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Tb? Frontier Wedding-. Ouo dav in enrly Winter, mv hns band received a summons to Burke* settlement, to unite a couple in bonds of wedlock. It was especially requested that I should accompany bin and bo expected to remain all nigh and partake of tbe festivities. It \va? twenty miles to the settle ment and wo readied tbe log bouse o Mr. Burke, tbe father of tbe expectan bride, about noun. A drxen tow.bair ed children were at tbe door awnitini our arrival. They telegraphed the new almost instantly. " Marm I marm 1 here's the elder ant tbe woman ! She's got a man's bat on and a turkey wing in front of it; hi nose is nice dad's crooked as a cow hot t squash." Alas for Mr. Morrison's aquiline nose of wliicli lie was a little vain. " Sam !" cried a ahi ill female voic> from lire interior of the cabin, 44 run on and grab the roosier, and 1*11 clap bin into the pot. Sal, vou quit thai clniri and sweep the floor. Kick'that corn dodger under the bed. Bill, you wip the tallow out of that cheer for thi minister's wife, and be spry* about it.1 Further remarks were cut sboit bj our entrance. Mrs. Burke, in a calico sho/t gown blue petticoat and bare feet, came foa ward wiping her face with her apron. 44 How do you do, elder ! IIow d'y< do, marm ? Must excuse mv head? hain't had a chance to comb it rinc< last week. Woik must he did, voi know. Powerful sharp air, hain't, it Sho, there ! Bill, drive that turkey on of the bread trough. Sal. take the lady's things. Set right up to the fire ma'am. Hands cold ? Well, jest rut 'em in Bill's hair?we keep it long i purpose." Bill presented his shaggy head, whicl I declined with an involuntary shudder 41 Law. if she ain't actually a shiver' in'!" ctied Mis Burke. 41 Bring it so:n3 more wood. Ihre, ma'am. tak< tl.ia hot corn-dodger inter yer lap?it" as good as n soapstone." A fearful squawk announced the exe cution of the rooster, and shortly afer ward he was bouncing about in a f u quart kettle, hung over the fire. Sa returned to her churn, hut the extraor dinary visitor must have made her care less, for she upset the concern, and tin huttertnilk went swimming over tl.i floor. 44 Grab the ladle, Bill," ctied Mis Buike, 44 and help dip it up. Txke keer don't put that snarl of hair in. Strangi how folks will ho so nasty. Pick, d< keep vour feet out of the tut enniik <1 .rn.'l ?.- ?? C~- .1-- -? ..v... . UC III. mi Iiir JHg* Wlion I III butter is gathered. Drive that lien out quick ; she's picked up a pound already Tlieie Sal, do Iry and churn a litlh moie keeiful. If you are going lo lx spliced 4ermoirer you need not run cia 35V about it.*' " I advise you to dry up!'' remarket the biido elect, ill n in pi n^ away at t b? churn. Bv the time 1 had got fairly wnrm cd, dinner win ready, and you may Ik sure I did not injure myself by over eaiing. Night came on early, and nf'er a ao cial cbat on the event of the morrow 1 signified my desire to retire. Sal lighted a pine-knot, and begat climbing n ladder in one corner of tin room. 1 hesitated. " Come on," said she. " don't hi afraid. Sam, Dill, and Dick, and al the rest of ye, duck yer he:ids while tin elder's wife goes up. J.onk out fir I hi loose board, mar in ; and mind, or you'l smash your brains out against (he beam Take keer of the hole where the cliiin bley cornea through." Iler warning came too la'e. I enngh my foot in the end of a board, stum bled and fell headlong through inter minahle space, hut it was to tlie romn lnul iiut oVei-fl T ...v.?f ?iViXJ ? ?n3 nm*u IIUH destruction by Uill, who caught me it his arms and set tue on my feet, re im.:kirg coolly : 44 What made you come that way We generally use the ladder." I wa* duly commiserated, and at la* got to bed. The less raid about thn the better. Hill and Dick and fou others slept in the same room with us N ami made the air vocal with their snor ing. I fell asleep and dreamed that ! was being shot from the muzzle of i Colmnbiad, and was awakened by Mr Morrison, who that it wa< morning. The marriage was tc take place be fore breakfast, and Sally was ready elad in her biidal robo* w hen I descend ed the ladder. She was magnificent in a green cali eo over crinoline full four inches large than "ho rest of her apparel, a whit< apron with red strings, blue stockings a yellow neck ribbon, and white coltoi gloves. Her red hair was fastened it a pug behind, and adorned with thi tail f?m Iter* of the defunct rooster be mentioned. nen h whs announced mat l^?m Lord, the groom, wan coming, Sail; dived behind a coverlet which honj across one corner of the room to con ceal sundry pots and kollles, and refus eel to come forth. + Mr. Lord lifttd one corner of tin coverlet and peeped in, but quickly re treated, with a few sharp words fron Sally, advising him to mind bin owi business. Lemuel was dressed in blue witl brass buttons. The entire suit hat Keen made for Lis grandfather on i similar occasion. Ilia hair was wel greased with tallow, and hit huge fee were encased in skin pumps. Very soon the oom| any began t< * i !.? ;. ... I ill ' I'. .Ml " as fiJl'j ! II r M E S I u Now, elder," cried the bridegroom, " drive ahead ! I went it done up pice; f I am able to pee foi the job. l)o you d hear! Come, Father Burke, trot* out r that ere gal." 1 But Salty rehired to he trotted ; she I would he mnriitd where he was or not I at all \\r~ ? ? ? ?? mi. ?i a mmifll una Coaxed, Dill | she w as firm ; nnJ it whs concluded to f let her have her own away. I Mr. Morrison stood up; the happy couple joined hands through a rent in ? the curtain, and the ceremony proceeds ^ id. Just as Mr. Morrison was asking Lemuel? ) " Will von have this woman !'* etc., down came the coveilet, enveloping s both minister and bridegroom, and fill 9 ing the house with dust. Dick had been up in the loft and cut the strings which h?|d it. Mr. Morrison crawled out. looking decidedly sheepish, ntnl 9 Sally was obliged to be married open( Iv. To the momeutous question Lem1 uel responded? . "To be sure; what else did I come for r p Sailv replied, " Yes, if von must p know." ? " Salute your biide," said Mr. Mor ^ rison, when all was over. " I'm ready to do anything, elder." said Lem., "but skin me if I know ' about that, sir, Ju?t show mo how, and I'll do ii if it kills me ." e My husband drew back nervously, but Sally advanced, threw her anus p around bis neck and gave him a kiss , hat made ilie veiy window clatter I "I vurn, if I don't do ditto!" cried I Lemuel and hasiily taking a huge bite i , fioin ? piece of maple sugar which lie \ drew from his pocket, he made n dash j at me?sniashcd my collar, broke inv , watch guard, into u di sen pieces, tore 1 my hair down, alid succeeded in.planti ing a kiss on my no>e, greatly to the i delight of the company. I * Tlitn he turned to my husband. 1 " r*o?, ewer, vMinl is the dmtnge? i l)oti't be al'iend to speak." 8 4" \Yliatcver you," fftid Mr. MorrUon. * ' Lemuel produced a piece of fur.? ' There, eblei," said lie," there's ? inu?kr rai skin, and out in the shed is two I heads of eshb go, and you're welcome to the whole of it." My husband bowed bi> thanks, the B voting people went to dancing. Mr*. Q I >uike went to getting breakfast. At tnv earnest request, Mr. Mnnison got , our horse, and we hade them adieu. I . never could have lived through another p meal iu that house of love. tl I ha>e since heard 'hat Mr. Loid . said if lie had Men the elder's wife be p fore she was manied, i>allv might hare gone to thunder. " Alas, ii might have been I"' f Awr.cnoTK <>f *iov. SkivarD.? Ck z zens tell-* an old story, which, he o? few persons have not heard. When I fiuveinor ol Now York, Sewaid, in those t pre railroad dav<. hail nccfe-ion to visit a ceitain jrail of the Stale, and nrc?>rd - ingly tnou'n'ed upon the box of the 9 mail-coach, in order that he might rn joy lib c:gar ami the scenery. The driver was an inquisitive fellow, and his ' passenger humored hint. " I ami agent said the driver. o V.. o C l n " Selling good.- 1' p ' No." " Traveling pie. cher )" " No." 1 ' " Circus ?" p * No." e " N<'v;?nnper." I | " No." ' Wlint. lli.'i:," said the *d tltivcr, " w lihI is ynr limine** T' " Oovt*rn??r." iep!icd Mr. Seward, I with a tranquil smile. " Gov'nor o' tvhai " Governor of ihe State of New York." I replied the smoking passenger, with i composuie. i " Get enr* J" " Well. I can convince ton of it," said Seward. " for here conies a man I on the road with whom I am acquaint* cd and.-a* the stage passed by, he sa> luted him ? ' Go. il morning. Mr. Hunker, 1 wan*, r ?o a*k von a question? Am I not the Governor of New - York ?" I " No hv thunder T' was Hunker'a tin* t expected answer. " Who is, then 1" said ihe star: I ad * Mtioker. i'Pi -_i n*?i ?i - j iiunow ?y eeu : ... * A BitAi'Tiri'L IxctOMT.? A naval j cfficer being at rea in a dreadful storm, bfa Uiiv, who um Killing in the cabin ! near hiif), ami fi'led with alarm fur the r safely "I liie vessel, wan no surpn.od at ; D his composure and serenity that she I ' ciied out ? 1 " My <h*ar pre you not afraid f How ' 1 4/t it pos-ible you can be calm in such n ; f dreadful storm ! lie rose from his chair, iMbed to the deck, drew his sword, and pointed to ' lite breast of his wife exclaimed : 1 "*Are you not afiaid !" - She instantly answered " No.'* ** Why ?" said the t-flieer. " Because," rejoined the lady, *' 1 knew that thin sword is in the hands of * my husband, and he loves me too- well to hurt me." * "Then," said he, "remember,. I 1 know in whom I believe, and that he holds the winds in his fiats, and the wa | ter in the hollow of his bands." i I " That. Mrs, Radriski, why do you t whip vour children so often f" " Lay Mr. Worthy, I do it for their enfightenj mrni, I never whipped one of litem . in mv lifetime that he di In': h, know I B >J T W I 1 a PatMaloney'i Oat. Pit Maloney. better known by the name of Father Pet, on returning from work one evening, whi met ?t the gate bj Biddy, hie better half, in ? high alate of excitement. u Pat,*' aaya ahe, there's a at range cat in the cabin." " Cante her out, thin ; don't be both* erin' me abont the baete." " Faix, an' I've been alrivin' to do that for the matter of tin minita p??t, bnt ahe i* bey ant my reach, behind the big r?d chiat in the corner. Will yeee b* after helping ine drive ber out Pat f" u To be ante 1 will; bad luck to the connate she hen for niv hou?e. 8h?>w her to me Middy, lilt t tache her thv respeil that a due to h titan in hi- own house?to be takes' poMeawion without ?a much aR he yer leave?lite tbnfe o' the wot hi !" Now Pat had a special antipathy to ca ?. and never let pa?t an op; ortuuitv to kill one. This he resolved to do in i he present case. and inttamly fottned a plan fttr the purpose. Perceiving but one wnv of egresa for the auimal, ho rmvr to Piddv : M Have ye* over a male bag in the bouse mo duilint I" " Divil a ono in thero, Pat. Ye took it to (lie tuill wid you, to bring home chip* litis in?>rnin." " Faix. nit' 1 did, and titer? it in yet thin. And have ye nolbin' at all, in the house, that wili tie up like a Lag, r " Fa ill an' I have, I'at ; I hero's mo Sunday petticoat?ye can draw the sitings close at jl:e lop, >?n' sure it will lie better f.>r not let tin' the cat hivin' yoez *' " Piddv, rial lint, ye're a jewel; just Lto af er bringing it to me a wansl." Middy brought the ghtinent, and sure enough, it made a good substitute Tor a bag, Pat declared at a glance that it was * iltganl,'' So, holding it clo>e against the edge of llto chest, lie took a look behind, and saw a pair of eyes glaiittg at 1)1 tit. " An' its there to are, ye devil? ? Pe on' o' that, now bad luck to yex. yo lltaviu' vagabono. Po dad, and \e wont leave at all w ith pet lite axin ? yerself will bate the pigs iuiirely. lt d dy have yez any hot water 1 ' Sure, I've tLo full of a lay kittle all a bilitt, Pat." " Pe af.lirr castiu' the matter of a ijuarl thin, hehittd the eltisl. atrd we'll see how the baste minds the like o' that" ' Il'twld cl;>se thin?here goes the steaming hot water." So saving, da?h went the wa'er, ami cut cattte th - animal into PalV ttap. *' Aria, be lite itowlv te-ker. I Itiivt ifit no.v l?id?iy," sai-1 L'.ti. " I* it i ine iveti ye ha-te f W?l, now, !? atliii ine I pardon f->r all the .bavin* ye've l?iti il 'in' in iih* house, or it'* the nine live* will not s?ve te Uiddv, seiro holt ?>' the poker, ami whilst I shoulder the I'M);, just whack the day light* out? f .be hay-' ilieo tljvil intiiely l*at threw the bundle over hi* s bo til tier, and siitick about ilt'ec blows to llie tune of St. I'atiick's day in the liiornin' when she audd.-nly slopped. " \\ lint smills so qnar, I'at f Sure it's ihken nie l?,-?th uw iy wnl the pow. erofit. 0 nturther, I'm I, it'* the divil ye have in the ?;?ck J" " I late hill., thin?hate the horn off'' " I'm frtintit.y* ?nid lliddy " cn?l liiin off \ e, I 'a'." "Cell' niui'.her. murthei ! lli.'.dv Mnlonv. what have vn rlone ? Ye've went and miviaken a horrible polecat f.r a ha> tnless tame ca' !" I'ai, for love o* God,- if ve'ro c~>n venent to the tloor, uw 1 i>c it, f.r I'm peri-bin O Hi.ldv Malonv. that Iter tou ahotild leave <>uld heboid, to hesniothcud an' milt I beted in this av !" * Kaix. the Utile villain hn?e* llie div il himu'lf; lie' ruined rv.o tnni*i>, and kilt l'tiddv. an* put ine out o' c<>n*ii:e wide me own self. O, the inurihetin haMe !" Ilv the dint of tva-hinnr, and semiring, and tlie burial of liiddv'* bent petiicoat ttudcr I bo ground for a rpace of time. | thing* were at length eel to iu h I a train, ibit not a little recrimination look place between them on llie occasion, and neither ever fnrgol the expuUion from the cabin of Biddy'* blrntige cat. Wwkn Jatnoa T. Hrndy, the celebrated lawyer of New York, firat opened a lawyer** offv'o, be look a basement room wbitrlt bad been previotndv occu pied '<y a cobbler, lie wa* aomewbat annoy id bv the previous occupant'* caller*, and irritated by tltc fact that be bad few of li>a o?? Owe day an ludt man entered : M The cobbler's gone, I ?ee." ho *aid. u 1 tthould think lt? bad," tatlly re ?|>oiKied Brady. " And what do yon sell Y* he inqnira,\ .1 1: - i ?- - IU- ? uiunrjr mine nilU H few law book;*. M Blockhead* r wae the response. M Begnrra," said I lie lri>ba?an. " yo must re doing a mighty fine business ; ye hain't got but one left P* Monet is a good lliing ; contentment is better. The only. adianlage of wealth is power, and this it sometimes, with pnepr yuHiiee, turns against its poa-neseor. Cultivate contentment at 11 events. If cash comes after that, you will be able to bear it. ? Tn* radicals tiied another rally in Brooklyn on Thursday night. A Grant flag rai?iog at the post office was the provocation. The attendance wa* slim, and the speeches so lean thai the partv br'gan oolv gave lb - affair three lines -- ..'i?ii j . I IB T1 ft. f Bhaziuax Ma narks.?The Brasil* iann are vastly polils?it wouU appear to IM excessively to. iney not only lift the hat to every lady in the street and at the window, but to every well* dressed man, even though a stranger. The m<wt distinguished gentlemen in the ci:y frequently acknowledge uiy butnh'.e presence at the distanoe of a square off. In making my visits among the sick, it ie customary to shake hands with all the household, hoih on entering and departing from the house; and if it is a tcbado. or two , story mansion, where toe fain Iv al ways resides in the upper story, the lady of the house, or the daughter, always stands at the head of the stairs till I descend, i>t>d once more salute lo r with ha' in hand 'I be Brazilian* .-Idojp ktu tk at the door, as we do. They clap the paints of the hand* together two or three time-, which an*Vers theaarue purpose. They never enter an open room with* out giving notice or asking leave? com licenza ?among lite most in tirnale friends. In the slice's they never call after each other, but attVaei '.lie attention of the . persons they wi h to detain by a * thu /"' which may he heard some di-tance. When a lady stop* you in the street, which is un* usual, it is customary to toaiid with the hat <>tl till she tell- you to put it on.? " Once 011 a time," a h quaciotn setiora encouu eied. in the h?> . uiudiitie, on the street, a gentleman.of her intimate, acquaintance, named * "oelho? ltahhit j ? and detail.ed Iji 111 some lima, hat in hand, without requesting him to put it on, and, after a-kiug particularly ahont all thu member* of the family, uue by one, Huded : " You 111 a\ be sure that ! like all of i.^ ti-u.;.." Tlie gentleman, who whs scarcely able to aland (lie noonday heal, an swered, demurely : "Yea, my seuorn; and I aee thai you like them best roasted !" [&'f. Louis Republican. Colors. Nothing cud11 Unites in a moro partic* tl'.ar innuner to heighten the beati'y of the skill tlinn th?* choice^ of colors, ~Kor example, female* of light complex ion ought to wear the purest white; lliev should choose light and biillian' colors, such as ro*e. azure, I gill yellow, <fce. Women of a da>k complexion, who die?s in such coh>r?, as we have ofen seen thoin d >. ctttec their -Win (?? apjrear black, dull and lautird. I hey ought, thi'icf ire, to avoid while Vube-, Hiul ro-e col -r, c.r lignt blue rililmns,' v.! i?-Ii f>ri.i too di-l**t<'fnl a contrast to <lieii CHina iolis Lei sue'* pelSo|?*. on the joritiarv, dress in colors wliiclt a?e best suited t > tlleiit; in patjii uUr, green, violet purple ; ami then that dttknfl-s. wnivh WA?only the i fleet of loo lias a contrast, will suddenly dis appear, as "if hy enchantment ; their complexion will beconie lively aMil auirnnied, and will exhibit such charms as will di pute and even bear away the fairest of the fiir. In a word, tb? ftir cannot be too careful to correct, by light colors, the paleness of their com plexions; and dit.ker women, by stronger colors, the somewhat yellow tint of their carnation. We roust not emit a verv important observation -respecting tl.?" ..t ?i? i- u_t.. ?..V? v/i vunrro UT ivj?lil* I VIIIP*, crimson ie extremely handsome at night, niton it may be substituted for io?e Color, which !>* ? it* charma hv candle light ; but ibin crimson, seen by dnv, -(MiilR the nt'iv beautiful complexion ; tin color whatever strips it socompletely of nil Hi* l'alo yellow, w lb- contrary. i> very handsome l?\ ih\,and i* pefecth united m person* n bo hate a lino carnation ; but at nigh' II appear* ditlv and tainis|ies the lusti*?>f tlie complexion, to i* de Hgned to give b'illiancy. Wk i>o Kadk as a Ltfar.? As llie trials of life lltit ken, and I be dreams of other days fade one by one, in the deep vi*ta of disappointed hope, tbe heart grows weary of lb3 struggle Hiid ?? be gin to realize our insignificance. Those wli.r have climbed to tbe pinnacle of fame, or revel in luxury and wealth, go to the giave at last with tbe poor men dicnni alio beg. pennies by tbe way aide, atid like liiin, are soon forgotten, tienaiaiiou after generation, says an e|i'ipieiii modern wrtlei bare felt as we feel and their fellows were aa active in (if as oura ate now. Tbev passed awav aa a va|M>r, while nature wore tbe same Hr-jM'Ci in heautv as wlieii tier Creator commanded her to be. And no tike wise shall it be when we are gone-? The heaven* will lie as blight over our grave ?r- thev are now arouud our path ; the world will hisve lite tame attraction for offspring yet unborn that she had once for ouiselve*. and that the has now for our children. Vet a lit lie while and all llihi will have happened! Days will continue to move on. and laughter and song will be beard in the very chamber in whiolr we died, and tbe eye that mourned for us will be dried and will glisteii with joy ; and even our childteu will cease to l(rink of us, and will O'jt remember to lisp our name. A cobrkhpokdknt of the World I fives ibe most cheering account of the Democratic campaign in Illinois. The meetings are large and tbe entbusia-ro intense. At a recent meeting in Mount Vernon,on the 18tls alt., moil people turned out than have assembled collect I ively at every Grant meeting'held ?n the State If these indications continue. Illinois will give Seymour and Blair 40,090 majority, and elect nine o??. of fourteen Congressmen. ? - -Tub Democratic majority ta Oregon r. f mi?i' hh.i?ea?i) ii n#' ^ R ! S , The State of South Caroliiut, GRBENVILMJ COVNTY. In Court of Ordinary. E W. NAS11 AMD JANE NASII,.AN>U?aaU, gainst Moon07 Budgets, Martian Rodger*, Cely Ann Rodgors- Marietta Rodgers, Leirs of ELIZABETH LODGERS, deceased. Jatne* K. Babh and others, Dufundants:? CVratton for mla or diriaiom of Rant E'lu'r. IT appearing t? any satisfactiuu that Moouoy Rodgers, Martha Rodgers, Ccly Ann Rodgers and Marietta Rodgers, bears of EIJZADET1I RODtJ EllS, deeeasad, rcaiale without this State: It is ordered mid derreod, That they abi appear at a Court of Ordinary, in person or hv Attorney, on ,S?t>:rdoy the 3d day of (Jctnbtr h-jcI, aat 10 o'eloek, A. M.t to allow rouse. If any they a-an, wiiy the Ileal F tateof JAMES ffAUB, deceased,-itustc in Uroenrilla County, ou wateis Katiuru Creek, bouuded l?y latitats of C. 11. Stewart, Mrs. T. 0. Dolling anal others, and ponlnining ONK HUNDRED AND TWENTY ACRES, more or less, should not bo sold or divialed, for partition among tlio hairs of suid deceased. Oiren under iny band, at Greenville Court Ilouae, this 3d day ofJuiv. A. D. 1803. B. J.'DOUTiJIT, O. Q. O. ' July 8 7 3?n CHANGE OF 8CHEDULE. ! Charlotte 4fc South Carolina R. R. Co. ! <B?.?a CMasa jCITI 555^3.-S552L ^trrcr: ? w, -. ( SUI'EIMXTL NDRNTS OFFICE. 1 C'Mt'MBlA, H. O ? Mareli 31, J8C9. OX i?ml after tlila date, the Trains over 'j * this Road will run aa follow*: Leave Colu'ii1 la at 4.00 p m. 1 Arrive at Charlotte att 11.00 p. in. Leave Charlotte ut 11 85 p. m. A> rive at Columbia at.. fl.00 h in. Pnraengei * taking tlii# route, going N>>rth ' make ol"*** flonni-mions at Green-diom, W?-l- ( Ion and PorUmoulh, to all principal Nuitli- < ern cl?i? a. I tlT Ticket* optional from ftreenaboro, i (ItliiT vl* I rin villr or Hah I^h ; and from I Portsmouth either via Hay f.ina or Ann*mosaic Route. Hagrave cheeked through. tSr TIME AS tjUK'K and FARE AS LOW a* by any other root a. J*a??en^er* fiom Greenville Railroad gmt.g North, inuke *ntne time, by taking thi* route at 4 o'ch>ek p. nt? aa they wiUhy ' leaking here at 6 a. m , aa the lime to all polnta North of Rii-liinoiid ia the *aine.? Traina of tliia route coming Soillit, mnke connection with \tnin* <>f Oreenville Road, i For'THROUGH TICKETS to Richmond. Washington, Haltiioore, Philadelphia and New York, apply at Ticket OHsce. foot ICaudiog atrevt. CALEB DOUKXIOUT. Snpci Intendaot. Apl 8 4ft tf " OllAXOE OK 8(1 llEOULE 1 ON Till Orccnvil'o & Columbia Rail r? ad. ON AXO AFTER FRIDAY, the rtth inetapt I'aaa* nger Train* will run daily, Sundae* excepted, aa follow*: I i.?r w.i T.n.i m at. .7 0<>. A. M. Anfon.^ 8 Eft, " " XewL-' rv 10 86, " Ar.ive nt 'AM.evl U-. ..... .8 80, 1?. M. * 1 " 13, " ( " ' Greenville 8 (M.I, " Leavc Greenville n' 8 00. A. M. " Au^tNAN 8 45, ' - ALUvillc 8 40. ' * Newberry .-...1 ?5, P.M. Arrive Ml AiaL.n 8 00, " ' Columbia... ..-6 00. Trnint on the Hlue Ridge Unil-rond will nla i run daily, Sundaya excepted, connecting with the nf> mid down- train* on the Greenville and Colombia Kail toad, a* follow* ; Leave Aodcr oil at , .6 20, I\ M. " Pendleton nt ...8 40, " Arrive nt WaMinlle at 8 00, M I^ave Wallinllii at 4 Oo. A. M. Peinileton at 5 40, Arrive at Andcr-oii 8 40, " The Traiii will return from .Relton to Aiidvreon on M<>ni|?v and Friday morning* JAM Kg 0. MKKKIUTll, General 3u:irrliit?n<l?nk S?uth Ccrolini Railroad. GENERAL 81IPTS OKKfCK, > Ci?aKi.KHToa, S. 0., Mareh 28, 1868. \ ON nn<l tiler Sunday, March 2*J, tho P??vcogur Train* <>n the South Caroline. Railrttnd will run x* lolluwa, via: Leave Cliarlveton fur Columbia,.,... 6."0 a. to. , Arrive at Kingsvillo 1.30 p. m. Leave Kin?i>villo. 2.t>0 p. to. Arrive at Columbia 3.60 p. in. Lrarc Columbia 6.00 a. m. Arrive nt Kiugavillo 7.30 a. in. failure* K inrt- w .11a B.iw p. m. Arrive at Charlwton'..,,. 3.10 p. m. Tbo Pa???bf?? Train on the CmikIch Branch will conned with up nn<l ?l?>wn Colombia Train* and Wilmington and Mau<dir*tcr Keltroad Train* on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. KI4I1I Frci(kt and Pnarenger. Accommodation Traiu wilt run a* follow*: Leave Cliurknton for Columbia. 6.40 p. in. Arrive iU Culpnibit..,nJ,.,,H?..n?.M1a. in. IxMve Colombia ....6.40 p. rr. I Arrive At ChirhiilM 6.40 a. m. I II. T. PEAKE, Genl Sm'L April 16 47 tf SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER. WOULD re*pcetfully inform the public that he baa opened a HARDER SHOP I in tin' building fuiintrly occupied by JOSKl'IL ' ALEXANDER *? a Home** Shop, and he- 1 tweon tbe Store of Mr. Tn??? Hobert* and the building formerly occupied by tbe Poft ' Office and k'uitriirite Office, *eeond door above the ruin* of Mriieu'* Hall, where he h*? located. lleinf a /Vn/miMuf Ihtrbtr, be hop**, by attention to butinciiffitoKethor wj,j, polite, net* to all, to merit a portion of pnblio patronage. in CUTTIN'I, SIIAVINO AND SHAMPOOING. April 1 45-tf iV I lib I'UIILIO, THE PAVILION HOTEL, Oil A R L KR TON, B. C., SO LOSO ind aldy condarted hy the lata II L. EL*.ilW?3k fHTTTKKPIELn. will ?tH? R-t*0?* iept "pnn for lha prom nictation ol i ho Iravt-Mng public Anl It* former frlenda and patrons wlIT find tlir nauul ceoiomodntiona And attention* l>? towed on tliew a* formerly. sod the pnMia f.irora, alr??<ls " well retahlt'had aaTIlK n*lTBLoft)ieTRAVCLlIf?MKflOHAS<M of tht Hoath, will, by ear ami tfcrti, l?e faithfully preserved. Ma. el. 4. 1464. 41 tf FOR SALE. CHEAP, ONF LIOIIT TWO MnTVt"'1 p^1- CAR r&mPwp(5A' RIAUK ONR liAlWOUU OMR IlO&Hff OARRTAOK. Both la elegant ord?r. Knnnlre of JULHM a HMITH, or j&fi* tSki* ' cv' tw r aBfirL? 1 " A ? ? IV T ? ~~ W E ED'S SOWING MACHINE *#".* y*^v^*4* j iT|-? J.*' * ' * 4 r i fll ^k % ? ? *T * f Si Yl ftSa ' I I #A HH * I ^SdMflbXJ^ m BpMMb^ . *A#r I'M IE beet ami raoit simple HieblN%?# In n?v, nn<1 ii> unexcrlleJ by any cyer presenter to the public, having fll the latest Ithpiovin- tits ; uwi the straight !??? iile, make* the Tight Lock Sliloh, which if [lie only reliable one, end shows the hum mi both shite. It is simple, easily worked and kept in order; it will Bit tell, Hem, Kill. Hit d. Ord, Braid, Ruffle. Took. QolM. Ilmn-Sibeh, Bather and Stew, at the aamo lime, performing n crealer variety of Wwk limn any other Machine, on thus lights* to Ihs beat h-st fabrics. -y It received a mcdril at the recent Pasts Ei- "? poaitiun. Wo warrant them to give satisfaction ( if not, return them. PloOse call and examine theaa. . ???::u: Wo alee keep constantly on hand, a superior assortment of Uentlemon's FURNISHING UOODd and TRIMMINGS, from the cheap- v est to tho beat qualities, and low for Cash.? Wo will CUT and MAKE in tho ha* and latest Improved styles, all Garments for Geatinmen and Gents' >V?ar, Ladies' Cloaks sad Sacks, Ac. All Work warranted. PICKLE Sl POOR BeGreenville, 8. C. Jan. IS, 1808. Jan IS Hi tf fflUiFE WM CDHF&lf. OP HARTFORD, COXN. ORGANIZED 1850. E. A. BITER LEY, Pres'I., X. O. EH DERI, Sec17* DIVIDENDS.fur tlie last Ave years, 60 per cent.; lteecipts uuw over $600,000 per mouth. No. of Policies issued in 1887, .....15,261 Amount insured on sums, ...$4-1,864,872.00 Assets Jaw. 1, 1807, - 4,40I,88S.8? Receipts tvr year oudiug Jan. '68, 5,120,447.84 $9,621,281.29 Paid claims by death, $618,881.60 All other expenses, 1,478,787.85 $1,992,668.85 POLICIEf litinod on every plan need by nil the oM nmt responsible Companies. yd' I.ranch Office, 202 Broad Street, A U OUST A, OA. CHAS. W. HARRIS, Manager. OOWKR A WOltTIIIffOTON, AgonU, Greenville District, South Carolina. May 13 M 0u mIhblb work, f 1HARRLE WORK!! CTO&j&iii r|>lil? subscriber has on liand,.aad will 1 continue to receive, a good assortment of TOMB STONES, of all circa and qnell* lies. 'I'lloct) in need of any tiling in Hurt' line, will do well to call at tlie Poet Office before purchasing elaewhere, }>* Country prodnoe taken in exchange for work JAMES M. AIJ-EN. Or- on villa C. H, Nov ?, 1867. 24-If tr. K. baslbv. o. o. vatuEASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at taw AND IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, 8. C., PR ACTTCE in the Courts of tha State and of the United States, and give evpeotal attention to casus in Bankruptcy. Juno IS S t# ? LAW OAHD. ? * nnrvnr niwm ' ? ?? ?? - ? i l tt TlfUJTIAS Attorneys at Law, A?? ROLICTTftUS IN 1QUITT, * HAVB this daj formrt! a Copartnorohlp In th?? practlea of W mi EQUITY an tho Woaern Circuit Offico in tha old Court llouso Building, ?. J>. UOOM.KTT, WD. M TUOMaUk I*o to SO if Law Hotice?Change of Ofloe, P. TOWMI8 bai rmVrad bin U? VX? Oflioo to tho building nortb-eaat MOM-' nor of tho Publio P<{uaro, in port ocoapfeg Vy* * Julius 0. Rmilh, Auctioneer, nod tho Enter* tirixo Printing Onoe, nn Stairs. Jan 8 * wi r. raicB, ^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHLONEBA, 6A., WILL praottea to tho Countlos of Lwsp* kin. Dawson, <1 lienor, Fannin, Union, Towns, White and ItaM. Jan 10 U tf i BATESmLE^! HIIIVMTH1IG C8MPA1Y. HAVlKO b<-on appointed Ago ate for t ui*. Company. wo ara BMnaml a* ell HIURT1KQS ANI> VARN tl VMlorj prieee. f - ? * IwrM ^ -? (>roe?n ?urf G-wn^e?l?? M*rfth??fcft ? Tailoring kit health In ft mVaehre Nrtored, wl? rr?nn>e hurtn reft ftfaifL fit trtU tJUT, HAKE, ?u* BKPAIJt all fJarw.Btft itf,*. f(<<nilrin?n, Ok r?ft?oofthto lermft /or ?h #f ,, S3; & *" m??* c,