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J ' ?gjg Wil a<lVKft*0* P?MHt A fcurt.?? lo the United State* Satiate on fftdty luet, daring " the dUcneeion of tbo llnaee Bill to admit Kvrih Carolina* Bouth Carolina, Lnuialana. UOorgla and Alabama. Mr. Sumner m#i? allaeion to Uorernor Perry In tbe following wwb j * Mr. Saroncr ro?e to Oorrect a rtiirtmnt made by Mr. DoaliOle, to tbe effect that flnr. cronr l'orry wee a Uoioa man. lie raid be bad a Meeumeat at bnam ebowlng tbat (bat gen11*man bad beid a poeition in tbe rebel errloo, wbfeb, be thoaglit, waa-aommiMioner for Improvement into the rebel.eervice, lie I bad al*o n aopy af tbe Charleston Courier of | Mmy 1WH, ?*ut?lnUtg a rycoth inaue i y i Air. Perry,oa Hu 1% 15)01, My ng: "I give >; k>h, twn horse* and a i,?nr<? boy to lb? I JBrwki c?r?lry( Mil will give my Ntriwi whenever they any k? required." " I* not ithitMu^Ui Buwmr wkei, "* Wnlf Mr. Dooiltlje kilherni. to hia opinion* and raid ha would settle tho point with the Sena* * 'tor alter fhrtherwxamlnatlon. At* rom ram URRhvvii.i.n 8kni***t.?On VMM ' *?, at the meeting ( ?he Baptist timeml Association nf Virginia, at Alrxan drle, * molten of the Hev, Dr. John A. 'Droaddna, one of the professors of the tkroen-vUle Seminary, the Rev. Dr. Pnrman addressed the association la advocacy of Uio clalma of that Inatltntlon. The Rev. Dr. John A. Droadua then apoke tipon the Mate aulijcrt, and made a strong nj?|Hel for assistance to tlie aeutinary, of which , ire la a dletlngniahed professor. IUv?. E. J. Willis, A. M. Polndexter. Drr. J?trr and Sampson, and lay dulegate C. D. Everall, each in a few remark*, urged that the do. laid aid he etfbrdod, and on a call for names rthoee of aigbt persona were banded in, each of whom eeeuiocd the responsibility of a bond tforSMil, payable in five yearly instalment*. During D*. J.y.v't remark*, be aaid that Ilia fjHiliey with reCwwoce to the (irocnvillo Souii"* mary w?a Ml/* , A eeliuaiien mi taken np?the basket* beikug beaded aauvAd by tho Kcr. Dr*. Manly k*tnd ft rumba ^tw pay asmaragn* due b/ the ?hijrwavliie Th.*ologic*J Seminary. [<'k*rl*?ton iVrei. In* PuurraiuK Ktru?v.?The New York 8m wotua the fee* thai the Old School and the Kew Aeheel lVeshytcriaa Ucaeval Assemblies have both agreed to accept the plan a' neaiM which haa Imn aadcr diecaasioa in Uhoee bed lee, aad to submit it to the tpprwval Hif the PmbTUviM throughout the L'nitad .tdtatea. The editor says; There is hart .little doubt that this eypvavat will be giocn. as the great -inas* of the dmmilmtim air <a hvwtf haling the existing breach between it* tvi jiria clp?l dlrlntoni. nmuor .me raawr /each aj the Keloruled.a?<l>tlx-IT 1*Med Presbyterians, ?1R ^Wttstjnt in llih -movement. u ilcts certain; bat even H"-*h??y -should <Uclin? Ko do to, tko eeaeelidatioa which trill he dfertmd will etili he ?f immense hepthttM, tn>l highly gratifying ( ?U ho ur* ?f<pceue and oviicvfii ajauug Christian brathrcn. 'Ann Pivcn Ca-e.?Owe ret&rn will ic delighted to Irani Halt the progpeele kw a 4good (>caeJi.eiop tint ?r ewtatgnitMet ft is-edid liMt Ur. -0. G. Derby. the wellknown Now Tot* foUkhrt, tiHuponkM ?-d an Aiken farm lad. year far |l i,?W, let ?i fti| pro<pnt of ptving (or the fartn with ithiifMatk crop ii this vnar alone. It'it to Lt litptd that OirtMae till tontioM fnnoralile, and that hit high cat not>eipati<<at eaay he realized. If eq, we mayet|e?y a Jarge it flux of fruit growers into the oounIry around Aik?n next year. {tlarlrrtoN JTrrnay. - ^Ktwcowsix DwroctiACT.?The ?etnaacartic 4'atii Convention which met in Detroit on the Xth of Ulay, to appoint delegates W the Jiew Turk Convention,' MnwijU the rctolutioat gwmd it the following: MmwIoW, That wwvolotioo therefore la the logical tanloaej, antl dfWot averted the -neeeeeapy ireeuK'Of -flic Ttr|*ih1Wn policy, to-whldh ifle loaders conacioufly and its mantes unconsciously, arc now rapidly advancing. J(i$vhrlt, That our firm united purpose it to restore tba union pf the State, koep die Federal Clovcmni nt and each of its Apart- 1 aents tcfiki* it* proper qdov, aeets it tv ocsped lis rrwriW rigku <y* ds jSmOcs atd |Sv pU, abolitk eII btimjr anf turijf mttmngndir*^ ukoiltk Ik* /'nn/sHs'l fisnaui mud ahntdimy ansiw fa liem uf psose, arrest extravagance and corruption that att wasting our imbalance, compel economy in its administration ?A affairs, and thus restore credit to the government and ralue to lie currency, hold ail anew innocent until proved guilty, puuh-h crime acnnnsltasi In lew tirsil*#! ftHs* frtimSirM riliaMi In bis rights UHh at hvuie awl abroad, do equal and exact justice to all wen, irrespective of colour or race, <mrf trep ilia m our /ulktn mmd* ft, u trhftr muh'i <jvvrr?mc?l, an asylum for 11m oppressed of all nations, a dispenser of hi?bigs to all who aut'init to it* Iowa. Ok*. Txox va M. Loo ax.?The following troan the Richmond Examiner and Enquirer of Jane 1, will be read with plessnm by the many frlcntla of General Logan Id tbU city, whe will be glad to And that their friend and gallant companion in arms is getting on in the world. Tie CTorer 11 HI llnitmnd ?The annnal meeting of the stockholder* of the Clover Hllj Railroad Company was held at the odicc of the company in tbi* city, on Friday. The report of the President abowa that the miate# are in excellent condition. bright Hope pit ha* boon thoroughly repaired and I* now In complete working order. ' AH of the machinery and tackling belonging to the *ereral ah aft* have been renewed, and there la reason to believ* that the yield ef eoal for the ensuing year will be greater than It baa ever been, whilst the demand promises to be equal to the supply. General Thomas M. Logan was re-elected President, and Messrs. James II. Cox, W. If. Maxell, K. 0. Nulling, James Dunlop and RA. Lancaster, Directors for the ensutng year. Los pox. June 15. The English papers applaud Reverdy Johnson'* appointment. The Times aavs o envoy ?ouM be sent here who would I* helled with more oonddenoe a* the honor 4 epokreroen ?>f a grrit netioo. The Dmly New* ?*y* he will rcpree. ot Uie United Hutlw m ? whel<", not Metionelly. A till, b anted 8 ignore ManUeeleoois, of Miplw, WflweUj offended ei the Dev. Stephen inrele, rwnth hired two jaeig wee to warder hlw, ewd they dW It for 933. fat New CoanmuTiea of Florid* contain* e pro vie Ion requiring education*! qeallflratUe la ell perron* voting Aw the dret time In 18M. Thie i? e etep in the right direction Toe much voting ? the carve of tbo North, u tee week negro inny he the bene ot .he Booth. ^ e ?? , [ O. O Oobmam of CtlifereW, hue l>*ee electd Secretary of the United Hte>ee Senate. Vlee Forney rreigne^. P. A, WALTER, ? ^ >> r THE S Florida It lo ?dmt Into t!i? Union, with a Governor from M'imtmoin, a t>ngre#?inati f>i>m Pk*n*plmiht<i, Urilled State* (Uktloro from the K>aiern ml VcUirn B'lltt, anil M JoCal LegWIature mad* up of negroee and cat pet bag men, eeleetrd " from all (he world aa<l the real of manklnJ." Or*at i? the reljfn of ea(\?et-l?ag?, and hriltlaht the Congiewionnl eyatetn of fleeooatruo^on^? They who leave their eountry for then eonnlry'e good, banle >ed and eapellad men, turn op the law mnb?r? of the Srtlth, nffl a. a A. . a _ a J N . a ?U . c*r# of lie OUit, tno ^*ni?or? a mi iwfir, dilative* in Congress.?X. Y. Krprfr?. On*. McCt*LLA>"? Onaio* ?It appear* that Gat*. MeCiellan lt?? lailifHitd tu Iritnd in ItoltiniOf', Ui?l I*-', ll?a tftnenl, la nut lli? man fur the Ihsinocraey in this Prttidtnlhl eonl??t, but that lliey should nominate sotnu new man and a roeogclx'd and acceptable statesman, which doubtless meant tliat McClellaa ia for Chase. Good for " Llul* Hw."?Arn* York lltrald. Chart'* i7*m ?A telegram professinj to originate with persons who enjoy intimate relations with Judge Chare, appear* in the New York " llt-rald of .?tn ioet., ami say* that Chate would only accept the nouiination to the Prrsldenry when tho n.Wiou ia In the utmost peril, and not then at any Sacrifice ?f. hi* honest conviction*, lie admit* that the Radical party and him*ell' differ widely, and a* pii'tki are now organised, lio i* with the l>otAocratio party. Ho differs with them only t>n one point?that of universal manhood suffrage. lie agrees with Ihcin on all other great issuos, and if elected hy that party, would certainly carry out their policy. He thinka the deplorable condition of tho Routhera State# demand* proper Congressional consideration, and also material aid from the General Government. Ho say* tbur?* I* no enhstituflonnl authority for holding the Southern State* In suhjeetion, and it ia atihe unwiae and uuJo*t. lis (arors the enfranchisement of and the ronioval of political disabilities from every white man in the South. He thinks that freedom ami manhood anffrnge are un<|tte*ti9ne<l right*, bat controvert* the proposition that any other power than that of the States themselves csn confer the latter, the General Government having no control over the matter, lie apposes tho imposition of any other political disabilities than thoso specified by the XIV. Artiste proposed to th* Constitution, and proposing general atnncs'y as a relief for these. He regards general amnesty as absolutely fteecsssry, and urges liberal aid to (Southern Jtsfl Roads and navigable rivers. Mo think* the Government should build loree* Cr<? Cairo to the tlulf. lie urges early return Ae specie payments, lie condemn* In strong terms the trial of eitisen* by Milita#v PiiMiniamtthu slstrinir n*>a.v# Jtnlirj ('lifiun hoped, if Ur. Johnson re organises hi* CabU nc(, k? will iff wbit a duo propurlini from the Poetbm States. la reply to a qacitiim, be laid J bat Omi(nm bad u?> power to abridge Ibo President's parJouiug power. Twa Btwtw Twaafcorttcti. Skuixauy at diaaiin-iUJi, At. C.? fu the proceedings of the Uapliet <>c uveal Aaeeialiun. now holding ill annual cession at Aktudrii, wo fiud the fullowing: The ecpeneeo of the Hoard bare exceeded U* receipts {(,214.(VS. Addresses on this subject wont eaado bj llrtt. 8. C. llindvn. Cortieliuo Tjrroe, and Dr. W. F. Jlroadus, when the report was laid <? the table, to take up the Southern Baptist 8<-uiiu?ry, located at tfreonrillc, South Carolina. The claims of this institution were very earnestly advocated by Ur*. Afanly, Faraiae, and Broaddus, and tbo Association responded 4>y subscribing thereto the sunt of thirty-six hundred and dfty (&,**>) dollars tor its support. A*. _ h- ? ----It Is a some what singular fact that the lieary Summer rains of laat year couiuienced on ibv .7lb of June, tho very dntc on whieh a wet season seems ta have been inswguarated the present year. Pnnday was equally showery with some a/ the moat rainy days of April and May., asnd yesterday was not devoid of rain. W? sincerely trust, says I lie Journal, that we ore not to bo visited with another such evidence of the Almighty's chastening baud, as ?4iu#n in (he lands which spread devastation far and wide over our Southern country last year.? Ckarlttton Mtrenry, June IZlk. Anctiikb U niobium ate.?It appears i lint Foster Lilodgett was not the only unfortunate delegate in' ilt?n<l?nce on the Chicago C?>n?rtitinn, L-intrian* nt up a beautiful > disciple of the scalawag fraternity, in the j?*iKin of nit' W. O. UcCounaU. lie wa# i reefed at Chicago for stealing even hundred and fifty dollars from an old at Mattoon, Illinois, In HCi. Twa N. V. World says aa a statesman and debater, Mr. Buchanan was tnferh-r to n?n? of his Democratic cotetupnrarlcs except Mr. Calhoun. Me was superior to Benton, the peer of Cass, an<l did not rank below Silas Wright. In integrity end purity of pricate character he was as free from reproach ea Hi. las Wright himself. They are now all gone { and. with the exception of Mr. Ewing, on the Whig side, all the illustrious debaters of that best period of the Senate when Mr. Buchanan was in hia prime, have been gathered to their fathers. GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT ctlrkcttd weekly, by MESSRS. DAVID ft SIRAOLEV, MERCHANTS. OREBNVIM.K. 8. C., JU.VE III. ISM. APPLES, 'ft budiel, dried, pT\i,$l.240$l.4O 44 44 44 . 44 unpveled, Die. (j, $1 00 BACON, lb 18 (a, 20 e. BALK ROPK, "J* lb - 10 (g, 20 e. HAOOlNfl, Ounny, yd. 80 ?. niiTTBR, ? 14 a 20 ?. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR,100 lb?,fc<.OO04.OO BEESWAX, ? ll> 25090 e. CIIICKHNS, W head _1? 0 20 c. COFFEE, ?. lb, lUo, 90 & 89 ?. CORN, V buthel, 100 0 110 ElidH, 'ft il?un, 10 e. FLOUR, cark, $4 40 00 00 GOLD .... $1 48 INDIGO, HpanUb Fleat. ..02 OOfAl 24 So. C?. ~$l 7402 00 IRON, 1$ lb, American 8 e. LKAP, 10 lb 20 c. LEATHER, V tb, Sole, Hemlock, 40 c. M ,? a m Oak, 40 e. 44 44 44 Upper .. ..70 C. 44 " 44 Herna?* 44 e. MOLASSES, (I gallon, Munoovado, Si 00 44 44 " 8yrop $1 25 NAILS, fl kop $8 40 0 *10 00 OATS, p? bnnbcl, 04 0 74 ?. 1*P.A8, 44 ... $1 20 PEACHES, ft bo, Dried, peeled St 00 ? ? .< m nnpcoled, $1.40 POTATOES, bu.bel, Irl.b 74 ? $1 00 44 44 So ret, none. SALT. V "*. Liverpool $3 00 0 3 24 SUGAR, V lb, Br?wn 18 0 2ft e 44 44 44 Clarified 20 A 221 ?. 44 44 44 Crukhed,. ...221 0 24 e. SHIRTING, aerca aigbu, *fcA bale, 14 e. " 44 retail 18 e. TALLOW, 1? *>.? 14 e. YARN, Factory, by bale $2 00 " " bunch ....$2 24 radical Druggist and 6 JJ T M i HI Tim TliHvtt*. In estimating the chances of lb* I'Mlchntiiii tlrfllta, iH'<i(a)ill?11J' admits the loss of Sew Ti<fh/ Obits Penney Iranla, New Jcraey, Connecticut, California, Maryland, Kentucky, l?el?Wnfc, (m^n, and ffel>raaka. ThU is not bad beginning fur the Democrats and Conserfatitcs. Tit a Witts at crop, says the Vaeon Journal and Messenger, it Is thought, will turn eat to he more than an average one, 0<>ta the grantor area planted the past season. It is now being rapidly cut and hurried ta mnrket- The oorn is talking floe, end eollnn will be out ut the gtass before we get e good rain. COMMERCIAL* _ Tfr.W TaUU. Jilne 1A. Cnlton opened steady, hut closed drooping ,.u, una i.,u, - 1<tAi.sil U..1.1 ml -vw ~w. UWPI Xrw Ohi.MXS. Juno 15. C?ll?n quiet and Brlner--? middling*?27J ; uk< 730 bate*: receipt* Ml. Hold 40. Bacon firioor?shouldcrs 134; clear 174fro >74. At ui ?TA. Jan* 13. Cotton market unchanged ; sales 103 bale*? middling Mi CrtAni,**Toe, Juno 13. Cotton dull and nominal; rule* lot) bale*? middling 28 ; receipt* 47. Rai.tiuouk, June 15. Cotton rery *tr?dy, at 80. Corn dull?yellow 1.12<^1.15; white 1.17. 0*i? dull. ai'VI thiV.V HyA dull, at 73. Me** pork dull, at 1A Bacou firm?shoulder* 14(<$Hj. Livenpooj., June 15. Cotton IrrcTuIar; aale* 10.000 bate*?upland* 1OJ0IO}; Orleans I0}(g) II. 11YMEWEAI*. Maruiko, on the llib in?t., by Her. W. I,. I Itallard, T. P. llAKKlt K*?|., of Greenville, to i Mil* MAGUIK, youngest daughter of the late '**? ? Thou wtoa, of Williauitton S. C. Printers' fee received. M.taairn, In the M. K. Church, on Thursday morning, 'Ith Inst., by the R?v. A. B. Steven*, Mr WM. P. INGRAM. of Greenville, 8. C., and Mi?* KVADNE It at'AM PS, formerly of Charleston, 8. C. OBITUARY. 0. R. OOOHLETT. mougti late, tuc writer desires to pay an | butnble tribute to the memory of departed worth. The death of the virtuous and good, ] s.-cms a special bereavement, in tlieae days of luUcwarmuessand desertion. Thus not only the family, but alao the churrh of which he was a member, nnd the entire eonmunity, hnvo sustained a revere loss, in the death of OLIVER IIIIKT f OOODl.ETT. Ho died at Chirks springs, on the 3d of April lust, baring only a short while before entered upon his majority. When called into the army, he joined Carlo's Company, of the I'nluiclto I?*ltatiou, bight Artillery, where be acted as a privato to tlio end of the war. He served his ennntry faithfully, nnd hi theariny be endear* cd himself to his fellow soldiers, as he did to all win* knew him intimately, ly his manly deportment and the purity of Lis life. In the army ho contracted the disease, which, alter much physical suffering, terminated his earthly career, lie died with remarks le calmness, in the full )euwe*slon <il' his mental powers, and cotntorUd even in the dark valley hy a sweet hope of peace Imyoml. "V'.n.l thus shall faith's consoling frown, Tin* tear* of love restrain ; 0, who that saw.this parting liottr,. Cmtld wish thcc here agaiu." For three year? he was a member nf the Milfot-d Church, where his father, Deacon ScAttrss tioolM.KTT, a few years, since was an honored and actiru laborer in the vineyard of his .Master. Those who knew R1IETT as a church member, were beginning to hope that the mantle of tho father hn<i fallen on tbc son : bnt alas ! be was cut off In the eery promise of usefulness, and taken to an early reward, in his Heavenly Father's Kingdom. Yet it is aconsolatiou'to know, that his profession of religion, though, comparatively brief, was not marred by those irregularities and inconsistencies which stain the character of too many young disci plea of the present day. If life he not in hmgth of days, .In sllverhd locks, nnd furrowed brow, j But living to the Savior's praise, How few have lived so long as thou ? Qowrnsville, Juno 11th, ISM. Reidville High Schools. TI1K Coinm?ncent*Htt ot the Hvblville Sellouts will tslco place on thn last Wed- | ix>?<l?t3* in June, 2 Hit instant. Tba examination of tin- Boys, under Mr. John?nn, will tak" p'ace between 10, A. M.. and 2. I*. M, on M<>r.d*y previous ; that of the (?iil? on Tuesday, bet w?<- ii iIicmkii' hours. P*renti, guard'nns, and the public, are invited to attend. Prof. DtPIlK, of Spartanburg, wi 1 I deliver the Annual Address Before the Board, on Wednesday, 12 o'clock. R H. It EI I), Principal June 17 4 2 Fire Company Drill. TI1K MEMBERS of the Palmetto Fire ! Company will meet at the Engine Moure | on Thursday nft.inoon, at 6 o'vb>ck for DRILL. (CUtavn's dreti.) Ry order of the President. F?>KTER, 8ccreiarr. June 1*. 1868. 4-1 Notice. . .na A REGULAR Cofitmunlea 4Cfd^ttk'i"n of Oman Lodge, No. (I1, P.* will be held at Cedar Falls, S C., on the Fir.l Saturday (a Jnly neat, at 10 o'eloek A M., it which lime end place, every Member of liita Lodge i* hereby futnmoned to attend. By Order of the WoruMpfnl Muter. P A. McDAVID, See. .June 15th,1868. 4-X Deputy Collector's Office, GHKNNWLLr, S. C.. June 18, 1868. HY virtue ??f authority from A. J*. W AI LACK. Collector Internal Revenue, I will sell to the liigheat bidder, on Monday, 2?th J >ine, 1K6R. at tl o'clock, M , at the tore of WiMiauia A Wliitndrr. the follow* in* pmpeitv, to wit : ONE WHITE IIORsK. ONE ONE IIORSE WAGON ?.,d I1A llNES-?, t'NK If A lib II, and a KF.O ol WHISKY, and TENT ( LOTII. the elmve being the property aeixct by K. It. Il;ogbaro, t -peeler, Uear Gowettavi.le, AIM. ONE 8TILU CAP and WOUM. seiaed from HULDA I'Ol'FR, lor violet ion of lew. , At an. ONE =fTll.l. CAP and WORM. ?e|i d fiom JKFFEKBuN KINO, in Andetaou !> # triet, for violation of la a*. Term#. 0??h. A. L COOB, Deputy (Vdtotor Jure 17 4 4 Ice! Ice!! ICE may constantly be had by applying on MR. SIMPSON, under the Mansion Uouae, et lit eenta per pound. fK" No Ice aold without the Caah. June 10 8.3 I Pharmaceutist, at JD H 5 UTER I? Notice* IN ?r{*b reqnlremetil* of the Intern*I Revenue Law, f hervhr (tl?e tto'leo to til peitonn a'altnlrff a YWO HOK.SK WAOON and TWO llORHfct, *nt\ THREE BARKERS ANI? THREE KLGS of WHISKY, wiM by lifip', KJwwd 11 ud 01. Kniiih, A reliant Arte** r. and A. L Cobb, IVpnty Collector, on the A twin"a Runit, nbout IS mile* from (irn niH'n C<>urt tl?u?e, on the ia?rii|rg of the llth June, iurtnut, wlbd Im-c ?n-e ol evi debt piirponn to ?vad? the Internal Revenue Law*, to make *11011 c'aitne Wfure ni?, within HO days ftooi the first puhlieation ol I Ma tiotlee. A. 1.. (XlllII, I>* |?. Col. Int. Rev. 8J C?l. S. C. dm.e 16, lent. 4-8 Millinery. ^ MISS llrK v Y liar just re- ' /STbxk reived n |?r|ir supply of gftkgMt MILLWKRY and 8 TK A W JHSN OOOD'*, inMinf which nr<- 1 KrSpyfijr New Sundown and La if/W R?*"? lUli, ai ?>-rjf low pi Ice*. A ??ll solicited at her new t ff U'l Stand, Mam Street, opposite 1 Mr. Stern's StflM, 8-7* j new" T DRUG STORE. _ F. A. WALTER respect v, Vjt fnllv jnvitee the attention.1 of hi* former patron* and, friends to llie KNT1HK 2fKW St?ck of m{(;04(j MEDICINES, Oil EMKJALS i E"wl *ud lulseollnneous Omnia. jurt received at tlie ?M and veil known corner | Store heretofore occupied by the late l)r Earle. . t Every article offersJ for snle it FRESH AND NEW, And may be relied upon as being of tlie I BEST AND FINEST QIT A MTIKS. ji Ilavtng bought, lightly, and strictly for .cash, will thus afford eu>t4?i??-rs, li?re?(lrr, the advantage of procuring tl eir supplies horn a more oft. rep'enirliod stock than ^ heretofore, and at prices the most reason , able. ' [ ( June lO 8 tf : | THE OLD STOKE;REOPE^KU. FRESH muss, ttsmumtB-j | CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, D YE STUFFS, AN1) . I (IDS, Together with a general assortment of 1 F.VNtJY AND MIStJKI.I.ANF.OU8 UOUbS. At the corner store, lately occupied by tho [dale Dr. Etrie. i 1 } Htwrmhrr. ei*r>/lhhifj i* t'riih. AVte. and "J lite Bi ti Quality. PARAGON OH, TT^OR Sewing Macliinca and other dclio-ite I L Machinery. DR. EARLE'd OLD STAND. TEiPiBFEMFME. I, Supercedes ?h other !Vi'?r?iiotn in i mnrkeu Can be carried at out the peraon?Dent and durable. Dlt. KARLK'S OLD STAND. MRS ALLEN'S NEW HAIR RKSTOR i EU AND DRESSING COMBINED, j At F. A. WALTER'S. J)fi, 1KA RLE'8 OLD STAND. seltzerTperient, SKIDLETZ POWDERS and SODA POW DER3. Ffeali and new jfl<t received. F. A. WALTER. Dll. E. I RI.K'S OLD ST A ND. June lu 3 tf . | I The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. EI.I7. V CLARY, T. J. CLARY, rt n!.,r?. PLtf!ii pai'ltl.k- t ...... n:./ /?. /.'.j.-../ Ac. TFY rirt*e of an order front the Court < ( li Equity in the above rare, 1 will veil on Salosday iu July next, to tho highest ti l- | dr.*. at Greenville 0. II., the following Tnut I of Land situate in Greenville District on 1 Mountain Creek, waters uf Kn<>re? River, ad-1 joining lands uf Miles Southern, Alfred I Brown, John Black, nnd others, containing I One hundred and Flllr Arrrs, wore or less.? | Sold nr tho land of DATIB CLARY, deceased, i Trims or Salic.?Coat* to be paid in Cash j on day of sale. The balance on a credit of oue and two years, eunal annual installments, interest front data. Purchaser to give bond with at least two approved etirvtie* and a mortgage of tho premiers. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. P. M00R1, p. R. u. D. Commissioner's Offlec, Jnuo lib, 1808. June 10. 3 3 The State of South Carolina, UREKXVILLK DISTRICT. In Equity. WM. A. HARRISON, Administrator, r. ELLEN HARRISON, *t ?/? Hilt f?r S.,U ?/ L+nd In pny Ihxrrr, rf r, BY virtue of an order uf the Court of Ei|ul- ' ty in the above eaaa, I will tell on Sales- * day in July next, at Greenville C. II., to the highest bidder, the Ileal Estate of the late JOHN M. HARRISON, is follows i All that valuable Plantation on Rabun's Creek, in Oreenvllle Diitriet, containing Five S Hundred and rifly Acre#, or l?*a. Tku^h.?Cottj to Iw paid in Cash on day of I sale. The balanco nn a credit of on? ami two years, with bond with two approved surefire, and it mortgage of the Premises to secure llio purchase ntoue>. Purchasers to pay for papers. J. P. MOUHK, C. K. (I. D. Commissioner's Office, June fib, 1808. Jane 10 3 3 j Deputy Collector s Office, 3d Coli.kctio* District, 8. C.,) tlrveoville, June 8th, 186$. j BY vlrtna of an order from A. 8. W AULA PK, Col loctor of Internal Revenue, 4.1 Collection District 8. C., I will avll to the highest bidder, at pablio outcry at Clievaa C. Montgomery's, on Saturday, 27th Jane, inataiit, between 12 ami 1 o'eloek, all that Tract of Land, whereon Hendorson Qooda reside*, > containing Two Hundred and Kighty-one and , a half Acraa, more or leaa, lying on Salads j River, and bounded by land* of Cleveland, Oibbon, finest, and ethers. This Land is suld ' for United States Revenue Tax. assessed against him on spirits distilled by hiat on the ' premises, from May, 1863, to January, 1867. 1 1 Terms of Sale Cash. 1 A. L. COBB, Deputy Collector, 3d Collection District, S. C. 1 Juno 1( 3 I HHnBHnHHBi ir. Earle's Old Stand. ? A 'RISE. K.U,li OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. 'pHK OOMMTHf*lt>JiEK8 appo!n*e.l to m> * Let * *iti* for the Court Honrr Jut) for ili? ,l>i I rial of Orcnra, Laving In I eaLd ih* orniir iii the T?wn of Wnlhnlln. 1 ami proeuie-l tin* I ill e? of Oar lliitiHr m | An-a of Lam! wlihin raiJ Town, will, at | fitoVt'Nik, A. M., oil ?v. mv ~r ? * -xt?* ! auiunkJ) uiv wwi vt auguav MO*v( uf?vr having first laid off the raid land into tillable and convenient fed*. nitwrtl to ell the ? <) Lot* to the high. at Mtl.1. r. Hi la location I* within tit* beautiful and ; thiiving To* n of WaliialW, at the l??K of lite 11.tic Itidge, and |-o ? '??! advantage* in point of trade. education. Ac. unsurjns* cd by any other place In lh? termsitf sale i On* fourth cnalt?the balanoe paynb'e in llirec eipin) instalment* in three, six and j nine months, winr-tl by note with approv- | etl security. Titles to be eX-cut-d, but not del re red until purchnse money is paid in j fntl Ai d in of tniliire mi the part of j purchaser to no ct t'.c jnvniei t? when doe, the property to be fnrtkw<th s.nil nt Id* ri is. I'urcliarers t" ray extra for stamp* and title*. WR8LF.Y j'lP HPORIf.1 , \V. K. flttl.t OVIld, | lit Y KICKTW Kl L, >Cwm'ra. M. F. Mm III.LU | <>. M DOYLK, J Wnlhalla, 8 C , June 3, 18r.8. S-B STEEJN'S s ? a m k. JH BB essi I WISH to inform the Cltiscns of Orcen- j "vilte and llic surrounding Districts, tliat i I liavo just arrived with the CHEAPEST STOCK 8F GOODS i ever purchased by me since the war. I will not surrender to any man in Tovrti or District, list he can sell (foods of the 8 A M K t|t! A LITY I than I cau. Call and ciumino lor vours.'lvcs, at STEEN'S ?TORR. Msjj 27 I tr Foathors Wanted. A rPLY lo iV THOMAS STERN. June 17 4 If Received and in Store, 4 VEKY I.'irf.' Qmntity of COUNTRY /V MACON?limn*, Shoulders and Hd. 8. which I will dtrp?ao of Low lor Cnr-h, at Wholesnl* or Retail. THOMAS STKEV. .luno 17 4 'f Crockery. T nm just receiving nnd ope nine the host, I largest ami cheapest lot of CROCKERY toat lias lorn hrnnuht to this place the war. A full assortment of nil kind*. Call ami cxumimi. THOMAS STERN. June 10 <1 tf I ntn opening a Splclidld Stork of (.merries, at very reduced prircp. Call and satisfy yourselves that it is so, at ST KEN'S STORE. May 27 1 tf Also, n largo nn<l magnificent lot of (llnaaware and Crockery at Tory low figure*. Cail and judge for yourselves, at ST KEN'S STORK. May 27 1 tf Special attention is railed t-i the elegant assortment of Slows?Ladies', Misses', Hoys', Youths' and Servant*', and n very tine lot of 1'loWinens' Shoes?extra tiuc*. Call und prove what I say, at - STEEN'S STORE. May 27 I if WINES, BRANDIES, LIQUORS AND CON FECTION ER! ES. rl'MlE sii?>*ci il??*r would roso'Cifully In1 form the public that he keeps constantly on haml ami for sate, VYiNFS, BRANDIES, UQ'JORS, LA( ER BEER AND AlE, i t mi r#i n I I ll oroTssr.o, ojlsudxwsg, 1 CHEESE, CRACKERS, &C. And would he | lcn*><<1 to receive order* r??r the either ill imiikII or large ijnui.lille*. ALSO lie ? onrtantlr keeping n rnfjOy of LU v:BKIt on hand, ol *11 * *e*. w here Cur ixjnler* un-l othoi* run h? supplied promptly mid nl reneoli.lde priees, for cntlt, ret nil or w li'desale. lli* Yard U in rear of hi* store, mi i nn inspection i* iloirtd. LEATHER! LEATHER! He ?U< I1" Upper nnd Sole LKAT1I- ] Elf, nnd the Slock is eoustnnlly kept up ? ' Prices nre low. Cull nod sec me. Store in the Ln'iiitor ' liuildmg. first door nb'ive (loodlett House. J. U SOUTHKUN. Jane 3 2 WE SELL THE PURE KEROSENE OIL AT 15 CENTS. YOU PAN BUY AN INFERIOR QUALITY AT A LOB'ER PRICK. Itl'T IT IS Til F. DKAKKK Oil.. AS IT 1IUKN8 OUT *t cm FASTKH, AND YOU ARK LI A III. K TO I.OPK YOU It LIFE AT ANY MOMENT BY IT. IVK Cd.V SELL SUCH AT SIXTY- I ITVB CENT*, Bl'T 1)0 NOT WISH TO 1)0 IT. ?.:: mm m <z jbo 9 'AW W> *$ OvO crriTS. E> asm TIw;^ ' R. W. FOLGER & CO. April 8 46 If Notice. ?N eonfotmity with the requirement* of JL the Internal Revenue lawn, I hereby rive notice to ell perron* who mey claim ?STILL CAP end WORM. mixed by E. !Hilton Htnith, Aviilinl Awtror, on the vremiee* of MI(S DAVIDSON, on the 1?lh IUt, near Mtrbttt, k violMtion of Inter?*1 Revenue Lew*, to come forward nn<) tmhe vurh claim within thirty Hay* from | he tit at publication of lltie notion. a i. conn. I Dofn Col Int. Rev., Greenville Dial, S C. May 18th, 1868. 8-3 I SliMMKR GOODST" ?B| fe&B ilSfcJl SmamMm SULLIVAN & SON HAVE jqjt rrtnmcd from Cbirltfton. ?n? of tho rory clioapeat oiii(kali, with a LAUOR AND KLBOANT STOCK OV smKvxK goods,WHICH THET WILL OPEN ON TOMORROW, And offer for lata, at the *? # lutreet firlc*m ft.r 1 Cuik. THEIR STOCK OF ^?1030(13 I* Urge and fine, not to bo surpasaod by any in the market. * ' The <>ipe?ial attention of tho Ladica U called tw tbeir large and varied Stock of And other Article# in tbeir line. pO- GIVE THE3! AX EA/tL T CALL. SULLIVAN & SON, (i)>p4t*it* .v.,JJoH*?. Greenville, S. C.f .May 20, 1868. 52-lf mwm 14.000 LJAPCOT?ICB c0lNTEir 300 Hack" Extra Family N. C. FLOUR too Sack# Standard Liverpool SALT 25 Kegi NAILS, aaaortcd ?itc? 20 Baler T1ATESVII.LK SniRTINO 10 Baler McBEK SIIIRTINQ 20 lUloi COTTON YARN 20 RnK* 1'rime "?! Fair RIO COFFEE 20 M'trrelU 8U0AR |0 BAGS norliatn Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAOS SpanUh Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK o?* Shoes, Hats* DRY GOODS. DRUGS &C. Our Sloefc of HATS and SnoKS ir very large nnd complete, and we will guarantee our entire Stuck will compare with any in Town, both nr t<> quality and price. A call will aatirfy yon. DAVID & STRADLEV. May 13 51 tf Tlio Stato of South Carolina, , OltEENVILLE DISTRICT. In tho Court of Ordinary. R. 11. JACOBS, Adminirtrator with tlio Will annexed, against Jamea M. Jacobs^ Mary E Jneoba, miner nnd nthern, De fends nt a. Citation for Final Settle/unit and D<errt. Tf T appearing to mr satisfaction that Jnm? JL M Jaeotis, Mary E Jacobs, minor, re- , si>lr without 11* la i?tatc: It is ordered and decreed, I lint I hey do appear at a Court of Ordinary, in nerson or by attorney, on Saturday. the Sth day of September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M? to show cause, U any they can, why a Final Settlement of the Esuiu of WILLIAM JACOBS, deceased, ahouid not be made, and a Decree given therein. Given nnder my band, at Oieenvilla Court House, this 6'li day of June, A. 1\ 1*68. S. J. IHtUTIllT, O. O. D. June 10 8 8m* Tho State of South Carolina, greenville distftlct. 7?y 5? J. DOUTII/T, Ewjn Ordinary of *u'if Jhntricl, \\J iiEitEAS, ntctlAim 11. Jacobs TV lias .filed a I'M iii.>n In nay Office, praying that le-tters of Administration "n a'l nod singular the goods and chattels, rights nod Credits of JAMES M. JACOB*, late of the District aforesaid, dec-used, should bo granted to Mm. J'htue are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of tlie said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Ordinary for snid I)i*tiict, t > be hold.-n at Greenville Court House, on the Hl//< day of June iu?t., to show cause, if any, why tlie said Administration should not be granted. s. j. rouTiirr. o g. d. Ordinary's Office, 6'h dune, 18t>8. June lU 8 2* Tho State of South Carolina, Git RENVILLE DISTRICT. Iiy S J. DOUTHIT. Ordinary of mid I>i*trict. WJ11EREA8, BALATIIIFL MARTIN * ? has filed ft IVtliIon Wi my Office, praying tlint Letter# of Administration on II mikI singular the good* ami chattel*, rights and credit* of A. R. MARTIN, luto >f the I'letricl aforeeatd, d recast ci. should bo granted to lilin. Throe are, Ikirrfore, to cite and admonish II and singular, the kindred Ahd creditor* of the raid decineed, to La and appear iu the Court of Oidinary for said Dis'viat, to be holden at Greenville Conrt House, on the 2Hif day of June, innl., to show rati*#, ?f nnv. Why the aaid Administration slionkt not be granted. S. J. rOlTTfllT, O. 0. D. Onl nary's Office, 8th dime, 18C9. June 10 8 2 DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. 1 T * Vtvn a. | *? ?'*? i' iiv?? cti ino upr^ncy ui ?nn 1 I ftl>ovi* < * Ifrl'fstril Brant) of TOBACCO. ?. n'?4i? ft lo tour Lotvr?j>t lo Imy from nit. For Ml* l-y tt Imltoala or rrinil 1>AVII? A STItADI AY. Oct Si I *?' If RcCe!v"d To-day, VFINfi lot o( TFXMSSKi: BACON", \t Molt I v III II /njr far rath. It is (Inc. Call nntl tee t>i.<) llo*t? o'tiipfiro |>iiors J NO. D. A." riMUlIK. Jnne S 3 If FOR SALE, CHEAP. ? t" ONR LK5IIT TWOi ^W!f?K,^rE cauOS K HANDfrOMK ONE UORPfc FA lt~ III AO K. Built in elrpAnt ordrr. Fnnn?r? of JULll'rt C. SMITH, ov DAVIl) JL bTRADLLY. A i'til 15 47 If