliniaur; lair. We hnngtee i tartMM# 4N to Mr. Leelto, Oftbg pfWluK ft ? ' Vertblp. to a Matter af email mmmmmI to 1 hint. But U to Dot the BetmtM *to toff right to BMffJtto. the people bare 4to?~,v . . nothing to merit jmniehmeat. Hto Mf??f' leave* ate Boost Itneucy la mm mmBMfle? mm* ditioo. The/ bave and they net a Bmmm~ to.*- Tbere It no reeaney, afel there 4f ee' u?pi? Yoeterday s Oasette publishes be prertsteu' nl Oorernaiout'? proclamation; -derisMBmwbm* A hello, proclaiming the m fared * l<mtt i? Ml* provisional ttererUnaeM nf -4 twi.OW.OOO mk Mariana' NovalMier k*? died of bis wound a. Om. Colonge wa| ehp? tared. Madrid % perfectly quiet. Dow fc. bnstlan advised the Queen to inaugurate civil war, bat the Basque prevlaeee (Minf IM Uf and money for that purpose. The Basque ?*' viuees bare joined Mm revolution. Isabella's Interview with the French Imperial fkutily lasted fteen minutes. Mariori liliasssh' the Qfwi. Ouutales Bravo bad a brief later vlew with the Queen atCasQe Pan* t Tan Stat* UacatVApua.?Theea bills should be aimed by the Bute Trsasarvr and eoa utersigoed. by the Compile lien QsWral. A few days ago, howwer, a lot was ed- > fernl for .aale. which bore liw signature af Neaglo, the Oomptrulkr-Gaaersl, Wi warn not signed by the Treasurer at all. It If aet known whether the bills had been Improperly obtained, or whether the signature of Parker, the Treasurer, was Inokln; ?, b?eauya (mm 14 ms much looseness In administering our affair* In Columbia. Ia any event, it is not surprising that tba SiUs issued by the new taeWmbawto* Neagle and Parker, should be worth SO saueh less iu tho market than those wbioh were h? sued by Treasurer Wood and Comptroller Leaphart.?CkaiUttim Atm*. ' Bat-TiMo** Ann rg* 8orrw.?The Hall), mnr* dun says: * Trade vilk the Snath bee revived considerably during the peat few weeks. The city i< ut prvSeat being visited by quilu a number nf business iacu from that quarter, who, U is understood, Sod no diflrulty in having their wants supplied in lb* way of purchasing fall and winter supplies? The steamers ta Savannah, Chartesson, WW" uiington and nearer ports are oarr;itf oat full cargoes of eMortcd merchandise, mad return tad en with the valuable products of the eoil. On the whole, tne trade between Baltb- I more end Southern eitiee it mora lively at ' present then it hat been for many yean." Qtuetti HoWAun Snux*.?Jfa^ervQeae- 1 ral Howard itsllrensl a lecture in the Coagre* gnlional church, giving hie observations daring a late rear through the South, lib remark a were apparently unprejudiced, and net calculated to give mwch eonfart to the Bed Ieals. lie stated candidly that the dlatarbancea were not confined to one party. Vqfi that both classes were to bliitne. lie admitted, also, that there was a strong Democratic sentiment among the negroes, and be found many Seymour pod Blair clubs of colored wen, Tnoso remarks were incidental, his main topic being the social, religious, and educational (rendition of the uegro.?0- A'., in Sn?. Fi.omnA.?A correspondent of the N*w York Ileruld, writlhgTroto Tallahassee, girts it as liia opinion that Humes, the Dcuwcratie candidate for Congress, will be elected by a untioril v of liM or X.flOO votes. The radical Legislature pMied an act before i^uarning, Inking (be election of President (r?m (be people ami clothing tbcir own body with the light to cast tbe Tote of Florida In the Electoral College. Tliij aclion ?f tbe radicals doptltree ' Seymour and llleir of three electoral Totes, which the people of that State would giro thein if they were permitted to vote. ' , v ' ^. ? HaMcal Ji sth In a late ease before a negro Justice of the Peace In Florida, the iiUintiflT and defendant Were lined one dollar each, and the eotrstalile made to pay the coal a ot the court, Tha J. I'. thought lie had conduct oil the mm splendidly; aid not to discriminate, but would snake all share alike. Five Democrats, while attending church ami in '.he act of devotion) and surrounded by women and ohUdreti, vera shot, end three of tlum iartantly killed by a gang of radicals in Carr.dl County, Arkansas, on the 1-iih of September. Thkv bare a radical paper again at Montgomery. It Is edited by John G. Stokes, en original eeeeaaionist, who, after the tattle of Hbilob, Colonel, irow Olaatoi, compelled to leave the regiment, in whleh he wee a captain, for eowardine. Mm. I'kvki.btoji ii the daughter of Phillip Barton Key, the authors ol the "Star-Spangled Banner." ^ I- ;UH Maurikp, on the 4h inet. by Ilee. K T. -vi Bnlat, D. I) . M-. J. >1 M. KINAHD, of Newl.rrrr, ?o MISSPbOltENCE VIRGINIA MOONEY, of tlile plaee. *4 X| H i J UIU). IIATTIE (ToDLUVAV. ttlkaT \V I). Huluvam. and dangler of the J^te tier. Jou.v O. llt'MB^Bg, died in, . her home?Tumiding Shoal a, 8. C.-?August ' ' *27ili, IMS, in the WW year ef her age. Dun. o! Paralyali, onibe M ef SepteseMhv 1808, Mr. CHARLKS HAMMOND, In eta flftyninth year of blraga, at hie homo, aoar * Hamburg. 8. C. Death baa claimed for Ita victim eta of the nohleat men in the land. Mr. MAMMON D bed bee* engaged, fer a number of years put chiefly in mercantile pnrauite, apd wee one jf \ teaeively known throughout tbo country fer upright and honeet dealing, and won for hlmaelf an anriable character for truth and boner/ ile area the poor nti'i friend; he mi the- < * wMewe and orphan#' adviaer, protector and A benefactor bt the hoor M their Bond and dee oletiea; he Waa the eoMttcr** friend | he gave largely to our men atruggling for liberty In the ermies of the Confederacy, he was the ' friend of hi* nelrbbdAeed and amitlen, Im. boat* wai a I way a opan, and b? diapeoaad *4tb.* '' liberal bauda and open heart, bU ?, pitnliiy to bl* Iriaoda m?d acqsninUaana m4 the - .'ranger with ihl fa gatcr p ?7*5 ?T idol ?f hid family; Ma children afemetfad around him nod deiiwbiod 1% b|? ptmA love, hla face alwaya regaled wilfckiUdoeaa,. affection nod beoareledifr 4 V" ' " Man that la born *T'n ? *** .k ?f days and full of tronbthfttM <wff>?th fbr|l )tta . ! n iowor and la ant Hfetlylike a badow, and continue U?,1ho^ Dontb, undo? nay air^tf ataaaad^la dt?tf>aa Ins, but when a Utbar,of a 1 v?? and 4i|W cut family baa baqn,alwd Mita rijjfc. It id annaitlittw an<i Amiali^kAikoSda,J*i;^??? M* ^X'jppM* Ua* - | ,jA+tii. Wo vvn *">( *{Mi???lrfcofO, w? ho** al. wnM?* (till Mr frt*iNl4ir4 to <fc* bap* o/if* "< U, , u ,l Im ifcL.If ifc^ Oaggp^?. * ondVtol,to h.^rt toM?'*tl? J nokl,.t #crk of ?T Mbjbc * roi.? to th? e??m.?niiy to wbtob Co Mr^, W s.