University of South Carolina Libraries
% J Xll^'g'MLSiLu: - J L. J ft t$ ^ ) ?' '? I W ? .1 r --?Important Intorriow Between Gen. Gt?tt L?*47/ *J 'A' Mrrofcptoldhnt ?f 'the Richmond Whig, writing (rout tlxo Whke Sulphur Springs, on tho 22d inst., jpves what purport* to be tbo substance or an Interview, between Ucns. Ro aencran* and Lee. Tho Writer taya : " <dA??llneanemn*. Who U a very fluent tulker, erfA *ho expresses hie op i ikons with a soldierly 1U of relenre, as jrovir correipond?at kouwsfsnlA that there trortf tueny honest, wsU-munnflka |n tht Korthand West who have beerile? to bel4e**> by OH ^misrepresentations optbe Southern .corrclpaiidonts of the radical peMtotur well as by the speeches of the leader* of that party, that the )>eupie of the Booth are Jaet as hoetfle to the Union now as daring tfie war, and as imiob embittered against tl* Northern people as tbdy went when both wonf inarms; that they bete the negroes with a deadly bate because they bare been -??-? >Mi*v M ?( mm Wry would reduce them to t State of practical slavery, and perpetrate all milliner of outrage* pan them. He propoaed, therefore, that the puuwl officers of the Confederate artsy, representing as they do the valor, the obivalry sad the truth of the South, unite and Iny before the Northern piople, in a tangible form that cannot bo disputed, the true statu of the feeling as be bad fouud It everywboruoiu Lis travels South. v ' "(General T,ee denied that the people of the South ate inimical to the Union. This is tboir universal'sentiment as far as he has been able to ascertain It, and bis opportunities have been many, ftotn frequent oenrersatiuna and eaten* aive correspondence with representative per* sous lb all parts of the South. As to their animosity to the negro, nothing could be fur* ? ther from tho fact, and why should thoro ho ? Bald he, there is no rivalry Votwecn tfe> races, but a reciprocal interest growing out of the foot that each is dependent upon the other to peat extent?one neoding employment and ths other employee#. Apart from this, they hwibccn rearod together, and there is a natuyal affection and sympathy between them. " Gen. Lee gave bis cordial opprovnl to the ^ * patTK^Uo object which General ltusencrans boa in view, ."?d ia ao sealously prosecuting." G?i."ral R. had subsequently a similar into* few -ti'-'h the Uou. A. )I. 11. Stuart and the Ron. A ^'ephens. The correspondent ot tbo Whig odds : "No plan baa yet u",>n welded "pen ; bnt it is probable that some i/MrwUhed gentle* nndo tnretrw to the whole country, will b?ir?* quested to preparo a paper in accordance with the suggestion of Gen. ltusencrsr, which 'ball set forth clearly an<l fnily the real statu M Seeling now existing in the 8outh. This will 1?e printed and forwarded tu all tho general uAoutc of the Confederate army, and rush "representative Southern statesmen as .i^ is deemed desirable should sign it, for their signatures. * At the same time they will be roquested to add snob comments us tbey uiny think proper. Hwobtbd Dnrricct.Tr ts U*tox.?Joint dates and five other colored men arrived - yesterday from Union, to ask military protection against the whites Bates, who ie the came man with whom the special officer scDt by Qov. Scott, on the occasioji of the - - - ?w _ e .1 i. _ .1 Ittt (UMMfDinet 1(1 union, oonietnu, uitu b?M 1(1 Colombia to eooeolt with members of tha Legislature, and returned to Union on Wednesday. At Sentuo Station, where Batea and his friends got off, they were met by a targe party of negroes, who were watting to hear their report. A parh-y ensued, wtien, asMhey dtdart, thirty or forty ttrmed white men came tip and talked politic#. Whan the negroes left, the white men pursued, keeping up a continuous firing for an me lima, aa tha Story go?*. Bate* assert* that aev'ernl negroee were killed; but it (a generally thought that the only damage was tha alight wounding of thr.e or four. After a conference with the Governor, Col. Butuford, Post Commander, decided to aend an officer to Union, this morning, In company with. Bales, to inves ligate the matter. . It la t^derstood, that the Governor will issue a clicular In a day or two, any in# that ha has been informed lliat there ate ( . organizations of illegal bodies of armed men, who are Introducing arms into the State; and calling on all good citia-ns to refrain from disorder, saying that all the power of the Executive will tie need in preserving the ptaee.?Photniz. A Washing.?Ou Tuesday last two negro 9 man ware shot and k'lled in Unwkin( county. East Tannessee, by Mr. I, Willi*, who killed the wretch Seismore, some twelve monini liner, it appears um iiipk negroes went to the Ix^e of Mr. Willie, doting Ma absence, nnl detnanded some' thing to eat of his mother and sister*.? ? Their demand was refuted, when Ihey made their way in, against the protest of the Is. diet, and proceeded to help themselves to what they wanted. When Willis ^gmc home, they wore silting at the talife enjoy fng thems?]ves, having driven away the if dies by eertsin characteristic and brutally offensive remarks A faw words sufficed to explain the situation, when h? passed into another apartment, procured a double bar reJJed shot gun and returned into the din tag room whara the' negroes wera feasting. One started up and*being shot hy Willis, fall dead across the tsbie; the other ran out but was shot and killed when barely pasting tho threshold. . - [Jfempjiii Avalanch*. How. Me. BaocKisnmoa ? Of J?hn O Preckenrj-ige, the Observer and Repoitsr, of Lexington, Kv.,?*>?: M There seems to be a prospect of the return of thia son of Kcntueky to hie home ?ua inenapk ana Hi?|ni|>n mmuuncn inn three of hi* personal friend*, Judgw Alvin rhivall, Frank Hudt. Eeq., and the Hen. i. ?*. B. Beek, ere pow tithing him in Canada, frith the view Of inducing him. if f>OMililc, to meke application to the Preeidml of. the United States for e nerdon, eo that ho oan tf . return fo hU native Stale. It ieatated thai he tinme for filing an indietmont for tron I n against thoee who perii. Ip.trd in the *, into war for Confederate independence haa naaoed by limitation of the law. and even if it had n?t the President can pardon all who apply to him, excepting only rnch at are ^oyr under indietment or eon vicii<>n.? The day when Qettere! Hrecktnridge oan return tp oe in *af?tr will not he more joyful to him than to thoneande who love and 0 A mor the exiled aoidier and statesman. Tn? Pppe ia pnthlnf on the fortification* . of Roift with all pMiiilt rxpediiion, and ha baa lately bacn receiving hravy irm?> meat# of "lege gnat from Tonlon. I lie Ho; lioeea (a fairly eoovineed that Etfropo le on the owp of a grant war, and a few daye ataee ha took occasion to deplore the blood' ohe^ that would attend it At the enme jp time, he believea that the revolt will he w?ry advantageous 19 the pepaey and the temporal power^ % i mmmini?ifn ax^ w ?< ' ?* ?y*''*FK ? -J?i-'Mi-rf- '* iT ea e -sJohn ltwtiN, ill* Uin?u? writer > on. archil colore, d?>nan<l4 (hat the Engliah Government hill pnfcltaie and ifnttiage Ktl tli* railroads of tlio kingdom. In a cm Ion* lew or lie argueethat private persons should not ha permitted lo own the railroads of n nation ; that *11 roengs of puMio transit should he provided at puUie expanse; ttpil neither railroads nor canals should ever pay dividends to anybody, hut should, p sv llivir working expenses and no more, nnd >. that lha whole work of carrying persons or good* should be done M the carriage of letter* ia now done. Quioidk or a Sabi.k A Bigroca.\T.? A rerro killed himself lust Wednesday jn Louisville. heeattSa he was n dneed to Ilia extremity of working for a living. He avid he did not intend lo daacend to the level of withe I re ah, and it aaems that gentle tdo?d and ouhle ancestry worked so upon this African peer'a f Hueti iotut mind, that he very gen teely put an end to hit imperial existence. It aM the ttriil'ng negroes to Kentucky should claim gentility on aeconnt of 'laziness. it would lake tile Herald's < ffloe ten years to Issue the ? qutred patfnts of nohibily.? iNWiyri and Jirportrr Kkqhors Orhaxiziku.?From all quarter^ of the Southern country, says tha NashVille Gazette, wo hear ot negroes organising, arming and drilling. What does it mean T Yesterday ws noticed tbo Lexington (Ky.,) Observer detailing tho drilling of arineit negro squads in tbst vicinity. And now we And the following in tbo Atlanta ((Is.) Intelligencer: A gcntlemnn in this city received a letter from Middle Georgia,, and is informed that the negroes arc organizing?that the* say look for war and aro preparing for it. Ann? of ibeir Uadieal frionds aro advising these poor devils to this course, end when they get iuto trouble will desert them. Thb Episcopalians a*i> MurnoDtsTa.? Tbo Protestant Episcopal Diocesan Convcn-; tion of Western New York, at its rceent ses? sion (n Buffalo, adopted a resolution avowing satisfaction nt tho appointment by the last Methodist Geaeral Conference of a coiumission to confer with a similar commission on behalf of tho Protectant Episcopal Convention with a view to tho union of tbo two bodice, and expressing the liopo that tho General Convention willnspond. J. B. Bixgii.w, of Memphis, formerly of Richmond, Va., who has- been a Uadieal ever sii?ce tha close of the war, has come out fur gcym 'ur and Blair. GREENVILLE 1'KlCES CURRENT CORRBCfF.O WKEKMT, ?T MESSRS. DAViD 6* STRADLEY, MERCHANTS. GREENVILLE. 8. C., SEP. 1. IftfiR. APPLES, ft bushel, dried, p'rd,$l.00?$1.25 " " 44 " unpeclcd, 86 c. ($ ' tl 00 BACON, ft tb, 18 to 22 e. BALK HOPE, ft tb 16 to 20 t. BAGGING, Runny, 7^ J*@86 c. BUTTER, ft lb, 20 25 c. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR,^lOOtb?,C3.00@4.00 BEESWAX, *}3 tt> ?.26gia0c. CmCttBIf#; ft head, 15 @ *5 e. COFFEE, ft tb, llio, 25 to 33 r. CORN, ^.bushel ? ?0 (*) $1 10 COTTON, extreme*, 1? to '4C* KtiGS, ft dozen, 7.....10 e. FLOUtt, ft ?nck *6 60to(l 50 GOLD , 4;<to$l 47 INDIGO, Spanish Flval,..: $2 00(., 2 26 44 So. Ca.,,,?,< .,...$1 7J(a> i 00 IRON, ft lb, Amcrieau, 8 e. LEAD, 33 lb 20 l\ LEATHER, ft U>, Sole, IIctnloc,^,...35to 10 *' * " 44 44 Oak, 50 r. " " " Uppor, 70 e. '4 " 44 Humes*, 56 ? . MOLASSES, ip gal., Muscovado, 75<3ifl 00 " " " syrup *1 25 NAIL8, ft keg, $8 50 to $1? 00 OATS, 33 bushel, 50 to ERAS, ? .....fl 0? PEACHES, 3? bu, Dried, peeled $1 00 " " ? uupeclcd, $I.6U POTATOES, ft bushel, IrUh, 50 ($ 76 " , " Sweet, none. . RYE, ft bushel ,...S0(?i,'J(i SALT, ft sack, Liverpool, $:! 50 SI/GA&, ft Hi, Brown,.../,............IA fa, 20 c " " " Clarified 20 -'24 e. " " " Crushed,.',... ...224 to 25 r. SHIRTINO, seveu-oighu, >4 balo,...T.. 14 r. i " " ruluil 18 c. TALLOW, *p lb ...15 e. WHEAT.** bushel *1 V?<$|2 lfl TARN, Factory, by bale $1 90 (u, $2 Ort " " bunch.,... $3 2* r - - -New York. August 30. Cot torn ?tc?ily and quiet} an let 900 ha Irk, 1 at 8n|. Odd ehred wmb, at 44f. l3.m-tl.mouk, Augu?t 31. Cotton quiet and steady. Flour declined 4c ?Howard eticrt superfine city mil)* 94(^10. Wheat dull and declined 10c.?good to prima 2.164. ClMRI K8TON , Allgliat 31, Cotton dull } holders too Dim for buyers ; " sales ouly 1 bale new, at 30 ; receipts 22. Augusta, August 81. ' Cotton mnrfcet continues dull; (ale* 37 bales?mid Dings 27 4. SPECIAL. NOTICES. v Fairview Fafmer?' Club, WILL meet at Fnlrview on Saturday, tlic 12th of September nest, at 10 o'eloek. A full' attendance of members Is desired, i d all persona wishing to become member* are invited to be present. 1 WM. A. IIARRI80N, Secretary. Sept 2 15 2 The (Hear Spring Democratic Club WILL meet at John McDanlel's, at 2 o'clock, > on SaturJay, the 12th of September, 1868. lly ordor of the Ciub. D. C. BENNETT, Secretary. , Sept 2 15 1 The Fairview Democratic Club i WILL meet at Fairriew on flrat Saturday in September, (5ib day,) at ? o'clock, F. M. By order of tbe President. T. II. 8TAL-L, Secretary. Notice; ALL perron* lodrl'tfd lo Col. JOTTN D ASIIMORK, <iiu*t make payment forthwith lo tho und.ralgned, or lliey will be sued l?Aleerlinlnntely. W. II. CAMl'BKLL. Awlgnee. , 8*pt i ? a. Whonl mid other Oral it Crop*. MAPES* SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIM K will Increase the yield 50 per cent.? No per eon should plant an acre of Wh.-at without u*lng >00 or S00 pound* to^lie note. Apply to tt. W. KINSMAN, 169 Eaat Bay, Cliai leoton, General Agent for SonUt Carolina, Or to JULIUS 0 HM11II. GrteoYille, 8. O. Se|.i'J *4?> L Iffffil Pistol Poundj ' ] tXT'IlWH.'h* owner run li?vi> hy appljT T ing mi this wlticr, |-r<>tlr|( propoi 1^, 'and paving for this advert l?*?u?ut. 8-pt'i IS 1 THE PUBLIC ~ AUK kiadly invited to rail aud no our new stock or The Low Prioed Wool & Fur Hat*. which are La?e but Just rooolved. ! ' * FOSTER t HUNTER. OUR stock of Shoes for men and hoys is still good and offfcrod nt uiiihIimIIv l..? price*. FOSTER 4 HUNTER. . % ??? A noon stock of Jeans and Cnssituercs for tale at prices to suit the Mm , FOSTER AHUM PER. T) EFINKD Sugars, Rio anil Java Coflee, XV Ton, Spices, Starch, Soap, Rice,' Flour, liacoo, Ao., Ac. for sale by FOSTER A HUNTER. Sept 2 15 3 Fairvicw Sugar Company. Fl^HIS Company having bought the Right I in the great discovery of making sugar and refining syrup made froin Sorgo Cane, in that portion of Greenville District otubracing the Third Regiment, we propose to erect a SUGAR HOUSE und REFINER near FAIRVIEW as aoon as practicable. To tAoso who livo too far frotn onr works, to haul their canea, wo proposo to fell Farm Rights. We believe this to ho ono of the greatest discoveries for 'the South that could hare been made, and have no douht thnt it will be, in a few years, the great staple of the South. Its operations ere simple and cost comparatively nothing to start n farm works, and will pay five time bettor than any crop except cotton, and wo believe will double that great king of the South. Those wishing Rights should call at once on "'T>r? W. A. Harrison, at Patrvtcw. or I)r. W. P. Pnssraorc, at Greenville, who will take great pleasure in giving full particulars. Wo will furnish seed free of cost, eaeopt freight, to those wishing to plant. W. A. HARRISON, W. 1*. .PASSMORK. Agents for Comiuiuy. T?Ti. ROZEMAN, President. 8ept 2 15 If To Farmers. THE WATT PLOUGH coiuos to you with the highest recommendation. Call at my Auction Rooms and examine it for yourselves. I have supplied fifteen farmers with this Plow in this country, and they all speak in tho highest praise of it? Thu one horse plow is a turning plough, a furrowing plough fur planting corn, n sub soil plough, a corn, eoltou, and vegvtahlo wcoder and worker.? With the additional piece, (a stcol semper.) yon have wunbiucd in this plough, thu l>cs( implements ever yet made, for all the abovenamed uses, and warranted to do every kind of turning nud eultivuting in Field and tardea, In a manner superior to nil others ever yet made, artd that, too, without boo labor. 0)'?T Thousand Fire Hundred of these I'lungns are now in (ho bands of the beat formers in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, an<l Tennessee. -It has established a reputation unprecedented in the history of inventions as a FotUiw, Suit fulling, lUtchimj and Cullleuliug I'lu-tjh. It lias no rivol, being adapted to every variety ot soil, and to foul and clean lands without choking. It does the hoe a till plough work at one deration. J. W. Kooshe, of Nhicty-Six Depot, S. C, says * It excels any plow I ever saw for cotton or corn, in fuel, for any kind of summer crops." Tho following unSlud persons at home have ased it, Rnd c?u highly recommend it: Thos. Stecn, Cttpi. \V. IS. Kurlc, Dr. Win. A. Harrison, Iter-. C. II. Stewart, M. T. fowler, W. T. Austin. .1. \V\ tSoldsinith, Thos. Goldsmith, J. S. llaimuond, and others. Call and sou the WATT PLOtJGII Jt'LltS 0. SMITH, Auction Sales Hooui. j Sep 2 15 Sin Notice. ditssviut C. II., Sept. 1st, ltbVM UAVINO been commissioned Assistant Art'essor of Internal Revenue for the 7lli Division, 8d Collection District, of j South frarolins, to fill the vacancy.cAnsed by the resigtialioufof Capt E. 11 Smith, notica is hereby given, that on'and after the let day of September, 1868, I ina^ be found at my oflltfo over tbe Post Orflsw, when not otherwise engiig-d. lor tli? transaction of business All Administrator*, Executor* and Trustees, Manufacturers, Physicians, La wyers, Auctioneers, Merchants, Dealers, Keepeis ol Stallions or Jacks, and Distillers, ! in- other person*.whore business require* a ( Licence, and wlio have nut made their fe turn Mult du ao immediately j end all persons who have failed to make their Income Keturn for the year 1887, or who own or have in possession, any Gold or Gilt Watch, Silver 1'lale, above 40 ounces, or Carnage and Hitrneoi worth f300, must muke return of the same. AH persona owning or having in charge any Still or Stills, must register their names and Still* with me immediately, under penalty of forfeiting the sarue in case of refusal or ueglect. IIEXT M. PERRY, Assistant Assessor. Sept 2 15 _ 1 FOR THE PLANTERS. /r AAA YARDS DUNDEE B A QO.UUU GINO. ? J 25 Coils Kentucky ROPE. 50 Lbs. TWINE. 2,000 BACON. 200 Lbs. LEATHER. 50 bbs. Spanish Float INDIGO. 50 Sack* SALT. tO 0*ck* Rio COFFEE. 25 Sack* Country FLOUR. lO Bl>U C SUGAR. 5 Bbls Crushed 8^0Alt. 3 ndd's MOLASSES. . . 5 Dbls No. 1 MACKEREL, at XV. J. \V l? it in ire'*, Old Printing Office, liuncoinbe Street Store. P. S.?Orders aeeouipaoiod with Cash will be promptly filled. Aug 26 14 3 Notice. ATX parties indebted to HARRISON A MARSH A I.L are earnestly requested to come forward immediately and a* Ule a portion, if not the whole of iheir accounts. We are obliged lo have money, and hope those we have indulged will respond. Aug 26 26 2 Second Hand Piano, \17 ILL be sold verv tow Apply to \y JUI IUS 0. R^ITIf. 1 Au^ 19 13. 3 I V_J!" ...? ' ..LA - 1 a 8IT8I If PitCF. M.G. DECAMPS Jr i_ 1IAS RFTURNKn TO HT Greoovllle with the tntenQ \y "VrTTt %Y Gon ofncaking hie perI 1 i:' w 'J*J1 jinnnoiit lcsidonro hero, x- Tifc - - and I* prepared to (jive instructions on tho 1'IANO, ORGAN, MHLOr PKOX ami GUITAR?alao to give icasoo* in HARMONY, VOCAL MUSIC, VOCALIZATION, and tho FRENCH LANGUAGE.? During Ms absence he hat been endeavoring to cultivate a ?nore thorough acquaintance with his favorite nursulL. mid K?. j the best master* in Brunei* nnd elsewhere iu Enrope. For terms, apply to bim nt tbo Mansion House. Aug IV 13 tf Stale of ^uulli nroliu.i( I aRKEXVILLK COUNTY. In Kqtiily. JOHN W MOUGAN, Execuio-, m LINKY A. MOllGAN. ft. ul.?BUl for Bale R>*1 Eel ale to pay dt Me, d'c. BY virtue of the Decretal orJor in lli? ntiovu cubo, I will sell nt Greenville Court. House in tli*? highest bid.lor. on ShIckday in 3oj.tBmi.or next, tho R-al Estate of the l?t? NATHANIEL MORGAN, a* described in ilio llili, vix r Trnot No 1. RIVER TRACT, containing One Hutvhtd and Two A cm. moro or l- ns. Tract No. 2, One Hundred and ThirtyTwo A free . Tract No. 3, known ** tbo CONNER TRACT, colli .lining One Hundred and Thirteen Avree, more or lew, adjoining land* of (tHmn, Foster, Tlinxton, and other*. Tr.uua ok Hal*..?Cost; to be j??id in Cash on day of Sale, the balance of the Purchase Money on a credit of twelve months, with interest froir. date, tlie Purchaser to give i Bond with two good Sureties, and Mort:*ni;e? of the Premises. Purchaser to |>ny for papers. J. P. MOORE. C. E. G D. Commissioner's Ollice, Aiijj 10, 16c8. Aug 12 12 . 4 FOR Ml 14.000 ^RACON10101, C0UNT1U | 30O ??? !" Extra Family N. C. FLOUR too HucVs Standard Liverpool SALT 23 RcB* NAILS, assorted sixes 20 Bales 1JATKSVILLE SHIRTING to Bales McIlKK SHIRTING I 20 Bales COTTON YARN' 20 Bags Prima and Fair UI0 COFFEE 20 Barrells-BUOAR I JO BAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAGS Spntiish Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, lints DRY GOODS. DRUGS &<\ Our Stock of HATS nnd SHOES I* very largo and complete, mid wo will gunranlco our entire Stock will compare with any in Town, both as to quality and price. A call will sat isfy you. OAVI1> & 8TRADLKY. I May 13 51 if Stale or Soiuli Carolina, GltEEXVIJLLE COUXTY. Ill Equity. ' JOHN N. tlUKER un.l JOHN W. CFN* KIMSIIAM. Executors, r?. JOItDAX 1\ | I'OOL.,? Hill to Jortcloar tforlytigr, ?( <". UY virtuo of the Decretal Order in tho abovo ease, 1 will sell, at tlrecnvillo Court j House, on Salcaday in September next, to the highest bidder, tho llouro and Lot described in tlic Dill, viz.: All that piece, parcel and lot ot Laud within the incorporate limits of the Town of tirccnrillc, to wit : Two Hundred Feet oh Washington Street, Ono Hundred nud Twenty Feet on Spring Htreot, Two Hundred feet on llahn's Lot, and One Hundred and l'weuty Feet on Drown Street; kuowu as the OLD LIVEKY STitULU OF PRINCE & GREER. Tkkmr ok Sxf.k.?So moch as may bo nee' essary tu pay the Costs, must l>o Cash on day 1 of Sale?tho balance on u credit of six months. Purchaser to execute Don.d with adequate surety, to secure tho purchase money, Title Deeds not to Iks delivered until the purchase | money is paid. And should the purchase i money not bo punctually paid, then the prcin| ises to be resold at the risk of the flrst purchaser. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. P. MOOHH. c: K. Q. C. Corn'rs Office, Aug. 10th, 184J8. I Aug 12 12 4 [ASSIGNEE'S SALE. HY order of the Hon. GKORflK 8. B RYAN, District Judge of South Carolina, I will I sell, at Greenville Court House, WEDNESDAY, * THE 9TH OF SEPTEMBER, AT KLKVKN O'CLOCK, THE LIVERY STABLE A1NTD LOT, KNOWN AS T1IK Prince & Cm reel* Stable*, Belonging to the Kstate of J. P. POOL, Bankrupt. Term.- of Sale, Cash. Purchasers to pay lor stamps and papers. J. N. MARTIN, Assignee Aug 12 12 & University of South Carolina, COLUMBIA, 8. C. TUB nejjt Sess'um will begin on 11' *W^^the Tiwl Munilnu r'? October.? <?TliU University offers crery nd \9 jpf vantage for thorough training in the Literary and Scientific branchus, nnd in the Schools of Lnwimd Medicine. The aggregate expenses for tho Session of nine months arc?Por a Student in thrco Lit crary or Scientific Schools, about $2?0 ; for a Student in Law. about $280 ; and for a full course in the Medical School, about $-170.? These sums include fees 6>r tuition nnd tisp of , library, board, room-rout, fuel, light* and teaching. Por Catalogues, or further information, ud? dr??* Kev. V. ltRUCK WALKKR, Secretary of Faculty. U. W. BARNWKLL, Chairman of Faculty. July 22 ? td ROSADAIIS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Draegiat* Everywhere. ^1 - u 1 l- .!! ' ^ 3 S E a 1 ARE AIMS!" mimim are offering great ini lot FJL113L? m mushm ira also in every line of ( forget the plac* SULLI MAIN STREET, OP. july i n b J J \J LI ill lllJ DRUG HI ?' 1110 ? MORHAN AM) WESTMORELAND KEEP CONSTANTLY" on baud a FI LL STOCK OF DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS PAINTS. ' OILS, DYE-STUFFS, FANCY ARTICLES, AND EMBUAOINO THE STOCK USUALLY KELT IN A FIRS T O It I) K It ESTABLISHMENT. Kjr K V KltY nil NO W E r UT UP MAY RE DEPENDED ON AS IN EVERY WAY RELIABLE. Give is a Yiait. STATIONERY AV S VimMPUU 5 I A11'JNtf.Y STATIONERY. JL'!ST received, ft large und handsome lot of STATIONERY, consisting, in part, ot : Foolscap, Letter ami Koto PAPElt, Lest quality ; Potts, Ink, Pencils, ?&c., Arc., which please call and examine. Spear's Fruit Pre?erving So'ution rilHIS Solution is warranted to prevent tin; I dccuiiipositiun of nil kinds of Fruits, Tomatoes, Jellies, Spiced Fruits, Syrups, Ci dor, Wine, Milk, ? 'ino kinds of Vegetables. Ac., and preserve them in a fresh and tvholesouio condition. Try a liottle. Juno 21 5 tf' Change of Schedule ou 0. & C. It R. ON and after WEDNESDAY, tlio 12th in* slant, Passenger Trains will run daily. Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Train on Sooth Carolina and Charlotte and South Carolina Kudroads, as follows : Leave ColunOda at.,.., 7.00 a. in. 44 Alston at 8.40 ** " Nawhcrry at Itt.lO 44 Artivu at Abbeville at J1.00 p. in. K at Anderson at 4.20 44 44 Greenville at 5.00 " Leave Greenville at 5.45 a. in. " Anderson nt tl.25 " " Abbeville at.... 8.t!0 " " Newberry at 12. tft j?. ni. ' " Alston at 'J I > Arrive at Columbia at 3.-la " Trains on the CIuo Ilidee Railroad will also run daily, Sundays excepted. Leave Anderson at. ,.v -1.30 p. m. " Pendleton at.. a.SO Arrive at Wallialln at 7.30 Leave Walhnlla at 3..10 q. m. " Pendleton at 5.30 " Arrive at Andurson at... ft.20 '* The ^raiu will return from Helton to Andcr son ou Monday and Friday tnornine*. JAMES O. M KKKI>ITH, Ueneral Supcrintcndi lit. Aug 10 13 Tho State of South Carolina, UK EES YJI. I. E CO US T1*. Ill liquify* " JOHN W. MORGAN, Eserntor, r., LINNfcY N. M'tilwAN cl ul.? Hill In Mnr.hhll A? nut I, .SVi/r, /iijvnrli?m, if'r. PUHSLANT to tho l> Order in tho above case, the creditors of NATHAN1KL MORGAN, deceased) arc required to ......I.^ i.ri.Vi. llut, .1.1..,.!..!. l...l',.r., m. .... or before tlie 6r?t day of December i.cxt. J. P. 210011K, C. K. U. D. July 12th, 1808. it?t?l The Stato of South Carolina, GllEESVU.LE cor STY. 4 III I'qility. JOHN A. HAWKINS, by next friend, ,t ?r., c?. HARRIET D. DILL ?t nf. ? Hill h. Marthall Anrl?, Salt, I'arliliou, iff, ThUltSUANT to the l>eer< t:?l Order in tlii* JL cere, tho creditor* of JOHN P. HAW. KINS, deooasod, ere required to render and prove their demand* before me, on or before he flr?t day of November next. J. P. MOOltE, C. E. (1. I>. July 12 th, 1868, 8-td mm. a a, soua )UCEMENTS IN A CHOICE OF R?es?ns? i Offans ?AY. JOODS ON IIAND. ? BOND : of 4 bargains:* MT? VAN & SON, I'OSlTR MANSION IlOUStt. I 0 tf STEEN'S s %* a b. s. AJ8, mm 1WI811 to inform the Citircns of Oreen~ villn mu) tho surrounding .Districts, that 1 haVo just arrived with the CBEAFEST STOCK .8! 8188 ever purchased l?jr m* since tho war. I wit not surrender lo any in an in Town or District, that he ran sell Goods of the SAM K QUALITY Cll KA PKH 'than I can. Call and cxatniao fur yourstlt cs, at STEEN'S STORK. Mar 27 1 tf Received and in Store, \ VKRY Large Quantity of COUNTRY ?\. IIACO.*!?Hams, Shoulders and Sides, which I wUl dl?|?.'M of Low lor Cash, at Wholesale or Retail. THOMAS STERN. June 17 4 tf Crockery. Tnm just receiving and opening the (wit. larger! and cheapest lot of CROCKERY that has liven brought to this place since tho war. A full assortment of nil kinds. Call and examine. TflOMAB 8TEEN. Jiiuo 10 3 If I nm opening a-Aplendid Stock of Groceries, at very reduced prices. Call and satisfy your' selves that it is so, at STERN'S STORK. May 27 1 tf Also, a large and magnificent lot of Glass mirr iiim * roe-aery iii very low figure*. Cai. and judge lor yourselves, ?t 8TEEN*8 STOKE. May 27 1 tf Special attenfion in called to the elegant assortment <?f Shoea?Ladies'. Micici', Hoys', Youths' and Servants', and a very fino lot of I'ioirmena' Shoe*?extra fine Drogaus. Call and prove what I cay, at . STEEN'8 STOKE. May 27 1 tf Tho State of South Carolina, GIU'.KNVILI.E DISTRICT. In tho Court of Ordinary. II. II. JACOBS, Administrator with the Will annexed, against James M. Jacobs, Mary E Jacobs, minor anil others, De fondant*. Vital it. ? for Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my salicfaorfotVthat James M Jacobs, Mary E Jacob*. minor, reside without this State; It is ordered and deermd, that I hey do appear at a Court ol Ordinary, in person or by ultorttey, on Saturday, the 6th day of September next, at It) o'clock, A. 51.. to show cause, if any I they can, why a Final Sellb nnent of tho Ksta?e of WI I.I.I AM JACOBS, deceased, sliou'd not be made, and a ltcciee given thereon. Oifen under my. hand, at Greenville Court House, thisfith day of June, A. I># l>ti?. 8. J DOUTHIT, O. O. L). Jane 10 3 8n.? Charlotte & South Carolina R. R. Co. - SlfrKKTNTENDESTfc OFFICE. Coi.iMbu.TI. 0., Augoet 8, 1868, ON and after W KDNESDaY, the I'2lh in'tun!, ?tie Train# ofer I lie, Head I will run a# follow#, viz: leave Columbia Ht ,. 4.15 p. to. Arrive n?. Charlotte at ...11,00 p. tft. Leave Chailolt* at. . 11.31V p. to. Arrive at Columbia . C OO a. to. 19" CI. #e connection#, both ?|)i, with Train* of (Ifeenvill* mid Columbia and Soutli Carolina Heads. . fW 1' .n>8<*iiger? lor *fhe North. Inking thin route, have the choice of FOUK DIFrkltENT lldUTKS, viz; From 0reens'?oro, iilirr via Ibinvrlle or Unhigh. From Wei* ! don, cither vin Petersburg Or Portsmouth ) no.I Irotn I'm Iginonth, cither via Old Bay Line ??i?l Ba'timoro ?T Annaiiireric Line and i'mitigtoii, Delaware IW TIME AS i^l'ICK and FAJ1E AS LOW a# l?v any other route. liAC.OAOK CJIF-CKKD I'll ROC OH. For TnUOL'Oll TICKETS to Biehnirm.T, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York apply nt Ticket Ottce, foot Blending street An Accommodation Train wdl he run a* follow*: Leave Colmiitii ' on Monday#, Wednesday* and Fiidnv# *' 7 A. XL. arriving at Charlotte at 6 85 P. M. Returning?Lave Charlotte on Tue#daj's, TTimsdny* ami Saturday# at ft A. M., arriving :e ColumUa at fi 0& P. M. Passengers taking the ft A. M. Train from t'li.ii loilo can connect with Night Train of South Carolina Road for Charleston. I'n* rnnfii from Charleston can?l.y leaving (lie South Carolina Train at Junction?connect Willi the 7 A M. Train from Colombia. CALEll BOUKNIOHT, Superintendent. An|[ 2K 14 ? Greenville find Columbia Rail Road Company. 1 -"PHIS Company Iim now for aale, in lr. a I of " !V** H Tickets," a Ticket which entitle* a person to travel over the road 1,000 Tlilc* Tor $10, Within one year from ila'e of nnrcha-c.?The Ticket* con ho purchased from the Airent* nt Colombia, Hewbctry, AWI>* villa Auilers >n ami GrecnvitV. W. ALSTON OWglR* General Ticket Agent CJ. and 0. K R. Anoint l2( 19f.S. _ .