University of South Carolina Libraries
.. . ? t\ " vj6 ' v M<X.">" - 4 ". Kwr-OWWii.-*Ow? b*i? of new cotton ?m ktHgbtto tble *?rk*t y??t*rJ?jr, tb? Inl ?r tb? it wm niw4 by Mr. The* Brtes, and nnmhaMtl by Mr. Mi . "- U. Oatb?rt> SI Si emits < {/a.rjfWi/ fkrUld, il4. - ' Knr Toss. W^IM^r.SI. Cot to* qaltl and ateadv : 800 ImUi, M?H. Gold weaker?4*| @tr| Baltimokk, r^nteinber 11. CodVm steady, at kf@*6t. Flost inl!? x Howril (LimkI ?* urn ? tu\cf ; oilv nkUUt.SO(|l.?S. \Vk*?tutichauK"l- Corn ftfwt?wbii- 1,1401,18. OoU07(970. ]li?* Lard Hi. Ciitiumn, ^punbrr tl. Ckttw H??dyi MU It7 UIM-RIU* dliof- 24@*44; receipt- 1(4. * > r* .. AtorRA,8fp(tmb?r II. <VU?b market q?ict; price* tilffor ; >tl?t 03 balm; rcceljat 100?middllag* 28J0 **f. Liv?nro"L. Jkpternl fr 21. Otto* oloeed quKt?upload* lofc; Or luni lu|k Suffer little children to -oqto twto me." Dim, At Moyeflelit, MlUm Oountr, Texne, CP.OR(iK BlnLiCR, InUnt mn or (tram -ad P-nnlo Uotlrr. Utile OKOROK was t?or? 5Mi ll-rob, 1808, and died 1-itb Au ;***< ??? . ' Votiae TUB foM> PtmeoraHc-Oiob will moot ot *Chil4t A IwMt'.Atrt, od Thurtd-jr, 1 at Oe? "tobor, -A M, A.JL A bll tttmiitan of the Cl-b ood ?(tU?M I- 4?load. Th- moot log wetU-bs od Art tec 8 %y Cor. Tummy and olb-rt. ' ' J. B. DATf*. *?w?torjr. "V*"1 II 2 I Public M?etiag Mi B?rrn-aiie Wnniii THBKfl Wm'Vo ? niMflnr oT <h? "villa, Clear Spring ?nd laaiel Cm* Bmm> eratle CtaW, %t lbtMtllk ? PeUrday, M OetaWcr. lUremi wy Ue ewpacted from . 0?*?for IVry ?xl ?t!iiN. Thae ?f 11, a'claek A. K. rka-eaearloa will he attcnA ad ?iMi a Wchot pirrte. ? %!*?, rUle m>4 aoAloraA MM irariiad attanA. tr a % MERCHANT TA!i?9t!aG. 'llT'K bwro jttei reoct7ci and will eontinwa _ 'WV Mo'kwrv aPtttCBtl 6CPPLY OP DBIUKni AMD Y0UTK8* OTtDMffiiiv r rnnne VUlimiUKV UUUVA AH? TOEEnraiHSS, Of allH?MMt*MWftd prtoat, Wttdh ware eeleoV- , wl patilrtlfef itn See *'?rk with -eare and ImU. Ait we are folly qnqfuared, with the foeet of W?choiei?,fU> MAtt TOWPim SUTFITS Cur Gentlemen end iTuhttn:; ??A m DBISSS ?nd I3U8lNt56S CUEB, AM TOUT 8. IXlAtV. tKIlfl, h<v, Mt wm (trrni.h 8GCKR. TIK8, ^USIVRHDSJR-R, il AttbKVtLCUZV*- S, tft.OVES, COlXJtltR, flhVR, 4c, *U ul wbieb IriH ha enado and w44wt !?be L 0 Wf?S T CA Sit PJUC&St i )Keing IWhr posted da ?tt tttt Wn(t ietrtwianonta of CtJTTINO MAKLV? L the mB*>cn eod amkricav erYLtt*. JfoS OMQMkieg Eepiirtd Udhtot. 'WW j Li dies' Department. XV15 have added e nice room to oar Store,' tt%ala he hare aader oar employ the very beat MANtOh MAKERS and 8KAMSt*KSSKS, Vhrt* that hill Cat end ttuite LehifV-, Mi*??oe?, ae4WHfo?w,<*<tT*l?*?, ar?U Mci?, ; ha aha la* eat and moat apf>to\?d atylca, end all i liMl ?f ornamental Riltching Will be dona to \ arte. We Wtviu both ladies end gentlemen' to eCBaa*%s <e triad, All W?*k warranted. Jl ' ALSO VK will rahtlbtto to keep WEED'S UftEXCELLED IMPROVED SBWIMQ M 40HINB perfect boob eYhea on both Mm. W? bav* a Mfiflw bw< ?ifclai for *a)e at Itt.W web. flCKtE 4k POOftE. Bept 24 M 4 Greenville Agrieultaml Seeiety. TUB CotnmiUrt <*i Proffliubia u(F?r the following PrcwtiwMa to Ui? farmer* oi tbo Cownty: For tlve gr*?te?t number of pHbod* of Wlroat grown on poo acre?-Silver Cop, ttlvtd at (46.001 for the gro*te*t nuttfW of pound* of Wheat grown ??n If* aotv**? Silver Cup, valued at $1,0 00; for tba gfeat it number of pound* oi Corn grown <fn on* Mra of uptahd?fUlvbr Ctm, valued at $10.. 00; for lb* greaim number of pound* of Corn grown on 8va aeroa tiplaud?Silver Gap. valaed ft $10 00; for lb* graata?t Bomber of poanda of Barley grown <m on* wqrt Silver Clip, veined at $10.00; |nr the greatoot number of poanda <4 R.-d Clover Haw grown on on* aave?silver Can, valtied at $10.00; for the grvatoet number of _# /2_u l.I/ nore?WWer Cap, 7?lufd at $5 00; for the greeteet numWr of pouodt of Cotton grown on one eare-Sllvet Cop. valued at f 10.00; for lha graataat number of pounda of Cot i too grown on fitaaaraa?8llvnr Cup, valued at flo.00; 'or the bent one year old Colt? ' . Sliver 0?p? fof thd brat two year old Colt-* Silver Cup 1 for tb* beet one year oM Male ' ?Silver Cop; lor Uve brat two tear old " lKto? UI*er Ctih f for the beet biwh.1 Mere, 4 native?Silver Cup J for tbe brat Btellluir. eUvo?Silvar Cay: for l(w f?e?t Jeofc, no . tire?Bilvrr Cup | for the beat Mlfoh Cow, native?Silver Cap; for the beat Bull, Aetlra liver Cop; for the beat Bull, ttu* ported?8Urer Cup} for tha brat One year M Oalf?Silver Cap; for tha boat two year eU OoM?Silver Cap: for the beet brood flaw aid Pipi?Silver Cup; for Ure hot Peer BUverCap;-for the beet Item?Sil nanRi far the beet Kero?Silver Olio. Othor prenitwma offrrti Wfon tha nana) meeting of the Bootaty. The Corn pill toe. aetieded of the groat tmf?rU*cn of (let?r graeeee u tha b??t M dttipMC atMi nf raaevattng br <h of tH? County, porpoao *1 the mooting In 1870, to offer , a proralaaa af t ?U??r piluhor, reload at fW>00, fc* U* groatee* amonnt of elorer, bay, grow* on o?o mn|4 land. Thla will eti mutate tin pbltwt n?d giro nfllcirnt Una to all to oompate for tKo prist. The oompethore fbr Hit pmmkima offered for grain. oeUoo pad bay, will b? required to nbasb oertHUntea fa writing In anew** to t(i? following points: 1M, The eondftlhn, dtaaXoa and. okeraeUr ?1 th? anil j. td. Tha < aaoda of It* prepare'h?n. tha ami nod bind of forttttpare, lAJVe llano and manner o! planting; 4th. Tbe variety of md; Sth, lie manger of aahioetlan ; 0?h. The tlm? of baroeating; Itk Hie laernt par nan bam eat ad W. X. EABLET. Cboirmnr I. F. Ifoaav, Beerotam ul Trot sorer # S?pt >? ft | V f *1 f 1 ? '" J :? -V . - ?' V ^ Deputy (MMtttrtMlto, tn uasg A ll? Internal Romm Law*. 1 nerrty (in nMieaWktl r*m*i who'way "Initn I wo HTIfeLs, (JAPS and W OB 118. tfcw ?ni?ty KKG8, a?.d on* malt k'f of BRAN 1)1, wtned bf A L Cobb. .Ifcpv'jr Colloolor.'and HvXl M l'otrv, A?i?tani Awoo?, on lh? 19th of flrptrtrttf.M tn? of JaaMW Maftb. about ItOibt Wow Orean v 11 lor?p?lt*-d ItrOauaa of bwtdg ua?d In ?16 lotion of lb* Internal Rovoaue L?w?^l? make anoh el?ii?o b< fbro #1 llbin SO dajrol liooi tlM firat publication of lliii nolie*. A. L COBB, >3* < IVMty OoUaetov. it 18 8_ rn^rKHsdft or j^ouaoks, pixbjlam wmSsrrt, TfTlLtidw* to Onbivflh la the .aarlfW port of Octubar. Ha will tkea iaOu?a big instruction} to Private Claaact in the Anient and Mod am Language* until twoh time aa tha Univanity ekall open. Btndonte deiirint ioatraetlon aboald apply promptly, lie will bo found at tha houaa of Mr. T. M. Co*. Sept. SS, 1868. ' 18-tf FURNITURE. &C? AT AUCTION. 0N M0JfDAT? Ootoher 5tb, aalaa-day, I Chamber FURNITURE, all la good ordur; Consisting, in part, of t Hair-Seated 8ofas ; 12 llntr Seated Okoltit 1 Marble-top Centra Tnblo | 2 Mahogany Card Table*; 2 Dining Extension Table*; 18 CancBaaUd Chair*; 1 Wire Bafe ; 1 Hook Ca?e; I Seeietarj, (flan doora j) 2 large Arm Chair* J Waafcatandf, Tnbloa, Prtmi, Clock, Crockery aod G lea* ware, Dodataade, Nattnlm, Fuathar Rode, Bolster* and Pillow*, Bed Covering, lire Dog*, Fender, Window Shade*, Store aad Fixture*, and tnany other article*. A CHOICE DOT OF Eloctro Plated Silver Ware. One Cat* containing 18 Tea 8poon* ; 8 De?eert Spoowe; 18 large Fork*; 6 email F->rk*, aad ene Ladle. doe Flaked Tea Urn, with lamp; 1 Toaat Reek; ana art Plated Colore, with *Ueer finiah ; tee act* Plated Candleatick*; lot of Boah*, -OartdLaa and Ornament*. AT ONE O'CLOCK, A tine OOW AND CALF, al*o YOUNG BVIffiK, ? aat diapoaed of at private ante. fetR. Ail IrtMw Ui be removed and retried far uii day of ivle. -StlOCUfl C. SMITH, Auctioneer. Sept-23 18 S MjKc ?f tenth Cnroliitn, dJRJHBNVlLLB COUNTY. Equity. ISA*STCtAt.A T. JiOOKE M -ml. re. MARION J. IiOCKIi M <mie?JtiU fur SiiVitieii of /leal Eetmte, ot?. THE Complainant. baring filed their Bill in tbcabove rare, and It appearing to the Com miitainoer that YAI44MAH LOCKE and NATllAJUiaL fiOCKE, twe ?f (be IlefondanU. reside beyond I bo Inn it. of tbie fetafe: On nntivnef fwry A Fcrrr, Complainants' Holicitwra, U le Ovdorod, That eaid absent I>cfcudanU do plead, answer or deatar to the Dill withm forty dare Treat this date, or a doc.ceej/ro on free* will l>e lalent against tbent. fi. r. MOORE, c. i. ti.C. Commieabator's Ofteu, .Hope l?tb, 1 SC.V Kej.i-'l 48 8 For S&lo. pjn|e k 1.A1WE ?oaifnrtal?W family /Mirtii*i:v .. l .. JUL* J. D. ASH MOttFL Se|.t 14 1? a To Tax Delinquents. I^JJKTaXRS iHt?n Execution* lolled (n ?ty KltFhcn, rowt fca paid at one*. Srt farther netiee w4U 0*451**0. After the 2mfi IiibL Levies wMI be oWt and property Old. A RVIOKB1?,ao.C. Sept. lfrth, 18C8- 17-2 W OFFO&D COLLEGE, fiTARFANUtJRW C. II, S. G. Jlk TI1K FMBT SESSION of the Fifteenth Poll*gtatc yenr begin* *? ?&?* lit. OctiuVer, IDIfl. The College hm never fbtnended, and the enairoe if ?tiidir4 remain* unchanged5 hut tbe Faculty how admit ir regular indent* or the** who with tb pur U* particular studies ofily. Tba PREPARATOKY 8CHOOK under he roperefsion of tb* FaOdltf, ope US at the ame Unw, Tuition, In Cdlleftc aJtd liltfher AlaaseS of Praparetury School, including contingent fee, 454.00 pef y?ar, In specie, or it* *<jnle aleut In currently, irt loiter OU?*e* of Preparatory School with conflnirtht fet. 444.00 per year, in ebrreney | b'nt half In advance. Board pe- motith, tn advtfhoe, about $15 In cuifcuor< rot fnrtlitr rprtwwlnrt, sd drew A. k. 8H1PP, Prostdont. :? 17 4 B. WS?ftlE, VATEOUDI All ?f!Ul fiotomd Door 4w? the Pool Officii ??aas?^a&it??p & o, ^ _ I WOttLH Inform my frtontff rfnd JHRL patrons of Orecnrltts, th*t I nhn GP9 Jwrt reosircd FINK VARIETY o .CLOCKS, Watches and Jewelry, Togslhsr with o LARGE ASSORTMENT o SPECTACLES* Which I will dlspOM of at taw RATES. pgr REPAIRING to ?f& if its hrM.&si will bB-faithfally nlModod to. 8?pt I? tf JAXEft M. CALDWBLl 4 8OH8 cotton FA<)T?w; ACCOMMODATION WHARF CHARLE8TOV, 8. C* A DtdNCXl wok on consign stents. Ho /V ' to* Adm who Wlib InfortoBtiBB t(f Col D. L. MeEty, President ot tho Pooplo's No tioBwi Besk, Cktrtotoi, B. C. Sopt 0 II . ? Notice to C?M?(nlo*Cft TUB COMJIIHBfOHEKSor KUASS l?i In office for lM? District, |f? Mtffel f (ally rrqiMitad to extend order* (,* th f Oi niw eritliin th?H- boon da, to soil on , tli* hands, *nd arork tH* loads as sarly a i posalbl#. VMicn necessary, lha CdkttMog I or* wtf appoint Owmn. J 1>. BULLIfAjr. IWtXAWDllMcBEF:. County OoMfan onsrn. Bapt ft ' !* ' It tsttsti '? ' . ? TAKE NOTlfcE* NEW FALL 800DS, iiref RECttVEO AM FAR 8All. . r . WELL KNOWN STAND OR l?> -r4 -w-* ** n, ii< uu y is i. m m Call a>i>i von your8RLVK8. Tm wltf ftnA UTtkln| mk! dMt fi k?pt fai A tr*M?r*gul?U4 p?y Qooa. , PALL^RlNTS, *OPLIN8 : &4LL WOOL PE LAjUiS,^ AMEPHERDjf KAlDS, MERINOES, i imrci <u a a iro onihtf c. JUAi/lBO IvlAJilltC, aOAWLkN I0HS 111 IftKT KliK .1 w also, a will selected stock op CLOfHiU (MIMES, FOR GENTS' AND YOUTIIH* WEAR. Ready-Made CLOTHING. EMS, CAN, OTOES, RUBBERS, MMSftlEILILAS, &0.p &0. note and letter paper. soaps and PKRfVEKRf, |lolin strings and BOWS, large a small looking'qlasses, wall paper and BORDERING. Cull early and make your election*. /V* No charge wade for showing Goods. Polite attention guaranteed to alt. W. H. BOVEY. Sept 1$ 17 tr om?e oi sonvn Carolina, GRRKSVU.LE COVJfTT. la tk? Comrt of Yrototo. W. D. TIIRKLKKLD, Applicant, against Iliubtlh Foreater, Amanda Smith uj ihirx. Defendants.?Citation for raU of Rtal Kitnit.. T T appearing to my satisfaction that Maria X. Rolgert, Richard Bayne, Mary Bayne, Jt?? El rod ?n<i Fran cm Klrod, roaidu without tha limit* of this Stmte: It is ordered ?nH decreed, That thsy do appear at'# Court of Pro* bate, in parson or by Attorney, on Tor-Jog, lie Id Jog of DtetoJfor nrjrt, to show cause, If any thsy can, why tho Real Estato of LEWIS KODtJERS, deceased. situated iu Green rille County, on waters of lleedy Hirer, bounded by lands of Win. Ashtuoro and others, containing SIXTY ACHES, more or less, should not be sold, for partition among the heirs. On failing to attend, your consents will hs taken as confessed. Given under my hand, at Greenville Court IJoitse, this 8th day of September. A. 1), 1888. S. J. DOUTHIT. Judge of Prohate, Greenville County, P. C. Sept 10 17 .tin The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In acuity. JOHN A HAWKINS ,t ?/.. Minors, l.y not til-r.d, *a HARRIET D. KILL. THOMAS DILL oi al?Bill for Pari.lion of Root Aefois, 4c. BY virtue ?>f tho Deorotal Order in the above ease, i will sell to the hltfheet uiooer at wren vine uoun iioue-. uu Maw?day In October ne*t, the Ileal Estate of JOHN P. IIA WKTMS. <WU< vl.l A certain Tract of Land, situated and lying on Noith Saluda River, adjoining lands of Joal?h Hawkins. Darnell C Hawkins, end others, containing Ftmr Hundred and 6'u(MsUir>) Actas, mora or 1 **. This is a moat valuable plantation. * Tbsms or SsLB.--Coet to be paid in Cash. The balance nu a credit of one and two years, with interest from day of a >1?. Purchaser to give bond with good personal surety, and a mortgage at the premises :o secure the payment of the purchase money. J. P MOORE, 0. E. O C. Commissioner's Office, Sept. 1, 1868, Septf 16 4 ihe State of South Carol na, OREKNYILLK COUNTY. In Equity. ELIZA J. PRINCE, Executrix, r. Mrs. NANCY McKlNNKY at aL?BUl to Sell Kent Kitatr, to fx if JJebu, die. BY Virtue of the Decretal order la the abort 6aee, I will sell fh the highest Udder at <4raei)fitte 0. II., on RAMsf la wiobf f nsit, the Ket'l Estate ft Ah Au J/f8PBR I. PRINCE, (vls:y . Tract No 1, lfnofhk ai the BoaM Place, situated on watsfi of South Tvger, and eontain In g Oaa Htfndted aad Sevealy-ive A ores, more or leW. _. Tracti ffti S, Known as (Da JfeKinhry adjoios No 1, aad contains Threa HffsJM 1 and riftp Aeres, Nth of Uii, 6n 8?Mk Tygei i Tnilf ft* t, #0>o*ii as (ha Her ft ion ?laee, f and contains Mo Hundred aad Fifty Ac fas ' moH tt hrts. frrccC j?? 4, KdoWI m Um 8ldM MmI, , and contains Ki*e Aeres, Mart of 164a on Sooth Pteolet River. Trrmt a/ An/e.? Credit of one and two years oxoept cost which muat bo in CASH. Tb? pnreetant to (it* bond with adequate person al surety and nortmes of the promisee respec , lively, to secure the purchase money. Interns1 from day of sale. Purchasers to pay fbr papers J. P. MOORS. C. K. Q. 0. Commissioner's Oftoe, September 8th, 1808 Sept 0 Id 4 State of South CartHM ORRBKVILLE COUNTY. In Xqaity. , JOSEPH LOOP BR SALLY HAR1 *t nL?BiU /or fmrtitio*, da BY virtno of the Decretal ardor In the aboV< anao, I will raaoll to tW highest bidder at Greenville C. 8, N 5a1eSt!ey fas' Octobe neat, the Treat of Land described ta the plead , lugs?eituatad, lying and being in tho Countj , of Pickens, oa Wolf Crook, adjoining tend of Mwmb, Loopor and Manrmli, eontalnioj ' Two Hood red and Slaty Ames, more or leas | Theme #/ &da.?A Credit of twelve months . interest Una daSo, egoopt ooat which mast \? * In CASH, tho pwrobnaor In give bond witi '* adequate surety std a mortgage of tbe prim I sea to sec a re the ftarohaae money. Purchase to pay for papers. J. P. MOORS, C. B. O. C. Commisaiooor'a 6floo, September 8th, J8U Cap!0184 i g i t a > i Male ?C iaatfcr CaroNnftt GREENVILLE COUNTY, in M. T>. niottf, jt(hnli<Utr?1^ M ml. ma EIJAS 0 DtCREY H ml -bill /W P?rMfcrn Altai AC BY tIhu* of ihtt DerMd Order if <) * h<ir? Mto, I Yitr trlt st Or*?(?Jii< CVwrt Hou*?j on iflwit; In Oet?f?*r ??, ih? f.Olo-ving Re. I gfetrfU of LEWIS H. DICftEY. ji^rkird, M rmrtilio* : Thart Kb. ff?Known .. %Im DAVW PIin, fmiiialnf Oma Hundred mnd 7V**fy TVert *o the I PUrt. containing Nice Hunched and 8*r*nty mint Ahrca, mot# or Ire*. Th# ?lxi#e ItMh tr* In the ujw |Hr portion of Greenville County. Tun or 8At*.?Credit of on* year r tli in to root from day of rale, except co*'?, J which mnilb* in cash, the |>U'cn*a* in to glr? bond with good surety, and mortng# of tho premier*. to aaooro the |>wfnit# money. Purrbaaere to pay for paper*. 3. V. MOORS. C. K. G . C Omn'n OIBee, 8apt. |ih, 180S. Wept 9 10 4 The State of South Carolina, ORBBNYII.LE COUNTY. lm Equity. NANCY BOWKN, Admlnlatrntrin, and nOW DEN, Admin la trot of, ** J. R. BOWDSN H iil?Bill for Partition, injunction, de. BY virtue of tho decretal order la the aboee eaee, I wjll th.e bfgbeat bi<M47, at Oreearllle C. 11., on flateaday in Ucidfcf Hiit; the Meal Batata of REUBEN BOWDBN, de ceaaed. aa described in the BUI, (visi) Trait No. 1, Konfo f* the residence of the deeeaaed, near GTo#eadviUe<? ithd donlaln* MTtn acre*. Thia fa, ft #e|l lunprovod place, hare a I.ARWK FRAMED DWBLLINQ H0U8E, and all neeedaary out-building*. Tract No. 9, Known aa the SUaa Wbitten place, containing One Thousand and Beeenty Acrea, mora or lea*, lying on Poutb Paeolet Rimr, and adjoining land* of Earle, Moodot, Dickey and other*'. Tract No. 3, Adjoin* No. 3, and contain* One Hundred and Screnty-fire Acre*, more or la**. Term* of Bale.?Coat to be paid In CA8H on day oi aala. Balance on a credit of twelve month*, with intereat from day of aale. Th* purchaser* to give bond with approved per* onal surety and mortgage* of th* premiee* fc~ apectirely to aeenre the purchase money.?* Purcha*er* to ? * for J. P. MOOKE, C. E. 0. C. Commissioner'* Office, September 9th, 18(18. Sept 9 Iff 4 SI Ale of South rnrolliin, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Kqnltf. ROBERT MtKAY es. Mi* A&S fe. PARli ER.?Bill to Foreeloo* Mortgage, <frc. BY virtue of the HeerMtl 0(thr in the above ease, I will Sell <? llVe highest bidder at Greenville Court House on Salrsday in October the House ai d Lot a* describe! In the Bill, situated on the SouthWest sine of Buncombe Street, in the Tovro of Greenville, eonMiniiig On* Atte, more or le*? TliU Is a moat desirable place ? The llotlee contains si J rooms with neces siry conveniences, and the outbuilding* are in good repair. The locution is a pleasant <>ne. Tut) or Satr. ?Credit of six month*, except Cos's, wlrieli must b?' paid in Oach. The purchaser to giv? bond wills good surety, tile title deed irtvt delivered until the nio.iey i? puf-l. ami if not paid promptly Hi me r*pirai ton im tin nionUlT, lo he mold fur cn i*li f 11 tk? i Ilk uf I ho ftf<i purtlui'-r. J V MOf IRE. C. B. O. 0. Commissioner's OfRc, Sept. 8, 1888. Sept ? Iff ? Slnlc of* SoUlfi Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Equity. ELIJAH FARMKR r? O. W. lltDfc?Bill to farrttloM Mortpag*. Ac. BY vlftue of t1i? fleerelal Order in I he above cm I will sell to the highest bidder, et Greenville Court llouie, on Sates day in ?>ctober next, the Tract uf Lend de scribed In the BW es the properly of the Defendant, on which he now maiden, situntrd, lying, end being in the said Conrntr, on waters of Qiove Clerk, *il?fi of Saluda River, containing Thirty Acrti, m6f* 6f lew. TbhMi or Salk.?Credit of six months except so mnch as may be necessary to pay Costs, which unlit be Cash. The purchased to give bond with adequate surety lo afectfre the payment of the purchase money, and If the niouey is not paid promptly at tire Expiration of til months, to be resold f6t uatn, at the run ol lli? nr?t purchaser. J. P. MOOIIK. C. E. O C. Commleeionrr'a Office, Sept. 8, lbOS. Sept? 18 4 The State of South CaroliiU, ONEENVILLE COUNTY. In EfOHy, JOHN A. HAWKINS, by next friend, el alt re. HARRIET b. HILL <u nl.?hilt to MnrihuU A nrte, halt. Partition, Ac. TRURSUANT to the DcortUl Order ti? tliie J MM, the creditor* of JOHN P. HAW. ! KINS, deoeaied, at* feftMfed o fender and prove their demand* before me, 6ft Of before the frit day of November aeit <1. P. JkXTRB, c. iL 0. b. Jely nth, ISM. 8-td The State of S6fith Carolina,OhttBNtlLLE COUNTY. In Equity. tLifA i. tttfNCS, Executrix, ? . NAttCY lfoXINNET ,t ot- Bill t<f MJriXalt AmHi, ..%?<?, /ttjaaelioa, Ac. ilukSUANT to the Decretal Order In thp w: abaft cam, tbe eredltore of J AS PER J. PHINCK, (beftMtd, are reofftfred to render and prove their mftritodif before (ft*, on or be> fere the trdt 8hf of December nqdt, ,/. P. MOORE, C. E. O. V: Jely frtfr, HSi. 8-td TIM State of Scrttth Carolina^ t OREES VILLt COUNTY. u wm i JOHN W. MORGAN, Khutor, M. " N. MOROAN ?l a?Bill to Jffnrthall A.?to, &7t/?, /etoatcfc'en, At. TtUBSUAWT to the Dtcrcul Order in the ? Jl <**? > An Creditor* of NATUAN15l MOKOAN, tieoeHed, eft required to fsndef eodf pri>*e their deMends before me, on m before the first dey of December next. P J. P. MOORE, C. B. 0. D. July feth, r?te. Awtd . The State of South Carolina) < Qkiktif ILLS COVHTY. In finally. HANCY EfOWDBN, Administratrix, end R. L. BOWDBN, Administrate, m. J. M. BOWDKN ? aL?BiU to Martkall dmh, Aafe, f*J*?c*in?, Ac. "fSuRBUANT to the DeereUl Order in the X eboee case, Ad creditors of REUBEN BOWDKN, deceased, ere required to render nad proee their dads ends before me, within three months, (on or before the 16th dey of October next.) L J. P. MOORE, C, B. O. D. Jjly lJti, H58. h-ul iii n m)i y I 11 nil ? ,n TigLJJlt-l 'RISE. Mm sWMtiito ARE OFFERING GREAT IK LOl VMMSLY ? K10MV1? isf! ALSO IN EVERY IrIHE OF FORfSET THF T>t AfT mS MAIN STREET, 0/ July i Democratic NeWcpapert PrftLIsttlCD AT Tl<* CAPITAL OP SOOTH CAROLINA. THE ?tt. ntion of the MERCHANTS, FARMERS ?*9 READS 6T FAMILIES generally throughout the tipper Districts, is onlled to tbo MANY ADVANTAGES to be obtained by subscribing for TUB DAILY PHfKNIX, Published every morning, except Men,ley, at $4 tor six tbonths; $2 for three month*. THE TRl- WEKKL Y PH(E\/X, Published Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at $2.60 for six months ; $1.25 for three. H JC*A'i r QLEAJtER, A mammoth paper, containing forty-eight columns of reading matter, is published every it conesnay morning, at 91.OU six months ThAse papers ?rtt recognised ax the central Democratic organs, and contain, besides Political Matter, the latest TKLRORAPIIIO 1NTELLIURNCK?Markets and a daily sortnisry of News fmra aTl parts of tbe World; interesting Editorials on general topics ; Local iMa'tcrs; Correspondence; News Items; Miscellany?Stories. Poetry, dr. Address JULIAN A. SKLBY, I?r. Sept fO 17-4 Columbia, 8. C. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, MANUFACTURED BY 60B0RICH. VIBEH&I & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. - SOLD 1IERE BY MORGAN ds WESTMORELAND, HARRISON dt MARSHALL, itt? F: a. Walter, TOR TME WOmiL Goodrich, tVineman & Co* Sept 9 id 6m Administrator'* Sale. 1WILL re-sell, st the nek of the former purchaser, to the highest bidder, on SaJttday in October next, the following Trect of Lend, vis.; JIT that Tiifcf of Lrtnd, known nt the LLW wELL'S THACt, rituated in OreSnvifle County, three miles from Oreen vflle C. H., lying oVi thy fti-beville lloed hounded by lende of R. U.'dncob*. Estate of i V. McBee, dec&aSed, yr.d otlitri, and cOn laTning Three Hundred dfid Sbveutyfie* Atrti, , mole tfr leea. 8old ne the property of WILLIAM JACO&S, de6*ss'-d, for divleion among the heira Term* tjaeh. R. H JACCfBA Administrator, will) the Will annexed, ol Williaii) Jacob*. deceiso-l. Greenville, S. C., Sept. 8th, 18681. Sept 9 10 4 Portrait Painting*. THE Subscriber is now . devotjng hli time eteliuivMy to PORTRAIT PAINT 1KG, and solicit# the patronage of ihr community. Persons wishing LI KGN ESSES ol themselves, or their deeeand friends', fiy furnishing him a degberreotvpe, or an artibrn ty pe, will haVe it enlarged to the eiie of life\ by I lie bid of (he fiolar eamcta, und aeCu rately painted in oil color*. Specimens may he seen at MessrA Herri soft & Marshall's book iftofe. Orders lefi at the rtore, will be promptly attended to Terms moderate. , . a II. LAft&EAtt: September ftth, 1S68. 8*Dt ft 16 fi New Boot a?d Shoe Store. TUB auheeriber informs ih? publli rlt sn-l hi* friends that he it no* * ^^toprepared to fill all orders prompt 1' for Cuttom Work, oo reasonable terrrtr as oan he done i Che town of Greenville. An assortment i H i : A El V-It A (I II WORK ?nn?v?mTy on litnd, A1' Ou?tom Wi r vtrrtiM to b? of the BEST MATERIALS\ and workreiat ehV > well executed. KKF'A I HI NO done at ehort notice. Shop first door South of W. 11. llovej tore, Main Street. J a HICK?. s.pto in :f BARGAINS! M i?|] DtCEJttKTS IS A CffOfcE : of toffsifinitfxs MY. GOODB X>tf WAND. ? DON1* E OF * #ARGA/NS* '.VAN & SON, 'pos/rtf no use. if " DuPont'i Rifle PowdW." I" HAVE acoepted the appoiaUneot aa L A(?nt for the aate of the tbori llklr?t?d RIFLE POWTOR, and I art pfa-i pared to deliver at abort nhlice, any arfioutot, in largo or atball q<iantitle*, of Uie follow, inf If rand*, at Ckarh'itod W'hpteeaU PrWW/ freight and dray age to thla |iM? added : _ FFP O Hide 25 lb K*f*. FFF O Rifle 1 Sfl lb Kea*. FFP O Rifle 6* lb R*g5. Eagle Rifle *i l?> Reft*; Duek ltifle 6f lb Read. ,** Eagle and Diamond Grain 1 lb CtnidVrf. THOMAS STEER. Bept 9 - 16 tf STBHNT'S If 0138. H.JL Rfl T WISH Kj trfortn the CUIaena of Qre*nI vllle afid the eorroundiog .Districts, thai I have jnsl arrived with the mmii stock g w. I ever purchased by me ainee the lOar. T wIT not surrender to any man in TuWw or District, that he ran sail Goods of Oil fTA"MR QUA LITY CHEAPER than I can;- Call and examine for yourselves, at STEEN'S STORE. May 27 1 t1 I am opening a Splendid Stock of Groceries,at rery reduocd prices. Call abd aatiafy yourselves that it la 40,-aY STBEiiS STORE. May 27 i If Also, a large and magnificent lot of Ql&ee ware and Crockery at vary low Bgures. Car. and judge for yourselves, at STBfcirS STORfc. May 27 X it Spcoial attention la*' called to the elegant assort men I of Shoea ?Ladles', MiesAx', Boya*. You the* and Servants', aud a vary fine lot or Plowtnens' Shoes?extra fine Brogans. Call aud prove what I say, at STEEN'8 STORE. May 27 I ' tt " COSTA U'S " PREFAB AtlOSfSEVERYBODY?Them ! EVERYBODY? tju? Them f feV EftV BO'DY?HeUevtt in Them / I EVERYBODY?Recommends Them . I co.uf. IM ?? *g??, *?,. (^ ^sssi, 1 co??-?carn a^3T?lt B?I?. ?? I CMtA ? **?? W?BrtU?, i?. I MMf> 6l,b,??gI,UCoi^.) iM '? ico?wf? e??? *rA.. cold., 1.. 'io-ttr" Bltter-Sweet^and 1 *< * * tb* Sbin Wrtb Aid ftfr. i Ilewaro !! of all Worthless Imitation*. _^pjT*N?e? (Tenufno Without Costar'a signature. /? #--'Zl>a. end 6ue. sites kept by all Druggists, f p&~%\ si*es sent by roail on receipt of priee. pays for any three $1 sites by Kxpressi 55 pays for eight $1 sites by Express. AddrosS HENRY R. COST^t 612 Broadway, R. Y. I JEW- Forsake by MOKtf/tW A WE8TMOKELAND, ureenville, S. C. JUST- And at Wbelesale in all the eitiea and large towns in the United States.- lA-ftm 1 1 1 . RO&ADALIS. Purifies the Blooda For Sale by DntcgUU Fverywher*. ? ? ,f Whi'nt undotbnrGrRln Crops. H zf~ Al'KS'ftlI*>*WBoapn aTir ntr t iw will tnrrrH* tk? yield per o?nt.? No peisou thntild plant ao acre of When* without o?l?g 300 or 300 pound* to tbu acre. Apply to H. W. KINSMAN. 168 E?*t B>*y, Charleston, 'a General Agent for Santo Carolina, Or lo JULIUS 0 SMI! H. Gr*o?ivil\e, 8. O. Sept 3 iui