University of South Carolina Libraries
*? ?iimih.i ii, mm??fa ( * - . roa'fiifc einnaae* mrrxurHies. '?/ [if OBfnwmeat at Beidviile. ' 'The annuel Commencement oxcrcisea of the F uialedligb School and Mole Academy, occurred on the 24th nit. At usual, the college, c%apej *M flIUd at an early hour eritb en interesting end Intelligent aedieoe*. examination of the Male Behool WM ^oiUueteil In the presence of aA examining ^pmibittc^ on Moi>d?y ; that of the Finale fk'honl pn TuOtlnjr. Tueeda) night, there wap an exhibition of juvenile profielfpoy, la declamation end composition of the ? rttnury departments of the respetttlve soliools, at once sustaining the dili g*ne%?f pupil* In early youtn, ana me patien^jfoid persevering effort of ?h-ir respective Uiehera.' "1ircuii??)iiea<ie of straitened circumstance, during tha lost two year* s -Ui*ra vm no graduating das* ; hut the i! pr?Ve?uflliy effort* of jh* Junior Olna * glvsl*rotnise of* hopeful class of Senior* next year. Compositions, declamations A<1 dialogue* afforded a pleasing and direr alfiad entt-rta! anient to the attentive cm?hi blags, It ifldne the rising genius and prospocliva intellectual culture of Mr. Lauren* Miller, to *ay that he acquitted h\nia?|f in the true spirit of the "widen time," in Itia wall coaoelved sn<l timely ox| reaaed otntion? Si uth Carolina, Professor Dupre. of Wofldrd College, lied been invited to addreee the Schools, and when, he announced bis intention to depart 41 fiwn tha veual style of addre-a on such oe aaeions, the execution on Ids pnrt evinced , jha excellence of his ts*(e nml judgim nt ? Adv.rowed to the young, hi* subject was a<l hn^Wy adapted to the occasion. Drawn from tha different department* of natural *" jtcDnee, hU genefnt tffem* pres-nted, with siti 'ii ' * force, the harmony of the Crca* 4m>t wot?'* i? the mateiial, intellretual, and twera.' w^anclas of Ilia vast empire?it ihswt* ?y>li eli'?aeii - for 'the occasion, and f ?lo4t(iliee*, all if iii ?*>' wiio heard if, that it chaste amd, awakening profound rrvrrtnM for lliat g;'"at Bring, sublime In rwrfsetions, and irfloiiffxl In working. 1 ALIQUIS. Proclamation by the President. <c y f V. -WiMIMW. July, 4. A proclamation baa been !??ucd by tbo l'reoVfeut, declaring that, whercM/# i" month 'ofJuly, 1801, la accepting tho oonditiou ot civil war, which waa broaght nboui by insurrection aa<l robdlion in several of tha.^taica, tbo two iicaiaea of Congreas did solemnly declare thai the war waauot waged on tho Gov runout iu any spirit of opposition, nor for any purpose of conquest or subjugation, nor for any purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established inslluitions of the States, but only to defend and maintain the aapretaacy ef tbo Conatitution of tho United fhi*U?s, and to preserve tbo Union, with all tho dignity, cyuality and rigbta of t'.io several -States a aim paired, and that, ao aoon iig those objocta should be accomplished, the war on tbo part of tho Oovcrninuut should ceaae ; and, whereas, tho President of tho United States baa, heretofore, in tho spirit of that declaration, and with the view ot securing for it ultimate and complete effect, ret forth several proclamations, offering lunuesty and parden to persona who bad been or wcru concerned iu tiro rebellion, which proclamations, however, were attended with prudential reservations and exceptions, then Jocuicd necessary and proper j ah J, whereas, tho mid war lias Joug since ceased, With an acknowledgment by all the Status of the supremacy of tbo Federal Conatitution, and there no longer exists any ground to apprehend a renewal of civil war, or aliy foreign interference, auy unlawful resistance by any portion of the people of any i?r tho 8tatoa to tbo Constitution and laws of the United States; arid, "Whereas, it is aoairable to rodncjc tho standing'army and to bring to a speedy termination military occupation, martial lap, military tribunals, abridgment of freedom of tpeerm, of tho pres?, and susnonelon of tho privilege of IsIhk corpus, and the trial by jury?rarh encroach men ti upon our individual righto of the ehUcn, contrary to the genius 0 our Republican form of (Joveminent, End exhaustive of the national resourcaE; end, whereas, it is belicrdd that nuineety aud pardon wilt tend t> secure a complete and universal establishment and pts*?* ieure of municipal law aad order, in conformity with tho Constitution of the United SUtee | and to Remove all appearances or pro sumptions of a retaliatory or vindictive policy, on tho part of tbo Government, atteudod by uunr-crraj-y dUqualiflcatlbnk, pain', penaltier, mnflecations and disfranchisements, nnd on the contrary to promoto and procuro complete fraternal reconciliation among tho whole jwoplu. with duewubmieslon to tbo Constitution and laws; nieftfort, bo (t leflhwn that I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United Stetps, do, by virtue of the Conetitutiun, aud in the nauta of the people of tbb United-States, hereby proclaim nnd declare unconditionally and without reservation, to all and to ovary perron who directly.or indirectly participated in the 1at? Insurrection or rcjydlion, excepting euch person of persons at may bo under presentment or indictmeut in any Court of tbo United States,Hiavlug eou!|iotcnt, jurisdiction upon a charge of treason or other folouy, a full pardon and ainneaty for tho offenco of treason against the' United Stale*, or of adhering to tuo enemies duriqg tbo late civil wnr, with restoration of all rights of property, except ae to alavce, and exocpt also as to any property af which any person may have bcea legally diverted, under the lawr of the United Stater, In tortilnouy whereof, X have signed theee presents with n?v hand, and have cSuscd the'senl of the United States to bet hereunto eflxtf , Done et the city of Washington, tho 4th day ' of July, in the yoar of our Lord ono tbouaand eight hundred end aixty-eigbt, end of tho In dependence of tho United States of A inert oa ninety-third. ' By the l'resident. ANDREW JOHNSON, William H. Sawann, ' Secretary of State. We had ilia pleasure of a visit, yesterday, from W. P. Price, Esq. formerly e member of the frotn Greenville District, but now a res??|ent^ of ^the "gold regfoh ** of Iiirargii. nr. rri(t vh ?i?oM to the * Georgia and a'so to th? Democratie CoDViniion in N?w York, and fii on his way to ths latter e>ty, when he reI reived a telegrapher cell to return, as a fall meeting of the legislative body is ire poraUvely noeeaanry.?Phauix. that iVsct i.Aritrswns killed by J i mam hflearrted the healing art so for h k be able to bring (he deed to life. Bat aro promise our merchants sod business tw if they restore their doed businesses to life by phyiielng them with printer's Ink, taken through the etOamnt of the E?/rry>> i*e, they shan't be <Ustarke4 for tt; we will Ifttnro them against alt thunder bolts. Tito E^itrpr<?e has s good eireulathn in both Town and country. Advertise! Advertise!! Oovaeal eoasasaaicstloos omitted, wil| sp pear in our iisue of next wrok. mmjmmmmmmm mm wmmim . t N Bff 8 * & * ' Ricii*oji[>, Jiilj 3? dny, aud visited suvornl points of Intvrcst; and to-11 it^Ut uttendod a bup at tbo S|MtU?uvil Uotel, given in their honor. WsaaiauTon, July 3. Tho Corruption Committee's report boveil over twenty column*. Without positive fact* or assertions,, tha report labor* to abow the probability that money wo* rc??od and used to ae^ait JobasoM. The amount of dirt thrown 1* ainnzin;. Scarcely a friend of tho President, or prominent political opponent, escapes. WAsnisoToa, July 8. Ia tbo Senate, a memorial wa* present ud. nuking $15,000 for dcc]>oning tbo St. Jobu's Hirer, In Florida. The tax bill waa reported, and mndo the special order for Monday and until completed. A resolution to adjourn id honor of tbo Fourth of Ja^y, waa adopted, ten radicu'.s voting i.ay. Tho balanco of tho day was daroted to tbu consideration of tbaafliiira of the District of Columbia. Adjourned. lu tho House, tho Dctnucmtic seats wore empty. The llouse considered appropriations in Committee ol the Whole, ogam rejecting tba amendment allowing clerks extra compensation, and, after pausing the bill furnishing tho luiiilin of eaoh Congressional District with 2000 rifle* and two batteries of artillery, the House adjourned until Monday. It t? in cnntetnplatiun by a party of yforthero capitalists, to erect n very larjro hotel or sanatorium for consumptives In Aiken, a* it l? evident that snch an eststdishraont, properly eondneled, Would prove mot only beneficial to invalid*, but mort remunerative to the projectors bf the schemo.? Edyfitld Adeirtinr. M.vnniKn, on Thttrrdny evening, 2d July, In the Presbyterian Church, at tlrwnville, 8, C., br Ksv. E. T. Buist, I>. D., Mr. SAMUEL C. CLYDE and Mir* LULA II. BUIST, all of flreenville District. COMMKKCIAL. N?W Yomc, J it ly 0. Cotton 1(9) to. better; eales 1,600 bales, at 32)<338. t>0ld 401. CitABt.Kavox, July 6. Cotton firm : sab-a 156 bales? middling? Xl(3*)i ! receipts 63. Arou?TA. July C. Cotton market Irregular; rale 40 bales ?l-rice* nominal. SavaXxaii, July 6. C??tt?n firm, willt an advancing tondetiey ; sab-a 118 bales?middlings held at S1@X2; receipts 246. MoBii.r. July 6. Sales of cotton 600 bales; niatkol firm? middling 81. Livkrvool, July 6. Cotton active and buoyant?uplands ill (<?'.; i : Orleans II 4(9:11| Bombay ship tiietila to Jirtie 23, lb.ooO I.alee. GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT conn*rrrn vhrklt, it ML55K5. DAVID & SI RADLEY, MERCHANTS. ORKENVILLE. 8. C.. JULY 7. 1S0.8. APPl.ES, y busliul, dried, pTJ41.J.',(,i,$ 1.60 " " " unpeuled, 86 c. (ft $i 00 BACON, V n> .. IS Q 20 C. BALE ROPu V U> 18 (? 20 c. DAflGINd. flu >ny, V, SO e. BUTTER, TA tb - 16 (ft 20 c. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR,^HOOlbs.SS.OlKftLOP BEESWAX,'.p tb,...? -25(ft30,r. i CHICKENS, 1> ?'< ~U? j> 70 ? COIFKE, 11?, Rio 30 (w 33 CORN, ^ bushel, .. JI0 (ft 120 KUtiS, do/on 16r. "FLOUR, *uck - $5 60 (-OA 00 GOLD *1 43 IN Dili O, Spanish Fieat St O0(ft3 25 " So. Cm. 41 75<ftt 01) IRON, fl lb, American,... 8 c. LEAD, V It. a...20 c. LEATHER, V R., Sola, Hemlock, 40 c. . M " " Oak, 50 c. " ' " " Upper, ~..?..7# c. " " " Harness, 55 c. MOLASSES, V **L, Muscovado, 75@S1 <4 H - " Syrup....... #1 25 NAILS, ^ keg $8 50 (ft $10 00 OATS, bnshul, .. ..60 ^ CO r. PEAS, ? " $1 20 PEACHES, $1 bn, Dried, poeUd ,....$1 M " ' " ?' " onpoelcd $1.50 POTATOES, bushel, Irish 75 (ft $1 #0 " " Sweet, none. SALT. V sack, Livorpool...... .43 00 (ft 3 25 SUGAR, 13 lb, Brown, 10 (ft 20 e ? " Clarified 20 (ft 22 J e. , " I'rusncn azj pi) la p. SHIRTING, scron-elghtr, bale, 14 e. 44 ' retail ir>^ c. TALLOW, lb . .. 15 c. YARN, Factory, by bal?v M Ort " " bunch $2 25 The Texas Almnnao for 1868. With Federal and Stale Statistics; Ilia* toriciil. Descriptive and Biographical Sketches, Relating to Texas. Single copy, $ 100; with State Map, $ 160 One doaen 10.00; 14 41 44 1 6.00 26 copies IUOO J 44 44 44 SO 00 60 44 85 00; 44 4 4 4 6-t.OO 100 44 CO 00; 44 44 44 80.00 Postage to any part of the United Stairs, six eenta, payable in advance. Published by W. RlCJlAltDSnS i, Co. Galveston, Texas. Public Mooting. THE eilizms of Greenville, all interested in education, and business msn Interested In the general prosperity of the Town, ore requested to meet in the Court House Friday staging, July 10th. at Si o'clock, The meeting Wilt be adlrvaaod by Da. JAMES C. FITRMAN, and l<y Dm. BASIL MANLY, Ja, who will present for consideration a p an designed to scon re the continued operation of Furtnan University. 6-2 MERCHANT MILLS. mtir UAratne ilia S...UU tk.S 1 ho hu recently 7u? bis MILLS In tborough and complete repair, and ia well prepared to turn nut the beat of Flour. Mia BOLTING CLOTHS are entirely new, nud ho feela confident of being able to give complete aatlefaetion to hla patron* and friend*. I atill bare in my employ Mr. J. W. CARMAN, who ia regarded a* one of the beat Millera In. the State. Corn, Rye, Buckwheat, Ac., ground *a formerly. O. W. PARKINS. July 8 7 tf Stone's Mills. MY MILLS are now in first rate order, having been UKPAlKKT) and com plated with FIRST CLASS FRKNCI i BURRS, from Utica, New York, a new nnd superior ftnmter. which,cls?na?e without waste ; an at Urged and improved Bolting Hetl, newly re-coiored with the mo?t improved and aupeifine Anchor Bulling Cloth, and attended l>y A. M. Holmes A ?A>n. ot long experience. and of acknowledged su? pcriorlly as wncat millets Public | n'ronage is solieftcd, and will I 0 1 lawnkfas*)v received. JdME K S'ONP. July 8*1', 18id 1-| 11 T K RTt POTOAU ' PATENT MEDICIMS. "*gS3Z& AYER'S SARSAPARILLA ti (ijt* ?'**>'. m iw*'Jits ?ni ?? -? Ayor's Cherry Pectoral Ayor'e X*il1a Allcock'a Porous Plaster Allocs Lung Balsam Allen's Hair Restorer " - h ' Burnett's Cod Liver Oil Brnnilrcth's Pills Butoman's Drops Baruotte's Worm Sugar Drops Bcckwith's Pills Batchelor's Itair Dye Brown's Essence Ginger Brown's Bronchial Troches Brown's Worm Comfits Barry's Trlcophorons Chrietarloro's IiHir Dyo Coxe's Gelatine Davie' Pain Killer Dalby's Cnrmiuntivo Dalley's Pain Extractor Drake's Plantation Bitters Fahtrcstock's Vermifuge FoRgnte's Cordial Farina Colognes llelinbold's Extract Buchu 1 Ilognman'b Elixir Bark Hcgnman's Cod Liver Oil Hegainuu'a Benzine . ! IlollownyV Worm Cftndy . ? * ( l ?' i ,t ' i Hamilton's Cough Candy > Ilainblcton's Iiair Stuin HooilaiuVs German Bitters II >stetter\> Stomach Bitters Husband's Magnesia Henry's Magnesia Hall's llair Rcnewer Ueinifshle Queen's Delight Hollow-ay's Pills i " Jay lie's Expectorant Jay lie's Alternative J ay no's Pills Knight's Sarsaparilln Knight's Pulmonic Syrup Knight's Ilnir Dressing Knight's Ilnir Re&torer Lul>ins' Extracts Lyoit's Ivatharion MulFntt's Bitters ( Moffntt's Pills 1 jj ' McMumi's Elixir Opium Mustang Liniment < Pearson's Ilair Rejuvinator 1 Painter's Diamond Cctncnt Peery'a Dead Shot . Powell's Sewing Machine Oil Plmlon's Night Blooming Cerius Phalon's Flur De Mayo J Risloy's Extract Buclm Radway's Ready Relief Radway's Ready Resolvent ltndway's Pills Spears' Frui Preserving Solution Spalding's Prepared Glue Rtronrr'a Pilla ?o * Thompson's Eye Water riiomeonian Powders Toothache Drops , Van Bnskirk's Sozodont ! Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry , Window's Soothing Synip ! Wright's Pills. All of the above, fresh and now, ; can bo had of F. A. WALTER, ASSENT, | At tho old Cornor Drng Storo of . i Dr. EarlcV. i July 3 7 1 1 % 1 KB fg SI rho Stato of South Carolina, ' OUKBNVILLK COITNTY. In Court of Ordinary. B. W. NASH AND .TANK NASH, Applicants, against Mooncy ltodgcre, Martha Hodgcr*, 1 Oely'Aon Rodgere, Marietta Rodgere, heirs of KLIZAUKT1I K01X4BR8, doconscd. Juiuet K. lialili and other?, I)oK<uili?iilii? WtntfvM f?r ?ij]? or itirttfnm of Urn! K*tx1te. I T ?|ipmrltf to my ittlWwtioii that Moonoy Rodgurs. Martini Hudson, Culy Aon odgcrs an<l Marietta Rodger?, heir* of KLIZ- J ABBtll ROIMlliRS, deceased, reside without Uiia Stato i It in ordered and decreed, That thoy do appear at a Court of Ordinary, in per- , on or by Attorney, on Stiturdoy thr .1 <i tiny of Oetobrr nrjrt, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. to ahow . cause. If any tlioy oan, wliy the Heal Kstato of N JAMKS BAlilJ, deceased,situate in (ireenrille County, on waters Kaburn Creek, boundod by lands of'C. It. Stewart, Mrs. T. C. Dolling and others, and containing ONK HUNDRT^ AND TWKNTY AORK3, more or loss, should " not bo sold or divided, lor partition among tbo hrirrt of raid deceased. flleen under my hand, at (lfeonvllle Court Home, tbie 3d day of July, A. 1>. 1303. S. J. DOUTU1T, 0. O. D. July 8 7 1m District Court of the United States For the District of South Carolina. In Bankruptcy. Iu the Matter ol J. P. Tool, Bankrupt. H|X> whom it may oonecrn: The under I 1 il({itM hereliy'give* nolle* of M< an I ( ointment a* Aenlxncr of the Wtutr of J P. ' ol, of th? of N?wbe?rv,' ?ud Slate of South Carolina within raid DU'tiict, woo has been adjudged n Bankrupt upon hi* own petition by th* District Cotiri of | N?id Dutriut, tinted 2Ud day of June, A. I).. 1368. All penoii* indebted to ?aid Bank- j rupt, are requested to inak<- payment to the undersigned. J. N MARTIN, Aeaigoec. | July 8 13 HARRISON & MARSHALL, I OPPOSITE TIIE MANSION* HOUSE, 8WANDALE'8 BUILDING, WOULD respectfully call the attention of their friend.-' and the public generally, to their LAUOE nud WELL SELECTED STOCK op 3D n tJ G s AND They keep nlwnya on hand and are con Bt.intiy receiving uaditiune to thoir Stock of mi FRESE All RELIABLE ; Vill us, BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, i rbejr offer to the |>ubHc nil POPULAR PA TEST MEUICIXES, At moderate price*. They also keep a enro* plete Assortment ol LAMI?, and a pure nr" tide of KEltOSENKOIL. FIRE PROOF TEST Iu their large Stock, will be found the PUREST LIQUORS, FOR MRU IC IK A L I' U R /' O S R'S. Special attention i? celled to Spear*' fatuous FRI'IT-rKKSERVINtJ SOLUTION, which is gaining a high reputation. AH housekeepers should hare a buttle. Call and examine. They havo Just received a large quantity of ( Hid well's celebrated COAL OIL AXLE UREASE. ] It is cheaper than lard and much to he preferred for all bearings. Have just received a small quantity of EXTRA FINK PARAGON OIL, Prepared expressly for Sewing Machines. Anj always supplied with GENUINE ALE A.Vb FotltER. Tbey invite atteuilou to their Stock of PAINTS, OILS, LEADS,: )VIKDO \V AKD 8110 IF CA8J? I ca-x^.m.Asss9 PUTTY, tfcO. 1 They have also just received a full assortment of School Books, Hymn Books, Stationery f)f all descriptions. Music. Sheet Music Puner. ?nd various other articles belonging to a well- 1 rcpnlated Bookstore. Call and examine Carter's combined COPYING AND WHITING FLUID, which supercedes alt other Inks. We will often, in a few daja, a completo aslortmont of *r . 1 FANCY PJ5RFUMKRIBS, SOAPS. COMBS BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES NAIL BRUSHES, WAIST MLS, stiil numerous other article?. Pull ami rjruiniiie our Good* hift-r* jmrrhntinff rlnfihtrt- t 1 * Remember the lIou9t> s N?st door to Post Office and opposite to the Mansion House. PRESCRIPTIONS carcfblljr compounded at all timua, and will rccoiro tho personal at- i tension Of the Proprietors. July 1 0 tf Turnip Soode. j WII. WATSON Is receiving Rut* Uaga, Dutch Glol><*, English Norfolk Globe. Aberdeen and Dutch Flat Top Turnip Serds, Insist i 14.000 L?ACON,0ICB 0O0*^,** ] 300 fi#ck* Extra Family N. C. FLOUR J IOO Sack* Standard Liverpool SALT 2& Kegs NAILS, aaaortod rlxea 20 Baler BATKSVILLK SHIRTING IO Dale* McDFE SlilllTINQ 20 Bale" COTTON YARN 20 Bag* Prime and Fair RIO COFFER 20 Barrel 1? HUOAR IO BAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO 1 2 BAGS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK , or r ShocK, Hats, 1 DRY GOODS, DRUGS fc(\ 1 Oar Stock of HATS and S110ER ia r?#ry large and eomidwto, and wo will guarantee our sntire Stock will compare with any it. Town, both at tc quality and price. A cull will ?atlify you. I>AVID & STRAI)J*EV. ! May 13 >1 " I FiTteT BARGAINS! mmm/M (VUE OFFERING GREAT IN] LOT r.'j&mbly ?: WStf KSCXIYXD AK \LSO IN EVERY LINE OF < FORGET THE FLAC1 sum MAIN STREET, OP July 1 iilllmSi DRUG U3 AMSffllMt HORHAN . AND WESTMORELAND KEKP CONSTANTLY on band a FULL STOCK OF DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS F> ja. I 1ST T s . mm, DTE-STUFF3, tfMG'Jf ARTICLES, AND EMBRACING TIIE STOCK USUALLY KEPT in a FIRST O H F> K It ESTABLISHMENT. r^rEVERYTIIING WE PUT UP MAY BE DEPENDED ON AS IN EVERY WAY RELIABLE. Give Us a Visit. ICED C Y liU PS ? Cream, Strawberry, O Lemon, Pineapple, Vanilla, linger, Banana, Sarsaparilla and Rniul?ean. June Ui ft . tf WE SELL THE PURE KEROSENE OIL AT ?5 CENTS. iror can buy an inferior quality AT A IiOWER PRICK, BUT IT IS CUE DEARER OIL, AS IT BURNS OUT much FASTHR, AND YOU AUK Lil.MIL.KTU liOM; roun LIFE AT ANY MOMENT IIT IT. WE CAX SI^M. SUCH AT SIXTYF1YK CENTS. HUT DO NOT WISH TO DO IT. ?C2 CI? 3KT? :*R2 JKHZ 9 as ?3 ?o (0TT?3o L?zaiii aaa. R. W. FOLGER & CO. April S 4B tf Pho State ofRoath Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. It. II. JACOBS, Administrator with Hie Will anpex-d, agatnat J nines M Jacobs, Mary E. Jacobs, minor and other*. Do fendnnla. Citation for Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my Mtiefnctiou that James M Jacobs, M'try II Jacobs, minor, rei-le wit holt t thi* State; It is ordered and l.-ereed, that they do appear at a Court ol )r<llnniy, in person or hy attorney, on Sattrday, the 5th day of September next, at 10 o clock, A. M., to ali<>w cause, if auy hey can, wiiv a Final Settlement of the Eiinte of WILLIAM JACOBS, dtcssirdl ihould not be made, and a Decree given hereon. Riven under my hand, at Greenville Court House, this 6*h day of June. A. 1) 18I(8. S. J. DOUTllIT, O. O.I). ' Jim* 10 8 * Notioe. IN conformity with tho requirements of JL (lie 1 literii?1 Revenue Laws, 1 hereby ;ive notice ! ? mM Perrons who Piny clniin a CAl' anil WORM, reieeu on the remVncs of ABSALOM CARNKY, ncir jhick .Springs, on the 13th June, 18(18, t>y S,- Iltnlson Smith, l? cause of violation of ,he Internal Revenue Lawn, to m?ke such lohna Sefore me wtlhtn 30 .lay a; from the Ira* publication of this iiclic-. A. L rOBB, r>rp Col Ilit Rev , OlfttmiHf I>lsl,, S. 0. Jour Iftnh. 1 s?rs. 5-3 Received To-day, A KINK h.t of TKNNKKSKK BACOK. /V alilrh I wilt * II tow for ttuM. It i? Inc. Call and see it, an I il?. n coutt are * J.N'i, l>. !1 V. (.)!. K, Jun? 3 8 ',1 5SF BABCAINS! I S3 &, S?!S DU CEMENTS A CHOICE or SWMSBMSS, 5 wma mm my, SOODB ON IIAND. *? DONT? E OF ' BAliGAIXSr rjrKMJE! VAN & SON, POSITE MANSION HOUSE. 6 . tr SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. rrtlltt COUMtSSlOKEES apntttntted to select ii site fitr the Churl House mid Jnil for tlitf Uislciut of having Iw eat'd the same in the Town of Wnlbftllfl; and procure! the lilies of Oue Hundred Acr?sof Laud Within ruid Town, will, At 10 o'clock, A. M., on Thursday, the 6th of August Next, after having Erst laid o(V the Snid laud into suitable ftiul convenient Lots, broceed to sell the aaid Lots to tlie highest bidder. This location is within the beautiful and thriving Town of Wulliullu, nt the loot of the 13!oe itidge, and po-?<s3-s advnnlagea in point of trnde. education,Ac . unsurpasecd by Shy other plAee In the Slate. TKU3Isl>F SALE: One (ninth cash?the balance payable in three eipuil instalments in three, six nod nine months, secured by note with approved security. Titles to Ce executed, but hoi delivered until purchase money is paid ??? full ' And in case of failure on the part of put chaser to meet the payments when due, the property to be forthwith said at his risk. Purchasers to pay extra for stnmpa ilbd titles. WESLEY PlTrHFOlUO W. K. HOLrOMJlK, j BUY FIlKTWIjtLL, J-CWn* M. F. MITHHKLU I O. M. DOYLE, j WnlhaM.i, S. C , dune 8, 1868. 8-6 STEEN'S s ? ? m s. I WISH to inform tlio Cllirens of drccuvillo nrtd the surrounding .Districts, that 1 have just arrived with the CHEAPEST-STOCK Of GOODS over purchased by mo since tho war. I will not rurreuder to any man In "town or District, that lie enn sell Ooods of the SAM K QUALITY CHEAPER than I can. Cull aud examine for yourselves, at KTEEN'S STORK. May 27 1 tf Recoirod and in Store* VVEUY Ia?rue Quantity of COUNTRY BACON?Hums, Shoulders and Sides, wjiieh I will dispose of Low lor Cash, at Wholesale or Retail. THOMAS 8TEEN. June lV I tf Crockery. I am just receiving and opening the,Lost; largest Miid cheapest lot of CROCKERY that bus been brought to this p'ttco since the war. A full assortment of all kinds. Call and examine. TlIOMAS 6TEEN. June 10 3 tf I am opening a Splendid Stock of Groceries; at very roduecd prices. Call nud satisfy yourselves that It is so, at STREN'S STORE. May 27 1 tf Also, n largo and magnificent lot of Glassware and Crockery at very low figures. Call aud judge fur yourselves, at SJ KEN'S STORK. May 27 1 ? tf I ojt-viui susDiuin is caneti to Uio elegant I nfgurlmont of Shoes?Ladles', Missus', Boys', 1 Youths' and Servants', and a very fine lo| of Plowmeiis' SSlioes?mtn fine Brogaus. Call and provo what I say, at ETEEN'S fiTORE. May 27 1 tf WINES, BRANDIES, LIUUORS AND CONPfiCTIONERIES. '"I'MdE etibscriber would reaprctfolly tn1 form the public that he keeps constantly on hand and for sale, WINES BRANDIES, LIQUORS, LASER BEER AND AIE, TOGETHER WITH 0TGT3P.0, OAUDXNSQ, CHEESE, CR ACKER 8, kG, And would be pleaded to reecive orders for the name, either in small or large quaulilies. ALSO Tie 1* constantly keeping a supply of * I.U.MBKU on hand, of all sites, v. here liar(tenters and others can he supplied promptly nfid at reasonable prices, for cash, retail or sbnleofh. His Yard Is in rear of his store, and an inspection is desired. .UtAIMER! LEATHER! lie njeo deals l-i Upper ?nd Sole LEATHER, tthJ the Stock Is constantly kept op.? TrioeS sre low. Cull end see mo. Store in the Latimer Building, first door above Goodlett House. J. L. sonilE&S, June H 3 DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. TTAVING received the ipi tv nt II o JT1 pi'tly c< 'rlffHti'il ftrnnd Tf>BAtVt>. w li i> nk i' lu i r ur 1i Ur. cut to buy fr.uii ue. ?' ? sale by vi >tlPi.ii|u , r rctai'. UW IH .* t 1 V AlltV Uct :}v*