University of South Carolina Libraries
I if ' ' 'I ' J 'Ml l.ll Tan Owww Craruct.?Tba lollowlag to "Tlfc Ui bMluU|*M by th# Colwnbia Phaaat*, m4 ntlMftn, Hd by Um Dobio rati, m that thay may nkra it to aar that th? war mt nan bar Vfcftn. IT# tay tbto la a da111 iila^Ni It to known ban tbal a tot of ? Z&t,Zlu an in tba MMp of eartala Democrat* Hera. It to wail for mm la ftoaittoa to know that it to tba plao Vila Scwnrtto to drin by forw, every Northern white uah fro* this State, and to avertpn th present reconstructed gotMMMti oflhsSoath. Wo know those facts, m4 we koow the men. Wa understand the < pmtsooi, and the Republicans are prepared ' to aiaat the b?M. Wa say to oar Mends, that whoa the Issue oomes, there will Ho eighty , tkeasssd loyal ma yrbo will spring to artna in . this BteSsy attbe sontrd of the flrst note. Krary 1 phatstM iat Its CktptMfn f and the me* and eewawa ace prepared to stand hy their liberties. They stand on the defeusl7a, and no agjrreswire enaaonre attl ha taken by them. They WIS determined to keep the race and abide by Haw and order, and see that the Hlertk-s of tksir dMnn aire guarded with sleepless viglllaaee. tddnW few be a wars!" HtwsKD Pamracr no Gnen-r's Withdhawal?The New York World asserts that the proposition U seriously entertained among I ha AepMbliean b'aliiwal Committee to ksft their National Convention r*-s?terarepair* Qtant'a resignation, which he , sdonig refcdy to glva in, and nominate a nM asai 'H":* 'or the Pgeatdaney. The 1 reason giea* Grant has already i slisonw ?ntft, unavailability, and poa astars nowolata on , 'kieh tL? party can rally er?o L a rrepeeta *? i-W'ty ia this istiwaan the Convention, h? ?* remember ed. did not edjoorn without *ej. but adjourned atrtjject to tha anil of the" h" *4onal I Committal y 'Owmtn W*wrr? von a line si.?A few dnyo i dines, Mr. Bobn P. Kobier, at 715 Broad stiao., I honght hint negro man a large ailror medal. 1 ascribed, "Animis, oeihasqae paratb Dun' vpire, spero-?South Carolina?To the Palmetto Rrgiseent?Dickinson, Butler, Gladden," and bearing a pulaaetie teen, with tWS 1 ehfells and the datoa Id id and IU7. There- , versa hunts, ** VdraCrwn, Contrecas, Cbnraimaco, CbspaiMfM. Pastes da Belen, and a da- < aim rspus'ntlng the iaadhaga* Tore Crae." 4 The medal has on it the noma of *> 8ergoant j / 8aBfXwr.)l?iM*.w Mr. Kuaiar will weep *t rulyect U the cell of the owner. f Biclmumd fryttrw X ErmJuSmfr. J Til CbtrttftM pifin wMrt that M*nli*l < j! K M. Epping need very iueriullnry language at ? Mepuhliean meeting in that eitj on Wednesday tart. Among oilier things, he declared that "the military bill new before the Legirlntore will not do Sur ?a; we wane 'two regUaoot* of infantry and batteriea of artillery, imil by tried army ottoera, and , we enci keep the rebel* qelet. They will not rbow ftght when we hare tbia force in Cberiee- 1 ten?they will all ran." Spying ha* moo at loggerhead* with hie party, and ia making tbeea (troag declarations to indnee hi* colored radical friend* to look area ad Mm again. Tan Last Bssnrwu?Tb? Trenton Qaaette baa tha following: "The laet survivor af the I party of yonag India* who * trowed (owes* In | the path of Washington, a* ha pa**ed through . this city in 1769, on hia way to New York to assuw* the Presidency, 4* Mrs. 8arah Hand, now ninety yegcf of aga, and a resident of Cape May County, and, notwithstanding her advanced age, I* etiit vigorous and in good health. On Sunday, Juno It, she Wslkud to char eb at Caps May Court House, and hack to her residence, a dictation of half a uaiU." _ 1 I'll! ? 1 Kaw Yoan, August 17 Cotton firmer, l?ot not active ; sale* 000 btlt?, it !9{0IU>. OoJcl wMk?r-4r| Baltimpbh, Aujpirt 17. Cplton firm, at 80. FI?or quiet and Iwi Aim. Piim* and choice *h?atfirn,; low grade* dull Wbil* corn. 1.18(51 SO; yellow, 1 17&1.18. Oa'n 7<><J|80 M.srn pork 80.80; ahnuldera 14f(dl6. I?rd 10. OHiaLraroM. August 17. Potion doll; no s?lea? middling* nominal al 28. ArorarA, Augim 17. Tlia advance on cotton In New York and Liverpool, cawed an advance here, and lui) era are Aaking 28 for middlings; aaloa 17 bale*. Savassaii. August 17. Oat ton firm, wiik noma light demand; holder* too high lor bnyera? middling 20 L Mobiu, Augnvt 17. Ofttoo mi'ket qnlet and firm; rale* 100 bale# .middling Nine bale* new k ooUoa received, * Knr Oatiiin. Aapnt II. Pork steady, at 81 00. Baoun firm? ahoulder* 14; alnar 17|. GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT COHRBOTBB VIIKtT, IT MESSRS. DAVID ft STRADlEr, MERCHANTS GREENVILLE. 8. C.. AUG. 18, 1888. APPLES, tt hwnkel, dried, pVJ,? 1.00@$1.24 * * * - onpeolod.88 e. @ Si 88 . . BACON,? ft, ....18 Gh 22 e. BALI ROPE, V ft 18 <| 20 ?. BAGGING, Gunny, *, yd 84 ?. BUTTER, ? ft,.._ 1? OH 28 e. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR,^lOOIb*. 13.00^4.00 BEESWAX, ? ft,.... 24@30 a. CHICKENS, M head,.... _18 (ft 28 a. COFFEE, * ft, Kla, 28 S3 c. CORN, W hnahel...... .,...41 00 <$ $1 20 COTTON, eiUea?*,M.. 18 @ 24?. BOOS, tt dasea, ....10 e. FLOUR, M *aak, 4 800 @6 80 aout _*i uaii o INDIGO, BpanUh P!?*t, $1 00@2 26 - do. Cm., JI 76@2 00 IRON,*) * American, 8 ?. LEAD, ? lb, 80 t. LKATHBB, V* *>, Swto, k,...a5@4? c. ** ****** 0 aP, -..^....60 e. ,4 u 44 70 ?. t 44 44 44 HknMM 65 e. MOLASSES, fk g?U MwtovUo, 75@8l 00 - ** " Bfffr. tr 25 NAILS. V k?(. $8 40 (4 SIO 00 0AT8, to Mabel, 60 @ 00 e. ERAS, * - ?* ? <M76* I 20 PKAC111S, to bw, DiM, peeLd Si 00 *4 Z m 44 a?pe?U?l, ....... $1.50 POTATOES, * MS, Irish,.....76 @ 81 00 . - - SlTMt, MM. 44/* RYk,tt Wiktl -$100 WL SALT. M ?Mk. UvmrooL $8 25 HI SUGAR, to R, Brown, .....10 <& 20 ? \J . u K ? CUrt*o4,.?...?....H @ 28* e. ? Cnuhed,. 22* @ 26 o. SHIRTING, N*M-?l|kU, ^ bale,. 14 e. " " ntail ...10 e. TALLOW, W R??.....?. 18 WHEAT. ? taM -82 00Q$2 86 TARE, Wortory, M Mw El 00 * - bwneh. ......82 85 ggjgjggwi 11 1 in m in I. f PROF. M.O. DECAMPS k ^WTR- HAS RETURNED TO SSM| OnwrMi wtth the tote*. On of naklng bU perUk4 ia pwpiwl kjOn laltoajllMl m tk? PIANO. ORGAN, MRLODEON awdU UIT AR?wlao to gir? Inmi to HARMONY, VOCAL MUSIC. VOCALISATION, Mi tM TRENCH LANGUAGE.? Drnkf Ma rtnan ho Ma Maw endeavoring ^ Biof*? thopcvftb ?MVA!A4MICC Via (Merita mtmH, WIni Mm Mitt iM M mMm to E <|iwli Mi rkMfcm to T 88 6 8 LvttirIii aid Gift Cd*o?*t?,?OoijinM, tt ita roorot Mdn, pwaaad mi Act ralatlng <o poat oflcca, ono of tba aootlooa of wh icb ia aa follnwa s EMTIW1I. Ana On it /urt*?r tnaora, i o? it ehal) not be lawful to deposit In n pont ofiee, tn bn sent by mall, any letters or circulars concerning lotteries, so-called gift concerto, or Otbcr rim liar enterprise* offering prtooo of any kind on any pretext whatever, tad that poittnaatere receiving what they have reason to believe to be snch letters or circulars, shall send tbctt to the dead letter office. SPECIAL, NOTICES. Bnena Vista Christian Association. TUG ft ret Anniversary of this Association, will U erbbrated on Saturday, 99'h Inst, at Ebenegrr Church, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Reports from the President and Trees nr-r will bo read, and the Annua) Addrce* delivered l?y Rev. Dr. K. T. Puist The publio generally, and young men pept-oiallj, ars respectfully Invited to attend A. M. PEDRIFOY, P.eaidvnt. Tip*. R. Lraous, Secretary. Aug 10 IS . S Deacont to be Ordained. JAMES 131KNIF.. E?q.. and WM. A HUDSON. Esq.. will be ordaino l D?-aonns In the Presbyterian Clniuh oe*t Sabba'h morning, by a parochial Trashy! ^y. L Aug 10 18 1 The Fairnew Democratic Club WILL meet at Falrviow on first Saturday In September, (5th day,) at 1 o'clock, I*. M. Dy order of the President. T. II. 8TALL, Secretary. Aug 19 13 3 Republican Grand Council. various Suhoidinate R*-)>u>dican Lodges Greenville t.'ounty, 8. C.t are isrtbv reepv *'oIJy requested to Me<-t itt JroenvU'e, ?t lb" Oourt Iloose, ou Safnr-< lay, <J* aath lost, at i! o'clock, A.M. by DeJegatf on. You will pica* remember the rVeJrgatlen?two for every Lodge of 60 Members, ud one for ovciy twenty ffve UEUBKX LoPTlS, President. Anfivnt 1?. 1M8. 18-1 ICotice. ACCORDING t? appointment. the next Union Meeting ?f theTYGER RIVEU ASSOCIATION. i Diet ret No. S ) will U hrld with the Ilaptiet Chu<-?h at Chick Springe, Bommeneing on Saturday. Auguat S0th.? lt?r. Wm. Willie me, D f)., to preach the Iwtt odoetury ft rmon ; lire. B. Manly, Jr. D. D.. to preach theClmrilr Sermon; F R UnderwooJ, to write lh? Kway. F. R UNDERWOOD, Scc'y. Ang IS 13 .3 The Texas Almanao for 1866. With Federal and State Stalin ica; III*, toricnl, Dreeriplive and Biographical Sketi hee, Relating to Trxae. Single copy, $ 100; will. State Mop, $ 1.50 One d<>seti 10.0?>; " " " Ifi.OO 3ft c-piea 30 00; " " *0.00 60 8ft.0?i; " ? fiti.OO 100 " 60UQ; ** " " 80.1)0 l*??tage to any I art o( the United Stales, six eeuta, payable iu a-jvmu-e. 1'ublithed by W. BK UAKI kOK A Co. (ialvcaion, T??a Second Hand Piano. \\J ILL be aold very l?w Apply to \y J I'll US C. SMITH. Aug Id IS ft For Sale. _ A VERY SUPERIOR TIORSE, TV-3r\i?ii In hw prime, good condition and ?tfe qualities; flrotr.ite in harness, allot good saddle Horse. For farther infor* metlon, apply at thfa office. Aug 19 13 1 Notice. BY virile of authority in mo vwiwl, 1 *ill rxpoir for aale, t>? the highest bidder, at the ?>t- of Omrrr, C->*. Murk ey 4 < ?. on Saturday, MHh August, fnstnn*. one ST1I.L. CAP and WORM. being the property aeisrd from JOHN NORRIS, be cause of violation of lAternal Revenue Law* Term* cosh. A. I. COBB, Pepnty Col. ltd Di.t., R. C. August 19, 1899, 13?sun w m AT COST. THE STOCK OF GOODS OP Col. Jno. D. Ashmore, WILL BR omn nPB at rnsT OVIJV VII' At VUDI, TUB STORE BEINO OPEN AS USUAL, FOR THAT PURPOSE, UNTIL Sales-day in September next, WHEN TIIB BALANCE ON HANDS WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION. W. H CAHPBKLL, ASSIGNEE. Ang 1# IS 2 The State of South Carolina, j GREENVILLE COUNTY. By 8 J. DOUTHIT, B?q., Ordinary of raid County. WHEREAS. W H. EVANS ha. filed a Petition In my Office, praying Hint LrtUn of Admini.traiion on nil and ?i?gulaa lb# good* .ad eha?tele, ri|(li<a and erad1(4 of JOEL K HMITII. lata of lb. Lounly eforeeeid, deeaaead. .hmild ba granted to him. TiUm art, tkrrrfort,, to cita and admoniah all and alngaiar thf kindred aa?t mdiiort of IIm akl dnMMd, to ba and appear in the Oanrl of Ordinary for mid Comity, to ha hold.a at GreenrUla Ooart Hoaae. on the 2*7(A day of Augut inM , to dn. miim, if any. why ta? mid Adtalnletratlon ehotild aot bt gcMtod. , . S. J. DOUTHIT, O. 0. C. Or.iln.iy. Ortims Angun i i, lhrtl "i 8 THi B Change of flchtdolo on O. drC. R? I. ^ "M" lit* ""I "1? Hill 1 ON and after WEDNK8DAY, the 12th H>. lul| ?MMHg?r Tnltii will run daily, Sunday# exoepted, connecting with Night Train on fonta Carolina and Charlotte and, Sunth Carolina Railroad#, a# follow# t i,eare Columbia at. 7.00 a. m. * Alston at 8.40 44 Newberry at ..........10,10 " Arrive at Abbeville at.. 3.'i0 p. in. 44 at Andornii at 4.30 44 44 Greenville at - 5.00 " Leave Qroonvillc at 5.15 a. tu. " Anderson at ft.35 " Abbeville nt 8.00 ? " Newberry at .13.lip.rn. 44 Alston at 2.15 " Arrivo at Columbia nt 8.45 " Trains on the Blue Ridge Railroad will also nan Jail/, Sunday* excepted I .on v o Anderson at. 4.30 p. m. ** Peudleton at..... 5.30 " Arrive at Walballa at 7.30 " I.cave Walballa at- ...... 3..10 a. m. " Pendleton at......... 5.30 " Arrive at Anderson at 0 20 *' The train will return from Bolton to Andcrsou on Monday and Friday morning*. JAM KS O. MB RED ITU, Ucncml Superintendent. Aug 10 13 Saluda Democratic Club. TflE next meeting of tho Salnda IVmocratic Club will lie held nt Cleveland's Mills on 'he 4tb Saturday in August, at 10 o'clock. A full attendance is desired, and all perious not members wishing to do so sro invited to he present. J. II. OOODffIN, Prcs't. Aug 13 12 2 Stolen, ON the night of 7'h inst., s large SORREL IIOKSE, fifteen hands b>gh, both shoulder* rubbed # ntewhnt by the collar, the left shoulder more tit in the right The thief was supp- a <! to have talon the <J.>n-s' Gup Road. The Horse was in good condition when taken. A liberal reward will he given on returning the Horse to the undersigned, 18 utile* nbove G ecoville. PERRY BATES. Aug 12 IS 8* State Or Month Carolina, ant'sy yil le co c.v tr. In liquify. JOHN N. QUEER and JOHN W. CUNNINGHAM, Executors, r?. JORDAN P. POOL.? Hilt to />irtelo?? Mortgage, it v. Tl Y virtue of the Decretal Order in the uhove ii esse, I will sell, at Oreenvilio Court Hottxo, on Salesdey in 8eptcmber next, to the highest bidder, the House and Lot desctllied in tho Bill, vis.: All that piece, parcel uud lot of Land within tho ineorpomto limits of the Towa #f Greenville, to wit: Two llnndiel Feet Mi Washington Street, Ooe Hundred ai d Tw.nty Feet on Spring Street, Two Hundred feet ou Hahn's Lot, and One Hundred nod Twenty Feet on Brown Street; kuown as tbo OLD LIVEUl STABLE OF PRINCE & GREER. Tkbus op Sals.?So much a* may ha necessary l<> pay the Costs, uiust tie Cash on day of Sale?the hatanco on n credit of sis months. Purehster to exeeuto Uond with adequate surely, Jo secure the purchase money, Title Deeds not to he delivered until the purehuse money is paid. And should ibo purchase money rot ho punetrnlly paid, then (he pt*miees to ho resold at tho risk of the first purchaser. Purchaser to pay lor papers. J. !\ MOORE, C. E. 0. C. Otn'rs Office, Aug. Itlib, 18C8. Aug 1'J 12 4 Stale or South Carolina, G11 A'LXVILLB COUXTY. En Equity. JOHN W. MORGAN, Executor, *? LINF.Y A. MORGAN, ft. ..I?Bill for Sale Jl-al KMolt to pay dtl.1*, Jkc. BY xii't.ue of the I) cretal order In the above ease, I a ill sell at Greenville 1 Court House to the highest bidder, on Halt*| day iu next, I he Real J*,-tale of the lata NATHANIEL MORGAN, as Je "Icfilcl In tj?e Bill, Tiz : Tra d No. 1. ?s the TfOMETRACT, containing 7'hi ee Hundred awl hree Arret. tn. ru or ! <?, adjoining land, ot Woodruff, IIom, r?arii)n, and others Tract No. 2, containing One Hundred and Thirteen Arret, ro?Tc or less, adjoining lands tif Foster, Thaxton, and others. Tenuc or Salic? Cost to l>e )>aid in Caali on day of Sale, the balance of the Pttrch ??e Money on a credit of twelve moot lis, whit interest from date, the Purchaser to gtv* Bond with two good Sureties, and Vwrfcaires of the Prenjisee. Purchaser to pay tor papers. J. P. MOORE 0 E. O D. Commissioner's Office# Aug. 10, I8l8. Aug 12 8*2 4 "ASSIGNEE'S SALE. BY ordsr of the Hun. GEORGE S. BRY AN, District Judge of South Carolina, I will sell, at Greenville Court House, WEDNESDAY, THE 9TH OF SEPTEMBER, AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK# THE LIVERY STABLE AN*X> LOT, KNOWN AS THE Prince A firccr Stable*, fieloagiiMr te (be Eitato of J. P. POOL, Bankrupt. Tcnnr of Sale, Cash. Purchaser* te pay lor (lamps and paper*. J. N. MARTIN, Assigneo Aug 12 12 2 SALE OP VALUABLEPROPERTF BY an order from Hon. fleo. B, Bryan, District Judge of Snath Carolina, 1 will oil at Newberry Court Ilodae, on Thursday 20th August next, at 11 o'eloeb, A. M.t the following lota of land in the Town of Newberry, belonging to the estate of J. P. Pool, Bankrupt, to *ll f The Hotel Dot, containing one and a ball acre*, more or lorn, upon which le situated the ftoc and eomwiodiou* Brick Hotel. Alto, the Lirery Stables Lot, oontalnlngone half Mr*, more or leas, upon whleb is located (he Wall known LIVKRY AND SALES' STABLES. Term* of Rale Cnab, and purchase re to pay for all neceaaary stamp* and paper*. s a t s 11 Ml SATE 14 000 ltfcoTtCE C0UKTRf 300 8?cki Extra Fatoiljr ST. C. FT.OUR 100 Buck* Staudard Liverpool SALT 23 K*g? KAII.S, anvrtod aisea 20 Baloa BATKSVILLK RHJRTINO , lO Bale* McHKK SHIRTING ' 20 B?la? COTTON YARN 20 B*K* Brim-' and Fair RIO C0FFE8 1 20 Barrella SUGAR I JO BAGS Durham Bui .king TOBACCO 5 ! 2 BAGS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO. | ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, Ilats, DDV CiUiho ftlil'iiu 0-/1 imi uuuuo, l/nuuo ai. I Our Stuck of HATS and SHOES U very I targe and complete, and wo wilt guarantee our outir? Stock will cuinpnro With any in Town, both as to quality and price. A call will satisfy ynu. DAVID & STRADLEY. May 13 ?l if Southern Norgho Sugar ! Company. 1"MIE undersigned, as General Amenta for the above Association, propose to organise in Greenville and other Districts, , Companies for the purpose ol MANUFAC- ' TURING SUGAR and REPINING *?YKUP > from the juice of the 8orghnm (lane. Sev.J etal of tliesa Companies are now in rnceerrful I and profitable ?|i?ration in the United States [ ( and t iie Sugar end Svrup produced by them ; have been examined l>v o< n.peunt judges and pronounced unequalled. We propoae ; 1st. Tu nuinufscfure a bright, golden j Syrup, eqit'il iu flavor to any Sy rnp. 2d. To manufacture from 5 to 7 pounds of Sugar per gallon of Strop, not inf-iinr to any b"own Sugar, and far superior to many varieties, the residuum of Syruti still 8-1. To n aiiufacturs a eupeii<>r article of Vim gar liom the waste. All this we do wi'h very litl'e additional labor. 4tlt Att-r the Sugar season is over, we propose to rrfine and greatly improve crude Syrups, or Syrups made iu the ordinary way. fillt. Ws propo'e to relieve sour Syrn| s of all acttic qualities, and give them a Je'l cioua (I ivt>r, leaving them without liability to sour a second lime. 'Ihese are our broad propositions. We ' do not ask tlie community at large to Ink* our statements, or the statem-nta of hundreds of certificates we might append, hul we propose to pay. from eai-h Disirict one r. liable man's expenses tu gii to Louisville, , Kentucky, in the Fall, and ;iiv?sdg.iU the operation there for himself. w. p. passmorr, James wilhelm, General Agent# for the Southern S'ntes. J. It. Lr.wia. President, 02 $< eoud Street, T#oiii*vllle. Ky. vw Further information may he had hy calling on r>h W. P. Pammokk, at Mr?. M. Thompson'* residence. Buncombe St.. Green ville. <>r hy letter addressed to the President in Lou'sville. 8 tmjd-* o' Sugar and Syrup niny he seen nt the Mo'ittl/iiufrr Office, nnd at Guinea ?t Beard en'* store; where persons iuti rested may ai*o obtain pamphlets, free of cost, giving full information in reference to the proper cul'ivatpn of SotgliHui. ri July jy * 10 If W. n CAMMER, PRACTI-CAl GUNS WITH AN!) .MACHINIST. CORN SlIF.LLETLS, Cotton Gins, Lock*. Kerosene Oil Lamps, Sewing Mo chine* and Parasols, REPAIRED with promptness. Charge* rea?onahle, I have on hand, and which is offered for sale, an improved' Poach and Apple Peeler, an examination of which is invited. 1 ant prepared to fnrnieh STENCIL PLATE-4, for Marking Clothes. Stand?At Weslfield's old Shop. July 22 9 tf Notice. IN conformity with requirement* of tlio Internal Rcronne Lawn, I hcrehy give notice tn *11 porsona who may claim ON K I10RSK and WAGON, and about TWKNTY GALLON'S of WHISKY, sclcod from JEREMIAH ROBERTS, two mile* from (.ireenvillo Court House, by A. L. Cobb, Deputy Collector Tn-, ternal Revonuo, on the 2Vtli July, because tlwy Were hehig used in violation of Internal Revenue Law*?to make such claim* hofore me within 30 day* from the first publication of tbi* notice. A. L. COBB, Deputy CofleetoT Internal Kuveute. Aug $ II 3 Notice. TX conformity with requirement* of the InI ternal Hcrenue Law*, I hereby giro notice to nil peraons who may olaiin ON K IIORSK and WAGON, and ONR SMALL BARREL and a KEG of WHISKY, seised by R. Hud?on Smith, on the Ttli day of An{wst, In po?*e*?ion of LRANDKR STYLES, 6 mile* north of Greenville Court House?because of evideut purpose to ovado tbo Internal Revenue Laws?to make such claims before mo witbin thirty days from the first publication of this notice. A. L. COBB, Deputy Colleotor of Internal Revcnuo. Aug 12 12 ? University of South Carolina, COLUMBIA, S. 0. THE next Session will begin on ^TH^^^thc Firti Alomlny in October.? xPflBj^BThls University offers every adyHTj&p vantage for thorough training in ?be Literary and Scientific branches, ami in the Schools of Law and Mmlieine. The aggregate expenses for the Session of nma immini miu- r?r muuonv m uucv nnrrnry or 8eientiAo School*. ahoat $299 ; for a Stuitent iu Law, about 9280 ; and for a fall eoarmi in the Medical School, about. W70.? These turn* inolude fee* fur tuition and use of library, board, room-rant, fuel, lights and wtthltc. Fur Catalogues, or further information, ad? dnn Rer. C. BKUCR wat.KKR. Secretary of Facalty, H. W. BARNWELL, Chairman of Faculty, pr i < July 99 9 td Greenville and Colnmbia RaiLRoad , Company. THIS Company has now for aale, in lien of " Season Tickets," a Tlekct which entitles a person to travel over the road 1,000 miles for $40, Within one jeer from date of pnrcbaae.? The Tickets cen be putt-basea from the Atrcale at Columbia, Newberry, Abbeville Anderson ai.d Greenville. w. alstovoibufs, O-Meral Ticket Agent 0. and 0. K. It. 'KISS. SMCAIfi! ARE OFFERING GREAT iNI LOT w m mwww w mi ssr TOitf l&ECSIVffl) AKD \LSO IN EVERY LINE OF G FORGET THE PLACE M ^.4K *? ?>. H^aSBC sulli if MX STREET, OP J July t Ij J J 1 rj J J J _1 I ^ DRUG MI fiEMSSISIK MORCAN AM) WESTMORELAND KELT CONSTANTLY on baud a FULL STOCK OF DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS PAINTS, mm, DYE-STUFFS, IO I m <W\ no ti/-* nnn UAiYU AnTiGLM, AND EMBRACING THE STOCK USUALLY KEPT IX A FIRST O R T> E R ESTABLISHMENT. {2gT*EVEHYT111NG WE PUT UP MAY BE DEPENDED ON AS IN EVERY WAY RELIABLE. Give Us a Visit. STATIONERY STATIONERY STATIONERY. JUST received, a larjrc and handsome lot of STATIONERY, consLtinjr. in part, of: Foolscap, letter and Note PAPER, best qnality; Pens, Ink, Pencils, Ac., Arc., which please call and examine. Spear's Fruit Preserving Solution. THIS Solution is warranted to prevent the decomposition of all kinds of Fruits. Tomatoes, Jellies, Spiced Fruits. Syrups, Ci dcr, Wine, Milk, t'>mo kinds of Vegetables, do., and preserve the in in a fresh and wholasoino condition. Tvy u hottlc. June 24 5 ff ! ) Ibe S)i?lhct CouH of Jbe D. 5, FO? THE 1'I.STHICr OF SO. C.\. In the Mutter of ROHKKT K. IH.ASftlK(i A \ I E.? /?? Rniikntp'rt/ rr?HIH IS TO (MVS NOT!OF. Mmi on the I 28*11 day of July, A. D . 1QA8. that h Warrant in Bankruptcy ho* imu-d out of the 1 >V t ict Court of thr United S'ate*. for the I>iet riet of Soulli Carolina. ?_j'.io.>-t the rjttneof ROBI-RT K. BLAsSINU AME. o( Anderson Diftrirt, of the Stain of South Carolina, who hath hern adjudged a TW.kruj-t nfWi hi* own Petition J thnl the pay ment of any debts, and ti?e dobvery of anj properly todonging to a?id Bankrupt, to liitn or for hia use, and the tmnafer of any property t>y him are forbidden by law ; that a n.o-lire of the Creditor* of raid Bankrupt, to prove th-ir debt', and to cl?o?r*e on* or more Assignee* of lih estate, will he held at n Court ol Bankruptcy, to be holdeti on the 2ftth day of August, A. D., 18riS, at 12 o'clock, M . at Yorkvllle, S. C., Wf .re W. I. Ctawao.t, Esq., one of the Bcgistei of eaid Omit. J P M. BPPINO, U. S. Mai?h?), as M es. nger, B> T W. Claw?oit, lip'iy McMengt/. Aug $ 11 8 ROSADALIS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Dniggist* Everywhere, THEREBY forewarn all perron* from crediting any one on bit account, an I inn deter uiinod to pny none whatever contracted, except by myself or by my special authority. tfl?fVSD MILLER. June 13 It 8* "MERCHANT MLsT riniB undersigned Inform* the puMio that J. b" has recently put bis Mfl.LS in thorough and complete repair, and is well prepared to (urn nut the best of Flour. His BOLTING CLOTHS are entirely new, and be feel* confident of being able to give complete satisfaction to bis patrons and fViends. I still haro in my employ Mr. J. IV. CABMAN, who to regarded as one or tbe best Miller* in tTe State. . C >rn, Rye, Rnekwueat, Ac., ground as for . a <& stDoa >UCEMENTS IN A CHOICE OF &?$ESWG2S? ?SOTS? Y2QB ?AY. oods on hand. ? doni of * bargains:1 VAX & SON, 'OSITE MANSION HOUSE. 0 If STBESJNHS mi s. T WISH t<? inform the Citizens of flrren1 ville ncd the surrounding Districts, that 1 have just arrived with the (BURST STOCK OF MS ever purchased hy tnc rinco tbo* war. I wil not surrender to any man in Town or T)i.?trief, that lie can sell Goods of the SA M E QUALITY CIIEAI'EH than I can. Call anil examine for yourselves, at PTFEN'S STORE. Mar 27 1 tf Received and in Store, \VKUY Quantity of COURTRY llACON-*?llafn-1, SlioOlders and Sid*-s, which t will dispose of Low lor Cash, uC Wholesale or Retull. TJTOMAS STFF.N. .lune 17 4 tf Crockery. I am just receiving anil npeninc the host/ largest ami chcnpcst lot of CROCKERY that has hrcn brought to (his nlncn sine., llin war. A full assortment of nil kinds. Calf Mid limine. TII0MA6 STEEN. June 10 3 tf I am opening a Splendid Stock of Groceries/ nt very reduced prices. Cull aud satisfy yourselves tbut it is so, at STEEX'8 STORE. May 27 1 tf Also, a large and magnificent lot of Glass ware nnd Crockery nt very low figures. Cai, and judge for yourselves, at STEEX'8 STORK. Mar 27 1 ff Special attention is called to tho elegant assortment of Shoes?Ladies', Misses', Boys', Youths' and Servants', nud a very flue lot of l'lowirons' Hliocs?extra fine Brogaus. Call und prove what I say, at STEEX'S STORE. Mav 27 1 tf Tho State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In tho Court cf Ordinary. II. H. JACOB**, Administrator vi'h the Will annex. d, against James M Jacobs, Mury E Ja-obs. minor and nthets. 1 )e fondants. Citation for Final {Settiemtnt and Deeret. IT appearing to my satisfaction that James M Jacobs, Mary E Jacobs, minor, resole without this Stale: It is ordered and , decreed, that they do arpear at a Court of Ordinary, in person or by attorney, on Saturday, tlie 5th day of September next, at It) n'clrck, A. M., to show cause, if at-y they can, wbv n Final Settlement of the Estate of WILLI Ait JACOBS, deceased, slrouid not be tnaJe, and a Decree given i there, n. Given tinder my hand, at Oteenvilln Court House, this 6th day of June, A. I>. If(53. 8. J. DOUTllIT, O. O. D. June 10 3 Sit.* mi. ft a x . ? ? i i xue otaxo 01 couun uaroiina, UREESVILLE CUV STY. Ill Equity. JOHN A. HAWKINS, by next friend, n at., r.. HARRIET D. DIM. ft al.? 11, U to Monhnlt Aftt*, Stile, Phrlition, ?fc. T)URSUAXT to the Decretal Onler in this JL case, tbe creditors of JOIIN P. HAW* h INS, deceased, aro required to render bihE prove tlieir demands before me, on or beforetho l'n.-t day of November next. J. 1?. MOORE, C. E. 0. D. July 12th, 1*68. 8-td Tho State of South Carolina* USEES VIL /. E CO US T V. In Equity* JOHN W. MORGAN, Executor, r?. LINN FA' N. MORGAN ft ol.? liill to Jlar,h?U A??< / >, Sole, Injunction, iff. T)l!HSUANT to tbo Decretal Order in the 1 above case, the creditors of NATHANIEL MORtlAN, deceased, are required to render niul pTovc their demands before tno, on ar before the first day of December next. J. P. MOORE, C. E. O. D. Jnly 12th, 1888. - 8-td The Stafe of South Carolina, GHEES VI J. /. E CO US TV. In Equity. NANCY BOWDKN, Administratrix, and' ft. I.. BOWDKN, Administrator, t>?. J. M. BOWDKN ft til.?Hill to Jlarikall ifict*. iS'mIf, Injunction, ttc. PURSUANT to the Decretal O'nler ftr the above easo, the creditors of KEflltKN BOWDKN, deceased, are required to render and provo their demands before inn, within three months, (on or before the l5th day of October next.) .1. P. MOOIIE, G. E. ?. D. Hily IZt.V, lh?M4. 8-td The State of South Carolina, URKESVILIK COVSTY. In Equity. ? ELIZA J. PRINCE, Executrix, r?. NANCY MrKINN KY el mL?DiU to JUarthmil Assets, Sole, Ijtiuiielion, rfe. PURSUANT to the Decretal Order In the above cuee, tho creditor* of JASPER J. Pi.INCE, doceasorf, ore reqiitrt.l to render and |>ru\ o their demand* before u>e, on or be* fore too first day of December next. J. P. MOORE, C. E. ft. D, July l?tb, 1869. DUKUAM SMOKING TOBACCO, HAVING received the apercv ??f th* above justly eelehrated frinnd ol, TOBACCO, we will make H In y?'Ur inteip. est to bny from n* For sale by wl olesMt*