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. i How tha^St Pota^r?bnTg^ftad Hoyow The Einporor had in. his oonrt n certain pceHerel, Kleinhilchel, a di>ng?eenble person, eteeedinglf unpopular, and of equivocal IHelity, but who pleased by Ilia reticence and promptness in cuting order*. When the road wis <Je? oided upon hr a counsel of ministers, arid its erection considered urgent, a insp of Russia was brought to the Cfcar, *l|o was asked to |ook oyer the course designated by the dffTerent engineers j ?im jitb i|l* pfivr^iw. n^uui|?^ without saviag a word, took "The map, narked a straight line from Moscow to St. Peter-burg, end said to the stupefied engineer*: ? " Tui* i* the line of the railroad.1* "But,*' tliejr all cried, * imppMible. Your muj'sFr will find no one to undertake euch ajfcvn !;. It would be to bide trea?.nr?e in rlit* desert." " No one undertake it when I commanded it to be said Nicholas. ? itr?l.ii ?? ? ..j n: irt..:.. n e HI I <i 11 Bt'U. auu ^igimiiing uiriu michel frotn a comer:? " Kleinrtitchel,** said l>e, " you see ' this tine!" l 4<Yes? jpre.*1 " This is a new railroad I propose constructing in my empire." 44 Sire, it is magnificent." " Yon think so? Will you charge yourself, then, with the execution of my orders?" >< " With the greatest pleasure, if your j majesty orders it. But the funds, the funds ?'" " Don't be troubled about tbem.? Ask for all money you want." Audi turning to the engineers:? " You fee," Raid Nicholas to thein, 41 I can got tjong without you. I will build my own ra'boad." And lh<? COtlitortM^n of this road lasted ten years. It did not dsrhstc an inch from the lino marked out by the imperial finger; and leaving on one ffido, at about a distance of ten league", villages of Novgorod, Twer, and a host of others equally jich and important, it traversed, in tbo midst of maislie and woods, nothing but immense solitude; 70G kilometers of iron rail cost Russia four hundred million franca?a little more than half a million a kilometer? of which tin devoted Kleinmichel (hut that is a matter of course) look a good chare. Nicholas, however, was light iu saying nothing could resist him. Methuselah Dkownkd in the Flood.?We make the following extracts from an article contributed to the Louisville Democrat: All wo know of the origin of the earth or our race, we learn from Hove latior.s. T ne Chronology used by the civilized world is founded on (lie da;a furnished us iti the liiblo. We leckon the d^to of the flood from I be dates found in the Gth chapter of Gene-i*.? We learn, from this chapter, that Adam lived, before his son Seih was bom, 130 years; Seth lived, before bis son Enos iv?.d born, 105 years; Euos lived, before his son Cainan ttas born, 90 years; Cainan lived, before his son MabaUlul . was born, 70years; Malialaltil lived, be fore his son Jared was born, 05 years; .lared lived, befoie bis son Enoch was born, 162 years; Enoch lived, before his son Methuselah (087) was born, 05 years; Methuselah lived, before his sou Lamech was born, 1S7 years; Lantech lived, before bis son Noeli was born, 132 years. Noah, hence, was born An no Mnndi 1050. In Genesis, 7lh chapter, G:h verso, we are informed that Noah was COO years old when the flood of water was nnnn the emlli Arl<l (tOO vpnra Mii? age) to 1050, the date of hi* liirtli, and we have 1050, the dale of the flood. We learn, from the 27th verse, 5ih chap'er, of Genesis, thai " nil the days of Methuselah were 900 years, and he died." Ry reference to the foregoing tahle, it w ill be seen that Methuselah was born Anno Mutuli 087 ; add his age (909) to 087, the date of his birth, and . we have 1050, the time "when the flood of waters was upon the earth." The conclusion is as certnin as figure*, that tho oldest m?n was d"owned for his wickedness. [And is a remarkable proof of the truth the liible Figures ] Rittkn r.y a Rattlicsnakk.? We Irani from a trustworthy source that, j on Monday, 7th inst, a little son of Mr. Allen A. Howie, who resides in the i neighboi hood of Providence camp* ground, was bitten bv a rattlesnake in one of bis feet, from which be recovered in a very short time, and in a remarkable manner. It seems that the boy, wlio is twelve or i. nrteen years of; age, was pulling fodde., when his father and older brother heard him exclaim that lie was snake-bit. Repairing to his ambiance at once, a large rfllllo.Bnol/O nan rlie/ov. .. - -1 1- 111 ? 1 , < t* no uar vwvcini illlU Killed I otily a few steps from the lad. The ' father dissected the snake anil Applied ' the entrails as r poultice to the wound, J and iu this condition the Ind was taken to the house, half a utile distant. )'or- 1 lions of strong peach brandy was given I hiin, with intoxicating effect, convincing j those around that the poison had at ready been extracted, aud in a few hotirn the bnndngo was removed, the patient being pronounced convalescent. Our informant state# (hat be visited the little fellow next morning, and found him lively as a cricket. The remedy is 1 familiar, peihaps, to many of our read- , ers, but there are scores of others who j never heard of such an application For a snake hite. [Amlerson Jntelfiycncrr, \(Uh irut. ? ? In no oa*e softer your horse to go from the lot, either to travel or ?J<> ordinary work on the fiirm, without cloau ing out IjU feet. Mxlte it a law. j 1! L -l1?* _JI 1 TBI sgri .z?8?^1 Oo Thumlty l?M, 10ll? 1n?t* cume g%l off in SpnrtnnKurp, the InrpeM *n?J VnoM en, enthu*in*iic meeting of the people of this District, tknt bw ever been wll. ... nessed here. As emlv as 0 o'clock, ihi k|, people trorfi nearly *11 sections began C(| to pour Into the Urge public square.? ^ Team after team, loaded with patiiotie then and women?carriages of everv desoiption?pedestrian* and. eqnestrf ,pns of every age, sex and color flowed In a continued stream from ererc road leading to the town, until it appeared to tia ara if nearly one half of the whole P1 population of our gforiotn old l>emo. *' I crntic District were preoent, to ratify in f ' person, tTie nominations of Seymour 'n i and Bl*irf and to git* countenance and 1,4 uppmt to the energy Irncf activity with which the Democratic Cltrba hare inspired the whole mass of the people-^ ** with the exception of some dozen or w two scalawags. There were many M more people in this town on Thursday r last, than were ever here before at ofie time. The large public square ami all our streets were crowded with people, wt ami yet all were peaceable and appeared in good spirits. The estimated number present was about six thousand F persons. " Tim stand wns a vorr htn<l<nmA nnn w tastefully decorated with festoons of I* evergreens, flowers, flags, &CM ntuch of which was the handiwork of some of ?t the patriotic ladies or our town. There 2, arrived on the cars the evening p*e- gi vious, the following gentlemen as in- In cited guests, who were conducted to n elegant quarters to the Palmetto and <h Walker House, whore they were hand- w somely and comfortably entertained: t? Hon. A. P. A'drieh. Hon. A. Burt, m Gov. Bonham, Col. F W. McMa?ter. k Col, R O. McLuie, Col. J. Bax?er, Gen. t|, A. O. Garlington, J. Cothran, K?sq , and Hon. W. I). Simpson. It was regretted p, .hat Gen. Hampton, Gov. Perry and ot j Col. J. P. Thomas, who had also been c? i invited, we>e not present on the ocra- w . don. The exerci.-es of the day were directed and presided ovpt liy \\ . K. Blake. T>q . President of the Central Club of Spartanburg District. who. with ^ his acenelomed eloquence nml patriot- ( ism. delivered an appropriates address, which was wariul}'respond) d to by the audience. Tire Rev. Dr. W. Smith be '* ing invited, opened tru* meeting with 01 a?i earnest and nppropi into prayer, af'er r<" which Mr. llhike introduced the several fo speakers. The speaking commenced about 10 o'clock, A. M., and continued Vl throughout the day, with the exception of two sb.ort intermission*, until about 0 o'clock, I*. M. Having taken no notes, we will not attempt even an anal ysis of the sjreeehes made by the gen ?f tlemen above named. It is enough |(> K say, thn' tlicy all acquitted themselves "r in manner and matter, as might be ex " pected from men eminent for talent ? elegant in deportment, and tried and trusted for patriotism. words of cheer and warnincr wore listened to 1 vrith intense intcroil by the large and respectable audience before them. The ' iine Brns? Band ?>f (Jreenviilo were in '' attendance, dispensing fine and enliven- '' ing music tinougliout tho whole proceeding. The picnic and bnibocuo <!in J ner was set out on six long tahlo?, which, on invitation given, received the attentions duo to so necessary an adjunct on such occasions. A grand torcli light pt occasion inarched through p' several of the streets in the evening. '?? which was much ajrnired by many of in our citizens who illuminated their ut houses. I hiring and after the speaking b? in (he evening, there was a very hand- In some di-plav of transparencies and fire work", under the management of Messrs. Klfortl and Ball and ileinilsh, Is who did themselves much credit in Sv their judicious display and arrange n< inent. in We cannot sav all we would, nor. by \y a long way, all we could wish, of the n( grand demonstration of Thursday last. it is enough to say it surpassed any po j.j litieal or other expressions of the spirit, fn tlie intentions c r principles of the sound and solid people of Spartanburg. , , [Spartan. )(| W a mi a i.i.a.?This ia indeed a de '' lightful place. Here health, youth, , J i beaut v, taste and ait, attended 1?\ flow i j ors and kiii.shine, walk the faces of her | ! mountain!), and group themselves joys | * onsly about Iter fountains ami her erya j tal streams. It would task a mure Sl frui'ful pen than oiiis to describe tlie variety of influence which serve to beguile the thousands who seek the place, ^ and forget the progress of time in i ?? the unceasing round of their pleasures, j ^ The wholesome climate, the mountain ,u breeze, the enchanting scenery, all con- ; nr spire to render life a charming illo-ion, t ns well for heart as fancy, ami should the eye he permitted to see the drop- ro ping of the eamis in the hour-glass. : c" they would he of gold ami aurber a- j they flow. The beauty of the wings cf, ot time makes one heedless of his flight, and here the stern in an of public cares might revel in the gardens of Artnida, | R under the grateful despotism of the j Faery Queen. j 8" f Ct,r ,Vi tnhrs-rti TTrv/t 1.1 ' ... l / ?' i i" , ?r Sa i.r and Asiies run Houses.? , Those keeping louses, should tsiee a < ? week I brow in a li;in?lfviI to each t>( salt ' < and ashes. Mix them by pulling in lUrae pans of salt to one of aaho*. IInr?es relish lhi?, and it will keep their hair soft ami fine, h will K prevent boll*, colic, Ac. A little ground <>?lpht?% mixed with salt and w ashes, and given once in two or tl,t?e ' rll w^eks is aUo beneficial. All domestic j '? animals will be thin benefited. nr \ American fanner. I iwrreif* ?S?D what tMMt* 1 ro ie iMliwon) from abrgad.* n 14 lo South Carolina tbe n?grnea are or* 1 nitlng Into military lindij, and arm* are g Wrh?g the StaU Cor their tw? Soma faw j ya ago we w?re privately aftprlaed that t rtaia partiee in the North were sending | re# Weapon# to ti.e blaeka y ami now the t rpet bag Governor, who flode that, he fad \ i cfadjnlor* h??? rilird i doll tkey can* 1 * lay, i? ent in a circular f*pfebmd*ng | er fot Nti:t ion ot military erg?*laiU?ki and J he introduction of tfrme IrtCo (lie 8?ate j ho i? introducing there arm*? W? will | II you. It. ia the leaders of I be radio*! irty. AH there threatening indldkliona. I three foreshadowing* of blood and (Tra. e dictated from the radleal headquarter* Washington. The-ft men ere mad aftd teperalft. It ie all or nothing erilW themIt* irsue < not simply defeat, but annlhila(in ; and. as a last desperate reeort, they elk to repeat the murderous strategy by hich they fired the Northern heart with emphia and New Orleans." W* caKkot but take pleasure to girlftg ie Federal, or its official^ edit for their conduct toward* the Con> derate deed buried at Etmlra. N. Y., a* it forth in the following extract of a letter iIdished fn the ftiohrnond Despatch.? HnA frtttftlt a' ?? ?*eo ' ?*?1 ~ w ? w. oniuiv irro WIUMf orld kin.'* Would that the radical* could arn this lesson: k " I went lo Glmtra, last Sunday, and i rolled over the burying ground where , 900 poor Confederates are at rest The founds are orderly and neafeach grave as a liend-aloiie, on which are reoorcWd the ame, company, regiment and 5t*t*fc of th? eceascd. and also a register number, hicli tallies with like number in the regis r book, where full parliculare of each one re recorded. Most of the deaths urn in t 164 and 18fcS; many from North Caroline, , ie Fourteenth, and Cotil/s Legion. " I noticed new hend-etones were being it up where there were signs of rotten tes, and lite whole snowed fully as nitu-lt re ne the United Stales Govern in. ui takes ith llu-ir own d>-ad." riiiuMlrmt. S*ept. 11. A Fort Wallace special Mjs the Indians ishe.l into the town of Sheridan, nn<l af i whiiU cnpiured severs) M-xionn trains, id killed three men. Colorado odviess port 600 liesd of est tie Molfin nod twi-nty llz*-n? sculped. The fight, near Fort f.yot* fulled in the death of two so'diera nnd itr Indian?. I A boy about fire rear* ohl. died in conitsions, on Sunday, in this ?diy, from inking Bourbon whisky. He lind seen * f.ilh>-r drink from (lie bottle during the ly, and whs trying to imilnte him. Tin* extensive woolen snd liouiing mills the Slink.w settlement, nenr South Union ( y , were destroyed t?y mi jnesniiisry fire i the 2d Inst. I.'iss JoOjOOO; no ineurice. Tii-kats of Nfoho IxMtirei'Tf## ?The vsge threat uttered on Friday ln.-t, by nehhsvk, the mulatto who wits recently , rt.i.ivii u i'i .?r. tft-wni e pmoe ? rtenntor j I nm the H-?v>nd Hi frtct f -Or I e.Tin I'm i-h. ' I tiiriitnn, i? n startling fMiKrmn'inn of the ( irhaiity niti ihwtwd to lit** n-gm wlim hie tad it* luriinl, wnd liia Ytuily is swollen , C the perilous |K?soces<on of power. The ' >n<lifli spirit which kindled the horrors nf ,. D>?mii j?o blares forth 4n Tlncfihack's rid prophecy of "the dawn ot rntrlhu in," when *" 10 000 torches will It* ?p" 1 ied to this riljr," and New Orleans " will > reduced In n-lies" Nothing enn exhibit oro clearly IIihii this dreadful threat, the ( ter unfitness nf the class of wliicli I*incliirk is a I * pe lo lie ' Senators" and rulers ilie land.?A'w York Herald. in Tu.txnis ?Tins discovery nf a rye lied of porcelain clay in l'opa County, inherit Illinois, prnnii?M in inaugural* a w branch nf in<1ti*lry, and develop an j ipnilanl source n| prosperity in that conn- I This city produces a ware, rivaling, If j >t snrpn-snig. I he irair steaa ?f I-werpnol. tu;h Carolinian* on- the mnet Itheral pene in the worbi. Hsnsphate bed# are | und on lid* water and instead of rfevrl dng ?hi< all important trade by manufacIi iog it here, and spreading the profits ol , hoi no Wefl material among th.-msaWee. ip_v ship it In the XiHlh find Then buy it ' ?ck to nuinore their crops at li?o times is first root. Every day long lines of ( nys can he seen going to the wharves ill c?ek? of K ?olnvt id iy^ cy<;r? day tuple huy cupa and plaUs.modtt out of the ate and (Kaolin) buckwheat in season. ? I Cotton Cnor or Ai-aaamv.?The Monf- \ ....V.J ?....nn-cr ?y? mat, M> conversing ith an old and experienced planter who lias en much ol the growing crop iu (he itAj jiflg evvnlirl, ho nid thai tho rrrvp is aworc ielutly injflre.l than lb* planter* genorn lly ppone. The damago from the army worm id the boll worm together wan considerable, it the long and continual ruinw in the early irt of August ilwlruyuil the hope* of a late up and canned many of (ha main red boll* to t. A rainy August is always fatal to the ittou crop. Oar informant gives it aa hta onion that the ffropi of Low mice and Mont* oncry Co on lice will not yioM oarer ono-sixth tho crop's uaaal average. fleruorn awd Grart.?The New York ound Talilc, a literary journal, with Ropitbs an tendencies, make* the following admisun : If we closely compare and woigh the two cscnt candidates, 'Irani and Uuytuour, anil c ?<uo i? consoler their merits npurt frotn ( >liticai bus, it is impiu?Mblo to deny that (tic ttef, by natural Intellectual powers, by <!?- ( tioa, by loo ml culture, by experience of pub; nflairs, ia infinitely the fitter man of the ro to bo Vr?*WUi>i of tba ITuileJ Stales. j Gaarnt 0Jt-tNT recently paid a visit to j entuckj, was in several ennntira, and ode one er two speeches. Wherever he as scon, the Democrats made exfraordlna ly inrfco gains. Can't the Democracy nnage to get General Grant to travel onnJ the country and show himself J | fyonltville Courier. ; 1 i T B # P 1 II "^LiW 1.-4 1Ctoifci#?iS'<MtolTodtfc Apifa.?At ,a tttlfug of the London Medical Society, t tfrate cane <4 tooth-ache, unless (be Intone was connected wtib rheumatism, >y 4* the MMQitton of the following ethedti Alum reduced"toat* ifbpalpnJ* p^fwdfr, two drnrhmfl;* nitrons epir U efwihfr, nbeen dmchmeptnia atdTap? ^?usi s &? &? ^ SI SI SS : Ml DOOR &B3IS MJUSIOl HQOSE. MORI! AN" "" AND WESTMORELAND KEEP CONSTANTLY on band a FULL STOCK OF DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS PAIN"TO. og&g, V X JS-ST U Jf't'S, fang! articles, XSD EMBRACING THE STOCK USUALLY KEPT TN X i FlKS'r ORDER ESTABLISHMENT. tq^-EVERYTHING WE PUT UP MAY HE OEPETOEb OK AS IK EVERY WAY RELIA- i RLE. Give Us a Visit* statwnery stationery stationery: TUST received, a large and ItnndJ Bomo lot of STATIONERY, , 'onflisting. in part, of: Eoolscnp, Letter and Nolo PAPER, best lualitv : I'pns. Ink. IVnolla A* A 7 -1 > *VV? Vc., which please call and cxnin110. Spear1* Fruit Preserving Solution 1 rJ3IIIS Eolation ie wnrrnnlcl t? prevent the I decomposition of nil Kind* of Fruit*, I riiinn'iM'i, .Icllic*, Spiced Fritit*. Syrups, Ci I Icr, Wine, Milk, *<>iuc kind* of Vegetal.lee, I Xc., and prcaervo tbeiu in a fresh and wholeionic condition. Try a hottle. Jane 21 & (f 1 STIA LlfE IBSMASCE WARY. OF HARTFORD, CONIC. ORGANIZED 1850. C. A. BVI.KI.CT, Prr**l., T. O. EilOERS, Sec*)'. , D[VIDEXI>fi for the U.?t fire year*, 50 per cent. ; Receipt* now over $500,000 per uonth. S*i?. of Policiee iaaucd In 1867, 15,3.11 1 mount inanrml on same $41,001,873.00 . \ aset* Jan. I, 1807 4,401,833.86 Icceipla for year ending Jan. '68, 5,130,447.34 ' $8,531,381.20 >.vid claim* hy death, $513,881.50 I ill olK?r I ... "??? " -* mmm w?|rwi*W0} a p-m 0 V)| Ol #??? 9 I y V?9<?,t>f>Oe0?9 $7, 12.35 POI.tCf E8 Innril n? f*W)r plea Med hy *11 ' lie ot?t ?n<1 rwaponaibU Comftouin*. JW* Hnmh Office, MI Broad Stmt, ; UHIUSTA, OA. CHA8. W. HARRIS. Xfnafftr. OOWKIl A WOKTIIINOTON, Ageota, t Irconville District, South Carol!**. < May If *1 *< To Fanners. THE WATT PI.QL'llll ennui to yen with the bighcat recommendation. Call it I ny Auction Ronina and eaatwinc U for youri?lrea. I hare rapplied fifteen fiaraecra with Itia Plow in this country, and they all apeak n tb* higheet praino of it. The one lioree >low i* a turning plough, a furrowing plough for planting corn, a aub-aoil plough, a corn, olton, and regctablo weed or and worker.? IVith the additional pieee, (a ateel acrapev,} | rou have combined in thie plough, thu beet mpleinenta ever yet made, for all the above- < Mined ueea, and warranted to do every kind | | if turning and cultivating in Field and Qarlen, In a manner auperior to all otliera ever 4 ret made, and Lti?l i/w> 1? 1 -1 - , ??1 o"? moor. I Oetr Fnur TkanenuA Fire 1/nndrrtl of lh?M j IMougti* arc do? in (be burnt* of (he beet fnrmirs in Virginia, Worth Carolina, South Caro- | ma, Bed Tennessee. I( he* established a "epnlation unprecedented in the hietorr of inremione if a 3'nlU>m. Sub-moiling, IHtrhiug ind Cultivating J'laugk. It ba* no rirel, beng adapted to tvcfy variety of soil, anil to 'out and clean lands without choking. It does lie hue Mil plough work at one operation. ( J. W. KoocUe, of Hlwe/ Si* Depot, 8. C , j wye: l i 1 " It ezeele any plow I ever saw for eotton >r com, J. faet.for any kind of sammer omps." ' Tho following named persons a* home have isod it, and own highly seoomtnend it: Tkoa | Itcen, Capt. W. K. Barle, Dr. Wis. A. llarriu>n. Kov. C. ft. Stewart, M. T. Vewler, W. T. luatin, J. W. Ootdsmiih, Ttioa. Goldsmith, '. I. 8. Hammond, and others. Call and see the WATT 1'LOUOn J tuts 0, HM IT fl, A notion Sale* Boom. Hop 2 15 3ni Job Work 4 D()\K at. this OBce, nlih weakwrss and < dispatch. 1 * HI j?o *?KA** ~ ' If BED'S SEWING MACHINE -?K. i<?- - . . - 1 - . ? L?' *' HPHS tyeU and mo?t aibYMe Jlachiiie pow JL Ik u?e, ana I* unexcelled by ahjr ever preecntetf to (he public, having *l! the [at oat iinprofeitiedu; imp* the atralght Nee die, make* the Tight Lock Stitch, which > the oslv reliable one. en-1 ihowa the nma ?# both tl'lw. It U ilmplf, easily worked ?nd krpt in ord?r J it *ITf Mleh, (Itm, Fell. Hi id. Cord, ftraid, RnM, Tuck, Quilt, Hrni-SHIteh, (ltth?r and 8rw, at the aatoe time, pirrvrmlnge grreter variety of Work than any oilier Machine, on the iighteet to the brae Wet fabrics. It received a medal at the resent Pari* Eipositioti. * We warrant then* to gh>? eatietaettos; ff not, return them. Pleaee oall and examine tlietn. We also koep constantly on hand, a superior assortment of Gentlomen'e FURNISHING (1001)8 and TRIMMINGS, from the cheapest to the best qnelitics, end tow for eeab^? We will CUT and MAKE in the best and latest improved styles, all Garment* for (Jen-; tic men and Gents' Wear, Ladies' CVoatw ahd Bucks, 4c. All Work #aTrt?n-te?f.' PICKLE & POOftti. ffrtswfille, 8. C. Jan. 16, 1868. Jan 15 at tf rw~\ rir* aa rwn ?w-k foii sin 14 000 ^U0ICE C0UNTRt 300 8ack# Extra Fnmil/ N. C. FI.OUR lOO Sack* Standard Liverpool 8ALT Keg# MAILS, araorted aiaea 2G Bale# BATE8VILLE SHIRTING IO Bale# McBKB SHIRTING 20 Bale# COTTON YARN 20 Bag# Prim# and Fair RIO COFFEE 20 Bur*)!!# SCwX-K Uf VJtfSa fbrhaa Emoting TOBACCO 2 BA08 Spaniah Smoking TOUACCO. ALSO, A WKLK SELECTED STOCK t# Shoes, Hnta, CRT GOODS. IWvUGS ItC. Otor 8*y*h of HATS and SHOES it very hunt MNirunpltlt, tail wc will gaaranlvn <>m Mrtis HImIi will riwapwrv wilb nay in Tuan, l?(k as IwiyaalUy auil price. A call will ?ati>lj yo?, DAVID Si STRADLEYr May II S* If Fair view Sugar (Company. rpiirs Cmnpiny baring bowght tbe Right I in the great discovery ni aj4,rng ?%?:* I rr lining ?>mp made froiw Pvtffo Cai!#,- I'd' llml portion af Granville Diiirlcl embracing the Third Regiment, wo prupnw In trrct a' PlKIAIl 1IOUSK and REFINER near FAIRVIEW as irnto if practicable. Tf> (hove who . live tvo far from our works, to haul their rnnvf, wc propose to aril Farm Rigbls. We bslicre 11i io In !m nns r\f ? ' Jl-?? *- - ?w >?v givavovb UMVUTVriOi tVT the South tliwt could bare been made, and hare no doubt that it will be, In a few year*, the Rreat eta pie of the South. Its operations are liinplo and cost compnratirely nothing to tart a farm works, and will pay fire time better than any orop except cotton, and wo beItere will double that great king of the South. Those wishing Rights ahonld call at onco on l>r, W. At Harrison, at Falrriew, or D(, W. P. Pasxtaofc, at OreonvUlc, who will take great pleasure hr giving full particulars. We will furnish seed free of eost, except freight, to those wishing to plant. W. A- HARRISON, W. V. PAS8M0KK. Agents for Company. T. L. BOZEMAN, President. Sept 2 ?fr tf PROF. M. G. DECAMPS ITT*^- "AS RETURNED TO tfSaSH Greenville with the intenlion of tanking his perW sl"*nent leaidsnes hers, I I 1/ and is prepared to give Instructions on the PIANO, ORGAN, MELODKON and OUITAR?tden tn ghrm fsssons hi HARMONY, VOCAL MUSIC. VOCALIZATION, and the FRENCH LANGUAGE? During bis absence he Imb boon endeavoring to cultivate a mors thorough acquaintance with bis favorite pursertf, srtrdThas been tftfitey the beat masters la Brussels and elsewhere in Europe. For terms, apply to him at the Mention Moose. Aug 10 12 tf W. HCAM1TER PRACTICAL GUKSMITH AND MACHINIST. i CORN 811 ET.T.RRS, Cotton fllna, Lack*. K>roae?a Oil I?nir>(>?, Sawtng Mntlirnea nod Raman!*, REPAIRED Wftb [H-omptncaa. Charge, reasonable. I bave on band, and wbiob it offered for inle, at low rata#, a at?ek ?f C0RN-81IBLL.KR8, and alto foino now PI8TCIA, an uinkbiation of wfafoti hr tnrItad. I am prepared to fnrniah STENCIL PLATE*, for Marking Clot baa. Stand?* At WMlfleld'i ?M blwn July 'J* 9 tf FOR 8AL?* CHEAP, fr- AbfOff */lM? unr,hinm rvto H OR8E OAK QmML* kiaok ONK HAXDttJUftB OAK HOUSB OAR MAOft Belli it elegant order. Enquire of JUU.UH C. S.MU H. ur J>AVll> * SfRADLEY. April 15 47 t DUUUAM SMOKING TOBACOO. HAVING received the * gooey ef the Wove e?!ol?r*ted Mr*rid of I* i'OHAOCO. we wdl make it lo your interlet t? b?y fr<?09 ue. F..r ?!* by wholesale ir retail " I>AVlD k ATgADLRY Oiuo za u hjii 4^1 ,i," i ,i n M.Fiuar ?. ? _ , .r- ? .. * The State of SeuthOaroVna, ORKENVIUS COTTNTY. In Ooturt of Ordtnuy.. _ .r ?. #. NASH AND JARX NASli, Appi leapt", gainit Moone? Rodgers. MertniTtodgerr, Cely Attn Rodger", Marietta Rodgers. heir* of BLTCADkTH ROTMlXRR, oo^iSkI. James X. Babb and others, Defendants:? Citation for ?/? nr Hiritian / Utai K'tntc. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Howry Rvagdra, Martha Rodger*. Ctlr Ann 1 liftl ihli6Utl: It U ordered and darned, Tuat they do appear aft a Ooort of Ordinary, in jfaraon or by Attorney, an Attuning dt 0*f tfoy nf Ottobmr wrarl, at 10 ?>foak, A Aow ante, K ?n>y they e?n, dhy tho Real Katate of JAMKS BdFB, deceased, situate In Greefcrillo Connty, on water* Rabarn Creak, beonded by lands of 0. B. Stewart, Mre. ft C. Boiling itfrt fc?f (6M 61 {fielded, for partition among the heirs of said deceased. ? (livon under my liao.l, at Greenville CodTt House, tMr .Id day of July. A. P'Vtof 8. J. DOUTHIT, 0. 0. tf. Jaly (aA -* ? 1 --wdtar ?arbbb WORKT | MAitfiM: WORK j J 8S&&&&S ^E7?flV35?ijj rpRB subscriber haa on hand, and will 1. Continue to receive, a p#od efleormictit | of TOMB 8TONR*, of ell sizes and quail' ties, tliow in nerd <>/ any tliinr So that line, will do well to call at tfte Post Officer before poreWmrtntf skeWlirrV, Country produce taken In exchange* for work. JAMjfes M. aLTJKX. Oreonville C. -H.. Nov A. 1867. 44?tf w. tL siatRT. o. a. wnct,s? ? EASLEY A WffLid, * Attorneys and Connsellors at law A MTt TX.T T^rTTmar A?-? i^V^UIi. X4 OR 4 KN VILLI?, 6. tf/H iCTjfc^ ftV A? ConrtJ of the State unit 1 of thw tnited 8utf>, nnJ giro evpeelnt attention to meos in Ban4M]Wry. Juno 18 9 if r Tailoring. *7 rtf*WE Snhact'fter riwp6clMiy fKJfentt* Kf* JL friend*, and lite pul.lio in general, ilia* hia health being in a measure reetorrd, wil* re*nmo huaineaa sr*in, We *HI CflJT. ; WAJ6M', *ad fbEPAfR *11 OTtrmeatJ for Mnilemin,' wr reaebaah^ terma, fc>r dud of JuMHtryytrt^foee. Will be found at hr? rseP denee, earner Main Street opposite the Coaelt Paetory. OEO.B. 1>YE1L Greenville, H. C, April 6th, 1868. AI.rii 8 64 Sin I ~i . Altf A A-.l> T~V" . I *~SAM. f r \ /XXJLtJt/# GOOtrt.ETT ^ THOftfXflfc Attorneys at* Law, A*P POLICrtORS IX EQUITY, HAVE iMs" day ft>h?Oed n' Crjfcirlnt-r* *hip in th? . pfnfc'Hr* M llA'W bH'J EQUITY iki ib? \Tf*ifr? WhhH ' OdHi^irt (he eld Ce?irt liftiri** Buildinc. ?. D. e^ODLCTT, f?, 41 TOO?*?. Dee 2? * Ml if BATES VILLE MMN8IK CWf&IY. HAVIR^ Wen appniaied' Aflitti fai this Cempnuv, we ?# prepared lo eH smatl^ros AW VA*W M. Paetery prief* Airld At Slrndlcy, Groeevi abd Cuumiaeion M'icl>?nf(i>, ?. C. Not ? %*' tf University of $onth Carolina, COLUMBIA,' A jftTHE next Session wRT7 Be gWori' Firtt Morning im Octet* I-.?^fS^Tbii University offers every adl^rapr vantage for tboroagb trsinhg in' ?fcr (be Literary and Scientific branch cs, and in the Schools of Lav and Medicine. The aggregate expenses for the Rcsiion of nine months are?For a Btwdewt in three erary of tteientMe BrtowCr. shoot f2?e f for m. Stodent iVfKe#;,ilWt ?5f?fr;t and for w/ul* eonrso in thd MWdica) School; gbont $870.? Those same hsetvde fgdb for tuition and we of library, board, room-rent, font, lights and washing. For Catalogues, or farther information, fdV drsss Rot. C. BROCK WALKER, Secretary of Faenlty. R. W. BARNWELL, Chairman of Faenlty. July it td_ CHARLESTON HOTEL, CBABLB8T0Y, 8. 0. THE nndersigned having taken Hits ebarge of the above well-known HO* BQHItKL, respectfully intorwe hit friearfe and tbs traveling publie that it has been RE* FURNISilf.O1 jm aN et to*departments. Tho tsble will, at all times, be supplied with thv best the Market affords, inelnding every deU carj- in seaseo, while the cbislne wit* t* meexceptionable. The Beth Rooms sffcsuhsd t? the Hotel as* say plied with the celebrated Artesian Water, and Hot, Cold or Shower Baths eww be obtalnod at any time. The anmm at" fc-wtson will bo paid to lh7cotnfort of thegarets as horeMom, aw# rrwreleve eeo nely igae Bedu. it,, m..^?.?i ? 'J - - ?? .... v.11-nut ?|?u Ia max ID 1DD United State*. The patronage at (ho traveling publio U rcapee (fully eolielted. JTP. UOIIBACIf, Agent, Sept 9 16-3 m Proprietor. SAMUEL BLACK. BAIIBEK. XYTOULD reepeettally inform the poblto W tbkt he ban opened * BAftBKft HliGP Hi the building foicnerty oerapM by ALKXAXDKK ns a UkMea Shop, ami between the Store of Mr. Tomes Hubert* and the building formerly eeevpied by the Pb-HI Ofltoe and EnUrprita OStne, aeeeoil doer nbore the ruine of Mr Dee's Hall, whore he he* located. Being a Pro/wiafal liar bar. he hopes, by attention to bnalness, together with politemm to aft, to merit a ponton ?f publie patronage. to <rVTTRb*H SHATtNA AJtX> SHAMPOOING. April ft 45-tf em* >iu rt? w jnl ~ L?w lothm?Chxnge of Office. " GV. TOWJUIS he* pemeend hit Lam a 0??n to the building north -wpteeetmr. at the Publfe Square, ip part occupied by Jnline C. Smith. AwcKycffT, and the Enter*"j'Jf"1"'CT"*' "V"'- "-*- u wm. s* pbjckT ATT#\UIU?V Afn * ?*" rm i a o v a iA f? . OAKlONfQA, QA? IvX *K Du^' J*n 10 33 '' *V? tyjr Ji^HI' i