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MfilL *7* Gov- I ' IMPUmT OJljbKH. 4 ' [6'?t<rn( Ortleri ~Xo.- T?tV] , Kj-trtint. In conformity wlih the law of the United Rtotci, passed June W, ISttS. entitled " An Act t? admit the States ol North Carolina, Sooth Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama and Florida to represent ition in Congress^* all nOlcers or the Stato of South Carolina, fliily elected and qualified Under the Constitution thereof, abd not prohibited from holding offioo ill mM Ptath by the thitd to&'flan of tie'proposed amendment to tho Constitution of the United' States, known ns Articlo Fourteen, will, upon the ratification of tbo sold nmondment by tho T.nfiststuro, h? inaugurated with "Wl U^:aTr ?OV "?m ? ??uu;v |Hvrvrivoi( by tho Constitution of the State, mid otherwise (nullifying, in conformity with the lairs of said State : 1. So <?f the provisions of General Ordeta No. ?l?, of Mtv 2, and No. 8.1, of May 12, 1868, from the?*, nsadnuaricr*. m designates the time for the nfflfcrt .-in-tod under the new - -Constitution to enter li)i"U their duties, and requires them to toko the oath proscribed by # the lew of July 3, 1862, hoing superseded by the law above cited. Is hereby revoked. 2. The third section of the proposed amendment to tho Constitution, known as Article Fourteen, is iw-publishnd f?r tho information and govurnmont of those whom it may concorn : ARTICLE XIV. e e e e "SarmOJr S. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or Elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any of flee, civil or military, nndor tho Unito'd States, or nnder any State, who, baring previously taken on oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of tho United States, or as a member of nny State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged In Insurrection or rebellion against tl.o same, or given aid or comfort to tho enemies thereof. But Cougrcss may, hy a oto of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability." e st e Should tho disabilities of any of tho officers elect not have been removed, or if they should from any othor rouse 1w> unable to qualify, tho fact will bo immediately reported to tho Governor of tho State, and the present incumbents, if they are charged with nny active administrative duties, or with tho care of public records, or with the custody of public money or public property, will, in conformity with tho law, hold over until their successor* bo duly qualified. 2. To fncilitnto tho organisation of the new State Government, tho following appointments aro made: 3. To bo Governor of South Oarol'ma, llobort K. Scott, Governor oleot, vice James L. Orr, removed. To bo Lieutenant-Governor, T.ornucl Hooter, Lieutenant-Governor oloet. to fill n vaeaney. To tnko effect July ff. 1.3118, on flic meeting of tho General Assembly of tho State of South Carolina. 4. Tbe District Courts of South Carolina having been abolished, the records of nil such courts will Ise transferred to the custody of tho Clerks of tho Courtl of tho respective Counties, and all unexecuted processes or other unfinished business of tho said courts will bo returned to tho Court of Cntnmon Picas and General Sessions, ?t the first ensuing session held to such County : and in liko manner the records, pnpers and public property in the custody of tho Clerks of said District Courts, shall he turned over to the in-coming Clerks of said Superior Courts and Courts of Common Picas. 6. For the purpose of organisation, the Couuty Commissioners elect of each County In tbc Plate of South Cnrolinn. shall, on the dsjrj?rovldcd by tho Constitution for them to enter upon flieir duties, or as soon thereafter as practicable, assemble together nt tbc Court House in each County, and elect one of their number Chairman, who shall thereupon request the retiring Ordinary In each County to administer the oath of office to tho said Commissioners; and tbe said Chairman of tho retiring County Court is hereby empowered and required immediately to administer to the said Commissioners, severally, the oath prescribed l?y said Constitution ; which oajh hnving been by them then ntv/l there taken niul subscribed, said Hoard of C<moty Commissioners shall be deemed duly qualified and inducted into office. 7. Until tho General Assembly of the Piste nf South Carolina shall expressly preseriho by Isw the duties of the Sheriffs, Coroners and Clerks of Courts chosen, or authorised to be chosen at tho eleetion held in said State on the 2il snd 3d of June, 13(13, tho officers so elected Khali, after qualification, perform tlic duties prescribed for said officers hy law under the existing Provisional Government of the State. 8. Until otherwiso provided by law. the Judges of Probate elected in South Caroline, shell perform the duties heretofore performed by Ordinaries ; and in respect to business up)?crtaining to minors, end the allotmont of dower, end in cases of idiocy and lunacy, and persons noe rnmftna >rrnti*, shall conduct their proceedings as far as possible in conformity with the rules and regulations governing tho practice in like cases, in tho Courts of the Provisional Government now nnthorixed by law to take jurisdiction of such business, and records and public property in tho hands ef Ordinaries, trill bo transferred to tbc Probato Judges. 9. In like manner, nntil fcthirwisc provided by law, the powers and duties of County Commissioners in South Carolina, sbnll include tho powers and dntivs berctoforo pertaining to Commissioners of the Poor, Commissioners of Roads ami Ilrldges, Ferries and Cuts. Commissioners of Public Buildings, and Commissioners to Approve the Bonds of Public Officers, and In discharge thereof said County Commissioners will be governed as far ss practicable by the laws und usages regulating the functions of tbc offices, the powers and duties of which arc hereby conferred upon them. 10. It shall bo the duty of each of the Boards of County Commissioners in Fontb Carolina, immediately after their organisation, to appoint a Treasurer to act until otherwise provided by law. who shall be required, before entering upon his duties, to enter Into bond to the Board, with securities to be approved by Iho Board, and in amount to he fixed by the Board, conditioned for the faithful iter fnrmnneo of hi* duties, wliioh bond shall t?o filed witb tbo Clerk of tli* Court for the Court, ty : ond such Treasurer shull safely keen and disburse #11 fundi" belonging to 'ha Hoard; and for lil* sersires shell bo allowed a commission, to to fixed by the Hoard, on all sum* received and paid awuy, but no commission or other foe ahnll bo allowed on tlio transfer of fon?< of the Treasurer from hi# predecessor, tior front the Tre##ttrer to hi# #ucec##<>r; nor alt nil tbe commission allowed to tha Treasurer, exceed the rate of two pe.r cent, on muncv# rooeired, and two per cent, on monoys paid way. 11. The Circuit fudges, who shall l>e chosen by tbe (ienernl Assembly, /hall, until otherwise provided by law, be authorized to c"vcrei#e In suite In equity hereafter commenced all tbo powers heretofore porfatnlng to Chancel* lor#, subject to rule# of procedure, to be fixod by Justices of the Pnprcine Court: and, until the adoption of ni?li r?ba, tho existing rule# of chancery practice shall ho followed. By command of Drfivct Major (Jcneral En. Ji. S. Caapy, T.OI'fsi V, CAZTARC, Ai"Wo-^amp, A. A. 0. Cowncras will press business rapidly as yw.setide during tbe rest of tbo session, and wit?p*t%*Uy adjourn by the ?ftfh of July, If Mr. elQXttna' new imioios of Impeaidiment do i.ol eansw fpither delay. The Ifon*p Impcaehn.cjit CnjnmHl ?1# rtill at work* . - "IHJIUL-." .-' WEDNESDAY. JULY 8. 1868. Democratic Convention in New York. The greet Democratic Convent ion ju?it on lli? 4Hi, ln>he fllr of New York, to nnmi n?te t?j4td|tt* for. Prestdent4?.andi Vice- , President. There wmi to l?? (treat enthusiasm ami .great con llileuce of aueeer* in electing the nominee. The Convention met on Saturday and appointed ,l\ S. > Palmeii, o' aM?consinj temporary "Chairman. A/JJowrtted to Monday, on wit Mi il?y,1fii> *i Bafto pkYMOOK, Ex Gov. of Now York, waa elected PWItdin't of the Con veil linn. t>up of the most ai^nlfloant eigne of success in that Judge Oil ahic has come out and pledged himself to support the Democratic Parly.? If Judge Cuask tnkca this position, who liaa heen so long distinguished as the foremost and purest U'.ion and loyal man in the North, and a staunch friend of the colored people, It will have a great infiueooe North and South, to put down the silly erv agninet the Demoomts, that Radical*, North an<1 South indulge iii. Judge Gnasn. the great Jurist and lover of the Constitution, and who lias aeted with the moderate R.-puh-' licaos. will not support, the nominees or the Radlcals-^gkaxt and Colfax ; hut pledg.-s himself to the Deinoeracy, whether lio la himself nominated or not. When elected President of the Cor^vdntIon, Gov. Seymour proceeded to the p'otform, amid great, and long continued clwer*, and returned Itia thanks, counseled mode ration, toleration ai d harmony ; sai l the , most important qnsations would he forced , upon the conaideia'ion of IhiaConvention? some of- these f reed upon it hy the reso'n 1 lions of the in'e Chicago Convention, lie 1 discussed bri. fly the Republican platform ; accused that party of violating its own , declarations against repudiation and unequal taxation, and thou assorted solicit trio ' for the soldiers and soldiers' widows and orphans; accused the now dominant party of extravagant wasting of the public mo i nies; taxing the national credit; expedit ing immigration by ? Ver-hut doning labor with taxation, and breaking down all constitutional guarantees of Republican liberty, lie denied the assertion of Ilia Republican Convention, that, the principles of the Do duration of Independence arc now snered . on every inch of American soil, for in t?n States ot the Uniou roPitnry power sup presses civil law. In the Soldiers and Sailors' Convention an address was presented, expressing no preference for a candidate, breaihinir liar mr>uy and confidence in tbe result. An effort to overthrow llie two thirds rule fnil.d. . 8 P. M.? A large number of resolutions were offered, and referred without debnte. Resolutions embusing Jnhnaon and applauding Chase on impeachment created applause. A reeolntion urging universal amnesty, with.-lit nnj exception*, wna unanimously adopt d. Adjourned to 4 o'clock. Mapsnrhnsetla and Rhode Taland will vote for CImIxc on the first ballot. Pcndte ton'a frit n 1* claim ISO rotes on the firstbnl'ot, It ia genera ly believed it will re quire 280, Clms*-'* letter lias been publish ed. Alluding to Si.ffr: g-' and oilier domes tic nffabs, after expro-fing himself ia favor of according auff-age to all cit.ix*-ns, Chase say*: 41 On Ibis question I adhere to my old State light* d-Ctrlnc. In the event of nominn'ion and sm ocss, 1 trust 1 should so ac' that, n itliar tbu great party which makes the nominntIon, imr llie gie?t. body of pnt.riotie cltis-ns wlman cooperation would insure Sticfiias. would hare eiin?e to regiet their action, it is an intense desire with mo., tn a< c the Dermvra'ic party meeting the question of I lie day in the spirit of the d' V, and assuming to ilsoll a long du latb'ti ot nsceiidi-ney. It can do so if it will." 8 1*. M ?The Convention adjourned at fi o'clock, without a Iixll t or | lnloi-ui. A special lo the Clint lesion yeicarv says: i Hon. .1. H. CatnpWII has ticeii inn.Is Chair- I loan of the South Carolina ilel.-gatioa ; (Jan. 1 Ilaiiii ton rut on the Committee on R-s-ln linns; lion Carlo* Trncy on CridiUiMh; Mr. Simps-w on Organization. week we shall be a'jle to ei*e more intere.-ling p>?rli*nliii>. and Ibc final re*n!t of ihe ballotitufs for eondidntes for tin* President and V;c -Presid'-iit. We w<ll not conjecture, l.nt eti'l think Pc?jl>:.trrox*it chances good. July Mootiri of the Literary Glob. The Cluh Old nl the house of Mr Thomas Cox, and were entertained with ? well prepared and very interesting essay on Voles noes, by lie v. Mr. Putter. Professor Lak. xBau a-so gave, in a very able manner, and discussed veihal'y the same subject? and on the breaking up of the meet leg at a late hour, the Clnb were much wiser on the I subject of Tolcanoes than when they met ? Professor Lixxratt to the opinion deduced from scientific principles, that the crust of the Earth, if there be a ernst, is one Ihonsnnd iniies in thickness, instead of forty, a* inferred by mnny philosophers whose oa'en'atiitns are fottnded merVly upon (lie theory of the progressive increase of heat the eailh is penetrated from lite snrfooe. Rut we have not spaee to enlarge on the very interesting di?ciiseion. Hew. J. L. Reynolds, T). D.?ITis Lecture before the Grconvtlte Literary Club on the Laws of Thought. * On the first Tuesday of this month, this distinguished and sec- mplislird scholar, e?> welt known as one of the Professors in the Month Carolina University, delivered a lecture ?>f rharntceiist ie ability befo:e the Greenville Literary Club A fine collection of the citizen* of Greenville were deeply interested and irst-nctrd by his piofonr.d and elonnent dissertation. Ttie Professor left the mofninp after the Lecture, to the, mgr.* of many. diMppointimr th?ir expeetatfon of a few? days of social intercourse.? The notice of the Lecture, prepared Inst week was nceubvtxiUj nfrlookrd. Col, 4. P. Tiiomas, of Columbia, who has lately distinguished iiiipaelf as a puliJie leader, and the able Editor rf the 1'hrrnix, is expected to lecture on next Tuesday evening. ? sees - Mill Burned. V*o sincerely regret to learn that our friend, Cox, Esq., residing about twenty-six Utiles below ( rcenvIWe, has suffered tbe misfortune of having his inill humcd, which occurred on the 2ith nit. \Ye hare not learned the Hall particulars, loss, dr., but it is supposed tbut lb" building was first robbed and af! forwards set on fire. This mill was of long Standing, having been U operation for about | thirty yoars. It is to l>e hoped that lj|c iqenn. diary v. ill be fcrrgiul V4t? iTsk i r OrMnvtft Fanala ColleRS QoturnprxseW?Addr**?^ttd?* Wo gtvo l*>li'W.tlie programme of the exerOUcj ?f lout WedniMidny night. flic ball wne filled niid ornwilnl, and bouutl.ul woman, lovely and pure, lent her charm* to enrich tbo occasion. Tbo '-nrmil mvl lhn.i|lwi"T* ? t"" equally delighted, and rupture fat upon every Countenance. One ayuld not autycy.ihe prof poet boforw hiui, witbbut hi* )ini<ghi?Uoti (litflng*to tRe realms oMho beautiful and good. The resiling of t^o composition., which iluFy was discharged by Oeneml C, ur. Mdfeur fqd perfVA** in; 4 ftyfe thut gnvo life to the different productions.? The subject mutter of flioso, tco, was hamlled In *0 Successful u way,'as evinced that those wllh Warn about to 'receive* Jiploiuas should therewith carty with thoih something more than a mere certificate of graduation, which was alike plonaing to every one.'' * " What time in her history rati be of ftiuro real interest to a girl that* the moment when she leaves the col luge, and eaters upon the duties of tile-?wboa she take* her place among the wbuictt of lira land? Thcro's none; and the spectator cannot but involuntarily turn up his heart for hia proscrration, on viewing the scene. ~ , <! ' '.( > It might appear invidious in our mentioning any single one of the compositions, where all succeeded so well, but wo ask pardon for snying that the production of Miss L.,11. Bosmtt, of Richmond, Vs., Tho Plcasuras of Literature." and that of Miss Sua MonTow, ?f Abbeville, "The Mission of tho RoaUtilul," aroro particularly happy in their conception ind expression, and which received marked Jttontlon. The musical exercises wore beyond description, the fuir performers showing an equal progress In lhl? elevating and refining science. Judge W. II: CAMrnait., who delivered the Annual Address lie fore the Oraduating Clitsa, made a muster effort, surpassing, we thinki any of bi? former productions, adding to his already very liigh reputation as a gentleman of mind aud li'.urary culture. We will not attempt, even, a synopsis of it. Those who were not present, sustained a loss thut none could well afford. . After tho conclusion of Judgo C.ursKti, President Jrnso.s presented diplomas to the different grnduntcs, after which he forcibly alluded to tho felicitous association* ill the institution of (lie tcnchcr* and pupils, and then feelingly t.ailo thciu farewell, invoking upon them every Mewing. ' ORDER OF EXERCtSES, FltVM. Song?"To Ore?M \i- <{|re ?>ur Stilnttip Jlln.l-(<S'm?o7 hy lh* Mrhftol.) Sulntatnry- Ad lrftM?(Afi** Proak*) Compostlion ? Ainliifion (.tf/u Emma Kar!f{ Gr-'ntwUte ) Composition?Th* Fmpress Jns-phinc.? (.Vint Katr Ittil'r, KJyffrU ) Song?" Enoch Ar?len.' ?(.!/?'? T, V Pinhit ] Composition?Our T<>il? sinl Our U< waris, ( Mf?* To It i flu Aixlrttrt, h'tly fid! ) Composition? Monuments ul Miiul.?(Mi*t E'tni'tt Ilrool * Ahtfnti/ta ) Umnphilinn ? Mcro?ilan?-nt? nn-1 Pompeii, ( Minx I.?n Mr tr foil, A bhroiUt ) V?'Ctil Duel?Th* M iy l'"H? ami the Flowers.?(Mix* A Slfp/mr l ami Mi** T. An tin tr*.) Coinpo-llion?The I'lcour'ii of Literature. (.1//** /,, .1/. H"'At, EichmonJ, !' ? ) Composition?Tho Mission of the l{?Aiiiifu[i (Mi** Snf J/or/on, AUnville) V.ilnlietory AMr< r??(Mi*s Lou Motion. Vocal Duet?" Wi.rji Nighl (hunts n'ee tlx Plain."?(.!/ ?? L. J}o*hir and M>** SI DrVor?) ' A.VIrcss?(//?h. IT. //. Camjtltrll.) Song, Trio?" l.ile has uo Power,"?{Mi* A. Slirppa, J Mim Mnry Mny/r, an J J'to/ J,jh :t*on. rnrsKXTATiOs < r miik'Ha#. IH'SM-UTIoN., ? Medical CoI'ck* of aouth Carolina, Tli?f Clurlfiittii paper* ptiiKniurc th< o' WiifrwiK Mn.wi ami Otn?oc^i fr.'in 11i*r Chairs of Anatomy and Surgm In this valwnldr Inriitutipn. ami the rite lion l>y lli? Faruliy anil Trustees, of Un Mlimi.mix Miciibl anil fiiown Trntiw, t Charleston, to fill tltyi'aees of the r-linii Professors Dr. Minuet.. ia Ilia eldest mil ? <?iir vrneraMo Irlluw tiliirn, Dr. Wi MicurL and la a gentleman of splendid lal nils and auj'rrl'T attainments. W? J.-*-* tlmt liia reputation as an author, a ?k|l|<i surgeon, and an arcomplwlird lecturer, i lint confined lo our country, hut ia p< knowl*ilg- <1 In the puMJcai'mny ?f lit Medical Savan* of Paris. \Vr congralttUt our lrtiiriieni.ui. on tlie deserved prvpmtio of Isis son. Our Right ITnud Men. The mcrohant erlls goods to fill hie eo' fare; the politician hsraneurs tlir mnlti'ud ao that lira reputation may extend far an Wide; and the farmer so as and reapa tin lie may have a farm to give wifh'tlie han of lii* daughter ; hnt lh< Ph^it'nm?lie ia that wO:k? lor ih- good f other pfoji Mir laltora are directed to the alleviation < tlx- petite of the tick end the el ranger. IS matter h"W lata In t V hfghl it it, call opo him and ha wilt AM a preacrtptlon for yoi ^aml even help row to awatlow it, > jihat you may furl pair patna no 1ong< TIiom who have over had Oceanian to de, with I>ra. Ilani.iro* ?t Ma?'HALI. Iboiggiii ami I'hyaieiann, a ill verify all we have ?ni ami more too Give them a call, and prot it. Kra?t their advertirrment. Tbo Amnesty Proclamation Come ft . ' ' ol i^uit. Otir reader* wili aee that Prctndi-nt Joii aON h?a ieetied fo'l pardon to everybody the South concerned In the late wnr. rxe the few peraona again*! whom proaertitio have heen eommeneed; JarrokmiN Dams of eoorae, excluded, with p?i haj>a a?>me hi dozen othere. The rVrrident had a f? days liefore ieaned a pardon I General Joarnt/t*na?4*?!t. Tlvrelanrtw end to all further nppreh?n*ioii* of proeer | tlona and eonflaeatinnA of land, exoept w i the very ? nil number slfis'y pr I We are rruHl gr.Ufl J In Jetaf ?bli to I hUO that tt?? Hoard of QommUfi oners of I'uhlie F.ducallo.i ho v? succeeded in making jj?rr?hww?it? with those excellent. gentle man and finished teachers, Professors Junnny And Patrick, to teach the Academic Department of our publie schools com tpekoing 06 tile fret )fonday ip Au&<wtj and we arc confident our citfarttta Wmrthw friend* of education generally will loin u* * ortf ..fKr.^ene; In then? ~ J 1 ' . IT** W* I rOM-WBI I AT. kick's SoliooJ, in the Gailiard School buildinn, b>r glf'? ?t the Female College und?r Professor JnosoK, in the tluilici of the Academic grade, which embrace Arithmetic, Geography, History, Orairimar, and tli? uaual course of ihe Academy. An adveilisemsnt, however, setting forth II particulars, will appear in due time. In their report, which we published last week, the Commissioners made one statement in particular which eTsry one in our nil.1st doubtless read with oonoero ; viz.: that out of one hundred and twenty-two pupils who have beau lu attendance during the 6rst quaiter of the school's existence, " nearly one half might have been unable to att-ud, but for this limelj and accessible provision lor their wants." In urging upon our people the very great utility of sustaining this institution, no greater argument could be pns-ibly used than the bare menlion of so important a truth. We Itopc the tiin* will never again he when sixty ohil* dren of lite Christian, intelligent and highminded people of Greenville will be liarred from the privileges of Inetruetlon. Without school*, the coming generation will gropa in darkness, and will coma far ahort of th ?t usefulness which intelligence and thought and truth gives?will not maintain the high place of those who have gnue he lore tin-m. Oreenville has taken a decided step in regnnl to public education, and It cammt be that.she will make a retrograd. ing movement. Every little child, It makes no diflf. renc* how poor?whether ita father 'ell nt Chicamauga or wasted away in a 1 dreary hospital?all can go and receive inI struction, and grow up a blessing and a | pride to family, Cltuich. Slate and country. Any remarks that we may ninke a'e not prompted fr ?m any knowing luck of inter* at in the I'.-ahody School by our cilisent? for they r K?'d all of their literary iuslitu . lione as of tlie greatest value to Ihe euun* try?till! tn in having been forcibly struck with tliih one item in tiio report of the CoinI ini'aioneis. Saturday Last. fnturdny last, being distinguished from other duy?1?y being tlie 4th, the Ndptonc Fire Company, (colored.) and their friends of the ) Town nnd environs, gave n pick nick, near the Aruiicmy Spring, at ve team. I<?ng be lore the tun had chased night awny, the , slumbering oitilrns. upon ejecting their hcoiii | out of their windows, could observe the asi st intling of tho picknickcra, and ore the dry had far advnneoil, the streets gave strong evidence of something more than ordinary.? Some of those in attendance came tta far as sixteen miles, and by the tiiuo they reached thi- Meec.-i. appeared, like true pilgrims, both ilu?ty ami linfl, We leirn that although a large nuaihet were in nttelulnnec upon tho tables, every thing passed o(T with good decoruui, not tbc slightest disturbance occurring, and ns they appeared agnin in the streets, their counton! mi res iudientcd the pleasure and recreation j they had participated in. Some of the leading members of the CoinI puny called on fleneral Kaalky, inviting hiu * to itinke ibetn a speech, whieh hp did, givinj ' thetn, as wc learn, inm-b good advice, endeavoring to im iilenlc In thetn wholesome ideas foi trioil1 future reflection. On their return, Int< In the evening, accompanied with a hand 01 music, cheer nftoreliecr wus sent np for him and upon rencliing the front of the Cottri 9 House, tbvy agnia called for General K., wh< raspotsled, ns before. After these remarks ^ wbiMi were loiiilly app!an<tr<l, call* were madfur M'm. II. 1'irht and Kwn. F. Stones Krqa. Tbo latter, only responded, whnsi j. remark* pnrto.ik of lira tons a* of the geatlo who bud preceded hiui. TUcy afterward. L | chIIwI for Mr. AllEV, stopping in front of tin poet ofliec. The Work Oo?i Bravely On. i> Tim friends of (lis Street leading fron >1 lit* ItaplL-t Cliurcli passing the residence o * Mr. J. Wiiitmisk to "ths upper bridge, o ' which we spoke sooth lime sine*, are sutii e i fie?l with the pr<?gr? se that ia Wing mad * | kith ilia work I hern. Conaiderabl " changes, which arc real improvement, hav already keen made, and the work ia elii going on, under Ilia direction of Warded f 8i tt> and McI>avid. The street has beei i sirai^htaned aad the Wd places filled u| * and send being pnt on top to make th '' j sidewalk. A gutter bus been opened o ll the east aide of the road, carrying the Wi ^ j ler to the elver. No part of the Tow 11 j t.?**d*d work more than thla, and ita effect S- j will be ei Joyed by the people generally.| | More am-ii. n Front the Colombia eoneapnndenro of th >' Charleston 1 tally AVws. of the 6th, wo got tk 'n foliowinir paiagraph* : r. . It has transpired that tfe mission nf tk nl 1 Hon. Charles M. Fnrmaa, who has reeentl ' gone to Kurnpe, is,for the pnrpoec of negotii . ling a loan for the State. It is believed Uu no win return w?n a minion 01 aonar*. r* 11 In iiniteravrnd that noon after tin innnp r-iinn of (inventor Soot I, a number of tin ii tiucnlial riiiteii* of the Stale will innte an a< drear, nilvining the peftfile to cooperato yil nt1 then in *H| |?>rtinK hi* administration. ? Tsxna Almanao for 1868. ]? Wo have r?r?l?fj from W. Rjo*ahd?On M Co., Itiilvuaton, To***, the publUht-r*. a ?o| I of thin Almauaa It contain* the rttj ma VIP ter iirt ileU by tho person who tnav with to | i)(. to that (treat tit ate. flee advertisement. (W **? T". I l Mooting of tho New Houth Carolina I,# 'or 1* latum. *n The I'hirnix of Timrjay, g{?ea 'pretty fi "i* purtintlitr* of the days' prort<-di|iga. iih Wo g vc the inoit hitirstiug '1(01111 from t s !t riiumix. This eminent and dtetDgulshed divine, Jiud Seeielarj of Feteigu M<ss*>n. of the ? PreebyfVtvft Chuneb, p^jKw TdhTl visit during the past week. On Saturday evening and Sunday iworwlag preached In < lh? l'reebyterian Church, a-sis t lug in th# 1 administration of the Uaerament, The J latter aermon was ;-d*l|vtrfd to a tymnd audience v|e received rou?)/ripo instruction from his lips. Ills text was 1 the good Shepherd," which he t'cated in a 1 style indicative ot Christian experience to. gather with- profound remrth. Had w? "1 the opportunity and spsee, it would well . repay our reader* foe us to call over some 1 of the leading potnta of the sermon, but i.i. L... ... a _:t ! ... >..i ti. ..n Vina w? h?t? mm wiaa urn vrinij nuu that lh?i4 who listen ml to him on this oc. i easion had forcibly, plainly and eloquently brought to tboir understanding lha ninny way* In which our adoi able Saviohr in the good Shepherd. >? .?-.i * Dr. Wil?>m wan formerly a Missionary in ( Africa, apanding aoraa twenty year* in that ( dark and benighted land, returning upon j the breaking out of tha war. , In tha afternoon of Sunday, he delivered quite an interesting address lo the Sunday School children. In which lie spoke of some of the incidents of his missionary life. Democratic lfaating at Hodges', 1th July We learn from gentlemen who were present that the Democratic Club mot at llooeas' on Saturday last, and a very respectable assembly of eitisens. Addresses were made by J. L. W astnouklaan, Col. Staplt Chittsjidk!* and Judgo W. II. Cawpbelu Tbo mooting was attended with the most happy results. Oqe hundred names were added to the Club, which now numbers 160, Included in these are many eitisens, who hare heretofore acted with the Loyal Leagues. But the penplo are finding out that trao Loyalty to a Conttitntinnnl Union, and to their own honor and interest can atono be promoted by opposing Itsdical ruin, and by sustaining the groat Democratic party, which has always been tbo supporter of liberty and the prosperity of the country. & vr ' Fnrman University?Don't forgot tho Meeting in tho Court House on nozt Friday evening. Wo hope tbe eitisens ef the Town and vicinity will tnm ont in full fovea to boar and consider tbe plans proposed fur sustaining rurinan university. no people are so mucu interested in every respect in the pcrinauonce ami prosperity of the Institution. It needs id, and as appeals for that nid will be mado in many places remote from Greenville, surely Grccnvillo should set the cxnmlde of doing all in its power, and so Incite friends oi tho Institution clsowbcro to liberal effot L In helping this Institution, tho people of Greenvillo pre essentially helping themselves in various ways, that every wenslhto man will comprehend wlthont specification. Educa* tionally, sodnlly and pecuniarily, and the ptuns that arc to be proposed, will bo liberal and not burdenajine to those who eontributo. ? * - ? Tho Weather, Crops, Salesday, Ac. Although it bad beeomo a little dry, yet the recent refreshing showers that bare fallen, remove all complaint in this way, aad all kinds of regulation sacra to b? in on excellent condition for growing. On Sunday lost about the middle of tho day, wa were favored by a fall of water that satuntcd the earth; but the suecocdlng hot sunshine, will not let it remain so very long. We understand that soreral miles above, and to tbu east of tho Town, ,abont the sumo time, a severe thunder storm occurred, accompanied with a heavy fall of rain, and ball stones of prodigious size, causing considerable damage. As far as our enquiries have gone, the wheat crop recently harvested has hardly been the half of that gathered last year; a few, though, say that theirs have approximated a full one. On eale-dsy, a good many persons were in the piaco from tho country, but nothing transpired furtbor than the talcs of the Commissioner in Equity, and the vendue of Mr. J. C. Cu.oe TV .. r.-llc?I.. ? IV. ..I I a a >miui a. u? luuunuv hid hjubw imjiunnoi * ralai of the Comuiiaflonfr: Clary Tract ? WIO; Brook* Tract, $810. Minutos of Prosbterjr of Booth Carolina. * W( have been handed a copy of tha minute* of the 160th and lAlat MMlone 61 the l'reebytery of 8onth Carolina, held at QreenwcNwi and Abbeville C. fl., commencing March 18, and elating April 22 18?8. From It we lenrn that thia Pieabytery baa diteolved the connection of Rev'*. 8. 8. Oaillaro nod J. 8. Wimhxk* with it, (both of whom formerly preached In thi* place.) three minister* removing from the 8tate: the flret to Macon, Oa., and the latter to Arknofa*. 24 minister* out of 28 were pr?aent, and &? ruling alders out of 68. A new church haa been organized at Abbeville Court Hou*et eoo'ieting of eix aiders, four deacons and fifty-six member*, to whiol* Dr. D. McNoill Tur.vx* haa hecn celb-d to (lie pastorship. W. R. Atxim*ox " baa been licensed to preach. Presbytery * ha* und?r it* eara two licentiate* and five candidates. The contribution* for the tfif#_? a l.a a - -f In L..* t- I i*r?:n? iiibcrtvie MI ? rviuyioij HBT? i'U?II smell. in eouecqnenee of the very hard k UmM? m ? -i Court of Squlty. Clmneollor Carrol baa keen holding the i. 9",ir' this week. U Wo have noticed the presence of several dlattnguuhed legal* gen tie men from ether Districts. Messrs A. ltrmr and Thomas Thompj. ror of Abbeville, and C. P. Sou.itah of Lauth rasa. Haw Flour. We return our thanki te Captain Jsaao K. A Starr for a email reek of new Floor, ground >7 at bte Mille, 14 mllca from tho Court Ilouae. t- Sea adaertiaaaiont. jo ?- ? Cbarlaatnn Dally Ifewi. Wa, thank tbo Kdltora o4 aba .Vtv for a (j. e,W "f tkolr daily Uaao, whioh they bar# roMitacnootl sending us, although the Tri III weekly always reontvod a eordial weleoiao.? Nooa of our Cba'ta^km exchanges can coir? be too often ; tho jn?r.? we ?ce of them tho better ic wc t a" ruined, aud lb.' muro we liko them. %'eir ?opiei, Jywli or#r ycnr lists Mr. O., iit?i torn that jw h??# not JropptJ some I)unit* that ovgfct t?r k A*rr. Coxo?*fv> Km pawed n KrTI (ogmlixlng a!) tonWoeta infJt la (nil; rather eofwrtiaK tlx ? lliey w?i< never Wffrt. A r??ol??Jlo* hmt&ftm lpa^O<fta fa* ten per wmt iw -A* <m?*? W Vnited 8t?t? Itoad*. an? ?U ?K* *?Md let h xcept one. -?U dlrided. tMT The' fceffort o> the Troeteee of the J Rt-idville Digh School* will l>? publUbed * next week. _ ^ __ . a -A Tor Ul feathers krttrpriia ) ' i .' !' n ?.? ? ?-4fr 1 (? ? ?lutj \. JSiwara, Editor*: WtmVy your loot ! no that o c,a? li made upon our cftisme to assemble at lb# Court Uonee on F ido r evening nan, ior u>e pnrpon or eon* ? > Ins plana for keeping the Furmeo Ui. ?a ? dty lo operation. ?, . We trust that this call *111 l^bt rtl'y responded to l?y our people. The ea- ee ;f education Wat all timet one of grea| I n portanee lo every people. To the'people of the South It is tat thl* time of paramount i m porta nee. Deprived of her Material wraith, and of nearly every means of attaining Influence in the affaire of State, it ia only liy the thorough education of her s>di that she ean hope to regain and maintain that position in the country which she once occupied. To tffect ihis end there ie no institution in the country better adapted than the Furmnn University. Ths course of study is thorough and' complete, the standard high, and the Professors gentlemen qf distinguished ability and remarkable energy and seal In their calling. To the business men of our community tliis c*ll especially addressee Itself. The prosperity of Greenville depends in a very great degree upon her schools; and upon none mors than upon the Furruau University. ' Let all, therefore, who esn. attend the meeting on Fiiday evening; and let all be prepared to eo operate most heartily in the plans which may be proposed. CITIZEN. - ?? - * The Legislature. FIRST DAY'S raouKKUINO* In compliance with the proclamation of G?u. 11 K. Scott, Governor elect, ths Legislature elected under tho provisions ol the Constitution adopted by the late ConvenHon of this State, assembled in Janr.ey's Hall at noon yesterday. SFNATK In the Sennit, in the abxneo of Hun. Lemuel Boozer, Lieutenant-Governor elwt, and ?x-oAWui Pmitl?nl of lh? Senate, M?j. D. T. Oufhin (Unil-d Slates Diatrlot Attorney) was csllisi to the Chfir. Tlx roll of Counties was then called and Senators answered and Were qualified. A naimanent organization was then effected by tlx elect)on of M?j. D. T. Corhin as President of the Senate pro Urn., and Mr. JosephuS Wooduff as Secretary. A resolution was adopted, inviting exProvisional Governor James L, Ore to communicate any Information he might have about the genoral condition of tha Stain. AImx, a resolution appointing a committee to inform the flottee lltat the Senate lia-l organized and was prrparit-g for Dusincrs. noitsa or zzraKtiEXTATivW. In the Iiouee of Representatives, Mr. J. li Jenks was called to the Chair, and C. J. Ktulhrand and T. K. Sosporlaa appointed Secratarie*. On motion of F. J. M"nea, Jr., 'the proceedings were than opened with prayer by Rev. J. 11. Adams (eoL) On motion, a Committee of Three was appointed to watt on Dr. A. O. Maekay.the President o? the late Constitutional Convention and request Mm to corns and administer. in compliance with the provision* ot that instrument, the oath of office to the temporary chairman of the House, wbieli was done, and the oath prescribed l?v the Constitntion was administered to Mr. Jenks, the blank In It, referring to the date of the rali|iealloa of Iks Constitution, being filled by the insertion of the word*, "the 14th, 15th and 16th days at April, IMS'* After considerable debate on the aahjeet, a resolution was adopted, to call the roll of Counties and swear in as memhara those who answered to thsir name*, presented nroner credentials ?nd nnald ft.?? they were not disqualified from taking their sent*. V?y rvaeon of the aerations of the Constitutional Amendment, (Article 1 XIV?commonly oelled tho Howard j Amendment.) < ^ The delegate*' who "presented themaclrca I from Andrraon and Lancaster Dlatrteta were asked to gtaad ealde Tor the present, as U?o Uoeae received pro tea tc again at thalr taking their acuta. ' On Motion, the IloBae proceeded to tke B?nInntldn of a Speaker. VT. J. MeKlalay nominated V. J. Mow, Jr. W. M: M'blppcr nominated It. B. Elliott, a colored man, seatalning bla nomination In a langtkjr apeeeb, la wbleb be eatd tbat be parpoaetv nominated a colored man, beeaaiee It was high time one of hta color should be balled to eome petition of honor?the offleea bar* ing heretofore been invariably given to white men, on the pretext of nolle/, end that they bad fallen into tho hanae of many who were inoompetent aad Ignorant; that Klltott was aa good a man, Intellectually and otherwise, for Speaker, aa Moeoa; and that If the Republican party could iiot venture to put black men in ofltec, but mnat content itself with Interior white men, it naa lime It shank) fell to the ground. _ _ .; Tbi* created a great deal of animated debute, daring whioh, at 3 o'clock, tba Hunt* took a reoo** aixtl ft o'clock. * ' i*i KMMI* r i< ? At 5 o'clock, the House wu called to order, MiiP after tome prelim in arte*, proceeded to ballot tor Bpeaket, with the following raantt: P.J. Mo*et,Jr.,, received M rote*} R. B, Klllott, 32; J. H. Jetik*,4; A. J. "Rentier, 2. On being eondvefed to the Chair, h? a com* mlt toe appointed for that pnrpoee, Mr. Mote* returned thank* to tb? HanM for tba dUtlaKlahed honor whict^ had been eanferved upon n, and, firing a brief reriaw of the.eoneeqaeneee of the lata war, *atd, that, whlHt he oong ratal* ted the member* a poo the feat that they constituted au *f*einbljr which repramti cd tba right* of all man, Itmtekdf of the eld artateerancal and oligarchical element* of (be State, he hoped Unit they woatd be governed by wiwbnn ami moderation, nhd act with alt ; eye tingle to |he welfare of the whole peoplo of the whole Uteto. " * A reaolulitm wh* adopted, Inviting e*. Governor Orr in tend to the i)"UN **r inform ?? b-n he inltfbl have (n iofer<nrq to the eoadltlon of the Athte. "v j An ad|uurnn a it w*? made to Id o'clock tbfe | ?<i:nlu^.- /'A<*i?i># JiA lifi, a ? 4