University of South Carolina Libraries
hi v Lnis Coksc. 9. C., 1ley Mtli, 18tiV 4 Mrur* hdilnr*?Tur*u*?t to a ttitieo, the oilImm oC (lip n?i|^bo(hnuv) of Colunil.u Olmrrh, 0f?t ?t ihMjitaoo oir Set wdey, the Md loot. *?? the ytiryoeo p| or pnUlng ? l?w?wreli? Otkib. On motion ?t PrfiiSfSiaaSit 5ff SIM!*# .wn? cwn w hwiiwi mm 1v? d, <ir. Hold to net ? 9wr*U?. Tha President than briefly xpUtned Uta bhj *1 ?f m*?t log- O't motloaof Rev. A. C. titepp, the JChalnnan nppointe-1 a CommlTt<*e ot flee, Tlx.; A. 0. 81 pp. John B. WUHame, Win "KUiaon, Jmnea ll. Qainr* and B. F. Mowly, for the purpoee-of'submitting.* Coniltu,tlon for the government of Club. Tlwy submitted tha following, allien We* Unao IomiuiIj ujupttd: 0??a?t?TUTIQW. * v Aar. 1. Thle Ch.b ?h*U l?e known ns the Columbia* Cortititutkwiel Drtiomtie Club. % Aut. 2 The obj -ct of ll.ieOluh thall lie \o unite whh tbl Ifemocrntlc Pirty in their efforts to re ?tore,the Union rtn-Kr the Con. gtitutinn of tb? UMtid States. Art. 8. The oflleera of litis Cltsh ahull 1* a President, two Vi???Pr?iWni.t?, 8>tr?> tarjr, and an Executive Comm'ttea. Amt. 4. All peruana *w. broom* members of this Club etuM.I thereby obligate tlnWirhhi to fate ft?r. a?-l w their influence tor the noudpeaarifth* !Mrn?* re tic Parly. They rivnti Ran obligfce them-elvvs to conform to the By l<?ei of thie CiaU. A rt. 5. Any person May a men. her by signing of authorizing Me name to be (Igncd to tlih Coaeti'ulion. Art, A 1W? Chh Atll co-operate with r>itU let Chtb a\ Oreeifvllle C H., and through tint) with the Central Club of lite State. ArT. 7. The Prerident and other ofRcere .. *.f this Club thai) perform all the duties Usually all<>ted k? nueh officers. Art. 8. The Executive Committee eh?11 {irepare business b?r the meeting* and perortfl all oilier diuiea assigned ill mi, though ftnV manibrr nyay lay any matter he ehooeee before the meetings of the Club for lie consideration. By request of the Chairman, th Rev. A. C. Stcpp tlien addressed the mteling in a uhbrt, hut poiut*d milnrt*r, showing the na entity of organizing, and anting in concert with oilier like oigaols<th>ne throughout. the country. Ho, at the same lim*. nave the Freedmen present some eery whole vims advice, (elvrwing' them their true Interest Is one with its.) which seemed to have its ef. feet upon them, as some three"or four of the few tint tinned out expiussed themselves as done w.ith the Radical Party; and ?hat If they exrrolsed iha right of suffrage to which they are now privileged, it should lie in favor of p-omotlng the Democratic . Party. . v. - . Tlie ennetitntion heinu now submitted for signatures, fiftvfonr (&t) name# wefe enrolled, after which an elv-tiou was held, for permnnent officers of 'lie Club, which resulted in Ore cli-ie* of Co'. James MoCullougli, President; Re*. A. C. Stepp and James lI.,f?aioea, Vie?.?Pr?-0idente ; and J. I* MeCullough, Secretary. The President, then appoint d B. F. Mosely. John B. Williams, D. Gaines, Jesse F oo?h and Win Ellison, at Executive Committee. Commit t?e To 'meet sflth the District Central Club at Greenville, O. H.. on Monday, the 1st June: Col.' James McCullough. Col. R. B. - Arnold, Rev. A, C. Stepp an$ John B. Wll lisme. Tha following resolutions wars tub milted by the Rev, A. C. Stepp for the ecu ideratlon ? f the Club at Its next meeting: l?l. /feao/rerf, Tliat vba Constitution of the United States of Americg la the supreme law of the land. 2<i fittoived. That " the Union,** under the Constitution, "ahull ha perpetual."' 3d lietolveil. That tha framers of Cos-, atitutiou declared its objects in the following language, to wit: "^We the peopla of the United State#, in order to form a mare perfeot Union. eetaldl.?h justice, ensure donirflic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, a*rf secure the blessings of liberty to onrssloes and our posterity <1o ordain and- establish this Con*tit?tlion for the United StaUa of Anicr* i?a."* Atk. ResolrsJ, That th1a OonetitutioA de claret, " the UnHed Statea that! guaranty to evert! Statu in thia Union a republican form of government.*' ft/A Resolved, Th*t the first amendment foadt to tliia Oonilitntion guarantees "the fight of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition tb* Government for* redreee of grievance^" f<th> Resolved That the language, "Metre the blessinga of libertv to norselvt e and our poetet it v," includes none hut the uthits race of the United States? lawful deacmlante of the founder* of the Republio. 1th. Resolved, That the eapeeial prnyls. Jons, " the U itel States sh t( guaranty lo every State iw tide Union a republican f??rm of goveir.ment.? and "aeeure " lo our posterity " the h'uesinga of liberty," afford lo ua Just grounds of "grf*vano< a" inaatnueh aa the United Statee haa established ov.r " be" and " onr posterity * a MiliUry{ and tinder it a Negro government, igainst the expressed wiah.8 of th? tnx payer*, thereby d-prlving the while rnee of Sobth Carol inn of the " bleating* of Itttortj," 8th. Resolved, That the Convehtifln astern bled in Charleston, S. C.. was enlled by the negroes of tha State, who were {gnorantly lo l-hy adventurera from other State*, with but few exception*, and therefore only re* fleeted the partUao interest of a Northern Political Party. 9 Ik. Rmolttd, That tl?e C*n?titutlnn idnpM by Mid Convention, end declared to be ratified by /A# people of ftwtk Carolina. was really ratified by Ilia negro role of the State, in eoneequeaee of iu numerical majority over the white vote; and. therefore, whilst It tkiiat to be " Repub .* liean in form," it i* deapotie in epirlt and ope-ation, placing law*, and 111* Iewtr of levying t?xee In the Itaade of ike gnorent and non property holding clean, I hue Imposing the bordt-ns ol ihe Government upon ih? property hold ra aa<r intelligent of the epnidiwtiltj Without reprm aentstion, wltioh wort prnka destructive to the "-general welfare" and domeetio Iran quill* v of the Slate I ln/A. fcewiitd, Thai we do not recognise avid Constitution M forming the eonatila < tionnl organic laws of ,tha paopla of tha Bute?only ae A military ordet i and. there fore, in paying tha ta?ea Imposed under it, or voting Jfat officers to fill Ha prnvialnna, wa do not. thereby endorse thoee provision# 1 nor bind ourselves to Us support aod raa> eet further than h military oceeeeity. 11/A. Remised, That/the Constitution of ( tha Unitad Stat-a makes especial provision# for lie own amendment* in which It de elarea, that nb Stat a. without ita eoneent, J ball bo deuHved of Us equal suffrage |in |he fh-nate {Aud whereae. South Carolina j TM gt the tins trtlib fourteen all pronoted, deprived, qrUWiont her eenaeat, of 1 per equal suffrage in the Hrnate, until mld < Aitiale hop/ft he Pa till ad bt bar people: therefore, H 1? lip* sense of tbia ?e<?'l?f, 1 that aald Amendment eannoi aenacKution- 1 plly he soma p. ??rt of the fundamental tbw . tha nation oi><frr tu preaeat provisions. 1W. Rmeteei, That Pt, as Ibpawsti, , wHl seek " to peomete the, welfare aad an , (he Star*, I itiowHt** for >" a^r hen/ I j i t * * ' s Tl 8 8 " ' ? " '-T-T-H tar hnpotfitoa of the h'a&k rtw, wbo w?re t enr formereleven, we will !elk U Ibein kindljr, end by argument an.I reason endeavor to eonvioce thoin oi the error and dancer of j being led astray by drmag.?ertee end adventurers who have no real interest io tbnr c*1f-re. and thue o?e all M?|i(iomeans upon our warjt toogilblc to l>re>eiit 4a antagoniitbi/or tsaecV , 13/A Kfo?*J ^hat whilst ce regret the necesrlty, the white raee being the land owner# of the State, and M- present cut out Of representation in ita Executive and Leg ialative councils, therefore, i? eeif d< fence, ia our futitre hnlllir or lattluo of ?n? I ml other pinjwrty, w>* must be governed in lerwof r. r?t, ami eo forth, ih proportion { o the aMvaem-nts of UX?i upon lends, liou*< hold. and farming utensil*. f ?4f/? 7?Vao/oarf; Thai we cxehtds from our family asaAciatiors all persona, of whatever nondi'iIon, who belong lo any ?dub or party, that I mi* for It* object the social equalising of race*, not giving Mtch persons who per *ist in th-ir course, aov lodging in our hootre, ror custom, patronage. employ sent on ?ur farms, further than impelled feeling* of merov, alter present engagenvriita shall haea been fnlfllfcd, unless raid persona shall abandon th-lr connections with such parties or associations. 16/A. Jhnoltvi, That f?r th-> future, we will give' preference of eoip'oynient, |tatrounce, custom, friend-hip, and assistance to those persons who alone shall declare themaaleek identified with, and who not in all things to proc* ll>tin*elvt* true to our in tercet. On motion, resolved that a copy of the . proceedings of the with Constitution and revolution* offered. should be furn ieh-d ili? (irveiisille I'apera for pnldlentiod, Cluh adjourned to moot on d-.iturday, ROtli Inst., at X o'clock, P. M. These Resolution# were adopted by a unanimous'vota of the Cluh, on Saturday, ftOth JAMFN MoCULTjOUOB, Ch'm'n. J. L. Mc'-'ULLOI'OII, Seu'y. Correspondence) Charleston Courier. Wsxuisoro.e, May 2*. General Grant was virtually nominated as the Republican candidate fbr tha next Presidency a year or more ago, and successive defeats hava followed the party aver since. He was nominated and is supported entirely on the strength of the "war for the Union," or rattier upon ihe weakness of the opposite principle. Mr. Colfax's nomination is rather a surprise to tba party, sad even to himself, but bo was taken np as a proper representative of tha Radical legielatioo since the war. Genera) Grant ruprerauta the army, and Mr. Colfax represents Congress in this nomination. Both thess geutlrmon are also nominated a* representatives ot the impeachment party, and the defeat of the impeachment will be not only a groat mortification, but a ar?nt tntni-r t.. -? ? m ?W?rf them and their party. Last night complimentary serenade* wore offered to Gen. Grant and Air. Colfkx. Gen. Grant bad nothing to *ay in reply, except that he wa* entirely unaccustomed to pnblie peaking, and that ha should endeavor to dlscharge hi* duty with fidelity and lioneaty.? Mr. Colfax, in hi* speech, answered for Gen. Grant aa wall as for himself, claiming for the Republican party the immortal honor of having saved a ontlon and emancipated a raee.? " We staked our |Mditical existence," he said, "on the reconstruction of the revolted States, atd we shall triumph." He took care also to bolster up the ins poach incut, expressing his regret that "the White House was still dishonored by it* unworthy occupant." LEO. The He public an Nomination*? Incident* at Chioago and Washington. The New York World's correspondent at Chioago, speaking of the second dsy'a proceedings of the Nominating Convention, says the first real life shown la the body was when tba vote nominating Grant was announced. Tbo moment that the announcement was made, a dove, with feathers painted in red, white and blue, was thrown out from the galleries, and Hew around the ball for some fire minntos, when it strrick the lights in the rear part of the stage, and was so badly burned that further flight was impossible. The dove foil to the floor somewhat singed. A moment Inter. the flogs in the rear of the stand were raised, and revealed tti the audience a miniature house pntilted on cenvas. on which ?m painted a fttll-siiml figure rtf General Grant, with Columbia at his aide, and over hia head the word* " Match him." At the Sight of thla the entire an-Hence roAe to their foot And gave cheer after eheer, when the hand played the air of " John Brown's aoul goes marching on," the entire audience singing the words. The same correspondent says that the Contention cntfle near having a lively row wbUe waiting Tor the platform manufacturers to report. The dahate which sprang up on the Ualon League resolutions, roading Fesaenden, Trutnbnll A Co., out of the party, became very ticking. Add showed thdt the rengesncb par'ly bed et least one-third of the Convention, 1 aad at one time it was doubtful what the result UouId he. After en hoar spent In wrsnglltog ?f*er It, it was laid on tha table. This did not salt Mr. Speneer. of New itork. He moved to teUe It from the table, and made quite a splurge, but failed. Considerable time was then spent in buncombe speeches, in which the moat bitter sentiments were appUfcded the meet. Goneral Calmer boldly asserted that tn tha question of impeachment the law and ev$donea bad no boerlog, and should not he considered, fof ItdpAAchment was simply tlie new mode for decapitation, file revolutionary seotimaat was applauded. The resolutions did eyA go fWr eoohah on tow* point* to rait the RiwUcdlj of (he West, ind, oh Hfotloa of C*r! Sobura, two mere r?solution* wore added to the platform of as extrente Hadienl character. The 2fe? York ' irtes" Washington roereapondeot tella bow tbo now* from Chicago wm received at the national Capital, a* follow*: General Oraot wu at hi* otlee a* rnmel, and about bit accustomed dirt lea, apparently on. of tbe molt nseoeeerned and telf-poerassed men in Waahlngton. The am Of bla nomination on Otaeral Logan's mot ion was brought over to bin a* boob at it was received, by Host etary tantoe, taaem pealed by Coegraaa | men 11 on per, Am?, Pile and two or three MM gen turn en. General Grant reeelred the letettigonee eery quietly. la reaponae to the *eaariwnla*>aah of Mr. 8 tan ton aad friends, la alutpty eatd, " Thank yarn" aad at ooee enqaiHi4 ahoat the platform. A aynopeta of tbia irpe raed to hire, aad bo Am took the paper aad ?arefuily vend if hlamelf, saving, after twe u* three mtautee eettetderelton, - that ia good," aad nodding aaeant, when somebody remarked \l? b^te could ^oug^on* on that lltti lira "1 liiMfwinlg l%'1 'lit Dt was particularly pleaaed with the dealaratten - t j- j -111111 .ir >i -fi'i i -I I Dkatr or Col. 8. If. ErixO.?it ia oar pitftful duty to record the death of Cel. Samuel N. Reins, oh aged end honored oiiUen of BparthnboVg. who departed ibis life on Sunday lent, at hie residence, of parmlyAhd In the, ecvOntj firot year,of hie ag?. Col. Evine enjoyed in an .eminent degree the respect and oonfidehee of the people .' tnvlnp erred, (hem faithfully for many yeara in the highret and moat Irnety oflle?* within their gift. The Intrgrlly of hie ehaiocUr in all the relatione of Ufa, the pn* rtty of liia motives, and tlie fidelity end devothm to llie l??-W internet# of Me const HufObV?, and with a einglenere of heart in the <d-oervaiiee of the parnniouiit obligations t\i rn ehbSeatn*. ? 1 ' * ... -. ......Mini, IU MHII ? poalllonof elllIn?nc4 In Oils community, irMom attained oy tdheta. His death luts created ? void in our midkt whieh time alone can fill. v [ Carolina Spartan. Ricnwbxn, June 1. flen. Rcbofiuld (olographs this morning, froiu Washington, aa 8orrr,iiry of War, directing Uen. btnnouinn, the' ranking officer, to tuke command of the l-'irct Military District. W isnisoTojr, Jnnc 1. At 10 a'clnek, to day, tho JPrcsidont conducted SehofloJd to the War apartiqpnt. After the President left, Uen. Uraat viaited Secretary Svbofiold. In the Senate, a resolution, thanking Stanton, passed, llcn'.lcrtnn, Koss and Fowler, Republicans, voting nav. The Arkansas bill wits resuiued, and, after *a very long debate, passed?HI pi S? as it caioe from the House. The hill goes to the President. Tsk President baa assigned (len. Stonotnan to the command of Virginia: l>a*t'ai>tki?, Pa., June 1. James Ii urban an died this morning?aged aevetity-aeven. COMMERCIAL. Ontxsvii.LK, Jutno 3. Cotton?20@24, extremes. , . Ns:tv York, June 1, Cotton steady; saloa 500 bales, at 31. Gold Rai.timohk, June 1. Cotton firm. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat unchanged. Corn firm?prime white l.U@l.lf>; yullow I.21@l.2t. Lard 1?@ l#J. satarraii. June i. Cotton qniet?nothing doing?quotations entirely aomiual?middling 30. ArornTA. Jone 1. Cotton market flat?middling nominally 29. , Cnani.suitor, June I. Cotton dull and nominal: no sales : receipts 13* bales. HYMENEAL. M Altaian, on the 31st of May. by Samuel J. D'.ntllit, E'q , at the residence of lk? Utlifr, M<as MARY WALLACE. of Greenville Dtatrlet. 8 C.. and CAMII.I.US LANrtSTON, of Anderson fHatriet, S. 0. A CardTO the Y'4?n of Pihey Mountain Beat: Ocntlcman, In th? Paper* of laat week I notice my mmg nnnouaead a* a enudiilata for M?)(iftrate of your Beat. Allow tnc to tender you uty tlianka f??r the nomination, hut permit me at the *nim- time to decline the nomination, n.? I am neither a candidate for office nor politician. Very Reaper I fh II v. ABXKR BATSON. Jane 1. 1S63. Received To-day, A FINE lot of TENNESSEE BACON, a liiclt I a ill f. II Irm for cash It ia fine. Call aud ire It. and then compare pi foe*. J NO. ?. A8UM01IK. Jane 3 8 tf Easiest Bridge to bo Repaired? Contract to be Let THE undersigned C> mmiarioner* of Roa-fa for Greenville and P-ek-na aid** "f Salnda river, alll let out to the loweat WiMer, the repairing of EASLEV8 ItRlDflR on Hatarday next, 6th June, at 11 o'oloch. A. M. We will attend at mid bridge at the time above rtated, and invite bidders to meet ua. J. T. GO^SETT I 0. W. I*ARKIN?T ) June 8 4 1 Auction. ON Monday. June 8ib. 1868, I will aril at my office, north of OH C>?uit Ilmt*<*, commencing at III) o'clock. A I.A ROE ASSORTMENT OF OOOlM ... all kind*, sold lo elore the p.irty i|i-cliniii){ l?ifin.-B. The* poods will ha Id lo ll??* htL'hert bidder, can be s*bn at toy office, consisting in joirt of, i Ribbon*. French Flower*; Wre?tl>8. Tj?dies* and Cents Straw lists, Fell and B*a ver (lata, Sewing Milk, Belts, Collar*, ICeta Orates, Tooth Brushes, Butt on*. Hpo?.l Cot ton. Crinolines, Hook* and Stocking*, l.inon Shirts, White Uoen. Cambric#, Laces, Trimming*, Magic Ruffling, Kinetics, Oloee*, Milts, I'tnf, Crape; Drill*. Black Alpics, Jaconet*. Swi*? Muslin, Brillianta, Prints, Harass for Wk'a, Ready Made Clothing; HnopSkirte, Corsclte, Heap's, Starch, Cheese, slid many other ftrtie'e*. At Privato Sale; 4Rt>LL, 4.4 Canton M*tUng, Kerosene Oil, Stove and Store Ware, Prvudh China. JULIUS C. SMITH, Auctioneer. Jonn t 1 I WltBS, BRAtfDtES, LiaUORS AKT> COWFECflONEttlES. I^BE aoheerlher wonld respect fully Infonh the p?b1ic that he keep# constantly 90 hand and for sale, WINE8, BfWNIIESj LIQUORS, M8ER BEEft AN? Alt/ H-OOimiEll WITH OTDTBP.O, BAHDI1TBB, CHEESE, CRACKERS, &C. And would he plmaed to r?fl?? ordrre for the Mice, either In emell or lerge quntitlllee. ALSO H? ie ebneUntl* keeping r'npply of LUSHER on hind, of nil eiie* where Onr pentere n?d other* enn be enpptied promptly Mid M reneonebl* prieee. (or dtnh, retail or wholeeele. life V?nl U In rear of hie Aore, eud en locpeetioo U d-eired. LEATHER!LEATHER! He nleo deal* In Upper end Sole LEATHER, nod the Stock le conetaotly kept op ? Price* ere fow. Cell end eee inn. Store inr the Leitiu'er bAMiee Am dorr afe >ve tteodteu Uwm, J. iZ MOITPHCajf. June ? * -x* < w * * . IL-&L- -Hi I IRTBIf mnHN's 8 ? O ? X. B B iisgSi oB 38B 4 ?' WIRH to lofons the Ciliwna of ?r-en. lite and the ?err?ond?ag Dtotriou, thut bave juai arrived with the J . CEliPIST STOCK Sf GOODS ever purr.haaed by aw ainee the war. 1 will . not *urrefi<ler to toy man in Town or Diatrict, that ha cm. aell Ouod? of ?ho 3A M it QUALITY CHEAPER than I can. Call and examine . for yunrselrea, at BTKEN'S STORE. f %? o* ?u?j Ml I tf I am opening a Pplendid Stock of Omcerica, I at very reduood pricoa. Call and satisfy your- V n!vm that it is so, at t STKES'S STORE. May 27 1 tf Also, a large and magnificent lot of Glasswaro and Crockery at very low figures. Call and judge for yourselves, at STERN'8 STORE. / May 27 1 tr Special attention is called to tbo elegant assortment of Shoes?Ladies', Misses', Roys', Youths' and Servants', and a very fine lot ot Plowmons' Shoes?extra fine Brogans. Call and prove what I say, at f i 8TEEN'S 8T0RE. ? May 27 1 tf I am also opening a choice assortment of I Coffee, consisting of the following: Kio, Java, Lagttyra, Mnrncaho. Teas of superb quality of the following brands: choleo Gunpowder, Young Hyson, Imperial. Oolong, fiupcr Oolong, r Snuohung, and English Breakfast. These ' Teas I cau rvcotuincnd as of very superior 1 juility. t THOMAS 6TEE.Y. May 27 1 tf 5 Notice. * Guardians and trustees must ' make their'annual returns to this Office <r by first July next, in default thereof ruler will ins issued against them. 5: J. P. MOORE, C. E. O. D. | Commissioner's Office, May 25th, 1888. May 27 1 5 Taxes ! Taxes !! ri VAX-PAYERS ot Greenville will take no1 tico that I will attend at the Court House on the second Monday in June to receive the balance of Tuxes due on this year's l returns, and will remain daring tha crock for I that purpose. A. C. PEACE, T. C. U. D. i, May 27 1 2 , Housoe to Rent. h - 1 "AYR TWO HOUSES AsjWfc-Ts and LOTS to KENT till the ItdRaid 1st of January ; one, a brick i~^Vi'iVVM5ufi Hons*, near the old BnplLl Church, with Four Rooms, nod all out I buildings; the other is a Large Brick | I House, with ten Rooms: Loth of these Houses have just been well repaired, and lite Lota plautvd, and arc plca.antly aitu uted. , O. B. IRVINE ! May 27 . 1 . 8 < A Great Bargain?Desirable House | and Lot for Sale. kj&ktr>\ 1 ii svc L i unin uwn nuinonxen to Mil, on the moat mod* -i rate lermn r. LOT and exe Hent DW'ETlIXO HOUSE, iu tlie Town ? of Or?*?ueilie, (near the forportt^ limit*,) > *\ U v*ry superior nr. thudding* and fencing. A Til* l.ot contains Five Acres. ill * high flute A of cultivation, nud is heniiti'iillv situ ited. 1 (}. F. TOW KK8 May 27. 1 8 NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. ; Internal Revenue Tax. DaruTT Coj.'tor's OrrtCK 3d Col. Dial., 1 . Greenville, S. C , May 27. 1*?8. J ' T have'received-the monthly lists for Janua X ry, February, and Mar. fi, and also for the month of April, the Inttor being the Annual c List. Tax payers are notified to c?ino forward and mnku payments on or hoforo the fourteenth of Juu<\ proximo, after tckirh time thr _ penally /or moo jtn^mrnt tcilt hare to be n'/i/el. ^ I will be in my office daily from the fourth to the fourteenth of June. Parties ivill find it to their advantage to mute forward promptly and make pay jicnts, and save the penalty. I A. L. COBB, Deputy Collector 3d District, 8. C, r May 27 1 2 . Notice. 8 TN' conformity with the requirements of ^ 1 tiie Internal Revenue Laws I hereby n give notice t(j all persona who may claim u ? Will TR HOk.HK.aONK HORHE WaGON. J* TENT CLOTH i?n.l HARNEsS anl ON K o BAliKI T. and a KE" of WHISKY, e.-ited 1 near Gawy nevtlle, on Wednesday, 13lh in- n ,tiant bvtt II nivcmu I-? * ~ * ... ... u.i.<>nni?,.|iM|llCUir Ol iVI ? District; ft 0.. from \VM. LONO. brcui?e r llicy #ere bejiqj used in Irunspnriiat; whin- ? ky ?n violating of the Internal Krvmtie P Iyi\r*? to make such claims before me, ? within SO days from the first put.I ration of ll is notice, the al>ov? property having been legally turned over to me. a. L oonti, IhpiitJ Oollcetor 51 lJi?tiii-t,8 C. Mhy ISlh, |8<& A'i-3 I Notice. XI? conformity with requirement* of Internal ' X Revenue Laws, I hereby aire notice t?? II persona who may clrim a STILL, CA P and fl WORM, seised on the premiers of J Klr'KER- I. 80N KINO, in Anderson District, S. 0., on \ tho sixth of May, 1868, becnuso of having * been used in violation of tho Internal Reve- ? mie Laws, to uaake siirh claims before me, 0 within thirty days from the first pul.iiratioD of this untice. A. L. COBB. ' lieputv Collector. , May 2<f 55 3* J Tailoring. ? THR Snlwcriher respectfully informs his t; friends, snd the public in general, thst t' hie lienlth heing io a measure restored, will w r?iim? business apain. He will OUT, d MAKK, and RF.PAIIl all Onrmeoti for .*'i gentlemen, Qn readonnble leriw, for cn*k or country pr'duet. Will ha found eihtsrerl- P: dpnce, iMHcr Main Street. or>}>o?Ue the Coacfi ftclory. GEO. B.DYER. (Jrernylllr. 3 C., April flth, 1888. " April? 48 8111 U FOR 8ALE4 CHEAP. u' ? , ONE LIGHT TWO L ^SSuURPV^H O&SE CAR. ot III AGE n< ONE HANDSOME ONE HOICK CAR. ao RIAOK. hu Boll* in elegant order. Enquire of vi JULIUS C. SMITH, or w DAVID A 8TRADLEY. <1. April IS jlT Ot t pi Wtrfc L D?T?^oVAS5r k"WKU* " 4 frMl i Ml i R 9 S E d "Umiui goodsT= UlliiMlB SULLIVAN & SON HAVB just returned from Charleston, one < of the very. cheapest markets, with a LARGE AX? ELEGANT STOCK .OF Irani] CKMMML t rfHICH THEY WILL OPEN ON f TOMORROW, J Bid offer for sale, n( the bfcry lout*t firieit f<>r tifht THEIR STb'cfc t>P s large and fine, not to be surpassed by any n the market. < The especial attention of the Ladies is calld to their large and varied Stock of j &*,*** i ind otber Articles in their line. 1 far- QIVR THEM AS EARL 1* CALL. I SULLIVAN & SON, ) OppHlile JfitWIVS HnMtr. j) Greenville, S. C., May 20, I.S08. 52-if MJm i 14.000 \\scoc"0,CK co,,xtkv ' )0O Sacks Extra Family*N. C. FT.OUR ' [OO Sacks Standard Liverpool SALT >5 Kegs NAILS, assorted sizes 50 bales BATESVILLE SlIIRTIXG O bales McBKE SHIRTING ?0 44?les COTTON YARN >0 ??R? *? ?? *n<l F?lr BIO COFFEE ' lO Barrens SUGAR O BAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO J BAGS Spnnish Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or ' ^ Shoes, Hats, DRY GOODS, DRUGS &r. Our Block of 1IATS and SHOES is very ?rge end mtnpli to. and we will pioxaotoe our ntire Stock will compare with any in ToilrD, oth as lo quulity and price. A call will satify you. DAVID & STRADLEY. may is 51 tf ? tTilLiinMMiY,1 OF HARTFORD, CONN. ORGANIZED 1 8 5 O . E. A. DIII.RLE1, Pr?s'l., T. O. ENDEHS, See')'. ] nlVIDUXDS for the last flva .rears, 60 per ccut.; Receipts now over $600,000 per f tonth. to. of Policies issued in 18(17, 15,261 w mount insured on same, $44,861,872.00 \ ssets Jan. 1, 1867 4,401,833.86 teecipU for year eudlng Jan.'08, 5,120,117.34 1 1 $0,531,281.20 **111 claim? l>y death, $513,881.50 ill other cxpamos, 1,478,737.35 $1,002,668.85 $7,538,612.35 POLICIES issued on every plan used by all he <dd and responsible Cuinpauios. Ur.inrh Office, 262 llroad Street, ^ IUU LIST A, GA. I CHAS. W. HARRIS; Manager. . flOW Kit A WOUTHIKOTON, Agcuta, [ Ireenville District, South Caruliha. May 13 5t Cm ^ n the District Court of the United ? States, fbr the District of South b Carolina. u the Matter of JAMES RRITTAIX.?In ? 13IIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE iK-? - ?? ? ? tion Inn been filed in said Court by AMKS BKITTAIN, of Urocnvitle pUtrirt, J. . C., in eaid District, duly declared n Bunk- " apt, under the Act of ConRrcas, entitled An w et to establish a Uniform ft.vstem of Bonk- '' uptcy throughout the United States, ap- II roved 2d March ISrtT, for a discharge and ertlfleatc thereof; from all hi5 debts, and other laim* proVahlo under (be said Aft, nnrt the 2th day of Juno 1 ?6B, at 12 o'clock, M., is u xsignod for the hearing of the nunc, before t If. 1. Ct-AwaoN, one of tho Registers in Hank- n uptcy of said Court, at Mi# office in Yorkyille, | I. C., when and where all creditors who have ? roved their debts, and other persons In inlorst, inay attend and show cause, if nhy they # avc, why the prayer of tho l'otition should ot l?c granted. DANIEL IIORLBECR, r. 8. Cihrk District of South Carol in* May 27 1 A--I; GREENVILLE LAND AflENCY. d rHE undersigned nff-r Iheir services to the public ?n Agents for the sale .of L-ai Estate. They purpose conducting the usltierfh upon the plan adopted l>y lite rirgittia Land Agencies, which (mve succeeded so well in that "tote, and hope l>\ dvertising through other agencies and in ther ways, and hj aft energetic use of all f rope^ means, L> invite capitalists from broad to purchase here. To parties who u sire to.sell a portion of their Londs to R ivcst otherwise, and to those who are * ompelied lo sell to meet their indebted T ess, we think ws ean afford an opportUni- A y of selling lo miteh greater advantage A ian ran otherwise possibly be,had ; and e nope that debtor* and creditors will nd it luutnnily to their interest to* agree pon rt^eruin per cent, or the indebtedkM to 1>* pafd nod received, as in full, nnd luce such Lends as they may agree on in ir hands lor sale to raiae the money. We think that, otTe ing a number of i a?U of Land for sale, we will luvlle more .t*i<lM?n and consideration, and can afford y i advertise more exteuaivaly than Individ tls can. We propose to undertake (fie sale of and, iu town or country, irr.pioved or hei wise, to the beet Advantage, and for ?t leae than a specified firioe, within a rea ^ ualde tint* to be specified, and lor a nail per C611L to be regulated scout ding to line, |f lie sale i* eflfeolod, no cluirgfc (II be made, nave n small one for entering ? aoription of the La to I end drawtr.g the ? \pers. BLYTHE It YKWLt, I / 0roanvtile 8 C. . surma wa. it., Key 20 ? U ' r. ' VS M "'vr V ' " \ : ' ' 8 * * # * m v *"* ' r . <.>*. *> - -Sv ;V' . ; V . : '">l 1 1 ". 1 -? H:: rW. iCllOVEY, > DEALER IN PA1CT AM ZStfAIPM DRY GOODS, jHHl JlreK \\f OtiLD r<r*bectfully oalt the attention ? ? of his old (??ionim, and tf,<> f?ufcHo Cenerallr, and the ladles in particular, Id ?i #..? - ?ii^v uiu ?> riuny eeieeieu !!3Ci?m|IIIJlEi consisting, in part, of 'ignred Giena dines, Epglish Bervges, Client p.inHni, t'iguied Muatiug, Plaiif Colored l>awne, Plain Colored Charilbreyx White Mud C<\'oryd TuMtooi, Plain and P-niwI 9ftis?c? laconete, Mull and Niu .* ok Muailhs. R<lvj-' lug* and l?n>?-i'tin^a, tibbons,O'.oves, Fancy UHiidk**rehtvTs,Txtve / il?, Crap* Veils. Silk i.iid 0->ttun fl'Ase, iomlinrinea, Amerieoh Prints, Buttons; trimming*. Pluck ijti.l Colored Vrlvete; t?*.. ?ifc, ?o. A!-?b, Wall PAper nfid BbrImog A LATOK Lot >'K IATS, CAPS, SHOfcSi AND READY-MADE ClOIHINa, lentlemen's .Furnishing Roods. Homser Mn?J thirling* Sheetings, Tickings. Toweling*; tnd many other Articles, too numerous U> d notion. or T do not intend to be nndrrwld JKI Co-tie, one and all. and examine my Stock ind piicefe, liclore buying elsewln re. w. h. MoveV, April 15 4T tf ^ TO CONTRACTORS; rHF. rlDMMI^IONERS nppoinled by the Convention lq.<-t and locate a lew Couutv ei'f ffV Pickens Coiiniy, will eceive SEALED liiflS uritil the 10th day of lune next, for the taking down of the pre? nl Court House and Jail And removing the mine to the new location, and rebuilding .he same'. The distance which the- buildings wilt tiave hauled is 14 miles; the work will be required to be d?ne by good meL-banicr, and in h good and workmanlike nanuer, and under the same plan as the a-o den building now stands; the brick ivork will not be repaired. Bids will be eeeired fnr any part of the work. The Jon tractor wiil lie requTred to give bond md surety for the faithful performance of he work, and the same to lie commenced it an enrly day. Parties deairoua of con! reeling are requested to examine the lUildincs before bid dinar "7 E IIAOOOD, 8?e'ty and Treue. Board ol Ooiu'rs. May 27 1 2 . SALE OF TOWN LOTS froitTHE NEW COUNTY OF PICXEJNf: rM^IlE undersigned. Commhoioners apJL pointed by the Convention to select ?mt locate the County Site (or the new 'icken* County. wM sell to the highest bid* Icr at tlie new location, on Thursday the 25th of June Next; IKE E0IS AT PICKENS C. II* 'omprising, respectively, half aero, one aud wo acre lots, judicibu.-dy laid out. The Ibealioc is iiear Hunter's Store, he??Kn Town and Wolf Creeks, 14 nttlea om Old fickt-ns C. H.. 20 miles Jretyivllle C. '1 , and 17 mile* from Pendleon Vil'age, in a healthy section. Hie loation is a most desirable one, being situ* ted on a beautiful plateau find suirounded iy a fertile region, witli thrifty inhabitants. TlieilJ is on notb Town and Wolf Creeka lite Water Power; with good Saw Wills, lid au abundance of tlie best limber near y. The County site is nearly eqni distant beween Keowee and Saluda Kivers, with a ne view of tbe mountain scenery, and rill cointinnil a large and profitable trade 'om the mountains <tnd n?um North Caro^ n ; TERMS OF SAL.E: Ope third cash; balance in two inrtaineutn of 60 and 90 d?ys eaeli. Purchasers ii ?1 ve nomi and surety f.-p the put chase aoney. Titles to {>e executed, but not deivered until the bond for the purchase noney is fully pAid. Horcha.-fefs to pAy extra for titles and tamps. , , , JAMK8 LEW 18, CJiVm'n ^ ' - J >MES II. AMBLER, j REESE BOWKN, J-Com'rs. W. T. FIEL1>, J. fc HAGOOD, J For further i it jotmotion apply to the unlersigned, at i'ickeiis C II. J. E. iiAnoor>. Sect 'v it Treas'r of lJonrd of Cotu'rs,* Mny 13, 1868 61 td Greenville and Columbia R. R. Co. 11 IS Company ha* now for sale, in lieu of " Season Tickets," a TICKET rliieh entitles n persipi to travel over ifia IOAD ON E THOU8AN f) MILES FOR $10, rlthifi <?ne year from dote of purehnsc.? he Ticketa ran be pun-hosed ftooi the gents st Columbia, Newberry. Abbeville, uJerson and Greenville. W. ALSTON flIB'BES, General Ticket Agent G 4 C. lb lb Co. Hay 18 61 ti \A/ C ori ( it u 0C1L.L I Ht PURE KEROSENE OIL AT 75 CENTS. 'OtJ TAN Bl'T AN INFERIOR QIAT.ITY AT A LOW ICR ERIC*!, BI T IT lb TIIK UKAKKU Oil... AS IT 1)011X3 Ol'T mun FASTER. ANfl TO'V AKK * ' LIABLE TO LBSB OU.ft LIFE AT ANY MOMENT FT IT. WE CA V SKI.I. srril AT 1IXTYEIVE CENTS. 1U T DO NOT WISH TO DO IT. c ^ ' cj m<z * Mf ?*> v% SO IP2&H tt.13, fc. W. POLGEB & CO. * April 9 49 ft ?