University of South Carolina Libraries
^T njH ^ ? " wrf ?*? WW* "ft W # lu Ml ' ** * ?**. ?&*+,..** ? . anMaM1**^ , ttfK* e? 2???*>?? * M 1?1>M <*? <?>i r-JUk^.t-'.-. . - ? * > M|SSuSClW*ri^ iliHTtwl at the fitter of ?A* 4?WW *T eqaw-if twelfe JMinion lines ^(UmM VH or 1>N for the first Insertion, - AAjr o**U Mohferths hoamI etui third inrerjfon*. 4U>4 tVMMM c?dIi for rahreqnent .jtaerrtioae. Yeerljr onntreoU will be mnde. *, All edrertieemenU m*H~ here the number T ftf hi?riiniia markri) on lK?w or th?v will hn r*?'1 tUI Otitni out,and e barged for. ^ Ualw ordered otharwiae, Advertiaeraaata >wttl lurarlably be " displayed." et^Dbitaery notices, and all matter* inuring to wy . Mndtl of any one. are regarded aa idrniiUHWto. Iinai'i'-Ui?eLJIl?JJL. Jbia^aaM tbe eradle yea eUnp in, peer dear, ? told *t> pay taxes in lead than a year. Vie wojtfa Mr Jon harder eaeh da/ than beK-ji But each night brings him bona a to aiaaaet>> Par of alt that be earna, tbere'a but little it Xearca A After loading pet negroes and Radical tbiorea. Ite's taxed for tbe hat that ha wean on bia bead: Tba hoot* on his feet, and Ihe sheets on Ma JT bed, - : w - n ' . i , * 4 KvfrVifAff IKAI HA wmmmjm. vv?*Ma?Ml K. aala . JQrtMMd Ml cofiw, hit bread and bit Ag <iiu? k<>': *' The pot they arc cooked in, (he cap that he fills: *eory Instrument nse?l on the land that be 41111; "Every toot that he works with > the lamp that be born*:; The thing that he WoAs on, the Wages be earns i ,?<,^ vi?n?. ?i? -> Oa the atevnin the kitchen, the coal, too? >" atUl Mgfcer; Ay! area the matdh that acta light to tho ?s ***< r * Oat his pipe of tobacco, his whisky, and beer ; On the madieino he hays for you, poor little ?, dear. , , To the tales he pays we new see no end? No, notecea death, crushed humanity's friaudThey tax e'en his cofia, his shtoUil, and hi* grave -??' xAnd Its baby run It starve and hie widow inuet t ... * A Wre To hide in the earth ho has hopelessly tilled, The heart-broken husband whom Tax an hare - killed. Rnek a hy baby \ sleep on Whilst you ean ; ' Thank God for the years ere you grew to a * tnan 5 - * * P->r though yont father l|-<lay is a slave To the fanatical fool ami the Radical knave, Hell vote for you, baby, that yea may be , apanad The enraa and the rnltl your parents haVe shared, And pray* that your HCe may he raved front hie shatne And the frfrthrlgbt of ftcpdoin be mote than a name. - \ ? Stock a by baby ; sloop sound while you may, Add your father will work and your mother wit* PJ*J? That the Radical aturka, with their Udao end Iter, May be awspt aa a cloud from America'* ah lea f, , " And tew bow of promjbe'be let in the air, With the conquering banner of ?*vacua *an "TKuatnT* ] - '- -' /A . y*W the Columbia Pliceoix. leuaXLetter, Mr. Editor: It'w Kiftla lime that lit* MM of South Carolina, em) the public speakers of the-State, hurl turned their attention from ttye usurpation*, ty tatiny and corruption of the radical Cong res*, to the wild, eatrarngant, and atrocious legislation of that "unlawful assembly," composed of carpet*baffler*, negroes aud scalawags, now sitting . in Coiumbie, tied styling themselves " the General Assembly of South Oaro W ... _ ***< ?'This bet erogenious and motley group of would be legislators, really seem dia? posed to bankrupt the State, end drive the people to tote of tiolence, or goad them on to revolution. Never before, in the history of dvitised legislation, wee there a spectacle so revolting end ?^V iiv?? im*o ? ? k?WIU Carolina. A greedy ?warm of onpiineipled adventurers from the North, without fortune and without character ?roaoy of them escaped eon riot? from j*?Uw ntd penitentiaries? hit* come hero, under the protection of Federal bayonete. end by pandering to the ignorance.Jprejudioe end tad pauione of our former elaree. WiM had themselves elected 4o4ha-4.?gi4etwre, mv eaded, and are filling alt the high office* of the State, ti y^s . >,- w tt?v v . Ie Je S rain to say ibf* of them mty be,honest aid worthy. No g?nUe?*?, ?m boomt man, with the In* I atiestk Ua?<?mh?wsmM be ImIucmI hy any Cftrlbty ronalI?r?<k>n, \o oom? hid'J*>Ofay U???, **d occupy UH 1?Imc? rfiCp 4o* egchwit wj?Uf? of *11 homkADd ie*peoub|| *tic?n?. Ttftif <b pucpo^l * u? f?^ mommy, ntd u get Mfc* ?g*tt?t"ftoi '^4 Ul?ciic<i ?Cn g?Kac of ?? oWrogH^iiMA opprMMd people. WUMM u??tog *?d plunder[ ?* * ? J ??* 90^4 # - *- ?*: ?.* ?? *.illi< !< * ??>mI ^tfiiW ~?'T .1 ^ ?M 4??U .* ?-*.~i ,lM*kit? >W? '? > *? "V . I'/V'^JX-Li- I." ',.llll*aUfes ?!?l> 4 ,?-??4l? ??4* ? IKIf'ttl ' , iUii t?H w'1 v?'? v ??* wi? liUULPJIIWl-UH -H I1ULJ IWi^ ?B*ajng^?r Pfl^Je ^uen?ttry, npjl. l-trng legislation, they Are Irving, liko coward*, wilt guilty eoardencew, to gtinrd Against perabftAI d*nge>,* by t)?rany, oppression gntl devpotHm. Impoverished and rjilbtd Jt? lb# pooof South Carolina are, thi? oogtiw Leg i lature btr? not onlr increawed sal arte* of nil the State officer* one thh-d, but have created a mutliludo of offit-M, before unknown And wholly utMH?ce*nnrr, with extravagant salaries end petqnisite*. for the express purpose of providing for their hungry and worth lee* position* here and" 'at the North. .For former year* the moit Uluatrion* men of the Slate, learned and profound <awyesw, were willing to aeci^l a eewt on the bench, with a salary of $3,000.? Now, pa-eel of ignorant, low and groveling men, carpet -bagger* and scalawag*, hare been elected to the bench, with salaries of four and Ave thousand dollars] So it is with all the other officer* of the States. A batch cf County officer* have Wen created, whose salaries will stnount to two or three hundred thousand dollar*, whose dulio* were formeilv performed by gentieinen of intelligence and public spirit, with rut compensation! These office* are now filled bv the most ignorant aud unprincipled tmn in the community, who have declared them selves traitors to their race and their I country. The salaries of the public of* Hews uf the Stat* end Counties, will amount to six or t*r*n hundred thousand dollar*! This is two or three hundred thousand dollars mote than the whole expense* of the Stale amcunt ed to fn former years 1 Tbe expenses of the Legislature, Petmsnliarv. and Jails, (worthy associat iocs,) will cost the State Ave or six hundred Thousand more, Iftie free school system, for the education of the negroes, will require over one million of dollars anntmlly. to put it in operation and keep ll up I?, The police of the Sime, and the maintenance of a negro force in mli G< noty, provided fyr by law, will require over a million of dollars I The pay of jurors, the support of paupers, and oilier incidental appropriations, will | probably Cost the Stale five or .six htm j drrd thousand dollars more?ma ki?C an aggregate of four million* of dollars 1 This enormous sum Cannot Ire paid, and should not he paid by the impoverished people of Soiiili Carolina. It i* ten times the taxation which we were ic quired in pay, in our days of wealth and prosperity ! Hm not satisfied with lh*?% enormously extravagant and prodigal eapebdlttlres and appropriations for a poverty -M rinksM people, this mongrel, stupid and unprincipled bogus L?gi-la lure, have issued bonds and endorsed bonds for tbat UkIv, Amounting to several millions of dollars. They have likewise been luibed by lire bill-hold er? of the Ojtnk of the Stato, to issue bonds for those hills, at their par value, when tliey were purchased by the bold era for ten cents in the dollai I s a ? lite most alarming feature. however, of tbls wicked end stupid legislation, ro celled, Is tlie hill recently introduced to suspend ll.e writ uf habea* corpun, teiie the railroad* end telegraphic wire*, nnd cell ool e Mending army of negro??, to protect the cowerdlj tyrant* end n*urper# in their despotism, oppression end plunder. TMn Idll authorise* the Gov ernor, ao called, end hi* minions ell over the State, to arrest end imprison any one, without charge or accusation, and confute ilietit in dungeons b# long e? it mey auii their plea*tire? ho trie! to l>e lied, in the ineitntlftie, there black troop* ere to 10*1111" end Outrage 'our fart-ifiea, and plunder nnd destroy Our home* end property. A fttore In* fainou*, cruel, atrocious end degrading despotism, wet never established by the Grand Subati of Tur key, or the Imperial Gear of ell the Ruaaieai tf there "4* net tire or manhood left in the white race, it will not, cannot be borne. Their vengeance will fell on the carpet-bag ger* end sealawag*, end not on the poor deluded negro. Retributive justice, sooner or later, ever bee nnd ever will oveitnke tyranny end crime. It ie high time, I hate said, for the people of Sotfth Caroline to tarn their attention from nationn! politics (o the*# terrible State wrong* and grievances, They most not be overlooked m gqi present political enciteraent, for the time will come, end tbnt speedily, wires they will ernsh as to she earth. W< ' ouurht to Mreuere to il?m Km by violence ?t?J revolution, hot by e> poking their Atrocity to the colored peo KwIiom interest U ours, nod oh? bee* node the dupes nod tool* o ' Uis*s rile msu from ib? North. Tfco; s bwv* CoSQ* here for money, nod will quit lbs country *h*n ttioy mps thsio b , so more 19 b* btMJ, or tliere i? per surra , dnnger in (ksk putiu Our tins of polii cy is cleetr, pnleiit, manifest. W? mue ooromit no sggression, 00 set of ytoUnee. but be prepared to set on tb? de , fcndri, with spirit end vigor, wlren *c< lion is imperative. Patience and for bfsrsncs, in suffering sod opprcutotf . pre high' end pMriotiu virtnes, lM w contider nod reflect on oti| k ivif m ? i.t-pitm?*?t .??* ? .*?*! *^>'? Ahm ? MH^W ffu*i*|^>X ?4J H .I*** J*#i >y?S<* 1 .'? . .< ?x I I n?^|t? ?. IV4 ?) I* ii4-ii>1 ?v?>i4T 1 I ?' i .a* , r-~ .. ~*?PPS? L-**? ? T>i , i? J?f>? ?K**.f?^4| >? ! -**~.|??* > * TE--n .-"a1- I m>.w condhfon. A man froth Ohio profe**e> ' Vo he M?r OotPrnor! Two of ow A* *ociate fcbe Appeal Court, art from N?# York awd |Afbtirr*r?*ki l^? TM PfVtnr Ofcetfif Jmffce* from Win Httfft.tall Ttv^ AltorrieV OrteVafI*h\>#e to be An of tlio fiml water, ip hi" opinion given the bogd* Legislature ) Irom ?oifw> radical climvl The School OotntnLMoner from the aaide latitude! The Cuntjni oiler oif the State u a cur pr-i -bagger, and tin* been published a rogue and forger from hi* i?ovhood I One of oilV United State* Smut or* i* from New England', ttho tjbw tbn*t* hi* great loyalty, but who wished lo take an oath of nilegianee to Ui? Con federaey ic 1801 1 The member of Congrees froth Charleston i* from New Eaghind or the Nortli-wcat. with infa mous antecedent* 1 The Congressman fiatn the IVlea t* from Masaaclt'ieett*, and *aid to have a bad record fh the arfny, and In Darlington ! flu: enough of lhe*e carpet -bagger*. I? it likely that these men will con linue here, when trouble come*, or that they will be long sU6l.ttricd by the n? gToetf I tliink not?their exodus b at hand. They know that the people hold them responsible, with the carpel bagger, in the Legislature, for all their wrongs and oppiesslonx endured, or to be endured In tlte future. The prominent cntnps. in thia bogu? L?gi*latiire, black and while, are all from the North ! None of them have property here or are tax payers, and tret they aro overs whelming the property holders with taxation ! H, F. PERKY. Okkknvili.k, S. C." Siipl 25, 1808. OrsiXAi. F.rirojpal CoxTKNTlnx or tiis Umtku St.MKH.?The General Convention u/ the Protestant F.piseopst Obureh in the United States, which h?>Ma its ssesion oner in three years, will meet in tlia City ol New York oa the 7th of October next? B shop Steven*. In a lata circular, referring fsct, tsya: In this pr-st council of o*?r Church will l?e ptiisrnl, for the first time sijica I860, Mshnpe, clergy snJ laity from all of ths United ? tste#-. It will emnptiie a larg?r number of l>t?li??f s.n<1 a larger .<iu*w|>er I dincrari than anv of onr n???iini? "n,""11 The hu*inc*a which wtll lie brought before it, is of the d?cp*rt importance lo the welh lirioK of the Church, wow and hereafter.?The erection of six or ?ev?-n new nlooctei end iiii'rioiinry jurisdiction*; the election ml perhaps eonseeralimi of several i-uhop#; the readjustment of our eoile of ea< not ? to new phases of church growth nn<l action; the various memorial* touching Vital point# of fnilh, riltu. in>l discipline, %hioh vtll be pi evented ; the recasting oi the wlioie foreign tnl**ionary work of tht Churcii ; tlitj needed r?vi#ton of the court* of #tudi? for candidate* for Iloly Order# M prescribed by the l|on#? of Bishop*; th< devbing of new *hd mlnrgcd sgencSct o chute It education *hd church extension the tnetliwtU i.y whieh we esn beet niinisln lo the spiritual needs of the poor, the work' lng data#*, the freed Mien, the Mien of tr ery grade, on the owe hand, ns well ?i resell and uecetsfully grapple wiih the rn rioua forfeit of rationalism and unhelietittf science on ths other. Thele and othei equally great question*, each big With nn u>!0 eonwqufMa, will fitpg# the de'fb eratiou t>f lit* IgisUUvfe Council. In ad fitting tb tl ese matter*, wliith pertain ape clally o rnntfcutlonal action; (Item ar? mrthy blher topic* connected fcith theop eratiou of the several gr?-at voluntary ?oei etlce In tlic Church, which ho)<! lb*if meet, ir g? at the *ame lima and the proceeding) of which Will have a moulding influenci ?tu ilie Church at large. A Cottar or A busman IvUiouA*nirot thk Soirrn ?An Armenia ft ren'lenun (Voir, ( onataut<non'e has arrived herb Willi ? View of finding a location in the Aouilirft State* for a colony of two hundred A?u? uiart fawiilica. He yesterday a ldrer*. U i niimli?r of lit* nountrjiwea wne-Ara iwrnsi he* a. He alluded to the considerable M| ef Armenians at Constantinople wii? mtrt tained a des>re to find a 1 md of twliwioai liberty, where they might nettle, and Mil that the Amerleao missionaries had pointed to the Southern Stalet of Aatertna M tb< pfoinUcd land, and aleo aa a region haViuj a sllmnle similar to that of the eoantMe botderlng on tl* Mediterranean, TJiia if i novel and desirable element In the emigre lion to America In raee the Armenian are. Japhetic \ In faith they are OhfUtian but of a confession that differs both frofl i l1ie I'rotestant and Catholic, though It ft aeuihlea the latter la many restate ? . Though the Armenians haver long bee* tub jeot to the Turks and Persians, they are i 1 people ef remarkable enterprise and Int-lli r genee, with a valuable old literature am I many eminent scholars, ?They liave, li timet past, *stabl.she<l eehmles In rsriou pstte of Southern Rwrope, And the* are aa memos (nth# ail lea of Kurapeaa Turkey. If the Dot ecfoay to this country prove > euecee*. as we trust it may, we shall deabt r. less in time eea several 'thousand Arms* . ana follow It trom Constantinople Vhw can find m Virgtula. Houth OarotiiM or (ie* I If re, loealitlee that offer them evrty nppov ' tunity for freedom, happineae, health aa. I pecuniary auannas.?A^oa Ymh flswa . I Daatlf of ajs OlU SmTast ? f.ondon, a , old colored ofan, h>fm*rly the slave off one < ttir moat estimable siiiieu ?ti?.t . '? a . ? * i ^ ? '*? uav fllMe. .H? WM nearly a century old an h*i <*?. k work for frwt^r. b ~to enti) hU dttlfi if, W. ?* ' TI' l**4 mo0r)<,nU. l??ndo .V4 ?!"*** ** lh* lidl" lh" ' '"lly. ? M*1dM m attar followed his rati)tint to th r Lr T*?Charl*4ton Ketct. .... J 1 ?" -V li w tmym? rm:l^?'nk? fo ??M|?^ ?*(#M^I?-U??|tk.?ljhrfT.u^ ?< ?"' * ir** i?? *4?V?fc >W<V?>J V<? ?i Ml* . ( -Jl-j~^-i-i-?.-^--LL -LiX-LdUJli? J - *)CTCmKH i , . Cock KftV ,... , 4 ^Bl * certain dnr a great muster was ? to cotm> off Ht Some IRVf rn in the 0??uh ' It of rientico, end oi eourVj a cook 1 tight or ,twQj ^0>? ?tpfH^int?<l time, r a grout many nerion* were,present, i nnd among ihmt Mr. M., a gentltanuf i of the real old atripe, wljo mmlf ? fcw I tell dollar 1*1* on the cock fight*, and out every one. Its * as commenting on h'i* ba<J luck, when Old Ned wm *een approaching with a large bag I thrown over hi* ehobldef. " Halloa, N*d? what bave you got there f 44 Fo?t rate coek, Maata M.n f " Game, Ned I*' *4 Oh, ye*; game Its a panther, Ma?? *a M." " Oit' with Mm. unt with Mm." And Nad drew fwth a la?ge ?peek1ed pock which, to judge hy his site, w** a perfect hrui?er. - ? What** the price Ned f4 " Five doltar*. Ma*?tf att**>hSar? at dat. an* if anr cock on di? ground kill d?? cock. T gin ron hack de money ** The hargain-wna negrodingly ?trnck. and th? ma'ch right itWav. M? het ahrtn' the Smonnt ho had already lo*t, and the eocka were nut fn the ring. At the flr*t tnWch of the *tee\ o'd Ned'* cork gave a ttio*t awful Squall, ud took a strong wfnw for the wood*. M. w*? furiou*. while the crowd latiwhed??fa??le screamed, with the eujocmenl of the f?i?i ftt/1 V.rl 1 . . ..... wi' nrrnfd ingle hanUd no. with ?he application of nme nretfe hard epitheta. "Didn't T tell vott. Ma??n M aara Ned, " Tf onf cock here kill rial cock. T gire von fie fire dollar* J Hut lev got to enteh him fua ; an' T neber a anr encV onlrun old Skewhall in f all mv life. Ye ! ye 1" M. wanted to he vcrV ahtftr. but it ?m no go; h?* an ore r waa choked down by tho uproarious langhter of the crowd that met hit* on everv' aide, and he m forced t?/ anjov it aa a capita! joke. 1 Old Ned mfiinned to freqnenl the race ouraea till the day of hia death. A MlKTHTKR Ol.OAlS'KD BY WoltRN. ? A new incident in the history uf the church occurred at Maihlebead, Ma* Mchu?ett?, on the lid. At the ordinance of Willinm Garrison Haskell, a* pastor of the First UniversallM Church 1 of that IiIhcp. the 1'i.w Pli.Ko A tt?? fort], of Ilinglinm, dt-liver?-tl (lie charge, iinil tl??> I5ev. Olympia Brown, of Wey uioiith, tin* prayer. Thi* Wing. so fur n? I hid aware, (lie first occa-ion when women have taken n lending part in the ordination service of anv church, it hA? seemed so me woithy of notice in the revolution, and a matter of interest to die world. A novel incident of the service was the laying on of hands, conducted by four ministers, Mrs. liana ford and Mis* Brown participating.? The charge by the Be*. Mrs. Hansford was a* beautiful as the eloquent words and forcible manner of that spiritual wornim could make it. She cornttiehced by saying t * lieorge, my dear bro? tber, you hare chosen 4 Bhehc. servant of the Church of Bingham,' to give yon the solemn charge, tthd to deliver unto you the oracles of God, one of which is your belief that there is neither tiibe, nor caatSi nor aex in the re iigion of Christ Jestis/' If ear the close of her rediasks she expressed her as* surance that be would succeed, because, among other reasons, " he liaa shown, by choosing woinan (o take this part ( ef tlir setYice. Views, and had thrown down gaonttet to those who would place wortteu and idiots side by t side oh the statute W<>k '* As a whole ( i ??? uinmr^iv^ womaniy ana I ftuire impre?*itfc than usually listened l"on 'uth , sTJW Pr?i? ?* Mi** Brown hToo deserve* eipeeial fio[ lice fur tladeaVM and eiodwebM. [ ike Revolution. | . UotfAfcit? tlfidef I stand that a couple are to be united Ih i ttUrringe tliU evening, Ip this city, wliu I havditH-ef V*f *?ei?fl lad. otbef. '!!,* J bridegroom, who h a man "oT'Ulent and eomrtdefalde wealth, cnrht- from his ?. home, hundred* of mile* Weal of I be MJaabsinpi tyiycr, y> rnoet hi*>#ut?tbed for the nr?i june. Th* bride, i# a Boa. too lady, f>o\?s??ed pf rare accumpliyhf. menu, and on& groally admired for he> * diaeiplioed mind and pr?p9f*ee?ipg anil peaianee. The engngerbebi *n? brought J about, B> a mafitmr pariehiny aomaebot % of the rowmwtic. Tile bridegroom, , * l.ile ill the a??nv, adreftis. d * ton literary, paper foi'n My 6otiu * poudent. Mating it to be bit obfNR ooU \ to erdu Ml the cJuii hour* of camp life r Among t be ?iM* an?Wera to bie requeai k be feJeC Cd one from a ladf irt Boston ** Willi Whbtn he kept tip 0 lirwty corre#4 pondance, which continued after bis departure for the West, Until it flaaily ra ?tth?d in an engagement. l'oriraili "f were exchnnged probably, but it is I ,, fitct in our own knowledge ibnt '.be iadj J and gentleman had Peter seen eact d other till to-day. Krom what we kno? of the parties, wa are inclined to be * liete that the marriage will l>? a h*| * py one.? Bottrm Traveler, 25th ult. 4 *:' sWAj.-'tss ?*?'.* '+- > ? /.!> WMsl '<< ^EVENTS *? c?*.w la??r?.ii-?fx *T * * "?? <-* r ?| n? ! ? ' . I8& - .1 n i J?. .oiL-m-a -.j-j."iiiiuuj ,Qu> MOTU*K E^t?W beenindMlfing in some odd cttpiioee wUfcfas the |H,t tell tears, lint variety and (requeue* of her antics . hating especially moralised during her paal three annual revolu lion*. Tornadoes, waterspouts by land as well as ai sea, freshets, volcanic erup lions, and earthquakes, hare become of almost daily occurrence, and of continually KOgnienting intercity. Moreover, they embrace a larger and larger area of territory at each recurrente. 1*l?e Inst shock, which so fearfully devaata ted South America, was felt bver onethird of the Earth's surface. These portentous phenomena are seriously engaging the attention of the scientific world. The remark thejr only seem in ns metre frequent because our Hieans of communication ??* mnr? i complete and rapid, and that we now hCar frolfi all parts of the Globe simultaneously, will not explain the matter, since the late commotion* hare been attended by disturbances of both bod hiitl van in parts of the Earth which hare been constantly accessible for cen turies, that were totally unparalleled in previous history. The change of the (i?W Stfwm fiom its cottrse. and the alteration of climates, hare been some i of these increa?ed marvels. That some tretnendoas and general transformation is going on cannot be doubted, and we mav expect it to reveal itself in grander tnxjesty from day to day. [Mercantile Journal. Tnte Oconoia Trad*.*? We are gratified to find that Charleston is regaining Iter old vantage ground in the favorable opinion of the merchants of our sister State. Yesterday was the busiest day that our jobbing bouses have bad this season, and we are witht i ? " iii nuumis wnen we say that threefourths of the good* shipped were for point* in the interior of Georgia. This i* a moat planting fact, *nd it may be taken a? a proof thai our old customers, after having tried the great cities of the North, have cotne to the conclusion that Charleston is their best and Cheapest market. Ws Are eonvinced that this city can giee Southern merchants tat ter teims, upon the whole, than they can obtain in either Bal'inrtore or New Yutk. Our merchants are men for the tiinta, and #ill make it to the adran tage of every dealer, great or small, to do hie bu?in?>!?!? in Charleston. ?< F Charleston /fiifninn I - : - - 7" J Kx CoVKRNOR TtlUUA* IJ. SkVMOCR, ?-Ex Governor Thomas U. Seyiuuor died lit bit residence, in Hartford, Conn., at half-past eight o'clock on Thursday evening, of Tvphoki Fever, aged sixty one years. lie was etlticat?nl in the Middletown Military Inntitut?r, studied law and pral-tlced the pro fession, and ww a Representative in Congrcu from Connecticut froth 1848 to 1840. In 1848 be Wetil to Mexico a Major of a New England liegittienl. and wa? promoted to bfe N Colonel aTler thfe battle cf Chepultepec. He Wa* elected OoVertior of Connecticut in 1800, and re elected tbreo liftiea fh rue cession, van Minister to Russia dining Prt^ldaht 1'ierce's administration, an-t bad held other ofik'** of hobor ahd trnnt. He waa much respected fbt bin generous and Social qualities, and had a laige circle cf friend* and acquaintance* throughout the country. He waa a prominent (nember of the Mason io fraternity.? Clwrletlon Courier. To kkicp Fuae from AnnovinO IIohkks ?Sturgeon oii will keep flies from annoying horses, etc. One of m> horses was severely cut itlside of lUw leg. near lite stifle, where it could not be bandaged. The flies kept the wound continually irritated by their own bite*, causing the horse to hip at ihbffl.. J applied mine of lite tttirgeon oil, and the irritant* kept at a respectful distance, and the cut soon healed. The wood fly being a blood-thirsty and determin ed tittle pest lb our shady drives and Jn the fields, 1 tried polling the oil on r the ear* aud beck* of horses, with eo tire success, and now hate the pleasure of seeing thettt ret inn whence they came* tvjtb no blood to answer for.? Dog a, ear* of;en become raw and sore from die bile* oi (he horse fly ; here again sturgeon crlt presettes their peace and beauty, A very little, applied with * feathercanswers for a drive. 'f ^ "" [Maryland farmct. tt Aniwomk Knooowmo* or a* A fa ' tola* Omcna'a 11cm*srrr.?J'reM dent Johnaoa hn Ordered a patent j chronometer wnieh, In heart gold cate Ui b* pteroftted lo Captain R. (r. Itngtr j. tin, of the Austrian Na?y, for his ku mnniiy in rescning ike officer* afi?l crow ' of lite Am eric* i) ship Jaea, which wat , loot at mm noma month* ago. Thii watch la similar to the one presented , to the Tycoon of Japan, and i* a fim l piece of workmanidiip. The case, o f fine gold, i? handsomely cha-wl end en i graved, bearing (he word*: ** The PrC r hideol of the United Siat*? (o Captaii ? A. O. Unguals* for hi* humanity in ret cuing the crew of the American ?hi| ^ Java, July, 1868."??Char. Couritr. MM* W ? *?" ^v-i Mi* ?>Or* --- '^*^ 1 V- WJ .... ,.' . Anjr'bu;!' &** ? ? >- * -.: * - ,; . ^ ?t . t- >1 Hjm -,: jr rtv?|imm?it,wf1ii - .. - j. _ imum. _.uii-. jm_uji j... i ee* i '' i>*Ir ' tigf\ f<rt * ' ?(*? * I?(J. 2M. ?> ? IIW l> i B<Hlt.?.?At ItulRjumn, in |wM?, JHO? W*y. tooted tot hit fcoffeaty nod wait-known room) end mUm nf the neighborhood, had threatened to out off all hi* fingore anloee he would bring him (Black John) Tory day a cttrtalh tain. It* wu lit off With a reprimand, hit woe ta terrible elar-n lent John ihowld carry out hi* threat. The next day, he eaioo running Into the pill). in axtrotne ogopy, declaring that Black John had chimed niin with a knife, and; being aetced Whh a eonrulaion, actually died at frights? The fttWof the boy, being a mas of great treagtb, at once tolled a knife, and mining forth, encountered Black John, with the trre iatilile fury of a madman, and, hading beaten him 1* helpieeraeea and bound hUn, deltberately cut off all bU fingerw and thamba,happier* Uf the re roam* of hi* rictim. r *Tl I twraoTKHKitr or PaaTtJnss.?A inccetafni farmer in tbl* Ticlfflty claim* that many pattern* are n oreN tinckcd, ihdt the root* of the gram aad the whole plant are kept *o am oil that il* growth I* feeblo, and not naif thefbod U afforded that the land would produce If Mocked lightly a yeur or two, and the grata allowed to get good thrifty alert. 11* hot kept a large atock of cattle, yat the feed in nit Mature la ao rank, that In ? ?? -I-? - Ion of b?7 p<r ten nlfht b? hsrtettod. Ifeh pwtora sustains doable the stock the* ?M he kept o? adjoining leads that bare (Men habitually over-stocked. I passed the pasture ? few dpys ego. The mow tfa* e foot deep, yet this grata appeared above It. Whether the atecV tai cows, aheep or Eeefatoek, they aever failed to grow and yield a profit to the swnar's satisfaction, and a decided increase over neighboring stock of the same kind. [<ba*li| ffratlrmnn. Acotnshv vo mm Kn>? or Italy.?King Victor Emmanuel recently had a narrow e#fspe from death whilst following a ekerreuil in a raonntain pass. Suddenly the king found his progress impeded b^ a mass of rock which appeared Impassable. Undeterred by its- formidable aspect, Victor Emmanuel put his foot on it, but the snow wilh which it was covered) rested on a mass of ice, which his weight gradually displaced. A shepherd a few yards below him, perceiving the sportsman's iromi* went danger, scrambled up the rock, and caught him by the back of his shootiqg coat* and thus saved his life from certain destnic* lion. Ilis Majesty took off his hat to the poor shepherd. and on the spot handed him 1,090 sendi. He has since then fettled a pension ott liitu for life. A hew !f*Mm of (hosing horses is recommended in tbe recently published report ot tbe Juries of tbe French Kxhihiticn. fta in* renter. M. Cbarlicr, contends that th? present stylo of shoe dan troys the horse's foot, and substitute* for H an Iron band, ttwd Into rectangular groom scooped from the outer eirhl# bf tbe bursa's fo?>t This band is fastened wit|) seven rectangular nails, driven Into or At botes. Tbe Vole or the foot and the frog art ttrtd allowed to touch the ground, tbe bores never slips, and never gets diseases of the fooL Tbe new shoe has been trjed by M. Lauguet, ft large jphmatter ih Paris, bhd has reduced lameness in his stuhlcs by t#o-thirds. The . Omnibus Company also herswhod 130# burses, and speak al Uie improvement in high terms. One day i loving bnshand took his wlfu's best pitch sr to dfaw cider. As ' he was goihg down the step, be slip* ped, and in order to iftte tbe crockery, injured biniself considerably. While he was rubbing tile thin serf vigofotrt^ 'iy, bis nife. ttion gMfrth of bin hurt, cried out, " Oh, tnercy! have you broken thnt pitcher 1" M No,* ?*ys he, III great wrath, "but I'll be dttrtoed If t don't,'' and ging-a Ting went the pitebef against the Wrtll. Johnny Snniup says that M politic* ' is a hard word. 1 don't lust know w l??ii it means. I guess it ls"? sort of i sioknea*. People who have this kihd ? ofeickntsa mwt together ih tho evb* ning and hoik! and talk; Pa ha* 'em '1 bad. lie goes out five bights in tha * week, and do*?n*i May at hothe the other-fright. UerhaeVm ea had tirirt he can't walk straight when be OomM * boMfe* s ,h ? V? lr?? >.u?a LoNtoofr, SeptfehiW ??. The Spanish evolution gains strength; Valladolid and both CaamtM bake IB* .yetefi. The Royal forcea hafe called frotn Santandef to prfKVet Marld, ?da The city of Alcot be* reyoltoi.? Three ai,ips, supposed <6' ho a part of Prifn'a fleet, appeared 6ff Cartnagena yesterday. It ia stated tbat the town of Leon pronounced for the revolution. It ia also reported that Saragosea res belled, and tbat Count Cheale was hilled, Tang.?Tbn Naw Ysrk Herald aptly tUclirrt that ' Broaulftw Is tha real aource of trohbie in Tennessee." Ilo ia one of those men Who are always Inviting dislnrbsnoo by defying it, and loves no opportunity to goad bit opponenta to offensive acts. The radicals there want an excuse for a bowl. It ia to be boned the people of Tennessee will bear any-* thing and everything sonnet tbtn furnish it. I A UPT. writing upoh the Subject i says; "When inwttr break (heir hearts, i it is tha same as when a lobvtef breaks one of bis claws?ffnotber sprouting immeiiiately, and gfoffiftg in ill place." A cmkbt getting measured for * pair of boots observed* - Make them . cover tbe calf. M Heaven* I" ctciaim' ed the shoemaker, surveying his cue* ' tomer, " 1 have not got lediLer enough." 1 M aava Safn Rfick, " are like creation, because they are made out of , nothing, and arc very good." *They are also,- saya the Oalafy, * like aer? ' i?r~ i ?- ?? ? ? ?v UCMUa MU an *p^ I plication. , " WoMAfT, with nil thy fault*, T lore f then till," ??? the reply of a husband to hfcs scolding wife. ' If you didn't love the Mill no well, I'd love you still better," replied the wife. Why is n bnby like wheal 1 Ann, Because it is first cradled, then thrash* d, ? ard finally becomes the fU.Wer t.f the family.