University of South Carolina Libraries
' M" . k?=^gg=?F= J'JW 1 i j> rot TU* ovtusm **nv*i?a. yjihivi . s&ui6., "i V BY LAL'IU flVIN, jHve yeara, Ave year* hnet thon been gone S thy dark house, O,-?we?-leei on* f ' Si* mrt#* ore*)!* on thy rol<l ?rnv*.?to?e, wThe Vhilel o'er thy lieod in ?we?t. Sut (ifjflrnt heart slH) hoi la thee here ^ noUftiiKed?tnve from thy forehead fair? w five years' growth of golden hair lfaMi crept down to tliy marble feet f BtmeVju-y hand had never 1 lid sllWr thread on enrl or braid, And earthly care had cart no ehada M Oa itye pure beau'y ol thy fane. Death, like cool dew to flowere. erent O'er thy young heart?nn<t IIioh hart slope Thy long, long *leep, while I have wept; 9 But found no friend to fill thy plnoe I M And yet, tho* dark and drear and cold M Thy narrow house. 't will ealely hold I Tli v cheekt of pearl a id* locks of gold Proiu blow of saintlike beauty growing, f*MTil| each eonljrwel, rare and fine, w Each diamond from the dai k ear;!i-mlne m ?hall wake, and rise, and glow, and altlue; When the last trump le blowing I run ma BOOTaaaa asTBRriusa. Proceeding* of the Fairview DemoI cratic Club, at their Regular Meeting, August 1st, 1638, The regular mooting of'tbls Club, was held j on the promise* of James Savage, In I connection with a Kirbeeuo given by the clti$ won* of Fuirvlcw. Thtf Club was called to ori I dor at 11 o'clock, by Col- T. li. BumbUb pre-.. riding, anil opened with pr. yor by Capf. J. It. | 1'atricV. On motion, tho roaaiPg minutes of 5 last meeting WM postponed the speaking I being neat in order, the fjllowtrtg gentleman t -vis: Judge W. if. Campbell, K. If. Stokes, I and Rev. A. C. Step, were brought forward, and addressed the assembly, in an able and clloqaoat manner. Tbo following rceoTptlo* was then Introduced by Judge \r. II. Campbell, and nnaaisnously adopted: /leiolxxd, That wo f ordlalty endorse the p1at? J form adopted by ttie late Democratic Cnm-cnUiun, at hew York, and will cboerftdly support m for President and Yde!?-Fresldent{of thoUdited States,JNoratio Seymour, ef New York, and Uen. JUair oJ Missouri, the nominees ?f tho Cotivcnfbm. Dinner being then nwnonoecd, the assembly dispersed until 3 o'clock, when they were airsin attracted to tbo stand bp tho eloquent voice ef Csm<t. UJtonrge Wells, followed by a 4 tow interesting remark* from Mr. Robert McKay, alluding to the KUte and feeling* at the North. After which the assembly dispersed. good order and goad fooling being the order of the day. The tisne of noat (regular sncetiug ef the Club not havitg been decided on, will be published in the Distriot papera. T. L. UOZKM AN, Proa'L T. n. St At. i., Bect'y. Dmn, in this place. May 13, 1866, Miss MAHIA H. JACOBS, laughter ol Mr, II. >V. and Elian Jacobs, after a long and pain tul illii. se She was 18 \earn, 8 month* amt i 16 days o'd. 8he had Imcn a member of the Methodist Chureh for six years nod ai* ttionlhs before rhe died. 8he was bnptiecd by the Uev. Mr. Oliver, of the Greenville Circuit, nod received in full fellowship of she Church, and we thank God we iimurn not at those without hope, for we feel tliat our lusis her stern*i gain. A loved one from ottr household is gone; one that we loved ie> still ** Tlioo haa't left an aking void the world can never fill.* - A 1>EAlt FRIEND. Twr. IIox. Armistkad Bvrt, President of the Democratic Convention, said, as the session of that body was about to close: " Let us make every wliito man iu South Carolina a Democratic canraaeer, and every family a Democratic Club." These words, together with the soher, thoughtful words of the lion. James B. Campbell?"There Is less danger from saying or doing too little than from saying or doing too much; that which is left unsaid to day may he said to-morrow ( what is said to-day cannot he unsaid to-morrow"? must bo our rule and guide In the coming contest for freedom.? CkarifUtn Aries. 'jP? A resolution was offered In tha Georgia tlonse of Representatives pn tho 5th pro viding that all person* holding municipal offleas in tho Slate by military appointment shall be removed, and tfiat the offices thus vacated be resumed by those removed by tho military, and be required to set in their respective capacities uatil the time fbr holding the elections. ? ? ? pgr Gen. Charles G. Ilslpine, Heller known as " Milos O'Reilly," editor of the Now York Citiicn, and late registrar of tbe city, died on the Sd inst., from an over-dose of chloroform, taken to relieve .neuralgia. lie was born in Dublin and educated at Trinity Collage. At the time of his death, it ia said, he was receiving $70,000 income?more tLun the suost of Paddies receive. , ' Gov. Ssvrrr has received notice thnt t'26,000 har? bean deposited to hi* credit in the office of the United States Treasurer, at Charleston, aa pari of the educational fund. It will be expended In building school I houses, and will be that much saved In taxation to the people. It !a intended to use a portion of this sum at to bi|ild a school house in Greenville, Doubtless otli | ?r District* w?il oino in {w their ?l>a> e.? The coal of school houses that will aceominofi At M from 1 Oft Las iviUi imniU oanr*.,- ias.m tftOO to 61,600.- Cha.lUa* Arte*. * VKM> Yohk, A?mt 10. Cotton firmer but not very active; aalea f 00 bake, at 2'J j (WpO. Gold lower, at 464. JIaltimoiik. Augnat 10. Cotton firaa, at 29J(3)30. Flour and wheat firm. Com dull, at 1.26 (jy 1.23. Mete porlt SO. Shoulder* 1AJ@1A1/ C|AitLRiTOR, Any tut 10 ! Cotton quiet; aaloa 29 bates?middling 23. Savaxsah, Avguat 10. Cotton firm, but nothing doing?widdlinga 29. Moamn, Aeguat 10. Cotton market quiet; anka 100 bales?low middling 26. Tbe firat ?>el? of uew cotton wae received to-day, from Ibe plantation of Mr. Tydewell, Prairie {llulT. It weighed 560 pound* ; elaaged Liverpool middling!; sold at 46 ?opl?. Livaarooc.. Auguat 10. adranrlog?upland* 0J ; Orleana 10). Notioe. ACCOftDINO to appointment, tbe noxt Union Meeting M the TYOKIt 1UVKU AH BOCIAflOlf tm?tr1tft ffn. 2 ) wjfl be held with the Bapiiet Chuieh at L'}ii*k Hp> Inge, co?r>if>e?e1ng mi Haiuvtbty, Auguet ifUil..? liev Win. Willieme, 1) D.. to preach the Introductory 6* rmon ; Rev. ll. Vnali. Jr. I>. D., to preach the CSaritv Sennou j F K. Underwood, to write the K*eav. f. K. UKWHWOOD, SeeV I Aug It I 12 3 ? 18 5 S ifSaluda Democratic Club. THE next iqeeting of the Bnludar Dcraoer?{ity.Oiab ari|l >* held at Cleveland'* Mill* on lie fill 8e* or Jay in el ft o'cWck. A foil attendance is desired, end ell pcrkons not members wisbing.lo do to arc invited to l>e present. "4. JK UgODWlti, PreB't. Any 2 ACOET>/At? invltinn is dtcfim through tlio roderslyi.cli, ' > al\ tUe Clubs of UMHills l>Wtript. to i|t'fl|nd a Moss Meeting at Mtfbrfpu Oourl lloute, ttn Wednesday, IVtli lit?t.l|j(j W. JI. CjgltfPUELL. 1'nVt. Cent,'). Club, vi i con villn c. 11. Aag IS" pV 12 1 Second Hand Bureau. Ibave orders to purchase a good #ec<>ndliane) ftUHKAU. Parties having such that they will dispose nf/will cull at once. JULIUS C. SMITH, Auctioneer. Atg.13 12 1 Stolen, /"~\N the night of 7'h in*!,, a large SOIL. KJ KKl. 1IOUSE, fifteen hand* high, ?K.lh shoulders rubbed ? uiewhat by the collar, the Irfl ilimiMvr more ih<m the right. Tin thief *?* aupp?nd to have taken the Jon**' Gup Road. The llurte was in good ooudi> lion wh*n taken. A liberal reward will he given on returning the Horse to the undi feigned, 18 tutlm above Qi eenville. PEURY BATES. Aug 12 12 8" State or South Carolina, OKERNVILIE COUNTr. Ill Cqnityt JOHN N. GREEK and JOHN W. CUNNINGHAM, Executor*, re. JORDAN P. POOL.? Bill lu/orecit'tc Mortgvg*, it?. BY virtue of the Decretal Order in the above ease, 1 will fell, at Greenville Court Uvuee, on Salestbiy in September next, to the highest Iddder, the llonsc aid Lot described iu the Kill, vir..: All tbnt piece, parcel and lot of Laud within tho incorporate limit* ol'the Town of Greenville, to wit: Two Hundred k'-^l on Washington Street, Ouc Hundred nnd .T*t>ttly 'Vent <>n Spring Street, Two Hundred feet on Halm's Lot, hint One Hundred and Ttfcatjf Foeton Drown Street; known as the OLD LIVERY STABLE oa HI t i; x BWi ? 11 < f PRINCE & GREER. Truun or RtU(?goinnch a* may bo necessary to pay the. Coal", inuat he Cash on day of PaT?? the bdlaned on a credit of six months. Purchaser to exoe.uta Bond with ndc(|uato surely, to eoeure the purchase money. Title l>ced? not to bo delivered itntil the purchase money- is paid. And should the pnrohaso lunucy not be punctually paid, thcu the premises to be rssuld at the risk of the first purchaser. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. P. MOORE, C. i.. O. C. Cout'rs Office, Aug. 10th, led?. Aug 12 12 4 ! Stale of South Lai'oliun, O&SXNVILLK COUNTY. lu Uqnity. W DKIKUAN, K>??'ltO'-, M. LINK) A. MORGAN. *t. .d?JiiU for Sale Ii'etale to pay d> hi*, Ac. BYoirtue of tlx Decretal ordar in the nltovc I will sell nt Greenville Court limine lo tlio highest bidder. on Sale*day ill September next, ilie R.-al Ketalc of U>e bte NATHANIEL MORGAN, a* deet-ribcd ill Ibe Hill, V* : 1 Tract N<vl. hiowiU.thaHOMRTRAC", containing Th> T Hundred and Sixty* 1hret Acre*, mors *>K less, adjoining land* of Woodruff, llo-e, IVni?on, and oh Trinet No. 4, coiitaiidi g (hie Hundred and Thirteen .-Irroa, mofe or lew,adjoining lonis of James. Foster, Tlinxtoii, mid other*. Term* or Sam ?Ooatto be paid in Cash on day of .Sale, llio balance of Hie t'ureli ?*c Money on a credit of twelve Inoiitlie, with interest from. date, the Purchaser fo give Bond with t wo good Sureties, and Mortgages of the Premise*, Purchaser lo pay for paper*. J. r. MOOR& 0. B. 0 D. Commissioner's Otlice, Aug. io, 1S(<8. Aim 12 84 4 assignwssate. By order oflhellon.aEORORS. BRYAN, District Judge of Rnutb Carolina, I W ill sell, at Greenville Court House, WEDNESDAY, THE 9TH OF SEPTEMBER, At KLKVEN O'CLOCK, THE LIVER! STABLE AND LOT, KNOWN AS THE Prince A Greer Stables, Belonging to th* Estate of J. P. POOL, Bonk'rujit Term* of Salo, Cash. Purchasers t? pay for stamps and papers. J. N. MARTIN, Assignee Aug 13 13 6 SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY BY an order from Hon. Oeo. S. Bryan, District Judgo of South Carolina, I will sell at Nywborry Court House, on Thursday 20th August next, fit 11 o'clock, A. M.f Iho fallowing lots of land U ?!.? a( TSJ t L..I -1 a? .1. IM **iv VI nwwwujrj ouiiMigmg 1,U lUU entitle of J. P. Pool, Bankrupt, to wit: The Hotel Lot, containing one and a half acrua, more or Icaa, up*u which It aituatod the fine and conunodiou* Brick Hotel. Alto, the Livery Stable# Lot. containing one half acre, more or leaa, upon which la located the well known LIVERY AND HALtB' UTABLfeg. Term* of Sale Caab, and purohaaera to pay for all neceaaerv a tain pa and paper*. J. N. MARTIN, Aarlgnee. Aug IS ?J 2 Notice. IN conformity with requirement* of the Internal Revenue Law*, I hereby give notice to all pereona who may claim ONE HORSE and WAOON, and ONE SMALL BARREL and a KEft of WHISKY, aeiaed by K. Hudion Smith, on the 7th day of An goat. In poaeeaalon of LRANDBP STYLES, 10 aailea. north or Greenville Court llonae?beeaate of evident perpoae to evade the Internal Revenue Law*?to make aneh claim* before me within thirty day* from th* Crat publication of lb la notice. A. I.. COBIt, Deputy Collector of Tnternal Reronne Aug 13 IS m a 0 .? b t a B tliilM H TIll?[tP! TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION I ?? MUSIC ! t MIS! faSsPABWOES!f , i tie., &c, rfc. SPEECHES From Distingimlied Me* of this and otlior Hratod ! f T ON THURSDAY EVENING 13th Instant, at 7 o'clock, AT GREIRYtllt C. H,?j Tlic People of Greenville and , admccnt Districts. wliito and ?oL ored, arc invited to attend a MASS MEETING OF THE DEMOCRACY, on the Evening ot Thursday, 18th inst., at Greenville C. II. Procession to bo formed at 7 o'clock, and march to a public stand, where Addresses will be delivered, by the following distinguished gentlemen ; viz. : Gen. Wadk Hampton, S. C. Gov. Vanpe. N. C. Gov. Ik F. Perky, S. C. lion. J. B. Camrnkit., S. C. Hon. A rmistkaD Bukt, 8. G. Gen. M. C. JIltlkk, S. C. lion. W. D. Simpson, 8. C. Gen. M. W. Oaky, S. O. And Others. w. K. KASI.F.V. HAMLIN BKATTIE, T. y. DONALDSON. For the Committee. Oreonvill* 0. It., S C., Aug. 4, I8#S. GREENVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE. f B1HK FALL SESSION of this Institution JiL will begin A-tftitt 17th. Prompt at* tendance it requested. TKHMS, (strictly in odssnce:) ACADKMIO DEPARTMEKT, FREE; Collegiate Department, Er.gli-lt $30 00 Ki encli or Latin,.>............. . 20 f?0 I'iano IjeMona or tluiUr,, 25 00 Special Vocal Lnoxiif, 26 00 Gener d Singing Lesson*. H UO Incidentals, 2 00 cr No nanira will be mined upon ilie rec<>. d until the tuition btlia are settled bv casb Or note. l'rof Jndtnn will superintend I be Academic I) paiUncut, aided by Misses West ?..1.1 ) eu?. ?... August 1*1. 18?'>8 11-2 University of South Carolina, COLUMBIA, B. C. THK neat Bcaaion will begin on Firmt Mondnif in Ortnker.? This University offers every advantage for thorough training in C3?3r the Literary and Scientific branches, and in the School* of Law and Medicine. The aggregate expenses for the 8ee?ion of nine months are?For n Student in three Literary or Scientific Schools, about $2Wfl ; for n Student in Law, ahont $280 t and for a full courae in tho Medical School, about $870.? These auma include fee* for tuition and use of library, board, room rent, fuel, lights and washing. For Cataloguer, or further Information, adfinal Rot, C. BRUCE WALKER, Secretary of Faculty. R. W. 1IARNWKLL. Chairman of Faculty. Jnly 22 0 td Greenville and Columbia Rail Road Company. -puis Oorr.psny ha* now for aalc, in lieu 1. of " Season Tick eta," a Ticket which entitles a person to travel over the road 1,000 miles for $40, Within one year from date of purchase.? Tk? T;..t.-?. w- 1.?* ' M? nci* van i>? (lurciiMCU irnni inc Agents at Columbia, Newbeiry, Abbev'lle Anderson and Greenville, W. ALSTON GIBRE8, General Ticket Agent O. and C. It. It. August 12. 186*. 12-1 f Notico. TN conformity with requirement* of the InI ternal Revenue Laws, I hereby stive notice to nil persons who may clnim ON E HORSK and WAGON, and about TWENTY GAL LON8 of WHISKY, seised fr-m JEREMIAII -ROBERT:*, two miles from UrecnvUlo Court House, t>y A. L. Cobb, Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, on the 21>tta July, because they were being used in violation of Internal Revenue Laws?to innka such claim* before tue within 30 days from the first publication of this notice. A. L. COBR, Deputy Collector Internal Revenue. Aug 5 11 2 Notice. rjMIK Presidents ol the different Democratic | Clubs, of Greenville District are requested to meet at the Court Ilotteo, at 4 o'clock, P. M.. on the 1.1th inst. W. II. CAMP1ULL, Pres't, Cent. Club. Aug 6 It 2 Notice* III KREBY forewarn all persons frotn crediting any one on m v aeconnt, as I am deteri mined to pav none whatever contracted, exIocpt hy myself or by mv special authority. Edmund miller. June M 11 3< 4? I liTlIf prifeoimBEim ] ' ,-Tln flKaEyS"B| W 01*1.0 respectfully announce to hi* friends and the eitiren* ot Orccnvillu, Hint it is his intention to return hr? litis place In the early part of Angusf next, for the pnr> J poee of resuming tho duties of bis Profession, lie solirits tlio petrousgu of iko public, July 15 8 tf frnJm 14.000 L^AC0^f'?ICE C0UNTllV 300 Sacks Kxtru Family X C. FLOUH 100 Seeks Standard Lircrpool SALT 25 K'8' JfAILS, assorted sires ?i} Hairs TtATKSVILLE SIUIlTIXtt 10 n??w WeBEK 8HrRT15t* 20 Bale. COTTON TARN 20 Trim* and Fair RIO COFFEE 20 Kartell* MJOAR IO BARS Durham Smoking TORACCO 2 BAQS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO. A 1.80, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, Hals* DRY GOODS, DRUGS &C. Our Block of HATS *ml SHOES 5* very large and complete, aud wo will guarantee our J eutire Stock will compare with any in Town, | both at to quality and price. A call will ant-1 ( l?(y you. DAVID & STRADLEY. May 13 51 tf Southern Sorgho Sugar j Company, rprfE undersigned, na General Agents for! I I lie nbove Association, propone to organize in Greenville and oilit r Districts, Onin|KiniNi far llie purpose ol MANUFACTURING SUGAR and REFINING t-YRUI* l?mn tfiV-Julec of the Sorghum Oane. Sevei nl of these Companies are now in successful and profitable operation in the United S'"tea and the Sngnr mid Syrup produced lay them have been examined by c< mpetent judges and pronounced unequalled. We jo opose: 1st. To manufacture n briglit, golden Syrup, equal in flavor to any Syrup. , 2d. To manufacture from 5 to 7 poniu . ofgngarper gallon of Svrup, not inferior to any brown Sugar, and far superior to many varieties, the residuum of Syrup still. 3d, To manufacture a superior article of Vinegar, from the waste. All lliia we do < with very little additional Inhor. 4th ARer the Sugar season is over, we propose to refine and greatly improve crude Syrups, or Syruj>a made in the ordinary way. ol. nr. ? on-, o ? propose to ruicvj sour Myrnpa of nil net lie qualities, and give them a dell ciotis fi ivor, lra\inp them without liability to p<>ar u fremiti time. TlieM are our broad propositions. We ?lo not. ask the community at large to take our atntemeiita, or the etatetii"nt* of hundred* of certificates we mlgtit append, but wr propose to pay. from each Diatriiv one reliable man's expenera to go to Louisville, Kentucky, in the fall, and investigate the operation there for himself. W. P. PASSMOUR, JAMES Wll.HELM, General Agent* for the Southern 8'ntrs. J. 11. Lkwi*. President, 62 Second Street, Louisville, Ky. Further information n-ay lie had by caliing on Dk W. P. Pa?*mork, a' Mr*. M. Thompson's residence, Buncombe St., Green vllle. or by letter addressed to the President in Louisville. Svniples o? Snga* and Syrup may b? seen at the Afountainrrr Office, and at Messrs. Gaines di Beardeti's store: where person# ( interested may also obtain pamphlet*, free i of cost, giving full information in reference to the proper cultivation of Sorghum. July 20 10 tf 1 Notice. IN conformity with the retirement* of the Internal llerenuc Laws, I hereby give notice to all persons who may claim a STILL. CAP and WORM noised on the 20th July, by K. 1IPDPON SMITH, Assistant Assessor, on the pro mi Mi of William Cos, about 14 mile* 1 rout Greenville, lor violation of Interval i Reventto l/l*;, to make such elaitn before ntc within 30 days from the first publication of i this notice. A. L. COBB, I>sputy Collector of Internal Uoveuue. July 20 10 .8 i W. H CAMMER, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST. CORN 8HELLFRS. Cnllntt Gin*. I.ock*. Kerosene Oil I^tutpa, Hewing Ma chine* and Parasol*, REPAIRED with prompt ness. Chat ge* reasonable, I have on hnnd, and which i* offered for nlc, an improved Pearh and Apple Peeler, an examination of which is invited. I ant .prepared to furnish STENCIL PLATE"*, lor Marking Clothe*. Stand?At Weslfield'a old Shop, July 22 V If IfMbc &irtlricf Court of the 3J. S. 1 Fon THE DISTRICT OP RO. CA. In tha Matter ol ROBERT K. BLASHINOAVIK.?/?? liankruplcy i rpHIH IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that on the I 1 28'h day of July, A. I) . 1868, that a Warrant in Bankruptcy line issin-d out of the District Court of the United States, (or the District of South Carolina, ngainst the estate of ROBERT K. BLASHINUAMK, ol Andorctin District, of the State of South Carolina, who hath heen adjudged a Bunk nipt upon his own I'cllUoii ; thai (lie pny ment of any il?l>U^ and the delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him or for hi* UM, rind the ttauafer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the Creditor# of raid Bankrupt, to prove their debt*, and to choose one ol- more Assignee* of his estate, will l>e heid at a Court of Bankruptcy, to tie holden on the 2(tth day of August, A. f>., 1888, at 12 o'clock, ftl , at Yorkville, S. G., before W. I, Clawson, !><}., one of the KrgWleis of said Court. J. P M. EPPINO, u. s. Mat aha), aa Messenger. By T W. CtAwao.v, I>p'ty Messenger. Aug ft II 8 KOSADALIS Purifies the Blood. | For 8&le by Druggist* Everywhere. -m^aA? L ft 8 S 8 at ilMM msjuMm \RE OFl-ERING GItEAT IND LOT < fJilHSlLir SI! jrin* imetwhb Am \LSO IN EVERY LINE OF G FORGET TilE PLACE sullf MAIN STREET, OP I July t pSHmCT drug n niK MORGAN AND WESTMORELAND KEEl' CONSTANTLY un band a FULL STOCK OF DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS PAINTS, ?is?s, DYE-STUFFS, FANCY ARTICOS. AND EMBRACING THE STOCK USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRS T ORDER ESTABLISHMENT. ^-EVERYTHING WE PUT UV MAY liE DEPENDED ON AS IN EVERY WAY RELIABLE. Give Us a Visit. STATIONERY STATIONERY STATIONERY. JUST received, a large und handBomo lot of STATIONERY, consisting, in part, of: Foolscap, Letter and Note PAPER, best quality ; Pens, Ink, Pencils, <fcc., Ac., which please call and examine. Spear's Fruit Preserving Solution. ! rpiIIS Solution in wnrrnnteil to prevent the | uvv?'Hipu?uii?n i?i mi Rinns or rruiif, Tomatoes. Jellies, Spiced Eruit*, Svrups, Ci rlcr, Wine, Milk, somo kinds of VenUhki. Ac., and preserve them in a fresh and whulusonie condition. Try a liottlc. June 24 6 tf The State of South Carolina, GRKEXV1LLK COIWTX. Ill li:qillty. JOHN A. HAWKINS, by next friend, n r*. HARRIET D. DILL rtnl.? lliil to Jlurthnll Afttn, Rule, Partition, rtc. "I")I'RSUANT to the Decretal Order in this I case, the creditors of JOHN P. HAWKINS, deceased, are required to render and prove their demands before me, ou or before the first day of November next. 3. P. MOORE, C. E. O. D. July 12th, 186S. 8-td Tho Stato of South Carolina. a It EEN VILL E CO I X T Y. In Etpilty. JOHN W. MORGAN, Executor, r?. LINNEY N. MORGAN el at.?Hill to Mmnkall A? left, Sole, Injunction, dr. PURSUANT to the Decretal Order in tho above ease, tho ereditora of NATHANIEL MORGAN, deceased, are required to render and prove their demands before tnc, ot> itr before the first day of December next. I U ' n IS ,i irv July 12th, 1S&.?. ' 8-td Th*~Sta'i0 of South Carolina, GREES V/LLK COl'STY. In liquify. NANCY ROWPKN, Aduiinirlrnlrix, ami ItL. llOWDEN', Adwinietrator, r*. J. MHOW DEN riot.?Hill to Morthttll Ansel*, flair, Injunction, tbr. Pl'llSllANT to tho Drornlal Order in tho above nine, tho creditor* of KEl'BEN It O W I> KN, duccuecd, ure required to render and prove their demand* Wore tor, within three month*, (on or bclorc the 15th day of October next.) J. P. MOOltE, C. E. ?. O. July 12th, lfctid. 8-td Tho State of South Carolina, UKGKSVILLR COVSTY. I?t Vqitily ELIZA J. rPVNCE, Executrix, r?. NANCY Mr KIN?? EY n */.?Bill to AfanhuU A?u> .Yale, Injunction, A-v. PURSUANT to the Order in tho above cum, tbe crnditora of JASPER J. PMINCE, deecneed, are required to render and prnt e their deroende before me, on or before the ftret day of December next. i. p. yiooHt, c. e. o. i). July 12th, If 69. $ td X - ;T* -.fy v. "'f BARGAINS! a & ??ra UCEMENTS IN A CHOICE OF R?6ssunss? WSSM TOSS ?AT. OODS ON IJAND. ? DON'T OF ISA It OA INS." 7AN & SON, 'OSITE MANSION HOUSE. c ' ' l ? If STHBIM'S S ? O m St. JHJH. IRS I WISH to inform tbo Citizens of Greenville and (he surrounding .Districts, that I hare just arrived with tb? CHEAPEST STICK OF GOODS ever purchased by me since the war. I wll not surrender to any tnan in Town or District, thnt ho can sell Goods of the SAME QUALITY CHEAPER than 1 can. Colt and examine for yourselves, at PTEEN'S STORE. ' May 27 1 tf Rocoivod and in Store, A VERY Larue Quantity of COUNTRY xV BACON?Mains, Shoulders and Sides, which 1 will dispose of Low for Cash, al Wholesale or Retail. TllOMAS STKRN. June 17 4 tf Crockery. Tain just receiving and opening the best, largest and cheapest lot of CROCKERY that has been brought to this ptaeo sinee tho war. A full assortment of all kinds. Call and examine. TllOMAS STKEN. June 10 3 tf I atn opening a Splendid Stock of Groceries, at very reduced prices. Call and satisfy yourselves that it is so, at STEEN'S STORE. May 27 1 tf /vivo, a large nml magnificent lot of Ulna* ware ami Crockery at very low figures. Cal. and judge for yourselves, at STEEN'S STOKE. Moy 27 1 tf Special attention in called to the elegant assortment of Shoes?Ladies', Misses', Boys', Youths' and Servants', and a very fine lot of * Plowinens' Shoes?extra fine Brogaus. Call and prove what I any, at STEEN'S STORK. May 27 1 tf The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Court of Ordinary. E. W. NASll AND JANE NAS1I, Applicants, against Mooncy ltodgers, Martha ltodgcrs, Cely Ann Kodgers, Marietta Rodgers, heirs of ELIZABETH LODGERS, deceased. J nines K. Ilabh and others, Defendants:? CifdtloM for rale or dieition of ft tilt K'latr. TT appearing to my satisfaction that Mooncy I Rodgers, Martha Rodgars, Cely Ann Kodgers and Marietta Rodgers, lielrs of K1.IZABET1I KODGERS, deceased, reside without this Stats : Ills ? rdercd and decreed, That they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, in person or bv Attorney, on Saturday the Sd Joy of October wort, at 1ft o'clock, A. M., to show cause. If nny they can, why the Real Estate of JAMES BABB, deceased,situate in Greenville County, on waters Unburn Creek, bounded by lands of C. B. Stewart, Mrs. T. C. Bollinic an<l others, and containing ONE HUNDRED AXI> TWENTY ACRES, more or less, should not be gold or divided, fur partitiou among tho heirs of said deceased. (liven under uiy baud, at Greenville Court House, this 3d day of July, A. 1). 1868. 6. J. D0UT11IT, 0. ti. D. July 8 7 3m Tho Stato of South Carolina, GREENY ILLS DISTRICT. In tho Court of Ordinary. It. II. JACOBS, Administrator %|th tho Will annexed, against Jatnes M Jacobs, Mary E Jaeoba. minor and others, l>e fendants. Citation for final Srltlement and Vrcrrt. TT appearing to my satisfaction that James JL M. Jacobs, Mary E. Jacobs, minor, reside without ibis State: It is ordered and decreed, that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, in person or by attorney, on Saturday, the Mb day of September next, at 10 oclock, A. M.. to show cause, If any they can, why a Pinal Settlement of the Esiste of WILLIAM JACOBS, deceased, should not be made, and a Decree given thereon. Given under my band, at Greenville Court House, llils ftili day of June, A. D. 1868. S. J. DOUT111T, O. O. D. June 10 B 3m* MERCHANT MllIsT f|UIK undersigned Informs Ihc public that I t.o I... Illtla !.? .. _ .......... ..v....j | iii ma miiiiin in morough and complete repair, and it well preparc<l to turn nut the best of b'lour. Hit llOLTl.Ntl CLOTHS are entirely new, and he feelt confident of being able to givo complete satisfaction to bis pallroni nnd IVicndr. I .tilt have in my employ Mr. J. W. CARMAN, who it regarded at one of the best Millers in tbo State, Corn, Rye, ltuckwhcnt, Ao., ground tt formerly. <?. W. 1*AUK\N?. July 8 7 tp DVjBllAM SMOKING TOBACCO. ^TAVINO received the agency of th* "Xl above justly celebratvd Brand of TOBACCO, we will make it to yovir Inter-* act to buy from im F?r by wholetnlo or retail. pAViD A RTKABLKY. Oct ao 28 tf Notice. APPLICATION will be made at the nesf, or pretest Session of tbo Legislature, dor the passage of an Act, incorporating tha. " Wilton Bridge Cotcpany," controlling the ' Bridre ? rer Saluda Rive near Willlaruston. July 22 9 3nt }r