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Tho Ghost Robber. \ '>11 a !'*? evening, iu the spring of ? t ^ ?U, h '? ranger, mounted on n noble t . |<ir r hor<?. p*n?ed *lovrlr over tlie c mow while ldn**t<m? road lending I th"?nrjh the Hiark Kore?t. Jiut ?a the inn wa* going to rent f^r < the dtv, when the gloomy shadows were I beginning to rt?lk, he drew rein, as he i ?nM : " Thi* tnmd he near the ?pot, itirelv, < I'll Mop hero, anyhow, for a while, nnd nee what t can leam."' lie thereupon dismounted, and enter* ed <he parlor of the inn, where he rat <! i'vii beside a ?mall table. J* Mow imm I nerve you, Meiuhetrf" aid the !ati?!lord. ? " See to u?y homo, outnide," replied the guest. carelessly, but at the name time eyeing the landlord from head to foSi; * and hi -no lino name wine? Rhine will do 4' Tlio landlord was mining to with* draw fr?iin the Mmi'S* *'* presence, when he erooned. and miu : " Which way, M*i.nlieer, do yon travel f" "To Nanvladt," r? the pnest. "You will re*i lien* tnsn'ght, I ?ups pose ?" continued the landlord. "I v/ill^May Item lor |na or throe hour*, but I must ihen lx? oil", *0 aa to re ch my destination there in the morn in p. I ,im a g"ing to purchase lumber "for the market." "Ami yon havo considerable money whli von, no douht-t'' a-Led ilie landlord. innocently. ' Yea. eon-iderable," replied iliegue?t, sipping at hi# win* diftimareatedlv. ** Then, if you'll take my ntfyiea." ?aid the landloul, "you'll stay heifc till xnorn iog." " Win f" replied llie stranger, look ing up cuiion-ly. " HecauM*,** whispered the landlord, looking ucouftd, as if he were dj-elo-ing n great aeeret. mi.I was afraid of being beard by tooiebody ".every man that paste* over the road between this and Xaristadt, for the last ten years, has been robbed or murdered, under very singular circumstance*." " Wbat were tbo cirenrastances ?" a-ked ibe stranger, pulling dour, his glass empty, and prepiuiig to till it 1 again. I " \\ hy. you sec/Mho landlord ?imi( i on. while Iio approached hi* guest's t* tile and took a Mrft, " I htun spoken with several who have been ? All I could learn fiom thorn ?, that they rerneml>er meeting, in the louo i some part of the wood, something thai i looked white ami ghastly, nnd that | frightened their horses so that they. I either run awav or threw their rider*. < They felt h chek ng sensation nml a t i-nio'helium, and finally died, a* they thought, hot awoke in an hour or so to 1 find tlteinsehes lying by the roadside, > l?lied of everything." I "Indeed!" ijaetilated the stranger. ktiig nhstiHCterllv at the rafiets iu the I ?ding. us though ho wa? iioue intent t flpm. eoun'ing th< in than he waa inter? ?1111 in the latidlotd's storv, j 'Die into keeper looked at him in a< . toni- iiitti'tit. Sneh pstfecl otnitners lie , hml not witnessed fur a long "Von will remain, the:.!' suggested . the lamiloid, after waiting some time lor his gr.est to speak. "II' erieil the slianger, slatting f.etn ^ hi* fit of abstraction, as though lie was j. not sure that ho was the person add re?.* ed. "Oh! most ceitaydy not. I'm goir.g straight ahead, ghost or no ghost, ' I.. .O.l.l " o IJ m ! t' ?t 11 hour lidor, the stranger and " a guide, cull (I Willulin, w>ro out on w the rn:ui, going Hi a pretty round imcc toward* Nanstadt. y I>uti?g n tla-h rf lightning. 'he !i strangei observed that hi- guiib looked 01 verv uneasy about something, and ?va< t-l.wkeiiing his horde's pare, as though M lie intended Jo diop behind. I ? " Lend on,"ctied the stranger; "don't i |,. be afraid " |,j "I'm afraid I cat not," repli. d the j? person nddrH.-t>ed, continuing to hold hi- >,j itoise in until lie was now at I, a-1 a , ,? length behind companion. "My j ,|, horse is co a airily and unmanageable in if, H thunder stniin. If you will go on. (], though. I thit k I can make him follow j close enough to print out the road.1' . The nranger nulled up instantly. A , trritgo light gleamed in his eves, while j , l is hand sought j,?is breastpocket, fioin , which he drew ?< inditing. 'I lie guide ^ saw ihe movement, and stopped. ' "( Hides should lead, not follow," said il?c *'ranger, quietly, but with a < (i ti'inuess which mined to be <**ceed- . ingly unpleasant to tlie person addressed. | " ImiI,'* faltered I be guide, " til)' horse | ^ won't g' ? ** j ,1M "Won't lie!" queued the stranger, . with mock .simplicity in his lone. The guide heard a sharp click, and I saw something gleam in his compnn ' ion's right band. He seemed to under stand perfectly, for he iinn cdiatelv j nj drove bis spurs into his horse's Hanks, j and shot ahead of his companion, with- i out atiotIter word. ' n'l lie no sooner reached his old p?<*i J 4(>1 Men. however, than the stranger saw 1 |t,H bim oive a sbarn turn to Ih? utrlii ?,n.l I n i - r? IfM luii disappear, as though he had van I i-hod through "Ik* foliage of llie lice" (lint ikirted I lie road. . Ho hoard the clatter of hi* horse as ,j|f ho galloped t ft. NVnliont w ailing ?? jj|. ir -? instant, he touched hi* home fight cn| ,> v* i h i ho teine, goo him n prick with (,f In- rowt U, and <11 the itohle ninnial j f(||| slatted liko iho wind ill the wake of iho ,|,fl filing guide. i p?j The Mi anger'* horse being much *u- ' lini potior to the othci, iho race wiw a ?h<>rt orV <uio, and terminated by the guide lie- Sol t'i thrown nearly from hie aarldle by n life n.avx hand which wae laid upon hi* rim biidle, stopping bim. 1 the TH 1 i~ lie lurn.'U in l??s seal, beheld U?? tranger'a f.?ee. d*ik and frowning, and rembled violently as he fell the smooth, old barrel of ft pistol pressed againsi ii? clu-ok. 44 Tliia cursed Iwasl almost ran ???) ailh ??e," cried the guide, composing himself as well as liu could under the circumstance*. " Yes, 1 know," raid lii* companion, dryly, " bul mark my word*, young man, if your horse playa such tiick* ngnin, he'll lie the means of eiiousl} injuring hi* master'* health.*' i iit?v 00111 turned and cantered nacic lo the road. When ll?i*y mwIh'I it again, and tinned the head* of their animals in (tie right direction, the stranger said to hi* guide, in a touo which mnm hare Convinced hie hearer ns to hi* earnestness: " Now, fiend Wilhelm, I hope we understand each other for the reel ol the journey. Yon ara to continue oc ahead of ine, in the right road, widioul swerving either to the light or left. If I ece you do anything suspicious, I will drive a brace of hulleta through jolt without a wotd of notice. Now push on.* Tho guide had Marled a* directed, but it wa.> e?idem, from hi* nitltieiing. iiint he v.a* alarmed at something he .-idea I lie action of hi? follower. In the meantime, the thunder had increased it* violence, ami tlie (bodies of lightning had la come more fuqtieni ami nimo Minding. For awhile the two horsemen rode on in silence?the guide keeping up In* ilireciion* to the letter, while hi* follow er watched hi* every movement, a* a ra' would witch a mouse. Suddenly the guide stopped and look ed behind him. Again lie henid ihe click cf the s'.rnrger's pistol, and saw hi* uplifted arm. " ilnve inner, Memheei," lie gmnn ed, " I dare not go on." "1 give you three second* to go on," replied live stranger, sternly. "One!' "In Heaven'* name, spare," imploted tho guide, almost overpowered wi'h fear ; ' ha k before me in I lie load, and yon w.ill not bUinr me." The stranger looked. At firs', he *ni? - nnelhmg white standing motionless in tlie centre of I lie roar), but presently a flasl '?f light,ning lit up the scene, and ho raw ' at the \* Kilo fioniro vvh* ii.deed gbn-tly jn.d fi'ghifid enough looking 10 chili :iio ' x>d the .veiu* of even ibe brnve?t in. ' 'M ,LIo.k| chilled for m iiioiik !?. heiefore, ii ?ns n??i through nnv fe?r hat ho fill for hi* jhfttiily in'eicepier, fo. !*? next inntnni lie ?et his. t**o<h < ?.?i wu ' > Jm whinper I'd ju*l IcmkI ('iirui 121i to l>e Jienid by hi* eriormiricken guide: " lie it imill or ile? i!!?lide it ?lon<n I'll follow. Two !" W illi h ciy ?f dffiiir upon hi* lij>? lie guide lirgc.l bin home folll'utd lit ho top ?if hi* tpcod, qouklv followed l>3* ilie niutnger. Who held hi* pi*t?.| rcwlv iu lii' hand. In another iti'fnnt iho guide would iiup ui'i'ii1 pn*i the d i end fill npof, I u r it lint in-(nut' ihe upon of a j-i'iol at H through ilie dm k fbro*l. and ihi 11auger henid a bono- gallon t ff 11:rough j be wood* rider le*?. Finding hinurlf nb-re. d o *trni g-r! abed Ion pik'cl, to< k deliluua'e a'ni n' lie ghostly murderer, nnd preyed ?? ? ! nger the wigger. The i ppaii'i.-n approached quickly, nil in no hostile attitude. Thestmog r kImvim) bin band. At length the hor-t ?Hilr???| liim in a voire that as am tiling but ?e;>u!ebral: '"llere, W'ilhehn, \e move out of| on- peirb*thi> minute nnd give me a I i Ipiug hand. I ve bit lie game while I [I I he ? il p, hat en'l I I" The attnncer waa nnti-pltt*eed for a i lonu'til ; huh recovering hitn*e|f, lie rumbled aoiiieihing unintelligible, ami ! apod to ihe ground. One wn>d In i* Iowa, nml tin' brave animal .lood ?tf*2tly nil'. Hy tlio?nnw-? li|i( (ton nga on iIia would be cbo^t be *** *t enabled to grope bin wev in the iik towmd that individual, whom lie iiikI hi tiding over a black tint**, about e size of a man on the road. A* tlie ligAt pounce* upon hi* prey, e Mumper leaped upon the .Cooping jure la fine him, and boro il to the ootid. ' I ano>t you in the King'a name,** iedjh? eiraeger, pra- ping hi* pri-on V>r t^woat vnd holding him tight. h|tjfclHlrr f t until I have yon pmp hHMVttrvtl, end I'll m nd t our entil to Thifrwa* elicit nn unexpected furn of iii?, that the would he gim.l could i i*?11V believe ids own aenaea, and wa* i iiidctiffi'd "tul at tipped of hi* dagger i d pistol before he found lime to < enk. I " Are vcu not Wilheltn !'* he ak?*d 1 " N<>, laniMoid,*' teplied the indit idti < addicted ; I am not, I'ut I am officer of the King, at your act vice. pnrrini rliily, to ?lo what 1 have to* jht accompli li???I. Your precious j l Wilheltii. w ho you thought r a* fling an innocent ?liwp to ihenlangh ( . lie* ill the road, kilted by hi* fa* ??'? hand." , Two w eek* later, at Itnichaale pi i*on. linden, ihe landlord of the eigo of l>eer and the Ghoet Robber of the ^ tek Forest, who was die tame identi perron, having been proven guilt) uum*ion* fienditdi minder*, and art (| ly eontiived rol.berian, committed at IVent time* in ilie lilack Forest, d ilia penalty of bi* ciimva by lelg fall hi* bead from the eieoution* i axo; sine* when, traveling through d iwartzahl ha* not been ?o perilous to n and purae, nor haa there been seen n r Ghostly Knight of the Road in ?*' t section of Ihe world. t* 8 0TB SB R Worn*. ,< >*< T>r. Benjamin Utinh, ebnpt one hundred yehrn mmle n eerirt nfexperi tnente upon i-nrth worm*. *hWi hf fr'Aeidered morn nearly nljlf^! in Itmny chnr tcViimio* to thiiM which coin* j monlv Jnhnhtt the nlinientftry c:in?| of children then hot other, with ? vk* to iwt the!r power to r?Ut the in {fluonee rf thoso *uhM?ttice? which might be owed n? worm medicine. The InlJe containing the number of bnurt end minute* the worm* Jived when tin merged in different ?hb?tftnce* fill" ?* ernl p*ge.<, and ?? have no rjuirt to I print it entire, but the le**on it tei\che* I ie outs not v?.iy well learned by three I w|to hnvft the erne aad trentment ofebil dr*n. It i* thin: 'Hint theee worn.* lived cf?en q'lite at long in MthelMiree which mo known at poison and f^'ul to nnimnl life, as in aub?tanrea perfectly, inocuou* end fit for food. For inalauce. in wate.ry infusion of opium they lived I 1 minute* ; in infu-ion of Carolina pink root, an minutes; in nit infusinn of tobacco. 14 minute*; nnd in rlnrtU wine, 10 minute*; while in n wntery in ftt?ion of white arsenic they lived two hour*. Now. nil of these *nl?*t?nce* nre ntote or !? ** pin-onou*. nnd produce in*' juMuun effect* when taken into the atoms nch. N it*, the fo *h juices of ripe frui' n?e not |Mii?otiyn*. 'but wholesome, nnd vet, no the following figure* will show, they prove even more fatal to win in* than the snb-tancen mentioned above. For instance, in juice cf red chertie*. worm* died in 6 minute* ; l.faek cherrie* in 5 minute*; red ent rant*, in 3 minute*; goosshenie*. in 4 minute*; wltortleheniv*. in 7 minute* ; ra*ph?r rie* in 5 minute* ; plum*, in 13 minute* ; peaches, in 65 minute*. From the e experiment* l>r. Hush aigued Ilint fresh ripe Iruit. of which children are very find,ate the mo*l *|>eedy and effectu? , ill poiaon* for worm*." In practice, thi* tlieorv ha* proved eorrvet. Those childien who eat freely of good fruit have generally a rnin-li nuue vigorous null ?I *?? c nditi<>n of tlie digestive tutnai, and wprnia rarely trotihie them. The prao ice of |">i?owtiig woini* hv an I lie Itititi c medicine*. while it may ki.l the cea'iir? *, ;.|*o w eakeii* ?he digestii e 1 apparatus, ami thus invite* further at* 1 tin k*. The h**t treatment one th*t invigora'o* ami cl*nn?>* Air, >i rci-r, and wli'dcaouie food are th'J be-1 worm medicines. While on *.hi? Mil j cl we mav appro, piiately notice a new rermdv for i*|hi? worms linn tinned l>v 1 )r (I l> (\>m. -took, in the St. Louis Medh-nl Invest!(jswir, uhn-h goes to move 11)'it worm* of vaiioiij kind* may he rtnm?e?l without rKouno to auhstanrea whivh produce poi-onoii* niii! ifju now til upon tItn lunn-n hotly. Dr. 0. s?y* : I c. *Oc two * ears since. a nrw rriiifdjf I for i *>ewo:iu? was Inoilght t<> ih* iui. i .ice't oliv-irMti in liavnri.i. A |wn*. jam n. *n. Qr>l to him having p*-*id j h lapewt. it *fter eating coc-itnut rind and | lie* CO '* '? of till* sheil, Mild spoke of it h? h e>n. '? "Uiedy f?r tM|>ewmiu*. Of coots* tin m*. *' * 'k- pii* eal. i.rd naiuuilly 'lo'tght the 1 j 'p ll'eltl of Ml. It n I leaf*. 't it>pio*l flliM III I mroH ?v on id mil,or tcB*. to promote the growth or ln^ritn, in-tead d * ''''K ill-ill. lie, Iiomi V'-r, t tilt I i?, . ?)?! loUiiit i: really iff"riu?l in es,.%cl''ng :he?e parasites, A notice of this fa*."' * J reed in tin* Ctiinittal j?eitiitig. hiiJ silica ' tl.Ht time I have < xpei itui'tiled with the cocnaotit in similar c**<*. In one e?*e, j a Imlv, I'.oiJ fif v two vrnri, lim| been out ofln a th for j e?n, when at l.i?t tlie ( xisience of a tapeworm wu? mi-j.toted. < The coConnut ivm preset ilyd and enltn I * freely for I ivo day*, to the exclusion of a.I n oilier fiMwl. The result w*s the exnul* ?io|i i f a iHpew.inii fifij f.nir f el long Ilia ladv enjoyed ?o?hJ health *1 er this. 'I luce other instance- c one to unknot* lodge of fi tends of this lady, who, liearing of lliu i tlrcla of the cocoa nut, ~ took the same iciuedy, and each one j vcided a fspeworin. . I ?? i A tnM).in)tt Voting peddler made love to a Ln.vmi wi>low. lie aeeota ^ pai i d his declaration with an atiusion to two impodirncma to their union. I ' Name thein," said (lie widow. "The want of mean* to set up a retail atorc." i it**v parted, and the wri?b?w *>< nl the (-e?l*II?*r ample means When tliey J met again, the peddler liml hired anil stocked Itik Mine, mid the uniting f.ii * lie begged 10 know the other imp<-?li \ inent. " I hate another wife," cried the K Dot ion dealer. An kxciiakok tell* a atnry t<f a di?- * r.onstdaiM widower, who, 0:1 feeing the icmains of hi* la*t wife !owerea into the grave, esclamed, with leant in hi* ,h i*\e*: " Well, I've lost glove*?I've ^ lost umbrellas t e?, even cow* anil 'ionr>, but I never?no never?had inything to cut mo liko I hi* !" " Manorhv, what did yon do with ? he tallow thai Mr, Jotie* greased hi* root* with today ? r| " I'lea-e tltaiin, I flicd lliO gtiddle J like* with it." I,t| " Lucky for yon, I thought yon had rei lasted jl,* . * 3 M ^ r m i A man traveling in Europe. <te efng a?ked if tie had seen Mount Ve iivius, replied ; " Vee, I saw her i|>outiiig awa?, and J nade up my mind we mu*t have a nouotain jart like her near Cnicagu." A maidkn, who had uttered iom? ^ iaappointtnen'a, thu* detine< the hit < lan race: " Man?a conglomerate ^1 nara of hair, tibaccr smoke, confusion, onceit. and hoot*. Woman?the wai tr, perforce, of the aforesaid animal." > "g i T g B 9 lVr"iiidea?r*y?ipethy m+* ? one. ft? had been trying tQget Bndg? 1 ?t to give liiiti ii parting idee. Finally, ?- ? Urn report, he turned ?w?v, wWi ? . goodriir% Biddy. < Sard ne ye Haven't env fvinpmliv for IM, ?t all,' et nW." * Sympathy, in it! An what do ye mtne l?y that, Patrick I" * C-'ine here, Biddv, en I'll l>e eft her ' telling vie. Whin I love ye ro that I'd ] like to bite a pieee out of yer ewate cheek. and ye tele ?o if ye'd like to have me de it?that.'a tymnet by, be j-ihlrere." ** Ah. Patrick, ture re know me 1 wakenee*. Take piece: be sure an < lave it, ao that ye md lake it egata wen ye comu.** * > % %-' % I * I sat, Mr. Pilot, ain't yon going 'o 'art m>.i? !" mhI a ntrvoua traveler on a dinIxmi lying to during a fog. ' Aa *oon a? tb? fog oleaie up," rt? plied the captain. .a WVIl. it's alarligbt now overhead,n aid the man. ''Oh, >**! Dut wa are not going that *A." Tiik Kan?aa people have found a way to circumvent the graasbopper*.? It eonidsts in tnrning ahaep upon the lirat to eat it down, ao that when the imec'a e<>ine and And nothing, they leave in riirgtiat. The wheat recova.-a from the feeding of the sheep, but if g adioppera go over it they lake root as , well as Mock. A no a roiko rtccaic keeper in UufTa1o, who died a few daya ago, left a hand some legacy to one of her boarder*, whore only claim to her favor was that lie never found fault at table. lie de reived Ida rewaid. ' Dn. want* lo know if you'll please to pay tliia bill now !'' Old gentleman looks over the itema, and repilea : " Tell Or. ??? I'll pay him for his medicines, and retflrn his visits." Fiohtsf!* hundred emigrants arrived in New York on Saturday, seven hundred of them from Bremen. W. II. HOVEY, DEALER IN ?AHCT AID SVAHa mv nnnns MAV * VI WA/M) Qjnrj GSDCTi wlSSB UMH'l.n reepaef fully Mil lh? ulUnlion of Ilia old (inimnert, and the public Ifenerallv. and the UHln in pnrtionler, I* liia I rue Mii?l carefully selected SOT OF SPOIIi; ASB SOKES; eonatalina. in part, of , Figured Grenadine*. Kntelltli ilrrrrt.Client 1* |? iua. Figured Mnsiioa Plain 0?l?rH Laurna, Plain C< dined O.Nmlirrva, White and > t'u'oml Tnrllnoa, 1 I'.nin and Figured 1 Swieaea , ' Jaconets, Mii'I and Nmnieok Mut'ina, EJ^injjr and Ineertinga, Ribbon*, Gloves, Fancy llandkerrliiefa, T.nve c Veil*. Cra|m VrHa. Silk ami Cotton '.iuee, i ItiHiiUdni't, American Print*, Mutton*. Trimming*, lUaek and Colored Velvet*. k-'., Ac , Ac. Alro, Wall Paper and Dor' i.ig. ? A LABOR LOT OF iATb, CAPo, SHOES, ANO REAOY-MADE ] CLOI HI\G, cntlenien'a "nrn uMng Good*. Homeapnn*. 1 thirling* SheeJng*. Tickings, Towrlinga. nd many other A."''0'*". lo? numerous to ] nentjon a IfT I da not imtmd ,'C b* tmdrrmM Jg\ f Co nr. one and all. and tx.'mii ^ toy Stock ud prices, before buying ela?>rH*r?. 1 W. H. HOVt'Y. April 15 47 >f y im m usiuia mmirji OF 11ARTFORD, CONN. ? )RGANIZED 185O. m B ' P 2. A. BIMiLEY, PPrt'l., c, T. O. EROEHI, Scc'y. ci tr Pvt VITIKXDS for (be laat Ire year*, Mpw 8i \J coat.; Receipt* now onr $560,000 per I* luMth. o. of Pdlciea iaaued in 1M7,,. ?.?|5,55t V mount iinured an seme $44,904,072.00 tu act# Jen. I, 1907 4,401,833.96 eccipt* fur year ending Jen. '60, 6,136,447.34 on CI $6,631,281.30 ,id claim* hy death, $613,881.50 II other eipenaes, 1,478,787.35$!,693,608.86 $7,638,012.36 ,b POLICIES leaned an erery plan need by all *" o old and reeponeible Com panic*. P* JT-4r~ I ranch 0?ce, 262 Broad Street, , EOL'STA, OA. CHA8. W. HARRIS, Manager. nnwrn a wnnTnr?n*A? ? - ? .. wntnuiuiuii, a gen: j, o?nrille Ditlrkt, bouth Carol but. Me/ 1.1 61 ?m - *h< arirz & Tailoring- m. "*HK Siiheerlber r.?#po?tftiMy Inform* hi# tfj L friend*. and the p'iblio in general, that * " I heaitli t^i?g In a meaaure re*U>red, will ] ??? n bn*lnean mrain, Ha *MI CUT, \KK. ""d REPAIR ?H Garment! for p . i:ilrm*n. on rraannahla term*, for c??A er j I"try pn.iimc*. W|i| ha found at hl? reel- g0( nee, eorner Mala street, ?p|>neU? Ilia tar aril p.etory. GEO. B. DYER. I (Jremvillf, A. C., April 0th, 18*8. we< Aj iil 8 46 8m > FOR SALE, OWEAP, j W OKE LIGHT TWO ? ffiSSRPi!,^* 0A?- ^ iNK llANlfet/ME ONK HORSK CAR- | , AGK. loth III elegant order. Enquire of -mi JULlUrt CI SMITH, or DAYIJ> A ?TK-tl>LKY. C Ipril IS <7 If X ??? I?I III' .! .?!,,-in Ij .i 1 RiSS o . uti i. -ici. i. . ===== PHIl^LPML^HIA PBIVKHBITY MEDICINE AN*D BtJRGERY. J Vm(/n( AftrMMM 0rgan<*td 1848. Cl?r> ttfd 6jf Hjntiml JfM o/ Ltfitiatur*, Ftb "**' ' orrtrm t Prwirltnt ?J. 8. Fiafcar, 601 Ctnamift. Ki>?- /VmiVmI.?R?t. W. J. p. Ingraham, 607 Franklin HI. TVaoawrar.?W. Paloa, M. D., Vlinnltr Building. CnrrtmpomHiof Strrwtnrj.?K. Mttipr, B?q., ,V?1.W. Pain*, Ms D., Ualvevuity Building JMivt'lmr.?J oh a O'Bjtim, Eaq., 114 * ! ?? BtTMU POUR SESSIONS OP LECTURES ANNUALLY. The flrot Section, commencing Ortohtr tat* an<t continuing until December J7?h? erat.racm Anttaar, Phyelolngy, Materia Medic a, Prattle Obatetrica, Prietlral and Demon tratire Anatomy. Military and Plaatio Bargory. Pathology, DlwatriofWoaia and Children, Dlaeaoea of the Eye and Ear, Clihicel Medicine and Surgery, Medical Technology, Medical Juriaprudcnee, Writing, Drawing, Book-keeping and Ckomlrtry. The aacoad Beeeion ooeamenoea on the Int Tueeday in January, and conilnnea oal(t the ret of March, embracing the eatne tranche* aa the firet 8 cm inn. The third Sou ion commence* the ?r?t Wednetdau In March, and eontlenee until the Ayt of July. The toarth Seaelow commence* the firvt of September, and continue* until the flrat of October ; there being a mention during the month* of July and August. The third and fourth Suasions, eon*lltuting tha Spring and Pall BcmIooii, embrace the following Studio*: Surgical, Miornecoplc, Pa hologieal, Descriptire, add Demonatratir* Anatomy; Plastic, Military, and Operative Surgery; Analytic and Organic Cuemielry; Pharmacy; Materia Medic*, Including Practical Botany ; Ohetetrlca, and Dlecaaa* of Women and Childnu; Comparative and Human PhyaMogy; Auscultation and Percussion; Practical Instruction* lu tb* Use of the .Microscope, Laryngoscope, Stethoscope, Optbalmosenpe, Auroscope, and Iiliiuoacope j slvo Practical Instractlons in the Use of the Speculum, Catheter, Bougies, etc., and Practice of Medklne and Pathology ; Clinical Medicine aad Surgery; General and Special Technology; Ilouk-Keeping; Writing; Drawing; and Clinical Iwetruetioa la the Urn of Atomiser*, Nekuliacrs, Hypodermic Iuleotious, ? ... ?m %?vuy *iv>| ?1C. REGULATIONS OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. fw< far owe full meres of Lertnrrc, <0, or far n?t Ntaaiam 970. Jfntrimtatiag Ticket, $>.00. Jtcmoactrmtac'c Ticket $10.1)0. QvAiincATioaa.?The rtqniiitH for Graduation are la* tall ceurret of Lecturaa, and three yeara study. Scaoutaaairs.?-Tor tba parporo of aiding worthy young men to ahuin an bonotabla pro'eseioa, tba Trustees Issued Scholarships, which entitle the holder to perpetual privilege# of tbe School lor 976 for tbe Oral eoaise Students, and $00 to aeeond cntssse Students,? Tbe advantages of Scholarships are : 1st. Tbe atudent holding a Hcbotandilp can enter the Crllege at any tiaao during the leeturea, attend ? knag ae be ehooees and re. 1 enter tba Institution aa frequently aa dealred. 2d. It requires no preeioua reading or etndy to enter tbe L'nirersity on Seholarrbip; beace all private tuition feee are aared. S.I. Students, by holding Scholarships, can prosecute other buaineaa part of tbs time. 4tb. Tbe candidate for graduali??n can pre. sent himself at tbe'cloee of either the second c,r fourth aeealoa of leeturea, and will revive hi* degree ae soon as qualUsil. Mb la sase a Student sheaid hold a Scholarship, and not l>e uhl* to- at Dead Lcetaaea, it ran be transferred to another, thus proveatioy any loss. museum. The Mirrenm is one of tbe largest in the city, embracing a fine collection of Anatomical, Phyalolagiral, Pathntagieal, and Zoological preparuti 'Dr. which arc highly advautago>ui to tbe atudout of McTm'mk. BOARDING. Sla<lenta can board from H In fl per week ; >r can reut furnished rooms and board thcin elves from $2 to per week. CLINICAL INSTRUCTIONS. Clinieal Iustrnetioaa in the University twice k week, alao in th- -vi- ?' ? . .rannuvM IIUrpHIII, i*ennty Iran Uurpiiel, WilJa Hoapitel fur Ike lye. Philadelphia Lying-in Aeipitil, German -ioepital, end St. Pranria Hoipital. PRACTICAL ANATOMY AND SCRSERY Rack of tbeee room*. with ample aaeane of llnatratinn, ia open tea months to tba year, ind under Ike anperriaion of Ike special Proeaaora, rendering the Depart moot perfeet. TEXT BOOKS AND WORKS OF REFERENCE. /Vuefiee of FnfiefM :?Paine'a Prttlie# o fedlrltie j Perelra'a Therapeutic* ; Watake on ha Piaeaaea of lha Heart and Lunge, ineluin * Phyaleal Diagnosis; Aitkin'a Practice Jy^ lanee 'M**Mne. | A nnioi* #?Morton a Elementary Treattaa , a Human A."1*'0 // Wilaon'e Auelomr, with olllker'a Mien..'?0P<??1 Anatomy ; or hbasyey ad ynalu'e Analog JJ Gr*F AmmUT^Mats,,,, Msdica t ??** V"??-* tatica, and Dispenaetoi/i Abridgement af ereira'a Materia Mediea. j Chemistry :?Fowne'a ('herniate I JmtlWB a bemWtry; Tnrnera Chemistry ; ?*agnail l? bemlalry ; Lebwan'a Pbyalologteal ChainIay { Teylor'a Toxicology. .Surgery :?Synaa Prineiplaa and Praellee #?* irrery ; Paget'a Surgical Pathology; Mao- I od'a Surgical Diarnoeis. Institutes of Msdieioe :?Kirke'a Manual | irekour'a Cellular Pathology; Palna'a Iaatitea of Medicine. Ohstetirs Longahore'a Okatetriea ; Waat -i i Dlaeaaea of Women; Weat on Diaearea of I lildren. j FACULTY OF MEDICINE, There are ilxteen Pro far. cm connected with e Medical Department, all men of ability d experience; thee rendering the Phiiadsl- " ia Uairtrsitg not only the cheapest, but one I he host end mast thorough Medical lortitu- , mi for obtAinin* m. Vma-'-A? * , r wi * entire practice of Medicine end Burger/. ^ SCHOLARSHIPS. J Thoae wUhlng Reholer#blp* rhonld order in el once, ee there ere ooly e few remain- r. Mono/ eea be eenl by F.xnrea*, In Puet ice Order*, or Cheek*, directed U> W. Pa tie, D., Dean of the Faculty of the Pbiladcl- A la Unlrertity of Medicine and Surgery, nth end Locuat Street*, Philadelphia, Pa. _ paivps practTcb of mbdtcine. i V Magnificent Roy el Oetero of 100? page*. ' ice, ST .00. Foe lege, *i?ty cent*. 4BW SCHOOL REMEDIES. Prlee.S4.00. ^ tb Book* eeut epon receipt ef SI?.00. po*e free. 'Itrertfty p;?bl?*b*d *y*ry two tk* at *1.00 l.o* annum. iddrear, W. PA 15*. M. !>.. ? Dean t?f Penalty, I 'biladelphle Uairertlty, Otb * Lucent. Mi a*. 10 a 10 JJ! Notice. I UARDIAlf A AND TRUSTERS meet r eaak* their anneal return* to Ihie OtRa* ft rat July eeil, In default thereof rale* ? 1 oe i**ued egainat tbem. J. P. MOORE, C. E. O. D. ?mmir*ion?r'* Offlee. May S4lh, ISfi?, } lay *7 1 I )1 1 A FOR WEED'S SEWING MACHINE .rt r , vAjp; - rA jfc dW Al(f I * jk JS^L t i Bl: I A V / A|U| on IJ rlR bwi and moetalmpl* Machine now in ? , and to nifUrllfd by any e*?r presented to the pnblh, having ell the lateet Improrewtedt*; uc*a thcatralght Nee % ' die, make* the Tight Look Stitch, which is the only reliable ore, nan ckawc the Mm? on both aide* ft la cimpfe, eeally worked and kept in order; K will Stitch, Hew. Fell, lli. d. Cord, BraiS. Ruffle, Took, Qntfi', H. tn-Stiieh, Gather and 8ew, at the aarne" time, performing a greater variety of Wvik than any other Maehftaw, oa the lighteat to thg hcarieel fwbriee. It received a nfeda! at the resent Fob Expaaittoa. '. * We warrant them to glee eetbfectio* t if not, return thorn. Please call and examine them. We alee kaep eeaataatly on hand, a rnperlnr worlmnt of (tenth-men'* fUKM.SlIlN'i OOdDS and TRIMMINGS, from the cbaapeet to the heat qualities, and low far reek.? Wo will CUT and MAKE to the heat an.f lateat improved atyles, all Garment* for Gentlemen and Uenta' Wear, Ladiea' Cloak* ami Sack*, Ac. All Work Warranted. PICKLE & POOR E. Grvooville, 8. C. Jan. bi, 1868. Jan 15 Si tr T. W. DAVIS, WATCH MAKER, WOULD Reaped fully infW\Dfemi the people of Orecnville (p-? wBaod the aurrounc'ing country-, ^gj?2?^P?ihat he haa From hi* OLD STAND in the Good. ^ lett House, to a more f'ONVENIKKT one, three duo re North of the Man. ai?a Uonae, next door to Piekle A Poor, on ? Main Street, where he i* prepared to d? I all work In fti* line of huaineea, at aliort notice, in a workman like nranner, and on reasonable trrtoa. Aug 50 It tf MARBLE WORKJ ITlARDliE WORK!! rpHK awknerffcct lias an hand, an<? w31 ! X eontimwe toreeeiee, sgooil laxirimrnl of TOtfB STONBt*. ?f all Min and qualilias. Thorn in need ? # any thing in that line, a ill do wall to call at the Port Ottiee before purchasing eUeWhrre, tw Couutry prodna* taken In exrhango for work JAMRH M. ALI.EN. Ortstiriirs C. R, No* k flkL IV-1 ( W. H CAMJSEB, PRACTKAl GtlKSHKIH AND MACHINIST* I^ORN 8IIELI.ERS. Cr.lton Oina, Locke. V J Kerosene Oil Lamps. Sewing M i chiaaa and Parasol*, REPAIRED with prompt o sen Charges rtaranaliln. rgrUotietry Prod DM taken in exchange for Work Stand?At Weslfield's eld Shop* Inn SI U ' t f w. K. saatst. a. n. villi. XAffLSY ft WELLS, iLWarmry and Counaellora at Law AND IN EQUITY atratviLLB, s. a, PR %CT1C? !?the Coarte of the Stale an.f of lU Salted States, ancFgira ctpwit) itteailoa to eaaee la Baakraytey. Jaae t? > it LAW fiARD. SOODLETT A THOMAS. Attoneyi ?t Law, SOLICITOR* 10 Iff ITT,. HAVE thin day >?? *< a Copartner* ,hip ia th? praetieo of LA W emif XJC1IV oa iho Weal ?ra Cireait Ufiet in ?* ?W C*?ri Bono* BmiMjng,. i?. aooDLttr. * *nw*?, l*eo SO to M Law Hotiee?ChABf e of Ofloo, "1 I. T0WWB3 ha* na?tal his Law JT Othee to the baiMhng oorth-?aat corer of the Puhlie Sqaaro, la part ompM by Hoe C. Smith. Auctioneer, aad the Euterrlee Prlatiag Offloe, m stain. Jaa U tr wHLPTpmcS lTTOHNEY at LAW% DAHLONEQA. QA., STILL praettoe ia the Catnrtiee of Leaprw bto - on?. ? . ?, a.ianr, (MM) VMCIT, >wo.. Whll* aa4 H.1L ? tr BATB8FILLV ummi cbmpaiy. 'I AVISO tfpnfalUii A|M|i for .1 thi? ComMitjf, *r* prwurrl lu I *BIRTI?Cai' AND YAHTf ?i T?u>rj Dafl4 * llMUII?r, OrsMrs <! OmioMm HnclMli. OrMovUI* ?. OL Not %i U jifc Work )ONE ?MH KMImm and dUMtafc >i Td|f orrict, ^ j. *> XU ??U * T 1 ' '? * 1