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4Jj)f ^Brtjjltu (ftiferjirisr. grkenvfitle, s. c. WEDNESDAY. JIJME 10. lftOtt. < Ex-President Jimoi Buchan+n. ' Tlii* venerable statesman died June 1st si hie home in Wheatland, after * tang illness. He was horn in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, April lgth, 1791. of Irish psreala(s. lie was educate) at Dickinson College, and graduated in >800. < He was a sueceeefnl lawyer ft? Congreas In 1I1A, and was ongaged tn political life till the close of his Presidency? March 4, 18t?l, going out into the midst of the brewing tempest o( war. Ha served bat on a term as Preside*'j having been sleeted in 1830. James Bucbaxaw was a man < f Urge capacity. and a wise statesman, a respecter of the Constitution, lis has been fiercely da ppuneed by the RadieaU for Id# mildness I ?n4 caption at the beginning of secession, because he did not at onpe plunge the country into war, as I^inpolx and SKwynn proceeded to do. Future tiipea will doubt leee vindicate the patriotic motive# and su?, peri or wisdom of rycuaxas, wjien a palm retrospect shall be token of the erenta of < the time* of the beginning pf trouble#. If < be could bgve ponllnucd in power it ie al- > together probable that the storm ol revolu- | tlon would hare blown oyer without war, ] and the (Jnioa restored without bloodshed t and carnage, and I lip tetrilde deet ruction t of the liberties of the country?national I debt, heavy and grievpus taxation, bitter I alienation, and al) the innumerable ill# 1 consequent on the dire strife of nrmt might i have been avoided. It was Lipcm-v and < 8 xw a mi's rush to arms after provoking the | attack on Fort duntter, that drove out Vir ginia, Tennessee, North Carolina nn<l other | Southern Slntea, and made the woe and 1 ruin what it was. If Mr. Bocicaka:*'# mild i . policy had been pursued, a friendly ad* t justmcnt of the eeoo??ion controversy wpuld | long slnee have been effected. A* it was, and i*( the Union is not yet restored, al- | though he ha# Jiycd aeyen year# beyond his , exit from the Presidential mansion, having J witnessed four years of the horror* of the j moet gigantio war of history, and three year# of Radical tyranny and mierulp. | Since writing the foregoln?, we have re. < eeivod the following telegrapiiic account of I the funeral and last words ot Mr. BrruAMAyY 1 He died a full believer in Jarc* Cua'gv. and 1 )t appear# that thia was no sudden illumin ation ; but the earnest conviction aiising < from a knowledge of the Christian religion i wjiieh liad been " instilled into hi* mind frojp Id# youth." It. i? Interesting to observe that Mr. Bi'e. n a Van expreered t In- utmost confidence in the vindication ot his memory from ttie unjust aspersions of the Radicals and dpstj-untlonisU of Uiia day. He wa? right. The ceosciences of good men, and the undying testimony of history, will vindicate and ap prove forever, tho notions of all truly c ?h I srvalive men, who have struggled p< preserve the Constitution in its opiginal purity, ' and the rights of '.lie States and the liberties of the people as they were Itnnded down to lis by revolutionary aires, " LaxcasTks, PrN?., June 5. " Mr. Buchanan's funeral was very :mpos ing. There were ninny delegations from abroad. The Mnaona assisted throughout* and their funeral ceremonies accompanied the religious rites. On Saturday, pr< vinos to his decssc, wiiilc giving directions to his executor regarding liis fnnrrnl, Mr. Buchanan said; 'The principles of the Christian religion were instilled into my mind from ply youth, and from all I have tibferved and experienced in the long life piflt Providrnce has vouchsafed to me, I have only become more strengthened in my convietiop of the divlue character of the Sgviotir and the power of atonement through 4 His redeeming grace and mercy, Respond log to the expressed hope that he might live to sea the coiintrv fullv icelored. fir. Buchanan said : 41 have no fear of the * futnre. Poaterity will do me full justice I I have always fele, and dill feel, (hat I die ' sharped every public duly imputed up.uu I me coneeientioualy. I have no regret fur H?y pn'nlic act of my li'?*. cud history will | vindicate my memnry from e\'*ry u jud , aspersion.' Ilia last word* _wpre; "Oh, I God Almighty, as thou wilt.'" New Flour in the Market of Cb(irle?t9P-- 1 Southern Wheat. < The Courirr eays new flour U coming to 1 that market from the Augusta mills. The qnality very flue, eaid to be from wlirat raised in the neighborhood of Augusta.? We are pleased to aee that there aru large < wheat growers showing theoi%<lv>* th? ' South. It is stated that Messrs. Monotx h 1 CiHrtlLL raised lliis yrnr, thirteen bushels 1 to the acre on 125 scree, on the farm of Ilia la e W*. Erie, near Augusta. I Our Southern country ia a good wherf 1 country* jf properly cultivated. Om. Cues* ?ut una raiavci even in Kcranaw instrtct, South Carolina, I weni \ five hushela to the ' acre, the average of large fl?-lde. One r*a ' on of t'ie frequent failure* of in the &>uth it, the o'l.r v. oil ? ( thorough pre j>? ration of the Into), Subsoil plowing ie usoful op all 1 mkcV* with clay fnnmlatinn, UH<i willt many aoiU tho turning plough should be used in pf'pamtion, end thr giound well pulverizeJ on Of "before rowing tipia, Periility, natural or by manuring, l? alto indispensable fpr wbpat. ' nominations for Magiatrataa. We have beard aereral persons ezpress regret that tho different sections of the Country are in aueh baste tn nominate MmliJatu for the Magistrates. We ftilly concur that it is premature at tbia lime. The people should wait till they see ft or many Jlngi$tratM are required by law, the I<egl?latMro mast determine when it meota; anl tinau enough wiU be >Tfj> mmin ite. ? 1 \ Tllg S TMLali Electtd(|Jn OreouTlllo EHetrlotWe congr^tu!(?' l? the p?*<*pU w QfwnTiller i>n tK? trio 111 pli ?f thr Democratic tieW for DUirict officer#. The rratilt #how? hat. way be done by patriotic cad eoer. | getic effort*. We always thought end Save often urged Ike t*pl that Greenville Wi trsct, with j'? Jan.-e whit# populat i6o, vjith Ike nMibtr nf Intelligent and worthy d'laeut, could not remain under Radical domination. ft l| axalr.rt eivilix-d human nature that it ahould be eow We could net believe that ike white people, and even the more intelligent elae* of negroea in thie IH? trict, wonld always peiinlt stranger* and atrag^ieri and ca? p?t-bagg?re to dictate to them. We could not believe that ail the white men. who had joined the negro leagues could powitily remain in them; and oootinue to vote to euh|ect themaelveu and their (amiiiee to the domination of the olaea of men who were leading them natray, and permanently submit to negro supremacy in Greenville; the thought wne too horrible nnd too unnatnrnl. The thing eonid not laet. The tiling i* nlrvady dead. If we aontinge to do our duty , keep np our organisation* and extend ihnn, tiring In every Censer*-*, tlwc man of every class and color into the Itemocralie Club*, show to all who have eare to hear and heart* to feel, the degradation, danger nnd ruiu tp the heat- lot errata of aooiaty, there llee, necessarily, in eup porting radical power over the white people of thia eobntry nnd all it* interest, ihen we will remain safe. Ilut we mm' not i elax our ex?rtion?. Jpternal vigilance is the price of libertyd|i* the price of all good. It i* necr saury to watch, and work, and pray, lor lasting deliverance from the shocking and revolting dominion of Kndi* raliam over the free-born people of this op. preeaed land. Those who hare not heretofore ?e?n the improprlely of ndheiing to the negr?? ?ee all the hest men that ever Mon^od in ihem forsaking thetn. The lietler class are quilting these daily ; and. amongst. (ha whit? inen of our section, (hero will soon Iks none to poor aa to revcrene? these false rods of polities! Moiety. This Dagnn of Itadicalispi ia fatten flat on hia face, and his Hat none \* mashed flatter than ever. Hie worshippers are diseouraged. They find kis promises fa'ae. The priest pf hi* altar many of ihetn. at 1eaa*A ex|>eeted to enjoy l?llg 11|* high |)l*p?i and office* in hia tem pie \ hut the flashes of Truth, the lightning of Heaven, has Masted their hepst 11 havf seen the wlrk'-d in great power and spreading himself tike a green laty tree, yet he passed away, and In, he was not"; yea, I sought him but ha could not he found." " Hal 'he salvation of the rtitliieo??a l? of lite I/ml, he is their strength in the lime pf tro^M*. And the Lord shall help I hem and deliver them, ha shall deliver flora lf"tn (he wicked In-cause they trust, in hint.'' Lsl na reverently thank the Oreat liverer. and inrevertnnre put our trust in truth; for Ood H truth. The Vote at tha Different Precinfcta?See Vahle. There vrns a great change *( (he Court House, a?d all over the District. If the flection had heen only few weeks Int. r, the majority in the District would hare Ireen a very large one; as It is, however, il hows a glorious change and improv. m nt in tlie 1 listtlet, and a return to the natural ?nd healthy condition ot self-respect and enlightened love of country and race. There was ?* ' are credibly if farmed, only Lwo whit* men in Inr Town of f.reenville who vote I the Itad:cil ticket ; (in.l both of l4ic?e office ho| Irrs. neither ?f them natives ?f ttiiit rejfion. Thl? h * noble tilbufe to Lhe ai.d virtue of OreenvtlU [f the people in every pirt of the District S"ttjd have hod the tuitne opportunities of hearing both Aides, And ? >u!d hnve observed I little more the working* of Uadieil'sm, ?? Lhe people of fiverv town necessarily see -hem, there would have been not nio't linn nn average of one 'r two whit; votes 'or Rftilicfll'pin ?t nil the hoses; none, In rAe|, hut the voire of offioe-tcekrr# would liAve hern g\vvti that way. At the late for members of the Legislature, there was ? Rm lieil majority r?f 821. Tlie present Demorrstic majmlt. is lt>4, therefore there Is n change of 1000 votes, leaking three. In future election* of ihe District, the I?. -in?cratic rnsjnrity ought ho he *t leAit one thousAiu], And with the sh*nge* now g"h g on, It will he that or more. The Elections in Other. Dis'.riqts. There are llemncrnttc mabieflt. a in near r>nc half of the I>t?t?ic? of the State, And in several r^otriot* large majoiittea where thfi-d wnv n ht-nyy Ha ! ion I majority In the preceding election Tl-l? ConfreerimiaJ, r>i?tri?t hni ilinwn a majority of |>ryio(r*i. io volt*, Thi* Judicial Circuit n dee ded majority, ) >. Yk(t middle en?j upper die Irieu of South Carolina ere all e?ining I>em icratic. The nniveraal w hite population, a few office oeckoro excepted, and tlie belter and m .re-ii flueniUl else* of colorwd people will all ahando.i Itadicaliam. according lo appearance. We give ecme reporte of other T'iilrioli. Merry's Mueeugfc Merry** Muveum, for June, contain* the firet pari ol " ,Vt|n^ I'm ilea ; or, L^fe |n the Backwrncle, by an old Hunter," witb a full (race iMuetiation lij Killings. Tho King bird, by pell a Tb^.xter; ^>ul* I'eorl, the ' Star " aloiy ; Wi|l"? W<>ndfr Boole, by I* >f. Aleoll; The Icggcr* ; Milestone* of Englbh History j Aunt Sue's Puzzle Draw* er, Ac , Ac.; all fully and finely illustrated Tire new series of ihia Magazine for Young People ia steadily gaining in popular favor. Snbecribe. toy it^ only 11.50 per year.? Specimen agrubers, 10 cents. II. B. Fui.Lza, Pu?>1:vher, Boston, Man*. M* g ?i A* Cam In Ncf 'IUmt. Dr. Jrno tad-hi* (late) wifa (ha twin* now * Jirorcrd from hiin, baft b#<? altnwtiog pablir- attention from tbair mutual dlrarrt tul)i. Jorr tucooedetl in dirtrti(| tho wife, wbUsi the wat trying t* Jfrtret the hatband. They m tepvtltd In aithar c???t bat <b? iiffrraaea ?*> > lo be only tfclt I. that k? pro7*4 Ui frMDi for dlvosaar and aba did not prort hor complaints tpilnrt bim. However, wo bar* ?mi m Ml mmmO Wo bo liove tbo fMt esmo off io Connecticut. . Tho Baltimore Gatrttr, comments as follows m tbo J poo onto t Kocb filed n bill for a divorce, nod ouch gore tbo other a pretty. black character. Mr. Jvnp carried tbo day, and on hie petition bo waa divorced from what for many years bad been commonly called bis bolter-half. Congratulating bimaolf on having heard his last curtain -lecture, ho rejoiced greatly in her departure. But Mrs. Juno be ing one of tho strong-winded ones, had no idea of lotting hor former partner enjoy his newly acquired liberty, in peaco. She cou'd not talk to bim nor at biw, but she could talk about hiui, and this she determined to do at. ter a bore) fashion. She aet herself Industriously to work to write a lecture about him.--' In this performance aba told all the facta aba knew about Juno and analysed all his moatsl and moral attributes. 6Wo commented freely, on bis ** meekness of manner" and hit " rrao. t ion lee a nature." We presume from her And* Ing fault wilk bim on these grounds, that June bad borna conjugal reproaches with eunanimity, for nothing, it is said, is more trying to the female mind than that. Two thousand years ago tbs most aggravating thing to XAttTutrric was the patience with which Socrates bore her chldiogs, But by way of damaging her former liege lord as much as poaaihl#, Mrs. tried to excite political feeling against hipi. and spoka of " bit secret ivrnrss aa to bis political sentiments during the rebellion, while Kksit Ward Br.roian and all the prominent clergy, men in the land were outspoken on the sub* Ject." 0hesgid:"Dr- Juno kcpP silent on the subject in New Haven, until he was waited upon by a committee of the church of | which he voi the pastor, to asoertnin what wero his sentiments. They were known in New York, and be was writing speeches for N Democratic megjher of Congress." We bav? simply referred to this lecture flir th, purpose of asking whether it could hare been written ontsjde of the " centre of elvilisatidn " and the'I land of moral ideas?" We do not Wliese that it would have occurred to any vo man nut of New England to go about tse'uring through pure ipitt upon tho character and acta of har husband, nor do we believe an audience could bo collected under such c ire urnataacea in any othar section of tha country. It i* remarkable that Mr#. Jvpd fling* it up to her divorced husband, a* a monstrous offence on bis part, that he would not and did not preach politics, till be was waited on by a committee in New Haven. It seems, accord, jug to madam, that Mr. Jcnn was writing Democratic rpceches fur others, and at the same tim? driven to preach Radical!.ra by a Committee of the Church, who were t'mfiraU;/ serving tloj l?v driving their Pastor from feed iog hie lambs into the smoke and din of 1 at tie, and murder, rt Inst Compelling him to preach war, and glory to l.incolu. felection Returns, The following iable will show lit* resuH ot the reo i't e'ect oil for l>istii*-i oflfic r?. The ?tiecra?ful men arc; For Judge of Probate, S. J. I)?it?iit; Clerk of Court, Wf A. MoDamsl; Sh. tiff, A. II, Yugrns; C->r oner, II. M. Smith; School Commits).>nrr, Dr. Jamku HvnaiMjN-; County C?iitni|oiansrs, Atnt MrTiSk, J 11. G?>nw|x, and J. fhlSKI IS S? idJVASI. r f ?l f 3 5* 5 5; A a 2 3 BOX US, 3 r 3 ? ? : * I ! i d* I . ,' ! brrcuviili' 0 It I 31H 3<Dij til fir..,.. Kllliun I HI ao! ? >! Khockl-vY....' .. 87 26 61 Bnt? fTiHe 77 8 6'J Itichnrdfl*,. .V*> 127 72 Oder Full* 23?> )ft> ?g K.innf ain Inn,,. . 116 6.7 b2 l>iek*yV 62.44 8 BchiIuiii n Y........... 48 111 24 Matfirhf'a 42 77 as ItaulhtlV, 6 a a ;> Marietta. &6 01 8ft Oil Camp...., ,.,. ., 6 24 \8 ll.tdga'a, 40 60 20 2ocl([ini>?f)V 47 56 0 Oowetiavill* 61 21 27 11 maa*. 6V 66 4 lit uloii'a, ,.... 48 8o 32 14'T? iftoT'im 117 117 I Tolil l>em. Majority..., 101 27781 1 Trail Quito ro. To obtain tlie right aurt of applaa auita. Mr lo Ih?* pertimlar diiiiid tiitl in which the iruil grower litre, it U nfreaanry to eretire vorirtice front the 'Or J. We hope thet many prraona in thU pari of Sottlli Carolina .lurin. tl.U aa/t LU ..II I plant Mnli pf different kind* of jtwd ipplea, po m to start tl** st ones. Ms it is, we preanme, with grape* The peach may t?s Imported (row North pr | South The Ut? peseli from tl.e Month will I be s little later when ^anird |n a more Northern itualion j and the early peseli I from the North atili earlier in the Mouth,?This would he according to mtlegy. These hint* are taken from the ohserea. (ion and experience <tf ell fruit grower*. lei ne hare improvewrat aud prog r era ae mttclt aa poeeihle, PleJcans Court Houso. We mean the new and pleasaatly situated village, that toon In to srlee In the rent re of the new Pieken* District. We hare alladed to this matter for the pnrpote of again remindlog owr reader* that tho rate of lots draws nigh. It will taka place on Tbaraday, the 25th iorUint, kt the stto selected) only li or 20 milas from Oreenrjlle. * ? Rae the advertisement which has hern standing in onr columns for some weeks, we hylteee that there has hardly ever hern an ir.? ' stance where a villrtg* or town wa* faroral ly locate*?, that the irst t uyere of lots failed fa 1 i r< aliee great adranfs | cuitn belonging to Audfnmn, H)eonce. Pirk t* mill Greenville Count!**, together wi'h Cc a R?mW of lay drlffatn, met at lha ^ Met hodlet CtutTTtrtu this Town on Wednre* ta' 4 >y laat. The marling wa* organised ?>n 8,1 Thnraday, Rithop Dfuofrr, of VhjgTnWf, O* Wednaeday evening, R>v. Mr. !Tn? *' ate, of fh* Anderson CT.aVrh, preached tow J! pwrdei holier. . Rrx. Mr. Cant-ir lk preach w ad at night oh "fhnreday. Tlie Bitliop ^ preached Ftlday night. In the BapMat j? Chinch, to a vary (ante congregation. Ilia 0f enhjaet wan the Chrietian character of the ApaetlO Pare, e? exhibited b for* Fntm and Aogtnra. ft wae a nnhlo dfcmui**.? (In Saturday night, Mr Laann preacli-d in i ' tha Methodic! Chtiroh. Sunday forenoon j P1 kha Itiitii.n nrnrhni at lha Mrthadift ! hi t'hnreb. and the onlininM of the Imrd'a Sdpp-r was observed after p'e*ehlng. Rev. Mr. Ctkiini occupied th? Hipli't ^ Church .on Sunday, nod delivered a very B bin nod interesting sermon. Mr Wkohkm |( dNttpM the Presbyterian Church. On B| Sunday night, Bishop D''Oorrr preached to n vert oongregal ion nt the Baptist Church, which lermi to hang the rapacity of hold* ?< ing the whirls ohureh going popu'ation of to the Town, Ilia sermon was one of marked power and imprrssiveneas, from the text in Exeklet, " Can these dry boner lir#t" The < preach jpg of all the minielera at the differ- Si enl Churches it spoken highly of. The ,h bishop c?r'ainly renliaed ll?? highest expee- cc latinos. lie Is evidently an sarmst nnd * able minister, and lila private character ex- T< oeeda even hit ministerial excellence. The bitalDesa transections were such a# ^ are usual with reltgioua assemblies, A'.*)? ^ reports were submitted ort the euhjeet of ^ ministerial support, education and other t-(| topipa. Her. I)fy Wjirramoan Smith, of Wofhrrd College, was present, and on Pair nrday addressed the meeting In relation-to education and the Wofford College. This d< net it nt ion is being well sustained by the in Denomination, and herein they ere retting a ' good example to others that hare noble In h' siitutiona of learning languishing for lip h want of that aaaistance which, with e-m bined efforts of their friends, would be ef? factual In euataiuing them. 1 . Tub 8r*s4i Scwoob tym*.?On u Sunday afternoon, the annual celebration Of the Oreebville Methodist Sunday School took plane, in the Baptist Church, where h< there was a very large assembly collected m The exerele-e were rery Interesting. Profrsnore Cabi.tri.* and Lmrrra were expected to lie the speakers on tha occasion, but did not attend the meeting,. Key. Mr. Lkari> and Dr. Sjhth took their pl??M and delle * #1 In'ereeting an i cl- q| ?d-tr??eea to ^ the cUMr<>n ?>..) persons pw?nl. A respectable enlleetlon was mkrn up al the rt eloec i\f tlie meeting. B I'pon the whole, Ibis meeting of the ^ MelImhIiete I a* le-en a eery pleasant one.? ^ The utm-at cordiality and p<-o*l feeling ^ -em- J to pervads nil the denominations of the town, and we are sure ihe recollections a-social ?d with ihe in-cling will lend to ^ height-n the mutual lnv? and reepeei that all I'hriaiiana ?Ii>hi)1 entertain luifardaeach f oilier. ( lii ? - ||| These k;nd of meeting* with the Melli, odiata have only been Inlrodueed in tl?- lent p| year or two. and are somewhat to thr Preat-yterian Bynnd* and ^taptist A*?o |j, cations The lay debpgiinn ie a'eo a f ow feature In Mrtlindhuti, and only exleta, ae yet, with lha South* rn Church. Tlie great Northern braaeh of the Church, we percei\e by thclf proceedings in their OenePnl Conference, are now agitalicg the anlj-e' of lay representation ; that la, a* our read er* will understand, Ihe admission of prlrale men-hern aa d?-|egatea. a* well aa mtn P" S'tera. Th* Utter, exclusively, alwaya w herrtcfo e, have constituted the Confcreneea- ' etl Threats and Outrages of Loyal League a. W Everybody, white and black, ought to be eon- * rinceri now, tt iney nnve not Been before, ot tb? bad spirit and unworthy tendency of Rad- lx iealirm. Wa bar# heard of some Instances of l<> aeioal d. oredaticrii on the proj^rtjr of some ?r of the nut HiteHtgent and worthy of onr eel- n> ored clttsens, 1 tecs use they voted the bran. \ cratle ticket ( and we have likewise heen In- j formed of threats against inkers. I<al every white man end colored men withont exception who is not at heart guilty of diabolical intcn- ^ tions, at onus advise and put in fore# legal prosecutions against these depredators, as fas' as disco re rod, and arrry ana who makes a *' threat of violence should at oass be arrested P* and bound over to keep the peace, and report- '' ed likewise to the military. These threaten- ,v ing negroes will And out that a majority of e< their own color are earning away f|ua? their g< Radical leagues. Erery one that want# the 01 yespeet and countenance of good eitisent, will al soon see that i| Is necessity to cystic such evil fa company, thg| dares threaten vfe/'ue? to any (a cms for voting as ha plaanae, ej * Mir *' Fatal Acoidont. pj " Mr. II. J. Martin, a native of Greenville, p, ns we are informed, who cagne to our town a few daya ago as the agent of n tewing ma- fa chine manufacturer, met with n laUl accident on Monday last. Id the afternoon, about 4 o'clock, be called npon a cllisen of this place, whow reiitbate ia accessible only by a long . fight of aiaira. Hawing transacted kU hajl- 1 ncaa, in ntU-mpflng'to descend, ho b-st hta bal- ^ anee, and foil over tbo railing to the ground, a distance of about' twenty foot, his heal atrik- 01 ing a stone, arbteh produced congestion of tbo h brain. MeJIsal assistance was at once ren g do red, and ovary effort made to allorlata bis sufferings. Mo lingered In great P*In until yoaterday morning, obont 3 o'clock, when be died. HI# remains will bo forwarded to bie rclatirrs in Greenville l?y tbis afternoon's a train." 0 Tba foregoing distressing account, wo take >? from tbo Abbeville Answer, of tbo 3d Jura u The afflicted father of the deceased. Mr. Sa- ? tarn in 1, M Ann*. passed through this town on >li Wednesday afternoon after tha arr!ral of the ' ears In charge of the remains of h.s unfort 1 | to }?. mntjr Mat at WalbsUa, wbich is deetlhcd to Nimo a tbriring lovg,n?4wM. ff? would < rita particular attention to tba tdmtiN- i tot of tba aale Of Iota, which appear* la ear I lam nr. v \U era tyblii tfcat M??u ra ( -, j eably situated |a Walbiills, ?n^ attract ?ba , lileo or sagaeions people who possess (no j recast of>ve tie* troney in *s?W , hlcb i? obliged to pay In the early Altera. < hcther Wilballi remains at tb? bead of the , ail Road, or wbetber tbat etill goes beyond, either ease it wurt possess stable re* on rem prosperity. Portrait Painting. I R*t. C. If. Laasasn of tbls plsre, possesea 1 i? talent* at a Pnlrttt Painter, and we are rated to learn that be new intend* derating nineir specially to tbat groat art, which be u cultivated, in fact, from his youth. We were reminded of Mr. Itiiritr'i paintg, by teeing a portrait iy him of tfie late rofciaor Enwinna, now on exhibition at the 10k Store of Mrwrt. ffxiotfftow * Mint* At. , it a moot perfect liktaeta, and the painting id flu Ink are truly admirable. We preanme wat made from a photograph tod from trnory. Thoaa who detire portmlta of Ihetudvea or member* of their family, will do well tali on Mr. Lannnae. 't-.?ff?tliAd Uffji I Auction Bain of Orf Oooda. On Monday and Tneaday, Mr. C. aim, we hero observed, baa been making >e welkin ring with hie anetion. II# l?a?j? intiderakle lot of Pry Oooda, Faney Article*, c., whleh wo learo were knocked down at ?ry low price*. Coat*, Pant*. V#?t??neceairy evtry day article*? ware carried off after tying a pittanoe. Ha will continue his aniet i Monday n?*t, whleh will be seen to hit Irertiacmcat, and our merchant* ae wall as wry one else, would do well tq remember the me and attend, s , - Messrs David ft Stradley, Capt. SrnAhLnr la so much in the habit of >log liberal thing!, that be d?t4 not atop glr- I g an Editor *omcthing. We hare Jnet rrrsivI totne of lit Very beat drefny' T*i*rrf> from !m. Rs ha* plenty of the *am# tort left for la easterner*, go and try It. - _ i> ikmi >. liondm FOpera. We return our thanks |? lir. CdMirroi r several late London papers, Wtiieb oonlia mnlter ot great iniereft. ,*g" Tke Literary Club wilt met at the twee of Capt. Patrick, on Prhlny ovenlng Kt. For the Sen than* KaterprU*. . , . . ;.j o, t ,tt Gnttf TiuLa, It. d, *tW Jane, liW. At M>? ?Iom of Ihf nation nf the r>i*tilct inference ol the MrthodWt Kpiewpal boreh South, I hi* afternoon, Lb* ft Wow lug dilution* wer* unanimously adopted; H'tArrd, That we do hereby tender tn iehop I>*?yr??*?t. our high appreciation o' i? k indorse end uni'orm eourteey ulwh i* ch*r*r'*ii*~d hi* iiiteroour** with- thi* ?dy durl'.g it* entire evasion. *ud assure n< that h? carrle* with him <>ur kindost irlin for hi* **'f?r* and h*p|>iur**, both uporal and *|>iritu*L . ]\**ole*d. That Wil tender <?nr Ihunk* to ir Baptist and Preabytrrian htethrrn for i* ?)?? of their Churches. *e I to tha rhino of Greenville for the kindn-s* and hoa italit^exlended to all nor nniihtri Jitimlrfd, That three resolution* lie pith ihed in tho Greenville paper*. J. S. AUSTIN. Secretary. ... I Tot tha Southern Enterprise. Jfessr*. Kdi'or*?Incident* of h*rol?m, dividual or national, rvrr aw*k* the relieet emotion* of sympathy or a-liulre?n in onr hearts s end I tru*t i may t>? irdonsd for alluding to eueh an incident hi?h orcurrrd under my tbiwrtlloa thla ternoon 5 pardoned by yott f?-r asking a [tall portion of your column*, and parjouI by the yonnp gentleman who** generous t r cannot vfraiu from mentioning. While ?trolling thla afternoon, along the inka of your-li**ntifii| lut'e stream, bew the Mill*, nrhiob f l*arn ar# the prop1y of Mr. ^ observed several littl* groe? playing and H*hisg along the river. II wees quite wnall * snipe, mere Infant*, had pasted th* little gr up and gone some -tarice down the stream, when 1 heard a y of diitreaa and terror from the obildrea urning back. I prrceivrd that ana of the ttla nrgrot-e had fallen into the rapid, and^ L that point, deep water, while hia emnintone Were entirely unable to aeaiat him i all probability, the rhild would have eett drowned, before I could have render1 htm any aaaiatarce, had not a young tntleman, whom I had teen before aiding t one of the hnge roeke reading, immeditely. without the leaat healtntiou, plunged [thlly into the etream and hy vigoroua ef>rta tneeredad in reeeuing the drowning tild. Courteonaly declining any arelctnee In changing hie Wet clothing, he lunged into the thiek buahet and diaaprareJ. t em a atranger and a traveler in your i-aotiful town, and will leave eoon : hut In tnelueie* I would tay, that from a nean ho lied hy t?to lime reaebed the terrain, ?"? |ninwn?n, rmircu ml h* vu native of your town, Atuvn. a atudent of Kurman Unircffvtty. What an invlaaea of latoj to tha eolred roc* I How many of that raaa vmuM 1 If* shrank from the act which this young 1 'ithnn w? f car I ml y aceompU*h*<l? A TRAVELER fl men villa, Jane I h, 1808. A very vnbtle ivd terribly fatal dlaeasa la ow raging among tha rattle hi om pnvtlnna f Illinois. Orar nne hundred hand l.aea fal?n rlrliaii u? It within tha past few Arft. It aurally kill* lu a few hours. He premonitory rarntnga ars given, and although all tha skid It f>oMflt?|na *f ordinary praatMonara bf r"o Ucvpght to hear upep It, ll ylaMs la an am. .ty ot ;raaimcat, aad la lata! in argry latanre. ft* name and nglurg bare net yat am datum intd, -';t' d*- * kl.ooh IA the town of OrtenWlfotld He inn dm celebration on laet 8abl?di afternoon In the Baptiat Chnreh. Our eltiuens fumed out In their trength ; old folk# and f anng folk# vera there : beauty, reflie went, tnlent and learning graced the oceapfon. Snna and atara ?h-d their redieaoe. The eeene waa one for the pneJjSe^tMer, the philoeopW ?hd the! lddina* Ihnit" roola with rapture, and turned upr IheogtiU to that bright and happy laud where angel* eing the prelate of their Creator, (few eweeflv the Sunday 8chov1 aotaga fell ayah the ear anil *ul>do?d the heart. It *M like arret tneenae, to grateful, toothing mad anthalming to our nut nre*. Would that earth to her remateat boon da oeuld have heard the itrrM Sunday Sohool imi|^ tk# Toi?fi of hundreds of tklUrm made I ho spacious room ring with wt'-Nt melody. Tho staging tu e^ndufltod by Mr. 8ber. man who has no etj'inl In thU r?^l?)>.'pj|y country. In Uaoltiog children bow toning. Thm wore two mMmm mndo on tboooraiion, one l?y R?*. Rvmnel IjMlJ and tbo oihwfTy tt?.~WbHofoor3 MI, PL IT; be'h of which kffft highly edtfylng1 iM instructive to aft Rarely I* lift'# pilgrim* age, haa any traveler ahob good fartano M 10 Hint himtalf utfhered into snob aa OS 4a aa throe addresses afforded am. ^Ta tb'sm. all seemed harmed with brtgMetl fl?r?r?, feasted with awaotrat fruha, tefroahod with eo<>i, crjata) water*, rasted under the shadow of a great rock. and had mind, h?art aod aonl all feasted to their tit moat capacity with rich vlaaJa. Tho traveler's strength woo renewed and lii* courage rttlttJ, bia hopea wero inapired and hia fai'h waa lacreased, and aa he lifted up hia eye ha aaw the finger-board whereon there waa a bawl pointing ont the atfaight and narrow way to the home of ids father; he arose and took fresh courage and renewed hia joflmyy with a hosom resolved, newer will he fatter and 'slut, auatafned by the grace of God, until he reaches ths Celestial City, sad the home of his Saviour. The Superint endent, Mr. Samuel C. Clyde, is the right man in the right ploee. Mia pure and nohle character, fine admielatratiro talent*, his urbanity and lender regard f?r the f< allr-gs of other*, eminently fit him for the position which be now occupies.? Position, certainly, haa not vanntod him up in Ma own estimation Evidently, ho does not feel that (he sopertatendgney haa elevated b'm to the dignity and authority Oj ? Bi?hop of the Church ; but on the eon. trary, It appcora rather to have tarr*a*ed ' hia bnmility and spiritual life. And aoo liitn where you may, in or ont of the Sunday School, performing secular or religious duties, and he is the same kind and courts- ~ ons gentleman, always unwavering in rectitude, lustrous in Christian graces and n model in religion! character He lea great favorite with all connected with hie School( and all yield moet cheerful ohedienee to hi* authority ; for he ha* a place in every heart won and wrureJ l>y Chrietlan love. Never wee the School more* prorp?roue than now, and ila prosperity i* grea'ly en the lncieaee. Greenville i? emphatically the Banner Town in the State for Sunday School*, lfer people are emphatically a Sunday School people, and it is a lovely eight to tee her population pouring in channele eveiy Sabhath morning to the various Sabbath School*,, TIllLO. E5S*!5S Tan Bi.ecTiova.-Ia Lauren* Dietriet, the |>emocvate carried the day by 551 majority? the entire ticket elected. In Barnwell, the radical ticket he* been elected, In Union, tbe Democrat* bare carried tbe day with a majority of 1,204. In "Marlboro, the radical* or* eneeeaefnl. In Spertanbnrg, the Democratic majority la 1,500. In Marion, the entire Dcmocratte ticket elected, esceptlng one Canity Commissioner, Well dnoc ! Marion. LaSca*tm.?The conservative tlohet has been oleeted by SOO majority. The regie, traiinn in this Dietriet, ia MO white* and 181 btaeka. ,.-.i/fU Yuan;?The laleet returns Indioata. th?l sucecas of tha lonscrvailrwtieket by n large majority. The rcgietrat|iw In this District ia 2,007 nbib* and 8.008 colored. Cumh W, ... - pendent frr thr following return* from Cl??rt?r District TK? enmtpnnd'kt adds that the perron* elected are all whitaa and tonwrrillrM! F?r Sheriff, John W. Walker ; Ji>?lg? <>( Pr?l>ate, J. II. MrT>anl?l; Clark of Court^ W. MnOhamhiro: Coroner, Dr. Kit Cora* wall; Snparintai d'flt of S?hooH, Livingston ; County Coaiaiair.ntrf, Imih O. I>owry, John SUrptoa and ffalktr 11a* Fadd-n. Diati or Ma. Bt'raixiv?raroaaaaYioM or TMK I'auioawT.?Xha I*roaWai>V fkli' deep regret, aunoupeea to I ho pttah of the gaiird SUatej the dnne^pa, at Waant land, P-annoylrania, on tho lot kn?lant, ??( hi* honored pr?dee*Mor, Jama* laahaaaw. Tho *T*at will oraaaiaa moamlng U tha nail mi for lha lota ol M WhlfWil etnaen . and honored public tar rant. 4 , .. ,, A* a marl of raaptct lor hla anemnry, ft It ordered. that lha aaaahtlra department* be immediately piaced fn mourning, and all hneiaeat ba eu*p*n<l?d o? UiO day of tba funeral. ' It lajnrthar ardttafl, that tt?* War and X?vy l)rmrln)?nt? MD?f miltlilt military h<1 iurn Honor* to ttt |Wld on tbie mm* ion to I Ha memory of thb Itluotrioae deod. AftDgRW JOHWaOW/ Tor OontgeiovQ Tiipeo anjre: " On Frk dny nlglit U*?, one of th? United Hutee vol* diere got In e rcriminojre with o?? of iko newly enfranchised rrtltlnr*.' wM?h re* oiled in one of the ' kni ) -Mo*' tiering Me tl?ro..t eat. We undeieCend Cufft* wee . rre*ted en?l I* now in )*il, *Vti?n not Itrerd of any serious t?w<ftte eenminy in th? eoidier, the wound But beving f?wtrn|oJ deeply tuuv^U.'