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I % T Lwa Oiutc, 8w C , ifajr BAth, 18?V I . Ifrurt hditort? l'urauaat W published ? *>ti??, the cltUene of t lift aeighborheudaf I Colombia Cbarch, n^i at?but jdaoe oir Sa,t- ' flrday, the tt?J iaat, for the purpose of er t anixing a bemearotm filub. On motfdn <?( i Rev. A. G," 8upp, CiA M?CWrot%l? \ jh-a* called to the Chair wad C?b U. R Arnold to act a* Sacntae*. The I'rnaident (hen lirit-ljr ? xplained tha plu -et of fne^t i lug. On motion of 1U?. A. t . otapp, the Chairman Amvointfrt <l Commltt.*e ot flva, Mix; A. 0. Bt-pp, John B, WUHnmo, Wm "Klliaon, Jumna II. Qaittra and B. P. Moarly, for the purpoee of -submitting a Qon tltutlon for the government of Club. They submitted the toiinwing. K?ien vn unanimously adopted t iQOH?tlTUTIQJ?. art. 1. This Ch-h sh*u b? Itnnwn At the Coiumbia^CoiiytitiHiooel Democratic Club. Art. 4 ThcolJ-ct of tliieOlub shall be \n unite ehli the Democratic Pirty In their effort* to re'twre^the ITdlon under the Com Hitutiim of tlMud 8t?t?. Art. 8. The officers of tlii* Club shall \? t I'ruidfAt, two VlcfPrMldni.b, ? Secretary. onti en Executive C"tiim'Uee. * Aot. 4. All person* who become members of tide Club elxtH thereby' obligate Vlirtttv-lvvv to rata h?r. an-1 use their ii.fltiTtiee fer the noaiV^eeavif the Ihvm* ratio Party. They shall a?? obrtgW'e them-wires to conform to the My Laws of tbit Oiok Art. 5. Any person May l-eoome a mem\>er bjr signing or n?uhor4*ing bie name to he signed to llita Coneti* ulbm. Art. ft. lhUChh a*ll co-operate with Dutilrt Chtb at Orcert villa C H.> and through them Willi the Central Club of the ?late. Art. 7. The Pre-Ida til and other officer* x *>f tl.le Club shall perform all llie duties usually ellofed to aueh ofllor* Art. 8. The Executive Committee shell Jtrepere business 'or the meetings and perortlt all oilier duties assigned lh-*m, though WnV member mny lay any matter lie chooses before the meetings of the Club for Its conaide ration. By request of the Chairman, th Re*. A. C. Stenp then addressed the misting in a short, hut poiutsd manner, showing the ne eesVity of organizing, and noting in ooneert with other like,organization* throughout the ronntry. He, at the same tlm<\ gave the Frecdmen present some vary wholesome advice, (showing'litem their true interest Is one with us.) which seemed to have its effect up-m thfm," aa soiue three'or four of the few that inimsd out sipnurd themeteive* as done with ihe Radical Party; and that if they e reraised ?he right of euffmge to whlefi they are now privileged, it'should be in favor of p-nmoiiug the Democratic . Party. Tlia ennstitntion being now submitted for signature*, fiftv-four (5t) names were enrolled, after which an eic-tion vrac held, for permanent officers of ths Olub, which re?ulte?l In the eli-iee of Co1. James KoCullougli. President; Kov. A. C. Stepp and James H.. Gaioes, ^vet-President* ; and j I* McCullough, Secretary, lne President then appoint'd B. P. Moeely. John B. Williaroa, B. D. (imnet Jesse F ?neh and Wm Ellison, as Executive Committee. Commit t?e lo tneet WRh the District Central Clob . at Grcmville, G. H.. on Monday, the la? Jill,*- Col JameS \Ir(tlllloui/li <\,t R u Arnold, Re?. A, C. Slepp snS John B. Wll liamt. The following resolutions were sub milted by ths ttey, A. C. Stepp for the eon id*'ration ? f the Oitih at iU next meeting: 1st. ftfolrtj, That the. Constitution of the United Slate* of Amvrieg is the supreme law of the land. id iitAolved, That "the Union," under the Conetiinlion, "shall be perpetual."3d Retained, That the burners of Constitution declared it* obWts {> the following language, to wit i "nife the people of the United States, In order to form a more perfect Union. establish justice, enenre domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and MfHTi the ble**i*g? ?/ liberty to onrtelwe* and Our potlerity <1o ordain and establish this Con-titglipn for the Uni'ed State* of Anterina." 4IK RrtolreJ, That thla Constitution de elares, " the United States shHI guaranty to rerrtf State in tliia Union a republican form ol government.** 6th Rnolr*d, Th-t the first amsndment ttiada to this Constitution guarantees "th* >jght of the people to peaceably assemble. * and to petition th* Government for a redress of grievances," fitK Retained That the language, "aeenre the blessings of litisrty to ourselves and our posterity," includes none but the reAifs race Of the United States?lawful descendants of the founders of tit* Republic. 1th. Retained, Tbat the especial proyis. Ions, " the U ital States ?A II gnarnntv to every State in this Union n republican form of government.!! and "secure * to our ywsterity " tlia b'eaeingt of liberty.* afford to us Just grounds of "grievane? a" inasmuch as the United States has established ov.r " nt" and "our poeterlty * a Military, and tinder It a Negro government, Against tha repressed wish, b of the In* payers, thereby depriving the white rase of South Carolina of th* " blessings of liberty." htk. Rttulved, Thst tbe Ctmvehtion astern bled in Charleston, S. C., was eallrd by the negroes of the Ststs, who were tftnorenlly lei-by sdventurers from other Stat-a ?iik but few exception*, and therefore only reflected the partisan interest of a Northern Political Party. QtA. Rfohtd, iliat the Canrtitution adopted by said Convention, and declared to be ratified by tht Jieople <tf Strath Oarollna, was really ratified by the negro vole of the State, in eonscquenee of its numerics! majority over the white vote; and. therefore, whilst It alairos to bs " Repub lioan in form,** it id dsspotta in spirit and ope-stion, plating law*, and the liowir of levving uses In the Itande of the ignorant" and non property (raiding class, thus Imposing tli> burden* o( ihs Government upon the property hold-rn and iaUl llgent of the e<K?>?hw?Hy without representation/ whioh must prnVe destructive to the "feneral welfare" and domestic Iran quillly of the Bui*. to/4. ke*4f*A, That W? do not reeognixr Slid Constitution as forming Ufa eonstitn lions) organic laws of Jhe ponpls of the Bute?only as a military order; and. there fore, in paying the taftes imposed under it, or votlng/M* officers to fill its provision*, ws do oot. thereby aft dorse those provisions nor biod ourselves to Us support and reapeet further lhatt Vmilitary neeeeeity. 11/'k. iMw<t That. the Osaetitition of the United StaUa Iimkn eaperiai provisions for its own amendments in whioh U ds olsres, that nb Slate, without its sonsent, shall bo deprived of Up equnl suffrage Jin |he Sonata; and whereas, South Carotin* yv gt the time Artisi# fourteen was proposed, deprived, without her oonnant, of per equal suffrage in the Br net*, until wM At title shoufll be ratified h? her paople; therefore, It Is t^y sense of this *>cetp,g, that said Amendment eannot eonsdtoUonnllv breomoe-arrt of the fundamental tbw of the Mtioe Bixtbr tie present provision*. lit*, ffndisf. Thai wo, as Defecate, will seek j to the.w-lfarf e?<J so f Ik V . ' ^ A J"l J *??',! Jl* . * jl Til 8i Mr imposition of the b>uk reee, who w?r? >?r former*!****, *? wilt talk U thwin kind- pi ly, end by *reun>ent and reeaon endeeror to wnvifea them of the error end dOoarvr nf * heintj led trimy by demapoeite* end ed- 111 venturer* who here no reel iotrr^at io or thnr wolf-re. end ihua oae ell rnnena &f| upon o?r uerjj ^eytiblo to preVeat en en- ^ 13|'A J'Seof'rj Thet wfihl we ferret the necaaahy, the white roee'balnfj the lend hi owner* of the diet*, end M> preaent cut out y( Of representation in lU K*???tiUea end Lag- w ialetive oonneila, tUe-efur*. lu aelf d. f?oc?*. t r... - .... - - m wwr iuf#r? r^iainj or ivuing pi CUV Ultdl 1 * ml other property, we must he governed ft in tortus of IMit, ami ?? forth, in proportion | *, o the *M*a*ni.-nl? of Ux?s npon limit, #) hous. hoi.), and farming utensil*. f *4th IteaotwmL That wa exclude from our ' family amAeiationa all persona, of whatever ol condition, who belong to any club or party, lit that ha* for it* object th? social equalizing of race*, not giving ?tich prrnoi.a who per *i?t in llvir oo?ir*?, kov lodging in our 1,1 honors, nor custom, patronage, employ went on our fartna, further than Impelled feelii g* of merer, alter prffeki engagement* shall have been fulfilled, unless raid persona ilmll abandon th-lr connection* with auch parties or association*. U lflfA. JitKohxJ, That f?r the future, we ? will give'preference of mip'oyni'iit, patronage, cuetoin, Mcnddiip, and assistance to those persons who alone ahull declare <h tliema?lvr? identified wllh. and who not in '? all things to prose true to our in f terest. On motion, resolved that a copv of tho proceedings ?f the ni?rtli.g with Cvristitulion and resolutions offered, should be furn iah<d the Greenville I'speio for publicntinh, | Club adjourned ?o maet on Saturday, 80th Inst.. at t o'clock, P. M. tu These Resolutions were adopted l.v a unanimous 'vote of the Club, on Saturday, 80th i ? JAMFS MrCUMOUOH, Ch'iu'n. J. L. Mu'.'fLLi.ruii, Sea'y. Corretpondenca Charleston Courier. WaauixoTo.v, May 2ft. General Grant was virtually nominated as the Republican candidate fbr tha next Prcsidency a year or mora ago, and nccesalve defeat* have followed the party avar since. Ha ?m nominated and la supported entirely an ^ the strength of the "war fbr tha Union," or u rather upon the weakness of tha opposite principle. Mr, Colfax's nomination is rather a surprise to tb* party, and erven tu himself, but ct be was token up as a proper represeatatiro of the Radical legislation since tho war. Genera) Grant represent* the army, and Mr. Cob fax represents Congress In this nomination. Doth these gentlrmon are also nominated a* representatives ol the impeachment party, and the defeat of the impeachment will be not on- ~ )y a great mortification, but a grant injury to ( them and their party. I* Last night complimentary serenade* were n offered to Geo. Grant and Mr. Col fox. Geo. L Grant bud nothing to an? in reply, except that be was entirely unaccustomed to pohlie peaking, and that he ?bouM endeavor to discharge hit duty with fidelity and lioncaty.? <) Mr. Colfax, In hie speech, answered for Gen, ti Grant aa wall aa for himself, claiming for the Republican party the immortal honor of bar- ^ ing saved a notion and emancipated a race.? n, " We staked our |H>litlcal oxiatence," be Mid, at "on the reeonatruction of the revolted States, and wo shall triumph." He took care also to bolster up the impeachment, expressing his ? regret that "the White House was still dishonored by ite unworthy ^ccupant." i LEO. * ftThe Republican Nominations-In- ,w eidents at Chioago and Washington. ? The New York World's corre-pondvut at Chicago, speahlng of tb? aacond day's pro- ^ reeding* of the Nominating Convention, says the Bret real life shown in tbo body was when 'J the vote nominating Grant waa announced, p Tbo moment thut the announcement was made, 'i | a doru, with feathers painted in red, white and blue, was thrown out from the galleries, and Sew around the hall for some Ave minutos, whan it atriick the lights In the rear part of the atage, and was ao badly burned that far- /> mer mgui wu impossible. The dove (ell to the floor somewhat tinged. A moment later. / the flag* in the rear of the stand were raited, V and revealed tt? the audicnee a miniature J' houto pointed no centra*, on whieh wat paint- V ed a fifll-timed figure Of General Grant, with |? Columbia at his tide, anil over hit head the hi worda " Mutch him." At the light of this the c? entire aadlenre rose to their font And gave cheer " after cheer, when the hand played the eir of v' 44 John Brown'* tool goes marching on," (be q, entire audience tinging the worda. t,, The tame correspondent says that the Con- SI rentloti cattle near hat ing a lively row wbUe Ti waiting for the platform manufacturer* to re* ^ port The debate which sprang up on the ^ Union League rneolutiont, reading Featenden, }| Trumbull k (jo., out of the party, became at very exciting. Add showed thit the rtngeaneh party had at least one-third of the Convention, and at one-time it was douhtfal what the re* A Milt Would he. After an hour *p?et In wrang- ' lihg dter It, it was laid on tha table. This Cl did not snlt Mr. Spencer, of Me* York. He moved to take It from the Uble, sad made _ quite u splurge, but failed. Considerable time ^ was then spent in buncortfbe Speeches, in which the ia?st hitter sen ti menu were a pelt faded the J ... ? . s , . - - J . . moot. uomnu raimcr ooiniy aaeertod that in tba i^nAtlon of impeachment the law and eri- M denee bad no bonring, and aboold not he eon- .J Iderod, for ItapdAchment wna (imply tie new 'J mode for decapiutlon. fhla re? el (it Ion ary Yi aentiaaent wna applauded. The resolution# did nei go far enough on Dome point# to emit the Radio at# of (he Witt, and, on motion of Carl 8?hur(, two more re- ? aolntiatia were added to tbe platform of an extrente Radirnl charaeter. The New Yo,k " ft me. ? Washington mrreapondent telle bow tba newe from Chicago waa raeaWad nt tbe national Capital, ad fol- f<y Iowa: til Oaneaat Orant waa at bla nllre a# nana!, aid about bla aeeuatomdd dot lea, apparently an.of tbe moat nneoneeraed and Mlf-poe#e?i>ed men in Waabingt?n. Tbe new# el bla nomination on General Lngnn'a motion wa* brought LI over to fckn a? Boon at It waa repaired, by He- ^ ereUrr Stanton, aaeampanled by Congreao- j_ ( en Hooper, A me#, Pile and two or three ' other gertUeaoa. General Orant raoalrad tbe . IMaHtronae very quietly. In raapoeaa to the eanaimnlatliirh of Mr. 8 tan ton and friend#, ba itofly #abV " Thank yem" and nt onoe en?t?irad about tba platfortv A aynopeie of thla L fp# read to him, and be then took tba paper add earefuily road it bimaelf. earing, after two or three mtouto# ooMideratlna, " that I# fond," *! and nodding an#nt, whan eomebody remarked that (hp battle twM he fought out ?u that * -' III T ? I ? I i-r ,ii.i .r.|?i , . .-M. . ?. jV =3:3: P?ati? or Col. 8. IV. Etix?.?It is our I itbful doty to record the d. aih of Col. I imuel If, Kvm\ an a?ed and hooorud oilso of 8partWnbtiVg. who departed this lift 1 Sunday last, at his residence, of paralyI, *hd in tha, seventy ?rgt year/if hi*ag?. ?l. Eviaa enjoyed in an eminent degree t reaped and oonfidenee of the people .' itlng s>rved ihem faithfully for many ' ',ors in tli* highest and moat trnaty oflte,* kihin their gift. The Integrity of hie j ,.,.u<ri in mi ma rrniiiom of life. Mi* p?ty of hi* motirea, and the Mdlij end denth?n to llie lo-s> intercele of Ids const ituili, end with e singleness of heart in lit* htervaiice of the j-eruiiiininl obligations T christian, gave to him a position of ruttence in tliis community, seldom attained y others. Hie death lute created a void i our naidht which time alone ?ii fill. [ Carolina Spartan. RietiMbyn. June t. fleh. ficliofleld (olographs this morning, front i 'asbtngfon, as Secreinry of War, directing 1 tn. fitoneman, the ranting officer, to tuko ttumand of tho l'irst Military District. Warmisoto*, June 1. At 10 aVIoek, to day. the Presidont ennisted Srhoflcld to the War apartn^nt. Afr the President left, Gen. Ursnt visited Sectary Schofiuld. In the Senate, a re.vditlion, thanking Stsnn, nsssed, Henderson, Roes and Fowler, He- I iblitans, v..ting nay. The Arkansas bill I as resumed, and, after'a very long debate,' used?XI pi 3-?as it came froui the House. | he Mil goes to the President. Tea President baa assigned tlen. Stoaotnan the command of Virginia. IiAnoastkr. Pa., June 1. James Ilurbanao died this morning?aged ivetity-seven. COMMERCIAL. I, Jumc 3. | Cotton?20@2t, extremes. ?; Ngw York, June 1. Cotton ateady ; aales 600 bales, at 31. Gold 1 bai.timorr, June 1. Cotton Arm. Flour dull and unchanged rhcat unchanged. Corn flria?prime white yellow 1.21 @1.23. Lard 1?@ f*ATAw?An, June 1. Cotton quiet?nothing doing?<|ttotations itirely uomiual?middling :'.0. ArorSTA. June 1. Cotton market fiat?middling nominally 22. v Ciiari.p.rto*. June 1. Cotton dull and nominal: no sales : receipts III bales. HYMENEAL. Marrikd, on the 31st. of May. hy Samuel 1) .nt hi', K (j . at the residence of the ride's father, Mine MARY WALLACK. nt reeneille District. 8 C.. and CAMII.I.US ANOSTON, of Anderson District, S. 0. A Card TO the Voters of Pioey Mountain Beat: entlcmen, In the Papers of last week I nn. re my name announced as a candidate fur iagistrale of your Meat. Allow ino tn tonder >N my thanks fur ills 1?* ? ?iiui peril me at the lame time to decline the nomiitlim, ax I am neither a candidate fur office ?r politician. Very Rerpoetfnll*. ABXKR BATSON. Jane 1, 1S63. Received To-day, VFINE lot of TENNESSEE BACON, * (licit I will acll low for ruth. It i? ix. Call ant] ire It, and thea compare lora. JSO. I). AdU 11011K. Jane 3 8 tf asley's Bridge to b? Repaired? Contract to be Let rHE indrnigned C'tnruitrionerx of Roada for Greenville and Pck-n* j ?if Saluda river, will let out tn the ] wrat Bidder, the repairing of EASLEV8 RIDGE, nn Saturday next, 6th June, at | o'al'Hjh. A. M. We will attend at raid bridge at the time >ove rtated, and invite bidder* In meet ua. J. T. GO?SETT ) ? . 0. W. PARKIN*? ) r*" Jure 8 3 1 Auction. ~"VN Monday, June 8lh, 1868, I will *ell J at my office, north of Old C<>uit mvu'. eoinmenciiiK at. It)} o'clock. A AltGR ASSORTMENT OK GOOlH o, I kind*, aol i lo elore the party declining idiix'i. There gimdi will ha a?dd to the uhext Id Ider, can be **bo at tny oftire, >?tairt IIVC >n l",r' "f. Ribbon*. French Flower*; WrcithS. La?V and Oe.nta Straw Hate, Fell and Re* rr Hat*, Sewing SHU, Bella, Collar*, Net a rob*. Tooth Rruahee, Button*. Spn.,1 Co* in. CrlneHne*, Soek* and Stocking*, ldnon drta. White Linen, Canibrire, Lace*, rimming*, M?tt'C Ruffling, Elastic*. Glovea. HU. Pint, Crape; I>rill?. lilaek Alpiei, icorirte, 8?i<i Murlin, Brilliant*. 1'riiiLa, ?r??e for Vrft'a, Ready Made Clothing; . opSkirte, Ooraeltr, Soap'e, Sikreh, Clirw; 1-1 inan^ Article*. At Private Sal?; ! Ret,!., 4.4 Canton Witti-g, Keroeena r Oil, and Stove Wira Fnedi kiua , JULIUS C. SMlTU, Auctiobeer. June 8 i 1 ttlTES, BRANDIES, UftUORS ANT> COPf FECT'lOJf ERIE8. pilB enhaeriher wonld reapedfully lnL lorrh Ui? public thai ha ke?p4 eotiai anion hand and for aala, INE9, BftANBIESj LIQUORS, LA8ER 8EE& ANO Mlj frOOETHRR WITH ITQT3P.8, BAUDXSTSB, CHEESE, CRACKERS, &C. And would he plcaeed to reeeive ordrra r the tame, either In email or large quanitee. i 1 itag "m ALSO Ha ia ahnatantW keeping a ntpply of J\1llICR on hind, of ell eta-**, where Car mtara and other* can ba tnpptied promptand at raaaonable prior*, (or ea?h, retail arholeaala. Ilia Yard la in rear of hit >re, aud an iuepeatiou ia d-eired. EATHER! LEATHER ! Ha alao deal* in Upper and Sola I.BATHI, and tha Stock 1* constantly kept up ? i?M are fow. Call and aaa ma. Store in* the Latimer ?N < j - ' V ILjL ' ' ?7 1 1 B T E ft I MTSIBIN 'fiT ssoas. Ji ll us OW uw? T WIRH to iofonu the Citisen* of flow 1 rill* ind tii? surrounding .Districts, tbul 1 have just arrived with the C81&PIST Ml II! HIS ever purchased hy me sinco the war. 1 will not surrender to any man in Town or District, that he em. sell of the 8A M R Ql' Al.ITY CHKAPKR than 1 can. Call atid examine i?r yuarwrn, (t 8TKEXS STORE. May 17 . 1 . tf I am opening a Splendid St<?ek of Groceries, at vary reduced prices. Call and satisfy yourreive* that it ia ao, at *-r STKEN'S STORE. May 27 1 tf Al*n, a large and magnificent lot of Glaraware and Crockery at very low figures. Oat and judge for youraelrea, nt STEEN'8 STORE. May 27 1 tf Spoclal attention is called to tbo elegant assortment of Shoes?Ladies', Miascs', Iloy*', Youths' and Servants', ami a very fine lot o! Plowmen*' Shoes?extra Bnc Brogans. Call and prove what I say, at STERN'S STORE. I May 27 1 tf I am also opening a chtdee assortment ol Coffee, consisting of the following: Kio, Java Lnguyra, Mnracnbo. Teas of supcrl> ^uoft/j of the following tranda: choieo Gunpowder Young llyson, Imperial. Oolong, fiu|H-r Oolong Souchong, and English Breakfast. Thcst Teas I cau recommend as of very superioi iju tlify. THOMAS BTIiEN. May 27 1 tf Notice. Guardians and trustees musi tuakc their annual return* to this ORSet by first July next, in default thereof rulet will lie issued against them. J. P. MOORE, C. E. 0. D. Commissioner's Office, May 20th, l.SBS. May 27 1 8 Taxes! Taxes!! r|xAX-PAYERS ol Greenville will take no. 1 tico that I will attend at the Conn House on the second Monday in Juno to re ceivo the balance of Tuxc* due on this year': returns, and will remain during tho week foi that purpose. A. C. PEACE, T. C. U. D. May 27 1 2 Housoe to Rent. I HAVE TWO HOUSES and LOTS to RENT till tlw liaRfrd 1st of January ; one, a brhrt 1R1 House, near the old Ilaj.iisi Church, with Four Rooms, and oil out it- - * n , MIP Winn IV n ijnrg^ hHvk House, with Un Rooms; b-Mh of thest Houses have just hern w<-!l repaired, unc the Lots planted, aud arc p).-a.nnlly situ ute.l . . O. C. IRVINE May 27 . 1 .8 A Great Bargain?Desirable House and Lot for Sale. 1 HAVE been nuthorixer lo sell, on the most mode rate terms, n LOT and exc< llent l!)Vt KLL1NO HOUSE, in the Town t?f Ore?u villc, (near the corporate liniits.l v?l U eery superior outbuildings and fencing. Tiie l.ot eoiitsius Five Acres, in s high state of cultivation, aud is beauti'nllv situ ited. G. F. TOW KES May 27. 1 8 NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. Internal Revenue Tax. DaruTT Coi/tor's OrriCK .To Col. Dist.,) Qrecnvillc, S. C., May 27. MMifi. J T have"received-the monthly lists for Jsnua L ty? February, and Mar. h, and ulsu for the nionth of April, the hitter being the Annua! hist. Tax pnysrs are notified to c?ma forward and make payments on or hofuro the fourteenth ol" J uuc. proximo, offer irA/V-A time. the penalty far uon payment irill hart In be mltlfi. I will be in my office daily from the fourth to the fourteenth of June. Parties will find it to their advantage to mute forward promptly and make payjicnts, aud save the penalty. > A. I-. conn, Ttepwty Collector 3d District, S. C, Mfiy 27 1 J Notice. Ix conformity with the requirement* o( the internet he venue t>?> i hereby give notice tq nil person* who rnav cuim h wht rr hoksk. onk ht>k4k wagon. yf.nt cloth qn.1 harmed and 05 k barrel and a keg ??r whisky. a-l*ed near gewensvtlle, on wednesday, 13th in rtnnt, by h. ii. bingham. inapiclor of 3<1 district; 8: c.. from wm. 1.uko. bccaun they if ere being used in trun?|m>rti?e whisky in violating of the internal krventu lawn? to make atteu clalma before me, within 80 day* from lb* flret pu lie At ion of tlia notice, the alx>v? property having been legally tonied over to me. a. L conn, i)?p?t^ collector s i ltisti i.-t, s 0. ?f*y 18th, i8(& 68-8 Notice. Ix conformity with requirements of internal revenuo Laws, i hereby aire entice to all persona who aiiy clrim a stil.t., cap and w(ikm, aeimed on tho premier* of jefferson kino, in anderson district. s. 0., on tho sixth of may, 1888, because of having been used in violation of tho internal r..v? I nue Laws, to make such claims before me, within thirty days froth the fir.t publication of thin uotice. Jl. L. CO 151 J, Deputy Collect of. May 2(5 52 J* Tailoring. T1IE Snheorfber respectfully inform* hi* friend*, and the public Id general, that hie health >*eiiig in measure restored, will I resume business apain. He will OUT, MAKK, and REPAIR all Oarmeatt fm gentlemen,' on readoanhle tonne, for cn*k or country pnrfmo. Will ha found at his reeiI dfnee, i-o^|er Main Street, opposite the l Coach factory. GEO. B. DYER. (Jreenville, S C., Apyil 8th, 1888. April 8 48 3m FOR 8ALE, CHEAP. ^ae fr- ||, mm ONE LIGHT TWO ;iSSS ?PHo|lsE ? a H . ONE HANDSOME OMR lIOTt?K CAR. R1A0K. Butlt in elcfrant order. Enquire of JULIUS C. SMITH, or DAVID d STRADLEV. April U 47 if_ iJILl?LJ I ' . I P K 9 S E d stjsT^TE IIG oousT SULLIVAN & SON I at d juki rtiurncu irotn unatleston, ?.<n* 11 of tb? very, cheapest markets, with ? LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK .OP swrassrs oooffls, ! Which they will open on tomorrow, A nil offer for sale, at the fct'w Ut&'ttt jin'rij* fur ( auk. THEIR STOfcfc 61 Is large ami fine, not to be surpassed by any in the market. The especial attention of the LmlK-s is called tv tlioir large and varied Stock of And other Artlelea in tbelr line. /ar aiVR them as eaJit.y caul, sullivan & son. > " Opp"*ite 3fan?ioH //ow. I GrccnrUle, S. C., May '20, IS68. 52-tf IflTMl : 14.000 ,M,o,ce coust,lt ; 300 Extra Family*N. C. FLOUR r 100 Suchs Standard Liverpool SALT 2d Kegs NAILS, assorted sizes 20 Rales BATESVILLE 8IIIRTIXO 10 R'les McRKE SHIRTING t 20 COTTON YARN > 20 R"K* Prime and Fair RIO COFFEE 20 Barrells SUGAR JO BAGS Durham Smoking TOT5ACCO 2 BAGS Spanish Smoking TORACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, Hats, DRY GOODS, DRUGS &P Our Stock of HATS and SHOES is verj large and enmph to. nnd we will guarantee on enure Stock will compare with any in Town both as to quality an J price. A call will sat lily you. ! DAVID & STRADLEY. t May 13 61 tr ; M m Ma imm i OF HARTFORD, CONN. ORGANIZED 1850 ! E. A. DII.KLE1, Prfi'l., Y. O. LKDEllS, See*y. I DIVID1XDS for the last fivs years, 50 pci cent.; Receipt* now over $500,000 pel t month. K No. or Policies isswed in 1867 15,251 Amount insured on same, $44,864.372.0( , Assets Jan. 1, 1567 4,401,833.8< Receipts fur year ending Jan. '08, 5,120,417.31 $0 531 251.2( Paid claims l>y death, $513,881.50 All other expenses, 1,478,787.35$1,002,668.8.' $7,538,012.31 POLICIES issued on orery plan used by ul the old and responsible Companies. Itr.tnrh Otlico, 262 llroad Street AUGUSTA, (1A. CHAS. W. HARRIS; Manager. GOWER A WORTH IXOTON, Agents I Greenville District, South Caroliha. May 13 51 Cm In the District Court of the United States, fbr the District of South Carolina. In tho Matter of j.AMKS DRITTAIN.? /. Uattkntpirtf. fplllS r.s TO GIVE NOTICE, that a Pcti 1 tion has been filed in said Court by JAMES llttlTTAIN, of Greenville District 8. C., in sui.1 Distrirl, duly doolared a Rank. rupt, under the Act of Congress, entitled An Art to establish a Uniform System of Rankruplcy throughout the United States, approved 2d March 15(17, for a discharge an?l ccrttncate thereof; from all btf debt?, ntnl othei claims provable tinder Ibu raid Act,. find tin I 12th day of Juno laGft, at 12. o'clock, M.. ii assigned for the hearing of the Fame, befori [ \V. 1. Clawsov, one of the Registers in Hank I ruptcy of said Court, at Hit office in Yorkyilin 8. C., when and where all creditors who iinvi proved their debts, and other persons In inter est, uiay attend und show muse, if a)>y the; have, why tlio prayer of tbe l'utitiun shouh not he granted. DANIEL JIORLBECK. IT. S. Clerk District of South Carolina May 27 1 ?_ GREENVILLE LAND AGENCY rjlHE undersigned off^r their services t? JL the public mi Agents for th? sale .<? R-al Estate, They purpose conducting lh< huelnerffc upon the plan adopted by th< Virginia Land Agencies, which iuive sue i.j -- ??i - - .mucii s<? wen in mat * title, and hope b_\ advertlsin;} through other agencies and in other ways. and h^ aft energetic nee of al prope* nieana, U> invite capitalists from abroad to purchase here. To parties whe desire to.sell a portion of their I.and* te invest otherwise, and to those who ?r? compelled to sell to meet their indebted nesa, we think we ean afford an opporttini< ty of selling to much greater advantage than ran otherwise possibly be had; and wo hope that debtors and creditors will find it t&ulnally to their interest lis agrt-t tfpon d Certain per cent, or the indebtednesa to be pahT and received, as in full, and place tuch Lands as they may agree on in our hands for sale to raise the money. Wo think that, offe ing a number ol Irael.s of Land for sale, we will invite tnor< attention and consideration, and can afford to advertise more extensively than individ uaW can. We propose to undortake the sale o Land, in town or country, improved 01 Otherwise, to the best advantage, and foi not less than a specified price, within a rea aouable time to be specified, and for i small per cent. to lie regulated according w value. |f n? sale is effected, no chnrgt will be made, save a small one for entei inf description of the I.and and drawing ih< pap*re, BLYTHC 4 EAHLE, Oroanvfllo 8. C I A. WLTfllK WM. X. KSMI.R, ' l i f ini i r_ i in ^ ?-? i'+ . 1 ii . - > . > ' . &, & ; .'.v \Y. II. JdOVEY, I DEALER IN FANCY AMI OTAPitl DRY GOODS, WOilLD respectfully call the attention of his old enMooters, and the public generally, and the ladies in particular, Id his large and carefully selected ST3Cyn?TO jBDJIlIl ^ consi-ling, in part, of rtgnrea ui enamnes, briglish Bareges, Client p.initns, Viguied MuMiitt. Plaid Colored Uvdp, Plain Colored Ctwoihrn-i White Mud , C<\'or?d T?? 11 o n s, Plain and F'''?ire.j Jaconets, Mull anil N?i .r %>k Muslins, EJglugs and lus.-i t uiga, Uil.lx.ns, Olove*, Fancy Handkerchiefs, T/Ove V- llt?, Crape Veils. t>i!k utid O-dtbn il'jse, , Bombasines, American Prints, Buttons, Tihnroings. Pluck iilid Colored Velvets; A.-.. At , Ac. Al?l>, well Piper ahd Bordering ^ A LASOK tut 'K HATS, CAPS, SHOtSi AND REAOY-MADE v. ... ClQIHINfl, Oeull?m'?nV Futiiiuliinp Oon.l8. Hnmeerttnsj Shirtings Sherlipgs, Tickings, Towelinga, end many other Articles, too numerous U? mention. or T do not intend to be nndmntd JS1 Co*tie, one and *11, and examine my Stock end piicrk, before buying else win re. w. h. MoveV. April IS 47 tf TO CONTRACTORS; rpilK COMMISSIONERS nppoinfed l.y I. the Convention to<-t end Im-nte <% new Conutv.sitg f?vPick?-ns County, will receive SKALF.D BIOS until the 10th day ot June next, 'or the taking down of the present Court House and Jail and removing the same to the now location, and rebuilding the same'. The distance which the- bhildinga will have t</be hauled Is 14 miles ; the work will be required lo be done by good me, cbanics, and in It good and workmanlike , manner, and under the same plan as the r wo den building now stands; the brick work will not f?e repaired. Bids will l?a V recelrud fnr any part of (he work. The Contractor will be reqti'red to give bond, and surety for the faiibful perfoi-mance of the woik, and the same to be commenced at an early day. Parties-desirous of conl trading are requested to examine the buildings before bidding. , ., J E IIAGOOD, ? 8ec'ty and Treus. Board of Ootu'rs. May 27 1 2 SAKE OP TOWN LOTS toil THE NEW COUNTY OF PICXEAT: r r r^VllE undersigned. Cnmmhoioners epJL pointed by the Convention to select ' ywnt locate the County Site lor the new ^ Pickens County, wi l sell to the highest bid* I ?w. M. ?..? Iivn iwaviun, OQ Thursday the 25th of June Next; ' THE L?TS i AT PICKETS C. If*4 t Comprising, respectively, half aero, one and two acre lots, judiciously laid out. The Iheatlun is hear Hunter's Store, between Town and WolT Creeks, 1-i miles ' f-otn Old ficki-ns C. H. 20 miles fiom Greenville C. " , and 17 miles from Pendleton Vil'sge, iii n I,ei.lthv section. The loeaii'.n is a most desirnhle one, being situ1 ated on a beaiillf'l plateau hnd sui rounded t by a fertile region, tvitl. thrifty inhabitant*. There ie on notli Tow n and Wolf Creeks fine Water Power, with good Saw Mille^ ' and an abundance of llie best limber near by. | The County site is nearly equi distant between Ken>vee and Saluda Itivers, with a ! tine view of the mountain scenery, and i will command a large and profitable trade from the mountains Hud loin North Carotin-; J TERMS OF SAL.Es i Ope third cash; balance in two instal* menia id 60 and 90 days each. Purchasers ? to give bond and Surety f??p the put chase money. Titles to i.e executed, but not de livered until the bond for the purchase s money is fully paid. Moreha.-fei* to pay extra for titles and ' I stamps. . - , 1 JAMES LEWIS. ChWn ^ J >MES II. AMPLER, j J REESE HOW EN, ^ComVs. W. T PI VI.I"i ' I j. r n a g <)8d, J* T For further |nloiinnliotv apply to the un 1 dersignevl, at I'iok* ii9 b II. J. E. II AO OOP. i I &oei'v it Trens'r of Hoard of Coin'rs.' f Mny 13, 1R68 61 td Grtjenville and Columbia R. R. Co. ; I f 1111 IS Company has now for sale, in lieu , JL of "Season '1 ickels," a TICKET , which entitles a person BVrJ over ifia , HOAP ONRTHOUSAN'P MILES FOR fin. , withih one v?af from dote of purchase.? The Tickets can be purchased fiom the Agents at Columbia, Newberry. Abbeville, , Anderson and Greenville. i w. alston arnTirx. I General Ticket Agent G. A C. II. It. Co , May 13 If! b 1 WE SELL THE ; PC HE KEROSENE OIL AT 75 CEST9. 1 YOU TAN BUT AN INFERIOR QUALITY AT A I.OWBR MUCK, HI T IT lb THE UKAHKlt OIL. AS IT r BURNS OCT ni t n FAST. EH, A'NU toy AKK p LIABLE TO T.OSK * YOUR life at any moment bt it. , WE C'A -V SELL 8FCH AT SIXTYFIVB CENTS. lU'T l?0 NOT WISH TO 1?0 IT. ; Jhs* wa mjo ?? ' | A\?!S SM R>ufc\ IfclLU \