University of South Carolina Libraries
Thin, on lbs 23d of July, 1868, LILY J AKK, the only daughter of Jolin and Hattla M. Ferguson, after eUvsn weeks of suffar lug, aged 10 moniba and 10 days. " Aa the sweet flowers that scent the morn. But withers In tha rising day ; Tims loeely was this infant's dawn, Thus swiftly fled its life away. Bttd of beauty, cherished flower Of life's garland, vain the power That strove thy spirit to detalu? i*rey?re, tears, heat t yearning*, all Wef.vain. Dearest Lilt, then hast left ur, . * And thy loss we deeply feel; aiul ft la God that hath bereft us, And ha can all our sorrows heal." Public Schools. THE exerelsee of the J'rhnary Department of lb( PutMo School# will be returned on - Monday next, the 3d of Augnet. Parents and guardians are notified that It la Important that their ohildren should be entered at the commencement of the goftrMr. V tTnd^r no eircvmvtancei will boys over ten year* of age be admitted to this Departnueat Applications for admission to this dcpnrtaeul qii'H l>e made to Mr. Thomna Steen, kio Monday morning of each week ol the JSckool //eetse, and will not be reoived at ilber limes. Ko ptipll vwill be admitted without the endorsement of the special tloDiniokswr, (Mr. Slcen,) or on? of the fcixecotiee Committee Tlx foilowing wiil he the colliof Studies in tl.e Primary Department of lite i'nb Us flohoOfs: Cu*e A.-?The Alpha! et, University F;p- | torial Primer, Exercises with Slain sou fPencil, Oral lot ti tie I it-n la Common Things, giaglng. Class B.?Univ^ rally Pictorial Primer, Spelling in simple words. Addition Table, dfrerchna with Slate and Pencil, Oal Intotrwetion i:t Orography with Churls or Cards, Singing. Class C.?8econd Header of ITitivereily iBeries, University Elementary Speller, Oral dnstruetioN lo Geography nnd Arithmetic, Multiplication Table, Writing on Slnte and lllsek hoard. Clam D?Tiiird Header of Univetalty Beiies, Rohlnsou'a Table ilook in Arithmetic, Cornell's Fust Steps in Geography, Univer ally Elementary Speller, Exercises in Enun elation, Elementary Sounds of the Letters, A?.. Writing in Copybooks.Class K?Fourth Header of Unieo arty Series, iloliinson Primary Arithmetic, Cornell's Primary Geography, E emfeuts of Grammar nn I Hia>ory, Dictation, Carpenler's Spi-HIng Book, Writing in Copybooks. The houis of School will he (rout 8 J to 2. with auitnble periods for reeear. By order of the Board. HAMLIN BRATTIE. Sec'ty and Trras'r. Public School. BtiBSCKiliEKS to the PUBLIC EDUCA TiON FUND are notified tliat the Second Instalment (one fourth) was due on 1st July. The Board of Commissioners would urge the importance of prompt payment of the Instalments eg they become due. It wil| be impossible to carry out the plan propoa d. untesa nil Interested old in the metier. By order of the Board. IlAMLIN BEATTIE. Scc'iy and Tiens'r. July 29 10 1 Sunday School Celebration. 'THERE wiil be a Sunday School Celehrn tlon at CHICK'S SPRINGS on the 8th o! August next. Sunday Schools of every denomination are respectfully invited to attend. July 29 10 2 the Anniverraiy of the Heidville Bible Society WILL take plaee in the Chvpel at Il?-i(]-. title, on the fir*t W?dt*9*d*>j in AuffuU next, (the filth dny of the month.) The annual report from the Executive Committer will be read at 10 o'clock. l'r?>f. Carlisle, of Woffnrd College, Dr. Porter end Col. Fair, of Abbeville, have each promised to be prevent, and will deliver addresses suitable to the occasion ; others nleo are expected.? The Society includes al' Spartanburg l)i?tHat, l?etvseen Tyger River, North Branch knd Enoree. We hope all the friends of the Bible cause, in the bounds of the Soclefy, trill be present Come one, come all*? let your interest In this great work appear. R. H. REID, Pres. ofSocialy. Reldvillr, & C., July 24, 1888. Julv 29 10 1 Hotifkerii Sorglio Sugar Company. THE andersigned, u General Amenta fur lb* above Aaaoeiatlon, propose to organise in Greenville and oih. r Districts, Companies for the purpose ot MANUFACTUitlNO SUOAH aad REFINIHO -YKUP from the juioe of the Sorghum Cane. Sev ral of th??e Companies ere now in successful end profitable operation In the United States and the Sugar and Byrnp produced hy thrtn hare been examincn by e< mpetent judges and pronouneed unequalled. We propoee: let To manufacture a bright, golden Syrup, equal In flavor to auy Sj run. Id. To atanufboture from 6 to 7 pound* of Sugar per gallon of Sjrup, not inferior to any brown Sugar, and far superior to many varieties, the residuum of 8yrup still. M. To tranufacture a superior article of Viu^gar from the waste. All this we do with very little additional labor. 4th After the Sugar season is over, we propose to refine and greatly improve ciude Syr ape, or Syrupe tuede in the ordinar) way. 6th. We propoee to relieve sour Syrups af all wcefie qualities, and give them n dell aloua flavor, leaving them without liability to sour a second time. These are our broad propositions We oo not ih in? conHTJtinny n urge in laxe or etateroente, or the atatementa of hnn* 4rod* at certibeates we might append, bat we prnpoaa to pay, from each Diatriet one reliable man'# expenaea to go to LouUville, Kentucky, In the Fall, and lnvtailgatw the operation there for himarlf. W. P. PAS8M0UR, JAMES WII.I1KI.M, General Agenta for the Southern ftt-ntea. J. B. Lawia. Preaident, 68 Btcund Street, Lonlavllle, Ky. fW Pert her information may be had l?y eaUtttg on Da W. P. pAaaMOnr, at Mr#. M. Thaaapaon'# reetdenea, Buneomba fit.. Orean vlllo. or by letter addreaead to the l'r?atdtut In Louisville. empire o? Auger and Syrup may be aaco at the Ifouniatnrrr Office, and at Maeara. Gatnaa * Raarden's atore: where peraAna iptaraaud may alao obtain pamphleU, fraa tif eoat, giving full iuformalion in reference to the proper cultivation of &>rLliam. JqjyW ' 10 tf TMS S Laurel Creek Democratic Club. THIS Clab will m.-ot ai Mt-Daniel's ^Cross Roads on FRIDAY, the SIst ofyulr, instant, at 10 o'olook, A.M. A gonoral turnout is ox poo tod and desiroil, as bu.ioess oT importauco ^ will bo boforo tho Club. By ordur of tlia Pro- " sidont. Vi E. MARTI!', Secretary. H July 39 10 1 I. PONY AND WAGON " .AT '? i AUCTION, i ON Monday, August 8d, 8nbsdav, I will roll ?n front ol Court llou*t>, at 12| o'tdnek, to lbs highest bidder, a GENTLE PONt. suitable tor a Indj- lo rids) also ? WAGON and HAKNE8&, in good order. I JULIUS C. SMITH, Auctioneer. 1 - July 29 10 1 Hat?, Clotbina: and Sb6f a. - WILL be sold ?n Monday oh e day, Annual Ad. at my Ofbo??, ni IftJ J ii'vlotk, amidiy lots of GOODS. lo eloae ' consignments consisting Iti i Rrt of, ' Ladies' and Children's SlinM, M?*n and ' Boye' F?lt and Stinw Hats, Ladies'Sb?rkii (l, Pint. Knives, 2 plejeee Pants Onoil y Mn'ik C??tA Paula ?nd Vests. Wi?. W Alpftca Coats, Silk Neck Ties, Silk Gloves, Lily's Prroiissioti Caps, O I>. Cv|>s, 4 doton Tooth Brofhcf, 2 |dopes 4-4 Riraw Matting 8 ' boxes Futility Soap, 2| boxes Chewing To? S bacco. JULIUS C. SMITH, Auctioneer. July 29 10 1 j Notico. IN conformity with the requirements of the ' Internal lievcnuo Laws, I hereby pivo notice to all persona who iiuiy claim a STILL, ] CAP nud WORM seised on tho 20th July, by HUDSON SMITH, Assistant Assessor, on tb?. premises of William Cox, about li miles from Greenville, lor vlolntion of Intervul Kcrenu^ Laws, to tnako such claim before mo I within 3b days from tho first publication of ' this notice. A. L.-COlid, Deputy Collector of Iutcrnal IU-rcuuc. ' July 29 10 3- ' NOTICE!. nAVING been appointed by tbc Mantt- I faclurer# Aurcnt for the exclusive rn'e I of 11 io COTTON PLANT COOKING STOVE for the liistriuta of Pickens, Green ville, Rpartnnturg, Lairena. Abbeville. Yoik, Union, Newberry, Edgefield, Cheater. Fab field, I.-xington, K'cblnnd, Omhgsburg and Kershaw, I would reaped fully Inform the citizens of the above named Districts that I will keep on band a large supply ?f tliese Stoves, wnich I w ill Hell nt low piicis for cash only. Wliuleaalo dnlcis supplied n liberal discount. A. l'Al.MElt. 0"U!HP*, 8. C t July 29 10 2 I Notice. APPLICATION will l>c made at tho next, or present Session of tho Legislature, f?r the passage of nn Act, Incorporating tho 5 Wilton Bridge Company." controlling the Itri<lro otcr SalUila lllvirr ncur Wi11 inmnt<>it. July 22 0 8m General Meeting of tho Groon ! ville Dt mocratic Club. AT the suggestion of sundry number* of <llfl'ercnt Democratic Clubs in :liis I?i?- i triet, I respectfully request eitcli of tliu Clubs to appoint Delegates .to attond the regular meeting at tho Court House, on the 1st Monday, iu August neat, consider tho propriety of adopting some system of uniform action, in reference to important ^matters. A full attendance ts desired. W. II. CAMPBELL, Prcs't. Central Club. July 22 V 2 Buck's Cooking Stoves. IIIaVE rcidved n innre lot of these No 1 COOKING SToVFJS. of different aiii-o?No. 7, 8, and 51 and No. 9 Exteft-h n Top, with Q?pper Raieivoir nnd Warmer attaehed, with all fhc fixture* complete.? Having told over 40 of -these Hiov. a, I can give rrcotimti nJatli.i'S fr nt nil who have ns-'d them It Is tha l>?st 8iove in use. If ) on want a Good Cool it-g Stotte call and examine them at my Auition Seles Room, next door Nor'h of Old Court House. Jul in* C. Smith, ALSO. Iron Pols. Nettles ItniVni P.m PI" Back*. and Fronts. Old 8tovn cl the tnnke of Buck'* P %I?-tit enn he tuii!? *t> fimd as new if nol badly broken. J. C. S. July 22 9 2 W. H CAMMER, PRACTICAL GtURSMtTH AND MACHINIST. <n<s CORN 8LIELLFRS, Pulton Oina. Locke, Kerosene Oil l^tinpa, Sewing Mn chine* and Parasols, Ur.i'AlBKD with promptness. Charges reasonable. I bsve on hand, and which ia off, r<rl for ?ale, an improved Peach and Apple Punier, an examination of which la Invited. I am prepared to furnicli STENCIL PLATE"4, lor Marking Clothes. Stand?-At Wcatfleld'a old Shop. July 22 0 If University of South Carolina, COLUMBIA, s. c. TUG next Session will bogin on |g|j^^tho f'irtt Monday in Oetalirr.? 'fli i? University offer* every a<1vantage for thorough training in the Literary and Scientific branch* e?, and in the Schools of ami Medioino. The aggregate ex pontes for the Session of nine months are?For a Stu.lent in three Literary or Holontlfio Schools, about $2'.i0 ; fur a Student In Law, about $280 ; and for a full course In the Medical School, about $.170.? These suuis includo fees for tuition and uae of library, hoard, room rent, fuel, lights and washing. For Catalogues, or further information, nddnss Iter. C, BRUCE WALK KH, Secretary of Faculty. R. W. BARNWELL. Chairman of Faculty. July 33 $ td Notice. T irEltRBY forbid nil persons from pnrcbat* 'I ing the LOT OP LAND sitnntcd in the Town of Groenv)Ue, on whioh I new lire, and which waa conveyed by mo to PATRICK F. HOPPBR of North Carolina, by deed hearing date the 8th day of Fehrnary, as the above conveyance was without Consideration, and ,tho traneaclion fraudulent on the part of the I said Patrick llnppor. RUTH LEWIS. 1' July IV, 1848. h~3 1 -L ' ' 1 " * ? ? U T M i ft I FOSTER & HUNTER ! A HE offering to the cilisens of Greenville i\. end the viellity. a New and Fr?sli I lock of Unodt at low prices, and by tlictr tteution to bushieM. and nee of all lb? laillltl* for obtaining good* upon Such terms s will enable them to sell as low im the owest. paying Cash 0?r all their purchases, J ml telling entiifcly for cash, they hope to | btniu a fair share of the public palruuagc. . FOSTill Ji HUNTKll have on burnt a fine slock of Light Calico's, Ltleaohcd nd Uuldeao)ted etics, at low figures. I ROSTER A HUNTER have Irish Lin. nr. Rlay and lirown Linens, Linen I tuck nd Farm--re* Linen, at the lowest Cai-h rioes. j IjHXSTKR A HURTKR have I'lald and ! Fancy Bhfnnter CnMiunres. Tweeds. (Mf, U? pi-lletits, <fre . A?. E?OSTRU A HUNTER hn*s HnTdVTf | iliicf', Linen unit Cotloh, lli>si?-ry and H-ives, Hoop Skil ls, Ft ill Trimmings, Ac., i in , hi low as tlie market offer <ls. I^O^TEH A iTT;NTlilt ii?ve iitt^^"T7.' martinis, It-no*. Lawns, Muslins, uk ery low figures. f7M)STER A HUNTF.Il l?nvo a latg* Stcck L of Gents', 1.?die*' and C hUdr? us'Slmee^ vhieh they ?s?t warrant to bo good and do foo-1 service, 170HTRU A HUNTER have a low Fine Soft Fur- nnd Wool Hate fr/7, at eftremely low pi lock, They know vlmt they ny lo he true. , f^OSTEIl A HUNTER etVuood nnd lBnf L Kin mid Java C--ffeee, and Greet) and Slack Tea*. FOSTER A PUNTER have on hand end just receiving Brown end lit flood Su{nve and Syrups, Molusses. A-. Ij'OSTEU A HUNTER are r.-oelvimr CanI die.', Raisins, Citron, tdpices, Canned fish. Ao. ' ITVSTEU A HUNTER sell Broome, Buckri?, Tula and Ce-lnr Pall*. Foster a tiuntf.r keep Ky. uia? Powder, 8I?<4 and (.'ape. POSTER A HUNTKlt sell Bar Turpentine L Soap*, Colgate's Toilet Si-a|-e, Windsor toap, and other kinds. Yeast l*owJof8, dastard, F'avorlng Extracts. Au. POSTER A HUNTER Imve Fresh Butter. L Sodn, Fancy and other tracker# and liecult. July 16 8 4 F11S0R H. G. M CAfflpr WOULD respectfully announce to his Iricnds and the citir.ens of (trcunville, .hat it i? hi# intention to return to this place in the early part of August next, for the purpose of resuming the duties of Lis Profession. Uc solicits the patronage of the public, July 15 ' 8 tf REDUCTION IN, rRICES, GOODS rmmrmn ititin ninn rr.mTin LntJutu lafiiJ LVLn CttJfll. THAVK returned front iltf North, nn<! am nt my old at and, Hoke's Corner, Goods at Reduced l*riee<?pr?c?-8 lliat wi'l suit the times, and as 1 intend to change iny business next tall, will rot tin toto sell my |<r<'a?nt 8tork nt the lowest p?aslide rates, to oover est and charges. To any person desirous of buying Cheap Goods, I would simply say. come and look at what I have in Stoic. Icarn the prices, and if y<-u don't find good Goods, at the rates stnted, then 1 do not expect you to them. I have on hand u fine lot of Large, Heavy and Kat Teitncssea BACON! BACON!! flaeon?Sides, Shoulders and Hams, which I will sell Low for Cash, or In xchange foe Corn and Flour. Call nud examine It. .5110. D. Afrlimore, Ifnke'a Old Stand, West Corner Public Square, Next I>oor New Court House. July 10 8 tf 11Mill 14.000 ^C<?,0ICB j 3O0 Sack* Kxtra Family N. C. FLOUR IOO SiicVh Standard Liverpool SALT 25 Kegs JlAILS, assorted sites 20 Balea BATESVILLB SHIRTING IO Bills* JlcBKK SHIRTING 20 Bale* COTTON YARN 20 Prime *n?I Fair RIO COFFEE 20 BarralU SUGAR 10 BAGS Durham Smoking T0T1ACC0 2 RAGS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, Hats, DRY 0001)8, DRUGS kV, Oor Stock of HATS ami SHOES i? very Urge an?l complete, ami wo will guarantee nut entire Stock will compare with nny in Town, both a* to quality and price. A call will satisfy you. DAVID & STUADLEY. May 18 61 tf I a Um /*v atltl^ a ^ 4 Us M Si T>l Ji/t i vi FOR THE DISTRICT OF SO. CA. In the Matter of B. M. IIIUllTOWKtt.?/? Ihinkruptrv. 'pilIS IS TO OIVE NOTICE, that on the JL 18th day of July, A. 1)., 1868, a War. rant in Bankruptcy hwi* is/tied out of tlio District Court of the United States, for the District of South Carolina, ngainst the estate of It. M. IIK?IITOWRR of Mcrrfttsrille, In the District of Ureenville, and State of South Carolina, who hath been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own Petition ; that the payment of niiv debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and tho trnnsfor of any property by him, are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of tho Creditors of said Bankrupt, to provo their debts, and to choose oue or more Assignees of bis estate, will be held at a Court ot Bankruptcy, to bo holdon on the 20th day of August, A. D., 1868, at 12 o'clock, M., at Yorkvill**, S. C., before W. I. Clawho.m, Esq., olio of the Registers of said Court. J. P. M. F.I'PINO, U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. By T. W. Cla whom, Dp'ty Messenger. Jv'y 32 9 8 ! 1 H T i 55 5 THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, GREENVILLE, 8. C. JAMBS P. BOYCE, D. D.,. Professor of Systematic Theology, I'ulcwiiThoofogy unit Apologetic*. JOHN A. UKOADUS, D. D., Proferaor of InU-rprt-lMtioti of Iho New Tostfttnt'nt, and Preparation huJ Delivery ol Sermon*. BASIL MANLY, Jit., D. D., Prnf.xti.r ..t USI.II..I ?ll 1 protiitiun of thu Old Testament. ffM. WILLIAMS, D. I)., Professor of Church llidurr, Church Government, and l'astorul Huiks r|"*IIE Session opens tho first tiny <\f SepI temher, and continues eight months. It is particularly desirable that Students should he present fit tho rery beginning of tho Sossion. Tho Introductory Lecture ttlii htj delivered by Hov. VT. Williams, on Tuesday, September 1st., 13AH, at III o'clock. Tho plan of the 8etiiiuftr^ it fiettiiiar. Instruction is provided Aduptod to the vntious classes of tho llaptist Ministry. White these who have enjoyed superior sdratitngtst of literary culture nood A complete currier low of Theological Study, it is important to atlofd tacilitics to thoso of our brethren w.hofo circunistunccs IiaVo Hot peftniitcd, ami will not now allow, their entrance on n full Literary Cotirso. Accordingly, those who wish to pursao A full Theological Course, (including tho Hebrew abd Greek Scriptures, and thu best Latin writers on Theology,) have the opportunity of doing So, tho range of Study being as fefctebsiirc a* any oilier institution in the country. Those, on the other hnnd, who desire the mo*t thorough preparation they are able to giitn without a knowledge of tho Learned Langurtges, can study the Scriptures in the English version, (US tho other Students do also,) and purSUo a complete Theological Course in all the topics which do not reipiire Greek, Hebrew or Latin. Kvch Student selects such subjects us ho prefers ; and each subject, exccpt the Greek and Hebrew, is completed in one Session. The whole range of Theological Study is divided iuto eight dlstiuct Schools, as follows : /. JJiblical Introduction. II. Old 7'e*t<t stent Interpretation, (Enylish and Hebrew.) III. iWn> frVvwrnt Interpretation, (Emjand (jrcek.) IV. Systematic 'J heolnjjf, ( English anil Latin.) V. polemic Theology and Apologetics. VI. HomiUties. VII. EcctesiastiraI History. I"///. Church Oocsmstent and Pastoral Duties. The Student is graduated in each of tnesc Schools separately, the pruduation depending on strict examinations held mainly in writing. Thus a Student, if successful, may complete in one year tho Studies of tbo Schools which ho lins selected, according t > his preparation or preference, and onn afterwards decide whether he will eoutinuc another year, and what other subjects he will study. The com picto Course of tho Institution trill ordinarily require thro? or lour years, according to tho Student's ability, thoroughness o! preparation Mid diligence. Tbero are no charge* for Tuition, nor Feos ol any kind. Text llook* arc loaned to Student* who cannot supply thunvclrer, though it is much better to own them, if pmctk-aMu. A Building bos been eccuied, iu which the Student* reside and board in common, paying tho actual cost of their supplies. Lost year this was about nine dollars a month, Iicm.Uk fuel, lights and washing, ft is thought that for the ensuing Session $100 will cover the entire expetuc, exclusive of clothing and traveling If brethren deslrowe of offending ffrc r.nnhlo to provide tho tvlioie of thff necessary niuount, they arc invited to cominunieate with nnv member of tho Faculty, informing hint boiv much they can provide themselves, or secure from their immediate friend*, and how much assistance they (till need. Some brethren have kindly offered to nsssist in this matter, and further con'ritutiuua lor tho purpose are invited. B. MANLY, Jn., Secretary of the Futility. July 7th, TSO0. 8-3 Tho State of South Carolina, OREENYiLLE COUNTY. Iu Rqnitjr, JOHN A. HAWKINS, by next frtowd, rf ?/., r?. JIAKUIKT I>. DILL le Murthtil! Aticti, Sale, Partition, ti'r. ruK8VANT to tho Decretal Order in Oris cose, tho creditors of JOHN P. HAWKINS, deccnscd, are required to render and provo their demanda before me, on or before the first day of Novcnit>cr next J. P. MOOKK, C. E. O. D. July 12tb, 18M, S-td Th A CtntA A f C A,1 f ll f A K aII V. A &uu u inic ui uuuvu vniuiiuai GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ill Equity. JOHN W. MORGAN. Executor, ... tlNNEY N. MORGAN et al.? Ilitl to JIttrihall Atnet!, Hole, Injunction, if f. PURSUANT to the Decretal Order In tin Atiovu cn?e, the creditors of NATHAN' 1KL MORGAN, deceased, tro required t< render and prove their demand* before me, 01 ar before ?bo first day of Itseember next. .!. P. MOORE, C. E. (1. D. July 12tb, 1808. 8- td The Sta o of South Carolina a HE EX VILL E CO UXT Y. In Equity. NANCY ROWDEN, Administratrix, and R L. ROWDEN, Administrator, ?. J. M ltOWDKN ct at.? Hill to Morthnll A? < ?? Mule, Injunction, Jr. rllKSUANT to the Decretal Order in tb above rase, tbe creditors of KKClfEf liOWDEN, deceased, are required to rcmle and pr?re their demuud* before me, withii three mouths, (on or before the 1Mb day o October next.) J. P. MOORE, C. E. Q. D. July 12th, 1888. 8 td The Stato of South Carolina Gil BEX VI LIE CO US T Y. In Equity. ET.TZA J. PRINCE, Executrix, re. NAX& McK INNKY el al.?Hill to Mar. Ik mil A net, Sale, IxjHHctioH, ifc, TJURSUANT to the Decretal OHur in th 1 above rase, the creditor* of JASl'KR J 1* KIXCE, deceased, nro required to rondo and prove tboir demands beforo mo, on or bo fore live firat day of December next. J. P. ilOORE, C. K. O. D. July 12th, 18(18. 8-td Notice to Commissioners Roads an< Bridges, 3d Reg't., 8 C. M. AN Extra Meeting of the Commissioner of Road' and Bridget, will be hel< at Tone) * Old Field, on Saturday, the 1* day of Augutt. The member* are all ex peeled t?> be preaent, ** bualneee of ini|>ort mice moat be trnnaacted, and got in prime ebape to lorn over to our succeeaora. Tli Tax Collector and all others interested ar requested to be preaent. JAMES MoCULl.OUOIT, Chairman Board Commlaaionera Roads an< Mtidir-a, 8d Regiment, 8. C. M. July 10 b 8 > 11 S i . BARGAINS! m yyro ARE OFFERING GREAT I? LO WAMSLY i fluiw mcsiviid An ALSO IN EVERY LINE OF FORGET THE PLA< JBML M? SULL MAIN STREET. 0 Jnljr 1 SSIImEi DRUG Hi mIMI w MORCAN AM) WESTMORELAM KEEP CONSTANTLY on lmud a FUL* STOCK OF DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS iV. I N T ? ?as, DYE-STUFFS, FANCY ARTICLES AX1* KMDRAGING THE STOCK USUALLY KEPT IN A F I HST o n T> F It ESTABLISHMENT, |3T*EVEItYTIIINGr WE PU UP MAY I'.E DEPENDED 0: AS IN EVERY WAY ltKLI/ BLE. (Jive Us a Visit. STATIONERY STATIONERY STATIONERY JUST received, a large and ham some lot of STATIONERY conbiiting. in j>ai*t, of: Foolscn] Letter and Note PAPER, be quulity ; Peng, Ink, Pencil?, &( Ac., which please call and exai: 1 ine. : ICBD 80I)X WATKi i OYItUPS ? Creatn, Strawberr O Lemon, Pineu]?|?le, Vanili Oinger, Banana and Sargnparili June 21 5 tf j The State of South Carolin; /lUWtfVVII I ill OA I TXT TV \n\rini? ? iuijij vvtii i 1< In Court of Ordinary. E. W. NASll AN L> .TANK NASH, Applienn . ajprimu Mootiey Rudgcrs, Martha ltodge Cely Anu Rodger*, Marietta Itodgers, be s . of KLIZAliHTfl J.0HGKR8, deceasi ; Junius K. Hubb und others, l)sfon<laiiU: f'lfiitiuii for mile or itiritiim of Haul Eita 4 ~f T nppenring to my satisfncticTi tbat Moon I ltodgcra. Mvlht Rodger?, Cely A Rodger* and Marietta Rodger*. heirs of KLI AHT'TIt ROTtGKRS, deceased, reside Wilht tliis State: It is ordered and decreed, Tl ' they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, in p . 8?n or by Attorney, on Siituriiny the 3d <i of Uotuker oij-t, at 10 o'clurk, A. M., to sh can so, if any they can, why the Koitl Estate .TA-MKS HARD, deceaaedreiin?tp in Groenvi Cuuuiy, on waters Rabtirn Creek, bourn . by lauds of C. 11. Stewart, Mrs. T. C. liolll and other*, ntxl containing ON K HL'NOHl >, ANI> 9WIHXT ACKK8, more or less, shot not bo sold or divided, for partition auioug I e bairs of *uid deceased. 4 Given under uiy band, at Greenville Coi r House, this 3d day of .Tnlv, A. I). 18C.8. ? 8. J. DOUTillT, 0. G. H. f Jufy 3 7 3n llKIJCilANT MILLS. - r m fc, unilersipne.l tlio public tl L ho has recently put hi* MILLS in th 1 nu|(h and complete repair, nnd is wi ll prep ril to turn out the bent of Flour. Hi* 1501 IN(} CLOTHS uro entirely new, nnd ho fc Confident of bcinp ?hle to (five complete tnl I' faction to his patrons and friends. ?, I still have in nty employ Mr. J. IV. CA MAN, who is mjfarded its one of the hest Sn e lers in the State. f Corn, Hyc, Buckwheat, Ac., pronnd ns ( I tnerly. U. W. PAKKINS. . July 9 7 t Notico. TN comformity with tho requirements of . Jt Internal Huvenuo .Laws, I hereby p J notice to nt! persons who inny claim a STII CAP and WORM, seised on tho 8th July, slant, about seveu miles from (irccnvilio Co " Ilouse, about one uiile from Mrs. Cross'; 1 make such claim before ino within 30 di I from the first publication of this notice. A. L. COBB, r Deputy Col. Int. Itcv. Orconville County r July 10 8 e Roceivod To-day, A FINK lot of TF.NNfKSKU HAC< which I will sell low for en*A. It J fine. Call auil see it, noil then ooinp price#. JNO. D. ASHMOItK June 8 8 if 11 1 ' ' BABGAlNSl KO &, SffiSO sTDUCEMENT8 IN A CHOICE X OF ?R? SMIS? l ?OTI? raxs ?IT. GOODS ON HAND.? DON'T; :E OF 4- BAKU AINSP K. rELTK-KmS IVAN & SON, pro SITE MANSION HOUSE. o tf ) &rS?JElTZ2DZ'!F} ' a?. ^ X WISH to inform the Citiscns of OrconJL ville nnd tbu surrounding .Districts, tliat > 1 liavo just arrived with tho DURST STOCK OF GOODS ever purchased by mo since tho war. I wil ' not surrender to any man in Town or District, j. tlint in) can soil (loud* of the SAME QUALITY CHEAPER tliun 1 cau. Call and examine for yourselves, ut STEEN'S 3T0RE. May 27 1 tf Received and in Storo, '* 1 VERY Large Quantity ?>t" COUNTRY x\. L5ACON?Hums, ShoOldei-8 and Sides, which I will dispose of Low lor Cash, at Wholesale or Retail. THOMAS STEEN. June 17 4 tf ) Crockery. X am just receiving and oponing the best, JL largest and cheapest lot of CROCKERY * that has been brought to this plAco since tho wnr. a iuii usBuriiuuni ui mi mump. vnti and examine. THOMAS STEEN. June 10 8 tf I nm opening u Splendid Stuck of Groceries, ) at very reduced price*. Call uuJ satisfy your fttrcs that it is so, at BTKEN'S STOHE. May 27 1 tf Also, n large and magnificent lot of Glassware arjd Crockery at very low figures. Call and judge for yourselves, at STKEN'S STOUK. May 27 1 tf Special attention is called to the elegant t assortment of Shoes?Ladies', Misses', Hoys', ^ Youths' and Servants', and u very Uno lot of , 1'lowinons' Shoos?extra ftno Brogues. Call and prove what I say, at STEEN'd STOHE. May 27 1 tf WINES, BRANDIES, LIQUORS ANI) CONFECTIONER * ES' r|',llE subscriber would respectfully inA iottn the public that he keeps conslaul' ly on hand and for sale, * WINES BRANDIES, LIQUORS, LAC ER BEER AND AIE, I, TOGETHER WITH P' OYBTBF.S, CAP.DINED, CHEESE, CflACKERS, &C. 11- And would le pleased to receive ords/s for the shrue, either in small or large quantities. ",p ALSO fie is conciaiuiy Keeping a ?nppiy oi LtJ v.BEIi on hand, of all s-xes, when; Carll, neuters and others can be supplied promptiy nnd ni reasonable prices, for cash, retail or wholesale. LIU Yard is In rear of Ida store, and au inspection is d rii cd. x* LEATHER! LEATHER! lie also deal* in Upper and Sole l.EATIIt?, EU, and the Stock is constantly kept up.? re, Prices are low. irs Call ai d see me. Store in the Lalimor d. Building, first door above Ooodlet! House.? J. L. SOUTHERN. '?" June .1 2 <y z- Tho State of South Carolina, ,ut GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In tho Court of Ordinar;* iin/ It. II. JACOBS, Administrator wi'li the oiv Will annexed, nguinst James M Jne?-l.s, i of Mary E. JaeOhs, miner and nth eta, Dei'.le fendnnts. Citation for Final Settlement led and Decree. inp * T appearing to my satisfaction that James I' J M Jacobs, Mary E. Jacobs, minor, roside witliout this State:' It is ordered and 'k? decreed, that they do appear at a Conrt of Ordinary, in person or by attorney, on Sut-' ur urday, the 6th day of September next, at 10 o cloek, A. M., to slu'W cause, if any . tliey can, why a Final Settlement of the Estate of WILLIAM JACOBS, deceased, should not be made, and a I)cciee given 1 theteoft. , Given under my hand, at Gicenviile Court House lids fith dav of June. A I). l*f.8. S. J. D0UT111T, O. G. I>. June 10 8 8m* li8' S one's Mills. ~j\ |~Y MILLS are now in firot rate order,ill. 1*1. having Wen It F.l* AI REF) and comn'eted with FIRST CLASS FRENCH 'or- MURRS, from Uticn, New York, n new and superior Smuttej1, which cleanse* without f waste ; an enlarged and improved Moiling " Reel, newly re-covored w?th the most im. proved and superfine Anchor Molting Cloth, the and attended l>y A. M. Holmes it Son, of ivo long experience, anil of at-knowii dgt (1 *u? LL, perioiity a* wheat millet a. in- I'lihlie pa'ronage is solicited, and will he t'rt thankfully received. to - JESSE K. STONE. *>' July 81 li, 1888. 7-4 BUKIIAM ~ SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING received the agoncy of tl.o ahove ju-tlv celehrated Mrnnd of L is TOIiAtVO, we wll auk.- It to yonr Inter, are i est to hoy from tie. For vale hy wholesale| or retail. 1?AV1I> & STEAM LY Ovt 80 U.