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' . k \ .. -?/. ' v .^ .-1.^ . ,fc.' V-S;? : c;-:-' /> *..$ V " " I tjjfte- -'? ?r ' * i"* . * ? -yti yii?' :...lLlLLIJ.. 1 *'. ifi^Vr'-" :'r' i *?--Tfr.-d-.r rr:r:.T^"" r y: v.r. ,^-- ? Oat HajjrI |n*ve just tend an article in yrtttr lani i??u? wlticli I think t?-IU only ft part oT the truth on the subject. * T do not claim 10 know nil of the truth, and Sropose only to give toy. experience, inee 1838, the iiiohI of my lime has heen spent unon a farm in Gaueaea Cm. N. Y., and I do not claim poifeclion in the ?ri or science of. fanuiug. Si ill by experim *nt*, observation and reading, I lud some ppportunily to know some of (he secrets of farming. Mv business of "1 grain And stock raising necessarily and naturally led me lo examine the value of feed for slock?its real and relative value. 1 have been stirptiseu an well as atnusej to see bow fanners will hold on to the ways of their father*, when their theory on many subjects connect ed with farming exploded 1<>ng ago. Hut 1 will ootiGne myself to the subject contemplated at the beginning, via, "Oat Hay." 1 think the question is not, V Is the oat atraw of unripe oais more nutritions than the straw of near ly ripe grain f" out the question is, "What is the relative -value of-oat straw cut (if you please) when the oat js soft and in the tnilk, and Veil matured ami ripe oats i" which should in all , cases bo cut while the straw is green and the oat just passed from the milk1 stale. I aur well aware that slock is! very fond of oat straw, cut green, n*.i they are of hay and hi the same coodition. Still experience leaches one that : it lakes a largo quantity lo satisfy, and lacks the heart then* those who cut and ! feed rowun bay understand this. Now my invariable rule for manyl years has been to let my oats stand until they have passed from a milk sta'e lo what might perhaps be culled a pn-le , stale, at which state the straw is t?>b i and green. Then cut and bind i ill raw ' diately, not allowing tbetn to \\ Uneven men put uiem in stacKs of eight sheaves i each, adding, iwo more for.- cap?, and there leave tliem through storms until they are entirely cured. By thin slow process of curing the borrv completely fills and matures* the sltaw'being cur cd thus under cover is fresh and sweet, and never moulds in the stack ot mow, and stuck prefer it as a change to the j best of bay, and picfet it as feed U>,poot j hay. I^oW for the value of the crop. ] | (claim more nutriment from I It 6 pro . ducts of one acre of straw simply, than | ?, fiotn au acre cut before the formed. Again, I claim more nutii | menlfo the oat when matured, than from the straw under any given condi 1 lion, by two to one; that is to sav, thoj .one hundred bushels of oats I rai*e, from an acre of g ound aro worth us j ' much as the straw front two acre*, pro- i viding tho rule lai<l down for curing is ' followed. What is true of oats is true < of other grain. 1 have of en harvested I wheat, aud always pr?furred to do wj. 1 , when I could break the berry between my thumb and linger. I always got plumper wheat, made more flbttr, and, J.he wheat. was at leasl fifty per cent,' belter than when allowed lo stand and gel thoroughly lipe. Just so with corn. 1 never lake the top off of corn, or to .use the common phrn?e, " cut the stalk-."' 1 would cut my corn before it was hard, as soon as it parsed fioui thu mjik to the paste stale, put it immediately up in fair sized bunches, and tin re let it ripen and stand, if desired, until n<?ld leather. Yon get heavier and brighter corn, and very much better fodder. S.? much for my experience. Try it before you condemn it, am) don't Hatter your self that a crrp of oat straw begins to be as valuable as a crop of oars and straw. ? [ >|r. IVocdicarJ, in Muss Plouykmun. Home-made Ice. The New Orleans Bulletin gives an interesting account of bow ice is made in that "citv. It says: " You mn\ stand in the sun. with the perspiration pouring from your forehead, n rilk?um? brelia in your hand, perhaps, to protect von against the heat, nnd at tho seme time took upon ice and snow fuming within twenty feet of you the same ?i4 though you weie standing in n valb-V and looking at the snow clad top of a mountain By n chemical process, too lengthy and loo scientific to describe to the gpueral reader, a large basin of \va ter strongly impregnated with salt to keep it from freezing is deprived of its ^cloric and reduced to a temperature below the freezing point. Into <hi? ba bin are inserted cases made of tin. air and wtylpr tight at tho bottom and side*, filled with water"; these cases nre c^v ered on top; and in hss than two ruin Hies the water In-ide is frozen, and you inny imko ?>i?i <t cumj in it;?3 mmiic iihco inches thick, twelve inches wide, ami three inches long. The sapidity with which the water is congealed gives the ice h in ilk v appearance, and hence fcotne persons have been led to believe that the ice contained ammonia, and was not ptiro. Tho truth is that tlx water used fur the manufacture of thii ice is Mississippi Hiver water, pump<< a long distance fiotn shore, and titer cJisiilled } hence the purest kind of sn ? ter; and us it does not in any w ay tnit Villi the water impregnaUd with salt and to a limited d?giee with ammo pia, the ice prauufacttired is of th purest kind imaginable. '1 here ar now two machines in operation capaL! of faking each twelve torn* of ice p* vlay, and four more tnaphines are i yroce>s of erection. 'I he company cn po# fWWW rVve M -sWu Sht? ?( tUtv? 'fourths of a cent per pound, and if th people will only patronize ib'v Htsblhl |nent, this p'rice can he leduced to ow jjalf cent per pound, W 'Y is your nose in the middle your t?! Uccmu it is the tctnl 85 9 f fr i i siffk & - '- J ... .._ . 'J. ill TaU Tree*. . . . c We are in the habit 01 prid}n? o&r* selves on the possession of the largest trees in tht, woild. but recent researched I in Australia have thowu that although the tliickne?> of onr California gianis may not 4>e equalled, their height iconsiderably exceeded by species of Eucalyptus, a vegetable,form character* ratio of Australia. Specimens of various heights have been measured, and ,..11?. ?* r ? i -I.: * %mu r%i- unnv nuujccieu w u??? iwi gave an altitude of four binulrcd and eighty feat ; but another having a cir nitmfereirce of eighty one feet at a height of f iur feel from the ground, was estimated to be over five hundred feet high. The tallest spire in'Europe, the Munstcf of Strashurg, iy four httnilred and sixty-six feel high''; the great pyramid of Cheops is four hundred and eighty f?et ; hotli exceeded by these Australian ire en. .The Eucalyptus ril?e of Australian tree8 embraces a number f species of great economical value, its while the timber is excellent, the growth is far mote rapid than that of any tghe/sknown, and tlieir ability to resist ilie gp"*a est drought, antl even flpurhH in it. point them oil', as eminently fitted for cultivation in tu)re or less desert regions. How far, as a form eminently Australian and OIJ World, the Eucalyptus T ould answer foi growth in Crtl i for it in and oilier comparatively rainless districts of America, can only he koowu by experiments. Other Australian trees, as the Acacias and Cnu?nrjtuts, might he employed for the same pin povo?possibly enabling us to 6tnrt It of forest timber in what is now a tlfcserl; and thus, in lime le'claiining entire countries from desoin'toii. CIoino 1H* Lavvh.? A j 'vial, fat fiiend of ours who semi ecca donallv drops into <bg sauelum, i? ql*iU> bum fall and runnWig o*er tviih atones, and from whom wo propose to filch wi'.honl' giving him an .opportunity to obtain a w it of qig zzsi'/ttiito, relales the following : Jonc was, or believed he was near hi- death, and the doctor calling, lie h<-ld a bm<? and earnest conversation wi h him ah nit his chances of fife.?" Whv. man," said the phvahsian, " vou are likeiy to die at any hour. Y.?>n' have tieeti thing f-?r the last fifteen year? without a constitution, lungs rone, liver uiaeasou, wiui all that sort ul Hlipg " "" Von don't mean In say,*' replied folic*, questinuiuglv, "iIihI h man'can foi 'titfeart" yeua wi.houi a iJ institution f" i4 - ? ' ' * . -> . V * Y*?, I do," retorted the doctor, and \ou n?e an exmrtpie." " Then, doctor." and a bright smileIhiuiinaled the pallid lace of iimd"'on d idaiv, " then, d-ioto*. I'll go it ten reitin tuoru on tlie by-laws," and he iIm I ? ? - ? Ilow to Caicii Hat's.?Tor ca'ching ih'.k in a cheap ami e(V.-etual man tier, the follow ing i? recommended t Cov cr 11 common flout battel wbh stitT, flout paper, tying tlie edgon around the bar rel; pi ace a so that the rats mat have easv access to the top; sprinkle cheeso paings or other " feet! " for the tats on" the paper f->r several days, until they begin to tiiink they have a tight to their daily rations fioni litis snU'ce. Then place in the bottom of the luytfel a piece ?>f lock aboiifsix or seven inches high, filling with water until only enough of it prcj-et* abovetho water for one rat to lodge tijron. Now les place the paper, the fi*s? rat that coneon the top goes through into the water and climbs upon tlie took.. The papor comes back to its place, and the second tat follows the first. Then d?egins a fight for the possession of the dry place on the stone, tho i.oiso of which attracts '.lie re?t, who share the same fate. Tiik following dialogue recently o<;. eurred between a mistress of one of the school} and a scholar : " James, if you take three fioin fi?e how many remains?" "I don't know, mum," rojdir d the boy, biting hi* thumb nail, " Not know ! If five birds wee ringing on a tree, and a naughty boy should have n gun and kill tince, how nianv would be left I" ' None," wa% the prompt reply. " Why, yes, thde would be som.e left, wouldn't theref " No, there wouldn\ 'cause the. others would fly away." " Captain, me jewel." r-aid a son of Erin as a ship was coming on the court in inclement weather, " have ve an al to a nick on iarard ?" "No, I haven't" "Then by jabers, we shall have to luku the wither a? it cotcBt" " Patrick, said a priest t%an M?h? i i man. now timcn nay tiui yon stem f ? I Well, replied lat, 1 inav ns well col .fens to \our livertnce fir I lie whole , 1 stuck, for my wife and 1 are going to I lata the lest of ii on the tlr*r dark S night." A credulous man r?i?l lo a wag who t had ? w ooden log, " I low rame von U >? have m wooden lig ?" " \\ by," answered the wag, " n?v father had one, and sc *' had my grandfather. It tun.i in the * blood.* 'r Harp an Irish justice to an obstreper oua prisoner on t?ial, we want nmhinj from vou but silenpe, and but little c * H My son. would you suppose ihs '* the Lord's 1'rayer could be engraved i e~ a space no laiger than tbe sirs of nickel cent 1" ? Well, yes, father, il cent is as big in everybody * eye as it of : in yours, 1 tiiink tbeie would be no did tr. eultv in putting it on about four liinu % ^ ' tr ^ . \ S.MS-T 84 - ' - t*T If tt i,? a Couldn't Helf|g? fll In a cert tin town on the ffcitolfceot river lived two worthy i?eu, neighbor* nod ft tend* j but they oonUI newer Agree on poli'.jcnl quesiinrht. ftt dirtpttte one day, one of the dtytnUnUfihdfc ttmper nnd called the t^theiOtf lwr^^ * bH?ljv ' knave," nnd so on. wan jib weakness. He-cn-ily k>*t nel/'onntrol^ then wa? ,vqtv ab?M\e; \tvd f/fn n penled. On the nccHsion referred to, ha WMl ?o >ha<ri inW I ul iliu ntliiliiiinn l)tt had II) .nil' Of pUS-ioU til Nt !> i.tfhd upon his neighbor, |<fqil?nt mid pn posing an apology. We give, iu suV-lanee, lli? apolpgy : ' I Hin ashamed of myself for being, so abu*ire in my talk to you. To think I should call a neighbor and fiie.nd , liar, '. fo&V and * knave.' I am softy, and I have cone to apologize'. Forgive ine. I know not why it i?, that, in my talk with you. I lose inv temper. list the fact is, you always trtlk' sh much like a?jack***, I cap I help it." Many good l??en have weaknesses of character or mapper, ? hVcli seem absolutely-incurable. We bemd of a eery lain brother who constantly made hiiuaelf a thoin iu the fio>h of. his fellow church members by his habit of using slang talk and. coaise colloquialisms in his prayers. In vain the Church repeatedly expressed their disapproval of nis tincwrh phrases. "Bo far from he ing silenced, tlie offending brother was only grieved aftd alienated. At last a committee of the de.-uipns went to have a talk with him, and so j nliciuusly was the interview conducted, that A happy i-.sua seemed certain. Prayer closed the visit, and the di?gipliued and penitent member Jed the devotions, when .* liiiost the first sentence came out: "Oil Lord! I .beseech thee, help mo and these rlenr brethren to hitch hones toyith*r / ' What Affectiw Him?When l)rk D-?dge, an eccciitiic phvdcirint w;\< fee ' luring through this Stale on lite tlvil of tea and c flee, he hxppen?*id W? meet one morning at the breakfast table a sou of Kiin, of Tho bet ter cl'?s*. (Jomeiwation Ipined lo.lhe doctor's ftvoiite sidj cl, and he ad dressed <inr fiiond a<? follows: ' Weli,' said the doctor, * if I eon vincu von -that tli??y Mre ii j oions to m_ I-1- ! 11 * - 1 . r e your ii^hiui, "in }uu au-iaui iioiu their tine !' Sure, and I will, air.* ' llifw of en i!it roii use ct ff.-o and ton V asked i|ju durli.r. 4 M onio.'* nnj ni^ht. sir.' 4 Well,' *>ftf ffic doctor. 4 do von ever experience n alight <l:zziiie$3 dl (lie brain, nppi't '.o l ed !' V Ye*. indeed 1 .u?: 4 An-l h t-li'<rp j :iiu l|twn?ju the lemj'Ins, in and about the ?"yo>, ill the iiioinjirjr !* n?ked the dojtor. ' I il". Mr.' 4 Well,' sail llp> doctor, villi an nir of confidence "nil assurance, 4 thai i* ilie Ion end erljfm^. 4 1* h, indeed) Fni'.li, and I nm I a'wav* ihnughv Uihi ii was ilie whi*kv tlfaT did thai nine.* Tlio company roaiud tt illi laughter, ?n.l the doctor retired. --4 - ? -n. Wh.d Clovkb?The Yorkvillo ftn qniror mivs t 44 Aiino?t imperceptibly, mid through mine ilnknnwri ajjiwier. tho'e linn "prnng op over the hnuen vM field* in Illi- Hi trict. wi hin fix# year*, a specie* of white elovori which promi*** something worthy of node*. Ii i- n rig (>rrwi? and hardy vegetation, thiiving well on the poorest day ti.lges, ?nd as UMl'icioiiA of exigence us tlio fanmna w ire gras*. Cat In and hogs feed upon It u illt , ti. un< ..nt lit. m this 1 ?-*?rift i? a mvulorr. iho *oi?tinn of which 1i:ta not, to our ntlinV, been satifictorilv givVn. TVe'^MitiJtJ pot b? itirpiUiN) if, ft f? w VMMji hcpee, our poorest ????!?, chid in thi* uprightly verdifrp. did n<>t fcirtii -h jyr'axttrg for thousand < r.f cattle, wherea* tl??*y are new worthless." f*iiAt?Mtrfb J'flll.oK'?i'iiC.?'A tarrrnkeeper. in one'of the ? riiriH ikvwns ol \Vi*Ci?tii?in, employed ?n holiest olj (ie'iiiMii blacksmith in :dt? n joV ??l wmk. f >r w hich he paid ca-li ?l once Af or word, a nei-vtihor got n similar jolt done on credit f.?r a le?* prior*; Clou being naked the reason, the bl i;k?rr)i It replied : ' Yon 7? I have zo inucl dtarge on i?v Iwmk. and T z*matiin.*r lose 'cni; and zo veh T bave a ?bo< oa-h enctomer, [ td?arge a good price f nil ven I fmI it on niv boob, I do tiol like to nhaigo so tnncli; z? if zajr ar< never paid, 1 no lose zo niuch.'Vr A vkry -smart nov on hi* retnn from college, ntrempied to prnire 11,a two were equal to three, I'oinling l< a roasted chicken on the lable, lie said ? I, n..i nnn ?" I ,1 nnl...!.,. m-? *?nc; i rum lin n jrviiMiij !n another: " In not that lwa| and d< not <>ne and two male* three?" AVhercUpoh his oW dulftaid: '* Wife von ink* on* and I'll lake the other hii,(I onr miimt hoy call haxelho thin for Uifc dinner.-' A DfTCtiMAN WH r. luting hi* tnai selou* e?c?pe from d row ring, whe thirteen of hi* companion* weie I pi by the upsetting* of a boat, and h I alone escaped. " And how did jrnu esctpe the fate!" a?ked one of hi* hearer*. "I tid not go ;o te poU," w* potchy'a reply. MttoeU&Mki n A encm old" 1?u?he|or, nnj bkin a the ?**? hi* landlady's daughter had a appropriating hi* hair oil, filled tl is \ Wile with liquid glua the day befo R- j e hall, to whith the girl was invi:,-.l u'/whn stayed at bono? in consequence, |rV* A * i i> mv /) , fw ^ s' it t is i . - . n, , . - ^-y>- - . ' - +l>* ? ' . I SSTSI1 L.. L~it> .**8* Y ,'?^<7'|v -?> Footfalls npon the Hocks. In (J.irson y alley, Nevada, near the town of Day tun, there are many curi oiis and. interesting ' peolojjical vestige* of1 rii ancient fauna and flora. Petrified. palm tYcoe, ronifeVre and many species of extinct tropical plants are (mind in vrtntna&'nb* ; l?(rt die most notable 'ohjedt'W llKf region w th? * fobt printed rock." 'At 4h?*-*thonth of El Iliorkdb Onnybn, On tktf North east side of thfc' CArsofi river, a wagon r?jad pam? e? over a plain of risked rock which IIm nearly horizontal. nnd i* apparently composed "Of Mlicified volcanic ashes, or at any rate, Ihe product of ebtiie sort of volcanic mailer. This stone 4b extensively used in NevAdA for building material, and t? comidered superior id the free stone-of |he Aliunde States. From the appearance and tnaiking? of.the rock about which we are Writing) it is quite app^jent that it \v?b at one lime in a soft plastic condition. analagons to mud, or w^t mortar. The surface of the rock contains innumerable font prints or track-* of quadrupeds* all as distinct!)' defined as if they werb impressed there recently. The ttinst remarkable of tlio-e impressions Is that which has been made by an enorraoit" boast of the-equine genus. Many of I those Ancient horse tracks inea?ttte .eighteen inches iu diamethr. The itn presstons aba deeply cut "n the rocks nod have the precise form of the horse's hoof, except the l.eel of heavy fetlock of the bea-t lias also male jm impression in the rear nf the track.? The same rock sttiface contains tracks of tlie young of the mine t-pecics ; these U-t being about the size bf a full growfT modern horse track. In addition to these, iIip rock is dotted with the fiotr ptints <?f enormous hea>s. elks, deer and bth' etanimaN. Two or three years since. Mhe skeleton of a large fossil Htifmal was exhume*! in Nevada. ihe sp?ei men wh?n alive probably measured iijlinfci IS f-et in long'h, by about 7 or 8 fcyi Lu li*i^jht Although die y;vctmcn was iu an advanced .stale of tie doinpoxi'i'UT. tho-e who' examined it were sA'i-lhd that it belonged to the Qcitus (quui, and was probably ihe kin<l of creatine which left the foot* prihts ? described. A Tnov tiwr-er mi I-'i-lie* tTie latest rat stnty, as fo'hiwk !' " TIia other morning, a getuletnnn lohnd In n'"i?p hn hnij seta f<ypt detentl ;rkin. and? unfiling more J Ti,e snap had caught lltV aitfnial hy tlio noif. untrt ih struggling to escape, |.h walked entirely out i if liin skin. Attached to the skin wee portjen? of the Ijortca cf lite head, til.' hind f?ct. and..the whole tail. Lending fr.nn tin* Iran to h hole rear lav w??c track* of Id-rod. -? .<?. . . ^ A Nh-?ryrts>. (lotvn) paper *tn'e* that, after,tV 'fC'ttt tornado near that city, stalks of ground ehfriie* were f-mnd. w.irh the leaves green, the pods y.R.-uv and ft?rt pnfr-etlv line. This stage of - tli'e "'plant ie hi least four ntoti'hs tfjflfid of' lid* latitude. uftr lia. [ ft nt\nine<1 to' fliM stage even fit our most Sou' hern States, so thll it is supposed thai there henies must ha\? hecn brought from lOntfof the West frtdt? Island''. where the storm prujbnhlv originate,!. ? . r- r A i.\t'ou vui.k^pirit of ec >noni v and -tlnifi pervades the town of SivWonk, the place where the- fiist American I " |?lwform* ?hs constructed, j dgiag j front thu eon-nlato'v rrfieelhlns of Uflcle Untuck U?, who had fit-err very ! sick in mnhSiinimcr, hut aoon g.-t 1 ah .tit again. In reply to Out. Il'ggm I bottom s tnijni't ah to tn? n**lt|i, lie [ : ** Wyt'ill, now,'. Kttrmd. aort o' loiildmi'; Inn I ?toll?yoti,'r('oi\ortii{ l-hia vo'ica and tdiiikmg hia head) " if I'd I'* died in bavin* and )iAiv?wiin\ 'teonld bijeii nioiVi. forty dollar* dato idgo tti itdo !" r' Lazy Unw.? A la/v hoy makes a I izy man. jii"?t mi Mir?a? a crooked sap ling mate* a crooked tree. Who ever j ?aw n hoy grow up in idiotic* that did not tn?k*? h idofile** vagabond when ' | hu In-won-* n num. uyil**? lie lind a for ^ I .Mine left hint to keep, iijj appeal mice* 1 The great mnjui of Iiieve*, criminal' ' j Miul p*np*T? IraVe roitin to" what they 1 i ate, l?y being brought up in id!en<*?*.? 1 Those who cotouiluie lite l>u.-ine*? pari 1 of the commtmitv?-those who nlakr ' our great and u?efnl men. were taugh ' in their ouyltfc*) lo 1x* induatrtou*. 1 Ttc Woonsookrt. Mn??? a f?w night 5 ajnee.juAt after Johh T'; Horn* and hi fx'ntily had t Wired, hi* lit fie sou. si year# of age, fried out that romelhin: i had fallen i>pon l?iin and rut him. Oi t grting to hie heihidu. Mr. Liurna fotm< i the Hpuktcat tyirg ttpojr the l.oy*? chew : with i|a teeth f<t?!on#d ao firmly , in hi ; tirroat that it had to he kicked #even o j right t-imoA Inforo it let lYtose. It nn immediately kdled. Tho wound* i i, the hoy'a Hack hied freely, ??' -? I II a up -wkattino.? We nr? credihl informed that Jartv* ITtun, who Ur? i in il*i- county, curbed himself t<> dfta: , a fe#dirya since. 11* owed u ?r?.i n turn for , Mid on heing dunned f., ,1 for the money, began 16 awear ve? e hard nnd finnlly ?aid, " ho hoped li night die and go to heiS if he ever pahi jr ce.ot of llie account I" and immediate] f<dl dead. Thin i* true, and should i ? remembered hv those addicted to ?wea fj torr-6V"?**P yNr- 9-E Timtu A talkino match ia on the tap ig hetwfeu two women of Hornm.o( ' Amount of wager not stated. Tim ie \ twenty four hours without sleep. M re J stoppage for food or .drink'. The liu ? j lunula of the Amiable* are aruioua have the tjuio ex tended to * week. Mat * * '? ' * ?* J /i .i nil i/mJ'M SjilUl w | I *S' 1st - 1 rij.j"' ? * I S S . ri .1 fjuam'rt ln< i i i' iwr At Warreniiburg, Missouri, ft MrLewis undertook Co mix ?om< gunpowder and aslioe a* a medicine for .a cow. Ue poured nomt powder from a twelve* pound can into a ehovel-ful ofa-thee, which proved to be hpl enowgb to ig niie the .powder. '.Aii explosion follow*e i. which look the roof oft the houee, killed two children, and injured Mr. Lte\ivts 10 lliat liie recovery is doubtful. A ship from Port Glasgow was re cently lying in the New Or Tenon, when an Pish emigrant one day cume on board, and thus addntvsed the cook, who wan also. Irish. " Ate you the mate I" 4 .No?" said lie,44 but I'm the man as boils the mate." A voono lady school teacher,, of Fiodemk City, was endeavoiing to iin pre-a upon Jier pupils the terrible effect of thu punishment of Nebuchadrezzar, She told ihein that for seven yeats ho alp grn?* jnrtt like a c<?w. Just then n ?jd all boy asked : " Did he give milk ? ?. A Mtea. Jot was present at a parly recently, and in tlrW couri>e of the evening some One, used tlie tpresdon 44 A thing-of beauty is a joy'forever,4* when she nxc-laiim-d. " I'm glad I'm pot a beauty for I should hoi like lo be a j->y forover." It :s related of two old Scotch minis lent that "one atked the oilier if Ire was not sorlv templed af times to'go fishing on the Sunday nf'ertioon. 44 O inon," rep'lel his fellow laborer, 44 I'm never tempted ling; 1 just gang, A C-t vci>* n ATI a n at the Terni'dr. l TT oiisii I'.liir-.Hirn exn.iMa-in or on the ,4vine ! .. - -tj ' ; A, - ^ f; clad' liills', cnc., t-xcliiiiniyl i1?h.x the Ohio wa* the Jlbine of ihe Nvw \N orid;? "Ye*," ijauulntcd old X-r-, " the 1?ui k Uuinv.". AYk tvVre compelled to return an ?d?ve'rtbHneUt?Wnd ih? mouet, more'* ilie I'ilY?tli<? Suber4 dar. "b.'eati*e no one coul.r determine wh<*hf?r tint adver li^er \? nnle3 "ft initiation as a w*t nurse, <}r h tni?di>Y? to the CoiiVt of Si. J ante*. Coukkh lounger* in Ckicngo are fined J twenty-five dollar* for (lie find cflVnce, fifty dollars for tbe second, and one linndred dollar* for the tltitd, and for f nth er relation* of the oidinHiice, any rum in the dueteiiotv.of the inngi-trate. Gkrat Pol't'LATioNS1.?The population of London U 3.037.001 ; of 1'ari*,' 1 82^,274 ; Liverpool, Kdinbmpr, Glasgow, Manchester, liii minghain and Dublin. ?re nil far -bifbind New Y6rk, tlifl hi chest of nil (Liveipool.) being 481.337. An Illinois paper claim* the champion dimnerV belt for a gentleman of .l;it'lr?rtnvillo; who dunned a man ?>n hi* knee*, in a'church, and compelled payment before ho would nllovv him to resume bis prayer. % CAi.r.noN, tho buest fit?bi<>n in color*, i* d' -otibed al a nrx'oju of pea-green and onittge?-Kjft>etbing like tins lint of a kitten's eye in n coal cellar. It is a popular dehtdon to believe that pw ler on a l.tdvV free ha* the *?me effect a* in the pan of a miwkel? h?mm* Iter lo go off. A btvijkn'T a? AUdon f\.liege, ItfiHi I i/an, ?ia*. acoorntng ?o tne (?">c:or?. m* heart on the right ride, Scn'.l I.i n lo Ci>ngr**a at once. lb. pure. b?t no* alern ; have moral excollenoiea, but don't Initio with tliem. Thkkk i* a ibmoeyatie club of freedmen at YorfcVilb. South Carolina, numbeiing about 100. " Mr dear," *aid an ar.xiou* matron In Iter daughter, " it i* Very wrong ft>r young poirpb In be throwing kis?e* at one nnnlbor," *" Whv ???, mamma 1 I'm onrn lh?v bun even when il.ey hit.^ a m*n in Cincinnati once rilvenUe.l for a wife, hu<1 the next <1 ?v he received k-iterf, fiom I wont y-^even huibands, &a)| ing lie might have theirs. 1 v die Louisiana Legislature. thi Radicals have a majority of one over the l>em?oraia. is the huhl-headed man.foi | hi* wife cannot pull hi* tiair. To a-oerlaiA how many hoy* are ir tlie Hreel?-ojaiii a band of pplev Tl? ?nre you're rigbt, then go ahead > i in ir i AK1UVA L* OF SPUING GOODS, l*. R.iMISt\ | *4 ^ Sdi \mmT ^-4 M ^ SM/ ^ B'J.tJ MBB STREET. " . fpIIE suhacrlhcV take* IbD oecnrlnn tn In X forin 1'1C public, ant) the ladies in par 'a Ucu!itr, (hat lie ba* received ltU f imsoKisxd pti * A(ld Would irsk nn examination thereof, iti if Block rontiru. In part, o? A flue ftoikrrf Dry Good*, Freneh nn Aiaetlonn Pi tula, Murlirn and DrEamr .(J^Mt"nirf??t Un^iva, Mai*?Wea, Shiitirt| ' Ci-.tU r?M?ta auJ tyhto-'i 'In gni '* abundance. Trunk*. Italic*', and Genu' Mat It l*di?Y Glove* ond llpauiv. Ribbon*. Nee || Tie a, Parnro'a, Caper Collar*; Kin* )> ( < liardwaio #p<i WfJl-rjr, .ltf.JtfU, (booker ' and Olnrewntfl. Hu?r*'?, Ikdfee^ PU >' lh kit* ami bauoU, Hi??. Dried Pig*, Cm If Ale*. Ac. ' ' A jt,f>~ Rrhiam)irr.nta Stand?t/7rW ('al*; jy faat/r'# fttarkmiith s/h.j>, /lnntn,*,bf'Strrt4. : x. V. DAVIS. April I 44 ' ?f u r riiffWAif '? - SMOKINQ TOBACCO *. I T AVIN0 received ?h* of tl fo I I Hllnve jually celebrated Brand TOBACCO, w- will mak* it to your lute eat to buy from n*. P.?r rale bv whole** l? or retail. DAVID* A STHLbl.EY. Oct 30 UU tf . * P'/ ~T _ r I J* *??f ?" . ? ''./' Wto^' MM)****? f -* w .. " I W^SSEjffi^CHIlSW. 'I rtil" tu>n J ?t?H . , A Loaf. atjd i?q?$ eirnple MnqUne now JL iii lire, ard ia unexcelled l/y any *?e? pr?aentiKl to tiro | JlVUo, havi. g all the luteal improywu?-df; peace I liR.ili ?ight Needle in*krt? )i?H Tlglp l?r<;k {SljEah. w^ieb la tit* only reli?Me.i?B(\ aji;i ejw'* 9rame ' on both O lv*. U W aintplr. en*?* %ofk*d 0nd kept in order;. il will ^fuueh.'Hcm, * Fell, Hii d. Cord.JUraid. )l' JJ'ck," Qul)t, 11. ni-Hiilvh, Oatliar and nt Um< ?ntua tinner !' rhruiltit a greater vjriHrp^ Wo?k than any o?liw Mi'cliinp^wu, ill.; ligjitot to I lie. fabric*. * In redklvcd 4 medal at Uto roaynt Paria Expedition. f Wo w.irrant them to give jpUicfactlon j U nut. retiiru thtua. 1'1?um cull nud examine them. We nl#o Veep constantly on hand, n en perl or aaooririicnt of (Jei.tleinCn'a FOKKISIIIKU -UOOPS aud TKIMMINOS, from tho clnjap? 1 cat t<> tho heat qualit'iea. aud luw for caab.?. Wc erltl CUT and MAKE in the heat atid latest improved mylca, all Qavmonta forjUen^., 1 it?m*o ?nid Osivt*' \Y*nr> Ladies' Cloaks aud Backs, ?o. All W?|4* warranted. PICKLK & l'OOUEi I Oroenrillo, 8. C.Jan. 15, 1808. > . ? Jan 15 81 tf T. W. DA VIS, WATCH MAKER, E5*L WOULD lies..,.(.(fully ln. Pform the people of Orceu.villa (?-~* Jyt and, the anri onuding ooUutry, hat he lis* f From lift OLD STAND in- the flood* latt U.'uaki, to'a mow CONVENIENT ?>ue, three d?or* K6rtli of 'lh? Mum. aioii Ilou-f, next d.xir to l'il-kle A Fobr, n?: Main wbtfe ho la prepHrt-d to d?? nil work in Ms line uf htiainea*, at eliort notiee, in n workman like rnaUtier, and on reus-'liable luiiua. f ? * '' ? Aug AO . 18 / V-tf J???. " 'U MAM&B WORK.! ilXARIlLG WOltK!! WS&ssij r|"*UK ertlifciibeF liee on low?d, j?r?jl *111 i 1 oonttnu* t*recoiv<*. * |ru>?l-t-ii??riiii?iif of TOM'i-^iTOKK^. of nil ?l**? mul qunlt> tin*. ih n??"l of nny, iMhsr 1q ilmt | line, will d"? to cull ot tii? Post Oftico lielor* pntrhH*W>||f?l??whrr>, wr t <mutrv pro<ino? ??ken In ?*rh?ngo for ?.-* - JAMF.H M. ALLEJJ-. Or- OMVSII? C- II.. Kotr 6. 1807. v W. H CAMMER, *! PRACTICAL GUMSWltft AND MACHINIST. ClORN SIIF.LT.FItS. Chiton Oin?,*. / K*ru?.ne Oil Lcunrm, 8>\Wing M?I ojiitiet mul 1'nrnaols, REPAIRED with ] ppontplngy. Charges Pei**<Jnalil*. * t2f"Ci?untry I'rodece tfcken in ?-xehnng* ffor Work. - " >'> Smnil?At WeaTfleU'e olJ SThnp. J mi 11 It 'If W. K. I. A * I.?. \ . ?. 0. WJSLLS. EASLEY A WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at law ANI> IN KQUITY. ORKKNVIT.LR, K. 0., T"|R AOTICB In the Coorts of the Sfafa ?n.l f XT of the United fUnfc*. ami give t-tycoial nu-iiliyn tu cu?m in Bankruptcy. June 13 a tr LAW_TAi;l>. 1 . GOOD LETT & THOMAS 1 Attorneys at Lav* 'J AB1> 'v.** I J , SOLICITORS Ijt EQClrir, HAVJ5 this formed a Copartnership in th? practice. ?f LAW and . EQUITY on ths Wmmer? Ottcult. Offiqeifi the pI<TCoart lion*? Bhfldinjr." c. o. o?r, *. U tuom**. ) !>, < tf) Sft tt ? Law Notice?Change of Office. >- ci V- 10WNKS has reroored Ma La* VXe Office to the building north-end eorSrr of the Public d.|u<rPo, in pArt occupied by JntfuA C. Fwuh, Auctioneer, nnd the LuU.r-* " Printing Office, up daiia. * " b J?t? 8 851 if 4~ w*? price, . ; ATTOHKHBY A'l' LAW, 6 DAH10NE6A, St., * \17"ILL pfnvliee ?n the Ountiea of Lamp- I. ? \? kiu l>nn??n. QiliMsr, Fsnoin, Union, ' Towns, White nnd Hall. <" < * _ | > ^n?10 H tf ? .. IJATKSVII.I.K :'f 2 K&fiSF&CJIUIE C6MP&IY. 1 WWAVlKrt t>-?o ?|.puii.i?4. Afr?n^ f<>r K _ aftiiwssraa;kswEi., 1 * , TiflllB^iiJIaii I (Irocert Mo^nRPMIQlHHHBBBMn w?"? 24 UUftHU Work^HHHn DONE with nr?ln?n nuJ Tills OFFICE.