University of South Carolina Libraries
rOK TIM h.rtkn^aisg, I after remark* made by atrtrnl members on the regulation <jrw4 gkd meeting before, on mollva rf^ukjD. A. Plmlo*, the recolutlon liimi i* Cbifc viWtUktml tor it. Afortc<!<","? remark* by A. SliumaU/fcttt. C. A. Parkin*, W. Fi-Trowbridge aaf otlh, the** Utter r*eelMm3?ot*<>aduptcd.Vmn motion, of Capt. C. A-JnAin*, A. C. 9?m>, who had ?been larll|(ppl<l|^ t^c aqpyg, w*? called on, who, IptlfMimlaecJ by fte chairman, -Capt. A^hiiolfe/iiceee and addre**e<l the Clah. the Kaihcal party in estal>ijebl?B negro *ufferage in the South, and organizing Upton j.eaguea u>r it* oenur?i { iu? ?*ng?r 1001 ruro?i- j CM Ul* wholo ouuntry without lis defeat, end the groat ueeoeeity of nwj good, mm who had joined It forsaking Jt at ohm, sad all uniting to Mtt the Country ruin. B? alio (bowed the blocks preunt that their rure intend U with the tteinocratio porty of the South. i'w , v <? After this sddreea, on opportunity woa gl/on , -to oil who With ad to (IJfn their hemes to the Cooatltutlons, wbon twoaty one present eome forward and pint down their nimo, among 4 htm two white aeon who bad belonged to the Xengwo, and eriry negro preaent. On motion of Copt. Parties, Jt*oo/eerf. That thie Club, tbrvagh Ite Pre oident, ntnn ite tknaks to Rer. A. C. Skpp, ft* the sUo ssd eloquent add rem he has ju*t dctirernd an, and that we lartto him to attend ? often M he ean make it convenient. f ^fwiliaf, That the proeeeding* of thie meet* log and reoolntion* adopted, be sent to the ilfeeoviHe papers fen pnhHeatlon; Se. jlred, That, a* the oppbette party haro asked a friendly diseardun of the subject, we Invite lUsr. A. C..St?i>p, and give him |aare to ideal another .?p' iihef te aid fcim, to m4et dhjr tnrd white dim tbb partf may* choree fc?r that pursoee, ai ?e sear M, * ?<***'''. on lftth of iniy. ind thet all jmAiae he invited to attend. Tho Club now numbert one hundred and <o?e saeaabera. <On motion, adjourned, to meet. ?B the ilrat Saturday in Jaiy, ot 2 o'clock, I*. M. v. /. HKNB.Y A8IIM0IIR, President. / Capt. jeaa Cantata, Viae President. A. C. KcQu, fteeretarr. . ' tfjcreulir* Committee.?B. Chartea, Stephen Griffith, P. K. U< K?ntU, II. F. Sowell, Jamea JVyinv Cot. h. II. Bhomate, Or. J. P. tt.ld, | Capt. C. A. Parkins, if. F. Trowbridgo. yu/iif^Tt TlcrtaW* We the undrj^igned d? agree to f?p? % political association, l? t>c known t? thr R - ert? Heat J), inocimlc Cla't^ The ??' J?ct of the Club will b? the dirse&'lat '?n of Democratic priMi|<l?t, th? ir-aer* a???m of the republic. on<l the rlghtt of the dtatea, the defence of*< iislitiilional lit city, and the pretectioh of the peaee and ? ><> ! order of society. For this purpose, we will aet it harmony with the greil Kntiwual Democratic Party, in 'O'h'K lo rleet * Democratic President, 'and drf-*t the uiiconstttwtional and despotic RCconilruation Act* of Con grow. lot. There shall ha a PreaiJont. Y;> e President, Secretary. Treasurer and K?cee?W tivo Commit Las, who ?hal| perform all the duties ordinarily dieeliaryot by ?un;i ?>ffi ? eera; and they shall, bo eleoted by the uiembera of the Society, and continue in office till oilier* *r* elected. Sad, Every one who will sign this Condilution. and pledge Uunarlf to eonform in the rwksta and regulations of the Club, shall be a member of the same. The Society will meet monthly, or oftenar 11 deemed n?ce?*sry by the Preeidrnt. and will affiliate with similar send-ilea throughout the State. 1.11 Knalnaaa mI.uII 1u? I rinct.t! e*?l est three meeting* of the Society, ** ?! majority of ?he member* nmtl eanctiuii tin4lh. It shall bathe duty of the Ke?????lve Cofun|lll4? to prepare huatiirM for I lie So" eicty, but any meml*r may submit any measure which he deem* proper for the actio* of the Club. From tbf Ch*rl#*U>n Mercury. f' 8nbjngated " Mtitrt. bait art: We arc tired of the Iteration af that word, " imbjuynlfd." No one i? aubjugated whoa* n-ul ia uaaunqnercd. Temporary auhjactioa to brute force U Out auhju. gation. To ha knocked off one's horae and robbed, la not subjugation. Waa St. Peal? were tbo martyr* of Cliriatiaaity lutj-ymtfi, whan expoeed gafooee)<s* to the malice of uneinie?f '{War* is wqmbjngatloa where there If oo ar-reHa spirit. Re who, when outraged, earriea wit bin him a bi^h eoorrionrncaa of taperiority to tha perpetrator of tbo outrage, and but concerni himself to act worthily of hi* ovt nobler nature, |nd?, la the injurious rioleuea of baaar spirits, bat tba maana of daael. oping hia own moral greatness. Something of pity mingtaa with tba lofty acorn with which ha look* down on character and.conduct essentially abject and igaobia. Tha Southern people never held a prouder moral position than than at thU moment? nerar war# at a t?rtb?r remove from all tba* i* M ignominious la ssibjogatlon. Honour and generosity wera alwaya their attribute* ; and raaaut areata but aabaauo their ooa*ci?u| an }. pwkrltj to tkoi?, who, if thay nitin the "word* la tboir rumbtte^i know do* (lair To daelam aoUmnlyto tho world that tbt; f lught for Unipn, Dot an l>j ligation, and thro to carry on war,, three years after peace, against an onarmad people, dioai the aaino perception of honour apd gearrof ity that ttia blind maohaa.of colour, ^. Datlat tkia I gA out lay attach holy to thoro to whom It haling*. Ilwaf aud gaoareatty are not tba etHueire growth of any clime. Nor aan wa imagine any mora, potent manna to aroka what there ta of there qualities it. tha Northern mlnJ, than our own recant biatory. If thlh Wgpy tyaplh bn#' (allow, pre rent dofMMMd rtilf be but rtwtporary^ A TNttfTT, Uiduauipur population ia the great want of thia Di?trkl, and It aan only be offering land* at r?-a*oneM- rat- a ' and advertising properly the ureal iit-lw*- { menu wjijoh our Motion, afford* to in* id grants Una It n-eurefd to our Inpd i i-. prielotn that arm if they ahorifd not rfT-et a leetrftbta rale of any of thair land-, it will b? a good iovdMrn nt of fire dollar* to - adverti** the inducement* aid ndrtntaff** whieh our (Harriet awn-rtein-fie* Sligmrta, Gallon H- ?ar* Ik>tite A li?rU Aud sea their reasonable proposition** ' ' { ' V I Faol? It*"*,?.NJrj Alitor! ^o aeiiA iheor- j in* n?W trait VbM. AV lh? elmron in April, the radical# eajrMl^o Diacnet l>y a majority fit near fOt, At jba peaant. clertiyp, tu indebted to any lukowarmnaee on tha port of twliaal Mert. ** fir *4enr> Uol^HoS.tker??th*.**!!#^ of j*T party, and tha determination on tl?i part of ovary ona to enlighten,'and aiiart Ibelr nee on lb# fruojiuen t?i Ui?ir etnphj jncnt. SJ Sine? the result of th# election has hose Bnrw-?tT*e Ma. 9rurr*0- Bow*n OCT-?Mf. stir,ion r*tir?? with III# thanks of Congress for In# Trifle# a# S'?r?Ury of War, in fighting the rebellion during the fwiir and In ing AiMjr Jhliiffcni eUft# Ike wariMtnd all hand* ara'katisfled, or kufht to he?John on in getting rfd ut KUiitor, the tiro Hon#,-# in bvtrtg relieved fhitn the trouble of <iaiiiling guard over hint, and Stanton with h# pretty coroplim?nt front Congress. f?et him, "l<ke honest Concho, bid Hod Mm the giver, nor look the gift hot## la the month." K*il SUniMk ' > York TUt*1? K COM MGRCIAL. * ' 't- t ' ' 1 t = Oi. YCt ' 2i.A Haw.Yoa*. Jui?#?,, Cotton doll and a #l)a<ln lower; hlM '300 bales, at HO 0.10). Cold :to J. i i fUivttiont, Jnnp8. Cotton 8rm. at 31. Floor dull anil demand light. WMat doll-'Maryland rail 2.85 (is 2.80. Corn doll?yellow 1.1201.15, Mm pork galet, at 28)029. Bac?n nuiet. , ..V. AvntrsTA, June 8. Cotton market doll, nominally at 28) for middling. 'VT CoXo^dVn^lW dAclfuiVg^*no "s'aUi?m'idillfng nominally 29)-. mi-|7. __ * CaABLBSTny, Jan#. 8. Cotton dull and easy; salsa 10 bales?middling 20; rccaiid# U.rl. f> A GREfcimLLtf rRfcB^ C?7RnWT MESSRS. OAVIS &ST Rm^l?^c*Ari1r?. URKBXVILLK, 8. C.. MAY 2*. 1*M. . API*LKS, "& basliel, dried, 44 ?" un peeled, 85 e/%, 91 M BACON, ft lb wJ ..iJ+Mit8 0 20 a. BALK ItOPK, ft tt>? aw, 18 0 20 ?. 11AUUINO, Onitoy, ft, yd 30 c. iuttkr, m *< . UCCKWIIKAT fLOUK,^ l??llnf$yi.noo^ JJEfcSWAX, * .'..^26@30 e. CHICKENS, V M ?T?5 r. mvmsssm Fi.OL'K, y ?wlt|.?.J..? .. . v^ liOLD, ^ i5 IND1UO, Spaoieb float,.....,,4r-?2 WCl2 25 rnrvv ? ??*a*00 fROX Tja tt, Amcru'io, - 8 e. LEAD, n> ........20,;. LEATHER, V lb, Sole, Hemlock :?40 e. h " " " 0*f, - 60 t. " " " Upper,#. ? ? Iter***.. U >..'J.i#5e. MOLAR5KS, ^ fpOloit, Maw-evade,..,...$! ? ?. ? M Syrnp^^,..?.. J..?? ;25 NAILS, ^ 1 4? vU @ *10 00 OATS, ^ bn.bei 76 v. PEAS,"" " $1 20 PBACUM, VI U, Jwied, 00 POTATOES. lu*hcl, ?r5^i7r@ $l'o0 " " Sweet, none, . SAt.T, V ?""V, Liverpool,....: ..*3 00 @ 3 25 SUGAR, ft !?., llrowb,. @ 20 ? " " Clerifled, 20 @ 22|V. " iff OivAed...... ~ .^?5| ? 25 e. SHIRTING, fovuB-tightj, bale, 13 ?. " .? retell ,1?<*. TALIA)W, '<* th 16 c. VARN, factory, by kalt^..MM,^t?U41 00 M - be oeb ... .. $2 26 Ice! Icett [CE mejr cmietenUy t>? had by applying on MR. SIMPSON, under the Ma ueion llouee, el 10 cent* per pound. iy N?? Ice eold without the Caah. June |0 t S Amateur Club. ..1..I.I l..?. i? ler.o T> 1 ' Palmetto Brass Baud. Kit Klux. and other Amusing Plava, Song*. <tc. Aduiisaion, Twenty.five Pruts. Ticket* at M--r gnu A Westmoreland'*. H, C. Brow it'*, and Orlando Long'*, 8 F. LONG, Manager. June 10 :i ,v- 1 Millinery. fMISS M. K Y ha* jut rereived a large supply ?f MIIJ.INKIIY and STRAW GOODS, among which are the New Sundown and la Ko*? llat*. at eery low price. A ea'l ?ol'*tt'e.1 at h-r new Stand, Main Street, opposite Mr. Steel,'? Store. _ 3-f ^WVWVtf/-'^AAAWVvAA-V. Crockery. I am jmot receiving and opening the beet, largest and ckeapeet lot of CROCK KRY ttial bae keen Jironght to tkia place since the war. A full assort inert of nil klode. Call and examine. . THOMAS 8TKKX. Jane 10 * * it Auction. SALE CONTINI7El>. I^UK halarce of Stock s( Dry Oood?, Ac., i will be ehwd nut. on Monday nest. June lvh, at mv Office. cftsistlnaoT, Edg I... ntiiluvni lt.lls Mi rise (lisvra Ho ?:a<-y. (Men'a and Womens'.) (Winn Hlurt inar, Hktrtinw, Coraeta, Sim, a, (Men's an.I Wutntn'i) Ready U*dl Clothing. (Paula Coats and Vesta,) Anapa end 8 arch, Kaltrff, Scissor* and Uata. A Intfta aWOTtment ??t Crockery, consisting # M"g< Plte^ara, Angara, Oesma, Ewcra and Hasina, Tea Pots. Soaps, flu pa and Hnucere, Maker*. Napisrs, Wishes. Chain Lcra, Boar I#; KIhi.J Teas, and many other aitfWwe JUIIU3 C.8UJTII. ,-iT . ,\o. 'ISA, ' Deputy Collector'* Office.; j , in Cattimdi Drtrfttor, I. 0-, ( prM?vilU, J una 8U?, IMS. J T>Y virtue ol an ordar from A. 8. WALJ) LACE, 8?lle?Uir of lntaroal Heranue, 8(1 Collection Die trio! S. C., I will oil In the highest l>iddor, at pahlie outcry at Chorus C. Montgomery'*, on Saturday, 27th Jnne, inatant, ttvtween 12 *?d 1 ootock, all that Tract of I.and, wbe*o*u M?vH*rr"? fluoric re?Ui*s, containing Two llwndred and Eighty-oac or.d a half Acre*, aanrv < ? lea*, lying ?n daluda (liver, and huwndvd Ly land* qf Clorelond, tlihhon, fluent, and othor*. Tnia Land iaanld for. United ?nya Mnfewen, Ta*. a<**o**d against film on spirit* JV.illen by iiim on lb* premise*. from May, 1M1, ta Jauaary, 1887. Term* of Sato Csab. ? r>*o*?? ralKroto^ad AnHam^JDiS^* >. c. Ju 4k 10 3, 3 6 ?J T f f g I NE1W r DRUG STORK. ^ F A. WALTER 1 *' 'I fxl't ... w I. ^ Am Hit-?nllon tliil Jyirlhi* pnii.>?? ami ,-v " >>FwicfNJXls 4?<-0' Hi . I he.. ul.l and *.eJ1 ku??*n , ?v>ro?r Htore ln>r?:yfor8 cco?it>i??l l.y lliu late Dr F-Hrf#. Kv*ty mrtWe off rW f<*r ?aW Ih I.?a FAE8H AND NEW. An4 ?B?V h* rwlMil H|M?n *4 being of I He BEST AND f IN EST CfclT AMITIES. ' Ilivinfr Inmi^Ki lightly. anil atrintly. lor b, will tb?? afford en-torn* ra, hereuA'r, (he advantage of procuring tl e'r euppliea fr?m a more oft replenished etoek than heretofore, and at prtcea the moat rmmu able. Juita 10 nt If THE OLD STORE REOPEHCO. FRESH BRD88, MUMCHMS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE S TUFFS, AMD A CIDS Together with a general ??aortni?nt of FANCY AND MISCELLANEOUS DOODS. At llie corner at ore, lately occ?ipie<I by the late Dr. Karle. Rnnnnbtr_nrrylliing it Fr*?k, Nm, and of the li*tt Quality. -PARAQoii ???.? FOU Sewing Machine* and other delicate Mavhlti' ry. ... - -7,7 ,)|t kaR1^ OLD stand. THE PERFLT0AL PERFUME. SITPKHOEDE"* all other Preparation* In matkeL Can he carried a' oait the pcraon?neat and durable. DR. EARLKTS OLD STAND. Mrs at.lens new hair rkstor ER AND DRESSING COMItlNKD At F. A.. W M.TFR'S. ... J>R FABLES OLD STASD. SELTZER APERIENT,. rt RlDf F.T7. I'ntvni'ftu now Pre-h an.f new ju<t received? P. A. W Al.TPil. DR. KARLFTR OLD bTAXD. , Jnna 10 8 If 7AT E O F J VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. d * - - . ? .hi milK rOVMWlONERS apposed take' ^ leer a ?i(e for ilia Court Hoti*# and Jail for the biliict of Occnoe, having lo c*t>d tbe time in the Town t?f Walluilla, ?ud procure! the lill.r ofthir 11 imdr.ii Aeree of 1,4ml within rai l Town, v? ill. at IDuVI'iek, A. M., on Thnrtdxy, the 8th of Augnst Next, after linviuK Hrat laid off the rAfil lahd into suitable and convenient |..<t*, proceed lo < 11 the *nt\) I,?t* lo I lie jut;!.. *1 l r. ThKLwnlioit i* wrthto the LeninMul ami rtifirincT<itK ?f IViIImIU, ?t ih? loot ??f lite llute IliAge, and | o-i> m?> miruilage* in point ?f Inula. education,Ac. uii?urpa?a ed by any other place In ilia .-Mate. TEnMS~OF SALH: 0.I? loiirth cash?Ihe balance pay*l.le in three equal instalment* in three. rix ami nine months, ?-e> r-d by nole with ai prov* ed security. Titles lo he executed, hot not delivered until purchase mom y la paid in fnlL And in c >ne of failure on ihe part of put abuser to niret t',? payment* when d e. Ihe property to he farthtrith sold at hi* ri-W Purchaser* to pay extra for stnmp* ami title*. WE*I,F.Y iMTCflFORI). W. K IIOLt'OMIlK, 1 | JI?Y FitKTWELL. VCum'ra. m. p. rnufcLu i O. M DOYLE, ' J Walhalla, B *C , June Jl, IMS. * * The State of Swxth Carolina. CIItKENYIl.LK DISTRICT. In Equity. Ef.TZA CI.ABY. T. J. CI.AltY, ,1 ?/.. ?. Ph.TTm CAL'RLK, TrntM.? IJhl f?r MM*/. :<4>r. >< i U BY. virtue of mi "Her (Vo? tho Court ?J Equity iu the above tiw, 1 will aril oo Saleadav in July next, to tho highest blddo.', at (treein ill* C. II., tho following Tract of I.end situate in nroonrillo I>i?triet on Mountain Crook, waters of TBonree Kivor, adjoining Undo of Miloa Southern, Alfred Brown, Jwhq Black, and othera, containing Ono hundred and Kilty Acre*. more or Inn.? Sold aa tho land-of DA VIl> CLAIi Y, deceasedTitn o* fair.?Coata to be paid-in Cash on dtjr of aale. Tl* balhnen o? a cmlii of owe and two jaara, equal annual instruments, interest (root date. Purchaser to giro bond with at least two approved sureties and a mortgava of tho premium. Purchase! to pay for payors. J. V. HOOK'?, C. E 0. 1). C inmi*.*ioner'a Office, June 4th, ISM. Jane i<? 3 * The State of South Carolina, 4&KKNV1T.L6 DISTMOT. Tib W,M. A. UARRI80N, AdrainiMretor, re firLBN IfAftRlSON, 1 ml?full fur Sale mf LinH to pny Debit, Doirrr, <t c. >T) V ri<tm <il M order of the Court'of I) ty io the above caae, I will sell on Sale*, lay in .Ttefy ti**f, at (Jreenvillo C. JI..' to the hi ah oat bidder, the Real Katate nf the late JOHN M. HARRISON, ta follow*: All that valuable Plaiitntion on Rsthun'* <>rek, in ttreecviil* IMIfrtct, containing Five HundrvU and Fifty Acre*, more or Ira*. Term*.?Cnjli to he paid in Caah on day of ale. Tho balance on a fridtt of one and two year*, with har.d with two approved xureti>-?, n?Vl a Tnorlragn of the P. AallM to aeetira the ptiroUw** Jaoney. Puronaaer* to-pay for paper*. J. P. MOORJK, C. E. O. D. CommiMioner'a Office, .Tune 4tb, 1888. Jane 10 ^ ( 3 A Received To-day, A FINK lot of TKNNK^KK BACON, which I will Mil low for roth It ia tine. Osll so J '# it, and Mien C'<wful'? iPloas JNO. I?. ASHMOKK. Juna 8 8, . tf '. B IS T B S ! The 8tat? of South CtraUna, ORKKNVIf.|#R PIOTRli'T. fly S J DOUT/ffT, Jk'to., Qrf-nmry of IttI tndtrlcfi 'T%f HBOBASJ KICT?ARf> tT: JACOBS T hm lilod a Volition in my (MW?, rroylnff thai of. All and inpnlar t>.? food* rn) rtiaUflf. rij?lil? nn?l crt dit* .f JANUS AT. JACOBS, Ih In of llir Diatrlut ftfnrnaaid, the-0?<(l, nhmiM hi> Ia him; j Thtm #rr, Oirrtfor* to i-il? aril uimonWi j all abA *in>{ular tlm kindred ai il ?r?<Hinr< of I lie ani<] to l>e and nppenr hi the fciifl of f)hlin*ty for mM Dint > lot, !, ? I.'e MiMl>n At Or?envlltn*'Oiifirt. Hnu?*, on the I9fh day if J*ne iuxt, to show tumr, If any. why'the Nib] Administration should , not be fronted. , s. j nntrrmT o o,p. '''flkdMtty'i Office, 5 lt June, 18*8! It) 8 ? The Stato of South Carolina* orkknvillk district. By S J. DQUTH1T, ?*q., Ordinary of said lM?lrict. W HURRAS, FALATI11KT. MARTIN hut ti'ed n Ivt^ilnn In my Office, praying that hrttin of Adminbtrntion on nil and singular tlm goods ?KiI chattels, rights and credits of A. U. MARTIN, late of the I'htrict aforesad, deceiavd. should be granted to him, Thexe art, thrrrfore, to cite nnd admonish all and slngniar, the kindred and creditor? f fh<t said deo?need, to be and appear n the C?urt ??t Old-nary Jwr sabl 1'iatriet, to be huldei) at Greenville Court, llou*e, on tilt* 2:t<f day of June, inxt.. to allow cnilee, if anv, why the aaid Administration should not be granted. S. J. DOUTniT. O. O. D. Old nary'* Office, 8th June, 1808. June 10 8 t Tho State of South Carolina, ORKENVlLLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. R II.. JACOlt1, Administrator wrl'h the W.|l annex d. against J .me* M Jacobs, Mary K Jacobs, niim r aod otliera, I)? fendatite Citation for Final Settlement and Decree. TT appearing to my satisfaction tbnt James M Jacobs, Mnrv E Jamie, minor, reside without this State: It Ts ordered and decreed, that tliey do appear at a Oonrt of Ordinary, in person or by attorney, on Saturday, the Dili day of September next, at It) o clock, A M.. to show cause. If any they can, why a Final Settlement of the Ratate of WII..I.IAM JACOBS, deceased, shou'd not be made, and a Decree given thereon Given under my hand, at Greenville Court Hnu*e. thi* 5'It dav of June, A. 1>. d68. a j nomriiT. o. a. i?. June 10 3 8m" Notice. In ?"iMinHinj miii >oe ri'tjiiirfmonif 01 the internal Revenue l^*vr?, 1 hereby give nnliw in n'l persons who mny eluiht KTIl.L CAP ?nil seised by R. liudron Sm'tli, A'eietsnU Aft-ssor, tlie pr?miiei of MRS DAVIDSON, on the 18th May, near Marietta, fur violation of Internal Revenue Lawn, to come forward and make ?ueh elairn within thirty days from the Hi at publication of this notice. A L coon. Dep. Col Int. U?v., Greenville Diet, S C. May 18th, 1868. ?-& WINES, BRANDIES, LIQUORS AND CONFECTIONERIES. Tj^HB nsbsciher w.uihl respectfully InI form the public that lie ktv jn couatatilly on hand and for sale, W'NFS. BRANDIES, L'QUURS, LACER BEER AND A IE, TOGETHER WITH OT0T3P.Q, 0A.P.DI1TB0,' CHEESE. CRACKERS, &C. And wonl.l he pleased fo receive order* for the Mine, either in amalt or large iittanit tie*. - .. t ALSO TTe I. const .sully keeping a srtpp'y cf LUMBER on hand, of all ri**. where Car l>enlera and other* eaa be supplied prompt ly and at reasonable price*, for caab, retail or *l|o|e?-tl*. I lie Yard i? i.i rear of hie store, and all inspection ie d-sired. LEATHER! LEATHER! 11. *l*i deale i-i Upper and Sole DEATH r,n, hiiii i.ii? rtiuCK is constantly kept lip ? Prions are low. Cull end ?' ? Store in the leiiineHiiil-iing. first door nbovr C<v?|l?-it H ti-e. J. 1* SOUTHERN. Jane 3 2 STEIBN'S S T Q & m. IB ggffi T WISH to inform the Cltisens of OrcenI ille end the rurrounduig .Districts, that (litre just trrived with the ' CHEAPEST STOCK OF MS ever psrchowl by no since (be wer. I will net surrender to mnj inau in Town or District, ib?t he ean sell floods of the SAM K QUALITY CHEAPER diss I can. Cell Mil examine for yourselves, ml CTPrV'C 2TADI? r>? ??.? o jm/uu. May 87 * I If I am opening a Splendid block of Groceries, at very reduced prices. Call aud aatiafy your circa that it la to, at flTKEN'8 8T0RE. May 37 1 If Alec, a large and magnilcent lot of (JIim ware-and Crockery at very low Agurc*. Call and judge for yoaraelcee, al bTKBN'S STOKE. May 37 1 If Special attention ia called to tbo elegant assortment of Shoo*?Ladica', Mianea*, Boya*, Y.iutba' and S< rvaat?', and a vary Ana lot of Plowmena' bbuea?extra Ana Brogao*. Call and prova what I naj, at STERN'S STORK. May 37 1 If I am ahro opaaiog I eboiaa aaaortmeot of Coffaa, ooaaiatiag of lha following: Rio, Java, Laguyra, Maracabo. Taaa of auparb quality of the following fcranda: eboiae Onnpowdor, Young Ilyaow, Imports!, Oolong, Swfwr Oolong, Souchong, and Engl tab Braakfaat. Thoao Toga I oaa recommend aa of rary auporlor I quality. THOMAP STTEf. I May 27 1 ?| # T dT'iirr P & :5f?r? 7 WmmH 7ooEf "" *_ w;*!>t \ . ?;m .'d i n SULLIVAN & SON 'YTAVK J?*t rcVAVticd fVom Oli?rlo?ton, ?n* 1 W' *f the y?ty chenpcvt intAoti, with a LARGE A*D KLKGAXT STOCK OF StftfiMB GOODS, WHICH THEY WILL OPEN ON I'O MORROW, Ann oner lor sale, of tae mry Iotceit pi ittt fur Cu.h. TIIF.IH STOCK OF Is large ami fine, not to be surpassed by auy in the raaikct. The oauecuil attention of the Ladies is callod to their large and varied .Stuck of And other Artiolos fn tboir line. jzo-oim: them ah early call. 8TJLLIVAH & SON. Oppmitt J/itw?iun Greenville, 8. C., Muv 20, 18B8. 62-tf Ft? SUE 14.000 cw , 300 *?"kt Mutra FatriKff. C. FLOUR ioo Sick it Standard^^xd SALT 23 K?g? NAILS, assorted ?i*ea 20 Hales BATES VILLI.' SlIIBTING IO Hales McBKE SHIRTING 20 Hslcs COTTON YARN 20 Hags Prime and Fair RIO COFFER 20 Barrel!# RUG A R IO HAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO 2 HAGS Spanish Smoking TOBACCO. \ ALSO, A WE LI. SELECTED STOCK . *r tit* < ' Shoes, lints, DRY GOODS. DRUGS fcC. Oor StoeV of IIATS and SHOES i* Very largo and rumplotc, and we will guarantee our cn'.ire Stock will compare with nny in Town, both as to quality and price. A call will satisfy y??o. DAVID & STRADUEY. May 13 , . .. ,31 , ; ? ( tf OF 11AUTFOIM), CONN. O R O A N I Z E I) 1B 5 O . E. A. BI l.KLr.V, Pro*'!., X. O. ENOIIKS, S?c'y. .1 ' till.. Dividends f?>r the i*st five var*, o? per cent.; Receipts row over $500,001) per iiiontli. No. of I'uliuion h; 1M!7,.. . l.">.2i>l A moon i in .hi red on siuuc $44,804,872.00 Assets Jan. 1, 1807 .. 4A0l,8jS.Sfl Receipt* for year ending .Tan. '08, 5,r*J0,447..14 $'J,53l,2S1.20 IViil claims ''T death. $">12,881.50 All other expenses, 1,478,787.25 $t ,092,8(18.8."? $7,588,012.35 POT.TCrES issued on every pliiti u.?cU hy nil the ol<l nml responsible Compni ir*. JS~Xt~ I rum'h Office, 202 Urmxl Street, AUGU STA, O A. CHAS. W. KARRIS, Manager. OOW Ell U WORT III NO TON, Agents, (Jrecuville District, South Carolina. M.i r 13 51 (tin A Qreat Bargain?Desirable Rouse and Lot for Sale. 1 11A Vl<) been mithor!led to si 11, on the nm-t inmle Tfc " i^Sr rate term*, a LO'P and excellent 1>\V Kl.LI NO lloUSK, in the Town of Greenville, (near the cmpiynte limits.) with verv vtll-erior i.thiilhllniF* mill fencing. The L*?l contains Five Acres, in a high flute of culiivuiioQ, arnl U heaiiii'nily ?Hii t* <1. O. V. TOWNE8 . May 27 1 8 Notice. Guardians and tiiustrks meat make their nnniiiil returns to thin Office by flret July next, in default thereof rule* will be issued against them. J. P. MOOKE, C. K. 0. 1). Commissioner's Office, May 25th, I8G8. Muy 27 1 It Houeoe to Rout. . . I HA VR TWO HOUSES ? "' LOTS to RENT till III.. MndRj January ; one, a brick BSmDiH" limine, near the old Baptist Church, with Follr Room*. and till nut building* ; the other if a Ijuge Itiick House, with ten Room*: both of these Houses have joet been Well repaired, and the Lots planted, and are pleusnnlly wi ti otetf. O. B. IRVINE. Way 27 1.8 Tailoring. rl"MIE Sut>?erif?er rsspfelfhMy informs his 1. friends, and the public in general, that hit health I tang in a measure rostored,-will resume huiiucm *tfr?in. lie lily l. MARK, mul RKPAlR *11 fo? fccntl.mcn, on reaMinnhle l?*rinr, for r<*?A or roNNfry product. Will t>? found at his reef Irnc, <-oi'ttrr Main St'eel, t>j.| tlx Coa.'li Factory. GKO< It. DYKR. f?rr?nvillr, S. C, Af?rll Ctl>, 18?'?8. 8 4il 8m FOR SALE, CHEAP, UN K* IlUR*5 Y. CA R RIAOR. Both in elegant order. Require of JUUUA t\ RJ1ITH. or .DAVID A QRADLKY. April IS 47 If DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING rcvHrod the Agency of tlie nhovr jn-lly ?l?UA?tHiert Jtn.nd ol TOBACt-'U. ?" w IIi nU' DM* your it.trreatir?,l>t.y from, tin. FVr>*lJ-l.y. wholesale . r remit. DAVID A KTltADI KV. Qui 3d. 2H tf r. S PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY OP MKDICINB AND SURGERVi P*part*i*nt Orpn"itrwf Itvig. CA?vi^^act W Ac: i/f'.e Ley is < ???-?, t'*b\t .?<-,"! omenta t Pr%*ifU*t -J. 8. Fisher, 601 Cunimfrw ft. I'ipt A-rrtj/cMl.?tic v. W. J. P. lugrahetu, MI7 Franklin St. Pr??t<nfn?f\?W. Paine, M. P., Cni*t>r?ft^ Bnildin-. ;i. ., Currrtpvnfirj Secretary.?K. MeUgcr, Eiq., ISfit Wallace St. ."Jccrsiery.-W. PaltD, M. D., UhirarsitF Building 'V! AMu-i'tor.?John (XByroo, ks<j, }U Walnut BtrW'l. FOUR SESSIONS OK LECTURES ANNUALLY. The flrat Session, commencing October 1st.; and cootiuuing until December 27th., embraces Anitumr, Ph.vsMugr, Materia Medic*. Praeti.e, Obstetrics. I'raetical and Dctnoastrativa Anstuar, Military and Plasti? 8t?r. gery, Pathology, Diseases of Woincn anu Children, Diseases of the l!ye and Eqr, Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Medical Technology, Mudical Jurisprudence, Writing, Drawings L'O 'k kecjiing and Chemistry. The second Session commences oti the Brtt Tuesday ia January; and c?ntiudoa until the first of March, embracing the ratne branches us the first Session. The tliird Session commchres ftu?d?? w...l ne^tajr in March, u?iO coutiudc* until the first at Juljr The toarih -Session comtncnca* the first of September, and continues until the first of October; there being n mention during the months of Juty and August. The third mid fourth Sessions, constituting (lie Spring m.d Full Sessions, embrace the follow ins; Studies: Surgical, Microscopic, P? bologicsil, Descriptive, and Demonstrative Anatomy ; Plastic, Military, and Operative Surgery; Analytic and Organic Chemistry; Pharmacy ; Materia Medici*, including Practical Dotany j Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Children; Comparative and llumea Physiology j Auscultation and Percussion; Practical Instructions in the Use of the |MicrosCope, Laryngoscopo, Stcthoscopo; Optbalmosenpe, Auroecope, ami Khiuoscopo; sltd Practical Instructions in the Use of the Speculum, Catheter, Rnitgles, etc., Principles ond Practice of Medicine and Pathology ; Clinical Medicine and Surgery; General and SpeeiaZ Technology; Rook-Keeping; Wriling; Drawing ; and Chilian! Instruction in the Use of Atomizet*. Nebulizers, Hypodermic Injection*,' luhabition, etc., efe. REGCI.ATKWS OK TlIK MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. A re* for our foil emirtt of L*rl<irt?, $140, or for out fir?ion 470. . I/afrt'cliluliS; Ttthti, $6.00. lh moo-lrol",'? 7'icktt Zld.00. QuAt.trifATtOxs.^?The requisites for Graduation are ttrfo full cOnrrCs of lectures, ami three year* stody. ScaotiRinita?For tho purposo of aiding worthy young men fu ot'ain an houoinblo profession, tho Trdihecs issued Rcholnrships,wjiieb eutHlc the bolder to perpetual privileges' of tho Sclio.,1 lor S75 for the first course Students, and to sccotid conrzo Students.? The advantages of Scholarship* sre : 1st. The student holding n Scholarship esu cuter the Ccl(ago ?t any tiiiio duriug the Lecture*, otVeild as long as ho chooses and reenter the InstitdHon as frequently as desired. . Id. It requires no previous rending or studjf' to cuter the Utiirundty on Scholarship; banco all private .tuition fees are snved. 3d. Students, by* holding Scholarships, can' prosecute other business part of the tiuic. 4tb. The candidate fur graduation can pre-; sent himself at the ctoso of either the second or fourth sc*sion of lectutc*. and will rcecivo his Jcgr.o as soon as qualified. Sib. In casu a Student should hold a Scholarship, aud not lie itble to attend Lectures', it can !?? transfcrYed to uriothcr, thus preventing UUJf IUB3. MUSEUM. Tba Museura is one of the largest in tbd" cily. embracing n fine collection of Anatomical, Physiological, Pathological, and /foological which ere highly advantageous to thc'kludciit' of Mcdiciuo. HOARDING. Students den hoard from $4 to $A per week or can rent furrflslied rd'?ms and hoard them-" selves #2 to $'t per week. CLIXrOAf. 12CSTR CCTI0N8. Clinical Instructions the I'uiversity twice' a week, also in the I'liilndel/diia ilotpitsl,' Pennsylvania Hospital, Wills Hospital for tbd Eye, Philndi Iphia Lying-in Hospital, German Hospital, und St. Francis Hospital. PRACTICAL ANATOMY AND SURGERY".Each of theSo nouns', With ample means oP Illustration, is oj>en ten inontiia in tbe yVar, and under the supervision of tho special Professors, rcndfcriug the Department perfect. TEXT BOOKS AXI> WORKS OP KBFBRK ENCK. /'ivtftiM of Mrdi'rint Paine'a'Practice of Medicine ; "Peroiru's Therapeutics ; Walthc ou' the Diseases of tlie Heart and Lungs, incln-' ding Physical Diagnosis; Aitkin's Practice' and Science of Medicine. Anatomy t?Morton's Elementary Treatise" on Human Anatotby ; >YiL"Wi*s Anatomy, with' Kollikcr's Microscopical Anatomy ; or Sberpe/ and Oundt's Anatomy ; Grey's Anatomy. Mntri i* Mrtli'.n :?Piifco'l Synopsis, Therapeutics, and Dispensatory; Abridgement of* Pvreira's Matcrwi Mcdictc, Cktmi'iry :?Fowno's t "bemistry; Jobmten's mtumiiij, miners v.ocinisiry ; nognauu* Chemistry ; I-eh man's Physiological Cheiais- . try ; Taylor'* Toxicology..Vorgeiy .-?Sytn# Principle* ami Practice of Surgery : Paget'* Surgical Pathology ; Mae-" tcod's Surgical I>i;r?i>?*is. /M?tii?/ir #/ AttHieine Kirke's Manual ; Vireiiow's Cellular Pathology; Paine's Institute* of Medicine. Obtttlici:?Longshore'* Obstetric* } West on Diseases of Wotncu; West on Diseases of Children. . FACl'LTV OK MKPri'TXE, There att- sixteen Pr??ftj*?ora connected with' the Medical Department, all men of ability' nnd experience ; thn* rendering the PAi/orfe/jthin Uuictriiiy uf>t otfly the chenpeit, brft one of the hft and mart thorough Medical InstltU' tions for obtaining a coinploto knonlodgo |o f the entire practice of Medicine and Surgery. scnoLAuaniPfl. Those wishing Scholarships shotfld' order' them at once, a* there are only a few remain* ing. Money can l<e sent by Kx press, in Post Iiflico Orders, or Check*, directed to W. Pains, M. T)., penn of the Paetrlty Of the Philadel.1.1. 11.~r ?o e I'MIU iMiiinsiij vi mcMiviuo Mini rui^rrji Ninth und Locust Stmlf, Philadelphia, P?. PA INK'S PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. A Magnificent Royal Ortarn of 1000 pages. Price. S'.flll, Postage, sixty rtnti; NKW M JIOOL REMEDIES. Prirs.f* 00. ljnth J}o<>k? sent upon receipt of $HMiO. p..stope free. I'uivtrrilif Jrmtnul, paVdished ev<rjr two works at $1.00 p?r annum. Address, >V. PAINE, M. P.. l)r:iu nf faculty',* University, 91b A Lotutl. June 10 A 10 ? A battle tai fought with Indians in Paradie* Valley, Northeastern California, recently. The fighting lasted four hour*. The savages wero driron from their position with considerable 1' ? The ft oops lost on* killed. The Indians wero armed with rifles, probably presented as patt of their amsuity from the Gov, ramcnt.