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?i 1 ? . . _ m i& m ~4k ' . ' ?? ' . " " . The Murde7 of DiS IT S?lomoU O *W 0*1 Bepr?**??l?tl*e fleet roup tliit Dt?tH?t, t<g?ther with a ?egn> roan, nwH'I N-tt-'r Klliron, who we undereUn<1, IOM been feting in the oapueity ol gnardtnan for Dili. were killed nt the hotite -of the latter on Thn*ed?jr night lnet hout 8 o'clock, end Mr*. Dill mrtoaely wounded at the mine time. The particular*, far a* we have been able to lcaru litem, are ae i Mlww It itpp^ars that Dill. his wife, a white loan I*}- the name of Taylor an J hit wife i ami Bilison weie in D'a house. Tit* flrel I, intimation that they had of the praecipe of any on- *!*?, wm a shot, whieh took eff?ot tij-o. IMieoo, who immediately got up to run x. lieu lie was lolled by another shot. Dill wa* next aliot from behind, having two buck allot through hia neck, one of , whiob struck just above the loft ear, coin* , ing oui in the chock. Mr*. Dill waa ahot in atb tupting to escape, her thigh broken. Taybtf ran out of the hou<e a a soon aa the tiring commenced, badly frightened, ?o bad ly indeed, that although lie waa in a corner touching the road, and *a\v two men pas* and even beard them whisper and noticed that 11 ley apoko rapidly, and although the moon waa full and not a cloud in the *ky, he oould not tell whether they were white or colored. So far as we arc informed, there ha* bean very little excitement among the ne. gross in relation to the murder. The general dcelre. ox proceed by Ihnn being that every effort ahould he made to detect the guilty, but that lh? innocent ahoul l not auffer. On Tuesday an Inquest waa he hi over the dead bodice by J. K. Wllherepnon, who rendered the following verdiot : Thai the partie* eatne to their death from gunftiot wound* in the hauda of persona to the Jury unknown. On Sunday the bo-Met of Dill and E1H*on were brought over to Camden, and funeral aervlees performed in the colored Methodiat Church, after which they were interred, the forma- in the while, and the latter in the colored bminl ground. The funeral profession waa a very large one, competed exclusively of bltvka. On Monday afternoon, a detach merit ol IT. 8. soldier* arrived, the object of whose visit we arc inhumed is to detect, if poaaible, the perpetrators of the murder. Arrests have been made of several respectable white men, merely upon susp-cion. 1 We do nut know upon wliu ground* tlie rwpirion is based, or what ditpo'iliiin is lo lie made nt the parties arrested, hut fo'l confident not a tittle of evidence can he produced lo couneel I hem with the pcrpe tration of the deed. We hope that the perpetrators of this crime wilt he discovered, and we heartily aaJ, " Kial jmtitia mat rorlmu !" [Caimlrn Journal. i k WaemxcToK, June 12. Two cents stamps on reocipt* wnt stricken from the tax hill. In tlie Senate, l'it> citizen* of Colorado protect against her adiniccion?the pnpuU- I lion being cparse. and persona claiming the denatorship w?r? not tin. choice of tlie people. In the Hot* sc. Lop an gave notice that he would, on Monday, more that a committee he appointed to locate the Capitol iIm where, in consequence of the disloyal feeling of the people ol Washington. Julian introduced a hill relative to lands in the rebel Sttetea cold for Fed* nil taxes; wldcli was referred to the Committee on Public 1-anJa. The tax hill wua resumed, and din 8t. Li'vis June 13 The Democrats vbcted ilie municipal ticket by 100 majoiity, at Mound City," llRooit At'oi'sta. Jure 13. One of I lie UniUt] Siatrr soldiers belong" log to tbe garrison in this city, was ciij willi * rssor, in tiio bowels, by a negro last night from Ihc effects of which he died this morning. Rdilor of the VUcrnixPear Sir : In giving Spartanburg ilie honor of being the I " Banner District,* von certainly do ii jus tiee to glorious little Union. While Spartanburg liss a population one third larger than Union, nnd ? rn Jority of white voters, with a prestige of success by her triumph at a former election, Union had to contend against a heavy majority of c lured registered voters, who cams up in solid phalanx, at the former election, thor* oughly organised, under their radical leaders sweeping the District by a clear majority of 700 votes against ns. Not dt*h<nrtened by this slate of tilings the gallant Democracy organised, donned their armor, rushed into the tight, with a! determination to win, and such skirmishing j ranking ano heavy neid woi k as w a? rtoru? \ by our men, in not common in . h#se time*. j resulting in a glorious victory?1.900 major ! itjr?which eoliths her to the high position of " the banner District " of the glorious old State. RANDOLPH. Unionvllle, June 9, 1869. ___ ? T|isc K-ouisville Courier, of lh? 1st, eon" sins timers) Fluckner's modest announcenient of his secession to the editorial staff of that able journal, A Radicai paper confesses that Ml. Ver non is going to dceay. Eight years of Radical rule have undone the work of | Washington ; why not neglect his grave I TnJC Augusts Chronicle and the Augusta Const it utlo.isliet both warmly snpport the claims of Mr. Pendleton to the iMuoeratie nomination. Re. PcHULryoM author'z*a the withdrawal of his name as a Presidential candidate, w henrV-r another aandidab* evil O't stipell'?r et t'ligtli. (1st. Ilaocovk has done the a tie. Nobly done. j THE < -rzTS=ir. ,* - ' ifr <% fnutjifrit (Bnttrprbf. GRRENV1LLC, C. WBDKE8DAY. JUMX IT. IMS. AfiUr* to Washington. The Tax Dill U now before Congress ; no , nutrrial alterations art expected, except in the whUky tax ; a reduction In That ia eo?? Umplatn). It will probably be reduced to 75 cents. The oomtnon opinion of the press seams to favor a reduction to 50 cents per gallon. It is supposed that tliia lax would give more revenue than two dollars, as it would check the caorm ins temptation to freed. , ... The Bill admitting Arkansas has passed Ixilh houses, and ia row before I he l*reai d-nt. The nsnal condition ia annexed, that the State shall not altfr i's Constitution in regard lo negro suffrage. The better opin. ion sc? mi to be that Congress has no right to Impose any such condition, and that it will be pronounced null and void hereafter We have no d-?u't ?>f it nttrscl v>8; a State in the Union has all the rights of every <?th?r State under the Constitution, and Congress has no right to trammel and control any of 1hern I')'* legislative enactment. The Constitution of the United Stnt.s ia shove Congress, and cannot bo abrogated by joint resolutions or by bill. The Bill extending the Freedmcu'a Burcan for another year has passed tli* Senate and ia before the House, which will also pass it, if they think the party will gain by it. There has got to be two stdea lo this Bureau question, even as a party measure; the Northern people kegin to look at it as an outrageous waste of puhlio money by the million, and they are beginning to think that grievous taxation and wasteful expenditures for party purpose* are no blessings to the country. The Radicals In Washington city have so cured 'lie insinuation of a radical Mayor. Fraud is charged against sonic, of the man ng*-re, as it U said the d-mocra'ic candidate was fatly elected. There are a iflrj-oity of the Council now democrats. Mr Woot.KT is still a prisonet under the oriterr ?>i Ihti.kk# t>< rruption Committee, because lie refused to detail before tlie Coinmil lee lii? ptivai'e Luairrna tr maaetiona; that in, to give aeeonnt ?>f tlie we he. made of hi* money. lie denied, emphatically, I lint lie hnd n?. d nny money lo affect the votes or Influence Uie Impeachment trial in any manner. a xr.w mini? to KXot.Axn. Hon. nETKttliT Joitx ox, li e dirtingirrhed Senator of Maryland, liar b-on nominated and confirmed a* Minirter lo Kngland, in the place of Mr. Apivi, resigned. Gen MeCirilAN war previobely not. inated, b'll the Senate on parly groin da rcfurud lo confiim the appointment. The otnuibur admission Rill, ao railed from itr including a nnrnhcr of Staler, via: Xrrth Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Alabama, Florida, aud I.oniriana, Laa parted both llnuarr, after having hern amended in the Senate.? The honre parted it hy a full Radiral vote_ . The (jaorgia Constitution ia modified ?f? or to ret|uire the artlelo to he rtrickon out which . preventa the collection of all old debtr raiding hofore the cloro of the war. The (inirgU Legislature ir required to expunge Ihir front the Constitution. The Repudiation of negro dchtr ir rurtaiucd in all the Conatitutiona. l*pon all there Stater the condition ir ini posed of ratifying the Howard Amendment In the Constitution, mid tbo Legislature* of the States innv be conreuod for litis purpose at any tirao, in thirty day* from the pasting of the aet. The States are forbidden to change tbc suffrage provisions of the Constitution as to race or eoior," \Vc shall publish the Dill in full, when it has Wen returned by tbo President, and finally carried over bis cspcctad veto by the usual party voto. Tint (j no wot a Statr Comstitctio:*?Wnr CttNOKtces oiwiit-rr.n to tii* Clalak lYo.timt !no tiik Cotxet-rtos er Old I*s.ni8.? Various reasons are a*si{?ied : lite most prominent is, that the Radicals are ufiaid that if the example of Georgia repudiation were !?l orate.I, that it might extend to the Untied States Our own opinion is. that the Radicals do not wish to admit Georgia at. all; for it ie morally certain that 'he 8'aie will vote for the iK-moorulic candidate f?r President, if she it admitt-d to vote at all. This interference with a favorite eluute of the Georgia Constitution, will, ws lliintr, surely destroy Radical influence in Georgia. This relief measufe, as well as others, was a strong ground with Gov. Blows, and others who # supported Congressional reconstruction in that State Later news from Washington informs us thai Mr. Wootxvr having consented to tell Utrrt.Kn where ids money was, (it bring in a merchant's safe iij Washington.) lie gave this important testimony, and was ilia- 1 oh a reed from confinement. His unjust im prirorm?ni imn ?ru ih? purp ?n 01 i x* p< ili)g nne> a^i'N lie luannioil and lawless temper of rndieali?m in Congre#?. ? The Pubic School. We take pleasure in )>?jng able to ??ate that ll<? above institution i? prngitadnj finely and eati?feetorilj\ The ? hole num her who have entered, amount? to one hnn. dred and twenty two children, eeven l.-sa than Ihia number now attending and receiving instruction. The deereaee resnl'e from removal? fnm the vicinity a? well a? from oth?r ema-a. Every one, of the proper age and qualification applying for admission, lia? heen permitted to enjoy Ih? adeauta?r? of the school, no or? being refuted. The barter?, w? Icarn, ha?? vol. ontarlly opened the evroisea on? hour eailUr in the morning than at Drat pre ?erib? d. Thi? they did in ord-r to do fuller justice lo the different e|aa?ea. Mr. TiiOuafl HrekN at ill c<> i. tin net hi? attendance every M iiiday morn:np, for th? purpose of re wiving aid enrolling pupil?. rFWTST Things Noticeable la. Foreign Journals? Borne Editorial Comments Thereon. in "To* Owl."?Oe InoUing over ihe Am- q Joh Jfomiup recently reoi-iscd, We see hi timings! things eld rounding to Americans, X we notice severe! extracts taken irotn ri 7'As Oaf, a papi r puMisHed In Ireland * ua we Infer. We have had many " Eagles'' ? tinong the papers in ikiil country ; We don't Ul remotnher that we here an owl as yet by m IioVK or Xfymivrrv awti Raw ?TIia Wticr ? lishman lovea (lie distinctions q| rank in. atinctively, hence #11 the movement* cf the royal family and Ui? ni>bln ar? aor In be cltronichd hy the preae. When pwlilie, ' mMtlngi are d-scrihed, it I* usual In pub * lish the tiainra nut wily of all the Lurih hut ' Ladies Attending. . TM?, we presume, U not ( because it la d? al-ed by the hoMlity, but to gratify the publie taate of making at l?aat t a newspaper acquaintance with superiors t in rank. The cualoni goea farther: uot v only the nobility are leaetibed and peisona ^ of distinction, but t<> gratify lite vrfnitv of * onte of tlie gently, long list* are printed of j private persona having no oUini* to diatlnc lion, but gentility and weullli in aoine in i stances. I Tbe Qua?*n reeently laid the corner stone ' of St. Tltontn?' Hospital, and tlie Star pub *' lithea the oamra i>f mine two or three Itun " dred notables who were present on the oc .ri <i cnaion. A Hoy At. Fr'tnaycE rx lanAso.?The 41 snbject lias been discussed in Parliament, ' and aerioua nrgunietita urged, tliat lite Oov 1 eminent altould forthwith build a Iloyal ' Palace somewhere in Ireland, in whiolt the ' Qtteen sliou'd oecaaionally spetd a cnaiit * eralde part of Iter time. Tid* ia urged on ' the ground that it would increnae the loy* 1 ally of tlie Iriah to have the sovereign re- 1 aiding among them, on the principle, we c euppoae, of tlie b-ea. Tltey are said to be ' always dreadfully discontented and dimr- ' deriv wlten lliere is n?> queen in tlie hivemid tlie reverse wlten site is present, Tlie * plan is very eeononttcal and simple for al- t laving Iriah discontent?pot tlie queen in (lie hive. I The English Church Tlitunl is hef.ire t Parliament. Tlie Commissioner* who were ' appointed to report on the ohu?es attempt. ' ed, have not yet ntnile their final le-orl. ? and ministers urge delay of action till tliat cornea in. Ilow s* range and al>siir<l it looks * to ttn Ann rienn, that fin in* of worship, and ? evi n tlie minutiae of ilie ministers'dreas, the t cut of liia sleeves, gown, etc., etc., ahonld r tie legislated on iiv I'm liantcnl. What ah- ' surdities and ahominvintis there arc in the i ..rpi t. ... t xi.,i it...,, r *r?> no greater in thi* ni(?, ie owing t" i!?*" iiitlu nee of |iwrrr r. ligioti* truth which i* cultivated outride ul (lie Stele Kftaljinh mriit*, end which ha* it* leavening infln- | dice on all the heel Cl|li>tin<> emiFcctcd ( with the Slate Churche*. In England, the ( Inf'dcl, the Jew, the It.oi.ail Catholic, the j anything in the rhape.of it loitl or common- ^ er, U invtaietl in n I'ar Han enlaiy elation with the supreme control if 7'A* 6'AnrrA, ( eo-ealled, and the etrict Eptaenpaliana of j England would MMUicr part with anything t rl't short of salvation than give tip tlii* (j Siate ( hnrcli K*tahli*hnienl. The v?ry f art cle* of her faith and practice are under , the control of Parliament. Ttliil ho-lt ha*. j however, in latter daj*, aeld-'tn interfered :i ( on the pri triple. we *op|M>?e, 'i.-u.teared for none of the*e thing". The people s of England are now, however dr v>rg the Church into Parliament, to have nfoouaeor? rfctftl bjf /ore, Surely I here i* a Clioreh of England* f which the Ei plieh Sovereign I* \ head! lint what right has elic and her i Paillnnieiit to innkc law* for the Chinch in ^ which Chi let *i? *o|e Il'gh Vrie?t and King- \ Christ is dethroned in the English E?tah- t lieliment, according to law, tlo* world, the | fle-h, and the devil, if in Piirliameiit ar? | the Governor* in the last I asort. Parliameiit , i< the (1'ivcriiiir. | The N >va Sriillani are p.di inning Par ( linmml t<> he released fr<-m I!* act for" | the un'on if Cnnniln, Nov* Seotia anil New | Brunswick. They me right, lm( iMrrae* I i>Fn h tine, rtnlii ; every [trt i>f the world chows tendency f r cent ralicet ion. Ei'B land it fur (tinning li.r* into coiieoliitalt fli tii?C?, Co-operation societies ere extending More and more in Knglaail. We observe notice* for the formation of itvn one*. We notice some where the shares are limited to one pound oaeb. Woman'* suffrage in England ii mill agitated. The Morning Stor say* : The po Lit ion in fnror of woman'* suffrage, which ha* just been presented to the House, received, 2l,7i7*?ignatares. These signatures included some notable names. At the head of the list stood Mrs. gomervllle and Miss Florence Nightingale. The other names included those of Lord and Lady Amberley, Professor Bain, Sir R; Anstrutber, Bart., M. P., tho Rev. 8. Barbo' Sir John Bowring, Madame Bodiebon, Miss Frances Power Cohbe, Jliti Courtauld, Die Archdeacon of Coventry, I>r. Fsrr, Mr. and Mrs. (Irofs* Mr. Commissioner llill, William and Mary Ilowltt, Professor Huxley, the Rev. Charles Kingsloy, the lion. Auheron Ilcrhvt, j Miss Martiueno, Professor Leslie, the Hon. I .Mr*, munii i,tu.i*u, 1'toktMr Mwxn, Mr. John Merley, Professor Nowuian, Professor Nicholl, Mr. J. T. Palgrarr, Mrs. Paulton, Dr. Lyon Play fair, Professor Robertson, Lord Rwnilly, Mr. Shad*. Miss Helen Taylor, and many others. We have U?on far from girin} ?h. in j? notable nsntrs. Rarely bas a petition representing so much moral and Intel, leetual thought heeu laid on the telle of the llonse of Commons. It should he remeinbered that all voters in Knglnnd are required to possess a property qualification and the proposition to allow women the privilege only embraces single women> maids and widows, who bare the neecseary propertyflqiWUfieatlon. Crime In RngUnd Is mueh wore severely punished, than In this oountry. Petty nod even serious thefts with as i are sea reel/ pm*Uk?4 at all, when committed by the favored rues among as. A small tin* or fbw days, or weeks Imprisonment, answers for stealing a hog or beef in this Flats, when a darkle i* Involved t hat a boy of flfteea wet lately sentenced in Liverpool to six mouths , . ar J Isljf for stealing a d >? 1 "TiTiif " Lady Doctor* " an una becoming educated i England, there is a regular Ladles Medical ollage In Fitaroy Square, London, and per- i at>*. other* In tba kingdom. A Mr*. Isabkl i ' # or.nk in a (co?Dt examination at A pet ho- I uriti Hall, in notnpaay with slxtf-slz gentleion, name out among the first six who passed ; inetoen Men were rejected. She wu a grad- i ate of the Med teal College la Fltimjr Sqnnre' ad carriod off the flnt honor* in tho Medical nd Obstetrical Classes. Take Hoed that Te Despiac not one of Thee* Little Ones." TliU wet the text of a genuine ChrietUn liecooree, preached by iter. W. D. Tu ha* | u llic Baptist Church, on Sunday InaL It r?? a discourse of peculiar axeellenc-*, and veil calculated to enforce the duties of Christian love and consideration for the nimblest end poorest of the family of ?liriet. The preacher first pointed out he disposition there ie In the unbelieving rorld to deepise the dieoiplee of Jmua ? VMM pmle*?ing teeprcl Jor religion, the votIdly-minded were always ready to re oice at the downfall or disgrace of Its acttsi professors, pnvrciiliug in thought, and n heart, although not under the forto* of aw as in other days. The spirit of matt is lie same now as in hy-gon* times. The lespis-T* have only ehaug -d their utode of nanif?-s<ing that spiiit. Kilt the preacher said also, tlint the ten iency to d epiie and neglect " the little >t?es" who believe In Christ was even dund in tho Churches likrwisa. All had o be warned to " take heed," lest the) be Skewi'e guilty of the same sin. Professing Christians were usually ready to eympahise with, to visit snd to eomfurt the more ntello-toal or socially eh-vated brolhyr. his was all right but at the same time, hey are given too of en to the neglecting if the pi>or and the humble, the obscure ind tho weak; this was pru-tleally dospb I'M me imir ?nrw> The minister oln#ed with a glowing pic;ut? of the gbry that await* the least of .he diselplea of llif Lord. Angels are their ninistcring spirits, God, himself, their ever ting reward. Why should man despise ahoiu C.o-I litis thus honored. It wore bet. ,er for Uio dospiser that, a mill atone were mug about hi* neck and ho caet Into the tea. or that he had never been born. We arc sure the hire contemplation of a m'Jenl so universally important, in vol vino s? fully the genuine philinthropy of Ohri* ian teaching, and an suggestive of eoeial, norai and religion* duty. Is the l>e*t apol ?gy for time hrieflv, if inipcrMlv, present ng the text and clue to Mr. Thomas' di?* antra a. Something Cooling and Bcflreihini ?A Soda Fount. I>r. Wk?tmohh.axo is a very kind tnan? nit it Is h ?rdly necessary for lit to ntake hi* statement. If tlo re was ever any loiiht on tliat point, it. i* now disdpated, 'or we think that any man who. In these lay* of hot sunshine aid aweatlntr. will reet a R-?la Fount, is not only entitled to ho epithet of kind bit* of Ammiwe. In a ew days, hi* Fount will pmh with reviv () injj waters, and the weary pilgrim, as lie oarches a'ong in 1^ '* wrniy desert, will Ind an oes'i where can t.e. found a draught hat will give him renewed animation. It quite sufficient to mention the pillowing, ind say no iM?re: Cream, L-nion, I'itieap. de. Vanilla, ttrawberrv, Ginger, linnana. l.n.n.sill. .r..t It.i.lU.H McEee'l Mil's ?nd New Flour. Tli? i i in'?honored custom still pi ev ails villi the an'Implies of three famous Mil's, nf remembering the prrst In the annual ftr-sen la lion of the first product or the a heat crop, or at least a handsome sample hereof, in the sha|>* of new flour. We return our acknowledgments to Ai.ix. VUDkk, Kmj , f--r some of very superior ipiali'y, g?ound l>y our old friend, the Major, In his b''?t style. We congratulate nil eou? eerued in these exeelleiij Mills, upon the pruspec*. of a lair wheat crop, and of llie realisation of good custom, which always folios s a good crop. B tonus. Never In onr rerolleeilon, has there lieen s-> many sceounts of tornadoes and storms of every kind, in dlwrs sections. We have been rather fo-tuuatc in this District, lint we hare heard of two damaging hail lotins occurring recently; one in the neighborhood of Pork Slioala last week, another at the l'Ar.Ki>s place, four miles from Oreenvll'e. Considerable injury was done to er-ps and fencing in both places; but tfc.' storm did not extend over a large space. ? -Democratio Meeting at Hodge's. On Saturday last there was a meeting* at Hodge's, to organise a Democratic Cluh. JuJxc W. II. Cami-bki-L attended, and made them an adJreie, doubtleaa of the urnal force and excellence which charaetcriaea hia public apeechca, a* we venture to rny. Although wo bare received no account of the proceedinge, but lean verbally that J. II. 0?onwi*. waa made the I'rcddcnt, and Jon* Dayia, Secretary. A good feeling waa'manifeated. About ftfty namca were rubacribed, and more than double that number will doubtleaa coo a be added to the clah. The good canae proa|>er*. Greenville will aaaert her lore of liberty. ?? - - ? Tournament and Coetuma Ball at XjUorena. We return our re?p ?Uul acknowledgments to kfeaara T. D. Caxwa, J. Mf Watts ami W. II. Voeu, Committee on Invitation, for an Invitation to attend the Tournament and Costume Ball, to be held at Laurent on tba 21 of July next ? The lleta of aector and Junior manager* present en array of gentlemen of great rxerlIcnec. We know that our frtonda will hare a gala time under eueh enperviJoo. ? * ? -? i Bala of Lota at Mow Pickens, C. H. We agelu direct attention to tin* very important tale to take place en Thursday. the 24th late, Inat. Persons attending tba tale from Ureenville, by mating a rwarWj (tart, c: n get tber* at or InLra I a o'clock. 1 R 8 SI a Imposition oaths fws>m?n. All fo;>d oitissn* should Ulte pains to la? struct the Froediaun that the tbrssts against Lhees by tome of the Loyal Leaguers, Ik regard 1 to tbsir quitting the leagues, and voting for ' Democrats, are outrageous fbleohood*. Igno- c rant negroas, perhaps oven some ignorant ' white men, art told by itadlral* (hat tboy will ' hs srruotod and tsrrM uF to bo tried, If they ' quit the leagues, and pretend to get orders 1 from Headquarters fur twh purposes. dpt. J. L, Southern'* Advertisement. Our rradwrs will see this gentleman's advertisement, to bo fun ml in minthtr column. In adtUlien to bis a lock of Wines, Brandies anil Liquors, ho keepa constantly on band a Urge and vtrb l tappljr of Lumber, both pine and oak, such m ta in most ooaimon demand by carpenters and builder*, til* sell* in small and large quantities, and offers at liberallylow prices. Having a mill be can supply an/ order, however large. We haro had the pleasure of exaniing hU stock. Ho also keepa upper and sole leather. Both of these articles our eitifona would doubtless do well to bn/ of him, when such arc nocdud by them. ?-? *.??.?. Dr. T. A. Walter's Drug Stare. Tlio stock of this new drug store; of which we spoke a short time since, is rspiilly coining In, aud the establishment will soon be a full blown one, prepared to meet the wants of the com id unity. Tho large experience of the pro prietor will seenre Ui* confidence of tho public for every thing sold there, and tho entire stock being fresh and new, those wishing the best quality of drugs and medicines will not fail to give him a cull. Dr. Bsatx's old stand is quito a popular one, and will not bo bard to riinciuhcr. See advertisements. A Masonic Insurance Company. We are informed that Recovery Lodge No. 81. A. F. M , of tliia place, has matured a plan for a Mnsontc Li'e Insurance IVin pany In this Stnt-, which has been submit te?l to the Grand Mister for examination, and very soon they ex| ret to send out circulars to each of the Lodges in Soqth Ca rutin*. Thl* Is tho very thing we want tliea? times?aiirn tiling to leave onr famlHes nfter death, and that, too, to have it at home among ,-nr friends. This nlan has the very great rreonunendaiion of retaining the iiinurmice money in our inidet. W? hope mon In l>? aide to give more fttll exposition, ?u<l the Masonic Ira Uinity wil giro il thrir attention. The inore who become member*, (lie greater Jventage Auction?Bale Cortinued. The Croekery ndvcrtisrd to t>? wl-l on ia*t Monday, by Mr. Jt'Ltva C. Smitii at liie Auction Uooma, ?n not diapoacd of in eon a- qiimoe of the bill of dry good* monopolising the time. It will be told on Monday nest, 24-1 June. Look out for Burgnina. The Amateur Club. Th? mtwicnl and dramatic entertainment* of the Amateur Club, which were gWru in the Court House on ln?l Kiidny and Saturday eve>i>ng?, were entire nccereful, and are etiihu*ia*lie*lly commended by thoae who attended litem?by the learned and the un learned; pioving their genuine excellence. Tlii*, we learn Irom tonte gentlemen of high culture and good taete, t.ol having been pretenl ouraelvea, on account of other en g grlocate. 8eriea of I>cotuiea 'Before the Clreenvllla l.tteraiy Club. Wo congratulate our cititen* upen the fact tbat the Literary dob hare engaged a number of learned and talented gentlemen, to deliver Lecture* once a week for the mining eight week*. The Br?t Laetara of the Scrie* will he given l>y Itev. A. II. Laaraa. ana of the Pro- ! friMri of Woffurd College, on T?wd?jr Bveoing mil. On ike mkjtfl of language. Tickrli for lb* LctlarN may be bad at the Book rmiii of lk? Clah, (Mr. Julius 8m iti'i ofle*,) Mep.ti* Bkattik'*, 8t?ks'i, W. II. Hovnr's, and at the Ikxtk Store, and Dr. WiLua'i I>ru$( Store. One dollar for a ticket for t!;? eixht Lecturer, twenty-fleo ccnta for a eingle iHTture. Uentlciuen privileged to bring ladle a j with them. FOR TUK aoLTUBRM EKTKBrBtsn. Democratic HfrntrK KJilor*: Saturday, the 18th in*t., rhe White llorre and I'aria Mountain Ifc-mnrratie Clnhe met at Montgomery'* and formed one clnb to l>e known aa the Parla Mountain Ikno era lie Cluh. The meeting waa railed to order by requeuing 0-"pt. J. O. Hawthorne to lake the Chair, and R Wat??ti to act aa Secretary. C?|>L Hawthorne, in a tew per line*.I rrmat ka, explained the ohje t of the meeting, att-r wh"clt a committee of five waa appointed to recommend aniiatde per* none aa officer" of the Clnh. The Comrpit tee recommended 0?l 8. 8. Crittenden for President, Capt J. O. Hawthorne for Vine* President, and Co'. T. I>. Gwyn for Score tary and Treaeurer, wlm were unanimously elected. Theac gentlemen addressed the meeting and pledged themselves lo dia eharge the dulh* of their respective ?ffirea with fidelity, and to the heat of their ahiliI ity. A conatiintion like aimilar organlznj tiona waa adopted and several new mem >en niiimii. in) ivnr imve jninfl. III# l're-iJriit appoint* ?l UftllUvt commitI##, eonelriing ? ' MfMn W?lrjr Ph'llipe Thoa. A. Foater, ft. MinkUnki, T, W. Rm, ml Ha) lla Purr. A collection ?h >?h*> ufk to defray Ik* expenrev ?f oar dalegala* lo lb# National Convention. Tha ruljeot, " not to |ivi employment to radical#," waa introduced and laid aver for diacuaaion and ; action at oor neat meeting Hack m am Her i agreed to at# Ida it.fltteeoe to imtuee othara ' to j'dn tk# Club. Hadioaliam having ra! eelved ita death Mow, and tka #ilvar tramp of freedom, and tka wareing take of oar ' political eaera having aroueel from tkair ! alnmhara tha tma lovera o' liberty. w#, therefore, li.?p# aooo to twell our nuroher j to two hundred. j Wa oonlemplata having a It*moeraii? ptenia at Heady River Church, tha 4ih of Jolv, due no'lee of whiek will be given. Tka next meeting will be tn# 4th 8a or day in June, at S nVlmk P. M. 8. 8. CRlTrKNDKJf, PreaiJent T. D. Owvir, He creamy, j Juno I3ih, Iftdi. 4 A Wv' v J Tfcv ) For tht Southern Enterprise ; ifr-wrt itltio**? AMlt ten o'otooK lMt riinrndny morning. crowd* of ow efliftone vore observed wending their way to the MethdUI Church, and ? w6nt there also, having won informed thai a marriajjo *aa to he oala> rated. On arriving, we found quite a urge gathering of people, neatly d re Mod, and with faoei wreathed in rot Hue. and apparently initn happy, waiting for the bridal pair. In ? law alaeUs the brldogroom entered with bis fair bride, both handsomely attired, and approaobed near the ultar, when the Rev. A. U. STerntpa, |*reeiding Klder, advaaeed end performed the marriage ceremony in the meet olrun and Imprcerivo maimer, in the prislne# ,.r .M Ik. ?...J. W. - - - - .1.(1 I. .u .LI ni?? itid kipp; ?WfU, Mr. Incota ud Mire DtCAur*, resolved to beeome wan and wlfa, and to take upon thtaualTM, aa tueb, their oleum row*, in that OMt appropriate and aered plaee, The llcaa* of Ood. May tlieW w#i be servpuloualy observed, and prorperity and happiness attend them through the whole Journey of their Href, 0. From the Columbia Phenols, , To tha Beraooratio Cluha of Sooth Carolina. The Central Kxwlitire Committee appointed by the Conrentbm lie?d here in April lent, beg to *ey Wfore the Democratic Clube which th> t roprc*ont.iho following etatemcut: tin the second Monday of this month, a Convention met here, in which ? District* ol tho State were represented. Tt? JrM action taken by that Convention, wan towppolnt a committal to confer with the uudcr-iguod, members of (bo State Cent rid Executive Coinmil toe, with a vie* of reconciling, if possible, those difference* which had unhappily arisen in the State. We met Uii* committee, in a full and free conference, and. after thin interchange of view*, we nnbmitted the following proposition a* an equitable arid amicable adjustment of mII the questions which threatened to'produce distension among the Democracy of the Stele i " Tho Central Exorutive Committee, baring been invited to a conference! by thf Convention now assembled here, and being most *olicitou to secure harmony in the State, beg leave to submit to thn Conference Coramitteo now in *e*sloa the following basis of union, namely: That tha Convention proceed to the nomination of delegate* to the National Democratic Convention at New York.^to till up the delegation of the State. And the Executive Committee pledge themselves to use aU their effort* to hare tie so nominations e >nfiruted l>y nil tho organisation* represented by the said Committee. The Executive Committee further recommend, that an Executive Committee be appointed by this Convention to art with tbnt selected by tho Convention in April last; and that, In the wpiuioii ot this Committoo of C -oferenee, it is ad vise'do that the two Executive Committees should he consolidated at the earliest moment possible " ' This proposition met the nnanimou* approval of the Committee of Conference, and waa ratified l>y tiie Convention with the ?amo unanimity. It i* now submitted to tbe Democratic Club*, represented by the Executive Committee, with an earnest hope that it will receive their hearty and eordinl endorsement. This action, on their part, is all that is needed to secure fall and perfect accord throughout tbe State?an object of paramount Importance to us all. It will he obserted that tho Executive Committee have not assumed to tliSea selves tbe right or the power to make an Aiconditional agreement. They only propose a plan, which, in their judgment, will be pro. duetire or Ibo happiest malli, m4 which they venture to urge the Democratic Club* to adopt and ratify. The Committee cannot close "without expressing, in the most emphatic manner, their | sense of the spirit of conciliation and the earnest desire for harmony, which marked the conduet of the late Contention ; and they beg to invoke, on tha part of thoae whom they represent, a like manifestation, of tha same laudable spirit. We appeal confidently to the Democratic Clubs to meet promptly the proffera of peace aad union held oat to them, in the I full assurance tlint such action on their part | will place the State 1a its proper positionone of perfect horns ony and cordial co-opera* tion between all sections. Respectfully, WADK HAMPTON, J. P. THOMAS. Y. W. Mi'M ASTKR, JOSEPH DAN. POPE, . S. McliOWAV, W. M. SHANNON. 8. P. HAMILTON, Committee. HtxoriATic Oa?x iw sorth Carouma.?In the r?-eent election. in South Carolina, aix* teen Districts were carried l?y the Demeeratiu conservative party, elx. : AbberWe, Anderson, Cheater, Chesterfield, Greenville, Horry, Lexington, Laurens, Lancaster, Marion, Newberry, Oconee, Piekens, Spartan* l?urg. Union, York. Tlie remaining Districts fifteen in on ruber, went radical, smne by a slight majority. Till* sueceta shows whet Is possible. Let take heart.?Pkernia. Abbital or Immjobaktb-?Tub Stcamship MaaxLAxn?This beautiful Teserl reached her hank al Union Wharf at an oarly hour Monday morning from Baltonera, bringing twenty-eight passengers, among whom WO noticed a nnruber of families Irons the Fatherland, ft went w I brae tteraona ia alt who kift com* to nrnkt komi* la old Carolina. It U l? um very great gva'fcftcation to nt<Ml a wrleome to til? da?ndanle of tlia great Herman. We have lauJr, fivlda of MrfttlitiM, and a weleo? for tboufanda mora. " l^rt ihm tow," la en every. Carvltbiaa'a 11 pa.?CkarUnf?m Jfnm, Md. Ralkioit, Jnne IS. William W. II olden, Governor alrat e# North Carolina, iaenea hla proclamation tomorrow, convening Iha Genera I Aaeembly on Wedneednjr. ih? I at day of July Ml*.? 8la?a oilierra will So 1 natal ted, H te undervoxt, ea booo aa llnlr dkaabllittea have been removed, eieept aoch aa are already qnalifl'J?v|n, It la preen?d, will eompty with the law of Congrraa jnat pa?d. A number of cititena of IT?uit nrp, ware arnit?4 la*t w??k, kj order of <}? . fnkjr, lor refuting tbr M of ? rbarrb, of *kl<k Ibty war* tnuteo*, to the MadieaU far holding una of their noatarual pvw.wewa. The Augutta , Chronicle ami 8rullne| gtrca lk? annexed j tiatemeni of (bo afkii, Kroa a rouv raiiv* with ?M of lb* gentle- j ; mm arrrrte-J in li-ttul?<rg. we loam that on I lb? antral of lb* jwrty Ta Aibaa ifcojr war* , J aat ra work el oo a tog oat ataMaa and <lulng > olhar nanlai aarrlea ; tbk* tan, bafoae anj exI ?rain a i ion ?m bad into tba atnraeter of tb# rk>rfM of whiab ihtj wore noeteeod. After wot kla; mil; all Jar tba roiataandoal of tba faat af Atbrn trateaead Ibroo aitiaan* oa proaaIn af firing ball to ataad their trial wkeaarcr lira eaaa wax broogV. up. ?