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. % 1 ,, H'lL ] J .|fvi' V, y tyflm tlv? llenlib Reformer, Preserving Fruit The fruit ?ea?dn is-now fairly upou us. Wing oshered in by thn strawberry crop, now rapidlv ripening i? fcwne parts of tha country,- and portia|? by (he time the Re former wilf diave rctehril ail ita readers, entirely gone by in romo "sections. Correspoadtnls ar* Inquiring as to the beet mcth? ods of prvoervfng fruits of carious kinds, *nd wc ha*dtnkm pains to learu the most reliable methods la oider to meet the wants ? - vi uiif ramuor*. llv ** preserving," we Ho not m?in the *?ld fashion.'d ptaa of converting fruit Into -an indigestible, unwholesome mim, by adding M a pound of augar to a pound of fruit," wblcli jt it not only prepared to r.-siat hat the action ofjhe digest, l*a fluid* fit well; but A method by Which liia important ecnstiluent of fr)gi?nto dietary. ami especially the more perifehalile varieties, nmy br made available for ear out of thrlraeaaoa. Muoli baa boeo written upon thie aubjeot, and many metboda recommended ao " Ilia Itati" but aucceae in thi*, aa In other de part men U of the culinary art, depends more U|ior careful attention to detail*, and the ' exercise of good judgment, than upon this or Chat paltluular method. CAMHIXO. We beet method to preterre fruit with 11 ita erigiaal fliror, is by htremetieally scaling it troa* Uie air in can* prepared for tha purpose ; and the** should he of glaaa or atonavarty a* the acid* of fruit act chemically on tin and other metal*, often destroying the flavor of the fruit, and sometime* rendering it very unwholesome. Either self *?allng cans, or those which require eras, may be used successfully, but probably the former arc heat for thrne of little experience, and they arc unqueMionr'ly iftOIW convenient Ol these, there arc *cr? er?J claimant* for publio favor, all of tlicin highly recommended, and doubtless all of tbani good. Our own experience favor* the jBflMli.yihe - Hero." xii k imvrkix or kriit. This elioaiu ho done with the greatest eu? Veens vaticti** Dot preserved t aj\ ?aief* canned vli-'o perfectly frrnh, mod' sneers#is more eertaiu ? kind, f litis particular is regardo-?. The ftuit whould be nearly or quite ripe, btlfc not < vertipr, and any which Iwjir* r.gos of decay, *?u?i ?>s carefully excluded- ' XMOK1NO TUK ravir. Kwi')y nil jrariettee ere better tv**tned than auwefl or boiied, uod this for tur?e eMoni: i. The fruit it nut mI?% broke.' and'mashed; 2. It retains more <>l ita oifgi , rial flavor: and 2. Lhtl< or uo water i* re<qvuaed to ba added, aid it it therefore cook wd an ?U own Juice. Almost. every family haa conveniences for (teaming an a en?11 scale, either with tin common tin (learner, or the derated Clatlom which can l?e tittil in a Minuwn ettVe. To tLoae avho wlah for more am|>le facilitiea, we would recomtn-nd the follow fng cheap and ainiple method: Take a com ikon wash boiler, and have fitted into it a horizontal platform of sheet iron perforated fraaly with half Inch hole*, ao aa to allow the free passage of ateam. Hare it mautiled upon leg*, ao it will stand dear from the water, which should be only a fear inches deep in Uaa bottom of the boiler. Have your fruit ce really picked over nnd placed in Jf clean tin or earthen dish, with a eorer over it to prevent die eon. denied ateam from dropping Into it. jlantger ?? required with any kind of frmt. We are informed by one who la always aucceaa fnl in thia bueireea that the flavor of th<fruit i? better preserved without augur, ami he mwt /oaf a ran. It mgar moot be Med. it can be added when the cane are opened for the tabic Place your dish of fruit on the platform of your aleamer, hiring sufficient water in (he bottom, but uot too much. ^Then cover the whole cloeelv, and ateam until thorough ly scalded. Some kinds of fruit require a longer time than other*, and judgment must he exercised in regard to the matter. It should not be eooked ao ae to fall to pWees, but eam altould be lak?u to have it-tliornntrltlv foielitorl Svidle the fruit Is cooking the cans should he j?r*p?rt<i. Several method* have been recommended, but perhaps the following i? the beet: Have your etni thoroughly leansed, end pour Into each a small quan tfiy of tepid water. Bhake thoroughly, un til the can is of a uniform temperature? Then odd a little warm water, shaking as before. Then a little hot water, and so on utatIT the can Is hot. This is one of ihe beet safeguards against breakage and nearly ae expeditious as any method. Thi* should J>? done J**l in lime, so that the cans will b? all ready for the Irull aa soon as done ? While placing the fruit in the cans, be care ful to protect them from current* of air, as they are frequently broken by a aimpl* draught of cold air. The fruit may now be poured into the eaae Peaehes, pears, or other large f-uit, may be lattiljr arranged in the cans with a fork, piece by niece, and the boiling juice added afterward to eorer them. When the can is lull, shska it and incline it back and forth, so as to cause the air to rise to the . top, if any should be among the fruit. Be sure that tfte can is full to the brim, and thou screw on the cover, or if not a selfsealing can, put in the cork, and eover with melted sealing wax The fallowing recipe makes good wax: One pound of rosin, two ounces of beeswax, one and a half ounces of mutton tallow. Mall aod mix. All tlta above work should be performed expeditiously. The cans may tlie.i be set away to goo), and should be kept in a cool, dark place, and closely watched fur a faw days, to see that the sealing is perfect. If Ota 'rult shows signs of pot being perfectly scaled, it should be at once taken out, scald ?A ...J l_.l !_ u| HHM vaini ffgmii, T?Mtow, btirriw, and email irulis, may ba preserved ia atone jug*. Obarw the *tw? rules in praparation, heating the jug* -boroughly before putting in the fruit.? Whan filled, pUoe one or two thickness?* ot doth over lite mouth and then put in the perk, entering the whole with wax. Br eloae attention to particulars, and the exwataa of good jvdgro"nt, success la almoat certain. W. C 0. Dcath or Mian O'Neaix.?Our * comaannlty baa auataioed a aavera lues in tha death of this rarjr estimable lady, who departed this transitory life Tueaday, tha tlth inet., in the ASth year of her age.? hi lee Belli* was tha danghur of Hugh and Kaaey O'Neall, the youngest aiater of our lata dietiaguiehad Chief Junto*. and the last surviving member, in this section, ol thaO'Neall family. Miss 8eltie poareaaad, la fall aiaaaura, tha aobla attributes of th< O'Neall faaal'y?great intelligence, piety, charity, simplicity, humilUenergy, bejavtbaM aad courtesy. I' bur the unaar g and the ones ml for found a true friend He* efforts ia any good work were not iai pulaira, but marked by an heroie eonUnttUj W devotion. The eoniaiandmente were bai rjpale ot life; and aha sought thilr libera foUUhpant. 8he was one who found ii better to give than to raeetve." And eh< )|f rone to ber reward in a realm of r.ali I HrrnlJ 19th jnaf. THE S % Pai.c or Tows Lots.?The sale of lot#,1 around the Court Houso% that is t-> he, came off Thursday last. The lots nil brought good prices, and, we understand, enough will be realised from those sales to complete the pub. Ilo buildings necessary. Many parties from abroad Invested. There are others amongst us now Booking ihvostinfuts and houies In our comiut rativul v oiilnL ??f? K?-1 t. ? of country.? fivkemt Cunrirr. N?w York, August 24 (Xdton opened firm, out el>M<1 nih^r quiet; sales 14 000 bales, at 3O@S0| Gold stronger, at 45|. Baltimore, August 24. Cotton qnid. Flour dull nnd weak?super 9.75@IO 00. Wheat steady. Corn firm ? White I 28: yel|?w 1.25. Mora pork firm. CllARLR-TnR, August 24. Cotton steady ; aalra 178 Ixiltt?middlings 28; receipts 1 At'ovaTA. August 24. Cotton very doll; sales only 1 bale and receipts 2?all new cotton. Niw Orlrakb. August 24. [ Cotton dull?old 2? : soles 100 bales; receipts 00. Liverpool. August 24. Cotton closed easy, at a slight, decline? upland* 10?d.; Orleans lid.: sales 12,000. bales. ' SPECIAL, NOTICES. Buena Viata Christian Association. THE first Anniversary of this Association, will be celebinted on Saturday, 20th Inst, at Ebenec r Ohurch, at 11 o'clock, A. , M. Reports from the President snd Tress urer will he read, and the Annual Addrcs. 'delivered by Rev. Dr. K. T. Bliist Tlie public generally, and young men especially, arc respoetfuilv invited to attend. A. M. PEHRIFOY, l*iesident Tims. R. Lkaou,, Secretary. Aug 19 18 2 The Fairview Democratic Club WILL meet it Psirvicw on first Saturday in September, (5th day,) at 2 o'clock, P. M. By order of the President. T. H. STALL, Secretary. Aag 19 13 S Notice. ACCORDING to ap|?olntment. the nest Union Meeting of the TYGER RIVER ASSOCIATION. iDialrict No. 2.) will he hel l | n ill) the lUpti?t Chinch at Chick Spring*, comu-'eDcin* on Saturday, August SlMh.? Ite*. Win. William*, I). I)., to preach the Introductory Sermon ; Rev. B. Manly, Jr.. I). D., to preach the Charity Sermon ; 1<*. R Uod?rwoo<t, to ?ril? the K*aay. K. It UNDERWOOD, Seo'v. Aor 12 12 3 "loOST PLANTERS. 5 000 DUNDEE ija?25 CoiU Kentucky ROTE. 50 Uba. TWINE. * 2,000 Lb*. BACON. 200 lb?- leather. 50 hhg. Spaniah Float INDIGO. 50 Sacks SALT. 10 Sack* Rio COFFEE. 25 Saotu Country FLOUR. 10 Bbla C SUGAR. 5 Dbla Cruabcd SUGAR. 3 Hdd'a MOLASSES. 5 Bbla No. 1 MACKEREL, at W. J. Whitmirc's, Old Printing Office, Buncombe Street Store. P. S.?Order* accompanied with Cash will bo promptly filled. Aug 20 14 3 Furniture Sale. ON Wednesday, S?i tembnr 21, I will m-11 at Auction nt my Sab* Room, ?t 1<i| o'clock, ?undry Article* of Furniture, concreting in p*i t of. Mahogany Choir*. Divan*. Ottoman*, VVl,?t-not, Bureau, Card Table, Rocking Chair*, Dining Extension Table, Bidding. Matir?-#*e?, Picture*. Bedstead, Carpet*, Looking G1a?*e?, Crockety and Gla'aware, Cooking Stove and Fixture*, together with many other article*. At AO. ONE OOW and CALF. Term* Cadi. JULIUS C. SMITH. Aug 26 U 1 Notice. ALL partie* Indebted to HARRISON <1 MARSHALL arc earnestly requeued to come forward immediately and *-tll? a portion, if not the whole of their account*. W* are obliged to have money, and hope those we have indulged will respond. Aug 26 26 2 Valuable Land for Sale, in Pickens County 'PIIE *ub*criber offer* for aal*, hi* PLAN 1 TATiON situated in Pieken* County, one and a half mile* from the county scat, and abont 22 from Greenville C. II., con tabling THREE HUNDRED ACRES ? Titer* is on the plaee, all nece**ary build tng? for carrying on a farm?Dwelling Houaa, Smoke Hon**, Kitchen. Hubtca. Corn Crib, <fco? ail in good order aod Repair. On the Tract. I* a valuable GOLD MINE, Mid u? be very rich, which could doubtlev he worked to great advantage. For term* end further particulars, apply , to roe, on the plaoe. J. R. CLAltDY. Plckerta, S. C.. Aoguat 40, 1863. Aug 26 14 1* PHOF.M.G. DECAMPS ' 1IA8 RETURNED TO rtSjdHHV Greenville with the iutcnlion of making hit perV I t leeidonco here lie and it prepared to giv? instruction* on the PIANO, ORGAN, MKI.0< ' DEON and OUITAR?alto to give let ton a ir " HARMONY, VOCAL M1T8IC. VOCAMZA ' TION, and tho FRENCH LANGUAGE.? r During hit ahteaee he hat been endeavoring ' In caltivato a more thorough aequaiatancr 1 with hie favorite pursuit, and hat been undei > the heat matUrt in Druttel* and eltewbcre ii * Europe. For terms, apply to him at tha Man tIon Uou?e. Aoj Itf 13 tf I8TIIRI Oharlott* & South Carolina E. E. Co. SUPKRINTEN DENT'S (?FFICK. Columbia, 8. C., August 8, 1868. ON and after WEONE3DAY. the 12th in-lniit, the Trbiu4 over the lto?d will run at follow*, viz: Leave Columbia at 4.15 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte at. 1.00 n. m. r ni .. i at i _ t/nai luivr hi, ? % ?! i ,#y?? |*. ri?, . Arrive at Columbia. , 6 IK) a tit. | Of" Cl<?ee connections. boili ways, wlilt ' Trains of Greenville nod Columbia and ' South Carolina Roads. Pxesengtirs lor the North, taking , this route, linvo the choice of POUR T>?F- , PF.HF.NT ROUTES, via: From Greensboro, either via Danville or Raleigh. Front Wei I duo, either via Petersburg or Portsmouth ; ' ond.from Portsmouth, either via Old Bay j Line and Baltimore or Aunainessic Line and Wilmington, Delaware CST TIME AS QUICK and FAKE AS LOW ?? l?v anv other route. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. For THROUGH TICKETS to Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, apply at Ticket Office, foot Blinding street. . An Accommodation Train will I c run as follows: Leave Ooltmbi'' on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridavs at 7 A. M.. arriving at Charlotte at 0 35 P. M. Returning?leave Charlotte on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday nt G A. M., arriving at Columbia at 5 t 5 P. M. Passenger* Inking the 0 A. M. Train from Charlotte can connect with Night Train of South Carolina Road for Charleston, l'as sengeru from Clintlojton can?by leaving the South Carolina Train at Junction?connect with.the 7 A M. Train from Columbia. CALEB BOUKKIGIIT, Superintendent. Aug 20 14 Second Hand Piano, WILL be sold verv low. Apply to JULIUS C. SMITH. Aug 19 13 3 iinis iff AT COST. THE STOCK OF GOODS * OF f!nl .Tnn Tl Aalimnvo VW4I 1/ AAV* \jy WILL "BE SOLI) OFF AT COST, THE STORE BEING OPEN AS USUAL, FOR THAT PURPOSE, UNTIL Sales-day in Soptombor noxt, WHEN THE BALANCE ON HANDS WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION. W. H. CAMPBELL, assignee. Aug 19 LI '2 Notice. HY virl-je <>f authority in nie v*atr?l, 1 will expose for to the highest bidder, nt the sl<-r* of Gower,0.>x, KLukicv A Co. on Saturday, 29th August, instant, one STILL CAP "and WORM, being the property seisid from JOHN NOUR1S, he causa of violation of luteriinl Revenue Laws. Terms cash. A. L COBB, ,, Deputy Col. 3d Dut.,C. August 19, 180H.13-2 Slate or Soulli Carolina, OUEKXVILLE COL'STY. lu liquify. JOITN N. GREER nud JOHN W. CUNNINGHAM, Executors, is. JORDAN 1>. POOL.? Hill to/urrcloie Mortgage, tic. HY virtue of the Decretal Order in the ahovo easo, 1 will sell, at Greenville Court House, on Salesday in September next, to the highest bidder, the House and Lot described in the Bill, viz.: All that piece, parcel and lot ol Land within the incorporate Jimits of the Town of Greenville, U? -wit: Two Hundred Feet on Washington Struct, Oue Hundred and Twenty Feet on Spring Street, Two Huudred feet on Hnhn's Lot, and One Hundred and Twenty Feet on Brown Street, known as tbe OLD LUCKY STABLC OF PRINCE & GREER. Terms or Balk.?Bo much as may be necessary to pay the Costs, must be Cash on iluy or Sale?the balance on a cre<lit of six months. Purchaser to executa Bond with ndcipiate surety, to eocure tbe purchase money, Title Deeds not to be delivered until tbe purchssc money is paid. And should tbe purchaso money not he punctually paid, then the premises to be resold at the risk of tho first purchaser. Purchaser to pay for papers. .J. P. MOORB, 0. E. O. C. Com'rs Office. Aug. 10th, 1868. Aug 12 * 12 4 ASSIGNEE'SSALE. TJ Y order ofthellon.OEOROF. 8. BRYAN, J> District Judge of South Carolina, I will sell, at Oreenvillo Court House, WEDNESDAY, THE 9TH OF SEPTEMBER, AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK, THE IJVERY STABLE -?L2NTI> LOT, KNOWN AS THE 4 M., s< aaae-a; vnivri oinuics, Pclnnging to the Eotato of J. P. POOL, Bankrupt. Term? of Sale, Cftuh. Purchaser* ta pay lor stamp* and paper*. J. N. MARTIN, Attignee Aug 12 12 6 Stolen, ON the night of 7ih in??? a lerge FORREL HORSE, fifteen hands high, both ' shoulder* rubbed ? niewhat by the collar, the left shoulder more than the right Tin thief we* supposed to have taken the Jon. a Gap Road. The Uore* was in good condition when taken. A liberal reward will be given on rotnm log the Horse to the undersigned, 18 milei above Otceuvill . ( TERRY FATfc*. ) Aufia *13 a* a iitbii . ' ' '. V S , . . 1 Slate of South Carolina, OKKENVILLN COUNTY. In Equity. JOHN W. MOIIOAN. EMwulo*-. v L1NF.Y A. MORGAN, et. ul.?DUl for Salt Jintate to pay Jt bt?, etc. BY virtue of tli- Drcrefnl order in the hove cn?t\ I will ceil ut Ur? eiivill* I litiue In lltA liiirlmftl liiiMur nn Sn li>it< day in September next, the U^-hI Estate of the late NATHANIEL MORGAN, ?s described in tIt** Bil<. vie : Trui'l No 1. HI VKit TRACT, containing One Jfnn>fre<land Tu*> Acre?. more ??r Las. Tract No. 2, One Hundred and Thirty7\eo Acre*. , Tsaet No. 8, l>duvh ss the CONNER THACT, 'containing One Jfundrid and Thirteen Acre*. more or lew,adjoining land* of James, Porter, Thaxtnn, end others. Tkiims ok Salic.?Cost lo be paid In Cn*l? on day of Sale, the balance of the Purchase Money on a credit of twelvemonths, with Interest frorr. date, the Purchaser to give Bond with two good Sureties, and Mortgages of the Premises, Purchaser to pay for papers. J. P. MOORE. 0. E O D. Commissioner's Office, Aug. 10. 18c8. Aug 12 82 4 MOItt 14.000 'M0,CE C0UXTKVi 300 f?cks Extra Family N. 0. FLOUR lOO Sacks Standard Liverpool SALT 5JJ> Regs NAILS, assorted sixes 20 Ihtlcs BATE8VILLE K1IIRTIXU lO Ihilcs McBKK SHIRTING 20 B?R? COTTON YARN 20 Prime and Fair RIO COFFEE 20 Barrells SUtJAR JO BAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAGS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, lints, DRY GOODS, DRUGS S<\ Our Stock of HATS and SHOES is very i largo and complete, and wo will gunrnutoo our \ on'.iro Stock will coin pare with any in Town,: both as to quality and prico. A call will satisfy you. DAVID & STUADLEY. May 18 51 tf Sou th t'1-Bi Sorglio Sugar Eomjiany, npiIE undersigned, as General Agents fur .J. In* above Association, pro|K>*? lo organize in Greenville and o'lur Diatricls, C<onp?niea for the purixia* of MANUFAUTUKINO SUGAR nod REFINING SYRUP from Ilia juice of the Sorghum Cane. Sevrial ?>f Ihese Companies are now in sueeessfo) mid profitable o|>ei:iilion in the United S|at.-? and the Sugar and tfvrup produced l?v them have been examined by competent judg-ai and pronounced unequalled. We propose: 1st. To manufacture a bright, golden Syrup, equal in flavor to any Syrup. 2d. To manufacture from 5 lo 7 pound" of Sugar per ir*llo? of Syrup, not inferior to any brown Sugar, and far superior In many vurletica, (lie residuum of Syrup still. 3d, To manufacture a superior article of (Vinegar fiom the waste. All this we do with very little additional labor. 4tli After the Sugar season is over, we propose to refine and greatly improve ciude Syrups, or Syrups made in the urdiuury way. fiili. We 'propose to relieve amir Syrups of all ac/tic qualities, and give them a deli cious (ltvor, leaving them without liability to sour a second lime. These arc our broad propositions. We do not ask the community at largo to fake 'our statements, or the statem-nta of hundreds of certificates we might append, but we propose lo pay, from each District one reliable man's expenses to go to Louisville, Kentucky, in the Fall, and iuv tailgate the operation there for himself. W. P. PAHSMORE, JAMES Wll.ilELM, General Agents for the Southern S'ates. J. li. Lkwis, President, 62 Second Street, Louisville, l\y. . w f irtlier information may be had by calling on Da W. 1*. Passmoiik, at Mrs. M. Thompson's residence. Buncombe St., Green ville. or hy letter addressed to the President in Louisville. Sunplea o* Sugar and Svrup may be seen at tbe Mountaineer Office, and at Messrs. Gaines A Bearden'a store: where persons interested may also obtain pamphlet*, free of cost, giving full information in reference i<? iin- proper cultivation 01 sorgntim. July 29 10 tf Change of Schedule on Q. & C. R R. ON and after WEDNESDAY, llio 12tU instant, Passenger Trains will run daily, Sunday* excepted, connecting with Night Train* on South Carolina and Charlotte aiul South Carolina Railroad*, a* follow*: Leave Columbia at 7.00 a. in. '' A In ton at 8.40 '* " Newberry at 10.10 " AnLvo at Abbcvillo at 3.00 p. m. " at Anderson at 4.20 " " < Iroenvilla at 6.00 " Learn Grconvillo at 6.46 a. in. " Anderson at 6.26 " - Abberille at 8.00 ?? " Nowberry at 12."16 p. m. " Alston at 2.16 " Arrive at Columbia at 3.46 " Trains on the Blue Ridge Railroad will also run daily, Sundays excepted. Leave Anderson at 4.30 p. in. " Pendleton at 6.30 " Arrive at Walhalta at 7.30 " Leave Walhnlia at. 3.30 a. m. " Pendleton at 6.30 " Arrive at Anderson at 6.20 " The train will return from Helton to Andcrson on Monday anil Friday mornings. ? JAMES O. MEREDITH. General Superintendent. Aug 19 13 The Siato of South Carolina) GREENVILLE COUKTV. By S J. DOUTHIT, Etq., Ordinary of taid County. WHEREAS, W. H. EVANS ha. filed a Petition in my Office, praying that Letters of Administration on all and singular the itond* and chattels, rights and credits of JOEL E SMITH, lata of the County aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to hint. i 'Iftee* are, therefore, to cile and admonish , ail and singular the kindred and creditors t of the said deceased, to be and appear in ' the Court of Ordinary for said Coun'y, to be holdsn at Greenville Court Home, on the 97th day of Ant/vet intt., to show eanso, if any, why the said Administration should t not b? granted. & J. DOUTHIT, O. G. C. Ordinary's Offioe, August 13, 184H. Aug IV 13 i s. ~ iABGAINS! ARE OFFERING GREAT INI . a LOi FUSSILY m musinm Aim ALSO IN EVERY LINE OF C FORGET THE FLACE SULLI MA1X STREET, OP. July 1 iisi6m?i DRUG DIE DOOR ABM1M W. MORCAN AM) WESTMORELAND KKEI* CONSTANTLY on huud n FULL STOCK OF DRUGS M FJ'DICINES CHEMICALS PAINTS, mw, DYE-STUFFS, mCY ARTICLES, A X D EMBRACING THE STOCK USUALLY KELT IX A . FI KS T O It r> K It ESTABLISHMENT. l$rEVERYTHING WE PUT U P M A A' I 1 E I) EI 'EN D E D O N AS IN EVERY WAY RELIABLE. Give Us a Visit* STATIONERY STATIONERY STATIONERY. J UST received, n large and lianclHomo lot ot STATIONERY, consisting, in j>art, ot: Foolscap, Letter and Nolo" PAPER, best quality ; Pens, Ink, Pencils, Arc.. Arc., which please call and examine. Spear's Fruit Preserving Sedation. rjllIIS Solution is wnrmntcd to prevent the ' J. decomposition ot' nil kinds of Fruit", Tomatoes, Jellies, Spicod Fruits. Syrups, Ci dcr, Wine, Milk, some kinds of Vegetables. Ac., and preserve thetn it, a fresh nut! wholesome condition. Try a bottle. Juno 21 S tf mj?aw ma ? ROSA DAI IS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Druggists Everywhere. Greenville and Columbia Rail Road Companv. '1*M1IS Company Imt now for sale, in lien & of " S.'o*<>n Tield'li1," a Ticket which entitles n person to travel over the r.>A<i 1,000 Milts lbr $iO, Within one yenr from ditto of iwrohwc.? The Tickets c?n be purchaser! from 1 lie Agent* nt Columbia, Newl?eirv, Abbeville Anderson and (ire.-nvil'c. W. ALSTON OIBRFfl. OcBcrsl Ticket Agent IS. nnd C. U. R. A tig tint 12, 18CS. 1 2-.I f Nctico. TN conformity with rer|uircmrnts of the In1 tcrnal Revenue Laws, I hereby give 110tico to nil persons who inuv elsitn OXK HOUSE and WAOON, nn.l ONE SMALL RAKRKL and a KEtl of WHISKY, seized by E. Hudson Smith, on the 7th day of August, in possession of LEANDEK STVLKS, 10 miles north of Hroenvitle Court House?l>ccause of evident purpose to evade the Internal Revenue Laws?to rnako such rlaitv* before nto within thirty days front the first publication of this notice. A. L. COBB, I>eputy Collector of Internal Revenue. Aug 12 12 3 University of South Carolina, COLUMBIA, 8. C. THE next Ke**ion will begin or n 'Ttiin. tho h'irnt Jltjil<lny in October.? This University offer* every ml vantage for thorough training it *d?jr the l.iternry and Scientific branch ea, anil in the School* of Law nn<I Medicine. The aggregate cxjionrc* for tho Session t nine month* are?For a Student in threo Lit erary or Scientific School*, nbonl $2Uli; for i Student in Law. ahem #280 ; and for a fnl course in the iModical School, about $."70.? There sum* include fees for tuition and uau < library, board, room rent, fuel, lights am washing. . For Catalogues, or farther information, ad dm* Rcr. C. BRUCE WALK) R o rctarj of Faculty. R. W. EARN WRlL. t'huirman of Faculty. I July 22 V Id ft BARGAINS! 3 &, ??g3 )UCEMENTS IN A CHOICE OF rmbsisss. i <0!FXKED *?? ?AY. JOODS ON IIAND. ? DON1 : OF ' BARGAIN SB VAN & SON, POSIT/-; MANSION HOUSK. 6 tr STESBINT'S s $ o a s. I WISH to inform tho Citiscn* of Greenville ninl the surrounding Districts, thai 1 have just arrived with the R CHEAPEST STOCK 01 0000!! evor purchased hy mo sinco tho war. I wit not surrender to any man in Town or District, . that ho run sell Goods of the SAME ljUALITY 'i CHEAPER than I can. Call aud examine for yourselves, ut STEEN'S STORE. May 27 1 if Roceivod and in Store, VYEUY Larg- Quantity of COUNTRY BACON?lianas, Sln uldcrs and Sides, which I will dispose of Low for Cash, at Wholesale or Rcluil. THOMAS STEEN, dune 17 4 tf . Crockery. I am just recclring and opening the hart, largest and cheapest lot of CROCKERY that has been brought to this place since the war. A full assortment of all kinds. Call and examine. THOMAS STKKN.June 10 ? tf I inn opening n Splendid Stock of Groceries, at rcry rcdnccd prices. Call aud sutisfy your Helves tliat it is so, at PTEEX'S STORE. Mny 27 1 tf Also, a large ami magnificent lot of Mlaaa wnro ami Crockery at very low figure*. Cai. ami Judge for yourselves, at PTEEX'S STORE. May 27 1 tf S|M>cial attention is called to the elegant assortment of Shoe* ? Ladies', Misses', Roys', Youths' and Servants', and a very fine lot of I'lowtncna' Shoes?extra fine litngana. Call and prove what I say, at ST BEX'S STORE. May 27 1 if ^ The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. R. II. JACOBS, Administrator wi'h the \V II annexed, against James M. Jacobs, Mary E. Jacobs, miner ami others, De fendnnts. Citation for Mnal Settlement ? and Decree. > IT appearing to my satisfaction that James % M. Jacobs, Mary E Jacobs, ntinor, re- s side without this State: It is ordered and decreed, that they do appear at a Court ol Ordinary, in person or l?y attorney, on Saturday, the Sth day of September next, at 10 o clock, A. M., to show cause, if any they enn, why a Final 'Settlement of the Estate of WILLIAM JACOBS, deceased, should not be tuude, and a Decree given lliei e? n. Given under my hand, at Greenville Court House, this ,Vh day of June, A. D. 1808. & J. DCUnilT, O. G. I>. June 10 3 Uu?" The State of South Carolina, a It EES VILLE COUSTX. Ill Equity. JOITN' A. HAWKINS, bv next friend, el of.r ih m. 1!AHKIKT D. DILL et UM t<* Mitrekn/I A eerie, Sate, f'urliiit'M, rf'f. I'i | ll'IlSl'ANT to the Decretal Order in this $ 1 case, the creditors of JOHN P. HAW? KINS, deceased, are required to render and prove their demand* before tnc, on op bufop* the first dny of November next. J. P. MOORE, . EL ?b D. July 12th, ISfiS. 8-td Tho State of South Carolina. V It EES VI l..1. E CO VSTT. Ill Equity. JOHN VT. MOROAN, Executor, re. LINNET N. MOROAN rt at.? Hill In Murehntl Ai> erle, Safe, /?/?? ? f/ow, <f r. PI' HSl' A NT to tho Order in tho above ease, the creditors of NATHAN* 1HI, MOROAN, deceased, tiro required to render and prove their demands before ine, ou ar before tho first tiny of December next. J. r. MOOllE, C. E. G. 1). July 12th, 186ft. 8-ld 5 MERCHANT MILLST riMlE undersigned informs the pnhlie that j I he has recently put his MILLS in thorough and complete repair, and is well prepared to turn out the l?e>t of Floor. His BOLTING PLOTI!A are entirely new, and he fecit | confident of being ablo to give complete satisfaction' to his patrons and friends. tj I T still have in my employ Mr. J. M'. CARMAN, who is regarded as one of tho bust Mil ilcrx in tlio Mate. Corn, Kyc, Uuck wheat, Ac., (jromiil na formerly. ?. W. PAKK1NS. July 8 7 If W. H CAMMER, PRACTICAL GUNS WIT Hi AND MACHINIST. ? ~ : / 10UN 811 EU.FPS. Cotton Oina, lock*. ' j V/' Karownx Oil I.umc*. Sewing M* * | chine* and l'araa?>la, UKI'AlUKI) with . proniptneax. Charger rearonntle, i I have on hand, and which i? offered for 1 aale, an Improved Peach and Apple l'oalir, ? an esaminaliou of which i* invited. i I am prepared to lintiirh Xl'll. ~r PLATE?*, lor Marking Clothe*. I Stand?At Wealfield'r old Shop, Ju y 22 V if II Job Work DONE at thia Office, with neatmaa a.,a ?tpatch.