University of South Carolina Libraries
niaum in miui MttmtA D*or mbort tfn Pvt fgpe*, . maajwwaa.&sa, a. o. I WOULD inform my frlond* ud JB& patroa* of (JnMTillt, that I bar* ?^3 Jut rccoircd a FINS VARIETY or jftjgg CLOCKS, A Watches and Jewelry, To?otbw with a I.ARUK ASSORTMENT of SPECTACLES, Whlofc I will dtfpoM of at LOW RATES. JW REPAIRING In all of it* branches tin bo faithfully attended to. 8#pt ? lb tf_ Wetlce to Comminiionevi. 'npHB OOMMWBIONEIlSof ROADS l.-t t X la oflfea for thl* District, are re?|>e?t. fully requested to extend order* to tho 'Otwwwi within their bound*, to oall out tho hand*, and w<*rfc tho Road* u early a* Voo*lble. When n eoeawry. tho Coimnitaion- I bra will appoiat Om?irt, J I>. *ULL1NAN. ALEXANDER McBF.E, Oowwty Cottimiaaionera. Wpts ?U s Hew Boot and Shoe Store. TUB aobsorlher inform* the public HWK and hi* friend* (hot bo i* n?w " ML prepared to All all orJor* promptly fcr ;? Custom. "Work, ba ao roaannablo term* aa c*n bo don* In tho town of Orroneill*. An a?sortm?nt of . BEADY-H4DE WORK constantly on hand. Al' Custom Work warranted to ba of tho ; BEST MATERIALS, bad workmanship well executed. REPAIRING aono at short .out lc?. Shop first door South'of W. U. Huvey'* W kl.... U.U , . i tx liicka Sept* i# it ' ) Administrator' Salo. .T WtLL resell. t the ri?k ?.f ike former JL . purchpaer. to (lie hi git at. Wider. on BaUmlay in October1 ittit, lli? following Ti adi mi LtH, ria : All that Tiaot of Land, known at the WILLIS WKLL'S TRACT, eituafel In ftreonailla Coonty, three iuil*a fpnm Green iille C. H., tying On the Abbeville Road bounded bjr Unde of K. H Jeeoba, Estate of y. McBee. deoeaeed, and oihe-a. and containing Three 'Hundred and Seventy-five Acre*, more or leaa. Sold na tR* property 6f WILLIAM JACOBS, deoeaeed, for dlvlaion among the hetra T-rme CasK R. H JACOBS Admtnlatrator, with the Will annexed, of William Jacobs daeajeod. ftratnville, 8. C., Sept. fitli, 1808. Sept 9 16 4 JAMES X. CALDWELL & SONS. COTTON FACTORS, ACOOftMpD ATtO S WHARF, cii arLeston, s. c. ,tA DVANCKS made on -onaignmenta. R?" jf\_ f?/ thoae Who ?JlaU information to Col. 5. L. MoKay. Preaidout of the Pooplo'a Na? tioaal Bank, Chafle/ion, 8. C. , Sept 9 16 4 Excursion Trutu. A N EXTRA, TRAIN will leave TloUon roe jtjL , ^ftlbajla on TUESDAY morning, 8ep tvuivci ltf| 1 17VO, 1IUUICUI?ICIJT llvl, ino (IIVIII 6f lb* down CrAj}. gald trafa ttNl %inp at all way Stations'. KtlareM'g, wilt Ieavatvalb'alla the aama mning, immediately after the arrtral of tfp train. . Excursion.Ticket* wilt be fstdsd good from", Monday to' Wedneslav. RICHARD 8. PORGHKR, President C. D. (1. 0. C. Sept9 16 I " 1 ' '1 1? .e ^ Portrait Paintitfff. ,4|NhK Subeerther it mw devoting hi* JL time exclusively to PORTRAIT PAINTJ KG. nod solicits the patronage of the comrtutMty. Persons wishing LIKEN ESSKS ot thMaOlVda, or their dmmmd friend.*, by furntshtflg Him daguerreotype, or an type, will have It enlarged to the awe of life, ? by the aid of the 8d1at c&mtra, and seen rately painted in oil color*. Specimen* man be seen at Meters Harrison A Marshals bookstore. Orders left at the store, will be promptly attended to. Tnras moderate. 0. H. LAKKBAU. September 9th, 1168. Sept* 16 ? ' ? * Deputy Collector's Office, ' * ?, S. 0., Sept 6, 1868. BY virtue of aulliority in me vested, I wUl expose for sale, 'at tha store ot ?ower, Co*. tierkley A Co , on Wednesday, Mth insC, tho following property, to wit: One 8CRRKL HOfD?K. ^ge ONE-HORSE WAGON and HAR^ Otae BARREL of WHISKY, be fag tlW property seic<d hy A. L. C-nhb, 1 Dspntr Collector, on the 29th July, fr??m JEUBMIAR RCBERTR because of viola. Linn nf Internal fli'Ventir T.asr. At the tome tfmb end piece, elao, the following property * / , Oca W HlTE H0R8E. one ONE UOR*B WAGOlt, . . And Two Small BARRELS of WIlfclCY. aid On# amply KEO. Bcing tne property e?W by E. il. Smith, Atelttant Aeweaor. from LBANDER STTIlil, beceuaa of vlole Alo? of Internal Reranae Lawn Tba VTbleky *U1 ba aoH by the gallon, avlth privikga of na many gallon* a* d?* ' ?" A. t COBB. Dap. Col.,9th Dlvialon, 3d Dut, H. U, frpl? ! 1 CHARLESTON HOTEL, cbablsstok, t. c. AAAfc TBI tupUaatgaad baring taken M afcarge ef. Mm ahoro well-known HO'JVHLtEL, re>peelfn*y Isforwa kia friend* wad the iu*?iiu? piil'lie (bat it baa bee* HK> PU ARIA 11 ED In all ot It* dapaeticeate. Tba t*Wa wifl, nf ali Urae*, b# (applied With the beat ton Mart*! aflbrda, tnahadtag ercry daltaoay In toaf~- while the naUine will be un M^tWbto. MlOl Rnom* attached to s Iba Htoal ore mhIM wttb tba arlebnalod MrMm Wabff oaaf net, W< or Shower Hatha cgm ba ?M*Mat my Ue??. Tba tame atMm will ha paid to tba aatafort of dm gweeta aa terete to re, aad trarelara can rely upon finding tba Cliartoeton IloteUaqaal to any in tba United Btnte#. Tba patronage a# tba trpral-* apt " -on ILL-!- I1 T ri;7'8 ' m 'r*'i 1?,I t . . I-;,' .fa . = Horse, Baggy and Harnoos for Sale. TtUVl? a nOR88. BUGGY an* BARKK B which I will fell on reaaonabla Itrma A>v OM wUhing to pnrrfcaaa will end i bftgiU 1n the above. Buggy and araaw new, and florae young. BD. HUDSpa SMITH. 1 8apt9 It % To Contractors, rnuiv9JUi^ win m r?e?iT?(i O by Ikt MdmlRMd, OoorMlort, for th? creation of thi New Court Room for the County of Oeooea, In the town of Wnl halls. botli of Wood nod Brink, until the let diy of October, when tk? Bi<h will hr opened nod compared. Bond and approved security required for the .performance of' tha work according to the Specifications, whioh can b? men at any time, by calling on R. B. Cb*m?rrs, Chairman of the Build ing CominiU'S; alto, any Information deaired in regard to pirmanU for tha work, Ac., aan be obtained o> him. H B CHAMBERS. 1 .. H. KNEE. j I). BIEM ANN. I f!< mmitU? - john Kaufman. fConBin,tu*, O. WBNU&LKKN. , ' Ml C. ROCHaU. J - ' ? +' i Waiualua, Aug. SI, IBM. 8ep V IB 1 Stale of Sovtth ?rolina, > QREEN'VJLLF COUNTY. In Equity. M. P. DTOKEY, Administrator el at. ??, Ef.lAsO DICKEY et at?Billfor Partition Heal Hit ate, &e. a BY virtue of the Decretal Order in tha I above eaae, I will sell at Qrrenvllle Court Ilouae, on aalraday lu October next, the following ileal E?tate of LEWIS 11. DICKEY, deceased, for Partition: 7Ymct He. B?Known na the DAVIS Place, containing One Hundred and 7W?/fy teren and one fonrth Acrrt, more or le?s Tract A'o f-Known aa the WaTSON Place, containing Fioe Hundred and Seventynine Aerea, more or lea*. The above lands are situated in I ha upp.-!* poition of OreenviiU County. Terms or Sal*.-?Credit of one year with interest <r? m day of enle, exen-pt coa'a, which must ba In cash, the ptrelmarra to give bond with good surety, and mortgage of the premier*, to secure the purchase tnoney. Purchasers to pay for papers. J. P. MOORE, 0. E. O. C. Ooiu'ri Office, Sept. 8'.h, 1663. Sept 16 4 Slate of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Sanltv. ELI J ATT FARMER m O. W. I1YDE.?Bill to Fortcloee Mortgage, <fre. BY virtue of the Decretal Order In the ibofe rasa I will ee I to th? hiKliasl bidder, al Greenville Ooor* Hon??. on Salea day in October next, the Tract of Land da scribed in the Dill as the property of the Defendant, on which he now resides, shunted, 1} iuy, and being in the said County, no waters of Giove Creak, waters of Pallida Hi ver, containing 7Thirty Acrea, m< ro or leas Tkhmh or Sauk.?-Credit of six months exc-apt so milch as may l>? DVr saary to pay Costs, which must be Cash. The purchaser to give bond with adequate aural y to secure the payment of the purchase money, and if the money ia nut paid promptly at lite ?-x titration of six mouths, to be ivaold for Cash, at lha ri-k ot the first purchaser. J. I? MOORK, C. R. O C. Commissionei'a Office, Sept. 3, ltC3. Sept 0 16 4 Tho State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Equity. i0UN A. H/rWKINA ,t a/.. Minors, by next M-r.d, vt HARRIET D. DILL. . THOMAS DILL et aI.?Bill for Part, lion / Real Relate. <?c. BY virtue of the Dceretal Order in the abova ease, 1 trill call to the highest ' bldrfer irt OresnviHe Court House, on Salesday in October, next, the Real Estate of JOHN P. HAWHfNS. deceased vis: A* e- rtaiir Tract of Land. situated and lying on Noith' Saluda River, adjoining lands of Joei?h Hawkins, Barnett C Haw. kins, en^l others, containing Four Hundred qvd Sixteen (41 A) Acret, mure or 1 as. This .is a most valunbls pUntntion. Txnses'or Sat*.?Cost lo b* paid fn Cdah. "ftis balance on k qredit ol one and two I years, with interest from day of ?<le. Purcbaaar to give bond with good personal surety, and a mortgage of the premises to secuie the payment.Of the money. S. P MOORE. 0. E O c. Cofttnrtissioner's OBee, Sept. 7, 1968. Sept? li 4 The State of South Carol na, GREENVILLE COUNTY. , la Equity. ELIZA J. raiNCK, Executrix, ?? Mrs. NANCY MoKlNNEY e-t at.?HiU to Hell Utnl Ft tat e, to piiu Jjthtt, ?f-\ BY virtuepf the (5eeretel order in the shore qpds/I will set! to the highest bidder at Greearille C. II., on Salasday in Ocflhber next, the Real Estate of the late JASPER J. PRINCE, (vis:) Trmet No I, Known as the Homo Place, situated on waters, of South Tyger, and containing One Hundred eh J Screnty-flv'e Acres, more or lees. , , Traett No 2, Known as ths McKinneV Place adjoins No 1, and contains Threa lYundred nnd Fifty Acres, more .or less, on South Tjrger Riser. Tract No S, Known as the Harrison Place, siad contains Two Hundred and Fifty Acres, mere or lesrf . . Tract No 4,' Known ss the Simons Shoal, and contains Five Acres, mors or less, on 8?JVlt Poodle I River. Ttrmt of 6itil?.? CrfHitof one end two years, except cost which meet be lb CASH. The pa rob Men to give bund With adequate perianal swrety and mortgagee of the premises respectively, to eeenre the purchase money. Interest from day of sale. Purchasers to pay for papetV J. P. MOORE. 0. K. 0. C. Commissioner's Office, September 8th, 1888. Sept 9 18 4 State of South Carolina. OUKBNVILLR COUNTY. Ia Kquitj. JOSEPH LOOPKR cf of. r?. SALLY HART ei ml ?Hill fir Partition, ds. BY virlna of Aha Decretal order In the above case, I will resell to the highest bidder, at tjreenvllle C. 11., on Saleaday In October neat, the Tract of Land described in ths pleadings?situated, lying and betog In the Comity of Pickens, on Wolf Creek, adjoining Lands < ef Morgan, Loupes end Marujlt, containing Two Hundred and Slaty Acres, more or leer. yVrmf <>/ SaU.?k credit ef twelve months, Interest from date, except cost which must be In CA0H, the purchaser to gfvo bond with ndaqoate surely end a mortgage of tha promtaratn aecute the parebaed ataxiaf. Ptrobaser to pay for papeta. ^ , _ J. P. MOORE. CT. E. O. Cf. Oosamisdotier's Office, Beptembe* 8th,-IMS. 8npt9' IE- 4 I TiTiTTi _ i Ny ?. ... ? m t.T The State of 8oiith Carolina, GREENVILLE COUJTTT. ' Tk Equity, ftAWCY BOWEN, Admlniatrattk. in.l' It. 1* HOW DEM, A<lminfatrotor, n J. R. toW1>BN rt for Partition, Injunction, ff) Y tItUm of the daeretal ordar in til# ebore II out, I will Mil to the bl|ch?Mbtdde.'t at GreenviHa O. II.. on Balantm In OnUiUr n?i the Real Batata of RKUBKN UO^?bW, U~o awiid, as doscrjbed In the Rill, (via:) Tract So. 1, Known aa aha. residence of th^ daceaaad, aear Uowaoeville, and contains seven acres. Tbia (a a well improved plana, hare a LABOR KRAMER nWKLUNO HOUSE, and all neeoteavy out-buildings. Trent So. 1, Known aa tba Silas W bitten place, containing One Thousand ami Huveoty Acroa, more orTossjBlyirig on South Pneolet Rl7er, and adjoining lands af Earls, Moona v, Diektjp and others. , . ? I Trad So. 3, Adjoins No. 2, and contains Ona Hundred and Seventy-live Acred, more or leas. JW A'o. 4, Situated And lying on Fair Forest Creek, In PMrlanborg, containing One llnndrwl and Siat/ecreo Aerea, more or leer, having on It a TtWKI.LINO HOIBK, SAW and GKI8T MILL. 7V?e?? of Aals.HfrCost to be paid in CA8H op day ol sale, Bwlaoee on a credit of twelve months, with Interest from day of sale. The purchasers it give bond with approved personal surety and mortgages of the premises respectively to secure the purobase money.? Purchasers to psy tor paper*. J. P. MOOKK, O. K. O. 0. Commissioner's Ofttue, gcpUinher Bib, 1838. SeptB 18 t State of South Carolina,' GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Equity. ROBERT McKAY *s. Mrs j?KN E FARK F.R.?iill to Foreclot* Mortgage, dee BY virtue of the Dsnetsl Onler in the above rase, I wlil Sell t" thv highest hid der nt Greenville Court House on Sah aday in October oat the Monro and' Lol ? defcihel in the Bill, situated on the SouthWest side of Buncombe Ktrsel, in the Town of Greenville, containing 0?i Arte, more or ir*a. Thie ie a most desirable place.? The House contains s>x rooms with nscn eery Convsuiences, end the outbuilding* are in good repair. The location it a pleasant ntt*. Ttitxs os Saik?Credit of ai* month*, except Coats, which mtist he paid iu Cash. The purchaser In give bund with good, surety; the title deed not delivered until ,i.? ?.. .... i. ?II - i? hihi ii iita pun prompiiy at tli? expiration of ?>x month*. to be rreohl for eaeli, hi ibe rink of the first purch*?r. J P. MOO IlK. O. E. O. C. CommiMioner'e Offio-, 8, lsfttf. 8-pl9 16 4 THi: O^D CAROLINA BITTERS, MANUFACTURED BY GOODlICB.WiHEMAI & CO, CHARLESTON. S. C. SOLD HERE BY MORGAN A WESTMORELAND; HARRISON A MARSHALL. A M> p. a. Walter. TO? MOUJSE. Goodrich* W^neman & Cch Sept 9 16 Cin ^COSTAR'S"^" PREPARATIONS. EV BUYBODY? Tries Them t KV KRY BODY ? Vtet Tk<m / EVERYBODY?Mitvu in Then ! EVERYBODY?lUxommtnds Than ! Cottar's Exterminators. tor Hull, Roaches, Ants, Ac. Cottar's Bed Bug ExterA Liquid?Kills?" 8uro thing/9 r -t _ Cottar's Insect Powder Pur Fleas, Moths, Iusocts, Ac. ' ' ? 1 Cottar's Corn SolventFur Corns, Bunions, Ac. Cottar's Buckthorn Salve. For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Ac. Cottar's Bithop Pills(Sugar Coated) Dinner Fill. Cottar's Cough Remedy. For Cough*, Colds, Ac. I Cottar'* Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms. Beautifies the Complexion. Makes tbo Skip fresh and fair. JOOr Beware II of art Worthier I mi tat i Ons! JUT No no genii hie without Costar'e signature. 04T~2Sv. and 50c. sizes Kept bjr all Druggists. i*lt Hi liiM lent hv mail nh nseain* pay* for any three $1 atxes by Rspreaa. paya for eight $1 aixoa by Exprcaa. Addroaa HENRY R, COSTAR. 012 Broadway, N. X. p#-Foraale by MORGAN A WK8T? MORKLAND, Greenville, 8. C. JW And at Wholnale in all the eitiea and large town* io (be United Stataa. ld-flra Notice. ALL perron* iodetded to Col. JOIItf I> AsHMORE, muet rniK:? payment forthwith to the nnderalgned, or they will be eued lirdiaorimlnatoly. W. II. CAMPBELL. Aaaignee. SrptS . 1ft 2 Wheal 2uu IherGralH Crop*. MA PES SUPERPHOSPHATE OP LIME will loereaae the yield ftO per rent.? No poreon thotild plant an acre of Wheat without utiog 200 or 800 pounda io the Mre. Apply to n. w. KINSMAN, '1S8 Rant Ray, Charleston, Oanaral Agent fc?r Souln Carolina, Or to JULIUS O 8MITII. Greenville, 8, 0. Sept I 1ft 2m Job Work DONE at Ihla'OfBca, with neatneea and diipateh. ' 8 g 8TSII * r- '?. ' '* DnPont'* Rifle Powder.*' IHAYE owptol tba ai'|nTntnirnt *i Agent fi r the mIb of the above Micbraled itIFl.F. POWDER, and t atn fWaItared to deliver althuH noilee. any linaaht, B large or email rpmntklee, of tba follow lag Mrande, at CharlaptenWltoleaale Price*, freight and dravaga to. thla nlaoo added : FFP a Kid* 25 |h tfeg*. FFK O Rifle ltl l?? ffege* FFr ? Rifle tlfthJCegb. Knglo H flu |h Ihtelc Kifle 64 lb Korea Koala and Diuuivud Oraln ]. lb Caniater*. THOMAS STREW. Bepl 9 16 U M"P iii'usrci>q ssoii. JS 11 fHH DBSBQK X WISH to inforot tb? Cltfira^ of Green* 1 villa etui the surrounding .Di*ti icts, that 1 have just arrived with tha CHEAPEST Ml Of MS over purchased by mo since the war. I wil not surrender to ony man in Town or District, that he can sell floods of lue 8A"M"E QUALITY CHEAPER' than I eafl. Call Mid alanine for yourselves, dt . ' .. RtEEN'S 3T0AH. May 27 X tf I am opening a Splendid Rlovk of Groceries, lit rory rvducod prices. Call and satisfy yourselves that it is so, ut BTRKN'S STORK, Kay 27 1 tf AUo, a large snd magnificent lot ftf Gist* ware and Crockery at very low figures. Cat. and judge for yourselves, at STJifcS'S STORE. May 27 1 tf , Spocial attention is called to the elegant assortment of Shoes?Ladiea', Misses', Hoys', Youths' and Servants', end a very fine lot of lMowinens' Shoes?extra Dno Iirogaua. Cull and prove what I Suy, at ST BEN 'S STORE. May 27 1 tf ~ tin; public ~ A RE kindly invited- to eail and sco our I r\ new stoek of _r The Low Priced Wool & Fur Htita. which Wo ba-vo but just received. FOSTER k HUNTER. OUIf stock of Shoes for men and* hoys is still good and offered at unusually low price a. ,. FOSTER A HUNTER. A GOOD stock of Jeans and Cassimeres for sale at prices to suit the times. FOSTER A II(JNTF.ft. REFINED Sugars, Rio and Java Coffee, Toa, Spices, Staroa, Sosp, lticc, Flour, liuoon, Ac., An. for sale I'Y FOSTER A FfurfTER. Sejft 2 7fr 3 Fairvicw Sugar Company. rpiIIS Company having bought the Right I in tlio gr?nt discovery of making sugar anil refining syrup tninlq frotw PorRO Cane, in that portion,ot tlreciivijle District embracing tlio Tliinl Kogiu;#i?t, We proposo to erect a BWOAH ir0t.SR1.mI REFINER near FAIKVIKW as Boon h? practicable. To those who live too far Irom our worksite haul their canes, wrn propose to i?eH;Farii? Right*'.. Wo believe IVm f?* h?v one of the greatest discoveries for the S?ut!i that could hnvc hccrl* made, ami have no douht that ft wjll he, in u few v^ ars, t'.e great staple of, the Pnuth. /is operations are simple and coitl conipcVnliv-'ely nothing to start n fafm Works, and Will pay Ave l?su? better than any crop except cotton', ami we be.ieve will double .'bat great king of the South. Those wishing Right* should call at onco on Dr. W. A. Harrison, at Fiiirview, or I)r. W, P. 1'aas.nore, at Groenvilla, why will tnke great pleasure in giving full particulars. Wo will lurnish seed free of cost, except freight, to tboso wishing to plariit. W. A. UARRIBOX, XV. p. 1'ASSMOllK, , Agents for Company. T. Ij. BOZEMAI*, Preaklcuf. Sept 2 . T5 tf To Farmers. fTUlR WATT PLOUGH comos to you with J. the highest roeoinmondation. Call it div Auction Rooms and examine it for yourselves. 1 have supplied fifteen farmers witli this Plow in this country, and they ail speak in the highest praiso of it. The one horse plow is a turning plough, a furrowing plough for planting corn, a sub-soil plough, a corn, cotton, and vcgotahle wcedcr and worker.? With the additional pieco, (a steel scraper.) you have combined in this plough, the best implements ever yet tnado, for all the abovenamed uses, and warranted to do every kind of turning and cultivating in Field and Gar urn, in n uiunncr superior u> an outers over jet m|dc, and that, too, without ho? labor. Over /'our ft???uid /fi*e //midrn/ of there Ploughs are now in the hands of the best farmer* in Virginia^ North Carolina, 8outh Carolina*, and Tennessee. It haa established a refutation c,hpr?eedonted in the history of invention* aa a Fnlloto, H?li-?uiling, Ditching and Cultivating !'tough. It has un rival, being adapted to every variety ot soil, and to foal ami oleau lands without chokiug. It does too hoe and plough work at one operation. J. W. Foo?he, of Ninety-Six Depot, 8. C, say's i " Tt excels any plow I ever taTT l?r cotton or corn, in faot, for any kind of summer crops." The followiug named persons at home have used it,'.andr?K? highly reetpnmend it: Tlior. Steon, Caj t. V/. 8. Karle, l>r. Wa. A. Harrison, Rev. C. B. Stewart, M. I*. Fowler, W. T. Austin, J. W. Uoldsmith, Thos. Goldsmith, J. 8. Hammond, and others. * Call and see the WATT PLOUGH JULIUS 0. SMITH, Auction Sales Room. Pep 2 HI 3m proiCm. g. decamps ...JET A- "AS RETURNED TO dSoRBr (Ireenville with the inton 9 V ,,on 01 maKini> tu* PcrV ? -g< vJ J | a uiunetit leeideuoe here, aid < prepared to give instruction* on ibe PIANO, ORGAN, MK1,0DEON and OUITAK? aUo to glvo lcssona in HARMONY, VOCAL MURfC. VOCALIZATIOTf, and the FRENCH LANttUAUK.? Ounng liia abaonee be baa been endeavoring to cultivate a more thorough acquaintance with lila favorite pnrapit, and haa been under the beat maitera In Itvusaala and elsewhere in Europe. For tanaa, apply to bim at tbv Manaion House. Aug IV 13 tf ROSADALIS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Drnggiste Everywhere. J I" ii P5HSB ? " IffiM mm ARE OFFERING GREAT INI Lor ilff OT fiwi V W U U J } ALSO *N EVETtY LINE OF < FORGET TIIE PLAC] acJ"?n? w?L. StJLLl AM/iV STREET, 0/J July i A G E PI T S . . FOR WEED'S SEWING MACHINE rHK liot nnd mn?t simp)* Machine now in one. wvd is unexcelled by any ever presented to the public, having nil the latest itnprovemedtr ; uses the straight. Nee die, makes the Tight l>rck Stitch, which is the only reliable one, nn.1 shown the seme on both si len. It is simple, easily worked and kept iu order; it wiil Stitch, Hem, Fell, Hi. d. CoH. Braid. H',ffl,e. Tuck. Quilt, Hein-Stitch, (Inthi'r nod Nevr. nt the same titne, performint? n greater variety of Wotk than utiy otftttr Machine, on the lightest to the heaviest fabrics".It rccvitrod a medal at t!r? recent Puri* Exposition, _ We warrant thcut to gl-.'e satisfaction ; if not, relortt them. Please cull and examine thorn. Wo also Veep constantly on hand, o superior assortment of Gentlemen's FUKNIriilING uuuufl alia TKIMMlMil?, frum the cheapest to the hr? i|H*litira, ami low fur cadi.? Wo will CUT sml MAKU in th? heat ami latest Improved styles, all (liruvRtii for lientletuoii and Gents' Wear, Ladies' Cloaks uud Sacks, Ao. AH Work warranted. PICKLK & POOUE. Omnvillo, S. C. Jan. 15, 1508. Jan 15 SI ' tf mmiissM mm, OF ilAUTFOKD, CONN. OKOANI^EI) 1 8 5 O. E. A. IIl l.Kl l V, I?rc?|l., T. O. ENDEKS, Scc'j. \, T^VlVIDKXPS for tkalapl ?vc years, 50 per \J cent.; Receipts no if over $500,000 per month. No. of Policies issued in 1807, 15.251 Amount insured on sumo, $14,801,872.00 Assets Jan. 1, 1807 4.401 ,8:i3.S? Receipts for y enr ending J an. *08, 5,129,447.34 , $9,531,231.20 Paid claim* by dfath.$5.T1,1fff.5fr All other xpcaces,' 1,478,787.35 $1,992,668.85 J7,538.6l2.3J POLICIES issued on every plan used by all tho old and responsible Companion. lirauch Ollico, 262 llroad Street, AUGUSTA, OA. CHA8. -fr. HARRIS, Manager. 00 WE It A W OUT HI N't) T0I7, Agents, Greenville District, Sou'tH Carolina. May 13 ftt Cm FOR THE" PLANTERS 5 000 yixq8 dundee baq25 Coils Kentucky HOPE. 50 lbs. twine: 2,000 Lbs. I1AC0N. 200 Lbs. LEATHER. 50 Lbs. Spanish Float indigo. 50 Sacks &ALT. 10 Sacks Rio COFFER. 25 Sacks Country FLOUIt. J(f ist>ia U BUOAK. . i . ; [j Bbla Crushed SUGAR. 3 Hdd's MOLASSES. 5 Bbla No. 1 MACKEREL, at IV. J. Whit mire'*, Old Printing Offico, B?)ncotnbe Stroct Store. P. S.?Order* accompanied with Cash will be promptly Ailed. Aug 26 14 3 FOR SALE, CHEAP, ?fffll r? IT! ONE LIGHT TWO cau ONE HANLteOME ONE lIORSfi CAR 111 AGE. Both in elegant order. Enquire of JULIUS C. SMITH, or 1>AVI1? A STRAP LEY, April 15 47 * t .DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING rf eel Ted the agonoy of the above jnatly celebrated Brand of TOBACCO, we will make it |o Wour Interest to hoy from na. For rale by wholesale i.r retail. PAVID A HTIlAfll.KY, O t 30 23 tf 4 - " ' n w V, ^ y - u? A ?nir BARGAINS! ffl & m .. t)UCEMENT& IK CHOICE? OF i ot&wm w^Mt. * GfOODS ON HAND. ? DONTf E 6f ' BARCAIJSr *r * ht n m/\?4 ;VAJ* <K SUJN, ..... POSITS MANSION HOUSE. # tf ?liWmwi DRUG HI MMSSIOI IBIS! H0BBAN ' .. .. AND WESTMORELAND KEKP CoVtpTaVtLY on bud FULL STOCK OF DRUGS MEDICINES . CHEMICALS x> a i nr t s : . ?as, DYE-STUFFS, FANCY iimeiMi .. ,, ; ..AND . . EMBRACING,THE STOCK USUALLY KEPT . ..... IN ,A . . , FIRST ORDER. ESTABLISHMENT.. ^/"EVERYTHING WE PUT UP MAY BE DEPENDED ON AS TN EVERY WAY IiEUAlir Y-i VIA',. . . * Give Us a Visit. stationeyy ~ stationery stationery. 1 UST received, aJnrpe and handJ some lot of. STATIONERYY consisting, in -part, t?f: Foolscap," Letter and Note PAPER, best quality, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Ac.,' &c., whieti please call and exarn' inc. Sprar's Fruit Preserving Solution. rpjIIS Solution-in warranted to prevent the. I decomposition . of all kinds of Fruits, Tomatoes, Jollies, Spiced Fruits, Syrups, Ci.. der, AVinc, Milk, some kinds of Vegetables, A a., ami preserve them in a fresh and wholesome condition. Try a bottle. June 21 5 tf i* alt with run SUA 14.000 L?ACONIOItCK C0UNTR,f 300 Sack.- Extra family N. C. FLOUR lOO Sacks Standard Liverpool SALT 25 Kegs NAILS, assorted sisos 20 Bales 1MTKSVJLLB SHIRTING JO Balea McBEE SIIIRTINQ 20 Balos COTTON VAUN 20 Bugs l'rimo and Fair RIO COFFEE 20 Barrel!* SUGAR # . , JO BAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAGS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A IVELL SELECTED 6aOCR or Shoes, Ilats, . . dry Goods, drugs &c: Our Stock of IIATS and'SI10KS is very largo and cotnplote, and wa will guarantee our entire Stock will compare with any In- Tbwn, both as to quality and priee. A call will satisfy you. . . DAVID & STRADL^V: May 13 &1 ' tf University of Sputh Carolina, COLUMBIA, fi. 0. f THE wit Session will begin on the F.'tH Monday in October.? ^rjSMWSThis University ofier* every ndvantage for thorough training in tl,? Lilorory and Scientific branches, and in the Schools of Lnw end Medina*. The segregate expense* for tbe Bc*fh>ii of nine month* are?For a Student in three Liternry or Scientific Schools, *houl A?#0 ; for a Student in Law, about $2f0 ; and. for.* full course in Mm Medical School, about $t"0.? Those inn* ineludc tee* lor tuition and use of library, board, room rent, fuel, ligbl* and washing. | For Catalogue*. or further informntion. adI dr??* Ktv. C. tlKliOK WALKKK. Secretary of Faculty. - It. W. BARNWRLL. Chairman of Faculv. July 22 V id'