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- -- .J Japanese Revenge A story ia told by Tiungh. its Ma Japanese annals, which rhows ihaiiirnr of hi* restraint, the *everity with which small dvlimpienoie* ere punished, end the impunity allowed to revenge. At intervals port* ere established along the public road, end a guard set to enforce tbe interdict against the (leaning of women. One of these in the mopnt Fnkone, a short distance1 from Miako, on the road of Yc?bl?>. An inhabitant of Yeddo, nnwed Fivosnvemon, a wid ower, with two chifflVeh, a boy and a girl, wan called^ to a distance on business. He era* poor, and knew not how to provide for his children in hi-? ab?. tence ; and this law would not allow of hif taking. the girl with hint. II**, howerer, - resolved upon a stratagem. MRU dressing ui.? girl in boy*s clothes, passed the guard at Fakone unsuspected. lie war lejoicing at hi? success when M m?n vftho knew what children he had, joined him, congratulated him on hi* good luck, and asked fur something to buy drink. The alartnevl father offered a trifle. The man de rounded a turn beyond his means. A qnnrrel ensued, the man ran back to tho guard, and gave information of the trick that had been played upon them. The yhnle guard wero thunderstruck If the informer spoke the truth, and the affair should be discovered, all their lives would be forfeited ; yet it was unavoidable to send a party to apprehend the offender, and thus to bring upon themselves the dreadful penalty The commanding officer, however, resolved to save himself by another trick. He delayed the party to be detached in pursuit a sufficient time to allow a messenger with a little hoy to nveiiake the offending traveler. The ni9?senger found Fiyosayemon and hit children taking food inn. He told of the information thai had been given, of the pursuit ar.d danger, offered the hov as temporary substitute for the girl at the examination to ccme off, and told the father thai when the falsehood of the charge should I.e proved by loth the children appearing . io be bovs, be might taiily fly in o such a rage as to kill his accuser. The plan was of course approved. The dilatory gua'd soon arrived, surrounded the house, seized upon Fryosayemon and the children, and g'adlv announced that tbev were both boys. The informer declared thai some imposition had been prac ticed. w liicli the nr-rusul iiwliiriiinili resenting, drew his sword and cut ff the informer's head. The guaul de-, dared tlint such a liar had only Tret his just deserts, and returned to tlreii posts, while the traveler took his danglt ter and went on his journey. On a warm vnniner'a day, throe men t wrere brought before a fair, round I>utch magistrate, accused of drunkenno?s.? His honor, having premised with a hearty-swig of cool punch, began with the first : M You rasenl ! do you kiltv or pe rou not kttty ?'? 44 Guilty." ' " Vnt y?" i?it dhrunk on I*' 44 Blackstrap." "Vat! git dhrunk on blackstrap, you willinn you I Den dis ne mine everlastin sentence, dat you pe fined ?w??? " im'l'u"* The second culprit being questioned in like manner, an to guilt or innocence, likewise owned 'himself guilt v. " Now, tell me, you wile dhiunken rascal, vat you git dlirunk on }" " Sling."' 44 Vat ! you git dbrur.k on sling, you graceless wagabone ? you swilliu' sod, you ! Den I gi\?? my darnal sentence, dal you pe fined twenty shilling?." The third and last prisoner was now brought forward ; and, like the others j'lead guil'.v. 44 Vat vou git dhrunk on 44 Punch." 44 Ah, you dipplin' rogue you ! 1 fine* you sliusl nulling at all; for 1 gils dhrunk on punch myself some: limes." Josn Pii.unos on tub. Hvmiile P.ek. ? The bumble bee is one ov naturV se krets. They probably have a destiny tew fill, and are probably necessary, if a fellow only knew how. They liv apart from the rest of mankind in little ciicles numbering about "J* or 80 souls. They are born alront haying time, and are different from any bug I know ov; they are the biggist w hen tliey are fu?t bom. 'J'Ley redouble some men in this respekt. ' Tlreir "ptincipl bizziness is making poor honey, but they don't mako enny to sell. Hoys sumlirnes rob lliem out of a whole sutnimsr'n work, but there's is one thing about a bumble bee that boys alt*us watch diedIn I clos and that iz their helm. 1 bad rather not hare all the bumble bee honey there iz between here and the city ov Jerusalem, than to hav a bumble hit me with his helm when he cums round s'tddin. They are different from other vessels, the helm alwtiz minds the humble bee. A ooon atojy i? told of a boot bl?ek whose energies were taxed by the hng?shoes of a |>ritate who ju*l returned from the war. The little fellow, kneel ? ing down, looked o*er his shoulder to a comrade and exclaimed, *' Lend tne a spit, Jim, I've got an army con'tact. " Vatiir n, what does a pi inter live on f 4 W hy chihl I ' ** Hera use I heaid you say yon had^iot paid him hia MtUrr ption for three veara, and yon still ake h:a paper.'* " Wile, epnlik th:?' child." ? , - TUB B I Remarfeefcto Adventure urftfc a Bat >3 tlesnake?Singular Instance of Cruelty of a Southern Planter to one of his late Slaves. v i We ate indebiodJo the k'oinewr of 1 sTrlena lor *n acefHint of the fotfowiftg ? tttieroflmg chain ofrinvijrfentii: s or . 1 We commend this atory (for every 1 word of w liicli wo vouch, hid), if re I quired, will give the name*) to ou< < iiorlliein Mends?Forney, Greelry, Ste- 1 vena, Pliillipa, and (ho whole park of < them, and hope they will give it wide I circulation, aa showing what base, self I ieli, vindictive, dastardly fellows our 1 Southern jdan'ers arc.? Mercury. A Hcsawav Raul road Car.?The road from Cheyenne westward rise* to the grade of eighty feet to the mile for inore than lliiity mile*.or until it reaches the aninmit of the Black Ilill*, which is the highest point to he a laincd in "the construction of the great " na'ional highway hightecn ntih-s wevl of Cheyenne is a point called Carmichacr.s The town is cornp<?sed of a t^w huts, 1 atahlea, etc., and the accompanying gin mill*, boaidas. A few days ainoe two } cars "loaded with railroad iron were: taken from Cheyenne to this place and ; upon their arrival, it becoming n?ce*aa ( rv to detach the engine for a short time, ; the wheels of cars were blocked. When \ the engine was about beiug attached j i no reconi nme, I lie tinmpera struck j 1 I lie wedges were knocked out, an?t l>?- 1 | fore llie coupling could be effi-cled, (he j.' car* hud begun a descent. Down they I went towards Cheyenne, and word wm* ' immediately flashed over the wire* tr j misplace the snitch at that city, so that I they might run off the track, as it waa 1 suppced they would go the entire | tance. Down they went fully at the J rate of two miles per minute, for h dw? I tance of more than four miles, gather i ing momentum at every turn of the | w heels. AI last, in going round a curve, the great force threw the cam from the track, and in an inttani they were a total wreck. 'llie iron was broken and twinled into * O, r,.-1 ? 1 - .. .... ? imnnri iu P|in|HX*, while mm? of ilie bar* were driven mto the ground lheir entire leng'l). Fur* innately no person was injured. ? ? -4^>^ ?? A tovnG Indian girl who bad cmi* ou?|y watched tbe process of marking ban el beads in h flouring mill al Wi n >na Minnesota. stole in one day, and akin}; possession of tbe stencils oma i inenie?i her blanket with tbe words Fib worth's Clitiirf" and paraded the atieels in great delight, but to tbe disgust of" Mr. Fllswortb, who is a bacbe lor, and bad made no such choice. Til* heaviest alibi on record, is that of a Poses County, Indiana. negrot charged with killing a hoc. lie prbv ed that he was in three different plan**, ti.e miles apart, at the lime of tbe killing. A planter in th? \icinity of Ads:?>V Run, on Thursday morning went o?v<* drive, wilb a puck of seventeen ltouhrl*. In due course of time, fine buck was started. nnd as he came a-ilhilt range of the gun of our friend, he received the contents of l>oth barrel*. On went the deer, however, into an adjoining swamp, pursued by the whole excited pack in full cry. Near by a negro was hoeing cotton, who, wishing to assist hi* mas tor (we beg pardon, employer) in pro riding a fine haunch for* dinner, as well a* impelled by a natural taste for field sports, threw away his hoe, and ran into the swamp, to prevent (he hounds tearing the deer to pieces. As be was making his la?l leap, which would land him bv the side of the " stricken deer," lie had the misfortune of coming down upon a huge rattlesnake, who not liking such untimely intrusion, onirk n? I , ? 1 lightning, turned upon (he sable in- 4 vader, nnd struck hi* fangs through 1 CufFceT pantaloons, into (he 'fxterior ' aspfrct of (he middle third of (he tMgh. ' The planter canto lip almost immedi- J aii4y after; when Cuffee rentniked. just ks he r as about to faint, "Oh 1 mass* R , n rattlesnake hilo me," < pointing to the^ttriled up monster bv 1 hia side. CutF^Pra* puller) to one ride, ' nnd a dbchar^Hbf both bands of the ' unerring \\ wiy Ricliaids inado bin 1 rr.akei-hip ehuffli ? ff ihat mortal eoi!. ' Fourteen rntfle* gave pio< f of his age ' and prowess. Mr. E?? then address ' iug 'JuflVe. remarked, " althou gh you ' arc a grand ra?ca|, I shall no', let you 1 die in that way and instantly taking ' out his hunting knife, cut open the leg 1 of CidlVe** snake-pierced pantaloons, * applied his lips to the wound, and th<*n 1 and there sucked from It the deadly ! serpent's venom. The negro was taken ' home, in a state of iuseusihi by ; hut ' although very feeble, Mr. E thinks 1 he will recover. ' >v: 1 There are a few facts connected with the relations, past and present, of the 1 piincipals in this adventure, which I greatly enhances i?s interest. CufFee \ (our HQfii de (juerrc for this negro) was 1 the slave of ihe gentleman who thus ' saved his life, until the lower pail of ' our Stale was occupied by the Fe<Jqr*K ' wfien tie the United | Slates colored army f and by a singlilar 'coincident*, ma* Confronted soon after ward* v iih l.i? late master on a battle < field in North I'aiclitiA. Oi ftVc even -hot at him, hut missed f.nd was taken pii-oner by him; reh-n-ed of course soon afterwards, when the < \nifed*racv went " up tlie spout,* rind the " Union came in." After the war was over, and peace (-o called) I-m?| once more letiirned to bless (?) our holders, Cuf ' fee, treating no malice for Laving shot < at his master, presenter! himself before I him at the ohl plantation asking to he 1 emploved. He wn< tiiiidoycd, ami has I llpl>n ltl?rA * ..r ........ aowuvrr, which appeared in our paper if S8ih in?U ?.f the formation of the 1Sulphuric Acid and Sttj?er INiosphmc yompnny M inform;. ns ilmV some of our dlizm* propose to renin for our com nuniiy nt least s portion of the lion'* have. Sulphuric Acid is tire great heinical agent by*which these phos dta'es are mede available as fertilizers. Ibis Company intends to manufacture hat article not only for general sale, ml chiefly for the purpose of producing it I101116 reliable fertilizer*, upon which he planters can depend, as genuine and inadulierated. The manufacture of fertilizers at iioine will thus rai*e up a new domestic jnterpiise, in the success of which our a bole community i? interested. It will lava :h? advantage of "saving two freights, and will give employment to iiecbnnicn and lrade?tiieii in our midst. The time nt w nicb the enterprise is com nenced. is peculiarly appropiia'e. The :hange in our system of labor makes I the interest of every planter to pro* luce the largest crops on the wnalVst pian'.ity of land. If one acre, can bo inado to yield the ^ante crop which ihree formerly did, the planter saves in fencing, ploughing, and in ail the plan atioti arrangements. Hv the addition it fertilizers, ihen fott. tn? planter acliiallv supplies himself with laborers. Hid -aves iiiniself fiorn lite many large ?ud wasteful expenditures nece*?ary unler oos former system. We mist corlial'y srelcome the initiation of this en fipu-p. anct worn u*o nnine* which are tub cribed, feel amuietl iIihi it* promise f bencfi', lo ?!??? planting interest ?n?l lo those coiieetut-il, wi!l be fully re iizctl. It i* a piactical and oarne?t cnler price, and nut v liiult must add lo Ili?pro-per it V of our people and I ha development ?if their toil. Those ?lm have Inaugurated (lie movement are prepm I'd to nutke sut li addition* lo 11:** cap! ?1 h? may ho necessary for its foil and Sypal.nieces* Courier. May 30 H ThK GMI'M.v N3 A.XU 11IK SotTTM Perhaps the must eiicnuraging sign for cur fir.ure is to Ire found in tha fact thai the (lerinaiia cei'in at last lHorriui>hl\ aroused to lhe advantage* prereiited by. flu-South lo the llirif'y and irrduMiioti-' immigrant. We are il staled llrat'lieu lien Gold rug, K q., uf Stokes tjoun'f, N. C.. lias sold Iria forge. Minuted on Man Uiior, with about 1,200 acres of land at tal lied. In accompany of German capitalist*, who intend bringing a e?dorry of Oermnnt lo tlint County. li is ilie intention if lite comtmnv lo go largely into the inautifariuiliig luiMtiM, In I imiiit i.rg. ihev hare foioied a slock N in puny, with a capilal t?f $250 000, Tor starting a German e^lonr h* H??rt? da. li is expyylcd dial 20,000 North Lo Titian* can lie directed thithor in ilir course of I wo years, which would make the speculation an exreedir gly succeaa fill one. The German* in T<xns arc over 00.000 in number, and it in esli mated that at least tlnce-fourth* of ilicm are engaged in agiiculbital pursuits. Uariful and intelligent nl-sei vera l? Jieve that at least one-lhiid i.f the wlude Cot* ion crop of Texas i* now planted and secured by their labor. ? Char. Arctc? > ? Tub Lion at Night ? In the dark there t* Bo animal to in> i*il>lc? ft* a lionr'. Attaoal every hunter lms told a ttory?of the ll'nnV approach at night, of llie tenor Ji-|>Im\ ?1 l>y d? (jr. and rattle an lie die*' near, and of the utter ' inability to fee Kim. thojigh lie wan *o do-e llial tliev could lieur hi* breath ing. Sooie iine-", when be baa cr pi near an encampment, or clote to a nit lie eneltamre, lie doe? not ptoceed any| Furl her, left be i-beibi veutit e * i bin ilie radiiiH illninined by (be ray* of the lire. ISo lie croticltA* dotulv to the ground, and in the rcmi dftikudpa look<o like a targe alone, or a little hillock, llial any one might pant ofrVe to it without perceiving ile real nature. TliW lire# the o|vp(?rtunity for which the lion baa been \vt1tcl1ins4. and in a mo nenl be at r ike* down the careUan ntrag ?ler, tfnd cattiea off bl^piey to the den. kaufliwei, .when wy innch excited, ie arcompauii* the charge with a tottt ; >ut, a* a general fact, be secure* itie ;>rey in iUucc.? Our Firtridt. ? ? Kkfp hi* IWktiidays.? Keep the drthdaya religioudv. They belong cjt *1 naively to. aim are It ensured among lie aweetest tnemoiiaU of home. T>o ?ol let anything prevent *om? token, je it ever ao liyht, to allow that it i? ememht-rcd. liirt|idaya are grpat vont* to children. For one dny they 'eel that tltey ere h?roe*. The apeciiyl Kidding is made exprea-ly for them, a iew jacket or trnimra with pooke'.a, or he nrrl pair of boot*, ere donned ; and I jig brother* end aider* alnk into ?n-iglilieance be-Id* little Charlie who is ' ri* to dev." and i* ?o<.n * going to he t man.* Father* who have half a lox^u little ones to care f ?f, aie aj>t to u-glect hirthdaya?they come too often, onietimea when they are httay, and ome'hne* when they are * nervotta ;* Hit if they only knew bow much Mich ouvtnirt are eheiiaVed by the children ear* after,'they would never pemiii >ny cause to atop between them and a larent'* privilege. iiSrwi* . . . ^ 1 rr~- ; .--r ?ft and Home Iali t ; : i try.t Our communtly 1iM t*rn cb#?red by. lit* recent diacntry of txt?n?iv* pbq* ph?l? drpofil* on .liver. 'Hie rxj-ort <>l tiiis velOMl.le mHterinl-ftae al* ready commenced, ami Ire feUied that re, ihoiild i?ave to content ourselves nitli being mere producers of ibe raw material, and yMfb-lo tlie Horlhein manufacturer* tlie liottV share, in tlie ale of fertilizers, Tlie aunounceutent. * leSrilii - ? -L-.'J : * !! "* ti^SB Tux pRtKTtn'a CoMtt&RDMtHTS.? Then (especially the ladies) j diait I ova (lie pi inter, for he )6vetb ydu halt subscribe tor hie paper, j tor he weketh much to obtpin the uuw*, of Which yon remain ignorant. If r busiow* roan, thou (halt advertise, that thus tby profits msy enable thee not only to pay f<?r thy paper, hut, ' u put money in thy purse." J Thou >l)i?'t not visit him regard!*** of his office rules?in deranging the p?- I per. _ y . ^ Thou shslt not trouble anything that I vroukl give him trouble? that he may l t|ot lurid thee guilty.*/ i , ; < Thou dixit not read the manmerfpt in the hand of tha comnnaiina?fiur lia i will*not hbld thee blameless. Thou Ahull not rtnd tint news before 1 it in printed, for be will giro it to ibee in doe time. TLon shall n*lc him few questions of the Affair* of (lie office. , Thou shall not hi any lime vend abu ire end threatening letters to the editors nor cowhide him lucre than five times n year, v * v . > i A , f Actual Skkvick or Black Tkoou*. ' ? An exchange says: Inhere has been such h ileal of clamor about the "loy ally " ?>f the negroes in the South, and tlie sen ice* rendered Uy them in put- , ting down tli? rebellion, that the subj >ined figures from the bureau of cwlor- i ed u<x>p* will be interesting: Wfiole number mustered in during the rebellion 109,024; 'mustered out 80.923; discharged (mostly for phvsicsl disa bility) 20.230; died 31.806; de.erted 14.887 ; killed in action 1,314: miaa ing iu action 1,344 ; transferred to navy 306. Tiir Ottawa Free Trailer lells the following; A patent right vender in Aurora was slightly bitten recently,'lijr a " green cooniry chap afier this fash* ion. Country agreed to swap a horse for a patent right -The Vender was OHger fur tha trade. The papers were duly executed, and placed iu tha bauds of m liverv mui ?? ln???/t?.l ??> ? <>n it." delivery <>f (he horse. N.xt morning 'lie render culled around and was surprised lo tint) liituri'lf tlie owner of n tin horse. . A J f T!?t.? A negro was dri?ing a rnther refractory cow along the street yesterday, which wa* nil the while stop ning. or trying to run bark or up some Hey. The dtiter was accosted by an* other dinkey on the sidewalk thnaly : " 1 say, Jun. wliar you gwtiu aid dm cow?'' * Tryin' to diive her In do hou'Ih," quoth Jill). " You's a fool, nigger. D*l cow's afraid to go wai* ofl n do woods by itself." Jim looked liked lie wan'ed to throw a biick, but lie didn't have time. I>n Arnold once lost patience w-th a doll scholar, when the pupil looked tip in Ilia face and raid : ' 'Why do ton speak so angrily, sir? Indeed, I am doing the l?cat I can." Years af ertloDoctor used to tell the ftorv lohischif then, and say : " t nevei felt no ashamed in my life. That look and that speech I hare ucvci forgotten." A child of five year* liavhig accn Iter father for the first time, he having heoi ahaenl in California, war much astonished that he should claim any am ihoiitv over her, and on an occa-h n <f rebellion, a? he administered pu i.-hnieii1* she ciU-d out ; 1 wish yon had never married into our family. A l.frrr.a four year old child in I'ort land told his father he war a fool ? On being repiiuianded hy hi* inoihe? and requited lo say he was aorrv, he (1111?11 s rt si?i in tlkse insulio.l Y *' ?**V tiruiivu |/niru? ?l?l exclaimed, " papa I'm sorry- you'n a fool." Lovr.?True love i? a natural rarra ment, ami ifeier a young man "hanks heaven for hating saved wiiai if good ami noMe in his soul, it is when he think* of offering it (o the young Udy lit . loves. ' Urv. Tiiomas Coon, an adeemed citizen of liennei tro ille, died on Ffidaj I rot, I lie 22-1 ult., in the 60th veat of hi* age. He had been a Methodist minister for Sft veara. [ Charfetton Mercury, June 2. " I>id you draw anything at the late fate I" said lirggs to Jitfg*. " l)iS? I anything! eh ? gad, didn't I draw my wallet about twenty timer t" "Bar. here mister," raid an Tilth lad of seven rummers, wh4 was dimh spa tree hv a d? g,~ if you don't take that dog away. Til eat up all your apples" Vrorrv -r-~ . *? ? %. ? mnnvr .r-HMilJ" VI irniK | I ICC, trnrr < f mile*. It it impotfiblo t6 e* (**pe trouble by running nw?j from dwr. An editor out Writ, aho had rerved four day* ar a jtrrj^nan ?ay* :' *! am to full of law, tliAt it i# with great difficub ty T can refrain from cheating aopre* body.Tna Atlanta Opinion lava it down at an atiotn, that people wbn have no via ble meant of aupport and wiH not work alwayt Meal. Tfta Griffin Star ray* there it mora building going on there, than at any time aince the war. A arts, ray a a French lady, -eorla I eat and jfTatifiea more than any thing cite in eiiMenee. Jt-dok Hilton, a lawyer (or A. T. Stewart, it tntd to bare a aalary of 25,000. \v time it money, how doe* it hap* pen that (bore who )i*r? rnort of the .ortner have least of (he letter f r ? # rwsr. W. H. HOVEY, DEALER IN umr '-iM otavkj DRY GOODS, crafty sagTB magna JKrfew Jai\^v\ J^TCY\ \A7 0tU.Drw?ctfully ?mU U? YY if lit* old efuionrcra, mml ttoe public (mirkll), knil the ladii-a in norllcnltr, I* liU Urge and eanMly ael?mt?d STICK Of mm MFOTB8 cehabiln}*, In pari, *?f Hgiirtd 6ien?liii?i RniilMi Uvtwi. Ohsue ?,l Puplna, Figured Mnaiina, Plaiu r. , 0>J<Tf.l Ltwnf, PUii^ Color#*! i Oliambrevs, Whil# and Colored jTaf i torn, Plain and figured ? ; bwliies Jaconet a, Mull and Nainsook Mimlins. EJ< 'ings and Inserting*, Rihbnna, Olovea, Fancy HoYidkerrliiefi, Lore V. Iln, Crape V?Ms, bilk nod Cult on Hoar, H<Hwl.a*5n.i, American Print*, Button*, Trimmintrai black ami- Colored V A\. Ac, A#. Abo, \?W1 ?ud Bwr A LAROK LOT OF hats, Caps, shoes, and ready-madc CLOIHIX'G, Gentlemen'* FnrnMihig Goods. firmest una. Shirtings Sheeting*. Tickings, Toweling*, and many other Article*, too numeroui to mention do not intend to 6* underbid JfSi i C? or, one and all, o?d ?-x iiiine my Stuck and prices, before buying W. H. HOVEY. April 13 it U * , " " ' ' . , HAI.K or TOWN-LOTS KOU TllE raw COUNTY OF PICKENS. fiVlR indiwgned. Coinmia*io#?r# *p JL pointed l.y ike Convention to nlfcl and locate the County Site lor the new riekea# County, ui | aU to the lilgluit bidder si III# n*w location, on Thursday tho 25th of June Next, THE LOTS AT PICKGNM C. II., I'unifiridiiiit, Wfetirfly, keif act#, onaand tyro Acre lot*. Judieiourly laid out. Tlia ImkiI.# is near Ifuntee's Store, bet?t*n Town end Wolf Crr?ks, 14 miles f oio Old rirki-ns C. II. SO mijea from G-cenvllle C. 'I, and 17 mHeifrom Pendleit:ii t.r _ i - I.I - ?-" iuii i ojj", iii n iKiimty ??-C'lun. 1 D? location t? n mo.'l derirable one, bei^R M<U ated on a bmuiif- l plateau and am rounded by f-nU* region. with thrifty inhabitant*. HiMt ia on tolli Town ami Voll Crek* fill* Wm?r Power. with gnu I Sow Mill*, and a* abundance of lh? beet limber near by. TS? (bitply alt* ! rtearly rqni ilftlant !>? tween K?-owr? and HahnU Kivcrs. willi rtne vWw of the naiuhitln reenery, and will command a large and profiiabU trade from the mountain# and frcm Ninth C*io lina. TERMS OfSALE: On# third mail; hahmc* in two inualwent* of 00 and 90 d?ya ea?h. Purchaser* to vjiva Loud and surely for the puidiaw money. Till** to b* executed, btit not de live ml untik lhe baud lor the j?ur?li*#imoney is full* paid. 1'urcli.nir* to pay ri'nI fbr tillea and Kiamn*. JAMKfi LEWIS, ChWn.1 J MES H. AMBLEIl, | U EEs K HO WEN. J-ComVa. W.TPIELP. j J. K. llAUOOn, J For further information apply to the un dcreigned, at Picki-na C II. J. E. TTAOOOD, S?et'y A Traaa'r of B-ard of CooiVa. Ma) 13, 1808 61 id In tie Diatrict Court of the United Statei. for the District of South Carolina. In the Matter of JAMES BRITTAIN.?/? r|^in8 l?j7b GIVE NOTICE, that a PctiI tiou ha* been Sled in fall) Court by JAMBS 1IIMTTA1N, of Greenville District, 8. C., to said District, duly declared a bankrupt, under tba Act of Cvngre#s,.?ntitled An Act to establish a I'nilorm Sy stone *f Bankruptcy throughout the United Btetas, approved 2d March Ii*d7, for a discharge and eertlfteat* thereof; from all h la debts, and other , claims provable under the anid Act, and the 12th day of Jnue l&CK, at tt o'clock, M., la assigned for the bearing of the same, before w i. Clawhox, one of the Registers in Baukruptcy of aald Court, nt his eAce In Ynrkvills, 8. C., when nnd where nil ereditera who have proved their debts, nnd other pereons in interest, may ^tend and show ecmse, if any they bare, wb^thc prayer of tho Petition should not he granted. DANIET. nORl.RECK, U. 8. Clerk District of South Carolina May 17 1 * Green trille and Colombia R-R. Co. rilUIB Company has now for sale, in lieu JL of < Beaton lie Lata," a TICKET which snlltVra a ?o raor, to travel ever it HO A I) ONKTHOUSAND MII.KS FOR $t0. within on? year (row <j?t? of pnrchitM.? ' TKe Ticket* can be |>ur.->iM?*4l (toiu lb* Ajraata at Columbia, Newberry. Abbatllle, Aqdcraon ami Greenville. W. ALSTON QllinUrt, OcacralTickel Ageul (). A U K. k On. May IS SI . WE &ELL TKE PURE KEROSENE OIL AT 75 CEIfTS. YOU CAN rtUT AN INFERIOR QUALITY AT A LOWER PRIOR, BUT ft 18 THE DEARER OTf., AR IT BURNS OITT wrca FAST8R, AND TOU ARK LIABLE TO LORE YOUR LIFE AT ANY MOMENT BT IT, VI CAJf BILL SUCH AT SIXTYFIVK CENTS, BUT DO NOT WISH TO DO IT. * " *33 am 9 M*8? CWfiS. IPam lwtj, - > ? ' TL W. POLGKE * CO. April S AS U * 1 ^0 % |9 A?B If W# WEED'S srfwRMACHISE " ? ?**? M ? -V)1#' ? * ,, < 1 <*. J^S. ,* *?? - : m ts(I .) ....hub* I '\I tillar * . * WE <? 1. / " ,?uu ' ??> >AK.{m r?t t<?? .Aft .'JjT. 1 hp') ' ?*' yn'w ** ' WI "Mfl KmA ^mVB|RA 'pUR bert aod mo?l>!mpla Machine no* L h. u-e, and WWtftfTfHfWaWcw nrfMDtid to 'hi ptobllt, hawtfijp alt tha late*! ImproTrolrdW; Mm* the rtmlgkt NevMr; nwkee III- Tight Lock 8iitch, which it the only reliable ?n*.?n^ rhow* ih* nid? > oil l.oih aider, 1< U elmpl-, eaaUv tforkyp) and kept in order; It wi:t Pttt*h, Hem, Fell, Hit?!. Cord, Braid. Ruffle. Tuck, Qdllt, 11. m-Silifh, Gather aod 8f*. at the earn* time. p. Honriof a greater vnrhfly of Work i han any other Machine, on tb* light eel to the l>v*i i-rt labriea. I It iycalved a mcd*l at the meat ParU Ex. ri,tT??o*rra?l't!i?to to gtf% toWfahlloll; If | not, returu ttoia. '' ' ?-v~ ' PU-afo call and examIna them. , ,-< I We olsn keep eonftantly oo ha'ml, a fnnerlor I nonortincnt of Gentlemen'* PTTRNrSnTNU GOO 1*0 and TKIM.MIN08. 0-m tha otieejh eat In the t* at (tu*litic?. and low lot agthi?We will CUT and MAKE In the beat and latcet improved Htyto*, atl Garment* Or Gentlemen and ( cots' Wear, Ladiea' Cloak* and SaclMi do. All Work warranted. PICK laK & POOR E* Greenville, 8. G. Jan. 16, 1800. * Jan 1ft 31 tf T. W. DAVIS. WATCH MAKER, C9 WOULD Re*pectfully Inofm tlie people of Greenville it jlftnnd the *ori wiitiding eonntry, ',e '"** mm xshkowkivb From l?if Ol.p STAND in Ilia Goodl-it. House, tfi a more CONVENIENT ne, three door* Ndrfh of the Man. *li>U Home. next door to Pickle A Portr, 011 Main Sttr-et. where he te prepared to do all work In hi* line of huatneae, at abort uo> tier, in a workman Ilk* manner, and on reasonable term*. Aug SO 18 tr M AH B I B WOHK! niRBLE WORK!! . 55 & ?> Zb B T27 <5> & S 8 E 3 rPHE fulweriUr La* on hand, and will 1 continue to receive, a good aaeorlment rf TOMU STOKE?, of all fieri; nnd tjnalJlie*. Thoee In need of any lliln|? hi thnt line, will do well to call at the Port Office before pnrrhaaing rlaewh-rr. HP Country produce taken In exebnnga fur work JAMES M. ALLEN. Gr> onville C. H., Nov ft, 18ft7. 14-fT W. H- CAMMER, PRACTICAL GINSMITH AND MACHINIST* CORN 8HELT.ET18, Cotton 01n?, f^ctc*. Kt-ros-ne Oil Lump#, 9*winj Machine* and l'aruanls, REPAIRED with prompt neaa. Charge* reoM.nahle. Hf~C??untrv Prodeeo tak? n in *xcl>ang? for Work. Stand?At Weetfteld'a old Shop. Jan 23 35 * tf W. K. CMLir. Q. Q. WftLLf* EA8LEY A WELLS, Attorney! and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQtJITY, GREENVILLE, 8. C., *, PR \CTICK la the Court* of the StmM and ' of the United Bute*, and girt trpaeial attention to enoaa la Bankruptcy. Jane 13 3 tf LAW OAR IT. GOOD LETT 5c THOMAS a . . Attorneys at Law. AND **' \ SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, HAVK thla day formed a Copartner hip In tk* of LAW nod RQUITY oo lh. Weaiern Cirewit OfHce In Ikt old Coart Home Bviliiiitf. ? ?. !>. Oo>I>LtTT, WM. M TftOMAt, I>ee to ?0 tf Law Hotica?Change of Office. GF TOWNM h.t removed kta Low I OSm to ?bo building north-eaat enrm-r <>f the PttUlio Square, in part oe%?pl?4 by Julie* C. Smith, Auctioneer, and the Enter* prUe Printing Oflee, up ?Uir?. Jan S M tf ^nTpBicE. ^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAUl ftklfflA OA .r..niwf>k?nf " t WILL prMtlw i* 111* OaaaMca ft Lump, kin. Dnwnon, Ullntr, Vaaato, UbI<.*, Tmm, Vklt* H4 M?I1. to M If BiTGSVILiB .*MTHilK E0MPASY. SAVING bftn ?ppol?l?4 Agent a for Ihi* Com puny, ?r? am prepared to HIRTINOrt AND YARN at Factory prtaaa. D?vM A fllratley, OroMti and Coannlaaion Mrrr knatg, Oreenvilia, 8. U. , No* td 11 M Work TV)NR with and dUpateh a| J J TliM OFFICE.