University of South Carolina Libraries
# ** Proposing by LetterEleven o'clock?hi lee*t po **id (he. golden tide of intnehine, creeping over (he velvety tuif of the village green, end lotting iteelf in the murmurou* fo|<Nge of the niHple tree* ; end eo eeid (he little clock in Judge Cornell'* U? office on the mniti street, epeitkihg in n hern, ineloaioua clutne. llnrry Qrover glanced quietly up At the uncompromising little a* be entered the domain of " Cuke upon Littleton." * I'm late tliis morning," he muttered, hanging hi* hnt behind the door, * but aa good luck 'will have it, the Judge has not made his Appearance vet." Tie was a straight, handsome young fellow, .* it!? cutly brown hair, limpid hazel e) *?. and a healthy blush on his Bunbrowned cheeks?n young man whom you instinctively felt you could trust, a fcntrance, as yon looked into his frank, honest face. There were few such ; more's the pity. " Whew?whew ? whew !" whistled Mr. Harry Grover, turning over his pile of legal documents io a very imtnethodical sort of way, " law and love were never tuennl to go together ; and of that I am certain. Pretty Ariel Brown's blue eyes are shining roguishly out at me bom every bit of parch toent or printed blank I touch. IIow lovely she looked last niglit-*-nnd who would ever suppose thai the old cat with the false curls and grinning poroe lain teeth, could be ber aunt f Hieb, too, they say ; a good match for some desperate fortune hunter, who is willing to 6wallow the Litter old pill "for the .sake of the gold coating. Let me see ?talking about old E.xpeiienoe Blown. I believe I have a bu-iness letter to write to her about that piece of land by the school hou?e corner* that she wants me to buy. Not I. When I put chare land for a building spot, it won't be a /i nool ii i n nsdlnsa it ava * .<! ??*??! Mbnuinio pnot ui C| " lid O l v?v Jk?i nuvi Hi * ? Ion Rtalks fight together, to see which bull possess the noil. The ohl lady muit take me for a very ansophi-.;>caled character, indeed. 1 wonder now, if hliie-eycd Ariel will ever bo an old wrinkled catamaran, clutching after bargains. Pooh ! I should an soon think of n white plumed little dove, being transformed into a greedy vulture V* lie leaned back in bis chair, with both hands clasped on top of his curly head, and looked out abstractedly into the slushy village street, humming an old tyue under his bieath?a tune whose burden was 44 Love, still Love." Plainly, Mr. Harry drover was very little disposed for work that morning. And when, at twelve o'clock. Judge Cornell came in, thete was l.ul a hopeless chaos of^paiwrs on the table to reprsenl his young partner* matutinal labors. " Why, Grovor, you haven't acrrmplished a tiling this morning," said tho old Judge, glancing keenly around through his antique silver bound spectacles, 44 I'm afraid that the pretty girls at Squire Docthorn's part.', laM night, were too much for vuui mon'nl ?nui librium." 44 Well, ym? see, fir, I've been ra'her sorting tlie papers .over," said Ilnrrv, a little sheepishly, " and I've written two letters this morning." ' Two letters t" , ' Yes, sir." " May I ask to whom t" ' One was to obi Mi-* Experience Brown, about tjiat lot she wanted to tell me?a regnlai clipper, giving the old hag a piece of my mind?and the other?" " The other?" " Ahem?that wasn't exactly ? but-i ness letter. Now, Judge, Mippose you and I look over there ?j etinent paper* together." The Judge smiled sly Iv ; he had an idea as to what the oilier letter con tained. Every one in town knew how ! hopelessly Mr. Harry Urover was in love with pretty Ariel Brown. Judge Cornell bad been young hint-elf not t-o very many years ago. " It's just as well for the lad to marry and settle down," thought the old gentleman, 'and Ari? I will certainly make as sweet a little wife as bittuati mortal could wish for." llarry -needn't have been so mvsteri ous, scaling and directing his two letters at tbo tall de.-k behind the oflieo door. Judire Cornell knew iust as well O t ? tvlia1, wm in tliem a* if lie had read r-v cry woid with his own eye*. Hut young people have mi-taken ideas t|<at old people don't know any tiling. * Miss Ariel Iirown eat in her room l>u*V on a complicated piece of hiighl colored web w oik lliftt ladies call 44 crocket," when Hiidgvt tapped hof ly at tire panels of the door. 44 I'lease, Miss Ariel, a latter." M A letter 1 and for ure ! lJ ar me, who can it be from ?'' 44 Kaix, tben, and it's mesclf doesn't know, bill Lawyer Grover's office boy brought it, and an impident young spalpeen it is, feT?" Hut bere Hiidgct became consciouthat her young mistress was paying no j attention to her and wiihdrew into her department of the. kitchen to nurse her grief in solitude. Aiitl'a'chcek had turned as pink aa |}>e inside of a wild roee hud, n* rhe j read tho superaciiption of the letter, and her heart beat peiha;?s a pulse or two faster than was iu w<'m, but she hroko open the missivt with a resolute hand, and read t 44 My Itear Miaa Brown: ['Rather bold beginning,4 she pouted.] I must tie# to decline all further negotiations with jou. A* you cannot (or a moment Uii0W?'-> suppose I est* to potsse* anything fcaiu2 hiO toli&JL a( *'? i s <> utterly worn down nod good (or nothing, II is ntolea* to W*?te either of our time in any inure preliminaries. I will call this afternoon and rotufn to yeu the paper* 70a to unnoecssarUy took thi troublo to aond me. Tour* rery truly, : i H. UROVBR* K _S_? .? I nun i ii re w uown I lie note and burst into tear*. * Meanwhile, MUs Experience Brown, aged 6fiy well-ripened au'.umna, was reading wiili not h liltle astonishment the letter which Ditdfel** enemy, lh?' post l?ny, had brought for her. 'Ujron my wmd !"' exclaimed Mi*? Experience, slowly anil emphatically. " The impertinent young fortune-hunting humbug ! Does lie suppose I'm a horn fool, to swallow such a pack ol sentimental flattery as this? 'Lovely eyes?dimples 1* If he hail said spectacle* and wrinkles, he*2 have been con siderably neater right. No. yon don't, mv fine fellow?no you don't! Kx perience Brown hasn't lived fifty five vcar* in the world to fall into such a Imp fts this at last. He'll ' call this afternoon to receive the answer that ito decide the whole current of his future life.' will he? Well, let him call. I I'll be readv for him, and I'll w at rant me he won't be iu a. hurry to call again." And Miss Experience chuckled to herself until all yjur false em la quivered, a* >he folded the le'ter neatly, an I put it back into its hmriedly directed en velope. " I never had an offer of marriage befote," she thought; v iew ing her autumnal countenance in th? pier-glass, and adjusting the little puff- of tibbon in ber cap border, " and it does make one feel a little queer ! Betbuar Jones 'nerdn't go saying now that I was an old maid, becan-e I never bad an offer f I just wonder what Atiel would say?I guess I won't tell her ; she would only laugh nt nte.'V Mi-fi Kxpetience drew ber.elf up as Mifflv as if her spinal column were u bar of iron, that afternoon whonJ.liid get announced : " Mr. (irnrer. rnem." . " Show him in. Middv ; I am quite at leisure to receive him." And our hero, etilirelv unconscious or the impending storm thnt awaited liim, walked info Ml?s KxperieneeV awful presence, wi K a bundle of title deeds in lii* han I. Ii**?l with tlie official ook'ng red tape of his profusion. ' frcvvl af einoon. Miss Kxpetience!" " Ain't ymi ndiamed of \ou~sclf. llnrr; fJtover I" rj -ciliated the spinster iti h deep stern iitii'o. "(jet along with yourself. maktu' hoe to an old woman more'n twice a* old as von he, jn?t lipcause she's pot n little money ! What do von take me f?r. , liey ? Don't aland starin' there. Walk out of this room, quick, or I'll throw this big dictionary at your head ! No. no, no / A'otP have you go? \ our an swer plain enough ! 1 wouldn't mar ry you if there wasn't atutbur man in tiie vvhole town !'' Harry Drover wa* a little appalled at this charge of horse and foot! hut lie stood his grottrd manfully, not even quailing at the big dictionary. " Dm, Mi-s Rrown? will yon hear me n moment ? I don't want you to marry me! What has put this strange fancy into your head ?*' 44 Yon don't want to marrv me!? Then 1 should like to know what is the meaning of this letter?'' 41 May I look at ii ?'* llarrv took the letter, and glanced at it?its content* threw a new light on the unacconntah'e ^tate of stiaiis 44 Ci. od Cli'dri ! what a hh-ckl rfbd ? what an unmitigated, inexcusable, in comparable donkey I have been ! ? What ciuhl 1 have been thinking al?ont I" " 11 t-v 1" demanded the porzlcd spin ster. " Excuse me, ma'am, but there ha* been h mistake? a?" Aim) without slopping r> complete his fiagmentaiy, lie rushed out of the loom to the little bay-win (lowed parlor. " Well, I never !" exclaimed Mi?* Experience, a* ih? door hauled uncere m<>iiion-ly in her face. u Ai iei! Mi-s Uiow n !" lint Ariel turned haughtily from thq pleading eyes of her lor or. " Your letter i? qui'e anfll, ienl, sir ; [ need no further exponent of youi meaning." "Aiiel?darling?there ha* l*-en an absurd mistake ; this is the letter that was intended for you. The other wa? written <> your aunt on business, and by some unaccountable blunder got in to the wrong envelope. I have been a fool?a blockhead?hut I love yon, deaiest, with all ?ny heart. Aiiel, you vvilkgiot send me away f" ffo?Aiiel did not send him away, for the shy smiles and the rosy bloom were beginning to c?>me back to her lace a* sue reiuj me rem telle'-. " NuV Harry," she said with a rognioli dimple ?l the corner of her mou'li, "you must confe?a that Aunt Expert ence's note had rather art unpleasant at) le." ' [wax a careless reprobate," said Harry, frankly, "but you see Judpe Cornell wa< watching nie, ami?" Ahd that was the end of all misim derslanding* between Harry Grover and Ariel lirown thenceforth. Miss Experience was rather disap pointed in two thing*. She would like < to have sold the school-house " corner* | lot," and she would have liked to ear that onee in the course of her fifty fire years of life, she had an offer of mar* tiage, " However," wwivl Miss Experience, / Ariel i* very It?ppy, a?ld may be things hi c be*l as I hey are." A iil ? BTBSB8 -? ^r.?"Tii " Scene in a Court House. In the good o'd ttines in Kentucky, "when M substantial justice " fM adinfni utert-d in a log enhin, after a very free and ea>y manner, K mil was brought ft# the recovery of certain money* of which it Whs alleged the plaintiff had been defrauded bv the ingenious opera ' lion known as " tbiiuole rigging " In the course of the trial, lltw plalntifFs . cnitnrel. who lj>?pt?ened to be an u e* ' pert," undertook to cnlightcu the court us to the nrotluv operandi of the performance. Pulling lii(ii??lf ililo po>i lion. In: produced the thrCe cup* it ml * the liitli^ joker," and proceeded, suiting th- nclioti to the word : 'Then mny it please the court, tlio defendant, placing lire cups upon his knees thus, begun shifting them so, offering to bet my client could not tell under wkieh cop was the " little joker," inclining thereby, mny it please the court, this bell, with the intention of defrauding my client of the sum thus wagered. For instance, when 1 raCe the cup to, 3 our honor supposes that yon see the ball," "Suppose I see!" interrupted the judge, who had closely winched t >e i performance, and was Mire that ho dej leered the hull as one of the cups was i accidentally rAired. " Why, any fool can see where it is, and het on it, and I be sure to w in. '1 here ain't no defraudi in' tliar." " Perhaps your honor wonhl like to go a V on it 1" insinuated the counsel. * Go a V ! Yes, and double it, too; and here's the rhino. It's under the middle cup." "1JII go a V on thai," said the foreman if the jurv. "And I, and I," joined in the jurors, one after another, until each bno had invested his pile. " Up I" said his honor. " Up " it was ; tut " the little joker " had ruys'eiiou-ly disappeared. Judge j and juiy were enlightened, and found | no dillicultv in bringing iu a verdict in favor of the plaimitr on the ground that it was the demdett kind o' de frstidin*. Stkkxt Scknk.?The other daj\ passing nh?ng Military si. in front of the Court House, we saw a < lie armed ex Confederate stddier Funding by lii? wagon and team of oxen.. All at once tin* niittnn n rebel, with live hire of battle not entirely gone from hi* eve. stiaiglil ened himself op. ttot<nm1 the military J r illness of old (Jen I'tiggles when call* j ing hi* cotitier for it j> j>e of tobacco, wt.iih-d his long whi|i gradually in the sir, itlul shouted in the hoai.-e voice tf command t " Attention. battalion . I'loidptiv with the wool the <?iji steer* nifc front ilu-irtsi umhent attitude -book iloir dusty flinke, HliU took the p?>s?i :i> ii of the soldier. ' A;.*airi the clarion voice? "Foiwattl?march!' Ami the tiain ed animals moved oil", Itol wi ll n great deal of time in keeping ?'ep, *ti?* true-, hnl understanding *the co::tinai>u p?*r fee U\ I Then, not sal is tied with the pace " a will" of his Hoops, thu incorrigible ' leli " tliiiiulered tint : " No enemy in fiottl Ami tho veterans quickened op like the < )hl (.iuaid at Waieiloo prepniiog Ibr the headlong charge. [ Mil?iin'j>i>i IudfX. \ -I. * * I... it ' * .. ?.r.Pf t'J IliO IWIIITiJ W rep | per 11Mil been thrown seveial limes fn.m j m spirited horse. and win rtlalirg il.e riu tiin-tinue to ? friend, at t It e same timo observing that lie bad' rev? r given his horse a name. ** I Ili'iik.*' observed his fiiend," you should call him pepper cutler.** Ir was a Scotch woman who said I thai the belcher of her I run only kill ed half a beast at a time. A Dutchman who said a pig had no ear marks except a di nt tail. ) And it was a IVitbh iin?pi-t'ate, who, being 'old by a vagabond that he was not nmriied, re?pouded, ' 1 hat's a good thing for jour wife." As Ugly young lady is alwav* anxons to iitutrv, and yourg gentlemen nie >ehh'iii anxioti. to tnai i y her. 'l itia ia the re nitatil ?>f two in-chatiical pownr.-?the inclined plane, and leave her. A Dt-RPKitATK lover in Qhio-committer suicide, leaving a note expresidrg his hope of meeting Susan in lh<* next world. Unless he gives his adduce* more fully, she may hare diflicnlty in lit.ding him. An ambitious f.How in Connccticuj appeals, over his ow n s'gnnturo : " To the mechanics and laboring men f my : native town. I will ir present you in I lite Stale acwmblon i,ti...?/nt. 1 If I'|-rvir? C 111 |'U lj lie, rehjin, or tddicasbuu." " Do not tale that ege, the ben will not lay without you leave one egg in ihe net," said a mother to a child five ycuis old. " Do they keep the egg for i a pattern mother ?'* H*ked the child. A littlk girl taking a walk through one of our giave yard* a few day* ago, and reading one after another the praise* upon the tombstones of tho?e beneath, exclaimed, " 1 won tier whete all the sinner* are buried." Am I not a lit'le pale?" inquired a lady who "it ft hot l ami corpulent, of a crusty old haehelar. " You ba.k mote like a big tub." wa? the blnnt teply. An eccentric clergyman lately eai<! in one of hie sermon* that * about the commonest proof we have that man i? made of clav, i? the biick to often found in hie hat." , 11 r who ift ftliuuk bv John Harleycorn u apt to el agger under the blow. i>.vrJ i(i (rj ;o;M mTTil . .j - > 1 :- i T . PHILADELPHIA UNIVER8ITY MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Jfedienl Deportment QruonUcd 1848. Chartered l.y A/teri'ul Acl ?J the Le.jiflnture, Pcbrmeajt Xtti, fSjJ. nrricns t President ?J. S. FUher, 501 ComiMtT!* 8t. Vio*-/'reeidt?t.?lWv. W. J. P. lugraliaiu, 507 Frank Int.Ft. Treaenrer.?IV. Paine, M. D., University BulMinj;. , | C'wrnpuhiliwj Oeereieirtf.?mJi. AlcUacr, Esq., j 1801 Wallace Kt. Sreret'iryt? W. Paine, M. D4 University Building j ^ .Solicitor.?John O'Byrno, Baq., 514 Walnut cireci. FOUR SESSIONS OK LECTURES ANNUALLY. Tha first Session, commencing October l?t., noil continuing until December 27th , cmbraoca Anatomy, Physiology, Materia Medica. Practie, Obstetrics, Practicnl and- Demou atrativo Anatomy, Military and Plastio Hur| BcrJr? Pathology, Diseases of Women and Cbil' dron, Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Medical Technology, Med Wnl Jurisprudence, Writing, Druwiug, Hook-keeping and CUeioiatvy. The second Session commences on the firat Tuesday in January, and continue* until the firat of Ma>vli. cm bracing the auw brunches aa the firat Session. The third Session commence* the first Wednesday in Aland), and continues until the Aral ?l July. ^ ( "The mtirlli Sbsslon commcncaa Iho firat of September, and continues until the first of October; there being a vacation during the months ot July and August. The third and fourth Sessions, constituting tho Spring and Full Sessions, embrace tb'o following Studies: Surgical, Microscopic, Pu bologieal. Descriptive, and Demonstrative Anatomy ; Plnstic, Military, und Operative Surgery; Analytic nnd Organic Chemistry; Pharmacy; Materia Mcdica, including Prnrti cal 1!utuiiy; Obstetrics, and Discuses of Women mid Children; Coinpnrutire und Human Physiology; Auscultation nnd Poreussiou ; Practical lostiuctions in the Use of thelMioroaenpo, Laryngoscope, Stethoscope, Optnnlmoscujic, Amoaeopo, and lc 1.bioscope; also Practical Instruction* in the I'sc of tho Sjh:culum, Catheter, Bougies, etc., l'rincip cs nnd Practice of Medicine nnd Pathology ; Clinical Medicine nnd Snrgcry: (Imnral nml Special Technology; Book-Keeping; Writing; Drawing: and Clinical Instruction in the lT?e of Atomisers, Nebulixera, Hypodermic Injections, I Inhabit ion, etc., etc. REGULATIONS OK THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. feii for owe fnll c.anrm? of /.return, $lt(l, or for one Settioh $7(1. 3/nlrirulotittg Ttrkri, (j.llll. JJrmwHulrtllor't Tirket $lft.6tt. QuAl-trtCATiojia.? the renuisites for tlrnduation are two tull cuur.-c* of Locturss, und tlisee yearn study. St'Not.ABBUli's.?Fortho of aiding worthy young men to o tain an honoiable pro'e?*ion, tho Trusteea issued Scholarships, which entitle the bolder to perpetual privileges of llie School lor $75 lor the firat course Students, sud $50 to sccvnd course Studcuta.? Tho ndr.intngcs of Scholarship* arc : 1st. The student W.J.n..., ~ .. .o-.??-u.p run vu I it tho Ccllcgo lit any lime during llsu Lccturus# attend us lung si* lie chouses and reCiller llio lnstiiutinn'a* frequently an denired. 2-1. It require# no provioita rending or aludy In oilier tlie University on Scholarship j beueo nil private luition feci lire saved. lid. Student#, hy In.Ming Scholarships, ran prosecute other business part of tlu time. ft!*. The candidal* fur graduation can pre- | sent himself at the rlosr iif either the second j or fourth session of lectures, and will receive i his degree as soou as qualified. | 6th. In ease a Student should hold a Scholarship, and not tv al>U t<? attend Lectures, it van lie transferred to uuullur, thus preventing any loss. MUSEUM. The M use tun is otto of the largest In the city, embracing a fine collection of Analuiuieal. I'll v-iologwai. Piltbob-gil H.1, and Zoological prvparatiuos, which aro highly advantageous to the student of Medicine. BQAKDIXU. Students enn tmnrd from $1 to per wreck; or can rent furnished rooms and bvurt) Ibtiu selves frutn $2 to $2 per week. Ct.nriCAL IXSTKUCTIOXS. rilniril Instruction# in the University twiec a week, also in tlio I'hihulelphin Hospital. Peutiaylvan a Hospital, Wills liospitirl for thu Eye, I'hlladtdphia Lying-in Hospital, Herman Hospital, and St. Francis Hospital. PRACTICAL ANATOMY AND SURGERY. lwieh of these rooms, with sroyd* moans of Illustration, is open ten months in tho year, and under the super* is'oti of tho spceinl FrtsfeSsors, rendering the ltepartincnt perfect. TEXT BOOKS ANI> WORKS OF REFERENCE. /Vn'tiVe nf .VriHrine :?Paitiv's Prnetico of Mvfirine ; Pemira's Therapenties ; Walshe on iiiu I'ui'af" <>i iliit ilc.irt and Lung*. including Physical Diagnosis; Ailkia's Practice nnd Science of Mwlielno, A a of "my:?Morton'* Elementary Trcntise on Human Anatomy; Wilson's Anatomy, with Kolliki-r's Microscopical Anatomy ; or Sharpey and CJunfn's Anatomy ; (Jrcy's Anatomy, J Materia M< ilicn:? Puino'a Synopsis, Thera- i jteutiee, and Dispensatory; Abridgement of Percira's Materia Modi en. ChtmlntTi/ :?1'ownu't t'licmistry; Johnaton'a Chemistry t Turner* Chemistry ; ltcgnault'r Chemistry; Lehman's Physiological Chetnistry: Taylor'* Toxicology. Ntryry :?Syota Principles nnd Praelieo of Surgery; 1'agct'n Surgical Pathology; Maclcod's Surgical Diagnosis, /a?(il*l? ?/' JI/ei/iciM:?KirkcV Manual; Ylrcbow's Cellular Pathology ; Pnii.e'e lusti* tutca of Medicine. Ohirtin :?Longshore'* Otiitclrbt t West oti 1 ?i??-sses ?.t Women; West on Diseases of Children. ? FACULTY OF MEDlCIWB, There are fix teen Pr-ifes*or* connected with the Medienl Department, all turn of ability ! and experience ; lime rendering the I'hilmlrl- \ jihtn t.nirmi'f not only the ekrrtpral, but one of the / ? < |tai ami thtrrn-rjh Medical In-litti lion* for obtaining, a complete knowledge of the entire practice of Medicine and Bargery. BCHOLA11811 IPS. Those wishing Scholarships should order them at once, as there arc only a few remaininir. Monev can he ??ni I.* V?rw?-- i- " -- j (..v;-,, ... rum Office Order*, or Check*, directed to w. Pa I.XV., M. D.f Dean of the Vacuity of the Philadelphia Unirersity of Medicine and Surgery, j Ninth and Locust Street*, Philadelphia, Pa. , PAINE'fl PRACTICE OF MK Die INK. i A Magnificent Uoyal Octavo of 1000 page*. Price. $7.00. Portage, eixtjr cent*. NEW HC1IOOL REMEDIES. Price.$5 00. llntb Root;* sent upon receipt of $10.00. pvs- | tugo free. VmittrtUg Journal, published every two ' week* at $1.00 |>cr annum. Address, W. PAINE, M. D? Dean of Faculty, Philadelphia University, 0th A Locust. Jane 10 .< 10 Notice. GUA'llDIANft AND TRUSTEES must make their anneal returna to this Office by flrst July next, in default thereof rule# Will he is*nod against them. J. P. MOORE, C. E. O. D. Commissioner's Office, Mey 24th, IMS. | May 27. 1 < i .airrjAW ...a .1 rB is g. ~ W. H. HOVEY, DEALER IN jaunnr-ASTO CTAPL? DRY GOODS, grvna- pyrin crma eOHB JSE&dJPntfi WOULD rwn^ctfully cnll of liia old cua'iHuvi , and tli? pubic n-noi nil , , nn.l U>c )ndt*a ill p?l litfuUr, to nta large and carefully selected SljSjJR JgJJHM (aimiMliiK, In part, of Figured Grenadine#, Knirllsh Here***. CHene Poplins, Figured M ostitis, Plain 0"l?>rc<l Lnwne, Plain Colored Cltamhreya White and Colored Tar 11 o n , Plain and Figured Swiaw Jaconela, Mull and Nainsook Mualina, Edging* and Inarrlinxa, Ribbon#, O'ovea, Fancy Handkereltiefs, T?ove Veil#. Crapa Veil*, FVk and Oottbn Uo#e. Moiuhnsiio-s, American Print*, HuVon*, Trimming*, I*m-U and Colored Velveia, Jtc., Ae, A/. Aln>, Wall Paper and Dor dering. a* lot or HATS, CAPS, SHOES, AND READY-MADt ClOIHINB, (Ifnllrtn'ruV Ftiriiuldng Goods. IT'-mrr ana. bltlrtlng* Sheetings. Tickings, Toweling#, and tnnity other ArtioKs, too unmet mis to moniimi m C3T I do not intend to be v?dtr*>tj Jtz \ Uv'ur, one and allrund examine my block and ptiuea, before buying e!?? wlo re. W. H. HOVEY. April IS 47 If SALE OF TOWN LOTS I KOUTIIE NEW COUNTY OF PICKENS. flAMF. 'ivbmpicd, Commiaalonera apI Jl. potoled by lite Convention to aelaet and locate the Countv bite lor the new I Picket.# County, aid aell to lite highest bid* | d?r at the new location, on Thursday the 26th of Junt Next, 793S ipff AT PICKETS C. II., 1 Comprising, respectively, half aere, oaa and twoncre lota. l-t.t ?1 ?.... J??%wm%. I The loo*ih?n i? neer Hunter's St^re, ne** Uf?*n Town niul Wolf Oekii, 14 miWi fi urn OM Pickens C. II. 30 miles from Q. eenvtlle U. 'T , nnd JT inline from Pendle'ton ViVi?sp?, mi ti healthy eeetlon The lo-. enlfoii Is h most desirable one, being situ1*1 ed i>n a 1'inniU I plateau ami em rounded by a f.rtlle region. willi llnilty inhabitant*. There is on oth Town nu*l Wolf Creeks fine VS ut? r l'ower, with tfood Saw Mill*, nn*) uu abundance of the bust timber near by. Tl?? O.mrty sit* I* nearly cqui distant be tween Kenwee nnd Suhnhi Hi vera, with a tine view of the mountain scenery, and t will fotnm?nd a large and profitable- trade I bom the mountains and bi in Keith- Cnro iina. TERMS OF SALE) One third cash; balance in two instalment* of GO nnd DO dnys each. Purchnsera lo give liond nnd surely for lh<- puichnse lionev Titles lo be executed, but not deliv-r-d until the bond for Hie purchase money is fully paid. I'm elm-era to pny extra for titles and stump*. J AM I'S LEWIS, CJtVni'n. "V J -ME* II-AMKLER, ( . ^ ItEKSE n<)W EN, > Cora'rs. W. T. FIELD. I J. K. HAOOOn. J For further lulormntion apply to the on* | dcrsigned, at Pickens (3 II. J. E. IIAOOOD. | Sifi'v ?fc Treae'r ot lfnard uf Com'ia. May 13, 1808 61 *1 Greenvillo and Columbia R. R. Co. pmar rw^-7 yDiii^i f HllliS Company has now (<>r rale, in lieu JL of " H? neon Tiukets," a 'I I(JK KT which ?nilil-en |o-r*cn to travel ???r Ilia III) A I) ON U THOUSAND Mil. KS FOR *4t). within one ywr front dat* of purchase.? The Titkeii ran bo jmreheiej fmm the Agent* mi Columbia, Newberry, Abbeville, Anderson anil Urocii ville. w. AIXTON OIRBRS, C.eneral Ticket Agent ft. & 0. It. It. Co. May 13 &1 6 SIM LIFE mmil CDMFMY. OF HARTFORD, CONN. ORGANIZED 1850. E. A. DVLRLEY, Prw'l., T. O. KNDEIll, See'j. nIVII)ENI>rt for the last five yea re, 60 par cent.) Receipts now over $600,000 per mouth. No. of Policies issued in 1887, 15,111 Amount insured on seme, $11,801,071.00 Assets Jen. 1, 1867 4,401,033.00 Receipts tor year ending Jan. '00, 6,130,447.84 $9,631*201.29 Paid claims 1>y death,$51.3,881.60 Ail other expenses, 1,470,787.36$!,902,008.00 $7,630,012.36 POLICIES issued on every plan used by all the old and respousitde Companies. Hrnnrh Office, 263 llroad Street, AUOU8TA. <1 A. CHAS. W. HARRIS. Manager. OOWKK A >rOHTI!INOTON, Agent*, Qmnrilh Ditlrlot, South Carolina. May IS M 8m TailoringTIIR Suhrerlbar reapeetfn'.ly informa liia friend*, and lha public in ganeral, that hie health l-elng In a ineaaure reator-d, will reeuma bualneM eealn. 11a will CUT, MAKK, and REPAIR all Oarmeati for gentleman, on reaaonnhl* teruta, for eat A ar country ftudm*. W|ll l>a found at hia revidence, corner Halo Street oopo-ite the Coach Faelory. (JKO. B. 1>TKR. ' Oreenallle, a C-, April 8th, 1??8, -April 48 hm 4 i. i.HI p.,,' wm,-, 5S5^!T!,,E?^S555*5S5*!!?*5?eS5S ' ' * ' t ACENTI FOR * WEEHS SEWING MACHINE ^ A 'l^liC bast nod mml simple Maehlnt ih?# L In u?>, and is ttnoxeelled by any nrf f?rer*nted to the public, having, all th? ntest linpror*m#-dte ; usee the straight New die, makes ihe Tight l,eck SilUjh, which ia the only reliable ore, ani show* the earn* on both eblee. ll i* simple, easily worked ami kept ill order; it wlil Stitch, Ileus, Fell, llii d. Cord, Braid. Unfile, Tuck, Quilt* "item-Siiich, (lather and Sew, at the same time, p-rforming a trrcater variety of Work than any other Machine, on the lightest to the hca\ ieat fabrics. It received a medal at the recent Paris Faposition. Wo warrant them to give satisfaction ; II not, return thorn. Please call uud examine them. -:o: Wc also keep constantly on hand, a superior assortment of tinntlemen's KIMiSIfIIIKll UOODS and TNIMMINHS, from the cheapest to the hi st qualities, and low Vor cash.? Wy viU CUT and MARK in the best and latest improved styles, all tlarmcnts for Qsntlcmen nn?t dents' Wear, Ladies' Cloaks and Sacks, Ac. All Work warranted. PICKLE & poors:* Greenville, S. 0. Jan. 15, 18M. Jan 15 S4 tf T~ W. DAVIS, WATCH MAKER, G5? WOULD Respectfully irvform the people of GreenvlUw IC 33tn,", "rrouu^'uK cou,,'fy? ha has M?.KC2M[OV]B2K? From hit OI<D STAND in tha llsal. lett House, to a more t'ONVENJRNT one, three doors North of the Mansion House, next door to 1'iekle A Poor. ar> Main Sli-rt where he is prepared te do all work in his line of tiiisfneas, at short notice, in a workman like immmst, and an reasonable terms. Aug 50 18 tl MARBLE WORK'! IflARBLE WORK!! A ' npiIE iulrttoriVK-r bat on hand, and wftf A mnfrnnv fo receive, a good assort men# of TOMB STONE*4, of nil eizea and qnilf' li?a. Thoae in ne?d of any tiling in I hat line, will do well lo oall at tlia l'oat Office before ptm-hasing ?-W where. Uf Country produceJaken in exchange for work JAMES M. ALI EN. Greenville C. II.. Nov 6, 1807. '24-lf W. H CAMMER, !PRACTICAL GimSMtTH AND MACHINIST. CORN 811ELT.ERS, Cotton (line, Locke. Kerue-ne 0?l Lnmpa. Sowing Machine* and Pnrnaol*, REPAIRED aW> promptness. Charge* reasonable. fyCoimtry Produce taken in exclianga for Work. Htand?At Weetfiald'a old Shop. Jan 88 3d If.. w. k. Kvaux v. a. o. vimj. EASLEY A WELLS, Attorney* and Counsellor* at Law AND 'IN EQUITY, , v UKEKNVILLK, 8. 0., PRtCTICi: in the Court* of tba Stela aa4 of tba United State*, and give etpcalal attention to caaea iu Bankruptcy. June IS ? W IK , LAW OARD. GOODLETT & THOMAS Attorneys at Law, AM? SOLICITOUS IN BQUITT, HAVK thl* day formed hip in the jirnettoe cf LAW nod EQUITY on tho W'retern Circuit. Office in the o'.d Court Uou?e Building.' ?. i>., wm, u tuoma?. Dee 80 80 U Law Notice?Change of Ofioe. GF. TOWNK8 hni remored fcti Lin , Office to the building north-east eor-. nur of th? I'ublio Bijiiiro, in part occupied by Julii* C. Smith, Auctioneer, end the Enter-* urixo Printing Office, up stairs. Jan ? S\ (0 WM. P. PRICE, " ATTORNEY AT l*AW% OAHIONEQA, QA., WILL practise in the Coon tie* of Lump^ - kin. Dnwson, Oitmer, Fannin, Vul< u, Town*, While and Hall. Jen 10 38 t# BATESVIL.1LE " mmnm MB. & I HAVlNtl ?rpointtd Aganla f*9 this Company we irt preparad la Mil StllKTJKU* aSu Yarn at Factory priaaa. , * Duvld A Slradl?T? Orcoara aad OubmImIm W?reHaa(a, Graaavtlle, B. O. Nov ?4 tf Job Work DONE *ith neatnaaa and dlapatah al TUW OFFICE _